xxii sunday in ordinary time august 30, 2015 · 2015. 9. 16. · xxii sunday in ordinary time...

XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me" Mark 7:6 August 30, 2015 Dear brothers and sisters, in today's Gospel Lesson, Jesus has a confrontation with the Pharisees. It all begins when the Pharisees notice that Jesus' disci- ples eat without first following the ancient custom of "scrupulously washing their hands." They ask Jesus, "Why do your disciples not follow the tradi- tion of our ancestors, but instead take food without purifying their hands?" And Jesus answers, "How accurately Isaiah prophesied about you hypocrites when he wrote, This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts. To understand what Jesus is getting at here, we must recognize that this "purification" custom was not merely a social amenity. It was part of a reli- gious tradition. It was intended as a symbol of piety, an outward sign of inner-devotion to God's Will. Consequently, when Jesus recalls the words of the ancient prophet, "This people pays honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me," He is calling the Pharisees' value system into question. He is saying, in effect, "You have allowed custom to 'take over.' You have assigned too high a value to custom. You have embraced this and the hundreds of other religious ceremonials you practice as ends rather than means. And, for this reason I say to you, 'Your heart is far from God.'" That is to say, "You are allowing your own distorted notions about God to obscure your vision of who the one true God real- ly is -- the kind of God He really is." Once each week we renew what I am sure we all regard as an important religious tradition. In so do- ing, let us not fail to ask ourselves: Does this act of external piety in itself signify the person of good moral conscience? Does this weekly worship expe- rience in itself reveal our collective hearts as the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit and the meeting place of Jesus and His brothers and sisters? Does the outward face of our religious zeal reflect an in- ner-life of devotion to God's Will? We must always have these questions before us lest we too fall under Jesus' condemnation of the Pharisees. Peace, Father Miguel Ceja RELIGIOUS EDUCATION English Program starts Tues, Sept 8 CONFIRMATION Starts Wed, Sept 9 You may still register this Tues & Thurs 1-5pm in Parish office Must bring: Baptism certificate & fees $75 for one student $100 for 2 or more For more information: Eng. Program: Mary Fisher 951-217-2676 or 951-689-8921 ext. 104 YOUTH MINISTRY MEETS EVERY THURSDAY 7pm to 8:30pm UPCOMING ACTIVITIES: Beach Trip: Sept 12 For more info: Coco Islas 951-329-2486 All Youth in grades 9 thru 12 invited!! WELCOME BACK OLPH STUDENTS! Our parish school students return on Monday, Au- gust 31. We hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer and are excited about the new school year. May God Bless our students and teachers!

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Page 1: XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 · 2015. 9. 16. · XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from

XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time

AUGUST 30, 2015

"This people honors me with their lips, but

their hearts are far from me" Mark 7:6 August 30, 2015

Dear brothers and sisters, in today's Gospel Lesson, Jesus has a confrontation with the Pharisees. It all begins when the Pharisees notice that Jesus' disci-ples eat without first following the ancient custom of "scrupulously washing their hands." They ask Jesus, "Why do your disciples not follow the tradi-tion of our ancestors, but instead take food without purifying their hands?" And Jesus answers, "How accurately Isaiah prophesied about you hypocrites when he wrote, This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts. To understand what Jesus is getting at here, we must recognize that this "purification" custom was not merely a social amenity. It was part of a reli-gious tradition. It was intended as a symbol of piety, an outward sign of inner-devotion to God's Will. Consequently, when Jesus recalls the words of the ancient prophet, "This people pays honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me," He is calling the Pharisees' value system into question. He is saying, in effect, "You have allowed custom to 'take over.' You have assigned too high a value to custom. You have embraced this and the hundreds of other religious ceremonials you practice as ends rather than means. And, for this reason I say to you, 'Your heart is far from God.'" That is to say, "You are allowing your own distorted notions about God to obscure your vision of who the one true God real-ly is -- the kind of God He really is." Once each week we renew what I am sure we all regard as an important religious tradition. In so do-ing, let us not fail to ask ourselves: Does this act of external piety in itself signify the person of good moral conscience? Does this weekly worship expe-rience in itself reveal our collective hearts as the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit and the meeting place of Jesus and His brothers and sisters? Does the outward face of our religious zeal reflect an in-ner-life of devotion to God's Will? We must always have these questions before us lest we too fall under Jesus' condemnation of the Pharisees. Peace, Father Miguel Ceja

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION English Program starts Tues, Sept 8


Starts Wed, Sept 9

You may still register this Tues & Thurs 1-5pm in Parish office

Must bring: Baptism certificate & fees

$75 for one student $100 for 2 or more

For more information: Eng. Program: Mary Fisher 951-217-2676 or

951-689-8921 ext. 104


UPCOMING ACTIVITIES: Beach Trip: Sept 12 For more info: Coco Islas 951-329-2486 All Youth in grades 9 thru 12 invited!!


Our parish school students return on Monday, Au-

gust 31. We hope everyone has had an enjoyable

summer and are excited about the new school

year. May God Bless our students and teachers!

Page 2: XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 · 2015. 9. 16. · XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from

XXII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario

30 de Agosto, 2015

Este pueblo me honra con los labios,

pero su Corazón está lejos de mi

-Marcos 7:6

Queridos hermanos y hermanas, en el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús tiene una confrontación con los fariseos. Todo inicia cuando los fariseos ven que algunos de los discípulos comían con las manos impuras sin seguir con la tradición. Ellos le preguntan a Jesús, “¿Por qué tus discípulos comen con manos impuras y no siguen con la tradición de sus mayores?” Jesús les contesto: “¡Qué bien profetizo Isaías sobre uste-des, Este pueblo me honra con sus labios, pero su corazón está lejos de mí!” A manera de entender las palabras de Jesús, debe-mos reconocer que la “costumbre tradicional” de lavarse las manos antes de comer, no era una simple práctica higiénica o social. Era parte de tradiciones religiosas muy antiguas. La intención era como un símbolo piadoso, un signo externo de una devoción interna a la voluntad de Dios. Consecuentemente, cuando Jesús hace alusión al profeta Isaías, está cuestionando todo el sistema de valores de los fari-seos. En otras palabras, Jesús les dice, “Ustedes han permitido que las costumbres y tradiciones sean las importantes y no las personas.” “Ustedes han depositado demasiado valor a costumbres y han aceptado cientos de prácticas ceremoniales como fin en sí mismas y no como medios. Por esta razón les digo, “Su corazones están lejos de Dios.” Domingo tras domingo nos reunimos a celebrar la misa, una tradición muy antigua e importante para nosotros los católicos. Al venir aquí, tengamos cui-dado de pretender que este acto externo de piedad sea indicativo de personas de buena conciencia mo-ral. Una pregunta apropiada seria, ¿Este acto reli-gioso de parte mía y tuya indica que verdaderamen-te estamos dispuestos de hacer la voluntad de Dios? Tenemos que tener cuidado que no caigamos en el mismo error de los fariseos. Paz y Bien, Padre Miguel Ceja


En el Salon PROXIMAS ACTIVIDADES: Viaje a la Playa—Sabado, Sept 12 Informes: Coco Islas 951-329-2486

Grupo de Mujeres se reune todos los martes de 9:30 a 11:30am en el Salon. Tenemos oracion, alabanza y temas para la mujer. Proximos Temas: Sept 1: Fernando Gomez de Florida Tema: La Familia Sep 8: Santo Rosario y Alabanza

¡Todas están invitadas!

CONJUNTO PASTORAL Proxima reunion: Lunes, 31 de Agosto

7:00pm en el Salon de la Oficina Todos los líderes de ministerios deben asistir.

VIRGEN DE TOYAHUA La estatua peregrina de La Virgen de Toyahua estará en nuestra parroquia este Viernes, 4 de septiembre de 6pm a 9pm en la iglesia. Todos están invitados.


Jueves, 3 de septiembre y viernes, 4 de septiembre

6:30pm a 8pm

Pedimos oraciones por todos los estudiantes y

catequistas al comenzar el nuevo año de

educación religiosa.

Page 3: XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 · 2015. 9. 16. · XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from

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Mời Bạn: Là con người có xác có hồn, chúng ta làm gì cũng phải có biểu hiện ra bên ngoài. Vấn đề là làm thế nào để hình thức bên ngoài diễn tả được tâm hồn bên trong. Chúng ta cần học biết ý nghĩa của các nghi thức phụng vụ để hiểu được điều cốt yếu mà chúng diễn tả và thực hiện. Và trước những nghi lễ đã trở nên quá quen thuộc, lại càng cần làm với tâm tình và ý thức để chúng khỏi trở thành máy móc. Sống Lời Chúa: Trước khi dâng lễ, đọc kinh, bạn dành một phút hồi tâm để ý thức điều cốt yếu khi làm việc đó.

CẦU NGUYỆN THEO Ý ĐỨC GIÁO HOÀNG - Ý chung: Cầu cho những người đang hoạt động trong lãnh vực thiện nguyện biết luôn quảng đại phục vụ người nghèo. - Ý truyền giáo: Cầu cho chúng ta biết ra khỏi chính mình để quan tâm đến tha nhân với biết bao người bị gạt ra bên lề cuộc sống và xã hội. CẦU NGUYỆN VÀ THĂM BỆNH NHÂN Xin Cộng đoàn cầu nguyện cho những người già, bệnh trong cộng đoàn. Nguyện in Thiên Chúa và Đức Mẹ nâng đỡ những người ấy. Đồng thời xin thân nhân thông báo cho HDMV để tiện việc cử người thăm viếng.

LIFELINES / LINEAS DE VIDA Pregnant & Scared? You have options:

¿Embarazada y tienes miedo? Tienes opciones: 1-800-395-HELP / optionline.org

Hurt by an Abortion? For hope & healing contact:

Ayuda para sanar despues de un aborto: English 1-800-HOPE-790 Español 909-520-3867


Natural Family Planning / Planificación Familiar Natural : 909-475-5351

Adoption Needs / Adopción

Holy Family Services 1-800-464-2367







Is 35, 4-7a; Gc 2, 1-5; Mc 7, 31-37

Người Pha-ri-sêu và Kinh sư hỏi Đức Giê-su: “Sao các môn đệ của ông không theo truyền thống của tiền nhân, cứ để tay ô uế mà dùng bữa?” (Mc 7,5) Suy niệm: Đối với người Do thái, việc rửa tay, rửa chén đĩa, v.v… không chỉ là một biện pháp vệ sinh mà còn là một nghi thức tôn giáo để được thanh sạch, xứng đáng kết hiệp với Thiên Chúa là Đấng Thánh. Đây là điều tốt đẹp và tự nhiên. Nhiều tôn giáo cũng lấy việc tẩy rửa làm một trong những nghi thức quan trọng. Chẳng hạn, người theo Ấn độ giáo tắm ở sông Hằng trước khi tế tự. Nhưng chính vì vụ hình thức và quá coi trọng chi tiết mà họ đã bỏ quên điều thiết yếu. Họ tưởng rằng chỉ cần làm đủ bấy nhiêu việc tẩy rửa bên ngoài là đủ để thanh sạch tâm hồn. Chúa Giê-su cảnh báo: đó là cách “gạt bỏ giới răn của Thiên Chúa” mà “duy trì truyền thống của người phàm”. Đừng lẫn lộn việc tẩy rửa bên ngoài với sự thanh sạch bên trong của tâm hồn. Đừng lẫn lộn ý muốn của con người với ý muốn của Thiên Chúa, cũng đừng lẫn lộn tập tục của phàm nhân với lề luật do chính Thiên Chúa ban bố.

Page 4: XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 · 2015. 9. 16. · XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from

60th Anniversary Diamond Dinner & Dance Fundraiser

Saturday, November 7th - 6pm to 10pm

$50 per person or $450 for table for 10

(Must de 21 & over) Attire: Semi-formal

Tickets go on sale staring October 3rd

Cena y Baile Diamante de 60 Aniversario

Sabado, 7 de noviembre - 6pm a 10pm

$50 por persona o $450 para mesa de 10

(Solo mayores de 21 años) Vestimenta: Semi-formal

Boletos a la venta comenzando el 3 de octubre

60th Anniversary of OLPH 1955-2015 Mass at 5:00pm (no 4pm & 7pm Mass this day) Saturday, October 10th with Bishop Gerald Barnes Mark you calendars! More info to come!

60 Aniversario de nuestra parroquia

Misa a las 5:00pm Sabado, 10 de octubre

con el Obispo Gerald Barnes ¡Marca tu calendario! ¡Más informes despues!

This year 2015 marks 60 years that the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help has existed here in the city of Riverside. We will have various events this year to commemorate this milestone year...

Este año 2015 marca 60 años que existe la parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Per-petuo Socorro en la ciudad de Riverside. Tendremos varios eventos este año para conmemorar este acontecimiento...

Page 5: XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 · 2015. 9. 16. · XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from



SUNDAY _______ AUGUST 30 DOMINGO 8:30-10:30am Grupo de Hombres 1/2 Hall 8:30-10:30am Fellowship Office Room 9:00am Eng Children’s Liturgy Rm 1 10am-12pm Choir-Pablo Rm 5 11am-12pm Sp. Children’s Liturgy Rm 1 1pm-2pm Sp. Children’s Liturgy Rm 1 2-5pm Grand Ultreya 1/2 Hall 7:00pm AA MC-A

MONDAY AUGUST 31 LUNES_ 8am-12 Junta Hall 6:00pm AA Hall Annex 6:30pm Fidel Choir Room 5 7:00pm Grupo de Oración Min Ctr A 7:00pm Conjunto Pastoral Office Mtg Rm TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1 MARTES 9:30am Grupo de Mujeres Hall 6:30pm RCIA children Orientation Hall 7:00pm Clase de Evangelios Church WEDNESDAY ___SEPTEMBER 2 MIERCOLES 12:00pm Mass in Spanish Church 5:30-6pm School Parent Mtg Church 6pm—7:30pm Back to school Night All Classrooms 7:00pm Peregrina Ministry Chapel 6:30-9pm Choir-Pablo Church THURSDAY __ SEPTEMBER 3 JUEVES 9am-12pm Adoration Chapel 6:30-8pm Sp Rel Ed begins School, MC 6pm-9pm Choir Ballesteros Office Mtg Rm 6:00pm Wedding Rehearsal Church 7:00pm Youth Hall FRIDAY __ __ SEPTEMBER 4 VIERNES 9-11am Church Cleaning Church 6:30-8pm Sp. Rel Ed School, MC 6pm to 9pm Virgen Toyahua Church 6pm-9pm Choir Ballesteros Office Mtg Rm SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 5 SABADO 10am-12 Youth Choir Rm 5 1:00pm Boda Church 8am-8pm Retreat Office Mtg Rm 10am-12 Youth Choir Rm 5 5-9pm Ministros de Eucaristia Hall


A todas las familias que deseen reservar la imagen de la Virgen Peregrina por una semana (de domingo a domingo), favor de llamar a la oficina de la par-roquia al 951-689-8921 ext. 100.

Any family wishing to reserve the image of Our Lady of Gua-dalupe, please call the parish office.


Agosto 30 Hermelando Perez 1:00pm

September 6 Albino Ruvalcaba 11:00am

Sept 13 Alejandro Sandoval 1:00pm

Sept 20 Ana Esquivia 11:00am

El ministerio de la Virgen Peregrina les brinda a las familias la oportunidad de practicar la devoción del rezo del Rosario y fomentar la unión familiar a través del compartimiento de su fe, oración, dones y carismas. A todos que hacen esto posi-ble, gracias.

The ministry of the Pilgrim Image of Our Lady gives families the opportunity to practice the devotion of praying the Rosary and encourages family unity by sharing their faith, prayer and gifts. We thank everyone who makes this possible.






4:00pm 7:00pm

Fr. Anthony Eze Fr. Miguel Ceja



Fr. Anthony Eze


Fr. Anthony Eze


Fr. Miguel Ceja


Fr. Miguel Ceja

3:00pm 5:00pm

Fr. Miguel Ceja Fr. Minh Nguyen


Fr. Anthony Eze

Page 6: XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 · 2015. 9. 16. · XXII Sunday in Ordinary Time AUGUST 30, 2015 "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from


For the Continued Gift of Community here at O.L.P.H. Please remember in your prayers the following

parishioners or members of their family who are ill or are recovering from illness or surgery:

Deacon Joe Acosta, Rosa Diaz, Victor Diaz, Troy W. Félix, David Fortuna, Martha Freeman, Jose Garcia, Catherine

Garrett, Kent Gorham, Tom Hoesman, Hilario Jimenez, Rogelio Juárez, Patti Kirchoff, Fred Koury, Amparo Lopez, Valerie Lopez, Angelina Lord, Jim Maldonado, Al McAdams, Lynda McAndrew, Mary Mendo-za, Yolanda Montes, Marie Nava, Jane Norder, Rosa Olivarez, Mario Órnelas, Sylvia Órnelas, DeDe Paramo Taulli, Helen Quiroz, Jess Qui-roz Sr., Ernie Rincon, Nathan Rodriguez, Jesse Santos, Lorie Santos, Dorie Sebastian, Michael Sexton, Georgia Smith, Linda Sinatra, Shirley Shovah, Corinne Swiecki, Richard Troup, Bill Valdez, Opalani Vaipulu, Charles Van Buren, Akira Wilkerson, Peter Wilkerson, Lynn Woolwea-ver, and Dickie Ybarra


Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18. Lk 4:16-30 Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11, Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: Col 1:1-8, Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: 2 Cor4:1-2, 5-7, Lk 22:24-30 Friday: Col 1:15-20, Lk 5:33-39 Sat: Col1:21-23, Lk 6:1-5 Sunday: Is 35:4-7, Jas 2:1-5, Mk 7:31-37 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA: AGO 31– Sep 6 Lunes: 1 Tes 4:13-18. Lc 4:16-30 Martes: 1 Tes 5:1-6, 9-11, Lc 4:31-37 Miercoles: Col 1:1-8, Lc 4:38-44 Jueves: 2 Cor4:1-2, 5-7, Lc 22:24-30 Viernes: Col 1:15-20, Lc 5:33-39 Sabado: Col1:21-23, Lc 6:1-5 Domingo: Is 35:4-7, Stgo 2:1-5, Mc 7:31-37

Please pray the Intentions of the Holy Father for the MONTH OF AUGUST:

Universal Intention: That volunteers may give themselves generously to the service of the needy. For Evangelization: That by setting aside our very selves, we may learn to be neighbors to those who find themselves on the margins of human life and society.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULE SAT, SEP 5- CAPTAIN 4:00pm Lillian Kalmar SUN, SEP 6 - CAPTAIN 7:30am Frank Whatley 9:00am Steve Swiecki


4:00 +Joe Wolter by Steve & Lillian Kalmar +Joe Wolter by Rick & Jill 7:00 +Ana Maria y Sebastian Galindo de sus hijas +Gerardo Mellado de Maria Esther


7:30 Pro Populo (for the people) 9:00 +Jose A. Burcena by Nelia Corpus +Joe Wolter by Kaye Smith & Family +Amy Wiesner by Raincross Senior Village 11:00 Aniv de 40 años de matrimonio de Manuel y Rosario Vasquez +Sergio Monterroso de su esposa e hijo Aniversario de 33 años de matrimonio de Alberto y Angelica Olguin +Maria Dolores Diaz de su hija Maria Jaramillo y familia

1:00 +Jesus Gomez de Elena Gonzalez Int de cumpleaños de Rosa y Eusebio Gonzalez de Elena Gonzalez 5:00 Int of Paul by Mr Trung Nguyen Int of Dominique by the choir Int of Peace by Mr & Mrs Hao & Nhan 7:00 Int of Dominique by Mr & Mrs Triet Ta MONDAY AUGUST 31

8:00 Int of Maria by Minh Tung TUESDAY SEPT 1

8:00 +Maria Villaseñor by her family Int of All Souls by a family Int of Ancestors by Mr & Mrs Thuong & Nga WEDNESDAY SEPT 2

8:00 Int of Francis, Stephanie & Anne by Mrs. Phuong Thai Int of Joseph by Mr & Mrs Kim & Trinh 12:00 Intencion de Aniversario de 28 años de Luis Carlos y Ana Fabiola Martinez +Luis Sanchez de Beatriz Ortiz THURSDAY SEPT 3

8:00 Int of Maria & Ancestors by Mr & Mrs Long Nga Int of Dominique by a family FRIDAY SEPT 4

8:00 Intention of Francisco Castro & Scheccid Castro by

Lupita Carmona Int of Joseph by Mrs. Nguyen SATURDAY SEPT 5

4:00 +Roland & Rosella Hachee by Joseph & Mary Hachee +Joe Wolter by Rick & Jill 7:00 +Marco Antonio Beltran Jr. de sus padres


7:30 9:00 +Joe Wolter by Ablah Hishmeh 11:00 +Maria Zavala de su hija Maria y nietos +Cynthia Irene Barrios de su mama y hermanos +Asuncion Ortiz de sus hijas y nietos 1:00 5:00 7:00