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Page 1: WWF, Blue Solutions, MarViva Blue Planning in Practice · Blue/red game and iceberg model Designing and aproving the management plan Zonification critieria Allocating sea use Day

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WWF, Blue Solutions, MarViva

Blue Planning in Practice Photographic Documentation

Suriname, 2018

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Healthy and productive oceans and coasts provide vital services to society. However, many ofthese services are being affected due to human coastal activities that frequently compete withthem and make use of resources. This tendency is amplified by a lack of coordination in sectorialpolicies and management. Therefor, an integrated approach for the design and implementationof policies is needed, ecosystem management throughout the different sectors is also essentialde promote an effective synergy among the three pillars of sustainable development.

Frequently, managers face many challenges when applying integrated management principles.For examples, assigning the use of space and ecosystem services among different sectors andstakeholders in adequate spatial scales. Blue Planning, the marine and coastal spatialmanagement based on ecosystems is considered a particularly useful approach to support theintegration of environment, resource use, economic development and governance goals at alocal and national scale.

Therefor, this course was developed based on decades of practical experience and field learningand aims to strengthen planning and practical implementation. The course provides anintroduction to the theory and practical steps to start a Blue Planning process. It is based on awide and diverse amplitude of frameworks, tools, instruments, articles and on-line resources thatexist with the objective of allowing planners and national and local planners develop andimplement integrated coastal and marine policies and plans.


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ProgramDay 1 Welcome, introduction to the course and getting to know each other

Learning and personal objectives and expectations, Introduction to Blue PlanningEcosystem services

Day 2 Identification of need and process designIdentifying the needFormulating a vision

Organizing stakeholder participationMapping stakeholders

Day 3 Inventory and analysis of current and future conditionsMaping your seascapeIdentifying spatial (in) compatibilitiesspaciales


Day 4 Negotiations Blue/red game and iceberg model

Designing and aproving the management planZonification critieriaAllocating sea use

Day 5 Designing and aproving the management planCasework presentationsConclusion and presentation of certificates


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Welcome and introduction

to the course

Welcome to Paramaribo! The course started with the inaugural remarks from Hesdy Esajas,representative for the Ministry of Physical Planning, Land and Forest Management; LaurensGomes, Suriname Country Representative at WWF Guianas; and the team of trainers. Then,the group started to get to know each other with a presentation dynamic, after which thecourse objectives, program and methodology were presented.

Day 1

Keep in mind that the course manual, all the presentations given during the Blue Planning in Practice course and the short BPiP movie were given to participants at the end of the course.


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Opening and introductionDay 1

Participants presented a totem that symbolizes Blue Planning in Practice to them.

Totems presented to the group by participants


Presentation dynamic

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Day 1Expectations of Participants

Participants indicated their initial level of abilitiesand knowledge and mentioned their expectations.

Participants expectations of the course

Level of abilities, skill and knowledge at the start of the course according to participants.


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Introduction to Blue Planning

in Practice

Blue Planning in Practice is a general term for concepts such as integrated coastal zonemanagement, marine and coastal spatial planning, marine planning, planning ofcoastal development and many other similar terms. Blue Planning drives forth anecosystem based approach with the objective of accomplishing multiple coastal andmarine use objectives by minimizing conflicts between users and reducing impacts onecosystems and ecosystem services while promoting sustainable development.

Blue Planning does not convey a final and definitive plan. It is an ongoing, interactiveprocess that includes learning and adaptive management that can only be achievedwith time. The development and implementation of Blue Planning includes a widearray of elements that comprise it, including:

• Identifying the need and process design.• Organizing stakeholder participation.• Analysis and inventory of current and future conditions.• Designing and approving the marine spatial plan.• Implementation and execution.• Monitoring, revising and adjusting.

Day 1


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Introduction to Blue Planning

in Practice

Día 1

The three objectives and different elements of Blue Planning in Practice. 8

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Learning objectives and personal


Day 1

Learning objectives and personal development


Course learning process

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Justification for Blue Planning and

case study methodology

Day 1

Case study methodology 10

Justification of learaning objectives and Blue Planning in Practice

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Day 1Getting to know Bakul

Group work and presentations11

In order to learn about Blue Planning in Practice, participants were taken to the fictional country of Bakul. During the next five days, Bakul was the case study used for blue planning work groups. The first case study consisted of a summary of the main characteristics of Bakul, per the manual.

Case study instructions: getting to know Bakul

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Day 1 Identifying the need and process


The introductory presentation (“Identifying the need and process design“) focused on the reasons why Blue Planning is a good idea: increasing number of marine uses, a changing marine environment and changing social demands are the reality of most coastal and marines areas around the world. Blue Planning can be driven by policies or legal requirements, but also by problems or conflicts between stakeholder or be opportunity driven.

The first elements of Blue Planning are: 1. Identifying the need2. Establishing authority3. Organizing the process4. Defining principles and vision5. Developing SMART goals and objectives

See manual, p. 16-36

Ecosystem services game


Understanding the concept of ecosystem services and being able to identify then in the planning area is key to determining if there is a need for Blue Planning.

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Day 2 Identifying the need and

process design

Case work intructions for identifying the need for Blue Planning in Bakul

13Identifyng the need case work presentations

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Day 2 Role play:

defining principles and vision


Defining principles and a vision iscrucial for a Blue Planning processand for involving stakeholders.Participants were involved in roleplay in order to develop andnegotiate a vision for Bakul. Theywere divided into five differentstakeholder groups: Department ofMineral Resources, Cooperative ofTourism Operators, Bakul NatureConservation, Artisanal FishingCooperative, Marine and CoastalTransport Agency.

Role play instructions for developing a vision


Blue Planning vision for Bakul

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Day 2. Bringing it home:

Define a vision

After the role play, all participants made observations on the development of a vision. It was observedthat involving and convincing stakeholders about the benefits of a shared vision is a crucial part of thenegotiation process of a joint vision and stablishing a Blue Planning Process. For this purpose, a visionmust be specific for the planning area and contain aspects involving economy, environment andcultural and social aspects.


Discussing the vision and future of Bakul with the governor

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Day 2 Organizing stakeholder



The second day closed with exercises relating to organizingstakeholder participation in Blue Planning processes. Thiselement cosists of:

Key questions for stakeholder participation include: who andwhen to involve them in a Blue Planning Process and how,depending on the skills and capacities of differentstakeholders.

Stakeholders continued their case work on Bakul with anexercise for mapping stakeholders. The objective was tounderstand the role of stakeholders and identify andvisualize relevant stakeholders and the relationshipsbetween them. The participants mapped stakeholders andtheir relationships according to their power and affectedlevels.

1. Mapping stakeholders2. Identifying the interests of stakeholders3. Involving stakeholders4. Building trust

See manual, p. 44-60

Stakeholder mapping case work instructions


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Día 2 Casework:

Mapping stakeholders


Results of the stakeholder mapping case work 17

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Day 3 Inventory and analysis of current and future conditions: map your seascape

Cumulative sectorial plans


This section was dedicated to the invetory and analysis of currentand future condition. It includes:

Participants were aske to focus their task on Bakul.

1. Map your seascape2. Identify spatial (in) compatibilities3. Determine which support tools are useful for decision

makingPages 65-79

Group work and presentation

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Inventory and analysis of current and future conditions: identify spatial


After a reflection on mapping current and future conditions, a second case work was started relating to identifyingspatial incompatibilities and compatibilities. Participants were once again divided in grips in order to analyze theimpact of one use on other uses. Analyzing spatial incompatibilities is an important step for generating thenecessary evidence for zoning and management measures in a planning process. During the analysis it isimportant to consider the three-dimensional aspect of the marine space, many uses occur on different layers ofthis space. Another important consideration is time, uses can occur on a different time scale.

Instructions for identifying spatial (in) compatibilities

Group work results on (in) compatibilities


Day 3

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Day 3Field trip to Braamspunt


For the fieldtrip, a visit to Braamspunt was organized. Participants wereable to see the super position of different uses and learn about localwildlife.

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Day 4 Negotiation game and Iceberg




The day started with the red/blue negotiation game, which showed the importance of stablishing trust amongnegotiating parties. The Iceberg Model showed the visible layer of a position during a negotiation ad provided ideasand factors for successful negotiations.

Rules and final scores for the red/blue negotiation game and Iceberg Model

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Day 4 Drafting and approving a marine

spatial plan: Allocate sea use I



Case work instructions

The next step was a case work study on allocating sea use. This is a small introduction for participats into generating criterioto define use allocation. A marine plan must be comprehensive and strategic. It must identify when, where and how goals and objectives are met. In order to stablish a plan you need:

1. Identify management measures for Blue Planning2. Allocate sea use3. Draft and approve the marine spatial plan

Pages 80-94

Group work

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Day 4 Drafting and approving a marine

spatial plan: Allocate sea use I



Since a marinespatial plan mustbe defendable, itis important toidentify and usezonificationcriteria.Groups developedtheir own criteriafor several uses.

Zonification criteria developed by groups

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The second part of allocating sea use considers the application ofcriteria that was developed by the participants. de la tarea,asignar el uso del mar de Bakul.

The objectives, goals, vision and sectorial plans for Bakul weretaken into consideration when assigning the different types ofzone use to the seascape of Bakul.

Participants also considered other measures and regulations, forexample quotas and seasonality.

They then presented their plans to government consultants andthe group.

Day 4 Case work:

Allocate sea use part II


Instructions for assiging marine uses in Bakul

1. Identify management measures for Blue Planning2. Allocate sea use3. Draft and approve the marine spatial plan

Pages 80-94

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Day 5Personal action plan


Instructions and personal action plans proposed by participants

Participants were asked to discuss a personalaction plan for applying the lessons learnedduring the workshop in small groups. Later,these were presented in plenary to receivefeedback on their ideas.

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Day 5Cynics and believers


Instructions and most convincing arguments used by participants

The cynics and believers dynamic consisted ofdividing participants between cynics whodon't believe Blue Planning works, andbelievers, who think Blue Planning is needed.

Later, the best arguments on both sides werepresented in plenary.

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Day 5Final reflection


Learning process: start vs. end of the course

The final sessions of the workshopwere dedicated to the final reflectionof the participants: each placed anew dot on the learning processgraph and the group was able to see ifthere were changes in abilities, skillsand knowledge.

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Day 5Final reflection

28Participant feedback

The participants were very appreciative of the interactivenature of the course, the little use of electronic means andthe tools and drawings presented. An important suggestionfor the future was to consider giving the workshop in Dutchand to provide materials and videos in this language. Thenegotiation tools, stakeholder analysis and allocation toolswere very appreciated

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Solutions for a healthy planet

The Panorama platform, solutions for a healthy planet, contains case studies documented by Blue Solutionsin a standardized format, The solutions indicate success factors and describe the context in which solutionswere implemented.

These solutions serve as examples on how Blue Planning works in different settings:

Sound legislative governance framework for spatial planning and management, AustraliaPublic participation to strengthen and legitimize planning processes, AustraliaEffective zoning as a key spatial planning/management tool, AustraliaCoordinated multi-layered management for implementation of MSP across the GBR, AustraliaImplementation of Integrated Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning of Bontang, IndonesiaParticipatory fisheries monitoring, Panamá, Costa Rica, ColombiaCommunication as a tool for local governance in the Gulf of Tribugá, ColombiaMapping and Valuing Ecosystem Services for Integrated Management, BelizeMulti-sectoral coastal and marine management vision – Costa RicaInteractive and transparent approach in marine spatial planning – IsraelSustainable governance of marine and coastal resources and territories, MauritaniaGrenadines Marine Resource Space-use Information System (MarSIS) - Grenada

Solutions are shared on the platform, which also works as a go to resource after the course.


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From WWF, Blue Solutions and

Fundación MarViva, we would like to thank you for the great

opportunity to work with you!We hope to hear of future advances in the

marine spatial planning of Suriname.

For more information on Blue Solutions, visit our web siteand follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

For more information onFundación MarViva, visit ourweb site and follow us onTwitter and Facebook.