warranty deed with relinquishment of … witness where.of (he mortgagor hai c»usid...


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>» tiinn.mon Ct, ?>rt tqilk. Arniui ' •

Corporacfon Morcgage ., IW JWw- rfSale^. p^• t. i*^<"' • •— -< ' '"-^ 'L/

' '"- ^ i-^C--...6-W AL'Gl6y^KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS.-"

a H J , Inc.

a CarpewHsA Aginited and exuting under (he bw of the Ssile n^' Aricar.saawilh ill pfii;(p»l pliee of btiiiinffi located ift,-,- gTg - X1 .

Arkansas fCity)hrreinafKr ci.'led MORTGAGOR, fof lad in con-iaiaic,_ . -

nidtrnion of ihe ium of^OyE ,<^1 • 00) and osher val-^a^lfl^ conai jeraElcray,,. ggla ii iH h»od piHl bv_^amea H^ Mlllla '• , ',' • ' _ _ _ _ _ _MORTGAGEE, ike r«(ipi whereof ii her<by icknowltrfetd. dao htr<t>y G'I.-I. L,rifiin. S^-l and Con-»<y UB«, ihe iai<J MORTGAGEE «nd unia——hi3.. • ;. • . ,.;.e.»Auc«iw. and »-v» (}i« /el-

Sebastian .- _ - ,——.1•——•.-, —r .r - . . , . ... ..n. __ .—CtHMJy. Stilt allowiflc dticnbfd ral tiliie liHiaMd in.Afkani**, la-iril:

That par-, of ehe West Hair iw/?) of She following d*scr!»edpyoperty, lying Soush of the strip „., to-wie: aesir.-.liffae a POIRE 1.015 feet West a.-.d 600 .-•ee; hor^ or =.-J So.ich-eaas cornflr of she SouSKweac Sua^ser :^A) of Sectic."*hi?y-cno (31), Township Sever. (7; Se-th, aar.ge ?hl.-y-.5r.<iC 3 1 ) W6»t. Chance Wess 2 , 6 fast, nope <;? less is :;".c -essline of aaid Section Tl.lrcy-ona (31;, ^.ence Ys?^-. —.7 'ec^to 6 poir.t on the Worth tiank of a 5*.r;p pit; t.t;er.£c'';•o;'s^^-2Che Worth Bank of the atrip pic In a. ;;-rsheasterly ^reesic."2,132 feet, thence South <fl3 feet to t^e place sf he5lr..-l,-.geont&lnlng 5 1/2 acres, awe or less, lying in she 3-eenwooriDistrict or Sebastian County, Arkansas.


E PS &f ASKAWtAS. tly of S<bfiU*iL Gf«<Enw«ed DLiirlct l *>

ill T, Bwwfc C!wk ct tli* CfMU« C'oiirt iiiri fet-OffltIo ll«fli'd<r flt Iht CMiily »Kr«i«A^O »»rBBy

<*dUy Ihit *anMW ifld (tiretOint ^Uniiflwi <»( wrillai wiifciM Mr Meori IB "y atfiw «* tht -•--d.y of _ _tA4-^___ A. &. I9?4 tt^A^Sretodc——r—— M- •nd me **»< u M» *»y "y^

with (he Mtow?/l*<|«'o*ni ind tertlfliat* thti*ttB. In R<wd Boolt——--——————"————. ^''rr———m WITHES? IVMEMOP. I litVt IteMunia «t •y hin4 »nd «t&xt4 lha tt.l »( rid Cfltttt HHJ——^.-.-d./

LUJ.AI_^___^ A. &. m* Ptui T. SfewCi«MI CXrk •Btf BM.OWtfiB RtfliWr

A, rf's i / n f ^ . _u-—--^-D. C.

TOHAVEAM&TOHOLOihe.ameuntfl lhBMtd MORTGAGEE »n<l utfra^^hl* ^ ^^^fcBtf»/tu<.E&*iiwt liKi niignt faF6»tf, wjih ill the priwtltg-o Jqd .•ipun<»ant-. -'•Wtia leJongine

Aod in« MORTGAGOR lor m luceeifan iBd tttigft). «»>rei»KU wiiti (tie ftt! MORTGAGEE.<J&U_^-Ji«iri/fMcuiari ind K(igtit. thai it 11 hwiully ifiied if ;e« of ' .a fAn«Bnflied ?«miny,Ail ifeer ire fr*e f<wn i" cimimbnoefi, (hat it hix ^ood neht t« ifu uid i-^nv*/ ih« «IR.« w (be fidMORTGAGER at af6ruii(f. and ihit h will lad iit snK'SM^t shs.: Sowe. W.X-.IKK aitd iilfftd dufHte M Hsft itid Re»l ciri» 15111111. |1! lawful tJtimt ^ad dentafuil wMitxr.

T)ie (vfegwag ewveyinct n on candinon; ThM. Whifwi. lha iluJ. .VOSTSAGOB » ^Biri)' '»•Jftbiod u» the i»d MORTGAGEE in (lie iimi T< - -ii-^1.2^ - Q Q _ _ _ _ _ . - - - .MLLASS


Maw, it the Mid MORTGAGOR shall pay or ome laid inilclilcdncM 10 be paid. wn:i wciw. accore-iBff lo ilic itrait llicreoi, amt ail other indcblCJtnui <?t llin MORTGAGOR la Ihc .MORTGAGEE, then it.)ioiiruiiitni 10 tie BI|II and void; cHid-Wiie to remain in full force and cHcci.

AMD rr IS HEREBY FURTHER STIPULATED, itiat <iurine the cmunuance c,i in.t loiuun-.tr.-.m fnrce, ihc laid MORTGAGOR iliall it all limci Itccfi llic Sialc. Cou.uy and C;iy dxu and »s-,cinn«;!i(or ItK'al iniiiforeitienii on laid prcmiici fully pi>d » /cquircti fcy lai/, a.-.d lha.i keep ilK bi.iliJinei i-*aid j)(tiiiiK'i miureil in ioma tpprovciJ (IM ititur»ncc company, of companm. Jgainn ^n or Jamagt i;;

(irt, or ilortii. u-ilh exiended (overage, in a iimi o( noE let* ili-tii——^—- .- ^^ -^ ^^ ,_______.wuli SiaihJard Mongagc Clautt. providing' itiat the Idii. ii any. ilii.I bt pa/able 10 the MOJ17GAGCE. v.iht Lfgal holder of uid iiideblcdncii, «l their initfeit may app&Jf.

AMD IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED, that in eaic ihe MORTGAGORS *hall mal.e ddault in p*/-(iicfit of dxo. or inciioienn for local im[iro"<m<nti of Othrr purpoict, or fau to !(((p ihr pftomft ir-lurfd Jf above proviifed. then the laid MORTGAGES or HI Icgil rcpreieniJlivet may pay tueh iax«» ainjliitiiinrnti, or procure ifiih IniuraiKt. ind (he amouni cxptfldrd ttitftfor, wi(h niicrev at ttn per cwper annifiii ffoni diie of luch expendnure uniil Mpa'd, »hail be eontidered a ium (he re|»ym«Bi of whicait ini«ndcil » tic hiTtby iccared.

And if defaull be niida fa plyrtitnl d( (he indtbHdiKit her«t>y iecur«i), or iny mi(ilm<nt iJu« under(he '<frtii theicol. ai miiutiiv, or of any 'niercil payineni wlim due, or (he t-uits a(or«»i(,. or iny pirt ai(ilhiT, ar it wane be eai»fni|tid oft 61 impWtnuBti ara rtnicved treiii itie land withoul airilKrt eonienfof the MORTGAGEE Of itiignt. or if the MORTGAGOR becomes inioiveni, iS*n. in >ny ar <iiher c-.tloeh evenii, the whole of the iuffit ifltindcd 19 be hereby itturtditu!!, tt iheoptian of she MORTGAGEEhtKin, or lt\e Ityal holder df faid indiblidneii. OKanit imffl<dH!tiy due *na payatile, ind iht MORT-GAGEE, or the !(£*! holder of laid inilebtedneiii wiihoul ftoiitt or demand, miy profeed to foreeloicthis mortgage.

A!; rie'tn of appniienicJit ind rcdtmptioli provided by lha l>«i of Arionu* ire hwbf waivtd b)'iht MORTGAGOR.

W WITNESS WHERE.OF (he MORTGAGOR hai c»usid thu_."iinim(nt 10 be exKultd by i»

Prtiirient and tUcsKd by it* St<r<!ary »"<! eotpotue itai (hit^C^Sa/ of—^*&'»£J——- W ' ' -


(Am^Here) .-•'


COt'MTY OF^^^^^^

On rtiH, -d»y aL;9- iKiart MC, iba undtr.

m (fle Slai*tig-a;d. * Notary Public wilhin iRd far the Courtly A<^-j^35:1 an

A r IrA n i J^ itft™. Jii.;*. . ...^-—^ta«-»-—.-_^..-^»—.M_-_,.^—^_-. duly eafiUMiftioned and adirg, appeared

tfl pi""" — — - - — -—-- —— - - ^ — — ,. -^-aml-^ _ — - -,_^_ _-. _ _ _ - ^ ^-,10 »« pwiotiiily will known a$ (he iJerianf whole nim«f ippear upon the wih'n and (or«goin^ ileed ol

eaAvefince and *tated u> me Ihil they wera llie Proidtnt ind Stfryary r«pcti.vtiy oL—^..--J—.———

t}lu' ;nc-__________________^. .._Arka.'".g33____________Corocratiofl.l(Kl w«ra duly lUlhorifed to exeme tbe fore^oiitf conveyance for and on ;t» b(h*;f, and il'-ey rupeciiveiyKfcaawKdgtd to me lhai l!iey hid <xenitid the lame fair ihc considfraiiort and purpoSti thtrtin meniionedind stt forth, and I do A) certify.

1?I'TKST.IMONY WHEREOF. ? have hereunio ittmy hand and teal .*( dffit-e a* Mich Nonry Pub--- *, • ;• / /T. A- - -''.-'*iic 31 tht County iild State l(aryiid on tfiil



.Councv, Arkansas


County o£_«__SEaASrrAM


Si*t» af ArtniWtS., do hwvbi' certify Oust (heCWeof. . ..SEBASTIAN

io('B<(tOgi te x irup scuS correct 1'at of tli» land^ County, •/--—, *-ak 01 in» ian<i uEuf (uwn kit« forfeiteJ lor the (wo-p<ymtn[ of the taxes .fw thp yefiri thcrftirt

Ricnttdftfd. •nd sviaMatas wirwtocswd w thv 36?^ _((ay of . . ^tftv»iBf,»fr It7I',.

• l ' ., I" T»ti[«<»ti*y 8t'har»«f, t hove Simvwte srt my hnnd •tiri ,i.'fn«?<l by afffcrt kr«f 8h(i a&1 h <t-y wf Nftwabar» • •»• *

•- ...ig-7^— syrnJ^R. ^^^rk or -.-AEBAsrrCT

.4 ?4^^,/. .- ——Cniittty

) 0 0 0 2 -1



SA5;, - ^-^_ -—.i -irtMl ?l3/r

^ \tt \^^THE STATE OF ARKANSAS; , •_— - -,, " , ^'


KNOW YE, THAT WHEREAS, The following dtsertbed I.ndi utuiied In the County of Sebgtian—_In lh« Stai« of Arittftian. wera Jorfelt«d ind fold to Ihe St»le of Arkinm. 11 • County fix Cdlt«eiar * 5» 'fbr non-payment o( lh« lix« due thetton for the y"r- ^9?3— 1 1 (arih below, to~wit:

•n aEeig»si-s ° -« ••=J •=».»«-.«.•»« w n . u .»^ L-II-r • l . Llr j i < r .• • « - - • • • - — — — — —KimMwwmoif'F.'t'-ri^''-*' ''

_ . _ . _ , . , , > * , _ L f _" ' 'And. WHEREAS: Atttr ihe expiratton o( (he period fit two yesrs from thr date <tt mh CallMlw'i 'i''

provided by IIAT 'oi-lha redemption of »fd Iin-i, vide S(f;jiiiM 138(0 t^ i3tif^. L-.c'-Jr.vft J Fope'i Dlge»E c: --Slatules cf Arkanut, (hd faid fandi, remUnfri); unrediremed, w<r« duly ccrtif'id to tfa« ^xe of (he ^-on— •li»»»r oC ^fte Landi of Arktiuai, by UK County Clack of Jaid Cfiunty. ind the «ni« ftow appear) or. - - -feMkt of.thd Stalt Und Office of fid Stile «f ^-Wl and (ubject l<s isle.

AMD. WITSREAS . . 9m ,i7. K-ir.-iifi£^_^——.. - . . . n————. - ,——._____________(•.Jrteg applied (d fHirdidSt. 1*16 lame, «nd hiving paid lild tha &JI« Treauiry and/or the CommiUianf-S»a» L.;n<ii (he wm al—tfqe HiM.dr.t-i -T^-eaty-six .. _^_^__i^iJlars and—lfl———^——_C--IflB Jn»n.ni riquired to pui-dme s'itd land* Irt ic.ordsn;!* with tfle /equiraniaBU of Aci N'a 2S9 of lha Ai-(hf GdneraJ ^emfeiy of the State at •Ir^amis, ip^ravfti March ifi, 13ii. and ba.ing oiheirwiis fully eac--;wiih the provt-i'oiu in'l r^ai/fhienU of slid \'A,

WlW: THEPE;FOB». KNOW V . That 1. SAM JONSS. CamffiiMionfir of Slais ^ttds at tins Sit-Aricaiwai, for an-1 m miE'derittor. <Jf Ihd slid Juin ot manay K> paid. ricrijsi of which is hereby acl.r.ow.f,aaJ ueder dnd b? vfnuo of Jhft authorib t-^ sc waied by !<w, d6. by thefii pr8s«n(e. GRANT, SELL -

CWPSV unto tha abova nEm«d tppHeant———,-and-J^A.—heirs and JMlgAi tot-avar, 18 ifia n|;ht, (it;?la'^FiHfi of the Stile -if Arbarm in and to the Mid !»nd*, or wfai»A may 'ie ttWtafmr lequved unde? (hu •iriSiSOfS of Act 2SS of 1939 AJlJfdl Act it9 of 1935. u im t hy Act Jfo. llg of ism wd Aft He •-^ l toJW i"ft 'M'*' P<"tito*ii. . -

WHAVE AKO TO HOLD the a. e unttt fta tild *a?U<;i'H——--aP4 ttft'a «.»bJA4s*igrtt (orever.

W¥E<E£S MY HASD AW? OSYrciAL SEAl, u tiKh ConuniaionBr Bf S^tf Undi. t.- ,-. January^ __'_ ._,^a ^^


.' " >•'••^>dtUA-i«L tu _i.J^>*AL.«i.M.»^ »,tMb. t.««m. fm A-rtfc.J-tl.uu-


v TtWOB tMirnittT-e. - • - A T •»t3IOW AU. MEM BY THESE PnESENTSiThat wa. Bill Karaey

and^.^.^Betty Kersey,,Qrean^crea fana Agency. Greenwood, hia wlio.for and In consfdaKriten of tho Bura "f ONE DOLLAR anrt nthar, yood anri-——SEalUA&ia_£CDAidfl£flLtiQaA;to "a ..——paid by——Xnduatrial Waata Control. Ifte.

do hereby groni, aeU and quHclCTim unto Ihfl *nirt^Ta^..«ft^^_wA«ft« ^"ntrolInc.,_ P. 0. Box 688, ro-t gBlt_h, ja 72903and -Jinlo^^JOta—il&^&CS5 'lS&lgnfl forovr. thfl foUowlriq-duolbad real eatalalytng In (b* County o(———gaba-«t^ftn ^ ^ and siot» of Artanaaa. lo-wir

. „ „_.-.,_. ^Q^80"^^8^^^^^^0"^"88^^"*^'^—^-_____- _ ._se^t^ 31. Towgbj.g^Mogthr mnqa 31__________

__ Jteafc,__lvina tn_tho fireanwood BtatrictL « £ _ _ _ _ _—— „ _-_gftbajit,l4n.CoBnfcv« Axkanaaa_________________

To liova and to hold the sama unto tho scdd-Xne.


and unlo^JU.U^JWUWcQiaaBalgna ffflravar. with all ih» owurtancsicM th«f6tobpbnglng.

And I. - Sefcty yeraev________. _„ _-______._^_________,

all my right of dower and hoWitness our hands and


A.^.. -.ifiit ^,-f. 3anuarv. Hot&rv Public . .

SebASfcian. . . BiXX Ket«ey and

sawlwdMola on

a'"^b11^8''11'^^/^ ' - ;- 5%^ ^f^A^- t^-.B^fcfry Kflr.ou ^ / .

'ACKNOWIEDGE' • s -Sfttty

In and tolht« '* H


, It- X, to-


fiald ICEL-Aw



iui. dftr

nd«-cf.-, -'^f^/i

MaJiIfilii— -i •


«.BiUil* ui («• Uari kW *«»«•

- .19 77


i« e«uty *•IfMUht 1:

to «* »wt6&MUr 'mi fcRmrJ u t&» (TM&.vhai* •r«JLif;m_ai»a lh» •It&u ««« ttfttMtt di»d •I 603TIJUC* 11 ill* ixri—Lfi&—rutar_<EILJl |UIBJ a>t—,.fc ,fc«-y.Jit< •f*Mt*4 Ur (f I«f A* 6a«itJmu« rePltfM» awl* NMU««*dJ«4 Itt ttiA U4 I & &Ul6f I* UHfly.

!•< I (Brthu- *wUt» 01 *» tt* otm <iy TelMtMfly ii»und k«ftn IBS-B—"'t" ..."6 .518^——.__________________ »u. •i a. »ri———Mn.Kgraey_ _ , .(« u« vll kuam t« t>« Qr Ftnoa irb«if •Bm IDBM I •PC* thi iibiB m (•rB{oiBi J**& »M b Hi* «hi«u« •-•&tr t*M tcbkOi. »UU* i)>4 dfal*r*d URi ihk &i<3 Of ku 4*B f>»« •HI ttuwtU all i**J ll< ItJ lU»t4 Un >*•BaaatibRiit of 'itrir ud kauutud mr«l« &rpri*(*4 (f l&« furpor &a4 ua*limi!a« UfftM «aat&UfJ uK•it CwiVt. »iUiBM> «ir»1*lc cr «adi* tothiw of hw tcM baibu& .

!• TiniBuiDf '»»«/»1. l W btixar ttt »»• h*ri »•< *»l •I rifle* i* *».».—"SHSJLEaSUS——u ik« CMDir n< ICUd •ftfuM. u tMt- ..ISiln.. J*y at——.—_i2AflJittEj—.»„„„-, _ . )|_Z^


• •'"3 '%* ...:

^^W30 6 1 1 1 1 ^— ' v" A'" '

* '•:-•"',?K^•7•' .-'.'." '• ' 'l' ' 'l•'i:'^^W' ^ - ^CT^te^^S'' ?^" ^ ••^..W%^S-^ ^••<,g'..A- 4- ,

W^7:7"^J^^ hkfJ »tf (*i bl« ky ' roUKilrii hWlf C«,f«l bdA. </--.-ia*,.;''1'!!*'''. •*, • 'SSwcs'Mw-'.'.f:-^^y^ i-.' r^ ''1 ' - < •'. - ' -'•';-•^f?^ "Jtt 13 'OlgnELE^E - „-,„•.;,.:--• jOT-SM.i.l:. • .. ^KmwSiit^i.-. ; •- - U;; f a. . -. •^tf,. r '-alHS1-' ^1^ *-"'-tii£.i<r.rt^»-i

^^ ., /^SfelL-i.-;^^;, a-"»"'%«' e'••«. ^^w^^^y tKnew^AH M»n Sy ThMa Prta»nl»i.. '-Tr' -• - Th^ J"«*« "-• HnU' «d.gva'3^HUUg.,Hu»ba»d and »if»_^^i>_^"• • ^ , - .- — ^1•*fff'sf•i• • 'J,-- • ' , •_"" _

- ter ond In conttdaratlon at fha sum'of Ono Eteflar. to ma patd bififiiL—la^;'''"•_**M'__ _ _ _ -.tffSHt^gS' '• • W'/-.1- v^ *••(


.'•de'hareby •yrcmi. aall, quil cfai'm^drfllaofc 'iinio' Iho'SaiflLfiaA—tflc.> -.• ( > '<R.sucgygirgra

. -^-'.:——. -.——.*-—ffftd. unto-AUaKiBXaiiatWand (itttqm terevr. lha tattoumq Jo-' •<Jlbod roal arials lylnQtel thfl County gobmian n^ giaK of Afkoiwai.,__ tewi ; ; , ,-. ,.'. . . .,.,:, .'.it ; :' ¥httt P"6 0< "'»-Ma«e H*lf. fH/3r'of^h< fonoyinq d«acnb«d pPBOsrty.ly; - -: 9a9Vl St. tHtf ilrip pit.,t^wifct' ginning JC a gottit l.ST?'T««t •tf<i>t«^ ' •

f*B&Jtoc«*-«{- h«^ou«h«a«.( -«>m«fr^e~^a^<HifrhwMtt- «»Kap^«H) h^ -6e.- -: •Thirty-flM ( 3 1 ) . Tawnhic a«v«n <71 Harth. R»A«« Thtrcy-ena rll) M««c, t- ---Ha«ft 2,UHB ta*fc, *!tH Ag JMA ^ lha HMfc lina of taid Jtaetion Thirty-^ '&hMM<-Jto&feh-JM-fe«t-to-a po^ftb-6ft-<Jio-^a&trt-Jnn)t--of-a-a»rti>-ptt;*-ch«n<--follawln«T th« north bank of th* •trip pic in « Hortha««t«rly directio": : . - -frtyr-CTgHM MUth 483 TMt to UflngUe«'&f baqinfling; eMfTfting-^^/r . • - **nrn..QK. IMS, ^ng--in ;h»-Cea<intf60d-&l8trAoJi-ot--a«baati*n-Coun»yy -AriM»' •

Tha diHd b«tnq mod« w rd«osft ih« lt«n of o cariom d«*cJ oLdoted lha—————Uii!_________Aay «J Auquatand r^w i *uqu»e it _. • 19^ . in BOoc-JUL fl! Po^e-ll—^ the wcera^ Sabaatian_____County. A/kanwa. qpa•"wo^________Drtiric*. by

-conYByinq to i raal Utauto Ja*Mi_H. witlu and etfa. ^ .__WtlH«, hgagand «n4 to wcun ih« poymant o*

^^^n* nttrfatit^ BOf ^ ikfin n<nn«d. tha •cw hav:",g bean fuHypaid.

WitMM. Jnffld^LJhia , /^4. <to^ of. r^^^L^ Jti • ^ "L' ' "^4*^ .. ,i». . W

AMaa H,. willn

STATS: OF-—i" ?M


BE IT fiEMBMBSREO, /Hiai on thta day cama bafor* th« und«.-s-*3"»<a. «, ^laEV.yg&ljlc_, ^^ MfUtte gcnd (or (he «oid eounly dicrwoKi. dwy conum—tamd anc

J«v«l M . Wtlll« and EOS J. Wllllt^-to ma wsi) knawn a« lha gfoniwt-m tfaa IcnocMn? d««d afts.-—Jtad «xacutad ih« cam* tor c6o»tiBicf(to" and PI.IPOBM lAwi-

wwieG ana »N ionft. ; • . •;•/BumNe fid and MM forth.:; * z^-W iro my hand on^ aaol (M «ueh "'Wy -J^g———————"-• ^"——^

& day -^Uw.^^ -t - i9^&, /^r/ , v'^. ^ , r i i~~ ^^ i ^z^^-•••s *.•'.. ,1, t ; -F

snaussion Exptrdii

/^ /f^

••-^ r^f.^-^^ — ^ - -^ D..»|J -^J_ - " -' nJSr^yrVtrKt li -I l-