washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1910...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES MONDAY MAY 23 1910 9 I 1 I 11 IS SET BY Vice President Sets Secret Mark for Contestants in Times Event HANDSOME PRIZES AWAITING DINNERS i Will Be Presented in Front of Munsey Building Tomorrow After Run SOCIABILITY RUN OFFICIAL CARS 11 Referees C Slbbnld driver Timers car Franklin W P Martin Driver i The Times ofTIcIal car AVelch T C Johnston driver Starters car Columbia Bert Robertson driver Clerk of courses car Cadillac By HARRY WARD Sh The secret Is out Vice Presi- dent Sherman will set the time in which the sociability run tomorrow- to Great Falls and return should bo made In fact he already has done so An official of the run met the Vice President at the Capitol this morning The data obtained by the officials who went over the course in order to get the exact distance fram the Munsey tuilding to Great Falls and the aver rge time it took to make the round trip considering traffic conditions and keeping within the speed limit was given Mr Sherman Using this information guide he set the official secret time sealed It up and turned It over to the auto mobile editor of The Times The lat ter immediately brought the sealed envelope to The Times office had it locked in the safe where It will re main untouched until the contestants finish the run As Vice PresidentSherman is a thlr third degree motorist he enthusiastically accepted the office of official time fixer for The Times sociability run it is an Interesting fact that he went over the course yesterday in his car without knowing that today ho would be called upon to set a time in which JS1 other motorists should make the run Time Is Secret Using the data furnished him the Vice President has calculated the time to a nicety and it will remain a secret until the run fe over A fac simile of Vice President Shermans letter will be pub- lished in Wednesdays Times together with a completo of the run and the score made by each contestant Tomorrow is biggest day so tar this year in the automobile calendar of Washington it maths the start of the second annual sociability run of The Times in which 1SI of citys best known automobilists have entered Not is the entry list tn8 largest- of any competitive automobile event ever held here but a large number of handsome as welt as useful prizes have been donated as rewards to those who make the trip to Great Falls and re turn nearest to the secret time that is being fixed today Condition of Route After tho rain of the last three days it is more than likely to be fair to morrow 12 it should rain the run will be postponed until the following day The route of the run is in good shape and is all the better for the rain as tho dust has been laid This afternoon a large stand will be erect in front of the Muneey building tnd trom this structure the prizes will be presented to the winners The pre ntations will be made by Referee Wil- liam F Gude who has entered heartily into the spirit of The Times unique event Major Sylvester has promised to have the space around the stalling point cleared of all vehicles except the cars entered in the run A large detail of police under the di- rection of Captain will be on hand to preserve order and keep the crowds In check It s expected many thousand of people wilt be gathered in the vjpinity of the Munsey building to see the start of the sociability The Times is anxious to have the sec- ond running of the sociability the big- gest kind of a success Its last injunc- tion to contestants is to drive in a safe and sane manner and to refrain from racing at any stage of the run AMERICAN ROBINS WINTER IN BRITAIN LONDON May the first time in history American robins have win- tered in England in a wild state Sev- eral accounts have been given of the breeding of these in their own nests some in the nests of thrushes and blackbirds They took kindly to their new home but late In December they seemed tb have disappeared- The disappearance however was only temporary Both odd birds and pairs have been continually seen since and ae the great migration of fieldfares to which they are somewhat akin is now completed the robins be classed as English stayathomes OIL IS DECLARED CONSUMPTION Slay 23 Dr Thomas Bas sett Keyes of Chicago a recognized authority on the treatment of consump tion and allied diseases assorts an article in the medical counselor that consumption can be cured Injections of olive Brlghts disease nervous troubles skin diseases and ills also will yiajd to this treatment Dr Keyes declared and adds law f immunity from tubercu- losis is to establish the habit of eating and assimilating fats and oils will you be froth tuberculosis- but you will possess the stamnia and vigor of to ward off other diseases ant to enjoy health and lifeIt Is difficult to establish this habit of fats and oils For this reason injection of oils is made use of The oils quickly build up patient and make him from dis- eases particularly tuberculosis LOCAL MENTION- Try Murine Eye Remedy- For Red Weary Watery Eyes Granulated and Pink Eye Try It for Babys Eyes Doesnt Smart Soothes Eye Pain At Druggists 60c Caveriyu plunjbtaij 1331 G fit N W SOCIABILITY TIME SHERMAN J F as a 23For birdssome CURE- D TROIT COD6Utu ion eak I curS teven3Duryen story Th ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ << ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ List of Entries to Date in The Times Sociability Run 11 Jfo Car Entrant 1 Araplcx R C Wilson Mnthcson T B Spence C Iteo D Moore Jr 4 Cbalmcm V W Cblatvell 5 UnyneM T C Sims 6 Ford Miss Lillian Miller 7 EMF W C Long 8 Stcnrnn C O Schroth 0 Pullman David S HcndrlcJc 30 Pullman Theo Bnrne Jr II Foril Charles E Miller 32 linker Cook Stortdnrd Co 13 Bulck Charles W Bender 14 Spocrer Fred S Lincoln J Moon John S Imrcombe Jr 30 G J G A Drew 37 Ranch fc Lang Robert Kera IS Washington Carter M C Cor 30 Vnxhlncrton Carter M C Cor WaNhlnsrton Carter 31 C Cor IVaxhlnirtoDt Carter 31 C Cor 22 Bailey II B tenry Jr 23 Posey V Han 24 Pncknrd J A Muehlelnen 23 Pullman 3InJ P V Weat 20 Chalmers Gnrdner Orme 27 Babcock A D Carpenter 2S Apperson J TV Orme 20 Regal R Bruce Emerson 30 Ilegnl Edward J Orme Charles IX Orme 82 Pullman 1 31 Spier 33 Amplex Robert Callahan Jr 34 Cadillac rouls W Weaver 35 Cadillac IT B Simons 36 Elmore C H FerrelL 37 Chalmers Charles A Watson 38 Ford Mm Frazier FirestoneColumbus E S 3Ia loney 40 Woo Wilson Company 41 White Charles T Nance 42 Chalmers C Francis Owens 43 Washington L Gansenhelmer 44 WanhlnKton Piyton W Calfer 45 Washington James T Levy 40 Ilupmobile Chris C Dawson 47 OlclNmoblle Robert C Shins 4S Columbia E Miller 49 Krit Thomas AV Cadlrfc 50 Ford E J Drake Hnpmoblle Stanley H Horsier 52 Hupmobllc Dr T C Cooke S3 Stanley Steamer Madame Cath- erine 54 Palmer Singer H R Kite 55 Oldnmobllc A B DulIn 5O Ford J A Rogers 57 Crnvrford A P Warner 58 Columbia Electric Mrs F 31 Chase AV C Thacher 60 AVanhlngton Louis Cl Oldamobllc Matthew Trimble Jr L L rd 31Regal V L Thomas OReo Hang ¬ SOCIABILITY RUN LIST OF PRIZES First prize Sliver lovlnpr cup The Times Additional priz Trtnner 3InR nuni of champagne George S Kexs ler Co through Arthur Blanch nrd Second prize TITO magnums of champagne Frederick de Bnry lt Co through F P Shafer First lady prize CntRlass bal S Knun Sons Co Second lndy prize Gold Zell MotorCar Company Pair of KORSsies Standard Oil Company Can of Zcrolcne- Conunerclnl Auto and Supply Compnny FIve gallons Bnencene Borne fc Scrlmacr Company Vive gallons Colonial oil Crescent 011 Company Six gal long Crescent nil John T Trro bottles whisky Shoomakcr Company Bottle of whisky C H Relzcniiteln Walklna tick BIcbcrKaufmnn Company SuIt case Omohundro Co Fancy vest- S Goldbelm Son Fancy vest Snki Jt Co Vnlklntcr stick Rudolph Vcwt Pen knife Chnrles Kaufman Sons Strarr iticos n- AV n Moses t Harbor chair r Foltz Fuller Half dozen A P Ten Company Five lounilH Congrcxslonnl coffee Egyptian Diamond Company Fottntnln pen National Sporting Goods Com- pany Chnnffenrs N X Myer Pair IccrKln H T Offterdlnsrer Box cigars Robert Ilcrbcrich Sona Pair Burrojnp shoes National Electric Supply Com- pany Linen duster R Harris Co Brns clock VnsIilncrton Company Case fonlco- AnLcuscrBiisch Brewing Cons pnny Brill Case beer Lueio Crow Jan t fob Son 1Hnr photos outfit- S Brewery through Gus it pen- dant t < < ¬ ¬ < No Car Entrant G2 Hupmohllc G V Etchison G3 Ueo Dr E C Ktchlon 04 IVnuhlncton Joe A Bcrberlch 05 Ford B G Taylor GG Baker E S Marlovr- C7 Ford S E Lyon CS Ford John C Deiehman 0 Ford Dr E A Bryant 1 Ford Dr 31 E Miller 3 Columbia D JT Clark D R McDonald 74 Foril Henry Pchnffert 75 Ford JolLa D Meyers C Ford Dr W C Borden T7 Ford L J Boinbordler 78 Ford SO Ford B2 Ford S3 Ford 84 Ford 85 Kord 87 Ford 8 Ford E AV Daniel U Dory C O Fountain Charles E Barker AV S McDonald F S Key II C Machen Dr R S heals Hamilton Smith Dr AV G Lntlmer 00 Ford II Glenn Phelps 01 Ford Edward AV WhIte 0 Ford Dr Howard Hume 03 Ford R M Goues 04 Washington AV A Yates 05 Overland AA R Frey 50 Pullman Addison AV Smith 07 Foril Mrs M Kenelpp OS Ford T A Bergllng 00 Overland J L Watson 100 AVnshlnRton Napoleon flU 101 Overland GraiL 1 OS Parry I C Barber 103 Ulmore Gus AV Brahlcr 101 Pullman S Hazen Bund 103 Kupmohlle Thos D Harden 100 AVunIiIngton Chins E Deaae 107 3Ietz J G Rendlog- 10S AVnuhlngton C J Butler 100rJliddleby Barton L Rees 110 KJmore S J Masters Ill Chalmers AV B Jackson 112 Ford F A Mazzl 118 Ford A S Gardiner 114 Ford Harry Rose 115 Ford F X tonestrcet 110 Ford Harry A Orme 117 Ford AE Beitzel 118 ord Mrs Guy S Zepp 110 Ford L H Taylor 120 Ford AAr F Brice 121 EMF David Levy 122 Crnvrford Chas D Fowler Ford Dr S B Blair 124 Stanley T P Ulckman 125 aiuxirell c J Brovrn 12 Packard Frank H Hambrlght Dr E A Bryant 73Ford 8Marlon Ilerbyrt Hall V 81Ford Smith 56Ford V SDFord E L Miner CIa ton a OPFord M < No Car Entrant 127 Amplex Philip T Hall 12S AVnrren Detroit George Well 128 Cadillac Dr A E Powell 130 Pullman AVHIlnnvReraeya StoddnrdDnyton Chins 31 Potter 132 Hupmoblle Lewis M Thayer 133 Speedwell Clarence Barnard 134 OlinlmcrsDetrolt Charles J Walker 135 Hupmoblle Dr J Ernest Smith 139 Overland touring Imperial Garage 137 Ford Minnie AV Jones 138 Ford It T AVcnver1- UO Ford D C Hall 140 Empire Stuart E Esty 111 Hupmoblle II N Brown T42 Pullmnn Judge J G Thomp- son 143 Overland E L Cornerlnns 144 Hupmoblle Miss Anna Cam mack 145 StcvcnsDuryen A Harveyi 146 Pullman u M Rogers 147 AVanhlngton S A Merchant 148 American 31 H Bray 14U Bulck James P Coon r 150 Ford J H Hedges 151 Ford 31 R Edwards 152 Ford Admiral F C Prlndle H P Mooney 154 Fon1r AV C Prnthcr 155 Ford Miss 3Ioniban 150 Ford D O Leech 157 Kord u L Lewis AAnrrcnDctrolt N S Bowles- 15J Pullman E A Mullikcn 1 SteveiiMDuryen F C Slbbnld 1O1 Max vell Miss G Thompson 12 Ford R J ifculgley 103 Reo N M K Gilmour 104Jflulck G Gr Hnmner- ltl5 Hercede i J Aubrey Sykcs IGtf Apperson F R White lOT Unpmobtle Mrs B J Brad- bury 16S Bulck Buick Motor Company 100 Bulck Buick Motor Company 170 Pnterson C E Holmes 171 HupmoliIIe S C Breneman 172 Ilupmobile John lutz 73 Columbia Frank P Hall 174 Bulrk Dr B C Wilson 175 Packard AVUlIam 31nehlelaen- 17G Ford H L Woodward 377 HupmoblIc Sul Chi Yang 178 Hupmoblle Miss Gertrude Lutz 179 Hupmobile D B Athcrton ISO AVnshlnglou K J Cartrigat- 1S1 Cualmern R E Burks v L 153Ford Mar e ¬ ¬ POINTS ABOUT SOCIABILITY RUN FOR PUBLIC AND CONTESTANTS Weather forecast Cloudy In case of rain run will be postponed until Wedaosdoj Number of contestants 181 v Time of start 1 ocloek Time to report at Munsey Bttiidtag 12 oefeek Route Muasey Building t Grat PaJk and ratura- Prosontatioa of prizes to wimaers before Muawy BtaMI gKt 6 ocfcxjk- Xurabor of priaeg 30 j Speed limit Twelve mites in otty four miles arouad oarasrs tmeBiy miles OB Conduit road Distance to Great F lk 1S miles D PLANS TO STAMP OUT COW TUBERCULOSIS International Commission In Ses sion In Canada to Formu late Procedure OTTAWA Canada May 38 In an endeavor to formulate a policy for stamping out bovine tuberculosis from the continent sessions of the intern tional commission of bovine tuberculosis are being held here Dr John R Mob ler of Washington chief of the divis- ion of pathology the Bureau of Ani- mal Industry being one of the leaders of the movement AH the members of the commission including Dr Mohler were accorded- by the government an opportunity to have a fine view of the memorial serv- ice for King Edvard which was held here with 25000 people attending Sessone of the commission will con tinue for several days and some has for furthering the campaign will be adopted though the final plan of cam- paign to be genorally adopted will not be completed at this session TO BE HONOR GUEST Archbishop Diomede Falconlc apos tolic delegate from Rome will bo the guest of honor at the reception of the Knights of Columbus to be held In their hall on Thursday evening An Invitation was extended to the prelate by Father Thomas Walsh chaplain of the Knights of Columbus A number- of Roman Catholic clergymen will at tend the reception n I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Your lacks the greatest convenience of all if it a FlorenceAutomatic Oil Stove The FlorenceAutomatic is always under perfect and instant You can turn your back on a FlorenceAutomatic Oil Stove and be sure that it wont run up and burn a pie Nor run down and make bread The secret- is the controlling lever on the dial plate The position of this lever determines the amount of oil ad mitted to the burner bowl and hence the height of the flame The Oil Stow is the cleanest stove ever in a kitchen It is wickless an intense blue flame with very moderate oil consumption The neatest little convenience for housekeeping or occasional household needs one If dealer doesn keep Florence Stoves and Florence Asbestoslined Ovens write for catalogue CENTRAL OIL 4 GAS STOVE CO 116 Washington SL Bostos Hue A Kitchen Necessity kitChen Au1 nMi oJ ut I dustless and free from ollv odor Gives heat is a florence Stove in one two and three sizes Jet0r7 Xau t entirely quick Lamp Made burner Even Gardner U ¬ EAGLES ARE RAIDING WESTERN RANCHES Seeking Food for Yourg They Carry Off Poultry Sheep and Pigs SEATTLE Wash May 3Eagles DOW busy gathering food for their young ones and dying dovn from their seats in the crags of the Cascade and Olym- pic mountains are unusually daring Instances are being reported they have attacked men women and children They are also charged withi carrying off lambs pigs dogs cats and farm yard poultry- A stage coach driver near Hartford Wa attacked while sitting on his wagon and face badly torn by a big eagles talons Farmers near Brmnon say they are losing much young stock by thieving eagles More eagles are nesting In the foothills of the Olympics than ever be fore Original Visible Writer Light Easy Electric Touch The Machine Yon Will Eventually Buy Incorporated V ishington Branch j 1206 St N W i where was j I UNDERWOOD STANDARD TYPEWRITER j J1 Mndenvood Typewriter Company F 1I1i Tes ¬ ¬ Panama Exposition Boom ers Hope to Convert States men at Dinner- A banqueta real New Orleans banquet- to which many of Congress and others prominent in public tile and possibly President Taft will be invited is being planned by the advance delega- tion of the New Orleant Panama Expo- sition boomers It Is the intention of those paving the way for The event to make it a mem- orable affair It is al o their purpose incidentally to suggest during the even- ing that Now Orleans is an excellent place for holding the exposition to cele- brate the opening of the canal Orators Coming An array of the Souths favorite and best trained orators will be on hand to sing the praises of the Crescent City and otherwise endeavor to convert every present to its cause Cot 1P Thompson chairman of the New Orleans committee who has been in Washington several days do tag me missionary and advertising work in speaking today of the plans New Orleans has made or the op- position said One of the show features we hays decided on IB a city topographical map of the world and replica of Panama canaL It is our intention to feature to a considerable extent aero- nautics and the merchant marine Plan Naval Exhibition We reel confident that we can round up a naval exhibition which will surpass anything of Its kind ever held in the world Because of the eanals benefits to the civilized world w very nation which has a navy will gladly send a large fleet to take part Chicago had midway Jamee town Its warpath St Its pike sad New Orleans proposes to nave its Culebra cut its confines will be all of the unmaking and raszleraszle features FIGHT FOR GOVERNOR- IN OHIO IS CLOSE COLUMBUS Ohio May 38 Warren G Harding of Marion and C A Thomp- son of Ironton will fcgfct It out for the R bitcn nomtnaUon for xevernor It ORATORS TO PLEAD NEW ORLEANS CAUSE members I per- son e a its ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° Is believed now there will be no other candidates before the convention In the country districts Saturday Harding won wont of the counties The big counties including Circinnati and Cleve- land prohaWy will b for Thompson HOME FOR PAUPERS NOW A CLUBHOUSE WETIE6LEY Mass May 2JThe old poor house which for ninny years has accommodated the paupers of the town and was cfvec up because only one to mate remained will in the future be the eeezie of festrvHJe of the elite of this anti nuToundhn towns This will be brought about a a result f the move headed by several of the leadlr citizens whereby the spacious farm MMM and extensive grounds were made into a fashionable country club the first the town has poc se d WANT SANE CELEBRATION CHESTER Pa May 3 The Chester New Century Club has call G upon Mayor Johnson and Chief of Police Mc I t ever I ¬ > < Carey to give Chester a safe and sane Fourth 01 celebration and the mayor has promised to do all in his power TrustT- he Original and Genuine The Fooddrink for All Ages More healthful than Tea or Coffee with tho weakest digestion Delicious invigorating and A quick lircch prepared in a minute Take substitute Ask for KORUCKS Others are imitations 35c Golden Crown Coffee 21C 16 Stores ALLWOOL GUARANTEED BLUE SERGE SUIT r the very finest Weaves- A 1750 Suit Our Special Price this week Friedlander Bros 9th and E Sis Lansburgh Bro Dry foods and ReadytoWear Articles 420 to 426 7th St SPECIAL SALE OF RAINCOATS FOR MEN AND WOMEN SIS Coutrt 8550 15 Coats J750 525 Coats y 5375 30 Coats 1LS5- GUAEJLXTEE BAINCOAT CO 1307 F St Jf W I Not y Milk HORLICKS MALTED MILK A ees Rich milk ircain powder form l I T De Pyles t I 1 0 I r I I I I I I r I L Arangh to 2Zhfl- e = ARTIST IS PURSUED- BY TURKEY GOBBLER Almost Exhausted When Rescued by Golfers After Long Chase LpNDOX May 23 Loadoa artists are telling of the battle a fel lowcraftsman had at Ha Iey a few days ago with a turkey the latter beJng the winner The turkey drove the artist from his easel and proeooded to demolish his sketch afterward reetunto UM combat which lasted fully teea minutes The artist took behind a tree but the bird moved ro in after him and when he made a dart to gain hits campstool the bird was on heels Immediately All lila at tempts to get to close quarters and seize it by the neck were unavailing and it was not until the was thoroughly exhausted that his cries for a party of golfers and farmhands to I which refuge ¬ ¬ TAGGED 10 BILL SAFE IN THE MAILS Rolled Up and Unhidden It Pas Through a Number of Hands MILWAUKEE May 3 When C O asked for Us maB sod It was handed to It An addressed tag attached to had boos rolled tAte tight which borer Mr Bennetts address postage stamp ant s0eeal delivery stamp bill came through the man from Grand Rapids Mich Only the name of the sender Inscribed ea the other side of the taJ Sending 1 Mils tbreogfa the snaIls with only a tar attached to aaotber proof of the honesty of the men Jo the Federal eraptoy The bill passed through several hands between Grand Rapid and Milwaukee and if It had Men stolen the Govern- ment unnM hAve had much difficulty In tracingr the thief a at the Hotel hiss found a bill with was bill a a Bennett guest Pieter he mixed is the mosey The a The san ¬ Had No Chance But To Sacrifice Entire Stock T P Culley Son compelled to close out remaining pianos regardless of cost in order to make room for workmen waiting to remodel their present Kareroom and offices Seif in Five DaysY- ou are lucky if you need a piano nt u here you can buy the very best makes at cost and ere Iess and on your own terms of payment 65 and 88 Note Player Piano BargainsE- ntire stock of instruments on sale a single piano playerpiano square piano or organ reserved many new In struments some shopworn and a few used Kimball Whitney Hinze Knabe Chickering and Many Others 523 ELEVENTH ST NORTHWESTOP- EN ZVET7IKGS 9 OCIiOCI WHERE THEY ARE SELLING PIANOS forced to t11iTIL J Not > ¬ DId ever bear of such a proposition boise such ax eaar t bwy or such aa opportHeKy you n detetiiitao with ror own jadeMat the messes for tie fo cM thIT Very well came direct to sue store select UM Myte make f yin v e4 what w NUT A MaaJl fcaji iu aad the tMtnweat will to 9nrt- ora edtaety Tile price Simpler n Predicament IOM W i taw exactly why price MCitaca tin t MC this stock of- te r guac place tiKM ta hose at tbcM rather than aM to CMC by ptmrhm la suit tot lesjH c Mrt 4 OMC detey If wait tmtfl the I misses might b diMppota ed for tile tancMnc te found win fairly away jnet a pon as UK hT w h vMor become aware of the cold facts hi relation thir ani the please of qoaJHy which we ha here for so Mttte mosey I where this the e pick a scarf MIll we will most It We e del ereC tit tM this ctty tIM we ore 11IM It tit t etr see be here melt t you way being and yes admits eel hsmIrie st Most nshe a nsahi yest and hos for os ly hes rein semi to1eaes sidns plea Tee predimsesem yes us hess st os ae4 lees these so yes yes sow sale e > < > > > See What Just a Little Cash l o To thins who ixircha aa instrument dur- BK tbe few dayc of this aale as extra credit of K for every 1 paid dews up to 5 will be allowed For instance i yea can pay a maeh ai S3S d wn you will receive a credit of SM Xo cash htdnceoaat equal to this was offered Washiagtoas piano buj ei before KIMS XKV PIANOS AND NEW PIAXOF TO CLOSE Was S2T5 Now 519SO- Oa 5 5 5 3000- V as SSTiO Now 24OO- AVnn SlOt J23SOO Was S5M 136500- SO3IK KBAL BARGAINS AT T6 StKir 1 9 130 145 and 16S The Term Are Made to Suit the Con- venience oC the Buyer Pay whatever it is eonvenjent rou elect your plant and arrange easy month iy payments on the balance Call tomorrow aDd receive taU benefit of this soeeyaavias piano T P s 523 Eleventh Street N W THREE DOORS SOUTH FROM F ST PLAYER 1 Now when ernst OPEN EVENINGS IJTIL P OCLOCK OULLY SON Will next ever Now Now she > = < = ¬ Drink Noalco A Most Sustaining and Nourish ing Beverage Brewed of Malt and Hops Absolutely NonIntoxicating Delicious Kutritious- Esquiring DO Digestive Effort Sold Everywhere in 5c and lOc Bottles If you have a place in the countryyou can easily rent your spare rooms to some of the numberless people who want to get away from the hot city during the summer months You only need to let these people know that you have such rooms to rent The most effective way is to advertise them under Country Board in the Main 5260 or write for special rates today Address all communications to 9 The Classified Advertising Manager Washington Times Vhen on Pleasure Bent Country Board ti hin ton mt Want AdsPh- one I I Al 41 WI I ¬

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-05-23/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · 30 Ilegnl Edward J Orme Charles IX Orme ... BIcbcrKaufmnn


I 1I 11


Vice President Sets Secret

Mark for Contestants in

Times Event


iWill Be Presented in Front of

Munsey Building Tomorrow

After Run



RefereesC Slbbnld driver

Timers car Franklin W PMartin Driver i

The Times ofTIcIal car AVelch TC Johnston driver

Starters car Columbia BertRobertson driver

Clerk of courses car Cadillac


Sh The secret Is out Vice Presi-dent Sherman will set the time inwhich the sociability run tomorrow-to Great Falls and return should bomade In fact he already has done so

An official of the run met the VicePresident at the Capitol this morningThe data obtained by the officials whowent over the course in order to getthe exact distance fram the Munseytuilding to Great Falls and the averrge time it took to make the roundtrip considering traffic conditions andkeeping within the speed limit wasgiven Mr Sherman

Using this information guidehe set the official secret time sealedIt up and turned It over to the automobile editor of The Times The latter immediately brought the sealedenvelope to The Times office had itlocked in the safe where It will remain untouched until the contestantsfinish the run

As Vice PresidentSherman is a thlrthird degree motorist he enthusiasticallyaccepted the office of official time fixerfor The Times sociability run it is anInteresting fact that he went over thecourse yesterday in his car withoutknowing that today ho would be calledupon to set a time in which JS1 othermotorists should make the run

Time Is SecretUsing the data furnished him the Vice

President has calculated the time to anicety and it will remain a secret untilthe run fe over A fac simile of VicePresident Shermans letter will be pub-lished in Wednesdays Times togetherwith a completo of the run andthe score made by each contestant

Tomorrow is biggest day so tarthis year in the automobile calendar ofWashington it maths the start of thesecond annual sociability run of TheTimes in which 1SI of citys bestknown automobilists have entered

Not is the entry list tn8 largest-of any competitive automobile eventever held here but a large number ofhandsome as welt as useful prizes havebeen donated as rewards to those whomake the trip to Great Falls and return nearest to the secret time that isbeing fixed today

Condition of RouteAfter tho rain of the last three days

it is more than likely to be fair tomorrow 12 it should rain the run willbe postponed until the following dayThe route of the run is in good shapeand is all the better for the rain as thodust has been laid

This afternoon a large stand will beerect in front of the Muneey buildingtnd trom this structure the prizes willbe presented to the winners The prentations will be made by Referee Wil-liam F Gude who has entered heartilyinto the spirit of The Times uniqueevent Major Sylvester has promisedto have the space around the stallingpoint cleared of all vehicles except thecars entered in the run

A large detail of police under the di-

rection of Captain will beon hand to preserve order and keep thecrowds In check It s expected manythousand of people wilt be gathered inthe vjpinity of the Munsey building tosee the start of the sociability

The Times is anxious to have the sec-ond running of the sociability the big-gest kind of a success Its last injunc-tion to contestants is to drive in a safeand sane manner and to refrain fromracing at any stage of the run


LONDON May the first timein history American robins have win-

tered in England in a wild state Sev-eral accounts have been given of thebreeding of these in theirown nests some in the nests of thrushesand blackbirds They took kindly totheir new home but late In Decemberthey seemed tb have disappeared-

The disappearance however was onlytemporary Both odd birds and pairshave been continually seen since andae the great migration of fieldfaresto which they are somewhat akin isnow completed the robins beclassed as English stayathomes


Slay 23 Dr Thomas Bassett Keyes of Chicago a recognizedauthority on the treatment of consumption and allied diseases assorts anarticle in the medical counselor thatconsumption can be cured Injectionsof olive Brlghts disease nervoustroubles skin diseases and illsalso will yiajd to this treatment DrKeyes declared and adds

law f immunity from tubercu-losis is to establish the habit of eatingand assimilating fats and oilswill you be froth tuberculosis-but you will possess the stamnia andvigor of to ward offother diseases ant to enjoy health andlifeIt Is difficult to establish this habitof fats and oils For thisreason injection of oils is made useof The oils quickly build up patientand make him from dis-eases particularly tuberculosis

LOCAL MENTION-Try Murine Eye Remedy-

For Red Weary Watery EyesGranulated and Pink Eye TryIt for Babys Eyes Doesnt SmartSoothes Eye Pain At Druggists 60c

Caveriyu plunjbtaij 1331 G fit N W





as a





COD6Utu ion



curS teven3Duryen










< <









> ¬

List of Entries to Date in The Times Sociability Run 11

Jfo Car Entrant1 Araplcx R C WilsonMnthcson T B SpenceC Iteo D Moore Jr4 Cbalmcm V W Cblatvell5 UnyneM T C Sims6 Ford Miss Lillian Miller7 EMF W C Long8 Stcnrnn C O Schroth0 Pullman David S HcndrlcJc

30 Pullman Theo Bnrne JrII Foril Charles E Miller32 linker Cook Stortdnrd Co13 Bulck Charles W Bender14 Spocrer Fred S Lincoln

J Moon John S Imrcombe Jr30 G J G A Drew37 Ranch fc Lang Robert KeraIS Washington Carter M C Cor30 Vnxhlncrton Carter M C CorWaNhlnsrton Carter 31 C CorIVaxhlnirtoDt Carter 31 C Cor

22 Bailey II B tenry Jr23 Posey V Han24 Pncknrd J A Muehlelnen23 Pullman 3InJ P V Weat20 Chalmers Gnrdner Orme27 Babcock A D Carpenter2S Apperson J TV Orme20 Regal R Bruce Emerson30 Ilegnl Edward J Orme

Charles IX Orme82 Pullman 1 31 Spier33 Amplex Robert Callahan Jr34 Cadillac rouls W Weaver35 Cadillac IT B Simons36 Elmore C H FerrelL37 Chalmers Charles A Watson38 Ford Mm FrazierFirestoneColumbus E S 3Ia

loney40 Woo Wilson Company41 White Charles T Nance42 Chalmers C Francis Owens43 Washington L Gansenhelmer44 WanhlnKton Piyton W Calfer45 Washington James T Levy40 Ilupmobile Chris C Dawson47 OlclNmoblle Robert C Shins4S Columbia E Miller49 Krit Thomas AV Cadlrfc50 Ford E J DrakeHnpmoblle Stanley H Horsier

52 Hupmobllc Dr T C CookeS3 Stanley Steamer Madame Cath-

erine54 Palmer Singer H R Kite55 Oldnmobllc A B DulIn5O Ford J A Rogers57 Crnvrford A P Warner58 Columbia Electric Mrs F 31

ChaseAV C Thacher

60 AVanhlngton LouisCl Oldamobllc Matthew Trimble











First prize Sliver lovlnpr cupThe Times

Additional priz Trtnner 3InRnuni of champagne George S Kexsler Co through Arthur Blanchnrd

Second prize TITO magnums ofchampagne Frederick de Bnry ltCo through F P Shafer

First lady prize CntRlassbal S Knun Sons Co

Second lndy prize Gold

Zell MotorCar Company Pair ofKORSsies

Standard Oil Company Can ofZcrolcne-

Conunerclnl Auto and SupplyCompnny FIve gallons Bnencene

Borne fc Scrlmacr Company Vivegallons Colonial oil

Crescent 011 Company Six gallong Crescent nil

John T Trro bottleswhisky

Shoomakcr Company Bottle ofwhisky

C H Relzcniiteln Walklna tickBIcbcrKaufmnn Company SuIt

caseOmohundro Co Fancy vest-S Goldbelm Son Fancy vestSnki Jt Co Vnlklntcr stickRudolph Vcwt Pen knifeChnrles Kaufman Sons Strarr

iticos n-

AV n Moses t Harborchair r

Foltz Fuller Half dozen

A P Ten Company FivelounilH Congrcxslonnl coffee

Egyptian Diamond CompanyFottntnln pen

National Sporting Goods Com-pany Chnnffenrs N

X Myer Pair IccrKlnH T Offterdlnsrer Box cigarsRobert Ilcrbcrich Sona Pair

Burrojnp shoesNational Electric Supply Com-

pany Linen dusterR Harris Co Brns clockVnsIilncrton Company

Case fonlco-AnLcuscrBiisch Brewing Cons

pnny Brill Case beer



Jan tfobSon 1Hnr




through Gus









No Car EntrantG2 Hupmohllc G V EtchisonG3 Ueo Dr E C Ktchlon04 IVnuhlncton Joe A Bcrberlch05 Ford B G TaylorGG Baker E S Marlovr-C7 Ford S E LyonCS Ford John C Deiehman

0 Ford Dr E A Bryant1 Ford Dr 31 E Miller3 Columbia D JT Clark

D R McDonald74 Foril Henry Pchnffert75 Ford JolLa D Meyers

C Ford Dr W C BordenT7 Ford L J Boinbordler

78 FordSO Ford

B2 FordS3 Ford84 Ford85 Kord

87 Ford8 Ford

E AV DanielU DoryC O FountainCharles E BarkerAV S McDonaldF S KeyII C MachenDr R S heals

Hamilton SmithDr AV G Lntlmer

00 Ford II Glenn Phelps01 Ford Edward AV WhIte0 Ford Dr Howard Hume03 Ford R M Goues04 Washington AV A Yates05 Overland AA R Frey50 Pullman Addison AV Smith07 Foril Mrs M KenelppOS Ford T A Bergllng00 Overland J L Watson100 AVnshlnRton Napoleon flU101 Overland GraiL1 OS Parry I C Barber103 Ulmore Gus AV Brahlcr101 Pullman S Hazen Bund103 Kupmohlle Thos D Harden100 AVunIiIngton Chins E Deaae107 3Ietz J G Rendlog-10S AVnuhlngton C J Butler100rJliddleby Barton L Rees110 KJmore S J MastersIll Chalmers AV B Jackson112 Ford F A Mazzl118 Ford A S Gardiner114 Ford Harry Rose115 Ford F X tonestrcet110 Ford Harry A Orme117 Ford A E Beitzel118 ord Mrs Guy S Zepp110 Ford L H Taylor120 Ford AAr F Brice121 EMF David Levy122 Crnvrford Chas D Fowler

Ford Dr S B Blair124 Stanley T P Ulckman125 aiuxirell c J Brovrn12 Packard Frank H Hambrlght

Dr E A Bryant


8Marlon Ilerbyrt HallV




SDFord E L Miner

CIa ton





No Car Entrant127 Amplex Philip T Hall12S AVnrren Detroit George

Well128 Cadillac Dr A E Powell130 Pullman AVHIlnnvReraeyaStoddnrdDnyton Chins 31

Potter132 Hupmoblle Lewis M Thayer133 Speedwell Clarence Barnard134 OlinlmcrsDetrolt Charles J

Walker135 Hupmoblle Dr J Ernest

Smith139 Overland touring Imperial

Garage137 Ford Minnie AV Jones138 Ford It T AVcnver1-

UO Ford D C Hall140 Empire Stuart E Esty111 Hupmoblle II N BrownT42 Pullmnn Judge J G Thomp-

son143 Overland E L Cornerlnns

144 Hupmoblle Miss Anna Cammack

145 StcvcnsDuryen A Harveyi146 Pullman u M Rogers147 AVanhlngton S A Merchant148 American 31 H Bray14U Bulck James P Coon r

150 Ford J H Hedges151 Ford 31 R Edwards152 Ford Admiral F C Prlndle

H P Mooney154 Fon1r AV C Prnthcr155 Ford Miss 3Ioniban150 Ford D O Leech157 Kord u L LewisAAnrrcnDctrolt N S Bowles-15J Pullman E A Mullikcn1SteveiiMDuryen F C Slbbnld1O1 Max vell Miss G Thompson1 2 Ford R J ifculgley103 Reo N M K Gilmour104Jflulck G Gr Hnmner-ltl5 Hercede i J Aubrey SykcsIGtf Apperson F R WhitelOT Unpmobtle Mrs B J Brad-

bury16S Bulck Buick Motor Company100 Bulck Buick Motor Company170 Pnterson C E Holmes171 HupmoliIIe S C Breneman172 Ilupmobile John lutz

73 Columbia Frank P Hall174 Bulrk Dr B C Wilson175 Packard AVUlIam 31nehlelaen-17G Ford H L Woodward377 HupmoblIc Sul Chi Yang178 Hupmoblle Miss Gertrude

Lutz179 Hupmobile D B AthcrtonISO AVnshlnglou K J Cartrigat-1S1 Cualmern R E Burks









Weather forecast CloudyIn case of rain run will be postponed until WedaosdojNumber of contestants 181 v

Time of start 1 ocloekTime to report at Munsey Bttiidtag 12 oefeekRoute Muasey Building t Grat PaJk and ratura-Prosontatioa of prizes to wimaers before Muawy BtaMI gKt 6 ocfcxjk-Xurabor of priaeg 30 j

Speed limit Twelve mites in otty four miles arouad oarasrs tmeBiymiles OB Conduit road

Distance to Great F lk 1S milesD


International Commission In Session In Canada to Formu

late ProcedureOTTAWA Canada May 38 In an

endeavor to formulate a policy forstamping out bovine tuberculosis fromthe continent sessions of the interntional commission of bovine tuberculosisare being held here Dr John R Mobler of Washington chief of the divis-ion of pathology the Bureau of Ani-mal Industry being one of the leadersof the movement

AH the members of the commissionincluding Dr Mohler were accorded-by the government an opportunity tohave a fine view of the memorial serv-ice for King Edvard which was heldhere with 25000 people attending

Sessone of the commission will continue for several days and some hasfor furthering the campaign will beadopted though the final plan of cam-paign to be genorally adopted will notbe completed at this session

TO BE HONOR GUESTArchbishop Diomede Falconlc apos

tolic delegate from Rome will bo theguest of honor at the reception of theKnights of Columbus to be held Intheir hall on Thursday evening AnInvitation was extended to the prelateby Father Thomas Walsh chaplain ofthe Knights of Columbus A number-of Roman Catholic clergymen will attend the reception













Your lacks the greatestconvenience of all if it aFlorenceAutomatic Oil Stove

The FlorenceAutomatic isalways under perfect and instant

You can turn your back on aFlorenceAutomatic Oil Stove andbe sure that it wont run upand burn a pie Nor run downand make bread The secret-is the controlling lever on the dialplate The position of this leverdetermines the amount of oil admitted to the burner bowl andhence the height of the flame The

Oil Stowis the cleanest stove ever in a kitchen It is wickless

an intense blue flame with very moderate oil consumptionThe neatest little convenience for housekeeping or occasional

household needs one If dealer doesn keep FlorenceStoves and Florence Asbestoslined Ovens write for catalogueCENTRAL OIL 4 GAS STOVE CO 116 Washington SL Bostos Hue

A Kitchen NecessitykitChen

Au1 nMioJ utI dustless and free from ollv odor Gives

heat is a florence Stove in one two and three sizes

Jet0r7 Xau



quickLamp Made burner





Seeking Food for Yourg They

Carry Off Poultry Sheepand Pigs

SEATTLE Wash May 3EaglesDOW busy gathering food for their youngones and dying dovn from their seatsin the crags of the Cascade and Olym-pic mountains are unusually daring

Instances are being reportedthey have attacked men women andchildren They are also charged withicarrying off lambs pigs dogs cats andfarm yard poultry-

A stage coach driver near HartfordWa attacked while sitting on hiswagon and face badly torn by a bigeagles talons

Farmers near Brmnon say they arelosing much young stock by thievingeagles More eagles are nesting In thefoothills of the Olympics than ever before

Original VisibleWriter

Light EasyElectric Touch

The Machine Yon

Will Eventually Buy


V ishington Branch j

1206 St N W i









Mndenvood Typewriter Company






Panama Exposition Boomers Hope to Convert States

men at Dinner-

A banqueta real New Orleans banquet-to which many of Congressand others prominent in public tile andpossibly President Taft will be invitedis being planned by the advance delega-tion of the New Orleant Panama Expo-sition boomers

It Is the intention of those paving theway for The event to make it a mem-orable affair It is al o their purposeincidentally to suggest during the even-ing that Now Orleans is an excellentplace for holding the exposition to cele-

brate the opening of the canalOrators Coming

An array of the Souths favorite andbest trained orators will be on hand tosing the praises of the Crescent City andotherwise endeavor to convert every

present to its causeCot 1 P Thompson chairman of the

New Orleans committee whohas been in Washington several days dotag me missionary and advertisingwork in speaking today of theplans New Orleans has made or the op-position said

One of the show features we haysdecided on IB a city topographicalmap of the world and replica ofPanama canaL It is our intention tofeature to a considerable extent aero-nautics and the merchant marine

Plan Naval ExhibitionWe reel confident that we can

round up a naval exhibition whichwill surpass anything of Its kind everheld in the world Because of theeanals benefits to the civilized worldw very nation which has anavy will gladly send a large fleet totake part

Chicago had midway Jameetown Its warpath St Its

pike sad New Orleans proposes tonave its Culebra cut itsconfines will be all of the unmakingand raszleraszle features


COLUMBUS Ohio May 38 Warren G

Harding of Marion and C A Thomp-

son of Ironton will fcgfct It out for theR bitcn nomtnaUon for xevernor It




















Is believed now there will be no othercandidates before the convention Inthe country districts Saturday Hardingwon wont of the counties The bigcounties including Circinnati and Cleve-land prohaWy will b for Thompson


WETIE6LEY Mass May 2JThe oldpoor house which for ninny years hasaccommodated the paupers of the townand was cfvec up because only one tomate remained will in the future be theeeezie of festrvHJe of the elite of thisanti nuToundhn towns This will bebrought about a a result f the moveheaded by several of the leadlr citizenswhereby the spacious farm MMM andextensive grounds were made into afashionable country club the first thetown has poc se d


New Century Club has callG uponMayor Johnson and Chief of Police Mc








Carey to give Chester a safe and saneFourth 01 celebration and themayor has promised to do all in hispower


he Original and Genuine

The Fooddrink for All Ages

More healthful than Tea or Coffeewith tho weakest digestion

Delicious invigorating and

A quick lircch prepared in a minute

Take substitute Ask for KORUCKS

Others are imitations

35c Golden CrownCoffee


16 Stores



the very finest Weaves-

A 1750 Suit OurSpecial Price this week

Friedlander Bros9th and E Sis

Lansburgh BroDry foods and

ReadytoWear Articles

420 to 426 7th St



15 Coats J750525 Coats y 5375

30 Coats 1LS5-



Not y Milk


A ees

Rich milk ircain powder form


I T De Pylest


1 0I










Arangh to 2Zhfl-e



Almost Exhausted When Rescued

by Golfers After Long

ChaseLpNDOX May 23 Loadoa artistsare telling of the battle a fel

lowcraftsman had at Ha Iey a fewdays ago with a turkey the latterbeJng the winner

The turkey drove the artist fromhis easel and proeooded to demolishhis sketch afterward reetunto UMcombat which lasted fully teeaminutes

The artist took behind atree but the bird moved ro in afterhim and when he made a dart togain hits campstool the bird was onheels Immediately All lila attempts to get to close quarters andseize it by the neck were unavailingand it was not until the wasthoroughly exhausted that his criesfor a party of golfersand farmhands to







Rolled Up and Unhidden It Pas

Through a Number of

HandsMILWAUKEE May 3 When C O

asked for Us maB sod It was handed to

It An addressed tag attached to

had boos rolled tAte tightwhich borer Mr Bennetts addresspostage stamp ant s0eeal deliverystamp

bill came through the man fromGrand Rapids Mich Only the name ofthe sender Inscribed ea the otherside of the taJ

Sending 1 Mils tbreogfa the snaIlswith only a tar attached to aaotberproof of the honesty of the men Jo theFederal eraptoy

The bill passed through several handsbetween Grand Rapid and Milwaukeeand if It had Men stolen the Govern-ment unnM hAve had much difficulty Intracingr the thief

a at the Hotel

hiss found a bill withwas



Bennett guest Pieterhe mixed is

the moseyThe a




Had No Chance ButTo Sacrifice Entire Stock

T P Culley Son compelled to close out remaining pianos regardless ofcost in order to make room for workmen waiting to

remodel their present Kareroom and offices

Seif in Five DaysY-ou are lucky if you need a piano nt u here you can buy the very best

makes at cost and ere Iess and on your ownterms of payment

65 and 88 Note Player Piano BargainsE-ntire stock of instruments on sale a single piano playerpiano

square piano or organ reserved many new Instruments some shopworn and a few used

Kimball Whitney Hinze Knabe Chickering and Many Others



forced to





DId ever bear of such a propositionboise such ax eaar t bwy or suchaa opportHeKy you n detetiiitaowith ror own jadeMat the messes fortie fo cM thITVery well came direct to sue store

select UM Myte make f yin v e4

what w NUT A MaaJl fcaji iu aad thetMtnweat will to 9nrt-ora edtaety Tile price

Simpler n PredicamentIOM W i

taw exactly why priceMCitaca tin t MC this stock of-

te r guac placetiKM ta hose at tbcM rather thanaM to CMC by ptmrhm la suit

tot lesjH c Mrt 4 OMC deteyIf wait tmtfl the I misses mightb diMppota ed for tile tancMnc te found

win fairly away jnet a ponas UK hT w h vMor become aware ofthe cold facts hi relation thir anithe please of qoaJHy which we ha herefor so Mttte mosey




pick a scarfMIll we willmost It We e

del ereC tittM


ctty tIM we ore


It tit

t etrsee

behere melt




and yesadmits eel hsmIrie st Most

nshe a nsahi yest andhos for os ly

hesrein semito1eaes sidns plea

Tee predimsesemyes us hess

stos ae4


soyes yes








See What Just a Little Cash l oTo thins who ixircha aa instrument dur-

BK tbe few dayc of this aale as extracredit of K for every 1 paid dews up to 5will be allowed For instance i yea can paya maeh ai S3S d wn you will receive acredit of SM Xo cash htdnceoaat equal tothis was offered Washiagtoas pianobuj ei beforeKIMS XKV PIANOS AND NEW


Oa 5 5 5 3000-V as SSTiO Now 24OO-AVnn SlOt J23SOOWas S5M 136500-


145 and 16SThe Term Are Made to Suit the Con-

venience oC the BuyerPay whatever it is eonvenjent rou

elect your plant and arrange easy month iypayments on the balance Call tomorrow aDdreceive taU benefit of this soeeyaavias piano

T P s















< =


Drink Noalco

A Most Sustaining and Nourish

ing Beverage Brewed of Malt

and Hops Absolutely



Esquiring DO


Sold Everywhere in 5c and lOc Bottles

If you have a place in the countryyoucan easily rent your spare rooms to some of

the numberless people who want to get awayfrom the hot city during the summer monthsYou only need to let these people know thatyou have such rooms to rent

The most effective way is to advertisethem under Country Board in the

Main 5260 or write for specialrates today Address all communications to9

The Classified Advertising ManagerWashington Times

Vhen on

Pleasure Bent

Country Board

ti hin ton mtWant AdsPh-




