unit1 living well warming up and speaking 高二选修 7

Unit1 living well Warming up and speaking 高高高高 7

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Page 1: Unit1 living well Warming up and speaking 高二选修 7

Unit1 living wellWarming up and speaking

高二选修 7

Page 2: Unit1 living well Warming up and speaking 高二选修 7

How many different types of disabilities do you know?

disability: the state of being disabled / unable to use his body properly


Page 3: Unit1 living well Warming up and speaking 高二选修 7

How many different types of disabilities do you know?

A .physical disability

B .mental disability

deafness, dumb/mute, blindness, lame( 跛足的 ), near-sighted, six fingers, color blindness, paralyzation( 瘫痪)

depression, learning difficulty brain injury phobias ( 恐惧症 ) …

Page 4: Unit1 living well Warming up and speaking 高二选修 7

Warming up

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Do you know ?

1 .Do you know anyone who is disabled around you? How does he or she deal with the disabilities?

2 .Do you know any famous people who are disabled? What do they do?

Page 6: Unit1 living well Warming up and speaking 高二选修 7

Reference One

Professor Steven Hawking. In spite of his brain disease, he

decides to continue with his research and writing, and his famous

book “On History of Time” used to be a best seller.

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Hellen Keller ( 1880-1968 ) 1882—1968United Kingdom blind and dumb

Reference Two

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Franklin Roosevelt 1882--- 1945, America .

the 32nd, 33rd and 34th president, and was selected the 35th a year before he died. The only one who was selected the president four times in American history.

a disease in legs and had to use wheel chair

Reference Three

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Vincent Van Gogh


Epilepsy 癫痫症


Reference Five

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Zhang Haidi

1955 China


Famous writer

Reference Six

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Hu yizhou ( 胡一舟)

1978--- ,China

some problems in his brain. His IQ is only 30.

A famous conductor ( 指挥家)

And more…

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SanglanSanglan (桑兰)(桑兰) 1981 --, China1981 --, China..

a famous gymnast ( 体操运动员 ).She hurt herself seriously in a competition and can’t stand. She helped to bid 2008 Olympic Games and helped organize the Paralympics (残疾人运动会)

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• Read the introduction about the people on page 1 and guess what their disability might be.

Rada is mentally disabled.

Barry is vision impaired.

Sally was born with spina bifida and relies on a wheel chair to get around

Gao Qiang has diabetes ( 糖尿病) .

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the disabled people


What spirits and characteristics make the

disabled successful?








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What do you learn from these disabled?(10What do you learn from these disabled?(10 分钟)分钟)

They’re broken in body but firm in spirit. (身残志坚)

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