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Western Capital Markets

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Western Capital Markets Presentation to Centerboard Group

Aug 2015

Table of Contents


I. Current Events

II. Careers Part II – How to Get the Job

I. Resume Building

II. Networking

III. Interviewing

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This presentation was prepared exclusively for the benefit and use of the members of Western Capital Markets (“WCM”) for thepurpose of teaching and discussing financial and investment matters. This presentation is proprietary to WCM .

The information and any analyses contained in this presentation are taken from, or based upon, information obtained from theWCM Executive Team or from publicly available sources. Any information taken from external literature is appropriatelyreferenced. The completeness and accuracy of this presentation cannot be assured by WCM.

To the extent projections and financial analyses are set forth herein, they may be based on estimated financial performanceprepared by WCM and are intended only to suggest reasonable ranges of results. Any calculations or value ranges indicatedherein are preliminary and should not be construed as opinions of WCM or their individual members as to value, fair marketvalue, or target prices at which a transaction would be considered fair from a financial point of view and must not be relied uponor disclosed as constituting such a document or opinion.

WCM does not take liability for any inaccurate information, and is not liable for any investment advice. Before acting on anyinformation, from WCM or external sources, you should contact a Certified Financial Advisor.

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Western Capital Markets Presentation to Ivey New York Alumni Chapter

Aug 11, 2015 I. Current Events

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Netflix Earnings: Subscriber Growth Surges Abroad

Netflix Stock explodes over 20% after hours on Monday

• Netflix was projected by Wall Street Investors to do poorlyin Q3 after sharp slowdown in subscriber growths

• Netflix recorded profit of $51.5 Million from Q3 as opposedto $29.4 Million a year ago at this time. A special thanks toshows such as “Stranger Things” or “Narcos”

• Domestic Subscriber Growth remained slow in Q3, due to acombination in Seasonality, Market Saturation, and theimpact of “un-grandfathering subscribers” who had beenpaying lower for Netflix subscriptions until recently

• Netflix projects Q4 to be just as strong with projected 1.45Million Domestic Subscribers and 3.75 MillionInternational Subscribers

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Bank of America Earnings Results

Bank of America Reports Best Earnings Results Since Financial Crisis

• Bank of America, the second-biggest bank in the USA byassets, has produced its highest quarterly pre-tax profitssince the 2007/2008 financial crisis.

• Q3 Net Income beat analyst estimates and was up 7% from ayear ago to $4.96 billion.

• Expenses declined 3% over the year as the bank slashed morethan 6,000 jobs and 100 branches.

• Revenue in bond trading surged by over 39%.

• Increase came as clients scrambled to reposition afterBritain's surprise June vote to leave the European Union, andchanging expectations for monetary policy in the UnitedStates, Europe and Japan.

• Rivals, JP Morgan and Citigroup, also enjoyed an increase inrevenue from bond trading as last weeks earnings resultsrevealed.






2013 Q3 2014 Q3 2015 Q3 2016 Q3

Bank of America Historical EPS

Actual EPS Estimate EPS

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Goldman Sachs vs. Libya


• LIA (Libyan Investment Authority) paid Goldman Sachs 1.2 bn to invest in equity derivatives

• Lost all 1.2 bn following the 2008 recession

• Sued Goldman Sachs in London, lost last Friday


• LIA has funds of around 67 bn and sought to invest, using GS as an advisor

• LIA paid 1.2bn for GS to invest in 9 equity derivatives, including Citigroup stock

• Following 2008, all 1.2bn was lost as equity market plummeted

• Lawsuit focused on GS taking advantage of the LIA and lack of financial knowledge

• Unduly courting of LIA personnel, including alcohol, trips to the theatre and soccer games

• On Friday, London High Court ruled in favour of Goldman Sachs

• LIA will likely seek to appeal the case


• Provides precedence for interactions between foreign funds and banks

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Western Capital Markets Presentation to Ivey New York Alumni Chapter

Aug 11, 2015 II. Careers Part II – How to Get the Job

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Resume Building

• Demonstrate a clear interest in finance and the ability to excel in a finance related role. (aka. Get yourself put in the yes pile)

• Key considerations:a) Concise experience. Keep your listed experiences to things that are

relevant. Two-to-three solid entries are better than six irrelevant ones.; don’t make a laundry list just to say you did things (try to cut out retail/restaurant if possible)

b) Highlight what is most relevant to finance; relevance trumps time! Allocate more space to finance relevant experience regardless of how little time you spent in that activity.

c) Turn your hobbies and clubs into highlighted experiences (trading portfolio, professional certifications, case competitions, websites created, start ups, etc.

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Resume Building

• Key things to avoid (DON’T):a) Making the resume ‘flashy’ through strange formatting. Yes, you

want to stick out from other candidates -- but not because you used colourful graphics and Lucida Handwriting fonts (that will get you straight in the circular filing cabinet)

b) Including things you plan to do in the future but haven’t even started (“I am interested in learning German.”). Not going to help your case.

c) Including false or overly exaggerated information. You are certainly allowed to beef yourself up a little bit but definitely do not start lying about internships or activities. People will find out, believe us.

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3 Sections (in order): • Education• Work Experience• Additional and Other

Key Points: • Black professional font (Times, Arial, etc.)• One page• Minimize white space• Be careful of past and present tense use

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Format – Education

Key Points: • Minimize space taken by header• Chronological order• Don’t list high school unless it has a notable alumni network (U.C.C. etc.)• GPA should be listed in percentage form for Canadian applications

• Note: When converting to 4.0 point scale, be sure of conversion requirements (aka. Does that 82% really get you a 3.97? Double check)

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Format – Work Experience

Key Points: • Chorological order• Consistent formatting

(dates, bullets, punctuation, etc.)

• Strong action points with result

• ‘Beef up’ – don’t lie• List numbers if possible• Buzz words – DCF,

comparables, due diligence, industry analysis, modeling

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Format –Activities & Other

Key Points: • Chronological• Leadership positions are important• Highlight relevant activities here; expand on the experiences that will make a

difference for the reader• Throw in things that make you different; things that make you an interesting


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Finding the People

• LinkedIn• Connections Find Alumni Search by Geography, Firm, Function, etc.• Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and looking presentable• Once you find someone relevant, look on the right sidebar for

“comparables”• Family and Friends

• Exhaust all potential options here; extended family, friends of friends, acquaintances

• WallStreetOasis• Email templates:


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Networking: Making personal connections and leveraging them when you are in need• Not Just About Jobs — advice, direction, friendships• A Constant Process — Network with everyone, at every opportunity• Finding Opportunities — 80% of jobs are found through networking


• Network with everyone• Prepare and research before reaching out• Communicate clearly• Be interested; engage and pay attention• Maintain the relationship in the future• Smile

• Ask for a job / internship• Talk too much about yourself• Appear uninterested / desperate• Appear arrogant or overconfident• Forget to ask questions• Forget basic personal hygiene• Talk about sensitive topics (religion,

politics, etc.)

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Networking – Best Practices

2 Ways: Cold Calls and Cold Emails• As opposed to “Warm” Calls and Emails, where a shared contact introduces you

You Have 90 Seconds To Sell Yourself• Who You Are — What’s your story?• Your Area of Interest — Where are you now? Where do you want to go?• Your Skills and Experience — Education, past jobs, and anything else to spark interests• Wrap-Up — Bringing it all together and request to connect further

Don’t• Ramble or take too long• Come off too informal• Forget to say thank you• Forget to follow up

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Western Capital Markets Presentation to Ivey New York Alumni Chapter

Aug 11, 2015 III. Interviewing Preparation

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General Etiquette

Before The Interview

• Print out extra copies of your cover-letter and resume

• Research your interviewer if possible

• Don’t forget personal hygiene and business formal dress-code

During The Interview

• Be polite, calm and courteous

• Present yourself well (sit up straight, be attentive, relax, smile)

• Let your personality show

After The Interview

• Don’t forget to follow up! (1-2 Business Days)

• Keep in touch!

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Story Question

• Usually the first question you will get is: walk me through your resume/tell me about


• Your answer should be 2-3 minutes and should include four parts:

1. Who Are You? — school, program, background

2. What Got You Interested in This Field? — e.g. family, school, work

3. What Have You Done So Far? — previous work experience, club involvement

4. Why Are You Here Today? — why are you interested in this job?

Best Practices

• Keep it Methodical, Logical, and Chronological

• Previous experience trumps background — I don’t need to know your life story!

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Talking about Personal Experiences

“Tell Me About Your Last Job…”

• Demonstrate you skills / interest through concrete experiences

• Make every bullet on your resume count — be able to speak to each one

• Keep it concise — you can always elaborate if asked

Structuring Your Answer For Maximum Impact

• Using a framework can help you pre-plan stories — e.g. Context, Action, Result

(CAR) / Situation, Task, Action Result (STAR)

• What was the problem? What did YOU do? What was the result? How did

YOU add value?

• Relate this experience back to the interview. Does this experience reaffirm your

interest in the position? Your competency? Your “fit” with the firm?

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Why Investment Banking?

Why Investment Banking?

• They will usually mention something about brutal hours and

occasionally mind-numbing work

• Don’t pretend like the hours and work life will be a breeze for you;

acknowledge it but talk about why you would handle it and enjoy it


• Talking about how being surrounded by ambitious and smart people as

well as being early in your career will outweigh the negatives of the job

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Why This Company?

Why Us?

• Usually looking to see that you’ve done research into the company and the team you’re

applying for

• Knowing the company and team’s culture and talking about how you are a good fit

within that culture is a must

You worked at (different bank) – why are you interested in us specifically?

• Always important to be positive about your experience

• If you’re moving from a smaller bank to a larger one, you can emphasize how you want

to learn about larger/major deals

• If vice versa, mention how smaller environments allows you to be given more

responsibility earlier on in your career

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Why You?

• You want to mention general qualities that is required everywhere (team player,

energetic, driven)

• Most important thing is to have examples for each quality that you describe, whether it

was an act of leadership at your past internship or how well you worked in a team on

your last group project

• Additionally, specific stories or experiences that show you are an interesting and fun

person to be around is vital; there are always people smarter and harder working, and

you have to be able to separate yourself by being someone that your boss and co-

workers would genuinely enjoy being around

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Situational Questions

On the job situational questions

• General rule of thumb: always choose the option that is favorable for your superiors

(aka don’t make your boss look dumb)

• Talk through your thinking out loud and use your best judgment if the answer is not


• Ask for more information if necessary to clarify

Past experience situational questions

• If it has a negative tone (i.e. difficult situation working in a group) focus on the key

learning points of the situation and how you overcame it

• Always focus on the positive aspects of the situation and what you were able to take

away from it

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Personal Questions

• Have fun with these questions

• Examples:

• Favorite book

• Favorite movie

• Teach me something in 1 minutes

• Tell me something that is not on your resume

• Spirit animal

• What is your beta

• How would your friends describe you

• Favorite food (pizza because you can eat it hot and cold)

• Tell me a joke

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Questions for the Interviewer

Personal Questions:

• What has been your favourite experience at _____ company?

• Why did you choose to enter _____ field?

• How do you balance work and home life?

• What is the difference between a good analyst and a great one?

Company Specific Questions:

• What has been your favourite project to work on?

• How do you compare working here to other places you have worked?

NOTE: Avoid any questions regarding compensation or something like “do you guys party a lot?”.

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Western Capital Markets