year 11 english homework booklet

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  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    Year 11

    Unit 2 English Language Writing

    Homework Booklet


    Unit 2 - Writing

  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    This section will be a writing task. You will be provided with two questions that may be

    linked to the theme of the previous extracts (from the reading paper) and will test your

    ability to write to argue/ persuade or advise.

    You must answer both questions.

    Youmustspend ! minutes on each question.

    "ake sure you include a plan# this can be a list or spider diagram or a $ow chart.

    %xaminers automatically feel happy when they see a plan and it is a good idea to

    keep examiners happy.

    You must ensure you plan and spend time checking. You will be assessed on your

    use of spelling& sentence structure& punctuation and paragraph use. 'f you forget

    about all these things you can go back and add paragraphs by marking your text

    with // to show the examiner you want a new paragraph there.

    Try to use a variety of punctuation ( & #*) this automatically gives you more


    "ake sure you use a variety of sentence structures for e+ect. ,se long

    descriptive sentences followed by short snappy ones.

    Try to expand your vocabulary. ,se words you do not normally use. 't doesn-t

    matter if you-re not completely sure how to spell them. You get points for trying.

    ,se standard %nglish and avoid slang

    "ake sure you engage your reader. ,se any trick you can to guarantee your

    reader is interested and continues to read.

    emember to highlight the key points of the question.

    onsider 0123. 4hat do they want you to write

    5. 4ho do they want you to write it for. 6ow do they want you to present it ("aga7ine article& letter& webpage 8

    make sure you set it out like the presentational feature requested.)

    A Useful hrase to remem!er "oul# !e A$%&E'(


  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    't-s really important to spend 9 minutes planning your ideas by completing a

    spider diagram or list of everything you want to include.

    "ost people lose marks on the exam because they rush straight in and then

    run out of things to say.

    1n easy way to plan is to spider diagram all your initial ideas. Then look at

    your ideas and see if you can add anything else to each branch. 1fter that&look at all the points you have and try to arrange them in an order ofdevelopment. 4hat would be good to use as an introduction& the main andyour conclusion

    The best marks are awarded when people plan what they are going to say

    and you can see a logical development of their argument.

    You need to think about what points you will make and in what order.

    (hink of an e*aminer like a +sh ,ou want to "at"h

    HOOKthem in

    hoose your ANGLE

    ,se PERSUASIVEdevices( to tempt them)

    ANECDOTES( to get them on side)

    STRONG POINTS( to reel them in)

    Hook the &ea#er

    't-s really important that you select your opening line carefully in order tohook the reader into your writing and engage them to want to carry onreading.

    Create anecdotes

    Try to add anecdotes ( mini stories) to your argument or view point to make

    your argument stronger.

    2or example& relate the topic to your own personal experience ( imagined or

    real) or the experience of someone you know ( imagined or real)

    )lan 'trong )oints:

    Try to think about the question in extreme.

    4hat could you say to take the idea to the extreme to help you persuade

    You could use a rhetorical question to really engage the reader with a strong


  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    .he"k ,our writing for %motive language

    %xaggeration or stress



    "agic 2acts and :gures

    ;etailed reasons and

  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    agree that $ey %tage #our students, you know


    &e know !rom e'(erience , that

    (eo(le our age.

    Aiming for an A3 A45

    Eetting the top marks is about making your piece of writing stand out from thecrowd.

    emember the examiner will be reading hundreds of examples of the same thing.6ow can you make yours di+erent

    You could choose to write from the perspective of a character

    Fe creative& show originality and $air.

    Gariety of punctuaton and sentence structure used for e+ect

    1 wide !oca"u#ar$ used for e+ect (crafted)

    Letter Writing

    emember how to set it out& your address at the top right hand corner of the page&the date underneath that on the right& their address on the left top hand side& thenthe ;ear@.. 2inish it o+&yours !aith!ully if you don-t know them&yours sincerely ifyou do know them.

    1fter writing ;ear Hir/"adam& you should include a brief opening paragraph. 'tmight help here to remember this three part structure@3) %xplain why you-re writing.

    5) "ake it clear who you are and what your opinion on this topic is.) Hum up& and lead into the main part of the letter.

    )ear %ir * +adamm writing to e'(ress my outrage at the recent rise in tuition !ees. As someone who

    is thinking o! going to -niversity mysel!, am absolutely a((alled by this unust

    decision !or a number o! reasons. sincerely ho(e by the time you /nish reading

    this letter, you will have come to see sense.


    The best approach seemed to be to include a title and a few empty text

    boxes which indicate pictures& maps etc. "ake it clear that this is a lea$et&but then write the text in straightforward paragraphs. ;on-t forget to usesubheadings and titles.

    .he"k ,our (one an# 't,le

    You need to be completely clear about the conventions of the texts you might

    be asked to produce 1 formal letter

  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    1n informal letter

    1 speech

    1 maga7ine article

    1 review

    1 lea$et

    U'E W&(N7 (E.HN8UE'9Writing to Argue

    This is where you need to balance both sides of an argument and then give your

    own opinion. 't is important that you acknowledge the opposing argument and

    then try to counter argue with your point of view.

    Htart with a statement that you may not agree with. 2or example& AHome people

    believe that @@@.however& ' believe@@..

    ,se useful linking phrases like A6owever-& ATherefore-& ABevertheless-

    ?+er your own opinion& A' believe [email protected]

    ,se the media texts to help you. You can quote from these for extra marks.

    ,se facts and :gures to back up your point. ( if you don-t know any& make them

    up but make sure they are believable)

    ,se rhetorical questions

    ,se emotive language.

    Writing to )ersua#e

    4hen writing to persuade& imagine you are a used car salesman. You mustconvince the reader that you are absolutely right. You are trying to persuade

    someone to do or think something so use all your persuasive powers.

    %xaggerate and stress points. ,nderline your main points

    ,se Awe- and Aus- when you can. This makes the reader feel more people are on

    the side of your opinion.

    emember the magic rule. Hay your point times to make the message more

    e+ective. 2or example& AThese people are helpless& vulnerable and destitute-

    ,se repetition

    ,se emotive language

    ;irect your points personally at the audience& AHurely you would agree-

    ,se rhetorical questions. A's this really what you want-

    2inish on a strong point& AThink about it*-

    Writing to A#ise

    Freak your idea or information down into a series of instructions

    Htructure your advice clearly& so it follows a logical sequence

    ,se bullet points& subheadings or numbering

    ,se anecdotes or

  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    ?+er helpful alternatives& bFe encouraging and keep your tone friendly.

    onsider other places the audience can get help ( organisations& charities&

    internet etc)

    Writing to &E;EW3 ANALY'E3 .%EN( Fe very clear who your audience is and what format you have been asked to


    hoose language that would appeal to your target audience

    'f reviewing something make sure that you consider all aspects of the product

    and who it might appeal to.

    onsider the pros and cons of the product you are reviewing

    'f writing a review& try to sound like an expert and imagine that you have

    done this many times before.

    'f giving your opinion on something& remem"er t%at $ou cou#d ta&e on

    t%e persona o' a c%aracter. 2or example& you could be a very fussy :lmcritic or you could choose a character from TG and imagine they are writingthe review or giving their opinion. Fe as imaginative as possible and don-t beafraid to use humour.

    Fe as imaginative as possible and make your answer stands out from all the

    others the examiner will read.

    ;on-t be afraid to use humour> this is especially important if you are writing

    from the perspective of a character.

    How to e#it an# #raft ,our work

    3) heck you sentence structures> have you varied them for e+ect5) 6ave you used a variety of punctuation for e+ect) hange boring wordsC) an you add an ad

  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    =imited range of punctuation (remember to use 9 types other than full stop

    and comma)

    Home students were still forgetting paragraphs

    You need to make sure you use the right tone and style for your audience.

    "any students have been marked down because they used a tone which wasinappropriate for the task. 'n particular& it can seem they are not respectfulenough of the audience& sound too informal and unworthy of seriousconsideration.

    The students who did best in the writing exam had a clear sense of purpose

    and expressed their ideas clearly. 't was absolutely clear what their point ofview was& and they stuck to this without saying irrelevant or vague things.

    How to get a '.&A)E a . who are you writing for

    P ( 0aragraphs and punctuation

    E ( %ngage your reader& make your work stand out from thecrowd.

    Useful we!sites to hel ,ou reise

    3. http//www.w

  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    Homework tasks

    )or& t%rou*% eac% o' t%e +uestons "e#ow,

    T%n& a"out t%e PA-.

    /ou must nc#ude a p#an wt% eac% answer0 and spend no more t%an 12

    mnutes on eac% +ueston,

    Use t%e se#'3assessment c%ecst on t%e ne4t pa*e to c%ec& t%rou*%

    $our wor& w%en $ou %a!e 5ns%ed,

    Eac% secton contans +uestons on a## t%e d6erent t$pes o' wrtn* $ou

    m*%t *et n t%e e4am7 artc#es0 #ea8ets0 reports0 re!ews0 #etters and


    /ou s%ou#d comp#ete a## t%e +uestons n eac% secton "e'ore mo!n*

    onto t%e ne4t secton,

    3. 4rite an artc#efor an educational maga7ine in which you argue for or against

    compulsory work experience for EH% students.5. 4rite a#ea8etto advertise a tourist attraction in your area.. 4rite a reportfor the Eovernors of your school& informing them of changes that

    the Htudent ouncil would recommend to the school buildings.C. 4rite a re!ew of a :lm or TG programme you have recently watched or a game

    that you have recently played. Your review will be published in a teenage

    maga7ine called odays eens.9. 4rite a #etter to your 6ead teacher in which you try to persuade him/ her that

    school uniform should be abolished.I. 4rite a speec%in which you advise teenagers how to revise for their EH%s.

    J. 1 travel maga7ine has asked for artc#esabout places that o+er a good holiday

    either in Fritain or abroad. You can choose to write about a town/city& the

    countryside or the coast. 4rite the article for the maga7ine that describes the

    attractions of a place of your choice.D. 4rite a #ea8etfor younger children in which you advise them how to play safely

    around their neighbourhood.K. Your 6ead teacher is considering ways to improve the catering in your school and

    has asked the Hchool ouncil to produce a report on the current catering

    facilities and how they might be improved. 4rite this report to your 6ead teacher.

  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    3!.4rite a re!ewof a :lm or TG programme you have recently watched or a game

    that you have recently played. Your review will be published in a teenage

    maga7ine called odays eens.33.4rite a letter to the school kitchen where you advise them how to improve

    school meals.

    35.1 lot of older people don-t use computers or the internet either because they

    don-t see the value in them or because they are afraid of modern technology. You

    have been asked to deliver a speec%to a group of older people to persuade

    them to use computers and the internet.

    3.4rite an artc#e in which you argue for or against the use of computer games as

    an educational tool.3C.4rite a lea8et to persuade more students in your school to take up your

    favourite hobby or sport.

    39.4rite a reportfor your head teacher and governors on ways in which your school

    / college cold be improved for students approaching their EH%s3I.4rite a re!ew of a piece of technology you have recently used. 2or example

    Tablet& "obile 0hone& computer programme etc. Your review will be published in

    a newspaper.3J.Your school wants to ban Haturday

  • 7/24/2019 Year 11 English Homework Booklet


    'elf-Assessment- "he"klist

    C%ec& $ou sentence structures3 %a!e $ou !ared t%em 'or e6ect9

    Ha!e $ou used a !aret$ o' punctuaton 'or e6ect9

    Ha!e $ou used nterestn* words9

    Ha!e $ou used correct spe##n*9

    Ha!e $ou used a ran*e o' tec%n+ues to communcate $our


    Ha!e $ou %oo&ed or *ra""ed t%e reader9

    Do $ou sustan nterest9

    Are para*rap%s used correct#$ and do t%e$ 8ow9

    o#el Answers

    E4am +ueston7 ;)rte an ARTICLE a"out a we##3&nown p#ace "#essn* or curse9