tropical adventures projects & locations

Our Projects and Locations These first four projects are located in the town of Hojancha, where we share an office with the Ministry of the Environment (Conservation Area of Tempisque): Hojancha is located on the Nicoya Peninsula in the western part of Costa Rica. It can be found on the map below where you see the blue marker.

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Page 1: Tropical Adventures Projects & Locations

Our Projects and Locations

These first four projects are located in the town of Hojancha, where we share an office with the Ministry of the Environment (Conservation Area of Tempisque):

Hojancha is located on the Nicoya Peninsula in the western part of Costa Rica. It can be found on the map below where you see the blue marker.

Page 2: Tropical Adventures Projects & Locations

• Hojancha Community Development

Volunteers in Hojancha will work in one of the two elementary schools helping to teach English and tutor.Hojancha

• Daycare and Nutritional Center

Volunteers in our Daycare Center will assist the teacher and the cook with duties directly relating to the children.

• Monte Alto Natural Reserve

Volunteers will help maintain trails, protect animals, endangered plants and flowers and teach English classes.

• Elementary School

Volunteers in our elementary schools teach English, tutor, lead workshops, and spend time mentoring children.

Page 3: Tropical Adventures Projects & Locations

Camaronal is not too far away from Hojancha. It’s about a 1-hour drive south. You can see it indicated by the red dot near the bottom center of the red box in the map below.

We currently have only one project in this area.

• Camaronal Sea Turtle Project

Volunteers work to protect sea turtles on the beach in the National Wildlife Reserve of Camaronal in the Province of Guanacaste and work with the 5 children in the nearby elementary school.

Page 4: Tropical Adventures Projects & Locations

Caribbean Projects: We currently have 2 projects in this SE region of Costa Rica.

• Elementary Schools (Puerto Viejo)

Volunteers in our elementary schools teach English, tutor, lead workshops, and spend time mentoring children.

• Bambu Indigenous Project (Bambu)

Volunteers in Bambu are integrated into the local indigenous community and participate with projects in the elementary school, retirement home and cultural center.

Page 5: Tropical Adventures Projects & Locations

Arenal Volcano Area: We have two projects in this beautiful, northern lowland area of Costa Rica.

• Arenal Volcano National Park

Volunteers at the park will assist park rangers with trail maintenance, assisting injured animals and more.

• Wildlife Rescue Center

Volunteers will help with the daily tasks of feeding and caring for our animals, along with basic cleaning and maintenance.

A map of this area can be found on the next page.

Page 6: Tropical Adventures Projects & Locations

Wildlife Rescue

National Park

Page 7: Tropical Adventures Projects & Locations

Wildlife Rescue

National Park