wedding feature

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 15  A personal friendly service Creating hand-craf ted individually de- signed decorated cakes either traditional fruit or nut-free for any occasion. Sugar owers also made to order. Cup-cakes and Sponges available in various avour s including dark, milk and white Belgian chocolat e. To discuss your requirements please Contact Cel ia Evans on 01 239 881 235  A CE CAKES Bisley H. Munt & Sons Established 1796  High Street, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 2BS Telephone: (01437) 763532 Stockists of Clogau Gold 20% Off all Stock Dresses & Accessories on presentation of this advert Offer ends 31st January THE NANTYFFIN CLUNDERWEN • PEMBROKESHIRE WEDDING DAY RECEPTI ONCIVI L WEDDING LICENCE Our lawned gardens make a perfect setting for those memorable photographs • Seating capacity of up to 300 Overn ight acco mmodati on also availab le. Recen tly Refur bished  For friendly service contact:~ EMRYS and ANNE MURROW on: Tel: 01437 563423 or 563329 Simply The Best for 2012 Ededa J   Exclus ive Ladies Wear Mother of The Bride Mother of The Groom Guests Sizes 8 - 26 Free personal dressin g service Appointments can be made if desired Sycamor e St, Newcastle Emlyn SA38 9AJ • 01239 710513 We d d ings YOU cou ld follo w some of these simple wedding plan- ning tips to hel p you alo ng your way to planning a great wedding. When planning the guest list, rememb er you do not need to invite your co-workers. If there is someone you work with you are very cl oseto, tha t is onethingbut inv iting100 peop le fromthe office is just a waste of your money on the invitations because only the one s yo u ar e clo se towill come. The first step in wedding plan- ningis deci dinghow muchmoney yo u aregoing tospendandmakea bud get.Allow 25 percent morefor extr as youhaven ’t plann ed for . Orderinvitationsfour monthsin adv ance . Inv itati ons should be mailed four to six weeks in ad- van ce.Takethem to thepost offic e to be wei gh te d for s uf f i ci e nt postage. On yo ur wed ding day bri ng alo ng an emergency kit with a need le and thread, safety pins, hairp ins, hairs pra y, nail polis h andextra pant yho se. Start shoppi ng for a wedd ing dress six months in advance. You will need several fittings before it is perf ect. Do your hair and makeu p be- foreyouput onyourdres s. Pl an your hone ymoon si x mont hs in adv ance . If your budget is small, share your joy and happiness with only fami ly and you r clos est frie nds . When selecting a caterer try to samp le foodbeforehiring them. If it is a res taurant, go there to ha ve dinner. Inv itati ons shoul d always be addressed in pen, preferab ly a blac k foun tainpen. Plan your budget first. The rest yo u canfit int o tha t budge t. Ifyou andyoursignific ant-o ther have a disagreement, work it out without inv olving parents. When shopping for your wed- ding dress, state your price range at the beginning. Rememb er to al wa ys send a thank-y ou notefor wedd ing gifts . When choosing a wedding date, take your guests into considera- tio n. Av oid family bir thd ay s, anni vers arie s, andso on. Vie w potential photo graphers pict ures to see if you like their style. If you do, book as early as possible. Plan ninga wed dingtakesa lotof time. If you don’t have the time, hirea wedd ing cons ultan t. When you are meeting with a flor ist, know what your budg et andthe colo ursyou want . Eat something before your wed- ding. Even though you might not feel hungry, try to swallow just a few bit es. Y oudon’twantto fai nt. Make detailed photocopi es of you r wedd ing dayschedule begin- ningthat morn ing andcontinuing unti l yo ur depa rture foryourhon- eymoon. Don’t hesitate to ask family and friends to help. Choose the ap pro- priate task for the person you are asking. Enjo y your day !

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Page 1: Wedding Feature

8/3/2019 Wedding Feature 1/1

esday, January 17, 2012 tivys

 A personal friendly service

Creating hand-crafted individually de- 

signed decorated cakes either traditional

fruit or nut-free for any occasion.

Sugar flowers also made to order.Cup-cakes and Sponges available in various

flavours including dark, milk and white

Belgian chocolate.

To discuss your requirements please

ContactCelia Evans on

01239 881235


Bisley H. Munt & SonsEstablished 1796

 High Street, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 2BSTelephone: (01437)

Stockists of Clogau Gold

20% Off all

Stock Dresses

& Accessories

on presentation

of this advert

Offer ends

31st January



Our lawned gardens make a perfect setting for those memo

• Seating capacity of up to 300

• Overnight accommodation also available. • Rece

 For friendly service contact:~ EMRYS and ANNETel: 01437 563423 or 56

Simply The Best for 2012

Ededa J   Exclusive Ladies Wear

Mother of

The Bride

Mother of

The Groom


Sizes 8 - 26

Free personal

dressing service


can be made

if desired

Sycamore St, Newcastle Emlyn

SA38 9AJ • 01239 710513

We d d ingsYOU could follow some of these simple wedding plan-ning tips to help you alongyour way to planning a greatwedding.●When planning the guest list,remember you do not need to

invite your co-workers. If there issomeone you work with you arevery closeto, that is onethingbutinviting100 people fromthe officeis just a waste of your money onthe invitations because only theones you are close towill come.●The first step in wedding plan-ningis decidinghow muchmoneyyou aregoing tospendandmakeabudget.Allow 25 percent moreforextras youhaven’t planned for.●Orderinvitationsfour monthsinadvance. Invitations should bemailed four to six weeks in ad-vance.Takethem to thepost officeto be weighted for sufficientpostage.●On your wedding day bringalong an emergency kit with aneedle and thread, safety pins,hairpins, hairspray, nail polishandextra pantyhose.●Start shopping for a weddingdress six months in advance. Youwill need several fittings before itis perfect.●Do your hair and makeup be-foreyouput onyourdress.●Plan your honeymoon sixmonths in advance.● If your budget is small, shareyour joy and happiness with onlyfamily and your closest friends.●When selecting a caterer try tosample foodbeforehiring them. If 

it is a restaurant, go there to havedinner.●Invitations should always beaddressed in pen, preferably ablack fountainpen.●Plan your budget first. The restyou canfit into that budget.●Ifyou andyoursignificant-other

have a disagreement, work it outwithout involving parents.●When shopping for your wed-ding dress, state your price rangeat the beginning.●Remember to always send athank-you notefor wedding gifts.●When choosing a wedding date,take your guests into considera-tion. Avoid family birthdays,anniversaries, andso on.●View potential photographerspictures to see if you like theirstyle. If you do, book as early aspossible.●Planninga weddingtakesa lotof time. If you don’t have the time,hirea wedding consultant.● When you are meeting with aflorist, know what your budgetandthe coloursyou want.●Eat something before your wed-

ding. Even though you might notfeel hungry, try to swallow just afew bites. Youdon’twantto faint.● Make detailed photocopies of your wedding dayschedule begin-ningthat morning andcontinuinguntil your departure foryourhon-eymoon.●Don’t hesitate to ask family andfriends to help. Choose the appro-priate task for the person you areasking.

Enjoy your day!