what is propaganda? british wwi propaganda poster, welcoming romania's decision to join the...


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Page 1: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 2: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

What is propaganda?

Page 3: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 4: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 5: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 6: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 7: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 8: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 9: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 10: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 11: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 12: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 13: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 14: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 15: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 16: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

Page 17: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 18: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

With the storm of war brewing behind her, a personification of America sleeps.

Page 19: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente


Page 20: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

A WWI propaganda poster, commissioned by the British Parliamentary Recruiting Committee in 1915. The look on his face suggests he was one of the men who elected not to serve his king and country.

Page 21: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 22: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

Another propaganda poster, commissioned by the Central Council for the Organisation of Recruiting in Ireland

Page 23: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

This poster was entitled "Carry On" and portrays Lady Liberty as accompanying the American troops into battle. It is meant to get people to buy war bonds in order to fund the war effort.

Page 24: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 25: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

In this propaganda poster, brutal German soldiers recruit a conscript a civilian in occupied Belgium at the point of a gun. Belgian civilians were

sometimes used as forced labour during the war. However, German misdeeds during World War 1, and especially stories of crimes against

civilians, were greatly exaggerated by the Allied war propaganda. During World War 2, however, the German armed forces exceeded all

expectations of brutality and committed crimes far worse than the Allies even imagined; most Nazi atrocities did not come to light until after the

end of World War 2.

Page 26: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

Even after the War, British sentiment was strongly against the Germans. This poster reminds its readers that "Once a German, always a German." It also depicts past German brutalities and has a vignette of Edith Cavell's grave and the caption, "1914 to 1918. Never again!"

Page 27: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

A French soldier climbing a rock

high into the sky with allied soldiers

following close behind, atop

the rock is an iron cross emblem with the German eagle

on top, blood pouring from its


Page 28: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente
Page 29: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

How was propaganda used during WWI?

Propaganda ensured that the people only got to know what their governments wanted them to know

Page 30: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

1. Literature Books Pamphlets Official

publications Ministerial

speeches Royal messages

Page 31: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

Press Influencing foreign press

Established telegraphic agencies

Various language editions were issued.

Page 32: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

Films By Wellington House:

Britain Prepared Battle of Somme

Page 33: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

Posters Recruitment Posters

Atrocity propaganda

Reports- Bryce Report, The Corpse conversion Factory

Page 34: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

CONSCRIPTION to military service is a system whereby the state requires all men (and in a few cases women) to serve a period in the armed forces. Begun in Prussia in the 18th century, it was developed by Napoleon in France and thence spread throughout continental Europe

Page 35: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

1. When the war reached stalemate -when there was no movement / gain of land during trench warfare... both sides would gain some land, but lose it again because of the poor conditions and different technologies which were introduced during this time

Page 36: What is propaganda? British WWI propaganda poster, welcoming Romania's decision to join the Entente

2. Casualties of the Western Front was appalling- more and more soldiers were needed.

3. Reality of war dawned on people- news of horrific casualties became known due to newspapers

As war went on unemployment fell and wages rose so people were not keen to volunteer for military services.