unit 3 writing modes: or organizing a paper. question: what are “writing modes”? provide...

Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper

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Page 1: Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper. Question: What are “writing modes”? Provide patterns for writing  Sentences  Paragraphs  Papers Match

Unit 3 Writing Modes:

or Organizing a Paper

Page 2: Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper. Question: What are “writing modes”? Provide patterns for writing  Sentences  Paragraphs  Papers Match

Question: What are “writing modes”?

Provide patterns for writing Sentences Paragraphs Papers

Match organization to purpose1. Cause and Effect

2. Comparison and Contrast

3. Process Analysis

Page 3: Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper. Question: What are “writing modes”? Provide patterns for writing  Sentences  Paragraphs  Papers Match

Cause and effect

Cause and effect – Explains or analyzes the causes and effects of something

o Cause Effecto Multiple causes Effecto Cause(s) Multiple effectso Chain of causes (one thing

leads to another, which leads to another…)

Rube Goldberg machines

Page 4: Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper. Question: What are “writing modes”? Provide patterns for writing  Sentences  Paragraphs  Papers Match

Cause and effect

Cause and effect signalso Because…o If… then….o As a result….

Cause and effect structures

Page 5: Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper. Question: What are “writing modes”? Provide patterns for writing  Sentences  Paragraphs  Papers Match

Comparison and/or Contrast

Compare – Show likenesses




Contrast – Show differences o Sometimes teachers

ask for one when theywant both.

Page 6: Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper. Question: What are “writing modes”? Provide patterns for writing  Sentences  Paragraphs  Papers Match


Comparison and/or contrast signals o Likewise… However…o Similarly… In contrast…o In the same way… On the other hand…

Comparison/contrast structureOrganize bywhat’s compared

Apples Shape Color

Oranges Shape Color

Organize bystandard of comparison

Shape Apple Orange

Color Apple Orange

Page 7: Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper. Question: What are “writing modes”? Provide patterns for writing  Sentences  Paragraphs  Papers Match


Process Analysis – Explains how something is done, made, or works, or how it came to be

Great examples on HowStuffWorks.com

Page 8: Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper. Question: What are “writing modes”? Provide patterns for writing  Sentences  Paragraphs  Papers Match

Process Signals

Process Analysis:Although photography is a complex process, the amateur version of this art usually involves simple steps. First, the photographer loads the film into an analog camera. Next, the person behind the camera arranges the desired image, makes sure the flash is engaged and film advanced if necessary, and presses the shutter button. Finally, when the film roll is complete, the photographer takes the film to a developing lab and awaits the results.

Other signals: Before… During… After… Later… While… or as…

Page 9: Unit 3 Writing Modes: or Organizing a Paper. Question: What are “writing modes”? Provide patterns for writing  Sentences  Paragraphs  Papers Match

Mix-and-match Modes

Use one mode within another

Process Paper: Photography

Step 1: Choose a subject.Step 2: Decide between film or digital

Comparison/ContrastFilm vs. Digital