using graph databases in real-time to solve resource authorization at telenor - graphconnect san...

Graph Connect San Francisco – 4 Oct 2013 by Sebastian Verheughe Using Graph Databases in Real- Time to Solve Resource Authorization at Telenor

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Learn how Telenor uses Neo4j to protect data in business critical services running in production. Sebastian will discuss lessons learned both with technology and our experience after running it in production for half a year, backing many of our mission critical services.


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Graph Connect San Francisco – 4 Oct 2013by Sebastian Verheughe

Using Graph Databases in Real-Time to Solve Resource Authorization at Telenor

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Telenor NorwaySubsidiary of the Telenor Group

2 billions USD in mobile revenues 2012

Sebastian Verheughe

Lead Developer for Neo4j solutionCoding Architect

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The presentation is not identical to the implementation due to security reasons but shows how we have modeled and solved the

problem in general.

However, all presented data (numbers & charts) are real, unfiltered and extracted from the

production logs

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A very aspect ofour business

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Telenor Norway Middleware Services




Providing business logic and data for all channels in the mobile value chain

Handles users with access to X00,000 resources

























used by 42 channels

calls 35 sub-systems

10,000 code classes

500 requests/second

20,000 orders/day

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Our Problem

20 minutes to calculate all accessible resources

1500 lines of SQL to implement the authorization logic

“solved” by caching data going stale

and the solution did not scale…

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FinanceProduction HR

Why a Graph Database?

The questions we wanted answered required traversal of tree structures.

Sub Sub

Tablet Phone



Which resources does the user have

access to?


Parent Company

Part of Company




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Tailored Read Model

The Model makes read queriesas simple and efficient as possible.

First find your questionsthen model your graph

graph model = relational model

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High Level Architecture

Classic MWServices


Resource Authorizati


Message Queue



tx log



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Conditional RulesACCESS is given with the following include parameters:access to subsidiaries and access to content


Only find children of PARENT COMPANYgiven access to subsidiaries is allowed

Only look at PART OF COMPANYgiven access to content is allowed

Only look at SUBSCRIPTION OWNERgiven access to content is allowed

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Different Access Needs

Umbrella Admin

Access ContentAccess Subsidiaries & Content

Super Admin


Access (Node Only)Access S&C

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Graph AlgorithmPrerequisite: The user node

1. Follow all ACCESS relationships and

read the access parameters on the relationship

2. Follow all PARENT COMPANY relationships given access to subsidiaries is allowed

3. Follow all PART OF COMPANY relationships given access to content is allowed

4. Follow all SUBSCRIPTION OWNER relationships given access to content is allowed

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Solution Value

1. Performance optimized from minutes to seconds.

2. Simplicity of writing and understanding business rules for the query traversal.

3. Scalability by performance allowing us to onboard more corporate customers (project business case)

Autonomous Service with it’s own life-cycle and data repository.

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Authorization Complexity

• Not a collection of isolated customer trees *

• Not all users of a customer have equal access

• Not a fixed schema, form or size for all customers

• Real-time updated with customer & product data

The data form a highly connected living graph

* Covered later in Technical Details

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How we Started with Neo4j

1. Searched the internet for articles about graph database and different solutions.

2. Downloaded and quickly prototyped the solution we liked that matched our requirements (Neo4j).

3. Workshop with Neo4j and our project developers to quickly gain competence and ensure design QA.

4. Solution QA with Neo4j before production and help with performance issues / tuning.

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Lessons Learned• Choose a solution/technology that fits your


• New way of thinking – build competence in org.

• Profile your java code to make it really fast

• Don’t put everything into the graph (functional creep)

• Need to know how traversal works (e.g. shortest path)

• Benchmark the graph to evaluate your traversal speed

(we get 1/10 of raw traversal speed)

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Alternative In-Memory RDBMS

Option 1: Use existing database- Performance issues due to shared data / suboptimal structure- Complexity since SQL not designed for traversal

Option 2: Separate database+ Might reach same performance as graph db+ Familiar technology- Complexity since SQL not designed for traversal

Decided to go with our instinct

Graph Database

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Different Graph Structures

Company X: 147 000 Company Y: 52 000 Company Z: 95 000

1 700 ms 750 ms 1300 ms

get all accessible subscriptions

2 000

1 000

Data from test – repeated prod sampling gave ~2.4 sec for 215,000 subscriptions

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Different Graph Structures

1 ms 1 ms 1 ms

check access to single subscription

Company X: 147 000 Company Y: 52 000 Company Z: 95 000

2 000

1 000

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Production Performanceretrieve all accessible resources

Check single resource access

1 ms

No operational problems in production

RDBMS Disk RDBMS (mem cached)

Graph In-Heap

Company X

12 min 18 sec < 2 sec

Company Y

22 min 58 sec < 2 sec

Company Z 3 min 15 sec < 2 sec

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Technical Details

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Production Details

Graph Size 27 million nodes (pre-warmed in heap)

~1x properties, ~2x relationships

Traffic Volume ~1000 req/min during biz hours~ 40K daily real-time updates

Performance Avg: 1 ms, 99% < 4 ms, 99.9% < 9 ms

JVM Sun 6, 20 GB Heap (~15 GB pre-warmed)

CMS GC, No FULL GC in prodDaily restarted for full database


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Production Has Access Query

Time (ms)

Time (ms)

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Production All Queries

Time (ms)

Garbage collection

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Implementing the Algorithm

Lets look at the Neo4j Traversal Framework

Iterable<Node> getAccessibleResources(…) {

Evaluator myEvaluator = …

Expander myExpander = …

return Traversal.description()





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Implementing the Algorithm

Evaluator is a simple filter, e.g. for Node type

class MyEvaluator implements Evaluator {

public Evaluation evaluate(Path path) {

if <I am interested in this node>

return Evaluation.INCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE;


return Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE;



Create an Evaluator for each use-case.

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Implementing the Algorithm

The custom Expander contains business rules!

class ResAuthExpander implements PathExpander<PathExpander> {…public … expand(Path path, BranchState<…> state) {

if (path.lastRelationship rel == ACCESS)

accToSub = rel.getProperty(ACCESS_TO_SUBSIDIARIES);

accToCont = rel.getProperty(ACCESS_TO_CONTENT);

state.set( getExpander(accToSub, accToCont) );}return state.get().expand(…)


Single expander class to control business logicBranchState let’s you keep state during traversal

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Implementing the Algorithm

Generates the valid relationships to traverse.

public getExpander(boolean accToSub, boolean accToCont) {

PathExpander exp = StandardExpander.DEFAULT.add(ACCESS,…);

if (accToSub) exp.add(PARENT_COMPANY,…)

if (accToCont)exp.add(PART_OF_COMPANY,


return exp; }}

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U-Turn Strategy





Reversing the traversal increases performance from n/2 to 2d where n and d are tree size and depth

(we went from 1s to 1ms)





Does the user have access to subscription X?




Up to find path quicklyDown to check access

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The Zigzag Problem




Access User

Solvable by adding state to the traversal (or check path)

What if we also have reversed access to the subscription payer?





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The Many-to-Many Problem

Traversal becomes time consuming (e.g. M2M market) However, we only needed to implement the rule for direct

access to sub.

The nodes Op & IT may be connected through many subscriptions









rDoes the user have access to

department Op?

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Deployment View

• Two equal instances of Neo4j embedded in Tomcat

• Access through Java API due to need for custom logic

• Using Neo4j 1.8 without HA (did not like ZooKeeper)


Resource Authorizati


Message Queue

tx log


Resource Authorizati



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Dual Model CostThere are some drawbacks with dual models also

• Not possible to simply join the ACL with resource tables in the relational database - queries needed redesign

• The complexity added by code and infrastructure necessary to manage an additional model.

• Not ordinary competence (in Norway at least)

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Unexplored Areas

Combining Access Control List & Graph• Best of both worlds (simple logic, fast


Algorithm– Find all affected users when the graph is

updated– Invalidate users access control list– Calculate all accessible resources for each

user– Store result in users access control list

Could then skip the U-turn and many-to-many problem.

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Was is worth it?


The user experience is important in Telenor

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