winchelsea star vol37 ed11, 1st april 2014

Vol 37. Ed 11. Tuesday 1st April, 2014 A community newspaper for Winchelsea and district Since 1977 Price $1 WFNC Ticket Holder No.1 Blues eye off Premier- Ship It could be said that The Winchelsea Football & Netball Club have landed a Premier-ship on the eve of the 2014 season announcing that former Winchelsea resident and current Victorian Premier Denis Napthine will be the club’s number 1 ticket holder for the upcoming season. Denis is excited to be involved with his former hometown and is looking forward to getting to the game to watch The Mighty Blues kick off their 2014 campaign on Friday Night. continued overleaf...

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WFNC Ticket Holder No.1 - Premier Denis Napthine. Also, Church Auction photos, $120,000 State grant for plan for Winchelsea future, Health Corner, Councillor Column and sports roundup.


Page 1: Winchelsea Star Vol37 Ed11, 1st April 2014

Vol 37. Ed 11. Tuesday 1st April, 2014

A community newspaper for Winchelsea and district Since 1977

Price $1

WFNCTicketHolderNo.1Blues eye off Premier-ShipIt could be said that The Winchelsea Football & Netball Club have landed a Premier-ship on the eve of the 2014 season announcing that former Winchelsea resident and current Victorian Premier Denis Napthine will be the club’s number 1 ticket holder for the upcoming season.Denis is excited to be involved with his former hometown and is looking forward to getting to the game to watch The Mighty Blues kick off their 2014 campaign on Friday Night.

continued overleaf...

Page 2: Winchelsea Star Vol37 Ed11, 1st April 2014

Tuesday 1st April, 2014The Winchelsea Star2

...continued from Front Page.

The club is gearing up for its maiden match of the season in a blockbuster under lights clash against Bannockburn Tigers this Friday April 4th

A huge crowd is anticipated on the night with meals being made available in the Community Bank Rooms for $25 for a two course roast meal from 6:00pm, (Bookings are advised by calling 0409 335 226 or emailing the club to [email protected])

For those looking to take in the crowd

atmosphere the Winchelsea Bendigo Community Bank will be operating a BBQ and additionally an Espresso Coffee van will there to take care of the nightly chill. The on court/field action will kick off at 6:00pm.

On Saturday morning our under 16s will play at home starting at 8:15am followed by the under 18s @ 10:00am playing their first match in 3 years after having to go into recess due to player numbers.

The WFNC look forward to seeing as many people from the community getting involved during the upcoming season.

Everyone is welcome, lets paint the town Navy Blue in 2014.

Councillor Column Cr Heather WellingtonMH370 and our global communityWhen we think about community, we usually think local – which, depending on your perspective, may include the township of Winchelsea and its rural surrounds, the broader Surf Coast Shire or the whole of Australia. Recently, however, we have been reminded of the importance of our global community.

It’s more than two weeks now since Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, a commercial flight with 227 passengers, 12 crew members and a large cargo simply disappeared, apparently thousands of kilometres off course over the Indian Ocean. The incident has captured the world’s attention, sparking intense speculation, fear and, above all, deep

sympathy for the relatives and friends of those on board. Their anguish has been clear to us all, as has the resolve of authorities to find MH370 and identify the cause of its disappearance.

For the sake of those left behind, I am sure we all desperately want the search to succeed. Knowing what caused a loved one’s death is important to understanding and accepting its reality. We feel genuine and close empathy for all of the families and friends of those who are lost on MH370. Their grief brings us closer to our global community.

Many of us are also deeply troubled by the uncertainty of what happened. Even though we know that modern air travel is extremely safe, many of us feel vulnerable when we fly. We are puzzled by the flight path of MH370, and why no distress signal was received. The incident has also revealed some worrying facts about global security practices. At least two passengers on MH370 were travelling on false passports, and we now understand that many nations do not use Interpol’s database of stolen passports. In Australia, immigration officials reportedly checked that database just 335 times in the past year, out of more than 30 million international visits. Apparently, the cost of upgrading computer systems to enable mandatory checks is prohibitive. Those of us whose nail scissors or drink bottles have been confiscated as we pass through airport security have difficulty

comprehending this.

We have seen unprecedented cooperation between nations that have joined the search, including China, Japan, India, New Zealand, Australia and the United States. Working together, their capability is enormous. Satellite images from France have helped those searching for clues. We have learned a lot about how our planes are tracked when in the air and the strengths and vulnerabilities of radar, tracking and satellite systems. We now know that our global technological capability is both extraordinary and flawed. We have pondered what is carried in cargo holds and how it is kept safe. We have also been reminded of the vastness and depth of our oceans, and how difficult it will be to retrieve critical pieces of evidence when the body of the plane is found. Film vision of Australia’s military personnel participating in the search reinforces national pride in our armed forces.

Realistically, it may be years before we know what happened to MH370 and its passengers and crew. We may never know. I do hope, however, for the sake of the families and friends of those who are lost, MH370 will soon be found. In the meantime, we are reminded of the importance of family, friends and our local and global communities, and the value of resolve, cooperation and patience.

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 3

On Thursday March 27th the Winchelsea ladies travelled to Bannockburn to play Barwon Valley in the last pennant match of the season. Already on top of the ladder, they managed a 4/1 win to be unbeaten for the season and deserving champions.

It was a great win for our small club and Janice Pekin, President of the South Western Ladies Golf Association, presented each of the players with a badge and the team with the Pennant Flag.

Winchelsea Golf Wins Leigh Pennant

Bridging The Gap Sandra JonesIt’s really good to see the progress that is happening in our town with the new road and bridge coming along. I know we have not had a lot of rain since October but no doubt with winter coming up the sooner it gets done the better. Can you imagine what it will be like with a couple of inches of rain on it?

With the change in lanes every few weeks please be careful folks as it is very dangerous - not to mention the confusion for the pedestrians crossing the highway at Hesse Street.

We at the Historical Society are attempting to keep a photographic record of the changes as they happen but we would be very happy for any photos you may have to add to our collection. Today’s present is tomorrow’s history.

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014The Winchelsea Star4

The Winchelsea Star is a voluntary service

to the town.Articles are most welcome from any group

or organisation and must carry the name and address of the sender. The editorial team

reserve the right to edit or not to publish any article. The views expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of the editors.

Copy / adverts can be emailed to [email protected] or left

at IGA Supermarket.

Copies printed total 415 each week.

© Winchelsea Star Org. Inc. All rights reserved.

Weekly deadline is 4pm Sunday.Winchelsea Star Organisation Inc.

Reg. No. A1479 ABN: 57 207 411 958

Ph. 03 5294 0300

Po Box 5, Winchelsea, Vic, 3241

President: Stewart Mathison

Email: [email protected]

Editor: Stuart Fountain

Email: [email protected]

Advertising: Neil McInnes

Email: [email protected]

Production: Tony Phelps and Stuart Fountain

Email: [email protected]

Treasurer: Cathy Cheadle

Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Tony Phelps

Email: [email protected]

Committee: Linda Carter, Don Smith, Mick O’Mara,

Lesley Mathison, Cathy Cheadle.

Printed by Mud Group, Winchelsea 0417 160 559

2014 Plans Set for Winchelsea & District RSL Jennifer O’ConnorThe first meeting of the R.S.L. for 2014 was an afternoon tea held in the clubroom. Although Kevin Bennett was A.W.L. we tucked into the sponge (made by Haydn Shinners) to mark Kevin’s Milestone Birthday.

2014 will be another busy year for our club.

We are currently gearing up for and our A.N.Z.A.C. appeal.

Our focus this year will include :

COMMERATION of the fallen

HONOURING all veterans

SOCIAL CONTACT for members and widows

APPEALS for veterans, widows and dependants

EDUCATION re - History - Freedom gained, and the values fought for , and how these values translate into our society and everyday living.

PROJECTS will include

- A.N.Z.A.C., Armistice, Legacy Appeals - A.N.Z.A.C. & Armistice Day Services - Social Functions for members, wardens and friends - Clubroom Open Days - Working with Hesse Rural Health - Maintaining and developing historical displays in the clubrooms - A Garden of Peace - Developing an inter-active, reflection Memorial Space - Holding an inter-active, audio-visual Veteran’s Stories event - Star Articles - club news, history and education articles - Developing display and involvement for the Re-enactment Groups 2015 Event at Barwon Park.

Our Club has a proud history in Winchelsea. Our active members are hardworking and enjoy the strong support of the town and district, so we feel we should achieve our goals for 2014.

Winchelsea Primary Kitchen Garden Wish ListWith the start of our new Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program at Winchelsea Primary School, we are in vital need of lots of items to make the program a success. To keep costs down many of these items can be stuff you may not need at home anymore. Below is a list of things we would love to have. If you have any of these items cluttering your home and you would like to donate them, drop them at school or for bigger items give us a call just to make sure the item hasn’t already been donated. Thank you!

Garden Items • Garden Implements- Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Hammers etc - Must be in working order • Large tractor tyre for flower bed • Small corrugated water tanks • Enamelware: Large pots, pans, kettles • Pots, pans & wooden spoons • Working hoses & connectors • Plastic watering cans & buckets • Large ceramic/terracotta pots- any shape • Large wooden wagon wheel • Besa Blocks for garden edging • Bluestones & Bricks for garden edging • Wood ½ wine barrels for planting • Old Rio for growing plants up • Concrete pavers for stepping stones • Old tractor seats (metal) • Old fence pailing (weathered) • Nonworking hoses • Wheelbarrows • Unwanted bricks

Kitchen Items • Stock Pot & lid - stainless, 15 litre • Pasta Pot & lid -stainless, 10 litre • Saucepans & lids- Stainless • Baking/Roasting Dishes • Measuring Scales up to 6kg • Pasta Machine, hand cranked • Wire Cooling Racks • Salad Spinners • Rolling Pins • Pepper grinders • Whisks- stainless steel, small & medium • Measuring Jugs to 1 litre • Serving Platters & Bowls- light melamine non-breakable, variety of sizes • Food Processor – working • Stab blender- working • Small washable buckets for scraps • Baskets for harvest display • Egg slides, slotted spoons and other cooking implements. • Mixing bowl sets

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 5

Dear Sir

Subject: Long Vehicle Consultation

I sent an email to our councillor Mrs Heather Wellington with copies going to Mr Rod Nockles and the Surf Coast CEO Mr Stephen Wall, on Wednesday at 5.00pm 26/3/14. At the time of writng 6.00pm Friday the 28/314 I am still waiting for a reply. So much for consultation with ratepayers.

I did actually manage to attend the meeting in question today and found that there was no more than 30 people in attendance, and this included 3 councillors, the CEO Mr Stephen Wall, Mr Terry Mulder the local MP at least two council employees and a cameraman, that makes nearly 30% of the total in attendance, which proves my point about ratepayers not being able to attend meetings and comment. When such meeting are held during the day and not well advertised. This town can attend meetings when it thinks it can change outcomes

and is informed in plenty of time and the meeting is held at the right time (Remember the meeting regarding building a jail in Winchelsea. The Tea Rooms were packed to capacity).

Regarding today’s meeting there were maps and aerial photos for people to comment on. Upon leaving I spoke to one of the consultants who advised that they would go back to the office draw up plans that had been suggested and submit them to council who will either accept or reject them, the final decision is apparently with council. So if some Torquay bureaucrat doesn’t like a suggestion it will not happen. The speakers Mr R Nockles, Mrs H Wellington, Mr S Wall and Mr T Mulder all seemed only interested in telling everyone at the meeting what a good job each other was doing and how Winchelsea is going to grow to 10000 people. What ever happened to the peace and quite of a small country town of 1200 souls in 1984 when I came here.

Keith Walker

Letters to the Editor Winchelsea Transfer Station

Opening Hours

Monday Closed Tuesday 2pm-4pm Wednesday Closed Thursday 2pm - 4pm Friday Closed Saturday 1.30pm - 3.30pm Sunday 9.30am - 12.30pm

55 Cressy Road, Winchelsea. Accepts household garbage, mixed

commercial & industrial waste, mixed construction & demolition waste.

Accepts recyclable materials. Accepts one recycle bin two waste bins.

Does NOT accept clean fill.

Long Vehicle Strategic PlanConsultants from AECOM visited Winchelsea this week to gauge the reaction of the community to - what is your general inpression of long vehicles in the region? - what are the issues associated with long vehicles? - suggested improvements for better managing long vehicles?

AECOM have been engaged by Surf Coast Shire to complete the

Long Vehicle Strategic Plan for the shire.

Many locals attended the meeting to discuss parking of long vehicles in the town. The question was asked however - is it too late to have our say when Vic Roads have already put out their plans for the town - including parking for long vehicles?


Sandra Jones

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014The Winchelsea Star6

Plasterer & Painter

Daryl Hecker

Domestic & Commercial Renovations & Repairs Suspended Ceilings Dustless Sanding New Homes Extensions

Ph 0419 194 799

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 7

Monday to Friday, 8-5pmSaturday, by appointment only2990 Princes Hwy, Winchelsea

Ph: 5267 2703 or 0417 054 [email protected]





Family owned & operated for more than 20 years.

Specialising in:• Clip Brokering

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keeping victorians connected

Princes Highway Duplication – Winchelsea

Murrell St

Hesse St Hesse St

Armytage S


Gosney St

Princes Hwy






Anderson St

Service Roads - Traffic One Direction

From Friday 28 March 2014, the northern and southern service roads in Winchelsea will have changed access.

The service lanes on the Princes Highway between Hesse Street and Anderson Street will be changed to one-way traffic.

Vehicles wishing to use the Northern Service Road will need to enter at Gosney Street and exit at Hesse Street

Vehicles wishing to use the Southern Service Road will need to enter at Hesse Street and exit at Anderson Street

Temporary signage will be installed along the service roads to provide direction to all road users.

VicRoads apologises for any inconvenience and thanks the community for their patience.

For further information visit or call 03 4243 3800

The Division 2 Bambra tennis team played in the Polwarth Grand Final against Warncoort Stoser on the 22nd March, 2014.

Both teams played excellent tennis with many spectacular rallies throughout each set. Bambra was undefeated all season and finished off in style by winning 5 sets to 1.

It was a fabulous team effort by these talented young players.

Bambra Division 2 Tennis Champions

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014The Winchelsea Star8







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Tuesday 1st April, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 9

We are a nation of gardening lovers, and rightly so! It is a great activity to participate in not only for your aesthetic pleasure but also for nourishment, exercise and relaxation. You may wish to consider some of the following tips before your next ‘bout’ of gardening to sort out some of those jobs that have been needing attention for the last few weeks!

Gardening can be very rewarding, but when activities such as seeding, weeding, watering, digging and lifting are done the wrong way this can place strain and stress on our backs, particularly when our backs are held in ‘weakened’ or ‘compromised’ positions for long periods of time.

Taking care of your back now will allow you to enjoy the fruits of your labour for many years to come! Here are a few tips:

Bend Your Knees to lift with ease.The good news is most injuries are preventable Here are some tried and tested rules for lifting with care, without hurting your back:

• Get Close to the Load. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, head up, feet and body pointing in the same direction.

Pivot with your feet, don’t twist your body whilst carrying the load.

• Knees Bent, Back Straight: Check the weight of what you are lifting. Use your leg and arm muscles to smoothly and slowly lift.

• Easy Does It: Bend your knees and slowly lower the load to its intended place. Do not lift heavy objects above your waist. Avoid heavy lifting immediately after prolonged bending and kneeling.

The Right Moves.Using the right moves can go a long way to enabling you to plant and rake without the ache. Positioning your body correctly reduces strain on muscles and joints:

• Alternate: Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light – this is the correct way to handle these jobs.

• Changing Hands: Take the strain off by changing the position of your hands

• Check Your Position: And change it often. Kneel then Stand or simply sit and relax for a while.

• Kneel to Plant: Use knee pads or a kneeling mat to reduce the strain whilst you plant and weed. Keep your back straight and stop frequently to take a break.

• Rake Right: Ease the strain on your back by putting one leg in front, the other behind. Switch legs and hands from time to time

The Right Tools: Choose tools that ergonomically designed, are the correct tool for the job, have

padded handles and spring action. Here are a few more tips:

• A hose is easier to manage than a watering can.

• A good wheelbarrow makes moving heavier loads a breeze.

• Separate a larger load into several small ones.

• Wear comfortable, thick soled, supportive shoes.

• Use ergonomically designed, long handled, lightweight tools.

It is easy to understand how back pain can arise from our endeavors in the garden , if we don’t undertake these activities in the right way. And not surprising that in general, about 80% of people experience low back pain at some stage in their lives. Aside from using the correct posture and tools, take frequent breaks and walk around and stretch, as staying in the same position for too long can contribute to a sore back later that night or the next morning.

Back or muscle pain that last longer than 48 hours is your body’s way of saying it needs help.

Chiropractors are trained to detect and treat spinal problems. They provide expert care for your nervous system, back, neck, muscles and joints, helping you to enjoy life to the fullest.

Shovel, Lift, Plant, Rake

You can do it without the ache …

If you have back pain , neck pain, headaches, sciatica, shoulder hip or knee pain, or simply just not feeling your best, call us today at One Body Chiropractic and see how we may be able to help you!

Yours in Health, Emily

Plant & Rake without the Ache

Philipino FeastThe cultural landscape of Winchelsea is slowly changing, as people from different lands, cultures and traditions settle here, and make our town their new home.

Such people are the Silvestre family from the Philipines. Actively involved in the local Uniting Church, they still support their home church which is struggling to maintain their pastor, and a building for worship.

The boys, Nardz, & Leony, their parents, Boy and Minda, and Nard’s wife Sol will cook up a Philipino Feast for next Saturday night at 5.00pm in the Uniting Church Hall. All food will be prepared by hand from local produce, and give us a taste that we would not see outside a specialised Restaurant.

The $15.00 per head admission to the Feast will go directly to Christians in the Philipines to support the churches activities there.

Tickets can be obtained through Yvonne Orchard 5267 2630, or John Bumford 5267 2062.

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014The Winchelsea Star10

Schroeter Bros Garage

7 Willis Street, Winchelsea Ph: 5267 2098

For all Mechanical Repairs and Service to Cars, 4 Wheel Drives and Commercial Vehicles Heavy tilt tray service for tractors, machinery, trucks and containers 24 hour accident towing and salvage

Matthew Partridge p 0418 672 334

e [email protected]

Welding Service - Onsite welding - Farm maintenance - Farm machinery & equipment repairs - Cattle & sheep yards - Custom built trailers - Supply & install gates

Page 11: Winchelsea Star Vol37 Ed11, 1st April 2014

Tuesday 1st April, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 11

Hi folks, we all had a great day at Wormbete Station on Friday last. If anyone went home hungry, it was their own fault. The large dining room table was groaning with all the afternoon tea on offer. Mr John Bumford entertained us on the piano while others wandered around the grounds and visited the horses in the stables and the new stables in the old woodshed. Many thanks to Anthony Blakeley Esq. for allowing us the use of his lovely home.

Wednesday Results;CARDS Roma Schroeter, Kath Wilson and Helen Bath.

Friday Results;BOWLS David Loone and Vida Bath CARDS John Read and Haydn Shinners COMPETITION Helen Bath

Our next Fish n Chip night will be Friday the 7th of April. Please have your orders in by 5pm thanks.

Get well wishes are sent out to any of our members who are not feeling very well at the moment. We hope to see you all back at the clubrooms very soon.

SORRENTO TRIPWe are having a trip to Sorrento on Wednesday the 9th of April. A list is on the wall in the hallway, so please put your name down if you would like to attend and also indicate if you are willing to carpool. We have decided that those who take their cars will be paid $5.00 by each of their passengers, towards the cost of fuel. (A cheap return trip to Queenscliff).The cost of the ferry is $18.00 return. On arrival at Sorrento we will be taken by transport to the Sorrento R.S.L. for a private lunch which will cost approx. $25.00. We expect to return on the 3pm. ferry, which should have us back at the clubrooms by 5pm.

LIMERICK OF THE WEEKIf you catch a chinchilla in Chile And then cut off its beard, willy-nilly, With a small razor blade, You can say that you’ve made A Chilean chinchilla’s chin chilly.


With the night’s getting cooler try this curry paste to warm the cockles of your heart.

2 Tablespoons ground Coriander 1 Tablespoon Cinnamon 1 Tablespoon dry Mustard 1/4 teasp Chilli Powder 1 Tablespoon Turmeric 1/2 cup Oil 1 Tablespoon ground Ginger Salt & Pepper 2 teaspoons Sugar 1 clove Garlic 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice 2 Tablespoons Vinegar

Combine all dry ingredients in a saucepan. Gradually add the combined crushed garlic, oil, lemon Juice and vinegar. Mix to a smooth paste.

Stir over a gentle heat for 2 minutes or until thickened. Remove and allow to cool.

Store in an airtight jar in the fridge. Use 2 Tablespoons to 500g meat. Mixture makes 1 cup.

Senior Citizens News

Toddler for Winch House Committee?Winchelsea Community House is seeking a toddler’s viewpoint for its Committee of Management, to ensure that the House continues to cater for Winchelsea’s diverse community the best it can.

While a toddler cannot directly sit on the Committee as the monthly meetings are held after bedtime, a parent making use of the Occasional Care facilities would be ideal to represent what is a large segment of the Winch House clientele.

Occasional Care at Winch House has continued to grow and develop, and over the last year has seen a big turnaround for its finances. Much of the financial improvement has arisen from the integration of childcare fees (and associated rebates) into Centrelink via the QikKids childcare management system which has been installed.

Under the very capable direction of Rene and Tina, Winch House’s Occasional Care has been a success story, providing parents with child care right in Winchelsea and freeing parents to get things done or just take a break for a few hours.

The Committee of Management are responsible for overall direction and

management of Winch House, and make decisions on policies, objectives, budgets - all aspects of running the House. The views of a parent making use of Occasional Care would be valuable in continuing to provide appropriate, relevant and wanted services.

The commitment required is light - one evening meeting a month (usually 6:30pm to 8:30pm on the 3rd Wednesday). Other assistance eg. with fundraising events or House activities is on a voluntary basis and much appreciated.

If interested, contact Winch House Manager Wendy Greaves on 5267 2028 or email [email protected]. Your contributions would be very welcome.

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014The Winchelsea Star12


Join us at BHA Geelong

Support Group

Monday 11:15am—12:15pm 89 Autumn Street

Geelong West

Enquiries 5278 8300 Monday 9 am—12 pm

or Tuesday 12 pm—5 pm

Services Available

Acute Hospital

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Urgent Care



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Diabetes Education

Occupational Therapy

Planned Activity Groups

Community Health Groups

Palliative & Continence Care


Maternal Child Health Nurse

5267 1200 8—12 Gosney Street, Winchelsea

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 13

Who, what, when, whereAdvertise your event in the Winchelsea Star who, what, where and when for FREE. Please be brief. The

Editor’s decision whether to publish a who, what, where and when notice request is final.

AGM - Winchelsea Business & Tourism Association The WBTA Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th April, at 7:30pm in the Members Room of the Eastern Reserve. All welcome, new committee members required. Membership is free. The WBTA is the official Local Tourism Association for Winchelsea.

Bus to Hub Courtesy Bus Service to Blues Bistro, Thursday night Bookings 5267 1200

Blues Bistro Meals Return this Thursday Night at the Community Hub 6.00pm onwards.

Anzac Tokens Now available at Maguire’s Butcher shop. We will also sell the tokens in front of the Supermarket. Dates will be in the next Star. All money raised goes to Veterans, Widows and their dependants NOT to RSL Club. The RSL just provides the collectors, but we take pride in how much we raise, so please buy locally. Thank you for your support. Joe Axton, Appeals Officer RSL

‘Egg-tastic’ Easter AdventureGet your Easter Bunny ears on, twitch your whiskers and discover the treasured grounds of Melbourne’s oldest manors by hopping down the National Trust’s annual Easter Fun Day on Sunday 20 April at Barwon Park in Winchelsea.

Death NoticeRETALLICK - Julie (Mrs Evans) Formerly of “Rose Hill” Buckley. Passed away 27 March 2014. You gave a good good fight to stay with us. Rest now my beautiful sister. Your loving brother - Stephen

Win an iPadLearn Local organisations across Victoria offer a range of education and training programs designed to meet your learning needs. There’s a government registered Learn Local in your community that can help you return to study, improve your reading, writing and maths skills, gain a qualification, get a job or learn something new.

Technology has really changed the way we work, live and learn, so YOU have the chance to WIN one of three Apple iPads. An iPad can help you access Web resources; create things; capture and edit video, audio and images or use social media. It’s ideal for students because it’s so portable and flexible.

How do I enter?

It’s easy to enter. On the Learn Local website, use the “Find a Learn Local” tool ( to find a Learn Local in your community. Then complete the quick and easy entry form on the website ( Hint - your community house isn’t too far from the Tea Rooms!

Entries close: Friday 11 April 2014

WINCHELSEA HORTICULTURAL & GARDEN CLUB 27th AUTUMN SHOW. MARCH 22nd 2014OPEN CLASS DAHLIAS Best Exhibit - Dennis Zeitsman Runner up to Best Exhibit - Joe Daniels

INTERMEDIATE CLASS DAHLIAS Best Exhibit - Delia Robertson Runner up to Best Exhibit - Stephen Brown

NOVICE CLASS DAHLIAS Best Exhibit - Barbara Carey Runner up to Best Exhibit - Barbara Carey

FUCHSIAS Best Exhibit - Dawn Mason Runner up to Best Exhibit - Dawn Mason

ROSES Best Exhibit - Barbara Carey Runner up to Best Exhibit - Dawn Mason

CUT FLOWERS Best Exhibit - Margaret Stewart Runner up to Best Exhibit - Delia Robertson

CONTAINER GROWN Best Exhibit - Barbara Carey

Runner up to Best Exhibit Barbara Carey

VEGETABLES Best Exhibit - R&L Clark Runner up to Best Exhibit - Stephen Wilhelms

FRUIT Best Exhibit - E Alston Runner up to Best Exhibit Stephen Wilhelms

PRESERVES Best Exhibit - Judy Price Runner up to Best Exhibit - Elizabeth Alston

FLORAL DESIGN, OPEN CLASS Best Exhibit - P Bone Runner up to Best Exhibit M Harcombe

INTERMEDIATE CLASS Best Exhibit - Barbara Carey Runner up to Best Exhibit - Edie Barton

NOVICE CLASS Best Exhibit - Hesse Rural Health

Runner up to Best Exhibit Hesse Rural Health

BEST OVERALL IN SHOW 1st Dennis Zietsman (Open Dahlias) 2nd Delia Robertson (Intermediate Dahlias) 3rd R&L Clark (Vegetables)

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014The Winchelsea Star14


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5248 2061

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014 The Winchelsea Star 15

Church NewsWinchelsea Uniting ChurchInter-church Prayer Meeting – Wednesday April 2nd at 1.00pm in the Uniting Church Hall.

Paradise Club – Wednesday April 2nd at the Primary School at 3.00pm

Music Group practise Thursday April 3rd @ 7.00pm in the Hall.

Combined Choir Easter Music practise – Thursday April 3rd at 7.30 in the Hall.

Philipino Feast – Saturday April 5th in the Hall at 5.00pm. All Welcome. $15.00 per head. Proceeds to Christians in the Philipines.

Worship Sunday April 6th – 9.30am – John Bumford

Sup, Sing, Share, Study - Sunday night April 6th at 6.00-8.30pm, in the Manse.

John Bumford Co-ordinator Winchelsea Uniting Church 035267 2062 or 0419 535490 [email protected]

Easter Ceremonies.

Easter Monday: Commencing at 7.30pm the combined Winchelsea Choir and guest artists will perform at St John’s Church, under the direction of John Bumford.

Holy Thursday: Mass commencing at 6p.m. with Father Herman

Good Friday: Ecumenical Way of the Cross, 10.30a.m. down by the Mud Brick Hut. Solemn Ceremony - at St John’s 3p.m.

Easter Sunday: St John’s Winchelsea Mass at 10a.m.

A reminder that the Combined Catholic Parishes Raffle tickets are selling well, so if you would like a book of ten tickets at $2 each, they are available at the Church. $1.50 of each ticket comes back to benefit our Parish.

Please support Project Compassion, your donation means vulnerable people can live in safe, supportive communities and have hope for the future.

Family Mass @ Bannockburn Sunday, April 6th @ 9a.m. A special invitation is extended to all families especially the children making Sacraments this year.

Sacramental Program will again be held this coming Wednesday in the hall, at 3.45p.m. – 4.45p.m. We will then have a break during the school holidays.

The Annual Ladies Guild Luncheon will be held on Thursday, 15th of May, at 12mid day.

Until next time, God bless Marg Bushell

News from St John’s

• Strategic plan for future growth

• Opportunity for community participation in planning phase

• Victorian Coalition Government funds project from $1 billion Regional Growth Fund

The Victorian Government is investing $120,000 from its $1 billion Regional Growth Fund to develop a strategic plan for Winchelsea that drives economic and population growth to improve the liveability of the township. Local MP Terry Mulder was joined by the Mayor

of Surf Coast Shire, Cr Rose Hodge and Councillors Rod Nockles and Heather Wellington, CEO Stephen Wall and Shire representatives in Winchelsea to make the announcement of the project.

“This project is aimed at stimulating economic development and employment creation strategies for business, retail and industry,” Mr Mulder said. “Options to accommodate a population of more than 10,000 people will be prepared that will emphasise diversity and affordability. An inventory of social infrastructure and assessment of future needs will

be completed, including community, recreation and leisure facilities.”

“The $160,000 project will also include a transport infrastructure analysis, including a review of the road network and car parking. This will take into account future growth and the recent duplication of the Princes Highway through the township. The strategic planning phase will give the local community an opportunity to participate in the project which will encourage the development of a new identity for Winchelsea. The project will be managed by Surf Coast Shire Council, which will identify how key stakeholders will be involved.”

Mr Mulder said the Victorian Coalition Government would provide $120,000 in funding towards the project through the Regional Growth Fund to Surf Coast Shire Council, which would contribute $40,000. The Winchelsea Placemaking Project is expected to be completed in May 2015.

$120,000 for Winchelsea Placemaking project

June Rowe, Cr Heather Wellington, MP Terry Mulder, Cr Rod Nockles, Mayor Rose Hodge and Sandra Jones at the funding announcement

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Sheep are turning green! This is a story about green sheep. You’re probably wondering how sheep can be green, well let me tell you in this crazy story….

One day, in about, let’s say 1972, a man with the name George, George Cliffson to be precise. He owned a farm with a two storey house. As you walked into the house you would see a massive staircase to the second floor. In the far right, hand side there was a kitchen, living room and another living room. When you walked up the stairs you could see 4 children’s bedrooms and a bathroom, a parent’s room and a spare room.

George just got home from work and it was about 11:30pm. He went inside and got some dinner (it was spaghetti). Then sat on the couch in the closest living room. He turned on the TV and slowly fell asleep (he had finished his dinner).

The next morning at 6:00am George went back to work. He worked at a wool packing place. He’d been working at the place for 7 years. By now he had started to feel lonely because he lived by himself. His wife had died in a car crash 4 years ago and they never had any children (they had the bedrooms in case). So he thought “well…… maybe I should get some sheep. When I cut their wool off, I will give it to my work place.”

The next day, George had a day off, so he got six sheep and put them in the spare paddock behind the horses. The horse’s names were Pia, Aurora and Clancy. Pia was a bay horse with lovely golden hair. Aurora was also a bay horse, but she had black hair. Clancy was black and grey and her mane and tail was black. Anyway, he went in the sheep paddock carrying some hay for them to eat. Days passed by and

George loved the sheep.

That night while he was in bed someone was wandering around outside. The person was shaking something around in his hand then a sound. The person soon ran away. In the morning when George woke up he went out to check the sheep. “Huh?” thought George. “Why are my sheep g-g-gr-green?” George wondered. He didn’t have a clue of what happened. So he started to investigate. “Nope, nope, nope no clues or anything, probably just too much grass.” he said, as he started walking back to the house. “Hold on a second, what’s this?” George said, as he saw something in the grass. He picked it up. It said something on it, he read it. “OH MY, green spray paint!” yelled George. He kept holding the bottle while he quickly ran to the sheep. Once he got there he sprayed the can on the sheep to see if it was the same colour. “Someone has spraypainted my sheep, I am calling the police RIGHT NOW!” said George as he was spraying the paint to see if it was the right colour. The police came over to investigate. They didn’t find any clues, so they left and said “Just sell it! It is green wool! You will get a lot for it.”

The next day at work, he took the wool and showed the manager to see if it was good wool. It was! George got $680.80. He gave his work all the wool from the sheep every time they grew a new coat.

By the way the only reason why the sheep keep growing new wool is because the spray paint went through their wool and onto their skin, so now it is natural.

“Wouldn’t it be great to have green sheep everywhere” thought George? When word spread about the experiment people started trying it all over the world.

By Tia Ackers - Grade 5/6

I helped my dad.

Harit Sharma - Prep

CUTTING WOOD WITH DAD By Rylan McConachy - Grade 1/2

I went to cut wood with dad last weekend. First we drove to Murdeduke to get a John Deere loader with a big blue trailer. The trailer had six wheels.

Next we drove to the back paddock. We ran back to the house to grab dad’s chainsaw. When we got back, we cut down some big oak trees. Dad cut them into pieces so I could put them into the trailer. We did it until the trailer was full. The trailer was massive so it took us a long time.

The chainsaw was very loud. We had to wear earmuffs. It was pouring. I had fun cutting wood with dad.

WHEN I HAD TONSILITIS By Samantha Kuchenmeister - Grade 1/2

When I had Tonilitis I stayed home on Friday.

My sister and mum bought me a packet of things to do. There were six gel pens and a magazine.

I had a day with my dad we went to my dad’s work so my dad could see his work friends. I got to play on the playground.

It was the best day ever.

Writers of the week

Hi Kids,

School holidays are only a week away! Make sure you look after yourself, don’t forget to come and visit me in the park occasionally - too much screen-watching makes your eyes go square! No really, it does!!

Some eggs-cellent jokes for Easter for you;

Q. How does the Easter Bunny travel? A. By hare plane!

Q. How do you know carrots are good for your eyes? A. Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?

Bunyips Cave

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Scrap Metal Bought

Call Peter on 0448 343 105

FirewoodFirewoodFirewood Timber SlabsTimber SlabsTimber Slabs

for salefor salefor sale

Haidee Benning, local Osteopath, Ayurvedic Practitioner and Masseuse is re-opening her Practice in Winchelsea and will be available for appointments from January on-wards. Please email Haidee on [email protected] for appointments and be sure to include your phone number for her to call you when she returns from France just before Christmas. Alterna-tively, you can find her on Facebook.

Fun, Interactive music sessions for pre-school children (0-4 y.o.) and


When: Mondays from 10 to 11 am (Starts 3rd Feb. runs during school terms)

Where: St Thomas’ Hall, 25 Barwon Tce.

To Enquire ring: 0407838256

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Submissions to The StarThe Winchelsea Star welcomes YOUR news, information, articles and items for publication. This newspaper aims to reflect its own community.

Naturally, any article submitted for printing must comply with legal requirements such as for libel, discrimination, racism etc. Ideally, submissions fit within one page (allowing for adverts) and at most two pages. With a photo or two, this is around 700-800 words per page. Photos make for a much better article - please do not edit, crop or retouch photos, the Star team will do this as required. If you are able to ‘resize’ the photo(s), aim for around 1000 pixels (px) for the longest side. Many phones and computers can automatically resize photos when being emailed, be sure NOT to choose the small (or “email”) size as this is too small to use in a printed page.Note also that there is no need to submit carefully formatted and laid out

documents, as all formatting is stripped out when the article is imported into The Star. Please also note that any submissions in hard copy (ie. printed or hand-written) or ‘locked’ formats will incur delays as they have to be typed and/or scanned - the Sunday deadline applies to material that can be readily copied-and-pasted. Please send the article wordage separately from the article photos and images. In other words, when submitting an article, attach a document of words only and then also attach the associated images. Include image captions at the end of the article.

Send to [email protected]

Bus to the HubFree Bus Pick up from your home and Drop off (Winchelsea) if you are:

• over 65

• have a disability

• find yourself socially isolated

Free Complimentary Main Meal for “Bus to the Hub” Users (1st Time Users)

To book your seat phone 5267 1200 After hours; Annie Ph: 0427 840 280 or Michelle: Ph: 0437 783 551

Want to receive The Star

by Email ?Every week that the Star is published we can email it to paid up subscribers. The

emailed version will come as a PDF that has the advantage of earlier delivery

and full colour. To take out a subscription Google “Winchelsea Star subscription”.

click on Subscriptions | The Winchelsea Star and follow the directions.

Please note: a yearly subscription is now $25 and lasts for 12 months from the date

you start the subscription.

We would prefer Direct Deposit but Paypal is available. If you need help contact Mick

on 52672295 or [email protected]

Postal subscriptions are unchanged at $110.

For postal subscriptions contact Deb Rowley at Winchelsea IGA

or Don on 52887231.

Moriac Store also has copies.

Trains to Geelong/MelbourneMon-Fri 07:22 13:18 19:03 Sat 08:19 13:28 19:12 Sun 08:57 14:35(bus) 19:12 Sunday bus service departs from Winchelsea Post Office

Trains from Geelong/MelbourneMon-Fri 08:55 14:27 20:15 Sat 09:30 14:32 20:32 Sun 10:30 20:32

Old Shire Hall (tea rooms), Hesse St, Fridays, 2pm-5pm

Bus From Geelong to ColacMon-Fri Geelong Rail Station 17.35 Deakin Uni 17.57 Winchelsea Station 18.24 Terminates Colac Rail Station 19.05

Sunday Geelong Rail Station 17.10 Winchelsea PO 17.40 Winchelsea PO 14.35 Geelong Rail Station 15.20

Monday 6-11am & 5-8pm Tuesday 9am-Midday & 5-8pm Wednesday 6-11am & 5-8pm Thursday 9am-Midday & 5-8pm Friday 6-11am & 5-7pm

Train Services

Surf Coast Mobile Library

Bus Services

Winchelsea Gym Hours 5267 2336

Wednesday 2nd April Tracey Lnagley Victoria Hastings

Friday 4th April VOLUNTEER REQUIRED Ring 03 5261 0508

Monday 7th April Robert Armstrong Ken Dunn

Your ad here!For more

information visit



est. 2012




Est. 1858

Winchelsea & District

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014The Winchelsea Star20

fast@showers Splashbacks and Mirrors

10mm Frameless from $350 Glass Kitchen Splashbacks

from $199 m2 All available in 48 hours

Showroom at 1/28 Wood St. South Geelong

call 5222 1332 or 0400 200 073

The Winchelsea

Men’s Shed

Open Hours: Tues & wed from 9:30am Thurs from 12:30pm Every 2nd Sat from 9:3am

at 51 Hesse Street New members welcome

For more details ring: John Bader (co-ordinator)

5267 3030 Colin Mayman (Treasurer)

5267 2164 David Kellas (Secretary)

5266 1549

TheBooks Pty Ltd Registered Tax Agent


Tax Returns: Individual, Business, & SMSF

Financial Statements GST & BAS Returns MYOB & Quickbooks

Bookkeeping Services


Ph: 0481 324 802 E: [email protected]

Winchelsea Supermarket

Trading Hours Monday to Saturday— 8:30 am to 7:30 pm Sunday— 10 am to 7:30 pm

Ph: 5267 2676 29 Main Street, Winchelsea

Meals 7 days Kids Play Area

Live Entertainment Free kids Entertainment

monthly starting 5th March 6-8pm

Like us on facebook for info

Or call 5267 2046

Great Weather- Great Church Auction!Many thanks to the community of Winchelsea for the great support of the recent Uniting Church Auction. We had lots to sell and lots of buyers for most of the goods. Thankyou to everyone who helped with the running of the event especially the Bendigo Community Bank, Stewarts Auctioneers, the Men’s shed, Cricket Club, Tennis Club and the UC members and friends, who spent at least 2 days

constantly, receiving goods or organising their sale.

Many thanks also to all the caterers and stall stockers, at the Sausage sizzle, the Sandwiches & tea & coffee stall, the cake stall, and Donuts.

Also thanks to those that manned the White Elephant and sold the buyers tickets and worked in the office recording etc.

Let’s not forget the ‘Runners’ who brought the completed Auctioneer sheets back to the office a BIG THANKYOU to a great effort by everyone.

Jeanette McConachy, Geoff Orchard & the Auction Committee

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Star ClassifiedsWinchelsea Star classified ads are FREE for personal entries. Please be brief, and be sure to include a contact name and phone

number. One photo may be included if appropriate. The Editor’s decision whether to publish a classified ad request is final.

GARAGE SALE Saturday 12th April 58 Armytage St, Winchelsea. 8 till 4. No early arrivals. New security door, chairs, rocking chair, house hold items. Child toys, some clothing. Kitchen goods. Books. Knitting wool. Lots more.

SALON SHEEK Sorry for the inconvenience, however due to Renu’s Family problem, the salon has had to close until she returns on the 10th of April. The salon will re-open after that date. Management Salon Sheek.

Anaphylaxis & Asthma Management

This course will provide the learner with the necessary skills to apply an epi-pen and asthma medication when needed. This course will teach you to recognise the symptoms and procedures to follow when a colleague/child/friend is suffering from an anaphylactic episode or asthma attack. When: Tuesday, 29th April Where: Winch House Duration: 7 hours (9am—4pm) Cost: $130 or $120 conc. This course is run by Ocean Grove Neighbour-hood House. You can enrol by calling them on 52554294 or alternatively or call us here at Winch House 52672028 for more information

Hare Krishna Cooking Class Sat 5th April at the Hare KrishnaFarm, Winch. (10am—2pm) and the cost is $55

This course provides the learner with the necessary skills to ad-minister first aid and CPR. This certificate is current for three (3) years, however the student must complete a CPR refresher every 12 months for the certificate to remain valid. This course will de-velop your skills to support and assist when conducting first aid or CPR on an injured or sick person. This qualification is highly beneficial for Sporting clubs, workplaces and nominated Team First Aider. When: Tuesday, 6th May and concludes Friday, 9th May Where: Winchelsea Community House Duration: 2 x 7 hour sessions (9am—4pm) Cost: $170 or $145 concession

This course is run by Ocean Grove Neighbourhood House. You can enrol by calling them on 52554294 or alternatively call us

here at Winch House 52672028 for more information

Level II first aid (Incl. CPR)

Introduction to MYOB

Learn the basics to MYOB - This course is designed for the student to better under-

stand using MYOB. This is an introductory Course and covers the following features: Basic knowledge MYOB, Creating your own company; Invoicing; Crediting, Accounts payable; Account receivable; Profit and loss.

Introduction to Microsoft Word

This course is for the beginner to learn the basics to writing a document, cut/paste, insert pictures, save to USB, print, format and much more. Use this course to learn new skills or as a refresher.

Introduction to EBay

Not Confident using EBay? Want to buy or sell some things and don't know how? Come along to our EBay Work shop. We will show you how to set up an account, Use PayPal, buy & sell safely, browse, up load your photos and much more.

Introduction to Online Advertising & Social Media An amazing way to stay connected with friends and family—whether they are across the room or across the world. But more than that, Social Media is a way to advertise freely for business. This course will help you learn how to advertise your small business, social event or fundraiser by making the most of free Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Pin-terest, Twitter, You Tube, LinkedIn and many more ! Explore the good and bad aspects of using Social Media.

Winchelsea Community House Phone: 52672028

Or Email: [email protected]

Open 9am-2pm Mon-Fri.

Book at winch House—Last days!!!

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Tuesday 1st April, 2014The Winchelsea Star22

Winchelsea Bowling ClubBy Kitty ‘n Jack


Friday 28th of March turned on truly magnificent conditions for bowling from the late afternoon to evening. The Hateley Memorial Eve Shield was a pleasure to bowl in. Three games of 6 ends, 3 bowl pairs with a BBQ Tea afterwards. All rinks were full and some social bowlers from the Friday evenings were active and welcome participants. The winners of this event were Jessie Gardner and David Littler, with the Runners Up Ivy Stephenson and Paul Sorensen. Congratulations to you all and thank you to the Hateley family.


Congratulations to Davey who was presented with his Super Veteran badge by Corangamite League President Bill Lowrey. Although Davey only bowls on rare occasions now, he is still present at the Club to watch events and to offer his support. A great achievement!


Thursday 3rd April, Women’s Drawn Pairs, whites, names on board.

Sunday 6th April, Trip by bus to East Ballarat Bowling Club, names on board.

Saturday 12th April, Winchelsea Bowling

Club Presentation Night, names on board.

Sunday 13th April, Corangamite League Association Presentation and Break-Up. Names on board.

21st April, Easter Monday, Men’s Open 4’s

Saturday 26th April, First of the winter season 2/4/2. Names in by 11.00 a.m. Commence 12 Noon.

Tuesday the 29th of April, Ladies Committee Annual Meeting 10.00 a.m.

Sunday 4th May Postie and Publican’s Day 12-30 p.m. Names on board.

Monday the 12th May, Winchelsea Bowling Club Annual General Meeting 7-30 p.m.

May the bowls be with you!!!

Hateley Memorial Day Shield Winners Jessie Gardner and David Littler, flanked by Geoff and Dale Hateley.

Super Veteran Davey Bath was presented with his badge by Corangamite League President Bill Lowrey.

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Jump on board the wave of success with the Winchelsea Blues and take out a 2014 season membership.

Non playing Membership with Match Day Entry: $60

Social Memberships: $30 includes 1 FREE Meal in the Blues Bistro on a Thursday Night

Winchelsea Golf ClubLadies Golf ResultsMONDAY March 24th LIMIT MARKERS DAY - 4BBB Stableford

WINNERS Helen Hill & Georgie Sanders (Curlewis). 52 pts

RUNNERS UP Ann Davis & Ivy Stephenson (Winchelsea). 43pts

N.T.P’S 2/11 - Mary Jane Gannon (Birregurra) 6/15 - Ann Waayers (Inverleigh) 8/17 - Jenny Lang (Beeac)


WINNER - Sue Cuthbert 99- 28-71

R/U - Carol Stanesby. 102-28-74

PUTTING COMP - Sue Cuthbert - 28 putts

W.F.N.C. .

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Sights Of the 2014 Church Auction