university of nigeria preservation... · phyaico-ahemieal basis of processes: the fundamenta...

University of Nigeria Virtual Library Serial No Author 1 OBANU, Zak A Author 2 Author 3 Title Meat Preservation by Dehydration Processes Keywords Description Category Agricultural Science Publisher Publication Date Signature

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Page 1: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

University of Nigeria Virtual Library

Serial No

Author 1 OBANU, Zak A

Author 2

Author 3

Title Meat Preservation by Dehydration Processes




Agricultural Science Publisher

Publication Date


Page 2: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

Phyaico-ahemieal Bas i s of Processes:

The fundamenta purpose of food dehydrat ion i e t o lower the

a v a i l a b i l i t y of water i n t h e food t o a l e v e l a t which t h e r e is no &nger

from microbie l growth and, i n sor doing, t o lower t h e w ~ t e r e m t e n t with

a view t o mfnimiaing r a t e s of b i o l o g i c a l , chemical and physical processes

which l ead t o meat d e t e r i o r a t i o n and subeequent a p o i l a ~ e or rejection.

The a v a i l a b i l i t y of water f o r microbial growth and chsmiaal de t e r5a rn t ion

is determined not only by t h e t o t a l water conten t but a l s o by t h e nntnre

of its binding t o s p e c i f i c p o l a r and non-polar s i t e a and t o ione i n ~nd

around meat piecee , and through capillary condensation end oemotic

pressure of d ieso lved s o l u t e s l i k e s a l t , The more strongly bound. the

meat-water is, t h e less a v a i l a b l e it i a t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n chemical

r e a c t i o n s o r support the growth of micro-organisms. The proportion of

total meat-water a v a i l a b l e f o r theae d e t e r i o r a t i v e reactions f a

ind ica t ed by the water a c t i v i t y , uaua l ly abbreviated as a . It is nn w

inverae measure of how s t r o n g l y water is bound, and hence of t h e

r e l a t i v e biochemical a o t i v i t y of water i n t h e meat. The quality and

s t a b i l i t y of dehydrated meats a r e thus r e l a t e d t o t h e reduction af nv %

i n t h e s e products , showing t h a t dehydration is, indeed, p reservnt ion

by' aw reduction.

Water a c t i v i t y (a ) is defined a e t h e r a t i o of vapour presanre of w

water i n the meat(^ ) t o t h e vapour prasaure of pure water (P 1 nd the m W

Chapter If, FAD Kannual f o r Simple Wethods of Meat P r e s e n a t i o n , ~,l\.O,aome.

Page 3: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

smme temperature. That is, a I 'rn IF - 1.0. The

Fw 1.0 while a l l foods have a l ~ s s than 1.0. Water


a of pure mter is W

act iv i ty may rtlm he

measured ae that relative humidity ( d i v i d e d by 100) at which men? is in

equilibrium with it8 environment. T h i ~ ia equilihriun relative

b a m i d i t y (FBH) at. which the mest will I Id . tb@~ pain nor l o ~ e wnter evrfng

The re lat ionship between aw an3 moisture content of meat is riven 1 7 7 the

water sorption isotherm (rig, j . 7 ) which Bhows t h e final rneist~v-e content

that the meat w i l l have when i t reaches moiptura equflihriurn wCth

atmospheres of di f f eren t re1at:ive humidities durinn dehydration nr

storage. The aorption isatherim of most food6 e x h i b i t e a hys terc~ i .n loop

an shown i n F ~ c . 5.2. Thua de1lendin8 on the method of rectchfn~ tbc

f i n a l water activity, e i t h e r ac'sorption by painp up the ieothern f rm n

one may obtain dehydrated products which have similar a d i d s crntcn,t and

same a hat d i f f e r e n t s o i e t u r s contents. Thus doaarrtion-pracea-er? w

msato are more jufcy but deter iornta faster than f l d n n r n t i m - ~ r a c ~ r s c ~

product8 of same a as a reeult af t h e i r hipher rcafdual r m i ~ t n m cnntent, W

Since the reduction af o r s s u l t a from the concentration of t'7c


internal squeoue environment, i.; may be achieved either by remavknr the

water a8 9n evaporative dehyIrtl1:ion cia. dryfn~) or by addinp sn lv tca t o

tie up the w m t e r as in saltinp r m d s u ~ a r i n q , which may be refr~rrwl t,n as

Page 4: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

*Bone, D.P. (1969) Food Prod. Develop. X . 3 , 81. .

Page 5: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

and, when incormrated 3mto meat, prevent lass of nmlsture, Ideally such R

of a hydration slwll of mter mnmd a rXLssolvecl molecule of humctm.t.

by em idwl solute f s aqmZ tn t ie mle fraction of the solute f .em

A l l hmectmts 9c far US^, or contmf at& for use In m a t

listed in T a l a 1, s a l t is e'leruly the most effect%= in depmsslng a*,;

Page 6: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

T a b l e 1. Effectivensas of V~r ioua Solutes i n ~ s c r e a e i n ~ '::at er ~ , c t i v i t y , a w I

Solute ~ ~ t e r ( ~ / ' 1 0 0 ~ . dry s o l u t e ) at awes of r

0-70 0,75 0.80 0-85 OO?O 0.95

Sodium chloride 16 270 3 0 0 950 166:~

Fruct oae 30 40 50 65 90 7!+0

~ l u c one 12 54 63 81 174 207

suc roam 38 47 56 66 77 188

Glycerol 64 82 708 145 215 625

Propylsne glycol 65 84 113 168 270 650

7.3-butglens glycol 46 57 80 124 205 675

PolyW.hylene glycol 400 38 .. 60 - 170 I

42 D.E. hydrolysate 26 I 37 I 80 I

Corn Starch 17 I 20 - 27 I

Qelnt in o 23 27 52 40 .I

Serum albumin .I 78 21 24 29 I

I ~ ~ ~ D I I P I I = P ~ ~ ~ = = ~ ~ P I ~ ~ ~ E ~ P ~ L I ~ ~ Z L ~ L ~ ~ . R ~ P ~ : ~ ~ . ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ = P ~ ~ ~ = = = ~

Ledward, PmAo(loR2). Developaente i n Yeat Science - 2 ed. by I?, A, Lawrie, p. 159, Applied Science ruhlinhers, ear kin^, '~f!_nnf~,

however, the amount n e e d e d i s excessive and objectionable an rranm!~:

of flavour and phyeiolopical implications. '1fiile supare are eutt,-.hlo

amonp: Asiaas who l i k e m e e t meat, t h e i r use ia clearly unacce?tc1~1c to

most other conaumera. Among the humectants listed in Table 1 y l y c a r n l

appear8 most i d e a l as it is infinitely so luble , non-volsti lc, ar?aurlena,

colourlesn and has lees flavour impact than salt and euaare. r lpcr ro l

Page 7: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

ia w e l l t o l trnted phyoiologicrdly , b a i n ~ raadilp natnbolf sed t o y f ~ l d

4.3 k c d / g . ETowerer, coebine4:f on3 of ~ o l a t e = , especf a l l y of c r l t ,?st:'

suuara/ ~ l y c e r o l md/or other ~01yhydric alcohols mro cammanly use$ i n

meat dehydration. Antimycoti:s, especially af sarbic acid and itn

s a l t a , are often added t o arrcst fungal growth that leade t o srailane

with the control of bacteria b y the depressed a . Other a d A i t i o e a W

like nitrites, poljphoaphates, antioxidante n n l ~eaonninra w e c n w w l p

naed t a enhance various organoleptie propert Sea,

Intermediate lo i s ture Heat Technolow:

Generally, any meat p r o d u c t can be classified as intermediate

moiature (IM) meat i f it has a water a c t i v i t y ~ r e a t e r than thnt of

aonrentionally d r i e d meat with aw around 0.2 and lean than t h s t nf

freah ment with a around 0.99. Thna a l l d e h v d r a t e d meats Are ctrictly Y

eptmkivg IH products, r a q i n p i n moisture content fron 10 t o ST'. , which owe their a t s b i l i t y t o t h e infusion of humectanta that flenrom

a t o l i m i t s below t h e growth requirements of most bacteria, I? flr1.l w

dependence were placed on thw r o l e of f o r supprensinp r n i ~ s o ~ 5 . n ~ rmwth,

the aw of IU meat would he ccnf incd t o the ranEe safe for ~ t o r ~ r c of

cereal mine, i.9. 0.65-0.75 e t which morlt ~tructured foo,rt? r .ro~.L,~

indistinguishable from d r i e d foode. Accordinrly the lower a l i m i t W

has been f i x e d at 0.7 for prccesaed IM fooda. In practice most I" c e ~ t

product^ have a in tha ranEe of 0.76 t o 0.90, the majority beinr w

w i t h i n a I 0.80 t o 0.85. The upper ew l i m i t of shelf-stablr X- r ~ r - t w

Page 8: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

products is s e t by the inability d ~ h y l o c a c c u r ! wrenR to ,rrmr.

Qf the rvqnal fwd-horn* nathoeanrr hnly Wamh. rparrirrr .In mbla tn m-m) - a t awtE ae low as 0.86. This pathopen posseaaee several character ir t ica

part iculmrly t roubleeome t o t h 8 dehydrot ed ment praceoaora, -- Z t m h . --.

aureus is frequently found i n the nasophsrynpeal paamtKea o f h u n m ~

and thup nay readily pain accr8aa t o meat throuph handlerat it ~ O V G

r e p i d l y thrwphout a re le t i re1 .y w i d e pfl range; it produce^ toxinn of

r e m r k s b l e rtebi1.ity t o heat; and it i u capable of ~rowth at ~ ~ ~ , , ~ v ? t i c h

prevent the prowth of moet other bacteria. The prowth-lim?.tSnr n,, Pox

Strpk. r\uram i r r 0.86 i n l iquid media, which, fortunately, i s L o ~ v r

than the minimal a far ataph:rlocaccal growth or enterotoxin few-.tion V

i n maat and neat produoto.

Since IF! meate have a I w c l a i n t s m e d f a t s between ful!-y rlriarl meet W

and normal motsture(freehj me.~t, TM aWIs can be attained ei t ' lar by

raisin^ the act ivfty and water content of f n l l y dried me~t ar by

reducing t h e water activity azd content of f r e ~ h men?. y h ~ s ~ y - ~ p

involves eoakinp pre-dried nest i n water cantainlnp f l s a f r n h l c cn- rmtra-

tione of humecfanta and antimpcatics to girt tha required a t:hilc w i t h w '

t h e l a t t e r procedure t h e fu l l -mois ture( fresh) meat is so~ked i n a

hypertonic so lu t ion calculated t o ~ i v e t h e d e s i r e d Ir! B* at t h e

attainment of equilibrium. The procedure which asee pre-drie? m.?+ is

called wadsarptionu or ndry infusionv1 pracesain~ and involve5 tile

Page 9: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level
Page 10: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

teehniquee, vnriaua step6 are usuallg included t o opt i e ixe rfZLcicncy

of the process and qnslitg of thc product. Theee stey6 inclnGti be-ting

or other means t o accelerate c ~ u i l i h r ~ t i a n snd/or firrest mierobinl ~ l n d

enzymic det sriroration and desf ccant dryjnp; re jnatment nf pFi with

orpanic a c i d s like l a c t i c and acetic acida: and n d 4 i t 3 . m of nrkl0?-5.!?~mta,

polyphosph~teo and s easan ix t~~ far argano3e~tic e r h ~ n c s ~ e n t .

Advnntapce and 3 i e a d v ~ n t a ~ ~ e of Dehydrationz ----- Among most developing countries traditional nest proenndnq n l m a ~ t

alwcrys entrdle extreme dry in^ b r hot-amokfnp~ or sun-dry is^ t o pro?uce

products that are shelf-atabla, without r s f r i ~ e r a t l o n . These pror'ncte

are consequently extremely denatured, charreti and ~f very poor terture,

flavour and protein qual i ty - Proceas e f f i c i e n c y and product ~ u n l l t p Rrs

remarkably im~rcved by curtaflfn~ tho intennity and extent of drp5-nr

operations by combining dryieg with inixsion of ~ o l v t e e , t h e t is

dehydration by desorption.

Dehydration in obviously auited to the trapica a8 a ~ ; ~ r l e . c h c m

and a f f i c l e n t method of neat preserration. Jte esrp of d m - ~ t + . o n m t e a

it partieul~rly attractive; by olmply imrrerrinp f r ~ . ; h T C S ~ in n eolntion

( e . ~ - o f salt and qlycerol/au~ar in w ~ t e r ) the a h a l f - Y t * ~ a? w n t is

extendrd hy a c r c r n l waaks or month- without rsfr!.~cratton, ?he

re la t ive ly ~ i m p l e equipment av~il5hle i n moat homee mre R*JW~ cf en+ to

produce ahalf-stable dehydratsd w*t. Tor examole, i n it^ af 7-?rdt

form, a kitchen pot or baein can serve a8 the infuaion tank while sun-

Page 11: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

. . or elimin~tfan of certa in nutrfcnto or eompmcntc t o u?ect ~ l c t m ?

them suitable for net as convenicxe or fact foots and in ~ t r e ~ s

s i t n ~ ~ t i o ~ n in wkich d:vcrs i~n zf time OF attextion is ~ i L f f i i : . d t , The

Page 12: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level


Despite iupresaire inroads i n t h e commercial semi-moiat w t f o n ?

market i n Furope and the Dnitlrd States, only m f e w novel IF! foods aFe

baeed an meat. There are srv~rral reasons why novel IF meats for

humans have not made the expected commercial breakthrouuh. The lack of

a t o t a l l y inert husectent 5rn~d .r~ tho organoleptic qual i ty of novel

dehydrated meata which are often no t s u f f i c i e n t l y palatable. The

humectants like ~ l y c e r o l and antimycotfcs such as aorbic a c i d induce or

accelerate product deterioration t h r o u ~ h chemical r e a c t i o n s l i k e l i p i d

oxidat ion and non-eneymic brown in^. The prodacboften contain t o o nany

additive6 ( L e o chemical overload in^) snd pose l e ~ n l problem with

regard to obtaining l s p a l ap~roval of the navel additives. Prceently,

it is v i r t u a l l y impossible t e accurately predict the final a of blended W

or denorbed meata, or even a mixture of humectant aalutiona. A relatively

sfmpler problem is that desorption process in^ reeulta i n excees infuain~

aolnt ion which i f discarded, l e n d s t o p o a s waatape and accentuated

process coat, hrperience from meat curing, where large quant i t i ee of

brine or erweet p ickle are l i1:ewisa employed in irnmereion deeorption,

supplfss ready techniques of readjnsting humectant concentration and

r e - c y c l i m the in fus inp solul:ion. There are many traditional dehydrated

meat products, which are hiplkly eccsptable in di f ferent parta of the

world as summarized i n Table 5.2,

Page 13: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

Table 5.2. Some T r a d i t i o n a l Fhe l f -S t~b le In tewredia te I ' o i s tu re "mt 7 r o d u c t ~ --

R a w han and fermented sausaee(Europe), i3ruhdausrwurst and S p e c h u r s t ( ~ e r m a n y ) , Eundnerfleiach (2witzsr land) .

Past i rna(Turkey, ~wpt ) , Kt l i ch (Yorth ~ l r i c a ) , Khundi (west ~ f r i c a ) , Quanta ( ~ a s t Africa), Riltong ( sou th hfrica).

Beef jerk7 and pemmican ( ~ o r t h ~mcriem), C a m e de Sol (South ~ m e r i c a ) , Chanqne (Braz i l ) .

Lup Cheong, Tsuaon Qan, fljoracu Can and Sou Gong ( a l l Chinees sweet meats).

nendene; Gi l ing( Indones ia ) , Nor SuwanlThailand)

Adapted froma Laistner, L.(lsc7), I n Yater Act iv i ty : Theory and h p p l i c a t i o n s t o Foodv ( ~ d r r . b c k l a n d , 1,. P,. '"- %ncrhat, 7,. Q. 1, Parcel Dekker, Inc., F'ew York, p. 205.

Small-Scale and Simple Dericscr for Meat Dehfdrrrtion:

Curing: O f a l l dehydration plmoceaase, e u r i n ~ is d e f i n i t e l y the moat

common in the p~oduct%bn of p~~ocseaed meat products. The procesa has

fta a r i ~ i n in the salting of neat end traditional curinpg was by

d r y - a a l t f n ~ , whereby sal t i n :.ts!%olPd form was rubbed on msat su r f aces ,

As t h e art p r o ~ r e e s e d ealt so:.utions ( i a br inea o r p ick les ) were used

t o aalt 5 nto the msat and sugar was subssquentlf

added t o amel iora te t h e harsh f l a v o u r of ~ a l t ; formulae con ta in ing sugar

a r e termed "awest cures" o r "riweet pickles", With t i m e the r o l e s i n

cur ing of the nitrate present i n aalt aa a contaminant ( s a l t p e t r e .

NaNO fi,w!O , i n enhancingthe mred meat colour and flavour were realized 3 3

and emphamia i n curing u h i f t e j firm prese rva t ion by m u l t i n ~ t o product

Page 14: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level
Page 15: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

quality enhancement by nitrete/:ritrite treatment. .L!evektheleas, curlnlr;

atill involrsa meat dehydration. The cur in^ i n ~ r e d i e n t s ( e a l t , auFar,

nitrite, s t c ) are still applied t o meat either i n the dry or b r i n e forma.

However, for accelernttd diffuaian, the brine or p i ck l e i a pumped

through the arterial t!#y~tam of the aeat or by etitch pnmpin~ t h r a n ~ h

syrinqe snd need len i n t o the internal port ion8 of t h e meat. For uniform

care d i a t r i b u t i a n several dif ferent a p p l i c a t i o n methoda (FIR, 5.3) are

uaed i n a c t l m l ~ r ~ c t i c e on t h e same meat piece. For example, ham may be

a r t e r i a l l y ~ ~ a r n ~ e d , n l m & i t c h pnrped under t h e fat c u ~ h f o n , and then

e i t h e r imeraed i n a c o r e r p i c k l e or dq-rubbed with the curinr ealta.

Tn r e c e n t years thermal or hot c a m s are used t o apesd up the rate af

cure diffuaicn aed a? *ha entire ~ r o c e ~ e i n p operation. Feat re su l ta with

the h o t p ~ ~ l e method hare been. acbiercd u a i n ~ s 70' sslalnrtar pl -cklc at

0 57-60 C; for hams 50 min b o l d i r e i a ~ d e q u a t e . Fat. d r y cure is b e t t e r

nsed t o produce dry-cured bacor.

Peaarption hy P1tndin~:- For comminuted meat productm, the curinc

inpred ientu nre mixed directly with t h e minced mcnt bp, This

ensurea quick uniform d i e t r i b u t ion of the cur;% ingredient^ with the

meat and e n t e i l a application of much ern~ller quantit ioe of i n ~ ~ a d i e n t a

than used for nan-comminuted plmdacta eursd by any of t h e methoda nhom

in Fig. 4.3. The blending technfque 5s the principal method of praducinp:

IH meat-baaed pttfoada. In p r m t i c s , the aeat ie chopped up and mixed

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Page 17: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

thorourhly with the hnmctants snc! ather i n ~ r e d - i e n t s , and pasteurized a t

1 0 0 ~ ~ far 1T) min. The hoaapcntrus mix i l s then strvttured as r'.esircd(~ig.5.4)

5aneaqe iterna are ~ t u f f e d into netural or synthet ic casjnga of the

deeired ehape and eize ~8 dict~ l teC' by trsdition. !'eta1 moulEc; are

often used for loaf-type products, like meat l o s f . T!ie blended I!' m e ~ t

is placed in the mould and then cooked t o rtsett ' its ~ h a p e . Baked loavea

are uauallg formed in metal pane. Rlendsd TV meat caa also be structured

into semblance of any of the primal cut6 l i k e ham and shoulder.

Fesorptian by Equilibration: The essential ohjsctire is to equil ibrate

f r e ~ h m a t with humectants that w i l l appreciably lower t h e aw @f t h e

meat t o d e s i r a b l e safe Isvela. Tha meat, after neceesary pre~nratory

operations, is soaked in R hypertonic m l n t i a n c o n t ~ i n i n ~ t h e d e a i r e d

humectants and n d d i t i v e a . Table 5,: e h o w ~ t h e comra~it ian of' aalt-

&cerol so lut ions calculated t o ~ i v e f i n a l of 0.80 t o 0.86 after

equil ibration with meat containina 75-8m water.

S a l t 9.5 9.5 ?.5 3.5 9-5 9.5 9-5

Cbanu -- 4t a1.(1975). J. Fd. Technol. - 10, 657.

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The meat should be comple te l j immersed i n the f a u i n ~ ~ o l u t i o n ; meat;

infusing so lut ion ratios of 1 :I, 2s 3 and 7:2 a r e commonly used, b u t

1: I r a t i o makes t h e most e c o n o m i c ~ l uae of humectant8 and additivee.

Heat pieces of d i f f e r e n t s i t e s are used but the r r e a t e r the surface

area, t h e faster t h e equi l ib ra t fon . Q i t h b i t e - s i ~ e piece8 of l cm 3

e q u i l i b r a t i o n i a achieved w i t h o v e r n i ~ h t ( l 6 h r ) a o a k i n ~ under normal

room condi t ione, and meat y f s l d ~ are 79 4% with product a o i ~ t u r e

con ten t s of 45-5% Since di f fns lona l procesaea are acce l e ra t ed by

temperatare , any necessary p a s t e u r i z a t i o n or cooking is preferably done

i n t h s infuafng so lu t ion , t h e meat then b e i n r left t o e q u i l i b r a t e a t

room temperature for 12-24 hcurs. Examples of d i f f e r e n t IK meats that

have bean prepared by desorp t ion p r o c e a a f n ~ , and tha condi t ion8

employed, a r e summarized i n Table 5.4. As wel l a6 theme roaat meat

analogues, several c a s s e r a l e type i t e m such as beef stew, chicken a

l a king, sweet and aonr pork, Hunpr ian goulaah and barbecued nork

have been developed.

Feat Selection and Prepara t ion f o r Dehydration:

Heat *om virtually a l l meat-animals, farmed o r hunted, ia preserved

when in exemnu of the immsdirtte dietary need. The most cammon sou rces

of dehydrated meats are b e e f , goatmeat, mutton, pork and game-meat.

Af te r slaughtering and d r e s a i n t , t h e cercaaes a r e butchered o f t e n

i n t o Vest-European type prim1 cuta. Feat c u t a or por t ion6 with thick

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fa t cover are trfmmed dam t o a miniaum Tat layer t o accel .erate

p s r m c ~ t i o n of c u r i n ~ / i n f u s i n e ~ g e n t s . 7% cata are s i m i l a r l y trimmed

of external connective tfsanea and expaaed blood resaola, s n d boned.

For some dehydrated meats like b i l t o n e l a r ~ e meat cute or muacle chopa

are required while t i n y meat p:~ocsn go read i ly i n t o mineed-neat praducta

l t k e IF! s a u a ~ e s . For non-comriinated dehydrated producta t h e meat

after trimminpr and boning ia e i i t up t o d e s i r e d piecen at3 shown in

Table 5.4 for novel IM meats, Where meat is graded, the tendency ia t a

sell off prime ~rades aa f r eah (raw) meat and process lower ~radea.

Lowar meat gradem each as thoact of old animala have higher water hold ing

c a p a c i t i e s aa does pre-r igor m a t wi th mostly undenatured muscle-proteins th refore 7 and ere - wel l - su i ted for dehydration especially in the asannf~eture

of IH minced meat producta like sauaagoa. For moat dehydrated producte,

the meat p ieces a r e aubjecteb t o no farther pro-treatment before

dehydration with t h e deaired curinp/infusing agsnta. Where cook in^ of

t h e meat is required i t is of ten done i n the cur inK/ infus ing aolut ion.

Farmulatian and Procmssiag of Selected Traditional/Improved T r a d i t i o n a l -* --. ------ LeLydral'uei: ;'e;t E .

The manufacture of traditional end improved-trnditianal f iehvdr~ted

meats rsquirea the addition of a salute/humectant, cammanly an16 ~nc?/ar

sngar, and removal of a portion of t h e water i n i t i a l l y present b~

drying, The use of supr with , ialt is uaual for the dehydrated meet

m e ~ t e ponular among Asiane e.~. Chincae aauaaRe, rarions Chinc~e dr ied

Page 21: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

mbat~(as i n Table 5.2). Indonesian d e n d s n ~ and Thai nm sawan.

Traditional non-sweet meats l i k B country (raw) ham, dm saus~p!!s, lt onp,

charque, beef jerky and pemmican.! have had t o depend on t h e use of a ~ l - t

rather than eugar. When sugar i~ used i n theae products i t 1s ueec? at

l s v e l e t h a t mask o r ameliorate ?he salty flavour of the products r i t h o u t

rendering them sweetieh. Thae kraditional dehydrated meata are brogfily

d i v i a i b l a i n t o mee t and non-mmtt products.

Manufacture of T r a d i t i o n a l Swaex Meats:

Chinese Sausage: Traditional Clkiness Bauaage ie an I M meat p r d v c t m d

may. be ntored without refri lgexution, The e a r l i e a t known reference t o

Chinese sauaage was made a t t h e time of Southern and Narthern >nrr;tiss

(A.D. 420-589). and a t t h a t t i n o , minced goat o r lamb meat m a t h e main

i n ~ r e d l e n t , mixed with -ring ordon, e a l t , bean maucs, cinper an6 pnnsr.

Today various formulae fo r t r s d j t i o n a l Chineas sauaa~e(cal lad fxr, Cheone:

in Cant mess and La Tang i n Mand a r i n ] are found i n different provhcea

of China; t h e Catoneae var ie ty , Lup Cheong i s t h e m m t farnow. ? ( u ~

Cheong is a raw non-fermented product, which most Chinese h o w ~ n f i

cherish during Chineee Rev '5tsar ce lebra t ione . ~ l t h o u ~ h ~ r o c e ~ ~ e 4 m c l

etored aa a raw sauaagm, t h e product i8 alwaye warmed before canaunntion

and i n ea t en hot. The technology employed is same arnona all Chinem,

w i t h i n and ou t s ide China.

pork f a t mixed with suKar, sa l t , aoy sauce, Chinese wine, ~ n l t p a t r c ( ~ ~ ! O ), 3

Page 22: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

5 spice-powder ( cniar , cinnamon, clove, fennel, w r t r h au ) , find v n o s o d ium

,vlutemata. Sometimes up to 25?' water is added, ~o that n i t e r 9~-4nr :

the sauRaKe will have t h e des ired wrinkled appanrnnce. The b n t t e r :-R

filled i n t o srnnll jnteet inr ha€ caa'nga, which m a t i c * at about 75 cm thoroughly

interral~. me filled c a ~ i n g s a re punctured - / t o en rh l a t " c

emcaps of entrspgtd a i r end water vnpour durinp the r'ryiny praccss.

0 Lup c h a o n ~ ie d r i e d for 7-2 d e ~ q et 45-50 C nrer charcoal, and

thereniter kept for 3-3 dopa st room tenperature for e q u i l i h r ~ t i a n 19

moisture. The product looks ~ejdiah-brown and fat -eptckltd . tt 1 : - ~ a

she l f - l i fe of 1-3 months without re?ripera+ian, if monld prnnth ! F

avaidcd. me micrahialopicaf. s h b i ? i t ; ~ n? Lun Chcanp is rhe m-tn?.;n +o

the rapid reduction of a and this i m n i d a d hy t h e mddi t ion of pm?t w '

(?WP-~,%) and a u ~ a r ! l - l O $ ) , this t h j n e n l l b r r of t h e rRaf r ~ ~ ( c ? K - ~ " - r n l 1

and R h*h ripenine: temperrrture ( 4 5 - 5 n 0 ~ ) at Inw rolrrtSvr hnrfc15+:-

(65-75*). Product pfl in relatively high 5.7-5.9) nmr' ?.ncfi! r: n r 4 r 1

6 bacterial l o a d i m l o w ( L 1 0 /el,, Due t o the intense oman of 7,un

CheoW, e. few slfcee are eruffic:.snt ta f l ~ v a u r an e ~ t i r e ai&.

C h i n e ~ e Dried Yeatp: Ln Chinn, d r l e d meet products C ~ o u Con! h~ .?c +en

known from tine imrnesorfr?l, and they ere h i g h l y esteemed by the C7-', 7 - r r ~ e o

for their flavour and nutritive value. l!ost Chineae d r i e d meats nyc

IM prodacta with a r 0.90-0.60; eome are i n the low-moisture r n r m w

with a w ~ 0 . 6 0 . A t l eas t 30 different products are known, dependinr

on the apeciee of meat, t h e type of technology and kind of spicer vned.

Page 23: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

-he t o t a l consamption o f t h e m d r l e d aesta is v.rl l a r p e w 1 t7:eir

popularity i m still increasing. In Csina, three different rfoc-%-co

for Sou Gan are dlatfnguiahable. The f irst process is for d r i r i ?nr?

slices (also called dried sweet ment or barbecued. d - r i d pork) or

dried beef s l ice6 (alao cal led dried beef eqnarea). In this r r n s e r r

lean meat, preferably from hams or loins, is cut ulony the prnl*. irto

paper-thin (0.3 cm) slices, which m e mixed with surnr, salt, so?-wuco,

monasodiew ~lutamate, and spices (an i se , cinmmon, c love , f e n n ~ ! w+

watchau). The p i c k l e in held for 24hr at room temperature, or

preferably for 36hr at 4'~. Afterwards the m s ~ t s l i e sa are ~ l . w c ~

eide by aide and sliphtly ever lap pin^ an oiled bamboo b ~ s k e t f i ar ~ 7 j . r ~

0 racks and dried for aevera l hourn a t 50-6g C , until they rench

4 approximately SH of t h e i r or iq inal weight or 35 - 5d m o i ~ t n r c . '"rc?

meat s l i c e s are then removed from the trays and cut i n t o snuarec,

which are grilled over chareosl for a few minutes st ?~c-~RQ': , r w r l

finally d r i e d at room ternperat lrs t o a less than 0.69. 4 eprTT v L C h

59 mltaee keepe the d r i e d meat nl icea wet and hrie;ht in calour.

I n the second process used for beef, pork or chicken in ~ i c c c r ; ,

cubee or s t r i p s , besides 5-upice-powder other spice8 auch a8 curry,

chiles, . cayenne, pepper, gingrm, =ruit Juice and wine are soneL..'_rcc

added f a r fla~aur, e i r inu many varieties of productm. I n rener-1. tl-c,

meat, after removal of the fa t , , i~ cut i n t o fair ly l s r ~ e chun'rc rm?

ia cooked with lo?: water over riedium heat until t h e men? is t r ~ . ' o r .

Page 24: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

t h e ztaf io coole3, drafnsd (:iqaicl r~tn5ncd) TF' ?'!t !.?:'.- - ' r ~ r ? s v

cvrbe~ or &rips . To t h e!., anpar, i3,dt, 80:? Tnl'.-;n r -"f?3n~3-' i-v'rl

7' 7. C glutaaa$a and a p i c e s are ndded, and the mixture is a ~ n i n ?~ent?,!. ..

meat is placed in a pan with the l i q u i d and stirred over low he?% until

the mixture ie allaoet dry. ? i n a l l y , tile meat is spread flat on r75rc

. . racks or plates and dr ied for t~everal hour8 at ~Q-G~Y' or u n t i l 1: :c?r:

l o s t mbout 5 6 of the original weight. The a ia leas than 0 . c ~ . w

Products keep better unrier anaerobic atorape in jrlaae jars or mt4~?-

hnxea; shelf - l i fe is 3-5 nonthc.

--fie t h i r d dried meat proccsa i s for ;an ;olz::, t h n t ie p ~ r t ??nr?,

~ h r e W ~ d pork or meat TLake~. Tn this proceas the :arm pork io cut:

along the grain in picrcsn and cooked with enus1 nnonnts or writer :r?."!.l

~ 3 r y 301%- !!'?Ic) meat is draine3 r,n5 tkt? liqui? i n eu2pornted t r , 7 F '

of its valuae. To th1a Srot)l, , 3 - ~ ~ 9 r , salt, m y wttlce, ~ 2 ~ 9 , nartmort~.?lrn

gl-atmt?e, fenncl , giager or bt!les opiccn sre 3drlcd. m h ~ ~ a o ~ + . :?c?t

i r s m s h s d ar shredded int- i ibrus ond added t o the l5cru:id. %c v!.--tilre

is hold at l o w heat u n t i l all. t?!t l i q u i d h m crmor3ted. ?-in.n.l-3.~, the

91nkea are R e o t t w - l f k o maom EW! RTC rrtirrd far kanr- I+

0 PO-of3 C tmt i l r c r T AT. aw Inas t?m 0. hr). To q~ t r tho Cl.~:ccn ~ r 5 - y ~

about 2m of hot repatahla oil in e d d e d , ~ n t l the prorlvrt j n f t t r t v r ? r

atirred over l a w h e ~ t until dry and ~ a l d e n brawn with a l e ~ ~ t .??~?? 0.4. W

~ f ~ i l n r prhducts n ~ d o fror! beef , chic1:~n or fj.lzh h;n t h o R?,-P ~.:~-,!?d(i.

F ~ @ ~ ' . U C * t e n d s t o absnrh nointurc an? thpr.f'nro, , bp ,qrl:

Page 25: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

in water-cermeatle contsiners. Eh elf-lf f a in f i lars ccnt ?.ircrc i n 117

t o 6, manthn w f t h n u t refriuermt inn.

South lifricnn F i l t ~ n ~ ~ Biltonlt is a well-known mnl+-t=fl , drier: ~ c - ~ t

prepared f rom beef or Fame mead;. f t 5. s uaed exteneively in C ; O V ? . ~ :

Africa, especially as a del icacy. Moat maaelsa in t h e cnrcnsr? ~~1.:~ h-

brine, or freauent ly dry-aalt etl. Common salt i u the princ ipal carync - aeent uesrl, a l t h o u ~ h other inproadicnts ~ u c h ae ouEsr, ~ i n c ~ n r , ncr?)cr,

coriander or other a p i c e ~ are jncluZed in Eoms picklinp. rn5xturr~rr "or

improved flavour. Elitrate om! n i t r i t e are added to improve prw:nct

col our. The a d d i t i o n of 0.1% r o t a ~ e l u m sorbate t o the rnw meat 2s

permitted in South Africa. F i l t o n p ic left ir the cure fo r s e v ~ r p l

hours, then dipped in to hot rater w i t h vineper and fun^ over w i w ar

rope in t h e a i r for 1-2 weeks t o d r y . The hilt on^ fs resc!y +!+en n

piece, broken or cut o f f , show6 a uniform a+ruaturc. F I F P ~ prnrllrct

a mistme and pH are variable, but most products are within w ' a t 0.65 - 0.85, 20-30% ma5stu:r~ and pH r 4.5 = 6.0 with about 5-?6'


salt ( I O R C ~ ) . Ri l tang ia sold in aticka, slices or i n the moanfl/

pulverized farm. Usual ahelf-l: .fe is $4 weeks without refrirrr-tior,

but with the control of beetle ! ~ t t a c k and meald irorth, p r d n c t r?aree

w e l l for mweral nonthe in air-tight packava. R i l t o n c is not h a q t d

durinp proeesaing or before cnn~unption; thus it is eaten mx.

Page 26: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

pzrko 07 the R d fit mian( 4crnrnhl. hboilt 50ka o f nnsk-lrrra f R n h + - i n ~ d

from POka of leal he~f: the product cantaina n b m t 7Q-35& rnais*t lr~ -n?

5* aalt , It haa a ehelf-life a? 9 months under nmhi~nt room cmrJLAZans,

The meat for paatirma i o r i ~ i n s t e s from 5-6 venr old beef c ~ t t l e zvl

a t r i p s m e rubbed nnd carsred with sa3.t containiqq 4".Wfi! v j ,... tr-':,-(....h.../ -

penmtration. The snlted meat s , t r i p a are nrranped in n 3 l . e ~ ahfix-': 'I-.

hiph and kept for f day at roam tempvnture . arp tvrn.s$ cvcr,

~ a l t e d again, and stared. in p i h 8 f o r another d4v. " ' h e . r e ~ F t ~ ? ':'-*

drf ing procesa, called ripanfnp: (yetirme) in Turkey, the ent iro cn~fnce

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Page 28: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

l a y e r of meat, and 60 on u n t i l t h e a l t e r n a t e l a y e r s of s a l t anfl ment

rsech e height of about Am. Tla pile in then corsrsd with a few

wooden planks and preaued down with heavy stones. The next day the

pile ie overhauled so that t h e top meat dabs pa t o t h e bottom of the

new p i l e , The overhauling prozess is repeated for 5 caneecuthve day^,

The s a l t e d meat is now ready f 3 r drying. It is f i r a t paaeed t h r o ~ v h

a p a i r of wooden rollers 7-2 e n apnrt t o squmece out aome au rp lns

moisture and f l a t t e n the meat slaba. This aqaeedna may be done with

a presa, i f ava i lab le . The mest slaba a r e t h r n spread oat on h n ~ h n o

s l a t s o r looae ly uwen f i b r e m3ts 5n a shed, or expoaed t o eafly-

morn in^ and la te-af ternoon eunshins t o avoid excessive hea t t h n t melt8

the fat. The meat s l a b s are txarntd eve- 2 h r dur ing t h e firet c?ny

and l a t e r , as dry in^ proceeds, every 4hr and then every 6 hr. :%en

completely dry, the meat alnbe resiat f i n ~ e r greetaura. They m c then

sprinkled with f i n e salt mixed with 10$ maice seal or other f l a w m E

packed i n local mat o r heasian bag^. Charque s t o r e s for months m8.m

ambient room condi t ion8 and is r e s i s t a n t t o i n f e s t a t i o n hy bee t l ea ~ n d

t o attack by moulde,

Product Handlinp and Shel:!-life Cans idera t ions

Dehydrated meats have grant affinity for wnter and w i l l r e n d i l : ~

pick up maiatnre i f stored i n rl humid environment. mi 8 rsAtlcan t??eir

shelf-life. They ~ h o u l d , thsrctfors, be preferably s tored (ip in impermeable

water- L containera . :;oms t h a t a r e t o o d r y l i k e biltanr are

Page 29: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

prone t o in fentat ion by beetles such as Dermestes moculatus anfl

Necrobia rufipes. This &tack ie reduced if the meate are protected

during sun-drying when mated feinalea t e n d t o oviposit on the meat.

Generally dehydrated meat8 are wane t o laauld attack because as T i r . - 7 . 5

shows moulda and yeast. grow at lower a",. than bacteria. Horeover,

the arrest of bac ter ia l growth I-ewores competition t h u s enhancj-n-

fun~al growth and consequent ra~~ldineas. A d d i t i m of antimgcctlnr ?'_r

therefore desirable i n dahydratud meats. Sarhic acid or fts prrtn.rritm

salt i s most cmmonly used ainett sorbic ac id ( C ~ ~ - C ~ ~ C A - C R = C I - C O ~ ~ ~ ~ f n . metabolited completel~ in the body t o carbon d iox ide and water . T t

also i n h i b i t s the p o w i t h of atvsral moulds, yeasts and aone ! > - c ' - ~ r 5 -

and ueually controla spoi lage at concsnt r a t i a n ~ f a r below levclc "" F t

would affect t o s t e or odour of the product.

With the control of bactewial ad fun@ ~rowth i n dehydrnteql m a t e ,

an7 laea of ea t ine quality durinp s t o r a ~ e will be due to primarfl?

chemical, especially nan-enzymic, r e ~ c t i o n a which increase with pw

and attain peak l e v e l e in the IN ranKe as shown in F ~ R , 5.5. W y i ?

oxidation occnrs readily and may l e a d t o rancidity, protein Srcr"'.r'm~n,

protein ~ ~ p r e ~ ~ t i a n / c o n p l e x f ormt ion and d e s t r u c tian of ~paeif i.c especially

amino a c i d ~ L l p s i n s , hi stirl ine, : r a t sins ~ n d aethionine. Van-en.r:!*?c

Page 30: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

This lo66 is reflected in c h a n ~ e s i n the nntnre and bialoriczl.

value of the p r ~ t e i n n w i t h t h e concolnittant fomat ton of aff-fl-vni.?rs,

a l i p h t e n i n p i n colour of h i p h l y ?f~me?ted rne3C.n l l k ~ bee?, m v c + m

a%d gent-me~t f r m the d a r k - ~ r b y to brown t y p i c a l of eon'*ad ~ e ? t to

a pale yellow, ~ n d e ~ h s e ~ n e n t l ; ~ dsrlreninr ae Frovnifir. ~ J w n ~ c d . 771

pale m e ~ t n l i k e pork and c 3 i c k m t he clycer~l-d ~ s n r F e + p ~ a ~ i v f - hrnm

pro~resaively with s t c l r ~ ~ e . Y!iefic chances rend ~r tbs 1'1 meats

rmncec?pteble aftrr 1-5 nonthe* s t o t ~ p rrt ?"OC ,-ne n i t e r nhout 6. -rn?-?e

0 at 17 C. The nnt oT ant iox idarta , nnnergh'c y ~ . c k = f f ? k ~ ( e x c ~ u ~ ~ - . a?

oxygen), l a w - t e ~ p e r n t u r n an$ d ~ r k ater%pe w e i l ~ c ? n l pal l€~+i - r ; --or

these chemical fieterlarativa c9a~ren.

~aalitg Control of Wtgdrated Peate

me quality ~ n d e t i b i l i t y of both novel and tr~ct i t ional dchvc1r-+.ed

maate depend on the rate and exl:ent of aw depression nu well no ~ r - b ~ r

removal, all of which are greatcar t h e hipher the cance?trntio~ nr-vyreqt

between t h e curin~/infueing e a l c t i a n and the meat, Padid a rw7uction \J

i a required t o inhibit growth of the initial aicroflore of ment, wTlile

adequate hygiene i e necessary to keep tho microhinl Load L a g , ?a re

of the humectants like salt and the polyhydric ~lcohols(glycerc1,

propylene ~ l y c a l and 1,3-butylen1a pl.ycol) have apecf f i c a n t i h n c t er5 ~1

and/or antimycotlc a c t i o n s that t:omplement the a effect. Fert W

treatment, f ementr t ion and aeidt- lat ien are helpful adjunct* in nye-lucts

that they are permitted- P r ~ i n ~ , subsequent t o the salute i n f ~ ~ ~ + . o q

Page 31: University of Nigeria Preservation... · Phyaico-ahemieal Basis of Processes: The fundamenta purpose of food dehydration ie to lower the availability of water in the food to a level

yrceersse, shonld te thorcngh. C f t h e faoE-poisoninx bacteria only

S t . surtus ia of coacera tn dehydrate8 m s ~ t s ; hcwsverl t h i r rtc?

can be avoided by properly drying the product. It is essential [luring

drying to minimize contamination e s p e c i a l l y with inaects and expornre

t o intense sunshine which accelerate f a t melt ing and oxidation.

Product qualit7 can be enhanced by the appl icat ion of antioxidants

t o i n h i b i t l i p i d oxidation. In f a c t , some of the spicee emplopd Par

acaaoning B U C ~ as ginger hare some antioxidnnt pronerty. S i d S e ~ I y

chelators, polyphonphatsa, acidnlants and e m t a l ~ f f f s r n or utab i l i xers

mag be added t o rninimiae physical/ehemical deterioration and aa

enhance ahelf-stability. Rowcrer, too many add i t ive s l a ~ d t o objectionable

chemical over lo~d 4 . n ~ and redet ~roduction ccet . Finiehed produck

packaging ahonld prevent microbial recontamination, invasion of Lnnocte,

absorption of water and exposure t o air and l i g h t that i n i t i a t e r q l d


Empirical techniques based on experience ere employed in the

manufacture of varions traditional dehydrated meata. Varfationo in

methods, procsssing conditions, equipment used, meat types, inunect~ints

and a d d i t i v e s especially eeaeoninge lead t o direxee varieties w52kin

each product type. quality atandardication must start with understanding

and evaluating the production techniques, conditions, equipment, mr

nateriale and product characteristics, Thie is an area ef active

current research that is expected t o yield standardized fornulae or

recipes for improved-traditional and novel dehydrated meata i n the n e u '
