u.s. history unit 9: the end of the cold war to today 1975-2009 the big idea with the collapse of...

U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was seen as the world’s lone superpower. But on September 11, 2001 terrorists struck the U.S. bringing new fear and war.

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Page 1: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

U.S. History Unit 9:The End of the Cold War to Today


The Big IdeaWith the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and

the U.S. was seen as the world’s lone superpower. But on September 11, 2001 terrorists struck the U.S. bringing new fear

and war.

Page 2: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

I. 1976 - President Jimmy Carter

A. Cold War – calm but still exists

B. Troubles with Iran

1. Iranian Islamic Revolution

a) Iran becomes isolated

b) cuts off oil exports

c) Gas prices in U.S. U.S. economy

d) American Embassy in Iran under attack

e) 52 US hostages taken

f) Carter unable to solve crisis

g) Carter very unpopular

Page 3: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

II. 1980 - President Ronald Reagan – Conservative

A. Reagan - Very Popular President

1. “The Great Communicator”

2. “Reaganomics”

a) Cut Taxes – mostly for wealthy

b) trickle-down theory

Page 4: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

III. Reagan’s Plan to End the Cold War

A. 1984 – Pres. Reagan is re-elected

1) Largest landslide victory in U.S. history

B. 1984 -- Olympics

1) Los Angeles host – boycotted by USSR

Page 5: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

C. Late 1980’s -- U.S. Winning the Cold War

1) USSR economy , U.S. economy

2) Pres. Reagan’s military spending

a) 1980 – $150 billion

b) 1988 – $300 billion

3) USSR couldn’t keep up w/spending

4) U.S. fell into debt

a)1980 – $80 billion in debt

b)1990 – $220 billion

Page 6: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was
Page 7: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

D. Reagan and USSR Leader Mikhail Gorbachev

1) First positive relations b/t USSR and U.S. leaders

2) Gorbachev agrees to allow some freedom

a) glasnost – some political freedom

b) perestroika – some economic freedom

Page 8: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was
Page 9: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

IV. 1988 – Pres. George H.W. Bush - the Fall of USSR

A. Communism falls across E.Europe

1) 1989 –Poland, Czech, Romania, etc rebel, democratic hold elections

2) Leader of E. Ger allows E. Berliners to move to W. Berlin

3) Berlin Wall is torn down

4) 1990 – E and W Ger unify = dem gov’t

5) 1991 – USSR Republics hold elections, become independent

6) USSR no longer exists –

Cold War Ends

Page 10: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was
Page 11: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

V. 1991 - Pres. H.W. Bush – Persian Gulf War

A. Iraq attacks Kuwait

B. “Operation Desert Storm”

1. Goal: to remove Iraq from Kuwait

2. total casualties: U.S. = 148, Iraq= 20,000

Saddam Hussein

Page 12: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was
Page 13: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

VI. 1992 – Pres. Bill Clinton – Success and Scandal

A. “Pax Americana” – peace and prosperity

1. Thriving Economy

2. Balanced U.S. Budget

3. Stock Market SuccessSTOCK MARKET


Page 14: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

B. Pres Clinton Impeachment Scandal

1) 1998 – Clinton impeached by Congress for lying

under oath, obstruction of justice

2) intense polarization and partisanship

3) not forced out of office

Page 16: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was
Page 17: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

VII. 2000 Presidential Election

A. George W. Bush vs. Al Gore

1. Gore wins popular vote

2. Florida is disputed

3. Supreme Ct - Bush wins Florida by 537 votes

4. Bush wins electoral vote

Electoral Vote Popular Vote

Bush 271 50,456,169

Gore 266 50,996,116

Page 18: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was
Page 19: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

VIII. The War in IraqA. How did it start?

1. September 11, 2001 = fear a) The War on Terrorism begins b) War in Afghanistan – Taliban provided safe harbor for Al-Queda + Osama Bin Laden c) Iraq is suspicious

- possible Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s) in Iraq?

- are the United Nations WMD inspections in Iraq reliable?- Saddam Hussein can’t be trusted

Page 20: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

2. 2003 – The war begins

a) “Shock and Awe”

b) Dec 2003 -- Saddam Hussein captured “like a rat in a hole”

3. April 2004 - “Mission Accomplished”

a) Except - No WMDs? No stable gov’t?

Page 21: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

4. Mission Accomplished?

a) Civil War

1. Iraq’s Islamic Ethnic Groups fighting for control of country

- “The Triangle of Death”

- Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds

- Sunnis had the power under Saddam

- Shiites want the power now

2. Guerilla Warfare, IED’s

b) Iraq’s new democracy struggled to provide order and security

c) Iraqi soldiers targeted, uncommitted

Page 22: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was
Page 23: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

d) Increased American Frustration

– Still no WMD’s?– Americans Killed = 4,279– http://www.npr.org/news/specials/tollofwar/tollofwarmain.html

- Abu-Ghraib Prison Torture Scandal – Bush’s approval rating=under 30%– New Plan: Troop surge to secure Baghdad

e) What about other threats?

-- Iran? North Korea? Venezuela?Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran

Kim Jong Il in North Korea

Page 24: U.S. History Unit 9: The End of the Cold War to Today 1975-2009 The Big Idea With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Cold War ended and the U.S. was

f) When will it end?

- When Iraqi gov’t achieves democratic stability without the need for U.S.
