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Candidate Name: Thomas McEnaney Candidate Number: 4096 Center: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 13: UK Media Publishing

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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Candidate Name: Thomas McEnaney Candidate Number: 4096 Center: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 13: UK Media Publishing

Witness Statements

Survey Monkey Analysis

Please watch my survey monkey analysis video my blog page to see what the audience and publisher commented on about my pitch with strengths areas for improvement and what they think about the magazines potential

Questionnaire Completion Evidence

Making changes based on Feedback

This is the first change I made from my original first draft to my final front cover. As you can see the left hand side of the page has been transformed to more text from the interview as well as the date of the issue being moved in front of layers so that readers can see it clearly.

The second change I made was to have the image in the middle of the page instead of the conventional half page as I wanted to share much more of the interview and this was the only way I could do that. I also added a watermark to my work with the eye of the artist being the text.

Making changes based on Feedback

This is the first change I made from my original first draft to my final front cover. As you can see the left hand side of the page has been transformed to more text from the interview as well as the date of the issue being moved in front of layers so that readers can see it clearly.

The second change I made was to have the image in the middle of the page instead of the conventional half page as I wanted to share much more of the interview and this was the only way I could do that. I also added a watermark to my work with the eye of the artist being the text.

Making changes based on Feedback

Following on another change I made to my magazine double page spread was the use of a drop capital. Before I had just made the letter a larger font number instead of creating a text box and matching the font style to the headline.

Furthermore I had to change the pull quote in my double page spread because the sentence was not exactly the same in the interview and had to change this because it could mislead readers so I changed it to the exact quote.

Making changes based on Feedback

Here are the all of the clear changes that I made between my first draft and final copy of my front cover and double page spread

Facebook Feedback Comments

I shared my final front cover and DPS pages on Facebook and asked for some feedback. Below are the comments from the respondents giving me feedback on what they thought of the pages. I read these messages and taken them in consideration for the next months issue. I will keep the same house style for the front cover and DPS as the comments suggested that this is what they were specifically impressed with.

This feedback I have received from Tariq was the first I received. To start with he has mentioned that I have used my house style colours throughout which he was impressed with. I was really pleased with this feedback he had given me about the house style because I believe that to create brand recognition which is crucial in today’s magazine market you have to have a recognisable look to the magazine which readers and potential readers can distinguish. Following on he also mentioned that my image choices were fit for purpose and suited the style of magazine I was creating with the artists clothing and shot type. After receiving this feedback from Tariq I will look to continue using the house style layout I have used for this issue into future editions as it has proved to be popular.

Facebook Feedback Comments

Facebook Feedback Comments

Following on here is another comment I received from my front cover and double page spread. He started his feedback with the double page spread, and the pull quote that I had used he mentions at how “grabbing” it was to the read and make you want to read the whole interview. This is what I worked on when drafting my final page I didn’t know on what pull quote to use from the interview however I am pleased that I used the one I did as I have now got feedback to say at how grabbing it was. Furthermore following on from Tariqs response about the colour scheme Gus has also noticed this on my double page spread at how I have red white and black throughout with highlighting the questions in red and the answers in black this shows that I am already creating a brand recognition from my colour scheme. Moreover for my front cover he mentioned the bright bold puff promotion at the top of the page in the yellow box is eye grabbing which puff promotions should be and also look professional at the same time I am pleased that he noticed my puff promotion as this is an area of the front cover which can attract potential readers.

Magazine planning (Week 1)

Week beginning: Monday 16th March 2015

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Take the pictures for my front cover and double page spread so that I can start to produce the magazine

Who:Myself and a friend who is a photographer

Edit the pictures so that they are the right size and image to use for the front cover and double page spread interview

Who: Editing team

Make sure that the lighting and any other effects needed for the image to suit the magazine style

Who: Editing team

 Use the images and put them into the written double page spread and front cover and trying to work out on which image will go best for this months issue

Who: Editor

 Finish any other details on the front cover i.e. puff promotions and main headline with the masthead

Who: Myself and the editor

Office Closed Office closed

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

16/03/2015 17/03/2015 18/03/2015 19/03/2015 20/03/2015 21/03/2015 22/03/2015

Magazine planning (Week 2)

Week beginning: Monday 23rd March 2015

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Gather celebrity gossip information Interview bands for my cover line stories

Take images for the magazine from spotted celebrities in public

Gather celebrity gossip information

Interview bands for my cover line stories

Gather celebrity gossip information

Interview bands for my cover line stories

Take images for the magazine from spotted celebrities in public

 Gather celebrity gossip information

Interview bands for my cover line stories Take images for the magazine from spotted celebrities in public

 Gather celebrity gossip information

Interview bands for my cover line stories

Attend a new indie band artist gig

Write up the article about the new band one of our writers just seen

Office Closed Office Closed

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

23/03/2015 24/03/2015 25/03/2015 26/03/2015 27/03/2015 28/03/2015 29/03/2015

Magazine planning (Week 3)

Week beginning: Monday 30th March 2015

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Write up the interview for my cover lines and picking out the best quotes for to attract the readers attention

Carry on with the interview write ups and starting new the new interview

Take pictures from the interview to add interview page fro that months

Attend a new indie band artist gig

Write up the article about the new band one of our writers just seen

Take images for the magazine from the gig

 On this day the work that has been produced so far by the writers will be proof read before it goes into next week as it does not mean the proof readers have to rush their job and carry it out precisely

 Attend a new indie band artist gig

Take images for the magazine from the gig

Office Closed Office Closed

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

30/03/2015 31/03/2015 1/04/2015 02/04/2015 03/04/2015 04/04/2014 05/04/2015

Magazine planning (Week 4)

Week beginning: Monday 6th March 2015

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Edit any pages and icons that have not been completed previously so that it can be included in the magazine

Proof read all of the magazine that has been written and look for any changes that can been changed before it is printed and released

Edit any of the changes that have ben noticed by the proof readers so that it is mistake free for the reader

 Proof read the changes that have been made on Wednesday

 Print the completed copies of the magazine

Distribute the completed magazines to the shops to be sold

Office Closed

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

06/04/2015 07/04/2015 08/04/2015 09/04/2015 10/04/2015 11/04/2015 12/04/2015

Changes to Production plan

After my feedback from the publisher I have now changed my production schedule so that the proof reading stage is constant throughout the schedule from the interviews and articles. The reason for doing this is because it saves a lot more time just before the magazine gets sent to the printers as everyone is tired from finishing work and are not as accurate when proof reading their work.

Another change I made to my schedule is that it finishes on the 12th of every month because it allows readers more time to find out about up coming gigs and festivals in the month ahead and an insight into what is going on earlier than competitor magazines.

Photography Equipment (Budget)

HardwareCamera x2 One for each of the photographs

my magazine will be starting with each camera costs £279.99

Tripod x2One for each of the photographers these are

priced at £69.99 each


Photography Equipment (Budget)

HardwareOffice Desk x20 so Images can Be edited and made tofit the magazine

Office Chair x20 For photography editors to work on at their desk.


Broadband and Telephone

This is an unlimited sky broadband package provided by Sky which starts at £34 a month and then after 6 months then increases to £44 per month.

• This is the telephone and answering machines that will be used in the office priced at £36 per unit I will have 15 in the office

Photography Equipment (Budet)

Apple Macbook prox20=£23980

Source http://store.apple.com/uk/buy-mac/imac?product=ME087B/A&step=config#

Office Space (Budget)

Office space to rent for 1 year = £262,350Room for 20 employees

• Total start-up and equipment costs = £304458

Printing Costs (Budget)

Here is an order for 10,000 copies via Print 24

The total cost for the issues is £9862.86 making 1 issue = 98p with a mark up sale of £3.50

Calendar Events

The launch date of my magazine is May 2015. The reason I have chosen this month to launch my magazine is because it is just before the start of the festival season (See dates below) and by including a lot of information and news about the festivals coming up.

Isle Of Wight Festival Start Date: 11th June 2015 Download Festival Start Date: 12th June 2015 Electric Beach Start Date: 12th June 2015 MudFest Start Date: 13th June 2015 Glastonbury Festival Start Date: 24th June 2015

IP = Intellectual Property

For my magazine I will hire an external company to protect my IP as it very secure and protects any business or individual for misusing my magazine brand name or image. The company I have been looking into to protect my IP is Innovate product design who are a UK based business with easy contact links with no time difference difficulties with some other patents I was looking at in the USA. You are allowed to download many Facebook badges and icons to use for magazines however they have set out Do's and Don'ts of their badges and logo. These are:

Do’s Capitalize the word “Facebook”, except when it’s part of a web address Display the word “Facebook” in the same font size and style as the

content surrounding it

Don'ts Use the Facebook logo in place of the word “Facebook” Pluralize the Facebook trademark, use it as a verb or abbreviate it

Sourced from: https://en-gb.facebook.com/help/399224883474207/

IP = Intellectual Property

To make sure that my business is protected so that any of my logos brand names designs or content I include in my magazine are not copied I will have to set up my intellectual property ownership via the governments website (linked below)

The set up suggests it takes approximately 90 minutes for a business



Before producing a magazine I will need to be aware of the laws which are put in place to make sure that you need to be able to be sure that you have contacted companies and requested there acceptance to use their logo’s or images from a specific website/page to use in the magazine I will be publishing.

Following on another law is that you need to be able to show proof of your receiving a letter from the company to use their logo so that you are not in trouble for copyright laws and if you have proof of the acceptance then you can use that logo in the magazine.

To copyright my magazines name I have to purchase a copyright registration through a company who offer the certificate of copyright so I am able to put this on my magazine and therefore stops other people and businesses from using any of my content or name.

Legal & Ethical Issues

Please see the blog page for Legal & Ethical Issues


A Trademark provides protection to the business owner and has a mark so that only the business who have protected the brand name/logo can use it. However if you do need to use the brand name/logo the party will have to pay the brand for an agreed sum.

To register a Trademark logo in the Uk you can fill out a 90 minute form at https://www.ipo.gov.uk/tm3-online/CompleterTypeQuestion/Edit to protect the business

Case Study

Here is an example of the codes of practice being abused http://www.theguardian.com/law/2013/oct/14/european-court-human-rights-attacks-uk-newspapers

The European Court of human rights are accusing a British newspaper of publishing “Seriously misleading” reports(Daily Mail)

This article suggested that Mustafa Abdi 'pocketed £7,237', whereas in reality he was awarded £1,280 in compensation. Because they misreported that he had been paid to leave the country.


By following the feedback that I have received from the publisher and improved on my organisation of running the magazine has improved and now working to the deadlines that have been made on my production schedule

Since the pitch I have included important calendar dates of what is happening and how I can up market my magazine so that sales are increased and these readers constantly purchase every month.