vortex meditation - align and create

Vortex Meditation Align and Create Developed by Mashhur Anam www.LifeHarmonized.com

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Vortex Meditation - Align and Create


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Vortex Meditation

Align and Create

Developed by Mashhur Anam


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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Vortex Meditation – Align and Create

The Vortex Meditation – Align and Create series helps you to consciously create using

the sacred Fibonacci Sequence, the Bell Rock vortex energy and the harmonic frequencies

of a special Tibetan singing bowl. Explore the meditations to raise your vibration, operate

from your heart space, harmonize your personal energy field, transform density and

reprogram your beliefs. This series helps you to consciously broadcast the vibration of

your goals so that you may easily attract what you want to create in your life. Through this

series you will experience one of the most powerful methods to manifest your desires.

We live in a Universe that is holographic in nature and responds to our vibration.

Everything you experience in life shows up in your reality because you have a vibrational

match to it.

Utilize the energy of the Bell Rock vortex, Fibonacci Sequence and energy of the

Rainforests to broadcast your ideal life vision to the Universe

Use harmonic frequencies of a Tibetan singing bowl to manifest your desires

All options and possibilities exist in this Universe for you which means YOU can

redesign YOUR reality

Learn to move away from a solution oriented mindset, where you are constantly

searching for things to “fix”, and begin to operate from a creation mindset

What is a Vortex

A vortex is created from a spiraling motion of energy around a center of rotation. There are

many locations around the planet where vortexes are created from spiraling spiritual

energy. It is believed, that in these locations, the energy flows in multiple dimensions

simultaneously. Sedona, Arizona in the United States is an example of one location where

multiple positive, upward spiraling energy vortexes exist. A positive vortex is a vortex with

upward and clockwise spiraling energy. The vortexes in Sedona are known for their

beautiful ability to aid in healing and meditation.

About the Bell Rock Vortex in Sedona

The Bell Rock vortex is one of the most powerful vortexes in Sedona. It is known to be a

potent multidimensional portal. It creates an upward spiraling energy beneficial for


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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Bell Rock is a powerful vortex to manifest from the heart. What you decree here

rings out through the planet and ripples out into the Universe

It helps to open, align and clear the chakras (chakras are the energy centers of the


Bell Rock’s energy helps to stimulate the pineal gland and increases psychic


Bell Rock assists in uncovering the soul’s path and mission

The veils between worlds are thin here in such a way that you can become a

conduit of energy flowing up from the earth into the ethers

It helps to charge your energy field and balance the flow of masculine and feminine

or yang and yin energies

About the Vortex Meditation – Align and Create Series

The Vortex Meditation – Align and Create series is designed to help you break free from

the mindset of constantly releasing and clearing and move into the mindset of creation.

The majority of the people on the planet are not focusing enough on creation energy. The

vortex meditations for abundance, love and health are designed with the sound of a

Tibetan singing bowl to help you broadcast your intentions and desires.

Encoded holographic matrices, combined with the Bell Rock vortex energy will allow you to

send out your messages repeatedly to manifest more quickly. It also helps you to raise

your vibration, operate from your heart space and transform dense energy into creation

energy. The guided meditations to send out your messages will help you to align with your

goals so that you may easily attract what you desire. You will learn one of the most

powerful methods to manifest the life you want to experience.

About Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is named after Leonardo Fibonacci. It is a mathematical series that

is a part of the Universal Creation Energy.

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, …

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

The Fibonacci sequence appears in nature, in two consecutive Fibonacci numbers, such as branching in trees, arrangement of leaves on a stem, the fruitlets of a pineapple, the flowering of an artichoke and an uncurling fern, in the arrangement of a pine cone, the family tree of honeybees and more.

In the Vortex Meditation – Align and Create series, you will explore the Fibonacci

number 21 of this sequence. The Fibonacci sequence 21 (the energy, light matrix, sound

harmonics, the rate of expansion, the algorithm and more) is very powerful for creation.

You will learn how to activate this sequence and broadcast your intention.

About Tibetan Singing Bowl

The sound of a special Tibetan singing bowl has been added to the end of the abundance,

love and health vortex meditations. The Tibetan singing bowl creates harmonic

frequencies and helps to carry the vibration into every cell of your body. It also broadcasts

intentions by carrying your resonance out into the Universe.

The sound of the singing bowl has been encoded with layers of additional holographic

matrices to help you raise your vibration to align with higher consciousness and broadcast

your desires from your heart by sending out pulses and ripples. The harmonic frequencies

are also encoded with Fibonacci Sequence number 21 for creation and manifestation.

Each sound frequency starts to fade away rapidly after 21 seconds. The length of each tune

is designed to help you hold the vibration of an intention for 21 seconds or more to initiate

a rapid creation process in the Universe.

The more you practice, the easier it becomes to manifest by tapping into the Universal

Creation Energy.


With your package, you have received four recordings. The recordings have music

embedded with holographic reprogramming technology encoded in the music. The more

you listen to the recordings, the easier it becomes for you to manifest your desires.

Practice neutrality and non-judgment.

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Listening in a Loop

You can make an intention of what you would love to manifest and listen to the abundance,

love or health tracks at night in a repeating loop.

More Information about the Recordings in Your Package

Please do not listen to any of these recordings while driving or operating machinery that

requires your conscious focus. For best results, please follow the sequence to set up your

foundation step by step.

Recommended Sequence to Use the Series

When you first start using the Vortex Meditation series, please use the following order.

1) Start with the Bell Rock Vortex Meditation and follow the guided journey at least 3


2) The Bell Rock Vortex Meditation will help you install and activate Fibonacci

Sequence number 21

3) You can then listen to any of the tracks in any order

4) Each time you listen to the abundance, love or health tracks, pick one goal for each

session and continue to broadcast that goal

5) With regular use, you can strengthen your ability to broadcast your intention to the


6) Stay neutral and non-judgmental about what you see in your physical environment

7) When you are attached to physical results and question why something has not

showed up, you create interference patterns which delay the process of


8) Create a law for yourself: Everything works for me 100% of the time preserving my

highest love, light, joy, harmony, health, truth, abundance and collaboration

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Bell Rock Vortex Energy Integration

This is a very powerful meditation working with Bell Rock vortex energy. The original

recording was created at the Bell Rock vortex during a live call, and includes a guided

meditation and integration that is infused with the healing and manifestation energy of the

Bell Rock vortex. The Bell Rock is in the shape of a triangle or a pyramid moving up toward

the sky and is a powerful vortex and a multidimensional portal that projects your

intentions to the planet and to the Universe.


Align and balance your chakras and ground yourself

Take ownership of your life and consciously begin to design your new reality

Experience a heart opening and operate from your heart-space instead of your head

Increase psychic awareness and align with Divine energy

Reduce stress, fear and anxiety

Bell Rock vortex energy helps to stimulate pineal activity

Uncover your soul’s path and mission

Experience one of the most powerful vortexes on the planet for manifesting from

your heart

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Install and activate the Fibonacci Sequence number 21 and access the

Universal Creation Energy

Learn to activate the Fibonacci Sequence 21 and broadcast your intentions

Manifest combining Fibonacci Sequence and Bell Rock vortex energy by sending out

pulses from your heart during the meditation

Use the process to create and attract solutions in life

Infuse the energy of the Bell Rock vortex into your goals, projects, ideas and your

vision to allow new solutions to appear

During the guided meditation, focus on a single question after you center yourself:

What would you LOVE to EXPERIENCE in life?

Start to notice your responses with all of your senses

o What does it feel like?

o What does it look like?

o What does it smell like?

o What else do you notice?

Gradually you open your senses to notice and detect the flow of energy

Throughout the day, ask with curiosity: I wonder how my path of MAXIMUM

HARMONY may unfold?

Pick one goal each time you listen or you can pick the same goal for a week and

notice what shifts around you

Release resistance and operate from neutrality to allow manifestation energy to

flow through you

You can also listen to the track at night before you go to bed and allow your

subconscious mind to work on your vision

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

What would you love to manifest?

Create a list and each day spend 5 minutes or more to feel one item on your list with all of

your senses and gradually align with a reality where you have manifested your desire. Do

not look at your external environment and question your manifestation process. Choose a

vortex meditation track to broadcast one goal each time you listen.

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Vortex Meditation for Abundance

This powerful vortex meditation for abundance combines the Bell Rock vortex energy and

a special Tibetan singing bowl to help you send out vibrations to attract abundance and

manifest specific goals.


Learn to focus on one abundance goal at a time with your mind and your heart

Immerse yourself with Bell Rock vortex energy to attract abundance in your life

Use a 5-minute Tibetan singing bowl segment to repeatedly broadcast your

abundance goal

Use the Fibonacci Sequence combined with the Bell Rock vortex energy and

harmonic frequencies of a Tibetan singing bowl to broadcast your intention to the

Universe to receive more abundance

A gradual increase of space between harmonic frequencies allows you to build up a

momentum to repeatedly broadcast the same intention and create a vibrational

alignment with your goal to manifest more quickly

Each interval (the empty space between the sound of the Tibetan singing bowl) has

been programmed to allow you to receive information and solutions to allow more

abundance in your life

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

What are your abundance goals?

Describe your ideal abundant life (please make sure all the words are positive – for

example, “no debt” still carries the vibration of debt). Create a list and each day spend 5

minutes or more to feel one item on your list with all of your senses and gradually align

with a reality where you have manifested your desire. Do not look at your external

environment and question your manifestation process. Use the Vortex Meditation for

Abundance to broadcast one goal each time you listen.

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Vortex Meditation for Love

This powerful vortex meditation for love combines the Bell Rock vortex energy and a

special Tibetan singing bowl to help you send out vibrations to attract more love and

romance into your life.


Learn to focus on specific goals to attract more love and passion in your life

Immerse yourself with the Bell Rock vortex energy and open yourself to receiving

more love

Use a 5-minute Tibetan singing bowl segment to repeatedly broadcast your ideal

relationship goals

Use the Fibonacci Sequence combined with the Bell Rock vortex energy and

harmonic frequencies of a Tibetan singing bowl to broadcast your intention to the

Universe, aligning your energy to receive true love

A gradual increase of space between harmonic frequencies allows you to build up a

momentum to repeatedly broadcast the same intention and create a vibrational

alignment with your goal, manifesting it more quickly

Each interval (the empty space between the sound of the Tibetan singing bowl) has

been programmed to allow you to receive more love and joy

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

The meditation can be used to allow more self-love, harmonize an existing

relationship or attract new love and romance into your life

What are your relationship goals?

Describe your ideal romantic life (please make sure all the words are positive – avoid

listing what you do not want). Create a list and each day spend 5 minutes or more to feel

one item on your list with all of your senses and gradually align with a reality where you

have manifested your desire. Do not look at your external environment and question your

manifestation process. Use the Vortex Meditation for Love to broadcast one goal each time

you listen.

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Vortex Meditation for Health

This powerful vortex meditation for health combines the Bell Rock vortex energy, a special

Tibetan singing bowl and energy from the rainforests to help you allow healing energy and

vitality into your body and life.


Focus on specific healing goals and broadcast your intentions from your heart

Immerse yourself with energy from the Bell Rock vortex and the rainforests around

the planet for restoration and rejuvenation

Use a 5-minute Tibetan singing bowl segment to repeatedly broadcast your ideal

health vision

Use the Fibonacci Sequence combined with the Bell Rock vortex energy and

harmonic frequencies of a Tibetan singing bowl to broadcast your intention to the

earth and the Universe, creating more health and wellness for your body and being

A gradual increase of space between harmonic frequencies allows you to build up a

momentum to repeatedly broadcast the same intention and create a vibrational

alignment with your ideal health vision

Each interval (the empty space between the sound of the Tibetan singing bowl) has

been programmed to allow you to receive energy and solutions that create more

vibrant health

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

What are your ideal health goals?

Describe your ideal health and wellness (please make sure your goals are positive – avoid

listing pain and diseases that you do not want). Create a list and each day spend 5 minutes

or more to feel one item on your list with all of your senses and gradually align with a

reality where you have manifested your desire. Do not look at your external environment

and question your manifestation process. Use the Vortex Meditation for Health to

broadcast one goal each time you listen.

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Dream State Activation Sequence

Dream state healing and learning has been practiced in many ancient cultures. It is a

sacred journey to fulfill your soul’s desires. By using a Dream State Activation Sequence,

you can allow your subconscious to process your goals and visions while you sleep. Often

this process is very powerful as your conscious mind does not have an opportunity to


Built-in instructions for the Dream State Activation Sequence

This specific Dream State Activation Sequence is designed to:

Help you to explore the Bell Rock vortex energy

Transform fear and anxiety into curiosity and creation energy while you sleep

Diffuse blocked or repeating patterns and integrate lessons to allow more love, joy,

vibrant health and abundance in your life

Align with your vision and soul-purpose

Raise your abundance threshold

Raise your relationship threshold

Raise your ideal health threshold

Dream State Activation Sequence: UX1ge3TAHLx8


Launch the Holographic Vision Board and before going to bed read the following activation

phrase and the sequence 3 times by looking at the letters and numbers:

Activate Dream State Sequence UX1ge3TAHLx8

If you do not have the vision board, just read the activation phrase and the sequence 3

times before going to bed. You do not need to specify upper or lower cases. By looking at

them, your mind will receive the information. Notice your dreams and processing. Even if

you do not remember your dreams, you will receive all the benefits. The processing is not

dependant on you remembering your dreams. Repeat the process each night for the first

two weeks and then you can choose to repeat it a few times a week. At some point, you

may feel that you have integrated the information contained in the sequence. When that

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

happens, you can repeat the process once a week or when you are attracted to using it.

Different people may require different amount of time to integrate.

If the Dream State Sequence is too Strong

If you feel that your dreamtime processing is very intense initially, you can simply skip a

few nights instead of repeating the sequence each night.

Adding Other Holographic Tools and Programs

1) Please use the Harmonic Shield to create a sacred space of neutrality and non-

judgment daily

2) Use the Rings of Harmony daily around yourself and your home, office, business,

products and services

3) When you experience disharmony, use the Holographic Vision Board to disconnect

yourself from that experience, visualize or imagine integrating Golden Orbs from

those events and focus on what you would love to experience

4) You can continue to listen to the Bridge to 5th Dimension, Harmonic Resonance,

Redesign Your Reality and other holographic tools and programs when you use the

Vortex Meditation – Align and Create series

5) Always have the intention that transformation happens in a harmonious way preserving the highest love, light, joy, harmony, healing, truth, abundance and collaboration

You have the opportunity to create a new reality by using the Vortex Meditation – Align

and Create series. Start to operate from neutrality and non-judgment and detach from

results and expectations by knowing that all things will show up preserving your highest

love, joy, harmony and abundance. Also, operate from honesty, integrity, ethics, values and

morality for the highest good of all. When you experience disharmony, always look inside

you first to see where there is a resonance, and then start to use the holographic tools and

programs to transform those patterns that no longer serve you. This way, you can allow

manifestation energy to flow through you easily.

Thank you for helping us to raise the collective consciousness.

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©The Holographic Programs, tools and all related information are property of Life Harmonized L.L.C. Please visit www.lifeharmonized.com for more information, legal notice and disclaimer.

Mashhur Anam

Life Harmonized, LLC


Copyright © 2014 by Mashhur Anam All rights reserved. No part of this publication or recordings may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,

electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

permission in writing from Life Harmonized, LLC. All images and logos are registered and trademarked by Life Harmonized LLC.