washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1910-12-24 [p...

Ckmdy sad Ccteter Toni Swtday Fmr emd Cold 69S9 Yesterdays Circulation 48114 DECEMBEB 24 1910 PRICE ONE CENT 1mJa hiniton 4Iime LAST EDITION I SATURDAY EVENING Twelve Pages r S I iTIIIZBEI WriSHI1GTON CONFERENCE CALLED Advocates of Several Retire ment Plans Will Determine Nature of Ballots POLL WILL BE TAKEN ON THREE SCHEMES Watcfrecs re Be At Booths to L k Out for Re- peaters Plans forPoll onRetirement Taking Shape Advocates ef varie e piaas fer of saperaBHuated Gsv erajaeat eapfeyes t held caafer eace next Tuesday Kind ef ballets te fee used in The Times peel will Be agreed upon at the ceafereace Committees te fee named by rival factwis ef retireaeat aseeciatwa to work m campaign Government employes receive per missies te participate ia Series ef artid B f r and against retirement picas te begin IK The Times ea Tuesday Leading adTO tee of the several plans lor the retirement of superan- nuated Government employ IB the classified dvfl service WIll sold a con dde oa the details of Tbe Times poll One of the questions to be lidded will be the nature of the baUets dealing It la desired to have the ballots em body all points at tome sad ewer folly the salient phases of the various schemes o that the isnjiluyes era Both ladies eC the Untied States Civil Service Retirement Association wCl be represeated at eoattoreaee all diff advocating different phi of retire- ment They recognize the importance or The Times poll and Ks effect on Congress and have consented to join hands with The Times to maka the poll a sucoocc The Ceaferees The element of the oooclntlou favor Ing straight civil peaatoo as oeateaa plated by the GouMen affl be rep resented by FrtaMeat Michael F Cantwell the part in the outright pension cam They believe the Gotddea bill is the most Just and equitable and have directed their efforts to obtaining the passage of that zaeasure Dr UewHya Jordan secretary ef the ether faction sad H D Brown who drafted the Gillette bill will attend the conference in the of the com contributory retirement people Both men been laboring for ten years on the problem and their investigations have been thorough Government will be present at the conference to urge other schemes of retirement one what ias been called the compromise plan contributory form of retirement where pension fund is provided by from both the Govern- ment and the employes Three Puns te Be Voted OB Thus far only the three plane men tloned have developed large foNowings among employes and it is therefore probable that the poll to be conducted fcy The Times will be OB those prepo- sitions Other schemes suggested In setters to The Times mad agitated by a comparatively few employes virtually contain the same general principles as tiose on which the three plans ia ques- tion are booed A series of articles or arguments on the three plans wM be begin iie straight pension plan The follow against the outright pension plea The Lest day an article on the compulsory f ontxfbutory plan will be and it wen Te rebutted on the day following Te compromise plan be con in the ame manner The preparations for The Times poll include the naming of committees by the two of the United States Continued on Second Page I WEATHER REPORT rr RKCA9T FOR THE DISTRICT Cloudy and colder Snnsr j frlr and moderately eat loans t tonight 21 degrees ma westerly winds TKKPERATCKBS S a m a 3 a m a nt 4t- a an 7 p m iTj j TEDB TABU- TodayEHdi tide 3t au 24 p m at Tomorrow rfs i two fc a mT aad- MO p au Low tide SK a au and J ac SUN TJUJUB Pun ris s 7KB Eon sets i 4s2- EARPSRS Fem W va Dee 2t Both rivers eieas TO ARRANGE DETAILS OF VOTE ON PENSION H retire- ment ference next afternoon de with the pro IIaD for vote fntpIHrt9 will be teMper1ll1ly drop red by tile rlvaIa who are Yt will O Secretary Edward J Who have taken ae pagn In the past year iJItere t the j 1 r on Tuesday tile Brat one to be g day appear article f n t m p rn DrnON OF RIvBRS of l 4 re- tirement met elaeat L Tuesday to retlreaseat tine rouoy Dinoghue and the most p ry a on as es fight rature emit S1- iI a sad Low a C m M M- ca y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > = = = SCENES WHERE SANTA CLAUS AND ST NICHOLAS GIRL WORKED ALL SHE WANTED GROUP OF THOSE WHO REALIZED THEIR FONDSST HOPES I i USING UP TO RECEIVE CHEISTatAS GIFTS r DEATH IN CRASH Six Killed Forty Hurt As Chicago Special Hits Express UPPER SAXDUSKT Ohio Dec Six were killed ia beadoa eoinston be- tween westbooad psBsengc4 train No S and eaettpuod express No 48 eight east f here OB the Peaaaylvaaia- raflroad envy this More than forty persons were med Both engines completed oomoi- ished The first Pullman of the west- bound train was tees oped between the engine and the other sterf Pullmans behind it It was 4Ued with C Miller and C C Greggs both of Fort Wayne were instantly killed aa aloe the baggage master of the passenger train A freight wreck near Bucyras earlier- In the night had completely blocked the westbound track necessitating the run of the passenger over the south tracks on the express was coming tower a mile and- a half east of Nevada was reached westbound train stoped for orders There was a flash of light from the bead light of the express train as it rounded a curve only a few hundred feet away at the rate of over a mile a minute Crashing into the passenger train was a roar that could be heard for miles in the Kill air aa both engines The force of the was such as to drive the steel Pullmans ta time rear of the long train through the shell of a wooden Pullman and a baggage car next to the engine Nearly every passenger ha the first Pullman was wore or less seriously in- jured although the express train aside from the engine was not badly damaged and nurses hi autos with newspaper mere and supplies OF PENNSY TRAINS ale Were L Indiana was Whom the The express was traveling Impact Pb froIiJ thI city were to the score 94 l morning Engineers a ex- ploded rnahed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Cotton Milling Firms Forced to the Wall KBW YORK Dec The Raadto Manufacturing Company and the Naomi Falls Manufacturing Company both of Randleman C have failed a d receivers have boon appointed for both concerns According to private matcher re- ceived here from RandlemaB today the failures are attributed to the depres- sion in the cotton mining business The total indebtedness of is placed at 800000 Million For Charity Left By Mrs Garrett PHILADELPHIA Dec 9L A summer home for poor children and a aooacre farm in Delaware county for single women who are to earn their sane living are some of the Christaias presents that Mrs Elizabeth Wittfam sea Garrett beo eatAs by will which was probated here today Altogether the bequests to chacltablt institutions amount to more than N ee cents reed i ruOCoO OO man i her ¬ ¬ = MOVING TOWARD THE END OF THE WEEKS IMPATIENT WAITING ft e Caniteal n ac liar tkftM Ifrw epea- f HEISTMAS is a day of gladaws for all men Not only do the more conafortabie stare their gifts with their brothers asking their prayers in return but each all rite and poor young1 and old are gain made rich and youthful in the hopes and promises of the new born Saviour All seem to feel what the angels sang at Bethlehem Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace to men of good wilL uhe JSigt1 cltffCeof brf t J W tt8R by t r v JJ w e7 and PIS SWINDLE CASE GETS MM HALT Duchess Withdraws Her Complaint and Secretly Leaves City TOURS France Dee 2 A fresh eeasatioa was easy added to the ed master awiadlte ease of the Duchess de Cnoteoul Praslra formely Mrs Charles Hamilton Paine of Boston against Count dAulby and Madame dAulby to collect tM9 when the duchess suddenly withdrew her formal eomplaiat secretly left the city Despite this the public prosecutor went on with the case The departure of the duchess followed the withdrawal- of her lawyers from the case and put a mew phase upon one of the meet turbulent cases in the annals of French litigation Tht case virtually comes to a close and Attorney Bernard representing dAatby his to produce a bundle of letters alleged to have been written by the duchess to dAulby e d sped wttt drew love a Fear Fresh Outbreak- Of AntiJap FeelingS- AN FRANCISCO Dec 3L anti feeling in California promises to break out afresh with the of the incoming Legislature Immediate- ly after So serious is the situation considered that it is Governorelect Johnson And his advisers much concern It was stated on today that as soon as meets the labor LIe roent will demand that it laws prohibiting the ownership or in the and ex- cluding the children of Chinese and Japanese from schools attended by white children Huge Grave Will Hold A Two Hundred Bodies MANCHESTER England Dec 3L A common grave will hold the bodies of more UB 2t4 of the 911 victims of the Pretoria mine meter at Leigh Oae hundred and eightysix bodies new been recovered but of tillS aber not than have been cxl bUrled in one huge grave I I pass IDd lave n more fifty ositiv Those not Identl The Sate ldeaitlied w ill be FOUND IN NORTH SEA Picked Up Near Texel Am sterdam Report Aviator Believed Dead A3STERDAM Dee was here today that n oeroplRBe- sttppoaed to b that of Grace wo was lost Thursday while attempting a return Sight from Cam to Dover WAS picked up in the North Sea near Texel Texel is the southwastarnraost and largest of the Friaiaa latewis fon ac part of the Dutch province ei North Holland Grace was last sees by the coast- guardsmen on the Goodwin Sands in Biiahnnl at 3 odocfc Thursday after- noon He had left Calais an hour earlier preparing to fly back across th and the interior of Bng land The guards saw hiss white stilt Continued on Second Page GRACES AEROPLANE KIt re- peated Cecil ¬ ¬ Mexicans Lynchers Escape IndictmentS- AN ANTONIO Dec 3L The grand jury that investigated lynching of Antonio Redrigues a Mexican who was burned at the stake by a b avenging- the murder of Mrs James Henderson near Rock Springs failed to return Itsreport was to the effect the Jurors had net evidence on which the Identity- of the mobs members or the supposed guilt f any known could be proven It is understood Federal who aided in the investigation will make a report to authorities in Washington Guard of Sheriffs Protect Negro in Jail MBMPHIS Tenn Doc Jones a negro who was arrested yester day charged with attacking and beating Mrs Robert Lynn wife of a d has been locked in Jail and a guard of deputy sheriffs placed about to prevent mob violence It Is reported a raob is forming tile In- dictments t 24James ¬ Snow Promised Unless Warm Winds Convert It Into Another Rain- A Christaias is forecast by the Weather Bares There is a slight Chance that Team winds ai atanospheric strata will convert the premised mantle of anew to another drbaty dkmgr eahte rain Santa Clans is praying that this threatened calamity neap be averted that he raay be per mitted to arrive tonight IB all Ms story sleigh bells and the swift leap of over the housetops A cold wave is rnsUac eastward congealing the moisture aad making eec tain according to the official prophet Christmas night at the latest it fe not probable that coM weather w prevail or that snowfall wttt approach the dimensions of a W rd WHITE CHRISTMAS SAYS WEATHER MAN white the upper of the polar with tile ef the arrival a heavy taU of sooty DT Forth Jangle rein- deer of ¬ ¬ Four Killed in Plunge Down 500foot Shaft BECKLST W Va Den 3L Four Collieries Coaoaay at Ewes W Ta A bucket in which the men all em ployes of the Dravo Contracting GOM were riding the men 00 feet down to tine bottom of the shaft An met instant death and the bodies were horribly crushed and mangled Score of Promotions In Postal DepartmentPo- stmaster General Hitchcock called in Chief Clerk Weed today and notified him to make about a score of promo tions as Christmas presents to tile clerks The promotions are all among the minor clerkships and Through the holidays the department is busy things in readiness for the opening of postal savings baaks January 3 Lat busi- ness day of new year Chief Clerk and his are devoting much attention to which Involve a great amount of work I men are dead the of 0- eWeat in shaft of the New Rtver as remit an tike Need assfe its ¬ Scotch Express Burns After Collision and Are Injured X TWClA EL OJrTY2sTB Eagtead hoc M glga Basiangtn w s bvraeil to death today ia the wreck of tile Scotch eaaros ant locomotives OH the Xortbeaatera raBroad sear Bteaaea Amours the victims was a child whose sereaauc were heard fc aririy as4f an hour Fortyseven persons were injured many being scalded by raping steam TIle wrecked train ws ORe of the fastest in the country It was raaalBg not a high rate The front ears were jjias ilnd to kindling wood The crash was heard for a mile aad the boilers of the locomotives exploded with a roar which snook the earth Upon the train were laaay passengers hurrying to their homes for the Christ tae holidays Rescuers worked with savage energy to extricate the imprison- ed men and women but the femes- gaiaed such headway that the wreckage was a seething pyre before all bad been taken oat The weather was very cold and the water which was poured upon the mom of twister iron and tbabers Irene Houses along the way turn- ed into hospitals where the were cared for Bark Wrecked in Fog But Crev Is Rescued NORFOLK Va Dec 24 The Ner lieu bark Soerrow was wrecked Cape Hatteras in a dense rot today fIGHT OlE IN WRECK OF CHRISTMAS TRAIN KJr y were of Fo seven two wound ¬ ¬ Mexican Rebels Ruin Entire Railroad Line EL Texas Dee 24 bridges OB the Mexican Northwestern railroad have been burned south of station by the revolutionists and Bridges and trestles are in Seines over- a stretch of many miles This was ascer- tained when a train running without made a dash as for as Cases Grandes and was forced to turn back at Lena The entire Toad south of Lens is out of commission the train crew reports and it wilt require months to rebuild it Passenger Is Wrecked Fireman Dead Many Hurt MEMPHIS Tenn Doc 24 Passenger train No 24 on the BHaels Central railroad running between New Orleans and Grenada Miss was at Simpson Hiss today Fireman John Hamilton was killed and Charles Mils engineer and a of passengers were seriously injured PASO jean long stretches ot track dyn- amited I have bees passenger wrecked any her ¬ TO HEARTS LITTLE TOTS TODAY Two Thousand Bags Passed Out From The Times Toy Room OLD KRIS HIMSELF DOES DISTRIBUTING St Nicholas Girl sod Asetstaftts Kept By Thr gX Incidents of Santa Day at Times Office Two tbaecaad gift dtsrfi rted by Santa Clans The Tiaes St NxMtas Girl today Tets threag lower laac af Messy BuiWiug where many ef taaa see St fr first time Four with words af ness keep little feiks ia line while iatzih d a takes place Sight tiriiks many a pasaersy and belated eaatxfbaiiasc are TB Every MiN pi viaVa fvr called who bad sat written ta Santa tore taaa tw the cnys hanwi Clara today Some of of Some of UMs time before rather or when Saata Claas ooae and J ft edit hood JOTS m his woks Taay rsaMsa bored tee Ia iailir Isis i f jf at about a desolate Jhialsi tint let ew to this Otaad OU Man of taa Yvfcsttde went ttaaaswerea and dulsisaaa day had dim set cfcaertose aad had been as But it was different this moialatu At and the St leaoias GIrl nearly tweatya cMMre- novoacyes wouderta beUevtar rery teed came and their little laden with oelook Saata Gabs earns of assist vats Bet to appear nt8 t The early stood upon the threanoid of the MK building their eyes pivoted npaa a fairyland within where dolls bad ether good tMa s of life aa at be In glorious profusion awaiting the CUB tedianshia of tressbims little heed By 9 oclock hundreds of expectant windows lobby within Four poacemea who ruled throufa possessed not a note of the little ones line Big Open The hour erase Through the M swinging door came Saata Clans the Wad old foliose Ute impatient boys bad girls had otteR heard about Psamd- Mm came tile St Xtcaotas Girt Mtes- Seieite Armstroag of The Times and a doses or more assistants whose la- bors aided by tIN of tine public had DIMe totays and yet In some instances pathetic scene possible the paseerby aood It was an occaolon that inspired the meet caHoos to a sire to do better things It taught UK- leesoa of a Christmas worth wafle It brought hove te every nee wao wK- nessed the ewfoui d happiness of little ones the words of Hlm ho said Inasmuch as ye have done it aato one of the least of these The cynic as he elbowed his way through the hundreds of expectant chil- dren was forced to mist on his way dawn street He remembered tfcat be hadnt made anybody happy He caBed a si ehiM sMe ant mode atonement Two Thousand Bags Two base Oiled wMfi r membraaces that go to make tile iMeu of the child harry were Olstribated Times building tins morning Some o the bags contained gtfts tor or more chUdrea members of the same family There was a human interest story in every pair of outstretched erase here was reverence writtea ta the face of every child who Based upon Santa Claus Over in the corner stood a decorated Christmas tree There were close to the window panes ta big room this morata who bad novc seen a Christmas tree Trey wets et kind that one sera with eyes pressed does to the window panes te Continued on Fourth Page Seduced Christmas Holiday Eares Bouthern Ballway Advt SANTA BRINGS JOY OF MANY of Mea and kiM ceived eIIIMnIII f1un the iced all l say ether day fill the three hundred the Claus hundred with the faf EaTfy Seas or tIN there s- It drams tors and the stood about the plate Others Were crowded the whose voIeee kept ere It g It was a sight did tile JMart of stODDe the tile big room ou the first sC T rg Ute the t V Busy Ytxarlgstcrs- Nicholas poli omen Man y dneaad bsles bossy Sb sta them bg comer ltsssvi ltesstng web as aogniabstos be- fore aelwalpslld the enter its tolgnan new itamhhw la- atti ltisitg ornapty flat thawed empty and shayfive lrlumes building where Zest were trets t reerod of a wet awry satie0ei shy gifts Csaea lets were betsee coat hla kindhearted w re and wadies sad aeon children ma glass i kindness sal gruffness a Dears that Jo es sand th float lave fire big ¬ ¬ < > >

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-12-24 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-12-24/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Civil Service Retirement Association wCl be represeated

Ckmdy sad Ccteter ToniSwtday Fmr emd Cold

69S9 Yesterdays Circulation 48114 DECEMBEB 24 1910 PRICE ONE CENT

1mJa hiniton 4Iime LAST EDITIONI


r S




Advocates of Several Retirement Plans Will Determine

Nature of Ballots


Watcfrecs re Be At Booths toL k Out for Re-


Plans forPoll onRetirementTaking Shape

Advocates ef varie e piaas ferof saperaBHuated Gsv

erajaeat eapfeyes t held caafereace next Tuesday

Kind ef ballets te fee used in TheTimes peel will Be agreed upon atthe ceafereace

Committees te fee named by rivalfactwis ef retireaeat aseeciatwato work m campaign

Government employes receive permissies te participate ia

Series ef artid B f r and againstretirement picas te begin IK TheTimes ea Tuesday

Leading adTO tee of the severalplans lor the retirement of superan-nuated Government employ IB theclassified dvfl service WIll sold a con

dde oa the details of Tbe Times pollOne of the questions to be lidded will

be the nature of the baUets dealing

It la desired to have the ballots embody all points at tome sad ewer follythe salient phases of the variousschemes o that the isnjiluyes era

Both ladies eC the Untied StatesCivil Service Retirement AssociationwCl be represeated at eoattoreaeeall diff

advocating different phi of retire-ment They recognize the importanceor The Times poll and Ks effect onCongress and have consented to joinhands with The Times to maka thepoll a sucoocc

The CeafereesThe element of the oooclntlou favorIng straight civil peaatoo as oeateaaplated by the GouMen affl be rep

resented by FrtaMeat Michael FCantwellthe part in the outright pension cam

They believethe Gotddea bill is the most Just andequitable and have directed theirefforts to obtaining the passage of thatzaeasureDr UewHya Jordan secretary ef theether faction sad H D Brown who

drafted the Gillette bill will attend theconference in the of the comcontributory retirement peopleBoth men been laboring for tenyears on the problem andtheir investigations have been thoroughGovernment will bepresent at the conference to urge otherschemes of retirement one whatias been called the compromise plancontributory form of retirement wherepension fund is provided by

from both the Govern-ment and the employesThree Puns te Be Voted OB

Thus far only the three plane mentloned have developed large foNowingsamong employes and it is thereforeprobable that the poll to be conductedfcy The Times will be OB those prepo-sitions Other schemes suggested Insetters to The Times mad agitated by acomparatively few employes virtuallycontain the same general principles astiose on which the three plans ia ques-tion are booed

A series of articles or arguments onthe three plans wM be begin

iie straight pension plan The followagainst the outright pension plea TheLest day an article on the compulsoryf ontxfbutory plan will be and itwen Te rebutted on the day followingTe compromise plan be con

in the ame mannerThe preparations for The Times poll

include the naming of committees bythe two of the United States

Continued on Second Page I


frlr and moderately eat loans ttonight 21 degrees mawesterly winds


a nt 4t-a an

7 p m iTjj

TEDB TABU-TodayEHdi tide 3t au 24p m atTomorrow rfs i two fc a mT aad-

MO p au Low tide SK a au and J ac

SUN TJUJUBPun ris s 7KBEon sets i 4s2-

EARPSRS Fem W va Dee 2tBoth rivers eieas





ference next afternoon de

with the pro IIaD for


will be teMper1ll1ly dropred by tile rlvaIa who are Yt


O Secretary Edward JWho have taken aepagn In the past year

iJItere t




r on Tuesday tile Brat one to beg day appear article


n t


p rn






met elaeat


Tuesday to




Dinoghue andthe most

p rya



es fightrature emit



a sadLow a C m


















= =







Six Killed Forty Hurt AsChicago Special Hits


UPPER SAXDUSKT Ohio DecSix were killed ia beadoa eoinston be-tween westbooad psBsengc4 train NoS and eaettpuod express No 48 eight

east f here OB the Peaaaylvaaia-raflroad envy this More thanforty persons were med

Both engines completed oomoi-ished The first Pullman of the west-bound train was tees opedbetween the engine and the other sterfPullmans behind it It was 4Ued with

C Miller and C CGreggs both of Fort Waynewere instantly killed aa aloe thebaggage master of the passenger train

A freight wreck near Bucyras earlier-In the night had completely blocked thewestbound track necessitating the run

of the passenger overthe south tracks on the expresswas coming tower a mile and-a half east of Nevada was reachedwestbound train stoped for orders Therewas a flash of light from the beadlight of the express train as it roundeda curve only a few hundred feet away

at the rateof over a mile a minute Crashing intothe passenger train was a roarthat could be heard for miles in theKill air aa both engines

The force of the wassuch as to drive the steel Pullmansta time rear of the long trainthrough the shell of a wooden Pullmanand a baggage car next to the engine

Nearly every passenger ha the firstPullman was wore or less seriously in-jured although the expresstrain aside from the engine was notbadly damaged and nurseshi autos with newspaper mereand supplies







The express was traveling


PbfroIiJ thI city were to the score











Cotton Milling FirmsForced to the Wall

KBW YORK Dec The RaadtoManufacturing Company and the

Naomi Falls Manufacturing Companyboth of Randleman C have faileda d receivers have boon appointed forboth concerns

According to private matcher re-

ceived here from RandlemaB today thefailures are attributed to the depres-sion in the cotton mining business Thetotal indebtedness of isplaced at 800000

Million For CharityLeft By Mrs Garrett

PHILADELPHIA Dec 9L A summerhome for poor children and a aooacrefarm in Delaware county for singlewomen who are to earn theirsane living are some of the Christaiaspresents that Mrs Elizabeth Wittfamsea Garrett beo eatAs by will whichwas probated here today

Altogether the bequests to chacltabltinstitutions amount to more than


ee cents











ft e Caniteal n ac liar tkftM Ifrw epea-

f HEISTMAS is a day of gladaws for all men Not only do the more conafortabie staretheir gifts with their brothers asking their prayers in return but each all rite

and poor young1 and old are gain made rich and youthful in the hopes and promises ofthe new born Saviour All seem to feel what the angels sang at Bethlehem Gloryto God in the Highest and on earth peace to men of good wilL

uhe JSigt1 cltffCeof brf tJ

W tt8R by t

r v JJ

w e7




Duchess Withdraws HerComplaint and Secretly

Leaves City

TOURS France Dee 2 A fresheeasatioa was easy added to the edmaster awiadlte ease of the Duchessde Cnoteoul Praslra formely MrsCharles Hamilton Paine of Bostonagainst Count dAulby and MadamedAulby to collect tM9 when theduchess suddenly withdrew her formaleomplaiat secretly left the city

Despite this the public prosecutorwent on with the case The departureof the duchess followed the withdrawal-of her lawyers from the case and puta mew phase upon one of the meet

turbulent cases in theannals of French litigation

Tht case virtually comes to a closeand Attorney Bernard representingdAatby his to producea bundle of letters alleged to havebeen written by the duchess to dAulby



wttt drewlove


Fear Fresh Outbreak-Of AntiJap FeelingS-

AN FRANCISCO Dec 3L antifeeling in California promisesto break out afresh with theof the incoming Legislature Immediate-ly after

So serious is the situation consideredthat it is Governorelect JohnsonAnd his advisers much concern It wasstated on today that as soonas meets the labor LIeroent will demand that it

laws prohibiting the ownership orin the and ex-

cluding the children of Chinese andJapanese from schools attended bywhite children

Huge Grave Will HoldA Two Hundred Bodies

MANCHESTER England Dec 3L Acommon grave will hold the bodies ofmore UB 2t4 of the 911 victims of thePretoria mine meter at Leigh

Oae hundred and eightysix bodiesnew been recovered but of tillS

aber not than have been

cxl bUrled in one huge grave



laven more fiftyositiv Those not Identl



ldeaitliedw ill be


Picked Up Near Texel Amsterdam Report Aviator

Believed Dead

A3STERDAM Dee washere today that n oeroplRBe-

sttppoaed to b that of Grace wowas lost Thursday while attemptinga return Sight from Cam to DoverWAS picked up in the North Sea nearTexel

Texel is the southwastarnraost andlargest of the Friaiaa latewis fon acpart of the Dutch province ei NorthHolland

Grace was last sees by the coast-guardsmen on the Goodwin Sands inBiiahnnl at 3 odocfc Thursday after-noon He had left Calais an hourearlier preparing to fly back across th

and the interior of Bngland The guards saw hiss white stilt

Continued on Second Page


KIt re-peated




Mexicans LynchersEscape IndictmentS-

AN ANTONIO Dec 3L The grandjury that investigated lynching ofAntonio Redrigues a Mexican who wasburned at the stake by a b avenging-the murder of Mrs James Hendersonnear Rock Springs failed to return

Itsreport was to the effect the Jurorshad net evidence on which the Identity-of the mobs members or the supposedguilt f any known could beproven It is understood Federalwho aided in the investigation willmake a report to authorities inWashington

Guard of SheriffsProtect Negro in Jail

MBMPHIS Tenn DocJones a negro who was arrested yesterday charged with attacking andbeating Mrs Robert Lynn wife of ad has been locked in Jail anda guard of deputy sheriffs placed aboutto prevent mob violenceIt Is reported a raob is forming






Snow Promised UnlessWarm Winds Convert It

Into Another Rain-

A Christaias is forecast bythe Weather Bares There is a slightChance that Team winds aiatanospheric strata will convert thepremised mantle of anew to anotherdrbaty dkmgr eahte rain Santa Clansis praying that this threatened calamityneap be averted that he raay be permitted to arrive tonight IB all Ms story

sleigh bells and the swift leap ofover the housetopsA cold wave is rnsUac eastward

congealing the moisture aad making eectain according to the official prophetChristmas night at the latest it fe notprobable that coM weatherw prevail or that snowfall wtttapproach the dimensions of a W rd




the upper

of the polar with tile ef

the arrival a heavy taU of sooty DT

Forth Janglerein-





Four Killed in PlungeDown 500foot Shaft

BECKLST W Va Den 3L Four

Collieries Coaoaay at Ewes W TaA bucket in which the men all employes of the Dravo Contracting GOMwere ridingthe men 00 feet down to tine bottomof the shaft

An met instant death and the bodieswere horribly crushed and mangled

Score of PromotionsIn Postal DepartmentPo-

stmaster General Hitchcock calledin Chief Clerk Weed today and notifiedhim to make about a score of promotions as Christmas presents to tileclerks The promotions are all amongthe minor clerkships and

Through the holidays the departmentis busy things in readiness forthe opening of postal savings baaksJanuary 3 Lat busi-ness day of new year Chief Clerk

and his are devotingmuch attention towhich Involve a great amount of work


men are dead the of 0-

eWeat in shaft of the New Rtveras remit an


Need assfe its


Scotch Express Burns AfterCollision and

Are Injured

X TWClA EL OJrTY2sTB Eagteadhoc M glga Basiangtn w s bvraeilto death today ia the wreck of tileScotch eaaros ant locomotives OHthe Xortbeaatera raBroad searBteaaea

Amours the victims was a child whosesereaauc were heard fc aririy as4f anhour

Fortyseven persons were injuredmany being scalded by raping steam

TIle wrecked train ws ORe of thefastest in the country It was raaalBgnot a high rate The front ears werejjias ilnd to kindling wood The crashwas heard for a mile aad the boilers ofthe locomotives exploded with a roarwhich snook the earth

Upon the train were laaay passengershurrying to their homes for the Christ

tae holidays Rescuers worked withsavage energy to extricate the imprison-ed men and women but the femes-gaiaed such headway that the wreckagewas a seething pyre before all bad beentaken oat The weather was very coldand the water which was poured uponthe mom of twister iron and tbabersIrene Houses along the way turn-ed into hospitals where thewere cared for

Bark Wrecked in FogBut Crev Is Rescued

NORFOLK Va Dec 24 The Nerlieu bark Soerrow was wreckedCape Hatteras in a dense rot today



KJr y



Fo seven





Mexican Rebels RuinEntire Railroad Line

EL Texas Dee 24bridges OB the Mexican Northwesternrailroad have been burned south of

station by the revolutionists and

Bridges and trestles are in Seines over-a stretch of many miles This was ascer-tained when a trainrunning without made a dashas for as Cases Grandes and was forcedto turn back at Lena The entire Toadsouth of Lens is out of commission thetrain crew reports and it wilt requiremonths to rebuild it

Passenger Is WreckedFireman Dead Many HurtMEMPHIS Tenn Doc 24 Passenger

train No 24 on the BHaels Centralrailroad running between New Orleansand Grenada Miss was atSimpson Hiss today

Fireman John Hamilton was killed andCharles Mils engineer and aof passengers were seriously injured


jeanlong stretches ot track dyn-amited


have bees








Two Thousand Bags PassedOut From The Times

Toy Room


St Nicholas Girl sod AsetstafttsKept By Thr gX

Incidents of Santa Day atTimes Office

Two tbaecaad gift dtsrfi rtedby Santa Clans The TiaesSt NxMtas Girl today

Tets threag lower laac af MessyBuiWiug where many ef taaa seeSt fr first time

Four with words afness keep little feiks ia linewhile iatzih d a takes place

Sight tiriiks many a pasaersy andbelated eaatxfbaiiasc are TB

Every MiN pi viaVa fvrcalled who bad sat written taSanta

tore taaa twthe cnys hanwiClara today

Some ofof

Some of UMstime before rather orwhen Saata Claas ooae and J ft edithood JOTS m his woks Taay rsaMsabored tee Ia

iailir Isis i f jf at

about a desolate Jhialsi tint let ew tothis Otaad OU Man of taa Yvfcsttdewent ttaaaswerea and dulsisaaaday had dim set cfcaertose aadhad been as

But it was different this moialatu At

and the St leaoias GIrlnearly tweatya cMMre-novoacyes wouderta beUevtar rery

teed came andtheir little laden with

oelook Saata Gabsearns of assist vatsBet to appear nt8 t The earlystood upon the threanoid of the MKbuilding their eyes pivoted npaa afairyland within where dolls badether good tMa s of life aa at beIn glorious profusion awaiting the CUBtedianshia of tressbims little heedBy 9 oclock hundreds of expectant

windowslobby within Four poacemea whoruled throufapossessed not a note ofthe little ones line

Big OpenThe hour erase Through the M

swinging door came Saata Clans theWad old foliose Ute impatient boys badgirls had otteR heard about Psamd-Mm came tile St Xtcaotas Girt Mtes-Seieite Armstroag of The Times anda doses or more assistants whose la-bors aided by tIN of tinepublic had DIMe totaysand yet In some instances patheticscene possible

the paseerby aood It was an occaolonthat inspired the meet caHoos to asire to do better things It taught UK-leesoa of a Christmas worth wafle Itbrought hove te every nee wao wK-nessed the ewfoui d happiness of littleones the words of Hlm ho said

Inasmuch as ye have done it aatoone of the least of these

The cynic as he elbowed his waythrough the hundreds of expectant chil-dren was forced tomist on his way dawnstreet He remembered tfcat be hadntmade anybody happy He caBed a si

ehiM sMe ant modeatonement

Two Thousand BagsTwo base Oiled wMfi r

membraaces that go to make tile iMeuof the child harry were Olstribated

Times building tins morning Some othe bags contained gtfts tor ormore chUdrea members of the samefamily There was a human intereststory in every pair of outstretched erasehere was reverence writtea ta the faceof every child who Based upon SantaClaus

Over in the corner stood adecorated Christmas tree There wereclose to the window panes ta bigroom this morata who bad novc seena Christmas tree Trey wets etkind that one sera with eyes presseddoes to the window panes te

Continued on Fourth Page

Seduced Christmas Holiday EaresBouthern Ballway Advt







eIIIMnIII f1un





say ether day fill thethree hundred

the Claus


with the faf

EaTfySeas or tIN there s-


drams tors and the

stood about the plateOthers Were crowded the

whose voIeeekept

ere Itg

It was a sight did tile JMart of

stODDe the

tile big room ou the first sC T








poli omen


dneaadbsles bossy Sb sta

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its tolgnan newitamhhw la-

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emptyand shayfive

lrlumes building where Zestwere trets

t reerod of awet awry satie0ei

shy giftsCsaea

lets were betseecoat hla

kindhearted w re

and wadies sadaeon

children ma glass

ikindness sal




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