var-exhibition #1_sabine bolk - rice carpet for vincent

exhibition #1 27 & 28 October 2010 Sabine Bolk Rice carpet for Vincent in Zundert Virtual Art Residence

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VAR-exhibition #1_Sabine Bolk - Rice carpet for Vincent


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Sabine Bolk Rice carpet for Vincent in Zundert

Virtual Art Residence

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Artikel in BN de Stem door Riet Pijnappels op donderdag 28 oktober 2010 De beeldend kunstenares Sabine Bolk uit Breda legt ‘een rijsttapijt voor Vincent’ in de tuin van het Van GoghHuis in Zundert. ‘Mijn werk gaat over vergankelijkheid’. Zundert – “Zo, en nu maar afwachten wat de vogels er van over laten, want die zijn morgenvroeg eerder wakker dan ik”, lacht de 26-jarige Sabine Bolk opgewekt, als ze woensdagmiddag rond vier uur naar huis gaat. In de tuin van het Vincent Van GoghHuis in Zundert heeft ze uren achtereen gewerkt aan een kleurrijk „vloerkleedje‟ van zaden, pitten, bessen en rijst. Haar project, dat een zonnebloem moet gaan uitbeelden, is een eerbetoon aan Van Gogh, legt de Bredase beeldend kunstenares uit. Vier jaar geleden studeerde ze af aan kunstacademie St. Joost en sindsdien legt ze „rijsttapijten‟. “Mijn werk gaat over vergankelijkheid. Zo‟n kleedje van organische materialen blijft maar heel even liggen. Als het vannacht hard waait of regent, blijft er niet veel van over. En ook niet als de vogels het als ontbijt zien. Maar dat is niet erg, het symboliseert niet voor niets de vluchtigheid van het leven.” Vandaag – donderdag – gaat ze verder met haar project. Bolk hoopt dat veel mensen nog even komen kijken voordat de dag om is. Want daarna is het kunstwerk voor de vogels. “Ik hoop dat er niet alleen meeuwen op afkomen, maar ook musjes en koolmeesjes.” Sabine Bolk constructs her 'rice carpet for Vincent' on local T.V. 28|10|2010 - Omroep Brabant [ Dutch spoken ]

Next week, on 27 & 28 October 2010, I‟m going to make a ricecarpet for Vincent van Gogh in the garden

of the Vincent van GoghHouse!

The carpet is the end of my Virtual Art Residence. I‟m still staying at the Van Gogh Caravan and I‟m excited about the

inspiration that Vincent‟s work has given me. So the rice carpet for Vincent is not the last work about or for

Vincent, so keep following this blog.

The rice carpet is not only an ending it‟s also the start of the building of a real artist-in-residence in Zundert.

From April 2011 artist from the Netherlands and abroad, can stay at the former sexton‟s house and “follow in Vincent‟s footsteps”.

Come take a look at the rice carpet for Vincent!

On Wednesday 27 Oct. and Thursday 28 Oct. I‟m making the carpet, the Vincent van GoghHouise

is opened from 10h till 17h. On Friday 29 oct. and Saturday 30 Oct. (from 12h till 17h) you can see the rice carpet,

but the carpet disappears fast, because there are a lot of birds in the garden of Van Gogh.

Take your time to visit the Van Gogh house,

they have a temporary exhibition about Arnulf Rainer and the audio-tour tells about the work & life of Van Gogh.

More about the Vincent van GoghHuis on

Like to start with thanking my mother for bringing the beautiful

materials from her garden! Susan, thanks for making the pictures and helping me all day with everything! And of course Dorien for

lending me the party tent! Enjoy the pictures Susan took today!

Rice carpet for Vincent in Zundert

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Rice carpet for Vincent in Zundert

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Rice carpet for Vincent in Zundert

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Rice carpet for Vincent in Zundert

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Rice carpet for Vincent in Zundert

On Saturday 30 October I went back to Zundert to see what was left over of the rice carpet I made for Vincent. I expected to maybe

document one last grain of rice, but I found the carpet almost intact.

I still don‟t know what‟s stranger. The fact that the carpet was almost still complete and that only 2 apples where missing..

I‟m thinking it were the cooks of the restaurant, the local squirrel is the next suspect. Or that Coal Tits read newspapers… I told the local newspaper BN de Stem that I preferred little birds like Coal

Tits eating my carpet, instead of seagulls…

Just called the Vincent van GoghHuis to check on my rice carpet. This week it‟s not possible for me to go back to Zundert. The lady of the reception told me, after one of her colleagues went outside to see if the carpet was still there, that it was still mostly intact. She said: “Only small birds come here, they “scharrelen” around the carpet all day, but they don‟t make a mess of it like big birds”. I ask the director to make some pictures, hope he will, and then I share them with you! [ see last page ] I booked the Van Gogh caravan again for later this month till end of December. My plan for then, for now, is to explore Vincent‟s use of patterns (background of the portrays) he made, his use of color and his love for Japan, my love for Indonesia and how Asia inspires art & artist now & always.

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Rice carpet for Vincent in Zundert


Ending & start

Received these photo‟s by Ron Dirven in my mail yesterday. The sunflower looks now like the Indian symbol “Swastika”.

In Batik Simbut this symbol looks more like a sun with more “arms” like the sunflower in the pictures. It symbolize the turning sun,

and with that, the cycle of life. Starting tomorrow with my next virtual residence stay, this is a nice and symbolic ending

of my first period at the Van Gogh caravan!

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Virtual Art Residence



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Sabine Bolk Rice carpet for Vincent in Zundert