treat new clients like you are on a first date

Renny Doyle May 29, 2015 Treat Those Clients Like Its a First Date! Clients Vs. Customers, Page 1

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The auto detailing industry is finally catching up to the real world of business professionals and locating the correct detailing clientele is very important. Master Detailer and Detailing Coach, Mentor and Author Renny Doyle shares with the reader some simple steps to developing a better client base.


Page 1: Treat new clients like you are on a first date

Renny Doyle May 29, 2015

Treat Those Clients Like Its a First Date! Clients Vs. Customers, Page �1

Page 2: Treat new clients like you are on a first date

Renny Doyle May 29, 2015

Big Box Store or Small Business Specialty Business?

Today, businesses treat customer like a herd of sheep, truth. Big business and now, even small businesses sell us on their services or products and BAM, once we fork over the money, crickets, they are done with us.

It’s not just a business issue, its a people issue. The pride of workmanship and the pride of service seem to be the minority these days. What happened to people being proud of themselves and the work the do. When I was a very, very young man, I took my jobs serious. I wanted to be the best even if it was a part time, minimum wage job. Its called PRIDE and have we as a society really lost our pride? Can we as small business owners afford to accept this as the new way of doing business?

Ask yourself, when was the last time you felt special after forking over your hard earned money for a product or service?

Today is a fine example, I LOVE Americano coffee and each day, four to six times a week, the same coffee, the same size and juiced up the same way for years. Today, I greet the usual staff, leave my 20-25% tip and BAM, wrong size coffee and not how I order it five - six days a week. Now, no biggy, people make mistakes right. I can accept the mistake but what shocks me is that the two behind the counter are the two I tip the best and neither picked up on the mistake. It may seem trivial to you, but when it happened, it forced me to think about how am I missing the order with my clients? The answer is yes, service can always get better and should if you are running a progressive business. Clients Vs. Customers, Page �2

Page 3: Treat new clients like you are on a first date

Renny Doyle May 29, 2015

The Hard Facts To Face…

When I ask myself the hard question, am I delivering at the level I should be? Can I get better? The answer bums me out. Why? As my client care and appreciation marketing rises and climaxes, I need to push it to the next level. I recognize I have weak links in my businesses and that I am missing my goals, but I take steps to fix these issues and it sucks, I am a perfectionist and I can’t stand the fact that I can do better. But I remind myself that change is not overnight and that if I continue to work my plan, these items fall into place.

Look, let’s face it, we are small businesses and we have ten responsibility caps on a day. In the daily shuffle, we get complacent. Don’t accept complacency, fight it. How, how’s your micro business plan, that is a good start as it will force you to look at these items with new eyes. Our group The Detail Mafia is studying this process as we speak and I can tell you, when you break it down into a micro plan, it works! Clients Vs. Customers, Page �3

Page 4: Treat new clients like you are on a first date

Renny Doyle May 29, 2015

The First Date Treatment…

While I have been with my wife some twenty years, on our date nights, I never forget to treat the love of my life like it’s our first date and man she appreciates that level of appreciation, attention and love. Yet, as a small business owner, I missed that mark with my clients in the early days.

Once I realized that like my wife and kids, my clients wanted to feel appreciated, cared for and special, that changed the game. It’s not always about discounts and selling to my clients, its about taking an interest in their well being, its about educating them within my field of expertise and about connect within those that are open to connecting with me. It turned into a mission of taking my clients from being clients to being fans of my work and our businesses.

Fans are loyal and faithful but I am telling you now, the steps and years it takes to arrive at this level is a serious process that can’t be taken lightly but when completed correctly you will have decades of profitable rewards that come your direction. Want to know how Renny built up fans in his businesses and how you can do the same? Email Renny and ask how to become a member of the famed Detail Mafia. [email protected] Clients Vs. Customers, Page �4

Page 5: Treat new clients like you are on a first date

Renny Doyle May 29, 2015

What Average Customers Want… Clients Vs. Customers, Page �5

Page 6: Treat new clients like you are on a first date

Renny Doyle May 29, 2015

What Your Ideal Clients and Fans Want… Clients Vs. Customers, Page �6

Page 7: Treat new clients like you are on a first date

Renny Doyle May 29, 2015

Back To The First Date Treatment…

It’s time to ask yourself the difficult questions:

• Is my customer interaction top notch? Could I improve it?

• Am I rewarding clients for referrals?

• Am I thanking clients for their decision to choose me?

• Am I thanking each client for referrals in a way that will bring maximum impact to the relationship.

• Think out of the box and give your clients something they don’t expect…OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE!

Steps To Keeping The Love Flowing…

Renny has outlined further ideas on how to engage clients at new levels and has shared that with The Detail Mafia Members. All members of The Detail Mafia have trained with Renny as that is the only way into this exclusive member area and group. Clients Vs. Customers, Page �7