today --and yesterday aoto amd rnmmm. page · 2018-12-22 · today --and yesterday. we. note the...

¦ ¦ . ¦WBk fflMEX. Today - -and Yesterday . we. note the oldttou nc nt East Sct- auket formerly thc ~ cKildh ood home of the late. Margaret Ebboreo n, and now the home if ^her "daughte r ,; Marian , and Miss Mary ' A ' . TJridc rhlU , ' an aunt , has recently been covere d by-a ' new . roof made -wlth fireproof shingles , from Lopcr ' .a. Luj nhef . Yard Un .Port Je ffer- son. Tlie fflechanlcs. 'afe making some ; other repairs.: . ... . , . . , I;- To . :^e\v>r ifcc " 'thls;. old iantlm ark ' at iEa st Sctauket ' will " always have many filnd varied attractions. He was born Shore , in. ithe .beginning , of the- year ¦$M8. ° And.he .continued to llye - thcrc land ..go to . ' scHoolV' and became farmer .and mah ' ager -fbr . hi s' parcnts until ithe ipivil War. j day&.e nded andvMiere came ;a "slump" in 187S. That changed the (iiompiexlon-of agricult ure far and wide ¦i^a depression they call it now. ¦ ' ' _ John .Brewster : founded , the family :home we are referring to in the year jJ 80l\ Soon after tie added to Its length Some 20 feet or inore >' It has been a fabme that iidl: his descendants have continued ;to hye in ,.. _and some are Btill , lji addit ion-to his home ipr ^erty Mr ; Brcwstb f bwne ' d about 550 jf icresVof ' lan d 'in separate tracts in his year vicinity. This land was for merly igtpartof his father ' s vast estate. John SJrewster , 'died tfirty-n, 1857, aged 83 p»ai-S. '; . - . ' ' ¦¦;• ' .;: ;:• ; , . - ;. . \ feprom. ah issue of the Port Jefferson pimes issij ed ' ij ecemb ' . er; 20, 1884 , we ?get . the ' .'fb . HpWng ' : - ' 'JMrs. . Hannah JJAda ' m?. of ; Oakland , Ceil' .; Is , visiting at ijthb - home .. or hdr sister/ Mrs. Philip J ones ' a t;. East ''' Setauk ' et.- ' She is cor- pally ^ welcomed by . bid ' friends and ^amily/c ' onn ecUons." : . '¦¦; . ' ts. . , .7uioc nt:r. nanusome ., mi: mojHU win- Sdpw lias.been a ' dejed to Caroline Epis- copal .Chu rch ' . which will perpetuate. '|h£, ' memory of fee^ate ' Frank . Foster. iHcn ry ,Striilh aj icl ' oth ' ers ' of did Field, i " wVhoViiis. tKis 'tflb ute put in." (Note) iPrtbr to the CivU^' Wor ' days ' the Old sJPl eld Lighthouse , predecessor.;to this |bn e, was ker it "by : Mrs. ' Poster and her mm, Frank; for a. ;ibng " perio d. fc'Ca pt. George iiawklns of- the bark f BiE P. . . . Watson , ¦ and ' , fa mily, arrived !$&me last week after a-lbng ' nbsence in ?$ hpia ; , .. . The ,. bark ls .. in ; NeW York. |!fh' e fjii miiy, 'bir: , ' ! Ca ptain ' ' . Hav/]idn ' s . will silve in. Brooklyn ' during the wlnter. "- Sj fVMr. ana Mrs. .Walter Dlqkcrson of g etauket. have ,-been. , absent the .past Jy eek enjoying ' a . visit with? trlends in ftm adjoi ningI village;" . ' When this .item JiWas writt en.. . th ey,. ' liv ' bd . ' .i' n tji ' e home SKat Mr. .and .Wrsr ' Frahk B ' . Joyne now ^s §> ' ' . i-: v "' .- 'W, " . ' ./ ; ¦ ,. '" ' . ';•' . ', •; ' . ' . - ¦ ¦ ¦;• ¦ fe. At this diite , ..i ni.the.year . 1834, work S as- being Diiuinnri In hiiiw ' « u —-. Sill" : : ¦ ; | £ „;. , ., ' ., .., . ; . . ' 7F" 1 . ¦¦ ! ' . ' ¦¦ "' ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ' . 'j ;,' :- , " ( %'- . :- ¦ ¦ ' - ' ' ¦ ' ' .. ' ; |:; ^' ¦ - ¦- ¦%¦ . ¦¦:;; <* J sjnfeuidE ,pf . wnys " .and: means , have been gjffiwkcn, -to scare, the m pA . .. Will- tho jm pihor.'or ' soVnc one that '. iya ' nta young aKti tsScbrhq . and ;get th orn? 1' - - As . a lost W'etor p ^ ve ' cAn uso . chlorbfonn or a bar- IffiWl of water on them to destro y their Stfplves, but don 't ;like "to do-It. ' One Is allj iyi 'tto othcr-blaok. ,. '} : fflKOurv fri ends: Richard, .EdWJrtd niid ffiS tbriry : Wpodhuli , . ore . said to have got Sfijhelr rieit' hoj ise co near done they are Jj pvlng :lu it. ' No .doubt It toolt longer BBb biillti'thftt old one. - , v - Still nnd Miss Dorothic Still of Pat- chogue Sunday. Tho fair and supper given By the Ladles Aid at tho Community House last Fri day was very successful. Mors than $100 was clcarc'd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyon , jr n nnd daughte r , Dorothy, have moved Into the house recently repaire d on his parent s' place. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith and Mrs. KUzabeth Brush called on friends In Selden Tuesda y. ' . . . . Mrs. Frank Hag en and Mrs. Edwi n Hawkins , have Join ed the Parent- Teachers 1 . ' - Association ¦ 6t Fatchogue and went to Patchogue Tuesday to at- tend the meeting at the high school. Mrs. Edwin Hawkins , ' spent a few days with Mr. ' and i Mrs ; Rudy ' Hahn of Patchogue ' last week. Srnithtown Miss Evclyil "Day entertained friends at a hrldge . part y Friday overling. Miss Adeline Erwln won first prize , and Miss Viola Haber seebnd.prize. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Regan and faintly of Flatbush spent the weekehd here. The Senior Class of the local High School are - presen ting "Oh, Kay " Fri- day evening. . ' , . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zavadll and daughte r , Jiianlta , visited Mr. , and Mrs. Henry Williams of Pelham Saturday. C. A. SeveHn entertained' friends from Pelham over the weekend.. Mrs. Frank Kudre l of New York City spent the weekend here with relatives. Little Jack Kass, " who has been ori the sick, list for the past week , has recovered. , >s - - - . Edward Kozllk . returned from New York City. Friday 'and spent the week- end here with his mother. . . s Mrs. ,Ralph Flood y spent Monday ' In New ' York City ; ; . . : . . ' . ' The James Ely Miller Fost 'of the American Legion, No. 833 ' , held a meet- ing at the Legion 'H ell ; last Tuesday evening. Stanley Hand was awarded a prize for being present the greatest riumber of times during the past year. Geo ' rge- SerJ iner . won the door prize. . Mrs. Henry Haber spent " Monday In Brooklyn with friends. Dr. L. M. Adler ^pent the weekend In New York City with his family. ' ' Mr. and Mrs..Harvey Piatt enter - tained relatives from New Jersey over: the weekend. " . . The Ladl es ' Auxllary of the Americ an Legion are giving a Christmas' par ty at the Legion Hall . Tuesday evening. " Henry Somers of port J dfferson- vis- ited the Oak Hill Farm here ;Mohda y ! Miss " J bah ' Luther- attep riled the " " l avy ' game at . the Vonlkeo ' sta- ' . - .. - .aturda y. ' :\. : - ' - : !; ' . ' ' ' -.' ¦ ' < : " : and Mrs. ,fphii\ 'Lachn ^, i {ehter- ' ;, o^B^^p: ' ;^enW, i^. ,j ilMer. ' ' ¦ ^*ll|: ^^Hi«Si^' i K i 'W ili' K 1 - ¦¦ ; ' ' - ;Chi *Wj 4»ieih-->ah ^'tij !j i Hrea ; -• ¦ . .^ tb ^^ ^a^^Btbo ' l^ti} - ' ..;. ' ¦;,;:. ' -. rli' OT Sviiti' ec of Bohemia visited friends herb oby Friday. ' ' : , V .. ' ¦ '• ' ; RbvVia ' rid Cohitlln, the son of Mr. and Mr s.; Claude , R. CordUln , Is recovering ' f roin ' X mast o ' ld ; operation . , performed Monday morning at tho . Mather Hos- pital. ' ' - . v , ' ¦ ' - . Mr. and . Mrs , Ethelbert L' Homme- d) eu , _ havo been visiting their dau ghter , Mrs. Frank Sctiae fbr , of Stony Brook, whose husband is ' re covering from an appendicitis operation at tho Mother - Memorial Hospital , Port Jefferson. . Tho family of Ooorg ^ o B. Marsh motored Into Jamaica Sunday nnd en- joyed the day. with Mrs. Marsh' s sister. The auxiliary of tho James Ely Miller p> \r. 0^r.C6VOM?i |^|<r ' a«rn , 'Flifli lt 'ira ' BOli aii d son , lalici't, mntor «d 1 t. O| . WooUlu l v l en recen t- , w. And wto ' iiwfclllA 'dt MlntlvnH there, f : M^nl)tl^iVC0^«ly1fli«nhH' in.vo' |)iir- (ttu uij c^ii plot of land on the rlaht ultlo If tlio BUiU) rend fioirt n f(ow Jemoy *nor. " ' i s - ' ' ' ' ' " '>¦ ii ' tA \m lrfina itovhantt wim n niombor if tho pomm ltto o foa' - 'ttia' Pr«»hmon illlico llt ltliM 1' iltc lipBU . o High Bolioql Ki .luiyUirV'Bn' !' •^¦ . ' . ' , ' ' ' , : . , - . " !' , 'Mr, v »ii)<t Mrii'U 'T J. - fltlll ; oitur uii noil (*• , u'tU Iffi^^ wWll ' *W y Mi V ¦¦- .. , ¦¦ ¦¦ ———... _ i i- The Western Suffolk Group Newspapers are tho ; " Seal' AAtiniMng. M ^Si was il *My$ ^mtma 'i ^ Il rown ' a I' li mlturc Excliango ^ ( *t w , Branch of -,, " ji X2 Bri iwfi' f i, , Otnwol Tr dcklnr ' ^S ^ . ' stbrnp fit ' vVnrc houBO ' ¦ ' . ' ' <Jf <Si . - 405 Mn plfl St., Isllp ¦ . ? M ;¦/ , :, ..—i—z —l. ;- . , ' ,.; - ¦ - ' . - , , -1 . - , ¦ ¦ B. C. Lind ol Brookl yn- Awarded 127th Automobile 'in Nat ionwide Slogan Contest ]7 iDWART» ' C. Li nd. of 88^9 Ft. r^ Hoj nUton ;.Parkway, Brookl yn, N. Y., Jo.the 127tb to wi n an auto- mobllo ' i u a -hatlonwifl ^ nioga n coa- tcst. . He Is th n flftecnth wlnnor la No*- .Y«fk Stote. "" Mr. Lind aoQUlred his now car by .writin g-twent y . . . words d escrlptlvo of tho q uality mini merlta of tho Cortlflo ' ii - v Crbrn6 Cigar, each Vrord on the . back of a Cre mo cigar bond . Every day, : oxcopt Sundays, unUl furt her notlce ^itbe -American Cigar Compa ny . avrard s'^ a. Closed car to tho author or-tho ' beat state ment. , Tho iro wess^B ploBan-makln g o^ tho so . -who' htt ' vo ° . s ubmitted their ¦ writings la '; tho '' " ootnpetltt on, la polntoa to by nd fortl slr c men aa a. pr oof tl ml modern aavcrtl nlng \>y mdan a , 'ot. newspa pers , magazines .anil radio has mado tho nation •' advortta lng,; conscious ", so that bvoa arai itours coil write a good, brier , s nap py slogan for a. product- ' . Tho efforts of tho contestants la this conipoUtl on : : or o rewarded With tb 6: choi ce/of a Ford , Chevro - let or ^ymouth autom obile , worth, at current prices, - about ?40 for each of tho! twonty words. Doctor s, . - .. dentists , liousewlvcs. business mop. / Clerks , olrpla no crecharita j, ¦ ' •: ' ¦ ' ' . talalstste , toacb e n. The dlnher . and .meeting of the Suf- folk and Nassau County Boat Build- ers Association , was held on Tuesda y at Marvin ' s Res taurant arid ' whs ' at- r '|^^: ' ,.B o|iting 'New8 : ; / ::: . 'i' v t tended by about SiO ' shipyard owners and managers from all over Long Is- land , nearly cvery .^.yard of any size was represented. . " -.' ,.' . D.-M. Brewster ^ of _Bay Shore was ' elected president and' .the other officers were carricd . ' . over ;frohi last year. After th e clecldori r th q ' . meeting was given over to > a. general "discussion of ship- yard probl ems on If ng Island. It was the consensus of j' opi nlon that the yards on Long Island , have not suf- fered froiti the depressi on any more than , tho average business. Very little yard and boat building Is being start- ed this , winter , ' the: result being that most . of the yards ' will be vi rtually Closed for . - several . . months. H -A largo part of i the time was taken up- in a discussion- of methods for making co"— ': .. h is a serious problem -w . pyards at this time . The i . . f the Assbcla-' tlon will bi ylon , Feb. 25, 1932. ' ' ' . ' . , _ ¦ The., drcd t. to the . Sca . - board Sand >. . ' o. has been painting of t .!. Shipy ard. . .11 . ¦ th e ' force or, ¦ -e , ' , ' . .: ". ' ¦ . ¦ - 4 ^.X '0^ * 0S ^ } jll d \0^^§0 & V : :: - ^0 n^ey - . ; . ¦ . ¦ ¦^¦ ,.tt if'; . 'iGa r Pro 'duttSoft ; t ' ll. ' , now, twelve-cylinder ¦ , ' engljie ; under dovclopm t it eight - een liiiiiitliB . beg . 11, otH- nowspapcr people and far mers have, boon among tho winners ot th« con- test . Sales men worb ro preaented by the lar gest gro up of -cvlnnor s. ¦ Ar- tisa ns la various trades caoo next. Laborers and Janitors and tele- graph ope rators, -to o, have acquired . automobiles by . tho Twonty Word i io uto. - i - - ¦ !' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' " ¦ .. '" ' is- olate' of the Lycoming Manufacturing Company, ,a division bf th e Cord Cor- poration , announced. - . ¦ .,; ,. ' The , new cnglne ofllcials sialed , is a considerable departure from ' conven- tional .practices , and will intrpduce a new field in flexibility and automobile performance to the motoring public. Completed nearly , a yeai' ago, It has been under actual . road tests ' since early last April. In these tests, it was stated , gas " economy of the? engine hds proved equal to engines of one-third the horsepower. ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' , # Production calls for 400 of these 12- cylinder engines by January . 1 , at which time production will be stepped up to 1 ,600 monthly. . one In every three cars purchase d was a Chr ysler Motors product , wniie a year ago it was one In twelve: " ,- features. The electrical etmipment'ac- cbunts for thirteen.: . Tho new straight eight engine embodies nlne-.notable advancements , other units of the car contributing the remain der. It has.alwa ys been Btilck' s policy, Mr. Ch urchill points but , to maintain proper balance amon g all car parts, whteh : accounts In. great .pieasnre for BUI ck' s long life. ' In ' suen fcaftlrcs as Wiaord , Control, the ride regula tor , the new . Instrume nt panel with ' tbueo-spoko steeling wheel , the relation oi the ma-. Jor - drills 'to cach ' 'bthcr ari i to tho Whol e car has been: co nsidered. ' As a result , , man y improvements.qre found In related parts , that contribute to the efficiency of the rriaj bV' advttncement s. ('Additional Improvements are found in; individual models ^ " Mr. Churchill says, "such as the more powerful en- gine hi the 32-50 scr ies on the tw-lncn wheelbase. " ¦ ¦ " ' ' mvw i ' . —; ~ ¦ ¦ HKTho 'Pros pcotlv o Olrl Scouts of Port j jBiiffcj'aon hold their regular Inedtln g V&v ttib 'Bniitlnt 'Qliiirc V' lasy ^uciidny. fflB\ ' Bcoltlc^.cnri 'y|ng. .r |Ut our regular nc- rajlyitlcp.wb .ngrcod Uiat ' eaplr girl : ho |{iWi«i)gncd -i(' day tb ; write ' tb ' Kathorino iiNi d 'Piwiird ' .Mnwtfoiwho 'av o , In ' the »fl(.. Charles. Haapltal , crippled , wllli in- Hftiitllb pnnilysl a. _ _ -: .. ' ' . ¦/ H}Wa liftld ouV ' -i ljU f' liie. 'i. 'i. ineotlii|[ ant ) Bhcn wcnt to our patro L wrnpr o. , ^^ Wo wi sh to -jriRl& ^niii cvrocUon i In Htl flrencft to tlio ' iiiinuten of tho last ^Ha tin g, Tlio ciindy salO \VII|;ho iVdd ¦mt Tliurndn y uta p. m, in the , Bop- ¦ tt CliW ^M I W 'lVPKn t dnlWbdhhada y. ^¦td ei's nmy bo plioiieil to Miss Norma JK io , Port Joffercoii ail: 'i i r<; ¦ ' ' < ' i ¦¦ . - . ' ,, ulli A' n po ' ote. BiSilll& ciiiVNfews ' m———i——it»i mtmmmmtmmmmammammmmm --"¦ ¦¦*-—;—r *- '—; : ¦ Insure Comfort Through tk f I NM ^ Our McUl Woatlieriti -ippln g will itive you it» coit In lieat , CALL AT 6llR BHOWnO OM FVJI t A DEMONaT lUTION on CALL liAY SHORE v ?701 Jf oit FREB K8TIM V11I! HP iioiAt. wiibK S ivfowr oivmm ZAN RUC«EN ' x ^mM& M SwMmm&Ml ff l mnir ^ mw$* ' " tflm ; '"& Value Wax Above the Price " ' flfS' Ji V^i'tVf ' -w*^ ' " 'ILL ' ' ' * * u - " i i .an ' ' ! -¦¦ ¦ ' , ' ,- ,,, . id B!^*v ?%>C , V * IN OLD ENCUSH COFFEE HOUSES w«E QjC)tJ2i ' I ' ¦ Rp gS& T 'AP T^r-^tu ^™-^ " ASA lISMUMMilNr ftP UWoI 5 J^ca ijSa i -^ ' fllE &I0M TO SNSURE PaOMPlNESta , IT WAS FIRST RULED BY ' H !< ¦ -^^^L^Sh ' . HeNCE . TtlE WORD TIP » ECWAB S r , AG THE AREA TA : I Here * * a tip that costs nothin g ? The FORD is a modern 0 ¦ '"' ' ,, " mechanical marvel of p ower and sp eed , EASY TO RUN ! AND EASY TO BUY.. Backed by our expe rt , prompt ' service, it gives satisf action through a long service. , i* . iMVonr i ' ¥i?i ?i?i^ii (C !i^ , i%T I' " : l^iPJK 1 . uMUif r UiMmEHJIm ¦:: . I AUTO SALilJiS, inc. I l : . ' . »i. ~ ¦ ' ' , ¦ , ,.. ' ¦ ;, , . ; " * ' . . ' ' '/ ""' \l ¦ , ¦ " 0 Port Jcrfc i'som ' a Authorized Uovd Dealer J8 ¦; ' ' ; | ; " l , " ,;,, . . i .. , ' ... V ,, ' , ; , : ; ; ,, . ±~ r .m, .. . r- : _—-. ' , 1 \'Ttiw^W0 ^ y/Z., ' ¦ ' ¦ ' " . " iPORT iEPPEKS ON STA'HON . ^ I. | I \^' " ! ^^^^ ' ' ' '' "'' ' ' : TWaWWWBHWWl WmiWB^ ^ t; 'RELIABLE GAIiAGES' : ;, . , 1. Billy' s Garage Socony-r r ^hell—Tydol Gasoline and Oil ' Cor . RlvorhcaoVB teto ifciad . Port Jefferson , I* i. TeL 882 ''' ' " . , ' . : ( " STOVER SE»VliOE3 SlATIOM . . ( ' , ' . ¦ ¦;• ' DIAMOND TIRE S—GOODRICH - >.. > ¦ ,; , ' " . ' : ¦ Itetal l dt Wholesale ' Pr ices , ' Dlamqna Tiros . - are .QaaranteBd against Glass Ciito, Stone Bruins * ': . Blow Oiit a , and Any . Bond Accldenui . ' . eiq MAnir at " ., P0itT JEM TEiasoN , w.x, ' ' ' , . „. . - . ¦ " ' / : ' . Telephbn a 08 . ' | 7 ~' ' .. ' : . ' ' _ ' ' ' RULAND' S GARAGE ' - ¦ . ' . AUTO AND MARINE . , - . . . , , v ,. Bepalm—Supplie s—Machlno Sliop ' ¦ . ' , ' ¦ ' ¦ ' iw ' . .«» KA YBESTO S BHAKE TESTER BlaW Street ,! Eoat SotatiI t6t, X.X/i , : ' rctepnone - 177 ' " -^C :. ' ¦ , Wo€d' s. Gara ge J ¦ .0; AND MACHI NE SHOP - ¦ ' ' " AUTOM OTIV E. MAKINT! AND RAOtO , " , ' . . BKPAJRS AND.StJPPlaE S " ' \ " . ' ' , Sriarto n arid Brun swlbtt gtony Brook Tel. S 3 Locke Vomt Mamn ¦£\ GOOD ' ' .r? ¦ . . ¦ :;:> ; ' :. j }^: ^'S::-i:REii: , U U;-: <.\ ¦ ^ : , 1 - ir ,:' r : v^i ¦»ww< ! ® ;! ®^ ' .?" : " ' ' ' ' : : , : ' - :: ,^ Chas. ^. ' -B isKori ' ;;. ; ' . ' . " ' 0s ' - ' i nmet. ,m 6/t o r e ars - . . . 8TKAI OI1T EIGHT VALVE-IN-I OSAD . JONES PT, , ' . POUT jteB-FBRSON. 1* L ' 'tfelepbonB 898 PORT JEFFERSON AUTO SALES, INC. " SERVICE ' . , ., jflfilBfc ;• ¦ ' ' . SALE3 ¦ ., POUT J EFFE BBON 81'A' ftON , N. . Y. . , - Telop hotto 8B0 ^^^ ¦m.i )omkmw auto sales , m. J Iwifc^^ iwI : ' T«lo|>hono 107 . ' ' j ^^Sw ¦ a ' ai 5oms Bt ' 1J ° rt 3cKcr «m > h '• ' , . " , Ma^aa^o^M-^ ' "' ¦ ' " " '- * S. " IDPSSLEB GAAAGE ' ¦ j ^rtM| ffpy 414 Main Street Port Jeffers on , L. I, Tel. 237 ¦' \" . ' ¦ " . . ¦ ' ' - : ¦ ' ' i ¦ ' . Nowcoml) Bros. , . ¦» ; ; ' ' ¦: d.o.;d : G ; E' ' ; ; ¦ ' ' . Port Jeff o ruon 41 ' , 1 ' " , POM ' JB rriTlCnBON * U. I. ' -' ' ' 0 ' ' " T " . ' ' •: . i - ' .y \ - Iawr.. -m^.^invaffr. 'c p. -sif^. -nir M-irn i ' .TC | . ¦ edwaui i il, rwitvia . | . ' ¦ DtJRANT ¦ ' ' Automob! ^o in8ur •nco , , . JON ES GARAGE Vbouo tfort a^ltorw/n iu. . . J - 8ut | Aw, PoH J *Jh. «ii» ' . Port jron - emon XttUon, h. I, ' .| . T(l ts ^ iu gjy, : ¦ : ymim®m ^ "M ^w}mm!f l$ ' I— - ,„,—.— ' . _ Orah oro Seilnn , u. 'ieil us Demon s U|,«,». A,LfI- j_/»|Lw, r *l*« •tral ' or. 102fi .llaiip 'liea un , like new. n«pillODI|iO ***VDry8II!r Pontluo, nMlek, DoiIkb em. *iine ' .. ' KOBEHIT P. ' WELLS paynienU arr aniebl. He« out 8«.(ur- , ' . ¦«iiinwmnii ' »i»i«ii ilay Hptelnl. JAin M A. t' owoy, Inc., INOpBrOBATBlD Wt«l Mai n Ht„ I' otdhoiue , N, Y. ' , ; gtony Brook TtltthM * 66 .—i— , : : . ' ' . ' ' " " ' " ' . , , ' ¦ ' : '.-. ' " . " . " I ¦ ' ' . . ' ' " " joii n b. ow maiEv iruANaa ,oj ' , '* * . . - , \ ' orinvaunii " /, . . - Plorcc-Anrow " ¦¦ ' , ' . ' ¦ , ¦ . , ' . . . . ¦ ' . ¦/• . ¦ :• : JPliono ' ratciio rie 70, ' y ' ¦ , ' . - ' ' \rx f atda^;\:t,^ ' . - , ¦ , .,^ \*f» ^-im» ^ii4 ' vy l* \/ ,s± '>~- ' mUii '*ll *i '* |i* >" ¦) " ¦>»¦¦ 1 ? *" rS *<• •*<>•) '** *< $ < • ^ u \ J 1 ' ; : iVJ.A . li , ;^!- .:-: /: .. v1^. ( ^ ':, ' . .;^V 1 :,^ t .,i;- . «iV'/ ;, v*"' '^ y .' V^; ' i'W ;! jl' m V,S y , {'^.. . Ohrys ler Motors a . utpnioblle ii went , nearly ^ twice, as popular among new car' buye rs this Octob er ap they .were , a " year ago, B. . E., Hutchinson , vice-president- and trea surer of trie . Gpryslor.Corpor '. ation stated . ' today . after viewlne . the .most recent reaort a on. : nassepger . car registrations 1 ' ."tnftt i ' gttou' e! .:. tnb'' 'Dhlted " ^tates. , . •; <. . -:.- : .[\ ' 00\. ^; i'T -; .: .; ' ;. : ; - ' . -;I T : . ' ' every : \ ' f H ih} ;pne , ' -:^eJie*feS i'K' iff itfj iiei:. Mb ' tqrs i prod iipfe; 'ifu ' piiiei ¦ ¦ ' wjord ^' . tfa ' ej/ .! wer ^-.ehbseh;, ' with ' . ' db ' ubj . e s ' Ma. ' ¦ tid * . ' . au rocyl,!' ' . . thtj' .6fflcl^. . ' exp 1al^^- '! , ' . ' . ' ' . ' ' ¦ "The comparative record- , l|i\Sb ' pteiri> ber ivos even better. , This SbptcmboV Ch rysler ' s Popularity:: : . Increases Among Bayers ; . Incl uding Wizard . dontrbl i; Quick' s revblutioriary mbtlio d-br car bperation , - resulting, from the new automatic clutch , free wheeling and silent-second syncrq- ^ncsh , tra tiBtnlssslqrf , ^K e; Bulck eight ' for 1932 ' Incorporates 1 over 100 Important new ; features " and lmprove- nionts that apply . (o every one of the twenty-six Wdels. ', 'i ' - . ' : ' : A ^breakdown ol these new BUlcli Impro vements , says c , W. -Chu rchill , general sales , manager . of . the Biiick Motor Company, shows that twenty- four are represented * lri the new Fisher bodies. In the chassis ar e twent y new New Bui ck Incorpor ates , .Qvpr lOfl. New: Features ¦tt v - . :. '' ¦ ' Mrs. ' Lbuli cj -ji. Moss wl'Mrs. ,v E6ul ' Bo- ' li'. "ii oss " ' of Flushing, ¦Mrtin i .batt 'UtitUiE Ovcral' .yoars n«o Kpehl jwumiy •summers uc , lior lioino on Old >Wlol(l ronii, Old Fi eld, (Moil Inst Snlur- j ^ij rt ay. ^cjio was (11 Vears .old. Bervlcca j *ero rioiivat her residence nt 4124—1BQ iiiw . b'uui ,;. tii ' ialiln u, on Monda y, burial l*#bllo»'imf> iitti;' .(: lio Luthorpn Cemetery, >|^ ldc^oWl|J B.«c , L. I. Slio la survived fflj»i ' thW )W.isoiiH; J ohn B., Fran k O. and; Wu iliiw^/f^ NtosS. . SJ-^r . ; . . ¦ ;. IHi ^. 1 )^. , '. .^.*. ... ..... . 1 . . Post , Amer ican LegIon , .held a very en- joyable Christmas social and party ; at the post rooms , which - were prettily decorate d with evergreen, red : and green streamers and an -illuminated Christmas tree. All .the guests brought toys which will be used in the ,unit' s welfare work.. Games appropriate to the holiday season were played after which Santa Claus put In an appea r- ance and presented each- :on ' e present with a slmpie little gift. ; Beffeshments were serypd by the committee , .which consisted of Mrs. Henry Haber, -M rs! Patsy Iannuccl , - Mrs. , Gilbert Lyon , Mrs. Henry Hesse,; Mr s. *R alph Flobdy and Mrs. Prank-Courier; ' . ¦ ' ¦ ' 00' ]' ¦ " ¦ Miss Ethel Thrasher of New York City Is spending some time at the home of Mrs. Samuel Kurt. i Joy Iannuccl , the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Iannuccl , was host- ess at a party on Thursday given in honor of her fifth birthday. A large Jack Horner pie with gilts and dainty refreshments played an important part In the afternoon ' s entertainment. Mrs. Thomas J. Wh ite, entertained the members of the Smithtown Garden Club at tea Saturday afternoon at her home, - ' ¦ >. Gardiner .Seamon , the little son of Mr. and Mrs. ElHs 'Seaman , has been on ' the sick list. ¦¦ ' ; ' .; , * Man Brown celebrated ribs ' eighth bh-thday Wednesday evenin g with a dinner , party given at the home of his gran dmother , Mrs. Arthur Conklin , In Hu ntington. . . ' :' ¦: ' . , ' ' . ., Mrs. O. W. Glamo rB -will entcrtb in a. numbe r of ;her :frlen ds5,at br idge ' oh Saturd ay evening at her Bowers Court home., ' ¦:- . ' ' ¦ ¦ ' - ':;• ' •- : -. . ' . " ' j.. , ¦ •: The-Ladles' Aid Society of the Smith- town Branch Method ist Church served a nn ' e turkey dinner In the parish hall on Thursday evening. In addition to their supper the ladles, conducted a sale . of brassware and fancy articles. Mrs. GilUert Lyon substituteci the first of the-week in the fourt h grade for Miss Nora Tolley who, was called ' out of town by the Illness of her sister. Dr. Manuel Adler was Incapacitated , several 'days last week by ah 'Infecte d foot. -. Mr. and Mrs . Alfred Edwards and dau ghters of Huntington were in. toivn .Thursday. . . - ¦ ¦ - ' ' - . : . -' . ¦ -s 0 .S vj' 'M rs. Ambr Mo Heasley wlll- ' dhtei!taln the Evening; Bridge plub this evening . ; Mrs j H.^iBrbwn- entertained sixteen l adles , at . bridge Friday, , eveni ng, the p ' rfe. winners . . Mrs. ' , Percy La Mrs. ; ' . Stanl ey . - • A.::taud. .;.' . , ,. -V, -: ;-'-v. : _ A ao t o amd rnmmM . page

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Page 1: Today --and Yesterday aoto amd rnmmM. page · 2018-12-22 · Today --and Yesterday. we. note the oldttou nc nt East Sct-auket formerly thc~cKildhood home of the late. Margaret Ebboreo

¦¦ .¦WBkf f l M E X .Today --and Yesterday

. we. note the oldttou nc nt East Sct-auket formerly thc~ cKildh ood home ofthe late. Margaret Ebboreo n, and nowthe home if her "daughte r , ; Marian ,and Miss Mary ' A'. TJridc rhlU , 'an aunt ,has recently been covered by-a ' new

. roof made-wlth fireproof shingles, fromLopcr '.a.Lujnhef. Yard Un .Port Je ffer-son. Tlie fflechanlcs.'afe making some

; other repairs.: . .... , .• . ,I ;- To. : e\v>r ifcc"'thls;. old iantlm ark ' atiEast Sctauket ' will "always have manyfilnd varied attractions. He was bornShore , in. ithe .beginning , of the- year¦$M8. °And.he .continued to llye - thcrcland ..go to . 'scHoolV'and became farmer.and mah 'ager -fbr. his'parcnts until itheipivil War. jday&.e nded andvMiere came;a "slump" in 187S. That changed the(iiompiexlon-of agricult ure far and wide¦i a depression they call it now. ¦ '':£_ John .Brewster : founded , the family:home we are referring to in the yearjJ 80l\ Soon after tie added to Its lengthSome 20 feet or inore>' It has been afabme that iidl: his descendants havecontinued ;to hye in ,.. _and some areBtill ,lji addit ion-to his homeipr ^erty Mr ; Brcwstb f bwne'd about 550jficresVof 'land 'in separate tracts in hisyear vicinity. This land was formerlyigtpartof his father 's vast estate. JohnSJrewster , 'died tf irt y-n, 1857, aged 83p»ai-S. '; . -.'•' ¦¦;•' .;: ;:• ; , • . - ;. . \feprom. ah issue of the Port Jeffersonpimes issijed 'ijecemb'.er; 20, 1884, we?get .the '.'fb.HpWng': - ' 'JMrs. . HannahJJAda'm?. of ; Oakland , Ceil'.; Is, visiting atijthb - home . .or hdr sister/ Mrs. PhilipJ ones ' at; .East ''' Setauk'et.- ' She is cor-pally welcomed by . bid ' friends and^amily/c'onnecUons." : . '¦¦; . 'ts.. , .7uiocnt :r . nanusome ., mi:mojHU win-Sdpw lias.been a'dejed to Caroline Epis-copal .Chu rch '.which will perpetuate.'|h£,'memory of fee^ate' Frank .Foster.iHcnry,Striilh aj icl' oth'ers 'of did Field,i"wVhoViiis. tKis 'tflb ute put in." (Note)iPrtbr to the CivU ' Wor' days 'the OldsJPl eld Lighthouse , predecessor.;to this|bne, was ker it"by :Mrs. ' Poster and hermm, Frank; for a. ;ibng " perio d.fc'Ca pt. George iiawklns of- the barkfBiE P.... Watson , ¦ and ', family, arrived!$&me last week after a-lbng ' nbsence in?$hpia ;,... The ,. bark ls ; NeW York.|!fh'e fjiimiiy, 'bir: ,' !Captain ''. Hav/]idn's. willsilve in. Brooklyn ' during the wlnter. "-SjfVMr. ana Mrs. .Walter Dlqkcrson ofgetauket. have ,-been. , absent the .pastJyeek enjoying 'a . visit with? trlends inftm adjoiningI village;" . ' When this .itemJiWas writt en.. .they,.' liv'bd .'.i'n tji'e homeSKat Mr. .and .Wrsr 'Frahk B'. Joyne now^s§> ' ' .i-: v "'. -• 'W ,".'./ ; ¦,.' " •' .';•'. ', •; ' . ' .- ¦¦ ¦;• • ¦fe.At this diite,..ini.the.year . 1834, workSas- being Diiuinnri In hiiiw ' « u—-.

Sill" : : ¦;| £ „;. , ., ' . , .., .; . . '7F"1. ¦¦! '. ' ¦ ¦" '

¦ ¦ " ' ¦ '.'j ;,' :- , " (%'- . : - ¦ ¦ ' - ' ' ¦ ' • '. . ';

|:; ^ '



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¦¦:;;< *

J sjnfeuidE ,pf . wnys" .and: means , have beengjffiwkcn, -to scare, them pA . ..Will- thojmpihor.'or ' soVnc one that '.iya'nta youngaKtitsScbrhq . and ;get thorn? 1 ' -- As. a lostW'etor p^ve' cAn uso . chlorbfonn or a bar-IffiWl of water on them to destro y theirStfplves, but don't ;like"to do-It. ' One Isalljiyi 'tto othcr-blaok. ,. '} :fflKOurv friends: Richard, .EdWJrtd niidffiS tbriry : Wpodhuli ,. ore . said to have gotSfijhelr rieit' hojise co near done they areJjpvlng :lu it. ' No .doubt It toolt longerBBb biillti'thftt old one.- , v -

Still nnd Miss Dorothic Still of Pat-chogue Sunday.

Tho fair and supper given By theLadles Aid at tho Community Houselast Fri day was very successful. Morsthan $100 was clcarc'd.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyon , jr n nnddaughte r , Dorothy, have moved Intothe house recently repaire d on hisparent s' place.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith and Mrs.KUzabeth Brush called on friends InSelden Tuesday. '...

. Mrs. Frank Hagen and Mrs. EdwinHawkins , have Join ed the Parent-Teachers 1. '- Association ¦ 6t Fatchogueand went to Patchogue Tuesday to at-tend the meeting at the high school.

Mrs. Edwin Hawkins , 'spent a fewdays with Mr. ' and i Mrs ; Rudy' Hahnof Patchogue 'last week.

SrnithtownMiss Evclyil "Day entertained friends

at a hrldge . part y Friday overling. MissAdeline Erwln won first prize , and MissViola Haber seebnd.prize. '

Mr. and Mrs. A. Regan and faintly ofFlatbush spent the weekehd here.

The Senior Class of the local HighSchool are - presen ting "Oh, Kay" Fri-day evening. . •' , .

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zavadll anddaughte r, Jiianlta , visited Mr. , and Mrs.Henry Williams of Pelham Saturday.

C. A. SeveHn entertained' friendsfrom Pelham over the weekend..

Mrs. Frank Kudre l of New York Cityspent the weekend here with relatives.

Little Jack Kass," who has been orithe sick, list for the past week, hasrecovered. ,

• >s - - -. Edward Kozllk . returned • from NewYork City. Friday 'and spent the week-end here with his mother. . . s

Mrs. ,Ralph Floody spent Monday ' InNew 'York City ;; . • . : . . ' .' The James Ely Miller Fost 'of theAmerican Legion, No. 833', held a meet-ing at the Legion'H ell ; last Tuesdayevening. Stanley Hand was awarded aprize for being present the greatestriumber of times during the past year.Geo'rge-SerJ iner . won the door prize. .

Mrs. Henry Haber spent " Monday InBrooklyn with friends.

Dr. L. M. Adler ^pent the weekend InNew York City with his family. ''

Mr. and Mrs..Harvey Piatt enter -tained relatives from New Jersey over:the weekend. ". . The Ladl es' Auxllary of the Americ anLegion are giving a Christmas' par ty atthe Legion Hall .Tuesday evening. "

Henry Somers of port Jdfferson- vis-ited the Oak Hill Farm here ;Mohda y!

Miss" Jbah ' Luther- attep riled the• "" lavy 'game at . the Vonlkeo' sta-' . -. . - .aturda y.' :\ . : -' - : ! ; ' . ' ' •' -.' ;¦¦ ' < : "

: and Mrs. ,fphii\'Lachn ^,i {ehter- ';, o^B^^p:'; enW,i^.,j ilMer.

'•'¦ *ll|: ^^Hi«Si^'iK i'W ili' K1-• ¦¦ ;'' - ;Chi*Wj4»ieih-->ah ^'tij !jiHrea ;-• ¦ . .^tb ^ ^a^^Btbo'l^ti}-' ..;.'¦;,;:. '

-.rli' OT Sviiti'ec of Bohemia visitedfriends herb obyFriday. ' ' : , V . . ' ¦ '• '

; RbvVia'rid Cohitlln, the son of Mr. andMrs.; Claude , R. CordUln , Is recovering 'froin 'X masto'ld ; operation . , performedMonday morning at tho .Mather Hos-pital. ' '- . v , ' ¦ ' - . •

Mr. and . Mrs , Ethelbert L'Homme-d)eu, _ havo been visiting their daughter ,Mrs. Frank Sctiaefbr , of Stony Brook,whose husband is' recovering from anappendicitis operation at tho Mother -Memorial Hospital , Port Jefferson. .

Tho family of Ooorg^o B. Marsh

motored Into Jamaica Sunday nnd en-joyed the day. with Mrs. Marsh' s sister.

The auxiliary of tho James Ely Miller

p >\r.0 r.C6VOM?i

||<r 'a«rn ,'Fliflilt 'ira'BOli aiid son,lalici't, mntor «d1t.O|.WooUlu lvlen recen t-,w. And wto ' iiwfclllA 'dt MlntlvnH there,f :M^nl)tl^iVC0^«ly1fli«nhH'in.vo' |)iir-(ttu uijc^ii plot of land on the rlaht ultloIf tlio BUiU) rend fioirt n f(ow Jemoy*nor. " '

i s - ' ' ' ''" ' > ¦ii 'tA \m lrfina itovhantt wim n niomborif tho pomm lttoo foa'- 'ttia' Pr«»hmonilllico llt ltliM 1'iltclipBU.o High BolioqlKi.luiyUirV'Bn'!' •^ ¦.'. • ' , ' '' ,:. , -. "!','Mr ,v»ii)<t Mrii'U 'T J. - fltlll ; oitur uii noil(*•, u'tU Iffi^^ wWll' *WyMi

V ¦¦- .. , ¦¦„ ¦¦ ———... _ i i-

The Western Suffolk GroupNewspapers are tho ;

" Seal' AAtin iMng. M ^Siwas

il*My$ ^mtma 'i

Ilrown 'a I' limlturc Excliango (

*t w , Branch of -,, " j iX2 Bri iwfi'fi,, Otnwol Tr dcklnr '

^S . 'stbrnp fit 'vVnrchouBO ' ¦' . ' • '• <Jf

<Si . - 405 Mn plfl St., Isllp ¦ . ? M; ¦ / , :, ..—i—z —l. ;- . , ' ,. ;- ¦ - ' .

- , , - 1 . - , ¦ ¦

B. C. Lind ol Brookl yn-Awarded 127th Automobile 'in

Nat ionwide Slogan Contest]7iDWART» ' C. Lind. of 88^9 Ft.r^ HojnUton ;.Parkway, Brookl yn,N. Y., Jo.the 127tb to win an auto-mobllo ' iu a -hatlonwifl ^ niogan coa-tcst. . He Is thn flftecnth wlnnor laNo*-.Y«fk Stote.""

Mr. Lind aoQUlred his now carby .writin g-twent y ...words descrlptlvoof tho quality mini merl ta of thoCortlflo 'ii -vCrbrn6 Cigar, each Vrordon the .back of a Cre mo cigar bond .Every day, : oxcopt Sundays, unUlfurt her notlce^itbe -American CigarCompany . avrard s'^a. Closed car totho author or-tho' beat state ment. ,

Tho irowess^B ploBan-makln g o^thoso .-who' htt'vo ° . submitted their¦writings la '; tho' ' " ootnpetltt on, lapolntoa to by ndfortl slr c men aa oof tlml modern aavcrtl nlng \>ymdana , 'ot. newspa pers , magazines.anil radio has mado tho nation•'advortta lng,; conscious", so thatbvoa arai itours coil write a good,brier , snappy slogan for a. product-' . Tho efforts of tho contestants lathis conipoUtl on:: or o rewardedWith tb6:choice/of a Ford , Chevro -let or ^ymouth autom obile , worth,at current prices,- about ?40 foreach of tho! twonty words.

Doctor s, . - ..dentists, mop. / Clerks , olrpla nocrecharita j,¦' •: '¦' '.• talalstste, toacben.

The dlnher .and .meeting of the Suf-folk and Nassau County Boat Build-ers Association , was held on Tuesda yat Marvin 's Restaurant arid ' whs ' at-

r '| ^:',.Bo|iting 'New8 :;/ ::: .'i' vt

tended by about SiO 'shipyard ownersand managers from all over Long Is-land , nearly cvery.^.yard of any sizewas represented. . " -.',.' .

D.-M. Brewster^

of _Bay Shore was 'elected president and' .the other officerswere carricd .'.over ;frohi last year. Afterthe clecldori r thq ' .meeting was givenover to > a. general "discussion of ship-yard probl ems on If ng Island. It wasthe consensus of j 'opinlon that theyards on Long Island , have not suf-fered froiti the depressi on any morethan , tho average business. Very littleyard and boat building Is being start-ed this , winter ,' the: result being thatmost . of the yards' will be virtuallyClosed for.- several ..months. H-A largo part of i the time was taken

up- in a discussion- of methods formaking co"— ': .. h is a seriousproblem -w . pyards at thistime. The i . . f the Assbcla-'tlon will bi ylon , Feb. 25,1932. ' ' '. ' . , _¦The., drcd t . • to the . Sca.-

board Sand >. . 'o. has beenpainting of

t • .!. Shipyard.. • .11 .¦ th e ' force

or, ¦ • -e , ' , '. .: ".'¦. ¦-4 .X '0^

*0S^ }j l l d \0^^§0&V ::: - ^0n^ey - . ; . ¦.¦¦ ¦,.tt if';.'iGar

Pro'duttSoft ; t 'll.' , now,twelve-cylinder ¦ , ' engljie ;under dovclopmt it eight-een liiiiiitliB. beg . 11, otH-

nowspapcr people and far mers have,boon among tho winners ot th« con-test . Salesmen worb ropreaented bythe lar gest group of -cvlnnor s. ¦ Ar-tisans la various trades caoo next.Laborers and Janitors and tele-graph operators, -too, have acquired .automobiles by . tho Twonty Word

i iouto. - i - - ¦ !' ' ¦¦' ¦ '"¦•.. • '" ' is-

olate' of the Lycoming ManufacturingCompany, ,a division bf the Cord Cor-poration , announced. - .¦ . , ; , . '

The , new cnglne„ofllcials sialed, is aconsiderable departure from ' conven-tional .practices , and will intrpduce anew field in flexibility and automobileperformance to the motoring public.Completed nearly , a yeai' ago, It hasbeen under actual . road tests ' sinceearly last April. In these tests, it wasstated , gas" economy of the? engine hdsproved equal to engines of one-thirdthe horsepower. ¦ ¦ '¦ ' , #Production calls for 400 of these 12-cylinder engines by January . 1, atwhich time production will be steppedup to 1,600 monthly. .

one In every three cars purchase d wasa Chr ysler Motors product , wniie a yearago it was one In twelve:" ,- •

features. The electrical etmipment'ac-cbunts for thirteen.: . Tho new straighteight engine embodies nlne-.notableadvancements , other units of the carcontributing the remain der.

It has .alwa ys been Btilck's policy,Mr. Churchill points but , to maintainproper balance among all car parts,whteh : accounts In. great .pieasnre forBUI ck's long life. ' In 'suen fcaftlrcs asWiaord , Control, the ride regula tor, thenew. Instrume nt panel with' tbueo-spokosteeling wheel , the relation oi the ma-.Jor - drills 'to cach ' 'bthcr ari i to thoWhol e car has been: considered. ' As aresult ,, many improvements.qre foundIn related parts , that contribute to theefficiency of the rriaj bV'advttncement s.

('Additional Improvements are foundin; individual models " Mr. Churchillsays, "such as the more powerful en-gine hi the 32-50 scries on the tw-lncnwheelbase. " ¦ ¦ " ' '

mvw i ' . — ; ~ ¦ ¦

HKTho 'Pros pcotlvo Olrl Scouts of PortjjBiiffcj'aon hold their regular Inedtln gV&v ttib 'Bniitlnt 'Qliiirc V'lasy ^uciidny.fflB\'Bcoltlc^.cnri 'y|ng..r |Ut our regular nc-ra j lyitlcp.wb .ngrcod Uiat ' eaplr girl :ho|{iWi«i)gncd -i(' day tb ; write' tb ' KathorinoiiNid 'Piwiird '.Mnwtfo iwho 'avo, In ' the»fl(.. Charles. Haapltal , crippled , wllli in-Hftiitllb pnnilysl a. _ _ -: ..'' . • ¦/H}Wa lift ld ouV'-iljU f'liie.'i.'i. ineotlii|[ ant )Bhcn wcnt to our patro L wrnpr o. ,^ Wo wish to -jriRl& ^niii cvrocUon i InHtl flrencft to tlio ' iiiinuten of tho last^Ha ting, Tlio ciindy salO \VI I| ;ho iVdd¦mt Tliurndn y u ta p. m, in the , Bop-¦tt CliW^M I W'lVPKn t dnlWbdhhada y.^¦tdei's nmy bo plioiieil to Miss NormaJK io, Port Joffercoii ail: 'i i r < ; ¦' '< ' i¦¦.-.' , , ulliA'n po'ote.

BiSilll&ciiiVNfews ' m———i——it»i mtmmmmtmmmmammammmmm--" ¦•—¦¦*-—;—r*- '—; : ¦

Insure ComfortThrough tkf INM ^

Our McUl Woatlieriti -ippln gwill itive you it» coit In lieat


on CALLliAY SHORE v ?701Jf oit FREB K8TIMV11I!

HP iioiAt. wiibK S ivfowr oivmmZAN RUC«EN '

x ^mM&MSwMmm&Ml

• ff l mn ir mw$* ' " tfl m;'"& Value Wax Above the Price"

' flfS'J iV^i'tVf' -w* ' " 'ILL ' ' ' * * u - " i i .an ' ' ! - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ,' ,- , , , .id B! *v ?%>C,


RpgS& T 'AP T^r-^tu ^™- " ASA lISMUMMilNr ftP UWoI5 J^caijSa i - ' fllE &I0M TO SNSURE PaOM PlNESta , IT WAS FIRST RULED BY 'H ! < ¦ - ^^L^Sh ' .HeNCE .TtlE WORD TIP » ECWAB Sr , AG THE AREA TA :


Here ** a tip that costs nothin g ? The FORD is a modern 0 ¦

' " ' ' , , " mechanical marvel of p ower and sp eed, EASY TO RUN !AND EASY TO BUY.. Backed by our expe rt , prompt '

service, it gives satisf action through a long service.,

i* . iMVonr i' ¥i?i ?i?i^ii(C!i ,i%TI'": l^iPJK 1 . uMUif r UiMmEHJIm ¦: : .I AUTO SALilJiS, inc.I l : .' . »i. ~ ¦ ' ' , „ ¦ , ,.. ' ¦; , , . ; • "

* ' . . ''

'/ ""' •

\l ¦ , ¦ " 0 Port Jcrfc i'som'a Authorized Uovd DealerJ 8 • •¦; ''; |;" l , " , ; , , . . i . . , '... V ,, ' ,; , : ; — ; ,, .±~ r .m,.. .—r- : _—-. ' ,

1 \ 'Ttiw^ W0y / Z. , ' ¦' ¦' ". " iPORT iEPPEKS ON STA'HON .^I. |

I \ '"!^^^ ' ' ' '' "''' ' ' :TWaWWWBHWWlWmiWB^

t; 'RELIABLE GAIiAGES' : ;, . , 1.

Billy's GarageSocony-rr^hell—Tydol Gasoline and Oil

' Cor . RlvorhcaoVB teto ifciad . Port Jefferson , I* i. • TeL 882

' ' ' ' ". , • ' . : ( " STOVER SE»VliOE3 SlATIOM . . (' , ' . ¦¦ ; • ' DIAMOND TIRE S—GOODRICH - >. . > ¦

, ; , ' • ". ' : ¦ Itetal l dt Wholesale' Prices , 'Dlamqna Tiros . - are .QaaranteBd against Glass Ciito, Stone Bruins• * ' : . Blow Oiita, and Any .Bond Accldenui .' .eiq MAnir at"., P0itT JEM TEiasoN, w.x ,' ' ', . „ .. - . ¦ " ' / : ' . Telephbn a 08 . '

| 7 ~—'' . . ' :. ' '— _ ' ' '

RULAND' S GARAGE• •' - ¦ . ' . AUTO AND MARINE . , - .. . , , v , .

Bepalm—Supplie s—Machlno Sliop ' ¦. ' , ' • ¦' • ¦' iw

' .J « . « » KAYBESTO S BHAKE TESTERBlaW Street ,!Eoat SotatiI t6t, X . X/ i , :' rctepnone - 177

' " -^C : . ' ¦ ,Wo€d's. Gara ge J¦ .0; AND MACHI NE SHOP -¦ ' ' " AUTOM OTIVE. MAK INT! AND RAOtO

, :¦" , ' . . BKPAJRS AND.StJPPlaE S" ' \" .' ' ,Sriarto n arid Brun swlbtt gtony Brook Tel. S3 Locke Vomt Mamn

¦£\ GOOD ' ' .r? ¦.. ¦•: ; :> ; ':. j} :^'S::-i:REii:, UU;-: <. \ ¦


: •,1-ir,:'r :v^i ¦»ww<!®;!®^

'.? ":¦ : " ' ' '' :: , : ' - :: , Chas. ^.' -BisKori ' ;;. ; ' .' . " ' 0s ' - 'inmet. ,m 6/t o r ears - . . .

8TKAIOI1T EIGHT VALVE-IN-I OSAD .JONES PT, , ' .POUT jteB-FBRSON. 1* L ' 'tfelepbonB 898

PORT JEFFERSON AUTO SALES, INC." SERVICE ' . ,• ., jflfilBfc ;• • • ¦ ' ' . SALE3 ¦

. ,

POUT JEFFE BBON 81'A' ftON, N.. Y. . , - Telophotto 8B0


¦m.i)omkmw auto sales, m.JIwifc^ iwI : ' T«lo|>hono

107 . ' ' j

^ Sw ¦a 'ai 5oms Bt ' • 1J°rt 3cKcr «m> h '•

' , ." , Ma^aa^o^M-^' "' ¦' ""'-* S." IDPSSLEB GAAAGE ' ¦

j^rtM| ffpy 414 Main StreetPort Jeffers on, L. I, Tel. 237

• ¦' \" . ' ¦" . . ¦ ' ' - : ¦' ' i ¦ '


Nowcoml) Bros. ,. ¦»; ; ' :¦ ' ¦: d.o.;d:G; E' ' ; ;

¦' '. Port Jeff oruon 41 ' , 1' " , POM ' JB rriTlCnBON* U. I.'- ' ' ' 0 ' ' " T " . ' ' • : . i -' .y \ -Iawr..

-m^.^invaffr.'cp.-sif^.-nir M-irni'.TC| — . — ¦edwaui i il, rwitvia . | . ' ¦ DtJRANT ¦'

' Automob! ^o in8ur •nco,,. JON ES GARAGE

Vbouo tfort a^ltorw/n iu. . . J

- 8ut | Aw, PoH J*Jh. «ii» ' .Port jron-emon XttUon, h. I,' .| . T(l ts^

iu gjy, : ¦ :ymim®m ^ "M ^w}mm!f l$' I— - ,„ ,— .— '.— _

Orah oro Seilnn , u.'ieil us Demons U|,«,».A,LfI- j_/»|Lw,r*l*«•tral 'or. 102fi.llaiip 'liea un, like new. n«pillODI|iO ***VDry8II!rPontluo, nMlek, DoiIkb em. *iine ' .. '

KOBEHIT P.' WELLSpaynienU arr aniebl. He« out 8«.(ur- , ' . ¦«iiinwmnii '»i»i«iiilay Hptelnl. JAin M A. t'owoy, Inc., INOpBrOBATBlDWt«l Mai n Ht„ I'otdhoiue , N, Y. ' , ; gtony Brook TtltthM * 66

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• " /, . . - Plorcc-Anrow " ¦ ¦ ' , ' . '¦, ¦. , ' . . . . ¦'.¦ / • . ¦ : •: JPliono ' ratciio rie 70, ' y ' ¦ , ' . - ' ' \rx f atda ^; \: t, ^ ' . - ,¦

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. Ohrys ler Motors a.utpnioblle ii • went ,nearly ^ twice, as popular among new car'buye rs this October ap they .were, a "yearago, B. . E., Hutchinson , vice-president-and trea surer of trie .Gpryslor.Corpor '.ation stated .' today . after viewlne . the

.most recent reaort a on.: nassepger . carregistrations 1 '."tnftt i'gttou'e!.:. tnb'' 'Dhlted "^tates. , . •;<. .-:.- : .[ \'00\. ;i'T -; . : .; ';. :;- ' . -;I T:J ¦.'

' every : \'f Hih} ;pne,' -: eJie*feS i'K'iff itfj iiei:.Mb'tqrs iprod iipfe; 'ifu ' pii iei¦¦ 'wjord ^' .tfa 'ej/ .!wer ^-.ehbseh;, 'with '.' db 'ubj .e s'M a. ' ¦ tid*.

'.aurocyl,!''. .thtj' .6fflcl^. .'exp1al^^-'!,'.'. ' '.' '¦ "The comparative record- ,l|i\Sb'pteiri>ber ivos even better. , This SbptcmboV

Chrysler 's Popularity:: : .Increases Among Bayers

; . Including Wizard . dontrbl i; Quick'srevblutioriary mbtlio d-br car bperation ,-resulting, from the new automaticclutch , free wheeling and silent-secondsyncrq- ^ncsh, tra tiBtnlssslqrf, ^Ke; Bulckeight 'for • 1932 ' Incorporates 1 over 100Important new ;features " and lmprove-nionts that apply . (o every one of thetwenty-six Wdels. ', 'i ' - . ' : ':

A ^breakdown ol these new BUlcliImprovements , says c, W. -Chu rchill ,general sales , manager . of . the BiiickMotor Company, shows that twenty-four are represented * lri the new Fisherbodies. In the chassis ar e twent y new

New Buick Incorpor ates ,.Qvpr lOfl. New: Features

¦ttv - .: . '• ' ¦' Mrs.' Lbuli cj-ji. Mosswl'Mrs. ,vE6ul 'Bo- ' li'. "iioss" 'of Flushing,¦Mrtin i.batt 'UtitUiE Ovcral'.yoars n«o Kpehljwumiy •summers uc , lior lioino on Old>Wlol(l ronii, Old Fi eld, (Moil Inst Snlur-j^ijrt ay. ^cjio was (11 Vears .old. Bervlcca7«j*ero rioiivat her residence nt 4124—1BQiiiw.b'uui,;. tii'ialiln u, on Monda y, buriall*#bllo»'imf>iitti;'.(:lio Luthorpn Cemetery,>| ldc^oWl|JB.«c, L. I. Slio la survivedfflj»i 'thW)W.isoiiH; John B., Fran k O. and;Wuiliiw^/f NtosS. . S J - ^ r. ; . .¦ ;.IHi^. 1 )^.,'.. .*. . . . ..... .1 . .

Post , Amer ican LegIon ,.held a very en-joyable Christmas social and party ; atthe post rooms, which -were prettilydecorate d with evergreen, red : andgreen streamers and an -illuminatedChristmas tree. All .the guests broughttoys which will be used in the ,unit' swelfare work.. Games appropriate tothe holiday season were played afterwhich Santa Claus put In an appea r-ance and presented each- :on'e presentwith a slmpie little gift. ; Beffeshmentswere serypd by the committee , .whichconsisted of Mrs. Henry Haber, -M rs!Patsy Iannuccl ,- Mrs. , Gilbert Lyon ,Mrs. Henry Hesse,;Mr s.*Ralph Flobdyand Mrs. Prank-Courier; '.¦ '¦ '00 ' ] ' ¦"¦ Miss Ethel Thrasher of New YorkCity Is spending some time at the homeof Mrs. Samuel Kurt. i

Joy Iannuccl , the little daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Patsy Iannuccl , was host-ess at a party on Thursday given inhonor of her fifth birthday. A largeJack Horner pie with gilts and daintyrefreshments played an important partIn the afternoon 's entertainment.

Mrs. Thomas J. Wh ite, entertainedthe members of the Smithtown GardenClub at tea Saturday afternoon at herhome, • - • ' ¦> .

Gardiner .Seamon , the little son ofMr. and Mrs. ElHs 'Seaman , has beenon' the sick list. ¦ ¦ ' ; ' . ; , *

Man Brown celebrated ribs' eighthbh-thday Wednesday evenin g with adinner , party given at the home of hisgran dmother , Mrs. Arthur Conklin , InHuntington. • . .• ' :' ¦: '. , ' '. . ,

Mrs. O. W. GlamorB -will entcrtb in a.numbe r of ;her :frlen ds5,at br idge ' ohSaturd ay evening at her Bowers Courthome., • ' ¦:- . ' '¦ ¦ ;¦• ' • - ' :;• ' • - :- . . '. "'j . . , ¦• •: The-Ladles' Aid Society of the Smith-town Branch Method ist Church serveda nn'e turkey dinner In the parish hallon Thursday evening. In addition totheir supper the ladles, conducted asale .of brassware and fancy articles.

Mrs. GilUert Lyon substituteci thefirst of the-week in the fourt h gradefor Miss Nora Tolley who, was called'out of town by the Illness of her sister.

Dr. Manuel Adler was Incapacitated ,several 'days last week by ah 'Infecte dfoot.-. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Edwards anddaughters of Huntington were in. toivn.Thursday. . . - ¦ ¦ -'' - . : . -' . ¦ -s 0.S vj'

'M rs. Ambr Mo Heasley wlll-'dhtei!talnthe Evening; Bridge plub this evening .; Mrs j H.^iBrbwn- entertained sixteenladles , at .bridge Friday, , eveni ng, thep'rfe. winners . .Mrs.', Percy LaMrs.;'. Stanl ey. - •A.::taud. .;.'. , ,.-;¦V, -: ; - ' - v . :_ A

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