why we should consider consuming an antioxidant supplement

When most people hear the word \"antioxidants,\" many instantly think about how healthy they are for us. Antioxidants have always had a name for being the beneficial, must have of the food world. We might not be completely sure what they potentially do, but the \"anti\" in their name informs us that they protect us by fighting off something bad. But what is it that antioxidants essentially do?

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Why we Should Consider Consuming an Antioxidant Supplement

When most people hear the word \"antioxidants,\" many instantly think about how healthy they are for us.

Antioxidants have always had a name for being the beneficial, must have of the food world. We might not be completely sure what they potentially do, but the \"anti\"

in their name informs us that they protect us by fighting off something bad. But what is it that antioxidants

essentially do?

Page 2: Why we Should Consider Consuming an Antioxidant Supplement

Antioxidants are essentially nature\'s way of shielding us from damaging molecules found inside the cells of our body. These possibly dangerous molecules come in the

guise of synthetic chemicals AKA \"free radicals\" (plastics, insecticides, chlorine byproducts, etc.). Regularly

the body produces its own free radicals to fight off bacteria. They\'re unfriendly molecules that feed off of otherwise healthy molecules so as to survive. But in an

attempt to counterbalance these unbalanced molecules by neutralising them, the body produces its own

antioxidants. Nevertheless the body is only able to produce a restricted amount of antioxidants. Which is

where an antioxidant supplement can play a vital part in a healthy diet.

Page 3: Why we Should Consider Consuming an Antioxidant Supplement

Foods richest in antioxidants posses an amino acid known as \"glutathione\". Glutathione is the most powerful of all

antioxidants and has been called the \"Master Antioxidant\". It doesn\'t depend on any other

antioxidants and has the most electrons available to get rid of free radicals. (The specific job of an antioxidant is to eliminate free radicals by sharing one of their electrons).

Food sources that contain high amounts of this actual antioxidant are crucial for a stable diet. Unfortunately, our

diets do not always provide the required amounts our bodies so seriously need. Which is why supplements

containing essential antioxidants (like glutathione) are crucial alternatives to consider.

Page 4: Why we Should Consider Consuming an Antioxidant Supplement

Some of the benefits of increasing the body\'s antioxidant levels could be a stronger immune response, improved mental state, enhanced energy, and decrease in overall pain.The highest amounts are found in foods like raw

fish, fresh (raw) meats, and raw eggs. The cooking process considerably decreases glutathione levels in food, Which is

why meat that are raw appear higher in glutathione and small amounts are found in raw plants, nuts, and fruits. Unfortunately, raw food consumption can be a problem

for some. In this case, a supplement is virtually mandatory for achieving an ideal level of antioxidants in a healthy


Page 5: Why we Should Consider Consuming an Antioxidant Supplement

So we all know what helps increase our gluthione levels, but what depletes it? Well, environmental

contaminants like pesticides (mentioned earlier), tobacco smoke, alcohol, household or private care products, drugs (legal and illegal), and some chemicals present in common foods (like MSG or Aspartame) to name a few. Every day

the body is confronted with a rising number of these environmental toxins. As the body\'s antioxidants are depleted by these dangerous attackers it becomes less

capable of fighting them off. That\'s why it\'s important to be certain to maintain an antioxidant rich diet.

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