whitney sanders facilityplan

TRINITY CHAPEL ACADEMY 4665 MACLAND ROAD POWDER SPRINGS, GEORGIA 30127 Whitney Sanders Frit 7132 Media Facilities Plan

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About TCA As a private Christian school we are

dedicated to raising the standard of excellence in education. We provide

opportunities that will produce well-rounded individuals who possess a sound basic education, a feeling of self-worth and a

formula for success that will in turn, produce spiritually strong, productive citizens for our

ever-changing society. At TCA we believe that each child is created

by God with a specific role in His kingdom. We are committed to educating the whole

child…mind, body and spirit.

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In September of 1998 the dream became a reality when the first students of Trinity Chapel Academy

were welcomed . TCA is located in Cobb County and attached to

Trinity Chapel Church of God. In the 2010-2011 school year we now have grades kindergarten - 12th grade. We have an

enrollment of 280 and plenty of extra curricular activities for students.

TCA has 30 certified staff members and 9 paraprofessionals.

The majority of our enrollment comes from middle to upper class families/homes.

One full time media specialist.

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MEDIA CENTER MISSION The mission of Trinity Chapel Academy Media

Center is to provide an atmosphere that enhances the curricular standards of our

school. Through this we strive to collaborate with the staff and faculty to support the

learning environment of our students. Our goal is to offer opportunities, technology,

resources, and knowledge that will encourage our students to excel to their

greatest potential.

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TCA media center is located on the bottom level of the building. It is closest to our elementary

classrooms. This picture is the front of the media center.

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MEDIA CENTER LOCATIONWalking into the media center you see the circulation

desk and the reference section to the right of the desk.

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CIRCULATION DESK This is the circulation desk. The Hawaiian/beach theme is

helped with the hula skirt attached around the desk. Behind the desk there are several cabinets and drawers

for storage.

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COMPUTERSThere are a total of 4 computers. However, they are not all in the same area.

Three computers are located on the back wall and the 4th computer is a stand alone computer on the side wall.

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REFERENCE This is the reference section of the library. I would like to expand this section to include more resources and titles. There is also a small round table located next to the desk

for small group work.

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The everybody section is located in the middle of the media center. The

whole group area for class lessons is in the middle of

this section.

This is the other side of the everybody fiction section. The black cart is used for students to place books when they do not know

where they go.

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NON-FICTIONThe non-fiction section is located on the side

wall of the Media Center.

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TEACHER RESOURCESWe have a teacher resource

room where our TV’s are stored, along with our laminator, die cut, and

construction paper. This room is not connected to the media

center. It is also not ran by media specialists.

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This area is located between the everybody book section.

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WORK SPACESThere are a total of 4 tables in the library for students to work. There are two round tables and 2 rectangle tables. There are very close since there is not a lot of room in the

media center. There is enough seating for 25 students.

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SURVEY Students and staff were asked to

give feedback about the media center. They were asked to give

positive and negative aspects and what they would like to change. The following are some of their


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We can check out 2 books this year!

I like Ms. Sanders. I like when we read

a book at the beginning of media

center time. I like the computers

that we can use to find books.

Having the ability to come in and quickly find what we need

and get checked out. The friendly staff. The scheduling is

beneficial for our students in that they get plenty of library

time each week.

Students Staff

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More teacher resources such as workbooks and manipulatives.

We need more resources in our reference section of the media center.

Some staff members stated that they would like to see more technology used

in the media center. To do this they felt them media center

needed more technologies. Students asked for more areas where

they can sit and read and chairs or pillows to use.

More resources in the teacher resource room. As well as someone to monitor these items so that when we run out

we don’t have to wait on the secretary to order more.

Students asked for more periodicals.

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FACILITY USE Check in/out books

Small/large group areas Reading areas

Computers Special Programs~ We have Scholastic Book

Fair twice a year. During this week we have family night for parents to come and buy

books with their students. Guest Readers

Student/Teacher research

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POLICIES Planning for Instruction:

        Library media specialists and teachers shall plan collaboratively to ensure use of library media resources

and services which support classroom instruction. To ensure opportunities for students to develop information

access skills:         a. The library media specialist shall have the primary

responsibility for planning with the teacher to link information resources and for recommending

opportunities for students to apply these skills during instruction.

        b. The library media specialist shall have the responsibility for providing opportunities for instructional

staff to acquire, develop and improve their own information access skills and those of their own students.         c. The classroom teacher shall have the primary

responsibility for planning, instructing and evaluating all units of study in which students and library media

specialists are involved.

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Planning for Instruction Continued

a. The library media specialist shall have the primary responsibility for planning with the

teacher to link information resources and for recommending opportunities for students to

apply these skills during instruction. Change: To do this the media specialist will

meet with teachers from each grade level. During this meeting they will discuss what

concepts the teacher is working on and how the media specialist can help. For example, third grade is working on a habitat program. The media specialist will help the students check out books that will help them learn

more about their animal and habitat. Change: A change to this policy is to not

make it the main concern of the media specialist to collaborate with teachers.

Teachers, as well, need to be held accountable to collaborate with the media specialist. This will ensure their students

are getting an outstanding education. The policy could also enforce ways of

collaboration such as a monthly meetings with each grade level as well as meeting

with administration to show how collaboration is happening and what is

happening in the media center.

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a. The library media center shall be available for student and teacher use throughout each instructional day of

the school year. Flexible scheduling should make resources available at the point and time of need.

b. Parents/guardians wishing to review instructional materials should make an appointment with the Principal or designee in order not to interrupt the

instructional program of the school. c. Provision shall be made for access to library media resources to support instruction in any Georgia Board of Education-approved course when offered outside

the instructional day. d. The library media specialist shall facilitate the use of

information sources outside the school which are available through cooperating agencies.

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Accessibility of Facilities and Resources

Our media center is opened from 7:30-3:15, 5 days a week. We work on a flexibly scheduling so that we can accommodate all students and staff.

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 a. All school owned print and non-print instructional materials and equipment except basic textbooks, items

purchased with categorical funds and items useful only in one specific instructional content area shall be organized

and made available through the library media center. b. Materials shall be organized based on nationally

recognized systems and designs for school media centers.

 c. Equipment shall be organized so as to provide accurate circulation, maintenance and inventory records.

Changes: The library should be organized as the media specialist sees fit. They should use their expertise and the likes/dislikes of students. A statement should be

added so that not all books have to be organized based on nationally recognized systems.

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• Kindergarten student are allowed to check out one book. They are not allowed to check out their book

until later in the school year when they have learned how to treat and use a book.

• 1st grade students are allowed to check out one picture book at a time.

• 2nd- - high school students are allowed two books at a time. They are encourage to get one picture book and

one chapter book but it is not required. • Exceptions are made for middle and high school

student if they need a certain book for class. • Books are loaned for a one week period.

• Students are not fined for overdue books but it is highly encourages to return or re-new their book.

• Students will be fined at the end of the year for lost and/or damaged books.

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 a. Adherence to fair use guidelines and other relevant copyright stipulations shall be

assured. In no instance shall library media materials and/or equipment be used in such a manner as to violate Board Policy, District

Administrative Rules or state and federal law.  

b. The library media specialist shall be responsible for ensuring the availability of

copyright information, dealing with copyright and clearance questions to their school.

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 Selection of library media materials by a process of competent evaluation is the responsibility of qualified personnel at the District and school level. The school and District Library Media Committees may serve in an advisory capacity for the selection of library media materials. The Library Media Committee, whether District or school, shall consider the following criteria before making recommendations

for purchase:         a. The District’s philosophy, curriculum and objectives;

        b. Teaching strategies encouraged by the District;        c. Nature of the school population to be served;

        d. Existing collection        e. Budget priorities.

Changes: The policy needs to state who the committee consists of.

      f. Technology Items:            In addition to the above criteria, computer software programs

and Internet delivered resources with access fees should be tested for compatibility with existing computer equipment and network

systems as part of the selection process. Changes: This policy needs to state that the technology

committee/staff will help with the computer software programs.

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from the floor to 2 feet from the ceiling


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34' 0"

27' 1


34' 0"

27' 1


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Non-fiction Non-fiction


Everybody Everybody


Circulation desk

Whole Group Area


Storage top and bottom

Shelves go from 2 feet from the ceiling to the floor.

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34' 0


37' 5"

34' 0


37' 4"

6' 4


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Media Office Teacher Resource/Work room


Circulation desk

Small group tables

Teacher resources

Whole group




New Facility Plan

Shelving goes 2 feet from the ceiling to the floor.

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Concern: Not enough book shelves. The new layout now has enough shelving for

many more books and resources.Wood finish

Pricing: $63.00-$1,169.00

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MODIFICATIONS• Concern: No Windows

The new media center now has windows so that students can enjoy sunlight while reading and


• Concern: The circulation desk needs more room and a place to return books.

The new media center has an L shaped desk. This desk

allows plenty of room for the students and media specialists to use. The

circulation desk now has a book return slot.

Pricing- $ 1, 314.99

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MODIFICATIONSConcern: Teacher Work room

• The new media center has a teacher workroom where teachers can check out resources such as televisions, manipulative, use copiers, die cut, etc. Having this will allow media specialist a better opportunity to be sure the resources

stayed organized and are checked out appropriately. This will allow more opportunities

for teaches to collaborate and for the media specialist to help teachers and collaborate with

them as well.

T.V Pricing: $420.00

Pricing $114.00 including headphones

T.V. Cart Pricing: $599.99

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MODIFICATIONS Pillows and brighter rugs

The new media center will have brighter rugs and comfortable pillows/chairs for student to use. This will cause a warmer feel to the library where

students can relax and read.

Carpet Pricing: $269.99

Bean bag Pricing: $22.99-30.99

Chair Pricing: $159.99

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MODIFICATIONS Concern: No periodicals

The old media center does not offer periodicals for students. The new media center will offer periodicals

and bookshelves for them.

Concern: Office Space• The new media center now has an office for media

specialists. This will allow the media specialist a place to collaborate with teachers and plan their own group lessons. This will be beneficial in that

the media specialist will not have to use the circulation desk for planning.

Wood Desk Pricing: $309.99

Subscription Pricing:$19.95

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MODIFICATIONS The flooring of the media center will be carpet.

The colors will be neutral and calming. The color pallet will consist of yellows, blues, and greens.

The theme for the media center will be jungle and jungle animals. Paintings of animals and trees will add

to the media center theme and will be inviting for students. Stuffed animals will also be place around to

add to the theme.

Murals and animals

Pricing: $19.99- 200.00

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Flexibility—Spaces may have to serve multiple functions as square footage is at a premium.

With flexibility I considered the future. I wanted to be sure I had room to grow. I do not want to confine myself to a certain area and not have enough room in the future. I also put my seating in the middle of the library so if needed it could be moved for large group events.

Technology—Prepare for the day of one-to-one computer access for students. I included more computers in the media center so students have access to more

technology use. I also included a projector for the media specialist to use when teaching whole group lessons.

o Lighting—Natural lighting is still optimal for LMCs. I added a window for some natural sunlight. I only added one so that there was not

too much light coming in for when the projector and computers were being used. I would also include blinds so that the sunlight could be blocked out if needed.

o Lines of Sight—

o To ensure the media specialist can see each student in the media center I placed the circulation desk in a central location. I also was sure to not put any items that would block the view from the desk. This will give the media specialist a view of each student in the media center as well as students coming in and out.

Students and Staff- I created my facility so that it would accommodate individual, small-group, and whole-

group assignments. Along with this I created a teacher are of the media center. This will be beneficial in supporting teacher curriculum and in helping collaboration with teachers and administration.

In looking at the information learned this semester from, Planning and Consideration for Library Media Center Facilities, these are the aspects I kept in mind when creating my new media center facility.