transportation business advisory council (tbac)...

3 9:40 TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS ADVISORY COUNCIL (TBAC) GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday March 3, 2016 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 4 Metro Metro Headquarers Board Room 3rd Floor One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, C 90012 Paricipants: Vice Chairperson, Ezekiel Patten, Jr. Financial Oficer, Ethel Walker AGENDA Parliamentarian, Deborah Dyson TBAC Representatives, Metro Staff, Guests, General Public Item Time Topic and Presenter(s) Purpose and Process 1 9:30 Welcome and Introducions, Ezekiel Patten Jr. Call to order; site information and safet. 2 9:35 Agenda and Handouts Review, Ezekiel Patten Jr. Meeting Minutes Review (February), Ezekiel Patten Jr. 4 9:45 Chair Repor, Ezekiel Patten Jr 5 9:50 Metro Guest Speaker: Diana Estrada, Chief Auditor Important audit related information for businesses doing business with Metro. 6 10:00 Metro Cntrcing Opporunities (5 minutes each) Provide status of Metro future and current contract a) Highway Programs, Abdollah Ansari opportunties; status of small and disadvantaged (Deputy Executive Officer, Project Management) business contract goals and contract awards. b) ProcurementContrac Look-Aheads, Victor Ramirez (Interim Executive Oficer, Construction Contrac Management) . .. • c " • · • i Ir , . ; T C r ,' n \ 'Ir o " • p :-r11•1r•, ._ ' c) Current Sollcltatlons, Linda Perrman ri r •. • ' (Principal Contract Compliance Oficer) 7 10:20 Committee Repors (5 minutes each): Election forTBAC Officer vacancies: Chairperson and a) Nomination Committee, Rosalind Pennington {10 min.) Secretary. b) Membership Committee, Sandy Schneeberger Provide status of each committee activites and c) Bylaws Committee, Rod Garcia progress. d) Legislative Affairs Committee, Ali Altaha e) Commodities & Supplies Committee, Ezekiel Patten, Jr. f) Professional Serices Committee, Rod Garcia g) Construction Committee, Deborah Dyson I !• •' ' ' 8 11:00 Cde of Conduc Review and'Dlscussion ofTBAC Code of Conduc 9 11:05 Acion Item Review Progress on Action Items from previous meetings; review assignments to committees 10 11:10 Open Agenda Small Business Forum Comments 11 11:15 New Business Action Item Recap, new matters brought up for consideration 12 11:20 Nomination Committee Elecion Results 13 11:25 Public Comment (limit 2 minutes each speaker) Announcements, general infrmation sharing 14 11:30 Adjourn; NEXT MEETING: Thursday April 7, 2016 9:30am Metro Board Room 3rd Floor ,. •• , • ! • ·1·:···· .. ,,, .•.•. d,. ,,.,, .. ,,_ . .. .. ,., ',. ,f'VIMt• "t t,: '\ • ' '\.'ft·•''' '1 '' '1''" , .. • q · ·r • · '' " - '' ',' TBAC Member Organizations: Amercn Indian Camber of Cmmr of Califria Los Angeles Chapter- Elite SDVOB Netwr Arb Amrcn Assoation of Eginer & Arhiects Los Angeles Chapter - National Oranization of Minort Arhitets Asian Amercan Arhitects & Engineer Association National Association of Minorty Contrctor Black Business Association National Association of Women Business Owner - Los Angeles Filipino Amercn Societ of Arhitects & Engineer National Associaton of Women In Constrction - Los Angeles Hispanic Engineer Business Cor. Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commere Los Angeles Latno Chamber of Commere Socet of Hispanic Prfessional Engineer - Los Angeles Chapter Los Angeles Chapter of the DVBA Women's Business Enterrse National Council - West ADA Requirment: Upon rquest, sign language interrtton, materals in altematve fonats and oter acmmoatons ar available to te public fr MA-spnsored meetings and events. All requests for rasonable acmmoations must b made at least tre wring day (72 hour) in advanc of te sceduled meeting date. Please telephone (213) 922-4600 beteen 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday thrugh Friday. Our TDD line Is (800) 252-900 --------------------------------- I

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  • 3 9:40



    Thursday March 3, 2016 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 41J Metro Metro Headquarters Board Room 3rd Floor One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012


    Vice Chairperson, Ezekiel Patten, Jr.

    Financial Officer, Ethel Walker AGENDA Parliamentarian, Deborah Dyson

    TBAC Representatives, Metro Staff, Guests, General Public

    Item Time Topic and Presenter(s) Purpose and Process 1 9:30 Welcome and Introductions, Ezekiel Patten Jr. Call to order; site information and safety. 2 9:35 Agenda and Handouts Review, Ezekiel Patten Jr.

    Meeting Minutes Review (February), Ezekiel Patten Jr.

    4 9:45 Chair Report, Ezekiel Patten Jr 5 9:50 Metro Guest Speaker: Diana Estrada, Chief Auditor Important audit related information for businesses

    doing business with Metro.

    6 10:00 Metro Contracting Opportunities (5 minutes each) Provide status of Metro future and current contract a) Highway Programs, Abdollah Ansari opportunties; status of small and disadvantaged

    (Deputy Executive Officer, Project Management) business contract goals and contract awards.

    b) Procurement/Contract Look-Aheads, Victor Ramirez

    (Interim Executive Officer, Construction Contract Management) .. .. • ""i • · • • i Ir , .. ; T C r ,'\ n \ 'Ir "\ • :-r-i11•1r•, . _, ' c) Current Sollcltatlons, Linda Perryman ri r •. • '

    (Principal Contract Compliance Officer)

    7 10:20 Committee Reports (5 minutes each): Election for TBAC Officer vacancies: Chairperson and a) Nomination Committee, Rosalind Pennington {10 min.) Secretary.

    b) Membership Committee, Sandy Schneeberger Provide status of each committee activites and

    c) Bylaws Committee, Rod Garcia progress.

    d) Legislative Affairs Committee, Ali Altaha

    e) Commodities & Supplies Committee, Ezekiel Patten, Jr.

    f) Professional Services Committee, Rod Garcia

    g) Construction Committee, Deborah Dyson I !• •' ' ' 8 11:00 Code of Conduct Review and'Dlscussion ofTBAC Code of Conduct

    9 11:05 Action Item Review Progress on Action Items from previous meetings; review assignments to committees

    10 11:10 Open Agenda Small Business Forum Comments

    11 11:15 New Business Action Item Recap, new matters brought up for


    12 11:20 Nomination Committee Election Results

    13 11:25 Public Comment (limit 2 minutes each speaker) Announcements, general information sharing

    14 11:30 Adjourn; NEXT MEETING:

    Thursday April 7, 2016 9:30am Metro Board Room 3rd Floor

    ,.., ••••••• • •••• , • •• ! ••••• • ·1·:···· .. ,,, .•.•. ,.., ,,.,, .. ,,_ . ... .. ,., ', .. ,f'VIMt• "\t t,: '\ • ' '\.'ft·•''' '1 '' '1''" , .. • · ·r • · '' " - '' ',' •

    TBAC Member Organizations:

    American Indian Chamber of Commerce of California Los Angeles Chapter- Elite SDVOB Network

    Arab American Association of Engineers & Architects Los Angeles Chapter - National Organization of Minority Architects Asian American Architects & Engineers Association National Association of Minority Contractors

    Black Business Association National Association of Women Business Owners - Los Angeles Filipino American Society of Architects & Engineers National Association of Women In Construction - Los Angeles Hispanic Engineers Business Corp. Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

    Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce Society ofHispanic Professional Engineers - Los Angeles Chapter Los Angeles Chapter of the DVBA Women's Business Enterprise National Council - West

    ADA Requirements: Upon request, sign language interpretation, materials in altemative fonnats and other accommodations are available to the public for MTA-sponsored meetings and events. All requests for reasonable accommodations must be made at least three working days (72 hours) in advance of the scheduled meeting date. Please telephone (213) 922-4600 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Our TDD line Is (800) 252-9040

    ------------------+---------------- -· I


    FEBRUARY 4, 2016

    I. Call To Order

    TBAC Meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Mr. Ezekiel Patten, Jr. at 9:35am in the Metro Board Room located on the Jrd floor of Metro Headquarters at One Gateway Plaza in Los Angeles, California. Mr. Patten asked that TBAC representatives sit in the first two rows of the room so that it's known the representatives that are present for the meeting. Mr. Patten thanked The Los Angeles Sustainability Coalition for sponsoring the morning breakfast coffee and pastries.

    Roll Call: Each person attending the meeting introduced themselves and affiliation, TBAC Representative, Metro Staff, and General Public business/ organization affiliation.

    TBAC Officers Present (X) Chairperson - Open

    Ezekiel Patten Jr., Vice-Chairperson- Black Business Association X

    Secretary - Open

    Ethel Walker, Financial Officer, Filipino American Society of Architects & Engineers X

    Deborah Dyson, Parliamentarian, National Association of Minority Contractors X

    TBAC Representatives/Alternates Attendance (see sign in sheet) American Indian Chan,berofCommerce (AICC)

    Shannon Marquez, Representative

    Robert Weir, Alternate 1

    Arab American Association of Engineers & Architects (AAAEA) Ali Altaha, Representative X

    Mohsen Monruda, Alternate 1

    Vic Zakoor, Alternate 2

    Asian American Architects & Engineers Association (AAa/ e) James Okazaki, Representative X

    Ken Wong, Alternate 1

    Diana Ho, Alternate 2

    Black Business Association (BBA) Ezekiel Patten Jr, Representative (fBAC Officer see above) X Earl Cooper, Alternate 1 Rosalind Pennington, Alternate 2 X

    Filipino-American Society of Architects & Engineers (F ASAE) Ethel Walker, Representative (fBAC Officer see above) X

    Pert Arca, Alternate 1

    Berwyn Salazar, Alternate 2 X

    Hispanic Engineers Business Corp. (HEBC) Rodrigo Garcia, Representative X Al Solis, Alternate 1 X

    Armando Ramos, Alternate 2

    The Elite Seroice Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB) ____ , Representative

    Rene Cota, Alternate 1 Linda Clark, Alternate 2 X

  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    Los Angeles Chapter ofNational Association ofMinority Architects (LANOMA) Michael Anderson, Representative

    Gregory Williams, Alternate 1

    Roland Wiley, Alternate 2

    Los Angeles Chapter ofthe Disabled Veterans Business Association (LA-DVBA) William Osgood, Representative

    Brandon Titus, Alternate 1

    Sandra Schneeberger, Alternate 2 X

    Los Angeles LAtino Chamber ofCo111merce (LALCq Frank Villalobos, Representative

    Darrel Sauceda, Alternate 1

    Roger Martinez, Alternate 2 X

    National Association ofMinority Contractors (NAMC-SC) Deborah Dyson, Representative (fBAC Officer see above) X

    Sharon Coleman. Alternate 1 X

    Leonard Lumas, Alternate 2

    National Association ofWomen Business Owners ofLos Angeles (NAWBO-LA) Schenae Rourk, Representative X

    Mary McCormick, Alternate 1

    Carman Rad, Alternate 2 X

    National Association ofWomen in Constrnclion (NAW7C-LA)

    Dr. Giovanna Brasfield, Representative X

    Priscilla Chavez, Alternate 1 X

    Dianne Frank, Alternate 2

    Regional Hispanic Chamber ofCommerce (RH CC-LA) Danny Cancino, Representative X

    Ramon Aguilar, Alternate 1

    Regina Talamantez, Alternate 2

    Society ofHispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE-LA) Emmanuelle Galvan, Representative X

    Paul Avila, Alternate 1

    Roberto Guzman, Alternate 2 X

    Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBEC-lP'eslj

    Rubina Chaudhary, Representative X

    Lily Otieno, Alternate 1

    Dr. Pamela Williamson, Alternate 2

    Metro Staff

    Ansari, Abdallah, Highway Program X

    Baldwin, Shalonda, Vendor/ Contract Mgmt

    Elattar, Aziz, EO, Highway Programs

    Cabral, Miguel, Diversity & Econ Oppty X

    Compton, Keith, Diversity & Econ Oppty X

    Coppola, Carolina, Procurement X


  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    Ellis, Julie, DEO, Adrnin Business Services

    Flores, Michael, Diversity & Econ Oppty X Gipson, Charletta, Diversity & Econ Oppty

    Jacobsen, Jerry, Diversity & Econ Oppty X

    Jong, Ben, Highway Programs

    Katkaphan, Virmol, Procurement X

    Licea, Dr. Irma, Diversity & Econ Oppty X Lewis, Whitney, Diversity & Econ Oppty

    Long, Miriam, Diversity & Econ Oppty X Mireya Lopez, Olga, Diversity & Econ Oppty X

    New, Bob, DEO Procurement

    Ortiz, Ramon, Diversity & Econ Oppty

    Page, Ivan, Interim Executive Director, Vendor/Contract Mgmt X Perryman, Linda, Diversity & Econ Oppty X Ramirez, Victor, Interim EO, Vendor/Contract Mgmt

    Segura, Olivia, Diversity & Econ Oppty

    Smith, Tashai R., Diversity & Econ Oppty

    Turner, Sonya, Diversity & Econ Oppty

    Villar, Marisela, Diversity & Econ Oppty

    White, Wendy, Diversity & Econ Oppty

    Wiggins, Stephanie, Deputy Chief Executive Officer

    Womack, Breia, Diversity & Econ Oppty

    General Public Attendance (see sign in sheet)

    Adolfo Mota, DC Engineering

    Bonnie R. James, BRJ & Associates

    Calvin Y oshitake, Guida Surveying

    Carlos E. Morgner, Morgner

    Charissa Frank, FMG Architects

    Daniel Cribbs, Chapman Glucksman

    Daniel Louis, HNTB

    Dave Tiberi, HNTB

    David Woo, AYCE Inc

    Duanne Gilmore, Arup

    Edgar Zelaya, KKCS

    Fabiola Jaque, California Testing & Inspections

    Herman Gordon, Govindas Financial Services

    Ivan Benavidez, Fountainhead

    Jennifer Freund, Corporate Impressions Jonathan Hou, Axiom

    Julien Atallah, Alta Vista Solutions

    Kandice Nguyen, AYCE Inc

    Karina Ellis, Ellis Equipment

    Karina Ellis, Pike Trench & Traffic

    Kate Mergen, AGC



    X X

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    [email protected]

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  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    Kimberly Rogers, Jacobs [email protected]

    Lee Holguin, DR Consulting Designers [email protected]

    Marita Claudio, Magna Sol Corp [email protected]

    Michael Chavez, JM Diaz, Inc [email protected]

    Paul Apodaca, AEG [email protected]

    Phyllis Tucker, T &T Public Relations phyllis. [email protected]

    Rajesh (Roger) Soneja, Simplex CM [email protected]

    Rashmi Chaturuedi, Kaygen [email protected]

    Rick Hijazi, PMCS Group [email protected]

    Rowena Altaha, C2PM [email protected]

    Scott Fabel, Ghirardelli Associates [email protected]

    Scott Simpson, MARRS Services [email protected]

    Steve Kats, V&A Inc. [email protected]

    Steven Diels, AAMCOM [email protected]

    Thomas Pringle, Universal Reprographics [email protected]

    Timothy Jones, M3 Services Inc [email protected]

    Tony Higgins, Walsh-STRABAG [email protected]

    Vanessa Barrientos, South Star Eng [email protected]

    Veronica Rojas Munoz, Power-Tech Engineers [email protected]

    Vina Azar, PMCS Group [email protected]

    Zelda Harrison, Zeldesign [email protected]

    TBAC Membershi l Or2anization Attendance, i>ast 12 Months #OF


    1 AICC X X X NA X X X X 7

    2 AAA EA X NA X X X X 5

    3 AAa/e X X X X NA X X X 7

    4 BBA X X X X NA X X X X X X 10

    5 FASAE X X X X X NA X X X X X X 11

    6 HEBC X X X X X NA X X X X X X 11

    7 SDVOB X X X X X NA X X X 8

    8 LANO MA X X X NA X 4


    10 LALCC X X X X X NA X 6

    11 NAI.\IC-SC X X X X X NA X X X X X X 11

    12 NAWBO-LA X X X X NA X X 6

    13 NAWIC-LA X X X X X NA X X X X X 10

    14 RH CC-LA NA NA NA X 1

    15 SH PE-LA X X X NA X X X X X X 9

    16 WBENC-West X X X NA X X X X X 8

    Note: Bueti upon Jnform11don from Meeting Sip In Sheets

    II. Approval of January Meeting Minutes

    Mr. Patten reminded everyone that in the last meeting comment was received that there isn't enough time to

    review meeting minutes and so requested that meeting minutes be distributed for review before the meeting.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    Ms. Walker said that the meeting minutes were not distributed before the meeting because she disagrees with the request to send meeting minutes in advance, has issues with doing that. Mr. Patten provided 3 minutes for members to review the January 7, 2016 meeting minutes.

    Ms. Pennington said that in Section G Nominating Committee report should state "Chair" not "Interim Chair". Comment noted and meeting minutes amended according.

    Mr. Patten motioned that the meeting minutes be accepted as amended, membership vote unanimous yes, motion passed.

    III. Chair Report (Ezekiel Patten,Jr.)

    Mr. Patten didn't have any comments but did a packet check, review of all the handouts provided for the meeting. Mr. Patten said that there is a missing report, the Highway Report, peach colored. No comment from Metro staff.

    Mr. Patten introduced Guest Speaker Mr. Philip Washington, CEO Metro.

    IV. Speaker (Mr. Philip Washington; Chief Executive Officer, Metro)

    Mr. Washington said last week he gave a State of the Agency address to the Metro Board. He talked about what each department was doing, what their accomplishments were last year, what their goals are for 2016, and the challenges going forward. He wants TBAC to get a copy of that address he gave to the Metro Board.

    The other thing is potential ballot measure to extend and augment the current Measure R half cent sales tax a period of 18 years, and augment it with another half cent sales tax. That's being discussed now, they have asked each of the COGS to identify and prioritize their projects and submit them to Metro. The COGS have done that and Metro is in the process of modeling and sequencing those projects now. One half of the pie is capital programs, the modeling that is going on right now. The other 50 percent is local return and operations. So moving down a path to brief the Metro Board next month March 2016 to outline the suggested projects for the capital projects first half of the pie, and at the same time working on the local return and operations hal( The plan is to brief the Board in March, and then in March to June will be the public comment period.

    This is a big deal, Los Angeles County will become the infrastructure capital of the world. It's already the biggest infrastructure expansion capital of the country, and if this plan is approved by the Board and the ballot measure in November it will be by far the biggest infrastructure capital of the world in terms of transportation expansion. So there will be and must be a role for small and minority business, and not the traditional small role. [applause]

    Various programs are being revised. For example Metro is looking at Tiered programs that recognize that small business, even though recognized as historically underutilized (Mr. Washington does not like the term Disadvantage business, prefers the term historically Underutilized business) looks at the revenue levels of firms so they compete against other firms with the same level of revenue. The tiered level program was put into the Purple line solicitation. The Feds are pushing back on it and say Metro cannot do it; Metro is appealing because Metro believes it opens the door for small business opportunities.

    Under the SBE program, it will be implemented as a tiered program as well, and eliminated "good faith efforts" provision because Mr. Washington doesn't believe in good faith efforts [applause]. If they could eliminate it in the DBE program they would, but they can't because DBE program is a Federal program. But Secretary Anthony Fox will be visiting in a couple weeks and they will be discussing that.

    They want to change the culture of the Metro organization. It can't be changed overnight because it's a large organization with a lot of silly rules, some that seemed to have been established to stifle the growth of businesses. It takes time to break down those silos, to break down the individual whose office is three levels below the surface and checks the block "no", and thinks that's their job to say "no" and get rid of them. [applause]. Because what we are trying to get to is "yes".

    So they are reaching out to department heads, and telling department heads to make sure they are accountable to things that don't allow us to move forward and don't allow us innovate. TBAC is going to be meeting senior people that are new to their positions, and others that have been here are changing their attitude.


  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    Metro is also telling the private sector what they want. They want to see mentor-protege programs, they want to see small business prime projects with prime contractors subcontracting to small business. They want to see joint ventures between large business and small businesses.

    Mr. Robert Guzman thanked Mr. Washington for attending and that attending regularly like in the earlier days of TBAC when the CEO used to attend all of the TBAC meetings and did not miss any TBAC meetings. Because the issues will eventually surface to the Metro Board, so why not resolve them in TBAC meeting rather than with the Metro Board or the press. Mr. Guzman asked about the point system. If the point system is more lucrative to include DBE firms, then you won't see awards going to firms that proposed fewer DBE's that other teams that proposed more than 50% DBE participation. And the goal settings need to be looked at more stringently because when projects are let out early there are no goals, so large business has no incentives to look for small business until SBE-DBE goals are established. And when they are established it's at the end, not the beginning, so many SBE-DBE firms are out the door.

    Mr. Rod Garcia commended Mr. Washington on his action plan, has heard good things about his previous post, and so we know Mr. Washington is committed to small business. In the early days of TBAC it used to meet as a small group with the CEO and things got done, it's good to see we are getting back to that. About a year ago a letter was sent to the Board and CEO that the new Measure R legislation should include some language about small business participation, a goal like 25% or something like that. We need help with that, and not because of Metro because we know Metro is supportive of small business, it's for the other stake holders, the smaller agencies that derive money from Measure R.

    Mr. Washington said they are exploring that, the local return of Measure R dollars that go to the smaller cities. Some of the challenges, in terms of administrating at the local level, smaller cities say they need more money to administer small business program.

    Mr. Al Solis said he would add one other thing, he called protege to protege program. There are a lot of successful small businesses. Sometimes there is disconnect between Prime and small business. It's important for small business to understand the internal works of not just their own business but also of the big Primes and how they operate. So a protege to protege success program to use small business to teach other small business how to be successful.

    Ms. Rubina Chaudhary said the best ones to mentor a small business is a successful small business, and not a program manager who sits in a large business, so she agrees with what Mr. Solis said. She expressed appreciation for Mr. Washington's focus on regulations behind the work. As small business begins to prime more and more of the revenue is flowing through their balance sheets, it begins to artificially inflate revenue levels. She requested that subconsultant revenue be separated from the total revenue calculation.

    Mr. Ali Altaha said he is thrilled with the changes at Metro and new policies that Mr. Washington is implementing. He echoed what Mr. Garcia mentioned earlier, that for any small business - DBE, small business, minority, woman owned - the biggest challenges we are seeing have not been discussed in detail with Metro. We are seeing discussions taking place with larger organizations but not necessarily with the smaller ones. At a minimum Metro needs to hear the inputs from the smaller businesses so Metro can make up their minds about what direction to take.

    Mr. Altaha said the local money is a huge chunk of Measure R and the new Measure, and there are ways to address small business concerns without affecting the bottom line for the local agencies that are recipients of the money.

    Mr. Altaha said we know why the PLA was implemented, if a contractor is not Union and they have to sign up to the PLA it costs $900 just to initiate their employees to be Unionized. That's a huge impact. There is the prompt payment issue, and many others. He asked that CEO Mr. Washington be a part of TBAC and attend or have a designated staff attend the meetings for better communication and understanding of the challenges and issues.

    V. Metro Contracting Opportunities A. Department Updates, Highway Programs; Abdollah Ansari (DEO, Metro)

    Mr. Ansari said there are a couple of solicitation's that can be seen on the Vendor Portal are two RFPs that are scheduled to be released around February 16. They are for local "Hot Spot" improvements -


  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    intersection and interior improvements in local cities. The 605 corridor hotspot analysis identified a whole bunch of local intersection improvements in additional to the highway improvements. Most of them are eligible under the SBE set aside program. The two coming up is for intersection improvements in the City of Cerritos, and the other is for intersection improvements in La Mirada and Santa Fe Springs.

    There is going to be an ITS contract in February. And the 405/Crenshaw has not been determined if it's going to be released as a consultant contract or in house Caltrans project.

    On the table outside is a list of projects where all the phases have been completed prior to construction and then there is a hand off to the project owner/ sponsor - essentially Caltrans or local government agencies. That list provides ample time for the opportunity to meet with the project owners, and also identify the project manager or contact person from the sponsoring agency. Any time before the cone of silence Metro is open to discussion for any advice or guidance Mr. Ansari and staff are available to help.

    B. Department Updates - Procurement; Carolina Coppolo (Exec. Officer Vendor/Contract Mgmt)

    Ms. Coppola said thank you for the opportunity to share any department updates, but at the moment there aren't any changes, no updates to report.

    C. Contract Look-Aheads; Carolina Coppolo (Exec. Officer Vendor/Contract Mgmt)

    Ms. Coppolo highlighted a couple of procurements that are on the Vendor Portal and encouraged everyone to frequently check the Vendor Portal once a week, a couple times a month because solicitations are posted on the Vendor Portal. There is a record high thirty-three (33) small business set aside solicitations posted on the Vendor Portal [applause] . Lot's of opportunities for small business community to propose and/or partner up with each other.

    To highlight a couple of solicitations, the Union Station Master Plan that is already posted, proposals due at the end of February. Please take a look at the solicitation online if you haven't already. It is Phase 1 Design Services of the Union Station Master Plan for the Stage 1 perimeter improvements that include Union Station forecourt and streetscape enhancements on Alameda and Los Angeles Streets.

    Another Small Business Prime posted on the Vendor Portal is the Bike Hub Management Services for the North Hollywood rail station. It will be posted within the next couple of weeks. So check the Vendor Portal download the RFP to review the scope of services.

    The hotspot procurements were mentioned by the previous speaker [Mr. Abdallah Ansari, Highway Programs] and will be released in the next week or two.

    The California Transportation Commission Technical Advisory Services is expected to be released in the next one to two months. It is technical advisory services for issues before the CTC.

    For Internet Technology (11) firms, scheduled to be released this Friday is Dell Storage Upgrade and Maintenance Renewal.

    And there is an unsolicited proposal policy that is being released by Metro CEO Mr. Philip Washington at next week's Industry Forum scheduled for Wednesday February 1 1 , 2016. Mr. Washington said that they want to hear private sector ideas, the policy says you can submit ideas to Metro whether it's a large Mega P3 or something smaller. There are some rules. There is not fee attached to a submittal (as there was previously). The policy will be revealed next week and posted to the website. So you don't have to wait for Metro to put out an RFP, you can submit your idea. Metro decide if it has financial or technical merit, Metro might put it out competitively, or they might sole source it if it's unique enough.

    One member said his company had a personal experience with and SBE prime set aside IFB. They pointed out that there was language in the offering that is extraordinarily deleterious to the financial well-being of a small company, but overall questions were not answered. The award should have gone to their proposal but it was not, and the award is under review. So when Metro invokes a clause that can create a financial ruin for a small business, where does one turn and how to we avoid pitfalls like that? Ms. Coppola said if it's under review they want to take a look that all of the rules were followed and nobody was put at a disadvantage. And they do have monthly meetings with topics of discussion how to educate, train, inform small business, so this sounds like a potential topic that can be shared with small business community. It's possibly a training exercise in the next How to do Business with Metro, so requested a side bar to get more information.


  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    Ms. Schenae Rourk requested that the Contract Look-Aheads report be provided in the meeting as it was previously, because when she visits the Vendor Portal she is looking at opportunities specific to her business interest. But she also represents NA WBO-LA and NA WBO-LA has a broad range of business interests.

    D. Current Solicitations; Linda Perryman (Principal Contract Compliance Officer, Metro)

    Mr. Jerry Jacobsen gave a presentation about the Vendor Portal, so that members can get 12 month look ahead and current solicitations information. The internet website address for the vendor portal is .

    Mr. Jacobsen also gave a FY16 update. He said 1 18 awards have gone out. Last year there were a total of 1 92 awards.

    Mr. Guzman asked if there is a way to get contact information for the project manager or contract administrator of a solicitation. Mr. Jacobsen said that is also found on the vendor portal, after opening the details of a solicitation the name, phone, email of contact person is provided. However you cannot submit comments/ questions through the portal, you need to contact the person directly phone or email.

    Mr. Altaha said some companies are getting notifications about new solicitations through pre registration, and some are not. Also, once the solicitation is seen on the Vendor Portal, in most cases it's required to visit Metro in person, give a check and pick up a CD for the details of the solicitation. It would be nice if a bare minimum description of the solicitation could be first downloaded and reviewed to determine there is enough interest to visit Metro and purchase the entire set of CDs for the solicitation.

    Mr. Ivan Page said they are working on that, a way to use zip files to download solicitations, as long as they are under a certain size. But for megaprojects the solicitations are still too big for download.

    Question was asked, if a solicitation is found on the Vendor Portal and listed under Open Solicitations, is it in the blackout period. And if it's in the blackout period what questions can the Contract Administration (CA) answer? Mr. Page said if it's in the Open Solicitations then it's in the blackout period and questions can only be posed to the CA, not to the project manager. The CA will contact Project Managers to work out the answers for questions posed during blackout period. If the solicitation is listed on the 12 month look ahead, and not the Open Solicitations, you can contact the project manager for any questions.

    Mr. Jacobsen said that all solicitations are posted, both formal and informal, so with SBE set aside prime program, notifications will go out to those firms with the NAICs codes listed in the solicitation.

    Mr. Emmanuelle Galvan said that in open solicitations he is not able to right click on a solicitation and to open in a new tab, he has to click on it and it opens in the same tab. The back button takes the back to the home page and then you have to revisit open solicitations and setup your filters again.

    Ms. Rourk said there was a contract that was going to be let out for $25M up to $100M. It is now in the open solicitation status, would Metro consider a change to the evaluation criteria? Mr. Page said if there is a question that demonstrates a good reason for doing that, yes it can be done, it has been done. Ms. Rourk asked if evaluation criteria can include what Mr. Washington has said on a number of occasions about innovation, joint ventures, and sub partners. Mr. Page said that the innovation creativity is included more and more, it is listed in the Design Build contract. So they are moving to include more innovation and creativity in the evaluation criteria.

    VI. Action Item Review; Ezekiel Patten Jr.

    Mr. Patten asked everyone to review and identify action items to be brought up for discussion in the meeting. Ms. Walker moved to close Action Item #13 since the audio recording of the July 2015 meeting was provided to Mr. Altaha a few months ago. Mr. Patten asked Mr. Altaha if that's been taken care of. Mr. Altaha asked for more time to complete Action Item #13.

    Mr. Altaha then asked why the TBAC meeting minutes of January 4th were not distributed in advance of the meeting. Mr. Patten said that should have been done month and asked that Ms. Walker do that next month. Ms. Walker said she has issues with distributing the meeting minutes in advance because of error and omission liability, and TBAC members do not have indemnification of liability from Metro. That needs to be discussed; Ms. Walker contacted Mr. Patten and Mr. Compton about the issues before the meeting. Also Roberts Rules allows meeting minutes to be reviewed and amended in the meeting, it doesn't say that meeting


  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    minutes need to be distributed in advance of the meeting. Mr. Patten said that once the meeting minutes were approved by himself and Metro there is no problem in publishing them because they are done, so next month publish them and get them out beforehand. Ms. Walker said she does not agree. Mr. Altaha asked if Metro can assist with preparing the meeting minutes. Mr. Patten said let's table this. Mr. Guzman motioned to table this issue and assign each of the action items to the various committees so the committees can work on these offline. Ms. Giovanna Brasfield seconded. Membership vote unanimous, motion accepted. [Action Item #43]

    VII. Committee Reports

    Commodities Committee, Ezekiel Patten Jr,A.

    Mr. Patten reported that Ms. Jessica Omohundro [Senior Buyer, Supply Chain Mangement] attended the meeting to talk about her job before the SBE set aside program and after. She didn't realize how many small businesses existed, and receives questions from all over the country, not just locally. In the future there will be a different buyer at each of the committee meetings to explain how they do their job in procurement. The committee didn't get the organization chart, but next month there will be a presentation of the i-supplier module, time permitting.

    B. Legislative Affairs Committee, Ali Altaha

    Mr. Altaha gave an update on prompt payment rules that have been established recently by Metro. The rules are very energetic and very helpful to any small business DBE firm. If implemented it would eliminate going through the US DOT loan program. It's a very good set of rules that Metro has implemented, but there is a lot of opposition to them by larger firms. Ms. Kate Mergen from AGC invited some of the smaller firms to discuss the policy with some of the larger firms. They have found the source of the problem, so can discuss needed modification with Metro. But some of the AGC members feel there should be a pilot program, to find enough time to abolish the policy.

    Mr. Altaha said the membership is facing this problem, the PLA and others but the Board does not want to get involved. He called the Chair and the answer he got was that it's not our problem. But it's our problem when policies are being implemented without inputs from small business or the DBEs. He requested that membership make some comments, we need people to come in and make some comments on these issues.

    Mr. Altaha said he understands that Metro doesn't have the resources to prepare the meeting minutes, but it's also not fair for one individual to take on all of the burden. He suggested voice recognition software could help with the preparation of meeting minutes.

    Mr. Guzman said he hasn't seen anything documented by Mr. Altaha, and it's up to him to document and circulate information, otherwise it's a moot point. Every committee should report in some document format what they are talking about.

    C. Professional Services Committee, Rod Garcia

    Mr. Garcia said they had an unofficial meeting, but went over the notes of the last meeting. Mr. Abdollah Ansari attended the meeting. They agreed the committee would focus on design and construction management at a minimum, but is open to other professional services that can have sub committees.

    In the last meeting the SBE set aside program was discussed. For instance, how do managers feel about it, are they supportive, managers should receive some incentives to make it more effective, should be well integrated between the departments, share responsibility, award tracker report should be provided quarterly, lessons learned should be part of the report.

    Mr. Garcia seconded what Mr. Altaha said earlier, that Metro should provide resources for preparing the meeting minutes. The legislation that created TBAC says that Metro should provide resources and support. So TBAC Board members should not be spending hours to develop meeting minutes, they should be done by Metro staff members - and they used to do that, and TBAC Secretary would review them.


  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    D. Construction Committee, Deborah Dyson

    Ms. Dyson invited everyone to attend the committee meetings. Mr. Jacobsen attended to discuss the SBE set aside program, using the Vendor Portal, joint ventures, and prime to mentor program. No update on the boot camp, but an attorney Mr. Daniel Cribbs attended and has volunteered his services to small businesses.

    E. Membership Committee, Sandra Schneeberger

    [Meeting was adjourned early by necessity, committee report tabled to the next meeting]

    F. Bylaws Committee, Rod Garcia

    [Meeting was adjourned early by necessity, committee report tabled to the next meeting]

    G. Nominating Committee, Rosalind Pennington

    Ms. Pennington reported that nominations were submitted by the memberships, the deadline to submit was 2/1/2016. The Membership committee has confirmed most of the nominations. After the meeting Nominations committee will contact the candidates and confirm that they want to run for the officer position. There are three candidates that the Membership committee is still trying to confirm. But the candidates eligible to run for Chairperson are Rodrigo Garcia, Al Solis, Zeke Patten, and Robert Guzman. For Secretary the eligible candidates are Dr. Giovanna Brasfield and Rodrigo Garcia.

    The Nomination committee will get the results for the other three candidates in the next couple of weeks, and then the final ballot will be prepared. In the next meeting each candidate will have 3 minutes [for a statement of qualifications]; Nomination committee is asking for 30 minutes total the election process in the next meeting.

    Mr. Altaha said that there have been some changes, previously 5 minutes was allowed for each candidate. The Bylaws have grave discrepancies including discrimination. The last three of four meetings was discussed that the challenges of the Bylaws need to be addressed in order to move forward. It was stated in previous meetings, and it's not reflected in the meeting minutes, that the association needs to recommend who is going to be going for election. Now they are changing the rules. We need individuals that will run for this Board that can handle the challenges that we are all facing, we cannot continue the way we are right now. Metro has been more than gracious, and have been acting on a lot of things, we did not have this six years ago. Six years ago it was "we will get back to you". Some individuals within TBAC are trying to sway the election. What we had agree upon is that the Association will make the nominations. Now they are saying the Bylaws do not say that. The Bylaws are discriminatory, you cannot limit who can be a member because someone wrote the Bylaws 20 years ago. Nobody asked in the Membership committee for the last six years to renew the roster or the application. At least I have not, yet it's been used today. We need to change things, but the first thing we need to change is the current Board.

    Ms. Pennington said that Mr. Altaha is on the Nominating committee and if he had not left abruptly he would have known that the committee is recommending to change the time from 5 minutes to 3 minutes because of time and what the candidate would use the time for. The Nominating committee is following the current Bylaws, we don't have time to change the current Bylaws.

    Mr. Guzman said he attended the Nominating committee meeting, and apologizes for some of the statements made by Mr. Altaha. We are here to work together, not point fingers. The problem is that this is a Special Election, not really identified by the Bylaws. The Bylaws will take a lot of time to change because every Board of every Organization needs to review them. So don't expect the Bylaws to change in the next six months to a year. The key is that we need to approve the Nominations committee recommendations today so that we can move forward. SHPE-LA has been updating their roster every year. If somebody didn't get it I don't know. The Nominating committee has SHPE-LA support.

    Ms. Clark asked if representatives need to be present to vote, or is it going to be by email? Ms. Pennington said that representatives need to be present to vote in the Special Election, one per organization, to hear the speeches being made and to vote. There will be a one ballot marked for each organization, identification will required to receive the ballot.

    Ms. Brasfield said that she is concerned about the role of Secretary, certain things are not in place that are needed to be in place, so she is pulling back her Nomination. There are too many loose ends, it's too much


  • TBAC MEETING MINUTES: February 4, 2016

    particular liability, and it's high risk for that particular Secretary position that she is not willing to accept based on all of the stuff that's happened the past year, and the confusion, the movement of items from the minutes. She understands that those issues are going to be addressed by the new Board, but going into it, she does not want to be put into that position of liability.

    Ms. Pennington said that there is a lot to be desired around getting things straight and the Bylaws. And that was planned to be the next step, to contact each candidate to confirm they accept their nomination(s).

    Mr. Guzman motioned to accept the Nomination report, with the additional of a write in candidate on the ballot in case there are vacancies at the meeting. Ms. Clark said there has been a lot of effort to vet candidates to make sure they are qualified and from qualified organizations, so concerned that a write in candidate doesn't work.

    Mr. Guzman said there may be an opening, and write in candidates is a normal election process. Ms. Pennington said you can't run from the floor, and because of vetting there isn't time to do that. Fortunately each position has somebody running. But if there was a vacancy, the Chair can fill that vacancy with an appointment until the next Special Election or the next Election.

    Ms. Clark point of information, the Interim Chair cannot make an appointment to any Board vacancy. Ms. Pennington said it wouldn't be Interim Chair, it would be the Chair after the upcoming Special Election. But if the Secretary position is open, the Bylaws allow the Chair to make an appointment. But we can check.

    Mr. Guzman made motion to accept the recommendations by the Nomination committee on the elections [without amendment for write in candidates]. The motion was seconded by [inaudible] .

    Mr. Roger Martinez asked clarification, are the nominations closed at this point or is it still possible to nominate candidates? Ms. Pennington said nominations were closed February 1 51•

    Mr. Al Solis said he would like to make certain of the Chair appointment because it was an issue last summer. We need to double check on that before moving forward, and be 1 00% certain that the position either stays vacant or the Chair has the ability to appoint someone. Ms. Pennington said that it's not the Nomination committee issue for the Special Election, so we should table that discussion.

    Mr. Altaha said that we should not limit who is running for election. It's an election, not an appointment. Anybody who wants to run, let them run.

    Mr. Patten said there is a motion on the floor, all those in favor say "aye", not in favor "nay". The motion carried, the motion was accepted.

    Mr. Patten apologized, Bylaws and Membership committee were not able to give their reports. There is another meeting happening in the Board room, we have to vacate the Board room. Those reports will carry to the next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1 1 :30 A.M.

    VIII. Financial Report, Ethel Walker

    [No report, meeting adjourned; tabled to next meeting]

    IX. Open Agenda

    Small Business Forum Comments

    [No Small Business Forum comments, meeting adjourned; tabled to next meeting]

    X. Next Meeting Review

    Thursday March 3, 201 6 @ 9:30am - 1 1 :00am Board Room Jrd Floor

    XI. Public Comment

    [No public comment, meeting adjourned; tabled to next meeting]

    XII. Adjournment

    [Mr Patten adjourned the meeting early out of necessity to clear the Board room as it was needed by another group at 12:00PM. See above last paragraph of Nominating committee report.]

    1 1

  • - - - --- - - - - -- -


    1.:,.:,uc DATE

    1 Dec 2010 2 Mar 2012

    3 May 201 3

    13 Sep 2015

    15 Sep 2015

    17 Sep 2015

    18 Sep 2015

    21 Oct 201 5

    23 Oct 201 5

    24 Oct 2015

    25 Oct 2015

    26 Oct 2015

    29 Nov 2015 30 Nov 2015

    31 Nov 201 5

    32 Nov 201 5

    33 Dec 2015

    34 Dec 2015

    35 Dec 2015

    36 Dec 2015

    OPEN ACTION ITEMS March 3, 2016

    \,UMMl l l a;;a;;

    ACTION ITEM ASSIGNED Contract Awards of less than $100,000 to be posted. Metro Staff

    Provide copy on internal closeout report for projects over Metro Staff $100K. A·NaFd Trasker B2GNow be changed to reflect actual utilization Metro Staff rather than bid numbers Ali Althaha to provide his question regards comments left out [of N/AJulv Meetina Minutesl in writina to Ezekiel Patten

    Take back to management that Metro should participate in Legislative setting SBE-DBE goals to local agencies that are using Measure Metro Staff R funds. rRelated #16 #18 #21 . #24 #25 #371

    Send email to Tashai Smith with his question about setting an

    RFP evaluation criteria that gives 10 points for the teams that Professional Svcs are joint venture between prime and an SBE. [Tashai Smith to


    Provide to Ezekiel Patten, Professional Services committee

    recommendation letter for Phil Washington and Board, there Professional Svcs should be SBE-DBE participation goals for Measure R2 local Legislativeagency projects, SBE-DBE goals that local agencies must

    followJRelated #15. #18 #21 #24 #25 #37 #421

    Contact the Countywide Department Program to get someone to

    come and speak about the prospects of why they don't require Legislativethe cities who get money to put SBE-DBE goals on their

    contracts. [Related #15, #16, #18, #24, #25, #37 ,#42)

    Take it back to the policy team, that some contract templates Metro Staff have PO Box only [does not include email contact information] Ask management if one more additional column can be added

    in the construction sheet which will put a number as to what the Legislative

    SBE target is for that particular local agency contract. [Related Metro Staff

    #1 5 #16 #18. #21 . #25 #371 . . . Prepare a Report to the Board Memo asking have they been

    -fully Informed on SBE-DBE participation goals for local agency Legislative

    projects? [Related #15, #16, #18 #21 , #24, #37, #42)

    Have discussion on how we can communicate with TBAC, and

    also with our buyers, NAICS SBE Set Aside and SBE-DBE Professional Svcs certification issues

    Post Meeting Agendas to Metro website 72 hours advance Metro Staff Motion for TBAC to adopt MTA Board Rules of Conduct and Bylawsinclude in Meetina Aaenda

    --·- ,_. · -·--·- -- .. ... .. ... ....·- .aetiaR& takeR agaiRst them. Motion: Any member of TBAC made or threatened to be made a party to any action, suit or

    proceeding by reason of the fact that s/he is or was a Director, Bylaws

    Officer, or Member of TBAC shall be Indemnified and defended

    by Metro pursuant to the law in the same manner as an officer

    or emnlovee of Metro. rRelated #381 Metro Staff Set up bank checking account for TBAC TBAC Vice Chair

    Determine why there are no SBE-DBE goals for 1405/Crenshaw Metro Staff Blvd RFP $3M-$25M

    For speaker presentations, if paper handouts are not provided,

    provide a visual presentation (after the meeting post to the Metro Smff

    I " ' ' . TBAC Meetiria Archlveswebsltel . . I • • . • • •

    Provide specifics to TBAC Vice Chair about Construction

    Management RFP that was issued but was not reported in NIA

    Metro contract look aheads orior to the release of RFP.

    Provide status of expiring Bench contracts and release of new Metro Staff Bench Contract RFPs

    • -··- IN


    Tashai Smith

    Tashai Smith

    Linda Perryman

    Tashai Smith

    Ali Athaha

    Ben Jong

    Ezekiel Patton

    All Altaha

    Roger Soneja

    Tashai Smith

    Rod Garcia

    Ezekiel Patton

    AII Altaha

    Ali Altaha

    Metro DEOD

    Ali Altaha

    Ben Jong

    . . . Ali Altaha

    Jerry Jacobson

    Al Mitchell


    Rod Garcia

    Rod Garcia

    Keith Compton

    Ezekiel Patten

    Ben Jong

    Me 9 .. er $&!lt rs

    Ali Altaha

    Ben Jong

    Jenv Jacobsen




    June 2016


















    --- - 1

  • 43


    OPEN ACTION ITEMS March 3, 2016

    155U "6UMMl 1 1 s;;s;; . -· ·--'!'! IN DATE ACTION ITEM ASSIGNED CHARGE DEADLINE

    Legislative Committee to arrange for a group of TBAC representatives to meet with the Metro Board about SBE-DBE 37 Dec 2015 Legislative Ali Altaha Opengoals on Measure R projects managed by Local Agencies

    rRelated #15. #16 #1 8 #21 #24 #25 #421

    TBAC to ask Metro Legal Advisor if Metro Board can Indemnify 38 Dec 2015 Bylaws Rod Garcia OpenTBAC Board from anv leaal action. rRelated #311

    39 Dec 2015 Can TBAC participate in the 2016 Disparity Study Metro Staff Jerry Jacobson Open Provide contact information for Metro Speakers so they can be 40 Dec 2015 Metro Staff Keith Compton Opencontacted for auestions and info after the meetina.

    Respond to public member about SBE-DBE goals on MGL

    Negative Ground Devices procurement. December 2015 Metro Staff Jerry Jacobsen 41 Jan 2016 Contract Look Ahead reported No SBE % established, OpenProfessional Svcs Rod Garcia Anticipated Advertise Date ''To Be Determined"; the solicitation

    was released. oronosals due JanuaN 1 1 2016.

    Prepare a letter that requests a meeting with the executive

    committee to discuss inclusion of SBE-DBE goals in Measure

    42 Jan 2016 R2. Send a letter with monthly meeting agenda and meeting Legislative All Altaha Open

    minutes to the executive committee. [Related #1 5, #16, #1 8, #21 #24 #25 #371

    Feb 2016 Assign Action Items to Committee TBAC Vice Chair Ezekiel Patten New Note: Action Items "Closed" for more than 30 days not included in this list.

    ,...... , # • • , • • • • L ;•• ,_, r , " V L , ,t_ '"' ' '' , ... ,

  • - -





    TBAC Regular Meet1ng Thursday, February 4, 2016

    Board Room, 3rd Floor 9:30 a .m. - 11 :00 a .m.


    TBAC Membe1rs - · --

    Phone Email Address Initials


    916-719-7435 [email protected]

    310-640-9250 [email protected]

    --510-812-5210 [email protected] ..AA 510-812-5210 [email protected]


    Alternate 2 Vic Zakoor AACCSV 510-812-5200 [email protected]

    3 Asian American Architects & Engineers Association (AAa/e) -

    ,r,£I /[email protected]

    [email protected] 1,,----;, [email protected] 1 --;'J/

    ,_,II - I - '

    [email protected] ?i-1 [email protected]

    Alternate 2 Berwyn Salazar FASAE / GlobalASR Consulting 818-445-7677 [email protected] \J -

    6 Hispanic Engineers Busfness Corp. (HEBC} [email protected] /A_. c"' -

    I \___,

    Name Business Name

    American Indian Chamber of Commerce (A/CC)

    Shannon Marquez Blair, Church & Flynn Consulting Engineers

    Alternate Robert Weir Metro Video Systems, Inc.

    Arab American Association of Engineers & Architects (AAAEA) Representative Ali Altaha Chairperson

    Alternate 1 Mohsen Monruda Malcolm

    Representative James Okazaki Okazaki & Associates 626-799-5332 [email protected] )--u -....,

    Alternate 1 Kenneth Wong Miyamoto International Inc. 626-818-3373 [email protected] I·; 310-344-5556

    Alternate 2 Diana Ho Diana Ho Consulting Group 213-947-1039 [email protected]

    Black Business Association (BBA) - · -323-235-3500

    Patten Energy Enterprises, Inc. 323-235-3400 Representative Ezekiel Patten, Jr. 323-291-9334

    Alternate 1 Earl Cooper BBA 323-291-7820

    Alternate 2 Rosalind Pennington BBA 323-449-1246

    Filipino American Society of Architects & Engineers (FASAE) Representative Ethel Walker Paragon Engineering & Management 310-492-5170


    Alternate 1 Pert Arca PA Arca Engineering 310-768-3977

    Representative Rodrigo Garcia Hispanic Engineers Business Corp. 323-265-1443


    Alternate 1 Al Solis Coleman Construction Inc. 323-295-1199 [email protected]


    Alternate 2 Armando Ramos Ramos Consulting Services 626-906-4888 [email protected]

    , of 3

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • (/ /(,,,




    -;::/'/M () ,

    11·co/1 \

    TBAC Regular Meeting Thursday, February 4, 2016

    Board Room, 3rd Floor 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

    -TBAC Members -

    Email Address Initials Name Business Name Phone The Elite Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB} · -

    Representative Alternate 1 Rene Cota [email protected] Alliance 909-618-5049 .

    [email protected] 2 Linda Clark Langford & Carmichael, Inc. 310-902-1877 (/\I .


    Representative Alternate 1 Alternate 2


    Representative Alternate 1 Alternate 2

    10 Representative

    Alternate 1

    Los Angeles Chapter of National Organization of Minority Architects {LA NOMA) Michael Anderson BASE/NOMA Gregory Williams Mass Architecture & Design

    Roland Wiley R A W International

    Los Angeles Chapter of the DVBA William Osgood CFR & Associates

    Brando Titus PA Environment & ARX Engergy Sandy Schneeberger Sanberg Co/GSJ Utility

    Los Angeles Latino Chamber of Commerce (LALCC) Frank Villalobos Barrio Planners, Inc.

    Darrel Sauceda Associated Construction Services Group Alternate 2 Roger Martinez Vasquez & Company

    National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC-SC) Representative Deborah Dyson Deborah Dyson Electrical

    Alternate 1 Sharon Coleman Coleman Construction, Inc. Alternate 2 Leonard Lumas Lumas Air, Inc.

    National Association of Women Business Owners of Los Angeles (NAWBO-LA) Representative Schenae Rourk Redwood Resources

    Alternate l Mary McCormick MBI Media

    Alternate 2 Carmen Rad CR+A Custom Banner

    'A ''\ - I

    \ CZ.....n /1 rh:..{ \--rct., '---L n, 11· -c C.:S-,ro11 i' l-(+

    310-261-3419 310-293-1394 213-622-4993

    805-351-3724 805-798-1072 310-560-5400

    323-276-7734 562-464-0880 562-556-6492 213-873-1703

    909-632-5567 323-295-5484 ext. 101


    310 356-7619 626-967-1510 626-967-1718 213-749-4440 213-749-4446

    "'l> fg

    [email protected] [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected] [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]


    da [email protected] r [email protected]

    [email protected] .//J; [email protected] -n:;u, j .,#177"7:., [email protected] V

    [email protected]

  • TBAC Regular Meeting Thursday, February 4, 2016

    Board Room, 3rd Floor 9 :30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

    - ·

    TBAC: Members


    Representative Alternate 2 Alternate 1

    14 Representative

    Alternate 1 Alternate 2


    Representative Alternate 1 Alternate 2



    Alternate 1

    Alternate 2

    Name Business Name Phone

    National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC-LA}

    Dr. Giovanna Brasfield NAWIC-LA Dianne Frank NAWIC-LA

    Priscilla Chavez ,Oia1=1e-C-astano-5allee-&-Assec ate,;-lne:-

    PC-L- C- 01-....\C,.t "{l..\)(.._ 1 \ 0 I Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (RHCC-LA)

    Danny Cancino SOC Engineering Inc. Ramon Aguilar Murakawa Communications

    Regina Talamantez RT Engineering & Associates

    Society Hispanic Professional Engineers {SHPE-LA) Emanuelle Galvan Agility Fuel Systems

    Paul Avila PBA & Associates Roberto Guzman SH PE-LA

    Women's Business Enterprise Council {WBENC-West)

    .Bubina Chaudhary \'\.o!, \,._v,.,.,, (_ k-:\-\A." \.J •• LA

    Dr. Pamela Williamson

    MARRS Service Inc.

    -f«_t L , l lnfloit¥ B11,h:( ltltieRs


    310-863-5083 310-861-1155 626-7 55-85 75 626-773-6948

    949-280-2863 310-376-2236 909-855-1807

    525-335-4546 626-915-3915 323-707-2535

    714-213-8650 714-213-8657 714-670-8941 '71-4-670-89.!tS 424-259-0599 602-320-3331

    Email Address Initials -

    /I .

    [email protected] r· V@-; [email protected]

    pr 5€[email protected] -P(-\? 1'.l c A \.J e:.I.(...) i' c.. l . c_or ... .....

    [email protected] [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected] (E.,[email protected] [email protected] Y}l. " -

    [email protected] {?_(l__

    YC .::,h 1111 1 .. (. /\ci. k.,; -Y vCe(',\.rn ' i. C KaJJt j))J

    [email protected]


    3 of 3

  • TBAC Regu la r Meeti ng

    Thursday, February 4 , 201 6

    U n ivers ity Conference Room, 4th Floor

    9:30 a .m . - 1 1 :00 a .m .

    Genera l Pu b l i c

    5 . v , c.

    [.cutV l VI e e l [ 1 +!; .6

    tll//(1$ .J"A/

    tf#'/J£d Pft'. /·cs


    Name Business Name Phone E-mai l

    2 /oS 3


    1 0 ·trl

    , , iovJ z JI A- /1/-T1

  • Name













    TBAC Regu lar M eeti ng Thu rsday, February 4, 201 6

    U n ivers ity Conference Room, 4th F loor 9 :30 a .m. - 1 1 :00 a .m .

    Genera l Pu b l i c

    Bus iness N ame Phone E-mai l

    I -

    c.:r l F rr,L

  • - - - - - - --

    - -- - -


    TBAC Regu l a r Meeting Thursday, February 4 , 201 6

    U n ivers ity Confe rence Room, 4th F loor 9:30 a .m. - 1 1 :00 a .m.

    - - - -· - - - -· -- - -- - -

    Genera l Pub l i c: ·- - -E-mai l PhoneName Business Name

    1 2

    1 3

    1 4

    1 5

    1 6

    1 7

    1 8

    1 9




    2 of7

  • TBAC Regu l a r M eeting Thu rsday, February 4, 201 6

    U n ivers ity Conference Room, 4th F loor 9 :30 a .m . - 1 1 :00 a .m.

    Genera l P ub l ic
















    c..fe._J ' W

    Bus iness Name Phone E-mai l

    equ ,v .:s.ue0 -qu.....\& ? "2-7:> -

  • ---

    -- -- -

    TBAC Regu lar Meeting Thu rsday, February 4 , 201 6

    Un ivers ity Conference Room, 4th F loor 9 :30 a. m. - 1 1 :00 a. m. --

    Cer,era l Pub l ic -- -E-ma i l PhoneBusiness Name Name



    3 7













    4 of7

  • 80


    82 .;e z c ,at:? • 0 /....__--






    -;:::::r- r< ,VC:::::: I

    c "PZ.,, .>

    ,::.l'l.- /l/( r/,tV't; z_..

    TBAC Regu la r Meeti ng Thu rsday, February 4 , 201 6

    U n ivers ity Conference Room, 4th F loor 9 :30 a .m . - 1 1 :00 a .m.

    Genera l Pu b l i c

    Bus i ness Name Phone

    6j)}) (V)v1-j)7:v Z, /73'5-(.7 CJ '-t°l r:; s ,y1, ,Z.. CJ- cc!) · - 7,3 -; ?0 't. e?_ ' ,

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  • TBAC Regu lar Meeting

    Thursday, February 4, 201 6

    Univers ity Conference Room, 4th Floor

    9:30 a.m. - 1 1 :00 a.m.

    Name Business Name Phone E-mai l
















    6 of7

  • TBAC Regu lar Meeting

    Thu rsday, February 4, 201 6

    U n iversity Conference Room, 4th Floor

    9:30 a.m. - 1 1 :00 a.m.

    Metro Staff

    Name Dept Phone I n itials

    l Ansari, Abdollah H ighway Program 21 3-922-4781

    2 Baldwin, Shalonda Vendor/Contract Mgmt 21 3-922-4488 - (\

    3 Cabral, M iguel Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-2232 'N__

    4 Compton, Keith Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3 -922-2406 '-lfz. 5 Coppolo, Carolina Procurement 21 3-922-4471 ._,, 6 Elattar, Aziz EO, H ighway Programs 21 3- 922-1 21 7

    7 Ellis, Ju i le D EO, Admin Business Services 21 3-922-1043

    8 Flores, Michael Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-6387 n1.r--: 9 Gipson, Charletta Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-2627

    1 0 Jacobsen, Jerry Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-3443 ,11· 1 1 Jong, Ben H ighway Programs 213 -922-3053

    1 2 Katkaphan, Virmol Procurement 21 3-922-7351 \ 1 3 Licea, Dr. I rma Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-2207 ,rX,, ' 1 4 Lewis, Whitney Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-241 3

    1 5 Long, M i riam Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-7249 M-GL 1 6 Lopez, Olga Mireya Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-3502

    1 7 New, Bob D EO, Procurement 213 -922-4977 V

    1 8 Ortiz, Ramon Diversity & Econ Oppty 213 -922-2631 I //}I nteri m Executive Di rector,

    e: /// V1 9 Page, Ivan Vendor/Contract M2'mt 21 3-922-6383 1V f:, 20 Perryman, Linda Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3 -922-2626 ('i -

    21 Ramirez, Victor I nterim EO, Vendor/Contract Mgmt 213 -922-1059

    22 Segura, Ol ivia Divers ity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-71 56

    23 Smith, Tashai R. Diversity & Econ Oppty 2 1 3 -922-2 1 28 4?:r V I

    24 Turner, Sonya Diversity & Econ Oppty 21 3-922-2631

    1 of2

  • n11. v 1 /

    TBAC Regular Meeting

    Thursday, February 4 , 201 6

    University Conference Room, 4th Floor

    9:30 a .m. - 1 1 :00 a .m. -

    Metro Staff

    PhoneName Dept I n itials

    21 3-922-2235 Diversity & Econ Oppty Villar, Marisela 25

    21 3-922-2648 "lr ,-11/Diversity & Econ Oppty White, Wendy 26 Deputy Chief Executive Officer 21 3-922-1023 Wiggins, Stephanie 27 Vr\\r11 / Diversity & Econ Oppty 2 1 3-922-2429 Womack, Breia 28 JV

    2 of2

  • Management Aud i t Se rv i ce s

    Provides aud it for pre-award , accounting surveys , change orders , i ncu rred costs , i nd i rect rate reviews , contract close-out

  • Ove rvi ew of t he Proces s

    Planning Stage (A) Fieldwork Stage (B) Report Stage ( C )

    • •

    • • •

    Engagement Notification Letter sent to Auditee identifying

    Engagement Objectives & Scope Type of Engagement Auditor Name Initial Data request list Auditee wil l be asked to complete and return:

    • Internal Control Questionnaire, and

    • Accounting System Questionnaire

    After receipt of Data

    Auditor reviews data Performs risk assessment and planning Selects transactions for testing


    Test the transactions and determine compliance Request for Proposals, Contract Terms, policies and procedures, Code Federal Acquisition Regulations (2 CFR Subtitle A, Chapter 2, Part 200, Subpart E), and Hold closing conference with auditee to discuss finding and recommendations.

    The Report

    Incurred costs Audits -Issue a draft report and include findings, conclusions and recommendations. Provide auditee 1 0 business days (normal ly) to submit its response to auditor. Issue a final report within 7 days after receipt of response which incorporates auditee response to fi ndings. (Preaward Audits-Draft report not provided to auditee)


  • Types of Aud i ts - -·

    Pre-Award - before contract award i s made

    I ncurred Costs - i nterim or close-out

    ty E 1•"1'"1(.,,..-.:..1

    ,.,1orn1:iltCI'' Cll v


    I nd i rect Rates- yearly

    pro;ect g nskAGD\1' ,

    ;n\.1\ySI• i .,.""''9

    ev3,uat\OI' g_ nietl



  • Aud it Obj ect ive s and C r ite r ia :

    Determ ine a l lowab i l ity, a l l ocab i l ity and reasonab leness of costs ( i nclud ing Home, F ie l d , Project i nd i rect cost rate)

    Criteri a : Contract terms , Federa l/State regu lations , RFP if cost proposa l


  • I n d i rect Cost Rate s

    To recover costs that a re not d i rectly b i l led to the prog ram/contract .

    For example , Genera l management costs that benefited mu lti p le contracts/projects (accounting , payro l l , H . R)

    For Cost Al lowab i l ity - 2 CFR Subtitle A, Chapter 2 , Part 200 , Subpart E


  • Sll pport fo r Labo r and F r i nge Be nefits Costs Time cards

    Labor charg ing system

    Payro l l reg ister

    Fringe Benefit

    Emp loyment Contract for new h i res


  • 1 r

    Al lowab i l i ty of Bon u s "'" -------..,;-

    Bonuses (FAR 3 1 .205-6) Employment agreement exists before services are provided

    E l ig ib i l ity Criteria and period of bonus p lan

    P lan/po l icy is employed & cons istently fol lowed

    Reasonableness of amount

    Justification for award


  • Com pe n sat i o n to Owne rs of C lose ly h e l d Co rpo rat i o n s

    (FAR 3 1 .205-6(a )(6)( i ) (A) )

    Al lowab i l ity of Compensation : Reasonable for services rendered Not be a d istri bution of profits Cannot be i n excess of costs not deductib le as compensation under I RS code


  • 11

    Mate r i a l Cost

    Basis for prici ng (vendor quotes , i nvoice prices , catalogue price)

    Source , quantity, and price of each item .


  • Typ i ca l Prob l em s fau na i n

    ropos l s

    Unal lowable cost i ncluded i n proposal ( FAR 3 1 .205)

    I nd i rect cost rate - purely estimated

    Did not propose Fie ld and/or Project Office Rate when requ i red by the Request for Proposa l


    1 0

  • Common Quest i oned Costs

    Labor hourly rates h igher than actua l pay rate per payro l l reg ister

    Escalation rate h igher than U .S . Department of Labor,

    Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Cost I ndex

    I nvoiced d i rect labor costs h igher than job cost ledger I nd i rect costs- fringe benefit rates app l ied to non


    Excessive salaries for owners includ ing withdrawals for personal expenses

    1 1

  • 3 Improvements (Construct Right rtesia, uth of the


    In the Period from March 1, 201 6 to August 31, 201 6 - 6 month look-ahead 4I, Metrd

    (Highway Program Look Ahead Reports)

    No ID Project Title Approx. Limits

    Project Cost


    Type of Funds

    Lead Agency

    Agency Contact

    Metro Project

    Manager / Lead

    tedEstimated Estimated EstimaAdvertise Award Constr.

    Date Date Start Date

    Estimated Estimated Ground Ribbon

    Breaking Cutting Date Date

    1 Park and Ride Lot (construct 23577 Calabasas Road $3,700 Meaasure R Calabasas Tatiana Ben Jong 90 spaces) (near Route 101) Holden

    O> Mar 2016 Apr 201 6 May 2016 May 2016 Sep 2016

    2 - 1-5 South Valley View Artersia Blvd to North Folk $1 14,846 Federal / Caltrans Diaa Yassin Victor Gau 0 Interchange (Construct Coyote Creek State I Local Mar 201 6 Jun 2016 Aug 2016 0 Sep 2016 Feb 2020 Interchange) en I\)

    Aviation Boulevard Aviation Boulevard at $847 Measure R Redondo John Mate Isidro Beach Panuco Apr 2016 Jun 2016 Aug 201 6 NIA NIA1ntersect1on.I\) Tum Lane) ex,

    4 4th Phase Citywide ITS Master Segment 1 - La Brea Ave $3,500 Measure R Inglewood Keith Lockard Isidro Plan - Inglewood (64th to Florence Ave)., Panuco May 2016 Aug 201 6 Sep 2016 NIA NIA

    I\) Seg 2 - Florence Ave( I\) Prairie Ave to High St.),

    Seg 3 Crenshaw Blvd

    (80th street to Century

    Blvd) Seg 4 - Manchester

    Blvd (Aviation Blvd to La

    Brea), Segment 5 -

    Centinela Ave (Beach Ave

    to La Cien a

    5 Pacific Coast Highway at The intersection of PCH $586 Measure R Redondo Wis am Isidro

    Torrance Boulevard (SR-1 ) and Torrance Beach Altowaiji Panuco Jul 2016 Sep 2016 Oct 2015 NIA NIA

    (.) Boulevard to Intersection Improvements O> approximately 300 feet (Design Construct Right Tum south of the intersection. Lane ENDNOTES:

    (1 ) Federal-CMAQ, TEA 21 Demo I State-GF STIP, RIP, TCRP, SLPP, I IP I Local Prop C (2) Federal-TEA 21 , NCPD, SAFETEA-LU, SECTION 125 STP I State-TCIF, PUC I Local-Measure R (3) Federal-CMAQ, SAFETEA-LU I State-GF STIP, RIP, TCRP, SLPP, CMIA, ITIP I Local-Prop C (4) Federal-TEA 21 , FRA/ State-Prop 1 8 I Local-County Funds, Prop C (5) Federal-HTF, NCPD, ITS, TEA 21 / State-lTIP, TCRP, RTIP I Local-Prop C (6) Federal-ARRA, RSTP, CMAQ, SAFETEA-LU I State-RIP, TCRP, SLPP, IIP, CMIA I Local-Prop C (7) Dates contingent on ROW acquisition negotiations and State Bond Sales (P) Potential Date (T) Tentative Date

    For EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION List sorted by Advertise Date, Construction Start Date, Hwy ID Page 1 of 1 Highway Projects In Construction • Printed: 2/261201 6 1 1 :59:08 AM

  • Daie II Time ; Mar/0 /2016 II 12;03;36 l'a e 1/3

    12-Month Look Ahead

    Proposed Project Title NAIC(s)

    Advertising Month

    03120 1 6 Constmction Management Support 236220 Services (CMSS) for Metro Bus Projects

    031201 6 Design/Build Major Construction- NIA Westside Purple Linc Extension Section 2

    3120 1 6 Construction Management Support 236220 Services (CMSS) for Metro Rail Projects

    03120 1 6 Metro Blue Linc First/Last Mile Plan 541990

    03/201 6 Pavement Replacement a t Division 8 unknown

    03/20 1 6 PGL South Pasadena Station TBD Northbound Platform ADA Ramp

    03/20 1 6 5 1 1 Motorist Aid and Call Box Call NIA Center

    03120 1 6 E l Monte Transit Center Exhaust 236210 System Modifications

    04/20 1 6 Construction Management Support TBD Services for Highways Sound Wall project packages 7, 10 & IOA

    4120 1 6 Fabrication o f Mounting Systems and 332999 Installation of Artworks

    04120 1 6 Graffiti Abatement Services NIA

    04120 1 6 Overhead Cranes Inspections & NIA Certification Services

    04120 1 6 Sound Enclosure at Rosecrans Station unknown

    041201 6 Van Nuys North Platfom1 (Metrolink) TBD

    04/201 6 Marketing, Communications and NIA Outreach Bench

    4120 1 6 Division 3 Soundwall Refurbishment NIA

    051201 6 Pavement Replacement a t Division 7 unknown

    05/2016 Division 4 Low Impact Development TBD Pilot

    Type Of Work

    Professional Services

    Design & Construction

    Professional Services

    Professional Services



    Professional Services

    Design & Construction

    Professional Services

    Professional Services

    Professional Services

    Professional Services



    Professional Services



    Design & Construction

    Estimated Cost

    SOOK-3 Million

    >500 Million

    500K-3 Million


    500K-3 Million

    500K-3 Million

    3 Million-25 Million

    500K-3 Million

    < IOOK

    I OOK-500K



    500K-3 Million

    Solicitation Type














    Department Posting Date

    Program Management 02/121201 6

    Program Management 02/1 112015

    Program Management 02/12/2016

    Countywidc Planning & 02/1 0120 1 5 Development

    Program Management 0 1/251201 6

    Program Management 03/03/20 1 6

    Congestion Reduction 05/22/20 1 5

    Engineering/Construction 1 2124/20 15

    Program Management 03103120 1 6

    Countywide Planning & 03/031201 6

    SOOK-3 Million


    SOOK-3 Million

    SOOK-3 Million

    25 Million-lOO Million lFB






    Transit Operations

    Transit Operations

    Program Management

    Program Management

    Congestion Reduction

    Program Management

    Program Management

    Program Management

    02/ 1 112015

    02/1 1/20 1 5

    0 1 125120 1 6

    031031201 6

    07129120 1 5

    10/19/20 1 5

    02/22/20 1 6

    02/1 1/20 1 6

  • Proposed Project Title NAIC(s) Estimated Cost Solicitation Type Type Of Work Department Posting Date Advertising Month

    5/20 1 6 WC Temporary Staffing 561 320

  • Proposed Advertising Month

    08/20 1 6

    08/201 6

    08/201 6

    09/20 1 6


    9/201 6

    9/201 6

    09/201 6

    P.-oject Title NAIC(s)

    Gateway "Garage Lamp Replacement Tl3D Project

    Program Management Support & 541 5 1 3 Implementation Services

    Maintenance Anncxt ( Specialty Bays) unknown Building at Division I

    Construction Market Analysis Study 541 330

    Artwork Renovation 332999

    Construction of Sound Wall package 1 1 TBD

    Consmiction Market Analysis Study 541330

    Construction Market Analysis Study 541330

    Estimated Cost Solicitation Type

    J OOK-500K RFP

    3 Million-25 Million RFP

    3 Million-25 Million LFB

    I OOK-500K RFP

    I OOK-500K RFP

    25 Million-I 00 Million IFB

    IOOK-500K RFP


    Type Of Work




    Professional Services

    Professional Services


    Professional Services

    Professional Services

    Department Posting Date

    Program Management 03/03/201 6

    Program Management 03/03/201 6

    Program Management 02/22/20 1 6

    Engincering/ConstructionO 1 /04/20 1 6

    Countywide Planning & 1 2/24/201 5 Development

    Program Management 03/03/20 1 6

    Program Management 03/03/201 6

    Program Management 02/ 1 1 /20 1 6

  • Ot0 L t lv S

    I Issue Date 03-Mar-20 1 6

    03-Mar-20 1 6


    03-Mar-20 16

    03-Mar-20 16

    03-Mar-20 1 6

    03-Mar-20 1 6

    03-Mar-20 1 6

    03-Mar-20 1 6

    03-Mar-20 1 6

    03-Mar-20 16

    03-Mar-20 1 6

    03-Mar-20 1 6

    03-Mar-20 1 6

    02-Mar-20 16

    02-Mar-20 1 6

    02-Mar-20 1 6

    02-Mar-20 16

    02-Mar- 2 0 1 6

    02-Mar-20 1 6

    02-Mar-20 16

    Page 1/

    I Status Active





















    Open Solicitations















    RFQ262 1 7

    RFQ2621 I




    RFQ26 193

    RFQ26 1 87


    Date II Time : Mar/04/2016 11 12:06:00

    Tille TypeI I 7 1 9925 RFQ




    "N". (2 ENPACK)

    LABEL - 3" X I ". 4 RUCS. 5333 LABELS PER RFQ


    I IOSE - AIR, YELLOW, 114. 25', RECOIL. (200 RFQ


    7 1 6356 RFQ

    7 1 8272 RFQ

    7 1 8027 RFQ

    7 1 6674 RFQ



    Retarder Housings RFQ

    A/C Compressors RFQ

    ECU Modules RFQ












    ST 1 072

    I Due Date I 7-Mar-20 16, 1 3 :4 7:57

    1 1 -Mar-2016. 1 4:00:00

    1 1 -Mar-20 16 , 1 4 :00:00

    1 0-Mar-20 1 6, 1 4 :00:00

    I O-Mar-20 16 . 1 4:00:00

    1 0-Mar-20 1 6, 1 4 :00:00

    I 7-Mar - 20 1 6. 00:00:00

    1 7-Mar-201 6, 00:00:00

    I 7-Mar-20 1 6. I 0:43:37

    I 5-Mar-20 1 6. I 0:20:55

    1 0-Mar-20 1 6, 09: 10:37

    1 1 -Mar-20 16. 04:00:00

    I I-Mar-2016, 04:00:00

    I I-Mar-2016. 04:00:00

    I O-Mar - 20 16, 14 :00:00

    08-Mar-2016. 1 5 :00:58

    1 0-Mar-20 1 6, 1 4:00:00

    I O-Mar -20 1 6. 14 :00:00

    I O-Mar-20 16, 14 :00:00

    I O-Mar-2016. 1 4:00:00

    I O-Mar-20 1 6, 1 4 :00:00

  • Number I Title I Type I Due Date I Issue Date I Status RFQ26 1 76 SOAP - HAND, GENTLE, ANTIMICROBIAL. 4

    GUCS RFQ 1 0-Mar-20 16 , 14:00:00 02-Mar-20 1 6 Active

    RFQ261 69 SWITCH-DOOR, REAR, PRESSURE WAVE RFQ 09-Mar-20 1 6, I 0: 1 8:04 02-Mar-20 1 6 Active

    RFQ26167 RELAY - PN-150BM RFQ 08-Mar -20 1 6, 08:41 :02 02-Mar-20 1 6 Active

    RFQ26 1 58 DONUT - RUBBER, AIR SPRING RFQ 08-Mar-20 1 6, 08:32:43 02-Mar-2016 Active

    RFQ26150 Field Coils RFQ I O-Mar-20 16. 04:00:00 02-Mar-20 16 Active

    RFQ26142 Repair Kits RFQ I O-Mar-2016. 04:00:00 02-Mar-20 1 6 Active

    RFQ26 134 HEAD ASM KIT RFQ 09-Mar-2016, 07:27:28 02-Mar-201 6 Active


    07-Mar-2016, I 5:09:31 0 1 -Mar-20 1 6 Active

    Rf-Q26 1 1 8 Metering Valve Asm RFQ 09-Mar-2016. 04:00:00 0 1-Mar-20 1 6 Active

    RFQ261 I I Transmission Valve Body Kits RFQ 09-Mar-20 16 . 04:00:00 0I-Mar-20 1 6 Active

    Rf-Q26 1 02 Supplemental Transmission Kits RFQ 09-Mar-20 1 6, 04:00:00 0 1 -Mar-2016 Active


    RFQ 07-Mar-20 1 6, 1 1 :22:47 0 1-Mar-2016 Active

    RFQ26090 Cylinder Head Asm RFQ 09-Mar-20 16 . 00:00:00 0 I -Mar -2016 Active

    RFQ26083 1 1 igh Pressure Regulators RFQ 09-Mar- 20 1 6, 04:00:00 0 1 -Mar-20 1 6 Active

    RFQ26076 lgnitor Modules RFQ 09-Mar-20 1 6, 04:00:00 0 1 -Mar-20 1 6 Active

    RFQ26067 PISTON KIT RFQ 08-Mar-20 1 6. 07: 1 7:54 0 1 -Mar-20 1 6 Active

    PS23852 Ornamental Welding and Replacement IFB 29-Mar-20 1 6. 1 4:00:00 29-r:cb-20 1 6 Active

    PS25691 Crenshaw/LAX Joint Development f-inancial Advisor

    RFP 29-fvlar-20 1 6. I 5:00:00 29-f-cb-20 1 6 Active


    RFQ 07-Mar - 20 16. 1 4:00:00 29-Feb-20 16 Active


    07-Mar-2016, 14 :00:00 29-Feb-2016 Active


    RFQ 07-Mar-2016, 14 :00:00 29-Fcb-20 1 6 Active


    RFQ 07-Mar-201 6. 14 :00:00 29-f-cb-20 16 Active

    RFQ260 1 3 7 14030 RFQ 08-Mar-2016. 1 1 : I 0:20 29-Fcb-20 16 Active

    RFQ26007 720544 RFQ 08-Mar-2016, 1 1 :05:41 29-Feb-20 1 6 Active

    RFQ25995 724443 RFQ 08-Mar-2016, 1 1 :0 I :05 29-f-cb-20 1 6 Active

    Rf-Q25993 Control Valve Solenoid Asm RFQ 08-Mar-2016, 00:00:00 29-Fcb-20 1 6 Active

    Rf-Q2598 I High Pressure Regulators RFQ 08-Mar-2016, 04 :00:00 29-Feb-20 1 6 Active

    RFQ23928-2 Conduit Utility Trnck RFQ 2 I -Mar-2016. 1 4 :00:00 29-Fcb-20 1 6 Active

  • RFQ25968

    Number I BRAKE SHOE

    Title l RFQ

    Type I Due Date 07-Mar-2016, 09:44:29

    I Issue Date 29-Feb-20 1 6

    I Active


    RFQ25966 Cylinder Kits RFQ 08-Mar-2016, 04:00:00 29-Feb-201 6 Active

    RFQ25959 Solenoid Valves RFQ 08-Mar-2016, 04:00:00 29-Feb-2016 Active

    RFQ25953 HEAD ASM RFQ 07-Mar-2016, 08:34:0 I 29-Feb-20 16 Active

    RFQ25946 KIT CYLINDER LINER RFQ 07-Mar-2016, 08:27:08 29-Feb-20 1 6 Active

    PS23 I 60-2 Bicycle Trace Data for Bicycle Model Project RFP 28-Mar-20 1 6. 1 4:00:00 26-Feb-20 1 6 Active


    RFQ 04-Mar-20 1 6, 1 4:00:00 26-Feb-20 1 6 Active

    DR257 1 5 High Density Equipment IFB 30-Mar-2016. 1 4:00:00 25-F cb-2016 Active

    OP25098 Custodial Maintenance Services for Harbor IFB 23-Mar-20 16 . 1 4:00:00 23-Feb-2016 Active Transitway Stations

    PS25055 Digital Incident Management System (DIMS). RFP 28-Mar-20 16 . 09: 1 9:26 I 9-Feb-201 6 Active

    AE2508 1 Final Plans for the 1-605 Arterial I lot Spots in the City of Cerritos including amendment I . Updated 2/26/1 6

    RFP l 7-Mar-2016, 1 4:00:00 I 6-Feb-20 1 6 Active

    AE25083 Final Plans for the 1-605 Arterial Hot Spots in La Mirada/Santa Fe Springs including amendment I . Updated 2/26/ 1 6

    RFP 1 5-Mar-20 16, 1 4:00:00 I 2-Pcb-20 1 6 Active

    PS23597-2 Federal Legislative Advocacy Services including Q&As. Updated 2/29/1 6

    RFP 09-Mar-20 16. 1 4:00:00 09-Fcb-20 1 6 Active

    OP24665 Overhead Crane and Hoist Inspection. Test. and Certification including amendment I and Q&As. Updated 3/3/1 6

    IFB l 5-Mar-20 16. 1 4 :00:00 09-Fcb-20 1 6 Active

    PS l 9404 Federated Search System Project. RFP 15-Mar-2016. 1 4:00:00 08-Feb-2016 Active

    AE24904 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Co1Tidor RFP 1 4-Mar-20 16 . 1 4:00:00 05-Feb-2016 Active Environmental Srudy including Amendment I . Updated 2/26/ 1 6


    IFB 07-Apr-2016, 1 4:00:00 05-Feb-20 1 6 Active

    TRAI lfNG

    PS24750 Transit Law Enforcement Services including amendments I & 2 and Q&A's. Updated 3/3/ 1 6

    RFP 27-May-2016. I 0:00:00 05-Pcb-20 16 Active

    l'S24923 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor RFP 07-Mar-2016, 1 4:00:00 05-Feb-20 1 6 Active Community Participation Program including amendment I & 2. Updated 2/29/ 1 6

    l'S24959 Dell Compellent Storage Upgrade and Maintenance RFP Renewal

    04-Mar-2016 , 1 6:00:00 04-Feb-20 1 6 Active

    PS24667 Tableau Data Visualization Project including amendment I . Updated 2/4/ 16

    RFP 08-Mar-2016, 16:00:00 02-feb-20 1 6 Active

  • Number I Title J Type I' Due Date PS201 I I CEQA/NEPA Environmental Services and Support RFP 1 4-Mar-201 6, 1 6:00:00


    RFP 29-Mar-201 6, 1 4:00:00


    PS24649 Parking Guidance System including amendment I , 2. 3 . 4 & 5. Updated 3/1 / 1 6

    RFP 1 4-Mar-20 16. 1 4:00:00

    OP23532 Electric Vehicle Chargers for Chandler Demo Project including Amendment I & 2. Updated 2/22116

    IFB 1 5-Mar-20 16 . 1 4:00:00

    OP23446 One Ton Utility Trucks IFB 09-Mar-2016, 1 4:00:00

    OP23398 Dual Fuel Powered Pneumatic Forklifis including Amendment I . 2 & 3 and Q&As. Updated 2/1 8/ 1 6

    )Fl) 1 4-Mar-2016, 1 4 :00:00

    OP23468 Cargo Van including Q&A's. Updated 2/29/ 16 IFB 08-Mar-20 16. 1 4:00:00

    OP22893 Heavy Duty Tractor including amendment I. 2 and IFB Q&As. Updated 2/23/ 1 6

    23-Mar-2016. 1 4:00:00


    07-Dec-20 1 6, 09:53: 1 7

    Cl 120 Westside Purple Linc Extension Section 2 Project - RFQ/Rl'PDesign/Build including amendments 1 . & 7. Updated 2/1 / 1 6

    I 6-May-2016, 14:00:00

    P2000-20 1 5 P2000 Light Rail Vehicle Overhaul Program including amendments I . 2. 3. 4. 5, 6, 7 , 8. 9 & I 0. Updated 2/29/1 6

    RFP I 8-Mar - 20 1 6. 1 4:00:00

    I Issue Date 29-Jan-20 1 6

    28-Jan-20 1 6

    27-Jan-20 1 6

    27-Jan-20 1 6

    26-Jan-20 1 6

    25-Jan-20 1 6

    25-Jan-20 1 6

    I 2-Jan-20 1 6

    30-Dcc-20 1 5

    1 4-Sep-20 1 5

    09-Jul-20 1 5

    I Status Active











  • 1 .)





    1 /1 /2016 • 1 /31/201 6

    Disclaimer:Total State/Local Awards: 40 $6, 1 15,847 SBE Awards: 25

    This report contains prime contract awards approved by the Metro Board during the report period. Information on Total Federal Awards: 1 $13,266,163 DBE Awards: 3 subcontracts reflects prime listing of subcontract activity known at time of bid. Metro does not award direct contracts

    Total Awards: 41 $19,382,01 0 Total DBE/SBE Awards: 28 to subcontractors. This report does not capture all contracts awarded by Metro.

    Run Date: Goals 3/1/2016

    Contract # Award Project Name Prime Award $ Funding Est% Comm% Subcontractors Sub Amt. Cert Date Source Type

    DR4449500 1/29/2016 HP Color Laserjet KAMBRIAN CORPORATION $4,673 Non-Federal Set- SBE: 1 00.00% KAMBRIAN CORPORATION $4,673 SBE Enterprise M553dn Aside (SBE Prime)

    PS4445700 1/29/2016 Metro Safety Culture for Transit THE WATHEN GROUP LLC $315,654 Non-Federal Set- S