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FOSTER CARER AGREEMENT Between Fostering Relations and:

Name (s)AddressDate of ApprovalTerms of Approval

Regulations and Guidance

Schedule 6 to The Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009 and Standard 7 of the National Care Standards Foster Care and Family Placement Services outline the matters and obligations to be set out in a written agreement between the agency and the foster care including the terms of approval and the role and responsibilities of the foster carer and the agency.

This agreement describes the terms and conditions of the partnership between FosteringRelations and the foster carer(s).

It also serves as a written confirmation of matters that have been discussed previously and highlighted during the assessment.They cover:

1. Support, supervision and training2. Procedure for Review3. Procedure in connection with placement of children4. Written notice for change of circumstances5. Undertaking not to administer corporal punishment6. Confidentiality7. Standards of care8. Education9. Financial Arrangements10. Retainer11. Record Keeping12. Notifications from carers to agency13. Termination of placement14. Other relevant terms and conditions15. Written notifications16. Termination of placement


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Support, Supervision and Training

Carers will be supported and supervised by a qualified social worker who will visit at least twice every month whilst there is a child in placement and monthly when you have a vacancy. In the case of longer term placements, the level of visiting will be agreed with your supervising social worker (SSW). You will also have the opportunity to contact your SSW in between visits should you require further support. (NCS Standard 8)

At least one visit per year by your SSW will be unannounced in accordance with National CareStandard 5.

The Supervising social worker will also undertake an annual Health and Safety inspection and prepare a report.

Supervising social workers will support you in your care of the child and will give advice, guidance and direction to assist you wherever necessary. They will also be responsible for assessing your work and will arrange formal supervision sessions with you that will focus on your development as a foster carer.

Supervision Meetings

The supervising social worker will visit the carer(s) at home at least twice each calendar month on dates and times agreed with the foster carer(s). One of these visits will be a formal Supervision Meeting and the other an Intermediate meeting. The Supervision Record / Intermediate Meeting Record will be used to agree an agenda drawn up between the foster carer and the supervising social worker at the beginning of the meeting and the supervising social worker will ensure that all topics listed in the ‘Suggested Agenda Items’ are discussed and recorded over a period of 6 months. The supervising social worker will record the discussion and agreed outcomes on the Fostering Relations Supervision Record, a copy of which will be given to the foster carer once signatures and dates from all parties have been added. A copy of each Supervision Record will be stored on the foster carer file. Where there is dissent over the content of a Supervision or Intermediate Meeting Record which cannot be resolved in discussion, the supervising social worker will record the foster carer’s views by hand on the Record and ensure that a word-processed version of the dissenting view is included in the next Record.

As part of the annual regulation and inspection process, you may be interviewed by an officer from the Care Inspectorate.

You will have access to support and advice on a 24 hour basis where necessary and will be advised of the telephone number to contact outwith office hours. (NCS Standard 8)

It is desirable to promote the child’s sense of belonging within the family unit and in the main this usually means you caring for the child continuously. However there may be particular reasons for the need to arrange a break for carers and the child. Respite arrangements where necessary should be negotiated at the outset and written in to the placement agreement. Requests for respite outwith the placement agreement should be discussed with your SSW.

It is a requirement of the Care Inspectorate that you attend training as part of your continuing approval as a foster carer. Post approval training will be arranged over the year and Fostering Relations expects that you will attend. Failure to attend training offered will affect the


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Page 3 of 9development and maintenance of your skills and will be considered at your annual review of appointment. You can approach Fostering Relations with proposals to attend external events that would be considered relevant and of value in your role as a foster carer. (NCS Standard 8)

Membership of The Fostering Network will be arranged for carers appointed to FosteringRelations.

Procedure for Review

Each foster carer approval will be reviewed annually. First and alternate annual reviews will be presented to the Fostering Panel. Second and alternate reviews will be conducted by an independent reviewing officer.


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A written report by the supervising social worker along with written submissions from children; placing workers; household members; parents and foster carers will provide the content for discussion and include the following information:

Changes in circumstances Placements Carers performance measured against Form F competencies Continued development through training/ reading/ research etc Future training needs Health and Safety annual inspection Children in placement views Placing social workers views Carers children’s and other household members views Parents views Foster carers views Recommendation re: continued approval

Where there are changes to the registration details or issues that may affect the continuing use of the carers (e.g. criminal convictions) or where carers are being presented for de-registration, review reports will be heard by the Fostering Panel.

Carers are expected to attend their review. The outcome will be notified to you in writing and to relevant local authorities.

Forms F be updated every six years.

(NCS Standard11)

Procedure in connection with placements

Fostering Relations may approach you to discuss with you any possible placement that may be suitable. You have the right to refuse a placement though we would welcome flexibility.

An Individual Placement Agreement (I.P.A) will be provided by the placing authority either at the time or, where this is not practicable, within 14 days. It will cover:

a) the arrangements for the child and the objectives for the placementb) the child’s personal history, religious persuasion, cultural and linguistic background and

racial originc) the child’s state of health and the need for health care and surveillanced) the child’s educational needs

This is a requirement under Schedule 4 of The Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations2009.

The Individual Placement Agreement (I.P.A) will also arrange for any delegation of responsibility for consent of medical or dental examination, for any authority for the child to live, even temporarily, away from the foster home, for arrangements to visit the child by the representative of the placing authority and Fostering Relations including the frequency of visits under Schedule4 of the The Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009.


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Foster Carers must not make any significant changes to the care plan without full consultationwith the child’s social worker and the SSW form Fostering Relations.

The Individual Placement Agreement will also contain the arrangements for the child to have contact with parents and other persons.

Compliance from foster carers is expected with the arrangements made by the placing authority and Fostering Relations.

Carers should inform their insurance companies of their status as foster carers and check the situation. Fostering Relations has cover through the agency for public liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance but this does not cover loss or injury or legal defence costs for foster carers. There is an element included within the foster carer allowance to offset any additional insurance premiums due to being a foster carer as is membership of The Fostering Network which provides additional cover to the care’s own e.g. 24 hour legal advisory servicefor carers.

Fostering Relations has a complaints and representations procedure that will be given to carers. Local Authorities also have complaints procedures to which carers will have access.

Written Notice

Carers must give Fostering Relations written notice of:- any intended change of address- any change in the composition of the household- any other change in personal circumstances and any other event affecting the capacity to

care for any child placed or the suitability of the household.- any criminal convictions arising between your approval as foster carers and any subsequent

review of your approval.- any further request or application by the carer or any other member of the household to

foster or adopt children or for registration to mind children

Corporal Punishment

Carers must undertake, in signing this agreement, not to administer any corporal punishment to any child placed with them. (See Control, Discipline and Restraint Policy) A child should not be smacked, slapped, shaken or subjected to any form of humiliating forms of punishment. This is a condition of every placement with Fostering Relations.


Any information relating to any child placed with carers, to the families of the child or to any other person, which has been given in confidence in connection with a placement is to be kept confidential and must not be disclosed to any person without the consent of the placing agency. Carers will be expected to keep all information securely. The Agency will supply you with a secure, lockable steel cabinet for this purpose.


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Standards of care

Carers must care for a child placed with them as if s/he were a member of their family and promote the welfare of the child, having regard to the Foster Placement Agreement, in respect of her/ his physical, emotional, educational and psychological well-being.

In particular, carers must ensure that each child has access to:- registration with a doctor and health appointments when required- regular dental and eye check ups- everyday health care such as diet and personal hygiene

Carers are expected to be active in the promotion of the educational needs of the child or young person in order that they are encouraged to reach their full potential. This includes attendanceat parents’ evenings where appropriate and open liaison with the child’s school. Education in its widest sense should be promoted in order for the child to take full advantage of opportunities open to her/ him.

Carers should encourage the child to reflect on and understand their history according to their age and understanding and keep memorabilia for this purpose. Carers will be assisted to help the child come to terms with past events. The rights and dignity of the child must be safeguarded and no child or young person should be discriminated against on any grounds including ability, sexuality, race religion and language.

(NCS Standard 2)


Statistically, children looked after perform less well academically than their peers. Fostering Relations believes this to be a crucial area where carers can make a difference to a child’s educational progress by encouraging them to reach their full potential. Carers are expected to be active in the promotion of the educational needs of the child or young person whether this is the form of reading with a child and/or engaging them in educational activities etc. It includes attendance at parents’ evenings where appropriate and open liaison with the child’s school. Education in its widest sense should be promoted in order for the child to take full advantage of opportunities open to her/him.

The Educational Support Co-ordinator will make contact with you when a child is placed to ascertain the child’s learning abilities and needs. You are encouraged to liaise with the Educational Support Co-ordinator for advice and guidance on any aspect of the child’s education.

Financial Arrangements

Children and young people who are referred to Fostering Relations will be matched with carers who can meet their individual needs both physically and emotionally. It is the careful matching of children with foster carers that ensures the success of the placement and ultimately the wellbeing of the child. Fostering Relations will strive at all times to follow this principle and engage carers fully in the matching process.


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The payment made to Fostering Relations carers consists of two elements.

The allowances that have been set for the care of the child exceed those recommended as minimum by The Fostering Network and the following includes a breakdown of how this has been calculated.The allowance is to cover clothing, household costs (including insurance), telephone, food, transport, personal expenses (pocket money, toiletries etc). Additional payments will be made to cover birthday, festivals (e.g. Christmas) and holidays.

Payments will be paid into the carer’s nominated bank account weekly in arrears.

The second element of the payment is a Fee, in recognition of the efforts and development of skills and knowledge necessary to undertake the role of carer.

The following breakdown of allowances is a guide to how they should be managed. There is however a degree of discretion that foster carers are afforded in how they administer the allowances as long as Fostering Relations is satisfied that children are receiving best care.

The weekly allowances are to cover:

C l o t h in g : £38.00

When children are first placed they should arrive with “adequate” clothing. It is your responsibility to build up their stock of clothing from this baseline. However, it sometimes happens that children arrive without even the basic clothing necessities or a significant item is missing. If this occurs please discuss the situation with your supervising social worker and we will arrange for this to be addressed. Please d o n o t ask the placing authority for funds.

Not all children will require this level of expenditure weekly and it is suggested therefore that theallowance can be budgeted to “save” for more expensive items e.g coats, boots etc

Food : £46.00

The allowance reflects the need to promote a healthy and varied diet with fresh produce and will enable you to cater for special dietary needs where required.

Hou se ho ld co sts: £42.00

This is provided to cover a proportion of your utilities. It also includes an element for any increased household insurance due to your role as a foster carer. You are recommended to seek advice regarding this from your insurers. This amount covers wear and tear and the replacement of household items e.g. mattress, bed linen, washing machine etc

T ran spo rt: £21.00

You may be required to travel to meetings regarding the child in your care and this element is to offset transport costs. In circumstances where you are expected to transport children to home contact of over a hundred miles round trip, an exceptional travelling allowance may be paid.


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Pe rsona l e xpen se s: £25.00

This allowance covers pocket money, toiletries and an element for the child’s use of thetelephone for home contact.

Child Care: £25.00

Fostering Relations acknowledges the need for you to have time out from fostering/ family and this element is to cover the cost of childcare where required. You must discuss with your supervising social worker any person you wish to consider asking to look after the child as there may be a requirement for the person to undergo Disclosure Scotland checks.

Schoo l ho lida ys: £12.00

This allowance is to cover extra general expenditure during school holiday times.

Holida y A llo wan ce : £12.50

This allowance equates to £650.00 per year to cover costs of taking the young person on holiday with you. It is your choice as to whether this is an annual summer holiday abroad or at home, or split over the year at different times.

Fostering Relations expects that you do take the child/young person in your care on holiday with you unless other circumstances prevent this.

In addition to the above allowances, the following will be paid as required:

Birthday: £150.00Christmas (Festival): £225.00

We would intend continuing to review the Fee payment on an Annual basis and rather than amend the contract we would envisage issuing a note each year containing information with regard to the Fee and any change. Included in this note will be the breakdown of the payment made to you in terms of what is the Fee and what is the Allowance. However, at 2 yearly intervals we will review the Allowances in particular in respect to the various elements that make up the allowance total in order to ensure the allowances still reflect the costs involved in looking after looked after children and young people.

Any requests for additional expenditure must be discussed with Fostering Relations. Fostering Relations will fund equipment necessary for the safe and comfortable placement of the child and/or to support carers in their care of that child/children. Carers should not approach the local authority directly to request funding or reimbursement in any area.

The Agency will continue to support Carers in respect of finances by way of extraneous funding over and above the allowances paid on a weekly basis and designed to cover most activities and costs.Payment will only be made where the request is considered to be in line with the needs of the child or children and reasonable in respect of the care plan and contractual arrangement with the carer and the placing authority.The need for sufficient notice is paramount in respect of any additional monies in order that the


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Page 9 of 9agency is able to both assess this request in terms of its viability, and to discuss the request with the placing authority given their continuing primacy in the this matter. Regular requests for additional monies will be subject to evaluation by the agency in terms of both the Carer Contract, and the Individual Placement Agreement.It remains the case that additional funding requests will be subject to a professional assessment by the agency in line with the supervisory contact with the carers by the supervising social worker.This assessment in writing will be forwarded to the appropriate manager bearing in mind the scheme of delegation operant within the agency.The agency reserves the right to refuse payment dependant on the individual circumstances of the child and carers, the reason for this refusal will be supplied in writing to the carers.All additional requests for funding will if considered appropriate be shared with the placing authority, subject to any contractual or commercial considerations if the agency consider the request to be viable they will advocate for its payment by the placing authority given the agency does not have primacy in respect of responsibility for the child and extra funding.Subject to any contractual obligations where an additional payment has been refused and the carer is unhappy with the situation a placement meeting will be convened in order that the agency, carer, and placing authority can fully discuss the matter and gain an understanding of the dynamics of the situation.

Similarly there may be occasions where you feel that a child may benefit from a particular activity that may incur additional costs for you. Please discuss this with your Supervising Social Worker.

Carers are responsible for making their own arrangements for the payment of Tax and National Insurance. Advice can be obtained from The Fostering Network. However, if your financial affairs are not straightforward it may be advisable for you to seek independent advice.


Where siblings are placed, full allowance is paid for the first child and a 20% reduction for the second and subsequent siblings in recognition that some of the allowance will not be duplicated. Full payment for unrelated children will be paid in recognition of working with more than one social worker/ local authority/ birth family etc.


After six months with Fostering Relations, a retainer can be paid if carers are without any placement and are available. A retainer of £200 will be paid for six weeks aggregate in any twelve month period. Please note this sum is regardless of the number of children whose placement has come to an end. It is the carers responsibility to budget over and above this for any breaks between placements.

Record Keeping

Carers must keep a daily record of how the child is and any significant events including the outcome of any arrangements and the impact on the child.

Fostering relations will hold files for each child and for each carer. Carer’s files will contain the assessment document, a record of correspondence, supervisory visits, annual reviews, training


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A monthly progress report covering the child at home, health, education and contact issues is expected for submission to the placing authorities. This will comprise of a report by the carer with the assistance of the SSW as negotiated between them.


Carers must notify Fostering Relations immediately of any accident or serious illness of the child or of any other serious occurrence affecting the child.

Carers must give notice and seek agreement to the taking of any child out of Scotland for reasons of a holiday.

In all other respects, carers must keep the agency informed of any changes in the circumstances of the placement.

Termination of Placement

Regulation 47 of The Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009 states that the placing authority, or the area authority in which the placement is, must not allow a placement tocontinue if it appears to them that the placement is no longer the most suitable way to perform their duty under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995.

Where this is the case, foster carers must allow the child to be removed from their home by the placing authority. In most cases this termination of placement will be planned. A month’s notice is asked for by Fostering Relations of the placing authority.

Likewise, Fostering Relations gives an undertaking to placing authorities that a month’s noticewill be given should a placement need to end prematurely.

In all other cases, the termination of a placement will be by negotiation and stated in the FosterPlacement Agreement.

In nearly all cases where a placement ends on an unplanned basis a Disruption Meeting will be convened as per Agency Policy.

Where this ending is the result of an allegation subject to the Complaints and Allegations Policy carers will be able to source external support if necessary from the Fostering Network in addition to the ongoing support of their supervising social worker.

Other Relevant Terms and Conditions

Foster Carers are requested to give Fostering Relations notice of resignation from the agency of three months in order to make the necessary arrangements regarding placements or other contractual issues.

SIGNED…………………………………………………. Fostering Relations


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SIGNED………………………………………………….. Foster Carers


DATE ……………………………………………………

Date: February 2016Review Date: February 2018.
