lo modul 6-lo5

1 = Terdapat perdarahan setelah probing 0 = Periodonsium sehat 2 = Terdapat kalkulus supra atau subgingiva atau timbunan plak di sekelilin 3 = Terdapat poket dengan kedalaman 4 atau 5 1. Kriteria Skoring CPITN :

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Page 1: LO MODUL 6-LO5

1 = Terdapat perdarahan setelah probing0 = Periodonsium sehat

2 = Terdapat kalkulus supra atau subgingiva atau timbunan plak di sekeliling margin gingiva, tidak terdapat poket dengan kedalaman lebihdari 3 mm (kode warna pada probe semuanya tampak)3 = Terdapat poket dengan kedalaman 4 atau 5 mm (jika probe diinsersikan pada poket, daerah warna probe tampak sebagian)

* = Terdapat keterlibatan daerah furkasi atau loss attachment dengan kedalaman poket lebih dari 7 mm4 = Terdapat poket lebih dari 6 mm (jika probe diinsersikan pada poket, daerah warna probe seluruhnya masuk ke dalam poket dan tidak tampak kode warna)

1. Kriteria Skoring CPITN :

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LampiranMenulis Diagnosis Penyakit Periodontal

American Academy of Periodontology & CPITN Klasifikasi Kondisi dan Penyakit Periodontal

Classification of Periodontal Disease

Conditions CPITN

Periodontal Health None 0 - Periodontal Health

Gingivitis/Gingival diseases

No pockets, bleeding on probing

A. Dental plaque-induced gingival diseases

B. Non-plaque-induced gingival lesions

Sextant Scores of - 1 & 2

Bleeding on probing, and/or calculus or restoration overhang present

Chronic PeriodontitisA. Localized

B. Generalized (> 30% of sites are involved)

Example: Two sextants of CPITN of 4 could be “localized chronic periodontitis” and maybe three or more sextants would be “generalized chronic periodontitis”

Age Distinction: Was described as adult onset periodontitis, in people older that 35 years.

Severity of Disease:

Slight: 1-2 mm clinical attachment loss (CAL); (3-4mm pockets, < 30% bone loss)

Moderate: 3-4 mm CAL; (4-6mm pockets, < 50% bone loss)

Severe: >5 mm CAL: ( > 6mm pockets, > 50% bone loss)

Written Diagnosis:

Use the descriptors localized or generalized depending on the distribution of sextant scores, and

Sextant Score of – 3 to 4

CPITN- 3 = 3.5 – 5.5 mm probing depth

-4 = > 6mm probing depth

Severity of Disease:

Slight – CPITN of 3 Moderate – CPITN of 3 Severe – CPITN of 4

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severity of disease.

Ex. Gen slight chronic perio

Gen slight, locally severe chronic perio

Aggressive PeriodontitisA. Localized

B. Generalized (> 30% of sites are involved)

Age Distinction: Usually described as early onset < 35 years of age or rapidly progressing

Severity of Disease (same as above):

Slight: 1-2 mm CAL; (3-4mm pockets, < 30% bone loss)

Moderate: 3-4 mm CAL; 4-6mm pockets, < 50% bone loss

Severe: >5 mm CAL: > 6mm pockets, > 50% bone loss

In the world of oral epidemiology, any pocket depth >6mm is considered a "deep pocket" with advanced or severe periodontal disease.

Written Diagnosis Example:

Localized Severe, Aggressive Periodontitis

Sextant Score of – 3 to 4

CPITN - 3 = 3.5 – 5.5 mm probing

-4 = > 6mm probing depth

Severity of Disease:

Slight – CPITN of 3 Moderate – CPITN of 3 Severe – CPITN of 4

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Classification of Periodontal Disease

Conditions CPITN

Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Diseases

A. Associated with hematological disorders

(neutropenia, leukemia)

B. Associated with genetic disorders

(Down’s, histiocytosis)

C. Not otherwise specified

Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases

Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (NUG) – gingival disease...does not extend into periodontal attachment.

Necrotizing Ulcerative Periodontitis (NUP) - extending into periodontal attachment

Abscesses of the Periodontium

A. Gingival abscess

B. Periodontal abscess

c. Pericoronal abscess

Periodontitis Associated With Endodontic Lesions

Combined periodontic-endodontic lesions

Developmental or Acquired Deformities and Conditions

A. Localized tooth-related factors that modify or predispose to plaque-induced gingival diseases/periodontitis

B. Mucogingival deformities and conditions around teeth

C. Mucogingival deformities and conditions on edentulous ridges

D. Occlusal trauma

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Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN)



Treatment needs

0 Periodontal Health

Promote self-assessment skills - Oral hygiene instructions (OHI)

1 Bleeding on probing


2 Calculus or Restoration

overhang present

OHI + prophy (ultrasonic scaling/overhang removal)

3 3.5 – 5.5 mm probing depth

OHI + ultrasonic scaling

4 Pocket depths >6 mm

Evaluate Severity & Rick Factors (such as DM, Smoking, Immunocompromised, Age)


14 – 35 YEARS


High Intensity OHI

Non-Surgical Pocket



Active Recall

36 – 59 YEARS



Pocket Debridement

Optional Recall




Pocket Debridement

Optional Recall

Antibiotik harus digunakan dalam hubungannya dengan pembersihan awal mulut

menyeluruh pada pasien risiko tinggi. Penggunaan antibiotik tanpa adanya debridemen

penuh mulut akar memiliki manfaat yang sangat sedikit.

Catatan: 90-95% dari diagnosis akan menjadi gingivitis atau periodontitis kronis.

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Tambahkan deskripsi "lokal atau umum", serta keparahan (sedikit, sedang, atau berat). Umumnya, menggunakan age break point 30-35 tahun sebagai bantuan untuk menentukan apakah itu agresif atau periodontitis kronis. Ingat, CPITN tidak mengenali resesi dan kehilangan perlekatan klinis. Seorang pasien bisa mengalami generalisasi periodontitis parah dengan kehilangan 70% tulang dan gigi mobile, tapi 3 mm atau kurang kedalaman poket akibat resesi. Skor CPITN bisa terlihat seperti: X / 2/2 karena kedalaman probing dangkal.                                                                     2/2 / X