vocab u lory

Upload: aradhya-prateek

Post on 09-Mar-2016




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useful vocablory


Useful vocabulary

Ascertain = Find out Please ascertain the reasons for stoppageAccord= Sanction Kindly accord permission to take leaveDiscretion= Judgement He is requesting for sanction of loan hence, I left to your discretion.Profound = DeepI would like to express my profound gratitude to your good selves for giving the opportunity Dearth = Shortage There is a dearth of skilled workman in our companyRepudiate = Reject, Decline Your application for leave was repudiated by our HODRevamp = Giving a face lift or Refurbishing Diligent = showing care in doing one's work

Inadvertently = Unintentionally Erroneously = Incorrectly or wrongly

Gaffe = Error or MistakeCrept = sneaked Inadvertently a gaffe has crept in the calculation or Note or Report or my view and I would like to reiterate that it took place erroneously.

Keep at bay = Maintain a distanceImpertinent = rude or in SolentImpeccable = Perfect, Flawless