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>' * r ML LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. * ||P WEDXESUAY. June 18. . : ; 1SS4. X -w Adrertismentii. r- . T> . TT- I..* Money t>avcu.u. J\. uciuinx. Nomination for Coroner. Nomination for Representative. Nomination for Representative. Nomination for County Commissioner. Nomination for County Commissioner. Nomination for County Commissi^ nL Survivors of 12th S. C. V..F. B. Austin, President. L. >cal Briers. .Head the new advertisements of Mr. J. II. Cnmmings in this morning's l .A great deal of grain is yet to be itejk harvested in the county. The bavestBT jng has been hindered Ijv ^ vrrnyj Sda^j^rfTtl'icr of ilic present week. We have two Osborn Reapers on rfiand, which we win sen cncapui wan any other reaper in the market. Slay 24* R! J. McCarley & Co. .The Citizens' Cornet Band desires ro return thanks to the Thespian Corps and the ladies for the money recently ^ given them for the purpose of purchas ing- new instruments. .The little black bugs, supposed to come from the oats, infect some por- iions of the town by the millions. f . They are more numerous of course upon the premises surrounded or ]' i adjacent to grain fields. The existence ^ of this nuisance gives one a faint idea o..'the plagues of Egypt. .Call at the office of R. J. McCarley & Co. and leave your order for the "Waynesboro "Eclipse" Grain Separaj^^-^for, the best grain saver-in the marilllf ket. Mar 20* ||P| .The sheriff ami the floor of the Skating Rink together caused a slight fjf shock in town somewhat akin to an H earthquake one night recently. The B sheriff is well again, but Mr. Boag mh| complains of the damage done the floor P -of the Academy of Music. Mutual >T . friends are trying to affect a compromise between the parties. Personal..Mrs. Solomon Wolfe, of Dallas, Texas, and Miss Etta Wolfe, * who has been spending several months j, in Xew York city, ::re both on a visit i to the family of Mr. S. Wolfe in this place. We wish both of them a pluas^ ant sojourn in Winnsboro. r Arrested..David Kelly who struck Mr. Jesse Terrace a severe blow on ^ the head with an axe on the 3d of Junenear White Oak, was arrested ou last Sunday night at Bnukhead, by Mr. M. Y. Milling and Mr. Win. Hamilton & and safely lodged in jail. We are glad t ^r%« Koo TiOQT'Iv way 10 icaru mai jjxi. iuia^ uu.; recovered from his wound. Chester's Record..The Chester Reporter says: "Our county treasurer ^ of this county made collections of taxes last monfh as follows: State tax, S2.77S.31; county tax, $1,666.59; rail- road tax, $2,222.23; school tax, $1,487.60; poll tax, $65.50. Total, $8,liie May couccuo.i lust jwi §|*>iiuted to $8%822.29." * u f% jjpr Death..Mi-.?. Sarah Simpson, wife/ of Mr. John Simpson, died last week at Halsellviile. She was about HP vears of ag-e, a consistent meaner of the Beaver Creek Baptist QrfTrch, and j many would testify to her'worth. Her many friends in Chester and Fairfield ^ counties will be sp?<V to learn of her death. / STOKM.-r-^ wind storm of some proporugHSvisited the northwestern por tio/fof the county in the neighborhood 7 - o Albion in the early part of this k^week. There was no rainfall of any consequence, but considerable damage was done the fencing in the neighborhood and manv larsre trees were blown down. No farther injury resulted from the storm. t Death..The little daughter of Mr. Joseph Gilbert, of GafFuey City, was buried in the graveyard of the Presbyterian church in this place on last Tuesday, the 10th inst. The Eev. . a jL>. .Li. JO man omciaieo. at me iunerai ceremonies. Mr. Gilbert was formerly ly a resident of "VVinnsboro, and his I Hl friends here and elsewhere will sym1! K\Pa**"ze him in his sorrow and ^affliction. r Gladder's Grove Clue..At a meeting' of the Gladden's Grove Democratic Club 011 last Saturday, the 7th fe inst., the following-named gentlemen were elected delegates to the County ^ Convention: Messrs. Richard Featherston, John M. Gayden, J. M. Higgias, Daniel Hall, Ji\, and Edward D. MobIley; Alternates, Dr. J. A. Scott and Mr. John Johnston. The meeting was small but all necessary business was transacted. The Club adjourned to Irneet on the first Saturday in cach jnonth at three o'clock. Death op Miss Hoffman*..Miss k~n:~ nf at,, n p gggtUliiU JU-VaJUAUWij VI .»VL& V*. - . HRoffman, of Blythewood, died at B^herille, N. C., on Tuesday, the 10th K:is:.> after an Illness of several months.; BF This saa event has cast a gloom over Bm tiic community where she was so well j H; known and so much beloved. Miss! Hp Hoffman had frequently visited Winns-! id always made warm friends The afflicted family have the sympathy of ill. The funeral were held at Blythe'wood on r Gaillaed..Cadet D. D. 1, of the "West Point Academy, I ifth in the graduating class, i . - .ii_ x? ? L'ujuy tue uisuuciioii oi guiug :orps of engineers. Mr. Gail- i host- of friends in "Winns-j karc both pleased and proud fehis creditable career..It K.a recent issue of a North- Bkilr. Gaillard had been Age of a cavalry drill! HI information has been Hfc his injuries were i BExgixe Company, H§B»i2eeting of the was in the Town Hall on Tuesday after- noon, the 10th inst. The principal business of the meeting was the election of officers for the ensuing year. The following is the result of the election : President.T. II. ICetchin. Vice-President.J. II. (Jammings. Secretary.W. C. Beaty. Treasurer.C. M. Chandler. 1st Director.II. B. McMaster. 2nd Director."VVm. L. Timmons. oril .jjuujs caumvio 4th Director.W. J. Elliott. Chief Engineer.W. A. Beaty. 1st Assistant Engineer.D. E. Flennikeu. 2nd Assistant Engineer.B. J. Quattlebaum. Axemen.II. Y. Milling, II. Lu Elliott, Jr. Pipemen.J. M. Elliott. Jr., C. P. Gladden. Solicitor.J. E. McDonald. There being no farther business, the company adjourned to meet at the call of the president. Entertainment at White Oak..A very enjoyable and successful entertainment was given by the Young People's Literary Club at "White Oak on the 6th inst. A neat stage had been erected in the school house which for the time served all the purposes of a theatre. The whole programme was successfully rendered by the young people, each and every one of whom seemed to enter into the spirit of their respective roles. The programme consisted of tableaux, charades, instrumental and vocal music, all of which was exceptionally well rendered for * 1 -1 amateurs, many 01 wnom snuweu ranch artistic skill. An admission fee of twenty-five cents was charged, and netted about thirty dollars, which we understand will be devoted to some charitable purpose. With a "Good smio- the entertainment closed. o I The Literary Club was formed principally from scholars in the school of Mr. J. S. Brice, although many young people not connected with the school are members. The whole entertainment was under the supervision of Mr. Brice and Miss Maggie Robinsou, and much of the success of the performance was due to their efforts We hope the Literary Club may see fit to give another performance, and with their small experience they no donbt will be still more proficient. Crops in tiie County..The following partial report of the crop prospects in Fairfield county appears in the last monthly report of the Department of Agriculture: "W. 1 Tl,n cTM'ino- lir.e i.u» ^5tnr «i.yv* °l/l 4,*6 UMO been too cold, and on gray lands rather too wet for wheat and oats. Our pastures, which are never sown with grasses, are generally covered with a spontaneous growth of wire and Egyptian (Means or Johnson) ofrass, with an inteamixtnre of cane fringing the water courses. There arc in addition. to this pasturage an aggregate are? of about twenty acres of luxuriant clover on red land's and'a few small pat ±es nf Knrlov T'Jio notrirsl orrowth fif t-hlS pasture land, which was considerably retarded by the cold until the middle of April, is now auite luxvriant and Aj^iuiy ueveiopuig." i -'Wallaceyille. . The writer has our> cow for three months^ January, February, March and April, on three and a half acres sown in rye, * with no other food, and she gave an abundance of milk. Mt. Zion..Lucerne is the favorite soiling plant, while clover and orchard grasses are the best for hay and pastures. There is never any difficulty in getting a stand and is not killed" by cold in winter nor sun in summer. Bear Creek..There is but little grass iu pastures, except broomsedgo and Japan clover. On these the cattle keep in good condition from May 1. Brice..Our pastures generally are -l.i -c-i~~ J ..;m Ulll JLieiUS ctiiu itlC tUVCICU Willi! >Yliu clover. Some few pastures are on creek bottoms too much subject to overflow for cultivation and afford fine natural pasturage for cattle. Very little grain of any kind sown for pasture. Hokeb..No grasses sown for pasturage. Some barley and lucerne patches for spring cutting. THE BATTLE OFDREWRY'S BLUFF. The Gallant Defenders of the Flag of the Seventh Battalion. The following communication appeal's in the News and Courier: In your supplement of the 31st alt., in the article entitled the "Battle of Drewry's Bluff," you print concerning "officers and men mentioned for gallant conduct" in Hagood's Brigade, "in Seventh Battalion, South Caroliua Volunteers. Bersrt. J. E. Onbw Com- panv H., color-bearer, killed." There was no Onby in that command. Sergt. A. P. Irbv, of Company H, was wounded at Drewry's Bluff on the 16th, and promoted as ensign "for gallantr»" on the 25th May, 1864. He is living, an honored and respected citizen of Laurens county. The first color-bearer killed at Die wRlnfF wfis R<vo+_ .T. "FT. (Intz. of Company H, Edgefield." The next killed was Sergt. J. B. Robertson, of Company B, Fairfield. The colore then fell to Sergt. George W. Kennington, of Company F; Lancaster, who was badly wounded. The fourth colorbearer was Sergt. Preston Cooper, of Company B, Fairfield. Both of the latter were living at the last time I heard of them. Young Cooper brought out the flag. Its staff was riddled and shot in two, and its foulds had fifty-seven new bnl- icl-iivjus tuiuugu tuuuli aiiu. -acic as cleau as 011 the day of their presentation, without a single rent or stain. War. M. Thohas. Charleston, S. C., June 2, 1882. Judge Thomas is in error when he says that Sergt. A. P. Irby "is living an honored and respected citizen of Laurens county.'7 Mr. Irby is a citizen of Fairfield and not of Laurens. Mr. Cooper referred to in the communication above was afterwards shot in the leg at the battle of "Weldon Roads witn rue same oaiue nag in ms uauus. From this wound Mr. Cooper lost his leg. It might be well to add that every one of the color guard was killed or shot down except Mr. Cooper and the flag though punctured with fifty-seven bullet-hoTes not a one of the thirteen stars were touched. ._ THE CKOSBY INSTITUTE. The Closing Exerclses---An Acaceiny of which Fairfield Should Be Proud. The Crosby Institute closed with afive days examination on the 13th inst. The exercises on the last day, which were as usual well attended, were entirely voluntary with the pupils and A' wholly extemporaneous, the Board having acted on the advanced conviction that the pnpils should struggle of their own accord for the acquisition of ready, practical knowledge; and that it is on the whole better for the pupils to fail, if necessary, in an examination than for the public to be even tempo- ramy deceived with elaborate displays whose preparation bad squandered away perhaps two months of valuable time. The brevity of the time demanded a mutilation of the progrmme. The part exhibited consisted of competitive skill from volunteers in spelling with lirt/YL- nn hlf>f>thnards. fn f which there were about a thousand square feet), and "by heart;" in reading; in writing on paper and blackboards ; in arithmetic; in debating the subject, "Which should wc make our surplus crop, Cotton or Grain?; in singing; and in fancy needle-work. All these were agreeably interspersed An/1 W% rVMIt-1 A Willi VUUU UiJU iliaii uuioiv j and the occasion appeared to be one of much credit to the competitors, of entire satisfaction to the patrons, and of greaj enjoyment (o "one and all." The competition was so close as to render the decisions of the Awarding Committee a matter of some embarrassment. The following prizes, fciven by thu Principal and awarded by the various committees, were presented in his ususl nappy oy tne itev. jui\ jyianonvue butter-dish to Miss Mary L. Weir, for best spelling- with the book; one pocket knife to Mr. Ohas. A. McLurkin for best spelling on blackboard; one preserve-dish to Miss Sallie C. Chappell, of Jenkinsville, for best spelling "by heart;" one pair Suspenders and box of pens to Mr. Jno. J. Robertson, of Lancaster, for best reading; goblets and a fan conjointly to Misses Sallie C. Chappell and Callie A. B. Crosby for best penmanship on blackboards; one toothbrush to Miss Sallio C. Chappell for best penmanship on paper; goblets and a toothbrush conjointly to Miss Fanny D. Crosby and Jno. J. Robertson for best arithmetic; one pocket knife to Mr. Jno. J. Robertson for best debating.decision of the question in favor of the negative; on preservedish to Miss Callie A. B. Crosby for best singing; goblets and spoon-holder conjointly to Misses Sallie C. Chappell and Maggie P. Robertson for best fancy needle-work'; snspenders, pocket knife and a box of nens coniointlv to Messrs. Chas. McLurkin and Jno J. Robertson for best general deportment and proficiency; pocket knife to Master J. Bennie Johns for best attendance ; box of pens and goblets to Miss Callie A. B. Crosby for best assistance throughout the session in the singing department. Seeiug what we have seen so well wrought out, contrary to all the established views in teaching, we must believe that this Institute, which has vis t- 1. loiy cuuu; iu uiijuy me re&ywi, uuuudeuce, esteem and well-wishing of all the intelligence of the surrounding country, is evidently destined to retire some of the treasured tenets of pedagogy, and marks a new educational era-.for this section. That it deserves >nq4ess and is rapidly "vvir.niyg it cauiiwhs doubted by any o»o wlio attend thcimpromptu examinations. THE DEMOCRATIC CX.VJJS. The "Winnsboro Club. Pursuant to the call of the president the Winnsboro Democratic Club met in the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 10th inst., at 8.30 o'clock p. m. The secretary stated that the minute book of the Club had been misplaced and could not be found. Mr. Jno. S. Reynolds moved that the Club proceed to organize by the election of officers. Col. Rion moved that a new roll be signed by those present who wished to continue their connection with the Club, binding themselves by the provisions of the regular prescribed constitution of the Democratic party of «-*- n !aJ uie ouue. uamcu. The following persons were elected members: Messrs. J. B. DcHerrodora, S. K. McDonald, E. A. Rabb, E. Millette, T. M. Koebuck, Joseph Bochman, R.T. Matthews, Jas. Pagan, B. J. Qaattlebaum, "W. "VV. Ketchiut A. J. White, W. F. Jones, E. P. Lumpkin. An election of officers resulted as follows: President.Jas. A. Brice. 1st Vice-President-Dr. E. B. Han- auau. 2nd Vice-President.Dr. T. T. Robertson. 3rd Vice-President.T. Iv. Elliott. Secretary.Jas. Q. Davis. Member of the County Executive Committee.Jno. S. Reynolds. Col. Rion moved to transact at this meeting all business which may be brought before the Club. Carried. Upon motion of Mr. Reynolds the president was directed to cast at his leisure the unanimous vote of the Club for executive and registration committees. Col. Rion moved that this Club instruct its delegates to the County Convention to vote for delegates to the Congressional and Judicial Couven >'Anc WIIA will ennnnrf- the candidates that are the choice of this Club, ana that the choice of this Club for member of Congress and Solicitor be now determined by ballot for each office respectively. Carried. Hon. H. A. GaiUard was named by acclai tion as the choice of this Club for Congress, and J. E. McDonald, Esq., was named as the choice of this Club for Solicitor. The following delegates were elected to the County Convention: Messrs. J. H. Rion, G. H.McMastcr, F. Gerig, J. H. Cummimrs, 11. B. Hanahan, H. A. Gailiard; alternates, J. C. Caldwell, E. J. McCarley. The Club then adjourned subject to the call of the President. Jas. Q. Davis, Secretary. The Ridgeway Club. The Ridgewav Democratic Club met pursuant to notice at Saturday, June 14, 18S4: ' The following delegates to the Conn-, tv Convention were elected . un-1 i pledged: ! C. E. Thomas, John Boyd, J. T. Stewart, S. F. Cooper, J. R. Thomas, A. F. Ruff and F. M. Spcnce. A resolution endorsing J. E. McDonald for Solicitor was adopted. The following officers were elected for the next two years: President.C. E.Thomas. 1st Vice-President.A. F. Ruff. 2nd Vice-President.S. F. Cooper. Secretary and Treasurer.TV. II. Ruff. Executive Committee Man.J. T. Stewart. The president then made his usual committee appointments, and the Club adjourned, subject to his call. Ridgeway, as usual, will hold her own. ~\y. Ct. Hinnaxt, Secretary pro tera. The Blythewood Clnb. At the call of the president the J Blythewood Democratic Club assembled at its headquarters at five o'clock, p. m., on Saturday last. President J. L. Wardlaw stated the object of the meeting, viz., to reorganize and to 1 1 -1 L. pAiitrnn_ CiCCl delegatus iu LUV; \yuiiin» wntviition. Mr. G. P. Hoffman was called to the chair and A. J. Lamar requested to act as temporary secretary. A permanent organization was effected by the election of Mr. G. P. Hoffman as President, TV. H. Jones 1st Vice-President, J. TV. Brown 2nd Vice-President, A. J. Lamar Secretary, TV. J. Johnson member of the County Executive Committee. Upon a call for new members twenty-one names were added to the roll. Tlie Club being entitled to six delegates in the County Convention the following were elected: G. P. Hoffman, J. B. Xelson, J. L. Ward law, W. J. Johnson, J. D. Ilogan, AVr. "SV. Smith. Alternates.B. P. Hoffman, H. E. Hood. Mr. G. P. Hoffman was nominated for the Legislature by a rising vote, amid much enthusiasm. Blythcwood ir\ o An ieeis wiiu 5UU ci»iiuv,u iv «.«, w.. the ticket, and judging from the tone of the meeting she is going to do her best to get it. A. J. Lamak, Secretary. The Greenbrier Club. Greenbrier Democratic Club met at three o'clock, p. in., Saturday, 14th June, President T. J. Perry presiding. After being organized the names of J. E. Elkin, C. R. Joiner, J. F. Lvies, C. K. Rabb and John Paul were proposed for membership and they were elected members by acclamation. The Club then went into an election of officers, with following resnlt: President.S. R. Rutland. 1st Vice-President.C. K. Rabb. 2nd Vice-President.J W. McCanls. Secretary and Treasurer.W. F. Jackson. Member Countv Executive Commit- tee.W. R. Rabb. The Club then went into an election of five delegates to the County Convention, which resulted in the election of the following-named persons: T. J. Perry, N. C. Robertson, J. R. Delleny, S. E. Rutland and J. W. McCants. nnra and St W. Rrown. The delegates, by a vote of the Club, were iustructed to support Jno. S. Reynolds for Solicitor of this Circuit. The following resolutions were unanimously passed: Resolved, That th^ action 'of the Cedar Creek Dem. -ratic Club, in nominating our esteemed fellow-citi> ' m -\ir iTf ,1 1 <UA zcn jviaj. x. vy. yvouuwiuu ivi mc office of State Senator, meets with our hearty approbation, and that we urge upon him the acceptance of the same. Resolved, That the thanks of this Club are due and are hereby tendered to Capt. T. J. Perry for the efficient, kind and courteous manner in which he has presided over this Club for the last two years, and that in retiring from the office of president he carries with him the hearty good-w "11 of every individual member. The secretary was instructed to forward to The News and Herald the proceedings of this meeting for publication. The Club then adjourned to meet at the call of the president. S. R. .Rutland, President. W. H. Padgett, Secretary. The Horeb Club. The Ilorel) Democratic Club met on Saturday, tiie iitn mst., at o p. w., and was called io order by the president, H. A. Glenn. An election for officers was held with the followiu# result: President.H. A. Glenn. 1st Vice-President.A. P. Irby. "2nd Vice-President.U. C. Trapp. Secretary.T. W. Scruggs. Member County Execnlive Committee.D. G. RufF."Club Executive Committee.R. II. Jennings, W. ]ST. Mason and W. P. Jones;The following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we second the action of the Cedar Creek Club in nominating Major Thos. "W. Woodward as a can/ l.ifr* Sonoto UUI.V iui LilV ts^V^lULV* The following were elected delegates to the County Convention: "W. N. Mason, A. P. Irby, D. N. Mann, W. P. Gibson and I). G. Kuff. The fourth Saturday in every month, at three o'clock, was fixed as the time for the meeting of otir Club. Candidates take notice and govern yourselves accordingly. D. G. Ruff. Secretary pro tem. The Jenkinsville Clab. The Jenkinsville Democratic Club met at three p. m., Jane 14th., President D. L. Glenn in the chair. The Club reorganized by electing by acclamation the following officers: President.D. L. Glenn. Vice-President.J. K. Cook. Secretary and Treasurer.Dr. J. G. McMeekin. Member County Executive Commit- tee.A.M. Wallace. Delegates to County ConventionMessrs. A. M. "Wallace, C. B. Douglass and ~\Y. T. Yarborough. The delegates were instructed to vote in convention for J. E. McDonald for Solicitor. The following resolution was adopted unanimously by the Club: jResolved, That we nominate Mr. > \ f A. M. "Wallace as the choice of the Clab for State Representative, subject to the primaries J. G. McMeekix, Secretary aiui.Treasurer. The Yonguesvillc Club. The Yongnesville Democratic Club met on Saturday. The following delegates were elected to the County Convention: J. W. Caldwell, Thos. P. Mitchell, T. S. Brice, N. Dunbar, II. W. Adams. The other proceedings have not been furnished. The liOngtOTrn Club. The Longtown Democratic uiud met i 011 Saturday, the 14th inst., and rcor- ganized by electing the following officers and also electing; delegates to the County Convention : President.J. D. Harrision. 1st Vice-President.R. C. Reeves. 2nd Vice-President.T. J. H. Jones. 3rd Vice-President.Joseph Stewart. Secretary.Levi Moore. Treasurer. w. Aiatnus. Member County Executive Commit- tee-D. W. Tidwell. Delegates to the County Convention .D. W. Tidwell, J. D. Harrison, R. C. Reeves, G-. Smith. The president appointed the follow- iugf committees :f; < Executive Committee.G. W. Wilds, J. P. Jones, W. Mathus. Committee on Registration.S. McCormick, E.P. Jenkins, W. H.Haynes. The meeting was well attended and much interest manifested, and from present indications the old Longtown Club will still sustain their past record. Resolutions of thanks were passed for the able and eflTicient Major T. W. Woodward, who has always led the old J airfield Democracy to victory. and not only their thanks, but their suffrage for any position at their hands. Resolutions were also passed endorsing the Hon. II. A. Gaillard for Congress ; and honorable mention was also made of our past representatives. , Messrs. Douglass, McMaster and Mc- ; Meckin. But for fear our sister clubs may think we are endeavoring to take in the whole field, we refrain from 1 more, yet we think, witnout naitery to ourselves, we can take a more unbiased view than most of the clubs, from the simple fact that we have never had a candidate for any position, and therefore have no horses to swap, < nor axes to grind. We will welcome in our midst the 1 entire crop of candidates. The trout season is about over, but catfish and rn.r* nKniulonf TXTlfll UUiUK Ut'I 1 1C* UlU auinui promise of a little mutton. Come soon. J. D. Harrison, President. Levi Moore, Secretary. j . -\ WITHDRAIVAJj. ' : Jfessrs. Editors: Fully appreciating ] the past services of Major Thos. W. 1 "Woodward as a leading member of the 1 Democratic party ill Fairfield county, and in recognition of His consequent claims to any position of honor it may ' be within the power of the the Fairfield Democracy to bestow upon him, ( I withdraw my name as a candidate 1 for the office of State Senator, and r»m . inrrrs respecuuny UaH. UJill/ juu luang mio | announcement in the next issue of your valuable paper. Yours, &cM A. S. Douglass. I>" MEMOKIAM. William F. "Watt. Ah! how sad to give back to earth one so loved, so noble and so good, whose win- . ning smile attracted all; one so eminently \ qualified to complete our happiness here. 1 but, alas, tbe choicest fruit in the vineyard was also known to our Heavenly Father. ] TTo \vjic waller! to that far awav home of the f soul. His favorite song was "Home of the < Soul". IIow often have I listed to his j dear voice in singing these"words: £ "Oh, how sweet it will ho in that beautiful < land, So free from all sorrow and pain; "With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands, , To meet one another again." Mr. Watt was born and raised in Fairfield county^ South Carolina. He married Miss Sallic J. Bell, of Mississippi, and moved to Lind Grove, Louisiana, about t 1839, where for thirty-three years he made 5 his home. Two years ago he moved to. \ Starkville, Mississippi, where after a long ] illness and much suffering he died on the < 29th ult. lie was a patient suiierer, ana liis death was that of a Christian. lie said he was "going home." For many . years he was a member of the Methodist chnreli and superintendent of the Sunday School at Lind Grove. The Lord Ibveth a cheerful giver, then how surely he loved him, for lie "visited the Fatherless and Widows in their afflction" and many at home and abroad have cause to bless him for his charii*^. lie leaves a wife and son to mourn his luss. ( Oh, fond wife, who for thirty-five years was liis loving companion, grieve not wu . much.your loss is his eternal gain, and in ' a little while you will meet the husband 1 you love so well. I never saw a more do- j voted couplc. "No frost, ; Their home's threshold ever crossed, \ Com'e what might of good or ill, < Mutual love kept shining still, And when life some joy denied. Love still found them side by side, With the trust tney learneu xo snow, Five and thirty years ago." Though it had been many years since Mr. Watt had lived in Fairfield, he still loved the place of his birth, and often spent his summers here with his many relatives and friends. Such visits were as bright oases to his relatives here who loved him so fondly; but, alas! our dear relative has crossed that bourne from whence no I x 1 x Ji XI-:- ^.xl- ...HI ( traveler rtaiuxis, <iuu ims euitu wm iv«iuvy him 110 more. Farewell, dear friend.we hope to meet you "over there." M. Fairfield County, South Carolina. COM AND FLOUB MILLS. | THE undersigned now lias charge of the "OLD McALILLY 3IILLS" which have been lately repaired and are now in me very oest coiiQuion. i am nuw pared to make as GOOD FLOUR and MEAL as can be furnished from any mill in Chester or Fairfield. I guarantee also the very BEST TURNOUT. My mill is located at ROCKY MOUXT, near'Catawba Falls. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me atrial. - J. A. GLADDEN. May 31-x3m Against Wind. Storms, Cyclones and Tornadoes. THE undersigned is now prepared to write Insurance against loss Dy Wind, Storms, Cyclones and Tornadoes, at reasonable rates, for terms of one, three or five years. r / L N. WITHERS, Agent Home; In. Co., of New Tort Mch 11-tf j f f t * FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Ifissrx. Editors: Please announce G. P. HOFFMAN as a candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives at the en-1 suing election.subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Many Democrats. FOR CORONER. Messrs. Editors: Please announce W. W. SMITII as a candidate for Coroner at the ensuing election.subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Many Friends. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. JTews. Editors: Please announce Mr. A. M. WALLACE as a candidate for a seat in the House of Representatives of South Carolina.subject to the action of the Democratic part}- in the primary election; and oblige Jesinsville Club. : FOR COUXTY COMMISSZOXJEn. The friends of Capt JOHN A. HIXNANT respectfully nominate him for re- election to the office of County Commis- sioner.subject to the action of the Demo- j sraxic primary electron. FOR COVNTY COMMISSIONER. The numerous friends of Mr. JAMES R. ILVRTEY respectfully nominate him for County Commissioner at the approaching election.subject to the action of the : Democratic party at the primary election. ( FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The numerous friends of Mr. D. II. ROBERTSON respectfully nominate liirn for the office of County Commissionersubject to the action of the Democratic \ party at the primary election. < FOR SOLICITOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Solicitor of the Sixth Circuit, subject to the action of the Democratic Nominating 1 Convention- I respectfully ask the endorsement of the Democratic County Con- vention of Fairfield. JNO. S. REYNOLDS. , FOB SOLICITOR. \ Messrs. Editors: You will please an- uounce to the Democracy of Fairfield that [ am a candidate for the office of Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial Circuit.subject to the action of the Democratic County Contention, which meets on the 21st inst. J Respectfully, \ j. e. Mcdonald. SUKV1Y0RS or 121'H B. C. V. yOU are earnestly requested to meet at Jl the Court House on SATURDAY, j JUNE 28th, for the purpose of making < necessary preparations for our annual re- < mion here on Thursday, August 21. A iull attendance is earnestly requited. F. B. AUSTIN, President. ( J. R. Boyles, Secretary. ; June 17-flx2 < MILL NOTICE!; MILLS are in excellent condition i L for grinding WHEAT. With facilities of TWO SET ROCKS, SUFFICIENT rVATER POWER and two EXPERT ] MILLERS, we guarantee satisfaction both n quality and quantity of FLOUR. All 20ADS leading to our Mills have been ecently worked, under our own super- ' rision, and are now in jrood order. J. C. SWYGERT & CO., ( May 31-flx3 Proprietors. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUXTT OF FAIKFIELD. ?i/\TTnm /-M7I on \1"\ r/~WT T>T T? A C _/\J Uiil UI JL juua>j< j iV. II. Kerr, Clerk, as Administrator, with the Will Annexed, of Mary Mart hi, ^DeMcKamie, Plaintiffs, against Samuel R. Martin, John Willingham, James Willingham. Margaret Hinnant, MarthaElkin, Sarah Watt, Mary Leitner, Mattie Jones, Mary Busby, Jacob Busby, Xathan Busby, Angelina Proctor and the i Unknown lleirs of Martha Willingham, Defendants. Summons for Belief.. Complaint not Served. 10 THE JL>EFEXDASTS .ABOVE-SAiLED: YOU AKE HEREBY SUMMONED and , required to answer the complaint in ;his action, which is filed in the office of J ;he Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas 'or said County, and to serve a copy of ,'our answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office, No. 2, Law Sange, Winnsboro, South Carolina, within ;wcnty days after the service hereof, ex- UUSive 01 rue day 01 sucu service; una u ,-cu fail to answer the complaint within ;he time aforesaid, th2 plaintiffs in this iction will apply to the Court for the relief j Iemanded in the complaint. Dated 1st June, 1884. RAGSDALE & RAGSDALE, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. 1 ro the Defendants, Samuel R. Martin, 1 John Willinsham, Jacob Busby, Angelina Proctor and the Unknown" Heirs of Martha Willingliam: Take notice that the summons in this iction, of which the foregoing is a copy, j ind the complaint were filed in the office , jf the Clerk of the Court of Common J Pleas, at "VVinnsboro, in the County of i Fairfield, in the State of South Carolina, 1 )n the 9th day of June, 1884. RAGSDALE & 11AGSDALE, t Plaintiffs' Attorneys. June 11-xGt MMY SAVEE J.T1UJLIJU X UJLX I JUXJ IS MONEY MADE!! DON'T FORGET WHEN IN NEED )f FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES that you lan save money by buying from id. .a., Ilis Standard A Sugar at 12 pounds for :he §1.00, and Best Granulated at 11 pounds [or the §1.00 can't be BEAT IN TOWN; 3ood Green Coffee 8 pounds for the $1.00. Fry it and be CONVINCED that it is MONEY SAVED to buy, not only one thins, but any and everything you need in GROCERIES from D. A. HEXDRIX. ST" Candidates, if vou wish successful, Lectioneer OuIIENDRIX'S Choice Cigars. COUBTTY CO^VEXTIOI. A. COUNTY CONVENTION OF THE Democratic party of Fairfield is hereby called, to meet in the Court House at Winnsboro, on SATURDAY, the 21st day of JUNE, 1884, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the transaction of such business as shall come before it. Each regularly organized Club of not less jhan twenty-five enrolled members is ontitld to - representation, as follows: One delegate for the Club at large, and one additional delegate for every twenty-five enrolled members. Presidents of Clubs will take the necessary steps for the reorganization of their Clubs for the ensuing campaign, and for the election of delegates as above stated. By order of the County Executive Committee: T. W. WOODWARD, County Chairman. j no. o. itey>olds, secretary. May 13-tf WOODTVARE, Pine, Paper, Cedar and Galvanized Buckets, Well Chain, Wood Spoons, Butter Pruits aud Paddles, Potato Mashers and Steak Mauls, Boiling Pins, Pasiry Boards, Lap Boards, Clothes iiars, uiotues rins, wasiiDoarus, iuds, Clothes Lines, Wringers, MeasuresrChurns, Etc. I have sold the UNION CHURN for two years, and still sell it and guarantee satisfaction. J. II. CUMMINGS. H.was.B..aBaWBBMMBWfattiifriiBMBB. ANN 0 UN CEMENTS. FOR STATE SENATOR. Appreciating the services of our very worthy an<l efficient Countv Chairman, Major TIIOS. W. WOODWAKi), Be it resolved by this Club, that we hereby nominate him for the office of State .Senator in the approaching election, subject to the action of the primary. Cedar Creek Democratic Clue. May olst, 1SS4. r-* mur* r tct a rrrvnt? Messrs. Editors: The friends of ilr. CHARLES A. DOUGLASS fully recognizing his qualifications to represent Fairfield county in the House of Representatives, very respectfully nominate him for the same at the ensuing election; subject to the action of the Democratic party at Hid rnnrrmrtr nlpr-fifm Messrs. Editors: Please announce Capt. LLAYXE McMEEKIN as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives of South Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primary election; and oblige Many Fkiends. * Messrs. Editors: Please announce Mr. W. B. ESTES as a suitable person to represent our county in the House of Representatives of South Carolina, said nomination subject to the action of the Democratic Darty at the primaries. Mast Fhiexds. FOE SHERIFF. Messrs. Editors: Please announce J NO. D. McCARLEY as a candidate for rejection to the office of Sheriff of Fairfield county.subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Tirvn /*T *T7»T>TT AD nATTTVP JC VJIV V^jU^JLVJDl OUUJit,! . Mmrs. Editors: Please announce R. 31JENNINGS as a candidate for Clerk of Court, subject to tlie action of the Democratic primary; and oblige * Many Friends. Mr. W. II. KERR is hereby announced is a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of Court.subject to the result of the Democratic primary. . * Messrs. Editors: Friends of JXO. J. NEIL, Esq., very' respectfully nominate him for the office" of Clerk of "Court for Fairfield jounty, at the ensuing election, fully recognizing his ability to discharge the duties of said office satisfactorily. This nomination subject to the action of the Democratic Clubs at the primary election. * FOE JUDGE OF PROBATE. Messrs. Editors: Please announce J. E. BOYLES a candidate for re-election as Judge of Probate for this Count}'.subject to the regulations of the Democratic party. * FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. MR. JAMES L. RICHMOND is hereby mnounced as a candidate for re-election as bounty Commissioner, subject to the 2 ction >f the Democratic primary. * * ' Messrs. Editors: Please announce J. A. rURKETT as a candidate for the office of bounty Commissioner, subject to the iction of the Democratic primary; and junge jjiajnx rkiiiimjs. The friends of Mr. JAMES G. HERON, espectfully nominate him for County Commissioner at tiie ensuing election, subect to the Democratic primary. * FOIl SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. Please announce Dr. J NO. BOYD as a candidate for re-election to the office of school Commissioner, subject to the action )f the Democratic primary. Ma>"y Friends. AT THE CORNER STORE. BEST CREAM CHEESE, MACARONI and SODA CRACKERS. B CIST'S GARDEN SEED, IRISH POTATOES, for Planting and Eating, ONION SETS, &c. LOVERS OF GOOD AND FINE HTTP,WING 'mr.ACCO kvill pleese call at my store and sample ny stock. The PRICES I ASK ARE "SURE TO SELL THE GOODS. SPRING STOCK OF ZEIGLER BROTHERS' AND BAY STATE SHOES expected in a few weeks. Please bear this in mind and wait folic BEST. .Respectfully, J. M. BEATY. "reasonable c!aan«t t GRAIN CltADLES, GRASS BLADES, - ... ] BUSH BLADES, CRADLE BLADES, REAP HOOKS, BRADE'SKOES, HANDLED HOES, SCYTHE STONES. To arrive in a few days a full line I? PLOWS AND SWEEPS. «^3 MY GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS . KEPT UP TO ITS USUAL STANDARD. LARRABEE'S CRACKERS AL-| WAYS on HAND and FRESH. | On consignment, a lot of Cat-tail MILLET SEfcD, for cash only. R. M. HUEY. STAG BOASTED COFFEE, a! blend of Mocha and Java, the finest goods put up. Ariosa and Jumbo are good Kios.! The Best Gunpowder and Hysons for hot and a good Black Formosa for cold teas. J. II. CUMMINGS. HAMS, Breakfast Bacon, New Orleans Molasses, Canned Meats, Vegeta-j bles and Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Baisins, Currants, Primes, Citron. Obelisk Pickles, Pints, Plain, Chow and Mixed. Ten cents -r»_~i 1 uututi JDUUiU IV rtuy IJIUIUC 1IU&UU. tf J. H. CUMMIXGS. THE CHAMPION - 71rt«-mavin nrtri HiyiJavn mm* aim mk * S ALL PARTIES DESIRING TO PUTi- V chase the CELEBRATED CHAMPION , HAHVESTING MACHINES, and will give us tlieir order within the next ten or fifteen days, so as to enable us to get up a full car-load, reducing freight, we will sell at the following prices: J < LIGHT two-horse, self-raker S100 00 HEAVY two-horse, self-raker $120 00 BINDER, improved patern 18S4.5235 00 BINDER,- patern 1883. §200 00 ,>2 Bear in mind that the CHAMPION BINDER for 188i is the only Binder tha has any material improvements over las season; it is three hundred and fifty pounds lighter, and is unquestionably the best . Binder ever made. Our last year's Binder is far superior to any machine on the market We have already engaged several machines this season and sold several last year, enough to make it to our interest to keep in stock the parts tliat are liable to break or wear, saving you the time and expense of telegraphing for what you need. Time is precious during the harvest, as every fanner knows. Come to see us be- . . fore purchasing. We will give time until the 15th of October where desired. W. R. DOTY & CO. Ap 3-fx2w SAVE IVIB FKl n.-sianaara Granulated Sugar 11 pounds for $1.00. Standard A12 pounds, Extra C 13 pounds, Good Brown 14 pounds. J. H. CUMMINGS. "* ' I have known and watched the use of Shrift's Spc eULe for over fifty years, and have never known or neara or a laucia to cure Blood Poison wnen properly token. Insedit on my servants from IS50 to 1865, as did also a number of my neighbors, and ic every case that came within myknowledge it effected ficnra. In all my life I have never known a remedy that would bo fully accomplish what it is recommended to do, E. L. DENNAEB, Perry, Gar I have known and used Swift's Specific for mojp than twenty years, and have seen more wonderful' results from its use than from any remedy in or out of the Pharmacopoeia. It is a certain and e&Iff antidote to all eorts or Blood Poison. ^ J. DICKSON SMITH, 1L D.. WHAT DRUGGISTS SAT Who have Seen the Effects of Severe TestsJ ^Beasei^we lave*ever hftnriTedl"" rr"1lV'Tr fnr ~ ."* SCHILLEB & STEVENS, Washiagtoc, D C. Mirny physicians hare endorsed S.S. S. as a sparine for Stood Diseases. . S. MANSFIELD & CO., Memphis. -7 Eavc seen S. S. S. stop the ha5r'fron£falIinj? out ia. a verv short time. VfonderTul e£ects in all Skin or Elood Diseases. W. H. P^ITTEBSON, Dallas, Texars ». "We do not hesitatojto say that for a year past wc have sold more of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) than. all other Blood Purifiers combined, and with most astonishinz results. One centleman who used half a dozen bottles says that it has done him more good than treatment which cost him $1,000. Another who has used it for a Scrofulous a£e>ction reports a perKumeat cure from its use. ?* VAN ETTA ACE, STEVENSON & COi>. Chicago. ' . Wjb' SI,OOD BEWARD! 57111 be paid to any Chemist who will find on analysis of 100 bottles S. S. S., one particle of Hercury, PntsMBinrrij riT arty tt»rural ra'n«frrn<y>, £ TEE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. 1 farttoiaae Soot, \rtfcbwm txsicaflea See. » Pried fimall ate, glXQ pgrbottla. Lege tfzet Jioiaicg qsaalU??, 51=7: tKJWfi, AUfiOft J ASKSQ& ' > -'? «^°poe<":04i G § Bradfeld's Femlei « asgiiiawr Is a Special Remedy forsll diseases pert&inlas to TS# womb, and any intelligent woman can core herself by following the directions. It is especially efficacious in eases of SUPPEES32D 02 pa2c7cl HZKSCBU* aiton, th2 Whites, and Pabhal Peoulpsus. It affords immediate relief and permanently restores the Menstrnal Function- Asa remedy to be used during that critical period known as ** Change at Idie," this invaluable preparation has no rival! :'trJ Holmes' Liniment- Is an INESTIMABLE BOOK to allchUd-bearing women; a real blessing to goffering females; a true MOTHER'S FRIEND. When applied two or three months before confine* ment it will produce a safe and quick delivery, control pain, and alleviate the usual agonizing suffering beyond the power of language to express ft Pryor's fitment r Is a sure and speedy care for Blind or Bleed* tap Piles, Sores, Ulcers, Tumors, Fistula! Burns, Corns, Felons, Sore Nipples, etc. Its effects are amply marvelous, and it is an inexpressible blessing to all afflicted with, either of the above complaints. Try it 1 For circulars, testimonials, and full portico- lars, aaarcss ovic duu .r.Kuiaaciuw u* these .vj THREE GREAT REMEDIES I J. BEAD FIELD, . No. 108 South-Pryor St., ATLANTA, QA. jj i nousanas 01 women over we ;uau tc&u£1 fy to the wonderful effects of this great rem- B H cdy; it will not only shorten labor and lessen B B the intensity of pain and snffering beyond S B expression, but better than all, it thereby S ^ 3 greatly diminishes the danger to life of botn jg B mother and child. This great boon tosuf- B B fering woman is Helmet' Liniment, or B S Mauler's Friend. Prepared and sold by J. £g Bsadfield, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all 3 B Druggists. Price $JL50 bottle. Sent B 85^ by Expreea on receipt of price. v^j

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Page 1: · >' * r ML LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. * ||PWEDXESUAY.June 18. . : ; 1SS4. X-w Adrertismentii. Moneyr-t>avcu.u

>' *



||P WEDXESUAY. June 18. . : ; 1SS4.

X -w Adrertismentii.r- . T> . TT- I..*

Money t>avcu.u. J\. uciuinx.

Nomination for Coroner.Nomination for Representative.Nomination for Representative.Nomination for County Commissioner.Nomination for County Commissioner.Nomination for County Commissi^ nLSurvivors of 12th S. C. V..F. B.

Austin, President.L. >cal Briers.

.Head the new advertisements ofMr. J. II. Cnmmings in this morning's

l .A great deal of grain is yet to be

itejk harvested in the county. The bavestBTjng has been hindered Ijv ^ vrrnyj

Sda^j^rfTtl'icr of ilic present week.We have two Osborn Reapers on

rfiand, which we win sen cncapui wan

any other reaper in the market.Slay 24* R! J. McCarley & Co.

.The Citizens' Cornet Band desiresro return thanks to the Thespian Corpsand the ladies for the money recently

^ given them for the purpose of purchasing- new instruments..The little black bugs, supposed to

come from the oats, infect some por-iions of the town by the millions.

f . They are more numerous of course

upon the premises surrounded or

]' i adjacent to grain fields. The existence

^ of this nuisance gives one a faint ideao..'the plagues of Egypt..Call at the office of R. J. McCarley& Co. and leave your order for the

"Waynesboro "Eclipse" Grain Separaj^^-^for,the best grain saver-in the marilllfket. Mar 20*

||P| .The sheriff ami the floor of the

Skating Rink together caused a slightfjf shock in town somewhat akin to an

H earthquake one night recently. TheB sheriff is well again, but Mr. Boag

mh| complains of the damage done the floor

P -of the Academy of Music. Mutual>T . friends are trying to affect a compromisebetween the parties.

Personal..Mrs. Solomon Wolfe,of Dallas, Texas, and Miss Etta Wolfe,

* who has been spending several monthsj,

in Xew York city, ::re both on a visit i

to the family ofMr. S. Wolfe in this

place. We wish both of them a pluas^ant sojourn in Winnsboro.

r Arrested..David Kelly who struckMr. Jesse Terrace a severe blow on

^ the head with an axe on the 3d of JunenearWhite Oak, was arrested ou last

Sunday night at Bnukhead, by Mr. M.Y. Milling and Mr. Win. Hamilton

& and safely lodged in jail. We are gladt^r%« Koo TiOQT'Iv

way 10 icaru mai jjxi. iuia^ uu.;

recovered from his wound.

Chester's Record..The ChesterReporter says: "Our county treasurer

^ of this county made collections oftaxes last monfh as follows: State tax,S2.77S.31; county tax, $1,666.59; rail-road tax, $2,222.23; school tax, $1,487.60;poll tax, $65.50. Total, $8,liieMay couccuo.i lust jwi

§|*>iiuted to $8%822.29."*


f% jjprDeath..Mi-.?. Sarah Simpson, wife/of Mr. John Simpson, died last weekat Halsellviile. She was about

HP vears of ag-e, a consistent meaner ofthe Beaver Creek Baptist QrfTrch, and jmany would testify to her'worth. Her

many friends in Chester and Fairfield^ counties will be sp?<V to learn of her

death. /

STOKM.-r-^ wind storm of some proporugHSvisitedthe northwestern portio/fof the county in the neighborhood7 - o

Albion in the early part of this

k^week. There was no rainfall of anyconsequence, but considerable damagewas done the fencing in the neighborhoodand manv larsre trees were blowndown. No farther injury resultedfrom the storm.

t Death..The little daughter of Mr.Joseph Gilbert, of GafFuey City, wasburied in the graveyard of the Presbyterianchurch in this place on lastTuesday, the 10th inst. The Eev.. "» ajL>. .Li. JOman omciaieo. at me iunerai

ceremonies. Mr. Gilbert was formerlyly a resident of "VVinnsboro, and his

I Hl friends here and elsewhere will sym1!K\Pa**"ze him in his sorrow and

^affliction.r Gladder's Grove Clue..At a

meeting' of the Gladden's Grove DemocraticClub 011 last Saturday, the 7thfe inst., the following-named gentlemen

were elected delegates to the County^ Convention: Messrs. Richard Featherston,John M. Gayden, J. M. Higgias,

Daniel Hall, Ji\, and Edward D. MobIley;Alternates, Dr. J. A. Scott andMr. John Johnston. The meeting wassmall but all necessary business was

transacted. The Club adjourned toIrneet on the first Saturday in cach

jnonth at three o'clock.

Death op Miss Hoffman*..Missk~n:~ nf at,, n p

gggtUliiU JU-VaJUAUWij VI.»VL& V*. - .

HRoffman, of Blythewood, died at

B^herille, N. C., on Tuesday, the 10th

K:is:.> after an Illness of several months.;BF This saa event has cast a gloom over

Bm tiic community where she was so well jH; known and so much beloved. Miss!Hp Hoffman had frequently visited Winns-!

id always made warm friendsThe afflicted family have thesympathy of ill. The funeralwere held at Blythe'wood on

r Gaillaed..Cadet D. D.1, of the "West Point Academy, Iifth in the graduating class,i . - .ii_ x? ?L'ujuy tue uisuuciioii oi guiug:orps of engineers. Mr. Gail-i host- of friends in "Winns-jkarc both pleased and proudfehis creditable career..ItK.a recent issue of a North-Bkilr. Gaillard had beenAge of a cavalry drill!

HI information has beenHfc his injuries were

iBExgixe Company,H§B»i2eeting of the


in the Town Hall on Tuesday after-

noon, the 10th inst. The principalbusiness of the meeting was the electionof officers for the ensuing year.The following is the result of the election:

President.T. II. ICetchin.Vice-President.J. II. (Jammings.Secretary.W. C. Beaty.Treasurer.C. M. Chandler.1st Director.II. B. McMaster.2nd Director."VVm. L. Timmons.oril .jjuujs caumvio

4th Director.W. J. Elliott.Chief Engineer.W. A. Beaty.1st Assistant Engineer.D. E. Flennikeu.2nd Assistant Engineer.B. J. Quattlebaum.Axemen.II. Y. Milling, II. Lu Elliott,Jr.Pipemen.J. M. Elliott. Jr., C. P.

Gladden.Solicitor.J. E. McDonald.There being no farther business, the

company adjourned to meet at the callof the president.Entertainment at White Oak..A

very enjoyable and successful entertainmentwas given by the Young People'sLiterary Club at "White Oak on

the 6th inst. A neat stage had beenerected in the school house which forthe time served all the purposes of a

theatre. The whole programme was

successfully rendered by the youngpeople, each and every one of whomseemed to enter into the spirit of theirrespective roles. The programme consistedof tableaux, charades, instrumentaland vocal music, all of whichwas exceptionally well rendered for

* 1 -1

amateurs, many 01 wnom snuweu

ranch artistic skill. An admission feeof twenty-five cents was charged, andnetted about thirty dollars, which weunderstand will be devoted to some

charitable purpose. With a "Goodsmio- the entertainment closed.

o I

The Literary Club was formed principallyfrom scholars in the school ofMr. J. S. Brice, although many youngpeople not connected with the schoolare members. The whole entertainmentwas under the supervision ofMr. Brice and Miss Maggie Robinsou,and much of the success of theperformance was due to their effortsWe hope the Literary Club may see

fit to give another performance, andwith their small experience they nodonbt will be still more proficient.Crops in tiie County..The followingpartial report of the crop prospectsin Fairfield county appears in

the last monthly report of the Departmentof Agriculture:"W. 1 Tl,n cTM'ino- lir.e

i.u» ^5tnr «i.yv* °l/l 4,*6 UMO

been too cold, and on gray lands rathertoo wet for wheat and oats. Our pastures,which are never sown withgrasses, are generally covered with a

spontaneous growth of wire and Egyptian(Means or Johnson) ofrass, withan inteamixtnre of cane fringing thewater courses. There arc in this pasturage an aggregate are? ofabout twenty acres of luxuriant cloveron red land's and'a few small pat ±esnf Knrlov T'Jio notrirsl orrowth fif t-hlS

pasture land, which was considerablyretarded by the cold until the middleof April, is now auite luxvriant andAj^iuiy ueveiopuig." i-'Wallaceyille. . The writer has our> cow for three months^ January,February, March and April, onthree and a half acres sown in rye, *

with no other food, and she gave anabundance of milk.Mt. Zion..Lucerne is the favorite

soiling plant, while clover and orchardgrasses are the best for hay and pastures.There is never any difficulty ingetting a stand and is not killed" bycold in winter nor sun in summer.Bear Creek..There is but little

grass iu pastures, except broomsedgoand Japan clover. On these the cattlekeep in good condition from May 1.Brice..Our pastures generally are

-l.i -c-i~~ J..;mUlll JLieiUS ctiiu itlC tUVCICU Willi! >Yliu

clover. Some few pastures are on

creek bottoms too much subject tooverflow for cultivation and afford finenatural pasturage for cattle. Very littlegrain of any kind sown for pasture.Hokeb..No grasses sown for pasturage.Some barley and lucerne

patches for spring cutting.THE BATTLE OFDREWRY'S BLUFF.

The Gallant Defenders of the Flag of theSeventh Battalion.

The following communication appeal'sin the News and Courier:In your supplement of the 31st alt.,

in the article entitled the "Battle ofDrewry's Bluff," you print concerning"officers and men mentioned for gallantconduct" in Hagood's Brigade,"in Seventh Battalion, South CaroliuaVolunteers. Bersrt. J. E. Onbw Com-panv H., color-bearer, killed."There was no Onby in that command.Sergt. A. P. Irbv, of Company H,

was wounded at Drewry's Bluff onthe 16th, and promoted as ensign "forgallantr»" on the 25th May, 1864. Heis living, an honored and respectedcitizen of Laurens county.The first color-bearer killed at DiewRlnfFwfis R<vo+_ .T. "FT. (Intz. of

Company H, Edgefield." The nextkilled was Sergt. J. B. Robertson, ofCompany B, Fairfield. The colorethen fell to Sergt. George W. Kennington,of Company F; Lancaster, whowas badly wounded. The fourth colorbearerwas Sergt. Preston Cooper, ofCompany B, Fairfield. Both of thelatter were living at the last time Iheard of them.Young Cooper brought out the flag.

Its staff was riddled and shot in two,and its foulds had fifty-seven new bnl-icl-iivjus tuiuugu tuuuli aiiu. -acic as

cleau as 011 the day of their presentation,without a single rent or stain.War. M. Thohas.

Charleston, S. C., June 2, 1882.Judge Thomas is in error when he

says that Sergt. A. P. Irby "is livingan honored and respected citizen ofLaurens county.'7 Mr. Irby is a citizenof Fairfield and not of Laurens.Mr. Cooper referred to in the communicationabove was afterwards shot inthe leg at the battle of "Weldon Roadswitn rue same oaiue nag in ms uauus.

From this wound Mr. Cooper lost hisleg. It might be well to add that everyone of the color guard was killed or

shot down except Mr. Cooper and theflag though punctured with fifty-sevenbullet-hoTes not a one of the thirteenstars were touched.



The Closing Exerclses---An Acaceinyofwhich Fairfield Should Be Proud.The Crosby Institute closed with afivedays examination on the 13th inst.

The exercises on the last day, whichwere as usual well attended, were entirelyvoluntary with the pupils and


wholly extemporaneous, the Boardhaving acted on the advanced convictionthat the pnpils should struggle oftheir own accord for the acquisition ofready, practical knowledge; and thatit is on the whole better for the pupilsto fail, if necessary, in an examinationthan for the public to be even tempo-ramy deceived with elaborate displayswhose preparation bad squanderedaway perhaps two months of valuabletime. The brevity of the time demandeda mutilation of the progrmme. Thepart exhibited consisted of competitiveskill from volunteers in spelling with

lirt/YL- nn hlf>f>thnards. fn fwhich there were about a thousandsquare feet), and "by heart;" in reading;in writing on paper and blackboards; in arithmetic; in debating thesubject, "Which should wc make our

surplus crop, Cotton or Grain?; insinging; and in fancy needle-work.All these were agreeably interspersed

An/1W% rVMIt-1 AWilli VUUU UiJU iliaii uuioiv j

and the occasion appeared to be one ofmuch credit to the competitors, of entiresatisfaction to the patrons, and ofgreaj enjoyment (o "one and all." Thecompetition was so close as to renderthe decisions of the Awarding Committeea matter ofsome embarrassment.The following prizes, fciven by thu Principaland awarded by the various committees,were presented in his ususlnappy oy tne itev. jui\ jyianonvue

butter-dish to Miss Mary L. Weir, forbest spelling- with the book; one pocketknife to Mr. Ohas. A. McLurkin forbest spelling on blackboard; one preserve-dishto Miss Sallie C. Chappell,of Jenkinsville, for best spelling "byheart;" one pair Suspenders and boxof pens to Mr. Jno. J. Robertson, ofLancaster, for best reading; gobletsand a fan conjointly to Misses Sallie C.Chappell and Callie A. B. Crosby forbest penmanship on blackboards; one

toothbrush to Miss Sallio C. Chappellfor best penmanship on paper; gobletsand a toothbrush conjointly to MissFanny D. Crosby and Jno. J. Robertsonfor best arithmetic; one pocketknife to Mr. Jno. J. Robertson forbest debating.decision of the questionin favor of the negative; on preservedishto Miss Callie A. B. Crosby forbest singing; goblets and spoon-holderconjointly to Misses Sallie C. Chappelland Maggie P. Robertson for bestfancy needle-work'; snspenders, pocketknife and a box of nens coniointlv toMessrs. Chas. McLurkin and Jno J.Robertson for best general deportmentand proficiency; pocket knife to MasterJ. Bennie Johns for best attendance; box of pens and goblets to MissCallie A. B. Crosby for best assistancethroughout the session in the singingdepartment.Seeiug what we have seen so well

wrought out, contrary to all the establishedviews in teaching, we must believethat this Institute, which has vis t-1.loiy cuuu; iu uiijuy me re&ywi, uuuudeuce,esteem and well-wishing of allthe intelligence of the surroundingcountry, is evidently destined to retiresome of the treasured tenets of pedagogy,and marks a new educationalera-.for this section. That it deserves>nq4ess and is rapidly "vvir.niyg it cauiiwhsdoubted by any o»o wlio attendthcimpromptu examinations.


The "Winnsboro Club.

Pursuant to the call of the presidentthe Winnsboro Democratic Club metin the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 10thinst., at 8.30 o'clock p. m. The secretarystated that the minute book of theClub had been misplaced and couldnot be found.Mr. Jno. S. Reynolds moved that

the Club proceed to organize by theelection of officers.Col. Rion moved that a new roll be

signed by those present who wished tocontinue their connection with the

Club, binding themselves by the provisionsof the regular prescribed constitutionof the Democratic party of«-*- n !aJuie ouue. uamcu.

The following persons were electedmembers: Messrs. J. B. DcHerrodora,S. K. McDonald, E. A. Rabb,E. Millette, T. M. Koebuck, JosephBochman, R.T. Matthews, Jas. Pagan,B. J. Qaattlebaum, "W. "VV. KetchiutA. J. White, W. F. Jones, E. P.Lumpkin.An election of officers resulted as

follows:President.Jas. A. Brice.1st Vice-President-Dr. E. B. Han-


2nd Vice-President.Dr. T. T. Robertson.3rd Vice-President.T. Iv. Elliott.Secretary.Jas. Q. Davis.Member of the County Executive

Committee.Jno. S. Reynolds.Col. Rion moved to transact at this

meeting all business which may bebrought before the Club. Carried.Upon motion of Mr. Reynolds the

president was directed to cast at hisleisure the unanimous vote of the Clubfor executive and registration committees.

Col. Rion moved that this Club instructits delegates to the County Conventionto vote for delegates to the

Congressional and Judicial Couven>'AncWIIA will ennnnrf- the candidates

that are the choice of this Club, ana

that the choice of this Club for memberof Congress and Solicitor be now

determined by ballot for each officerespectively. Carried.Hon. H. A. GaiUard was named by

acclai tion as the choice of this Clubfor Congress, and J. E. McDonald,Esq., was named as the choice of thisClub for Solicitor.The following delegates were elected

to the County Convention: Messrs.J. H. Rion, G. H.McMastcr, F. Gerig,J. H. Cummimrs, 11. B. Hanahan,H. A. Gailiard; alternates, J. C. Caldwell,E. J. McCarley.The Club then adjourned subject to

the call of the President.Jas. Q. Davis, Secretary.

The Ridgeway Club.

The Ridgewav Democratic Club metpursuant to notice at Saturday, June14, 18S4:


The following delegates to the Conn-,tv Convention were elected . un-1


pledged: !C. E. Thomas, John Boyd, J. T.

Stewart, S. F. Cooper, J. R. Thomas,A. F. Ruff and F. M. Spcnce.A resolution endorsing J. E. McDonaldfor Solicitor was adopted.The following officers were elected

for the next two years:President.C. E.Thomas.1st Vice-President.A. F. Ruff.2nd Vice-President.S. F. Cooper.Secretary and Treasurer.TV. II.

Ruff.Executive Committee Man.J. T.

Stewart.The president then made his usual

committee appointments, and the Clubadjourned, subject to his call. Ridgeway,as usual, will hold her own.

~\y. Ct. Hinnaxt,Secretary pro tera.

The Blythewood Clnb.

At the call of the president the JBlythewood Democratic Club assembledat its headquarters at five o'clock,p. m., on Saturday last. PresidentJ. L. Wardlaw stated the object of the

meeting, viz., to reorganize and to1 1 -1 L. pAiitrnn_

CiCCl delegatus iu LUV; \yuiiin» wntviition.Mr. G. P. Hoffman was called to the

chair and A. J. Lamar requested to

act as temporary secretary.A permanent organization was effectedby the election of Mr. G. P.

Hoffman as President, TV. H. Jones1st Vice-President, J. TV. Brown 2ndVice-President, A. J. Lamar Secretary,TV. J. Johnson member of the

County Executive Committee.Upon a call for new members twenty-onenames were added to the roll.Tlie Club being entitled to six delegates

in the County Convention thefollowing were elected: G. P. Hoffman,J. B. Xelson, J. L. Wardlaw,W. J. Johnson, J. D. Ilogan, AVr. "SV.Smith. Alternates.B. P. Hoffman,H. E. Hood.Mr. G. P. Hoffman was nominated

for the Legislature by a rising vote,amid much enthusiasm. Blythcwood

ir\ o Anieeis wiiu 5UU ci»iiuv,u iv «.«, w..

the ticket, and judging from the toneof the meeting she is going to do herbest to get it. A. J. Lamak,

Secretary.The Greenbrier Club.

Greenbrier Democratic Club met at

three o'clock, p. in., Saturday, 14thJune, President T. J. Perry presiding.After being organized the names ofJ. E. Elkin, C. R. Joiner, J. F. Lvies,C. K. Rabb and John Paul were proposedfor membership and they were

elected members by acclamation.

The Club then went into an electionof officers, with following resnlt:President.S. R. Rutland.1st Vice-President.C. K. Rabb.2nd Vice-President.J W. McCanls.Secretary and Treasurer.W. F.

Jackson.Member Countv Executive Commit-

tee.W. R. Rabb.The Club then went into an election

of five delegates to the County Convention,which resulted in the electionof the following-named persons: T. J.Perry, N. C. Robertson, J. R. Delleny,S. E. Rutland and J. W. McCants.

nnra and St W. Rrown.The delegates, by a vote of the Club,

were iustructed to support Jno. S.Reynolds for Solicitor of this Circuit.The following resolutions were unanimouslypassed:Resolved, That th^ action 'of the

Cedar Creek Dem. -ratic Club, innominating our esteemed fellow-citi>' m -\ir iTf ,1 1 <UAzcn jviaj. x. vy. yvouuwiuu ivi mc

office of State Senator, meets with our

hearty approbation, and that we urgeupon him the acceptance of the same.

Resolved, That the thanks of thisClub are due and are hereby tenderedto Capt. T. J. Perry for the efficient,kind and courteous manner in whichhe has presided over this Club for thelast two years, and that in retiringfrom the office of president he carrieswith him the hearty good-w "11 of everyindividual member.The secretary was instructed to forwardto The News and Herald the

proceedings of this meeting for publication.The Club then adjourned to meet at

the call of the president.S. R. .Rutland, President.

W. H. Padgett, Secretary.

The Horeb Club.The Ilorel) Democratic Club met on

Saturday, tiie iitn mst., at o p. w.,and was called io order by the president,H. A. Glenn. An election forofficers was held with the followiu#result:President.H. A. Glenn.1st Vice-President.A. P. Irby.

"2nd Vice-President.U. C. Trapp.Secretary.T. W. Scruggs.Member County Execnlive Committee.D.G. RufF."ClubExecutive Committee.R. II.

Jennings, W. ]ST. Mason and W. P.

Jones;The following resolution was unanimouslyadopted:Resolved, That we second the action

of the Cedar Creek Club in nominatingMajor Thos. "W. Woodward as a can/ l.ifr*SonotoUUI.V iui LilV ts^V^lULV*

The following were elected delegatesto the County Convention: "W. N.Mason, A. P. Irby, D. N. Mann, W. P.Gibson and I). G. Kuff.The fourth Saturday in every month,

at three o'clock, was fixed as the timefor the meeting of otir Club. Candidatestake notice and govern yourselvesaccordingly. D. G. Ruff.

Secretary pro tem.

The Jenkinsville Clab.The Jenkinsville Democratic Club

met at three p. m., Jane 14th., PresidentD. L. Glenn in the chair. TheClub reorganized by electing by acclamationthe following officers:President.D. L. Glenn.Vice-President.J. K. Cook.Secretary and Treasurer.Dr. J. G.

McMeekin.Member County Executive Commit-

tee.A.M. Wallace.Delegates to County ConventionMessrs.A. M. "Wallace, C. B. Douglassand ~\Y. T. Yarborough.The delegates were instructed to

vote in convention for J. E. McDonaldfor Solicitor.The following resolution was adoptedunanimously by the Club:jResolved, That we nominate Mr.


\ f

A. M. "Wallace as the choice of theClab for State Representative, subjectto the primaries

J. G. McMeekix,Secretary aiui.Treasurer.

The Yonguesvillc Club.

The Yongnesville Democratic Clubmet on Saturday. The following delegateswere elected to the County Convention:J. W. Caldwell, Thos. P.Mitchell, T. S. Brice, N. Dunbar,II. W. Adams. The other proceedingshave not been furnished.

The liOngtOTrn Club.The Longtown Democratic uiud met i

011 Saturday, the 14th inst., and rcor-

ganized by electing the following officersand also electing; delegates to theCounty Convention :

President.J. D. Harrision.1st Vice-President.R. C. Reeves.2nd Vice-President.T. J. H. Jones.3rd Vice-President.Joseph Stewart.Secretary.Levi Moore.Treasurer. w. Aiatnus.

Member County Executive Commit-tee-D. W. Tidwell.Delegates to the County Convention

.D. W. Tidwell, J. D. Harrison,R. C. Reeves, G-. Smith.The president appointed the follow-

iugf committees :f; <

Executive Committee.G. W. Wilds,J. P. Jones, W. Mathus.Committee on Registration.S. McCormick,E.P. Jenkins, W. H.Haynes.The meeting was well attended and

much interest manifested, and from

present indications the old LongtownClub will still sustain their past record.Resolutions of thanks were passed

for the able and eflTicient Major T. W.Woodward, who has always led the

old J airfield Democracy to victory.and not only their thanks, but theirsuffrage for any position at their hands.Resolutions were also passed endorsingthe Hon. II. A. Gaillard for Congress

; and honorable mention was alsomade of our past representatives. ,

Messrs. Douglass, McMaster and Mc- ;Meckin. But for fear our sister clubsmay think we are endeavoring to takein the whole field, we refrain from 1

more, yet we think, witnout naiteryto ourselves, we can take a more unbiasedview than most of the clubs,from the simple fact that we havenever had a candidate for any position,and therefore have no horses to swap, <

nor axes to grind.We will welcome in our midst the 1

entire crop of candidates. The troutseason is about over, but catfish and

rn.r* nKniulonf TXTlfllUUiUK Ut'I 1 1C* UlU auinui

promise of a little mutton. Comesoon.J. D. Harrison,President.

Levi Moore, Secretary. j. -\



Jfessrs. Editors: Fully appreciating ]the past services of Major Thos. W. 1

"Woodward as a leading member of the 1

Democratic party ill Fairfield county,and in recognition of His consequentclaims to any position of honor it may '

be within the power of the the FairfieldDemocracy to bestow upon him, (

I withdraw my name as a candidate 1

for the office of State Senator, andr»m . inrrrs

respecuuny UaH. UJill/ juu luang mio |announcement in the next issue ofyour valuable paper.

Yours, &cMA. S. Douglass.


William F. "Watt.

Ah! how sad to give back to earth one

so loved, so noble and so good, whose win- .

ning smile attracted all; one so eminently \qualified to complete our happiness here. 1

but, alas, tbe choicest fruit in the vineyard wasalso known to our Heavenly Father. ]TTo \vjic waller! to that far awav home of the f

soul. His favorite song was "Home of the <

Soul". IIow often have I listed to his jdear voice in singing these"words:£"Oh, how sweet it will ho in that beautiful <

land,So free from all sorrow and pain;

"With songs on our lips and with harps inour hands, ,

To meet one another again."Mr. Watt was born and raised in Fairfieldcounty^ South Carolina. He married

Miss Sallic J. Bell, of Mississippi, andmoved to Lind Grove, Louisiana, about t

1839, where for thirty-three years he made 5

his home. Two years ago he moved to. \Starkville, Mississippi, where after a long ]illness and much suffering he died on the <

29th ult. lie was a patient suiierer, ana

liis death was that of a Christian. liesaid he was "going home." For many .

years he was a member of the Methodistchnreli and superintendent of the SundaySchool at Lind Grove. The Lord Ibveth a

cheerful giver, then how surely he lovedhim, for lie "visited the Fatherless andWidows in their afflction" and many athome and abroad have cause to bless himfor his charii*^. lie leaves a wife and son

to mourn his luss. (

Oh, fond wife, who for thirty-five yearswas liis loving companion, grieve not wu .

much.your loss is his eternal gain, and in '

a little while you will meet the husband 1

you love so well. I never saw a more do- jvoted couplc.

"No frost, ;Their home's threshold ever crossed, \Com'e what might of good or ill, <Mutual love kept shining still,

Andwhen life some joy denied.Love still found them side by side,With the trust tney learneu xo snow,Five and thirty years ago."Though it had been many years since

Mr. Watt had lived in Fairfield, he stillloved the place of his birth, and oftenspent his summers here with his manyrelatives and friends. Such visits were as

bright oases to his relatives here who lovedhim so fondly; but, alas! our dear relativehas crossed that bourne from whence no

I x 1x Ji XI-:- ^.xl- ...HI (traveler rtaiuxis, <iuu ims euitu wm iv«iuvy

him 110 more. Farewell, dear friend.wehope to meet you "over there." M.

Fairfield County, South Carolina.

COM AND FLOUB MILLS. |THE undersigned now lias charge of the

"OLD McALILLY 3IILLS" whichhave been lately repaired and are now inme very oest coiiQuion. i am nuw

pared to make as GOOD FLOUR andMEAL as can be furnished from any millin Chester or Fairfield. I guarantee alsothe very BEST TURNOUT. My mill islocated at ROCKYMOUXT, near'CatawbaFalls. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give meatrial. - J. A. GLADDEN.May 31-x3m

Against Wind. Storms, Cyclones andTornadoes.

THE undersigned is now prepared towrite Insurance against loss Dy Wind,

Storms, Cyclones and Tornadoes, at reasonablerates, for terms of one, three orfive years. r

/ L N. WITHERS,Agent Home; In. Co., of New Tort

Mch 11-tf jfft*

FOR REPRESENTATIVE.Ifissrx. Editors: Please announce G. P.

HOFFMAN as a candidate for a seat inthe House of Representatives at the en-1suing election.subject to the action of theDemocratic primary.

Many Democrats.

FOR CORONER.Messrs. Editors: Please announce W. W.

SMITII as a candidate for Coroner at theensuing election.subject to the action ofthe Democratic primary.

Many Friends.

FOR REPRESENTATIVE.JTews. Editors: Please announce Mr.

A. M. WALLACE as a candidate for a

seat in the House of Representatives ofSouth Carolina.subject to the action ofthe Democratic part}- in the primary election;and oblige

Jesinsville Club. :

FOR COUXTY COMMISSZOXJEn.The friends of Capt JOHN A. HIXNANTrespectfully nominate him for re-

election to the office of County Commis-sioner.subject to the action of the Demo- jsraxic primary electron.

FOR COVNTY COMMISSIONER.The numerous friends of Mr. JAMES R.

ILVRTEY respectfully nominate him forCounty Commissioner at the approachingelection.subject to the action of the :

Democratic party at the primary election.(

FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER.The numerous friends of Mr. D. II.

ROBERTSON respectfully nominate liirnfor the office of County Commissionersubjectto the action of the Democratic \party at the primary election. <

FOR SOLICITOR.I hereby announce myself a candidate

for Solicitor of the Sixth Circuit, subject tothe action of the Democratic Nominating 1

Convention- I respectfully ask the endorsementof the Democratic County Con-vention of Fairfield.


FOB SOLICITOR. \Messrs. Editors: You will please an-

uounce to the Democracy of Fairfield that[ am a candidate for the office of Solicitorof the Sixth Judicial Circuit.subject tothe action of the Democratic County Contention,which meets on the 21st inst. J

Respectfully, \j. e. Mcdonald.

SUKV1Y0RS or 121'H B. C. V.yOU are earnestly requested to meet atJl the Court House on SATURDAY, jJUNE 28th, for the purpose of making <necessary preparations for our annual re- <mion here on Thursday, August 21. Aiull attendance is earnestly requited.

F. B. AUSTIN,President. (

J. R. Boyles, Secretary. ;June 17-flx2 <

MILL NOTICE!;MILLS are in excellent condition i

L for grinding WHEAT. With facilitiesof TWO SET ROCKS, SUFFICIENTrVATER POWER and two EXPERT ]MILLERS, we guarantee satisfaction bothn quality and quantity of FLOUR. All20ADS leading to our Mills have beenecently worked, under our own super-


rision, and are now in jrood order.J. C. SWYGERT & CO., (

May 31-flx3 Proprietors.


?i/\TTnm /-M7I on \1"\ r/~WT T>T T? A C_/\J Uiil UI JLjuua>j< jiV. II. Kerr, Clerk, as Administrator, withthe Will Annexed, of Mary Marthi, ^DeMcKamie,

Plaintiffs, against Samuel R.Martin, John Willingham, James Willingham.Margaret Hinnant, MarthaElkin,Sarah Watt, Mary Leitner, MattieJones, Mary Busby, Jacob Busby, XathanBusby, Angelina Proctor and the i

Unknown lleirs of Martha Willingham,Defendants. Summons for Belief..Complaint not Served.



required to answer the complaint in;his action, which is filed in the office of J;he Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas'or said County, and to serve a copy of,'our answer to the said complaint on thesubscribers at their office, No. 2, LawSange, Winnsboro, South Carolina, within;wcnty days after the service hereof, ex-UUSive 01 rue day 01 sucu service; una u

,-cu fail to answer the complaint within;he time aforesaid, th2 plaintiffs in thisiction will apply to the Court for the relief jIemanded in the complaint.Dated 1st June, 1884.

RAGSDALE & RAGSDALE,Plaintiffs' Attorneys. 1

ro the Defendants, Samuel R. Martin, 1

John Willinsham, Jacob Busby, AngelinaProctor and the Unknown" Heirs ofMartha Willingliam:Take notice that the summons in this

iction, of which the foregoing is a copy, jind the complaint were filed in the office ,

jf the Clerk of the Court of Common J

Pleas, at "VVinnsboro, in the County of iFairfield, in the State of South Carolina, 1

)n the 9th day of June, 1884.RAGSDALE & 11AGSDALE, t

Plaintiffs' Attorneys.June 11-xGt



)f FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES that youlan save money by buying from

id. .a.,Ilis Standard A Sugar at 12 pounds for

:he §1.00, and Best Granulated at 11 pounds[or the §1.00 can't be BEAT IN TOWN;3ood Green Coffee 8 pounds for the $1.00.Fry it and be CONVINCED that it isMONEY SAVED to buy, not only onethins, but any and everything you need inGROCERIES from


ST" Candidates, if vou wish successful,Lectioneer OuIIENDRIX'S ChoiceCigars.


A. COUNTY CONVENTION OF THEDemocratic party of Fairfield is herebycalled, to meet in the Court House atWinnsboro, on SATURDAY, the 21st dayof JUNE, 1884, at eleven o'clock in theforenoon, for the transaction of such businessas shall come before it.Each regularly organized Club of not less

jhan twenty-five enrolled members is ontitldto - representation, as follows: Onedelegate for the Club at large, and one

additional delegate for every twenty-fiveenrolled members.Presidents of Clubs will take the necessarysteps for the reorganization of their

Clubs for the ensuing campaign, and forthe election of delegates as above stated.By order of the County Executive Committee:

T. W. WOODWARD,County Chairman.

j no. o. itey>olds, secretary.May 13-tf

WOODTVARE, Pine, Paper, Cedarand Galvanized Buckets, Well Chain,Wood Spoons, Butter Pruits aud Paddles,Potato Mashers and Steak Mauls, BoilingPins, Pasiry Boards, Lap Boards, Clothesiiars, uiotues rins, wasiiDoarus, iuds,Clothes Lines, Wringers, MeasuresrChurns,Etc. I have sold the UNION CHURN fortwo years, and still sell it and guaranteesatisfaction. J. II. CUMMINGS.



Appreciating the services of our veryworthy an<l efficient Countv Chairman,Major TIIOS. W. WOODWAKi),Be it resolved by this Club, that we hereby

nominate him for the office of State .Senatorin the approaching election, subject tothe action of the primary.

Cedar Creek Democratic Clue.May olst, 1SS4.

r-* mur* r tct a rrrvnt?

Messrs. Editors: The friends of ilr.CHARLES A. DOUGLASS fully recognizinghis qualifications to represent Fairfieldcounty in the House of Representatives,very respectfully nominate him forthe same at the ensuing election; subjectto the action of the Democratic party atHid rnnrrmrtr nlpr-fifm

Messrs. Editors: Please announce Capt.LLAYXE McMEEKIN as a candidate forre-election to the House of Representativesof South Carolina, subject to the action ofthe Democratic party in the primary election;and oblige Many Fkiends. *

Messrs. Editors: Please announce Mr.W. B. ESTES as a suitable person to representour county in the House of Representativesof South Carolina, said nominationsubject to the action of the DemocraticDarty at the primaries.

Mast Fhiexds.

FOE SHERIFF.Messrs. Editors: Please announce JNO.

D. McCARLEY as a candidate for rejectionto the office of Sheriff of Fairfieldcounty.subject to the action of the Democraticprimary.


Mmrs. Editors: Please announce R. 31JENNINGSas a candidate for Clerk ofCourt, subject to tlie action of the Democraticprimary; and oblige

* Many Friends.

Mr. W. II. KERR is hereby announcedis a candidate for re-election to the officeof Clerk of Court.subject to the result ofthe Democratic primary. .


Messrs. Editors: Friends of JXO. J. NEIL,Esq., very' respectfully nominate him forthe office" of Clerk of "Court for Fairfieldjounty, at the ensuing election, fullyrecognizing his ability to discharge theduties of said office satisfactorily. Thisnomination subject to the action of theDemocratic Clubs at the primary election.*


Messrs. Editors: Please announce J. E.BOYLES a candidate for re-election asJudge of Probate for this Count}'.subjectto the regulations of the Democratic party.*


mnounced as a candidate for re-election asbounty Commissioner, subject to the 2 ction>f the Democratic primary.

* *'

Messrs. Editors: Please announce J. A.rURKETT as a candidate for the office ofbounty Commissioner, subject to theiction of the Democratic primary; andjunge jjiajnx rkiiiimjs. The

friends of Mr. JAMES G. HERON,espectfully nominate him for CountyCommissioner at tiie ensuing election, subectto the Democratic primary. *


Please announce Dr. JNO. BOYD as acandidate for re-election to the office ofschool Commissioner, subject to the action)f the Democratic primary.

Ma>"y Friends.






HTTP,WING 'mr.ACCOkvill pleese call at my store and sampleny stock. The PRICES I ASK ARE"SURE TO SELL THE GOODS.

SPRING STOCK OF ZEIGLERBROTHERS' AND BAY STATESHOES expected in a few weeks.Please bear this in mind and wait folicBEST.

.Respectfully,J. M. BEATY.




-... ]


To arrive in a few days a full line





LARRABEE'S CRACKERS AL-|WAYS on HAND and FRESH. |On consignment, a lot of Cat-tail

MILLET SEfcD, for cash only.


blend of Mocha and Java, the finest goodsput up. Ariosa and Jumbo are good Kios.!The Best Gunpowder and Hysons for hotand a good Black Formosa for cold teas.


HAMS, Breakfast Bacon, NewOrleans Molasses, Canned Meats, Vegeta-jbles and Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Baisins,Currants, Primes, Citron. Obelisk Pickles,Pints, Plain, Chow and Mixed. Ten cents

-r»_~i 1uututi JDUUiU IV rtuy IJIUIUC 1IU&UU. tf



71rt«-mavin nrtri HiyiJavn

mm* aimmk* S



HAHVESTING MACHINES, and willgive us tlieir order within the next ten orfifteen days, so as to enable us to get up afull car-load, reducing freight, we will sellat the following prices: J <

LIGHT two-horse, self-raker S100 00HEAVY two-horse, self-raker $120 00BINDER, improved patern 18S4.5235 00BINDER,- patern 1883. §200 00


Bear in mind that the CHAMPIONBINDER for 188i is the only Binder thahas any material improvements over lasseason; it is three hundred and fifty poundslighter, and is unquestionably the best .

Binder ever made. Our last year's Binderis far superior to any machine on themarketWe have already engaged several machinesthis season and sold several last

year, enough to make it to our interest tokeep in stock the parts tliat are liable tobreak or wear, saving you the time andexpense of telegraphing for whatyou need.Time is precious during the harvest, asevery fanner knows. Come to see us be- . .

fore purchasing. We will give time untilthe 15th of October where desired.

W. R. DOTY & CO.Ap 3-fx2w

SAVE IVIB FKln.-sianaaraGranulated Sugar 11 pounds for $1.00.Standard A12 pounds, Extra C 13 pounds,Good Brown 14 pounds.




I have known and watched the use of Shrift's SpceULe for over fifty years, and have never known orneara or a laucia to cure Blood Poison wnen properlytoken. Insedit on my servants from IS50 to1865, as did also a number of my neighbors, and iceverycase that came withinmyknowledge it effectedficnra. In all my life I have never known a remedythat would bo fully accomplish what it is recommendedto do,

E. L. DENNAEB, Perry, GarI have known and used Swift's Specific for mojpthan twenty years, and have seen more wonderful'

results from its use than from any remedy in orout of the Pharmacopoeia. It is a certain and e&Iffantidote to all eorts or Blood Poison.^ J. DICKSON SMITH, 1L D..

WHAT DRUGGISTS SATWho have Seen the Effects of Severe TestsJ

^Beasei^we lave*ever hftnriTedl"" rr"1lV'Tr fnr ~


SCHILLEB & STEVENS, Washiagtoc, D C.Mirny physicians hare endorsed S.S. S. as a sparinefor Stood Diseases. .

S. MANSFIELD & CO., Memphis. -7Eavc seen S. S. S. stop the ha5r'fron£falIinj? out ia.

a verv short time. VfonderTul e£ects in all Skin orElood Diseases.

W. H. P^ITTEBSON, Dallas, Texars ».

"We do not hesitatojto say that for a year past wchave sold more of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) than.all other Blood Purifiers combined, and with mostastonishinz results. One centleman who used halfa dozen bottles says that it has done him more goodthan treatment which cost him $1,000. Another whohas used it for a Scrofulous a£e>ction reports a perKumeatcurefrom its use. ?*



57111 be paid to any Chemist who will find on analysisof 100 bottles S. S. S., one particle of Hercury,PntsMBinrrij riT arty tt»rural ra'n«frrn<y>,

£ TEE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.,Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. 1

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Bradfeld's Femlei«asgiiiawr

Isa SpecialRemedy forsll diseases pert&inlas to TS#womb, and any intelligentwoman can core herselfby following the directions. It is especially efficaciousin eases of SUPPEES32D 02 pa2c7cl HZKSCBU*aiton, th2 Whites, and Pabhal Peoulpsus. Itaffords immediate reliefand permanently restoresthe Menstrnal Function- As a remedy to be usedduringthat critical period known as ** Change at

Idie," this invaluable preparation has no rival!:'trJ

Holmes' Liniment-Is anINESTIMABLEBOOK to allchUd-bearingwomen; a real blessing to goffering females; a true

MOTHER'SFRIEND.When applied two or three months before confine*ment it will produce a safe and quick delivery,control pain, and alleviate the usual agonizingsufferingbeyond the power of language to express ft

Pryor's fitment rIs a sure and speedy care for Blind or Bleed*tap Piles, Sores, Ulcers, Tumors, Fistula! Burns,Corns, Felons, Sore Nipples, etc. Its effects areamply marvelous, and it is an inexpressibleblessing to all afflicted with, either of the abovecomplaints. Try it 1For circulars, testimonials, and full portico-

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No. 108 South-Pryor St., ATLANTA, QA.

jj i nousanas 01 women over we ;uau tc&u£1fy to the wonderful effects of this great rem- BH cdy; it will not only shorten laborand lessen BB the intensity of pain and snffering beyond SB expression, but better than all, it thereby S^3 greatly diminishes the danger to life of botn jgB mother and child. This great boon tosuf- BB fering woman is Helmet' Liniment, or BS Mauler's Friend. Prepared and sold by J. £gBsadfield, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all 3B Druggists. Price $JL50 bottle. Sent B85^ by Expreea on receipt of price.
