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Unit 5 Research Project Worthing College Sports Science [Tommy Dennis] 2015

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Unit 5 Research Project

Worthing College Sports Science[Tommy Dennis]


Assessment Criteria Pages 3-17 & 27-38

• P2: carry out sport science or exercise science-based research

• P3: collect and record data from the research project conducted

• M2: correctly analyse collected data, describing techniques used

• D1: correctly analyse data, explaining techniques used

• P4: produce a full research report using a standard scientific structure

To investigate whether a relationship exists between the height of a goalkeeper in the top 5

divisions in Europe and their penalty saving record

By Tommy Dennis

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

AbstractI have researched and conducted this research project in order to find out whether a relationship exists between the height of a goalkeeper in the top 5 leagues in Europe and their ability to save a penalty. In order to qualify for my project the goalkeeper must have faced three or more penalties in their last respective domestic season.My reasoning behind me wanting to find out whether this correlation exists is due to the process of talent ID. In the top 5 European leagues the position of goalkeeper is vital for success and this is why they are paid huge amounts of money. Therefore I thought it would be helpful for me to find out whether the height of a goalkeeper affects their ability to save a penalty as this could then be used in scouting processes across Europe when a team needs to buy a new goalkeeper.After collecting all of the necessary data from websites such as SQUAKA and BBC Sport I was able to make an excel spread sheet using the process of spearman's rank to show that there is in fact a correlation albeit a moderate one of 0.57 between my two variables. this was very close to a strong correlation however as to qualify for this It needs to be 0.6.The results of my work hence show that when choosing a goalkeeper height is a necessary factor to take into place if you wish them to be better at saving penalties.

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

Contents: GeneralPage 1: TitlePage 2: Assessment criteriaPage3: Main aim title pagePage4: AbstractPage 5: ContentsPage 6: Appendices contentsPage7: figures and tables contentsPage 8: Acknowledgements Page 9: introductionPage 10: literacy reviewPage 11:Project hypothesisePage 12: methodPage 13: Data collectionPage 14: data analysisPage 15: results Page 16:discussionPage 17: ConclusionPage 18: Assessment criteriaPage 19: review (1/3)Page 20: review (2/3)Page 21: review (3/3)Page 22: Future recommendation (1/5)Page 23: Future recommendation (2/5)Page 24: Future recommendation (3/5)Page 25:Future recommendation (4/5)Page 26: Future recommendation (5/5)

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

Contents: Appendices

Page 27: appendices title pagePage 28: Squaka.com- changing the criteria to

alter the searchPage 29: Squaka.com- an example searchPage 30: ESPN.com- an example player bio

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

Contents: Figures and Tables

Page 31: figures and tables title pagePage 32: Spearman’s Rank order correlation tablePage 33: Original data collection of heights and

saving percentage- finding the averagePage 34: Scatter graph showing correlation with

line of best it

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce


I would firstly like to acknowledge Paul Cox for his constant advice when I was stuck, and for directing me to useful websites to help aid my research project. I would also like to acknowledge my classmate Sam Murray who helped show me how to use the spearman's rank excel spread sheet after I had missed the tutorial lesson due to being on holiday

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

IntroductionMy research project is based solely on the question; whether the height of a goalkeeper in the top 5 leagues in Europe affects heir ability to save a penalty. In order for a goalkeeper to be included in my project was whether they had faced 3 or more penalties in their last respective domestic season (2013/14). The reasoning behind this was to ensure that no anomalies would ruin the validity of the project. For example a 6’6 goalkeeper may have only faced 1 penalty and not saved it giving him a 0% penalty saving record which would bring the average % of saving a penalty for his height category down massively.The aim of the project was to find out whether a correlation between these two variables exists by using the process of spearman's rank. The reasoning behind choosing this aim is due to the process of talent ID. In the top 5 European leagues the position of goalkeeper is vital for success and this is why they are paid huge amounts of money. Therefore I thought it would be helpful for me to find out whether the height of a goalkeeper affects their ability to save a penalty as this could then be used in scouting processes across Europe when a team needs to buy a new goalkeeper. My general interest in Football helped persuade me towards choosing football as the basis of my study.The timescale of the study was throughout the 2013/14 domestic season in each of the countries e.g England, Italy, Spain etc. The reasoning is because I have started the project when the 2014/15 season has already began meaning their would be new data to include each day and not many goalkeepers would have faced over 3 penalties already this season.

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

Literature Review and References


P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

A link to my literacy review is included below. The link will take you to the Worthing college sport word press.

Project Hypothesis

1) At the end of my research project I expect to see a positive correlation between the height of a goalkeeper and their ability to save a penalty

2) The height of a goalkeeper is taller than the height of an outfield player

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

Method1) As my project is primarily based on secondary research, firstly I browsed the internet for a

suitable website that is a reliable source to provide me with the data I need in order to complete my project. I decided www.squaka.com and www.espn.com were the ones i was going to use.

2) On Squaka I set the search criteria to find goalkeepers who had faced 3 or more penalties in the 2013/14 season and I recorded this information on an excel spreadsheet. I did this for goalkeepers in the top 5 European leagues (see appendix 1&2).

3) I then found the height of the goalkeepers included in my project and by using espn (see appendix 3) and added this information to the spreadsheet.

4) The next step I did was finding he average amount of penalty saving percentage for each height category from 5’11 to 6’6 so I had 1 figure for each height. (see figures and tables 2)

5) With this information I needed to see if their was a correlation so I ranked the data and followed the steps to making a spearman's rank excel page (see figures and tables 1)

6) Then using this excel table I was able to produce a scatter graph to show the correlation between the height of a goalkkeper and their percentahe of penalty saves (see figures and tables 3)

P3: Collect and record / M2: Correctly analyse & describe techniques / D1: Correctly analyse & explain techniques

Data CollectionThe type of data technique I am using is secondary research as I am using data that is already available online from websites such as sqwuaka. This data is secondary as I have not collected the information myself somebody else has collected it as primary research for a different purpose. From these websites I will be finding out which goalkeepers faced 3 or more penalties in the 2013/14 season and what their saving success rate is. I will record this information firstly on paper with their heights as well before putting this data onto a Microsoft excel spread sheet displaying the results in graph form. As I will be using results in graph form and my research is based on stats it is therefore quantitative data rather than qualitative.My data classifies as nominal data. This is because the participants are categorised into what height they are rather than being an individual in my research project. The categories will be every height from 5’11 to 6’6 as every goalkeeper in my study falls between these two limits.The design of my research project is experimental. This is because my aim is to find the effect of one thing on another (independent variable on dependant variable). In my case the goalkeepers’ height is the independent variable and the amount of penalties they save is the dependent variable. This is the effect of a goalkeepers height on their penalty saving record.

P3: Collect and record / M2: Correctly analyse & describe techniques / D1: Correctly analyse & explain techniques

Data AnalysisTo arrange my data appropriately I used rank order distribution which allowed me to place my data in an ordered list. I then used the excel function of finding an average to find the average amount of penalty saves for each height. The next bit of analysis I did was using the process of spearman's ranks which shows your data to be of 5 categories; very weak, weak, moderate, strong, very strong (see figures and tables 1). After I had worked out the correlation of my data which turned out to be moderate but on the brink of strong I could then put this information into a scatter graph and add a line of best fit the show the result (see figures and tables 3)

P3: Collect and record / M2: Correctly analyse & describe techniques / D1: Correctly analyse & explain techniques

ResultsAfter collection and analysis were complete I was able to look at whether my hypothesis was correct and the height of a goalkeeper affects their penalty saving percentage. From using the use of spearman’s rank I was able to see the correlation between the 2 variables as a figure which was 0.57 which fits into the category of moderate correlation. This was only 0.3 off of being a strong correlation (see figures and tables 1). This shows that my first hypothesis was correct and as taller goalkeepers therefore have a better chance of saving a penalty.My second hypothesis was also right and this was from using the information on espn the smallest keeper that qualified for my project was 5’11 and the average height of a footballer is 5’11 and a half. This shows that although this goalkeeper is below the average height of a footballer this is the shortest goalie in my study and is only half an inch smaller.Although my research suggests that height does affect the penalty saving record there is also many other factors that affect whether the penalty goes in such as factors affecting the player rather than thee goalkeeper so my research doesn’t necessarily mean that height always affects the ability for a penalty to go in which is what I will talk about in further lines of research.

P3: Collect and record / M2: Correctly analyse & describe techniques / D1: Correctly analyse & explain techniques

DiscussionI found out that there is a moderate correlation between the height of a goalkeeper in the top 5 leagues in Europe and their ability to save a penalty. Although I had previously estimated that a correlation would exist the reason we cannot just take my research and say yes this statement is true is due to many other factors that affect a penalty. Factors such as the players run up and the ability of the goalkeeper and player have a major affect on the outcome. For example Leighton Baines has scored 14/15 penalties in the premier league which shows that even if you had the tallest goalkeeper the odds are still in his favour to score due to him being a brilliant penalty taker. This also works the other way round because if you have someone who isn’t very good at penalties taking one, then the height of a goalkeeper may not affect their ability to save the penalty as they will probably miss it anyway. Another key factor is the scenario of the game as this has a massive effect. If its 1-1 in the 90th minute away from home, the penalty taker is going to feel extremely nervous and this will mean he has much more of a chance in missing the penalty than a player taking a penalty 3-0 up already on 2 goals in front of a home crowd. Therefore what I must take forward from my research is that height does have an effect on the goalkeepers ability to save a penalty but there is many other factors affecting the goalkeeper as well as factors affecting the penalty takers chance of scoring.

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

ConclusionTo investigate whether a relationship exists between the height of a goalkeeper in the top 5 divisions in Europe and their penalty saving record

A key trend from my literacy review was that people investigated psychological factors affecting the outcome of a penalty but I have investigated physiological factors that we cant control like height. Therefore this is investigating something new and like I stated before can be used by scouts in the process of talent id when finding a new goalkeeper. Another thing that differs from a lot of the research in my literacy review was that a lot of people looked into goalkeepers in all sports such as handball aswell as football. My research is also the only one tto use leagues across Europe rather than just focussing on the premier league.

My results give reasonable support to my hypothesis that there is a correlation between the height of a goalkeeper and their penalty saving percentage. This is because they show a moderate correlation exists between the 2 variables by looking at spearmans rank. The reason behind the correlation only being moderate is due to the fact that there is so many factors to look at when taking a penalty. Things such as the ability of the penalty taker can often have much more of an affect than the height of the goalkeeper which is something to look into in the future when looking at factors affecting penalties. In summary however, I can take forward from my research and results that the height of a goalkeeper does have an impact on the penalty takers chance in scoring albeit not a very strong one. I feel the evidence I have conducted and produced could bee a help to many football teams and scouts. It is also useful for tall children as this shows them that they may be best suited as a goalkeeper.

P2: Carry out / P4: Produce

Assessment Criteria Pages 19-26

• P5: carry out a review of the research project conducted, describing strengths, areas for improvement and future recommendations.

• M3: carry out a review of the research project, explaining strengths, areas for improvement and future recommendations.

• D2: carry out a review of the research project, justifying future recommendations for further research.

Review (1/3)

The project conclusion met the project aims as I found out that there is a correlation between the height of a goalkeeper and their penalty saving percentage albeit only a moderate one. The overall aim was to find out whether a relationship exists so this was definitely completed by thee project as through using data analysis methods I was able to prove a correlation is present. Overall I am very happy with how my project turned out as I was able to find all of the information I had planned and I was able to present it in tables and graphs to prove a correlation was present between the two variables. I was also very interesting finding out for myself whether the height of a goalkeeper affects their ability when trying to save a penalty.

P5: Describe / M3: Explain / D2: Justify

Review (2/3)I believe one of my main strengths of the project to be my aim. This is because I specifically chose an aim which involves a sport of which I play and watch weekly which straight away showed I would be interested in conducting the research and would not get bored like I might get conducting research on different sports. I also specifically chose an aim of which there is not available data already out there for as this meant that I was more determined to find the outcome as I was unware of what the actual result of the research will be. Another key strength was using spearman's rank table and graph. This is because this is a trusted method which has been used for years to prove correlation between two variables and by using this on my data it means that I have proved my findings reliably. If I had just produced a scatter graph with a line of best fit without doing this calculation it would not have been as reliable and my results wouldn’t have backing. (see figures and tables 1 and 3)

P5: Describe / M3: Explain / D2: Justify

Review (3/3)A big area for improvement would be that my research doesn’t take into context other factors affecting penalties such as skill level and pressure from the game and crowd. This is because I just looked at how many penalties the goalie had faced and whether they had saved the penalty or whether it had gone in. To improve my research I should’ve separated these into whether the penalty was important or not and whether the game was at home or away for the penalty taker for example.Another area for improvement could be to widen the scope of my data and I could do this by using information from the 2012/13 season aswell as the 2013/14 season as this would mean that more goalkeeper would have faced over 3 penalties and would therefore qualify for the project hence making it more reliable as more subjects would be taking place un the study.

P5: Describe / M3: Explain / D2: Justify

Future Recommendations (1/5)

If the project was to be completed again what would you change and why? If I was to complete the project again I would include data from the 2012/13 season as well as the 2013/14 season as this would mean more goalkeepers would be included in the study due to them facing 3 or more penalties. Another alteration I would include is splitting the information into two tables; penalties taken in front of a home crowd and penalties taken inform of an away crowd. This is because it means that psychological factors will not have such an affect on the study.

P4: Produce / P5: Describe / M3: Explain / D2: Justify

Future Recommendations (2/5)

What would be the benefits of the proposed changes stated on the previous page? Benefit of adding more goalkeepers to the study is that the average save percentage for each height category will be more accurate as it will be averaged out between more goalkeepers. This also means that any anomaly results will not have such an effect on the study.The benefit of splitting the results into 2 categories would mean that psychological factors will not have such an effect on the study such as crowd effect that you would get as a penalty taker when taking the penalty away from home. Also conducting the research this way would mean you are also finding out whether more penalties are scored home or away. This means more hypothesise will be made.

P4: Produce / P5: Describe / M3: Explain / D2: Justify

Future Recommendations (3/5)

State a proposal for further research

To investigate whether the height of a goalkeeper in the top 5 leagues in Europe effects their penalty saving percentage when at home and when away from home over the course of the 2012/13 season and the 2013/14 season.

P4: Produce / P5: Describe / M3: Explain / D2: Justify

Future Recommendations (4/5)

State a proposal for further research

To investigate whether a home crowd has an effect on the ability for the player to score a penalty compared to an away crowd in the top 5 leagues in Europe over the 2013/14 season.

P4: Produce / P5: Describe / M3: Explain / D2: Justify

Future Recommendations (5/5)

State a proposal for further research

Investigate whether the height of a goalkeeper effects their average league rating over the cpurse of the 2013/14 season.

P4: Produce / P5: Describe / M3: Explain / D2: Justify

Research Project Appendices

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Research Project Figures and Tables

Figures and Tables 1

Figures and Tables 2

Figures and Tables 3

175 180 185 190 195 2000







Series1Linear (Series1)Series3Linear (Series3)

Height of the Goalkeeper

% o

f pen


s sav


A Graph to Show the relationship between the height of a goalkeeper and the amount of penalties they save