historicnewspapers.sc.edu · 2012. 8. 24. · local and special. thursday, nov. 27, 18a4....

Local and Special. THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 18A4. Subscribers are asked to look at the figures opposite their names, and if ehey see that their subscriptions have expired. will please remit the sum due. E - rbis paper may be found on ile- at Gmo. i. 's.well &Co's Newapg-r Adverti-ing Rtn. 'an (10 spruce St..) who-re a'lvertxng ceon- '.iN mav b'e -nado- f.r it in N.w York Mr. L. S. Bowers. postma-iter, at Prosperity our authorized agent at that place Mr A.H. Kohn will also r-ce-lve and re- c. iv, for eubbcriations at Prosperity. siSub.cnbers will cor.er a favor by exam- il':he darea printed next their names, andl if :he d:: is not right they will please inform s -f i' .istakes will occur sometimes.. .)Irs. S. FI.,Chapin. This distinguizhe-d lady will bein New- berry to-day, Thurslav, and wili Lecture in the Opera House in the evening, and < n Friday night she will address the elored people. On both occasions the jeet will be temperance. ous. .re will be preaching at Tranquil on t ifth Sundlav, inst., at 11, a. mt., and t .rn-tcle. at 3, p. M.. of the same day. t.;h will be last appointment= at these 1 .tirches by the pastor, W. 11. Ariaii. t -fore the approaching Annual Confe- k at the List. beg .the attention of subscribers Mist of acknowlegements which we -lainonce a month. If you have paid t d,.ionth, look and if tt,.e been given. or if any credit at en made. Ir we fail to make NO call our attention to it, and :.ctify the mistake. rticular hen remitting money to give the .me of your postofgice address. When wishing to change your address please be partictlar in giving the name of the office you wish to change from as well as that you change to. In this doing you will save us much trouble and insure your having a correct acknowledgement. Thanksgiving Day. ] Thanksgiving services will be held in the Lutheran Church. this Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. The sermon will I be preached by the Rev. J. A. Clifton. We trust that the church will be filled by a congregation apprecittive of the merciPs and blessings of Divine Provi- dence. All stores and places of business should be closed this day in keeping' with the solemnities of the occasion. Miller Church Reception. We tender our acknowlegement for an invitation to attend a reception of this Church on Thursday evening last, and at the same time our regret at not being able to attend. A severe Neuralgic pain to which we are frequently subject. pre- vented our attendarce. and a participa- tion in an entertainment which we are satisfied was very pleasant and delight- ful. The congregation of this large charge know how to get up entertain- ments of this kind. Superbly Beautiful. Dr. S. F. Fant comes to the front this week with an attractive enumeration of I his stock, or it would be more proper to say a portion of It only, for he has many I articles which he does not mention. Hist variety of Christmas and New Years goods are simply superb and beautiful,. many of his Toilet boxes are gems of g art, the Brooklyn Bridge, for instance,a Ia exqnisite, as are many other articles. With such an assortment, every tastea can be filled, and the prices too are ' from extremely low, to all the way up 1 in the picture of those whose pocketst are full. Go and view the scene so< charming. Free Graded Schools. We wonld like to see a good system of free graded schools established in our city. They 'have worked well and satis- fa&torily i~n other places, and we see no reason why the system should not prove beneficial hiere. The experiment in Col. umbia has been eminently successful, giving better and more general primary education to all the children, white and colored, and at a considerable less ex- penditure of money. We have the cot- ton mills, a Democratic President, and we are going to have a "dry" town, and da away with drunkenness, and all that will be necessary to make us a free.happy and prosperous people will be to inaug. urate a system of free graded schools so that all our children may reap the bene- fits of a primary education. N~o L1tueae. Let us try the experiment of doinig away with whiskey for a season, and if4 It lImproves the morals of the town, and diminishes the evils of drunkenness, no one will care for the little Ineresse ine taxation. We are no extremist In the matter but we are willing to make the - experiment of "no license," We would like to hear representative men on both sides of this question discuss It, and we hope there will be a public meeting call. ed for that purpose before the election,] This a question of considerable moment, There are many men here In the busi- ness with oonsiderable money invested, If the bar rooms are closed would not the demand for whiskey as a medicine< and for medical purposes be Increased ? We excpet touour vote andiindence on the side of "no license." Trouble in the Public aMooela. We regrt that there Is some trouble ir the pub e school In No. 2 townshIp .known as the Hampton School, It seems that two teachers desire the same school or the public funds appiropriated to the same school district, each claiming the right. Miss Georgia Turnipseed andy r. J. E. Caldwell are the teachers claiming. The township board decided In favor' of Mr. Caldwell's claim. From~ ' de- cision an appeal was taken to the county board. After hearing the testi- mony they sustain the decision of the township board andl they dismissed the appeal. The case has been carried to the State board. Mr. Boyd sent all the pa- pers down last Saturday. We hope the matter may be so adjusted that all par. ties will be satisfied aud that no further division be made in the public schools of No.2. The Democratic Roosters. Our friend Snifiles says: Iamn rejoieod at the rapid increase of chickens, for which blessing we have cause to thank the Democratic editors of this State who have nearly all gone into the Rooster busiess. I am afraid however that in the absence of the p)ullet or hen the- breed will soon cease to be. They should have gotten a few of the latter to enco.urage the noble Rooster in his lauda- ble efforts to perpetuate the sper ies and Increase the quantity of eggs In pros- pect of the coming Christmas. I notice going the rounds of the press an account of a man who luckily is the possessor of a rooster who lays an egg every day. This is vouched for as it appea.red in public prInt, a mledium which is nevert known to lie. Perhaps this la ing reos, 'erhsboon reading some of t os'oosm 4,ter hesadd rgIuo5 anid in i hudep symw: athy for the c uji ar comIe t a the front &erined~go do uuoigethlag for hist conn. -m handed people are becoming quits i.iam. 6 u, aiyaik IsZ an tuad "CAPITrAL DOTS." By Our ,.eciat!. M -srs. C. II. S ber. L. J. Joiw . T. ,. Moor.,.au. G o. do. 1i-te,nhe, G.. S. N1,wer. Y.J. I'o; :nd.IJ. F .I.Cab,%-"l!, n mb r- f ti Newherrv Bar were in his city :ettelditni a -pecial S.:rssi.+", of the Su;"rene Court, appointed for th.- .th (ireuit, during the gre at,r pur .on >f la-t week. 'Tie already t:nnn Wiliigtu: n\iil ' as,-" Was a:gued bV :he Attorneys of the parties to the Suit. [ was told that Maj. Suber conitned nure- tha.a two hours in presetiig his ide ofI the cee to the Court. Genil. John Br.dtton of Fairfield Coun- :y was nominated nt hi' ci:y by a Con- "-uti,: compose. of Deleg-es frti t he -o i.itie- of the 4 h Co.,gre-si~nal D:-- :riet on W edne-day evening the rth n-t. to till the unexpired term of the ate Jol II. Eviss. Senator Moore of ipart:uibu:-g, lIn. J. G. MeKiusick of L0ion were placed in nominiat ion, both >f whom received a Ilattering vote. On he tifth b.tIlot Get. Br.ttton was given t5 votes which made hium the nomi.re >f the Convention. Gen"l. B:-atton"wa: otmp. Genl. in 1SS-S2, and was one of he leading Candidat,- for Governor in 882. When Gen. Kitmedy contested he ho:or u ith hium with such earnest- loss that the friend: of bath parties fearing that the other might seehre" t.e )rize) decided to bring forward our pre- nt. G.vernor (who has been honoed by t renonin:ttio:) and tmake himu their 5tandard Bearer. He is a stces-ful armer, a muan of sterling busines: quali- ies, and fully alive to the interests of tis Constituency. Much praise is due to our State Dem- >cratic Executive Committee, especiall" o its Cttairtr.an, Gen. James F. .l.ir or the work done by them duri::g the aampaign which ha4 just closed. They vere ever watchful of the important tharge placed in their hands to direct tid order to a successful end. The Election was the most. peaceful ield in the S:ate for years and T believe hat there is a better feeling existing Lmoing ali elasses than there l:as been Ince 1SQt. It is Col. J. Quitenan Mar-hall that is e"andidate for U. S. Mar-hall and .iot 'J.O."as the IIERALD and NEWS had it aat week. Col. Marshall was born a id ived for a ni:uber of years in Abbeville onntV, hut has resided here for sotte iue. He has been the Ch tirman of the tiehland County D.m crae fir the ast two campaigs, is Col. of the S atht 'arolina Regiment, and all Attorney at Aaw, and is well qu tlified to fill the po- it ion of Marshall. For U. S. Disir:ct Attorney, the fol- owiig names have been mnhhtioned: atmes L. Orr, Greenville; Rabt. Al- Irich, Barnwell; s, nator E:rle, Sunter; P. G. Barker, Charleston; James F. fart,- York; and L. F. Youmans, Rich- and. For U. S. District Judg.- to su:ceed rudge Bryan, who is entitled to r tir., eiig past the age they are required to erve, Chas. H. Sitnonton, of Charlesto.e; Vm. Munro, of Union, and 1-nac M. ryan of Greenville. For Collector of Internal Revenue, D. P. Bradley, of Pickens. For Collector of the Po--t of Charles- on. Ellison S. Kei: t, of Newberry: John ). Kennedy. of Kershaw and L. J. Valker. of Charleston. For Post Ma.ster at Newberry. I. W. alter, W. Y. Fair, L. P. W. Ri er, J. . Hair and J. W. Gary. I suppose you ave already heard of these and others, simply mention this in passing to let 'ou know what we hear away from your tom. The Court of General Sessions for sichland has been engaged for more han a week heating tihe Slander Suit of ts. W. B. McDaniel vs. Horace E. 3ruce and A. E. Fugle. The testimony rIven by the witnesses is of such a char- cter that it seems unfortunate that the arties should hatve feit it their duty to ppeal to the Courts for vindication. L'he people of the Southern States have een spared the mortification of having heir Courts oceupied in hearing causes i thie kind and I trust they may en- leavor to check any tendency on the art of Its citizens to do that which night necessitate a resort to law in order o get redress. lupreme Court. Supreme Court, 19th inst.-A. C. May- in vs. the C. & G. R. R. Co. Mr. Moor- nan was heard for appellant; Mr. J. C. Iaskell for respondent; Mn. Moorman n reply. John G. Piester et al., ex'rs., vs. Eliza i. Riestor et al. Messrs. Caldwell and hower were heard. Robert C. Wright vs. Jaa. A. Mars. -x'or. Mr. Mower was heard for appel- ant: Mr. Moorman for respondent; Mr. hower inI reply. F. fl. Donick vs. Jacob 7,pting. Supreme Court,20th inst.-F. II. Domi- nick vs. John Farr et al. Mr. L. J. Jones aas hea.rd for appellant; Mr. Moorman ~or respondlents. George W, Wertsa, administrator, vs. 3. W. L.* Spearmuan et al, Mr. Mower -ead argument of ur, L. J. Jones for tppellant; Mesars, Mower, Caldwell, Y. T. Pope and George Johnstone were eard. Supreme Court, Friday, Nov. 21.- obn Baiusket t et al. vs. Joseph L. 1(eitt it al. Messrs. Moorman, L. F.Y~oumans md George Johnstone were heard for ppellants; Messrs. Suber and Y. J. Pope for respondents.--Rister. !k Phbenomenal Journal. Probably no paper ever met wIth such a inick and generou<~recogni.len *q hi sn mcrded to Ta:s Saime, the great ilb 31lrous. and literaarv weekly., It is now pr'lb. 1.1)04 uimultanloogelv in Austin. Te:as: New Iork, N: 3,. 4ncl LondIo, Enigland, and i.s aredi W4 it4l a 0ir'egition of over 100.000 mpioe. It Is a14 eight page. 4.colum'n paper. ad cotublsa every year tgoras than 1,000 origi- mal illusitrations and cartoons. Its good stories Ind baiorous sketches are neycelled. The publishera, being desirous of incressing its al- -eady large circulation, are offering extra.or<il- ary inducament-a to subscribers. Thbe sub- 'cription price cf BrZVTUCG is $2.50 a year. For $.50 the publishe:s will send the paper 2e year, and also any one of the foiIowing premuhms; for 81 .50 they Will send tile paper ixmon -bs. and, free,any one of the followingi premiums. For only @1 they will send SIFT- 1tsos for threevS mon ihs, and any one of the fol- lowing pr.-miums; Premium No 1-A ceoth tound Q00-page Dictionary, with 700 illn<t"ru- ions. Premium No. 2-A cloth bound 51+. page book. "'What E.very One Shogid 1(now.'' Premium No.3--The National Standard Eu: tylopedia, 700 pages. 20,000 articles, sud over 1,000 Iiustrations. PremIum No. 4-Three h:ooks for Ladies. Premium No. 5-IIeavy told plated Watch Chain. Premiutn No. 6-2 ,adies' plated set S:er Rings and Pin. Premni- um No 7-Thirty complete Novels and other works, paper bound. An improved sewing mchina, improvement on those sold f.,r $45. will be given to any one getting up a club of twnty yearly subscriptions. An imported hina tea set (44 pieces) will be given to every one sending a club of 5 yearly sub-criptions. Besides thi<s, every subscriber gets which ever the above premiums he or she may select. Fifty other valuable premiums for club raisers o select from. Address TE:As $ilTmQs Pablishing Co,, New York, for full illustrated premium list and oampie copy of SIINgos. Mr. Julian W. Heriot, of Charle.ston. fatteringly arises to speak, and says: "Without wishing to flatter yotn or your valuable paper, In any way, I do, however, trutully say I would not be without the UFP.RALD p.N NEws for t wice Its cost," We arise to say--thanks, inost appre- ctative frIend-such remtarks as the above find a lodgtnent in the~ heart of a acceptible uditoal. 'The cardi andI spindles are now at worj at the Newberry Potton Mills antd as $ona ufcipnt tlaread Is made the loons wllb put in opera1tion;, Moi-e than~ half thle tenernent hoss erd: up lnd several fatshilea'have 'already Ifia,et hIi Various and All About. Congre-s nets n. xr 31 -ilay. I' w-a Ike polling te th to _er the r sea 'it: n:t theu" la te come. U r 1.- .- Itu.: have l b i rec:viti: ap- pE t :t ;..n- f-tr p o;itiotn- in th:e Le-1M:L- ture ,i ..- ~:h, primary e!ee:IOn. Li: heran S:idav Sel;o >I has de- ci.ard :o have a Cone4 r: fotr X-m:a- cel.- br:tion in -eai of t he X-m1:1s r. I)--. W. E. ' lh:im has been ele:ced 2d Vice-p:-esilent of the Piarnaceutical A-so:-iati_:t of So:tuh C roli:ta. Col. J. C. liskell says h: i- not a candidate f.r ayiv Federal office and l not be one. We i:vite atteition to the carl of lessrs. Cloud & Smiith. who be;;in this w..ek a sweepiug re.duction in price- for their fall and winter goods. We h.ive n at comand( a cotnpleted list of the pro,pective applicants f'cr the pos: iiastrrship at Newb.rry anti Prts- per;y. Mr. J. N. Fowles has opened a gene- ral store in counectiotn with his saw inll and turpeitine di-tilltry six miles south- oast of this place.-Gilbert Hollow Neu-s. A splenditl shower of r.inu fell Sin liy afternoon after which th- weather r.-w elce, cold and serenie. Now the farmer. can speted the plow. The B ipti-t State Conve:tien, will meet in Newberry next. year. 1)r. J. A. Moo ly of Greeoville is appointed to prea:l the Co.ivention sermot,n. We hope tho<e farmers who have not already piane I a full stnall gr-ti crops, will vet b . able to do so. Large and gool small grai: er p are V.-ry coe- nient t.iings to follow a h.rd ytar. Marriage seeinS to be ep.deic. We chro.iiele several this week, amtl others are on the carpet. Has the electio:i of a Deniocratic President anything to do with i:? Ther" were no serviee: in the Baptist Church last S intlay, the pastor. Rev. uither Broatluls, btiug absent in at- tend:inee upon the B.tptist State Con- veIti whic.h met in Marion on the 2 th. Mr. H;nry Cohte:, a relative of Mr. Ma:nin's, and who has been on this sile of the Atlantic but a few weeks, c:tt write a letter at his own dictationi and speak pretty well in English. le i-4 from Prus-ia. Mr. S. T. R:ser was introduc.-d to the Helena Sui:tcy School last Sunday af- ternoon by Mr. Arthur Kbler. We feel a.sured that Mr. Ris'"tr wiiI minke a good superinlten.lent ant win the contidcence, atleetion anll resneet of the school. The dry fall has delayed the p'anting of small grain, bir has given a tine op- portunity to the farmer to harvest the other crops already made. before cold wea:her. es in. There has Lee i very littie toor eotion put on the nark.-t in conseqielce. Frank Pei,ter. clored, who drew a pistol on M1iss Lizzie SAhn:npert and threatened to shoot her on last Sunil:ty, waz arrested and brotugit before Tria' Justice Blease and upon examinatio:i by physicians was adjudged insane. Sheriff Wheeler is said to have kept himself well arued oa Sunday night as faint rumors had reached himi that there was a probability that an attempt would be made to get possession of Peister, who had been lodged in jail for safe keeping. No attempt was made. Mr. Schumpert, Miss Lizzie's father. says that the negro is crazy as lie had been a trusted servant of his for a neum- ber of years, and no quarrel had taken place between the negro and any of his familhy. Persozials. F. S. White, Esq., of Mississippi, is in attendance upon our Court. Mr. B. Badlie and wife, of Leesville, were on a visit to Mr. Win. Langfordl's family. Col. Ellison S. Keitt has returned home fronm the North where he did effi- cient work for the Democratic cause. Mrs. Dr. F. F. Gary and Mrs. Eugene B. Gary, of Abbeville. are visiting Mrs. J1. Y. McFall. Mr. F. N. Calme<, of Newberry, spent the night with us on his way to Gowan sville.-Laurensrille Herald. Rev. Messrs. Frank Hallam and Elli- son Capers will to go Laurens to-morrow to hold services in the Episcopal Church. We regret to learn that Mr. John Folk and family will shortly remnove to Co- lumbia. Mr. H. 8. N. Cros-wn, of Nenwberriy, ant uncle of Dr. Crosson. is in our town visiting his relatives.-G'ilbert Hollow Kewts. R~ev. J. P. Smeitzer, D. D., presid,.nt of Walhalla Female College, filled the pulpit at the Luthierann Church, morning and evening of last Sunday, Judge ?ry;sley aririved here on Tues, day and opened Court Tuesday after, noon. Hie will hold court during this week. Rev. Mr. Clifton will leave to-day for Alabama, on a brief visit to a friend. He hopes to be back by next Wednes- day, Dr, 0. B. Maver. Sm., was elected a delegate to the Newberry Coniference which cionven.es to-inorrow in St. John's, 1Rev. 8. T. IUallman's charge. Miss Itamie McCanugbrin. of Newberry, was up vkiting prof. flood's fatnily last week. She retnrnedl to N'ewberry S.nt- urday.--Due West Presbyterian, Mr. D. 11. Witet:spoon has gone to Newberry to attenq the marriage cere- mniues of hi., brott4er-in-law and his sis- tee.i n-law. -Lezxington Dispatcht. Capt. M. B. Lipseamio will not permna- nently remove to Newtderry. He keeps his domicile and citizenship in this conn- ty and will always be ready to cliehIarge any duty for Abbeville.-Xesenger. Mr. A. 4. Shaver, for a year past em- ployed by the Obserrer, and for some timne local reporter on that paper, haus gone to ipatr:anburg to enter a job of- l-Ce. 3May success atteind him, Mrs. Mower, the princess mnerchant of N'ewberry and the great female tem- perance worker, was ini town last week, and helped to eat wedding cake. She promises to return and wake up the towh on temperance. We bid her God speed.=?-Press 4r Banner, Inttendnt HI. H. Evan5, of Laurens, was one of tihe delegate,. t,. the Congres- sional Convention in Cotnumbia n1n the 19th, and who supported Gen. -John Bratton, the successful homiznee to fill the unexpired term of the late Hon. John fl. Evins. We received a pleasant visit yesterday from the Hon. Ellison S. Keitt, who hu. been in New York during all thne elec- tion excitement. Speaking otn several occasions, Mr. Keitt becamue thoroughly interested and posted in New York poll. tice. He gave us a miost Interesting ac. count of men and methods, and we were pleased to receive the assurance from him that Tammany had done brave work for the Democracy and that John Kelly had fully redeemed every pledlge he had made like a man and a brorter.,'-Regis- ter. 22d inst. F,or the Herala annd e xws A CA$M. Essrs. Editor' I take this hi'+diumn of returning my thanka to the goodl people of Newherry for the enstly and beantly ful suit of.chlie pcreseted me by thiemr a' feyv' days sInce. If I can not bear the l.onor yvortlhy, I shall at least triar the clothes grat&futlly, v',. ot.hr' to r:tt. PR(H!131ITION. MR. EDITOn : In the -ipproat hing ele' t-on to be ht:-h1 nt on D1ee.: :1. tn l;n th< (ue.ti.1n of "-;n" or- No Ltietn-e.' many of ol, itizells :I nd tax-pae-r seen (01j er: -d a: to the iiltan(ell result to th" town. and in ea- We ha:ve "No Licen1' a- to how the trdilary expe:se of tht toV-n wvili he iiet. ulles: the town tax i lar'rely il-rea,ed. Now to allay :tpprt" liensioii oil thi. sub jeet awl show that the ordinarv expeles of tie town ean hn mnet with1 onil a very sm:tll additional tax I would call attention to the followin +-t and tignre:. with1 the ("onfident he- 1:rf that it can be shown thitt in-tead t any harm befalling the town from th< sulci= of "No License by incia ea-e taxation. or injury to trade or business the success of --o LAeIse' would re dound to the good of trade. and give :n ilpetu: to the development of an in1- erea:ed prosperity throughoutt the iwholb (-ommulnlit V. From the Clerk of the (onneil': report made a few days sinee. of the receipt. and expenditures of the six and one-hal months of the term of ofilee of the pre- sent Council. we will find Amount of Receipts in that time 5294.9. " Expenses " 4,RS.98- But in these two items are a eredit o $700.00anud a debit of ,700.00. as the samlll was borrowed from and afterwards r" paid to the samne parties. and with thi: deluetion. together with $240.0t) turne< over by the retiring ('ouiieil. we have $940.20 to deduct from receipts and Amount of Receipts stands $4354.73 . Expense 4198.S7 Now what does it cost to riun tile town We find included in this $4198.87 the sill of $400,00 paid for the Singley lot, bough to widen Main Street. and inl roun~d numn bers about $2:50.0 of past (ue( indebted ness paid by the present Council. De- ductingathese two amounts we have $3548.. S as the amount spent during the ilais six anld one-half mioniths. upon thle samli basis of expense it will take ill roii iniubers84570.01I for tile year's expenses InI round numbers we have from til( Clerk his estimate for receipts for bal ance of term $1700.00. thiis added t< aloult already received of say. $-t50.0: makes an agg'regrate of *6050.00, nol one dollar of which is from the license fo: selling liquors, or from the special tir- tax, this latter being levied and appliec specially to the credit of the tire depart ment. Now of this $6050,0:) ree.-ived as reve nue from the town 8I50,00 is from th tax of two mills lev:ed on the re-al anm personal property within the to:-por:att limits. at an asse-se-(h1vahmtation of $ .2 5. (0).00. An lincrea-e ef one mill !a: wouldlrar:ise $1 t-5.00. whicht addetd t< the pr sent r.venue voul 1 mtak"e: a r .ve tnte of $:.2:5.03. A two mill tax addi tional would make it $8.0 .0 . The present Coe:lcil wiih the flood and fires of the ye"a:" have had to mete their shire of extra-ordinary expens:. sulch as fail to the lot of every coeii Still from their exhibit of expenses any one (:Lin tmake his own caicu1la:i.Il 01 how small an almunt of revenu.- wo:ul-l ha.ive to be raised by in(rea:ed tixati:.n shoil I the town go dry and not hav anyl revenue froim thl iqujior lic'ns. Anid it would he Weil just here if w< shouhl take an economic view of thi: s"tle of lignor from a ditterent s:and point In 1879, from a compiled retu:n m:t( with the c-)u-ent of the R.R. a uhoritie: of th. receipt- at Newberry by R. R. o spirituous and fermented liquors, thie sales of liquors, wine, beer and etc. it the town for twelve months were $125,. 001),0 . Now if no license k gra:te"d fo this absolute loss of $ 25,000,00, and yol are asked to pay an additional one mnil tax of $1.::25,0 is it anything ii comnpar ison to die saving to be made, to spent one dollar and save one hunidred dollar: to the communltity? Should "No Li cense'' be silccessfuil Oil Dec. :ird. thi: town and coamty during tile next twelv morn:hs will hlave tile pleasure of saving~ or consuing in food, clothe . and th various comlforts of life, this 0 Ie Hunl dred1 Thlousand Dollars. And there ia not a business mail, a professianal man a mechanic, or a (lay laborer in tile towvn but will have someI of that $ 25.000,00 now utterly thrown alway and wvasted passing thlrough his hands amul lodgin~ in hlis par.se, and tihe smnall ::dditiona tax he may have had to pay wvill hb imny, manyfl times returned toi him ir m-m'y valu'. Now, Mr. E litor, in the ali ove calcn lations we take no nlote of the Fire De partment debr, that is arranig.d for by speCial tax. and likewise w-* have sa< not'thinig of tile Opera Hou1-e lbt. foi that i- ever* pai it must b . byi.e impoa sitioan of a sp -eial tax, for s a far th' gratiing of licent~set a non-e enable< 0our townl aui hlorities to pay J1. liar 01 clie principal of that debht. The above estinmates are taken frota the revenues of the town, as they hay been collected for the present yuar, with out any increase of street duty, and wit] a view to 110 increase of revenl.e ex~cep that derivedl frolm the present talxes ani thleir appliegtion n1ade only to the 01 dinary yearly expenses of the town. JAS McIMTOSH. For the Hferald ania Nes: PLEASANT WORDS FROM NE- BRASKA. BUPFALO COUN'rY, NEBRASK(A, Novemlber 18th, 1884. Dealr fUerald an<d News: Ill your weekly visits 1o this regii a PrairHe and Bluffs you bring:: pleasan reinder of Southern homn s and flire sides. The halppy acclamaiition's of wel conme to Uleveluand with wvhleb your co) nmna ring are heartily r'espoaaied t from tis aInd adjacent cocntips of N? braska. Thle political fee'ling throtgi out tis State has waxed hot and stroni The Republicanl element doinalu)tltn through so many years has naturall Impressed itself strongly upon the ni growing generations. For theea eason thle triumph of the Democracy in tal portion of the State caused faelings C surprise to all interested in the electiot One year ago many persons in the smal ler towns of tis State were afraid t avow their Democratic sentiments, h< cause in thus proclaiming their opinionl they would run the risk of '1damagin their business interests," or in othe cases of "losig their situations." Tu staunch believ'ers in the trile party, hiow ever, worked like giants day a;d nigh to aitain their object. It is needless t saLy that those who put their shiouldem tO tile whleel with the greatest imu coul claim at least a remote kinship with Sa,t thern blood. To this immediate neigi borhood thanks are duIe to the work an inthuence of a young Maryhmlder, n working for remauneration vor for oflice, bt for the siecess of that party to whic his fathers belonged iln daysgane hby,. demonstration made by the roully ciat hard-working farmers two weekt ag in this county, stirred within R.-publica breasts feelings of anxiety su -h as h:av nlot been felt before in the State, a i very justly too, for no such demonet,'n tion in favor of Democracy has evt been made in Western Nebraskai. Many surmises of failuires and p)ani: are exp)ressed anmongst timorous peopha and the "tightness" of money is con plained of. As the crops have been ric and bountifuIl in this portion of ihe Wes 1n0 fear neced be felt for the communlliit at large regarding those sound comnfora necessary to man andl beast. As this is merely sent forward to i'tta with you1 a1 hlzza for Clevel:and and HTei dricks, I will say good morning, wishin to the HERALD and NEWS b*bon royage. MICHAEL MiURAN1T.. !:l have used yr4ur oectgral nyrulpt *< seydrad 'months and tindl it thie best Iha1 tried ii igjany years in Croup, colds< Pruoerty, 8. d." liii FJI,I AND LA1. I D)rytl BOOTS Al TItNKS. VALISES AND SAT-rc lHATS AND CAPS. CROCKF AnI a General Stock in Varietv too fer PRICES THAT DE CALL AND Cc AT 'T'IE OLD IF P). S.-Country Metr;dbants will ti. Stock. It will save thein Imon v. THE HOLMID Now,% is tile time to prepcI r: TROPIC.A IN MA FRE3H CARGOI Banan1,111aS, Cocoanuts. ( -NORTEI1' 1 Apples, Figs, Peanuts, Ra t - Orders filled with di- Charlesi ! _-.-- - List Of subscribtrs to Herald mid News whc have p:t i taring the mont: of Noveiber: NAhES. r11> To. AMEuNsr Col. G. Cannon, Nov 1"8 $' I .Joe. Dtuncan. Ma-c' 25i"3 I.(:( .1. L. Oxner. Nov17-:4 Iu' P. o.w. Setzle-r, Ja~ $$ .: W. W. Siarnumer, Jai 5- H 11 Folk, No $5 ' .1 J Kible.r, 31a" , r, 1 It G .1 ( hupilaan. M tc z'5 1." .1 "J.a.t. . 85 . D B Cook, lc 27.51 W D le.tgiu, Nov 1-84 St A 51 It e.ler. May 1 3 2.u: Ja s Lest--r, Jun -< % Mimis C~.I-autn. oV 1S: W. H. V,l'iv Mla) 19.85 2.In Miss Salli H!obbs, May 2u-s. I.,'. J . it1-. ..ierzon. %p1 4-5 2.V A 13 'ion, J)rr."1 .1"K it.-v W J : angston. Oct 9'. =:K f 3rs .\ Whitnery, A1) 5-.u M rs. F. Werbr-r, ,%p1 3118.5 1' J. Waiki.s, .Jne 2:1". 2x, T. W td. t1- T.'"iitursb, Jn1s 2( D' V erts. .a L"5 U J M W heeler June 3u-:c 1.i,t ' H Kenpson. %ov,4 WIM Wilson, Feb27S8 5( Ivy Cromter, Nov 984 5( J P Sen-, Due 2-s2 J 1' Sims. March Ls-v 2.u It IV teese. Jan 27.83 2.(K IRe-v G. %I Boyd, Jan 1.86 3.0t M A Fellrrs. :1I118-8.0 D 31 Cro,son. Feb 2G s5 2.5( f. H. Boniware, Oct 184 2.O( J. J. Atniick. Nov584 10O Jaob V icker, Nv 3-55 2(p J L Atc,ison. :l % 2( FrtHerald and News.wh 'fle Dvin inuPcilon. ChitAnUNTie all he pwer n oiprve co .nii iwpie, ad pan mo-a ob .0aio ress u.onyou on .i-ch 1YO5 ow tc God,you Chrchar to Soi .y,t Home r, Jdas-i ray yor85 a. Tilefriedso Teper:c appeal .c Churh. s pofesin Chri3ti85 tc( unite iiacton.on pav ie wa5 2.or gret mralrefrm tnn th-s4 com0i I eanot ouweig th ausn of-8 1.ora of reeineoutw Jgh ne 80-85i!l ion5 5nach FrMarh 29-a5v.( lir. uth , ureJand 27-8 moh. t Dumol , T'nn. A thpllow85 5.at Saye3say2.0 '-1wa nleedForoor th ree anw aTe Divine anjndIcaon, Chesas ofreds berry,presete bithel ot pyusita aln the powermnt wih ertide o mmshan t otplesa rendplien ora obcliasion gien uin o ; ne bmyfinds y owfelt were bcyour dehurpton and 1toa Socity tclh orcoeyt Lat Janory's s iondued ta frome oaJudtli beta yors Tbs te irt h loa bote-ad cie forc Rm banc T he tori esand tehu of einpel youan rut toyGo and onr dut to.eo hei Chsn. aswirftseig, Chostns tc uitey inaton nnd fro t .he wayaor anI0'C great o mo reformtion enh tis na com ealty oteg te- ques in ofrali. ity, or' a re heon nowreolad thelum qu oftt reverme onwegh a- commseiedtkin de pu bein elf 01 rihtle on teu reod than' evrane~ds of God, thssvdnvCROLd,A Unasilthed Fro s,the Grave. s. eah ci , Turne and her mter..c Mr sl metas to the meriisof w peiic. o,Pae 3, rsu tsite ta ul broke do nm teonbth n Sagentithe g.ad I beame hag~selprlesas ~ "Idthi b-etialf fromsi r .' inoet bc by m 'frc it a theataediv the best ~ pyiian ih h cunity aprwiathd en of Prceshn th otherl ca redsfor prsnt we sestInw g hirnents to doing myrond.ili ysnerir.g seeral beowndes.Thn, anehd losty aloi aont ieovry alpsoth anutry. wa sced WI! tryd Switablpie wshoulgrced al pamphn fromte Iompanyelletaimn Exp erites Th crs harf dor bo.eshad theo efuo o urn hopae to syheowt and hae whougto ork,n we tahard huot jyarndly ghies to lare ueccld - [tay shld up aeet-diaed ; an sengt ' ahan-otured bandes i etot hein away it house or. it' Speothe dvane-ty c nothin, ntohe ge fo the grve, an ti donc~ 0 agntw uo toi devotels tnngh oroly his a 0 ent t i Mais. &a Co. Tuaraa- kipl now thain directionhs hae miy dager~ hir,e nwtapsc t.hot explain alookingbu oe ber par ativwl be en. fre tnod th t w deer he r ; tci full ss.vdr y hil. ' "ll he ay rom MaIsI.'PE"Dyx Hm'Cou Tyupn. I a a1. ug88. r10. 'ofaa you hlo and i oeryshs donl Tax wm Sxotc., onria, ss.nt Itl 2a 5 thats ua ote,r o w yt agetfr the reatio pu~blishing hote of Genrg 1(not th1 theyoalway gthe the pukbli ghc whibct s prodyapruaed neat' pricsth: (Callgca afyrd, At prent we1~ol 1-nerstn methei a:rns a doul n woderrull welal fo ecusar , folds,rs tnon C. ud J1- E D HOES. IELS. R Y ILA SS v A R E . 1 R''. I'- E AND CARPE'iS, teliout o nenLion. all of which is of- Al at FY CO rIPETITION. 1.\E,:1 1.Z111'N T (. F M. FOOT. .1 it. to :t 'v:a.t:_t. to t"x:unin. my1 ) -t,ber 16. \YS C3MING. L '3BTUTWS RtKiT. S T V RY WEEK. )1':t11: I::; 't ( 1-;ICS ,15 . 1lt" 1 lltalt. t N I.'!rr.- 1)iLt. t rlRT& Co. Tiie .\ .:--nlt't:al aill Mechatical As- rin t:ntt i t the Conrt lloui-e onl )I ,:ulay. No"thtin;" d.-tilit.-" w:t1 dlon:. An taj->nr. n i -ttin1g is calie<d f:r Dec. 15. Ti- F.rIib Quarterly Conference for Kiital's- irentit. will convetne at lhope- wtll t'h:::-h on -:tttrday before the first mitn(laV -. !)t"1en erat 11 o'cloek. A. 31. W. H. ARIAIL. POST OFFICE, \t-.n Kit:Y C. H. -. C. ;I *a. fa 'ter- tor week end-tc. Nov. 2 -' I: Btler, Jt: i L;snehore. L J lirowtn. 11 11:ra Nurtee. Willis D r;a:t, Su-ie Itoof, .tultn Girlin.o~ .Itno P 'I'h'mt., Je'c P Glen, I- "Vest, Mrs .- B Gil-on, M e. Wicker, Be.eon P,r'ie. t for '-r' or wil. p!eaie ny Long,hso. L~ .J NMA neWIED, 0 t ti?l thW instant, by Rev. Luther B,oa"111,, r. Brack. Davi; and Miss Lila WtBelto Por. 1: lSS4, at the residence of the brie's nrn,by Rev. J. E. Buhnell, Mr. J,s- D. Loriek, oF Lexington Co., and Mis- C:arrie E. Singley, of Newber- rv Cont. Nov. 1:. 1984, by Rev. S. T. Hallman, at the r(leiince of the briule's father, Mr. Geo. Riser and MIiss Anna Chap- man, both of Newberry Co., S. C. On the 19th inst., by the Rev. S. T. H:illman.TJ. Calhoun Singley and MIiss Anna 31. Coutlst, all of thi County. Fre. :sehoois! Free Schools!! Thbe Fru' schools ot' thist County operi N v. 10th. an :izto i't foreet that Cofield, Petty & Co. keep e. lnly on hand all the books adopted by th.e St:i Board for these schools. Nov 6-45 Our s- of Stationery, Blank Boo0ks, Schooi Boke Au-ographi and Photogratph Albums, Picture Fr.:m'es Purses, and general Li'erature Is comnple' . Give us a call and be convinced Nov . . Conleld. Petty & Co. If you -. ant to get a b>argain in Shoes an'el II 'o to C. L. lInvin!. Oc.2. 43. 12. Of Int:-r:- t to the Patrous aid. Pupils of Free Schools. Ifvoni w% -toI purchase to advantage Text. hookc g. 8:. Satchels. Wr iting booke, Pens, Pencil. 1 &c , &c.. in fact anything needed in a Seoo roomn, calfl on Co8eld, Pett & Co. BLUE BTONE! And verything cise in plenty and for ch, low. at PELHAM'S DRUG STORE. To an; body who has disease of >throat or~ lungs, we will send proof that Pi-o'. Cure for Consumption has e ue h ae complaints in other ea,ses. Address, * E. T. HAZELTINE. ~I Dei Oy Warren, Pa. B URN A M'S IlYPROVED 5tandard Turbine! Is the best constructed and fllnoistt,lves bet ter perCen- *ar. >epower. and Ia AolcigSbe jge. tsOsloy, por horse power. thtan ainy other II Turbine in the world. MNew pamptalet sont fre. by Purn nan Briose YORK. Pa. Sept. 5 89. A Pir Family Medicine that i Nver Intoxtcatessi P'arker's Ilair Balsam is dnely perfumed and n swra ed to prevent fallingjet ttbejair and etoremoe dadrufanditchiog. . HISCOX & CO., l(13 W'aillians saroee. New York. 50c. in $1 slzes, at all dlealers In medicines. t G resaving iu buying dollar size. Mason & Hamnlin ST**Es OR CANSo ag, d Hi;.thest onors at all great. World's Exhibi- ein o seventeen years. Only American e Orgn a:watrded such at any. For cash.easy paty ment or rented. :UPRIGHT PIANOS presenti .a Very Highest Excellence yet at- tatinii s.uch inistruments;. adding to all previou, im provemnents one of greater value than any : securing most pure, refined. mu- sical ton. andI increased durability: espe- cialily a - iding lIability to get out of tune. .1 Illustr:*ni cat iogue free. r MASON & HlAM LIN ORBAN AND PIANO CO., t Boston. 2 Trement St.: N. York. 46 E. 14th e S .: ChIcago. 149 Wabash!:Ave. Oct 1" 4 rostege. and we will mail you free, a r LP vat.~ ubeosaple bond of gooni: lng wtnre --one'y in a iesr dayse thann you uVSr Ituarge a.biaor ay h-h.tiis Cipln not -..~ seei. Y&.u on live et tla... ,t.i woraK 54 papua. 'ine oly, or all the tlime. A ll ni'both to *.5 .. P:ar.-fi vr- evenfsi That til who..w..w..0k sar' n-l.i it-- bu..in'-.. wo n fot .,:; .w i*i 41 wa will's--uel *11 to nay lot £oIh a s .e Il wrlti'eat . Iuta p-ti Iaeaanr. I. r.tt o -.a.nt t r . . liaamen.a, I y a ha Iluh r.r all who~r itat aon. I.' - dle A.unsa90.54%& Ca 'ulad.M n ft R ~ j aG D~dOJ 0,'i N11 DR'! HKI;?:SAHUWNI --0- - D. C. FLY NN, Af:er six weeks Stn i I the I arkets has retured wii. the ;T'A RT 141 NG ;lnd 1 L' i1 N( AnoointIherIt :hat lw has bought (Iois aG and is determined to seli themlt ;lccordinglV. If there still lingers the faintest doubt that the far seein: judgment. the many y':ars' eXp)erience a)lnl the ullfailing po( er CAS H have secured for FLY-NN a position in a,lvance of all Ct)oIml)etitors. a brief inspection of goods and comparistin of prices are the only tests nec(-ssalry to convince the most in- credulous. Cur constant 'i In is to uppl our frien 1 and'patlr'otis with good honest goods at prices that leave COMPETITION IN THE SHADE! Our efiorts heretofore have been appreciated by a discrimi- nating and intelligent public, anld our past success enables us to continue the good work in.l do even better than before. We are now prepared to show Goods (which is no trouble), and to sell them at prices that cannot fail to please the great- est disciples of economy. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY, COME WEAL OR WOE. O[R POLII0Y I1NFLEXIILY DETRNMD. Defies the fates themselves, Organizes his vast resources, and Meets the coming tide of unnatural competition with a barrier of yet Unheard of Prices ! -----000---- JUST A FEW NOW : 3-4 Shirting, - - - 3.1 and 4c. 7-8 " len.dale and Piedmont, Ec. 4-4 Sheetings. - - 51 and 60. Bleachings, -. 5, 61, 7, 8. 9 and 10Oc. Good Calicos, - - - -30 yards for $1.00. '' " - - - 2)5 " " " Standard " - - -- 20 " '' " Best Brands, -- . - 16" " " Jeans from - - - -l1c. per yard up. Heavy home made Jeans. 35c. per yard. Good Feather Ticking. - - 15e. per yard. - 12-4 heavy Counterpanes, - $1.25. Beautiful Marseilles Quilts, Cheaper than ever before. ---0000-- SCID DURABLE800QTSudSIIES Al Prices to 8utteTms Children Shoes, 35c. up. Misses " 50c. up.. Women " 70c. up. Men's " 90c. up. ---000 - Time and Space do not admit of de-- tailed quottins of' everything. All that is necessary is to give F LYN N a call and satisfaction is guaranteed. C. .T. PURCELL. Manager.

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Page 1: historicnewspapers.sc.edu · 2012. 8. 24. · Local and Special. THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 18A4. Subscribers are asked to look at the figures opposite their names, and if ehey see thattheir

Local and Special.THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 18A4.

Subscribers are asked to look at thefigures opposite their names, and if

ehey see that their subscriptions haveexpired. will please remit the sum due. E

- rbis paper may be found on ile- at Gmo. i.'s.well &Co's Newapg-r Adverti-ing Rtn.'an (10 spruce St..) who-re a'lvertxng ceon-'.iN mav b'e -nado- f.r it in N.w YorkMr. L. S. Bowers. postma-iter, at Prosperityour authorized agent at that placeMr A.H. Kohn will also r-ce-lve and re-

c. iv, for eubbcriations at Prosperity.siSub.cnbers will cor.er a favor by exam-

il':he darea printed next their names, andlif :he d:: is not right they will please informs -f i' .istakes will occur sometimes..

.)Irs. S. FI.,Chapin.This distinguizhe-d lady will bein New-

berry to-day, Thurslav, and wili Lecturein the Opera House in the evening, and <

n Friday night she will address theelored people. On both occasions the

jeet will be temperance.


.re will be preaching at Tranquil on tifth Sundlav, inst., at 11, a. mt., and t.rn-tcle. at 3, p. M.. of the same day.

t.;h will be last appointment= at these 1.tirches by the pastor, W. 11. Ariaii. t-fore the approaching Annual Confe-

k at the List.

beg .the attention of subscribersMist of acknowlegements which we-lainonce a month. If you have paid td,.ionth, look and if

tt,.e been given. or if any credit aten made. Ir we fail to make

NO call our attention to it, and:.ctify the mistake.

rticularhen remitting money to give the

.me of your postofgice address. Whenwishing to change your address please bepartictlar in giving the name of theoffice you wish to change from as well asthat you change to. In this doing youwill save us much trouble and insureyour having a correct acknowledgement.Thanksgiving Day. ]Thanksgiving services will be held in

the Lutheran Church. this Thursdaymorning at 11 o'clock. The sermon will Ibe preached by the Rev. J. A. Clifton.We trust that the church will be filledby a congregation apprecittive of themerciPs and blessings of Divine Provi-dence. All stores and places of businessshould be closed this day in keeping'with the solemnities of the occasion.

Miller Church Reception.We tender our acknowlegement for an

invitation to attend a reception of thisChurch on Thursday evening last, andat the same time our regret at not beingable to attend. A severe Neuralgic painto which we are frequently subject. pre-vented our attendarce. and a participa-tion in an entertainment which we aresatisfied was very pleasant and delight-ful. The congregation of this largecharge know how to get up entertain-ments of this kind.

Superbly Beautiful.Dr. S. F. Fant comes to the front this

week with an attractive enumeration of Ihis stock, or it would be more proper tosay a portion of It only, for he has many Iarticles which he does not mention. Histvariety of Christmas and New Yearsgoods are simply superb and beautiful,.many of his Toilet boxes are gems of gart, the Brooklyn Bridge, for instance,aIa exqnisite, as are many other articles.With such an assortment, every tasteacan be filled, and the prices too are '

from extremely low, to all the way up 1in the picture of those whose pocketstare full. Go and view the scene so<charming.

Free Graded Schools.We wonld like to see a good system of

free graded schools established in ourcity. They 'have worked well and satis-fa&torily i~n other places, and we see noreason why the system should not provebeneficial hiere. The experiment in Col.umbia has been eminently successful,giving better and more general primaryeducation to all the children, white andcolored, and at a considerable less ex-penditure of money. We have the cot-ton mills, a Democratic President, andwe are going to have a "dry" town, andda away with drunkenness, and all thatwill be necessary to make us a free.happyand prosperous people will be to inaug.urate a system of free graded schools sothat all our children may reap the bene-fits of a primary education.

N~o L1tueae.Let us try the experiment of doinig

away with whiskey for a season, and if4It lImproves the morals of the town, anddiminishes the evils of drunkenness, noone will care for the little Ineresse inetaxation. We are no extremist In thematter but we are willing to make the

- experiment of "no license," We wouldlike to hear representative men on bothsides of this question discuss It, and wehope there will be a public meeting call.ed for that purpose before the election,]This a question of considerable moment,There are many men here In the busi-ness with oonsiderable money invested,If the bar rooms are closed would notthe demand for whiskey as a medicine<and for medical purposes be Increased ?We excpet touourvote andiindenceon the side of "no license."

Trouble in the Public aMooela.We regrt that there Is some trouble ir

the pub e school In No. 2 townshIp.known as the Hampton School, It seemsthat two teachers desire the same schoolor the public funds appiropriated to thesame school district, each claiming theright. Miss Georgia Turnipseed andy r.J. E. Caldwell are the teachers claiming.The township board decided In favor'of Mr. Caldwell's claim. From~ ' de-cision an appeal was taken to thecounty board. After hearing the testi-mony they sustain the decision of thetownship board andl they dismissed theappeal. The case has been carried to theState board. Mr. Boyd sent all the pa-pers down last Saturday. We hope thematter may be so adjusted that all par.ties will be satisfied aud that no furtherdivision be made in the public schools ofNo.2.

The Democratic Roosters.Our friend Snifiles says: Iamn rejoieod

at the rapid increase of chickens, forwhich blessing we have cause to thankthe Democratic editors of this State whohave nearly all gone into the Roosterbusiess. I am afraid however that inthe absence of the p)ullet or hen the-breed will soon cease to be. Theyshould have gotten a few of the latter toenco.urage the noble Rooster in his lauda-ble efforts to perpetuate the sper ies andIncrease the quantity of eggs In pros-pect of the coming Christmas. I noticegoing the rounds of the press an accountof a man who luckily is the possessor ofa rooster who lays an egg every day.This is vouched for as it appea.red inpublic prInt, a mledium which is nevertknown to lie. Perhaps this la ing reos,

'erhsboon reading some of t os'oosm4,terhesadd rgIuo5 anid in i hudep symw:

athy for the c ujiar comIe ta the front&erined~go do uuoigethlag for hist conn.

-m handed people are becoming quits i.iam.6

u,aiyaik IsZ antuad


By Our ,.eciat!.

M -srs. C. II. S ber. L. J. Joiw . T.,. Moor.,.au. G o. do. 1i-te,nhe, G.. S.N1,wer. Y.J. I'o; :nd.IJ. F .I.Cab,%-"l!,n mb r- f ti Newherrv Bar were inhis city :ettelditni a -pecial S.:rssi.+", ofthe Su;"rene Court, appointed for th.-.th (ireuit, during the gre at,r pur .on

>f la-t week. 'Tie already t:nnn

Wiliigtu: n\iil ' as,-" Was a:gued bV:he Attorneys of the parties to the Suit.[ was told that Maj. Suber conitnednure- tha.a two hours in presetiig hiside ofI the cee to the Court.Genil. John Br.dtton of Fairfield Coun-

:y was nominated n t hi' ci:y by a Con-"-uti,: compose. of Deleg-es frti t he-o i.itie- of the 4 h Co.,gre-si~nal D:--:riet on Wedne-day evening the rthn-t. to till the unexpired term of theate Jol II. Eviss. Senator Moore ofipart:uibu:-g, lIn. J. G. MeKiusick ofL0ion were placed in nominiat ion, both

>f whom received a Ilattering vote. Onhe tifth b.tIlot Get. Br.ttton was givent5 votes which made hium the nomi.re>f the Convention. Gen"l. B:-atton"wa:otmp. Genl. in 1SS-S2, and was one ofhe leading Candidat,- for Governor in882. When Gen. Kitmedy contestedhe ho:or u ith hium with such earnest-loss that the friend: of bath partiesfearing that the other might seehre" t.e

)rize) decided to bring forward our pre-nt. G.vernor (who has been honoed byt renonin:ttio:) and tmake himu their5tandard Bearer. He is a stces-fularmer, a muan of sterling busines: quali-ies, and fully alive to the interests oftis Constituency.Much praise is due to our State Dem-

>cratic Executive Committee, especiall"o its Cttairtr.an, Gen. James F. .l.iror the work done by them duri::g theaampaign which ha4 just closed. Theyvere ever watchful of the importanttharge placed in their hands to directtid order to a successful end.The Election was the most. peacefulield in the S:ate for years and T believe

hat there is a better feeling existingLmoing ali elasses than there l:as beenInce 1SQt.It is Col. J. Quitenan Mar-hall that ise"andidate for U. S. Mar-hall and .iot

'J.O."as the IIERALD and NEWS had itaat week. Col. Marshall was born a idived for a ni:uber of years in AbbevilleonntV, hut has resided here for sotteiue. He has been the Ch tirman of thetiehland County D.m crae fir theast two campaigs, is Col. of the S atht'arolina Regiment, and all Attorney atAaw, and is well qu tlified to fill the po-it ion of Marshall.For U. S. Disir:ct Attorney, the fol-owiig names have been mnhhtioned:atmes L. Orr, Greenville; Rabt. Al-Irich, Barnwell; s, nator E:rle, Sunter;P. G. Barker, Charleston; James F.fart,- York; and L. F. Youmans, Rich-and.For U. S. District Judg.- to su:ceedrudge Bryan, who is entitled to r tir.,eiig past the age they are required to

erve, Chas. H. Sitnonton, of Charlesto.e;Vm. Munro, of Union, and 1-nac M.ryan of Greenville.For Collector of Internal Revenue, D.P.Bradley, of Pickens.For Collector of the Po--t of Charles-on. Ellison S. Kei: t, of Newberry: John). Kennedy. of Kershaw and L. J.Valker. of Charleston.For Post Ma.ster at Newberry. I. W.alter, W. Y. Fair, L. P. W. Ri er, J.

. Hair and J. W. Gary. I suppose youave already heard of these and others,simply mention this in passing to let

'ou know what we hear away from yourtom.The Court of General Sessions forsichland has been engaged for morehan a week heating tihe Slander Suit ofts. W. B. McDaniel vs. Horace E.3ruce and A. E. Fugle. The testimonyrIven by the witnesses is of such a char-cter that it seems unfortunate that thearties should hatve feit it their duty toppeal to the Courts for vindication.L'he people of the Southern States haveeen spared the mortification of havingheir Courts oceupied in hearing causesi thie kind and I trust they may en-leavor to check any tendency on theart of Its citizens to do that whichnight necessitate a resort to law in ordero get redress.

lupreme Court.

Supreme Court, 19th inst.-A. C. May-in vs. the C. & G. R. R. Co. Mr. Moor-nan was heard for appellant; Mr. J. C.Iaskell for respondent; Mn. Moormann reply.John G. Piester et al., ex'rs., vs. Eliza

i. Riestor et al. Messrs. Caldwell andhower were heard.Robert C. Wright vs. Jaa. A. Mars.-x'or. Mr. Mower was heard for appel-ant: Mr. Moorman for respondent; Mr.hower inI reply.F. fl. Donick vs. Jacob 7,pting.Supreme Court,20th inst.-F. II. Domi-

nick vs. John Farr et al. Mr. L. J. Jonesaas hea.rd for appellant; Mr. Moorman~or respondlents.George W, Wertsa, administrator, vs.3.W. L.* Spearmuan et al, Mr. Mower-ead argument of ur, L. J. Jones fortppellant; Mesars, Mower, Caldwell, Y.T.Pope and George Johnstone wereeard.Supreme Court, Friday, Nov. 21.-obn Baiuskett et al. vs. Joseph L. 1(eittital. Messrs. Moorman, L. F.Y~oumansmd George Johnstone were heard forppellants; Messrs. Suber and Y. J.Pope for respondents.--Rister.

!kPhbenomenal Journal.Probably no paper ever met wIth such ainick and generou<~recogni.len *q hi snmcrded to Ta:s Saime, the great ilb31lrous. and literaarv weekly., It is now pr'lb.1.1)04 uimultanloogelv in Austin. Te:as: NewIork, N:3,. 4ncl LondIo, Enigland, and i.saredi W4 it4l a 0ir'egition of over 100.000mpioe. It Is a14 eight page. 4.colum'n paper.ad cotublsa every year tgoras than 1,000 origi-

mal illusitrations and cartoons. Its good storiesInd baiorous sketches are neycelled. Thepublishera, being desirous of incressing its al--eady large circulation, are offering extra.or<il-ary inducament-a to subscribers. Thbe sub-'cription price cf BrZVTUCG is $2.50 a year.For $.50 the publishe:s will send the paper2e year, and also any one of the foiIowingpremuhms; for 81 .50 they Will send tile paperixmon -bs. and, free,any one of the followingipremiums. For only @1 they will send SIFT-1tsos for threevS mon ihs, and any one of the fol-lowing pr.-miums; Premium No 1-A ceothtound Q00-page Dictionary, with 700 illn<t"ru-ions. Premium No. 2-A cloth bound 51+.page book. "'What E.very One Shogid 1(now.''Premium No.3--The National Standard Eu:tylopedia, 700 pages. 20,000 articles, sud over1,000 Iiustrations. PremIum No. 4-Threeh:ooks for Ladies. Premium No. 5-IIeavytold plated Watch Chain. Premiutn No. 6-2,adies' plated set S:er Rings and Pin. Premni-um No 7-Thirty complete Novels and otherworks, paper bound. An improved sewingmchina, improvement on those sold f.,r $45.will be given to any one getting up a club oftwnty yearly subscriptions. An importedhina tea set (44 pieces) will be given to everyone sending a club of 5 yearly sub-criptions.Besides thi<s, every subscriber gets which ever

the above premiums he or she may select.Fifty other valuable premiums for club raiserso select from. Address TE:As $ilTmQsPablishing Co,, New York, for full illustratedpremium list and oampie copy of SIINgos.

Mr. Julian W. Heriot, of Charle.ston.fatteringly arises to speak, and says:"Without wishing to flatter yotn or

your valuable paper, In any way, I do,however, trutully say I would not bewithout the UFP.RALD p.N NEws fortwice Its cost,"We arise to say--thanks, inost appre-

ctative frIend-such remtarks as theabove find a lodgtnent in the~heart of aacceptible uditoal.

'The cardi andI spindles are now at worjat the Newberry Potton Mills antd as$onaufcipnt tlaread Is made theloons wllb put in opera1tion;, Moi-ethan~ half thle tenernent hoss erd: uplnd several fatshilea'have 'already Ifia,ethIi

Various and All About.

Congre-s nets n. xr 31 -ilay.I' w-a Ike polling te th to _er the

r sea 'it: n:t theu" la te come.

U r 1.- .- Itu.: havel b i rec:viti: ap-pEt :t ;..n- f-tr po;itiotn- in th:e Le-1M:L-ture ,i ..- ~:h, primary e!ee:IOn.

Li: heran S:idav Sel;o >I has de-ci.ard :o have a Cone4 r: fotr X-m:a- cel.-br:tion in -eai of t he X-m1:1s r.

I)--. W. E. ' lh:im has been ele:ced2d Vice-p:-esilent of the PiarnaceuticalA-so:-iati_:t of So:tuh C roli:ta.

Col. J. C. liskell says h: i- not a

candidate f.r ayiv Federal office and l

not be one.

We i:vite atteition to the carl oflessrs. Cloud & Smiith. who be;;in thisw..ek a sweepiug re.duction in price-for their fall and winter goods.We h.ive n at comand( a cotnpleted

list of the pro,pective applicants f'cr thepos: iiastrrship at Newb.rry anti Prts-per;y.Mr. J. N. Fowles has opened a gene-

ral store in counectiotn with his saw inlland turpeitine di-tilltry six miles south-oast of this place.-Gilbert Hollow Neu-s.A splenditl shower of r.inu fell Sin liy

afternoon after which th- weather r.-welce, cold and serenie. Now the farmer.can speted the plow.The B ipti-t State Conve:tien, will

meet in Newberry next. year. 1)r. J. A.Moo ly of Greeoville is appointed toprea:l the Co.ivention sermot,n.

We hope tho<e farmers who have notalready piane I a full stnall gr-ti crops,will vet b . able to do so. Large andgool small grai: er p are V.-ry coe-nient t.iings to follow a h.rd ytar.

Marriage seeinS to be ep.deic. Wechro.iiele several this week, amtl othersare on the carpet. Has the electio:i of aDeniocratic President anything to dowith i:?Ther" were no serviee: in the Baptist

Church last S intlay, the pastor. Rev.uither Broatluls, btiug absent in at-

tend:inee upon the B.tptist State Con-veIti whic.h met in Marion on the2 th.Mr. H;nry Cohte:, a relative of Mr.

Ma:nin's, and who has been on this sileof the Atlantic but a few weeks, c:ttwrite a letter at his own dictationi andspeak pretty well in English. le i-4from Prus-ia.Mr. S. T. R:ser was introduc.-d to the

Helena Sui:tcy School last Sunday af-ternoon by Mr. Arthur Kbler. We feela.sured that Mr. Ris'"tr wiiI minke a goodsuperinlten.lent ant win the contidcence,atleetion anll resneet of the school.The dry fall has delayed the p'anting

of small grain, bir has given a tine op-portunity to the farmer to harvest theother crops already made. before coldwea:her.es in. There has Lee i verylittie toor eotion put on the nark.-t inconseqielce.Frank Pei,ter. clored, who drew a

pistol on M1iss Lizzie SAhn:npert andthreatened to shoot her on last Sunil:ty,waz arrested and brotugit before Tria'Justice Blease and upon examinatio:i byphysicians was adjudged insane.

Sheriff Wheeler is said to have kepthimself well arued oa Sunday night asfaint rumors had reached himi that therewas a probability that an attempt wouldbe made to get possession of Peister, whohad been lodged in jail for safe keeping.No attempt was made.Mr. Schumpert, Miss Lizzie's father.

says that the negro is crazy as lie hadbeen a trusted servant of his for a neum-ber of years, and no quarrel had takenplace between the negro and any of hisfamilhy.Persozials.F. S. White, Esq., of Mississippi, is in

attendance upon our Court.Mr. B. Badlie and wife, of Leesville,

were on a visit to Mr. Win. Langfordl'sfamily.Col. Ellison S. Keitt has returned

home fronm the North where he did effi-cient work for the Democratic cause.

Mrs. Dr. F. F. Gary and Mrs. EugeneB. Gary, of Abbeville. are visiting Mrs.J1. Y. McFall.Mr. F. N. Calme<, of Newberry,

spent the night with us on his way toGowan sville.-Laurensrille Herald.Rev. Messrs. Frank Hallam and Elli-

son Capers will to goLaurens to-morrowto hold services intheEpiscopal Church.We regret to learn that Mr. John Folk

and family will shortly remnove to Co-lumbia.Mr. H. 8. N. Cros-wn, of Nenwberriy,

ant uncle of Dr. Crosson. is in our townvisiting his relatives.-G'ilbert HollowKewts.

R~ev. J. P. Smeitzer, D. D., presid,.ntof Walhalla Female College, filled thepulpit at the Luthierann Church, morningand evening of last Sunday,Judge ?ry;sley aririved here on Tues,

day and opened Court Tuesday after,noon. Hie will hold court during thisweek.Rev. Mr. Clifton will leave to-day for

Alabama, on a brief visit to a friend.He hopes to be back by next Wednes-day,Dr, 0. B. Maver. Sm., was elected a

delegate to the Newberry Coniferencewhichcionven.es to-inorrow in St. John's,1Rev. 8. T. IUallman's charge.Miss Itamie McCanugbrin. of Newberry,

was up vkiting prof. flood's fatnily lastweek. She retnrnedl to N'ewberry S.nt-urday.--Due West Presbyterian,Mr. D. 11. Witet:spoon has gone to

Newberry to attenq the marriage cere-mniues of hi., brott4er-in-law and his sis-tee.i n-law. -Lezxington Dispatcht.Capt. M. B. Lipseamio will not permna-

nently remove to Newtderry. He keepshis domicile and citizenship in this conn-ty and will always be ready to cliehIargeany duty for Abbeville.-Xesenger.Mr. A. 4. Shaver, for a year past em-

ployed by the Obserrer, and for sometimne local reporter on that paper, hausgone to ipatr:anburg to enter a job of-l-Ce. 3May success atteind him,Mrs. Mower, the princess mnerchant

of N'ewberry and the great female tem-perance worker, was ini town last week,and helped to eat wedding cake. Shepromises to return and wake up thetowh on temperance. We bid her Godspeed.=?-Press 4r Banner,Inttendnt HI. H. Evan5, of Laurens,

was one of tihe delegate,. t,. the Congres-sional Convention in Cotnumbia n1n the19th, and who supported Gen. -JohnBratton, the successful homiznee to fillthe unexpired term of the late Hon.John fl. Evins.We received a pleasant visit yesterday

from the Hon. Ellison S. Keitt, who hu.been in New York during all thne elec-tion excitement. Speaking otn severaloccasions, Mr. Keitt becamue thoroughlyinterested and posted in New York poll.tice. He gave us a miost Interesting ac.count of men and methods, and we werepleased to receive the assurance fromhim that Tammany had done brave workfor the Democracy and that John Kellyhad fully redeemed every pledlge he hadmade like a man and a brorter.,'-Regis-ter. 22d inst.

F,orthe Herala annd exwsA CA$M.

Essrs. Editor' I take this hi'+diumn ofreturning my thanka to the goodl peopleof Newherry for the enstly and beantlyful suit of.chlie pcreseted me by thiemra' feyv' days sInce. If I can not bear thel.onor yvortlhy, I shall at least triar theclothes grat&futlly,v',. ot.hr' to r:tt.


MR. EDITOn : In the -ipproat hing ele't-on to be ht:-h1 nt on D1ee.::1. tn l;n th<(ue.ti.1n of "-;n" or- No Ltietn-e.'many of ol, itizells :I nd tax-pae-r seen(01jer: -d a: to the iiltan(ell result to th"town. and in ea- We ha:ve "No Licen1'a- to how the trdilary expe:se of thttoV-n wvili he iiet. ulles: the town tax ilar'rely il-rea,ed. Now to allay :tpprt"liensioii oil thi. subjeet awl show that theordinarv expeles of tie town ean hnmnet with1 onil a very sm:tll additional taxI would call attention to the followin+-t and tignre:. with1 the ("onfident he-1:rf that it can be shown thitt in-teadtany harm befalling the town from th<sulci= of "No License by inciaea-etaxation. or injury to trade or businessthe success of --o LAeIse' would re

dound to the good of trade. and give :n

ilpetu: to the development of an in1-erea:ed prosperity throughoutt the iwholb(-ommulnlit V.From the Clerk of the (onneil': report

made a few days sinee. of the receipt.and expenditures of the six and one-halmonths of the term of ofilee of the pre-sent Council. we will findAmount of Receipts in that time 5294.9.

" Expenses " 4,RS.98-But in these two items are a eredit o

$700.00anud a debit of ,700.00. as the samlll

was borrowed from and afterwards r"

paid to the samne parties. and with thi:deluetion. together with $240.0t) turne<over by the retiring ('ouiieil. we have$940.20 to deduct from receipts and

Amount of Receipts stands $4354.73. Expense 4198.S7

Now what does it cost to riun tile townWe find included in this $4198.87 the sillof $400,00 paid for the Singley lot, boughto widen Main Street. and inl roun~d numnbers about $2:50.0 of past (ue( indebtedness paid by the present Council. De-ductingathese two amounts we have $3548..S as the amount spent during theilaissix anld one-half mioniths. upon thle samlibasis of expense it will take ill roiiiniubers84570.01I for tile year's expensesInI round numbers we have from til(Clerk his estimate for receipts for balance of term $1700.00. thiis added t<aloult already received of say. $-t50.0:makes an agg'regrate of *6050.00, nolone dollar of which is from the license fo:selling liquors, or from the special tir-tax, this latter being levied and appliecspecially to the credit of the tire department.Now of this $6050,0:) ree.-ived as reve

nue from the town 8I50,00 is from thtax of two mills lev:ed on the re-al anmpersonal property within the to:-por:attlimits. at an asse-se-(h1vahmtation of $ .2 5.(0).00. An lincrea-e ef one mill !a:

wouldlrar:ise $1 t-5.00. whicht addetd t<the pr sent r.venue voul 1 mtak"e: a r .ve

tnte of $:.2:5.03. A two mill tax additional would make it $8.0 .0 .

The present Coe:lcil wiih the floodand fires of the ye"a:" have had to mete

their shire of extra-ordinary expens:.sulch as fail to the lot of every coeiiStill from their exhibit of expenses anyone (:Lin tmake his own caicu1la:i.Il 01how small an almunt of revenu.- wo:ul-lha.ive to be raised by in(rea:ed tixati:.nshoil I

the town go dry and not hav

anyl revenue froim thl iqujior lic'ns.Anid it would he Weil just here if w<

shouhl take an economic view of thi:s"tle of lignor from a ditterent s:and pointIn 1879, from a compiled retu:n m:t(with the c-)u-ent of the R.R. a uhoritie:of th. receipt- at Newberry by R. R. o

spirituous and fermented liquors, thiesales of liquors, wine, beer and etc. itthe town for twelve months were $125,.001),0 . Now if no license k gra:te"d fothis absolute loss of $ 25,000,00, and yolare asked to pay an additional one mniltax of $1.::25,0 is it anything ii comnparison to die saving to be made, to spentone dollar and save one hunidred dollar:to the communltity? Should "No License'' be silccessfuil Oil Dec. :ird. thi:town and coamty during tile next twelvmorn:hs will hlave tile pleasure of saving~or consuing in food, clothe . and thvarious comlforts of life, this 0 Ie Hunldred1 Thlousand Dollars. And there ianot a business mail, a professianal mana mechanic, or a (lay laborer in tile towvnbut will have someI of that $ 25.000,00now utterly thrown alway and wvastedpassing thlrough his hands amul lodgin~in hlis par.se, and tihe smnall ::dditionatax he may have had to pay wvill hbimny, manyfl times returned toi him irm-m'y valu'.Now, Mr. E litor, in the ali ove calcn

lations we take no nlote of the Fire Department debr, that is arranig.d for byspeCial tax. and likewise w-* have sa<not'thinig of tile Opera Hou1-e lbt. foithat i- ever* pai it must b .byi.e impoasitioan of a sp -eial tax, for s a far th'gratiing of licent~seta non-e enable<0our townl aui hlorities to pay J1. liar 01

clie principal of that debht.The above estinmates are taken frota

the revenues of the town, as they haybeen collected for the present yuar, without any increase of street duty, and wit]a view to 110 increase of revenl.e ex~cepthat derivedl frolm the present talxes anithleir appliegtion n1ade only to the 01

dinary yearly expenses of the town.JAS McIMTOSH.

For the Hferald ania Nes:PLEASANT WORDS FROM NE-


Novemlber 18th, 1884.Dealr fUerald an<d News:

Ill your weekly visits 1o this regii aPrairHe and Bluffs you bring:: pleasanreinder of Southern homn s and fliresides. The halppy acclamaiition's of welconme to Uleveluand with wvhleb your co)nmna ring are heartily r'espoaaied tfrom tis aInd adjacent cocntips of N?braska. Thle political fee'ling throtgiout tis State has waxed hot and stroniThe Republicanl element doinalu)tltnthrough so many years has naturallImpressed itself strongly upon the nigrowing generations. For theea easonthle triumph of the Democracy in talportion of the State caused faelings Csurprise to all interested in the electiotOne year ago many persons in the smaller towns of tis State were afraid tavow their Democratic sentiments, h<cause in thus proclaiming their opinionlthey would run the risk of '1damagintheir business interests," or in othecases of "losig their situations." Tustaunch believ'ers in the trile party, hiowever, worked like giants day a;d nighto aitain their object. It is needless tsaLy that those who put their shiouldemtO tile whleel with the greatest imu coulclaim at least a remote kinship with Sa,tthern blood. To this immediate neigiborhood thanks are duIe to the work aninthuence of a young Maryhmlder, nworking for remauneration vor for oflice, btfor the siecess of that party to whichis fathers belonged iln daysgane hby,.demonstration made by the roully ciathard-working farmers two weekt agin this county, stirred within R.-publicabreasts feelings of anxiety su -h as h:avnlot been felt before in the State, a i

very justly too, for no such demonet,'ntion in favor of Democracy has evtbeen made in Western Nebraskai.Many surmises of failuires and p)ani:

are exp)ressed anmongst timorous peophaand the "tightness" of money is conplained of. As the crops have been ricand bountifuIl in this portion of ihe Wes1n0 fear neced be felt for the communlliitat large regarding those sound comnforanecessary to man andl beast.As this is merely sent forward to i'tta

with you1 a1 hlzza for Clevel:and and HTeidricks, I will say good morning, wishinto the HERALD and NEWS b*bon royage.


!:l have used yr4ur oectgral nyrulpt *<seydrad 'months and tindl it thie best Iha1tried ii igjany years in Croup, colds<

Pruoerty, 8. d."

liiiFJI,I AND LA1. I

D)rytlBOOTS Al



AnI a General Stock in Varietv toofer



P). S.-Country Metr;dbants will ti.Stock. It will save thein Imon v.

THE HOLMIDNow,% is tile time to prepcI r:


FRE3H CARGOIBanan1,111aS, Cocoanuts. (


Apples, Figs, Peanuts, Rat - Orders filled with di-


! _-.-- - ListOf subscribtrs to Herald mid News whc

have p:t i taring the mont: of Noveiber:NAhES. r11> To. AMEuNsr

Col. G. Cannon, Nov 1"8 $' I

.Joe. Dtuncan. Ma-c' 25i"3 I.(:(

.1. L. Oxner. Nov17-:4 Iu'

P. o.w. Setzle-r, Ja~ $$.:

W. W. Siarnumer, Jai 5-H 11 Folk, No $5 '

.1 J Kible.r, 31a" , r,1 It

G .1 ( hupilaan. M tc z'5 1.".1 "J.a.t. . 85 .

D B Cook, lc 27.51W D le.tgiu, Nov 1-84 St

A 51 It e.ler. May 1 3 2.u:Ja s Lest--r, Jun -< %

Mimis C~.I-autn. oV 1S:W. H. V,l'iv Mla) 19.85 2.InMiss Salli H!obbs, May 2u-s. I.,'.

J . it1-. ..ierzon. %p1 4-52.VA 13 'ion, J)rr."1 .1"Kit.-v W J : angston. Oct 9'. =:K

f 3rs .\ Whitnery, A1) 5-.uM rs. F. Werbr-r, ,%p1 3118.51'J. Waiki.s, .Jne 2:1". 2x,

T. W td. t1-T.'"iitursb, Jn1s 2(D' V erts. .a L"5 U

J M W heeler June 3u-:c 1.i,t' H Kenpson. %ov,4

WIM Wilson, Feb27S8 5(

Ivy Cromter, Nov 984 5(

J P Sen-, Due 2-s2J 1' Sims. March Ls-v 2.uIt IV teese. Jan 27.83 2.(KIRe-v G. %I Boyd, Jan 1.86 3.0t

M A Fellrrs. :1I118-8.0D 31 Cro,son. Feb 2G s5 2.5(

f. H. Boniware, Oct 184 2.O(

J. J. Atniick. Nov584 10O

Jaob V icker, Nv 3-55 2(pJ L Atc,ison. :l %2(

FrtHerald and News.wh

'fle Dvin inuPcilon. ChitAnUNTie

all he pwer n oiprve co .niiiwpie, ad pan mo-a ob .0aioress u.onyou on .i-ch 1YO5 ow tcGod,you Chrchar to Soi .y,t

Home r, Jdas-i ray yor85 a.

Tilefriedso Teper:c appeal .cChurh. s pofesin Chri3ti85 tc(unite iiacton.on pav ie wa5 2.orgret mralrefrm tnn th-s4 com0i

Ieanotouweig th ausnof-8 1.oraofreeineoutw Jgh ne 80-85i!l ion5

5nach FrMarh 29-a5v.(lir. uth , ureJand 27-8 moh. t

Dumol , T'nn. A thpllow85 5.at

Saye3say2.0'-1wa nleedForoor th ree anw

aTe Divine anjndIcaon, Chesasofreds berry,presete bithel ot pyusita

aln the powermnt wih ertide o mmshan totplesa rendplien ora obcliasiongien uin o ; ne bmyfinds y owfeltwere bcyour dehurpton and 1toaSocity tclhorcoeyt Lat Janory's s iondued ta

frome oaJudtli beta yors Tbste irt h loa bote-ad cie forc Rm banc

T he tori esand tehu of einpelyouan rut toyGo and onr dut to.eo hei

Chsn. aswirftseig, Chostns tcuitey inaton nnd fro t .he wayaor anI0'Cgreat o mo reformtion enh tis na comealty oteg te- ques in ofrali.

ity, or' a re heon nowreolad thelum quoftt reverme onwegh a- commseiedtkin de

pu bein elf 01 rihtleon teu reod than'evrane~ds of God, thssvdnvCROLd,A

Unasilthed Fros,the Grave.s. eah ci , Turne and her mter..c Mr sl

metas to the meriisof w peiic. o,Pae 3, rsu

tsite ta ul broke do nm teonbth n

Sagentithe g.ad I beame hag~selprlesas~ "Idthi b-etialf fromsi r .' inoet bc bym'frc it a theataediv the best ~pyiianih h cunity aprwiathd en of Prceshn th

otherl ca redsfor prsnt we sestInwg hirnents to doing myrond.ili ysnerir.gseeral beowndes.Thn, anehd losty aloiaont ieovry alpsoth anutry. wa sced WI!

tryd Switablpie wshoulgrced al pamphnfromte Iompanyelletaimn Exp erites Thcrs harf dor bo.eshad theo efuo o urn

hopae to syheowt and hae whougto ork,n wetahard huot jyarndly ghies to lare ueccld

- [tay shld up aeet-diaed ; an sengt'ahan-otured bandes i etot hein away ithouse or. it' Speothe dvane-ty cnothin, ntohe ge fo the grve, an ti donc~

0 agntw uo toi devotels tnngh oroly his a0 ent t i Mais. &a Co. Tuaraa-

kipl now thain directionhs hae miy dager~hir,e nwtapsc t.hot explain alookingbu oe

ber par ativwl be en. fre tnod th twdeer he r ; tci full ss.vdr y hil.

' "ll he ay rom MaIsI.'PE"Dyx

Hm'Cou Tyupn. I a a1. ug88. r10.'ofaa you hlo and i oeryshs donl

Tax wm Sxotc., onria, ss.nt

Itl 2a 5 thats ua ote,r o w ytagetfr the reatio pu~blishing hote of Genrg1(not th1 theyoalway gthe the pukbli ghc

whibct s prodyapruaed neat' pricsth:(Callgca afyrd, At prent we1~ol 1-nerstnmethei a:rns a doul n woderrull welal

fo ecusar , folds,rs tnon C. ud





1 R''. I'- E AND CARPE'iS,

teliout o nenLion. all of which is of-Alat


1.\E,:1 1.Z111'NT (. F

M. FOOT..1 it. to :t 'v:a.t:_t. to t"x:unin. my1

) -t,ber 16.


L '3BTUTWSRtKiT.S T V RY WEEK.)1':t11: I::;'t ( 1-;ICS ,15 . 1lt" 1 lltalt.

tN I.'!rr.-

1)iLt. trlRT& Co.

Tiie .\ .:--nlt't:al aill Mechatical As-rin t:ntt i t the Conrt lloui-e onl

)I ,:ulay. No"thtin;" d.-tilit.-" w:t1 dlon:. Antaj->nr. n i -ttin1g is calie<d f:r Dec. 15.

Ti- F.rIib Quarterly Conference forKiital's- irentit. will convetne at lhope-wtll t'h:::-h on -:tttrday before the firstmitn(laV -. !)t"1en erat 11 o'cloek. A. 31.


POST OFFICE,\t-.n Kit:Y C. H. -.C.

;I *a. fa 'ter- tor week end-tc.Nov. 2 -' I:Btler, Jt: i L;snehore. L Jlirowtn. 11 11:ra Nurtee. WillisD r;a:t, Su-ie Itoof, .tultnGirlin.o~ .Itno P 'I'h'mt., Je'c PGlen, I- "Vest, Mrs.- BGil-on, M e. Wicker, Be.eon

P,r'ie. t for '-r' orwil. p!eaie ny


NMAneWIED,0 t ti?lthWinstant, by Rev. Luther

B,oa"111,, r. Brack. Davi; and MissLila WtBeltoPor. 1: lSS4, at the residence of the

brie's nrn,byRev. J. E. Buhnell,Mr. J,s- D. Loriek, oF Lexington Co.,and Mis- C:arrie E. Singley, of Newber-rv Cont.Nov. 1:. 1984, by Rev. S. T. Hallman,

at the r(leiince of the briule's father,Mr. Geo. Riser and MIiss Anna Chap-man, both of Newberry Co., S. C.On the 19th inst., by the Rev. S. T.

H:illman.TJ. Calhoun Singley and MIissAnna 31. Coutlst, all of thi County.

Fre. :sehoois! Free Schools!!Thbe Fru' schools ot' thist County operi N v.

10th. an:izto i't foreet that Cofield, Petty & Co.keep e. lnly on hand all the books adoptedby th.e St:i Board for these schools.

Nov 6-45

Our s- of Stationery, Blank Boo0ks,SchooiBoke Au-ographi and Photogratph Albums,Picture Fr.:m'es Purses, and general Li'eratureIs comnple' . Give us a call and be convincedNov . . Conleld. Petty & Co.

If you -.ant to get a b>argain in Shoesan'el II 'o to C. L. lInvin!.Oc.2. 43. 12.

Of Int:-r:- t to the Patrous aid. Pupils ofFree Schools.

Ifvoni w%-toI purchase to advantage Text.hookc g.8:. Satchels. Wr iting booke, Pens,Pencil. 1 &c , &c.. in fact anything neededin a Seoo roomn, calfl on Co8eld, Pett & Co.

BLUE BTONE!And verything cise in plenty and for


To an; body who has disease of>throat or~lungs, we will send proofthat Pi-o'. Cure for Consumption has

e ue h aecomplaints in otherea,ses. Address,

* E. T. HAZELTINE.~IDeiOy Warren, Pa.


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A Pir Family Medicine thati Nver IntoxtcatessiP'arker's Ilair Balsam is dnely perfumed and

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50c. in $1 slzes, at all dlealers In medicines.t Gresaving iu buying dollar size.

Mason & HamnlinST**EsORCANSo ag,

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ein o seventeen years. Only Americane Orgn a:watrded such atany. Forcash.easy

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.1 Illustr:*ni cat iogue free.r MASON & HlAM LIN ORBAN AND PIANO CO.,t Boston. 2 Trement St.: N. York. 46 E. 14th

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Oct 1" 4

rostege. and we will mail you free, ar

LP vat.~ubeosaple bond of gooni:lng wtnre --one'y in a iesr dayse thann you uVSrItuarge a.biaor ay h-h.tiis Cipln not-..~seei. Y&.u on live et tla... ,t.i woraK 54

papua.'ineoly, or all the tlime. A ll ni'bothto *.5 .. P:ar.-fi vr- evenfsi That tilwho..w..w..0k sar' n-l.i it-- bu..in'-.. wo

nfot .,:; .w i*i 41 wa will's--uel *11to nay lot£oIh a s .e Il wrlti'eat . Iuta p-ti Iaeaanr. I.

r.tt o-.a.nt t r .. liaamen.a, I y a ha

Iluh r.r all who~ritat aon. I.'- dleA.unsa90.54%& Ca 'ulad.M n

ftR ~ j aGD~dOJ 0,'i N11DR'! HKI;?:SAHUWNI

--0- -

D. C. FLYNN,Af:er six weeks Stn i I the I arkets has retured wii.

the ;T'A RT141NG ;lnd 1 L' i1 N( AnoointIherIt :hat lwhas bought (Iois aG

and is determined to seli themlt ;lccordinglV.If there still lingers the faintest doubt that the far seein:

judgment. the many y':ars' eXp)erience a)lnl the ullfailing po(er CASH have secured for FLY-NN a position in a,lvanceof all Ct)oIml)etitors. a brief inspection of goods and comparistinof prices are the only tests nec(-ssalry to convince the most in-credulous.Cur constant 'i In is to uppl our frien1 and'patlr'otis with

good honest goods at prices that leave

COMPETITION IN THE SHADE!Our efiorts heretofore have been appreciated by a discrimi-

nating and intelligent public, anld our past success enables us

to continue the good work in.l do even better than before.We are now prepared to show Goods (which is no trouble),

and to sell them at prices that cannot fail to please the great-est disciples of economy.



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competition with a barrier of yet

Unheard of Prices !



3-4 Shirting, - - - 3.1 and 4c.7-8 " len.dale and Piedmont, Ec.

4-4 Sheetings. - - 51 and 60.Bleachings, -. 5, 61, 7, 8. 9 and 10Oc.Good Calicos, - - - -30 yards for $1.00.

'' " - - - 2)5 " " "

Standard " - - -- 20 " '' "

Best Brands, -- . - 16" " "

Jeans from - - - -l1c. per yard up.Heavy home made Jeans. 35c. per yard.Good Feather Ticking. - - 15e. per yard. -

12-4 heavy Counterpanes, - $1.25.Beautiful Marseilles Quilts, Cheaper than ever before.


SCID DURABLE800QTSudSIIESAl Prices to 8utteTms

Children Shoes, 35c. up.Misses " 50c. up..Women " 70c. up.Men's " 90c. up.

---000 -

Time and Space do not admit of de--tailed quottins of' everything. All thatis necessary is to give FLYN N a calland satisfaction is guaranteed.

C. .T. PURCELL. Manager.