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Welcome to London: The next year(s) will mark a curious adventure of finding your place, goals & values in a city as diverse as its people. What will you stand for? Here are some tips & first steps on this journey as a Christian student living overseas from OCF-ers past & present. The fresher’s guide is a handy companion to the year ahead with OCF & includes everything essential you need to know about upcoming events, local churches and people you should get in touch with as you begin this exciting new journey.

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Page 1: Welcome to Londonocflondon.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Freshers... · Welcome to London: The next year(s) will mark a curious adventure of finding your place, goals & values in

Welcome to London:

The next year(s) will mark a curious adventure of finding

your place, goals & values in a city as diverse as its people. What will you stand for?

Here are some tips & first steps on this journey as a Christian

student living overseas from OCF-ers past & present.

The fresher’s guide is a handy companion to the year ahead with

OCF & includes everything essential you need to know about upcoming

events, local churches and people you should get in touch with as you begin

this exciting new journey.

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table of contents

Page Content

2 Introduction

3 OCF‘s mission

5 OCF Theme

6 Sharing

15 16 17 18

Church Settling in church Choosing a church Churches in London

19 Serving in OCF

21 Locations


To find out more:




Join the OCF Mailing List, email: [email protected]

Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/OCFlondon

Website: www.ocflondon.com

To speak to a representative from a particular centre for more

details, email:

Jeremiah Choo, [email protected] (Strand)

Thoo Wan Ling, [email protected] (Blooms)

Rachel Loy, [email protected] (Imperial)

Mark Jit, [email protected] (Any other queries)

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OCF Retreat 2015, Winter, Gilwell Park

For many of us, leaving home and going abroad is definitely a huge step

and a major milestone in our lives. As we head overseas, we each come with

our own expectations. Some are excited about studying in a prestigious

foreign university and meeting people from all over the globe, some just can‘t

wait to have the freedom that comes from living away from home, and some

long for the opportunity to see a different part of the world.

That said, the time spent overseas will probably be one of tremendous

personal growth and change for most of us — a time when we try to figure

out how we want to live our lives and where we want to be heading towards.

It will be a time when many difficult questions will be asked! There will

probably come a time when you ask yourself why you are working so hard. Is

it to make your parents proud, have a soaring career, or to feel like your

achievements count for something? And ultimately, why are you here?

Many of us in OCF also struggle with these questions, but we know that we can have confidence in the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Join us as we study what Bible says, and how this Book written over a span of 1,500 years by 40 different authors close to 2000 years ago can radically change our lives because of the living God that it tells us about!

with ❤, the OCF committee

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ocf’s mission.

Overseas Christian Fellowship (OCF) London

In 1993, God laid a burden in the hearts of three Singaporean students in UCL to start a

bible study in their homes for their friends. To their amazement, the group just kept

growing and growing. In 1996, the leaders of OCF heard God calling to move from being a

bible study group to a ministry to reach out to overseas students.

Over the years, OCF has grown increasingly diverse with students from different parts of

the world, visitors to London, missionaries and pastors, working individuals and pre-university students joining our predominantly Singaporean and Malaysian fellowship. Yet, the heart of OCF is still reaching people for Christ by demonstrating the love of God with

our lives, and our mission remains the same:

- - - - - - -

“To be a Christ-centered ministry, reaching out

to overseas students, supporting, equipping and

challenging each one to grow in spiritual

maturity, and commissioning them to serve

God and to impact lives where He places


- - - - - -

… And this is what a typical Friday meeting looks like:

• 6.45pm: Catch up with friends, meet new people, nibble some food together and pray

• 7.00pm: Kick off by worshipping God through song

• 7.20pm: Community time – announcements, praying as a group

• 7.30pm: Split into small groups. Share how our week has gone etc.

• 7.45pm: Read the Bible together and discuss how it applies to us

• 9.30pm: Break up into smaller groups for sharing, fellowship and prayer

We do enjoy our food (quite a bit), so we often go for supper after OCF.

It’s always a good time of bonding and fellowship so do join us if you can! (:

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OCF London adopts the basis of faith of the Evangelical Alliance of the

United Kingdom:

• The one true God who lives eternally in three persons—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

• The love, grace and sovereignty of God in creating, sustaining, ruling, re-deeming and judging the world.

• The divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Old and New Testament Scriptures, which are the written Word of God—fully trustworthy for faith and conduct.

• The dignity of all people, made male and female in God‘s image to love, be holy and care for creation, yet corrupted by sin, which incurs divine wrath and judgment.

• The incarnation of God‘s eternal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ – born of the virgin Mary, truly divine and truly human, yet without sin.

• The atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross: dying in our place, paying the price of sin and defeating evil, so reconciling us with God.

• The bodily resurrection of Christ, the first fruit of our resurrection; his as-cension to the Father, and his reign and mediation as the only Saviour of the world.

• The justification of sinners solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ.

• The ministry of God the Holy Spirit, who leads us to repentance, unites us with Christ through new birth, empowers our discipleship and enables our witness.

• The Church, the body of Christ both local and universal, the priesthood of all believers—given life by the Spirit and endowed with the Spirit‘s gifts to worship God and proclaim the gospel, promoting justice and love.

• The personal and visible return of Jesus Christ to fulfil the purposes of God, who will raise all people to judgment, bring eternal life to the redeemed and eternal condemnation to the lost, and establish a new heaven and new earth.

Derived from the Evangelical Alliance

on the prosperity gospel, OCF London also adopts the Lausanne Statement, which can be found at https://www.lausanne.org/content/a-statement-on-the-prosperity-gospel

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bible study books: Ephesians, 1 Peter

theme 2017/2018:

One Plan, One Body, One Hope

As overseas students in London, a myriad of voices compete for our attention, each attempting to convince us about who we are and what we should be doing. Far from home and family, this precious chapter in our lives are fundamentally a search for our identity and purpose, and how that would play out in our immediate future.

Hence, this year‘s theme ‗One Plan, One Body, One Hope‘ aims to remind us that we are part of God’s plan to unite all things in heaven and on earth in His Son Christ Jesus, in whom the church is built and united. We can thus have a living hope of the inheritance kept in heaven for us. We will be studying Ephesians and 1 Peter for the Academic Year 2017/18. Ephesians consists of an extended benediction and prayer celebrating God‘s plan to unite Gentiles and Jews into one church in Christ, and an exhortatory composition urging the Ephesian churches to live in unity and with love in the bond of peace. 1 Peter, on the other hand, is a brief and clear summary of consolations and instructions encouraging Christians in their journey to heaven. Through the year, we will be thinking of how we can respond now that God‘s plan has been revealed to us, what it means to live as one body in Christ, as well as how we can live in light of the hope to which we have been called. Now then, we are called to love others, just as how Christ first loved us.

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Sharing by OCF-ers.

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1 Jonathan Loh, ex-OCFer (Imperial)

― The OCF was recommended to me by an aunt from my church

back home in Singapore just before I took off. I decided to give it a try after visiting the booth at the Imperial College Freshers‘ Fair. Looking back, I have no regrets joining. I would like to about my experience by looking at the OCF Mission Statement and dissecting it into bite-sized bits, dusted with my experiences. OCF is to me much like a ship sailing out to sea – to ensure that the crew who boarded do return – hopefully strengthened by the winds, waves and each other – and to haul in those lost sailors still stranded at sea.

I. ... a Christ-centered ministry...

Making Christ our Boss and Teacher has been the foundation of the OCF. One fact about the OCF which bugged me initially was that it is a ministry run by students (for the most part), for students. There was no one ordained or holding a theological degree moderating our Bible studies. What if discussions ran heretical? What about denominational differences? I told myself to go into the Bible studies with my eyes wide open and prayed for the Spirit‘s wisdom in learning the Word and sensitivity to any opinions that departed from the Word.

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I gradually came to realize that it was possible to have thorough, well- referenced studies and discussions even without one ordained, as it was with the book of Hosea in 2013/14. OCF has a fairly rigorous system of Bible study preparations and peer -reviews by more experienced and mature believers. We prayed for the Spirit‘s leading in our discussions each time (1 Cor 2:12- 13). It also came as a relief that we were not particularly divided by denominational differences amongst us, since what united us truly was stronger than what divided us. We were not here to learn from the small group leaders or the speakers. We were here to learn from Christ and His Word, and to take our faith seriously (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

II. ...supporting...

The OCF is not termed a fellowship for no reason. Being in the presence,

prayers, advice and encouragement of fellow believers at college has certainly been a source of strength and accountability each week. Many of us look forward to Fridays to catch up with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ after a dreary week of lessons. Festivities do not lose their joy and warmth despite the absence of family, in the presence of loving friends (though nothing beats family).

III. ...equipping...challenging...commissioning them to serve God and

to impact lives where He places them.

While OCF is a para-church organization and is NOT church, there is no lack of opportunities for learning practical skills in deepening one‘s faith. Be it preparing Bible studies, organising outreach events (e.g. Easter, Christmas), learning to sing for the first time in the Christmas choir, cooking for a few hundred at the annual OCF Retreat, or simply being at Bible studies learning how to read the Word, one‘s faith is sure to be challenged and strengthened, and subsequently equipped with skills for future service.

It has not been a regret committing two hours each Friday evening to be at OCF on top of church. What more could one ask for in university education than wisdom from the life-giving Word, dedicated care and concern from peers, and more time to know our Best Friend better? Hesitate not.

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2 Rachel Tan, Year 2 Imperial Medicine

(OCF Imperial)

― Looking back on my first year in London, I‘m really thankful for

church and OCF. Finding Christian community in London was a priority for me. I got plugged into a suitable local church really quickly, which formed the foundation of my Christian growth for my time in London. On top of church, I‘ve also always valued campus ministry, specifically how it complements the church in bringing the gospel to the school community. OCF has definitely been very helpful to me, through my first year in London and I would love to share with you some aspects that I appreciated about OCF. Anchored on the word, our weekly bible study sessions were thoroughly thought through, and taught in a clear and relatable way. As we delved deep into the word, the truths served as much needed reminders for me, to constantly refocus on what is most important in the midst of busy uni life. Especially since I am part of the Imperial OCF centre, my small group understood my environment well and together we challenged each other with very contextual applications for the truths of the bible. Evangelism is a key part of the ministry. Through OCF, I had several opportunities to invite my friends to hear about the gospel. The events provided a comfortable place for my friends to explore Christianity. The most impactful for me was the Easter event, as I saw how students were

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actively talking to friends or any guests they saw that day, intently learning about their ideas and sharing their own based on the gospel. Intentional community: Finally, the community in OCF has really given me much comfort through the year. Even though I could not attend the full OCF bible studies every week due to other commitments, my small group was always welcoming and willing to share with me what was discussed, and would still keep me in prayer. Their intentionality to form relationships helped me to keep going despite my busy schedule. It‘s always nice to see Christian friends around in school, as the simple things they say and do often display to me God‘s presence. Whether or not they were friends from Imperial, their constant encouragements and reminders to remain focused on Christ even in the midst of busy school life helped me to keep on track. OCF is really a wonderful community of support, with diverse individuals all centred on the same truth(: Grow in the word, serve with your talent, be equipped to be sent and always be amongst family!(:

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3Cheryl Chew, Year 2 UCL

Psychology and Language

Sciences (OCF Blooms)

― When I first came to

London, I was worried about

meeting people who claimed they

were Christian but were actually

leading wayward lives. I was

wary (paranoid, actually) about

every Christian I met and tried to

see if I could deduce their 'real'

selves. I heard about OCF from a

friend, and decided to give it a try

despite my fears.

Although I was

apprehensive at first, over

time God has shown me

that London has

many united communities with dedicated followers of Christ. For me, OCF

was a good platform to get to know other students like myself who are

overseas students in London and seeking to grow more in their walk with

God. The weekly bible study sessions and praying together with my small

group mates after each session encouraged me to open up and share about

any problems I had, and the seniors and leaders were very understanding

and showed no judgment in the problems I shared. OCF also holds many

social events where Christians can invite non-believing friends to have a

nice meal together and encourage evangelical conversations about the

Gospel. Through talking to seniors, I also found out about different

churches in London that I could attend based on the type of service and

worship style I preferred. After trying out different churches around

London, speaking with different seniors and asking God for guidance in

prayer, I eventually settled down in the church I'm going to now.

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OCF is one of many great communities to get to know fellow Christians,

stay accountable to one another and grow together in your our an be

tough, especially in the first year of settling in and adapting to life in

London. But don't fear, because many seniors like myself and communities

like church midweek bible study groups and OCF are here for you :) Be

open-minded in attending events organised by Christian communities, and

pray for guidance as to which one is the best suited for you :)

Most importantly, always remember that God is with you! Just call out to

Him and He will guide you through any situation. God bless and hope to

see you around!

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4 Sarah Wong, Year 2 UCL Management (OCF Blooms)

― I came across OCF when one of my seniors posted about it in the

freshers group! Knowing that it's a Christian Fellowship (which was something that my pastors, elders, advisors told me I needed the most in the UK), I messaged the senior regarding OCF. I couldn‘t recall much, but all I could remember was her mentioning that it felt so much like home and hence she was committed to it.

Fast forward to the day I arrived in the UK – although it was my first

time in London, it didn't feel as foreign as I thought it would be. During

the first month, I was dipping my toes in different waters, joining

orientation programmes, meeting new friends and trying to find a place in

this city. However, when all the thrill of being in a new place subsided,

unfamiliarity kicked in.

I joined OCF roughly on the second week, and the moment I stepped in

during worship, I immediately felt as though I was home. Another friend

of mine couldn't agree more that we have finally found familiarity in a

foreign land. As I attended OCF more regularly, I began to plug into the

community there. OCF has taught me so many valuable things: my

spiritual eyes were truly enlightened to read the bible for all its worth and

OCF has inspired me to go deeper and grow deeper with the word.

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My favourite moments in OCF were definitely the decentralised bible

studies where members get to invade our SGL‘s house! That was when

we‘d gotten closer with our fellow group mates and bonded really well

through food, fun & fellowship. We exchanged tips on how to survive

London and realised that a majority of our group members are master

chefs. OCF played such a huge role in my transition to living in London.

We prayed, shared, supported and grew together as a family!

My SGLs have impacted me more than I've ever imagined, both of them

carried so much authenticity and they were so genuine in their love and

care towards us. After a long week in uni, OCF would be the place that I'll

go despite how exhausted I was because that was where I felt a sense of

belonging. I hope you find what you‘re looking for in OCF! (:

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settling into a church. (quickly)

When you first arrive in London, there will be many things to get sorted.

For many of you, this will include settling into a church.

It might be challenging to go church-hunting to figure out what environment you can best grow in, what styles of worship and preaching you are most comfortable with, and so on. Sometimes, it is even hard to get up and go to church on Sunday morning. But we really encourage you to press on and to take the time and effort to find a church that suits you best, so that you won‘t miss out on your spiritual growth!

The Importance of Church

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good

deeds. Let us not give up meeting up together, as some are in the habit of doing,

but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day


Hebrews 10:24-25

The Bible encourages us to meet together regularly. OCF aims to support university students by providing a platform for deeper sharing and accountability in a community that we might feel more at home at. However it should not and does not replace a local church. It is really important then to be in a church and settle into one as quickly as you can. Don‘t shop around forever! Why don‘t set you yourself a time limit – maybe by November?

- - - - - - - -

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choosing a church.

So how do we go about choosing a church?

Tip #1: (2 Tim 3:14-4:4) Find a church that:

Is passionate about seeing you grow as a Christian, and

equipping you for life as a Christian.

Will teach the Bible faithfully, according to the word of God.

Tip #2: (Acts 2:42-47) Find a church that:

Is committed to understanding the Bible better

Shares the Lord‘s supper together and takes it seriously


You will enjoy and be able to offer hospitality

You will be loved and cared for

Tip #3: (1 Cor 15:1-8) Find a church that emphasizes the gospel of Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection for sins above all else. This is key. Looking around you may find churches that believe the gospel but talk much more often about secondary issues. But what characterised the early church in Acts was their commitment to the good news of Jesus, as they worked to better understand the gospel and proclaimed this gospel to others.

Tip #4: Find a church that sits under the word of God (in order of descending frequency in the New Testament):

Gospel-centred (eg Acts 4:31, 6:2, 7; 1 Thess 2:13; Revelation 1:2, 6:9 etc)

Jesus-centred (eg John 1; Revelation 19:11-16)

Scripture-centred (eg Hebrews 4:12, 6:5) We introduce several good London churches which many OCF-ers attend. There are many other churches not listed that have sound, Bible-believing and God-fearing congregations. Just be careful where you go, and to match everything with what the Bible teaches (1 John 4:1). If you should need anyone to talk to concerning these matters, feel free to contact Mark at [email protected].

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ch u rch es in london.

Acts Church Address: Friends House, 173-177 Euston Road, Kings Cross, London NW1 2BJ Closest Tube: Euston Service: Sunday 11am Bible Study: Wednesday 7pm @ Goodenough College WC1N 2AB or Flat 2 Rochester Pl, NW1

9DF (fortnightly Bible study/ prayer meeting, dinner included) Church Rep Contact Details: Samuel Yang (Imperial), +44 7923298755, [email protected]

All Souls, Langham Place Address: 2 All Souls Place, London W1B 3DA Closest Tube: Oxford Circus Services: Sunday 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm Bible Study: Wednesday 7-9pm (dinner 7pm); Sunday 1.45-4.30pm (lunch 1.45pm) Church Rep Contact Details: Joseph (Blooms), +65 92300542, [email protected] Hope (Blooms), +65 93232816, [email protected]

Euston Church Address: Church of Christ The King, Gordon Square, London WC1H 0AG Closest Tube: Euston, Euston Square, Goodge Street, Russell Square Services: Sunday 10.30am, 5pm (Dinner provided after evening service) Bible Study: Wednesday 7.30pm @ Euston church Church Rep Contact Details: Jeremiah (Strand), +44 7599463399, [email protected]

Christ Church Kensington Address: Victoria Rd, London W8 5RQ Closest Tube: Gloucester Road tube Services: Sunday 11am (Traditional Family Service), 6pm (Student Evening Service, with

optional dinner afterwards) Bible Study: Tuesday 7.30pm dinner, study starts at 8pm @ CCK Church Rep Contact Details: Titus (Imperial), +44 7857454160, [email protected]

New Soho Congregation

(Part of the Chinese Church in London but English-speaking and open to everyone) Address: 7 Dials Club, 42 Earlham St, London WC2H 9LA Closest Tube: Covent Garden, Leicester Square Service: Sunday 11.30am Bible Study: Sunday 9.45-11am Church Rep Contact Details: Mark Jit, [email protected]

St Helen’s, Bishopsgate Address: Great St Helen's, London EC3A 6AT, United Kingdom Closest Tube: Liverpool Street, Bank

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Services: Sunday 10.30am (Most internationals go for this), 6pm (student service) Bible Study: Wednesday 7pm @ St Andrew's Undershaft. Address: St Mary Axe, London

EC3A 8BN (dinner included) Church Rep Contact Details: Ian Mui (Strand), +44 7759180599, [email protected]

Christ Church London

Services: CCL has services at different times and venues across London: • South (Sunday 10am): Platanos College, Stockwell, SW90AL

(Closest Tube: Stockwell) • Central (Sunday 11am): The Mermaid Theatre, Puddle Dock, London EC4V 3DB

(Closest Tubes: Blackfriars, St. Paul's) • West End (Sunday 4.30pm): The Swiss Church, 79 Endell Street, London WC2H 9DY

(Closest Tubes: Covent Garden, Tottenham Court Road, Leicester Square) • East (Sunday 6pm): St. John on Bethnal Green, 200 Cambridge Heath Road, London E2

9PA (Closest Tube: Bethnal Green) (Most of us attend Central or West End services) Bible Study: Wednesday 7.30pm @ Café Eterno. Address: 34 Neal St, Camden Town, London

WC2H 9PS Church Rep Contact Details: Yuan Rong (Imperial), +44 7895305023, [email protected]

HTB (Holy Trinity Brompton) Services: HTB has services at different times and venues across London: • HTB Brompton Road (Services: Sunday 9.30am, 11.30am, 5pm, 7pm) Address: HTB Brompton Road, London SW7 1JA (Closest Tube: South Kensington) • HTB Courtfield Gardens (Service: Sunday 10.30am) Address: HTB Courtfield Gardens, London SW5 0LX (Closest Tube: Gloucester Road) • HTB Onslow Square (Service: Sunday 10.30am, 4.30pm, 6.30pm) Address: HTB Onslow Square, London SW7 3NX (Closest Tube: South Kensington) • HTB Queen's Gate (Services: Sunday 9am, 11am, 12.30pm) Address: HTB Queen‘s Gate, London SW7 5LP (Closest Tube: South Kensington)

Student Ministry: HTB also has a student ministry called Students. During term time, we meet every

Tuesday at HTB Onslow Square, at 7 pm for food, worship, teaching, prayer and community. The last

Tuesday of the month we go on mission together! Out of term time, we meet at 7 pm, at Brompton Road.

Church Rep Contact Details: Jean (Imperial), +44 7402107773

Twynholm Baptist Address: 324-326 Lillie Road Fulham, London, UK SW6 7PP Closest Tube: Barons Court Services: Sunday 10.30am (main service), 6pm (evening reflection) Home Groups: Wednesdays 7.30pm weekly in Church premises; Tuesday 7.30pm in Church premises; Thursday 7.30pm fortnightly in the Battersea area; Ladies' Home Group Wednesdays 7:30pm in Church premises Church Rep Contact Details: Shawn (Strand), +447593330802, [email protected] (Shawn attends Thu)

Metropolitan Tabernacle Address: Metropolitan Tabernacle, Elephant and Castle, London, SE1 6SD Services: 11am, 6.30pm Website: http://www.metropolitantabernacle.org Church Rep: Paul (Blooms), +65 82922905

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serving in ocf.

“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will

reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether slave or free.”

- Ephesians 6:7-8

We welcome anyone with a willing heart and hands to serve alongside us

in any capacity that you are able to. Here are some areas that you can

serve in:

Small Group

Small group leaders - Two co-leaders lead each small group, and they usually take turns to conduct the Bible study each

week. - The Bible studies are scripture-based and we work systematically through a book of the Bible - While these small group leaders are usually more senior OCFers, everyone is growing together

spiritually which is part of what makes OCF such an exciting and unique ministry. Whether it is preparing and conducting Bible study or being part of weekly discussions, OCFers are able to learn God‘s word together and grow in their knowledge of Him.

Fellowship, prayer, admin

There are many ways to serve with and within your small group, whether through organizing small group activities or socials, fellowship with group members, praying for your group or helping out with admin; it‘s a great way to serve God by reaching out to your group!

Do indicate your interest to your small group leader early on!


OCF has the unique opportunity of being a student community right on campus – perfect for spreading God‘s Word and reaching out to other students! As sinners who have been redeemed by Christ because of God‘s grace and mercy, we are also called to be the light of the world, to use opportunities to point others to God! We hope to inspire OCF- ers to share the gospel with boldness, both through their words and actions. Our focus for evangelism is building relationships, and letting God‘s love shine through our personal lives and our OCF community! Throughout the year, OCF holds outreach events (e.g. Christmas and Easter celebrations) which can include performances, evangelistic talks and (of course) lots of yummy food! We also encourage OCF -ers to attend the many other evangelistic events and workshops held in churches across London. These events can act as a great conversation starter, in engaging pre-believing friends with amazing gospel truths! We hope these events will lead OCF -ers to follow up and journey with their friends in discovering more about God‘s great love for them. We also organise several talks where we hope to equip OCFers with basic knowledge to enable them to share the gospel in everyday life.

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If you have any questions or suggestions for the ministry, or are looking for support in your own

personal evangelism, do contact your evangelism ICs. Strand: Josh Chen ([email protected]) Blooms: Wan Ling ([email protected]), Wilma ([email protected]) Imperial: Alvin Lee ([email protected])

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the

Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to

the very end of the age” – Matthew 28:19-20


Prayer is an essential component of every Christian‘s walk with God. It enables us to communicate with

God and to strengthen our faith in Him. God longs for us to enter a personal relationship with Him, and

it is through prayer that we align our hearts and lives with His Will and His Word. The Bible calls us

to persevere in prayer and to pray for one another in Christ (Ephesians 6:18).

In OCF, we believe in the importance and power of communal prayer. Every week, we set aside time

during OCF sessions to pray together as a community for OCF, the church, and the needs of our

respective countries and the world. We also include prayers of thanksgiving, and recognise the privilege

and blessing of having the opportunity to pursue our studies abroad.

We aim to foster a strong Christian community to support and encourage one another through prayer

and action. We strongly believe in upholding one another in prayer, be it right after bible study or

throughout the week in our personal prayers. As we are far away from home and family, we hope OCF

will provide the warmth of a family of brothers and sisters in Christ who will support one another

spiritually in our walks with God through prayer and fellowship. We hope this family in Christ will

encourage you to make prayer a habit and lifestyle as you grow in your walk with God.

To strengthen the culture of prayer within OCF, we invite OCFers like yourself to join us and serve in

the prayer ministry! We organise short talks on prayer by different speakers, and prayer & praise

sessions where OCFers from across our three centres come together to pray for a variety of issues

together, and more!

How you can take part The prayer ministry is looking for group prayer I/Cs who‘re willing to take charge and be the driver of

prayer initiatives in their respective small groups. Group prayer I/Cs assist the main prayer I/Cs in

encouraging participation in prayer initiatives, thereby fostering a stronger understanding and culture

of prayer within their groups and the wider OCF community. More information will be given soon by

your SGLs!

For more details, feel free to email the following OCFers:

- Strand: Dai Qian ([email protected]) - Imperial: Annabelle Tan ([email protected]) - Bloomsbury: Grace Lai ([email protected]), Alyson Ong ([email protected])

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and

always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” - Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

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Music The heart of the Music Ministry is to be ―Cross-centred‖ and ―cross-centre‖. "Cross-centred" captures our desire to place Christ and His finished work on the Cross as our focus during worship; while "cross-centre" refers to our wish to integrate the ministry across all three centres as one. These foci aim to point people to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and God‘s attributes and truths, bringing God to the centre of our meeting and creating an atmosphere for individuals to commune directly with Him and be transformed towards Christ-likeness. The Music Ministry is also a place where we bring fellow musicians and singers together. This is a place where we aim to grow individuals in their musical skills and gifts, further equipping every individual in the ministry to serve in future. To achieve this, we organise worship workshops to focus on the heart of worship while passing on certain essential skills and knowledge to serve in the music ministry. Furthermore, we hope for Music Ministry to be an additional touch point for building community

within OCF. We encourage bonding within our worship teams for individuals to have a community of

support, building each other up and sharing in each other's lives and in our walks with God. If you're interested to join or find out more, feel free to contact our Music ICs: OCF Bloomsbury: Xi Ning ([email protected]) OCF Imperial: Melissa Yeo ([email protected]) OCF Strand: Alicia Yoon ([email protected]) “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you

sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” – Colossians 3:16

Creative Arts

A ministry where we want to use our creative talents for God.

Visual Arts

• If you have any skills in creative design and multimedia, do consider

serving in this area.

• We are involved in creating publicity materials, multimedia and décor for

OCF and our celebration events.

Performing Arts

• If you have any talents in singing, dancing, script writing, acting, etc., do

consider serving in this area.

• We are involved in the programme for OCF events and performances. Let

your Small Group leaders know, or simply sign up when the time comes!

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Join us! Fridays 7pm to 10pm at the following places:


K4U.12 King‘s College London Strand Campus

The Strand

London WC2R 2LS


SAF building/EEE building (TBC)

11 Prince‘s Gardens

London SW7 1NA


Upper Hall (3rd Floor), Student Central

Malet Street

London WC1E 7HY

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calendar of events

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