washington herald. (washington, dc) 1910-04-18 [p...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY APRIL 18 1910 5 Woodward LothropNe- w is now time to look to your furs Let us place them In our Cold Dry Air Storage The cost is small First Quality American Shrubbery Flowers and Small Fruits now on Department Fifth Floor Special Sale of Fine French Lingerie is a very opportune sale coming at this time as it affords an excellent opportunity for spring brides to add to their trousseaux these dainty undergarments at prices asked for the better class of domestic muslins They are all hand embroidered by the inimitable French needlewomen made of the finest nainsooks and other sheer materials in the very latest designs and effects and richly trimmed with dainty laces insertions ruffles c Included are Gowns Drawers chemises and Combination Suits and all marked at very special prices Womens French Gowns made of fine quality nainsookf with high Ve and low round necks and short sleeves richly hand embroidered in pretty floral sprays and trimmed with dainty laces insertions edgings beading and eyelets run with ribbon to S750 each Were S250 to r i tJ w l J I YorkWASHINGTONParis- It saleHousefurnishing THIS 195 1050 ii e icI = Womens Handmade French Drawers made of good quality French nainsook some trimmed with dainty handembroidered ruffles others with laces inser tions and edgings and handem broidered sprays 145 to 450 pair Were to Third floor Hcronth U 175 750 II ¬ ¬ Womens Handmade French Chemises made of sheer nain sook fronts plainly or elaborate ly handembroidered and trim med with scalloped edges and eyelets run with ribbon Also several styles embellished with handembroidered initial to each Were to 8500 195 395 250 ¬ ¬ ¬ HUNGARIANS CRY LONG LIVE T Continued front Page One then took Roosevelt and Kermit to an automobile The fiddlers remained to col lact panes cUr of Pressburg turned out to a man mayor the local orator and Roocavelt again exchanged speeches The drive to Count Apponyis chateau lay through three village one Hungarian one Slovak and one German The whole population turned out to welcome the visitor At the first village no stop was made the place had been stricken with measles At tho otbor two Roose- velt wee received by the mayors or ce- lootman droeewd In Ute Sunday garb of worklngmon RoosoveUt replying spoke In English Count Apponyl translating- for him Strive for liberty with reli- gion and help tho weak without making them weaker was Roosevelts advlco to the villagers as ho addressed them on the village greens People and Flowers Here the whole population of the vil- lages were assembled priests with their parishioners teachers with school chil dren firemen in uniform women young and old from the whole countryside and always band of fiddlers who played patriotic airs In each place a posy was presented to him and a little speech of wolcomo made by one of the smallest school girls Hungarian flags were every- where Here and there might be seen the proud possessor of an American flag When the chateau was reached Rooee volt took lunch with a few of Count Ap ponyis friends Then there was an au- tomobile ride to another railway station- a drive of on hour and a half which was a repetition of tho mornings programme The party pawed through two villages where the usual crowds had oollected and the usual speochos were made In one village a little boy got off n speech in English saying Im j ry glad to see you Mr Roosevelt It stirred up great enthusiasm The inmates of every farmhouse along tho route turned out to cheer as tho party passed Outburst nt Bndnpciit At the station there were more speeches and hero also were the most frenzied fiddlers of the whole day but Budapest gave tho finishing touches to the days enthusiasm The train arrived at 9 oclock this evening Rain was fall- ing but in response to the mayors ap peal the townsfolk turned out by the thousands There must have been six thousand waiting outside tho station in tho rain Within the station Itself the crowd swarmed everywhere and when tho train came in the officials could hardly clear tho track Scores of men and boys climbed onto the roofs of the oars A fervent welcome was extended by the mayor and Roosevelt wearing a cavalry colonels coat and a black felt hat made an eloquent reply Roosevelt then proceeded through crowded streets to tho hotel the people cheering and shouting Long live pddyl At the hotel ho was forced to address the crowd from a balcony GEN WOOD MUST SETTLE Entertained Foreign Attaches Dur lug Game Maneuvers While tho militia hikers were per- spiring across the State of Massachusetts last summer In their war game MaJ Gen Leonard Wood U S A tho chief umpire was unpretentiously entertaining military attaches of foreign nations at dinners luncheons au just plain camp meals Now Maj Gen Wood has to foot the billFunds to cover these entertainments wore placed to MaJ Gen Woods credit and tho sum transferred to the chief quartermaster for disbursement Of the amount only S8S66 was used When the Assistant Comptroller of the Treasury saw the item he sat up and took notice As a result Maj Gen Wood will have to settle The Treasury official refused to allow payment saying that there is no provision of law which authorizes the military authorities to invite foreign military attaches to be guests of tho United States at Joint maneuvers and that thero is no other appropriation avail- able for such expense largest Morning Circulation R The The a Music a I t War ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Handmade French Combination Suits made of fine French nainsook in a variety of styles variously trimmed with hand embroidery lace insertion edging and eyelets or beading- run with ribbon to S850 each Were 750 to 1200 I omens I i I 495 I I WOODWARD LOTHROP I II II C NUNCIO NOT SENT Cardinal Del Yal Talks of Visit to Roosevelt NO MESSAGE FROM THE POPE Papal Secretary of State Declares Any Significance Should DC Dln- avovrcd Mayor of nome Gets Let- ter from Col Roosevelt Expressing Thanks for Courteous Reception Rome April 17 In an interview today Cardinal Merry del Val papal secretary cf state informed a correspondent that 1 did not know of the visit of Mgr PIgnatelli papal nuncio at Vienna to Col Roosevelt until he was informed by the correspondent He added Tho nuncio did not ask for instruc tions and I dkl not give him any The nunrlo as doyen of the diplomatic corps attended the reception given by his American colleague Ambassador Kerens whore he mot Mr Roosevelt whom ho had no roason to shun The visit is in no wise significant The nuncio tad nothing to say to Mr Roosevelt from tho holy If any significance Is given- to the visit it should be promptly dis- avowed Tho cardinal alluding to Rooaovoltfl stay In Rome told the correspondent that lie received by mail Roosevelts visiting card printed in Italian the card bearing the printed name Theodore Roosevelt and tho words Per Commlato meaning to take leave written thereon Mayor Hears front Colonel Mr Roosevelt has sent the following letter to Signor Nathan mayor of Rome dated Venice April 14 Mv Mayor Naihaa On learlag Italy let ma- C ink ou and thnwgh you the council and CK- BnuniKy of Rone for the treat ccurtctr shown no jUy IR tho Eternal City aad po clailr totigfatfal dinner I bore the guests bare forgiven tea my polyglot speech which I had to gft you Trfco knew them to Interpret I fcopo to you to America It would be a cttmtoe pleasure to reotvf mir acquaintance With ill cood wishes faithfully yrs THEODORE HOOSBVELT The mayor translated the letter and sent it to the newspapers but instead of delightful dinner he Bald delightful hospitality suppressing the word din- ner because as a function the banquet was a complete failure STAY OUTDOORS AND BECOME BEAUTIFUL From the Philadelphia Tfeata Half tho evils and Ills of humanity could bo cured if moro people realized tho valuo of fresh air It Is the basis of all beauty and health and the girl who is endeavoring- to procure a lovely complexion by tho use of taco lotions will find fresh air twice as oHlcacIous When you are terribly fatigued try taking half a dozen long deop breaths and see if you dont feel more like When insomnia has you In Its grip try breathing deeply and regularly as you lie in bed and you will bo surprised how easily Jecp win come Nervousness can bo cured by forming the habit of breathing deep and long nnd one medical authority prescribes it In his schodulo for nervous womon All singers aro Invariably hlghohosted and free from colds or chronlo cough- ing spells It is because they have learned to breathe from the waist In- stead of tho top of the lungs as the majority of people do To breathe deeply Is to stimulate the heart and circulation- It means a full high chest and broad shoulders It means practical Immunity from the dangers incurred by exposure It means a good carriage and well poised head And best of nfl it moans perfect physi- cal health- A rood remedy for cold on tho chest is TuoHne and tnrpcntlna xrell retobed Into Ute chest and b twain the ihouMirs In the back Cuban hcols quite high seem to predominate among shoes and there are al many oiUUry quite u hlsb I I Dear ttvQ out 7 your ItO yes- terday seeS liv- Ing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FATHER RUSSELL ANSWERS QUESTIONS Holds Methodists in Rome to Assail Catholics- At the meeting of the League of the Good Shepherd at St Patricks Church last night the Rev Dr Russell as usual on the third Sunday of the month an- swered the questions recently placed In tho question box Among the queries was one which still seems to hold much interest both for press and Why does the Pope oppose the Methodists in Rome Dr Russell said in part That the Methodists in Rome are there- to assail the Catholic Church and the Pope and not as with other Protestant sects simply to afford church facilities to English and Americans in Rome is easily proven and the evidence comes from the Methodist Mission Itself and from its own publications in which until recently they made no secret of the fact but rcther gloried in it that their great aim was the overthrow of Cathol icism and the papacy It is also undeniable that they are sending broadcast literature that con virulent and unfounded statements regarding the Catholic Church its clergy papacy If in the last year of Mr Roosevelts administration continued Father Rus- sell Archbishop Ireland had attended a public reception in Washington given by Mr and Mrs Bellamy Storer it is not difficult to imagine how he would have been received afterward by Mr Roosevelt If furthermore the arch- bishops secretary had told the Presi- dent that the archbishop would do pleased regardless of the feelings of Mr Roosevelt it II beyond Imagination- to picture what would havo happened Mr Roosevelt before he left Rome vindicated the attitude of the holy father To the rector of tho American Protestant Church in Rome Mr Roosevelt said As soon as I return to America I will do my utmost to have these Methodists removed from Rome They are a dis- grace to any religion Spencer and Clark ought to have repudiated Mr Tip- ples statement They are mistaken if they think they aro going to make money in America They wont get a cent DR JOHNSTON PRAISES TAFT A crt President and Lnte Secretary Hay Helped China Dr Howard Agnew Johnston at tho New York Avenue Presbyterian Church yesterday morning praised tho work of President Taft In tho Philippines and told of the love of tho Chinese for the late Secretary Hay The subject of Dr Johnstons address was Glimpse at Christian progress In Asia Ho gave a number of instances of unusual selfsacrifice on tho part of Chinese Christians who declined offers of largo salaries to tako positions In public schools and remained in their work as native ministers because of the conviction that China needs Christianity Speaking of China Dr Johnston said There has been greater progress in that country In the last five years than has taken place In the previous 5000 years Every Important city In China hag a dally paper in the Chinese lan guage in the campaign against opium and foot binding Ho said the Chinese looked upon John Hay as their greatest friend for the influence of that statesman In securing the financial Integrity of China when the nations of Europe would have contributed- to Its dismemberment Leaders at the National Style Show Galotta Bros LADIES TAILORS 1123 14th St N W Phone North 968Y RIDING HABITS A SPECIALTY peoplethat- Is isles as- h ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IN THE SOCIAL WORLD Mrs Stevenson Arrives for D A R Convention LAN MANY ENTERTAINMENTS Prominent Members of Patriotic Order Will Act nn Hostc3 e ut Xu merouN Functions The ANsiMtuiit Secretary of State and 31r Wilson Leave for Atlantic City Mrs Taft and hor house guost Mrs Eckstein braved the weather yesterday morning and attended tho service- In St Johns Episcopal Church They returned to the White House immediately after church Tho Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs Huntington Wilson left Washing- ton yesterday for Atlantic City to spend some days Mr Wilson has had several severe spells of illness during the past winter and has not boon able to take sufficient rest and recreation to regain his strength entirely Mrs Adlai Stevenson of Bloomington Ill wife of tho former Vice President of the United States who was the second and the fourth president general of the D A R arrived In Washington and Is at the Arlington with her sister Mrs Matthew T Scott the pres- ent president general of the D A R Mrs Stevenson was accompanied by her son Lewis Stevenson who will remain with hor for a week Mrs Stevenson was succeeded as president general of the D A R by Mrs John W Foster and in turn she succeeded Mrs Foster Mrs Scott and Mrs Stevenson wore the guests of honor at dinner last night of Mra Theodore C Bates vice president general of tho D A R from Massachusetts Mrs Burrows wife of Senator J C Burrows will entertain at a tea this afternoon in honor of Mrs Scott Mrs Stevenson the national officers of tho society antI the Michigan delegation to the Continental Congreae in her home in Massachusetts Mrs Alexander Patton vico president general of the D A R from Pennsyl- vania will entertain at dinner this even- ing at the New In honor of Mrs Scott and Mrs Stevenson Mrs William- F Dennis president of the Southern Re- lief will entertain at a tea late this aft- ernoon in honor of Mrs Scott Mrs Stevenson and the Kentucky and Vir- ginia delegations in the Continental Con gross Sho will be assisted In receiving by Mrs Dickinson wife of the Secretary of War Mrs Dickinson wife of the Secretary of War has cards out for a tea tomor row afternoon In honor of Mrs Scott and Mrs Stevenson and the delegates to the congress from Tennessee Mississippi and the Pacific Coast She pays this compliment to Tennessee because it II her home to Mississippi because it was the Secretarys birthplace and the Pa- cific Coast because her second son now lives on the Coast OR the same after- noon the Congressional Club will have a tee for Mrs Scott and the members of the Continental Congress and a little later tomorrow afternoon Mrs Johnson wife of Senator Ben Johnson of Ken- tucky will entertain at tea in honor of Mrs Scott and the Kentucky and Illinois delegations in the congress Mrs Scott wilt divide her time between all theee functions FO as to be present at each one for a time On Wednesday afternoon Bankhead wife of the Senator from Alabama will entertain at toe In honor of Mrs Scott and the Alabama delegation after 5 oclock Mrs Edward Lauterbach of Now York who is spending the week in Washington entertained a luncheon party at the Chevy Chase Club yesterday Mr and Mrs John Jay White had the largest function of last evening in a musicale for which there wore several hundred guests They have a large house party composed of Mrs Churchill Candee Miss Nancy Whitman Miss Lewis of Richmond Miss Sutton of Richmond Mr Ripley Hitchcock of Now York Mr Albert Herter of New York and Mr Victor Harris of New York Tho artists who gavo the programme were Miss who made her debut on this occasbn with a charming voice of much beauty strength sympathy and magnet- Ism Mrs Relic Dovonno Hempstead contralto Mr Brett cellist who played obligates for both singers and Mr Har- ris accompanist Miss Whitman and Mrs both made personal triumphs A buffet supper followed tho music Mr and Mrs Edson Bradley entertained- a luncheon company at tho Chevy Chase Club yesterday which was the last they will give this sea- son In Washington They will leave tomorcw for their Tuxedo cottage where they will spend some weeks going later to their summer place on the Lawrence They will make the trip in their nouseboat upon which they will on tortaln house parties constantly through the summer on the St Lawrence River The Secretary of the Senate and Mrs Charles G Bennett were hosts at a breakfast party at tho Chevy Chase Club yesterday Their guests wore Senator and Mrs William Alden Smith of Michi- gan Miss Esther Denny Miss Caryl Crawford Mr Hamilton Carey and Mr de Bolonge The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Good win to Lieut Roscoo F Dlllen U S N will take place on Wednesday at noon in St Johns Episcopal Church The maid of honor will be the brides sister Miss Alice Walko Goodwin and the boat man will be LieutWalter H Smead U S N and the ushers will be Lieut H T Win ston Lieut George W Steele jr Pay- master Charles E Parsons Lieut Rich ard P McCullough Lieut Albert Church and Ensign Andrew S HIckey all navy men A small reception at the home of tho brides mother Mrs Walton Goodwin will follow the ceremony Mrs Barney had a distinguished com- pany last evening In her handsome house 2223 R street which Is BO well adapted for entertaining large companies to hear Dr Amun U Farced of the State Uni- versity of Illinois speak on The part of a prisoner In a political play Dr Fa reed Is a physician and surgeon as well as a scholar and a linguist of repute HIs subject was most Interesting and his presentation was unique He will be in Washington for several months doing ophthalmological with Dr W H Wilmer He has been elaborately enter- tained during the past two weeks and a few days ago was the guest of honor of the Librarian of Congress Mr Herbert II lai I I I I avenue mud Hem tCfld en- tertainment St y Ad yester- day Mrs WhItman wok ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LansburghBro 420426 7th Street 417425 8th Street PETTO0ATS BLACK AHD COLORS- A bargain like this is al- ways sure to meet with the approval of our customers These come in most all the wanted colors for spring are made of an excellent quality taffeta silk cut full width through hips and have full foundation and dust ruffle all lengths and worth 500 Specal to Putnam at luncheon at the round table at the Library a compliment paid to only the most distinguished guests In Washington BAND CONCERT TODAY Ry tile U Srtdtes1 p M John M Match Tko July Tnueton Clark OmttM Herald M4tttMi MNMde 0 Sab MWDi OHM GraM Mfctctfsa La Ifevbte V usant- DtsctptfM tttMfe A KM fa tac- Bhcfc Ftrwt VeoJker- Exsarpto bo The Fair Owd baton AaMtfeiB PatMl nMMKkMR Waltz write TIM Predial Daughter DISTRICT CELTS TO Arrangements Outlined for Irish Homegoing This Summer Five Hundred WashingtonIan to Visit Emerald Iiile President Kilkenny Speaks President Frauds J Kilkenny of the Irish Home Going Association announced lact night at the concert given In Carroll Institute Hall by Division No i A 0 H that more than KO Waahtngtonlans win make the trip to the Emerald Isle late in May or early in June Mr Kilkenny in a brief talk outlined the plans for the trip and told of ar- rangements being made in Ireland for the accommodation of the tourists Re- duced hotel and transportation rates have been received from the Hotel sod Tour tat Association of Ireland and every con- venience for sightseeing has been mapped out A feature will be the automobile excursions from many of the large cities Miss Gertrude M OReilly gave an in- teresting lecture on Irish folklore The peculiarities and typical stories of this feature of Irish life were admirably told- I by Mlag OReilly who was in the cos- tume of the Irish peasant woman of early days Other numbers of the concert pro gramme Mrs Xel B Kelser Killarney Mr Fitzger Last Rose of Summer Miss Lati mer Miss Margaret OToole and Harry Whoaton Howard were accompanists TRANSFER PATTERNS Upon w Hpt this pattern ordered on coupon txVnr place he roach or glued ride of the pattern town on muml to be stamped then hot flttlroc en the btek or smooth skip ot the patters Be cartful not to let pattern slip I 5OO SilK 2 89 I 1 i S at 4 5 p The z PrJer I I were Mavourneen lit old of 2C9 Jay at lie d Zss dksstar Flusie Vasky FIr IIKET RIP pre ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Jabots These designs Arc stamped on some soft sheer material preferably lawn er batiste and embroidered cotton in white or colors as preferred The lower two are buttonholed in scallops on the edge and the top one is with Washington Herald Pattern Coupon Name Address Size desired Fill out tho numbered and cut out pattern and inclose with 10 cents stamps or coin addressed to Pattern Depart- ment The Washington Herald Washington Ocean Steamships Xcw York April 17 Arrired Lapland from April 9 Arrived out Adriatic at Southampton Sailed Potsdam from Boulogne Cedric from QueenKovro Krooalaad from Dorer Campania from QueenstOTn George Washington from Cher- bourg Transfer Pattern No 8163 floss bee t Ant- werp 1nrls 9 ¬ ¬ SOCIETY ffl A FLURRY Nuptials of Marjorie Gould and Mr Drexel Near ATTENDANTS ARE SELECTED Sister of the Bridegroom and Sister of the Bride Among Bevy of Bcautlfnl BrldcHmnldM nnd Brother of Bridegroom Will Be Heat ainn tit Ceremony Tuesday New York April 17 Society is antici- pating with keea interest the approach ing marriage of Miss Marjorie Gwynne Guld eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs George Jay Gould and Anthony Drexel jr eldest son of Dr and Mrs Anthony- J Drexel of Philadelphia and London It will be the notable wedding of the New York season ante will be celebrated at 4 oclock on Tuesday afternoon in St Barthok mews Episcopal Church Madi- son venue and Fortyfourth street There will be a full choral service at the I church by the choir augmented by addi- tional choristers and supplemented by Instrumental music of the harp and violin Bridesmaids Are Beautiful The bride who will be given in mar- riage by her father will be attended by a bevy of beautiful bridesmaids These will include Miss Mrgmrett Drexel a sister of the bridegroom who has re cently arrived from Europe Miss Helen Vivien Gould who will be introduced to society next season and young Miss Edith Gould staler of the bride Miss Dorothy Randolph of Philadelphia who will marry John Fell a cousin of the bridegroom Miss Elsie Nlcoll a daughter of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Nicoll of New York and Miss BeatrIce Clafltn a daughter of Mr and Mrs Ar thur Claflin of New York Miss Hope Hamilton a daughter of Mr and Mrs William A Hamilton of New York and- a cousin of the bride and little Mis Ellen Mackay a daughter of Mr awl Mrs Clarence H Mackay of this city Brother to Be Rest Man Armstrong Drexel a brother of the bridegroom will be the best man and the ushers will Include Viscount Maldstone who has just arrived here front England George N H Griffith of London Eng land William Rhtndaafer Stewart Jr Craig Diddle and John Fell of Phila- delphia Julius W Noyce and KIngdon and Jay Gould brothers of the bride elect Bishop Scarborough of New Jersey and Rev Leighton Parks will per- form the ceremony assisted by Rev Ed ward Matthews of Lakewood Following the wedding a reception will be given at the new home of Mr and Mrs George J Gould at 857 Fifth ave- nue which is one of palatial resi on Fifth avenue facing Central Park THIS MATTER OF EXERCISE TuUlnjr Too Little of It dangerous fed of physical culture Is not to take enough of it and to sneer at every form of it that does not bear the dollar mark says Dr Wood Hutchln ton In Outing By one of those cynical poetic justices of nature the very men who denounce all physical culture and recreation aa fads are those who pay the heaviest personal penalty for this de melon They use the vigor that they have gained In early youth In Natures open air school to chain to the to bury themselves In dungeonlike offices or airless work rooms twelve or fourteen hours a day They feel line and are sure they are going to live to be a hundred but one day to their astonishment a little artery whose coat has been hardened for twenty years unnoticed so brittle that it snaps suddenly and down they go with a stroke of paralysis like a winged duck It is never safe to jeer at the gods whether the imaginary ones of Olympus- or th real ones of modern science The men who jeer loudest t physical culture end wh sarcastically advise col lefce and high school students ambitious for gymnasia or athletic fields to go and git a buck w and a cord of wood or a hoe and a pMato patch and develop their muscles lifce I did when I was a are the very ones who die suddenly when they should be in their prime for lack of exercise and open air recreation It is really an astonishing thing how many giants of industry and transportation particularly executive railroad men die or suddenly go to pieces between iO and 10 years of age It is a common saying- in railroad circles that a big general I I Lakewood I I Dr the deuces or Physical Culture Lies In The worst error ot the most themselves desk boy Two Danger exercise becomes ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > superintendent or department chief will sikiom live beyond 4S to 55 years of age Many break down before that Largest Morning Circulation Dulin Martin Co House- cleaning Requisites articles are the obtainable the that give lasting satisfaction and lighten the labor of house cleaning Planet Leather Rug Beaters nOc Rattan Carpet Beaters 25c Furniture Brushes Scrub Brushes lOc to 23c Waxing Brushac 73c to 5 Floor Mops 3Ke Radiator Brushes 4Oc- BlBsell Carpet Sweepers from 225 Self wringing Mops 7 c Closet Brushes from 25c Refrigerator Brushes 25c Wool Dust Cloths each IBc Knit Sponge Cloths each 6c Floor Cloths each 7c Nod us t Broom Covers for sweeping walls 25c Dust Brushes 25c up Hair Floor Sweeps 100 up Silver Polishing Brushes up ITd ll Step Ladders 3175 up Peerless Window Cleaners 2Sc up Wool Wall Brashes 7lc Stair Brooms 25c Ostrich Feather Dusters 4Sc up reliable makes of Pol lishes and Cleaning Prepara- tions for silver nickel brass copper woodwork floors windows c Dulin Martin Co Tottery Porcelain China Glpu Silver e 1215 F St and 121418 G STEINWAY OTHER LEADING PIANOSA- ND PLAYERPIANOS G and 13th Washington 14th nnd G Sts York WaldorfAstoria- and 1153 Broadway FLORISTSSPR- ING FLOWERS and PLANTS IN GREAT VARIETY Specialty of for steam cm sailing from vr York Cleaning of the Is nec essary so is Ho- tSHOT Shot The most de- pendable destroyer of for Bed bedbugs Never fails leaves no 1C stains Bottle 1J HENRY EVANS INC DruggisMQOS F FOR PANAMERICAN COLLEGE Governor of Porto Rico Aid Through War Secretary San Juan P R April 17 3ov Col ton has given out a statement la which he says he naked Secretary of War Dick- inson to include in the Olmstead bill an appropriation of JMOCOJ for a PanAmeri can university the existing Porto Rico university to serve as th for the new Institution W J Bryan will appear before the committee on insular attain to urge the establishment of the university The work of taking the census has be- gun here There are UMft emmieraAars many of whom are Porto Rican women Jxp trouble Is expected ac himdlet of nit THESE from oe c I I L v rJ J Small Sons i n lit I HOT beds C g- g Wbt 1ft111e mmmm Asks Dude Of oM JIIIIIIINry- a aMlI WAll St- AND DROOPS New Ho c5 oders e 4 4 e ff Bugs Retail ibs 1 esiissdsss is sodeg sees is ncr a ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < << NEW YORK WASHINGTON Julius mrfinkle Lo F Street Corner Thirteenth- We Pay Particular Attention to Mail Orders Store Hours 8 A M to 6 P M DRESSES UlTABLE for every occasion and most complete stocks we have ever shown Silks Chiffons Foulards Lingerie Nets Voiles Entirely New Lines Linen Suits and Dresses SUITS For strictly street wear tailormade in light wool fabrics WAISTS In our 1st Floor Annex we believe we have the most complete stocks in the country Strictly Tailored Waists Lingerie Waists Chiffons Nets Laces Many made entirely by hand COATS AND CAPESF- or evrv occasion I PARIS i I S purposethe I I 1

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1910-04-18 [p 5].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-04-18/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY APRIL 18 1910 5 Woodward


Woodward LothropNe-w

is now time to look to your furs Let us place them In our Cold Dry Air Storage Thecost is small

First Quality American Shrubbery Flowers and Small Fruits now onDepartment Fifth Floor

Special Sale of Fine French Lingerieis a very opportune sale coming at this time as it affords an excellent opportunity for

spring brides to add to their trousseaux these dainty undergarments at pricesasked for the better class of domestic muslins

They are all hand embroidered by the inimitable French needlewomen made of the finestnainsooks and other sheer materials in the very latest designs and effects and richly trimmedwith dainty laces insertions ruffles c

Included are Gowns Drawers chemises and Combination Suits and all marked at veryspecial prices

Womens French Gowns made of fine quality nainsookf with high Ve and low roundnecks and short sleeves richly hand embroidered in pretty floral sprays and trimmed with daintylaces insertions edgings beading and eyelets run with ribbon

to S750 each Were S250 to

r itJ








195 1050

ii e icI=

Womens Handmade French

Drawers made of good qualityFrench nainsook some trimmedwith dainty handembroideredruffles others with laces insertions and edgings and handembroidered sprays

145 to 450 pairWere to

Third floor Hcronth U

175 750II



Womens Handmade FrenchChemises made of sheer nainsook fronts plainly or elaborately handembroidered and trimmed with scalloped edges andeyelets run with ribbon Alsoseveral styles embellished withhandembroidered initial

to eachWere to 8500

195 395250






Continued front Page One

then took Roosevelt and Kermit to anautomobile The fiddlers remained to collact panes

cUr of Pressburg turned out toa man mayor the local orator andRoocavelt again exchanged speeches Thedrive to Count Apponyis chateau laythrough three village one Hungarianone Slovak and one German The wholepopulation turned out to welcome thevisitor At the first village no stop wasmade the place had been strickenwith measles At tho otbor two Roose-velt wee received by the mayors or ce-

lootman droeewd In Ute Sunday garb ofworklngmon RoosoveUt replying spokeIn English Count Apponyl translating-for him Strive for liberty with reli-gion and help tho weak without makingthem weaker was Roosevelts advlco tothe villagers as ho addressed them onthe village greens

People and FlowersHere the whole population of the vil-

lages were assembled priests with theirparishioners teachers with school children firemen in uniform women youngand old from the whole countryside andalways band of fiddlers who playedpatriotic airs In each place a posy waspresented to him and a little speech ofwolcomo made by one of the smallestschool girls Hungarian flags were every-where Here and there might be seenthe proud possessor of an American flag

When the chateau was reached Rooeevolt took lunch with a few of Count Apponyis friends Then there was an au-

tomobile ride to another railway station-a drive of on hour and a half which wasa repetition of tho mornings programmeThe party pawed through two villageswhere the usual crowds had oollected andthe usual speochos were made

In one village a little boy got off nspeech in English saying Im j ryglad to see you Mr Roosevelt Itstirred up great enthusiasm

The inmates of every farmhouse alongtho route turned out to cheer as thoparty passed

Outburst nt BndnpciitAt the station there were more

speeches and hero also were the mostfrenzied fiddlers of the whole day butBudapest gave tho finishing touches tothe days enthusiasm The train arrivedat 9 oclock this evening Rain was fall-ing but in response to the mayors appeal the townsfolk turned out by thethousands There must have been sixthousand waiting outside tho station intho rain Within the station Itself thecrowd swarmed everywhere and whentho train came in the officials couldhardly clear tho track Scores of menand boys climbed onto the roofs of theoars A fervent welcome was extendedby the mayor and Roosevelt wearing acavalry colonels coat and a black felthat made an eloquent reply

Roosevelt then proceeded throughcrowded streets to tho hotel the peoplecheering and shouting Long livepddyl At the hotel ho was forced toaddress the crowd from a balcony


Entertained Foreign Attaches Durlug Game Maneuvers

While tho militia hikers were per-spiring across the State of Massachusettslast summer In their war game MaJGen Leonard Wood U S A tho chiefumpire was unpretentiously entertainingmilitary attaches of foreign nations atdinners luncheons au just plain camp

mealsNow Maj Gen Wood has to foot the

billFundsto cover these entertainments

wore placed to MaJ Gen Woods creditand tho sum transferred to the chiefquartermaster for disbursement Of theamount only S8S66 was used When theAssistant Comptroller of the Treasurysaw the item he sat up and took notice

As a result Maj Gen Wood will haveto settle The Treasury official refusedto allow payment saying that there isno provision of law which authorizes themilitary authorities to invite foreignmilitary attaches to be guests of thoUnited States at Joint maneuvers andthat thero is no other appropriation avail-able for such expense

largest Morning Circulation



















Handmade FrenchCombination Suits made of fine

French nainsook in a variety ofstyles variously trimmed withhand embroidery lace insertionedging and eyelets or beading-run with ribbon

to S850 eachWere 750 to 1200

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Cardinal Del Yal Talks of

Visit to Roosevelt


Papal Secretary of State DeclaresAny Significance Should DC Dln-

avovrcd Mayor of nome Gets Let-

ter from Col Roosevelt ExpressingThanks for Courteous Reception

Rome April 17 In an interview todayCardinal Merry del Val papal secretarycf state informed a correspondent that1 did not know of the visit of MgrPIgnatelli papal nuncio at Vienna toCol Roosevelt until he was informed

by the correspondent He addedTho nuncio did not ask for instruc

tions and I dkl not give him any Thenunrlo as doyen of the diplomaticcorps attended the reception given byhis American colleague AmbassadorKerens whore he mot Mr Rooseveltwhom ho had no roason to shun Thevisit is in no wise significant The nunciotad nothing to say to Mr Roosevelt fromtho holy If any significance Is given-

to the visit it should be promptly dis-

avowedTho cardinal alluding to Rooaovoltfl

stay In Rome told the correspondent thatlie received by mail Roosevelts visitingcard printed in Italian the card bearingthe printed name Theodore Roosevelt andtho words Per Commlato meaning totake leave written thereon

Mayor Hears front ColonelMr Roosevelt has sent the following

letter to Signor Nathan mayor of Romedated Venice April 14

Mv Mayor Naihaa On learlag Italy let ma-C ink ou and thnwgh you the council and CK-BnuniKy of Rone for the treat ccurtctr shown no

jUy IR tho Eternal City aad poclailr totigfatfal dinner I bore the guestsbare forgiven tea my polyglot speech which I hadto gft you Trfco knew them to Interpret I fcopo

to you to America It would be a cttmtoepleasure to reotvf mir acquaintance With ill coodwishes faithfully yrs


The mayor translated the letter andsent it to the newspapers but instead of

delightful dinner he Bald delightfulhospitality suppressing the word din-

ner because as a function the banquetwas a complete failure



From the Philadelphia Tfeata

Half tho evils and Ills of humanitycould bo cured if moro people realizedtho valuo of fresh air

It Is the basis of all beauty andhealth and the girl who is endeavoring-to procure a lovely complexion by thouse of taco lotions will find fresh airtwice as oHlcacIous

When you are terribly fatigued trytaking half a dozen long deop breathsand see if you dont feel more like

When insomnia has you In Its griptry breathing deeply and regularly asyou lie in bed and you will bo surprisedhow easily Jecp win come

Nervousness can bo cured by formingthe habit of breathing deep and longnnd one medical authority prescribes itIn his schodulo for nervous womon

All singers aro Invariably hlghohostedand free from colds or chronlo cough-ing spells It is because they havelearned to breathe from the waist In-

stead of tho top of the lungs as themajority of people do

To breathe deeply Is to stimulate theheart and circulation-

It means a full high chest and broadshoulders

It means practical Immunity from thedangers incurred by exposure

It means a good carriage and wellpoised head

And best of nfl it moans perfect physi-

cal health-

A rood remedy for cold on tho chest is TuoHneand tnrpcntlna xrell retobed Into Ute chest and btwain the ihouMirs In the back

Cuban hcols quite high seem to predominateamong shoes and there are al many oiUUry

quite u hlsb




ttvQ out 7your
















Holds Methodists in Rome toAssail Catholics-

At the meeting of the League of theGood Shepherd at St Patricks Churchlast night the Rev Dr Russell as usualon the third Sunday of the month an-

swered the questions recently placed Intho question box Among the querieswas one which still seems to hold muchinterest both for press and

Why does the Pope oppose theMethodists in Rome Dr Russell saidin part

That the Methodists in Rome are there-to assail the Catholic Church and thePope and not as with other Protestantsects simply to afford church facilitiesto English and Americans in Rome iseasily proven and the evidence comesfrom the Methodist Mission Itself andfrom its own publications in which untilrecently they made no secret of thefact but rcther gloried in it that theirgreat aim was the overthrow of Catholicism and the papacy

It is also undeniable that they aresending broadcast literature that con

virulent and unfounded statementsregarding the Catholic Church its clergy

papacyIf in the last year of Mr Roosevelts

administration continued Father Rus-sell Archbishop Ireland had attendeda public reception in Washington givenby Mr and Mrs Bellamy Storer it isnot difficult to imagine how he wouldhave been received afterward by MrRoosevelt If furthermore the arch-bishops secretary had told the Presi-dent that the archbishop would do

pleased regardless of the feelings ofMr Roosevelt it II beyond Imagination-to picture what would havo happened

Mr Roosevelt before he left Romevindicated the attitude of the holy fatherTo the rector of tho American ProtestantChurch in Rome Mr Roosevelt saidAs soon as I return to America I will

do my utmost to have these Methodistsremoved from Rome They are a dis-

grace to any religion Spencer andClark ought to have repudiated Mr Tip-ples statement They are mistaken ifthey think they aro going to make moneyin America They wont get a cent


A crt President and Lnte SecretaryHay Helped China

Dr Howard Agnew Johnston at thoNew York Avenue Presbyterian Churchyesterday morning praised tho work ofPresident Taft In tho Philippines andtold of the love of tho Chinese for thelate Secretary Hay

The subject of Dr Johnstons addresswas Glimpse at Christian progress InAsia Ho gave a number of instancesof unusual selfsacrifice on tho part ofChinese Christians who declined offers oflargo salaries to tako positions In publicschools and remained in their work asnative ministers because of the convictionthat China needs Christianity

Speaking of China Dr Johnston saidThere has been greater progress in

that country In the last five years thanhas taken place In the previous 5000years Every Important city In Chinahag a dally paper in the Chinese language in the campaign against opiumand foot binding

Ho said the Chinese looked upon JohnHay as their greatest friend for theinfluence of that statesman In securingthe financial Integrity of China when thenations of Europe would have contributed-to Its dismemberment

Leaders at the National StyleShow


1123 14th St N W














Mrs Stevenson Arrivesfor D A R Convention


Prominent Members of PatrioticOrder Will Act nn Hostc3 e ut Xu

merouN Functions The ANsiMtuiit

Secretary of State and 31r WilsonLeave for Atlantic City

Mrs Taft and hor house guost Mrs

Eckstein braved the weather yesterdaymorning and attended tho service-

In St Johns Episcopal Church They

returned to the White House immediately

after church

Tho Assistant Secretary of State andMrs Huntington Wilson left Washing-ton yesterday for Atlantic City to spendsome days Mr Wilson has had severalsevere spells of illness during the pastwinter and has not boon able to takesufficient rest and recreation to regainhis strength entirely

Mrs Adlai Stevenson of Bloomington

Ill wife of tho former Vice Presidentof the United States who was the secondand the fourth president general of theD A R arrived In Washington

and Is at the Arlington with hersister Mrs Matthew T Scott the pres-

ent president general of the D A RMrs Stevenson was accompanied by herson Lewis Stevenson who will remainwith hor for a week Mrs Stevensonwas succeeded as president general of theD A R by Mrs John W Foster and inturn she succeeded Mrs Foster MrsScott and Mrs Stevenson wore the guestsof honor at dinner last night of MraTheodore C Bates vice president generalof tho D A R from Massachusetts MrsBurrows wife of Senator J C Burrowswill entertain at a tea this afternoon inhonor of Mrs Scott Mrs Stevenson thenational officers of tho society antI theMichigan delegation to the ContinentalCongreae in her home in Massachusetts

Mrs Alexander Patton vico presidentgeneral of the D A R from Pennsyl-vania will entertain at dinner this even-

ing at the New In honor of MrsScott and Mrs Stevenson Mrs William-

F Dennis president of the Southern Re-

lief will entertain at a tea late this aft-

ernoon in honor of Mrs Scott MrsStevenson and the Kentucky and Vir-

ginia delegations in the Continental Congross Sho will be assisted In receivingby Mrs Dickinson wife of the Secretaryof War

Mrs Dickinson wife of the Secretaryof War has cards out for a tea tomorrow afternoon In honor of Mrs Scottand Mrs Stevenson and the delegates tothe congress from Tennessee Mississippiand the Pacific Coast She pays thiscompliment to Tennessee because it IIher home to Mississippi because it wasthe Secretarys birthplace and the Pa-

cific Coast because her second son nowlives on the Coast OR the same after-noon the Congressional Club will have atee for Mrs Scott and the members ofthe Continental Congress and a littlelater tomorrow afternoon Mrs Johnsonwife of Senator Ben Johnson of Ken-tucky will entertain at tea in honor ofMrs Scott and the Kentucky and Illinoisdelegations in the congress Mrs Scottwilt divide her time between all theeefunctions FO as to be present at eachone for a time On Wednesday afternoon

Bankhead wife of the Senator fromAlabama will entertain at toe In honor ofMrs Scott and the Alabama delegationafter 5 oclock

Mrs Edward Lauterbach of Now Yorkwho is spending the week in Washingtonentertained a luncheon party at the ChevyChase Club yesterday

Mr and Mrs John Jay White had thelargest function of last evening in amusicale for which there wore severalhundred guests They have a large houseparty composed of Mrs Churchill CandeeMiss Nancy Whitman Miss Lewis ofRichmond Miss Sutton of RichmondMr Ripley Hitchcock of Now York MrAlbert Herter of New York and MrVictor Harris of New York Tho artistswho gavo the programme were Miss

who made her debut on thisoccasbn with a charming voice of muchbeauty strength sympathy and magnet-Ism Mrs Relic Dovonno Hempsteadcontralto Mr Brett cellist who playedobligates for both singers and Mr Har-

ris accompanist Miss Whitman and Mrsboth made personal triumphs

A buffet supper followed tho music

Mr and Mrs Edson Bradley entertained-a luncheon company at tho Chevy ChaseClub yesterday which was the last

they will give this sea-

son In Washington They will leavetomorcw for their Tuxedo cottagewhere they will spend some weeks goinglater to their summer place on theLawrence They will make the trip intheir nouseboat upon which they will on

tortaln house parties constantly throughthe summer on the St Lawrence River

The Secretary of the Senate and MrsCharles G Bennett were hosts at abreakfast party at tho Chevy Chase Clubyesterday Their guests wore Senatorand Mrs William Alden Smith of Michi-gan Miss Esther Denny Miss CarylCrawford Mr Hamilton Carey and Mrde Bolonge

The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Goodwin to Lieut Roscoo F Dlllen U S Nwill take place on Wednesday at noon inSt Johns Episcopal Church The maidof honor will be the brides sister MissAlice Walko Goodwin and the boat manwill be LieutWalter H Smead U S Nand the ushers will be Lieut H T Winston Lieut George W Steele jr Pay-

master Charles E Parsons Lieut Richard P McCullough Lieut Albert Churchand Ensign Andrew S HIckey all navymen A small reception at the home oftho brides mother Mrs Walton Goodwinwill follow the ceremony

Mrs Barney had a distinguished com-pany last evening In her handsome house2223 R street which Is BO well adapted forentertaining large companies to hearDr Amun U Farced of the State Uni-

versity of Illinois speak on The part ofa prisoner In a political play Dr Fareed Is a physician and surgeon as wellas a scholar and a linguist of reputeHIs subject was most Interesting andhis presentation was unique He will bein Washington for several months doingophthalmological with Dr W HWilmer He has been elaborately enter-tained during the past two weeks and afew days ago was the guest of honor ofthe Librarian of Congress Mr Herbert









Hem tCfld































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Waltz write TIM Predial Daughter


Arrangements Outlined for IrishHomegoing This Summer

Five Hundred WashingtonIan toVisit Emerald Iiile President

Kilkenny Speaks

President Frauds J Kilkenny of theIrish Home Going Association announcedlact night at the concert given In CarrollInstitute Hall by Division No i A 0 Hthat more than KO Waahtngtonlans winmake the trip to the Emerald Isle late inMay or early in June

Mr Kilkenny in a brief talk outlinedthe plans for the trip and told of ar-

rangements being made in Ireland forthe accommodation of the tourists Re-

duced hotel and transportation rates havebeen received from the Hotel sod Tourtat Association of Ireland and every con-

venience for sightseeing has been mappedout A feature will be the automobileexcursions from many of the large cities

Miss Gertrude M OReilly gave an in-

teresting lecture on Irish folklore Thepeculiarities and typical stories of thisfeature of Irish life were admirably told-

I by Mlag OReilly who was in the cos-

tume of the Irish peasant woman ofearly days

Other numbers of the concert programme Mrs Xel

B Kelser Killarney Mr FitzgerLast Rose of Summer Miss Lati

mer Miss Margaret OToole and HarryWhoaton Howard were accompanists

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Nuptials of Marjorie Gouldand Mr Drexel Near


Sister of the Bridegroom andSister of the Bride Among Bevyof Bcautlfnl BrldcHmnldM nndBrother of Bridegroom Will BeHeat ainn tit Ceremony Tuesday

New York April 17 Society is antici-pating with keea interest the approaching marriage of Miss Marjorie GwynneGuld eldest daughter of Mr and MrsGeorge Jay Gould and Anthony Drexeljr eldest son of Dr and Mrs Anthony-J Drexel of Philadelphia and London

It will be the notable wedding of theNew York season ante will be celebratedat 4 oclock on Tuesday afternoon in StBarthok mews Episcopal Church Madi-son venue and Fortyfourth streetThere will be a full choral service at the I

church by the choir augmented by addi-tional choristers and supplemented byInstrumental music of the harp andviolin

Bridesmaids Are BeautifulThe bride who will be given in mar-

riage by her father will be attended bya bevy of beautiful bridesmaids Thesewill include Miss Mrgmrett Drexel asister of the bridegroom who has recently arrived from Europe Miss HelenVivien Gould who will be introduced tosociety next season and young MissEdith Gould staler of the bride MissDorothy Randolph of Philadelphia whowill marry John Fell a cousin of thebridegroom Miss Elsie Nlcoll a daughterof Mr and Mrs Benjamin Nicoll ofNew York and Miss BeatrIceClafltn a daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Claflin of New York Miss HopeHamilton a daughter of Mr and MrsWilliam A Hamilton of New York and-a cousin of the bride and little MisEllen Mackay a daughter of Mr awlMrs Clarence H Mackay of this city

Brother to Be Rest ManArmstrong Drexel a brother of the

bridegroom will be the best man and theushers will Include Viscount Maldstonewho has just arrived here front EnglandGeorge N H Griffith of London England William Rhtndaafer Stewart JrCraig Diddle and John Fell of Phila-delphia Julius W Noyce and KIngdonand Jay Gould brothers of the brideelect

Bishop Scarborough of New Jerseyand Rev Leighton Parks will per-

form the ceremony assisted by Rev Edward Matthews of Lakewood

Following the wedding a reception willbe given at the new home of Mr andMrs George J Gould at 857 Fifth ave-

nue which is one of palatial resion Fifth avenue facing Central



TuUlnjr Too Little of It

dangerous fed of physical culture Is notto take enough of it and to sneer atevery form of it that does not bear thedollar mark says Dr Wood Hutchlnton In Outing By one of those cynicalpoetic justices of nature the very menwho denounce all physical culture andrecreation aa fads are those who pay theheaviest personal penalty for this demelon They use the vigor that theyhave gained In early youth In Naturesopen air school to chain tothe to bury themselves Indungeonlike offices or airless workrooms twelve or fourteen hours a dayThey feel line and are sure they aregoing to live to be a hundred but oneday to their astonishment a little arterywhose coat has been hardened for twentyyears unnoticed so brittle thatit snaps suddenly and down they gowith a stroke of paralysis like a wingedduck It is never safe to jeer at the godswhether the imaginary ones of Olympus-or th real ones of modern science

The men who jeer loudest t physicalculture end wh sarcastically advise collefce and high school students ambitiousfor gymnasia or athletic fields to go andgit a buck w and a cord of wood or ahoe and a pMato patch and develop theirmuscles lifce I did when I was aare the very ones who die suddenly whenthey should be in their prime for lack ofexercise and open air recreation It isreally an astonishing thing how manygiants of industry and transportationparticularly executive railroad men dieor suddenly go to pieces between iO and10 years of age It is a common saying-in railroad circles that a big general








or Physical Culture Lies In

The worst error ot the most




















superintendent or department chief willsikiom live beyond 4S to 55 years of ageMany break down before that

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Governor of Porto Rico AidThrough War Secretary

San Juan P R April 17 3ov Colton has given out a statement la whichhe says he naked Secretary of War Dick-

inson to include in the Olmstead bill anappropriation of JMOCOJ for a PanAmerican university the existing Porto Ricouniversity to serve as th forthe new Institution W J Bryan willappear before the committee on insularattain to urge the establishment of theuniversity

The work of taking the census has be-

gun here There are UMft emmieraAarsmany of whom are Porto Rican womenJxp trouble Is expected

ac himdlet of nit


from oe






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