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Year 10 2016 Course Information

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Year 10 2016 Course Information

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Contents Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 2

Welcome to Year 10 .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Year 9 into 10 Course Information .................................................................................................................... 4

The Year 10 Curriculum ................................................................................................................................. 4

Student Support ................................................................................................................................................ 5

Core Subjects ................................................................................................................................................ 5

Core Subjects ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Choosing Your Mathematics and English and Science Options .................................................................... 6

English ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Focus English ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Mathematics ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

General Science ............................................................................................................................................... 10

Science ............................................................................................................................................................. 11

History ............................................................................................................................................................. 12

Health and Physical Education ........................................................................................................................ 13

Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology (Kickstart) ........................................................................... 14

Elective Subjects ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Advice on selecting subjects ........................................................................................................................ 15

Business Enterprise ......................................................................................................................................... 16

Chinese ............................................................................................................................................................ 17

Dance ............................................................................................................................................................... 18

Design Technology and Aerospace .................................................................................................................. 19

Drama .............................................................................................................................................................. 20

Extension English ............................................................................................................................................. 21

Extension Mathematics ................................................................................................................................... 22

Film, Television and New Media...................................................................................................................... 23

Geography ....................................................................................................................................................... 24

Graphics ........................................................................................................................................................... 25

Home Economics ............................................................................................................................................. 26

Industrial Technology ...................................................................................................................................... 27

Information Technology Systems .................................................................................................................... 28

Legal Studies .................................................................................................................................................... 29

Music ............................................................................................................................................................... 30

Physical Education ........................................................................................................................................... 31

Visual Art ......................................................................................................................................................... 32

Vocational Education Courses ............................................................................................................... 33

Certificate I in Business - Business Information Processing ............................................................................ 34

Certificate II in Kitchen Operations ................................................................................................................. 35

Certificate I in Vocational Pathways ................................................................................................................ 36

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Welcome to Year 10 Mueller College offers a diverse range of subjects designed to enrich and challenge

students. Senior School, requires energy, commitment and dedication. We encourage

students to select subjects that are not only of interest to them but also provide

opportunities which enable their desired future pathway into Senior School and beyond.

The Year Ten timetable affords students the opportunity to develop their academic skills

and progress in their content knowledge mandated by the Australian Curriculum. At the

same time students are engaged in the development and personal and spiritual

development embedded in camps, extra-curricular events and excursions. This learning

encompasses teaching of Pastoral Care lessons, (SL@M Student Life at Mueller), Chapel

and Kickstart.

The range of subjects on offer will provide students with an in-depth understanding of the

world around them to ensure they graduate as well-educated, independent young adults,

ready for life in the world and eternity.

Students in Year Ten will undertake SET plans, designed to commence the career

planning process and guide students in the right selection of subjects. Options in

vocational pathways are also provided and staff monitor student progress and

achievement through each semester of study.

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Year 9 into 10 Course Information Our society is characterised by rapid change, cultural diversity, pervasive growth in

information and communication technology and an increasingly competitive labour market.

At Mueller College we aim to provide our students with a meaningful and relevant

curriculum and a social and pastoral care framework that best supports their development.

The purpose of the academic program in Year Ten is to provide students with a rigorous

preparatory year of study that will ensure they are better prepared for gaining employment,

further education and training, or the challenges of Year Eleven and Twelve courses of


This Course Information Handbook provides an overview of the curriculum offerings for

Year Ten and contains information about the broad range of subjects and course options

for your child. Through selecting various course options some students may be involved in

a transitional preparation for the Vocational Education and Training (VET) options of Years

Eleven and Twelve that could lead to apprenticeship or traineeship courses.

The Year 10 Curriculum

Year Ten at Mueller College, is closely aligned with the prerequisite requirements for Year

Eleven and Twelve courses of study. Students in Year Ten will have the opportunity to

commence foundational studies for Year Eleven subjects, enhancing their opportunities for

tertiary selection, or for further training or employment. They also study a range of Core

subjects, in part dictated by the Australian Curriculum.

The educational program engaged in by all at Mueller College includes the following


» English » Mathematics » History » Science » Health and Physical Education » Certificate III in Christian Ministry & Theology (Kickstart) » Pastoral Care (SL@M) » Chapel » Sport

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Student Support Mueller College has a comprehensive structure of support for students. The support

offered is aimed at meeting both the pastoral and academic needs of students.

Head of Teaching and Learning

Todd Langford

Head of Senior School

Ben Stiller

Head of Middle School

Elizabeth Scheu

Heads of Department

Spiritual Development

Cain Mann

English and The Arts

Simon Ratcliffe


Michael Gilliver


Rod Everitt

Physical Education and Practical Arts

Adrien Bird


Scott Dickfos

Future Pathways Co-ordinator

Leanne Stokes


Alan Kregenbrink

Jessica Fowles

Registered Nurse

Carly McIntyre

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Core Subjects

Core Subjects

Core subjects are essential curriculum offerings which equip students with foundational

knowledge, skills and concepts. The learning in those subjects prepares students for

Senior School and beyond.

Choosing Your Mathematics and English and Science Options

The core subject offerings are studied by all students. However within English, Mathematics

and Science there are options students can choose which best suit their ability and

developmental progress. These selections are made by parents and students but advice,

data, and recommendations are available from the respective Heads of Department.


Students choose between English and Focus English. English is the mainstream course.

Focus English is for students who require extra assistance or less complexity in the study of



There are four strands of Mathematics for students to choose from. They are of varying

levels of complexity. Mathematics B & C are the most complex, Mathematics A the

“middle” Mathematics and Pre-Vocational Mathematics for those requiring very basic



General Science covers the cross-section of scientific concepts at a level which is

accessible for all students. Science has further electives contained within its course.

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Subject Overview

Year Ten English extends knowledge in the following: visual literacy, persuasive techniques, presentations skills, creative writing, appreciating literature, improving vocabulary and grammar, and textual analysis. Topics covered include Shakespeare’s plays, generic styles of writing, speeches, poetry and the Media. There is an increased focus on preparation for Years Eleven and Twelve.


Students should have passed Year 9 English with a ‘C’ grade or above. A student with a lower grade who wishes to undertake English should speak to the Head of English.

Learning Outcomes

» Greater literacy (visual, written or spoken) » Greater understanding and control of literature and other

texts » Greater control of language both written and spoken.

Assessment Overview

In Year Ten English there are two assessment tasks per term as well as ongoing testing in spelling, punctuation and grammar. While technology is an important tool, students will keep a folder of their class work, most of which will be handwritten. Most assessment tasks require the submission of a draft. Some assessment is under exam conditions. Most assessment is expected to be typed.

Career Pathway

All career pathways benefit from English whether it is in regards to communication skills, the ability to formulate ideas, or the skills of analysis and persuasion.

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Focus English

Subject Overview

Focus English is a course specifically tailored for students who find English a challenge. Skills undertaken are focused on those that aid future employment. While the course is based on Year Ten English the tasks have been altered to match this aim.


Students achieving a ‘C’ grade, or below can consider Focus English as a subject. Students achieving a higher grade should not consider the subject, but may consult with the Head of English.

Learning Outcomes

Increased literacy with an emphasis on; » Reading skills » Spelling, punctuation and grammar » Communicating in the workplace » Analysing and synthesising information

Assessment Overview

Assessment is based on English tasks completed by all Year Ten students, but the teacher may modify or even remove an assessment to allow the student to focus on building particular skills.

Career Pathway

Focus English permits students to undertake Senior English if they feel capable. Focus English at Year Ten should give students a better idea whether a Senior English, Communication English, or Vocational English pathway best suits them.

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Subject Overview

The Year Ten Mathematics course is designed to prepare students for Mathematics A, B (and C) or Prevocational Mathematics. At the end of Year 9 students are split into the three streams depending on ability, class sizes and career aspirations. Consultation with parents may need to occur so that students are placed into the correct class. Classes are usually determined in such a way as to maximize students’ potential. Students who studied Prevocational Mathematics in Year 9 will usually continue to study this in Year Ten. Prevocational Mathematics is for students who require very basic Mathematics for their career path.

Mathematics A – for students who have a satisfactory ability at Mathematics but will not need it as the basis for a career path. Mathematics B & C – for students who have a good or very good ability in the subject and will need Mathematics for further studies. Topics covered in both A and B/C courses include:

» Statistics » Algebra » Area and Volume » Probability » Money and Finance » Trigonometry » Equations

» Coordinate Geometry


The only pre-requisite for this course is that the student has studied Year 9 Mathematics.

Learning Outcomes

This course will provide students with a firm basis for further study in Years Eleven and Twelve. Students will appreciate the many facets of Mathematics and its applications to the real world.

Assessment Overview

» The main assessment tool will be end-of-term examinations. » Diagnostic tests may also be used during the term to assess a

student’s progress.

Career Pathway

Mathematics is a foundation subject of many careers and at least a limited understanding of its procedures is essential for a basic understanding of the culture in which we live.

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General Science

Subject Overview

Students choosing this subject will be interested in a more general overview of the Sciences. This will be less rigorous compared to the Elective Science option in Year Ten. Topics may include:

» The Periodic Table » Chemical Reactions » Genetics » Structures » Climate Systems » Motion and Energy » Forensics



Learning Outcomes

This course will provide students with a basic knowledge of the various branches of Science. Students will appreciate the many disciplines of Science and their applications to the real world.

Assessment Overview

Assessment may include: » Exams » Experimental Investigations » Response Tasks

Career Pathway

This level of Science will enable the student to gain sufficient knowledge to do further Science study in Years Eleven and Twelve in the Science 21 discipline. For most students, this subject will allow the completion of the National Curriculum requirements for Science at school.

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Subject Overview

Students will have a choice of studying a combination of two of the four disciplines offered at Mueller College in Years Eleven and Twelve – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Science 21. The students will study their two selected disciplines for one semester each. These studies will include covering the National curriculum, and should provide information and experience to enable the students to make more relevant and informed decisions when choosing to pursue further study in these disciplines in Years Eleven and Twelve. Specialist teachers will be responsible for teaching these disciplines, which will provide students with a better appreciation of the requirements specific to each field. Topics studied may include: PHYSICS

» Measurement/physical quantities and basic vectors. Motion, energy, force and structures.

CHEMISTRY » Periodic table. Chemical reactions and Equations. Chemical

quantities and Electrochemistry BIOLOGY

» Genetics, Cell reproduction; Evolution; Plant growth. SCIENCE 21

» Forensics; Global systems; Motion; Structures.



Learning Outcomes

This course will provide a solid basis for further study of the Sciences in Years Eleven and Twelve. Students will appreciate the many facets of Science and its application to the real world.

Assessment Overview

Assessment will be based upon: » Exams » Experimental Investigations » Response Tasks

These will be assessed under the ACARA dimensions of Understanding Science and Inquiry Skills.

Career Pathway

Science is a foundation subject of many careers and even a small knowledge of its concepts is essential for a good understanding of the world in which we live.

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Subject Overview

History in Year Ten focuses on the period of 1919 to the present. The course provides an overview of this period as well as in-depth studies of World War Two, post-war Rights and Freedoms, and Popular Culture.



Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for History centre around the six key steps to historical investigation: establishing the historical significance of events, the use of primary and secondary sources, identifying continuity and change in culture, analyzing the cause and consequence of historical events, considering a range of perspectives on the same historical event, and understanding the ethical dimensions of historical perspectives as a way of informing our present and future.

Assessment Overview

Students typically complete 5 assessment tasks in Year Ten History. They will include a written research task, multimodal presentation (ie: oral, film or group task), essay, and a knowledge and/or source analysis test.

Career Pathway

History not only teaches students how to research well and write persuasively, but investigates why the world is the way it is and encourages students to conceive solutions to problems they discover. For this reason History is a highly practical subject – it is about understanding our society and determining means to improve it.

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Health and Physical Education

Subject Overview

Health and Physical Education is compulsory for all Year Ten students. The learning in this subject is a combination of theoretical and physical tasks. It will be studied for two periods per week and involves learning that is distinct from the elective strand “Physical Education”. These subjects can be studied together as they have complementary but not similar content.



Learning Outcomes

Health and Physical Education teaches students how to enhance their own and others’ health, safety, wellbeing and physical activity participation in varied and changing contexts. It offers students an experiential curriculum that is contemporary, relevant, challenging, enjoyable and physically active.

Assessment Overview

The assessment in this subject will be continuous and ongoing for all physical activities. This will culminate each term with performance in an authentic context for the physical activity, for example, a Dance performance, participation in a game of soccer or performance of an athletics event. The theoretical aspect of the subject will be assessed through a range of assessment techniques including research reports, exams and multi-modal presentations.

Career Pathway

» Sports Scientist (can specialise in dietetics, physiotherapy, sports medicine, podiatry)

» Sports Administration » HPE Teacher » Personal Trainer » Sports Management, Marketing, Training and Coaching » Medical Fields such as Rehabilitation, Ambulance Officer and


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Certificate III in Christian Ministry and

Theology (Kickstart)

Subject Overview

Kickstart 3D at Mueller College is completed over two years by all students in Years Ten & Eleven. The program covers elements from the Biblical Studies & Personal Development Program (PDP) that has been run in previous years.

Kickstart 3D is a Christian Leadership and Development Program that will stretch your mind and equip you with real life experience. It has been designed specifically for students with a passion to develop their faith and improve their leadership skills. Students will gain real skills, through practical experiences; you’ll have opportunities to be involved in hands on leadership by partnering in projects here in the College, potentially your local church or through social justice and community work.



Learning Outcomes

Kickstart will provide you with plenty of opportunities to apply what you’ve learned, you will also be encouraged to identify what you believe and question your own ideas, perceptions and prejudices. You can expect to gain a deeper understanding of faith as you are challenged with the message of hope in Christ.

Assessment Overview

While the content is delivered in a classroom setting the assessment is completed online through the Kickstart website.

Career Pathway

Successful completion of Kickstart provides Mueller College students with the nationally recognised Certificate III in Christian Ministry & Theology (10432NAT) & 8 credit points towards their Certificate of Education.

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Elective Subjects Advice on selecting subjects

With the remaining 12 periods per week, students are able to select 3 electives which can

be studied for 4 periods per week each. These electives are outlined in the subsequent

pages of this course information handbook. In many cases, students may simply need to

determine which one of their present Year 9 subjects they will not continue with in 2014.

Some of the electives available for study are courses which allow students to obtain

vocational qualifications. Those certificate courses also contribute points towards a

Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

When selecting subjects consideration should be given to a number of factors:

Career Pathway

» Appointments can be made with the Future Pathways Coordinator. Who will be able

to assist you to investigate which subjects may be necessary to select in order to be

prepared for a given career pathway. English is a pre-requisite for almost all

University courses.

Student’s abilities and preferences

» It is a useful overall plan to select subjects which your child enjoys and has

demonstrated some ability or aptitude in.

» It is not recommended that students select subjects purely on the perception that

“they will help me get a good OP”.

» Whilst we all enjoy activities undertaken with friends, this should not be the primary

factor in the selection of subjects.

Learning Outcomes

» If your child is not only considering a university pathway then consideration should

be given to subjects which can develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that would

be useful in a range of vocations.

Expectations upon students are high in all areas including dress, demeanor and dedication

to the task. Students will be expected to complete homework and assignments at home, in

their own time, and to submit them on time. Draft copies of all written assignments are

required in all subjects as per the Mueller College Assignment Policy.

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Business Enterprise

Subject Overview

The Business Enterprise course is designed to provide students with valuable life skills relevant to business and finance. Topics studied include:

» Record keeping for Small Business - types of businesses, documentation & recording of business transactions (manually and computer-generated), bank reconciliation

» Running a Small Business - entrepreneurship, marketing and other processes involved in forming a small business

» Business Ventures - setting up and operating a small business venture within the school environment

» International Business - the global market place


Nil. However, basic Mathematics (addition, subtraction,

multiplication, division & percentages) is used in practical

recordkeeping. Logical thinking and neat presentation of work are of


Learning Outcomes

To develop the knowledge, practices and attitudes necessary to: » Participate in the community as informed, responsible and

ethical consumers, citizens and entrepreneurs » Efficiently manage personal finances » Interact effectively in both personal and business

environments » Respond to business opportunities and challenges » Use information and technologies to record, report and create

business information and/or products and to communicate relevant information to interested parties

» Work individually and co-operatively to develop business plans and products; participate in and evaluate the outcomes of business ventures

» To appreciate and put into practice the highest standards of neatness, accuracy, confidentiality, honesty and reliability as required in business

Assessment Overview

Theory and Practical Tests; written/research assignments; oral presentations; practical formation of a business venture.

Career Pathway

Completion of this course is beneficial in studying Accounting and/or Business Communication and Technologies in Years Eleven & Twelve.

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The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of Chinese language and culture over a range of topics.

During the year, these topics include: the introduction of family and friends, daily routines, shopping, cooking and school life.

Students will produce and present their work as either written or oral submissions, with the support of a range of technologies.


It is not necessary for a student to have studied Chinese in Year 9, but some previous Chinese learning experience will be helpful.



Communicate in Chinese across the topics studied.



Every term there is an in-class reading test. Other forms of assessment include:

» Role-plays » Writing tasks (most will be take home assignments, but one

will examine handwriting) » A multi-media project in Term Four

Career Pathway

To prepare students to communicate/interact with Chinese people effectively.

To equip students with the language skills and the understanding of the cultural differences between Australia and China.

To advantage students when applying for the jobs, which involve international business, or teaching and working overseas.

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Year Ten Dance provides opportunities for students to experiment in a range of

styles including Musical Theatre, contemporary, Jazz and MTV. Student will also

individually and in groups, continue to experiment using their choreographic skills to

prepare and develop sequences that display these vast range of styles. Students

will also begin to develop in second semester, the skills required for Senior Dance,

if they wish to undertake that as a subject. Students will learn how to examine and

express their individuality, and explore the interrelationship between practical and

theoretical aspects of dance.

Students are given the opportunity to explore and develop physically, expressively,

emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually. Their relationship with God will be

strengthened and explored, and students will have the opportunity to develop a new

foundation with God.


There is no pre-requisite for this year level. However, students who have

undertaken the ‘dance’ rotation as part of Year 7 and 8 Arts Rotation and

completed Year 9 dance, are encouraged to branch further into this field.



» Fostered development of special interests and talents not emphasised in

other educational areas

» Development of important transferable social, emotional, physical and

intellectual skills

» Students’ self-confidence and the necessary social skills to work effectively,

individually, and in teams are developed within the study of Dance

» Creative and problem-solving abilities are fostered through research,

synthesis and communication of concepts, images, themes and feelings

» Dance provides a foundation for future involvement in dance and related art

forms for employment and leisure

» A newfound relationship with God that fosters biblical life principles.



In Year Ten there are eight tasks. All of the tasks are a combination of three

components: Appreciation, Choreography, and Performance.

The students will cover a range of topics:

» Teacher prepared sequences » Evaluative written essay » Short response exam » Individual choreographed sequences/pieces » Stimulus based choreography and performances tasks

Career Pathway

All career pathways, university or other, benefit from the skill obtained in Dance.

Students have the opportunity to branch into numerous areas of ‘The Arts’ as a

career choice, as well as carry essential skills such as: Formulating ideas,

expression, social skills and self-confidence into other areas of education or


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Design Technology and Aerospace



Year Ten Design Technology & Aerospace prepares students for a multi-discipline, technology based workforce by using Aerospace concepts as its basis. Students will cover topics such as:

» Aviation/Rocket theory and practical » Robotics » CAD and 3D Printing » CNC cutting » Engineering – gears, pulleys, levers » Design thinking





Students will develop innovative and creative design concepts; generate plans and diagrams to communicate their designs and produce solutions using a variety of materials and techniques. Project management is central to DT&A, and students are explicitly taught how to manage projects. Aerospace concepts underpin most topics and DT&A students are given the opportunity to begin their flight training at a highly discounted rate. Autonomous control of machines is included and students will program and control unmanned aerial vehicles. The course has a balanced mix of theory and practical and students will enjoy learning about designing, constructing and operating machines.



» Multi-modal presentations » Reflection Journal » Research Report » Examinations » Major Project – website

Career Pathway

Students who study DT&A may wish to investigate careers in any

aviation related profession including flight crew, UAV controller, and

aeronautical engineering. As well as aviation, the course is also

useful for those pursuing further studies or employment in robotics,

electronics, programming, engineering, design and construction.

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Subject Overview

Year Ten Drama examines a range of performance styles and skills including; Realism, Australian Theatre, Play reviews, Physical theatre and Improvisation.


Students must be willing to work in groups, share ideas, speak before an audience and be involved in physical activities.

Learning Outcomes

» Greater fluency of written and oral communication » Ability to work in group » Time management » Understanding of story structure and character development » Ability to form ideas for performances in a variety of styles » Performance skills in a variety of styles » Ability to analyse drama products » Ability to reflect on students’ own performances

Assessment Overview

» Analytical extended and short response writing (seen and unseen)

» Drama structure development (written or oral) » Playwriting » Sketching of designs (eg. set and costume) » Performance (individual and in group)

Career Pathway

Acting Directing Journalism Film and TV Advertising Teaching Law Customer service


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Extension English

Subject Overview

Extension English provides an opportunity for those passionate about writing, reading and speaking to deepen their skills. The course is built to complement English.


Extension English is not a replacement for English. All students undertaking this subject must complete English also. Students seeking to study in Extension English should have received a C+ or better, grade standard. As the overview suggests, this is a subject for those who like to write, read and discuss ideas.

Learning Outcomes

» Control of a wide range of text analysis methods » Greater understanding of world literature » Improved public speaking skills » Greater control of sentences, to build a personal style

Assessment Overview

The assessment in the subject is as follows: » A formal assessment item per term modelled on Year Eleven

and Twelve tasks » An informal piece of writing representing the best of the

classroom activities undertaken each term

Career Pathway

This is a subject for students who see their future career path involving writing, reading, textual analysis or public speaking. Pathways such as Journalism will benefit from this course. It is also excellent preparation for Senior English.

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Extension Mathematics

Subject Overview

This course is designed to provide students with further insights into the Mathematics required for Senior studies. Students will delve into topics more deeply than the normal advanced course. Topics will include Advanced Algebra and Geometry, Introductions to fields of study including Matrices, Vectors, and Number Theory. Historical insights into the development of Mathematics through the centuries.


Extension Mathematics is not a replacement for Mathematics. All students undertaking the subject must complete Mathematics also. It would be expected that a student who chooses this subject has attained at least a high achievement (i.e. standard B) in Year 9 Mathematics.

Learning Outcomes

More advanced skills in algebra and how to apply them to problem solving situations. A preliminary understanding of some of the topics studied in Senior Mathematics B and C Insights into the historical development of Mathematics. An enthusiasm for the study of Mathematics and a desire to take further study in this subject in Years Eleven and Twelve and beyond.

Assessment Overview

Assessment will include end-of-term examinations and maybe summative projects (either group or individual) during the year.

Career Pathway

This extension course will enable students to gain confidence in their understanding and handling of Mathematical concepts and procedures which will help them decide more clearly in which direction their career path should go. The course will provide a good basis for future fields of study such as Engineering, Education, Architecture and Physics

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Film, Television and New Media

Subject Overview

This course provides an opportunity for students passionate about film to practice a range of skills useful across subjects. It also provides a useful foundation for future studies in Senior FTVNM. Topics covered include:

» Still Photography » Advertising » Music Videos » Stop Motion Animation


FTVNM requires a passing grade in English. Time management and organisational skills are a must. While a useful foundation this course does not require students to select Senior FTVNM.

Learning Outcomes

» Develop flexibility, originality and confidence in making art » Constructively analyse and respond to social and natural

environments » Contribute creatively to society » Develop problem solving and time management skills » Develop an awareness of God and His creativity

Assessment Overview

» Making – Practical work with the process of creation (recorded in visual Diary) as well as the finished products being considered.

» Reflecting – Class tests and written assignments relating to theory and history of art associated with each unit.

Career Pathway

» Film production roles such as directing, editing, camera operation, foley, sound recording and mixing, colour grading, production design, special effects, screen writing

» Photography » Television » New media design » Journalism » Advertising » Writing » Film critique » Teaching » Information Technology

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Subject Overview

Semester 1: Environmental change and management Semester 2: Geographies of human wellbeing (previously known as People and Development)


A sound achievement in English is the minimum requirement as students need to be competent, independent readers and fluent writers. It is not necessary for students to have studied Year 9 Geography.

Learning Outcomes

Geography provides a structure for the acquisition of geographical knowledge and understanding and geographical inquiry and skills.

Assessment Overview

Assessment will include short response tests, response to stimulus exercises, a research inquiry task and an oral presentation.

Career Pathway

Geography has many real life applications and possible career outcomes. It deals with all the key competencies demanded by business as useful in the work place – collecting, analysing and organising information; communicating ideas and information; planning and organising; using mathematical ideas and techniques; problem-solving and cultural understanding.

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Subject Overview

Graphics is an exciting subject that teaches design and technical drawing using up-to-date programs. Students will develop valuable designing and drawing skills while they are introduced to CAM technology such as 3D printing and vinyl cutting.



Learning Outcomes

Students will learn to: » Design and model projects for a 3D printer » Setup and run a 3D printer » Produce in depth architecture projects for the Rothwell area » Create 3D computer animations and models » Complete graphic design tasks for a corporation » Follow the design process to produce drawings, prototypes

and products » Use Autodesk software » Solve simple and complex problems.

Assessment Overview

Students are assessed using: » Assignments » Exams » In class activities.

Career Pathway

Students who complete Year Ten Graphics develop skills towards: » Engineering » Trades » Interior Design » Architecture » Graphic Design » Computer Aided Manufacturing » Any career involving design and problem solving.

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Home Economics

Subject Overview

The central focus of Home Economics is the well-being of individuals and families. Home Economics Education explores and helps to develop a student’s:

» Independence » Confidence in living in the wider society » Ability to promote the wellbeing of self and others in situations relating

to food and nutrition » Personal development and relationships » Awareness and understanding of living environments » Knowledge and understanding of Textiles

» Practical application of knowledge and understanding in the studies of Textiles, Food and Nutrition.


Completion of Year 9 Home Economics is recommended.

Learning Outcomes

Food and Nutrition outcomes: » Food Skills and management » Australian Family Nutrition » International Foods

Design and Textiles outcomes:

» Understanding of the knowledge of Textiles » Practical application (sewing) » Design » Consumerism

Assessment Overview

» Practical testing – Cultural food » Research Assignment – Cultural foods » Oral presentation and Practical cooking task with process Journal » Nutrition and Time management » Folio of weekly tasks – Nutrition » Journal work / Practical Sewing - Textiles » Theory test – Commercial Patterns » Oral / PowerPoint presentation of business plan

Career Pathway

Child Care Worker Community Worker Consumer Scientist Craftsperson Dietician Environmental Health Officer Fashion Designer Food Technologist

Health Promotion Officer Home Economics Teacher Home Economist Interior Designer Nutritionist Textile Designer Theatrical Costume Maker and Designer

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Industrial Technology

Subject Overview

Students in this subject have the opportunity to gain new skills in using machinery and power tools while designing unique and creative projects for themselves. Industrial Technology builds upon principle’s developed in Year 9, and introduces students to exciting new technology and processes. It continues to focus on real-world industrial processes, problem solving, creativity, social skills and character.



Learning Outcomes

Students will learn to: » Setup and run both simple and complex power tools and

machinery » Create their own functional iPod/iPad/iPhone dock using skills

in electronics and knowledge of micro-controllers » Design and manufacture their own unique and interesting

lamp. » Manufacture a folding camp shovel » Build their own heavy duty bridge design using principles

such as bracing, triangulation, arches, force and load » Produce a functional ukulele.

Assessment Overview

Assessment is largely practical. Design notes and research is also assessed on some individual projects.

Career Pathway

Students who complete Year Ten Industrial Technology develop skills towards:

» Engineering » Trades such as manufacturing, carpentry, cabinet making,

electrical, plumbing, fitting and turning, automotive etc. » Any career involving design and problem solving.

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Information Technology Systems

Subject Overview

Information Technology Systems is centred on design principles related to graphics, web, computer science and robotic fields. Students will develop skills and knowledge through hands-on units, enabling them to critically analyse design processes across a variety of technology disciplines.



Learning Outcomes

Learning in Information Technology Systems involves the creative processes through which products; services and environments are designed and developed. Students learn that the design, development and use of technologies are influenced by and can play a role in enriching and transforming societies and our natural, managed, constructed and digital environments. Units of study include:

» Graphic Design » Web Design » Coding/Scripting including but not limited to JavaScript » Game Design

Assessment Overview

» Supervised, written, theory examinations » Product design, development and evaluation

Career Pathway

» Graphic Designer » Web Designer/Developer » Advertising/Marketing » Game Designer/Developer » App Designer/Developer

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Legal Studies

Subject Overview

Year Ten Introduction to Legal Studies is preparation for Senior study of the subject. Topics covered include –

» Living with the Law: An Introduction to Law » International Law and Terrorism » Policing and the Armed Forces » Democracy and the Australian Legal System


The only pre-requisite that is advisable for Legal Studies is that the student have a better than Sound Achievement in English as some difficulty could be encountered if he/she has limited reading, writing, comprehension, communication and language skills.

Learning Outcomes

Students will - » develop an ability to recognise common situations which have

legal implications » acquire an awareness of their legal rights and responsibilities

and knowledge of when and where to seek legal advice » develop knowledge of the inter-relationship among

individuals, society and the law » develop an understanding of how the legal system operates,

so that they may be informed and responsible members of the community

Assessment Overview

Assessment will consist of a response to stimulus and knowledge exam; a research assignment; a multimodal presentation and an essay.

Career Pathway

Foundation Legal Studies gives students an insight into Australia’s legal processes and, if continued through Years Eleven and Twelve, can be invaluable to many courses at tertiary level such as Law and Justice (including Police and Security occupations), but also, Politics, Business, Hospitality, Medical Science, Social Work & Human Services, Environmental Studies, Built Environment, and many other courses where legal issues have become prominent.

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Subject Overview

Throughout the Year Ten Music Subject students will explore various styles and genres of music, such as Jazz music, Rock music, World music and Classical music. Students will be introduced to music writing technology and will be taught basics for writing songs and pieces in various styles. Students will further develop their theory and aural knowledge and will be given opportunities to perform as soloists and/or in small ensembles.


A High Achievement at Year 9 level is preferable. It is also beneficial that the student is currently studying an instrument/voice. For students who have not previously studied music in Year 9, additional theory classes can be undertaken to bring them to the level of the class.

Learning Outcomes

Music in Year Ten focuses on students’ performance on stage as a solo artist or as part of an ensemble. Students are also encouraged to compose their own work. Through an immersion in repertoire from various cultural and historical contexts, students learn to aurally and visually identify, respond to and use the elements and patterns of music. Students will study a variety of musical subjects. By singing, playing instruments, listening and composing, students experience satisfaction and enjoyment as they learn.

Assessment Overview

Assessment methods will include performance tasks, composition tasks, aural skills and formal tests.

Career Pathway

The Career pathway: » Performance: solo, ensemble, orchestral or choral performer » Education: instrumental music teaching, band/choral

directorship, classroom music teaching, conducting » Music writing: composing, music arranging, score editing and

transcribing » Technology and production: sound engineering, sound

design, record production, programming and sequencing » Other: music therapy, music journalist

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Physical Education

Subject Overview

Year Ten is considered the first year of the Senior phase of learning. As such, Year Ten Physical Education is designed to be an introduction to Physical Education and Physical Recreation which are offered in Years Eleven and Twelve. It has a strong focus on literacy, researching skills and the construction of extended response answers such as essays. It caters for all levels of ability.



Learning Outcomes

Physical Education draws from a variety of disciplines, including the physical, biological, chemical and sociological sciences. Students are given the opportunity to develop skills in a range of areas that will assist students in many Senior subjects. The students will get experiences in the following sports:

» Touch » Squash » Dance » Canoeing

Assessment Overview

The unique feature of this subject is the integration of the written work with the physical activities. Rather than learning the two topics in isolation they are merged together to ensure that the work is better understood and applied to real life. Students will be assessed using a wide range of genres such as:

» Exam » Essay » Oral Presentation » Report

Career Pathway

» Sports Scientist (can specialise in dietetics, physiotherapy, sports medicine, podiatry)

» Sports Administration » HPE Teacher » Personal Trainer » Sports Management, Marketing, Training and Coaching » Medical Fields such as Rehabilitation, Ambulance Officer and


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Visual Art

Subject Overview

Art is a powerful means of communication and problem solving and a medium for personal expression. Students learn the elements of design focussing on the following:

» Drawing – graphite, ink, chalk/oil pastels and computer graphics

» Painting – mixed media » Sculpture - mixed media » Screening Printing – fabric (wearable art)


Nil– Art studies are recommended in Year 9

Learning Outcomes

» Develop flexibility, originality and confidence in making art » Constructively analyse and respond to social and natural

environments » Contribute creatively to society » Develop problem solving and time management skills » Develop an awareness of God and His creativity

Assessment Overview

Making – Practical work with the creative process recorded in a visual diary, as well as the finished products being considered Appraising – Class tests and written assignments relating to theory and history of art associated with each unit

Career Pathway

» Graphic Designer » Printer » Creative and Performing Arts Industry » Occupational Therapist » Administrator » Business management

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Vocational Education Courses

Certificate courses are offered to students who have commenced their senior phase of

learning. Each of these courses contribute points towards the Queensland Certificate of

Education (QCE).

All of the Certificate course are nationally recognised and taught to the standards required

by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and to standards required by industry.

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Certificate I in Business - Business

Information Processing

Subject Overview

The course aims to provide students with practical skills and operational knowledge to enable them to work in a business environment. Studies will complete a number of units of competencies to complete a Certificate qualification. The course includes the following topics:

» Develop keyboard skills » Operate a personal computer » Contribute to the health and safety of self and others » Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices » Use business equipment and resources » Apply basic communication skills

As part of the course students will have the opportunity to complete a VET Certificate I in Business. Successful completion of this Certificate can gain 2 points toward their QCE received on completion of Year Twelve.


Nil although completion of Year 9 Business Information Processing would be an advantage.

Learning Outcomes

» To develop and enhance accuracy skills in keyboard operation. » To develop competence and initiative in the display of word-

processed work. » To enable students to interact with computers with confidence. » To enable students to develop useful computer and

keyboarding skills with associated knowledge, understanding, attitude, decision-making and problem solving skills.

» To understand and acknowledge that computing/keyboarding skills are effective and useful in a business setting as well as in future studies.

» To encourage students to appreciate effective, efficient and creative use of computing, and to apply this to a variety of situations.

Assessment Overview

» Practical tests » Written tests » Portfolios of practical tasks » Multimodal presentations

Career Pathway

Successful completion of the Certificate I in Business can gain 2 points toward a student’s QCE received on completion of Year Twelve. The basic skills provide students with a facility for personal computing. However, the production skills taught in conjunction with the basic skills, provide employment opportunities for entry level office jobs, particularly those connected with computers and other keyboard-operated equipment. These skills also assist in the word processing of assignments or associated documents for a range of subjects. Completion of this subject would be beneficial if the student wishes to take Business Information Processing or VET Certificate II in Business in Year Eleven and Twelve.

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Certificate II in Kitchen Operations

Subject Overview

Year Ten Certificate II in Kitchen Operations aims to give students basic knowledge of food, the preparation skills and service used throughout the hospitality industry.


No pre-requisites – but does require commitment and finance to participate in weekly cooking activities, also group participation and commitment in preparation for service to real life clients in regular functions.

Learning Outcomes

» Use food preparation equipment » Prepare sandwiches » Produce dishes using basic methods of cookery » Produce appetisers and salads » Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices » Use hygienic practices for food safety » Participate in safe work practices » Clean kitchen premises and equipment

Assessment Overview

» Practical functions - Twelve - services to clients in a variety of real work situations.

» Observation checklists by Trainers in college and in work situations » Four online assignments assignment attached to function » Theory tests online

Career Pathway

Food Production - Kitchen attendant through to Executive Chef

» Catering assistant, » Cook » Patissier » Chef de Partie » Sous chef » Chef

Food and Beverage - Bus Person through to Restaurateur

» Barrista, Restaurant cashier » Host/Hostess » Waiter » Supervisor/Manager in Restaurant/ Catering

Accommodation Services – Porter through to General Manager

» Valet » Receptionist » Reservation Sales Agent » Cashier » Guest Services Agent » Front Office Supervisor » Duty Manager

» Front Office Manager

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Certificate I in Vocational Pathways

Subject Overview

This course aims to provide students with the practical skills and knowledge needed for the range of vocational pathways available to them.

It is a competency based study and students will complete a number of especially designed units which, when complete will form a Certificate 1 in Vocational Pathways.

These units include:

» Using digital technology for workplace tasks » Using strategies for work related learning » Reading and responding to simple workplace information » Participating in simple interactions at work » Applying basic communications skills



Learning Outcomes

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop essential skills in:

» Work related literacy and numeracy » Effective communication methods » Consolidated team work enterprises » Problem solving techniques for work related problems » To be a successful volunteer » Self-management of work related learning » To be an enthusiastic participant in work placement » Use of up to date work related technology

Assessment Overview

All assessment is based on these units and is work related. It comprises of written and spoken tasks. They are evaluated in class time.

Career Pathway

Successful completion of will provide students with the nationally recognised Certificate I in Vocational Pathways (FSK10213).

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