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.t:J J Los Alamos ENTERED NATIONAL LABORATORY --- EST 1943 -- - Environmental Programs P.O. Box 1663, MS M991 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 (505) 606-23371FAX (505) 665-1812 James Bearzi, Bureau Chief Hazardous Waste Bureau New Mexico Environment Department 2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, Building I Santa Fe, NM 87505-6303 National Nuclear Security Administration Los Alamos Si le Office, MS A316 Environmental Resloralion Program Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 (505) 667-4255/FAX (505) 606-2132 Date: AUG 25 2010 Refer To : EP2010-0305 SUbject: Submittal of the Completion Report for Regional Aquifer Well R-S3 Dear Mr. Bearzi: Enclosed please find two hard copies with eJectronic files of the Completion Report for Regional Aquifer Well R-53. If you have any questions, please contact Ted Ball at (505) 665-3996 ([email protected]) or Tom Whitacre at (505) 665-5042 ([email protected]). Sincerely, Environmental Programs - Recovery Act Projects Los Alamos National Laboratory Sincerely, [ Everett Trollinger, Federal ct Director Environmental Projects - ARRA Los Alamos Site Office 33881 An Equal Opportunity Employer / Operated by Los Alamos Natio nal Security, LLC f. Nati onal Nuclear Security Administration of th e U.S . Depa rtment of En ergy 11111111111111111111111111111111111

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--- EST 1943 --­

Environmental Programs P.O. Box 1663, MS M991 Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 (505) 606-23371FAX (505) 665-1812

James Bearzi, Bureau Chief Hazardous Waste Bureau New Mexico Environment Department 2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, Building I Santa Fe, NM 87505-6303

National Nuclear Security Administration Los Alamos Si le Office, MS A316 Environmental Resloralion Program Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 (505) 667-4255/FAX (505) 606-2132

Date: AUG 2 5 2010 Refer To : EP2010-0305

SUbject: Submittal of the Completion Report for Regional Aquifer Well R-S3

Dear Mr. Bearzi:

Enclosed please find two hard copies with eJectronic files of the Completion Report for Regional Aquifer Well R-53.

If you have any questions, please contact Ted Ball at (505) 665-3996 ([email protected]) or Tom Whitacre at (505) 665-5042 ([email protected]).


~;s~£~cdctor Environmental Programs - Recovery Act Projects Los Alamos National Laboratory


[ Everett Trollinger, Federal ct Director Environmental Projects - ARRA Los Alamos Site Office

33881An Equal Opportunity Employer / Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC f. National Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S . Department of Energy


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•James Bearzi 2 EP2010-0305

BSfETffB/ME: sm

Enclosures: Two hard copies with electronic files - Completion Report for Regional Aquifer Well R-53 (LA-llR-IO-4506)

Cy: (w/enc.)

Neil Weber, San Ildefonso Pueblo Hai Shen, DOE-LASO, MS A316 Ted Ball, EP-ARRA Project, MS C348 RPF, MS M707 (wi two CDs) Public Reading Room, MS M992

Cy: (Letter and CD andlor DVD only) Laurie King, EPA Region 6, Dallas, TX Steve Yanicak, NMED-DOE-OB, MS M894 Sue Johnson, North Wind, Inc., (wi MS Word files on CD) Kristine Smeltz, EP-BPS, MS M992

Cy: (w/o enc.) Tom Skibitski, NMED-OB, Santa Fe, NM Annette Russell, DOE-LASO (date-stamped letter emailed) Everett Trollinger, DOE-LASO, MS A316 Bruce Schappell, EP-ARRA Project, MS C348 Michael J. Graham, ADEP, MS M991

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LA-UR-10-4506 August 2010


Completion Report for Regional Aquifer Well R-53

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Prepared by the Environmental Programs Directorate

Los Alamos National Laboratory, operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396, has prepared this document pursuant to the Compliance Order on Consent, signed March 1, 2005. The Compliance Order on Consent contains requirements for the investigation and cleanup, including corrective action, of contamination at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The U.S. government has rights to use, reproduce, and distribute this document. The public may copy and use this document without charge, provided that this notice and any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies.

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R-53 Well Completion Report



This well completion report describes the drilling, installation, development, aquifer testing, and dedicated sampling system installation for regional aquifer groundwater monitoring well R-53, located in the south fork of Cañada del Buey within Los Alamos National Laboratory (the Laboratory) Technical Area 54 (TA-54) in Los Alamos County, New Mexico. The well satisfies a requirement by the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) to install a regional aquifer monitoring well downgradient of Material Disposal Area L at TA-54.

The R-53 monitoring well borehole was drilled using dual-rotary air-drilling methods with casing advance. Drilling-fluid additives included potable water and foam. Foam-assisted drilling was used only in the vadose zone and ceased approximately 100 ft above the regional aquifer; only small amounts of potable water were added to the air within the regional aquifer.

The R-53 borehole was drilled through canyon-bottom alluvium, Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Cerro Toledo interval, Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Guaje Pumice Bed, Cerros del Rio volcanic rocks, and into the Puye Formation sediments. The total depth of the borehole was 1015 ft below ground surface (bgs).

Well R-53 was completed as a dual-screen well to evaluate water quality and measure water levels at two discrete depth intervals within the regional aquifer: one near the top of the aquifer and one approximately 100 ft deeper. A packer separates the well screens to ensure isolation of each groundwater-bearing zone. The upper 10-ft-long screened interval is set between 849.2 and 859.2 ft bgs within the top of the Puye Formation, and the lower 20-ft-long screened interval is set between 959.7 and 980.2 ft bgs within Puye Formation sediments. The composite depth to water after well installation and well development was 831.8 ft bgs.

The well was completed in accordance with an NMED-approved well design. The well was developed and target water-quality parameters were achieved at both screened intervals. Hydrogeologic testing indicated that monitoring well R-53 is productive and will perform effectively to meet the planned objectives. A sampling system and transducers were installed in the upper and lower well screens in the R-53 well, and groundwater sampling will be performed as part of the facility-wide groundwater-monitoring program.

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R-53 Well Completion Report



1.0  INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 1 

2.0  PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................. 1 2.1  Administrative Preparation .................................................................................................... 2 2.2  Site Preparation ..................................................................................................................... 2 

3.0  DRILLING ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................... 2 3.1  Drilling Approach ................................................................................................................... 2 3.2  Chronological Drilling Activities for the R-53 Well ................................................................. 3 

4.0  SAMPLING ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................... 4 4.1  Cuttings Sampling .................................................................................................................. 4 4.2  Water Sampling ..................................................................................................................... 4 

5.0  GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ............................................................................................... 4 5.1  Stratigraphy ........................................................................................................................... 5 5.2  Groundwater .......................................................................................................................... 6 

6.0  BOREHOLE LOGGING .................................................................................................................... 7 6.1  Video Logging ........................................................................................................................ 7 6.2  Geophysical Logging ............................................................................................................. 7 

7.0  WELL INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................... 7 7.1  Well Design ............................................................................................................................ 7 7.2  Well Construction ................................................................................................................... 7 

8.0  POSTINSTALLATION ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................. 8 8.1  Well Development .................................................................................................................. 9 

8.1.1  Well Development Field Parameters ..................................................................... 10 8.2  Aquifer Testing ..................................................................................................................... 10 8.3  Dedicated Sampling System Installation ............................................................................. 11 8.4  Wellhead Completion........................................................................................................... 11 8.5  Geodetic Survey .................................................................................................................. 11 8.6  Waste Management and Site Restoration ........................................................................... 11 

9.0  DEVIATIONS FROM PLANNED ACTIVITIES ............................................................................... 12 

10.0  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................. 12 

11.0  REFERENCES AND MAP DATA SOURCES ................................................................................ 12 11.1  References .......................................................................................................................... 12 11.2  Map Data Sources for R-53 Completion Report Location Map ........................................... 13 


Figure 1.0-1  Location of monitoring well R-53 ....................................................................................... 15 

Figure 5.1-1  Monitoring well R-53 borehole stratigraphy ...................................................................... 16 

Figure 7.2-1  Monitoring well R-53 as-built well construction diagram ................................................... 17 

Figure 8.3-1a  As-built schematic for regional monitoring well R-53 ........................................................ 19 

Figure 8.3-1b  As-built technical notes for regional monitoring well R-53 ................................................ 20 

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R-53 Well Completion Report



Table 3.1-1 Fluid Quantities Used during R-53 Drilling and Well Construction ................................... 21 

Table 4.2-1 Summary of Groundwater Screening Samples Collected during Drilling, Well Development, and Aquifer Testing of Well R-53 ............................................................... 22 

Table 6.0-1 R-53 Borehole Logging ..................................................................................................... 23 

Table 7.2-1 R-53 Monitoring Well Annular Fill Materials ...................................................................... 23 

Table 8.5-1 R-53 Survey Coordinates .................................................................................................. 23 

Table 8.6-1 Summary of Waste Samples Collected during Drilling and Development of R-53 ........... 24 


Appendix A Borehole R-53 Lithologic Log

Appendix B Groundwater Analytical Results

Appendix C Aquifer Testing Report

Appendix D Borehole Video Logging (on DVD included with this document)

Appendix E Geophysical Logging Files (on CD included with this document)

Acronyms and Abbreviations

amsl above mean sea level

APV actuated access port valve

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

bgs below ground surface

Consent Order Compliance Order on Consent

DO dissolved oxygen

DTW depth to water

EES-14 Earth and Environmental Sciences Group 14

Eh oxidation-reduction potential

EP Environmental Programs (Directorate)

gpd gallons per day

gpm gallons per minute

hp horse power

I.D. inside diameter

LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory

LH3 low-level tritium

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R-53 Well Completion Report


MDA material disposal area

µS/cm microsiemens per centimeter

mV millivolt

NMED New Mexico Environment Department

NTU nephelometric turbidity unit

O.D. outside diameter

ORP oxidation-reduction potential

pH potential of hydrogen

PVC polyvinyl chloride

Qal alluvium

Qbo Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff

Qbog Guaje Pumice Bed of Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff

Qbt Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff

Qct Cerro Toledo interval

RPF Records Processing Facility

SOP standard operating procedure

TA technical area

Tb 4 Cerros del Rio volcanic rocks

TD total depth

TOC total organic carbon

Tpf Puye Formation

VOC volatile organic compound

WES-EDA Waste and Environmental Services Division–Environmental Data and Analysis

WCSF waste characterization strategy form

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R-53 Well Completion Report



This completion report summarizes borehole drilling, well construction, well development, aquifer testing, and dedicated sampling system installation for regional aquifer groundwater monitoring well R-53. The report is written in accordance with the requirements in Section IV.A.3.e.iv of the Compliance Order on Consent (the Consent Order). The R-53 monitoring-well borehole was drilled from January 13 to March 7, 2010, and completed from March 12 to March 29, 2010, at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or the Laboratory) for the Environmental Programs (EP) Directorate.

Well R-53 is located in the south fork of Cañada del Buey within the Laboratory’s Technical Area 54 (TA-54) in Los Alamos County, New Mexico (Figure 1.0-1). The purpose of the R-53 well is to provide hydrogeologic and groundwater quality data to achieve specific data quality objectives consistent with the Laboratory’s Groundwater Protection Program, the Consent Order, and the NMED-approved drilling work plan. Specifically, regional aquifer well R-53 satisfies a requirement by NMED to install a regional aquifer monitoring well downgradient of Material Disposal Area (MDA) L at TA-54.

The primary objective of the drilling activities at R-53 was to drill and install a dual-screen regional aquifer monitoring well in the uppermost part of the regional groundwater system to monitor groundwater quality near MDA L. Secondary objectives were to establish water levels and flow characteristics in the regional aquifer in this area, collect drill-cutting samples, and conduct borehole geophysical logging.

The R-53 borehole was drilled to a total depth (TD) of 1015.0 ft below ground surface (bgs). During drilling, cuttings samples were collected at 5-ft intervals in the borehole from ground surface to TD. A monitoring well was installed with two screens. The upper 10-ft-long screened interval is between 849.2 and 859.2 ft bgs, and the lower 20-ft-long screened interval is between 959.7 and 980.2 ft bgs. The composite depth to water (DTW) after well installation and well development was recorded on April 11 at 831.8 ft bgs. A dedicated sampling system has been installed with an inflatable packer isolating the two well screens. The dedicated sampling system allows discrete sampling and water-level monitoring of both screen intervals. Water-level transducers have been placed in upper and lower well-screen intervals to evaluate hydraulic relationships between this well and other nearby wells.

Postinstallation activities included well development, aquifer testing, surface completion, sampling system installation, and geodetic surveying. Future activities will include site restoration and waste management.

The information presented in this report was compiled from field reports and daily activity summaries. Records, including field reports, field logs, and survey information, are on file at the Laboratory’s Records Processing Facility (RPF). This report contains brief descriptions of activities and supporting figures, tables, and appendices completed to date associated with the R-53 project. Information on radioactive materials and radionuclides, including the results of sampling and analysis of radioactive constituents, is voluntarily provided to the NMED in accordance with U.S. Department of Energy policy.


Preliminary activities included preparing administrative planning documents and preparing the drill site and drill pad. All preparatory activities were completed in accordance with Laboratory policies and procedures and regulatory requirements.

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R-53 Well Completion Report


2.1 Administrative Preparation

The following documents helped guide the implementation of the scope of work for the R-53 project:

“Drilling Work Plan for Regional Aquifer Well R-53” (LANL 2009, 107687);

“Drilling Plan for Regional Aquifer Well R-53” (TerranearPMC 2010, 108561);

“Integrated Work Document for Regional and Intermediate Aquifer Well Drilling” (LANL 2007, 100972);

“Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Addendum” (LANL 2006, 092600); and

“Waste Characterization Strategy Form for TA-54 Wells R-53 and R-54 (Area L) Regional Well Installation and Corehole Drilling”(LANL 2009, 108526).

2.2 Site Preparation

The drill pad had been prepared by Laboratory personnel several weeks before the drill rig, air compressors, trailers, and support vehicles were mobilized to the drill site from January 10 to 12, 2010. This included staging of alternative drilling tools and construction materials at the Pajarito Road lay-down yard. Access road construction was performed by Laboratory personnel before rig mobilization and was continually problematic due to winter weather conditions.

Potable water was obtained from a fire hydrant on East Jemez Road. Safety barriers and signs were installed around the borehole cuttings containment pit and along the perimeter of the work area.


This section describes the drilling strategy and approach and provides a chronological summary of field activities conducted at monitoring well R-53.

3.1 Drilling Approach

The drilling methodology and selection of equipment and drill-casing sizes for the R-53 monitoring well were designed to retain the ability to investigate and case-off potential perched groundwater above the regional aquifer. Further, the drilling approach ensured that a sufficiently-sized drill casing was used to meet the required 2-in.-minimum annular thickness of the filter pack around a 5.56-in.-outside-diameter (O.D.) well casing.

Dual-rotary air-drilling methods using a Foremost DR-24HD drill rig were employed to drill the R-53 borehole. Dual-rotary drilling has the advantage of simultaneously advancing and casing the borehole. The Foremost DR-24HD drill rig was equipped with conventional drilling rods, tricone bits, downhole hammer bits, a deck-mounted 900 ft3/min air compressor, and general drilling equipment. Auxiliary equipment included two 1150 ft3/min trailer-mounted air compressors. Three sizes of A53 grade B flush-welded mild carbon-steel casing (16-in., 12-in., and 10-in.-inside-diameter [I.D.]) were used for the R-53 project.

The dual-rotary technique at R-53 used filtered compressed air and fluid-assisted air to evacuate cuttings from the borehole during drilling. Drilling fluids, other than air, used in the borehole (all within the vadose zone) included potable water and a mixture of potable water with Baroid AQF-2 foaming agent. The fluids were used to cool the bit and help lift cuttings from the borehole. Use of foaming agents was terminated at 745.0 ft bgs, roughly 100 ft above the anticipated top of the regional aquifer. No additives other than

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R-53 Well Completion Report


potable water were used for drilling below 745.0 ft bgs. The total amounts of drilling fluids introduced into the borehole and those recovered are presented in Table 3.1-1.

3.2 Chronological Drilling Activities for the R-53 Well

Drilling equipment and supplies to the R-53 drill site were mobilized from January 10 to 12, 2010. Decontamination of the equipment and tooling was performed before mobilization to the site. On January 13, following on-site equipment inspections, the monitoring-well borehole was initiated at 0920 hours using dual-rotary methods with 16-in. drill casing and a 15.75-in. tricone bit.

Drilling and advancing 16-in. casing proceeded rapidly through canyon-bottom alluvium, the Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff, the Cerro Toledo interval, the Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff, and the Guaje Pumice Bed. Drilling continued through the top of the Cerros del Rio volcanic rocks to 262.0 ft bgs where the 16-in. drill casing was landed on January 18. No indications of groundwater were observed while advancing the 16-in. casing.

From January 19 to February 3, drilling activities were suspended while the crew supported 24-h operations at regional well R-50. On February 3, drilling activities resumed with open-hole drilling using a 15-in. hammer bit. Drilling proceeded through basaltic breccias, basaltic lavas and cinders, andesitic sediments, and scoria of the Cerros del Rio volcanic rocks. On February 7, unstable borehole conditions were encountered at approximately 745.0 ft bgs at the base of a scoria deposit. The bit and drill rods became stuck in the borehole, and from February 7 to 8, borehole cleanout was performed with water and a minimal amount of foam. On February 9, the scoria was measured at 683.0 ft bgs, indicating approximately 62 ft of slough surrounded the drill tools. From February 10 to 11, a second string of drill rods was run into the hole, and water, air, and foam were used to circulate the cuttings to the surface. On February 11, both strings of drill rods were removed from the borehole. Use of AQF-2 drilling foam was stopped at 745 ft bgs.

On February 12, video, natural gamma, and induction logs were run from ground surface to 726.0 ft bgs to document conditions in the open portion of the borehole (262.0 to 726.0 ft bgs). From February 15 to 19, the 16-in. casing shoe was cut off at 255.0 ft bgs, and the 12-in. drill casing was installed to 722.0 ft bgs. The borehole was cleaned out with an underreaming bit, and the 12-in. casing was advanced to a depth of 769.0 ft bgs.

From February 24 to 26, a 12-in. open borehole was advanced with a downhole hammer bit through the bottom of the Cerros del Rio volcanic rocks and into the Puye Formation sediments to a depth of 861.0 ft bgs. Water production of 15–30 gallons per minute (gpm) was noted on February 26 at 840.0 ft bgs while the open hole was advanced, and a water sample was collected. On February 27, the 12-in. casing shoe was cut off at 765.7 ft bgs. After the shoe was cut, the drilling subcontractor ran a video log to verify the cut. The video log also recorded a water level of 828.0 ft bgs (approximately 33 ft of standing water in the borehole). The drill crew began installing 10-in. drill casing into the borehole on February 27 and 28.

On March 1, before the 10-in. casing was landed, a manual water-level measurement was recorded at 829.9 ft bgs. The 10-in. casing was then landed at 861.0 ft bgs on March 2. The 10-in. casing was advanced with a 9 7/8-in. tricone bit through Puye Formation sediments to a depth of 1012.4 ft bgs. Water production of 70 gpm was noted on March 7 at 979.0 ft bgs while the 10-in. casing was advanced, and a second water sample was collected. On March 7, the 9 7/8-in. tricone bit reached the TD of 1015.0 ft bgs. A natural gamma ray log was run the same afternoon to provide stratigraphic information. On March 8, the 10-in. casing shoe was cut off at 1007.0 ft bgs. A video log was run on March 9 to verify the cut. The video log also recorded a water level of 838.2 ft bgs in the borehole.

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R-53 Well Completion Report


During drilling, field crews worked 12-h shifts 7 d/wk. Weather and access road conditions resulted in several site closures and delays.


This section describes the cuttings and groundwater sampling activities for monitoring well R-53. All sampling activities were conducted in accordance with applicable quality procedures.

4.1 Cuttings Sampling

Cuttings samples were collected from the R-53 monitoring well borehole at 5-ft intervals from ground surface to the TD of 1015.0 ft bgs. At each interval, approximately 500 mL of bulk cuttings was collected by the site geologist from the drilling discharge cyclone, placed in resealable plastic bags, labeled, and archived in core boxes. Sieved fractions (>#10 and >#35 mesh) were also collected from ground surface to TD and placed in chip trays along with unsieved (whole rock) cuttings. Radiation control technicians screened cuttings before they were removed from the site. All screening measurements were within the range of background values. The core boxes and chip trays were delivered to the Laboratory’s archive at the conclusion of drilling activities.

The stratigraphy for R-53 is summarized in section 5.1, and the borehole lithology is detailed in Appendix A.

4.2 Water Sampling

Two groundwater-screening samples were collected from the drilling discharge at 840.0 and 979.0 ft bgs. These borehole samples were analyzed for anions (including perchlorate), cations, metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and low-level tritium (LH3). The samples were collected after the bottom of 20-ft runs of casing, where the driller stopped water circulation and circulated air. As the discharge cleared, the water samples were collected directly from the discharge cyclone. Table 4.2-1 summarizes the screening samples collected during the R-53 monitoring well installation project. Groundwater chemistry and field water-quality parameters are discussed in Appendix B.

Five groundwater screening samples were collected during well development from the development pump’s discharge line. Development samples were analyzed by Earth and Environmental Sciences Group 14 (EES-14) for total organic carbon (TOC) only.

Additionally, 12 groundwater-screening samples were collected during aquifer testing from the pump’s discharge line. These samples were also analyzed by EES-14 for TOC only.

Groundwater characterization samples will be collected from the completed well in accordance with the Consent Order. The samples will be analyzed for the full suite of constituents including radioactive elements; anions/cations; general inorganic chemicals; VOCs and semivolatile organic compounds; and stable isotopes of hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. These groundwater analytical results will be reported in the annual update to the “Interim Facility-Wide Groundwater Monitoring Plan.”


A brief description of the geologic and hydrogeologic features encountered at R-53 is presented below. The Laboratory’s geology task leader and project site geologists examined cuttings and geophysical logs

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R-53 Well Completion Report


to determine geologic contacts and hydrogeologic conditions. Drilling observations, video logging, water-level measurements, and geophysical logs were used to characterize groundwater encountered at R-53.

5.1 Stratigraphy

Stratigraphic units for the R-53 borehole, drilled to a depth of 1015.0 ft bgs, are presented below in order of occurrence from youngest to oldest units. Lithologic descriptions are based on microscopic examination and analysis of drill cuttings samples collected from the discharge hose. Cuttings and borehole geophysical logs were used to identify unit contacts. Figure 5.1-1 shows the stratigraphy at R-53. A detailed lithologic log is presented in Appendix A.

Quaternary Alluvium, Qal (0–6 ft bgs)

Quaternary alluvium, consisting of unconsolidated, poorly sorted sand and gravelly sand composed of tuffaceous and volcanic detritus and also containing rounded volcanic and quartzite pebbles typical of introduced base-course gravels used in drill pad construction, was encountered from 0 to approximately 6 ft bgs. No evidence of alluvial groundwater was observed.

Unit 1v, Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Qbt 1v (6–18 ft bgs)

Unit 1v of the Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff occurs from 6 to 18 ft bgs and is locally a minimum of 12 ft thick. Unit 1v is a poorly to moderately welded rhyolitic ash-flow tuff that is pumiceous, crystal-bearing to locally crystal-rich and generally liithic-poor. Locally preserved fragments of ash-flow tuff indicate that Unit 1v contains up to 20% flattened strongly devitrified pumice lapilli, up to 20% quartz and sanidine crystals, and as much as 2% of volcanic lithic fragments set in a matrix of weathered volcanic ash. Abundant ash is locally preserved in cuttings. Abundant free quartz and sanidine crystals and minor small (generally less than 10 mm in diameter) volcanic lithic inclusions also occur in cuttings.

Unit 1g, Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Qbt 1g (18–130 ft bgs)

Unit 1g of the Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff was intersected in the R-53 borehole from 18 to 130 ft bgs and has an estimated thickness of 112 ft. Unit 1g is a poorly welded rhyolitic ash-flow tuff that is strongly pumiceous, crystal-bearing, and lithic-poor. Unit 1g cuttings locally exhibit abundant ash matrix and infrequent fragments of indurated tuff, suggesting generally poor welding. Pumice lapilli are generally glassy with a lusterous appearance and are quartz- and sanidine-phyric. Volcanic lithic fragments, predominantly dacites, occur in minor abundances.

Cerro Toledo Interval, Qct (130–150 ft bgs)

The Cerro Toledo interval, a layer of poorly consolidated volcaniclastic sediments that occurs stratigrahically between the Tshirege and Otowi Members of the Bandelier Tuff, is present from 130 to 150 ft bgs. Cerro Toledo deposits are estimated to be 20 ft thick. Locally, these sediments consist of poorly sorted pebble gravels with silty fine to coarse sands comprised of volcanic and tuffaceous debris. Commonly subrounded detrital clasts are composed of hornblende- and/or biotite-phyric dacites, flow-banded rhyodacite, andesite, abundant vitric pumices, and quartz and sanidine crystals.

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Qbo (150–242 ft bgs)

The Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff is present in the R-53 section from 150 to 242 ft bgs and is estimated to be 92 ft thick. The Otowi Member is a poorly welded rhyolite ash-flow tuff (i.e., ignimbrite) that is pumiceous, crystal-bearing and locally lithic-rich. Abundant pale orange to white pumice lapilli noted in cuttings are typically glassy with quartz and sanidine phenocrysts. Locally abundant volcanic lithics, or xenoliths, occur in cuttings as subangular to subrounded fragments of intermediate composition, including porphyritic dacites and andesite. Cuttings locally exhibit abundant fine volcanic ash and numerous quartz and sanidine crystals.

Guaje Pumice Bed of the Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff, Qbog (242–258 ft bgs)

The Guaje Pumice Bed occurs from 242 to 258 ft bgs and has an estimated local thickness of 16 ft. This air-fall tephra deposit forms the base of the Otowi Member. The unit contains abundant (up to 100% by volume) rounded, lustrous, vitric, phenocryst-poor pumice lapilli with minor occurrences of small volcanic lithic fragments and quartz and sanidine crystals.

Cerros del Rio Volcanic Rocks, Tb 4 (258–830 ft bgs)

The Cerros del Rio volcanic rocks (formerly Cerros del Rio basalt), encountered in R-53 from 258 to 830 ft bgs, locally forms a varied complex sequence of lavas, tephras, and volcanic sedimentary deposits of basaltic to intermediate volcanic composition. The cumulative thickness of the Tb 4 volcanic rocks is approximately 572 ft. The upper part of the volcanic rocks, from 258 to 366 ft bgs, includes an 81-ft-thick phenocryst-poor, olivine-clinopyroxene basalt flow and overlying layer of rubbly, volcanic breccia. The middle Tb 4 section, from 366 to 652 ft bgs, forms a complex sequence of thin basaltic lavas and interflow scoriaceous cinder deposits. A 93-ft-thick section of volcanic sediments, intersected from 652 to 745 ft bgs, is made up of detritus derived from sources of basaltic to intermediate (tentatively andesitic) composition. The base of the Cerros del Rio volcanic rocks, from 745 to 830 ft bgs, was formed of massive phenocryst-poor lava of intermediate (tentatively dacitic) composition.

Puye Formation, Tpf (830–1015 ft bgs)

Puye Formation volcaniclastic sediments (Tpf), intersected from 830 ft bgs to the bottom of the R-53 borehole at 1015 ft bgs, are locally a minimum of 185 ft thick. These sediments vary considerably in texture, ranging from fine to coarse gravels with silty sand to moderately well-sorted sands with minor gravel content. Typically they are poorly to moderately cemented. The majority of the Puye section consists of volcanic detritus, predominantly of gray biotite- and/or hornblende-phyric dacites with less abundant lithologies ranging from andesite to rhyolite. Puye sediments exhibit minor to locally significant percentages of Precambrian quartzo-feldspathic rocks. Precambrian detritus (quartzite, granitic rocks, microcline, etc.) makes up at least 25% by volume of select sampling intervals and indicates the occurrence of Totavi Lentil-type axial river gravel deposits interfingered with Puye volcaniclastic sediments.

5.2 Groundwater

Drilling proceeded without any indications of groundwater until approximately 840.0 ft bgs at the top of the Puye Formation. The groundwater production rate was estimated to be between 15 and 30 gpm and the DTW was 829.9 ft bgs. The borehole was advanced to 979.0 ft bgs, where the groundwater production rate increased to approximately 70 gpm. The 10-in. casing was advanced to 1012.4 ft bgs, and the

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tricone bit was advanced to 1015.0 ft bgs to allow water flow into the cased borehole. The DTW stabilized at 840.3 ft bgs on March 9 before well installation.


A video log, induction log, and two natural gamma ray logs were collected during the R-53 drilling project using Laboratory-owned equipment. Two video logs were collected using subcontractor-owned equipment. A summary of video and geophysical logging runs is presented in Table 6.0-1.

6.1 Video Logging

A video run was made in the R-53 borehole on February 12, 2010, to document conditions in the open portion of the borehole from 262 to 726.0 ft bgs. The video log is presented in Appendix D (on a DVD included with this report).

Two additional videos were run on February 27 and March 9 to verify the 12-in. and 10-in. casing shoes had been cut. The video from February 27 recorded a water level at 828.0 ft bgs (bottom of borehole at 861.0 ft bgs), and the video from March 9 recorded a water level at 838.2 ft bgs (bottom of borehole at 1015.0 ft bgs). These video logs were observational and were not recorded to storage media.

6.2 Geophysical Logging

A natural gamma ray survey and an induction log were run in the borehole on February 12 to document conditions in the open portion of the borehole.

A natural gamma ray survey to TD was taken in the cased borehole on March 7, before well construction commenced. Logging data are presented in Appendix E (on CD included with this report).


The R-53 well was installed between March 12 and 29, 2010. The following sections describe the final well design and well-construction details.

7.1 Well Design

The R-53 well was designed in accordance with the approved drilling work plan; the final well design was prepared after borehole TD was reached. NMED approved the final design before the well was installed. The well was designed with dual screens to monitor groundwater quality near the top of the regional aquifer and deeper in the aquifer within Puye Formation sediments; the upper screen was set from approximately 850 to 860 ft bgs, and the lower screen was installed from approximately 960 to 980 ft bgs.

7.2 Well Construction

The R-53 monitoring well was constructed of 5.0-in.-I.D./5.56-in.-O.D., type A304 passivated stainless steel threaded casing fabricated to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A312 standards. Screened sections utilized three 10-ft lengths of 5.0-in.-I.D. rod-based 0.020-in. wire-wrapped screens to make up the 10-ft-long upper and 20-ft-long lower well-screen intervals. Compatible external stainless-steel threaded couplings (also type A304 stainless steel fabricated to ASTM A312 standards) were used to join all individual casing and screen sections. The coupled unions between threaded sections were

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approximately 0.7 ft long. All casing, couplings, and screens were steam- and pressure-washed on-site before they were installed. A 2.2-in.-O.D. steel flush threaded tremie pipe, also decontaminated before use, delivered the annular fill materials down-hole during well construction. Short lengths of 10-in. drill casing (5.4-ft casing and shoe, at a depth of 1007.0 to 1012.4 ft bgs); 12-in. drill casing (3.3-ft casing and shoe, at a depth of 765.7 to 769.0 ft bgs); and 16-in. drill casing (7.0-ft casing and shoe, at a depth of 255.0 to 262.0 ft bgs) remain in the borehole. The 10-in. casing stub was encased in the lowermost bentonite seal/slough, while the 12-in. and 16-in. casing stubs were encased in the upper bentonite seal.

Decontamination of the stainless-steel well casing and screen took place on March 11 along with mobilization of initial well-construction materials to the site. A 21.7-ft stainless-steel sump was placed below the bottom of the lower well screen. Stainless-steel centralizers (four sets of four) were welded to the well casing approximately 2.0 ft above and below each screen.

On March 12, at 0930 h, the 5-in. stainless-steel well casing was started into the wellbore. The drill rig was demobilized from the site on March 13 after 551.8 ft of well casing was installed. A Pulstar work-over rig was mobilized on the same day and was used for all remaining well-construction activities.

After the well casing was landed at 1001.9 ft bgs, the annular materials began to be installed on March 17. A lower seal composed of 3/8-in. bentonite chips and 1/4-in. bentonite pellets (14.7 ft3) was placed from 985.2 to 1009.4 ft bgs above slough from 1009.4 to 1015.0 ft bgs. A 10/20 silica sand filter pack was installed from 953.9 to 985.2 ft bgs and surged to promote compaction (total 10/20 sand: 18.8 ft3). A short 20/40 silica sand transition collar on top the filter pack was placed from 951.8 to 953.9 ft bgs (total 20/40 sand: 1.6 ft3).

A bentonite seal separating the two screened intervals was added from 864.1 to 951.8 ft bgs consisting of 3/8-in. bentonite chips and 1/4-in. bentonite pellets (65.0 ft3). The upper screen filter pack of 10/20 silica sand was then installed at 843.8 to 864.1 ft bgs and surged (total 10/20 sand: 15.0 ft3). The upper filter pack was then capped with a short 20/40 silica sand transition collar from 841.8 to 843.8 ft bgs (total 20/40 sand: 2.0 ft3).

The upper bentonite seal was installed from 199.1 to 841.8 ft bgs using 3/8-in. bentonite chips (787.4 ft3). The final surface seal of neat Portland cement (441.2 ft3) was placed above the upper bentonite seal from 3.0 to 199.1 ft bgs. The actual volume of cement exceeded the calculated volume by approximately 33% and was likely caused by cement loss to the surrounding formation. Well construction was completed on March 29. Figure 7.2-1 shows the well schematic for R-53, and Table 7.2-1 summarizes volumes of materials used during well construction.

During well construction, field crews worked one 12-h shift, 7 d/wk from March 12 to 23, and two 12-h shifts, 7 d/wk from March 24 to March 29. As with the drilling operations, weather and access road conditions resulted in several site closures and delays.


Following well installation, the well was developed, and aquifer pumping tests were conducted. The wellhead and surface pad were constructed, a geodetic survey was performed, and a dedicated sampling system was installed. Site-restoration activities will be completed following the final disposition of contained drill cuttings and groundwater, per the NMED-approved waste-disposal decision trees.

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8.1 Well Development

Well development was conducted between March 30 and April 6, 2010. Initially, both screened intervals were swabbed and composite water was bailed to remove formation fines in the filter packs and well sump. Bailing continued until water clarity visibly improved. Final development was then performed with a submersible pump at each screen.

The swabbing tool employed was a 4.5-in.-O.D., 1-in.-thick nylon disc attached to a weighted steel rod. The wireline conveyed tool was drawn repeatedly across each screened interval causing a surging action across the screen/filter pack. The bailing tool employed was a 4.0-in.-O.D. by 21.0-ft-long carbon steel bailer with a total capacity of 12 gal. The tool was lowered by wireline and repeatedly filled, withdrawn from hole, and dumped into the cuttings pit.

After bailing, a 5-horse power (hp), 4-in.-Grundfos submersible pump and an inflatable packer located above or below the pump were installed in the well for the final stage of well development. Approximately 11,945 gal. of groundwater was purged at R-53 during well development activities.

During the pumping stage of well development, turbidity, temperature, potential of hydrogen (pH), dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and specific conductance parameters were measured. In addition, water samples were collected for TOC analysis. The target TOC and turbidity values to demonstrate completion of well development are less than 2.0 ppm and less than 5 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), respectively.

Upper Screen

On April 2, an inflatable packer was installed below the upper screened interval and the pumping assembly was lowered into the well. The upper screen was purged from bottom to top in 2-ft increments from 858 to 849 ft bgs on April 3. Additional pumping was conducted on April 4. Because the water level was slightly below the top of the upper screen and to prevent the pump from breaking suction and cavitating, the pump intake was relocated to the bottom of the upper screen at 859 ft bgs. Pumping rates at the upper screen ranged between 11.0 and 11.3 gpm. Approximately 5200 gal. of groundwater was purged during development at the upper well screen.

Lower Screen

On April 4 and 5, the same pump used for the upper screen development was reconfigured without a pump shroud and with a packer above the pump to purge the lower screen. The lower screen was purged from top to bottom in 2-ft increments from 960 ft bgs to 980 ft bgs. After pumping throughout the lower screened interval, the pump was set at the top of the screen at 959 ft bgs, and the packer was inflated to ensure discrete water quality parameter samples. Pumping rates at the lower screen ranged between 10.7 and 10.9 gpm. Approximately 6100 gal. of groundwater was purged during lower well screen development.

Approximately 11,945 gal. of groundwater was purged at R-53 during well-development activities, 5200 gal. from the upper screen, 6100 gal. from the lower screen and 645 gal. during bailing. Another 48,228 gal. was purged during aquifer testing. Total groundwater purged during postinstallation activities was 60,173 gal.

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8.1.1 Well Development Field Parameters

Field parameters were measured at well R-53 by collecting aliquots of groundwater from the discharge pipe without the use of a flow-through cell, allowing the samples to be exposed to the atmosphere. These conditions resulted in a variation of field parameters during well development and during the pumping test, most notably in temperature, pH, ORP, and DO.

Upper Screen

During development of the upper screen, measurements of pH and temperature varied from 7.04 to 8.18 and from 20.07 to 21.11C, respectively. Concentrations of DO ranged from 6.60 to 7.02 mg/L. Eh values varied from 376.2 to 438.4 millivolts (mV). Specific conductance varied from 358 to 380 microsiemens per centimeter (µS/cm) and turbidity varied slightly from 0.2 to 0.8 NTU. The final parameter measurements for the upper screen at the end of development were: pH 8.05, temperature 20.14C, specific conductance 360 S/cm, and turbidity 0.7 NTU.

Lower Screen

During development of the lower screen, measurements of pH and temperature varied from 6.88 to 8.07 and from 19.14 to 20.45C, respectively. Concentrations of DO ranged from 6.23 to 7.46 mg/L. Eh values varied from 372.9 to 391.7 mV. Specific conductance varied from 158 to 175 µS/cm and turbidity values were 0.0 NTU. The final parameter measurements for the lower screen at the end of development were pH 8.01, temperature 20.45C, specific conductance 161, and turbidity 0.0 NTU. As discussed in Appendix B, the turbidity readings of 0.0 NTU measured at the lower screen are likely not accurate.

A further discussion of well-development field parameters is presented in Appendix B. Table B-1.2-1 lists field parameters measured during development and aquifer testing.

8.2 Aquifer Testing

Aquifer pumping tests were conducted at R-53 between April 10 and 21. Several short-duration tests with short-duration recovery periods were performed on the first day of testing of each screened interval.

A 10-hp pump was used for the aquifer test on the lower screened interval. Initially, the pump’s flow rate was set to approximately 20 gpm. Approximately 31,762 gal. of groundwater was purged from the lower screen interval. A 24-h recovery period completed the 24-h testing of the lower screen interval.

The 10-hp pump used for the aquifer test on the lower screened interval was swapped for a 5-hp pump for the aquifer test on the upper screened interval. A 24-h test followed by a 24-h recovery period completed the testing of the upper screen interval. Approximately 16,466 gal. of groundwater was purged from the upper screen interval at a flow rate of approximately 10 gpm.

Turbidity, temperature, pH, DO, ORP, and specific conductance parameters were measured during the 24-h tests. In addition, water samples were collected and submitted to EES-14 for TOC analysis.

Approximately 60,173 gal. of groundwater was purged during aquifer-testing activities. Field water-quality parameters and TOC results are summarized in Appendix B. The results and analysis of the R-53 aquifer test are presented in Appendix C.

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8.3 Dedicated Sampling System Installation

The dedicated sampling system for R-53 was installed between July 3 and 7, 2010. The Baski, Inc., system has a single 3-hp, 4-in.-O.D. environmentally retrofitted Grundfos submersible pump capable of purging each screened interval discretely via pneumatically actuated access port valves (APVs). The system includes a viton-wrapped isolation packer between the screened intervals. The pump riser pipe consists of threaded and coupled nonannealed 1-in.-I.D. stainless steel. Two 1-in.-I.D. schedule 80 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubes are banded to the pump riser for dedicated transducers. The upper PVC transducer tube is equipped with a 6-in. section of 0.010-in. slotted screen with a threaded end cap at the bottom of the tube. The lower PVC transducer tube is equipped with a flexible nylon tube that extends from a threaded end cap at the bottom of the PVC tube through the isolation packer and measures water levels in the lower screen interval. Two In-Situ Level Troll 500 transducers were installed in the PVC tubes to monitor water levels in each screened interval.

Postinstallation construction and sampling system component installation details for R-53 are presented in Figure 8.3-1a. Figure 8.3-1b presents technical notes for the well.

8.4 Wellhead Completion

A reinforced concrete surface pad, 10 ft × 10 ft × 6 in. thick, was installed at the R-53 wellhead. The concrete pad was slightly elevated above the ground surface and crowned to promote runoff. The pad will provide long-term structural integrity for the well. A brass survey pin was embedded in the northwest corner of the pad. A 10-in.-I.D. steel protective casing with a locking lid was installed around the stainless-steel well riser. A total of four bollards, painted yellow for visibility, are set at the outside edges of the pad to protect the well from traffic. All of the four bollards are designed for easy removal to allow access to the well. Details of the wellhead completion are presented in Figure 8.3-1a.

8.5 Geodetic Survey

A New Mexico licensed professional land surveyor conducted a geodetic survey on May 17, 2010 (Table 8.5-1). The survey data collected conforms to Laboratory Information Architecture project standards IA-CB02, “GIS Horizontal Spatial Reference System,” and IA-D802, “Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standard for A/E/C and Facility Management.” All coordinates are expressed relative to New Mexico State Plane Coordinate System Central Zone (North American Datum [NAD] 83); elevation is expressed in feet above mean sea level (amsl) using the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Survey points include ground-surface elevation near the concrete pad, the top of the brass pin in the concrete pad, the top of the well casing, and the top of the protective casing for the R-53 monitoring well.

8.6 Waste Management and Site Restoration

Waste generated from the R-53 project includes drilling fluids, drilled-out concrete chips and concrete slurry, drill cuttings, development water, decontamination water, municipal solid waste, petroleum-contaminated soils and contact waste. A summary of the waste characterization samples collected during drilling, construction, and development of the R-53 well is presented in Table 8.6-1.

All waste streams produced during drilling and development activities were sampled in accordance with Waste Characterization Strategy Form for TA-54 Wells R-53 and R-54 (Area L) Regional Well Installation and Corehole Drilling”(LANL 2009, 108526).

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Fluids produced during drilling and well development are expected to be land-applied after a review of associated analytical results per the waste characterization strategy form (WCSF) and the ENV-RCRA-Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 010.1, Land Application of Groundwater. If it is determined that drilling fluids are nonhazardous but cannot meet the criteria for land application, the drilling fluids will be managed and disposed of based upon the regulatory classification of the waste. If analytical data indicate that the drilling fluids are hazardous/nonradioactive or mixed low-level waste, they will be left in a pit or container pending a “contained-in” approval from the NMED. If the hazardous wastes are containerized, they are subject to the 90-d accumulation limit and the “contained-in” approval must be obtained from NMED before the accumulation period is exceeded.

Cuttings produced during drilling are anticipated to be land-applied after a review of associated analytical results per the WCSF and ENV-RCRA SOP-011.0, Land Application of Drill Cuttings. If the drill cuttings do not meet the criterion for land application, they will be excavated, containerized and placed in an accumulation area appropriate for the regulatory classification of the waste. Decontamination fluid used for cleaning the drill rig and equipment is containerized at point of generation. The fluid waste was sampled and will be disposed of at an authorized facility. Characterization of contact waste will be based on acceptable knowledge pending analyses of the waste samples collected from the drill cuttings, drilling fluids, and decontamination fluid.

Site restoration activities will include removing drilling fluids and cuttings from the pit and managing the fluids and cuttings in accordance with applicable procedures and the WCSF, removing the polyethylene liner, removing the containment area berms, and backfilling and regrading the containment area, as appropriate.


Drilling, sampling, and well construction at R-53 were performed as specified in “Drilling Plan for Regional Aquifer Well R-53” (TerranearPMC 2010, 108561).


Boart Longyear drilled and installed the R-53 monitoring well.

David Schafer designed and implemented the aquifer test and wrote Appendix C.

LANL personnel ran natural gamma, induction and video logging equipment.

TerranearPMC provided oversight of all preparatory and field-related activities.


11.1 References

The following list includes all documents cited in this report. Parenthetical information following each reference provides the author(s), publication date, and ER ID. This information is also included in text citations. ER IDs are assigned by the Environmental Programs Directorate’s Records Processing Facility (RPF) and are used to locate the document at the RPF and, where applicable, in the master reference set.

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Copies of the master reference set are maintained at the NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau and the Directorate. The set was developed to ensure that the administrative authority has all material needed to review this document, and it is updated with every document submitted to the administrative authority. Documents previously submitted to the administrative authority are not included.

LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory), March 2006. “Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for SWMUs and AOCs (Sites) and Storm Water Monitoring Plan,” Los Alamos National Laboratory document LA-UR-06-1840, Los Alamos, New Mexico. (LANL 2006, 092600)

LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory), October 4, 2007. “Integrated Work Document for Regional and

Intermediate Aquifer Well Drilling (Mobilization, Site Preparation and Setup Stages),” Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. (LANL 2007, 100972)

LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory), November 5, 2009. “Waste Characterization Strategy Form for

TA-54 Wells R-53 and R-54 (Area L) Regional Well Installation and Corehole Drilling,” Los Alamos, New Mexico. (LANL 2009, 108526)

LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory), December 2009. “Drilling Work Plan for Regional Aquifer Well

R-53,” Los Alamos National Laboratory document LA-UR-09-7477, Los Alamos, New Mexico. (LANL 2009, 107687)

TerranearPMC, January 2010. “Drilling Plan for Regional Aquifer Well R-53,” plan prepared for Los

Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. (TerranearPMC 2010, 108561)

11.2 Map Data Sources for R-53 Completion Report Location Map

Point Feature Locations of the Environmental Restoration Project Database; Los Alamos National Laboratory, Waste and Environmental Services Division, EP2008-0109; 28 February 2008.

Hypsography, 100 and 20 Foot Contour Interval; Los Alamos National Laboratory, ENV Environmental Remediation and Surveillance Program; 1991.

Surface Drainages, 1991; Los Alamos National Laboratory, ENV Environmental Remediation and Surveillance Program, ER2002-0591; 1:24,000 Scale Data; Unknown publication date.

Paved Road Arcs; Los Alamos National Laboratory, KSL Site Support Services, Planning, Locating and Mapping Section; 06 January 2004; as published 04 January 2008.

Dirt Road Arcs; Los Alamos National Laboratory, KSL Site Support Services, Planning, Locating and Mapping Section; 06 January 2004; as published 04 January 2008.

Structures; Los Alamos National Laboratory, KSL Site Support Services, Planning, Locating and Mapping Section; 06 January 2004; as published 04 January 2008.

Technical Area Boundaries; Los Alamos National Laboratory, Site Planning & Project Initiation Group, Infrastructure Planning Division; 19 September 2007.

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R-53 W

ell Com

pletion Re



Figure 1.0-1 Location of monitoring well R-53

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Figure 5.1-1 Monitoring well R-53 borehole stratigraphy

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Figure 7.2-1 Monitoring well R-53 as-built well construction diagram

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Figure 8.3-1a As-built schematic for regional monitoring well R-53

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Figure 8.3-1b As-built technical notes for regional monitoring well R-53

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Table 3.1-1

Fluid Quantities Used during R-53 Drilling and Well Construction

Date Water (gal.) Cumulative Water

(gal.) AQF-2 Foam


Cumulative AQF-2 Foam



01/13/10 200 200 0 0

01/15/10 800 1000 5 5

01/16/10 700 1700 4 9

01/17/10 600 2300 5 14

01/18/10 400 2700 2 16

02/03/10 1500 4200 20 36

02/05/10 800 5000 10 46

02/06/10 2500 7500 25 71

02/07/10 500 8000 5 76

02/08/10 300 8300 0 76

02/10/10 1200 9500 25 101

02/11/10 1000 10,500 20 121

02/14/10 150 10,650 n/a* 121

02/20/10 1500 12,150 n/a 121

02/22/10 1500 13,650 n/a 121

02/23/10 500 14,150 n/a 121

02/24/10 500 14,650 n/a 121

02/25/10 2700 17,350 n/a 121

02/26/10 900 18,250 n/a 121

03/05/10 500 18,750 n/a 121

03/06/10 500 19,250 n/a 121

03/07/10 500 19,750 n/a 121

Well Construction

03/17/10 150 19,900 n/a n/a

03/18/10 1500 21,400 n/a n/a

03/19/10 1800 23,200 n/a n/a

03/20/10 200 23,400 n/a n/a

03/21/10 1500 24,900 n/a n/a

03/22/10 2500 27,400 n/a n/a

03/23/10 2000 29,400 n/a n/a

03/24/10 15,000 44,400 n/a n/a

03/25/10 5500 49,900 n/a n/a

03/26/10 250 50,150 n/a n/a

03/27/10 4800 54,950 n/a n/a

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Table 3.1-1 (continued)

Date Water (gal.) Cumulative Water

(gal.) AQF-2 Foam


Cumulative AQF-2 Foam


03/28/10 2035 56,985 n/a n/a

03/29/10 300 57,285 n/a n/a

Total Water Volume (gal.)

R-53 57,285

* n/a = Not applicable. Foam use terminated at 745 ft bgs during drilling; none used during well construction.

Table 4.2-1

Summary of Groundwater Screening Samples Collected during

Drilling, Well Development, and Aquifer Testing of Well R-53

Location ID Sample ID

Date Collected

Collection Depth (ft bgs) Sample Type Analysis


R-53 GW53-10-11670 02/26/10 840.0 Groundwater Anions, cations, metals, VOCs, LH3

R-53 GW53-10-11671 03/07/10 979.0 Groundwater Anions, cations, metals, VOCs, LH3

Well Development

R-53 GW53-10-11680 04/03/10 859.0 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11681 04/04/10 859.0 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11682 04/04/10 859.0 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11683 04/06/10 961.45 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11684 04/06/10 961.45 Groundwater TOC

Aquifer Testing

R-53 GW53-10-11685 04/13/10 911.86 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11686 04/13/10 911.86 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11687 04/13/10 911.86 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11688 04/13/10 911.86 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11689 04/14/10 911.86 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11690 04/14/10 911.86 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11691 04/18/10 846.65 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11692 04/18/10 846.65 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11693 04/18/10 846.65 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11694 04/19/10 846.65 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11695 04/19/10 846.65 Groundwater TOC

R-53 GW53-10-11696 04/19/10 846.65 Groundwater TOC

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table 6.0-1

R-53 Borehole Logging

Date Depth (ft bgs) Description

02/12/10 Surface to 726 LANL personnel ran video, natural gamma ray, and induction logs in the borehole. Openhole from 262 to 726 ft bgs.

02/27/10 Surface to 828 Drilling subcontractor ran a video log inside 12-in. casing to verify the12-in. casing cut and to observe standing water column. DTW was 828 ft bgs.

03/07/10 Surface to 1014 LANL personnel ran natural gamma ray log after reaching TD (1015 ft bgs).

03/09/10 Surface to 1007 Drilling subcontractor ran a video log inside 10-in. casing to verify the 10-in. casing cut and to observe standing water column. DTW was 838.2 ft bgs.

Table 7.2-1

R-53 Monitoring Well Annular Fill Materials

Material Volume

Upper surface seal: cement slurry 441.2 ft3

Upper bentonite seal: bentonite chips 787.4 ft3

Upper fine sand collar: 20/40 silica sand 2.0 ft3

Upper filter pack: 10/20 silica sand 15.0 ft3

Middle bentonite seal: bentonite chips/pellets 65.0 ft3

Lower fine sand collar: 20/40 silica sand 1.6 ft3

Lower filter pack: 10/20 silica sand 18.8 ft3

Backfill: bentonite chips/pellets 14.7 ft3

Table 8.5-1

R-53 Survey Coordinates

Identification Northing Easting Elevation

R-53 Brass cap embedded in pad 1759860.57 1640109.61 6689.98

R-53 ground surface near pad 1759859.50 1640107.05 6689.78

R-53 top of 16-in. protective casing 1759855.47 1640111.86 6693.55

R-53 top of stainless-steel well casing 1759854.86 1640111.48 6692.60

Note: All coordinates are expressed as New Mexico State Plane Coordinate System Central Zone (NAD 83); elevation is expressed in feet amsl using the national Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table 8.6-1

Summary of Waste Samples Collected during Drilling and Development of R-53

Location ID Sample ID Date Collected Description Sample Type

R-53 WST53-10-13641 (UFa) 3/16/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13637 (Fb) 3/16/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13645 (FDc) 3/16/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13649 (FTBd) 3/16/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13642 (UF) 3/19/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13638 (F) 3/19/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13646 (FD) 3/19/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13650 (FTB) 3/19/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13633 (UF) 4/14/10 Development Water Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13632 (F) 4/14/10 Development Water Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13634 (FD) 4/14/10 Development Water Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13635 (FTB) 4/14/10 Development Water Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13644 (UF) 4/15/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13640 (F) 4/15/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13648 (FD) 4/15/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13652 (FTB) 4/15/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13643 (UF) 4/20/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13639 (F) 4/20/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13647 (FD) 4/20/10 Decon Fluid Liquid

R-53 WST53-10-13651 (FTB) 4/20/10 Decon Fluid Liquid a UF = Unfiltered.

b F = Filtered.

c FD = Field duplicate.

d FTB = Field trip blank.

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Appendix A

Borehole R-53 Lithologic Log

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Los Alamos National Laboratory

Borehole Lithologic Log



DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith








Construction fill and alluvial sediments—light brown (5YR 6/4) sand with pebble gravels made up of mixed native tuffaceous alluvial sediments and quartz pebble-bearing gravel used in drill pad construction; unsorted, unconsolidated.


Note: drill cuttings for microscopic and descriptive analysis were collected at 5-ft intervals from 0 ft to borehole TD at 1015 ft bgs.

Alluvial sediments and construction fill, encountered from 0 to 6 ft bgs, are approximately 6 ft thick.



Tuff—very pale orange (10YR 8/2) poorly welded, moderately indurated, pumiceous, crystal-bearing to crystal-rich, lithic-poor. Pumices noted as predominantly devitrified.

6’–18’ WR: samples locally contain abundant silty ash and chips of indurated, weathered crystal tuff. +10F: 70-80% fragments of weathered, indurated crystal-pumice rhyolite ash-flow tuff; 20–30% subrounded volcanic lithic fragments (dacites); 3–5% quartz and sanidine crystals. +35F: 70–85% quartz and sanidine crystals, 15–25% tuff fragments, 2–3% dacitic lithics. Note: first appearance of vitric pumice observed in 15–20-ft sampling interval.

Qbt 1v

Unit 1v of the Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff (Qbt 1v), encountered from 6 ft to 18 ft bgs, is estimated to be a minimum of 12 ft thick. The lower Qbt 1v contact was determined on the basis of cuttings examination and natural gamma log interpretation.



Tuff—very pale orange (10YR 8/2) poorly welded, weakly to moderately indurated, pumiceous, crystal-bearing, lithic-poor. Pumices noted as vitric.

18–30 ft WR: samples locally contain abundant silty ash and chips of rhyolitic ash-flow tuff. +10F: 50-70% angular/broken chips and subangular volcanic lithic fragments (up to 7 mm, predominantly hornblende dacites); 30–50% fragments of indurated tuff. Tuff is composed of 15–20% quartz and sanidine crystals; 15–20% small (up to 7 mm) locally flattened, devitrified and vitric pumices; 1-2% volcanic lithic fragments set in a matrix of weathered volcanic ash. +35F: 70–85% quartz and sanidine crystals, 15–25% tuff fragments, 2–3% dacitic lithics.

Qbt 1g

Unit 1g of the Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff (Qbt 1g), was encountered from 18 ft to 130 ft bgs, is estimated to be 112 ft thick.

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R-53 Well Completion Report




DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Tuff—moderate orange pink (5YR 8/4) poorly welded, poorly to moderately indurated, pumice-rich, crystal-bearing, lithic-poor. Pumices noted as weathered to vitric.

30–65 ft WR: samples contain abundant fine ash and pumices that are vitric or weathered with relict vitric textures. +10F: 85–95% pale orange fibrous-textured, weathered to glassy pumices that are quartz- and sanidine-phyric; 3-5% lithic fragments (predominantly dacitic); 5-10% fragments of pumiceous rhyolitic crystal tuff. Note: pumices commonly exhibit black obsidian rinds surrounding select phenocrysts. +35F: 85–95% free crystals of quartz and sanidine commonly showing obsidian rims (i.e., apparently fused around crystal boundaries); 10-20% granular fragments of weathered glassy pumice; 2-5% dacitic lithics.

Qbt 1g


Tuff—very pale orange (10YR 8/2) to moderate orange pink (5YR 8/4) poorly welded, pumiceous, crystal-bearing, lithic-poor. Pumices vitric with weathered to lustrous appearance.

65–80 ft +10F: 80–90% lapilli/fragments of vitric pumice, weathered to glassy luster, fibrous, quartz- and sanidine-phyric; 10–20% angular to subangular hornblende-bearing volcanic lithics (up to 7 mm) of predominantly dacitic composition; rare fragments of indurated tuff. +35F: 80-90% free crystals of quartz and sanidine; 10–15% vitric pumice fragments; 2–4% volcanic lithics.

Qbt 1g

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R-53 Well Completion Report




DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Tuff—pale yellowish gray (5Y 8/1) to white (N9) poorly welded, pumiceous, crystal-bearing, lithic-poor. Pumices are vitric with lustrous appearance.

80–100 ft +10F: 95–99% lapilli/fragments of white, fibrous, quartz- and sanidine-phyric pumice exhibiting abundant small Mn-oxide spots; 1–5% subangular to subrounded volcanics lithics (predominantly light gray dacites). +35F: free quartz and sanidine crystals; white vitric pumice fragments and volcanic lithics in varying proportions.

100–110 ft +10F: 70–80% white fragments of lustrous, quartz- and sanidine-phyric glassy pumice; 20–30% angular to subangular to subrounded volcanic lithics (up to 8 mm) of various lithologies (hornblende- and/or biotite-phyric dacites, andesite, mineralized rhyolite(?) with fine cubic pseudomorphs after pyrite).

110–115 ft +10F: 99% angular fragments of white lustrous, quartz- and sanidine-phyric glassy pumice; 1% dacitic lithic fragments.

115–130 ft +10F: 80–95% white fragments of lustrous, quartz- and sanidine-phyric glassy pumice speckled with Mn-oxide spots; 5–20% angular to subangular volcanic lithics (up to 10 mm), predominantly dacitic. +35F: free quartz and sanidine crystals; white vitric pumice fragments and volcanic lithics in varying proportions.

Qbt 1g

The lower Qbt 1g contact was determined on the basis of cuttings examination and natural gamma log interpretation.



Volcaniclastic sediments—varicolored, very pale orange (10YR 8/2) to light brownish gray silty fine to coarse sands with pebble gravel; poorly to moderately sorted, moderately to strongly cemented. Detritus of pumice, dacite and other volcanic rocks, and minor quartz and sanidine crystals.

130–140 ft +10F: 85–95% fragments of lustrous, fibrous, quartz- and sanidine-phyric pumice; 5–15% indurated fragments of white, fine-grained tuffaceous sandstone with quartz and sanidine crystal grains and fragments of volcanic rocks in a white silty matrix; 1–3% subangular dacite fragments.

140–150 ft +10F: 70–90% broken to subangular clasts (up to 15 mm) comprised of various volcanic rocks (light gray and pink hornblende- and/or biotite-phyric dacites, gray fine-grained dacite, flow-banded rhyodacite); 10–30% fragments of rounded pebbles (up to 9 mm) of white to pale orange, vitric, quartz- and sanidine-phyric pumice. +35F: 40-50% volcanic grains; 30–40% pumice grains; 10-20% quartz and sanidine crystals.

Qbt 1g

The Cerro Toledo interval (Qct), encountered from 130 ft to 150 ft bgs, is estimated to be 20 ft thick.

The lower Qct contact determined on the basis of cuttings examination and natural gamma log interpretation.

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R-53 Well Completion Report




DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith








Tuff—varicolored, very pale orange (10YR 8/2) to very light gray (N8) poorly welded, weakly indurated, pumiceous, crystal-bearing, lithic-rich.

150–160 ft WR/+10F: 60–70% pale orange tan glassy, quartz- and sanidine-phyric pumices; 30-40% angular to subangular volcanic fragments (predominantly gray hornblende-dacites). +35F: free quartz and sanidine crystals; white vitric pumice fragments and volcanic grains in varying proportions.

160–170 ft WR/+10F: 20–30% glassy, quartz- and sanidine-phyric pumices; 70–80% angular to subangular volcanic fragments.

170–175 ft WR/+10F: 60–70% glassy pumices, commonly well rounded; 30–40% granules (up to 5 mm) of dacite, some of which exhibit well rounded morphologies; minor fragments of anomalous white tuffaceous sandstone.


The Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff (Qbo), intersected from 150 ft to 242 ft bgs, is estimated to be 92 ft thick.


Tuff—light gray (N7) to very pale orange (10YR 8/2), poorly welded, weakly indurated, pumiceous, crystal-bearing, lithic-bearing to lithic-rich.

175–210 ft +10F: 50–70% angular/ broken volcanic lithic fragments including gray to pink hornblende-phyric dacites, white quartz-phyric rhyodacite; 30–50% fragments of white to pale orange glassy, quartz- and sanidine-phyric pumice. +35F: grains/fragments composed of free quartz and sanidine crystals; white vitric pumice fragments and volcanic lithics in varying proportions.


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R-53 Well Completion Report




DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Tuff—varicolored, very light gray (N7) to very pale orange (10YR 8/2), poorly welded, weakly indurated, pumiceous, crystal-bearing, lithic-bearing to lithic-rich.

210–220 ft +10F: 80–85% fragments of very pale orange to white vitric, quartz- and sanidine-phyric pumices; 15-20% angular volcanic lithic fragments (predominantly light gray porphyritic hornblende-phyric dacites +35F: 30-40% pumice fragments; 40–50% volcanic lithic grains; 20–30% free quartz and sanidine crystals.

220–235 ft +10F: 40–60% vitric pumice fragments; 20-40% angular volcanic lithic fragments (gray dacites, hornblende-dacites); 10–15% anomalous fragments of white silty fine-grained sandstone with abundant quartz and sanidine crystals and volcanic grains. +35F: 30-40% pumice fragments; 20–30% volcanic lithic grains; 30–50% free quartz and sanidine crystals.

235–242 ft +10F: 90–95% white vitric pumice lapilli (up to 15 mm) glassy luster, phenocryst-poor; 5–10% dacitic lithic fragments. +35F: 40% pumice fragments; 40% volcanic lithic grains; 20% free quartz and sanidine crystals.


The lower Qbo contact determined on the basis of cuttings examination and natural gamma log interpretation.



Tuff—white (N9), poorly welded to non-welded, pumice-rich, crystal-bearing to crystal-poor.

245–250 ft +10F: 80% white vitric pumice, glassy luster, phenocryst-poor; 20% small (up to 5 mm) dacitic lithic fragments. +35F: 40–50% white pumice grains; 20-30% quartz and sanidine crystals; 20–30% volcanic lithic grains.

250–258 ft +10F: 95–97% white vitric pumice fragments and subrounded lapilli (up to 14 mm) that are phenocryst-poor and exhibit glassy luster with pristine appearance; 3-5% angular fragments of volcanic (predominantly dacite) lithics. +35F: 98–99% white pumice grains; 1–2% volcanic lithics; virtually no free quartz and sanidine crystals present.


The Guaje Pumice Bed (Qbog), intersected from 242 ft to 258 ft bgs, is estimated to be 16 ft thick.

The lower Qbog contact was determined on the basis of cuttings examination and natural gamma log interpretation.

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R-53 Well Completion Report




DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith








Basalt breccia—medium gray to light tan (5Y 8/1) mixed angular chips of vesicular basalt and well rounded clasts of weathered basalt.

258–270 ft +10F: 30–40% rounded basalt detrital clasts; 60–70% angular/broken fragments of vesicular basalt; trace detrital pumice. +35F: mixed rounded grains and angular fragments of tan siltstone to very fine grained sandstone. This interval was determined to be a volcanic breccia from video log interpretation.

Tb 4

The Cerros del Rio volcanic rocks (Tb 4), including lavas, cinder deposits and reworked volcanic sediments, was intersected from 258 ft to 830 ft bgs and is estimated to be 572 ft thick.


Basalt breccia—medium gray (N5) to light orange tan (YR 7/4). Predominantly broken/angular basalt fragments with subordinate granules and small pebbles of rounded, silt-coated basalt.

270–285 ft +10F: 100% subangular to angular/broken fragments and clasts (up to 8 mm) of silt-coated vesicular basalt +35F: 85–90% basalt fragments; 10–15% fragments of tan siltstone.

Tb 4


Basalt lava—medium gray (N5) massive basalt; broken/angular chips of phenocryst-poor, olivine-phyric basalt.

285–295 ft +10F: mixed angular/broken chips of vesicular basalt and minor fragments that exhibit some degree of rounding, possibly due to milling during drilling. +35F: 95% basalt fragments; 5% fragments of tan siltstone.

295–305 ft +10F: 100% angular chips of massive basalt, phenocryst-poor. Phenocrysts (less than 1% by volume) of small (up to 1 mm) olivine and rare plagioclase with aphanitic groundmass that is weakly altered.

Tb 4

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R-53 Well Completion Report




DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Basalt lava—medium light gray (N6) broken angular chips of massive basalt that is phenocryst-poor with fine olivine; groundmass fine grained/aphanitic and weakly altered.

305–330 ft +10F: 100% angular chips of vesicular basalt, weak limonite or hematite coating vesicles. Basalt is phenocryst-poor with less than 1% fine (up to 1 mm) green olivine, trace plagioclase and clinopyroxene; weakly altered aphanitic groundmass

330–355 ft +10F: predominantly angular chips of strongly vesicular basalt and less abundant massive basalt; vesicles commonly lined with reddish clay. Basalt composition similar to 305–330-ft interval.

355–366 ft WR: chips coated with light gray silt-sized particles. +10F: predominantly angular chips of massive (non-vesicular) phenocryst-poor, olivine-bearing basalt; groundmass aphanitic and weakly altered.

Tb 4

Note: upper and lower contacts of basalt lava, from 285 ft to 366 ft bgs, determined from downhole video log.


Basalt cinder deposits—medium gray (N5) to pale reddish gray (5R 6/2). Predominantly lapilli cinders of strongly vesicular to scoriaceous basalt with less abundant chips of massive olivine-phyric basalt.

366–384 ft +10F: mixed reddish gray scoriaceous cinders (lapilli, up to 14 mm) and less frequent angular chips of phenocryst-poor basalt with fine olivine. Olivine commonly in cumulophyric clusters with plagioclase. Vesicles commonly lined with reddish Fe-oxide (earthy hematite).

Tb 4

Note: upper and lower contacts of basalt cinder deposits, from 366 ft to 384 ft bgs, determined from downhole video log.


Basaltic lavas and interflow cinder deposits—medium gray (N5) to pale reddish gray (5R 6/2). Predominantly lapilli cinders of strongly vesicular to scoriaceous basalt with less abundant chips of massive olivine-phyric basalt.

384–400 ft +10F: mixed gray to reddish scoriaceous lapilli cinders (up to 20 mm) with hematite-lined vesicles and less abundant chips of olivine-phyric massive basalt.

400–420 ft +10F: predominantly chips of massive to vesicular olivine- and plagioclase-phyric basalt with less frequent strongly vesicular fragments that appear to be tephra particles. Basalt phenocrysts becoming more well developed with depth; olivine (up to 2 mm) intergrown with plagioclase.

Tb 4

Note: upper and lower contacts of interlayered thin basalt flows and cinder deposits, from 384 ft to 500 ft bgs, determined from downhole video log.

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R-53 Well Completion Report




DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Basaltic lavas and interflow cinder deposits—medium gray (N5) to pale reddish gray (5R 6/2). Samples in this interval contain mixed chips of massive basalt and lapilli cinders in varying proportions suggesting a sequence of interlayered lavas and tephra deposits.

420–430 ft WR/+10F: 90–95% angular chips of weakly vesicular basalt exhibiting phenocrysts (up to 1% by volume) of green olivine (up to 2 mm) and minor plagioclase set in an aphanitic groundmass that is weakly altered; 5-10% black to reddish (hematitic) cinders.

430–440 ft +10F: 50-60% basaltic cinders; 40–50% massive to weakly vesicular basalt chips.

440–445 ft +10F: predominantly chips of massive to weakly vesicular olivine-phyric and plagioclase-phyric basalt; minor cinders. Likely thin basalt flow.

445–460 ft +10F: roughly equal proportions of scoriaceous cinders and chips of massive basalt. Basalt lava exhibiting increasing presence of olivine as phenocrysts and intergrowths with black clinopyroxene (up to 2% by volume). Cinders commonly reddish gray (hematite-stained).

Tb 4


Basaltic lavas and interflow cinder deposits—medium gray (N5) to pale reddish gray (5R 6/2). Samples in this interval contain 50% or more of oxidized scoriaceous cinders and less than 50% chips of massive olivine- and clinopyroxene-phyric basalt, suggesting repeated interlayering of thin lavas and interflow tephras.

460–475 ft +10F: 70–80% reddish scoriaceous cinders; 20-30% chips of olivine- and clinopyroxene-phyric basalt.

475–500 ft +10F: Continued predominance of reddish (oxidized) vesicular to scoriaceous cinders and less frequent chips of olivine- and clinopyroxene-phyric basalt.

Tb 4

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R-53 Well Completion Report




DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Basaltic lavas and interflow cinder deposits—medium gray (N5) to light gray (N7). Samples in this interval contain more than 50% chips of massive to weakly vesicular, olivine- and clinopyroxene-phyric basalt and less than 50% basaltic cinders, suggesting repeated interlayering of lavas and thin interflow tephras.

500–520 ft +10F: 70–80% chips of massive basalt. Basalt is weakly porphyritic with phenocrysts (1–2% by volume) of olivine, clinopyroxenes (up to 2 mm) and trace plagioclase (olivine and Cpx commonly intergrown) with aphanitic groundmass that appears weakly altered; 20–30% reddish scoriaceous cinders.

520–535 ft +10F: Interval of increased cinder abundance; 60–70% angular chips of weakly vesicular olivine- and clinopyroxene-phyric basalt, 30–40% reddish scoriaceous cinders.

535–545 ft +10F: 90–95% angular chips of weakly vesicular basalt exhibiting slightly more well developed phenocrysts (2–3% by volume) of olivine (up to 3 mm), black clinopyroxene (commonly rimming, or intergrown with, olivine) and minor plagioclase; 5–10% reddish scoriaceous cinders.

Tb 4

Note: video log indicated a discrete lava flow in the 518 to 542-ft interval .


Basaltic lavas and interflow cinder deposits—medium gray (N5) to pale red (5Y 6/2). Samples in this interval contain more than 50% chips of reddish scoria and less than 50% chips of massive olivine- and clinopyroxene-phyric basalt. The persistent occurrence of mixed massive and scoriaceous basalt chips suggest s repeated interlayering of lavas and thin interflow tephras or reworked sediments.

545–550 ft +10F: 60–70% reddish (hematite-stained) strongly vesicular to scoriaceous cinder fragments and lapilli; 20–30% chips of massive basalt; 20–25% rounded detrital granules and small pebbles of basalt, suggesting a thin layer of reworked basaltic tephra.

550–570 ft +10F: 70–90% fragments of scoriaceous cinders, reddish (oxidized) to gray in color; 10–30% chips of weakly porphyritic basalt with phenocrysts (1–2% by volume) of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase in a weakly altered aphanitic groundmass.

Tb 4

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R-53 Well Completion Report



TECHNICAL AREA (TA): 54 PAGE: 10 of 15

DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Basaltic lavas and interflow cinder deposits—medium gray (N5) to pale red (5Y 6/2). Samples in this interval contain both chips of lava and cinders that vary considerably in proportion but persist as significant components suggesting a sequence of complexly interlayered basalt lavas and cinder deposits.

570–585 ft +10F: 80–90% chips of massive basalt lava; 10–20% red-orange (oxidized) scoriaceous cinders; 20–30% chips of massive basalt with phenocrysts (1–2% by volume) of clinopyroxene and minor olivine.

585–605 ft +10F: 50–60% chips of Cpx- and olivine-phyric basalt; 40–50% scoriaceous cinders. Trace detrital basalt in +35F: of interval 595–600 ft.

605–615 ft +10F: 20–30% chips of massive Cpx- and olivine-phyric basalt; 60–80% fragments and lapilli of gray vesicular and red scoriaceous cinders.

615–635 ft +10F: 60–80% chips of basalt lava; 20-40% reddish and gray vesicular to scoriaceous cinders. Trace rounded detrital basalt in +35F in the interval 625–630 ft.

635–652 ft +10F: 40–50% chips of massive Cpx- and olivine-phyric basalt lava; 50–60% strongly vesicular to scoriaceous basalt cinders.

Tb 4

Note: video log identified the 638 to 652-ft interval as breccia and clastic basaltic sediments. This interval forms the base of a thick sequence of interlayered Tb 4 lavas and cinder deposits from 366 ft to 652 ft bgs.


Andesitic sediments—light brownish gray (5YR 6/1) fine to medium gravels with silty fine to coarse sand, very poorly sorted, weak to moderately cemented. Samples in this interval contain angular chips of basalt and scoria, subrounded reworked volcanic granules/ pebbles and fragments of very fine grained volcanic sandstone.

652–665 ft WR: chips and detrital clasts are silt-coated. +10F: 80–90% angular/broken chips and subangular pebble clasts (up to 17 mm) of massive to vesicular dacite; 10-20% fragments of siltstone and very fine grained sandstone.

Tb 4

Note: the 652 to 745-ft interval was indentified in video log as clastic sedimentary deposits. Volcanic detritus throughout this section appears to be composed predominantly of phenocryst-poor, Cpx-phyric dacite or other “more magmatically evolved” (i.e., relative to basalt) intermediate volcanic lithology. The unidentified rock is tentatively referred to as andesite, pending geochemical analysis and identification.

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R-53 Well Completion Report



TECHNICAL AREA (TA): 54 PAGE: 11 of 15

DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Andesitic sediments— brownish gray (5YR 6/1) to medium dark gray (N4) fine to medium gravels with silty fine to coarse sand, poorly sorted, weak to moderately cemented. Samples contain abundant fragments/clasts of black scoria and fragments of silty very fine grained volcanic sandstone.

665–670 ft +10F: 85–90% subangular to subrounded clasts composed of black scoria; 10–15% fragments and rounded grains of black and red scoria and light tan fine-grained sandstone. +35F: 80% grains of black and minor red scoria; 20% siltstone fragments, trace grains of quartz, dacite and chert.

670–685 ft +10F: 99–100% subangular to subrounded clasts (up to 30 mm) of black scoria and vesicular andesite. Note that the degree of sedimentary reworking (rounding) increases downward in the interval; trace silty sandstone fragments.

Tb 4


685–705 ft +10F: 99–100% subangular to well rounded (degree of rounding increases with depth) granules and pebbles (up to 17 mm) of black and reddish brown scoria and lesser massive to vesicular andesite; locally up to 1% fragments of light tan silty very fine grained sandstone.

705–720 ft +10F: 100% angular to subrounded clasts of reddish scoria.

720–730 ft+10F: 70–75% subangular to subrounded clasts of reddish scoria; 25–30% angular chips of altered (bleached) phenocryst-poor, Cpx-phyric andesite(?) suggesting a “more evolved” volcanic source for these clastic sediments

730–745 ft WR: samples contain abundant silty fine to coarse sand with the appearance of soil. +10F: predominantly subrounded to well rounded granules/pebbles of black and reddish cinders; less abundant chips of Cpx-phyric lava.

Tb 4

Note: the silt-rich interval 730 to 745 ft may represent a soil horizon.

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DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Dacite lava—medium light gray (N6). Samples contain commonly well rounded fragments composed predominantly to exclusively of light gray fine grained (aphanitic) dacite(?) that is phenocryst-poor with rare phenocrystic clinopyroxene. Exceptionally well rounded dacite “pebbles” noted in many samples are interpreted as having been artificially milled during the drilling process.

745–755 ft +10F: monolithic sample; 100% angular/broken chips and well rounded granules/pebbles (up to 17 mm) composed of light gray dacite.

755–800 ft +10F: Nearly monolithologic samples of angular chips and well rounded granules/pebbles (up to 20 mm) of light gray, phenocryst-poor dacite. Select well rounded “clasts” possibly milled during drilling. Local trace abundances of reddish cinders.

800–830 ft +10F: Monolithologic interval. Samples contain mixed angular chips and rounded to well rounded granules/pebbles (up to 26 mm) composed of unique light gray, fine-grained phenocryst-poor dacite. Select well rounded “clasts” interpreted as milled during drilling.

Tb 4

Note: the 745 to 830-ft interval was indentified in video log as a discrete lava flow. Volcanic rocks in this section are of phenocryst-poor dacite or other intermediate volcanic lithology. The unidentified rock is tentatively referred to as dacite, pending geochemical analysis and identification.

Note: The lower Tb 4 contact was determined on the basis of cuttings examination and natural gamma log interpretation.

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TECHNICAL AREA (TA): 54 PAGE: 13 of 15

DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith








Volcaniclastic sediments – varicolored light brownish gray (5YR 6/1) to pale pink (5YR 8/4) fine to medium gravels with fine to coarse sand and silt, poorly sorted, moderately indurated. Detritus composed of variable lithologies (black glassy dacite, abundant fine-grained dacite, gray porphyritic dacites, minor Precambrian quartzite).

830–835 ft +10F: 85–90% subangular to subrounded clasts (up to 27 mm) of massive to vesicular, fine-grained, phenocryst-poor dacite; 10–15% fragments of light pinkish claystone. +35F: 80–85% grains fine-grained dacite and vitrophyre; 5–7% fragments of pale tan claystone; 5–7% grains of various lithologies (volcanic rocks, trace quartzite).

835–855 ft WR/10F: Samples contain increasingly more varieties of volcanic rocks; 85–90% subangular to rounded clasts (up to 10 mm) composed of various volcanic rocks (fine-grained and porphyritic dacites, scoria, brown andesite, vitrophyre); 10–15% fragments of very fine grained sandstone and claystone. +35F: grains of varieties of volcanic rocks; minor quartzite and quartz crystals.

855–865 ft +10F: Interval of pebble gravels; 90–95% subangular to well rounded clasts composed of various volcanic rocks (as above); 5–10% claystone fragments. +35F: grains of various volcanic rocks as above (noted also obsidian, quartzite, pumice, granite).

865–870 ft +10F: Interval of silt-rich coarse sands with minor pebble gravel; 98% subangular to subrounded clasts compositionally similar to above plus pink microcline; 2% claystone fragments.


Puye volcaniclastic sediments (Tpf), intersected from 830 ft to the bottom of the borehole at 1015 ft bgs, have a minimum thickness of 185 ft.


Volcaniclastic sediments – varicolored, light medium (N6) to pale pink (5YR 8/4) fine to medium gravels with fine to coarse sand, poorly sorted, weakly to moderately indurated. Detritus composed of light gray porphyritic dacites.

870–890 ft WR/+10F: 98–99% angular to subrounded clasts (up to 22 mm) predominantly of coarsely porphyritic hornblende- and/or biotite-phyric dacite, minor black scoria and weathered pumices; 1–2% clasts of quartzite and granite. +35F: 90% volcanic grains; 10% grains of quartzite, microcline and quartz crystals.


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DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Volcaniclastic sediments – varicolored, light medium (N6) to pale pink (5YR 8/4) fine to medium gravels with fine to coarse sand, poorly sorted, weakly to moderately indurated. Detritus of mixed volcanic and Precambrian quartzo-feldspathic lithologies.

890–905 ft WR/+10F: 60–70% subrounded to well rounded volcanic clasts (up to 25 mm) including fine-grained and porphyritic dacites, andesite; 30–40% subrounded granules and small pebbles (up to 20 mm) of quartzite, microcline, granite. +35F: 50–70% grains of quartzite, microcline and quartz crystals; 30–50% volcanic grains.


Note: the occurrence of Precambrian lithologies (quartzite, etc.) making up at least 25% by volume of samples in the 890 to 905-ft interval suggests Totavi Lentil- type axial river gravel deposits interfingered with Puye Formation volcaniclastic sediments.


Volcaniclastic sediments –medium (N5) to medium light gray (N6) fine to medium gravels with fine to coarse sand, poorly sorted, weakly indurated. Detritus predominantly of light gray porphyritic dacites and minor (less than 5% by volume) quartzo-feldspathic rocks.

905–935 ft WR/+10F: 95–97% subrounded to well rounded clasts (up to 20 mm) predominantly of light gray hornblende- and/or biotite-phyric dacites; 3–5% detritus of quartzite and granite. +35F: 90–95% volcanic grains; 3–10% quartzo-feldspathic grains.



Volcaniclastic sediments–varicolored, light medium (N6) to pale pink (5YR 8/4) fine gravels with fine to coarse sand, poorly to moderately sorted, weakly to moderately indurated. Detritus predominantly of light gray porphyritic dacites and significant abundances (more than 15% by volume) of Precambrian quartzo-feldspathic lithologies.

935–945 ft WR/+10F: 75–85% detritus composed of various volcanic rocks, predominantly hornblende-dacites; 15-25% quartzite and granitic detrital clasts.


Note: samples in the 835 to 945-ft interval contain Precambrian lithologies (quartzite, granite, etc.) making up at least 15% by volume, suggesting Totavi Lentil-type axial river gravel deposits interfingered with Puye Formation volcaniclastic sediments.


Volcaniclastic sediments–grayish orange pink (5YR 7/2) to pale yellowish gray (5Y 7/2) fine gravels with silty fine to coarse sand, poorly to moderately sorted, moderately cemented. Detritus predominantly of light gray porphyritic dacites and minor (less than 3% by volume) quartzo-feldspathic rocks.

945–950 ft interval of silty sandstone. WR/+10F: Samples contain 95–97% fragments of indurated silty fine-grained sandstone; 3–5% volcanic detritus.

950–955 ft +10F: 80% volcanic (predominantly hornblende-dacite) clasts; 20% fine-grained sandstone fragments.

955–970 ft +10F: 97–98% dacitic detritus; 2-3% Precambrian quartzo-feldspathic detritus.


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TECHNICAL AREA (TA): 54 PAGE: 15 of 15

DRILLING COMPANY: Boart Longyear Company

START DATE/TIME: 1/13/2010/ 0920 END DATE/TIME: 3/7/2010/1115




DRILLERS: G. Burton, M. Cross SITE GEOLOGISTS: R. Lawrence



(ft b


Lithology Lith







Volcaniclastic sediments–light brownish gray (5YR 6/1) silty coarse to fine gravels with fine sand and minor pebble gravel, moderately sorted, moderately cemented. Detritus predominantly volcanic lithologies and minor (at least 5% by volume) quartzo-feldspathic rocks.

970–980 ft +10F: 80–90% granules and pebbles composed of volcanic (dacites, minor andesite) lithologies; 10-15% quartzo-feldspathic detritus; up to 5% fragments of indurated sandstone.



Volcaniclastic sediments–light tan (10YR 8/2), predominantly silty fine to medium sands with minor pebble gravel, moderately sorted, moderately cemented. Detritus predominantly of light gray dacite.

980–1000 ft WR/+10F: 60–80% fragments of fine-grained volcanic sandstone containing pebbles of gray dacite; 20-40% subangular to rounded granules/pebbles composed mostly of light gray hornblende- and or biotite-dacites. +35F: contains up to 20% Precambrian quartzite and granitic grains.



Volcaniclastic sediments –light brownish gray (5YR 6/1) silty coarse to fine gravels with fine gravels with sand grading downward in the interval to fine to medium sands, moderately well sorted, moderately cemented. Detritus predominantly volcanic lithologies and trace quartzo-feldspathic rocks.

1000–1005 ft Pebble gravel with sand. WR/+10F: subrounded pebbles (up to 15 mm) almost exclusively of light gray hornblende-phyric dacites; trace white rhyolite.

1005–1015 ft Coarse to fine sands. WR/10F: 97–98% sand-sized grains of predominantly gray dacite; 1-2% Precambrian quartzo-feldspathic grains.


Note: Drilling of the R-53 borehole was terminated at 1015 ft TD.

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R-53 Well Completion Report



5YR 8/4 = Munsell rock color notation where hue (e.g., 5YR), value (e.g., 8), and chroma (e.g., 4) are expressed. Hue indicates soil color’s relation to red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Value indicates soil color’s lightness. Chroma indicates soil color’s strength.

% = estimated percent by volume of a given sample constituent

AMSL = above mean sea level

bgs = below ground surface

TD = total depth

Cpx = clinopyroxene

ft = feet

GM = groundmass

Qal = Quaternary alluvium.

Qbo = Otowi Member of Bandelier Tuff

Qbog = Guaje Pumice Bed

Qbt = Tshirege Member of the BandelierTuff

Qct = Cerro Toledo interval

Tb 4 = Cerros del Rio volcanic rocks

Tpf = Puye Formation

+10F = plus No. 10 sieve sample fraction

+35F = plus No. 35 sieve sample fraction

WR = whole rock (unsieved sample)

1 mm = 0.039 in

1 in = 25.4 mm

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Appendix B

Groundwater Analytical Results

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R-53 Well Completion Report



Screening groundwater samples were collected during drilling, development, and aquifer testing at well R-53. Two borehole samples [GW53-10-11670 and GW53-10-11671] were collected during drilling at R-53 from 840 and 979 ft below ground surface (bgs), respectively, within regional saturation in the Puye Formation. Aliquots of these two borehole samples were submitted to analytical laboratories external to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or the Laboratory) for analyses of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and low-level tritium (LH3) and to the Laboratory’s Earth and Environmental Sciences Group 14 (EES-14) laboratory for analysis of anions (including perchlorate), cations and metals.

Seventeen groundwater samples were collected from well R-53 during development and aquifer testing from the upper screened interval (849.2 to 859.2 ft bgs) and from the lower screened interval (959.7 to 980.2 ft bgs) and analyzed only for total organic carbon (TOC) by EES-14.

B-1.1 EES-14 Analytical Techniques

Groundwater samples were filtered using 0.45-µm membranes before preservation and chemical analyses. Samples were acidified at the EES-14 wet chemistry laboratory with analytical grade nitric acid to a pH of 2.0 or less for metal and major cation analyses.

Groundwater samples were analyzed using techniques specified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methods for water analyses. Ion chromatography (EPA Method 300, Revision 2.1) was the analytical method for bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, oxalate, perchlorate, phosphate, and sulfate. The instrument detection limit for perchlorate was 0.005 ppm in borehole water samples collected from R-53 (EPA Method 314.0, Revision 1). Inductively coupled (argon) plasma optical emission spectroscopy (EPA Method 200.7, Revision 4.4) was used for analyses of dissolved aluminum, barium, boron, calcium, total chromium, iron, lithium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, silica, sodium, strontium, titanium, and zinc. Dissolved antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, cesium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, lithium, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, rubidium, selenium, silver, thallium, thorium, tin, vanadium, uranium, and zinc were analyzed by inductively coupled (argon) plasma mass spectrometry (EPA Method 200.8, Revision 5.4). Total carbonate alkalinity (EPA Method 310.1) was measured using standard titration techniques.

The precision limits (analytical error) for major ions and trace elements were generally less than ±7%. Charge balance errors for total cations and anions for the two borehole water samples collected during drilling of R-53 were –6% and –13%. The negative cation-anion charge balance values indicate excess anions for the filtered samples.

TOC analyses were performed following EPA Method 415.1. No groundwater samples were collected for TOC analyses at borehole R-53 before development because of sample matrix and potential presence of drilling fluids.

B-1.2 Field Parameters

B-1.2.1 Well Development

Water samples were drawn from the pump discharge line into sealed containers, and field parameters were measured using a YSI multimeter. Results of field parameters, consisting of potential of hydrogen (pH), temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), specific conductance, and turbidity measured during development at well R-53, are provided in Table B-1.2-1.

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Upper Screen

During well development of the upper screen, pH and temperature varied from 7.04 to 8.18 and from 20.07C to 21.11C, respectively. Concentrations of DO ranged from 6.60 to 7.02 ppm. Corrected Eh values determined from field ORP measurements varied from 376.2 to 438.4 millivolts (mV) (Table B-1.2-1). A temperature-dependent correction factor of 203.9 mV at 20ºC was used to convert ORP values to Eh concentrations; it was based on an Ag/AgCl, KCl-saturated filling solution contained in the ORP electrode. Specific conductance varied from 358 to 380 microsiemens per centimeter (S/cm); these values were approximately twice the specific conductance measurements recorded for the upper screen during aquifer testing, so it is possible the meter was malfunctioning. Turbidity varied slightly from 0.2 to 0.8 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) (Table B-1.2-1). The final parameter measurements for the upper screen at the end of development were: pH 8.05, temperature 20.14C, specific conductance 360 S/cm, and turbidity 0.7 NTU.

Lower Screen

During development of the lower screen, pH and temperature varied from 6.88 to 8.07 and from 19.14C to 20.45C, respectively. Concentrations of DO varied from 6.23 to 7.46 mg/L. Corrected Eh values determined from field ORP measurements ranged from 372.9 to 391.7 mV. Specific conductance varied from 158 to 175 S/cm. Turbidity values were 0.0 NTU throughout development of the lower screen; given that turbidity values above 0.0 NTU were recorded during the latter part of aquifer testing of the lower screen, the well development turbidity measurements are likely inaccurate. The final parameter measurements for the lower screen at the end of development were pH 8.01, temperature 20.45C, specific conductance 161, and turbidity 0.0 NTU (not accurate).

B-1.2.2 Aquifer Testing

Upper Screen

During aquifer testing of the upper screen, pH and temperature varied from 7.54 to 8.00 and from 19.72C to 20.82C, respectively. DO concentrations varied from 7.05 to 7.23 mg/L. Corrected Eh values determined from field ORP measurements varied from 401.6 to 432.4 mV. Specific conductance ranged from 162 to 167 S/cm, and all of the turbidity values were 0.0 NTU during aquifer testing of the upper screen; these values contrast with the measurements obtained during well development, again indicating that the meter was malfunctioning (Table B-1.2-1).

Lower Screen

During aquifer testing of the lower screen, pH and temperature varied from 7.56 to 8.20 and from 18.56C to 21.90C, respectively. DO concentrations varied from 6.07 to 7.75 ppm. Corrected Eh values determined from field ORP measurements ranged from 283.4 to 354.5 mV. Specific conductance varied from 150 to 166 S/cm, and turbidity varied from 65.7 to 0.0 NTU, with a final reading of 5.9 NTU (Table B-1.2-1).

B-1.3 Analytical Results for Screening Groundwater Samples

Analytical results from the off-site laboratories and from EES-14 are presented below.

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R-53 Well Completion Report


B-1.3.1 External Laboratory Analytical Results for VOCs and LH3

The two borehole water samples (GW53-10-11670 and GW53-10-11671 from 840 and 970 ft bgs, respectively) were analyzed for VOCs and LH3. The VOCs 1-butanol and 2-butanone were detected at estimated concentrations of 329.0 and 1.99 g/L (0.329 and 0.00199 ppm), respectively, in sample GW53-10-11670 from 840 ft bgs (Table B-1.3-1). These compounds were not detected in sample GW53-10-11671 from 979 ft bgs. Tritium activity was 0.39 tritium units (1.26 pCi/L) in the borehole sample GW53-10-11670; tritium was not detected in sample GW53-10-11671.

B-1.3.2 EES-14 Results for Cations, Anions, Perchlorate and Metals

EES-14 analytical results for the two borehole samples collected at well R-53 during drilling are provided in Table B-1.3-2. The filtered borehole samples (GW53-10-11670 and GW53-10-11671) consisted of disaggregated colloidal aquifer material, drilling material, water used during drilling, and native groundwater.

Key anion results are as follows:

Dissolved concentrations of fluoride were 0.60 and 0.33 ppm in GW53-10-11670 and GW53-10-11671, respectively. For comparison purposes only to developed regional aquifer wells, background mean, median, and maximum concentrations of dissolved fluoride are 0.37 ppm, 0.35 ppm, and 0.57 ppm, respectively, for the regional aquifer (LANL 2007, 095817).

Dissolved concentrations of nitrate(N) were 0.03 and 0.57 ppm in GW53-10-11670 and GW53-10-11671, respectively. The median background concentration for dissolved nitrate(N) in the regional aquifer is 0.31 ppm (LANL 2007, 095817).

Dissolved concentrations of sulfate were 3.34 and 3.04 ppm in the same two borehole water samples. Median background concentrations for dissolved sulfate in the regional aquifer is 2.83 ppm (LANL 2007, 095817).

Perchlorate was not detected in the two borehole water samples collected during drilling of well R-53.

Results for selected metals are as follows:

Dissolved molybdenum was detected at slightly elevated concentrations of 0.024 and 0.005 ppm from the 840 and 979 ft bgs samples, respectively. Median and maximum background molybdenum concentrations from developed wells in the regional aquifer are 0.0011 and 0.0044 ppm, respectively. These samples likely contained a component of lubricant used during drilling.

Dissolved boron concentrations were 0.197 and 0.090 ppm in the two borehole water samples collected during drilling; the maximum background concentration for dissolved boron from developed wells in the regional aquifer is 0.0516 ppm (LANL 2007, 095817).

Dissolved concentrations of barium were 1.68 and 0.161 ppm in the two borehole water samples; the maximum background concentration for dissolved barium from developed wells in the regional aquifer is 1.15 ppm (LANL 2007, 095817).

Total dissolved chromium concentrations were 0.003 and 0.004 ppm in the two borehole water samples. Median and maximum background concentrations of total dissolved chromium are 0.003 and 0.007 ppm, respectively, for developed wells in the regional aquifer (LANL 2007, 095817).

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B-1.3.3 Total Organic Carbon

During development of the upper screen, TOC concentrations varied from 0.79 to 0.98 mgC/L (Table B-1.3-3); TOC was not detected in groundwater samples collected from the upper screen during aquifer testing.

During development of the lower screen, TOC concentrations decreased from an initial concentration of 6.17 mgC/L to the final concentration of 0.99 mgC/L. TOC was not detected in groundwater samples collected from the lower screen during aquifer testing.

B-1.4 Summary

Corrected Eh values and DO concentrations at both water-bearing zones in well R-53 are indicative of the known relatively oxidizing conditions characteristic of the regional aquifer beneath the Pajarito Plateau.

Two VOCs, 1-butanol and 2-butanone, were detected in the sample from 840 ft bgs; VOCs were not detected in the sample from 979 ft bgs. Molybdenum was slightly elevated in the two borehole water samples, which is likely attributable to the lubricant used during drilling. Tritium was detected at 1.26 pCi/L in the upper borehole sample but was not detected in the lower borehole sample. Concentrations of TOC at the end of well development were 0.80 and 0.99 mgC/L for the upper and lower screens, respectively.


The following list includes all documents cited in this appendix. Parenthetical information following each reference provides the author(s), publication date, and ER ID. This information is also included in text citations. ER IDs are assigned by the Environmental Programs Directorate’s Records Processing Facility (RPF) and are used to locate the document at the RPF and, where applicable, in the master reference set.

Copies of the master reference set are maintained at the New Mexico Environment Department Hazardous Waste Bureau and the Directorate. The set was developed to ensure that the administrative authority has all material needed to review this document, and it is updated with every document submitted to the administrative authority. Documents previously submitted to the administrative authority are not included.

LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory), May 2007. “Groundwater Background Investigation Report, Revision 3,” Los Alamos National Laboratory document LA-UR-07-2853, Los Alamos, New Mexico. (LANL 2007, 095817)

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table B-1.2-1 Purge Volumes and Field Parameters during Well Development and Aquifer Testing at R-53

Date pH Temp (°C)

DO (ppm)

ORP, Eha (mV)

Specific Conductivity

(S/cm) Turbidity


Purge Volume between Samples


Cumulative Purge Volume


Well Development – Combined Water from Upper and Lower Screens

03/30/10 n/rb; swabbing/bailing 175 175

03/31/10 n/r; swabbing/bailing 335 510

04/01/10 n/r; swabbing/bailing 135 645

Well Development Upper Screen


n/r, pumped while swabbing screen 1841 2486

7.04 21.11 6.94 234.5, 438.4 380 0.5 279 2765

7.31 20.71 7.02 210.6, 414.5 370 0.2 335 3100

n/r, pumped before shutting off pump 85 3185


8.02 20.08 6.60 230.1, 434.0 358 0.8 453 3638

8.18 20.13 6.82 230.5, 434.6 363 0.6 509 4147

7.92 20.07 6.87 225.4, 429.3 362 0.2 396 4543

7.23 20.07 6.94 172.3, 376.2 362 0.4 566 5109

8.05 20.14 6.95 199.0, 402.9 360 0.7 623 5732

n/r, pumped prior to shutting off pump 113 5845

Well Development Lower Screen


n/r, pumped while swabbing screen 2400 8245

7.27 19.72 6.23 174.1,378.0 175 0.0 261 8506

8.07 19.94 7.37 173.9, 377.8 160 0.0 313 8819

7.20 19.87 6.75 169.0, 372.9 158 0.0 313 9132

6.88 19.14 6.96 181.3, 385.2 158 0.0 469 9601

6.99 19.60 7.46 181.1, 385.0 160 0.0 625 10,226

7.92 20.33 6.75 187.8, 391.7 160 0.0 469 10,695

7.48 19.95 6.80 173.8, 377.7 159 0.0 469 11,164

8.01 20.45 6.80 186.0, 389.9 161 0.0 469 11,633

n/r, pumped prior to shutting off pump 312 11,945

Aquifer Test Lower Screen

04/10/10 n/r, pumping, mini-test preparation 259 12,204

04/11/10 n/r, pumping, mini-test 2398 14,602


7.89 21.00 6.51 137.4, 341.3 164 0.6 1210 15,812

7.92 21.90 6.62 97.1, 301.0 164 0.0 1209 17,021

7.88 21.81 6.73 81.1, 285.0 165 0.0 1209 18,230

7.86 21.41 6.78 80.9, 284.8 163 0.0 1207 19,437

7.87 20.06 6.57 81.1, 285.0 164 0.0 1207 20,644

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table B-1.2-1 (continued)

Date pH Temp (°C)

DO (ppm)

ORP, Eha


Specific Conductivity

(S/cm) Turbidity


Purge Volume between Samples


Cumulative Purge

Volume (gal.)

7.84 22.18 6.64 79.5, 283.4 164 0.0 1206 21,850

7.66 21.80 6.07 87.9, 291.8 160 0.0 1207 23,057

7.58 21.67 6.53 87.5, 291.4 155 0.0 1207 24,264

7.56 21.65 6.61 85.4, 289.3 151 0.0 1206 25,470

7.78 21.53 6.86 81.7, 285.6 150 0.0 1207 26,677

7.75 21.28 7.21 92.3, 296.2 158 0.2 1207 27,884

7.85 20.31 6.59 99.7, 303.6 164 0.6 1209 29,093

8.05 20.67 7.02 98.5, 302.4 164 8.2 1212 30,305

8.13 20.40 7.31 105.2, 309.1 164 42.2 1217 31,522

8.20 20.75 7.35 112.7, 316.6 166 65.7 1216 32,738


8.17 20.46 7.39 120.3, 324.2 164 16.8 1221 33,959

8.15 19.53 7.11 127.2, 331.1 161 10.3 1222 35,181

8.14 18.56 6.80 123.1, 327.0 160 6.1 1220 36,401

8.14 18.66 6.83 137.6, 341.5 159 5.2 1221 37,622

8.12 19.75 7.50 141.7, 345.6 159 4.6 1221 38,843

8.10 21.05 7.75 142.9, 346.8 161 6.3 1220 40,063

8.08 21.06 7.72 148.0, 351.9 160 3.6 1220 41,283

8.09 21.06 7.48 150.6, 354.5 160 5.9 1220 42,503

n/r, pumped prior to shutting off pump 1204 43,707

Aquifer Test Upper Screen

04/16/10 n/r, pumping, mini-test preparation 55 43,762

04/17/10 n/r, pumping, mini-test 1255 45,017


7.91 20.17 7.21 226.9, 430.8 166 0.0 634 45,651

7.94 20.71 7.20 220.9, 424.8 167 0.0 632 46,283

7.54 20.82 7.05 224.7, 428.6 163 0.0 633 46,916

7.81 20.54 7.23 203.6, 407.5 162 0.0 642 47,558

7.86 20.03 7.14 200.8, 424.7 167 0.0 634 48,192

7.92 20.31 7.23 200.6, 424.5 167 0.0 636 48,828

7.93 20.68 7.20 201.0, 404.9 167 0.0 634 49,462

7.63 20.42 7.19 209.4, 413.3 166 0.0 632 50,094

7.79 20.31 7.20 202.5, 406.4 167 0.0 630 50,724

7.91 20.59 7.21 197.7, 401.6 166 0.0 633 51,357

7.69 20.50 7.13 211.9, 415.8 166 0.0 634 51,991

7.97 20.40 7.19 200.7, 404.6 166 0.0 630 52,621

7.91 20.47 7.22 206.4, 410.3 165 0.0 628 53,249

7.97 20.34 7.20 207.0, 410.9 164 0.0 629 53,878

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table B-1.2-1 (continued)

Date pH Temp (°C)

DO (ppm)

ORP, Eha


Specific Conductivity

(S/cm) Turbidity


Purge Volume between Samples


Cumulative Purge

Volume (gal.)

7.93 19.72 7.20 212.4, 416.3 164 0.0 628 54,506

7.99 20.55 7.22 214.2, 418.1 163 0.0 627 55,133


7.86 20.51 7.21 222.2, 416.1 163 0.0 1259 56,392

7.98 20.36 7.21 219.1, 423.0 163 0.0 632 57,024

7.97 20.33 7.22 222.6, 426.5 162 0.0 632 57,656

8.00 20.00 7.23 224.2, 428.1 162 0.0 632 58,288

8.00 20.09 7.23 226.7, 430.6 162 0.0 632 58,920

7.97 20.40 7.22 228.5, 432.4 162 0.0 623 59,543

n/r, pumped before shutting off pump 630 60,173 a Eh (mV) is calculated from an Ag/AgCl saturated KCl electrode filling solution at 20ºC by adding a temperature-sensitive correction factor of 203.9 mV.

b n/r = Not recorded.

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R-53 Well Completion Report


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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table B-1.3-1 Off-Site Analytical Data at R-53

Lab Request Number Sample Name

Analytical Suite Code Analytical Method Code Analyte Description

Lab Result Unit

Validation Qualifier Code

10-2271 GW53-10-11670 LH3 Generic:Low_Level_Tritium Tritium 0.39 TUa NQb

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Acetone 10 µg/L Uc

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Acetonitrile 25 µg/L Rd

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Acrolein 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Acrylonitrile 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Benzene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromobenzene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromochloromethane 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromodichloromethane 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromoform 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromomethane 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Butanol[1-] 329 µg/L Je

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Butanone[2-] 1.99 µg/L J

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Butylbenzene[n-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Butylbenzene[sec-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Butylbenzene[tert-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Carbon disulfide 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Carbon tetrachloride 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloro-1,3-butadiene[2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloro-1-propene[3-] 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Chlorobenzene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Chlorodibromomethane 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloroethane 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloroform 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloromethane 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Chlorotoluene[2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Chlorotoluene[4-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dibromo-3-chloropropane[1,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dibromoethane[1,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dibromomethane 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichlorobenzene[1,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichlorobenzene[1,3-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichlorobenzene[1,4-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethane[1,1-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethane[1,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethene[1,1-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethene[cis-1,2-] 1 µg/L U

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table B-1.3-1 (continued)

Lab Request Number Sample Name

Analytical Suite Code Analytical Method Code Analyte Description

Lab Result Unit

Validation Qualifier Code

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethene[trans-1,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropane[1,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropane[1,3-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropane[2,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropene[1,1-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropene[cis-1,3-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropene[trans-1,3-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Diethyl ether 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Ethyl methacrylate 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Ethylbenzene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Hexachlorobutadiene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Hexanone[2-] 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Iodomethane 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Isobutyl alcohol 50 µg/L R

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Isopropylbenzene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Isopropyltoluene[4-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Methacrylonitrile 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Methyl methacrylate 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Methyl tert-butyl ether 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Methyl-2-pentanone[4-] 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Methylene chloride 10 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Naphthalene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Propionitrile 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Propylbenzene[1-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Styrene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Tetrachloroethane[1,1,1,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Tetrachloroethane[1,1,2,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Tetrachloroethene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Toluene 0.536 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane[1,1,2-] 5 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichlorobenzene[1,2,3-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichlorobenzene[1,2,4-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloroethane[1,1,1-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloroethane[1,1,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloroethene 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichlorofluoromethane 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloropropane[1,2,3-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trimethylbenzene[1,2,4-] 1 µg/L U

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table B-1.3-1 (continued)

Lab Request Number Sample Name

Analytical Suite Code Analytical Method Code Analyte Description

Lab Result Unit

Validation Qualifier Code

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Trimethylbenzene[1,3,5-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Vinyl acetate 5 µg/L UJf

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Vinyl chloride 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Xylene[1,2-] 1 µg/L U

10-2178 GW53-10-11670 VOC SW-846:8260B Xylene[1,3-]+xylene[1,4-] 2 µg/L U

10-2583 GW53-10-11671 LH3 Generic:Low_Level_Tritium Tritium -0.07 TU U

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Acetone 10 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Acetonitrile 25 µg/L R

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Acrolein 5 µg/L R

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Acrylonitrile 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Benzene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromobenzene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromochloromethane 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromodichloromethane 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromoform 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Bromomethane 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Butanol[1-] 50 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Butanone[2-] 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Butylbenzene[n-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Butylbenzene[sec-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Butylbenzene[tert-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Carbon disulfide 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Carbon tetrachloride 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloro-1,3-butadiene[2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloro-1-propene[3-] 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Chlorobenzene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Chlorodibromomethane 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloroethane 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloroform 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Chloromethane 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Chlorotoluene[2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Chlorotoluene[4-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dibromo-3-chloropropane[1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dibromoethane[1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dibromomethane 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichlorobenzene[1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichlorobenzene[1,3-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichlorobenzene[1,4-] 1 µg/L UJ

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table B-1.3-1 (continued)

Lab Request Number Sample Name

Analytical Suite Code Analytical Method Code Analyte Description

Lab Result Unit

Validation Qualifier Code

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichlorodifluoromethane 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethane[1,1-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethane[1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethene[1,1-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethene[cis-1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloroethene[trans-1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropane[1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropane[1,3-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropane[2,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropene[1,1-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropene[cis-1,3-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Dichloropropene[trans-1,3-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Diethyl ether 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Ethyl methacrylate 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Ethylbenzene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Hexachlorobutadiene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Hexanone[2-] 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Iodomethane 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Isobutyl alcohol 50 µg/L R

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Isopropylbenzene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Isopropyltoluene[4-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Methacrylonitrile 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Methyl methacrylate 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Methyl tert-butyl ether 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Methyl-2-pentanone[4-] 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Methylene chloride 10 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Naphthalene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Propionitrile 5 µg/L R

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Propylbenzene[1-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Styrene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Tetrachloroethane[1,1,1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Tetrachloroethane[1,1,2,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Tetrachloroethene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Toluene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane[1,1,2-] 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichlorobenzene[1,2,3-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichlorobenzene[1,2,4-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloroethane[1,1,1-] 1 µg/L UJ

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R-53 Well Completion Report


Table B-1.3-1 (continued)

Lab Request Number Sample Name

Analytical Suite Code Analytical Method Code Analyte Description

Lab Result Unit

Validation Qualifier Code

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloroethane[1,1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloroethene 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichlorofluoromethane 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trichloropropane[1,2,3-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trimethylbenzene[1,2,4-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Trimethylbenzene[1,3,5-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Vinyl acetate 5 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Vinyl chloride 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Xylene[1,2-] 1 µg/L UJ

10-2502 GW53-10-11671 VOC SW-846:8260B Xylene[1,3-]+Xylene[1,4-] 2 µg/L UJ a TU = Tritium unit.

b NQ = Data are not valid and not qualified.

c U = The analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

d R = The data are rejected as a result of major problems with quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) parameters.

e J = The analyte was positively identified, and the associated numerical value is estimated to be more uncertain than would normally be expected for that analysis.

f UJ = The analyte was not positively identified in the sample, and the associated value is an estimate of the sample-specific detection or quantitation limit.

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Table B-1.3-2 Analytical Results for EES-14 Groundwater Screening Samples Collected at R-53

Sample ID Date

Received Sample Type ER/RRES-

WQH Depth (ft bgs)

Ag rslt (ppm)

stdev (Ag)

Al rslt (ppm)

stdev (Al)

As rslt (ppm)

stdev (As)

B rslt (ppm)

stdev (B)

Ba rslt (ppm)

stdev (Ba)

Be rslt (ppm)

stdev (Be)

Br(-) ppm

Ca rslt (ppm)

stdev (Ca)

Cd rslt (ppm)

stdev (Cd)

Cl(-) ppm

GW53-10-11670 3/1/2010 Borehole 10-2177 840.0 0.001 U 0.081 0.009 0.0003 0.0000 0.197 0.002 1.68 0.01 0.001 U 0.05 10.28 0.04 0.001 U 8.28

GW53-10-11671 3/31/2010 Borehole 10-2503 979.0 0.001 U 0.014 0.000 0.0004 0.0000 0.090 0.001 0.161 0.001 0.001 U 0.04 11.99 0.05 0.001 U 3.06

ClO4(-) ppm

ClO4(-) (U)

Co rslt (ppm)

stdev (Co)

Alk-CO3 rslt (ppm)


Cr rslt (ppm)

stdev (Cr )

Cs rslt (ppm)

stdev (Cs)

Cu rslt (ppm)

stdev (Cu)

F(-) ppm

Fe rslt (ppm)

stdev (Fe)

Alk-CO3+HCO3 rslt (ppm)

Hg rslt (ppm)

stdev (Hg)

K rslt (ppm)

stdev (K)

Li rslt (ppm)

stdev (Li)

Mg rslt (ppm)

stdev (Mg)

Mn rslt (ppm)

stdev (Mn)

0.005 U 0.001 0.000 0.8 U 0.003 0.000 0.001 U 0.001 U 0.60 0.70 0.00 92.3 0.00005 U 1.10 0.01 0.031 0.003 3.39 0.02 0.184 0.002

0.005 U 0.001 U 0.8 U 0.004 0.000 0.001 U 0.002 0.000 0.33 0.62 0.00 82.8 0.00010 0.00001 1.66 0.01 0.029 0.000 3.48 0.02 0.033 0.000

Mo rslt (ppm)

stdev (Mo)

Na rslt (ppm)

stdev (Na)

Ni rslt (ppm)

stdev (Ni)

NO2 (ppm)

NO2-N rslt

NO2-N (U)

NO3 ppm

NO3-N rslt

C2O4 rslt (ppm)

C2O4 (U)

Pb rslt (ppm)

stdev (Pb)

Lab pH

PO4(-3) rslt (ppm)

PO4(-3) (U)

Rb rslt (ppm)

stdev (Rb)

Sb rslt (ppm)

stdev (Sb)

Se rslt (ppm)

stdev (Se)

Si rslt (ppm)

stdev (Si)

0.024 0.000 18.52 0.18 0.005 0.001 0.01 0.003 U 0.14 0.03 0.19 0.01 0.0002 U 6.95 0.06 0.01 0.001 U 0.001 U 0.001 0.000 18.8 0.1

0.005 0.000 11.11 0.04 0.001 0.000 0.01 0.003 U 2.52 0.57 0.01 U 0.0002 U 7.21 0.01 U 0.001 0.000 0.001 U 0.001 U 31.1 0.4

SiO2 rslt (ppm)

stdev (SiO2)

Sn rslt (ppm)

stdev (Sn)

SO4(-2) rslt (ppm)

Sr rslt (ppm)

stdev (Sr)

Th rslt (ppm)

stdev (Th)

Ti rslt (ppm)

stdev (Ti)

Tl rslt (ppm)

stdev (Tl)

U rslt (ppm)

stdev (U)

V rslt (ppm)

stdev (V)

Zn rslt (ppm)

stdev (Zn)

TDS (ppm) Cations Anions Balance

40.2 0.3 0.001 U 3.34 0.057 0.000 0.001 U 0.019 0.000 0.001 U 0.0002 U 0.002 0.000 0.034 0.000 201 1.66 2.15 -0.13

66.6 0.9 0.001 U 3.04 0.037 0.000 0.001 U 0.002 U 0.001 U 0.0003 0.0000 0.003 0.000 0.034 0.000 189 1.42 1.60 -0.06

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Table B-1.3-3 TOC Concentrations at R-53

Sample ID Date Received Sample Type ER/RRES-WQH Depth (ft bgs)

TOC (ppm)

GW53-10-11680 4/7/2010 Well development 10-2670 849.2-859.2 0.79

GW53-10-11681 4/8/2010 Well development 10-2670 849.2-859.2 0.98

GW53-10-11682 4/8/2010 Well development 10-2670 849.2-859.2 0.80

GW53-10-11683 4/8/2010 Well development 10-2690 959.7-980.2 6.17

GW53-10-11684 4/8/2010 Well development 10-2690 959.7-980.2 0.99

GW53-10-11685 4/14/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 959.7-980.2 0.2 U*

GW53-10-11686 4/14/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 959.7-980.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11687 4/14/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 959.7-980.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11688 4/14/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 959.7-980.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11689 4/14/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 959.7-980.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11690 4/14/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 959.7-980.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11691 4/21/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 849.2-859.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11692 4/21/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 849.2-859.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11693 4/21/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 849.2-859.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11694 4/21/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 849.2-859.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11695 4/21/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 849.2-859.2 0.2 U

GW53-10-11696 4/21/2010 Aquifer testing Not provided 849.2-859.2 0.2 U

* U = The analyte was analyzed for but not detected.

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Appendix C

Aquifer Testing Report

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This appendix describes the hydraulic analysis of pumping tests conducted during April 2010 at R-53, a dual-screen regional aquifer well located in the south fork of Cañada del Buey at Los Alamos National Laboratory (the Laboratory). The tests on R-53 were conducted to quantify the hydraulic properties of the two zones in which the well is screened, evaluate the hydraulic interconnection of the zones, and check for interference effects among neighboring wells.

Testing planned for each screen interval consisted of brief trial pumping, background water level data collection, and a 24-h constant-rate pumping test. Water levels were monitored in both zones during each of the pumping tests in each screen.

As in most of the R-well pumping tests conducted on the plateau, an inflatable packer system was used in R-53 to both hydraulically isolate the screen zones and try to eliminate casing storage effects on the test data. Storage effects were eliminated successfully from most of the tests. The lone exception occurred during recovery following the 24-h test on screen 1 in which it appeared that gas buildup beneath the upper packer may have caused a storage-like response.

Air or gas was produced with the groundwater from both screen zones, similar to what has been observed in many of the recent pumping tests on the Pajarito Plateau (the Plateau). It is not known whether the source of the gas is natural or a byproduct of air drilling the boreholes.

Conceptual Hydrogeology

Both screens in R-53 lie within sands and gravels of the Puye Formation. Screen 1 is 10 ft long, extending from 849.2 to 859.2 ft below ground surface (bgs). Screen 2 is 20.5 ft long and is positioned about 100 ft beneath screen 1, extending from 959.7 to 980.2 ft bgs.

The composite static water level measured on April 10, 2010 prior to testing was 831.75 ft bgs. The ground surface elevation (brass cap) at the well was surveyed at 6689.98 ft above mean sea level (amsl), making the composite water level elevation 5858.23 ft amsl.

When the screen zones were isolated using an inflatable packer, the water level in screen 1 rose 2.90 ft, to a depth of 828.85 ft bgs and an approximate elevation of 5861.13 ft amsl. At the same time, the water level in screen 2 declined 6.25 ft, making its depth to water 838.00 ft bgs at an elevation of approximately 5851.98 ft amsl. Thus, the water levels showed a large head difference of 9.15 ft and a strong downward hydraulic gradient, implying highly resistive sediments separating the two screen zones.

R-53 Screen 1 Testing

The two screens were tested in reverse order, with screen 1 testing occurring after screen 2 testing. Screen 1 was tested from April 16 to 21, 2010. After filling the drop pipe on April 16, testing began with brief trial pumping on April 17 followed by a 24-h constant-rate pumping test that was started on April 18. Following shutdown of the 24-h test on April 19, recovery/background data were recorded for 2 d until April 21.

Trial testing of screen 1 began at 7:00 a.m. on April 17 at a discharge rate of 10.4 gallons per minute (gpm) and continued for 60 min until 8:00 a.m. Recovery data were recorded for 60 min until 9:00 a.m. when trial 2 pumping began at a discharge rate of 10.5 gpm. Following shutdown at 10:00 a.m., trial 2 recovery data were collected for 1320 min until 8:00 a.m. on April 18.

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At 8:00 a.m. on April 18, the 24-h pumping test was initiated at a discharge rate of 10.5 gpm. Pumping continued for 1440 min until 8:00 a.m. on April 19. Following shutdown, recovery/background data were recorded for 2847 min until 7:27 a.m. on April 21 when the pump was pulled from the well.

R-53 Screen 2 Testing

Well R-53 screen 2 was tested from April 10 to 15. After the drop pipe was filled on April 10, testing began with brief trial pumping on April 11, background data collection, and a 24-h constant-rate pumping test that began on April 13.

Two trial tests were conducted on April 11. Trial 1 was conducted at a discharge rate of 20.1 gpm for 60 min from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and was followed by 60 min of recovery until 10:00 a.m. Trial 2 was conducted for 60 min, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., at a rate of 19.9 gpm. Following shutdown, recovery/background data were recorded for 2700 min, until 8:00 a.m. on April 13.

At 8:00 a.m. on April 13, the 24-h pumping test was begun at a rate of 20.2 gpm. Pumping continued for 1440 min until 8:00 a.m. on April 14. Following shutdown, recovery measurements were recorded for 1440 min until 8:00 a.m. on April 15, when the pump was tripped out of the well.

Aerated Groundwater

Consistent with observations in many of the recent R-well pumping tests, the presence of gas or air was detected in the groundwater during the R-53 pumping tests. It is possible the gas detected is natural. On the other hand, it is possible that high-pressure compressed air used in the drilling process invaded the aquifer zones during drilling, collecting in the formation pore spaces, and/or dissolving in the groundwater. When water is pumped from the aquifer, trapped gas or air in the formation pores can move with the pumped water as well as expand and contract in response to pressure changes. Also, pressure reduction associated with pumping can allow dissolved gas or air to come out of solution. The significant quantity of gas or air present in the formations in recently tested wells has had several effects, including (1) interfering with pump operating efficiency, (2) causing transient changes in aquifer permeability, (3) inducing pressure transients as the gas or air expands and contracts, and (4) causing storage-like effects associated with changes in gas or air volume in the formation voids, filter pack, and/or well casing.

The presence of air/gas in the R-53 tests did not present much difficulty. The primary side effect was apparent accumulation of air in the well during the 24-h test on screen 1, which caused a storage-like effect in the subsequent recovery data set, precluding analytical interpretation of that portion of the data. Possibly related, during the 24-h test a spontaneous reduction in drawdown occurred with no corresponding change in discharge rate and no noticeable increase in turbidity. It is possible that the change in drawdown may have been associated with air/gas being expelled from the formation, increasing the permeability of the sediments near the borehole.


The background water-level data collected in conjunction with running the pumping tests allow the analyst to see what water-level fluctuations occur naturally in the aquifer and help distinguish between water-level changes caused by conducting the pumping test and changes associated with other causes.

Background water-level fluctuations have several causes, among them barometric pressure changes, operation of other wells in the aquifer, Earth tides, and long-term trends related to weather patterns. The

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background data hydrographs from the monitored wells were compared to barometric pressure data from the area to determine if a correlation existed.

Previous pumping tests on the Plateau have demonstrated a barometric efficiency for most wells of between 90% and 100%. Barometric efficiency is defined as the ratio of water-level change divided by barometric pressure change, expressed as a percentage. In the initial pumping tests conducted on the early R-wells, downhole pressure was monitored using a vented pressure transducer. This equipment measures the difference between the total pressure applied to the transducer and the barometric pressure, this difference being the true height of water above the transducer.

Subsequent pumping tests, including R-53, have utilized nonvented transducers. These devices record the total pressure on the transducer, that is, the sum of the water height plus the barometric pressure. This results in an attenuated “apparent” hydrograph in a barometrically efficient well. Take as an example a 90% barometrically efficient well. When monitored using a vented transducer, an increase in barometric pressure of 1 unit causes a decrease in recorded downhole pressure of 0.9 unit because the water level is forced downward 0.9 unit by the barometric pressure change. However, when a nonvented transducer is used, the total measured pressure increases by 0.1 unit (the combination of the barometric pressure increase and the water-level decrease). Thus, the resulting apparent hydrograph changes by a factor of 100, minus the barometric efficiency, and in the same direction as the barometric pressure change, rather than in the opposite direction.

Barometric pressure data were obtained from Technical Area 54 (TA-54) tower site from the Waste and Environmental Services Division–Environmental Data and Analysis (WES-EDA). The TA-54 measurement location is at an elevation of 6548 ft amsl, whereas the wellhead elevation is at 6689.98 ft amsl. The static water level in R-53 was 831.75 ft below land surface, making the water-table elevation 5858.23 ft amsl. Therefore, the measured barometric pressure data from TA-54 had to be adjusted to reflect the pressure at the elevation of the water table within R-53.

The following formula was used to adjust the measured barometric pressure data:









gPP 53


545354 281.3

exp Equation C-1

where, PWT = barometric pressure at the water table inside R-53

PTA54 = barometric pressure measured at TA-54

g = acceleration of gravity, in m/sec2 (9.80665 m/sec2)

R = gas constant, in J/kg/degree kelvin (287.04 J/kg/degree kelvin)

ER-53 = land surface elevation at R-53 site, in feet (6689.98 ft)

ETA54 = elevation of barometric pressure measuring point at TA-54, in feet (6548 ft)

EWT = elevation of the water level in R-53, in feet (5858.23 ft)

TTA54 = air temperature near TA-54, in degrees kelvin (assigned a value of 52.7 degrees Fahrenheit, or 284.7 degrees kelvin)

TWELL = air temperature inside R-53, in degrees kelvin (assigned a value of 65.9 degrees Fahrenheit, or 292.0 degrees kelvin)

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This formula is an adaptation of an equation WES-EDA provided. It can be derived from the ideal gas law and standard physics principles. An inherent assumption in the derivation of the equation is that the air temperature between TA-54 and the well is temporally and spatially constant and that the temperature of the air column in the well is similarly constant.

The corrected barometric pressure data reflecting pressure conditions at the water table were compared with the water-level hydrograph to discern the correlation between the two and determine whether water-level corrections would be needed before data analysis.


When pumping or recovery first begins, the vertical extent of the cone of depression is limited to approximately the well screen length, the filter pack length, or the aquifer thickness in relatively thin permeable strata. For many pumping tests on the Plateau, the early pumping period is the only time the effective height of the cone of depression is known with certainty because soon after startup, the cone of depression expands vertically through permeable materials above and/or below the screened interval. Thus, the early data often offer the best opportunity to obtain hydraulic conductivity information because conductivity would equal the earliest-time transmissivity divided by the well screen length.

Unfortunately, in many pumping tests, casing-storage effects dominate the early-time data, potentially hindering the effort to determine the transmissivity of the screened interval. The duration of casing-storage effects can be estimated using the following equation (Schafer 1978, 098240).




226.0 Equation C-2

where, tc = duration of casing-storage effect, in minutes

D = inside diameter of well casing, in inches

d = outside diameter of column pipe, in inches

Q = discharge rate, in gallons per minute

s = drawdown observed in pumped well at time tc, in feet

The calculated casing-storage time is quite conservative. Often, the data show that significant effects of casing storage have dissipated after about half the computed time.

For wells screened across the water table, an additional storage contribution can come from the filter pack around the screen. The following equation provides an estimate of the storage duration accounting for both casing and filter pack storage.





22226.0 Equation C-3

where, Sy = short term specific yield of filter media (typically 0.2)

DB = diameter of borehole, in inches

DC = outside diameter of well casing, in inches

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This equation was derived from Equation C-2 on a proportional basis by increasing the computed time in direct proportion to the additional volume of water expected to drain from the filter pack. (To prove this, note that the left hand term within the brackets is directly proportional to the annular area [and volume] between the casing and drop pipe while the right hand term is proportional to the area [and volume] between the borehole and the casing, corrected for the drainable porosity of the filter pack. Thus, the summed term within the brackets accounts for all of the volume [casing water and drained filter pack water] appropriately.)

In some instances, it is possible to eliminate casing-storage effects by setting an inflatable packer above the tested screen interval before the test is conducted. This approach was largely successful in the R-53 pumping test effort, with the exception of the 24-h recovery data from screen 1, as mentioned above.


Time-drawdown data can be analyzed using a variety of methods. Among them is the Theis method (1934-1935, 098241). The Theis equation describes drawdown around a well as follows:



6.114 Equation C-4






Equation C-5





Equation C-6

and where, s = drawdown, in feet

Q = discharge rate, in gallons per minute

T = transmissivity, in gallons per day per foot

S = storage coefficient (dimensionless)

t = pumping time, in days

r = distance from center of pumpage, in feet

To use the Theis method of analysis, the time-drawdown data are plotted on log-log graph paper. Then, Theis curve matching is performed using the Theis type curve—a plot of the Theis well function W(u) versus 1/u. Curve matching is accomplished by overlaying the type curve on the data plot and, while keeping the coordinate axes of the two plots parallel, shifting the data plot to align with the type curve, effecting a match position. An arbitrary point, referred to as the match point, is selected from the overlapping parts of the plots. Match-point coordinates are recorded from the two graphs, yielding four values: W(u): 1/u, s, and t. Using these match-point values, transmissivity and storage coefficient are computed as follows:

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Equation C-7



Equation C-8

where, T = transmissivity, in gallons per day per foot

S = storage coefficient

Q = discharge rate, in gallons per minute

W(u) = match-point value

s = match-point value, in feet

u = match-point value

t = match-point value, in minutes

An alternative solution method applicable to time-drawdown data is the Cooper-Jacob method (1946, 098236), a simplification of the Theis equation that is mathematically equivalent to the Theis equation for most pumped well data. The Cooper-Jacob equation describes drawdown around a pumping well as follows:








Equation C-9

The Cooper-Jacob equation is a simplified approximation of the Theis equation and is valid whenever the u value is less than about 0.05. For small radius values (e.g., corresponding to borehole radii), u is less than 0.05 at very early pumping times and therefore is less than 0.05 for most or all measured drawdown values. Thus, for the pumped well, the Cooper-Jacob equation usually can be considered a valid approximation of the Theis equation. An exception occurs when the transmissivity of the aquifer is very low. In that case, some of the early pumped well drawdown data may not be well approximated by the Cooper-Jacob equation.

According to the Cooper-Jacob method, the time-drawdown data are plotted on a semilog graph, with time plotted on the logarithmic scale. Then a straight line of best fit is constructed through the data points and transmissivity is calculated using




Equation C-10

where, T = transmissivity, in gallons per day per foot

Q = discharge rate, in gallons per minute

s = change in head over one log cycle of the graph, in feet

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Because many of the test wells completed on the Plateau are severely partially penetrating, an alternate solution considered for assessing aquifer conditions is the Hantush equation for partially penetrating wells (Hantush 1961, 098237; Hantush 1961, 106003). The Hantush equation is as follows:

Equation C-11








4 n r


















where, in consistent units, s, Q, T, t, r, S, and u are as previously defined and

b = aquifer thickness

d = distance from top of aquifer to top of well screen in pumped well

l = distance from top of aquifer to bottom of well screen in pumped well

d’ = distance from top of aquifer to top of well screen in observation well

l’ = distance from top of aquifer to bottom of well screen in observation well

Kz = vertical hydraulic conductivity

Kr = horizontal hydraulic conductivity

In this equation, W(u) is the Theis well function and W(u,β) is the Hantush well function for leaky aquifers where:






z Equation C-12

Note that for single-well tests, d = d’ and l = l’.


Recovery data were analyzed using the Theis recovery method. This is a semilog analysis method similar to the Cooper-Jacob procedure.

In this method, residual drawdown is plotted on a semilog graph versus the ratio t/t’, where t is the time since pumping began and t’ is the time since pumping stopped. A straight line of best fit is constructed through the data points and T is calculated from the slope of the line as follows:



264 Equation C-13

The recovery data are particularly useful compared to time-drawdown data. Because the pump is not running, spurious data responses associated with dynamic discharge rate fluctuations are eliminated. The result is that the data set is generally “smoother” and easier to analyze.

Recovery data also can be analyzed using the Hantush equation for partial penetration. This approach is generally applied to the early data in a plot of recovery versus recovery time.

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The specific capacity of the pumped well can be used to obtain a lower-bound value of hydraulic conductivity. The hydraulic conductivity is computed using formulas that are based on the assumption that the pumped well is 100% efficient. The resulting hydraulic conductivity is the value required to sustain the observed specific capacity. If the actual well is less than 100% efficient, it follows that the actual hydraulic conductivity would have to be greater than calculated to compensate for well inefficiency. Thus, because the efficiency is not known, the computed hydraulic conductivity value represents a lower bound. The actual conductivity is known to be greater than or equal to the computed value.

For fully penetrating wells, the Cooper-Jacob equation can be iterated to solve for the lower-bound hydraulic conductivity. However, the Cooper-Jacob equation (assuming full penetration) ignores the contribution to well yield from permeable sediments above and below the screened interval. To account for this contribution, it is necessary to use a computation algorithm that includes the effects of partial penetration. One such approach was introduced by Brons and Marting (1961, 098235) and augmented by Bradbury and Rothchild (1985, 098234).

Brons and Marting introduced a dimensionless drawdown correction factor, sP, approximated by Bradbury and Rothschild as follows:















P Equation C-14

In this equation, L is the well screen length, in feet. Incorporating the dimensionless drawdown parameter, the conductivity is obtained by iterating the following formula:










QK Equation C-15

The Brons and Marting procedure can be applied to both partially penetrating and fully penetrating wells.

To apply this procedure, a storage coefficient value must be assigned. Storage coefficient values generally range from 10–5 to 10–3 for confined aquifers and 0.01 to 0.25 for unconfined aquifers (Driscoll 1986, 104226). The screen 1 zone was treated as unconfined in this analysis, while the screen 2 zone was considered confined. Arbitrary storage coefficient values of 0.10 and 5 × 10-4 were used for the calculations for screen 1 and screen 2, respectively. The calculation result is not particularly sensitive to the choice of storage coefficient value, so a rough estimate is generally adequate to support the calculations.

The analysis also requires assigning a value for the saturated aquifer thickness, b. For screen 1, the aquifer was considered to extend from the static water level to the midpoint between the screen zones—a distance of about 80 ft. For partially-penetrating conditions, the calculations are not particularly sensitive to the choice of aquifer thickness because sediments far above or below the screen typically contribute little flow. As described below, early data from screen 2 were used in the specific capacity calculations and, thus, fully penetrating conditions were assumed, as it was assumed that the cone of depression had not expanded significantly in the vertical direction at early time.

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Background aquifer pressure data collected during the R-53 tests were plotted along with barometric pressure to determine the barometric effect on water levels.

Figure C-7.0-1 shows aquifer pressure data from R-53 screen 1 during the test period, along with barometric pressure data from TA-54 that have been corrected to equivalent barometric pressure in feet of water at the water table. The R-53 data are referred to in the figure as the “apparent hydrograph” because the measurements reflect the sum of water pressure and barometric pressure, having been recorded using a nonvented pressure transducer. The times of the pumping periods for the R-53 pumping tests are included on the figure for reference.

R-53 screen 1 showed no significant pressure change in response to barometric pressure fluctuations, suggesting a barometric efficiency near 100%. The data did show a slight diurnal perturbation of a couple hundredths of a ft that likely resulted from Earth-tide effects.

The data on Figure C-7.0-1 showed no response in screen 1 to pumping screen 2. The apparent hydrograph signal became noisier, however, when screen 2 was pumped, possibly because of electrical interference from the pump cable or vibrations from operating the pump affecting the screen 1 transducer.

Figure C-7.0-2 shows aquifer pressure data collected from R-53 screen 2 during the pumping test effort. The data did not show a response in screen 2 to pumping screen 1. The data appeared to show response to barometric pressure changes, although the two curves did not coincide in that the steady overall decline in barometric pressure observed from April 16 to 21 was not mimicked by the hydrograph. It was hypothesized that ongoing recovery of screen 2 water levels from previous pumping, or some other background trend, may have offset this declining barometric pressure trend. To check this, the hydrograph data were modified by subtracting out an assumed background rising trend. The magnitude of the assumed trend was adjusted to optimize the fit between the barometric pressure and hydrograph curves. Figure C-7.0-3 shows the modified hydrograph, adjusted for an assumed background water-level-rise rate of 0.045 ft/d. With this trend subtracted out, the hydrograph and barometric pressure curves were similar. This suggested a low barometric efficiency—not often seen in wells on the Plateau, especially deeper screens. A possible explanation is that the screen 2 sediments may be in communication with a basalt that is in communication with the atmosphere through voids and fractures. While this is speculation, as discussed below, the screen 2 pumping test data showed the possibility of a nearby boundary which could be a sediment/volcanic rock contact.

Hydrograph data from additional nearby R-wells were downloaded to check for a possible pumping response to the R-53 tests. Wells examined included R-21 (1384 ft away), R-32 (2265 ft), and R-38 (937 ft). Figures C-7.0-4 through C-7.0-6 show data retrieved from R-21, R-32, and R-38, respectively.

Because the barometric pressure fluctuations in the hydrographs were large, it was necessary to correct the water level data by removing the barometric effect. This was done using BETCO (barometric and earth tide correction) software—a mathematically complex correction algorithm that uses regression deconvolution (Toll and Rasmussen 2007, 104799) to modify the data. The BETCO correction not only removes barometric pressure effects but can remove Earth tide effects as well. The BETCO barometric corrected data for each of the nearby monitoring wells are included in the data plots on Figures C-7.0-4 through C-7.0-6.

No response to pumping R-53 screen 1 can be seen in any of the wells in these figures. Pumping R-53 screen 2 had no discernable effect in R-32 and R-38 but caused significant drawdown (0.5 ft) at R-21.

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This section presents the data obtained from the R-53 screen 1 pumping tests and the results of the analytical interpretations. Data are presented for drawdown and recovery from trial 1, trial 2 and the 24-h constant-rate test.

C-8.1 Well R-53 Screen 1 Trial Test

Figure C-8.1-1 shows a semilog plot of the drawdown data collected from the 60-min trial 1 test on screen 1 at a discharge rate of 10.4 gpm. The transmissivity estimated from the early data in the plot was 2190 gallons per day (gpd)/ft. Based on the screen length of 10 ft, the computed hydraulic conductivity was 219 gpd/ft2, or 29.3 ft/day. Note that the earliest data points showed some scatter and did not fit the straight line very well because the upper portion of the drop pipe had been drained overnight to prevent freezing, and after the pump was started, it took several seconds for the pipe to refill and for water to reach the backpressure valve that controlled the flow rate.

The observed drawdown curve became progressively flatter with increasing pumping time. The most likely explanation for this was vertical expansion of the cone of depression through greater thickness of sediments over time (partial-penetration effects). It is also possible that lateral changes in transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity could have contributed to the observed trend, but the steady and uniform flattening was consistent with partially penetrating screen response.

The drawdown data were analyzed using the Hantush method for partially penetrating wells. Plots were prepared for four assigned values of vertical anisotropy—1.0, 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001—as shown in Figures C-8.1-2 through C-8.1-5, respectively. The analyses were performed for an arbitrary assigned aquifer thickness of 80 ft—the distance from the screen 1 static water level to the midpoint between the two well screens. The type curve matches shown in the figures were poor for moderate values of anisotropy (1.0 and 0.1) but became better for more severe anisotropy values (0.01 and 0.001). The transmissivity values for severe anisotropy were similar to the value obtained from the semilog plot in Figure C-8.1-1. Unfortunately, it was not possible to constrain the transmissivity values obtained from the Hantush analyses, as multiple values could be obtained that produced good curve matches (as shown in Figures C-8.1-4 and C-8.1-5, for example). Nevertheless, the computed transmissivity values obtained from the better curve matches (severe anisotropy) were on the same order as the value obtained from the Cooper-Jacob analysis and the exercise suggested severe, rather than moderate, vertical anisotropy.

Figure C-8.1-6 shows the recovery data collected following shutdown of the trial 1 pumping test. The very early data suggested a transmissivity of 1820 gpd/ft and a hydraulic conductivity of 182 gpd/ft2, or 24.3 ft/d.

As with the drawdown data, the recovery data showed continuous flattening over time and were analyzed using the Hantush method for partially penetrating wells. Figures C-8.1-7 and C-8.1-8 show the resulting analyses for the severe vertical anisotropy values of 0.01 and 0.001, respectively. The curve matches were good and yielded transmissivity values on the order of those obtained using the Theis recovery method.

C-8.2 Well R-53 Screen 1 Trial 2 Test

Figure C-8.2-1 shows a semilog plot of the drawdown data collected from the 60-min trial 2 test on screen 1 at a discharge rate of 10.5 gpm. The transmissivity estimated from the early data in the plot was 1870 gpd/ft. Based on the screen length of 10 ft, the computed hydraulic conductivity was 187 gpd/ft2, or 25.0 ft/day.

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The trial 2 drawdown data were analyzed using the Hantush method for partially penetrating wells. Plots were prepared for two values of vertical anisotropy—0.01 and 0.001—as shown in Figures C-8.2-2 and C-8.2-3, respectively. The type curve matches shown in the figures were good and produced transmissivity values on the same order as the value obtained from the Cooper-Jacob analysis.

Figure C-8.2-4 shows the recovery data collected following shutdown of the trial 2 pumping test. The very early data suggested a transmissivity of 1800 gpd/ft and a hydraulic conductivity of 180 gpd/ft2, or 24.1 ft/d.

As with the drawdown data, the recovery data showed continuous flattening over time and were analyzed using the Hantush method for partially penetrating wells. Figures C-8.2-5 and C-8.2-6 show the resulting analyses for the severe vertical anisotropy values of 0.01 and 0.001, respectively. The curve matches were good and yielded transmissivity values on the order of those obtained using the Theis recovery method.

C-8.3 Well R-53 Screen 1 24-Hour Constant-Rate Test

Figure C-8.3-1 shows a semilog plot of the drawdown data collected from the 24-h constant-rate pumping test conducted at 10.5 gpm. Again, the drop pipe had to be drained to prevent freezing overnight before the 24-h test was conducted, and as a result, the earliest data points showed some scatter while the pipe filled and the pumping rate stabilized. The analysis shown on the graph suggested a screen interval transmissivity of 1930 gpd/ft and a hydraulic conductivity of 193 gpd/ft2, or 25.8 ft/d.

Several hours into the pumping test, a spontaneous reduction in drawdown of about 0.5 ft occurred even though the discharge rate remained constant throughout the pumping test. Thus, the efficiency of the well had suddenly improved. Sometimes this effect can be an indication of continued well development but is usually associated with production of sediment and dirtying of the water produced from the well. However, no noticeable increase in the turbidity content of the water occurred during this event that would have suggested that the improvement in efficiency resulted from removal of fines from around the well screen. It is possible the observed increase in permeability was attributable to gas/air being expelled from the sediments around the borehole. Supporting this idea, as described below, the subsequent recovery data showed a storage effect that could have been an indication of trapped gas/air under the upper packer. Figure C-8.3-2 shows an expanded-scale plot of the portion of the drawdown data corresponding to the surprising spontaneous reduction in drawdown. As indicated on the figure, the change in drawdown was gradual, occurring over a period of about 40 min.

Figure C-8.3-3 shows the recovery data collected following shutdown of the 24-h constant-rate pumping test. As indicated on the plot, the transmissivity computed from the line of fit was 800 gpd/ft—in disagreement with all of the previously obtained transmissivity values. The underestimate of transmissivity was symptomatic of a storage effect and could have been caused by accumulation of air beneath the upper packer during the pumping phase of the test.

C-8.4 Well R-53 Screen 1 Specific Capacity Data

Specific capacity data were used along with well geometry to estimate a lower-bound transmissivity value for the permeable zone penetrated by R-53 screen 1 to provide a frame of reference for evaluating the foregoing analyses.

At the end of the 24-h pumping test, the discharge rate was 10.5 gpm, with a resulting drawdown of 7.20 ft for a specific capacity of 1.46 gpm/ft. In addition to specific capacity and pumping time, other input values used in the calculations included a storage coefficient value of 0.1, a borehole radius of 0.54 ft

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(inferred from the volume of filter pack required to backfill the screen zone), a screen length of 10 ft, a pumping time of 1440 min, and a saturated thickness of 80 ft (from the static water level to the midpoint between screens 1 and 2).

Applying the Brons and Marting method to these inputs yielded a lower-bound hydraulic conductivity value of 106 gpd/ft2, or 14.1 ft/d. The average hydraulic conductivity value from the foregoing pumping test analyses was 192 gpd/ft2, or 25.7 ft/d. Thus, the lower-bound value was consistent with the pumping test results and suggested a well efficiency of a little more than 50%.


This section presents the data obtained from the R-53 screen 2 pumping tests and the results of the analytical interpretations. Data are presented for drawdown and recovery from trial 1, trial 2, and the 24-h constant-rate test.

C-9.1 Well R-53 Screen 2 Trial 1

Figure C-9.1-1 shows a semilog plot of the screen 2 drawdown data collected from trial 1 at a discharge rate of 20.1 gpm. Note that the earliest data points showed scatter until the pumping rate stabilized. The upper portion of the drop pipe had been drained to prevent freezing overnight, and thus, the pump operated initially against reduced head until water reached the backpressure valve.

The early drawdown data suggested a transmissivity of 1290 gpd/ft for the 20.5-ft-long screened interval, making the estimated average hydraulic conductivity of the sediments near the borehole 63 gpd/ft2, or 8.4 ft/d. Within several minutes of pumping, the drawdown curve steepened, reflecting a calculated transmissivity of 430 gpd/ft. The steeper slope could have been caused by a lateral reduction in hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity or might have been an indication of a lateral boundary. Although the trial 1 drawdown data showed a 3:1 ratio in the computed slopes and transmissivity values, as described below, the subsequent analyses showed ratios closer to 2:1, characteristic of the expected response near a linear boundary such as a fault. Thus, a possible interpretation of the data was the presence of a linear boundary near the pumped well.

Figure C-9.1-2 shows the recovery data collected following shutdown of the trial 1 pumping test. The transmissivity estimated from the early data was 1050 gpd/ft, making the computed hydraulic conductivity 51 gpd/ft2, or 6.8 ft/d. The subsequent data showed a slope increase, as was observed in the drawdown data set, with a calculated transmissivity of 540 gpd/ft, about half the early-time value.

C-9.2 Well R-53 Screen 2 Trial 2

Figure C-9.2-1 shows a semilog plot of the drawdown data collected from the trial 2 test at a discharge rate of 19.9 gpm. The transmissivity value computed from the early data was 1050 gpd/ft, making the average hydraulic conductivity of the screened interval 51 gpd/ft2, or 6.8 ft/d. The subsequent steeper slope yielded a transmissivity value of 510 gpd/ft, about half the early-time value.

Figure C-9.2-2 shows the recovery data collected following shutdown of the trial 2 pumping test. The transmissivity estimated from the early data was 1000 gpd/ft, making the computed hydraulic conductivity 49 gpd/ft2, or 6.5 ft/d. The subsequent data showed a slope increase, as was observed in the drawdown data set, with a calculated transmissivity of 420 gpd/ft, about half the early-time value.

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C-8.3 Well R-53 Screen 2 24-Hour Constant-Rate Test

Figure C-9.3-1 shows a semilog plot of the drawdown data collected from the 24-h constant-rate pumping test conducted at 20.2 gpm. Again, the drop pipe had to be drained to prevent freezing overnight before the 24-h test was conducted, and as a result, the earliest data points showed some scatter and exaggerated drawdown while the pipe filled and the pumping rate stabilized. The early-time analysis shown on the graph suggested a screen interval transmissivity of 1250 gpd/ft and a hydraulic conductivity of 61 gpd/ft2, or 8.2 ft/d.

The increased slope associated with the subsequent data supported a transmissivity calculation of 440 gpd/ft—again, either a reduction in hydraulic conductivity away from the well or an indication of a nearby boundary.

A few hours into the test, the drawdown slope flattened substantially, with water levels approaching equilibrium. This indicated one of the following: (1) vertical growth of the cone of depression through a greater thickness of sediments (partial penetration effects); (2) leakage from overlying or underlying strata; or (3) a lateral increase in hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity some distance away from the well.

As shown on Figure C-9.3-1, about halfway through the 24-h pumping test, the pumping water level began to rise for a couple of hours, reached a local high, and then began declining again. During this period, the drawdown declined from about 40 ft to 35 ft and then increased to near 39 ft. The discharge rate remained constant throughout this period so clearly the well efficiency increased temporarily and then decreased again. At the same time, the pumped water became turbid with material having a “chalky” color, not unlike the bentonite grout used in the well completion. Figure C-9.3-2 shows a linear plot of the drawdown data along with measured turbidity values obtained from water samples collected during the test. It appeared possible that a void may have opened up temporarily adjacent to the well screen, reducing the hydraulic resistance to water entering the well and permitting movement of solids into the screen. This appeared to be a temporary phenomenon, with the drawdown eventually returning to near previous values and the turbidity dropping back to acceptable levels.

Figure C-9.3-3 shows the recovery data collected following shutdown of the 24-h constant-rate pumping test. As indicated on the plot, the transmissivity computed from the early data was 960 gpd/ft with a corresponding hydraulic conductivity of 47 gpd/ft2, or 6.3 ft/d. Subsequent data showed a steeper slope and a computed transmissivity value of 490 gpd/ft, about half the early-time value. Very late data showed a flat slope and nearly complete water level stabilization characteristic of the effects of partial penetration (vertical growth of the recovery cone of impression) or leakage from overlying and/or underlying strata.

C-9.4 Well R-53 Screen 2 Specific Capacity Data

Specific capacity data were used along with well geometry to estimate a lower-bound hydraulic conductivity value for the permeable zone penetrated by R-53 screen 2 to provide a frame of reference for evaluating the foregoing analyses.

Because of the complexity evident in the multiple slope changes observed in the test data, a simplified approach was used by extrapolating the initial slope on Figure C-9.3-1 to a pumping time of 24 h. This produced the drawdown that would have been observed under idealized conditions, that is, if the sediment permeability did not change or there was no boundary, and there were no leakage or partial penetration effects. This extrapolation yielded a hypothetical 24-h drawdown of 28.7 ft at the measured discharge rate of 20.2 gpm, making the idealized specific capacity 0.70 gpm/ft. (Note that this is the specific capacity that would have been observed from a fully penetrating well [no partial penetration of

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leakage effects] having no boundaries or lateral permeability changes. As such, a lower-bound transmissivity value corresponding to this specific capacity could be compared to the transmissivity determined for the sediments immediately adjacent to the well screen.)

In addition to specific capacity and pumping time, other input values used in the calculations included a storage coefficient value of 5 × 10-4 and a borehole radius of 0.49 ft (inferred from the volume of filter pack required to backfill the screen zone).

Iterating these inputs yielded a lower-bound transmissivity for the screened interval of 1200 gpd/ft. This result was consistent with the computed value of 1250 gpd/ft obtained from the line of fit on Figure C-9.3-1.


Constant-rate pumping tests were conducted on R-53 screens 1 and 2. The tests were performed to gain an understanding of the hydraulic characteristics of the screen zones and the degree of interconnection between them. Numerous observations and conclusions were drawn for the tests as summarized below.

Aerated groundwater was produced from both screens 1 and 2 during the pumping tests.

The static water level observed in screen 1 was substantially higher (9.15 ft) than that in screen 2, showing a strong downward hydraulic gradient, highly resistive sediments separating the screen zones, and little hydraulic connection between the screens.

A comparison of barometric pressure and R-53 screen 1 water level data showed a high barometric efficiency, around 100%. The data for screen 2, on the other hand, suggested a barometric efficiency near zero—relatively unusual for deep screens at the Laboratory.

Pumping screen 1 at more than 10 gpm for 1440 min had no discernable effect on water levels in screen 2 and likewise no effect on water levels in nearby wells R-21, R-32 and R-38. Pumping screen 2 at more than 20 gpm had no discernable effect on screen 1. Similarly, it had no measurable effect in R-32 (2265 ft away) or R-38 (937 ft away). It did, however, induce about 0.5 ft of drawdown in R-21 at a distance of 1384 ft.

Analysis of the screen 1 pumping tests showed an average hydraulic conductivity value of 192 gpd/ft2, or 25.7 ft/d.

Screen 1 produced 10.5 gpm for 1440 min with 7.20 ft of drawdown for a specific capacity of 1.46 gpm/ft. The lower-bound hydraulic conductivity computed from this information was 106 gpd/ft2 or 14.1 ft/d, consistent with the pumping tests values and suggesting a screen zone efficiency of more than 50%.

Analysis of the screen 2 pumping tests suggested a near-well transmissivity for the 20.5-ft-thick screened interval averaging 1100 gpd/ft. The corresponding average hydraulic conductivity was 54 gpd/ft2, or 7.2 ft/d. Subsequent slope increases on the data graphs yielded an average transmissivity value of 470 gpd/ft—around half the previous result. The approximately 2:1 transmissivity ratio is characteristic of the expected observation near a linear boundary such as a fault or pinch out. Alternatively, this result could indicate a lateral reduction in hydraulic conductivity near the well. The late data from screen 2 showed near stabilization associated with leakage, partial penetration effects (vertical growth of the cone of depression), or a large lateral increase in transmissivity.

Screen 2 produced 20.2 gpm for 1440 min with 38.7 ft of drawdown for an actual specific capacity of 0.52 gpm/ft. However, this value could not be used for comparison to the aquifer parameters because of

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the complexity associated with multiple slope changes in the data graphs. To achieve the desired comparison, the early-time drawdown slope from the 24-h test was extrapolated to arrive at a hypothetical specific capacity of 0.70 gpm/ft for fully penetrating, homogeneous conditions. The lower-bound transmissivity estimate obtained from this exercise was 1200 gpd/ft, in reasonable agreement with the screen zone transmissivity of 1250 obtained from the 24-h drawdown graph and the overall average value of 1100 gpd/ft obtained from all tests.

A well efficiency increase and subsequent decrease at screen 2 during the 24-h pumping test coupled with a simultaneous turbidity increase suggested the transient occurrence of a void near the well screen and possible movement of the backfill materials.


The following list includes all documents cited in this appendix. Parenthetical information following each reference provides the author(s), publication date, and ER ID. This information is also included in text citations. ER IDs are assigned by the Environmental Programs Directorate’s Records Processing Facility (RPF) and are used to locate the document at the RPF and, where applicable, in the master reference set.

Copies of the master reference set are maintained at the NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau and the Directorate. The set was developed to ensure that the administrative authority has all material needed to review this document, and it is updated with every document submitted to the administrative authority. Documents previously submitted to the administrative authority are not included.

Bradbury, K.R., and E.R. Rothschild, March-April 1985. “A Computerized Technique for Estimating the Hydraulic Conductivity of Aquifers from Specific Capacity Data,” Ground Water, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 240-246. (Bradbury and Rothschild 1985, 098234)

Brons, F., and V.E. Marting, 1961. “The Effect of Restricted Fluid Entry on Well Productivity,” Journal of

Petroleum Technology, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 172-174. (Brons and Marting 1961, 098235) Cooper, H.H., Jr., and C.E. Jacob, August 1946. “A Generalized Graphical Method for Evaluating

Formation Constants and Summarizing Well-Field History,” American Geophysical Union Transactions, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 526-534. (Cooper and Jacob 1946, 098236)

Driscoll, F.G., 1986. Excerpted pages from Groundwater and Wells, 2nd Ed., Johnson Filtration Systems

Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota. (Driscoll 1986, 104226) Hantush, M.S., July 1961. “Drawdown around a Partially Penetrating Well,” Journal of the Hydraulics

Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 87, No. HY 4, pp. 83-98. (Hantush 1961, 098237)

Hantush, M.S., September 1961. “Aquifer Tests on Partially Penetrating Wells,” Journal of the Hydraulics

Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 171–195. (Hantush 1961, 106003)

Schafer, D.C., January-February 1978. "Casing Storage Can Affect Pumping Test Data," The Johnson

Drillers Journal, pp. 1-6, Johnson Division, UOP, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota. (Schafer 1978, 098240)

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Theis, C.V., 1934-1935. “The Relation Between the Lowering of the Piezometric Surface and the Rate and Duration of Discharge of a Well Using Ground-Water Storage,” American Geophysical Union Transactions, Vol. 15-16, pp. 519-524. (Theis 1934-1935, 098241)

Toll, N.J., and T.C. Rasmussen, January–February 2007. “Removal of Barometric Pressure Effects and

Earth Tides from Observed Water Levels,” Ground Water, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 101–105. (Toll and Rasmussen 2007, 104799)

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Figure C-7.0-1 Well R-53 screen 1 apparent hydrograph

Figure C-7.0-2 Well R-53 screen 2 apparent hydrograph

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Figure C-7.0-3 Well R-53 screen 2 modified apparent hydrograph

Figure C-7.0-4 Well R-21 hydrograph

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Figure C-7.0-5 Well R-32 hydrograph

Figure C-7.0-6 Well R-38 hydrograph

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Figure C-8.1-1 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 1 drawdown

Figure C-8.1-2 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 1 drawdown—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 1.0

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Figure C-8.1-3 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 1 drawdown—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 0.1

Figure C-8.1-4 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 1 drawdown—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 0.01

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Figure C-8.1-5 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 1 drawdown—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 0.001

Figure C-8.1-6 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 1 recovery

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Figure C-8.1-7 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 1 recovery—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 0.01

Figure C-8.1-8 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 1 recovery—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 0.001

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Figure C-8.2-1 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 2 drawdown

Figure C-8.2-2 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 2 drawdown—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 0.01

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Figure C-8.2-3 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 2 drawdown—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 0.001

Figure C-8.2-4 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 2 recovery

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Figure C-8.2-5 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 2 recovery—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 0.01

Figure C-8.2-6 Well R-53 screen 1 trial 2 recovery—Hantush solution for anisotropy of 0.001

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Figure C-8.3-1 Well R-53 screen 1 drawdown

Figure C-8.3-2 Well R-53 screen 1 drawdown—expanded scale

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Figure C-8.3-3 Well R-53 screen 1 recovery

Figure C-9.1-1 Well R-53 screen 2 trial 1 drawdown

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Figure C-9.1-2 Well R-53 screen 2 trial 1 recovery

Figure C-9.2-1 Well R-53 screen 2 trial 2 drawdown

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Figure C-9.2-2 Well R-53 screen 2 trial 2 recovery

Figure C-9.3-1 Well R-53 screen 2 drawdown

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Figure C-9.3-2 Well R-53 screen 2 turbidity

Figure C-9.3-3 Well R-53 screen 2 recovery

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Appendix D

Borehole Video Logging (on DVD included with this document)

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Appendix E

Geophysical Logging Files (on CD included with this document)

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0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Depth (ft)

Natural Gam

ma (cps), Co

nductivity (u


Natural Gamma Conductivity 11 per. Mov. Avg. (Natural Gamma)

16" casing to 262'

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Natural GaConductivity726.345 113.594726.181 109.461726.017 124.227725.853 132.469 0.63969725.689 113.73 0.765773725.525 134.664 0.688184725.361 145.914 0.426319725.197 120.039 0.251742725.033 96.5391 0.785171724.869 101.852 0.814267724.705 120.086 1.10523724.541 78.6836 0.969446724.377 93.793 1.22161724.213 137.336 1.68715724.049 152.938 1.76474723.885 125.898 1.55137723.72 138.641 1.19252

723.556 129.773 1.36709723.392 110.551 1.20221723.228 102.445 1.45438723.064 126.5 1.38649

722.9 131.469 1.26041722.736 127.355 1.3283722.572 117.016 1.09553722.408 137.695 1.41559722.244 119.918 1.3477722.08 153.883 1.61926

721.916 101.672 1.36709721.752 97.6875 1.93932721.588 127.277 2.0557721.424 115.094 1.81323721.26 128.289 1.06643

721.096 105.98 1.60956720.932 102.527 0.668786720.768 106.449 0.426319720.604 103.355 0.707581720.44 114.457 0.959747

720.276 105.754 0.746376720.112 136.352 0.901555719.948 115.066 1.16342719.783 101.41 0.998542719.619 109.355 0.843363719.455 121.656 1.13432719.291 120.836 1.09553719.127 114.535 1.49318718.963 140.969 1.42529718.799 114.828 1.07613718.635 134.391 1.12463718.471 134.297 1.03734718.307 98.5586 0.678485718.143 101.863 0.882158717.979 101.449 1.12463717.815 112.742 1.02764717.651 106.328 1.03734717.487 122.566 0.814267717.323 110.508 0.901555717.159 131.07 1.06643716.995 94.8164 1.09553716.831 109.094 1.07613716.667 107.488 1.15372716.503 107.605 1.06643716.339 100.375 0.930651716.175 100.129 1.12463716.01 135.453 0.911254

715.846 109.059 0.814267715.682 131.227 0.678485715.518 125.914 0.872459715.354 145.586 0.901555715.19 109.176 0.804568

715.026 117.539 0.688184714.862 119.566 0.814267714.698 108.422 0.814267714.534 109.973 0.872459714.37 134.672 0.591197

714.206 103.551 0.804568714.042 93.7305 0.707581713.878 124.594 0.843363713.714 102.84 0.814267713.55 106.422 0.71728

713.386 106.156 0.591197713.222 138.18 0.707581713.058 116.453 0.358428712.894 98.8281 0.348729712.73 109.168 0.348729

712.566 104.113 0.290537712.402 114.926 0.775472712.238 120.461 1.47378712.073 132.789 1.3477711.909 128.922 0.707581711.745 94.3984 0.387524711.581 117.527 0.63969711.417 121.621 0.49421711.253 122.609 0.484511711.089 125.504 0.63969710.925 105.617 0.41662710.761 101.699 0.571799710.597 95.6758 0.445716710.433 117.039 0.571799710.269 123.086 0.707581710.105 112.234 0.804568709.941 121.551 0.979145709.777 96.7422 1.36709709.613 99.8164 1.07613709.449 102.605 0.746376709.285 95.0391 0.484511709.121 106.195 0.523306708.957 97.4883 0.678485708.793 104.176 0.746376708.629 89.293 0.649389708.465 120.863 0.86276708.301 101.969 0.688184708.136 96.5664 0.397223707.972 97.0625 0.397223707.808 82.6641 0.106262707.644 116.039 0.290537707.48 105.84 0.232345

707.316 106.668 0.358428707.152 87.8281 0.261441706.988 90.7422 0.368127706.824 113.199 0.125659706.66 103.813 0.203249

706.496 113.141 0.251742706.332 79.4648 0.649389706.168 102.004 -0.00042706.004 108.246 0.135358705.84 98.8398 0.222646

705.676 117.34 0.057768705.512 111.027 0.174153705.348 107.527 0.261441705.184 110.16 0.329332705.02 115.387 0.41662

704.856 143.625 0.63969704.692 123.887 0.775472704.528 120.129 1.39619704.364 149.875 0.688184704.199 128.938 0.329332704.035 114.063 0.300236703.871 105.734 0.49421703.707 139.539 0.455415703.543 106.047 0.765773703.379 97.4414 0.882158703.215 114.984 0.979145703.051 126.215 0.901555702.887 98.7773 0.620293702.723 98.7773 0.445716702.559 112.023 0.445716702.395 124.199 0.096563702.231 94.2344 1.06643702.067 102.23 0.542703701.903 101.645 0.348729701.739 98.2148 0.077166701.575 120.559 0.969446701.411 118.754 0.552402701.247 117.281 0.668786701.083 107.242 0.969446700.919 108.875 0.746376700.755 120.254 0.49421700.591 100.785 0.678485700.427 86.3945 0.552402700.262 93.3086 0.484511700.098 112.637 0.445716699.934 121.723 0.552402699.77 113.027 0.455415

699.606 150.375 0.484511699.442 115.809 0.746376699.278 116.203 1.02764699.114 96.4375 1.07613698.95 110.508 0.998542

698.786 132.313 0.86276698.622 130.133 0.329332698.458 126.563 0.319633698.294 126.43 0.329332698.13 103.785 0.27114

697.966 101.578 0.164454697.802 104.949 0.077166697.638 99.5898 0.135358697.474 103.016 0.096563697.31 101.77 0.077166

697.146 118.66 0.300236696.982 98.8242 0.251742696.818 107.883 0.096563696.654 96.8008 0.358428696.489 97.6758 0.445716696.325 82.2695 0.290537696.161 95.8047 0.038371695.997 108.055 0.028672695.833 122.672 0.096563695.669 118.438 0.038371695.505 101.461 0.251742695.341 95.918 0.484511695.177 110.313 0.329332695.013 124.711 0.358428694.849 87.9727 0.348729694.685 99.8555 0.232345694.521 113.207 0.106262694.357 107.172 0.261441694.193 95.4922 0.154755694.029 103.5 0.174153693.865 104.176 -0.03922693.701 122.738 -0.02952693.537 110.027 -0.08771693.373 125.098 -0.1556693.209 107.559 -0.38837693.045 107.863 -0.38837692.881 117.027 -0.48536692.717 101.852 -0.42717692.552 88.4844 -0.34958692.388 92.0625 -0.29139692.224 108.539 -0.12651692.06 103.672 0.348729

691.896 110.836 0.513607691.732 125.277 0.552402691.568 96.2539 0.397223691.404 122.32 0.290537691.24 108.48 0.348729

691.076 114.156 -0.02952690.912 121.98 -0.31078690.748 132.719 -0.63084690.584 132.43 -0.38837690.42 90.0195 0.232345

690.256 91.4336 0.620293690.092 100.766 1.03734689.928 114.938 1.2992689.764 108.277 0.649389

689.6 136.984 0.445716689.436 109.703 0.057768689.272 124.008 -0.03922689.108 145.406 -0.74722688.944 122.41 -0.61144688.78 95.3711 -0.2138

688.615 141.594 -0.1556688.451 122.734 -0.29139688.287 112.57 -0.1653688.123 119.512 0.038371687.959 120.828 0.348729687.795 113.441 0.329332687.631 101.023 0.397223687.467 108.082 0.71728687.303 128.156 0.368127687.139 133.023 0.581498686.975 136.594 1.23131686.811 102.68 1.41559686.647 127.535 0.930651686.483 123.789 0.901555686.319 123.02 0.542703686.155 131.508 0.125659685.991 105.793 -0.09741685.827 121.152 -0.76662685.663 111.746 -0.66963685.499 125.254 -0.80542685.335 116.621 -1.06728685.171 110.824 -1.06728685.007 127.684 -0.31078684.843 84.3555 0.426319684.678 118.609 1.59016684.514 120.766 2.0751684.35 108.59 1.87143

684.186 111.102 1.48348684.022 144.563 1.23131683.858 116.441 0.135358683.694 121.246 -1.13517683.53 116.465 -2.12444

683.366 107.172 -2.35721683.202 111.648 -3.28828683.038 103.789 -4.28725682.874 123.137 -3.59864682.71 152.867 -2.91973

682.546 95.6758 -2.98762682.382 113.09 -2.91973682.218 117.617 -2.35721682.054 114.977 -2.93913681.89 122.008 -2.96823

681.726 130.938 -3.05551681.562 129.211 -2.95853681.398 108.301 -3.11371681.234 113.18 -2.80335681.07 120.75 -2.15354

680.906 104.762 -1.93047680.741 139.813 -1.87227680.577 135.359 -2.21173680.413 94.8789 -2.98762680.249 125.395 -3.74412680.085 127.152 -4.41333679.921 129.133 -4.92736679.757 127.113 -5.81964679.593 101.77 -6.45006679.429 146.445 -6.57614679.265 118.168 -6.27548679.101 112.961 -5.22802678.937 131.609 -3.38527678.773 101.633 -1.41643678.609 93.0391 0.610594678.445 104.152 1.22161678.281 112.613 0.125659678.117 96.0859 -0.54355677.953 110.707 -1.54252677.789 87.9531 -2.96823677.625 108.703 -3.62774677.461 105.512 -2.15354677.297 113.391 -1.6492677.133 137.328 -1.83348676.969 107.02 -2.64817676.804 103.5 -3.72472676.64 118.996 -5.16013

676.476 103.059 -4.52002676.312 108.367 -3.62774676.148 132.313 -2.77425675.984 91.3047 -2.84214675.82 116.453 -3.9381

675.656 125.527 -6.53735675.492 122.813 -9.21419675.328 125.426 -10.669675.164 127.813 -11.7068

675 117.988 -13.6368674.836 97.3125 -13.7144674.672 105.668 -12.3372674.508 104.848 -11.3673674.344 121.773 -11.1539674.18 112.418 -10.2035

674.016 112.895 -8.73895673.852 101.188 -8.3704673.688 98.4297 -8.31221673.524 103.836 -7.73999673.36 119.766 -7.08047

673.196 100.844 -6.09121673.031 108.754 -4.35514672.867 115.043 -4.21936672.703 130.43 -4.54911672.539 95.6875 -4.56851672.375 106.91 -4.84008672.211 109.496 -6.24639672.047 106.84 -5.35411671.883 120.48 -3.64714671.719 117.684 -3.52105671.555 117.996 -3.8896671.391 123.102 -3.51135671.227 121.363 -3.84111671.063 112.648 -4.45213670.899 122.02 -4.53942670.735 105.094 -3.51135670.571 127.234 -3.01672670.407 99.3945 -2.26022670.243 103.309 -1.72679670.079 102.93 -0.67933669.915 93.3633 -0.23319669.751 120.52 -0.01982669.587 117.891 0.164454669.423 120.746 0.678485669.259 97.3906 0.513607669.094 132.703 0.222646668.93 94.8828 0.484511

668.766 126.418 0.872459668.602 126.316 0.232345668.438 97.3359 0.154755668.274 118.008 0.455415668.11 122.438 0.387524

667.946 96.3203 0.300236667.782 105.926 0.41662667.618 105.047 0.474812667.454 121.617 0.222646667.29 108.293 0.358428

667.126 105.367 0.610594666.962 107.563 0.552402666.798 94.3125 0.736677666.634 118.254 0.678485666.47 86.6367 0.843363

666.306 98.8398 0.096563666.142 112.625 -0.23319665.978 78.8633 0.028672665.814 112.805 -0.03922665.65 97.8945 -0.1847

665.486 113.355 -0.05862665.322 120.566 0.028672665.157 110.699 0.19355664.993 100.918 -0.02952664.829 117.469 -0.06831664.665 132.781 0.203249664.501 79.3711 0.19355664.337 107.066 0.261441664.173 115.023 0.571799664.009 123.254 1.00824663.845 108.484 0.969446663.681 117.43 1.15372663.517 88.8359 1.3186663.353 113.48 1.20221663.189 110.176 1.23131663.025 108.902 1.06643662.861 100.398 0.969446662.697 115.738 1.3186662.533 110.848 1.51257662.369 124.008 2.10419662.205 100.645 2.19148662.041 126.148 2.35636661.877 117.102 2.45335661.713 95.3789 2.58913661.549 109.91 2.8316661.385 119.117 2.96738661.22 107.805 3.41352

661.056 92.9063 3.97604660.892 106.781 4.3155660.728 123.426 4.86832660.564 122.996 5.36296

660.4 113.121 5.8091660.236 92.3867 6.5074660.072 89.6406 8.09799659.908 114.313 8.99997659.744 91.0586 8.96117659.58 111.031 9.65948

659.416 99.2148 10.7554659.252 103.723 12.0163659.088 104.176 13.2868658.924 91.1875 15.3526658.76 89.7344 16.8171

658.596 82.7891 18.495658.432 111.629 20.7257658.268 117.453 23.1504658.104 118.684 24.9446657.94 87.2031 26.9717

657.776 105.055 29.1248657.612 103.914 30.8705657.448 109.316 33.1594657.283 117.801 34.9925657.119 90.9531 37.4754656.955 121.875 39.5412656.791 88.2656 41.5779656.627 104.254 43.3819656.463 102.98 45.8162656.299 107.164 47.5717656.135 105.793 48.1536655.971 102.84 49.2787655.807 111.613 49.8897655.643 125.277 50.074655.479 129.047 50.4425655.315 122.965 50.5395655.151 111.09 51.1214654.987 119.914 51.7615654.823 106.77 51.4318654.659 114.273 49.9576654.495 112.793 47.4456654.331 95.0742 44.2838654.167 108.395 39.677654.003 107.117 37.9603653.839 91.9531 34.4494653.675 108.727 30.1237653.51 127.496 26.7874

653.346 79.3672 23.9069653.182 106.547 21.0361653.018 72.0977 19.5328652.854 111.953 18.0586652.69 101.008 16.4777

652.526 99.1016 15.6048652.362 89.4258 14.7028652.198 76.7734 14.0627652.034 62.6719 13.9657651.87 54.3574 12.6952

651.706 58.0957 12.5982651.542 57.2129 11.9678651.378 54.3262 11.8029651.214 29.7158 10.7069651.05 62.3477 10.6681

650.886 44.3125 10.2511650.722 59.3242 8.21438650.558 55.4941 7.56456650.394 28.9795 7.53547650.23 50.3145 6.90505

650.066 43.6523 6.85656649.902 43.9805 8.51503649.738 60.1211 9.40732649.573 43.4961 9.32003649.409 53.7168 9.22304649.245 46.6953 8.99997649.081 40.1758 8.44714648.917 62.4961 8.0204648.753 37.0527 8.12709648.589 46.709 7.97191648.425 46.4492 8.0495648.261 40.2031 8.38895648.097 56 8.53443647.933 49.7305 7.75854647.769 40.4785 7.2639647.605 53.377 7.2639647.441 45.8008 6.96324647.277 40.5625 6.60439647.113 36.0723 7.14752646.949 29.9434 6.97294646.785 34.6387 6.74017646.621 40.8496 6.73047646.457 31.125 6.89535646.293 38.7031 6.71108646.129 46.9102 6.83716645.965 58.2734 7.86522645.801 48.5527 8.14648645.636 47.2344 7.90402645.472 37.1973 7.73914645.308 40.2734 7.79733645.144 36.9609 7.95251644.98 27.2959 8.40835

644.816 59.3926 8.87389644.652 44.9727 9.04846644.488 52.9355 8.95148644.324 48.3242 8.63142644.16 54.2598 8.50534

643.996 41.7266 8.25317643.832 40.0137 7.9913643.668 64.6758 8.08829643.504 47.3164 8.60232643.34 51.2559 9.02907

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643.176 48.0039 9.95044643.012 59.7402 10.3384642.848 46.2988 10.3093642.684 68.8047 10.5421642.52 50.9238 11.124

642.356 32.6074 10.6778642.192 48.8887 10.9591642.028 34.1875 11.9969641.864 32.3145 12.5109641.699 40.8301 12.9182641.535 53.4492 14.0239641.371 43.5117 14.3343641.207 43.7188 14.053641.043 56.377 13.9657640.879 64.5547 13.762640.715 43.1719 13.5584640.551 43.4121 13.0637640.387 54.8379 11.9193640.223 40.0859 11.5022640.059 59.7207 11.6574639.895 44.8633 11.221639.731 38.707 10.6391639.567 33.9473 10.4063639.403 60.5313 10.6584639.239 49.7324 10.3772639.075 33.1426 9.22304638.911 56.2559 8.28227638.747 56.4551 8.96117638.583 67.3516 9.5431638.419 45.9414 8.66052638.255 44.1934 7.44818638.091 53.5625 7.09902637.927 73.1445 5.61512637.762 55.4102 3.85966637.598 48.5391 3.38442637.434 69.3516 3.19045637.27 53.127 2.90919

637.106 71.0313 2.44365636.942 84.3281 2.57943636.778 53.0996 3.02557636.614 69.7383 2.51154636.45 44.7852 2.67642

636.286 72.6172 2.38546636.122 80.7891 1.81323635.958 64.1758 1.25071635.794 70.5352 0.668786635.63 56.5254 0.232345

635.466 52.2051 0.998542635.302 66.3906 1.20221635.138 67.7773 0.688184634.974 67.8242 0.474812634.81 63.2383 0.688184

634.646 71.6484 0.348729634.482 52.5156 -0.09741634.318 66.0898 0.319633634.154 74.5859 -0.1847633.989 48.4141 -0.74722633.825 65.0508 -0.38837633.661 75.707 -0.2138633.497 74.9219 -0.12651633.333 60.0059 0.19355633.169 64.6602 0.19355633.005 66.4063 -0.08771632.841 44.9785 0.077166632.677 56.4141 -0.50476632.513 63.0859 -1.41643632.349 62.834 -1.28065632.185 59.6172 -1.21276632.021 59.3086 -1.42613631.857 48.1367 -1.42613631.693 60.9609 -1.16427631.529 59.668 -1.19336631.365 63.6465 -1.05758631.201 67.5703 -0.32048631.037 59.207 -0.42717630.873 58.0586 -0.80542630.709 59.4785 -0.60174630.545 75.8906 -0.52415630.381 70.8398 -0.48536630.217 58.7793 -0.8927630.052 63.416 -1.19336629.888 65.1953 -0.9218629.724 75.5039 -0.1944629.56 63.6309 -0.50476

629.396 61.2383 -1.19336629.232 43.6367 -0.66963629.068 61.6387 -0.73753628.904 68.1016 -0.45626628.74 85.9648 0.067467

628.576 55.4941 -0.1944628.412 46.3262 -0.47566628.248 69.0781 0.610594628.084 59.9668 0.814267627.92 72.3633 0.86276

627.756 65.1875 1.05673627.592 62.6641 1.05673627.428 69.7188 0.387524627.264 60.6035 0.135358

627.1 80.7109 0.009275626.936 61.7188 0.49421626.772 71.5781 0.41662626.608 56.3047 0.368127626.444 85.6055 0.707581626.28 67.1875 0.969446

626.115 78.6484 0.610594625.951 47.0273 0.804568625.787 54.9668 1.25071625.623 61.7891 1.17312625.459 68.0625 0.746376625.295 64.3203 0.329332625.131 66.6719 0.668786624.967 59.6816 0.814267624.803 48.8965 0.348729624.639 62.8398 0.581498624.475 58.2266 1.06643624.311 57.9648 0.911254624.147 80.0742 0.833664623.983 69.207 1.35739623.819 71.957 1.39619623.655 56.3008 0.86276623.491 51.4395 0.969446623.327 61.3145 1.22161623.163 31.5313 1.35739622.999 62.9785 1.07613622.835 64.4688 0.736677622.671 54.832 0.552402622.507 73.1367 0.397223622.343 67.6055 0.513607622.178 60.666 0.688184622.014 51.9258 1.10523621.85 53.5098 1.23131

621.686 61.918 0.911254621.522 48.7344 0.668786621.358 87.1406 0.71728621.194 63.2305 0.746376621.03 72.918 0.649389

620.866 53.9297 1.00824620.702 59.791 1.47378620.538 66.0898 1.36709620.374 48.4863 1.49318620.21 57.9102 1.09553

620.046 69.4141 0.387524619.882 73.3789 0.49421619.718 59.3418 0.154755619.554 66.2266 -0.00042619.39 68.0195 0.174153

619.226 65.6875 0.300236619.062 49.752 0.096563618.898 66.3125 -0.23319618.734 75.0078 0.135358618.57 61.1738 0.232345

618.406 62.8418 0.426319618.241 80.9414 1.23131618.077 79.7969 1.95871617.913 66.1953 2.24967617.749 66.4727 2.0363617.585 51.7246 1.95871617.421 56.9883 1.60956617.257 67.7852 1.26041617.093 58.0762 0.843363616.929 68.8516 0.513607616.765 56.1777 1.00824616.601 56.752 1.49318616.437 53.3867 2.52124616.273 65.9023 2.0751616.109 74.5469 1.70655615.945 54.6836 1.15372615.781 56.2598 0.368127615.617 73.8789 0.009275615.453 53.1016 -0.1847615.289 72.3086 -0.73753615.125 72.7578 -0.67933614.961 66.4805 -1.02849614.797 88.5234 -0.8927614.633 59.75 -0.52415614.469 67.7461 -0.33018614.304 66.0898 -0.09741614.14 55.834 -0.48536

613.976 63.2188 -0.9024613.812 69.75 -0.64054613.648 74.3516 -0.67933613.484 81.1602 -0.64054613.32 77.8125 -0.52415

613.156 61.6797 0.154755612.992 62.0684 0.261441612.828 85.9063 0.077166612.664 77.875 -0.00042

612.5 77.5742 0.251742612.336 53.1328 0.426319612.172 43.5918 0.329332612.008 75.5156 0.19355611.844 59.1016 0.426319611.68 67.707 0.057768

611.516 72.2422 0.552402611.352 66.7266 0.591197611.188 63.6406 0.736677611.024 53.0352 0.387524610.86 83.5156 0.804568

610.696 51.1719 0.63969610.531 57.8418 0.445716610.367 62.9336 0.581498610.203 67.2773 0.319633610.039 50.8301 -0.1653609.875 48.5918 0.649389609.711 65.7461 0.009275609.547 64.7617 -0.44656609.383 49.957 0.067467609.219 58.0625 0.397223609.055 62.6152 0.71728608.891 70.1406 0.49421608.727 59.0508 0.707581608.563 51.9121 0.668786608.399 71.2227 0.765773608.235 73.6992 0.843363608.071 70.8242 0.785171607.907 58.9922 0.71728607.743 81.375 0.620293607.579 67.7188 0.542703607.415 63.2344 0.387524607.251 53.834 0.523306607.087 64.0859 0.94035606.923 74.8086 0.552402606.759 77.793 0.203249606.594 71.4414 0.251742606.43 74.4141 0.775472

606.266 73.0469 1.06643606.102 59.0762 0.843363605.938 70.1758 1.17312605.774 80.6016 2.10419605.61 59.3496 2.66672

605.446 51.9102 2.12359605.282 67.4805 1.44468605.118 54.9121 1.10523604.954 71.9961 0.843363604.79 60.3359 0.765773

604.626 49.1543 1.05673604.462 56.3906 0.959747604.298 53.1836 1.03734604.134 62.8672 1.2895603.97 67.9727 1.88112

603.806 68.6211 1.78414603.642 64.3945 1.68715603.478 76.7344 1.80353603.314 80.875 1.59016603.15 65.8828 1.91022

602.986 71.5117 2.31757602.822 78.4688 1.64836602.657 71.2813 1.44468602.493 78.875 1.35739602.329 54.918 1.2992602.165 69.168 1.38649602.001 55.7539 1.3186601.837 59.0195 1.35739601.673 59.8867 1.2895601.509 67.5391 1.20221601.345 61.7891 1.19252601.181 68.8203 1.09553601.017 74.0078 1.17312600.853 67.0586 1.15372600.689 47.5176 1.36709600.525 74.2148 0.814267600.361 80.9844 0.969446600.197 69.2188 1.05673600.033 64.7031 1.02764599.869 62.3086 0.71728599.705 83.2852 0.581498599.541 64.5391 0.94035599.377 72.8164 1.25071599.213 59.1719 1.84233599.049 57.4023 2.66672598.885 67.8242 2.28847598.72 56.002 1.99751

598.556 39.8008 1.44468598.392 57.8848 0.804568598.228 72.75 0.610594598.064 62.2832 0.028672

597.9 58.4355 0.077166597.736 55.2656 0.445716597.572 54.9121 0.901555597.408 74.0547 0.27114597.244 62.8926 0.164454597.08 65.2148 0.513607

596.916 67.2344 -0.34958596.752 53.8594 -1.12547596.588 71.2539 -1.08668596.424 59.791 -1.22246596.26 39.4004 -0.87331

596.096 62.7617 0.096563595.932 57.3242 0.154755595.768 51.0313 1.07613595.604 43.4063 2.0751595.44 69.207 2.0945

595.276 47.2344 1.74534595.112 57.9941 1.76474594.948 57.8887 1.67745594.783 48.1348 1.41559594.619 66.4219 1.26041594.455 49.6582 1.70655594.291 51.1055 1.76474594.127 66.2539 0.814267593.963 47.7402 1.25071593.799 58.1992 1.09553593.635 56.541 1.19252593.471 67.5 1.58046593.307 58.1797 1.74534593.143 38.7793 1.3477592.979 49.4082 1.3283592.815 60.7246 1.93932592.651 44.1973 1.26041592.487 75.7734 1.54167592.323 54.707 1.13432592.159 55.1387 1.36709591.995 67.7148 1.23131591.831 56.1309 1.76474591.667 51.1387 0.668786591.503 62.9258 0.591197591.339 51.6777 0.591197591.175 50.1797 0.872459591.01 59.627 0.688184

590.846 39.7422 0.785171590.682 51.1523 0.930651590.518 49.7168 0.649389590.354 49.3926 0.552402590.19 47.9727 0.222646

590.026 52.9102 0.368127589.862 67 0.445716589.698 66.3008 0.523306589.534 56.6152 0.71728589.37 46.6992 0.581498

589.206 50.0352 0.63969589.042 48.2461 0.71728588.878 76.4648 0.804568588.714 57.6406 0.688184588.55 50.6484 0.969446

588.386 70.8867 1.80353588.222 52.0039 2.0266588.058 69.543 2.45335587.894 68.4609 2.35636587.73 56.2559 0.552402

587.566 52.6113 -1.13517587.402 56.625 -2.12444587.238 48.3125 -2.93913587.073 40.959 -3.28828586.909 40.0938 -2.84214586.745 71.1563 -1.51342586.581 53.1172 -0.45626586.417 56.8301 0.261441586.253 69.8359 0.86276586.089 82.5195 0.901555585.925 42.7793 0.591197585.761 38.8789 0.009275585.597 67.9141 0.028672585.433 35.5508 -0.05862585.269 46.7324 -0.11681585.105 54.5391 1.22161584.941 64.0781 1.2992584.777 64.0781 1.77444584.613 50.5684 2.19148584.449 69.375 2.35636584.285 66.3828 0.668786584.121 60.0156 -0.1944583.957 52.2129 -1.83348583.793 47.5625 -2.35721583.629 48.0039 -3.55015583.465 65.668 -4.53942583.301 51.7441 -4.69459583.136 52.7148 -4.13207582.972 73.8164 -4.27755582.808 63.0566 -4.74309582.644 56.4551 -2.67727582.48 51.6348 -0.73753

582.316 48.4512 -0.1556582.152 58.0273 0.804568581.988 64.625 1.63866581.824 77.332 2.51154581.66 74.6992 2.99647

581.496 64.2578 2.8025581.332 58.2051 2.8316581.168 72.1133 2.86069581.004 53.2617 2.25937580.84 44.8438 1.70655

580.676 60.3535 1.87143580.512 55.457 2.32726580.348 69.6172 2.17208580.184 58.4102 2.0363580.02 49.1172 1.99751

579.856 57.4082 2.28847579.692 63.5273 1.86173579.528 52.9453 2.15269579.364 44.918 1.73564579.199 57.0254 2.0945579.035 55.7559 2.19148578.871 54.3672 1.64836578.707 60.4785 1.51257578.543 56.6426 1.45438578.379 66.0664 1.83263578.215 49.7832 1.77444578.051 85.5469 1.81323577.887 56.0195 1.84233577.723 49.791 2.31757577.559 66.6797 2.26907577.395 54.4492 2.0654577.231 61.1426 1.78414577.067 44.666 1.57077576.903 59.1875 1.77444576.739 58.0313 1.90052576.575 36.1973 1.64836576.411 50.6406 2.22058576.247 57.1172 1.87143576.083 47.0332 2.00721575.919 60.1797 2.00721575.755 65.9609 1.88112575.591 44.4473 1.93932575.427 44.5254 2.60853575.262 53.2148 2.49214575.098 56.8848 1.90052574.934 57.1406 2.0945574.77 52.6973 2.55033

574.606 39.4902 2.48244574.442 58.252 2.24967574.278 61.1328 2.44365574.114 40.9746 2.10419573.95 69.7617 2.00721

573.786 50.502 1.90052573.622 68.6367 2.0751573.458 62.3652 1.55137573.294 54.7793 1.71625573.13 66.3906 1.97811

572.966 61.4336 2.19148572.802 64.7617 1.61926572.638 64.3672 1.47378572.474 54.2559 1.95871572.31 52.7109 2.0557

572.146 45.6777 1.55137571.982 43.75 1.97811571.818 50.5488 1.92962571.654 66.8438 2.48244571.489 66.0586 2.0751571.325 54.4648 2.00721571.161 59.6816 1.63866570.997 61.6543 1.91022570.833 62.3594 1.93932570.669 49.4258 2.0266570.505 58.3887 2.17208570.341 73.6914 1.71625570.177 51.2051 1.68715570.013 59.8027 2.0751569.849 58.0625 1.58046569.685 57.7969 1.88112569.521 36.832 1.44468569.357 68.4258 1.67745569.193 61.4922 1.87143569.029 45.0664 2.15269568.865 58.0781 2.52124568.701 49.7266 1.70655568.537 64.9102 1.83263568.373 65.8125 1.59016568.209 54.3926 1.49318568.045 70.2813 1.70655567.881 61.2305 1.93932567.717 52.375 1.93932567.552 55.6777 1.73564567.388 64.9258 1.39619567.224 51.3672 1.59016567.06 46.2461 1.67745

566.896 51.4141 1.64836566.732 54.2813 1.68715566.568 51.0313 1.66775566.404 63.1445 1.59016566.24 53.2617 1.17312

566.076 52.7617 1.06643565.912 65.3203 0.63969565.748 52.7227 0.251742565.584 59.5977 0.319633565.42 58.8965 0.445716

565.256 68.4609 0.785171565.092 53.1602 1.12463564.928 64.1016 1.61926564.764 83.6445 0.571799

564.6 74.6211 0.513607564.436 59.543 0.552402564.272 70.9766 -0.06831564.108 57.1836 0.096563563.944 58.6074 1.2992563.78 69.875 1.96841

563.615 79.1445 2.00721563.451 57.2227 2.16239563.287 68.1094 1.91022563.123 73.8125 1.87143562.959 64.8711 1.87143562.795 48.4082 1.22161562.631 67.1289 1.48348562.467 64.6953 1.54167562.303 42.916 1.48348562.139 50.0098 1.17312561.975 76.8828 1.42529561.811 59.9531 1.10523561.647 58.0566 0.901555561.483 64.832 0.930651561.319 30.6709 1.10523561.155 66.7734 1.19252560.991 76.6445 0.843363560.827 48.0879 1.27011560.663 41.4102 1.09553560.499 63.3125 1.02764560.335 53.2051 0.804568560.171 69.1445 0.86276560.007 55.7734 1.10523559.843 52.1055 1.3477559.678 59.5293 1.64836559.514 53.625 1.71625559.35 61.8281 1.42529

559.186 65.9531 0.765773559.022 60.9902 0.688184558.858 69.2695 0.261441558.694 56.6055 0.261441558.53 55.2793 0.649389

558.366 57.1797 1.09553558.202 66.5273 1.52227558.038 56.9785 1.2992557.874 44.4961 1.44468557.71 46.1484 1.45438

557.546 60.9258 1.42529557.382 59.6406 1.3477557.218 57.8574 1.39619557.054 51.9629 1.19252556.89 48.0762 0.581498

556.726 66.5117 0.523306556.562 89.4219 0.41662556.398 56.1055 0.164454556.234 54.8398 1.10523556.07 67.9141 1.44468

555.906 61.8652 1.19252555.741 70.5781 1.38649555.577 71.2773 1.90052555.413 51.7285 1.16342555.249 72.9492 0.94035555.085 58.998 0.523306554.921 46.168 0.038371554.757 59.834 -0.37867554.593 80.5195 0.135358554.429 47.3027 1.07613

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554.265 64.8516 1.44468554.101 49.6816 1.2992553.937 53.0215 1.54167553.773 68.1211 1.2895553.609 64.8789 1.06643553.445 56.4961 0.455415553.281 59.623 0.067467553.117 59.2051 -0.47566552.953 52.1504 0.164454552.789 48.2969 0.591197552.625 71.375 -0.08771552.461 51.7363 0.222646552.297 61.6055 1.05673552.133 64.4492 0.63969551.968 61.2246 0.358428551.804 72.1563 0.775472551.64 63.1211 1.13432

551.476 63.1992 0.71728551.312 61.4258 0.484511551.148 67.9766 0.843363550.984 45.8457 0.843363550.82 54.2695 0.203249

550.656 62.9199 0.649389550.492 51.7754 0.668786550.328 53.7168 0.746376550.164 61.0176 0.571799

550 67.9805 0.474812549.836 63.0156 0.571799549.672 68.0352 0.057768549.508 64.7539 0.067467549.344 53.1055 -0.29139549.18 68.5078 0.19355

549.016 49.1289 -0.1944548.852 45.2598 -0.00042548.688 56.998 -0.09741548.524 58.0645 -0.23319548.36 66.668 -0.09741

548.196 41.6348 -0.34958548.031 76.4453 -0.45626547.867 67.0313 -0.31078547.703 54.1758 0.028672547.539 45.6895 0.028672547.375 72.7656 -0.13621547.211 59.9648 -0.08771547.047 53.5801 -0.08771546.883 57 0.319633546.719 57.5273 -0.00042546.555 62.7188 0.348729546.391 63.3066 0.552402546.227 62.041 0.785171546.063 58.7539 0.71728545.899 56.1113 1.48348545.735 51.6484 1.86173545.571 63.3418 2.0654545.407 58.082 2.22058545.243 33.9531 2.63762545.079 74.3984 2.23028544.915 71.9375 1.76474544.751 52.2188 1.16342544.587 48.332 0.746376544.423 59.7344 1.02764544.259 59.6875 1.36709544.094 71.1914 1.68715543.93 62.8281 1.51257

543.766 56.0332 2.60853543.602 61.9844 1.86173543.438 91.1914 1.35739543.274 63.416 1.27011543.11 70.3047 1.3283

542.946 68.0234 1.64836542.782 56.6738 2.20118542.618 50.7441 1.81323542.454 56.5977 1.54167542.29 59.6094 2.26907

542.126 54.8867 2.23028541.962 52.1719 2.13329541.798 55.9609 1.76474541.634 51.5547 1.99751541.47 69.9492 2.74431

541.306 44.4629 2.8025541.142 56.1836 1.58046540.978 68.1406 1.86173540.814 80.4766 3.05467540.65 57.832 2.57943

540.486 75.5703 3.66568540.322 70.4727 5.09139540.157 80.4063 4.85862539.993 64.9102 4.03424539.829 41.6328 3.84026539.665 56.3398 3.22924539.501 73.8867 1.54167539.337 61.5098 1.58046539.173 67.7031 1.55137539.009 61.6582 2.26907538.845 56.5566 2.8316538.681 67.9297 3.29713538.517 55.041 3.24864538.353 78.1602 2.96738538.189 67.8359 2.54064538.025 69.5039 2.39516537.861 71.75 3.05467537.697 55.873 3.97604537.533 68.25 4.07303537.369 73.9336 3.36503537.205 46.2988 3.89845537.041 54.5254 4.12152536.877 80.0234 4.41248536.713 63.0859 4.49007536.549 64.2422 4.39309536.385 64.1484 4.12152536.22 51.6855 3.86936

536.056 63.3066 3.89845535.892 61.8789 3.84026535.728 90.7734 3.66568535.564 55.0605 4.13122

535.4 50.166 3.84026535.236 63.3359 3.5881535.072 64.6172 3.38442534.908 58.4473 3.67538534.744 65.043 2.97708534.58 62.9766 2.8025

534.416 55.0664 3.28744534.252 53.3008 3.05467534.088 67.4336 3.34563533.924 60.0547 2.66672533.76 70.4102 2.36606

533.596 55.209 2.29817533.432 63.0156 2.20118533.268 58.0273 1.90052533.104 54.8086 2.51154532.94 48.3281 3.19045

532.776 54.5059 3.68508532.612 61.6289 3.13226532.448 69.5508 2.8413532.283 62.3848 3.17105532.119 65.4453 3.28744531.955 45.1309 3.45231531.791 46.9668 2.99647531.627 83.3477 2.73461531.463 43.1816 3.06437531.299 55.125 2.88009531.135 58.0059 2.61823530.971 54.957 2.73461530.807 66.9297 2.10419530.643 79.9492 2.55033530.479 66.3906 2.23028530.315 76.5234 2.25937530.151 64.6836 2.23028529.987 75.5742 1.63866529.823 39.9629 2.00721529.659 63.0723 2.0945529.495 55.0195 1.36709529.331 66.0078 1.52227529.167 58.0469 2.0945529.003 59.4551 1.84233528.839 63.4844 1.78414528.675 58.0176 1.76474528.51 51.7832 1.36709

528.346 47.8809 1.35739528.182 47.5645 1.39619528.018 68.5664 1.2895527.854 61.9258 0.649389527.69 64.9531 0.998542

527.526 81.8828 0.901555527.362 58.1113 0.552402527.198 70.1602 0.484511527.034 49.9922 0.610594526.87 63.4492 0.49421

526.706 60.3301 0.445716526.542 69.7773 0.542703526.378 56.5137 0.542703526.214 75.0234 0.86276526.05 53.082 0.746376

525.886 77.4883 0.251742525.722 61.291 -0.12651525.558 55.9141 -0.52415525.394 89.5469 -0.70843525.23 56.9805 -1.45523

525.066 78.375 -1.08668524.902 56.7422 -0.61144524.738 46.041 -0.34958524.573 66.7734 -0.52415524.409 63.6719 -0.54355524.245 77.2109 -0.54355524.081 52.4375 -0.37867523.917 57.0273 -0.1944523.753 53.3809 -0.23319523.589 56.3945 -0.38837523.425 79.9297 -0.34958523.261 71.8164 -0.48536523.097 43.3359 -0.57265522.933 69.9609 -0.9412522.769 48.2656 -1.42613522.605 73.0938 -1.79468522.441 65.0117 -1.38734522.277 68.0898 -1.47463522.113 66.3359 -1.03818521.949 57.6211 -0.69873521.785 77.7344 -0.40777521.621 77.9727 -1.28065521.457 72.5195 -1.08668521.293 54.4844 -0.55325521.129 59.0586 -0.76662520.965 49.373 -1.01879520.801 49.5098 -0.9412520.636 41.1465 -0.64054520.472 63.4238 -0.79572520.308 44.5156 -0.1944520.144 47.7988 -0.54355519.98 64.875 -0.26229

519.816 64.1719 -0.44656519.652 60.0371 -0.69873519.488 59.9785 -0.1847519.324 53.1719 0.19355519.16 55.0645 -0.09741

518.996 58.3184 0.261441518.832 68.3633 0.707581518.668 78.7656 1.07613518.504 60.2188 0.998542518.34 64.6563 0.746376

518.176 53.1211 0.232345518.012 48.123 -0.13621517.848 54.627 -0.63084517.684 49.5508 -1.08668517.52 79.7188 -0.87331

517.356 66.293 -0.47566517.192 62.502 -0.1847517.028 66.9063 -0.8927516.864 52.2559 -1.15457516.699 66.3633 -1.58131516.535 61.5645 -1.80438516.371 41.2207 -1.74619516.207 54.916 -1.57161516.043 51.1328 -0.84421515.879 60.9023 -1.18367515.715 58.9023 -1.18367515.551 80.1016 -1.50372515.387 76.4102 -0.61144515.223 59.5645 -1.29035515.059 71.3672 -1.57161514.895 61.7422 -0.9315514.731 68.2852 -0.32048514.567 63.543 -1.03818514.403 71.7031 -1.02849514.239 73.2813 -0.31078514.075 39.9004 -1.18367513.911 53.0566 -2.15354513.747 54.6855 -1.89167513.583 62.7832 -1.6395513.419 71.4531 -1.42613513.255 56.0703 -0.83451513.091 86.8672 0.009275512.927 63.7305 0.125659512.762 70.4453 0.125659512.598 61.0176 0.106262512.434 72.543 0.125659512.27 53.2871 -0.25259

512.106 77.3086 -0.55325511.942 40.8008 -0.52415511.778 42.2695 -0.11681511.614 74.7539 -0.2138511.45 63.2422 0.135358

511.286 78.3359 0.882158511.122 68.4727 1.2992510.958 50.418 0.63969510.794 54.9297 -0.00042510.63 51.6543 -0.38837

510.466 53.5723 -1.09638510.302 50.0098 -1.54252510.138 71.1133 -1.60071509.974 90.3047 -0.31078509.81 52.9121 -0.1944

509.646 57.7227 0.203249509.482 57.8574 -0.01982509.318 65.9961 0.71728509.154 61.2715 0.882158508.989 61.2383 1.07613508.825 53.5391 1.06643508.661 43.377 0.348729508.497 75.918 0.096563508.333 55.2793 -0.29139508.169 64.6602 -0.32048508.005 63.1328 -0.35928507.841 51.2051 -0.31078507.677 58.1484 -0.26229507.513 44.5176 0.523306507.349 55.2344 0.901555507.185 53.4551 0.804568507.021 72.0898 0.71728506.857 58.1035 0.668786506.693 68.5703 0.27114506.529 52.0488 -0.1556506.365 68.4258 0.154755506.201 67.6602 0.329332506.037 54.5078 -0.25259505.873 68.3516 -0.57265505.709 69.8516 -1.13517505.545 73.9844 -1.34854505.381 61.6191 -1.89167505.217 59.4004 -1.80438505.052 69.2891 -1.26125504.888 60.0488 -1.29035504.724 77.3945 -0.26229504.56 66.6172 0.348729

504.396 69.5195 -0.1944504.232 53.0234 -0.02952504.068 85.8125 1.3186503.904 39.2246 0.843363503.74 61.5898 0.426319

503.576 63.0762 1.10523503.412 57.8848 0.930651503.248 64.1953 -0.45626503.084 53.3965 -0.44656502.92 60.1035 0.203249

502.756 64.8516 0.077166502.592 43.2441 -0.05862502.428 60.6328 -0.48536502.264 58.4727 0.329332

502.1 44.877 0.959747501.936 68.2852 0.785171501.772 79.5742 0.552402501.608 52.6797 0.746376501.444 51.1855 1.06643501.28 51.2773 1.25071

501.115 61.4766 1.44468500.951 44.4766 1.87143500.787 64.7852 1.74534500.623 51.5605 0.911254500.459 41.6309 1.2992500.295 47.0371 1.95871500.131 55.9336 0.911254499.967 71.4648 1.02764499.803 56.623 1.16342499.639 64.6953 0.765773499.475 66.6641 0.804568499.311 60.0176 0.959747499.147 60.8008 1.35739498.983 71.1484 1.58046498.819 67.1289 1.41559498.655 58.2012 1.3477498.491 81.4453 1.03734498.327 56.7148 1.3283498.163 56.7676 1.84233497.999 61.5703 1.45438497.835 63.125 1.20221497.671 56.584 1.38649497.507 68.8867 1.10523497.343 56.3555 1.78414497.178 61.2441 1.64836497.014 55.9766 1.83263496.85 53.1855 1.03734

496.686 72.9258 1.10523496.522 39.7227 1.13432496.358 79.918 1.47378496.194 56.5605 1.96841496.03 38.7598 1.66775

495.866 35.4375 1.66775495.702 68.4727 1.64836495.538 56.668 1.74534495.374 54.248 1.70655495.21 37.2988 1.66775

495.046 76.3477 1.77444494.882 74.4375 1.83263494.718 61.7617 1.84233494.554 42.959 2.39516494.39 43.2773 2.24967

494.226 61.7871 2.0266494.062 63.0176 2.29817493.898 68.4141 1.91022493.734 46.3828 1.73564493.57 56.2402 1.84233

493.406 49.7793 1.71625493.241 77.7852 1.81323493.077 56.0332 1.70655492.913 69.3398 1.61926492.749 71.332 1.76474492.585 63.0156 2.13329492.421 43.4141 1.92962492.257 53.5098 1.77444492.093 53.0078 1.70655491.929 68.6484 1.91022491.765 59.1914 2.32726491.601 64.9297 2.54064491.437 66.8203 2.36606491.273 57.7637 2.0557491.109 52.7246 1.60956490.945 68.2305 1.67745490.781 54.0078 2.29817490.617 60.0879 2.0363490.453 51.6133 2.20118490.289 67.0547 2.28847490.125 53.4063 2.10419489.961 44.834 2.22058489.797 58.1855 1.95871489.633 79.4258 1.97811489.468 79.2383 1.78414489.304 61.252 1.45438489.14 66.3359 1.61926

488.976 62.8008 1.54167488.812 77.918 1.81323488.648 66.2461 1.63866488.484 56.0449 1.66775488.32 56.5 1.68715

488.156 66.6797 2.28847487.992 51.2305 1.68715487.828 46.7188 1.35739487.664 62.3926 1.61926

487.5 57.8516 1.13432487.336 54.3242 1.48348487.172 54.6055 1.90052487.008 83.9883 1.51257486.844 66.6563 1.58046486.68 65.6406 1.97811

486.516 75.9219 1.55137486.352 51.5469 1.22161486.188 71.7891 1.78414486.024 69.8359 1.80353485.86 77.668 1.66775

485.696 53.3184 2.10419485.531 61.3242 2.44365485.367 46.5781 1.73564485.203 68.4922 1.3186485.039 74.3477 1.63866484.875 52.7734 1.86173484.711 59.4922 1.44468484.547 67.9922 1.67745484.383 71.1133 1.91022484.219 56.2852 1.58046484.055 49.4453 1.78414483.891 64.5898 1.70655483.727 53.1328 1.64836483.563 72.5234 1.73564483.399 62.6387 2.00721483.235 43.8965 2.7831483.071 42.9395 2.70551482.907 48.0918 2.25937482.743 53.0293 2.16239482.579 52.3516 1.51257482.415 48.8691 1.87143482.251 58.5586 1.76474482.087 72.8633 2.00721481.923 66.3242 2.25937481.759 61.2832 2.20118481.594 54.9043 1.61926481.43 72.9375 1.83263

481.266 77.7539 1.3477481.102 59.6797 1.44468480.938 65.7813 1.3283480.774 52.8555 1.49318480.61 39.6426 0.901555

480.446 50.9785 1.19252480.282 72.9688 1.2895480.118 62.9844 0.765773479.954 57.5859 1.06643479.79 63.0137 0.387524

479.626 56.3203 0.232345479.462 50.0449 -0.1653479.298 57.3555 0.251742479.134 55.1035 0.71728478.97 61.6523 0.387524

478.806 54.3984 0.49421478.642 49.7441 -0.00042478.478 75.2344 -0.8927478.314 59.4902 -1.29035478.15 41.8984 -2.83244

477.986 43.1758 -2.93913477.822 64.3438 -2.74516477.657 76.418 -2.30871477.493 69.8086 -2.21173477.329 48.0332 -2.23112477.165 61.5859 -1.98866477.001 66.6133 -1.92077476.837 64.1445 -1.86257476.673 51.4922 -1.7074476.509 51.5313 -1.62981476.345 62.7031 -1.83348476.181 51.3203 -2.06625476.017 59.5586 -1.99836475.853 61.2168 -2.01775475.689 54.2363 -0.9412475.525 76.082 -0.44656475.361 59.9531 -0.8927475.197 60.3633 -1.83348475.033 59.7324 -2.98762474.869 51.3691 -3.8896474.705 69.8672 -4.44243474.541 44.4219 -4.89827474.377 54.6035 -4.6267474.213 68.4063 -3.52105474.049 68.6289 -2.72576473.885 47.9395 -1.6686473.72 53.0684 -1.23216

473.556 89.4102 -0.34958473.392 81.3359 -1.28065473.228 64.5 -2.25052473.064 63.2539 -3.31738

472.9 65.2695 -4.19026472.736 61.2441 -5.422472.572 73.3281 -5.81964472.408 59.584 -6.02332472.244 54.4805 -6.93499472.08 66.3164 -8.12793

471.916 66.0859 -8.68076471.752 52.8652 -8.60317471.588 65.1094 -8.98142471.424 66.2461 -9.1366471.26 57.8438 -8.51588

471.096 70.582 -7.49752470.932 52.8066 -6.21729470.768 69.9883 -5.31531470.604 49.623 -3.95749470.44 67.1406 -2.05655

470.276 59.9844 -0.28169470.112 61.0156 0.930651469.948 65.5508 1.3283469.783 51.5078 1.45438469.619 58.3691 1.49318469.455 58.1504 1.2895469.291 69.7148 1.42529469.127 55.1055 1.52227468.963 59.9531 1.61926468.799 62.9141 1.48348468.635 53.2559 1.20221468.471 56.7207 1.26041468.307 34.7773 0.765773468.143 69.4883 1.13432467.979 59.4648 0.843363467.815 70.957 0.872459467.651 51.0703 0.979145467.487 53.1016 0.688184467.323 48.1309 0.445716467.159 53.0293 0.86276466.995 58.498 0.71728466.831 69.3086 0.513607466.667 69.6484 1.26041466.503 51.6133 1.52227466.339 61.8398 1.90052466.175 75.3203 1.45438466.01 59.8828 0.668786

465.846 60.4727 0.27114465.682 51.6719 -0.29139465.518 75.1719 0.19355

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465.354 46.6309 0.329332465.19 74.7305 0.232345

465.026 56.707 -0.65024464.862 36.7832 -1.57161464.698 33.5215 -2.06625464.534 76.3906 -2.4154464.37 73.3047 -2.45419

464.206 33.2266 -2.13414464.042 66.1641 -1.96926463.878 51.3926 -1.80438463.714 65.832 -1.58131463.55 42.7734 -1.84318

463.386 69.7305 -1.74619463.222 52.957 -1.34854463.058 59.7188 -0.64054462.894 58.8516 -0.1944462.73 47.5527 -0.35928

462.566 69.7773 -0.47566462.402 63.2285 -0.84421462.238 51.8457 -1.45523462.073 61.9375 -1.44553461.909 50.9863 -0.44656461.745 67.6914 0.19355461.581 65.4805 0.571799461.417 54.9121 0.455415461.253 64.6641 -0.83451461.089 64.7344 -1.90137460.925 55.2012 -1.94016460.761 63.4844 -1.76559460.597 70.0898 -1.89167460.433 75.2148 -1.25156460.269 71.3438 -1.02849460.105 64.2383 -0.31078459.941 51.3223 -0.00042459.777 54.5195 -0.05862459.613 54.209 1.47378459.449 54.7148 3.25834459.285 39.9453 2.0557459.121 62.7676 -0.80542458.957 68.2188 -1.61041458.793 70.043 -4.73339458.629 48.9844 -8.15703458.465 66.6992 -8.27341458.301 68.6094 -5.31531458.136 46.2539 -3.8993457.972 66.7656 -1.52312457.808 53.5781 0.513607457.644 57.6172 1.39619457.48 57.3184 1.92962

457.316 56.9785 2.42425457.152 69.3672 2.22058456.988 60.7715 1.63866456.824 75.2188 1.61926456.66 70.1641 1.58046

456.496 53.2051 1.17312456.332 56.4414 1.03734456.168 90.4258 1.12463456.004 57.416 0.998542455.84 84.2422 1.05673

455.676 70.3398 0.998542455.512 51.5547 0.969446455.348 44.9668 0.649389455.184 54.8125 0.804568455.02 59.916 0.86276

454.856 53.418 1.09553454.692 68.3203 0.86276454.528 67.1172 1.12463454.364 58.1055 1.09553454.199 49.7266 0.882158454.035 61.9199 0.523306453.871 59.9395 0.581498453.707 47.7129 0.765773453.543 51.1328 0.649389453.379 64.2656 1.22161453.215 45.1406 1.35739453.051 48.2266 0.94035452.887 51.5957 0.523306452.723 43.4707 0.571799452.559 61.5488 0.261441452.395 70.0391 -0.06831452.231 55.502 -0.13621452.067 69.7539 0.125659451.903 68.7695 0.300236451.739 60.584 0.077166451.575 45.4434 0.009275451.411 74.6953 -0.63084451.247 42.1445 -1.35824451.083 71.8086 -2.59968450.919 68.8438 -2.84214450.755 47.4668 -2.73546450.591 49.334 -2.87124450.427 68.4297 -2.82275450.262 58 -2.28932450.098 60.1719 -2.27962449.934 81.6211 -2.4251449.77 50.5684 -2.52209

449.606 64.1367 -2.4251449.442 60.4531 -2.28932449.278 56.3457 -1.74619449.114 59.1289 -1.58131448.95 58.9844 -1.26125

448.786 42.6172 -0.87331448.622 70.5039 -0.80542448.458 58.7188 -0.70843448.294 57.3301 -1.08668448.13 68.6328 -1.02849

447.966 48.7402 -0.98969447.802 59.9805 -0.97029447.638 79.2852 -0.60174447.474 53.5391 0.174153447.31 70.6953 0.523306

447.146 69.4766 0.785171446.982 45.4297 1.12463446.818 48.5918 1.05673446.654 79.5195 0.474812446.489 52.1602 0.261441446.325 74.582 -0.06831446.161 58.916 -0.1653445.997 75.6328 -0.1653445.833 50.0938 -0.26229445.669 60 -0.66963445.505 52.1934 -0.55325445.341 52.0879 -0.58235445.177 56.332 -0.42717445.013 64.293 -0.29139444.849 57.416 0.009275444.685 68.4961 -0.03922444.521 48.9355 -0.01982444.357 52.3652 0.290537444.193 71.8789 -0.2138444.029 76.793 -0.52415443.865 48.5918 -1.6395443.701 50.4922 -2.08564443.537 66.2188 -1.6686443.373 56.5566 -1.54252443.209 48.5332 -1.41643443.045 46.9219 -1.41643442.881 46.7715 -1.41643442.717 64.5 -1.82378442.552 59.9414 -2.02745442.388 42.1406 -2.69666442.224 66.5352 -3.25919442.06 72.1875 -3.69563

441.896 52.75 -3.21069441.732 51.0742 -2.93913441.568 49.9473 -2.62877441.404 51.9395 -1.96926441.24 85.2539 -0.82481

441.076 59.6563 -1.29035440.912 66.0273 -1.23216440.748 82.4844 -1.11577440.584 57.1504 -0.8927440.42 59.8379 -1.76559

440.256 55.1367 -0.9412440.092 66.8555 -1.15457439.928 61.7656 -0.9024439.764 69.2578 -1.35824

439.6 56.6484 -1.79468439.436 76.0938 -1.76559439.272 65.3867 -1.82378439.108 67.5313 -1.93047438.944 49.9844 -1.7074438.78 61.3848 -1.50372

438.615 56.4336 -1.6783438.451 77.582 -1.57161438.287 48.4707 -1.54252438.123 61.252 -1.79468437.959 60.1328 -1.6492437.795 65.3477 -1.6783437.631 59.3613 -1.73649437.467 83.2617 -1.86257437.303 61.6914 -1.84318437.139 45.3379 -2.35721436.975 66.707 -1.89167436.811 54.7422 -1.80438436.647 69.2578 -1.92077436.483 74.9766 -1.38734436.319 64.9805 -0.8927436.155 63.0098 -0.87331435.991 66.6992 -0.2138435.827 74.4492 -1.01879435.663 46.8047 -0.76662435.499 56.7012 -1.05758435.335 59.4258 -0.87331435.171 56.4922 -1.16427435.007 68.1602 -0.87331434.843 61.1035 -1.47463434.678 69.4766 -1.48432434.514 50.1484 -1.35824434.35 75.9492 -2.18263

434.186 57.7441 -1.82378434.022 61.0508 -1.13517433.858 60.0762 -1.23216433.694 46.8711 -1.6395433.53 50.8359 -1.6686

433.366 78.168 -1.03818433.202 39.9082 -1.82378433.038 62.3477 -2.06625432.874 64.6367 -2.30871432.71 74.6836 -2.27962

432.546 67.6875 -1.40674432.382 65.1367 -1.47463432.218 52.0176 -0.9315432.054 72.9844 -0.51446431.89 63.2734 0.164454

431.726 58.2871 0.251742431.562 61.3164 1.25071431.398 48.7793 0.765773431.234 72.8281 0.979145431.07 53.2832 0.552402

430.906 68.1758 -0.13621430.741 61.4512 -0.9218430.577 57.9141 -0.80542430.413 66.3047 -1.92077430.249 59.9531 -2.67727430.085 74.3711 -2.01775429.921 69.4453 -1.83348429.757 59.6914 -1.26125429.593 51.6348 -1.21276429.429 57.3203 -0.80542429.265 69.3398 -0.32048429.101 50.2109 -0.84421428.937 53.709 -1.77529428.773 75.1523 -2.26022428.609 53.1602 -3.1816428.445 51.2383 -3.54045428.281 69.2813 -3.25919428.117 51.9688 -2.55118427.953 71.3086 -2.12444427.789 50.3984 -1.86257427.625 55.1055 -1.28065427.461 64.6367 -1.35824427.297 53.4434 -1.94016427.133 50.0762 -0.99939426.968 58.0527 -0.69873426.804 40.6211 -0.60174426.64 40.4414 -0.41747

426.476 40.3008 0.27114426.312 51.6211 0.232345426.148 51.3086 0.106262425.984 49.8301 0.872459425.82 40.4121 0.474812

425.656 35.2754 -0.50476425.492 38.584 -1.60071425.328 51.709 -2.96823425.164 41.1016 -3.83141

425 69.4336 -4.44243424.836 48.3379 -5.06315424.672 51.7813 -4.85947424.508 51.791 -3.95749424.344 46.6152 -2.72576424.18 47.3125 -1.82378

424.016 40.668 -0.9218423.852 45.4766 -0.13621423.688 41.9844 0.736677423.524 43.6191 0.581498423.36 53.5234 0.620293

423.196 35.6953 0.804568423.031 49.9961 0.765773422.867 40.3301 0.765773422.703 43.6758 0.775472422.539 54.7031 1.00824422.375 32.0723 1.16342422.211 41.8633 1.2992422.047 33.7344 0.86276421.883 28.6875 1.15372421.719 33.6211 1.13432421.555 49.5293 1.02764421.391 28.8662 0.775472421.227 32.4727 0.688184421.063 29.4512 1.38649420.899 29.6553 1.10523420.735 13.2476 0.872459420.571 40.0156 0.959747420.407 38.2207 1.00824420.243 36.4023 0.959747420.079 34.3691 1.09553419.915 38.8828 1.22161419.751 20.9814 1.47378419.587 33.8047 1.3186419.423 30.6279 0.843363419.259 41.8906 1.02764419.094 30.5352 0.882158418.93 46.9141 0.523306

418.766 45.0254 0.368127418.602 29.0039 0.814267418.438 57.4395 0.057768418.274 32.0723 -0.1847418.11 36.959 -0.61144

417.946 38.2852 -0.83451417.782 30.3857 -0.82481417.618 38.3789 -0.77632417.454 38.3887 0.067467417.29 38.3828 0.290537

417.126 50.0313 0.959747416.962 48.9355 0.959747416.798 29.5068 1.23131416.634 32.9512 0.125659416.47 34.9473 -0.9218

416.306 41.8086 -1.05758416.142 26.4268 -1.52312415.978 31.1475 -2.09534415.814 39.2441 -0.98969415.65 38.7754 0.368127

415.486 38.5371 0.329332415.322 27.3408 1.3186415.157 40.2422 1.71625414.993 24.1846 1.05673414.829 29.0801 0.077166414.665 38.6855 -0.09741414.501 35.3164 0.261441414.337 35.3262 -0.37867414.173 22.3828 0.251742414.009 27.166 0.736677413.845 41.623 1.44468413.681 38.3711 1.17312413.517 28.6592 1.00824413.353 20.7441 1.99751413.189 39.9531 2.0751413.025 33.7402 1.68715412.861 35.3984 1.88112412.697 34.168 1.84233412.533 36.7559 1.51257412.369 34.8184 1.59016412.205 26.4814 1.54167412.041 39.3027 1.39619411.877 40.9004 0.998542411.713 27.6045 1.54167411.549 36.0391 1.64836411.385 31.2578 1.58046411.22 24.8877 1.52227

411.056 34.8418 1.3283410.892 23.2051 1.39619410.728 38.0254 1.15372410.564 36.5039 1.19252

410.4 43.1387 1.12463410.236 31.4648 1.74534410.072 36.2832 1.15372409.908 32.7637 1.90052409.744 52.5742 2.20118409.58 24.6592 2.0266

409.416 36.3242 1.12463409.252 36.3535 1.17312409.088 42.8184 0.94035408.924 42.918 1.3186408.76 36.3398 1.3186

408.596 30.1387 2.0266408.432 25.5469 2.76371408.268 28.8564 1.64836408.104 42.2734 1.39619407.94 38.9512 0.911254

407.776 28.7783 0.71728407.612 31.8818 0.067467407.447 35.1406 0.251742407.283 30.583 0.096563407.119 44.9922 0.261441406.955 42.2207 0.455415406.791 46.1836 0.872459406.627 58.9863 0.901555406.463 41.2422 0.94035406.299 22.1689 1.25071406.135 44.2246 1.13432405.971 34.082 1.57077405.807 46.2207 1.39619405.643 38.9219 0.979145405.479 38.9219 0.668786405.315 42.4238 0.445716405.151 18.8057 0.251742404.987 49.4375 0.261441404.823 36.0234 0.290537404.659 40.8848 0.49421404.495 37.3809 0.571799404.331 40.6016 0.63969404.167 39.2617 0.969446404.003 31.1279 0.979145403.839 34.625 0.882158403.675 28.1172 0.86276403.51 36.1172 0.474812

403.346 49.0566 0.814267403.182 32.4551 0.882158403.018 32.3672 0.649389402.854 40.2656 0.49421402.69 40.1152 0.591197

402.526 50.1152 0.668786402.362 48.1758 0.668786402.198 32.127 0.814267402.034 30.5303 0.930651401.87 41.5371 0.678485

401.706 33.5469 0.27114401.542 36.6309 0.649389401.378 38.0879 0.746376401.214 50.7305 1.22161401.05 41.3652 1.20221

400.886 28.374 1.22161400.722 38.3613 1.20221400.558 28.6777 1.00824400.394 23.9248 0.814267400.23 33.7813 0.882158

400.066 25.7002 0.959747399.902 32.5254 0.804568399.738 42.2578 0.736677399.573 23.1504 1.06643399.409 39.7754 1.51257399.245 31.1064 1.42529399.081 34.4023 0.591197398.917 35.6855 0.736677398.753 35.6523 0.591197398.589 22.6631 1.25071398.425 37.1309 0.668786398.261 33.7383 0.620293398.097 33.7266 0.49421397.933 32.0391 0.71728397.769 32.1973 1.13432397.605 36.8477 0.591197397.441 36.4609 0.930651397.277 42.9004 1.17312397.113 36.6152 1.27011396.949 25.499 1.02764396.785 38.2148 1.22161396.621 35.0313 0.765773396.457 48.0254 0.688184396.293 36.6836 0.872459396.129 28.9414 1.00824395.965 48.1348 1.22161395.801 41.5234 0.833664395.636 30.7266 1.22161395.472 37.8379 1.35739395.308 46.293 0.707581395.144 37.9453 0.649389394.98 36.1797 0.581498

394.816 37.6543 0.678485394.652 30.873 0.523306394.488 42.1992 0.474812394.324 33.9863 0.571799394.16 48.1953 0.368127

393.996 27.2598 0.057768393.832 28.9824 -0.2138393.668 40.0313 -0.57265393.504 32.0313 -0.72783393.34 46.123 -0.44656

393.176 41.5527 -0.45626393.012 30.4004 -0.37867392.848 38.1895 -0.1847392.684 33.6367 -0.32048392.52 41.2852 -0.05862

392.356 34.8984 0.067467392.192 32.0898 0.300236392.028 52.7969 0.397223391.864 36.9297 0.552402391.699 41.4531 1.49318391.535 35.3691 1.70655391.371 29.1318 1.97811391.207 35.8906 2.7734391.043 24.7002 2.24967390.879 31.2168 1.83263390.715 27.9355 1.84233390.551 54.043 1.58046390.387 34.2773 1.68715390.223 46.9238 1.71625390.059 22.585 1.91022389.895 32.2344 1.3477389.731 22.623 1.41559389.567 41.6836 1.51257389.403 46.5586 1.49318389.239 30.4238 1.49318389.075 39.9766 1.61926388.911 49.5684 1.64836388.747 39.9297 1.84233388.583 33.623 1.84233388.419 35.1152 2.19148388.255 30.2979 2.67642388.091 40.3125 2.16239387.927 28.7949 2.24967387.762 46.5605 2.51154387.598 31.9912 2.22058387.434 38.0273 2.56973387.27 36.9336 2.41455

387.106 31.0244 2.64732386.942 32.7324 2.20118386.778 37.7871 2.26907386.614 22.9746 2.8122386.45 34.8398 2.88009

386.286 26.2861 2.49214386.122 34.5898 1.81323385.958 37.4258 1.55137385.794 38.7988 0.397223385.63 33.9961 0.27114

385.466 40.0215 1.52227385.302 38.5977 0.484511385.138 33.7285 -0.23319384.974 47.875 0.135358384.81 51.4727 -0.08771

384.646 52.5273 -1.32915384.482 36.6855 -1.41643384.318 44.9688 -0.74722384.154 43.041 -0.52415383.989 17.5967 0.028672383.825 28.8086 0.261441383.661 20.7686 0.028672383.497 36.7188 -0.29139383.333 28.5752 -0.32048383.169 46.291 -0.63084383.005 40.0117 -0.63084382.841 35.5742 -0.41747382.677 27.9102 0.203249382.513 42.8242 0.591197382.349 44.5371 0.41662382.185 46.5723 0.474812382.021 27.9424 0.455415381.857 40.9961 0.911254381.693 50.668 0.959747381.529 32.4688 0.833664381.365 43.3574 1.19252381.201 46.6016 1.15372381.037 29.0156 0.19355380.873 38.6738 -0.54355380.709 30.4766 -0.48536380.545 28.9189 -1.02849380.381 46.3066 -1.54252380.217 52.7363 -0.33018380.052 39.9473 0.998542379.888 23.9961 1.00824379.724 28.832 0.901555379.56 38.3027 1.19252

379.396 34.9863 0.882158379.232 38.25 -0.26229379.068 35.1191 -0.9606378.904 30.2773 0.513607378.74 33.7754 0.348729

378.576 46.9355 0.707581378.412 45.4492 0.882158378.248 21.5986 0.106262378.084 29.6982 -2.03715377.92 39.6914 -0.77632

377.756 41.1934 0.911254377.592 32.8809 1.66775377.428 50.8652 3.10316377.264 37.2402 3.47171

377.1 27.1895 -0.9315376.936 48.1934 -3.63744376.772 39.748 -3.40467376.608 35.541 -4.25815

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376.444 40.3984 -6.01362376.28 36.5703 -2.26022

376.115 33.7031 1.96841375.951 44.334 2.58913375.787 38.4453 2.58913375.623 25.7061 2.63762375.459 27.0459 2.24967375.295 35.3262 2.0751375.131 33.4961 2.34666374.967 31.9131 2.24967374.803 23.9482 1.2895374.639 34.8789 0.998542374.475 35.3965 1.10523374.311 29.2139 1.3186374.147 40.8457 0.979145373.983 38.0781 1.12463373.819 31.3545 1.3186373.655 37.8066 1.68715373.491 44.6777 0.678485373.327 26.2549 0.513607373.163 40.5703 0.067467372.999 38.9805 -0.47566372.835 41.5898 -0.87331372.671 44.6914 -0.61144372.507 23.9453 -0.23319372.343 40.1387 0.455415372.178 28.791 -0.23319372.014 28.7529 -0.51446371.85 33.6621 -0.06831

371.686 36.8066 -1.19336371.522 38.3652 -1.72679371.358 19.2129 -0.60174371.194 19.0723 -0.09741371.03 42.8613 0.251742

370.866 35.0156 0.542703370.702 26.9424 0.581498370.538 23.8887 0.057768370.374 33.4434 -0.1556370.21 27.1221 -0.60174

370.046 25.9229 -1.12547369.882 26.0557 -2.11474369.718 44.3477 -2.67727369.554 37.8477 -3.08461369.39 41.0762 -3.72472

369.226 39.6719 -4.09328369.062 35.959 -4.54911368.898 43.5938 -4.6752368.734 34.0234 -4.47152368.57 22.3203 -4.15147

368.406 41.5586 -3.77322368.241 35.2246 -3.41437368.077 40.1309 -2.86154367.913 38.7266 -2.4445367.749 54.5684 -2.16323367.585 43.0918 -1.93047367.421 38.5918 -1.57161367.257 36.5918 -0.82481367.093 42.9922 -0.29139366.929 38.3105 0.19355366.765 40.0645 0.329332366.601 38.502 0.814267366.437 20.6836 0.930651366.273 45.9863 1.27011366.109 39.7422 1.38649365.945 47.8633 0.872459365.781 40.6719 0.746376365.617 30.9658 0.998542365.453 32.9141 0.765773365.289 29.542 0.49421365.125 33.0293 0.707581364.961 29.5225 0.222646364.797 22.9131 -0.37867364.633 32.3711 -0.37867364.468 38.8379 -0.1847364.304 31.9795 -0.2138364.14 41.5977 -0.29139

363.976 41.5703 -0.25259363.812 47.9785 0.077166363.648 38.4492 0.358428363.484 41.8594 0.552402363.32 35.1094 0.251742

363.156 30.334 0.387524362.992 43.1211 0.474812362.828 30.2793 0.077166362.664 25.4893 0.028672

362.5 44.4023 0.329332362.336 38.0586 0.348729362.172 33.4766 0.445716362.008 33.2109 0.174153361.844 28.5322 0.19355361.68 35.1055 0.125659

361.516 25.8262 -0.00042361.352 37.4941 -0.03922361.188 46.502 0.009275361.024 48.1953 -0.13621360.86 41.2031 -0.11681

360.696 44.2207 -0.13621360.531 40.9434 0.057768360.367 35.7031 0.028672360.203 40.3848 0.358428360.039 27.2793 0.474812359.875 22.3125 0.319633359.711 32.166 0.290537359.547 25.6416 0.174153359.383 38.6465 0.135358359.219 32.0371 0.106262359.055 28.7754 0.125659358.891 38.5703 -0.08771358.727 43.0586 0.067467358.563 26.9189 0.028672358.399 39.625 0.154755358.235 41.0547 0.009275358.071 28.7178 0.19355357.907 36.5488 0.174153357.743 25.4248 0.077166357.579 39.9336 0.290537357.415 39.7617 0.154755357.251 29.0195 0.135358357.087 30.9688 -0.1944356.923 28.0771 0.135358356.759 42.9004 0.038371356.594 37.582 0.009275356.43 29.416 0.028672

356.266 32.6094 -0.1556356.102 38.7227 0.135358355.938 45.6152 0.067467355.774 31.7871 0.203249355.61 36.8516 -0.09741

355.446 36.998 -0.37867355.282 35.0957 -0.54355355.118 48.3691 -0.28169354.954 41.3184 -0.09741354.79 41.4727 0.358428

354.626 49.7383 0.426319354.462 31.6758 0.49421354.298 44.6094 0.387524354.134 42.9258 0.484511353.97 38 0.19355

353.806 28.8965 -0.1847353.642 34.873 -0.23319353.478 39.9609 -0.05862353.314 39.8633 -0.08771353.15 49.3105 -0.00042

352.986 40.7715 -0.00042352.822 42.5566 -0.22349352.657 31.2227 -0.26229352.493 26.4795 -0.1556352.329 36.0527 -0.2138352.165 33.0547 -0.11681352.001 31.1387 0.174153351.837 40.5762 0.397223351.673 40.5098 0.736677351.509 25.7002 0.785171351.345 36.9727 0.775472351.181 25.6533 0.455415351.017 41.6738 0.319633350.853 35.3574 0.125659350.689 44.9395 -0.12651350.525 32 0.028672350.361 30.3818 -0.1556350.197 30.2686 -0.08771350.033 27.0215 -0.1556349.869 42.8613 -0.08771349.705 23.6758 -0.01982349.541 33.5547 0.368127349.377 36.7637 0.668786349.213 20.6035 0.969446349.049 43.2109 1.47378348.885 23.9443 2.25937348.72 37.0625 2.0945

348.556 37.4707 1.97811348.392 35.3496 1.92962348.228 37.6074 1.95871348.064 21.3027 2.0751

347.9 24.5313 1.95871347.736 30.9727 1.57077347.572 40.1406 1.59016347.408 40.2227 1.83263347.244 30.5479 2.0751347.08 28.6309 2.0557

346.916 30.4277 2.0557346.752 41.502 1.88112346.588 22.3691 1.63866346.424 30.3857 2.28847346.26 47.4688 2.26907

346.096 46.2793 2.31757345.932 36.4355 1.97811345.768 39.3984 2.0751345.604 33.3633 1.84233345.44 39.6523 2.61823

345.276 36.5625 2.90919345.112 39.5996 2.8025344.947 25.2627 2.8025344.783 41.4297 3.17105344.619 38.0879 2.95768344.455 44.8535 2.93828344.291 41.8555 2.93828344.127 45.125 2.89949343.963 40.9902 2.8413343.799 34.1914 2.73461343.635 32.6387 2.86069343.471 39.1582 2.90919343.307 38.918 2.88009343.143 40.502 3.5784342.979 33.5273 3.42322342.815 33.4414 3.12256342.651 27.1992 3.10316342.487 27.0713 2.74431342.323 46.3398 1.84233342.159 28.5879 1.81323341.995 47.4355 1.59016341.831 38.0859 0.969446341.667 38.0449 2.0363341.503 34.7949 3.09346341.339 31.5596 1.87143341.175 22.0615 1.87143341.01 30.1084 1.64836

340.846 41.1016 0.969446340.682 23.6318 1.05673340.518 31.6631 1.92962340.354 38.0977 1.63866340.19 36.7598 1.95871

340.026 40.1543 2.68612339.862 37.2578 1.90052339.698 29.2744 1.63866339.534 27.8438 1.39619339.37 38.9863 0.455415

339.206 37.7832 -0.35928339.042 35.8164 0.814267338.878 41.8438 0.106262338.714 41.5293 -0.2138338.55 35.0859 -0.22349

338.386 41.7441 -0.31078338.222 30.5078 -0.58235338.058 36.7031 -0.31078337.894 22.2568 -0.84421337.73 47.6113 -0.45626

337.566 44.2969 -0.80542337.402 35.0176 -1.05758337.238 31.5146 -0.99939337.073 30.0605 -0.86361336.909 33.1953 -0.50476336.745 52.3945 -0.86361336.581 44.4766 -1.16427336.417 39.4219 -0.41747336.253 44.0781 -0.98969336.089 41.2598 -1.37764335.925 28.877 -1.45523335.761 48.2832 -0.51446335.597 33.8652 -0.70843335.433 39.1523 -0.41747335.269 36.0078 -0.65024335.105 37.4648 -0.05862334.941 55.8398 -0.48536334.777 43.668 -0.50476334.613 33.8086 -0.87331334.449 54.5996 -0.33018334.285 44.4824 -0.48536334.121 25.6729 -1.12547333.957 23.9023 -1.15457333.793 36.5605 -0.37867333.629 34.8945 -0.60174333.465 37.8516 0.009275333.301 41.3105 -0.1944333.136 34.7109 -0.84421332.972 41.127 -0.70843332.808 36.3906 -0.52415332.644 38.0273 -0.40777332.48 64.9688 0.038371

332.316 23.6455 0.387524332.152 32.9668 0.523306331.988 31.5957 0.368127331.824 31.6191 -0.9606331.66 30.2422 -1.96926

331.496 33.8027 -2.79365331.332 29.166 -3.42406331.168 39.2109 -4.06418331.004 35.9473 -3.42406330.84 34.4785 -1.84318

330.676 37.4453 -0.9606330.512 39 -0.8927330.348 32.2754 -0.23319330.184 39.9043 0.387524330.02 43.0508 -0.86361

329.856 50.9863 -1.47463329.692 31.9111 -0.9606329.528 55.7422 -0.84421329.364 57.3164 -1.09638329.199 46.209 -0.44656329.035 36.5605 -0.84421328.871 45.7012 0.164454328.707 31.6992 -0.1653328.543 36.7793 -0.61144328.379 34.8789 -0.74722328.215 33.2148 -0.9412328.051 37.873 -0.97029327.887 45.7695 -0.77632327.723 42.7207 -0.47566327.559 39.3691 -0.31078327.395 34.8691 -0.33018327.231 40.2617 -0.98969327.067 24.2549 -0.66963326.903 39.4863 0.028672326.739 41.0215 -0.1847326.575 52.1895 -0.13621326.411 26.0244 0.077166326.247 33.998 0.135358326.083 38.877 -0.29139325.919 38.873 -0.05862325.755 47.8477 -0.09741325.591 46.2813 -0.25259325.427 39.8105 -0.51446325.262 35.1387 -0.33018325.098 35.2363 -0.45626324.934 44.5527 -0.2138324.77 35.1621 0.106262

324.606 34.9668 -0.28169324.442 41.2363 -1.73649324.278 31.877 -3.55015324.114 38.2148 -6.05241323.95 44.4961 -7.73999

323.786 31.6895 -7.6042323.622 37.9473 -5.57718323.458 39.6875 -3.87021323.294 20.5098 -3.40467323.13 30.3115 -3.95749

322.966 30.5674 -5.22802322.802 39.0918 -6.50825322.638 39.4531 -7.28415322.474 42.209 -7.28415322.31 31.1123 -6.53735

322.146 37.9141 -4.93706321.982 44.084 -3.34648321.818 29.3789 -2.60937321.654 43.3438 -2.19233321.489 36.6797 -2.02745321.325 31.9629 -1.47463321.161 36.5996 -1.6686320.997 45.0352 -1.92077320.833 44.6328 -2.91973320.669 31.9629 -4.37454320.505 46.3906 -5.62567320.341 33.2617 -6.32398320.177 39.9414 -6.78951320.013 42.7285 -6.74102319.849 41.2754 -6.30458319.685 33.5 -5.92633319.521 45.7773 -5.50929319.357 26.9785 -5.08254319.193 34.623 -4.45213319.029 33.0195 -3.72472318.865 25.5723 -2.95853318.701 37.043 -2.03715318.537 40.9902 -1.32915318.373 36.0723 -0.69873318.209 34.1875 -0.41747318.045 32.9707 -0.1653317.881 35.7773 -0.28169317.717 32.9219 -0.02952317.552 38.873 0.251742317.388 43.2363 0.445716317.224 37.0078 0.775472317.06 46.3945 1.49318

316.896 46.6543 1.45438316.732 40.2891 1.20221316.568 38.1035 1.19252316.404 33.8066 0.901555316.24 25.6113 0.164454

316.076 44.7422 -0.01982315.912 28.8027 -0.05862315.748 44.168 -0.32048315.584 42.9902 -0.50476315.42 41.293 -0.31078

315.256 49.043 0.038371315.092 44.4336 0.455415314.928 37.877 0.911254314.764 43.0273 1.44468

314.6 46.5313 1.58046314.436 43.6836 1.13432314.272 29.4834 0.348729314.108 37.3984 -0.09741313.944 39.6387 -1.08668313.78 34.3359 -1.79468

313.615 66.9844 -1.80438313.451 42.5859 -1.47463313.287 40.375 -2.22143313.123 42.0762 -3.1525312.959 32.1074 -4.31635312.795 36.6992 -5.35411312.631 45.0039 -6.21729312.467 41.709 -5.76145312.303 43.3652 -4.96616312.139 40.1133 -3.86051311.975 30.3623 -2.86154311.811 54.457 -1.89167311.647 52.7383 -0.99939311.483 33.373 -0.44656311.319 30.2305 -0.00042311.155 34.9922 0.620293310.991 50.791 0.542703310.827 38.3047 0.775472310.663 39.6816 1.03734310.499 48.2012 0.814267310.335 22.3604 0.358428310.171 44.8828 0.571799310.007 37.8379 0.843363309.843 29.8525 0.571799309.678 31.4521 0.814267309.514 36.3223 1.03734309.35 44.1816 0.979145

309.186 27.9463 1.38649309.022 32.5039 1.3477308.858 37.1797 1.2992308.694 45.2852 1.2895308.53 36.8906 1.16342

308.366 24.1152 1.12463308.202 43.4883 1.20221308.038 44.8555 1.2992307.874 43.6855 1.25071307.71 41.5957 1.51257

307.546 33.7617 1.51257307.382 41.7227 1.15372307.218 54.0098 0.649389307.054 47.8105 0.765773306.89 34.9766 0.736677

306.726 34.8418 0.775472306.562 41.5977 1.10523306.398 23.7246 1.02764306.234 44.8594 0.523306306.07 28.8398 0.523306

305.906 30.5576 0.513607305.741 47.5859 0.804568305.577 36.0137 0.426319305.413 41.0273 0.765773305.249 44.252 0.620293305.085 45.5566 0.232345304.921 37.6387 -0.2138304.757 30.8359 0.174153304.593 34.0313 0.368127304.429 25.9531 0.581498304.265 43.4473 0.804568304.101 32.3516 0.94035303.937 30.5889 0.833664303.773 28.9893 0.979145303.609 30.6133 1.17312303.445 32.2344 1.52227303.281 44.7461 1.66775303.117 28.7861 1.68715302.953 38.127 1.73564302.789 33.7695 1.57077302.625 36.7598 1.38649302.461 31.8398 1.16342302.297 42.9707 1.16342302.133 33.5801 0.959747301.968 39.7813 0.998542301.804 39.8789 0.833664301.64 34.3828 0.872459

301.476 35.877 1.09553301.312 22.9678 1.02764301.148 29.3525 0.804568300.984 47.9258 0.930651300.82 49.2383 0.833664

300.656 21.3447 0.979145300.492 37.3906 1.15372300.328 27.6006 1.22161300.164 29.2002 1.22161

300 42.002 1.35739299.836 51.5879 1.35739299.672 35.4492 1.02764299.508 40.2754 1.06643299.344 43.4902 1.26041299.18 41.7891 0.959747

299.016 33.5957 1.12463298.852 49.4844 1.2992298.688 30.3564 1.03734298.524 41.6055 1.20221298.36 46.2793 1.22161

298.196 33.3164 1.36709298.031 23.8135 1.42529297.867 30.3066 1.55137297.703 38.2637 1.54167297.539 51.666 1.54167297.375 25.8545 1.77444297.211 40.752 1.61926297.047 37.7051 1.54167296.883 32.8965 1.44468296.719 31.1797 1.51257296.555 37.6465 1.52227296.391 22.9453 1.51257296.227 32.6465 1.2992296.063 40.5469 1.36709295.899 22.7734 1.51257295.735 30.833 1.48348295.571 38.623 1.54167295.407 37.1328 1.48348295.243 43.5488 1.2992295.079 35.3691 0.814267294.915 32.0332 0.882158294.751 39.9082 1.02764294.587 32.1133 1.05673294.423 39.9199 0.979145294.259 46.1934 1.02764294.094 42.7734 1.07613293.93 31.8447 1.05673

293.766 52.6914 1.00824293.602 38.1133 0.969446293.438 35.1094 0.610594293.274 16.0205 0.911254293.11 30.5146 0.969446

292.946 40.7578 0.911254292.782 21.1563 0.872459292.618 45.9297 1.00824292.454 35.9785 1.03734292.29 34.3613 1.09553

292.126 37.7734 1.20221291.962 44.0898 1.10523291.798 47.293 0.86276291.634 34 0.94035291.47 30.6025 0.678485

291.306 40.3359 0.610594291.142 28.958 0.591197290.978 27.4023 0.707581290.814 57.4824 0.552402290.65 30.1992 0.649389

290.486 40.0352 0.426319290.322 40.1895 0.49421290.157 41.5195 0.329332289.993 30.3066 0.27114289.829 44.8535 0.474812289.665 39.7227 0.775472289.501 33.4844 0.911254289.337 31.9434 0.930651289.173 34.9141 0.998542289.009 30.3164 1.05673288.845 46.7188 0.833664288.681 32.7344 0.610594288.517 47.5449 0.86276288.353 47.6602 1.07613288.189 50.6191 1.3477288.025 44.373 1.80353287.861 31.2266 2.0945287.697 36.0762 1.15372

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287.533 37.2852 0.610594287.369 32.3652 0.174153287.205 33.6875287.041 35.4336286.877 27.3574286.713 51.5508286.549 49.7949286.385 39.873286.22 38.373

286.056 39.9785285.892 35.0566285.728 33.3086285.564 34.9961

285.4 28.623285.236 42.6992285.072 44.1133284.908 34.6738284.744 38.1445284.58 31.9561

284.416 62.9883284.252 24.3008284.088 47.1309283.924 38.8398283.76 46.9922

283.596 44.0488283.432 47.2598283.268 40.2715283.104 33.7695282.94 28.7852

282.776 46.3301282.612 31.8848282.447 54.3398282.283 33.4043282.119 51.0039281.955 41.2109281.791 31.6445281.627 42.9707281.463 25.5117281.299 38.0332281.135 38.1777280.971 36.1836280.807 39.1367280.643 40.9336280.479 47.3184280.315 40.2188280.151 50.0898279.987 48.2832279.823 45.2559279.659 40.957279.495 29.2559279.331 29.4053279.167 29.1953279.003 32.2539278.839 32.1387278.675 35.1113278.51 39.4766

278.346 40.9785278.182 41.1836278.018 66.1055277.854 39.1133277.69 35.7461

277.526 46.6094277.362 38.6777277.198 37.0137277.034 44.918276.87 34.2637

276.706 53.1055276.542 53.3086276.378 40.959276.214 69.5273276.05 38.4219

275.886 48.3379275.722 45.7871275.558 36.1641275.394 45.4512275.23 68.7383

275.066 50.3691274.902 34.1328274.738 51.6914274.573 41.6113274.409 39.7031274.245 52.1504274.081 53.7539273.917 49.2559273.753 58.0898273.589 47.1426273.425 35.8047273.261 40.252273.097 40.041272.933 43.0527272.769 46.5664272.605 49.9531272.441 59.7637272.277 50.1484272.113 56.5918271.949 49.168271.785 56.0723271.621 60.2012271.457 47.4805271.293 53.5859271.129 68.3867270.965 66.2969270.801 55.1777270.636 48.752270.472 57.7539270.308 44.6973270.144 47.3652269.98 61.1914

269.816 67.7227269.652 59.459269.488 56.1934269.324 58.3105269.16 53.1172

268.996 41.8184268.832 77.3047268.668 61.7969268.504 62.0273268.34 56.2539

268.176 42.3379268.012 64.5781267.848 26.8105267.684 36.5684267.52 43.752

267.356 37.5137267.192 35.9063267.028 42.3574266.864 45.5645266.699 38.9824266.535 43.9668266.371 47.0957266.207 56.1895266.043 47.6953265.879 63.1074265.715 53.5293265.551 55.2891265.387 41.2188265.223 53.4941265.059 61.25264.895 49.9844264.731 51.2109264.567 47.6855264.403 43.2344264.239 43.5254264.075 51.4512263.911 37.4863263.747 59.4219263.583 48.9551263.419 46.4297263.255 53.25263.091 50.2949262.927 40.6563262.762 17.8477262.598 38.9316262.434 12.8853262.27 37.2188

262.106 32.2383261.942 30.4629261.778 30.2295261.614 23.7266261.45 31.5723

261.286 41.0938261.122 30.0313260.958 29.9512260.794 34.4395260.63 35.9258

260.466 26.4746260.302 21.7148260.138 29.2695259.974 27.917259.81 32.6738

259.646 26.4814259.482 32.9023259.318 31.5957259.154 41.375258.989 36.7695258.825 40.4902258.661 45.4238258.497 45.5781258.333 63.5352258.169 87.5781258.005 53.8418257.841 69.0781257.677 63.9746257.513 74.5781257.349 77.4219257.185 106.004257.021 108.797256.857 120.07256.693 122.688256.529 158.023256.365 133.867256.201 120.219256.037 162.172255.873 139.672255.709 141.844255.545 141.203255.381 162.242255.217 157.922255.052 167.742254.888 142.789254.724 187.328254.56 168.461

254.396 186.703254.232 158.242254.068 158.828253.904 136.742253.74 170.453

253.576 180.703253.412 168.734253.248 171.273253.084 152.172252.92 154.492

252.756 189.711252.592 134.555252.428 172.594252.264 148.445

252.1 156.961251.936 177.391251.772 141.875251.608 142.031251.444 145.008251.28 168.422

251.115 167.25250.951 156.914250.787 172.305250.623 144.07250.459 144.516250.295 158.922250.131 120.164249.967 167.414249.803 143.109249.639 141.813249.475 141.617249.311 149.5249.147 129.547248.983 132.516248.819 129.727248.655 167.148248.491 157.875248.327 159.141248.163 139.656247.999 159.398247.835 122.242247.671 140.016247.507 160.258247.343 156.531247.178 156.969247.014 131.641246.85 162.844

246.686 160.305246.522 136.117246.358 148.586246.194 118.387246.03 137.969

245.866 144.43245.702 144.078245.538 140.625245.374 149.742245.21 157.984

245.046 175.148244.882 128.727244.718 141.539244.554 129.805244.39 118.438

244.226 107.781244.062 130.703243.898 126.633243.734 119.668243.57 113.926

243.406 103.254243.241 121.441243.077 131.648242.913 104.813242.749 123.215242.585 106.203242.421 107.262242.257 120.844242.093 109.211241.929 115.168241.765 121.797241.601 103.809241.437 140.719241.273 110.004241.109 129.289240.945 101.914240.781 115.301240.617 98.7266240.453 107.242240.289 121.488240.125 99.375239.961 107.211239.797 124.555239.633 107.926239.468 94.0156239.304 107.48239.14 117.566

238.976 90.0195238.812 92.7031238.648 95.625238.484 109.266238.32 127.93

238.156 156.117237.992 106.418237.828 99.707237.664 106.438

237.5 122.305237.336 109.836237.172 115.289237.008 109.277236.844 95.1172236.68 104.77

236.516 122.367236.352 134.961236.188 125.059236.024 97.1016235.86 112.766

235.696 119.578235.531 91.0313235.367 109.574235.203 87.9648235.039 131.156234.875 98.0234234.711 93.9609234.547 87.4766234.383 82.7383234.219 113.016234.055 98.8555233.891 115.328233.727 84.0078233.563 107.703233.399 114.563233.235 108.609233.071 118.922232.907 126.719232.743 89.9336232.579 78.6992232.415 98.3516232.251 117.637232.087 102.266231.923 105.473231.759 99.9727231.594 102.836231.43 111.805

231.266 99.2695231.102 93.918230.938 95.3203230.774 83.3867230.61 98.6445

230.446 117.734230.282 101.523230.118 96.1758229.954 133.828229.79 112.898

229.626 95.2617229.462 96.582229.298 99.582229.134 92.2695228.97 114.684

228.806 102.012228.642 119.258228.478 99.9805228.314 110.949228.15 110.211

227.986 128.68227.822 119.039227.657 74.4375227.493 80.5039227.329 104.344227.165 93.8789227.001 117.098226.837 118.129226.673 111.512226.509 95.2188226.345 84.8203226.181 98.9063226.017 103.918225.853 80.0156225.689 104.758225.525 104.82225.361 95.4648225.197 109.793225.033 97.3594224.869 96.8438224.705 105.176224.541 94.9609224.377 109.184224.213 103.98224.049 138.633223.885 129.961223.72 90.7109

223.556 103.555223.392 78.2969223.228 107.52223.064 107.355

222.9 106.992222.736 110.652222.572 94.2305222.408 95.4883222.244 82.4766222.08 93.25

221.916 92.8438221.752 101.645221.588 96.1406221.424 122.934221.26 131.398

221.096 128.813220.932 124.293220.768 100.137220.604 108.992220.44 114.703

220.276 91.1094220.112 115.574219.947 98.7344219.783 110.039219.619 101.816219.455 78.6055219.291 116.25219.127 110.844218.963 117.391218.799 111.465218.635 127.188218.471 160.461218.307 92.8203218.143 104.098217.979 135.414217.815 103.66217.651 85.0469217.487 96.1953217.323 105.23217.159 102.082216.995 75.3633216.831 91.3555216.667 103.34216.503 119.391216.339 93.9375216.175 97.8516216.01 108.824

215.846 115.453215.682 131.133215.518 108.223215.354 122.07215.19 103.84

215.026 122.348214.862 88.8828214.698 91.0938214.534 116.852214.37 118.738

214.206 112.285214.042 120.176213.878 88.9102213.714 123.266213.55 80.9844

213.386 110.953213.222 106.004213.058 101.738212.894 115.945212.73 116.477

212.566 112.039212.402 113.133212.238 77.3516212.073 111.742211.909 104.527211.745 78.9844211.581 100.59211.417 92.5234211.253 117.625211.089 114.375210.925 81.9922210.761 103.641210.597 96.7539210.433 97.1523210.269 86.4688210.105 97.1641209.941 92.582209.777 123.375209.613 107.844209.449 110.551209.285 98.8672209.121 107.262208.957 72.2813208.793 103.465208.629 106.961208.465 109.836208.301 100.887208.136 99.6289207.972 102.996207.808 76.4102207.644 94.5586207.48 106.598

207.316 72.9688207.152 103.164206.988 118.934206.824 93.1563206.66 105.391

206.496 83.5078206.332 91.8086206.168 125.191206.004 95.6953205.84 119.984

205.676 99.9141205.512 123.465205.348 87.7734205.184 79.4375205.02 105.703

204.856 99.4219204.692 119.738204.528 92.625204.364 106.891204.199 106.273204.035 113.18203.871 111.844203.707 93.4961203.543 83.1328203.379 119.945203.215 80.082203.051 113.273202.887 88.5313202.723 79.4805202.559 104.867202.395 104.098202.231 101.992202.067 113.184201.903 104.199201.739 101.891201.575 94.2852201.411 99.3438201.247 107.73201.083 104.75200.919 119.762200.755 99.2969200.591 104.238200.426 100.137200.262 107.723200.098 92.4023199.934 106.563199.77 96.7422

199.606 95.5586199.442 132.75199.278 93.957199.114 104.301198.95 97.8438

198.786 96.8008

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198.622 107.629198.458 118.43198.294 110.57198.13 97.3633

197.966 89.7852197.802 100.5197.638 82.1719197.474 93.7891197.31 109.898

197.146 107.695196.982 132.516196.818 112.504196.654 102.305196.489 112.59196.325 88.8359196.161 111.973195.997 110.34195.833 112.262195.669 119.645195.505 100.051195.341 99.6602195.177 72.2188195.013 99.4727194.849 117.508194.685 120.012194.521 114.844194.357 110.625194.193 106.059194.029 96.9727193.865 95.4531193.701 117.449193.537 107.273193.373 104.859193.209 114.895193.045 98.5977192.881 127.566192.717 108.48192.552 115.152192.388 147.664192.224 116.637192.06 109.523

191.896 106.477191.732 98.8633191.568 86.5039191.404 75.1758191.24 86.3164

191.076 109.137190.912 140.813190.748 118.336190.584 112.387190.42 112.586

190.256 116.793190.092 102.344189.928 95.5273189.764 111.117

189.6 92.8594189.436 100.605189.272 120.156189.108 116.816188.944 126.758188.78 123.941

188.615 129.555188.451 121.609188.287 111.004188.123 110.699187.959 100.148187.795 81.9883187.631 107.875187.467 93.5703187.303 114.34187.139 102.68186.975 99.1875186.811 86.1641186.647 110.73186.483 112.195186.319 112.375186.155 126.59185.991 127.676185.827 105.617185.663 97.6719185.499 113.105185.335 122.695185.171 90.2852185.007 105.047184.843 106.438184.678 123.398184.514 106.715184.35 127.684

184.186 96.9961184.022 112.973183.858 99.6094183.694 108.02183.53 114.48

183.366 107.598183.202 125.184183.038 127.773182.874 104.633182.71 104.918

182.546 119.02182.382 102.215182.218 116.184182.054 103.781181.89 112.219

181.726 86.9375181.562 130.227181.398 112.57181.234 93.0156181.07 83.8008

180.906 131.922180.741 108.098180.577 102.266180.413 98.3633180.249 110.418180.085 108.949179.921 113.492179.757 113.648179.593 116.543179.429 91.8047179.265 97.5938179.101 111.473178.937 109.355178.773 103.074178.609 101.074178.445 115.125178.281 108.766178.117 123.797177.953 120.984177.789 103.684177.625 94.9336177.461 92.8828177.297 100.797177.133 97.5977176.968 83.9297176.804 109.652176.64 98.6484

176.476 94.7617176.312 105.262176.148 104.957175.984 97.1641175.82 103.945

175.656 98.8516175.492 95.9727175.328 70.625175.164 84.918

175 105.98174.836 101.605174.672 99.9414174.508 94.7656174.344 104.539174.18 88.9336

174.016 92.5742173.852 113.492173.688 99.8633173.524 105.395173.36 109.332

173.196 105.898173.031 94.957172.867 112.77172.703 111.953172.539 123.309172.375 112.664172.211 108.559172.047 91.7969171.883 96.0391171.719 93.0781171.555 116.672171.391 113.996171.227 107.848171.063 105.445170.899 119.707170.735 114.547170.571 127.434170.407 93.1914170.243 94.7695170.079 103.125169.915 96.8555169.751 93.5625169.587 95.0078169.423 126.215169.259 102.957169.094 98.1797168.93 102.633

168.766 105.461168.602 83.5273168.438 92.5547168.274 122.074168.11 110.824

167.946 80.7188167.782 144.289167.618 103.852167.454 107.52167.29 87.3125

167.126 101.762166.962 87.6641166.798 102.711166.634 101.395166.47 109.539

166.306 92.4375166.142 106.59165.978 132.328165.814 87.0195165.65 102.242

165.486 111.719165.322 105.398165.157 101.813164.993 105.852164.829 98.6484164.665 132.063164.501 112.664164.337 89.6602164.173 112.195164.009 138.859163.845 100.375163.681 128.203163.517 121.516163.353 119.305163.189 95.5313163.025 125.809162.861 136.039162.697 112.613162.533 131.406162.369 114.348162.205 111.816162.041 111.211161.877 105.605161.713 129.156161.549 114.957161.385 94.7266161.22 111.746

161.056 115.328160.892 118.281160.728 126.953160.564 124.605

160.4 113.023160.236 81.8281160.072 126.5159.908 101.332159.744 100.566159.58 107.293

159.416 98.4141159.252 96.6055159.088 116.496158.924 98.1758158.76 112.09

158.596 107.949158.432 119.129158.268 124.457158.104 95.8945157.94 130.688

157.776 98.4414157.612 95.7656157.447 93.7891157.283 120157.119 100.02156.955 122.973156.791 102.199156.627 129.891156.463 139.125156.299 111.145156.135 114.398155.971 118.57155.807 123.801155.643 118.594155.479 86.0156155.315 116.934155.151 82.6641154.987 112.324154.823 122.914154.659 107.188154.495 102.348154.331 104.086154.167 116.676154.003 119.324153.839 110.316153.675 110.988153.51 110.758

153.346 101.816153.182 107.785153.018 124.906152.854 104.723152.69 106.797

152.526 121.324152.362 127.902152.198 128.688152.034 87.4453151.87 103.23

151.706 128.797151.542 108.391151.378 128.32151.214 94.5156151.05 102.355

150.886 109.156150.722 114.117150.558 104.672150.394 96.4414150.23 104.016

150.066 104.16149.902 97.7734149.738 89.625149.573 105.328149.409 66.9336149.245 95.9453149.081 102.051148.917 89.4258148.753 115.246148.589 88.5703148.425 97.1172148.261 93.4141148.097 87.2266147.933 94.9727147.769 95.1055147.605 107.754147.441 71.8164147.277 89.4141147.113 85.9531146.949 95.7734146.785 100.887146.621 83.1367146.457 91.4453146.293 91.3867146.129 88.2617145.965 108.668145.801 74.8594145.636 92.4297145.472 82.4258145.308 116.906145.144 102.414144.98 109.34

144.816 88.293144.652 94.5859144.488 101.602144.324 93.5859144.16 97.3594

143.996 102.395143.832 102.93143.668 111.805143.504 123.375143.34 91.8945

143.176 120.281143.012 108.07142.848 105.68142.684 98.0898142.52 110.297

142.356 89.7813142.192 112.875142.028 102.453141.864 88.1172141.699 88.2852141.535 84.3867141.371 103.137141.207 106.484141.043 115.75140.879 112.207140.715 94.0273140.551 97.2305140.387 96.7891140.223 89.875140.059 97.9219139.895 118.52139.731 86.9883139.567 89.9141139.403 83.7617139.239 96.9336139.075 98.4102138.911 86.582138.747 94.4141138.583 102.945138.419 86.293138.255 92.9453138.091 109.145137.926 92.4648137.762 88.0117137.598 96.9844137.434 101.965137.27 104.996

137.106 110.441136.942 93.168136.778 95.1914136.614 91.8477136.45 103.852

136.286 120.773136.122 107.34135.958 97.0352135.794 123.164135.63 112.887

135.466 121.473135.302 122.281135.138 102.926134.974 116.684134.81 139.039

134.646 132.227134.482 138.742134.318 117.219134.154 141.164133.989 143.438133.825 135.258133.661 144.594133.497 150.211133.333 138.297133.169 124.449133.005 112.43132.841 128.68132.677 121.934132.513 133.125132.349 120.668132.185 100.398132.021 131.406131.857 135.648131.693 102.465131.529 124.992131.365 111.797131.201 120.883131.037 119.203130.873 121.426130.709 128.453130.545 126.469130.381 143.969130.217 135.031130.052 98129.888 109.652129.724 103.094129.56 144.656

129.396 138.813129.232 142.797129.068 136.445128.904 162.914128.74 144.859

128.576 150.484128.412 170.227128.248 154.102128.084 160.539127.92 135.93

127.756 151.906127.592 194.82127.428 158.977127.264 150.352

127.1 175.625126.936 158.125126.772 137.398126.608 162.656126.444 159.219126.28 152.859

126.115 164.164125.951 134.055125.787 160.539125.623 171.094125.459 178.656125.295 142.891125.131 145.063124.967 161.344124.803 153.297124.639 166.516124.475 165.328124.311 155.945124.147 145.789123.983 157.359123.819 193.008123.655 142.266123.491 155.133123.327 172.313123.163 134.141122.999 153.453122.835 145.211122.671 185.109122.507 178.133122.343 148.898122.178 155.242122.014 153.953121.85 143.242

121.686 149.227121.522 140.086121.358 154.719121.194 143.086121.03 147.898

120.866 174.891120.702 169.406120.538 166.359120.374 150.055120.21 183.453

120.046 174.531119.882 181.977119.718 170.906119.554 159.102119.39 140.172

119.226 171.484119.062 176.805118.898 151.977118.734 144.805118.57 135.414

118.406 159.219118.241 134.625118.077 144.656117.913 153.148117.749 172.352117.585 149.945117.421 142.719117.257 175.922117.093 142.898116.929 148.18116.765 169.703116.601 150.219116.437 145.383116.273 161.297116.109 141.688115.945 152.625115.781 166.813115.617 147.234115.453 159.047115.289 144.789115.125 148.719114.961 147.859114.797 168.797114.633 149.43114.468 139.141114.304 153.219114.14 143.656

113.976 179.359113.812 173.578113.648 129.875113.484 166.602113.32 150.398

113.156 166.648112.992 148.969112.828 145.523112.664 155.141

112.5 131.852112.336 146.82112.172 152.102112.008 144.539111.844 159.875111.68 169.172

111.516 159.281111.352 154.18111.188 152.703111.024 192.484110.86 151.508

110.696 146.352110.531 171.289110.367 148.578110.203 151.203110.039 153.398109.875 148.25

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109.711 143.266109.547 151.461109.383 150.469109.219 153.82109.055 138.297108.891 163.547108.727 148.219108.563 153.461108.399 150.703108.235 124.188108.071 138.297107.907 138.836107.743 153.078107.579 157.539107.415 144.461107.251 131.164107.087 142.266106.923 187.031106.759 147.078106.594 162.273106.43 141.602

106.266 140.742106.102 158.531105.938 170.078105.774 154.375105.61 165.289

105.446 152.57105.282 173.906105.118 168.523104.954 167.406104.79 168.094

104.626 167.422104.462 164.398104.298 186.461104.134 147.836103.97 150.141

103.806 150.703103.642 153.32103.478 155.68103.314 159.867103.15 173.172

102.986 129.773102.822 165.609102.657 154.578102.493 134.453102.329 167.32102.165 168.977102.001 157.102101.837 143.773101.673 153.484101.509 188.539101.345 166.727101.181 147.586101.017 181.273100.853 125.613100.689 173.367100.525 174.086100.361 189.945100.197 125.578100.033 164.57899.8688 160.04799.7047 173.62599.5407 157.96999.3766 131.60999.2126 137.94599.0485 13198.8845 154.91498.7205 168.49298.5564 158.60998.3924 166.13398.2283 170.85298.0643 147.00897.9003 163.4397.7362 159.41497.5722 156.23497.4081 166.92297.2441 171

97.08 152.2596.916 196.14196.752 153.758

96.5879 171.56396.4239 138.89196.2598 153.37596.0958 157.34495.9317 153.15695.7677 167.46195.6037 156.04795.4396 165.71995.2756 167.95395.1115 187.12594.9475 131.97794.7835 150.56394.6194 180.22794.4554 136.35294.2913 139.58694.1273 171.62593.9632 152.593.7992 154.74293.6352 134.46193.4711 171.19593.3071 150.21193.143 155.0792.979 168.938

92.8149 165.13392.6509 156.96192.4869 143.56392.3228 156.14892.1588 151.64891.9947 186.35991.8307 175.78991.6667 168.36791.5026 171.75891.3386 186.07891.1745 173.64191.0105 162.46190.8464 139.45390.6824 152.76690.5184 155.63390.3543 170.72790.1903 185.97790.0262 144.4389.8622 148.77389.6982 140.16489.5341 175.87589.3701 170.39889.206 141.13389.042 146.305

88.8779 171.64888.7139 159.61788.5499 175.02388.3858 162.81388.2218 162.588.0577 169.15687.8937 170.35987.7296 183.64187.5656 176.85987.4016 167.91487.2375 175.38387.0735 136.14186.9094 185.09486.7454 204.66486.5814 155.22786.4173 167.83686.2533 124.7586.0892 148.54785.9252 175.01685.7611 169.8285.5971 189.37585.4331 170.2585.269 152.11785.105 146.672

84.9409 150.24284.7769 154.35284.6128 128.99284.4488 159.20384.2848 202.55584.1207 130.10983.9567 183.58683.7926 196.7583.6286 170.10283.4646 180.71183.3005 164.96983.1365 181.69582.9724 183.14882.8084 157.02382.6443 171.44582.4803 155.98482.3163 192.97782.1522 164.38381.9882 137.12581.8241 160.64181.6601 174.4381.4961 139.32881.332 199.03981.168 195.32

81.0039 196.10280.8399 152.2580.6758 187.29780.5118 154.07880.3478 158.08680.1837 149.58680.0197 152.34479.8556 158.89179.6916 209.87579.5275 152.2579.3635 157.9379.1995 191.94579.0354 159.03178.8714 170.64178.7073 147.45378.5433 137.02378.3793 132.76678.2152 146.13378.0512 164.82877.8871 169.81377.7231 144.67277.559 138.78977.395 153.6877.231 178.57

77.0669 171.05576.9029 161.24276.7388 149.91476.5748 160.77376.4107 133.92276.2467 173.40676.0827 167.44575.9186 176.83675.7546 141.0775.5905 177.60975.4265 171.6875.2625 170.10975.0984 173.60974.9344 184.71174.7703 155.79774.6063 161.03174.4422 160.41474.2782 163.4374.1142 149.05573.9501 138.46973.7861 178.20373.622 136.67273.458 160.78173.294 147.758

73.1299 139.89172.9659 182.38372.8018 141.51672.6378 159.58672.4737 162.72772.3097 151.85972.1457 163.14871.9816 160.64171.8176 149.52371.6535 174.50871.4895 157.14871.3254 170.30571.1614 124.51670.9974 146.27370.8333 164.28170.6693 152.88370.5052 170.95370.3412 181.22770.1772 144.13370.0131 147.2569.8491 125.39569.685 164.01669.521 125.301

69.3569 139.45369.1929 154.35269.0289 170.76668.8648 167.93868.7008 122.74668.5367 162.0768.3727 106.24268.2086 145.75868.0446 163.41467.8806 162.14867.7165 148.61767.5525 159.86767.3884 182.57867.2244 152.38367.0604 168.99266.8963 155.41466.7323 164.66466.5682 133.0766.4042 187.61766.2401 156.19566.0761 171.80565.9121 153.89865.748 175.40665.584 169.578

65.4199 143.9365.2559 160.10265.0919 140.86764.9278 136.85264.7638 164.13364.5997 159.67264.4357 180.16464.2716 152.8264.1076 169.06363.9436 157.90663.7795 177.90663.6155 183.84463.4514 132.52363.2874 187.89863.1233 181.14162.9593 169.10962.7953 154.09462.6312 168.46162.4672 166.65662.3031 153.16462.1391 145.93861.9751 170.78161.811 188.1861.647 168.266

61.4829 158.6861.3189 176.38361.1548 161.3260.9908 164.33660.8268 167.99260.6627 143.35960.4987 183.66460.3346 184.42260.1706 152.02360.0065 126.1659.8425 140.13359.6785 181.76659.5144 131.25859.3504 176.04759.1863 181.02359.0223 141.74258.8583 169.10958.6942 187.94558.5302 132.85958.3661 125.94158.2021 177.77358.038 145.28957.874 168.57857.71 152.703

57.5459 167.41457.3819 141.96957.2178 183.99257.0538 144.71156.8898 135.33656.7257 131.84456.5617 166.69556.3976 131.47756.2336 165.30556.0695 130.44555.9055 161.97755.7415 165.93855.5774 140.85955.4134 152.8255.2493 161.2555.0853 163.39154.9212 165.60254.7572 150.25854.5932 146.0754.4291 135.43854.2651 145.57854.101 156.24253.937 135.59453.773 145.703

53.6089 177.79753.4449 126.66453.2808 157.92253.1168 135.11752.9527 158.87552.7887 179.91452.6247 132.05552.4606 141.17252.2966 179.49252.1325 168.07851.9685 148.50851.8044 170.15651.6404 161.47751.4764 147.91451.3123 143.8251.1483 162.0750.9842 158.46150.8202 131.75850.6562 159.14150.4921 145.45350.3281 160.64150.164 146.898

50 139.1849.8359 135.61749.6719 161.68849.5079 157.10249.3438 162.49249.1798 176.78949.0157 178.5748.8517 163.41448.6877 138.0748.5236 171.17248.3596 147.71948.1955 159.69548.0315 132.81347.8674 164.04747.7034 154.79747.5394 167.10947.3753 193.07847.2113 163.25847.0472 170.2546.8832 155.34446.7191 160.96146.5551 158.08646.3911 156.96146.227 146.03946.063 165.938

45.8989 132.85945.7349 155.02345.5709 147.8245.4068 162.51645.2428 156.69545.0787 155.8244.9147 161.38344.7506 177.15644.5866 125.56644.4226 117.56644.2585 157.22744.0945 156.41443.9304 187.26643.7664 150.43843.6024 181.97743.4383 126.00843.2743 172.66443.1102 157.00842.9462 161.44542.7821 167.41442.6181 158.59442.4541 142.938

42.29 175.22742.126 141.07

41.9619 164.30541.7979 141.85241.6338 156.35241.4698 151.541.3058 174.38341.1417 171.37540.9777 158.85940.8136 164.46140.6496 164.35940.4856 161.73440.3215 133.99240.1575 142.55539.9934 162.16439.8294 174.9339.6653 147.0739.5013 158.43839.3373 157.97739.1732 171.62539.0092 148.66438.8451 162.33638.6811 144.85238.517 162.63338.353 178.28138.189 166.078

38.0249 167.03137.8609 185.37537.6968 152.96137.5328 143.22737.3688 161.28137.2047 139.12537.0407 140.46936.8766 141.7536.7126 150.34436.5485 174.22736.3845 157.0736.2205 117.11736.0564 162.28935.8924 172.58635.7283 191.05535.5643 145.44535.4003 182.3235.2362 152.39135.0722 133.98434.9081 186.18834.7441 179.086

34.58 155.84434.416 162.02334.252 156.609

34.0879 134.86733.9239 144.22733.7598 171.08633.5958 184.75833.4317 158.29733.2677 136.08633.1037 173.86732.9396 151.46132.7756 171.5732.6115 170.71932.4475 142.33632.2835 159.21932.1194 146.26631.9554 182.51631.7913 162.16431.6273 146.39131.4632 146.70331.2992 167.7531.1352 154.58630.9711 137.47730.8071 152.10930.643 134.31330.479 148.586

30.3149 138.85230.1509 154.96129.9869 153.53129.8228 173.58629.6588 164.24229.4947 180.72729.3307 192.20329.1667 148.10929.0026 126.35528.8386 144.20328.6745 158.56328.5105 170.28128.3464 150.53928.1824 162.31328.0184 132.47727.8543 137.08627.6903 137.88327.5262 147.96127.3622 115.36727.1982 139.06327.0341 127.4326.8701 114.55926.706 114.44126.542 105.551

26.3779 137.48426.2139 118.9326.0499 107.94125.8858 129.35225.7218 122.10225.5577 110.46125.3937 140.83625.2296 137.52325.0656 108.26224.9016 133.41424.7375 106.8424.5735 114.25824.4094 102.93824.2454 119.46524.0814 120.82423.9173 130.88323.7533 105.77323.5892 132.18823.4252 105.59423.2611 134.46923.0971 104.3222.9331 107.35222.769 11522.605 109.078

22.4409 102.4122.2769 117.71122.1128 124.09821.9488 105.3221.7848 117.5721.6207 115.46521.4567 111.14121.2926 110.20721.1286 132.23420.9646 105.77

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20.8005 152.39120.6365 135.5720.4724 106.28920.3084 138.78920.1443 142.33619.9803 135.71119.8163 136.51619.6522 137.82819.4882 102.57419.3241 166.42219.1601 135.41418.9961 122.4118.832 127.46118.668 133.141

18.5039 158.25818.3399 12118.1758 125.60518.0118 119.2717.8478 129.32817.6837 148.73417.5197 151.19517.3556 135.21117.1916 132.58617.0275 136.67216.8635 143.03916.6995 102.09816.5354 129.03916.3714 150.04716.2073 124.28116.0433 123.81315.8793 109.87115.7152 160.64815.5512 107.79715.3871 127.9315.2231 106.12115.059 117.74214.895 137.98414.731 154.367

14.5669 151.98414.4029 107.54714.2388 139.46114.0748 140.24213.9107 172.64813.7467 119.4313.5827 181.57813.4186 170.01613.2546 144.55513.0905 150.60912.9265 139.45312.7625 125.18412.5984 149.7512.4344 139.02312.2703 147.75812.1063 126.82411.9422 144.99211.7782 145.96111.6142 137.47711.4501 137.79711.2861 147.42211.122 129.13310.958 137.04710.794 142.008

10.6299 153.33610.4659 124.88710.3018 136.97710.1378 145.4929.97374 172.4149.8097 165.484

9.64566 132.1029.48161 129.9539.31757 145.9149.15353 129.8448.98949 116.5668.82545 131.1338.6614 97.2813

8.49736 139.1338.33332 122.2778.16928 98.62898.00524 105.7547.84119 102.9147.67715 109.6527.51311 109.5517.34907 102.7897.18503 93.76567.02098 102.2276.85694 92.756.6929 99.0313

6.52886 104.8756.36482 104.9496.20077 96.80086.03673 90.23835.87269 91.55865.70865 93.6255.54461 112.0235.38056 131.7585.21652 95.43755.05248 107.0594.88844 123.1764.7244 118.426

4.56035 93.44534.39631 104.6134.23227 119.3054.06823 108.9773.90419 95.01563.74014 102.1413.5761 86.6016

3.41206 94.28913.24802 89.14063.08398 90.35162.91993 89.23832.75589 108.3282.59185 80.10162.42781 94.53522.26377 107.7152.09972 100.2541.93568 74.91411.77164 71.99611.6076 73.5156

1.44356 100.4341.27951 83.67971.11547 63.6191

0.951431 73.64450.787389 76.60550.623347 60.18160.459305 65.46480.295263 48.0977

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Natural Gamma (03/07/10)









0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100

Depth (ft)

Natural Gam

ma (cps)

16" casing to 262'

12" casing to 769'10" casing to 1012'

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1013.91 75.85161013.75 66.92971013.58 80.77731013.42 65.76561013.25 72.28131013.09 71.00391012.93 66.32031012.76 76.83591012.6 70.4492

1012.43 66.19141012.27 54.17191012.11 62.81641011.94 61.75591011.78 73.1681011.61 55.49411011.45 66.14451011.29 76.69141011.12 76.00781010.96 61.89451010.79 67.30471010.63 47.43951010.47 52.75781010.3 52.9941

1010.14 52.07421009.97 61.62111009.81 60.89841009.65 69.48051009.48 70.69141009.32 73.43751009.15 66.95311008.99 79.80861008.83 77.88281008.66 70.08591008.5 43.9707

1008.33 70.67191008.17 71.85941008.01 79.57421007.84 71.48831007.68 69.14061007.51 71.0821007.35 65.77731007.19 75.7071007.02 60.75591006.86 62.1661006.69 57.2071006.53 55.52731006.36 65.97271006.2 60.0234

1006.04 78.02731005.87 53.54881005.71 59.29881005.54 50.03711005.38 71.9181005.22 51.75781005.05 73.26951004.89 78.92581004.72 55.04491004.56 63.41991004.4 73.6836

1004.23 57.38091004.07 75.09381003.9 72.1094

1003.74 59.25391003.58 69.69921003.41 57.6231003.25 58.09771003.08 57.22661002.92 53.66021002.76 63.35941002.59 54.28131002.43 45.98241002.26 51.33981002.1 63.5918

1001.94 59.9981001.77 40.86331001.61 47.40631001.44 57.14261001.28 48.99021001.12 47.51371000.95 48.03711000.79 34.09381000.62 33.7911000.46 36.85941000.3 27.3066

1000.13 30.7969999.967 19.3516999.803 32.2539999.639 25.9365999.475 37.666999.311 18.2617999.147 29.9736998.983 31.875998.819 37.0332998.655 57.5449998.491 58.6035998.327 56.2871998.163 52.8906997.999 59.6426997.835 63.0488997.671 80.1602997.507 76.6758997.343 78.1836997.179 51.6836997.014 57.8809996.85 79.4258

996.686 70.4961996.522 95.1406996.358 74.7148996.194 63.6953996.03 76.0195

995.866 67.0859995.702 56.3965995.538 61.7617995.374 53.5742995.21 55.6035

995.046 62.4238994.882 59.6992994.718 43.2324994.554 56.9277994.39 59.1094

994.226 61.8301994.062 50.3613993.898 55.0293993.734 45.9941993.57 60.4766

993.406 60.3242993.241 53.9316993.077 44.2246992.913 53.0176992.749 55.4883992.585 51.8066992.421 56.752992.257 65.2734992.093 70.4453991.929 52.4238991.765 47.9277991.601 55.4238991.437 67.668991.273 64.0234991.109 46.3359990.945 70.4453990.781 48.6855990.617 76.4336990.453 67.9844990.289 70.9297990.125 48.6816989.961 76.6406989.797 68.875989.633 53.4199989.469 66.2031989.304 92.8672989.14 66.793

988.976 50.4453988.812 74.7109988.648 70.3477988.484 45.9043988.32 58.832

988.156 60.5098987.992 60.9453987.828 57.0859987.664 69.0508

987.5 53.6211987.336 37.9453987.172 72.5586987.008 61.0547986.844 77.9336986.68 66.3359

986.516 67.7813986.352 61.6152986.188 71.2383986.024 53.5234985.86 69.5664

985.696 55.4219985.532 53.8477985.367 58.5059985.203 70.0977985.039 64.9805984.875 60.4473984.711 59.0586984.547 57.0645984.383 47.3613984.219 56.4883984.055 50.4375983.891 62.1797983.727 50.459983.563 53.3262983.399 48.082983.235 50.8789983.071 63.0566982.907 56.3574982.743 48.627982.579 50.4395982.415 58.6426982.251 51.8301982.087 40.6387981.923 39.0059981.759 51.7969981.595 72.457981.43 72.9258

981.266 57.4395981.102 58.9922980.938 42.2246980.774 57.1055980.61 39.5469

980.446 47.7285980.282 56.9668980.118 53.6523979.954 48.6621979.79 62.3555

979.626 62.9961979.462 39.3984979.298 37.3906979.134 70.1992978.97 47.1563

978.806 49.9805978.642 72.4883978.478 51.8789978.314 55.4629978.15 34.0938

977.986 61.5059977.822 42.2344977.658 52.1641977.493 32.6387977.329 47.1797977.165 51.752977.001 53.8848976.837 54.1523976.673 52.6152976.509 48.168976.345 56.7715976.181 59.373976.017 62.627975.853 36.3965975.689 75.5078975.525 39.1992975.361 48.7734975.197 56.7852975.033 45.3613974.869 53.8262974.705 31.0918974.541 39.2148974.377 37.1309974.213 59.666974.049 40.6406973.885 47.1172973.72 40.6816

973.556 53.4004973.392 42.4395973.228 46.0469973.064 44.0156

972.9 45.7793972.736 38.082972.572 55.2461972.408 45.5781972.244 43.6152972.08 52.916

971.916 41.2871971.752 45.8262971.588 32.6973971.424 48.7695971.26 33.9473

971.096 42.3457970.932 43.9492970.768 40.6152970.604 56.6934970.44 34.252

970.276 52.4063970.112 39.0254969.948 42.1113969.783 37.4336969.619 35.8281969.455 55.457969.291 37.4629969.127 32.5684968.963 52.9785968.799 40.2031968.635 40.5391968.471 35.2715968.307 43.2793968.143 54.8145967.979 37.5273967.815 29.1045967.651 49.9727967.487 53.748967.323 50.5449967.159 32.3945966.995 50.4902966.831 80.1484966.667 55.2871966.503 40.5469966.339 45.418966.175 42.2617966.011 50.8672965.846 52.4316965.682 57965.518 48.793965.354 31.0918965.19 36.3984

965.026 38.3848964.862 51.6484964.698 47.3105964.534 26.7158964.37 46.3711

964.206 49.1934964.042 43.8438963.878 60.3184963.714 52.1387963.55 61.4844

963.386 45.1094963.222 43.75963.058 45.6641962.894 66.7578962.73 40.5078

962.566 68.0195962.402 52.7285962.238 44.0879962.074 63.3789961.909 35.6953961.745 52.3535961.581 59.123961.417 36.3008961.253 51.5938961.089 42.0156960.925 59.4395960.761 58.7402960.597 54.6504960.433 57.2461960.269 87.9023960.105 60.3477959.941 46.9336959.777 43.4551959.613 63.4063959.449 41.0215959.285 47.2793959.121 51.791958.957 61.375958.793 45.5859958.629 61.957958.465 61.8477958.301 40.6699958.137 44.0586957.972 67.0117957.808 57.6445957.644 55.6973957.48 48.1348

957.316 55.7754957.152 52.5352956.988 42.0176956.824 57.8887956.66 39.7637

956.496 49.3281956.332 53.7539956.168 69.7031956.004 53.4902955.84 52.0078

955.676 58.4785955.512 59.8926955.348 45.3145955.184 52.0469955.02 40.9512

954.856 47.4746954.692 71.2813954.528 55.3379954.364 58.7695

954.2 42.293954.035 34.168953.871 42.5215953.707 50.0938953.543 60.6328953.379 31.9658953.215 39.0391953.051 28.29952.887 36.5449952.723 49.0566952.559 40.668952.395 30.8125952.231 43.9023952.067 39.2324951.903 50.5488951.739 53.5156951.575 32.6172951.411 42.4121951.247 56.7227951.083 55.1113950.919 47.1504950.755 32.7148950.591 53.8223950.427 57.0176950.262 50.4453950.098 47.7012949.934 34.8887949.77 43.543

949.606 30.1182949.442 37.1211949.278 51.7695949.114 31.6338948.95 37.459

948.786 48.7656948.622 36.293948.458 35.8242948.294 27.5518948.13 24.2852

947.966 26.0361947.802 24.5186947.638 34.2109947.474 42.4102947.31 34.334

947.146 37.7148946.982 39.2207946.818 45.3691946.654 37.2031946.49 37.498

946.325 44.4023946.161 54.4609945.997 43.2363945.833 30.3145945.669 44.2109945.505 31.8848945.341 43.0625945.177 35.959945.013 40.8652944.849 53.8535944.685 48.5918944.521 48.6172944.357 48.6465944.193 49.0957944.029 47.791943.865 40.5586943.701 34.0938943.537 50.6797943.373 40.9375943.209 57.0137943.045 48.8379942.881 55.8066942.717 44.3105942.553 32.6758942.388 59.2266942.224 58.2676

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942.06 45.5059941.896 47.4297941.732 26.835941.568 62.5352941.404 60.8535941.24 51.0234

941.076 49.084940.912 76.0391940.748 59.4277940.584 50.0703940.42 41.791

940.256 59.1172940.092 57.4629939.928 51.248939.764 55.4551

939.6 44.2891939.436 44.6523939.272 40.1406939.108 47.1875938.944 31.0625938.78 50.9063

938.616 59.8242938.451 38.834938.287 42.8086938.123 49.1094937.959 40.7324937.795 32.4043937.631 48.1855937.467 60.8809937.303 32.9648937.139 28.1143936.975 45.3594936.811 40.5176936.647 53.0684936.483 32.8027936.319 37.4082936.155 42.9668935.991 35.0215935.827 38.2109935.663 40.3359935.499 52.0859935.335 35.3887935.171 55.2734935.007 40.4141934.843 45.7988934.679 42.7813934.514 46.332934.35 56.3984

934.186 38.8828934.022 35.3691933.858 36.4023933.694 34.6387933.53 36.5176

933.366 49.3867933.202 34.3984933.038 50.6328932.874 44.4004932.71 37.748

932.546 37.291932.382 38.6699932.218 42.2285932.054 45.5098931.89 35.9297

931.726 57.5645931.562 62.9922931.398 48.2715931.234 31.9502931.07 56.0352

930.906 63.3711930.741 55.0215930.577 36.2754930.413 48.1934930.249 40.3008930.085 56.8594929.921 45.5195929.757 56.4277929.593 55.752929.429 57.2813929.265 46.2871929.101 56.2207928.937 49.2969928.773 61.625928.609 42.0176928.445 64.832928.281 53.3184928.117 63.1504927.953 47.6289927.789 38.4863927.625 67.1914927.461 43.666927.297 57.4941927.133 44.7383926.969 57.1113926.804 49.668926.64 55.7852

926.476 55.918926.312 54.1641926.148 66.4727925.984 61.1582925.82 66.0469

925.656 42.8906925.492 51.041925.328 57.9199925.164 49.1016

925 60.3477924.836 45.6875924.672 53.7539924.508 48.5918924.344 60.0898924.18 52.9707

924.016 60.6211923.852 54.5469923.688 56.7461923.524 52.3008923.36 60.3633

923.196 65.7148923.032 51.5469922.867 59.4648922.703 54.1445922.539 59.0586922.375 68.2813922.211 55.8203922.047 49.2383921.883 39.1133921.719 47.627921.555 30.3555921.391 30.4727921.227 47.8945921.063 47.2188920.899 41.6934920.735 49.7773920.571 50.2656920.407 38.957920.243 54.9238920.079 43.9902919.915 24.9268919.751 44.8906919.587 39.9336919.423 54.9316919.259 60.166919.095 53.0723918.93 40.0449

918.766 41.2773918.602 37.5566918.438 31.8096918.274 52.9961918.11 40.7598

917.946 44.0117917.782 50.8555917.618 50.5566917.454 34.9531917.29 54.2305

917.126 31.46916.962 36.3242916.798 22.4102916.634 39.9277916.47 54.6836

916.306 42.0254916.142 42.5117915.978 37.9258915.814 67.2656915.65 40.25

915.486 52.8867915.322 46.4199915.158 44.4199914.993 38.0508914.829 44.7676914.665 56.3691914.501 60.1875914.337 42.7754914.173 33.9102914.009 30.2529913.845 44.0781913.681 39.4121913.517 33.959913.353 36.9961913.189 35.0449913.025 36.7695912.861 44.9902912.697 50.1602912.533 55.7285912.369 44.9922912.205 51.959912.041 27.7891911.877 49.0352911.713 32.0645911.549 40.8008911.385 58.084911.22 46.041

911.056 23.585910.892 43.9297910.728 24.8623910.564 43.1758

910.4 28.0391910.236 23.0391910.072 33.002909.908 47.6602909.744 37.4746909.58 22.7783

909.416 37.3613909.252 37.3027909.088 45.3203908.924 49.2266908.76 41.4531

908.596 43.4551908.432 38.291908.268 41.9063908.104 46.2988907.94 29.4092

907.776 46.8809907.612 48.8125907.448 46.0566907.283 47.1289907.119 25.9531906.955 53.2188906.791 37.418906.627 45.8457906.463 52.9102906.299 42.9941906.135 26.4102905.971 36.3262905.807 34.3457905.643 45.6191905.479 36.6992905.315 42.002905.151 48.8672904.987 51.9629904.823 44.0332904.659 55.0098904.495 57.1035904.331 45.7656904.167 33.4492904.003 47.8711903.839 51.8711903.675 37.7207903.511 34.0684903.346 40.4102903.182 58.4746903.018 34.3633902.854 39.7402902.69 40.918

902.526 33.8613902.362 35.5313902.198 28.8916902.034 40.7559901.87 30.1895

901.706 40.1621901.542 28.5205901.378 31.9785901.214 20.29901.05 22.1836

900.886 25.9209900.722 26.0156900.558 13.2852900.394 18.6758900.23 10.292

900.066 6.96704899.902 17.373899.738 10.2573899.574 13.5439899.409 10.0566899.245 10.0908899.081 20.1113898.917 13.4458898.753 13.2637898.589 24.6963898.425 11.5679898.261 11.5811898.097 24.5576897.933 17.7988897.769 16.2451897.605 21.0684897.441 17.877897.277 24.7256897.113 27.5205896.949 32.541896.785 36.8809896.621 37.2832896.457 25.6611896.293 39.8828896.129 43.627895.965 34.791895.801 48.3516895.637 46.7207895.472 13.8628895.308 25.9766895.144 32.4023894.98 32.3945

894.816 27.3877894.652 30.667894.488 40.5664894.324 35.4805894.16 28.7236

893.996 42.1191893.832 28.2783893.668 40.0059893.504 22.166893.34 36.0801

893.176 29.3535893.012 11.7471892.848 20.1777892.684 30.8076892.52 32.9453

892.356 44.3125892.192 33.873892.028 33.5078891.864 19.251

891.7 27.7471891.535 34.2637891.371 32.1172891.207 16.9668891.043 30.5508890.879 38.8867890.715 28.75890.551 31.0332890.387 30.1836890.223 36.3457890.059 31.1318889.895 29.3408889.731 28.1104889.567 26.8457889.403 33.7676889.239 33.627889.075 10.1841888.911 41.7188888.747 27.7637888.583 38.541888.419 28.1211888.255 37.0352888.091 33.1074887.927 51.6074887.762 35.6367887.598 40.7266887.434 40.9258887.27 37.4727

887.106 30.4863886.942 36.8457886.778 52.1855886.614 37.3281886.45 43.957

886.286 25.2188886.122 32.0664885.958 39.2402885.794 27.2471885.63 57.6484

885.466 42.1074885.302 52.418885.138 57.6875884.974 58.3125884.81 62.2246

884.646 47.2871884.482 42.3789884.318 49.4922884.154 24.458883.99 53.0371

883.825 66.3242883.661 51.0469883.497 49.1738883.333 42.375883.169 30.3438883.005 51.002882.841 73.332882.677 42.3281882.513 50.502882.349 55.668882.185 47.3105882.021 49.2188881.857 54.1855881.693 35.291881.529 54.2598881.365 47.5254881.201 49.4531881.037 37.5371880.873 36.2891880.709 31.7197880.545 38.8145880.381 61.3887880.217 42.9395880.053 53.373879.888 39.3047879.724 35.7051879.56 33.832

879.396 34.1719879.232 30.3555879.068 32.0625878.904 25.2012878.74 36.9434

878.576 38.7305878.412 37.3809878.248 28.8086878.084 52.2949877.92 40.2813

877.756 50.7461877.592 35.459877.428 63.9297877.264 43.8008

877.1 52.6465876.936 48.3184876.772 22.6602876.608 29.7422876.444 36.875876.28 57.0605

876.116 41.3809875.951 43.9414875.787 35.1152875.623 38.1172875.459 25.1182875.295 46.9883875.131 33.3887874.967 51.3477874.803 61.7109874.639 30.4014874.475 51.6836874.311 36.6309874.147 51.5508873.983 52.0117873.819 31.9004873.655 56.832873.491 35.0566873.327 53.7422873.163 28.8086872.999 49.6973872.835 53.5352872.671 43.0313872.507 58.9941872.343 41.1152872.179 42.332872.014 53.1641871.85 58.1602

871.686 30.0957871.522 48.4121871.358 44.6699871.194 36.1094871.03 43.1172

870.866 46.4668870.702 26.6152870.538 33.0391870.374 44.6855870.21 28.2461

870.046 25.1318869.882 41.748869.718 33.1328869.554 54.9102869.39 36.7969

869.226 43.6133869.062 57.6094868.898 30.876868.734 45.2715868.57 32.9512

868.406 44.1758868.241 40.3164868.077 41.4199867.913 53.2578867.749 33.1758867.585 49.6719867.421 31.3877867.257 44.6367867.093 49.9805866.929 31.5205866.765 38866.601 34.834866.437 39.9336866.273 41.4688866.109 33.0039865.945 26.4551865.781 36.7051865.617 40.084865.453 24.9736865.289 38.7988865.125 30.5566864.961 46.4277864.797 24.2393864.633 39.6094864.469 35.5371864.304 27.0078864.14 25.2256

863.976 46.5605863.812 19.8994863.648 33.0977863.484 29.9043863.32 36.2031

863.156 39.4316862.992 21.2227862.828 31.1309862.664 26.2295

862.5 24.6387862.336 19.7617862.172 42.7051862.008 31.502861.844 47.793861.68 21.3672

861.516 31.0234861.352 43.1641861.188 28.7275861.024 36.0078860.86 22.167

860.696 32.2109860.532 30.5449860.367 31.8203860.203 29.7295860.039 29.4639859.875 24.6514859.711 39.6523859.547 37.8809859.383 26.2607859.219 34.373859.055 39.5059858.891 31.3721858.727 27.9785858.563 37.4492858.399 36.0273858.235 36.252858.071 34.5898857.907 39.418857.743 49.2559857.579 46.3633857.415 48.5508857.251 62.3301857.087 44.1699856.923 27.1475856.759 37.418856.595 35.4023856.43 38.4023

856.266 37.6973856.102 47.668855.938 34.6504855.774 56.4434855.61 45.7578

855.446 42.5371855.282 50.9199855.118 33.0098854.954 32.8086854.79 47.459

854.626 39.5762854.462 29.8008854.298 42.9238854.134 41.0801853.97 39.3711

853.806 39.5098853.642 34.7461853.478 31.5508853.314 31.9688

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853.15 27.1758852.986 25.6064852.822 22.2217852.658 62.2617852.493 41.5938852.329 24.6943852.165 42.8281852.001 37.6523851.837 34.3145851.673 27.7725851.509 42.8516851.345 29.6816851.181 37.7871851.017 33.0332850.853 57.2285850.689 34.6348850.525 29.6348850.361 49.25850.197 37.8223850.033 26.583849.869 48.0898849.705 43.082849.541 36.4824849.377 48.8887849.213 23.9805849.049 30.6963848.885 42.4512848.72 36.8262

848.556 38.2637848.392 38848.228 37.7988848.064 49.1094

847.9 42.6367847.736 41.2578847.572 54.0918847.408 60.5586847.244 27.6719847.08 46.0586

846.916 36.375846.752 32.8789846.588 32.7891846.424 41.3164846.26 54.873

846.096 33.0742845.932 54.4746845.768 47.6875845.604 28.457845.44 32.3594

845.276 44.4434845.112 46.1387844.948 42.3613844.783 42.3418844.619 40.166844.455 57.6348844.291 42.2676844.127 49.0371843.963 62.5469843.799 31.0996843.635 44.1328843.471 37.916843.307 70.9805843.143 36.25842.979 34.3828842.815 63.5684842.651 49.2402842.487 34.6543842.323 38.1465842.159 44.5488841.995 52.4395841.831 54.8438841.667 52.3555841.503 52.5039841.339 49.4258841.175 47.6484841.011 56.6055840.846 45.4629840.682 46.5605840.518 52.6445840.354 55.9629840.19 39.6016

840.026 57.6055839.862 53.8145839.698 57.2539839.534 60.7402839.37 62.6309

839.206 52.457839.042 45.6523838.878 47.7188838.714 54.6191838.55 62.6738

838.386 51.0957838.222 41.1445838.058 47.9492837.894 39.752837.73 34.9961

837.566 57.2715837.402 53.1309837.238 53.0781837.074 52.8613836.909 40.7305836.745 48.1172836.581 55.9375836.417 44.4043836.253 47.4727836.089 52.457835.925 41.0117835.761 61.3496835.597 41.1816835.433 54.2402835.269 75.1016835.105 75.7031834.941 57.6621834.777 69.043834.613 52.4941834.449 44.2891834.285 47.8965834.121 56.2871833.957 64.668833.793 58.4063833.629 50.9922833.465 73.625833.301 64.7734833.137 77.7461832.972 75.0547832.808 77.0039832.644 62.7715832.48 60.6875

832.316 65.3281832.152 86.0781831.988 70.7617831.824 62.4492831.66 65.5781

831.496 63.8984831.332 72.8984831.168 64.2539831.004 64.2227830.84 59.0898

830.676 69.3086830.512 69.6094830.348 82.8867830.184 64.1367830.02 79.125

829.856 101.969829.692 47.4395829.528 54.5938829.364 69.9063

829.2 57.9199829.035 84.4492828.871 73.2734828.707 75.2734828.543 81.3203828.379 93.2305828.215 67.4805828.051 83.9883827.887 73.5938827.723 82.0547827.559 67.6289827.395 74.8047827.231 65.3984827.067 62.2363826.903 100.723826.739 74.3984826.575 56.1758826.411 72.5469826.247 61.2617826.083 80.0117825.919 70.7773825.755 76.0586825.591 62.6855825.427 66.582825.262 54.5352825.098 70.5078824.934 85.8047824.77 50.7031

824.606 87.3516824.442 62.6074824.278 83.6406824.114 76.8359823.95 78.6641

823.786 65.9688823.622 72.1836823.458 63.7773823.294 73.7852823.13 69.082

822.966 56.1172822.802 63.0762822.638 51.373822.474 72.5039822.31 69.625

822.146 63.0469821.982 61.8281821.818 55.8184821.654 58.459821.49 65.4492

821.325 52.7949821.161 90.4297820.997 70.8203820.833 70.7422820.669 90.1367820.505 72.0898820.341 58.8418820.177 89.9297820.013 64.2617819.849 57.6543819.685 82.1914819.521 73.8477819.357 92.2617819.193 70.6992819.029 67.1563818.865 63.834818.701 82.6445818.537 69.8477818.373 57.9102818.209 72.9727818.045 85.793817.881 71.3398817.717 65.2148817.553 76.7383817.388 57.6641817.224 68.7734817.06 84.8203

816.896 64.2852816.732 69.0469816.568 78.3242816.404 56.0918816.24 67.5352

816.076 70.4453815.912 80.0352815.748 63.832815.584 85.4688815.42 78.6563

815.256 50.8984815.092 65.832814.928 74.5586814.764 73.0156

814.6 65.8906814.436 90.3945814.272 66.0195814.108 63.9434813.944 78.4961813.78 70.125

813.616 59.3613813.451 81.5625813.287 72.9023813.123 81.3672812.959 65.2773812.795 80.25812.631 82.2695812.467 67.5469812.303 88.6914812.139 90.0508811.975 65.8594811.811 72.8164811.647 88.9063811.483 83.3086811.319 62.0469811.155 74.125810.991 59.4609810.827 69.3125810.663 60.8047810.499 69.5078810.335 65.1445810.171 77.2617810.007 71.3828809.843 50.8867809.679 63.3477809.514 59.4316809.35 70.1211

809.186 80.7266809.022 78.6406808.858 69.0508808.694 57.6035808.53 69.5586

808.366 73.4336808.202 59.0195808.038 64.3477807.874 70.5703807.71 90.1758

807.546 77.2734807.382 84.4531807.218 54.7031807.054 90.6406806.89 90.3438

806.726 87.5117806.562 64.5781806.398 71.5039806.234 55.3926806.07 69.1094

805.906 70.1563805.741 82.4297805.577 78.0078805.413 73.3477805.249 79.3945805.085 69.0586804.921 82.0352804.757 56.9395804.593 68.6641804.429 82.457804.265 70.8867804.101 82.0547803.937 87.0859803.773 67.5625803.609 60.8828803.445 72.4492803.281 87.1875803.117 64.2305802.953 77.9219802.789 78.1602802.625 78.0508802.461 64.6758802.297 70.5625802.133 87.0664801.969 80.3477801.804 83.5898801.64 79.1602

801.476 56.6113801.312 84.4258801.148 75.2461800.984 55.9336800.82 60.6875

800.656 70.8555800.492 65.8984800.328 70.4141800.164 89.3516

800 70.5469799.836 76.0078799.672 67.6836799.508 67.2344799.344 78.6797799.18 63.4844

799.016 51.4336798.852 72.6289798.688 85.7539798.524 43.3672798.36 79.3516

798.196 64.6953798.032 82.1367797.867 75.0664797.703 54.5078797.539 78.7305797.375 69.1914797.211 68.3789797.047 57.2402796.883 70.6875796.719 73.9492796.555 72.0391796.391 79.8359796.227 79.4648796.063 79.0156795.899 59.1465795.735 76.8516795.571 65.6445795.407 82.418795.243 72.7617795.079 56.0664794.915 47.7188794.751 76.1875794.587 51.7637794.423 56.293794.259 90.0391794.095 59.6816793.93 58.1563

793.766 76.3594793.602 63.3789793.438 64.043793.274 59.3633793.11 87.7852

792.946 54.2754792.782 78.5508792.618 85.0898792.454 72.0234792.29 92.2578

792.126 68.9297791.962 75.0273791.798 60.6719791.634 76.0078791.47 76.0313

791.306 56.0527791.142 67.6641790.978 79.3398790.814 78.0742790.65 51.3066

790.486 83.7695790.322 69.8477790.158 77.4922789.993 75.168789.829 84.3594789.665 88.7969789.501 46.2852789.337 52.5625789.173 90.3984789.009 83.4961788.845 87.0273788.681 77.6328788.517 77.7109788.353 65.5898788.189 76.9336788.025 87.1523787.861 69.3906787.697 90.2266787.533 73.9336787.369 60.7773787.205 69.3594787.041 85.9297786.877 67.8281786.713 80.1094786.549 69.4141786.385 58.1953786.22 73.3711

786.056 61.0879785.892 90.4766785.728 50.1016785.564 67.9141

785.4 83.8945785.236 73.4922785.072 77.1758784.908 72.9805784.744 88.7305784.58 105.027

784.416 68.8359784.252 82.3008784.088 59.4531783.924 54.3145783.76 90.3047

783.596 61.1211783.432 54.8594783.268 59.416783.104 52.7227782.94 70.5938

782.776 71.6992782.612 71.1445782.448 61.2617782.283 93.4844782.119 63.3652781.955 65.9805781.791 73.4453781.627 80.4492781.463 94.6211781.299 73.7109781.135 77.5391780.971 67.3789780.807 75.5039780.643 71.75780.479 64.1641780.315 64.8438780.151 75.6367779.987 67.1406779.823 69.1016779.659 81.1563779.495 67.6992779.331 82.3125779.167 82.5938779.003 75.1055778.839 65.4219778.675 54.0332778.511 78.0039778.346 69.8594778.182 63.2676778.018 85.8008777.854 81.2188777.69 70.1953

777.526 57.4883777.362 64.5664777.198 82.1602777.034 83.7109776.87 57.207

776.706 69.3086776.542 93.2188776.378 63.7734776.214 60.5254776.05 95.8281

775.886 85.7891775.722 69.4102775.558 59.6953775.394 75.7539775.23 86.0586

775.066 62.873774.902 70.1914774.738 58.9082774.574 71.6992774.409 70.7891774.245 70.2109774.081 85.4141773.917 67.8555773.753 72.418773.589 87.0664773.425 80.6211773.261 70.0625773.097 67.1992772.933 64.1445772.769 70.3359772.605 80.6563772.441 65.5898772.277 72.7031772.113 83.9375771.949 63.8203771.785 50.5684771.621 62.8066771.457 46.4688771.293 46.4043771.129 31.3984770.965 61.5293770.801 61.502770.637 34.207770.472 47.791770.308 32.3359770.144 36.8379769.98 53.2676

769.816 49.4453769.652 47.877769.488 63.998769.324 39.5391769.16 41.2715

768.996 52.418768.832 39.1328768.668 42.584768.504 56.0137768.34 41.1172

768.176 55.7285768.012 46.1094767.848 28.2402767.684 57.9609767.52 51.2246

767.356 47.623767.192 49.5957767.028 53.5488766.864 40.7031766.699 58.0176766.535 44.2656766.371 38.6523766.207 36.9199766.043 51.4277765.879 56.0703765.715 49.2832765.551 49.3926765.387 51.1133765.223 51.0215765.059 50.627764.895 44.5449764.731 56.3555764.567 46.2383764.403 52.4004

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764.239 32.6953764.075 60.8828763.911 52.8809763.747 39.6641763.583 50.8594763.419 38.0137763.255 34.9941763.091 65.3789762.927 40.6777762.762 63.6133762.598 50.6934762.434 43.2871762.27 32.543

762.106 47.6465761.942 49.4785761.778 38.9863761.614 45.9102761.45 45.9609

761.286 42.3594761.122 45.6641760.958 40.7363760.794 35.584760.63 50.7129

760.466 55.8008760.302 58.0039760.138 37.6348759.974 45.9082759.81 45.7637

759.646 37.4297759.482 34.0781759.318 51.3281759.154 59.9277758.99 56.7031

758.825 43.9258758.661 48.5918758.497 39.6719758.333 64.3398758.169 56.6152758.005 51.0996757.841 47.5703757.677 35.4824757.513 43.6855757.349 35.4238757.185 44.1523757.021 49.5254756.857 37.0781756.693 48.9355756.529 59.7695756.365 39.1387756.201 44.2129756.037 42.4316755.873 69.5898755.709 42.5781755.545 39.3047755.381 37.5684755.217 52.9121755.053 48.2793754.888 36.9844754.724 56.5273754.56 54.6699

754.396 48.875754.232 58.5332754.068 46.3574753.904 42.4727753.74 55.7598

753.576 37.1855753.412 44.1172753.248 42.6504753.084 49.0977752.92 42.1055

752.756 38.6992752.592 42.2266752.428 42.5938752.264 55.9961

752.1 45.6289751.936 27.1299751.772 47.8516751.608 41.4336751.444 33.9727751.28 50.9238

751.116 44.4805750.951 34.8398750.787 47.6152750.623 49.5352750.459 59.9199750.295 43.9609750.131 31.1738749.967 49.4219749.803 49.0039749.639 48.7773749.475 40.7988749.311 30.5889749.147 38.7773748.983 31.8516748.819 43.9336748.655 46.0898748.491 44.2148748.327 45.7734748.163 38.8828747.999 37.3164747.835 32.2656747.671 37.2441747.507 50.9844747.343 56.2129747.179 39.3887747.014 48.3477746.85 40.3535

746.686 42.127746.522 49.4902746.358 30.0615746.194 45.334746.03 42.8652

745.866 27.0918745.702 42.4863745.538 44.4121745.374 54.3379745.21 49.082

745.046 59.0918744.882 33.8672744.718 62.7441744.554 59.1113744.39 60.6973

744.226 57.3438744.062 57.8066743.898 42.6504743.734 30.6621743.57 27.1143

743.406 42.5762743.241 46.1055743.077 52.9375742.913 39.6133742.749 45.457742.585 42.4629742.421 40.8418742.257 43.7949742.093 34.4629741.929 41.3281741.765 44.207741.601 42.5078741.437 49.0234741.273 48.7539741.109 42.4531740.945 57.748740.781 40.8652740.617 42.3965740.453 55.7363740.289 35.6543740.125 28.876739.961 43.9902739.797 43.9023739.633 47.5859739.469 49.4277739.304 44.2227739.14 33.9863

738.976 46.2656738.812 57.5762738.648 37.2207738.484 45.9941738.32 36.8867

738.156 38.0684737.992 49.9141737.828 64.7344737.664 40.7148

737.5 44737.336 52.2734737.172 58.0273737.008 37.5684736.844 43.8867736.68 60.5254

736.516 57.6094736.352 35.7598736.188 46.0078736.024 66.2148735.86 50.6992

735.696 54.6328735.532 42.8359735.367 30.6641735.203 45.8887735.039 49.2246734.875 43.1738734.711 33.2715734.547 56.1367734.383 38.7305734.219 36.9121734.055 47.168733.891 39.6465733.727 52.4121733.563 35.4238733.399 49.0684733.235 47.291733.071 55.9609732.907 47.3242732.743 43.9004732.579 30.4893732.415 39.1289732.251 44.4629732.087 37.168731.923 38.9688731.759 44.3867731.595 27.3184731.43 54.4844

731.266 50.9668731.102 39.3438730.938 53.6211730.774 36.4668730.61 42.2637

730.446 45.7539730.282 54.7031730.118 45.4863729.954 55.2559729.79 25.5127

729.626 38.8477729.462 52.4336729.298 51.0938729.134 40.8301728.97 38.7168

728.806 45.832728.642 50.9629728.478 39728.314 53.9941728.15 45.3594

727.986 28.9521727.822 42.6875727.658 47.6758727.493 52.8125727.329 51.4395727.165 35.8555727.001 53.1504726.837 51.4844726.673 43.4512726.509 53.0293726.345 44.4648726.181 42.5547726.017 53.957725.853 51.4902725.689 42.5039725.525 34.002725.361 49.0352725.197 30.3789725.033 26.9492724.869 52.4883724.705 50.9121724.541 40.5645724.377 47.5234724.213 44.0703724.049 23.9014723.885 33.9238723.72 49.0508

723.556 53.9688723.392 47.6504723.228 55.0645723.064 42.666

722.9 53.0078722.736 65.4258722.572 35.3203722.408 48.1504722.244 37.1465722.08 54.2617

721.916 38.1191721.752 61.8984721.588 37.4238721.424 49.1602721.26 35.4785

721.096 44.3379720.932 46720.768 37.2578720.604 45.6152720.44 45.3789

720.276 56.0059720.112 51.043719.948 37.2891719.783 47.2637719.619 35.7031719.455 39.3945719.291 37.7148719.127 42.6504718.963 44.1348718.799 42.9121718.635 50.4863718.471 40.5586718.307 56.5859718.143 49.4023717.979 31.4717717.815 43.5391717.651 56.793717.487 40.6602717.323 43.9043717.159 52.5234716.995 44.3008716.831 28.8008716.667 33.8652716.503 37.3125716.339 35.9473716.175 64.8008716.011 28.7959715.846 54.1504715.682 40.7344715.518 32.5078715.354 32.3516715.19 37.3828

715.026 23.7422714.862 34.2168714.698 45.2617714.534 28.084714.37 31.7227

714.206 33.6816714.042 22.9521713.878 50.4863713.714 44.5801713.55 35.4785

713.386 40.8574713.222 37.5605713.058 52.5879712.894 32.1563712.73 30.7002

712.566 35.7383712.402 47.6465712.238 33.9668712.074 27.1006711.909 35.6758711.745 30.6641711.581 30.8291711.417 29.1035711.253 42.5996711.089 29.0996710.925 46.2617710.761 35.9199710.597 50.041710.433 43.7422710.269 40.5957710.105 37.3672709.941 33.377709.777 40.0059709.613 30.7754709.449 32.3477709.285 49.3809709.121 59.1074708.957 40.416708.793 33.7695708.629 44.3711708.465 42.627708.301 32.1367708.137 62.5293707.972 46.248707.808 37.6953707.644 37.4043707.48 32.1992

707.316 42.4746707.152 39.3574706.988 53.2109706.824 56.4961706.66 34.4766

706.496 53.877706.332 40.8027706.168 33.6523706.004 37.0234705.84 41.7188

705.676 31.1025705.512 44.4785705.348 49.1367705.184 35.3828705.02 38.873

704.856 52.8809704.692 56.3945704.528 32.3398704.364 64.1055704.199 38.918704.035 35.584703.871 44.2852703.707 39.0781703.543 37.3535703.379 30.6963703.215 39.4648703.051 51.8809702.887 49.4121702.723 37.5137702.559 34.6348702.395 31.6875702.231 47.9355702.067 38.8164701.903 56.5566701.739 45.7441701.575 39.9492701.411 35.8105701.247 37.1582701.083 42.1465700.919 37.3184700.755 35.8066700.591 48.5684700.427 33.9375700.262 52.1543700.098 49.0352699.934 60.3984699.77 24.377

699.606 40.4395699.442 43.9414699.278 55.6133699.114 30.9688698.95 37.4023

698.786 37.5195698.622 46.2285698.458 41.4863698.294 38.6875698.13 49.3887

697.966 66.0195697.802 54.0137697.638 48.1602697.474 52.4102697.31 38.877

697.146 30.9229696.982 44.1094696.818 53.7754696.654 40.4629696.49 34.0391

696.325 55.2734696.161 48.7324695.997 42.1484695.833 41.9531695.669 42.2246695.505 51.9883695.341 55.4668695.177 63.666695.013 53.8027694.849 49.2188694.685 47.459694.521 32.9023694.357 47.8887694.193 40.334694.029 44.2246693.865 50.9082693.701 33.4316693.537 44.582693.373 40.9238693.209 39.2617693.045 35.6484692.881 53.3398692.717 48.6172692.553 50.3555692.388 55.5898692.224 42.2871692.06 56.7969

691.896 51.8789691.732 60.4063691.568 55.4238691.404 50.2773691.24 43.7793

691.076 45.4023690.912 39.2656690.748 35.9316690.584 27.7666690.42 44.4668

690.256 60.4473690.092 33.9414689.928 28.7979689.764 41.9023

689.6 31.4111689.436 37.8496689.272 45.7266689.108 40.6973688.944 38.7363688.78 43.5977

688.616 43.9141688.451 36.1309688.287 45.5156688.123 29.0801687.959 43.9316687.795 52.0215687.631 39.0586687.467 42.1387687.303 39.0293687.139 32.8047686.975 45.8887686.811 37.6563686.647 45.5293686.483 60.1465686.319 28.2178686.155 55.5117685.991 33.7871685.827 48.8887685.663 45.0313685.499 45.1484685.335 57.6113685.171 56.8594685.007 46.832684.843 45.2734684.679 40.5957684.514 61.375684.35 58.1895

684.186 53.5723684.022 53.666683.858 47.3262683.694 35.709683.53 52.1992

683.366 50.1523683.202 39.2031683.038 55.5703682.874 29.3721682.71 45.584

682.546 57.248682.382 43.1191682.218 40.0566682.054 52.1973681.89 35.4355

681.726 40.6406681.562 53.416681.398 33.0898681.234 48.7773681.07 32.2969

680.906 48.6172680.741 50.3164680.577 68.543680.413 32.377680.249 32.502680.085 55.2168679.921 38.9375679.757 43.5254679.593 50.0547679.429 40.7793679.265 42.5879679.101 56.9727678.937 40.4727678.773 60.8203678.609 45.998678.445 42.5957678.281 47.9102678.117 38.3633677.953 54.0625677.789 76.6523677.625 40.4941677.461 29.9951677.297 54.332677.133 47.4844676.969 39.0801676.804 45.3027676.64 46.7227

676.476 37.1191676.312 61.8281676.148 35.8906675.984 54.9102675.82 34.0098

675.656 42.2012675.492 45.7656

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675.328 42.4258675.164 61.5879

675 29.1689674.836 53.5801674.672 37.6563674.508 47.4102674.344 47.5674.18 29.6709

674.016 64.3945673.852 42.7969673.688 47.3242673.524 36.7148673.36 51.1836

673.196 49.4902673.032 49.0645672.867 47.0059672.703 63.293672.539 35.752672.375 50.5352672.211 32.6367672.047 33.9688671.883 32.2656671.719 50.418671.555 61.7383671.391 45.4453671.227 45.1133671.063 45.3906670.899 21.3438670.735 32.7949670.571 49.0488670.407 30.8135670.243 47.6406670.079 44.9551669.915 40.4551669.751 45.6387669.587 47.1172669.423 33.4863669.259 48.0684669.095 52.334668.93 37.6426

668.766 51.5352668.602 40.7383668.438 45.7168668.274 37.3184668.11 61.6348

667.946 40.5176667.782 37.6367667.618 53.9805667.454 35.7285667.29 42.0762

667.126 32.5391666.962 37.4453666.798 47.2383666.634 50.3105666.47 27.543

666.306 44.168666.142 48.123665.978 48.6738665.814 43.8242665.65 55.7617

665.486 42.0508665.322 43.3379665.158 34.4902664.993 45.3535664.829 25.915664.665 48.998664.501 58.5508664.337 35.5508664.173 31.0771664.009 39.209663.845 52.0508663.681 35.6602663.517 32.3867663.353 48.6758663.189 58.7734663.025 39.3262662.861 35.959662.697 34.0898662.533 26.1182662.369 62.1387662.205 57.3516662.041 36.4102661.877 46.8242661.713 28.7598661.549 40.5879661.385 36.6992661.22 56.3652

661.056 40.9199660.892 39.2734660.728 42.5273660.564 53.4355

660.4 37.0762660.236 40.3535660.072 32.5742659.908 40.7949659.744 35.8164659.58 38.666

659.416 42.4277659.252 49.3145659.088 56.8828658.924 37.3457658.76 43.7637

658.596 42.75658.432 31.1416658.268 45.6387658.104 49.3184657.94 21.7109

657.776 40.707657.612 45.8691657.448 42.1797657.283 34.7285657.119 39.5859656.955 44.1328656.791 34.1953656.627 46.8965656.463 35.582656.299 44.0723656.135 53.9512655.971 30.8428655.807 45.2773655.643 48.6094655.479 53.6133655.315 32.6133655.151 34.0156654.987 61.668654.823 55.3516654.659 47.4277654.495 47.666654.331 35.9629654.167 42.3691654.003 31.4424653.839 52.1797653.675 42.2578653.511 33.7773653.346 53.8535653.182 45.1484653.018 53.0859652.854 45.5664652.69 47.0254

652.526 14.5889652.362 21.1563652.198 22.7881652.034 29.2432651.87 24.1563

651.706 29.1943651.542 11.4248651.378 29.3525651.214 11.3789651.05 11.3701

650.886 16.3701650.722 17.9492650.558 27.5811650.394 25.8975650.23 21.2275

650.066 23.1533649.902 24.9316649.738 20.21649.574 15.3081649.409 20.4092649.245 36.8477649.081 18.2266648.917 14.7563648.753 16.2363648.589 14.7124648.425 14.7339648.261 17.9697648.097 17.8096647.933 13.019647.769 11.4092647.605 24.4287647.441 11.3447647.277 29.0752647.113 19.5234646.949 26.0625646.785 21.1885646.621 14.6606646.457 26.0527646.293 27.7861646.129 16.3672645.965 23.0156645.801 16.5977645.637 18.4814645.472 25.4795645.308 22.123645.144 19.998644.98 13.0952

644.816 22.8711644.652 18.1875644.488 9.79688644.324 17.8525644.16 9.68213

643.996 14.6475643.832 17.9785643.668 26.0244643.504 22.8623643.34 8.12402

643.176 21.251643.012 29.4082642.848 16.2568642.684 22.6289642.52 8.14697

642.356 19.5713642.192 14.6846642.028 19.5918641.864 13.1528641.699 11.7759641.535 18.7744641.371 6.79492641.207 18.4502641.043 18.1914640.879 18.0449640.715 16.3438640.551 21.1582640.387 24.3691640.223 17.8789640.059 9.77539639.895 29.4355639.731 8.18213639.567 25.8418639.403 8.11621639.239 17.9766639.075 16.3232638.911 24.4219638.747 29.2764638.583 21.2764638.419 26.252638.255 22.792638.091 30.9492637.927 16.4043637.762 23.293637.598 35.4609637.434 20.2871637.27 26.9365

637.106 29.958636.942 19.9521636.778 23.084636.614 29.3799636.45 29.166

636.286 24.3945636.122 22.8174635.958 24.2842635.794 35.6406635.63 24.3105

635.466 27.7949635.302 29.335635.138 26.0049634.974 29.4502634.81 26.1113

634.646 22.9102634.482 11.4116634.318 22.8281634.154 25.9238633.99 18.0615

633.825 33.1953633.661 30.1611633.497 44.1367633.333 22.0176633.169 25.3262633.005 28.3174632.841 36.0996632.677 22.8096632.513 24.4209632.349 31.0146632.185 29.3135632.021 25.917631.857 28.9277631.693 19.3281631.529 19.3965631.365 25.5605631.201 14.2417631.037 26.748630.873 12.6572630.709 25.5605630.545 32.0566630.381 24.1074630.217 24.5273630.053 31.3818629.888 24.6328629.724 26.5801629.56 25.1084

629.396 18.7041629.232 25.6475629.068 35.2461628.904 21.5195628.74 34.4063

628.576 27.9033628.412 18.1016628.248 32.4902628.084 24.1807627.92 25.751

627.756 17.7363627.592 29.0195627.428 19.1592627.264 28.6133

627.1 20.7266626.936 25.5156626.772 34.9473626.608 15.9116626.444 12.8633626.28 19.5557

626.116 30.4834625.951 25.5801625.787 22.5586625.623 14.6084625.459 39.6328625.295 36.6152625.131 21.2178624.967 35.3047624.803 17.707624.639 24.125624.475 20.7363624.311 33.1563624.147 30.0586623.983 29.9609623.819 26.8105623.655 18.7842623.491 23.2178623.327 21.6348623.163 16.9736622.999 27.6348622.835 23.0059622.671 24.7686622.507 22.3027622.343 32.5801622.178 35.3164622.014 31.874621.85 20.9375

621.686 29.4209621.522 23.043621.358 27.8809621.194 24.5322621.03 28.1406

620.866 16.4619620.702 18.0801620.538 34.5293620.374 16.2012620.21 24.0488

620.046 34.6191619.882 15.6553619.718 20.2432619.554 24.9922619.39 28.1689

619.226 26.3125619.062 27.625618.898 43.0879618.734 17.1797618.57 35.5996

618.406 18.1465618.241 19.4648618.077 25.5273617.913 30.6279617.749 29.377617.585 21.4375617.421 21.7178617.257 21.8115617.093 38.3105616.929 37.7637616.765 22.4863616.601 25.7979616.437 17.957616.273 26.0625616.109 24.2881615.945 35.5156615.781 21.2109615.617 32.1191615.453 20.7793615.289 25.3682615.125 22.2314614.961 25.5176614.797 38.5352614.633 34.291614.469 24.6543614.304 21.2754614.14 23.1367

613.976 21.5859613.812 25.0303613.648 28.5654613.484 15.3228613.32 29.6328

613.156 28.0967612.992 40.8008612.828 27.7441612.664 26.1904

612.5 48.2734612.336 17.3818612.172 24.7939612.008 17.1943611.844 17.2852611.68 17.2041

611.516 17.1758611.352 26.1709611.188 27.8906611.024 26.4785610.86 20.0889

610.696 17.1143610.532 20.7197610.367 16.3223610.203 36.5078610.039 19.7764609.875 29.9854609.711 23.6973609.547 29.0137609.383 20.29609.219 26.6445609.055 21.333608.891 21.3945608.727 30.8945608.563 24.2744608.399 27.3096608.235 25.7539608.071 34.1211607.907 17.8418607.743 24.1055607.579 27.1826607.415 33.5879607.251 30.3291607.087 26.9063606.923 20.5703606.759 25.6211606.595 30.9785606.43 31.5234

606.266 26.9414606.102 18.3887605.938 38.0879605.774 18.5068605.61 27.125

605.446 15.2573605.282 20.3623605.118 17.1074604.954 22.3447604.79 30.373

604.626 14.9644604.462 26.5752604.298 24.9336604.134 24.9834603.97 19.9258

603.806 21.4902603.642 29.6611603.478 18.126603.314 19.7949603.15 16.4414

602.986 30.9102602.822 31.2754602.658 19.8652602.493 21.6807602.329 26.7246602.165 28.2363602.001 33.8203601.837 27.5332601.673 13.8184601.509 32.9316601.345 12.1802601.181 26.5889601.017 33.5957600.853 29.9375600.689 24.3857600.525 17.1602600.361 29.3154600.197 20.7373600.033 18.9502599.869 32.6641599.705 20.5605599.541 25.791599.377 25.6934599.213 20.3691599.049 20.2178598.885 35.4336598.72 25.5674

598.556 22.4658598.392 19.5957598.228 28.3447598.064 13.6274

597.9 24.0166597.736 20.6406597.572 29.2891597.408 33.0391597.244 42.0293597.08 20.583

596.916 20.3789596.752 21.8037596.588 26.6055596.424 24.8877596.26 18.2979

596.096 28.0254595.932 19.6133595.768 30.6387595.604 27.5518595.44 29.1328

595.276 16.0273595.112 28.792594.948 22.3633594.783 27.1445594.619 30.2656594.455 22.625594.291 20.0869594.127 24.3145593.963 45.7988593.799 24.5957593.635 12.0986593.471 10.042593.307 22.293593.143 27.5332592.979 20.6455592.815 22.1563592.651 11.8296592.487 18.5781592.323 31.6602592.159 35.0801591.995 38.6387591.831 21.793591.667 21.6689591.503 11.6831591.339 16.6113591.175 18.1299591.011 31.375590.846 24.6807590.682 34.3555590.518 21.3105590.354 19.9863590.19 27.5205

590.026 20.8936589.862 16.8604589.698 13.0732589.534 23.3008589.37 38.5488

589.206 22.0811589.042 11.9521588.878 18.5283588.714 18.7754588.55 25.499

588.386 25.5566588.222 18.582588.058 23.4063587.894 18.3438587.73 21.0986

587.566 24.1748587.402 32.0762587.238 28.9316587.074 11.3037586.909 33.6172586.745 23.7725586.581 36.666

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586.417 25.7266586.253 30.9404586.089 23.084585.925 31.5137585.761 27.8389585.597 21.5303585.433 23.5557585.269 25.3428585.105 17.0469584.941 22.0518584.777 26.9463584.613 15.0044584.449 26.4551584.285 16.334584.121 22.9414583.957 25.8887583.793 24.1484583.629 30.5547583.465 17.7705583.301 30.8271583.137 20.9902582.972 22.3994582.808 20.5928582.644 28.3711582.48 25.5146

582.316 22.6357582.152 31.5918581.988 30.3066581.824 23.3838581.66 39.9824

581.496 23.168581.332 33.2539581.168 21.8604581.004 27.584580.84 31.1631

580.676 29.1787580.512 27.2227580.348 25.4365580.184 27.0781580.02 25.3389

579.856 21.6289579.692 16.501579.528 18.2178579.364 18.291579.199 13.3047579.035 19.8418578.871 27.7383578.707 26.3027578.543 19.7266578.379 29.5225578.215 24.7725578.051 35.2168577.887 26.833577.723 33.6973577.559 26.9678577.395 22.0566577.231 27.3965577.067 34.6387576.903 26.4912576.739 15.8589576.575 22.5742576.411 23.7012576.247 18.6865576.083 18.6309575.919 13.4341575.755 30.126575.591 21.7061575.427 16.8213575.262 35.0977575.098 26.5537574.934 21.415574.77 24.625

574.606 14.7563574.442 24.5283574.278 42.3496574.114 32.7852573.95 21.6895

573.786 18.5693573.622 27.0947573.458 35.332573.294 28.7363573.13 29.1436

572.966 19.0107572.802 15.7456572.638 24.3311572.474 27.6279572.31 22.3799

572.146 22.1543571.982 26.9902571.818 30.1768571.654 27.0068571.49 35.2793

571.325 30.0254571.161 13.2964570.997 21.5391570.833 31.4268570.669 23.1777570.505 19.8408570.341 22.8379570.177 17.9404570.013 21.4727569.849 16.9434569.685 13.5933569.521 23.3242569.357 18.4375569.193 21.9639569.029 23.9678568.865 20.668568.701 43.6621568.537 15.7974568.373 22.6924568.209 25.7803568.045 18.7305567.881 25.2061567.717 16.7168567.553 25.2188567.388 18.4902567.224 23.5068567.06 19.9922

566.896 28.5283566.732 25.5273566.568 18.4697566.404 15.1177566.24 24.9473

566.076 3.36206565.912 27.0889565.748 21.9707565.584 34.0781565.42 20.2568

565.256 21.8389565.092 16.998564.928 10.1772564.764 17.1025

564.6 27.6855564.436 24.625564.272 29.8262564.108 27.5391563.944 30.4492563.78 31.999

563.616 27.1396563.451 37.2402563.287 18.4639563.123 25.0449562.959 34.957562.795 21.8086562.631 21.8457562.467 31.7842562.303 23.4834562.139 18.4512561.975 31.8623561.811 22561.647 22.0117561.483 18.5244561.319 23.7852561.155 32.1367560.991 21.9189560.827 25.375560.663 23.7344560.499 26.1406560.335 21.1582560.171 29.8887560.007 27.9443559.843 22.0879559.678 30.5088559.514 25.332559.35 31.9561

559.186 23.458559.022 33.3301558.858 31.7686558.694 13.4653558.53 16.8291

558.366 30.1621558.202 23.3857558.038 35.3691557.874 28.6396557.71 24.9795

557.546 16.7275557.382 20.2217557.218 42.7246557.054 40.582556.89 30.3682

556.726 28.8408556.562 22.0293556.398 34.3887556.234 36.7344556.07 29.8018

555.906 22.6367555.741 25.8525555.577 22.2852555.413 8.48535555.249 20.1318555.085 15.0796554.921 26.8281554.757 21.8203554.593 41.6895554.429 24.8604554.265 21.5889554.101 21.7451553.937 25.04553.773 21.7275553.609 23.4355553.445 18.3496553.281 28.624553.117 35.5078552.953 21.8066552.789 11.6724552.625 35.0957552.461 21.9971552.297 23.916552.133 34.4766551.969 18.9932551.804 19.0215551.64 26.1631

551.476 20.3477551.312 15.1064551.148 26.5313550.984 31.4883550.82 33.5293

550.656 21.5752550.492 24.9082550.328 24.9697550.164 23.2432

550 21.7354549.836 21.5977549.672 14.811549.508 33.1367549.344 19.9492549.18 28.4932

549.016 20.085548.852 24.917548.688 21.7295548.524 20.1582548.36 21.8652

548.196 32.0488548.032 21.8115547.867 18.8262547.703 22.3145547.539 29.0391547.375 25.3096547.211 28.1748547.047 24.6377546.883 36.0566546.719 16.4756546.555 29.3965546.391 25.5088546.227 22.5938546.063 27.6563545.899 17.751545.735 19.3682545.571 27.3613545.407 29.1357545.243 32.5469545.079 34.1035544.915 37.3965544.751 24.3438544.587 27.4746544.423 14.6479544.259 16.1602544.095 17.8359543.93 18.0732

543.766 35.2168543.602 35.748543.438 30.2266543.274 21.5762543.11 21.2754

542.946 22.8301542.782 14.5693542.618 14.4541542.454 30.4365542.29 32.1992

542.126 21.0127541.962 21.0088541.798 25.8984541.634 32.4551541.47 29.0225

541.306 25.8779541.142 38.6387540.978 19.4043540.814 21.0879540.65 14.6802

540.486 16.4043540.322 13.0278540.158 11.354539.993 27.5586539.829 22.9219539.665 25.0742539.501 43.8145539.337 23.4834539.173 18.291539.009 18.1104538.845 45.8398538.681 30.8418538.517 30.6904538.353 27.3389538.189 24.2178538.025 24.3203537.861 16.0547537.697 28.832537.533 22.5518537.369 27.5068537.205 24.3926537.041 24.1934536.877 41.6641536.713 11.4609536.549 37.6973536.385 22.8174536.22 14.6196

536.056 20.9844535.892 21.1367535.728 21.3672535.564 21.4648

535.4 27.0762535.236 25.2236535.072 35.3418534.908 35.166534.744 22.9219534.58 16.2549

534.416 24.0127534.252 25.8027534.088 16.1953533.924 22.4434533.76 20.9111

533.596 14.5049533.432 30.79533.268 27.6299533.104 28.9404532.94 27.3389

532.776 24.1592532.612 20.9766532.448 27.7051532.283 29.2959532.119 32.4316531.955 19.4219531.791 30.9688531.627 28.0361531.463 22.8936531.299 26.5234531.135 16.917530.971 18.5156530.807 18.5254530.643 21.4521530.479 29.3115530.315 29.2695530.151 25.8389529.987 24.2764529.823 19.3213529.659 27.0986529.495 29.1533529.331 25.8877529.167 27.2959529.003 33.7656528.839 38.2715528.675 39.0195528.511 26.0498528.346 22.6992528.182 32.5234528.018 16.1426527.854 19.4492527.69 16.1855

527.526 22.6514527.362 32.6953527.198 28.1084527.034 23.71526.87 28.6582

526.706 20.1553526.542 33.3867526.378 32.7012526.214 22.8584526.05 30.7354

525.886 25.6455525.722 20.8398525.558 24.1611525.394 24.3721525.23 32.5234

525.066 22.5273524.902 20.876524.738 38.7285524.574 22.498524.409 37.0781524.245 28.999524.081 9.73145523.917 21.1914523.753 12.9395523.589 32.5176523.425 22.6992523.261 17.8691523.097 23.2012522.933 16.7207522.769 30.2363522.605 23.3369522.441 21.5879522.277 24.8398522.113 17.9805521.949 16.0967521.785 14.4678521.621 33.9355521.457 24.2158521.293 27.4199521.129 20.834520.965 43.4512520.801 19.3691520.637 16.1572520.472 22.6865520.308 19.292520.144 27.3457519.98 30.9307

519.816 19.6064519.652 19.4883519.488 24.1172519.324 17.7363519.16 17.8623

518.996 21.248518.832 19.9121518.668 16.8379518.504 38.6816518.34 21.8018

518.176 31.4365518.012 27.8018517.848 17.7031517.684 19.1836517.52 19.376

517.356 28.9678517.192 32.1973517.028 19.2314516.864 25.7031516.699 19.5342516.535 21.1777516.371 19.2236516.207 25.6768516.043 27.374515.879 14.6006515.715 27.7764515.551 33.9805515.387 22.7061515.223 45.625515.059 29.2422514.895 34.3652514.731 26.2256514.567 21.6201514.403 18.585514.239 25.125514.075 31.708513.911 27.6787513.747 20.9111513.583 22.752513.419 30.6895513.255 20.9385513.091 28.8594512.927 27.2207512.762 32.207512.598 19.3311512.434 38.5742512.27 25.6992

512.106 25.7324511.942 19.4336511.778 32.2227511.614 21.2793511.45 25.9277

511.286 33.9609511.122 14.6675510.958 9.75586510.794 22.6582510.63 24.5117

510.466 35.0801510.302 20.3545510.138 25.2266509.974 8.33203509.81 21.3516

509.646 17.8955509.482 30.5645509.318 27.3408509.154 23.9775508.99 35.0898

508.825 32.3105508.661 29.1074508.497 25.833508.333 20.9326508.169 30.4736508.005 37.1797507.841 24.207507.677 28.8594507.513 21.0088507.349 14.6357507.185 22.8291507.021 21.042506.857 27.4453506.693 25.9756506.529 34.4727506.365 39.9121506.201 33.7207506.037 8.354505.873 31.6152505.709 33.2617505.545 14.7969505.381 17.8711505.217 32.166505.053 36.8262504.888 28.9326504.724 25.7422504.56 33.7285

504.396 28.8379504.232 25.6211504.068 24.1318503.904 28.9551503.74 24.0342

503.576 33.748503.412 27.5625503.248 22.9082503.084 27.6475502.92 20.9355

502.756 20.8447502.592 25.8516502.428 26.1572502.264 26.459

502.1 25.0967501.936 18.3574501.772 28.4678501.608 32.0488501.444 24.626501.28 17.8057

501.116 16.0264500.951 22.5488500.787 19.335500.623 20.9746500.459 24.0947500.295 20.9883500.131 19.4385499.967 22.6748499.803 17.6592499.639 25.5527499.475 17.6211499.311 27.4688499.147 11.3965498.983 22.7178498.819 24.0879498.655 38.7402498.491 22.7813498.327 19.5479498.163 24.5439497.999 29.8076497.835 30.2939497.671 23.5117

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497.507 33.373497.343 18.0508497.178 16.2324497.014 24.1934496.85 20.9707

496.686 17.7695496.522 17.7021496.358 24.0098496.194 12.8843496.03 24.2139

495.866 24.1494495.702 17.7119495.538 27.2549495.374 27.5371495.21 32.3594

495.046 32.332494.882 25.9375494.718 21.0391494.554 21.0361494.39 17.8096

494.226 27.459494.062 16.209493.898 19.7891493.734 23.5811493.57 20.2803

493.406 18.5049493.241 36.252493.077 26.1045492.913 27.585492.749 20.8516492.585 28.8242492.421 12.7959492.257 17.7119492.093 21.083491.929 30.5703491.765 28.8662491.601 25.9473491.437 20.9541491.273 22.6299491.109 22.5303490.945 27.3223490.781 22.7344490.617 19.5654490.453 21.1582490.289 30.8369490.125 21.0166489.961 22.7061489.797 32.8652489.633 31.8125489.469 23.4639489.304 26.7422489.14 18.2637

488.976 19.7314488.812 30.8037488.648 25.6572488.484 22.4482488.32 17.7168

488.156 19.3984487.992 29.0029487.828 25.6826487.664 28.627

487.5 27.3223487.336 27.4756487.172 27.4219487.008 16.0596486.844 30.6191486.68 26.2168

486.516 29.4482486.352 32.293486.188 29.0645486.024 35.6016485.86 14.6851

485.696 29.6465485.532 21.5977485.367 25.1865485.203 20.1631485.039 21.8174484.875 18.251484.711 16.3008484.547 22.3682484.383 19.2324484.219 41.873484.055 28.9443483.891 33.6855483.727 22.4307483.563 21.0215483.399 22.6035483.235 32.2891483.071 24.0586482.907 24.0195482.743 25.8037482.579 27.5645482.415 24.3535482.251 24.2793482.087 20.9824481.923 32.4609481.759 17.9199481.595 27.9834481.43 24.7773

481.266 40.1387481.102 26.8916480.938 20.1357480.774 26.4717480.61 17.9814

480.446 22.6973480.282 16.208480.118 24.3018479.954 25.6631479.79 36.7969

479.626 30.6113479.462 12.8975479.298 9.64795479.134 25.7646478.97 19.1494

478.806 33.6914478.642 25.9307478.478 21.0859478.314 26.0313478.15 22.6533

477.986 25.9033477.822 21.0684477.658 22.5791477.493 24.2695477.329 21.2822477.165 35.3066477.001 23.6846476.837 40.1895476.673 25.0283476.509 19.7451476.345 29.3467476.181 22.5986476.017 28.9824475.853 24.0635475.689 12.8398475.525 27.5039475.361 25.918475.197 22.5498475.033 30.584474.869 16.1299474.705 20.9658474.541 32.1211474.377 14.4443474.213 4.8479474.049 17.9023473.885 19.4287473.72 21.0459

473.556 25.9102473.392 27.5518473.228 14.7485473.064 24.8896

472.9 21.8848472.736 18.4033472.572 24.8779472.408 31.4658472.244 22.9258472.08 17.8047

471.916 19.2168471.752 22.54471.588 26.1348471.424 29.0547471.26 20.8916

471.096 32.0234470.932 16.0967470.768 22.6973470.604 27.5039470.44 24.2363

470.276 28.9834470.112 21.0889469.948 22.8984469.783 25.9531469.619 17.7188469.455 16.0859469.291 25.9404469.127 19.6143468.963 24.6094468.799 31.71468.635 21.8086468.471 25.2012468.307 21.7363468.143 19.6807467.979 27.332467.815 28.8203467.651 20.8652467.487 29.0381467.323 25.8262467.159 30.5303466.995 24.1104466.831 27.4619466.667 14.6118466.503 24.2783466.339 31.9141466.175 27.4268466.011 27.6748465.846 26.0273465.682 21.0977465.518 20.9688465.354 37.3613465.19 26.0889

465.026 19.5566464.862 24.5898464.698 18.2695464.534 18.4609464.37 31.9619

464.206 18.3447464.042 21.3086463.878 24.292463.714 20.96463.55 24.3047

463.386 30.6963463.222 27.3184463.058 24.0117462.894 19.3994462.73 20.9404

462.566 33.5215462.402 12.7871462.238 32.2012462.074 33.9512461.909 9.73438461.745 30.9014461.581 17.9355461.417 24.2568461.253 24.3174461.089 32.3418460.925 27.5957460.761 21.165460.597 31.5625460.433 28.7959460.269 35.2813460.105 28.4121459.941 16.4824459.777 29.3154459.613 25.9727459.449 24.1357459.285 16.0352459.121 12.834458.957 27.3125458.793 27.4658458.629 21.002458.465 33.7344458.301 25.7754458.137 20.9922457.972 24.1514457.808 22.54457.644 17.7119457.48 21.1055

457.316 26.0117457.152 21.0693456.988 25.7832456.824 16.124456.66 21.3691

456.496 16.5635456.332 35.1504456.168 28.5781456.004 31.6221455.84 11.6382

455.676 36.166455.512 22.7646455.348 14.5435455.184 25.749455.02 32.2656

454.856 25.8916454.692 35.2656454.528 38.4121454.364 27.2646454.199 28.9482454.035 27.5225453.871 25.6484453.707 28.8506453.543 16.21453.379 26.0342453.215 17.9043453.051 33.873452.887 45.0566452.723 25.7539452.559 22.7197452.395 19.6895452.231 28.3535452.067 31.6729451.903 21.834451.739 18.4277451.575 21.5742451.411 17.8418451.247 30.4414451.083 19.3516450.919 34.041450.755 32.2734450.591 19.2686450.427 24.1621450.262 30.6875450.098 32.3301449.934 27.4229449.77 27.251

449.606 15.9971449.442 29.1396449.278 22.7666449.114 20.9805448.95 17.6387

448.786 25.7832448.622 14.6973448.458 13.0186448.294 27.7139448.13 16.4629

447.966 28.3535447.802 21.8555447.638 36.5723447.474 18.0547447.31 29.3369

447.146 25.8857446.982 28.9775446.818 21.0186446.654 22.7402446.49 30.4834

446.325 16.1201446.161 19.2969445.997 22.4736445.833 22.4561445.669 25.6211445.505 30.7813445.341 21.1807445.177 27.6035445.013 35.7266444.849 11.2979444.685 25.8789444.521 29.127444.357 11.3154444.193 21.0273444.029 18.0176443.865 28.4004443.701 30.1875443.537 26.6416443.373 21.4014443.209 32.7344443.045 21.166442.881 19.4443442.717 20.8232442.553 9.59229442.388 22.5156442.224 27.5615442.06 25.7734

441.896 23.9775441.732 40.2031441.568 17.8936441.404 17.7441441.24 21.0088

441.076 29.0615440.912 24.6201440.748 23.3711440.584 23.334440.42 23.3076

440.256 28.2471440.092 16.6348439.928 15.2295439.764 20.5283

439.6 20.6211439.436 18.8242439.272 32.3105439.108 13.5996438.944 20.2432438.78 20.0898

438.616 28.2861438.451 11.6426438.287 21.5557438.123 28.3369437.959 9.91113437.795 21.4336437.631 24.6973437.467 28.0908437.303 26.5107437.139 21.5313436.975 29.6973436.811 13.2744436.647 15.1519436.483 20.251436.319 24.9082436.155 33.0195435.991 18.2539435.827 11.731435.663 10.168435.499 28.9805435.335 13.7773435.171 17.3066435.007 25.79434.843 8.51953434.678 18.5371434.514 34.9785434.35 28.1475

434.186 16.5967434.022 18.2285433.858 23.1045433.694 24.6416433.53 21.4648

433.366 20.0039433.202 18.2783433.038 31.4531432.874 18.0967432.71 21.5225

432.546 23.3105432.382 15.0615432.218 31.6016432.054 19.8975431.89 25.0098

431.726 18.3574431.562 15.0591431.398 23.7598431.234 23.8887431.07 29.2988

430.906 29.4971430.741 24.0098430.577 23.6943430.413 31.8486430.249 16.7793430.085 21.8037429.921 29.999429.757 16.5273429.593 32.9609429.429 24.8555429.265 23.1816429.101 28.1006428.937 24.8301428.773 16.4688428.609 18.1563428.445 26.5313428.281 30.0889428.117 15.0835427.953 11.645427.789 25427.625 18.3428427.461 31.5635427.297 19.8975427.133 28.499426.969 25.624426.804 27.8564426.64 19.0391

426.476 27.417426.312 32.2988426.148 20.3906425.984 16.7891425.82 13.3628

425.656 13.2202425.492 23.1035425.328 16.5469425.164 28.2314

425 18.3428424.836 11.5791424.672 26.4131424.508 18.3115424.344 23.2627424.18 16.5322

424.016 18.1563423.852 9.99951423.688 10.0752423.524 21.667423.36 16.6455

423.196 11.6304423.032 25.084422.867 5.06421422.703 18.7813422.539 20.7168422.375 17.2363422.211 22.2363422.047 15.2964421.883 15.2769421.719 16.8584421.555 18.2891421.391 19.8594421.227 21.7178421.063 18.4961420.899 14.9038420.735 21.4385420.571 18.1387420.407 14.9546420.243 15.0156420.079 21.5703419.915 16.5928419.751 19.8789419.587 11.7725419.423 23.5547419.259 18.292419.095 16.5586418.93 8.2915

418.766 16.6875418.602 16.8818418.438 15.2656418.274 13.7476418.11 12.0693

417.946 13.8569417.782 22.3018417.618 10.1763417.454 20.1377417.29 29.7666

417.126 9.94775416.962 13.2949416.798 4.97656416.634 13.2114416.47 11.6099

416.306 21.5605416.142 16.6426415.978 11.7188415.814 3.30872415.65 19.8809

415.486 26.5947415.322 18.4795415.157 21.7188414.993 13.2881414.829 15.0269414.665 16.8379414.501 21.7939414.337 6.73657414.173 8.48242414.009 8.62939413.845 13.8174413.681 12.0625413.517 22.1572413.353 13.5098413.189 16.7354413.025 14.9717412.861 19.998412.697 11.6343412.533 11.5864412.369 6.61938412.205 16.624412.041 14.8716411.877 19.7637411.713 14.8354411.549 21.5801411.385 23.373411.22 9.96631

411.056 18.3252410.892 11.7544410.728 15.0269410.564 20.0254

410.4 13.3726410.236 16.6543410.072 18.4082409.908 11.9102409.744 19.0352409.58 8.69922

409.416 17.2578409.252 6.83374409.088 5.08472408.924 11.8115408.76 9.9707

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408.596 9.92285408.432 11.5342408.268 6.63013408.104 23.2637407.94 14.9219

407.776 9.91016407.612 14.9102407.448 14.9736407.283 13.3428407.119 21.625406.955 11.5742406.791 19.8604406.627 11.7388406.463 18.3828406.299 16.75406.135 16.6904405.971 21.6045405.807 6.73413405.643 6.89038405.479 12.0684405.315 17.2607405.151 10.2979404.987 17.1143404.823 20.4854404.659 11.79404.495 14.9526404.331 14.8911404.167 9.95508404.003 16.6768403.839 18.2676403.675 18.1631403.511 22.9834403.346 16.5186403.182 6.63208403.018 14.9058402.854 9.89502402.69 11.5537

402.526 18.4512402.362 15.1396402.198 15.0107402.034 23.1982401.87 13.2505

401.706 6.67065401.542 16.834401.378 10.1836401.214 12.0337401.05 18.9941

400.886 18.9922400.722 8.56982400.558 24.0195400.394 13.4907400.23 9.86865

400.066 16.5957399.902 16.6279399.738 6.61304399.574 11.6074399.409 9.91211399.245 21.6963399.081 8.31738398.917 13.2573398.753 19.8359398.589 11.5405398.425 6.63477398.261 20.0547398.097 13.3999397.933 9.96387397.769 8.25977397.605 18.3652397.441 20.1855397.277 6.73901397.113 15.3438396.949 17.1816396.785 6.91919396.621 24.2139396.457 13.6274396.293 8.4917396.129 15.1299395.965 9.95264395.801 9.9917395.637 14.8862395.472 18.2637395.308 11.6284395.144 19.8926394.98 15.0259

394.816 14.8989394.652 9.89209394.488 14.8892394.324 13.312394.16 11.7471

393.996 15.0337393.832 16.7949393.668 15.0156393.504 20.0469393.34 13.3496

393.176 19.9912393.012 10.0391392.848 13.5894392.684 13.7759392.52 12.0781

392.356 15.5508392.192 18.8008392.028 15.3223391.864 13.5313391.699 21.624391.535 9.94434391.371 19.709391.207 14.8442391.043 26.7148390.879 4.99951390.715 14.9438390.551 21.4795390.387 6.60181390.223 18.5029390.059 13.2876389.895 21.5459389.731 13.3208389.567 8.3999389.403 15.123389.239 13.4048389.075 8.30273388.911 16.7285388.747 11.7515388.583 15.3877388.419 12.1055388.255 10.3335388.091 15.4702387.927 20.5215387.762 22.1211387.598 15.1553387.434 11.5811387.27 11.52

387.106 16.6436386.942 15.0078386.778 16.6611386.614 9.94141386.45 21.4512

386.286 21.459386.122 16.5957385.958 11.6133385.794 13.2686385.63 6.61157

385.466 24.9404385.302 15.2329385.138 11.8555384.974 15.0098384.81 18.2305

384.646 18.3242384.482 13.4741384.318 11.8882384.154 12.0303383.99 13.7764

383.825 19.0781383.661 20.7363383.497 18.7666383.333 20.2051383.169 16.5254383.005 6.6123382.841 14.9683382.677 13.2651382.513 18.1367382.349 14.8359382.185 8.2793382.021 18.3916381.857 9.99561381.693 23.1797381.529 21.4707381.365 21.4775381.201 14.9619381.037 13.4385380.873 15.0273380.709 18.2354380.545 16.7285380.381 11.6802380.217 16.8301380.053 11.8975379.888 17.1914379.724 15.603379.56 13.8931

379.396 8.61816379.232 22.1523379.068 13.4287378.904 15.019378.74 18.4209

378.576 16.6484378.412 8.31348378.248 14.8716378.084 8.2959377.92 23.3447

377.756 13.2358377.592 18.2168377.428 19.7432377.264 9.92041

377.1 14.9619376.936 8.29834376.772 10.0601376.608 11.7397376.444 11.6846376.28 16.7217

376.116 13.3057375.951 8.34082375.787 11.7739375.623 20.6484375.459 20.9082375.295 19.0752375.131 15.4565374.967 15.3047374.803 20.4043374.639 13.4292374.475 24.9785374.311 11.5767374.147 13.2568373.983 14.9556373.819 10.0117373.655 16.6543373.491 23.2471373.327 13.2974373.163 18.3203372.999 11.6636372.835 19.8955372.671 9.88184372.507 6.6626372.343 5.03613372.178 6.67993372.014 16.6699371.85 19.9248

371.686 8.38574371.522 13.5957371.358 10.2935371.194 22.5596371.03 15.5234

370.866 22.2441370.702 18.7549370.538 8.43994370.374 6.68774370.21 14.9326

370.046 19.7559369.882 16.6387369.718 20.0732369.554 18.3018369.39 11.5664

369.226 11.5596369.062 11.6704368.898 20.0459368.734 23.3105368.57 16.5938

368.406 11.6201368.241 11.8306368.077 20.2715367.913 15.0591367.749 14.979367.585 13.2847367.421 8.37061367.257 18.6045367.093 13.6641366.929 17.2363366.765 20.6436366.601 13.9058366.437 6.90039366.273 18.5479366.109 25.0303365.945 6.60522365.781 14.918365.617 19.9717365.453 6.60986365.289 6.60889365.125 18.2588364.961 11.6001364.797 15.0273364.633 18.3223364.469 16.6631364.304 26.6289364.14 16.6055

363.976 20.1221363.812 15.1328363.648 16.6533363.484 16.7275363.32 18.4922

363.156 8.41504362.992 18.6094362.828 10.2515362.664 10.3477

362.5 15.5952362.336 6.92407362.172 18.8604362.008 11.7935361.844 15.019361.68 11.623

361.516 21.5615361.352 13.353361.188 9.95508361.024 11.6445360.86 5.0127

360.696 16.6123360.532 3.31677360.367 11.5615360.203 11.5928360.039 5.03125359.875 11.6992359.711 25.0088359.547 18.4639359.383 6.73242359.219 18.4258359.055 16.7471358.891 21.6777358.727 25.2549358.563 13.6113358.399 19.125358.235 13.9141358.071 20.8262357.907 17.2314357.743 11.875357.579 13.4487357.415 23.3242357.251 9.90234357.087 19.7305356.923 14.9497356.759 19.9639356.595 13.3042356.43 14.8921

356.266 9.90674356.102 16.7041355.938 16.7402355.774 16.6514355.61 18.2734

355.446 16.5078355.282 11.7007355.118 18.4912354.954 15.0059354.79 16.748

354.626 21.6709354.462 13.5122354.298 17.2363354.134 15.6489353.97 17.2813

353.806 6.88745353.642 13.6987353.478 20.5039353.314 15.1938353.15 21.5527

352.986 9.94971352.822 9.96094352.657 21.6855352.493 21.7002352.329 14.8784352.165 14.8457352.001 38.0293351.837 15.0049351.673 8.32275351.509 19.8477351.345 18.2031351.181 10.0068351.017 15.2021350.853 18.4199350.689 13.3237350.525 14.9658350.361 18.3818350.197 11.7778350.033 13.6094349.869 18.916349.705 20.7051349.541 10.3794349.377 12.0562349.213 23.9258349.049 16.9375348.885 16.5635348.72 9.96094

348.556 24.9443348.392 6.64648348.228 23.1797348.064 29.7451

347.9 13.3701347.736 13.3906347.572 20.0273347.408 14.9331347.244 18.1904347.08 8.32715

346.916 16.7432346.752 25.0967346.588 28.335346.424 18.1973346.26 19.9443

346.096 20.1377345.932 5.04761345.768 13.6221345.604 6.88232345.44 8.65723

345.276 19.0674345.112 10.3047344.948 15.2104344.783 18.4219344.619 11.6968344.455 13.3921344.291 11.583344.127 16.5684343.963 18.3525343.799 8.33398343.635 21.7275343.471 11.6426343.307 18.1787343.143 16.5781342.979 18.2783342.815 13.3296342.651 6.69189342.487 6.71558342.323 13.3867342.159 11.708341.995 13.3984341.831 18.3008341.667 15.0269341.503 15.2329341.339 15.5464341.175 12.0649341.011 8.63135340.846 22.3193340.682 13.5771340.518 11.8394340.354 21.7402340.19 16.6279

340.026 4.96655339.862 19.7793339.698 16.6211339.534 10.0249339.37 23.2783

339.206 6.63281339.042 11.5439338.878 18.3887338.714 16.7988338.55 9.92188

338.386 14.9312338.222 26.7344338.058 8.43359337.894 15.1035337.73 18.3477

337.566 11.7104337.402 10.0942337.238 10.2407337.074 15.5654336.909 13.7979336.745 13.7808336.581 17.1455336.417 11.9507336.253 11.834336.089 26.5557335.925 13.1934335.761 8.30273335.597 9.99512335.433 21.7256335.269 14.897335.105 14.8687334.941 19.918334.777 19.918334.613 28.3076334.449 9.93896334.285 24.8408334.121 16.6738333.957 13.3833333.793 16.9111333.629 11.8242333.465 18.2686333.301 15.0156333.137 13.4014332.972 15.3032332.808 25.8848332.644 19.002332.48 10.3853

332.316 17.3447332.152 13.6997331.988 15.1704331.824 11.6382331.66 16.6309

331.496 24.9141331.332 13.3125331.168 16.6006331.004 21.4434330.84 19.8887

330.676 25.0254330.512 21.6963330.348 18.3789330.184 16.5195330.02 16.6504

329.856 20.0303329.692 1.66925329.528 10.0327329.364 9.94043329.199 20.1016329.035 3.36865328.871 11.7227328.707 18.6758328.543 18.9229328.379 22.5566328.215 19.1543328.051 13.7954327.887 17.0732327.723 15.0903327.559 21.6738327.395 20.1221327.231 13.3818327.067 18.3174326.903 21.543326.739 6.62671326.575 16.71326.411 6.63086326.247 24.7627326.083 18.2002325.919 18.2568325.755 11.6318325.591 14.9092325.427 16.6572325.262 6.70947325.098 23.3604324.934 13.4521324.77 11.6802

324.606 11.6689324.442 8.40625324.278 1.70203324.114 8.66992323.95 10.4492

323.786 13.8164323.622 15.3398323.458 18.5283323.294 11.8257323.13 16.7119

322.966 24.9238322.802 11.5962322.638 11.6431322.474 24.9111322.31 21.6768

322.146 13.2642321.982 11.6187321.818 13.3833321.654 13.3516321.49 16.6729

321.325 28.123321.161 26.4072320.997 16.8145320.833 11.7388320.669 21.7334320.505 13.3335320.341 24.9268320.177 13.6289320.013 17.2217319.849 17.3467

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319.685 19.0186319.521 15.4917319.357 15.3823319.193 5.06104319.029 8.34668318.865 18.3467318.701 11.644318.537 20.0283318.373 11.7017318.209 11.7241318.045 16.5469317.881 16.5293317.717 23.2568317.553 13.3789317.388 19.9922317.224 9.96143317.06 16.5586

316.896 26.7803316.732 20.2637316.568 21.8066316.404 16.7061316.24 16.6699

316.076 11.7041315.912 10.1157315.748 13.668315.584 12.0796315.42 13.8066

315.256 20.8252315.092 12.0547314.928 18.6123314.764 21.6836

314.6 13.2998314.436 21.7139314.272 8.3623314.108 9.93066313.944 9.93799313.78 11.5693

313.616 13.3872313.451 18.2539313.287 18.291313.123 15.0527312.959 25.0635312.795 19.9453312.631 13.397312.467 15.0483312.303 15.105312.139 8.35059311.975 15.0825311.811 5.05981311.647 10.1538311.483 11.9741311.319 15.563311.155 17.3828310.991 22.5645310.827 17.1689310.663 5.0647310.499 6.66333310.335 18.3428310.171 11.6528310.007 13.374309.843 16.6543309.678 18.1875309.514 13.2534309.35 21.4561

309.186 14.7417309.022 13.0122308.858 16.1963308.694 21.2217308.53 16.2646

308.366 19.6445308.202 23.251308.038 11.7227307.874 13.5439307.71 16.8018

307.546 13.4165307.382 11.7788307.218 17.0469307.054 19.1074306.89 12.1885

306.726 31.3037306.562 17.2139306.398 11.8462306.234 18.5459306.07 6.7002

305.906 9.96631305.741 14.9302305.577 18.2207305.413 11.627305.249 9.93164305.085 21.3037304.921 14.7188304.757 19.6523304.593 16.3604304.429 11.4194304.265 6.45239304.101 11.3906303.937 26.3623303.773 21.54303.609 11.6846303.445 10.0537303.281 10.041303.117 16.9561302.953 6.85254302.789 15.6646302.625 24.3281302.461 20.6816302.297 17.1602302.133 13.5864301.969 20.1494301.804 8.35059301.64 24.8076

301.476 9.97656301.312 13.2617301.148 19.8389300.984 18.1094300.82 16.3896

300.656 22.8047300.492 16.3379300.328 14.6475300.164 17.7666

300 14.521299.836 9.81592299.672 14.9658299.508 13.3315299.344 8.32568299.18 13.126

299.016 14.6997298.852 19.8652298.688 18.3008298.524 13.4126298.36 16.917

298.196 6.7373298.032 14.9204297.867 13.0981297.703 14.7939297.539 21.2197297.375 16.46297.211 13.1807297.047 25.6768296.883 11.2012296.719 14.4287296.555 17.6699296.391 6.42261296.227 18.9688296.063 14.1816295.899 11.0337295.735 14.2583295.571 17.6035295.407 17.7969295.243 14.583295.079 31.083294.915 9.79248294.751 19.7246294.587 13.3091294.423 20.125294.259 23.9287294.095 15.2061293.93 20.2744

293.766 13.4028293.602 11.7041293.438 6.75098293.274 8.5293293.11 16.9004

292.946 23.0742292.782 16.4785292.618 16.6729292.454 14.8662292.29 14.7881

292.126 17.8965291.962 12.9858291.798 16.3232291.634 14.6118291.47 21.2744

291.306 9.89209291.142 11.6353290.978 15.1064290.814 16.7471290.65 11.6963

290.486 20.1875290.322 6.84814290.157 10.3525289.993 6.96704289.829 8.62402289.665 10.1621289.501 18.6143289.337 20.1719289.173 15.1079289.009 5.04468288.845 10.001288.681 13.1382288.517 8.05811288.353 24.3369288.189 15.9995288.025 11.1172287.861 4.62549287.697 8.09668287.533 16.2695287.369 19.0137287.205 21.3936287.041 15.2012286.877 13.5845286.713 20.7979286.549 18.9824286.385 17.3018286.22 16.2988

286.056 10.0532285.892 21.9346285.728 13.5879285.564 6.76099

285.4 15.228285.236 16.8242285.072 8.3252284.908 16.5859284.744 18.3174284.58 20.0762

284.416 25.1934284.252 11.5195284.088 19.7305283.924 19.7529283.76 9.80762

283.596 13.1382283.432 8.12842283.268 14.4946283.104 13.0645282.94 11.4888

282.776 13.2998282.612 16.9736282.448 17.0117282.283 26.582282.119 14.7583281.955 13.2275281.791 15.0371281.627 13.4614281.463 13.5425281.299 15.3857281.135 13.5576280.971 21.7109280.807 8.22949280.643 14.7007280.479 13.1338280.315 11.5586280.151 16.2598279.987 19.0811279.823 22.4297279.659 16.0156279.495 9.55029279.331 11.1455279.167 11.0454279.003 7.93042278.839 17.4863278.675 16.0801278.511 11.5986278.346 27.4229278.182 18.3223278.018 21.6318277.854 21.4023277.69 14.8945

277.526 23.834277.362 13.7798277.198 25.709277.034 32.291276.87 25.1777

276.706 16.708276.542 23.3438276.378 26.418276.214 14.6851276.05 17.6543

275.886 14.4219275.722 11.2832275.558 17.5352275.394 28.5381275.23 29.8145

275.066 26.8193274.902 20.5645274.738 22.1133274.574 19.1514274.409 36.0918274.245 26.7129274.081 26.6641273.917 11.6504273.753 20.0264273.589 16.8506273.425 15.3911273.261 10.4087273.097 31.1875272.933 20.3857272.769 15.1782272.605 21.9072272.441 11.7793272.277 14.9121272.113 14.8135271.949 11.5142271.785 23.0518271.621 14.8877271.457 13.166271.293 17.9893271.129 22.916270.965 22.915270.801 22.8223270.636 25.9521270.472 21.043270.308 21.3203270.144 21.876269.98 23.8994

269.816 15.313269.652 15.3091269.488 22.3213269.324 21.0928269.16 23.0264

268.996 10.7119268.832 12.4414268.668 24.3535268.504 22.6709268.34 5.22681

268.176 27.3975268.012 13.4976267.848 25.3115267.684 16.8809267.52 21.9961

267.356 22.0449267.192 17.0938267.028 15.1582266.864 15.125266.699 16.7988266.535 15.0444266.371 23.251266.207 28.248266.043 15.123265.879 22.499265.715 15.8335265.551 10.543265.387 26.2227265.223 17.667265.059 10.6885264.895 21.6299264.731 10.9023264.567 27.4297264.403 25.5234264.239 36.0273264.075 25.207263.911 16.1445263.747 22.8906263.583 22.5625263.419 20.9307263.255 20.9541263.091 20.9111262.927 19.0098262.762 12.1313262.598 17.4414262.434 10.4775262.27 8.62549

262.106 18.9033261.942 12.0439261.778 13.8423261.614 19.0527261.45 22.8145

261.286 16.5254261.122 5.03809260.958 18.7109260.794 25.5742260.63 16.9648

260.466 10.2783260.302 12.2524260.138 13.8877259.974 20.7061259.81 15.4365

259.646 28.7764259.482 28.8643259.318 16.9707259.154 35.4023258.99 35.5547

258.825 13.3984258.661 37.957258.497 39.877258.333 36.25258.169 34.2715258.005 27.5098257.841 43.5234257.677 56.9199257.513 41.418257.349 46.3184257.185 68.3203257.021 60.2266256.857 69.8398256.693 55.7148256.529 72.8281256.365 76.6602256.201 68.6406256.037 82.0117255.873 84.6328255.709 78.3438255.545 91.9375255.381 66.4844255.217 109.133255.053 60.3633254.888 101.281254.724 84.9766254.56 87.0117

254.396 76.4727254.232 76.2461254.068 65.8242253.904 83.7422253.74 97

253.576 92.3672253.412 75.4258253.248 86.9883253.084 70.1289252.92 98.6211

252.756 87.6992252.592 58.9922252.428 89.125252.264 94.1289

252.1 83.8984251.936 77.7969251.772 88.8828251.608 70.0742251.444 74.0469251.28 78.6875

251.116 73.1797250.951 71.0039250.787 72.1719250.623 85.9297250.459 76.0352250.295 74.9766250.131 71.0898249.967 76.1445249.803 67.5977249.639 68.8984249.475 94.1289249.311 55.3047249.147 55.0137248.983 69.7969248.819 65.332248.655 80.582248.491 55.7461248.327 67.8477248.163 91.1641247.999 73.5117247.835 82.1211247.671 68.875247.507 86.0273247.343 60.7266247.178 68.3555247.014 70.5352246.85 70.0625

246.686 64.7734246.522 82.0039246.358 72.1211246.194 93.0039246.03 77.5586

245.866 70.5742245.702 80.3633245.538 72.8516245.374 64.1836245.21 68.8008

245.046 54.5078244.882 70.0742244.718 76.1367244.554 43.7773244.39 69.0898

244.226 59.2891244.062 68.0156243.898 63.9297243.734 72.5234243.57 63.1113

243.406 65.8203243.241 85.9023243.077 51.3535242.913 74.3164242.749 60.918242.585 48.6621242.421 57.0781242.257 78.6953242.093 51.1406241.929 56.9492241.765 53.8789241.601 65.4219241.437 62.7305241.273 64.0859241.109 46.0664240.945 66.3906240.781 55.5898240.617 58.4648240.453 60.0059240.289 63.4238240.125 57.1309239.961 60.6797239.797 44.8184239.633 52.6855239.469 45.416239.304 63.6602239.14 53.3418

238.976 43.584238.812 47.4688238.648 56.5238.484 70.8164238.32 44.5566

238.156 47.9219237.992 58.2988237.828 51.8457237.664 38.0801

237.5 39.6426237.336 57.8828237.172 92.3125237.008 50.5996236.844 43.9961236.68 67.5703

236.516 67.3398236.352 55.2422236.188 55.0938236.024 40.2441235.86 50.2852

235.696 60.0449235.532 67.3359235.367 52.9453235.203 62.043235.039 61.9395234.875 73.9023234.711 49.8242234.547 40.2168234.383 46.0527234.219 42.6797234.055 56.752233.891 42.1074233.727 55.5703233.563 54.916233.399 66.5742233.235 66.2344233.071 35.4531232.907 64.1055232.743 60.7578232.579 53.8125232.415 48.6367232.251 68.2305232.087 51.5938231.923 64.9766231.759 39.5352231.595 39.2734231.43 45.7813

231.266 62.7578231.102 47.2793230.938 55.6816

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230.774 78.8828230.61 55.8008

230.446 58.8105230.282 62.625230.118 65.0273229.954 52.873229.79 34.377

229.626 46.4941229.462 68.707229.298 44.4883229.134 55.4023228.97 41.6035

228.806 52.8613228.642 69.4844228.478 28.1367228.314 67.2109228.15 56.752

227.986 48.5039227.822 63.3926227.657 64.9219227.493 58.0332227.329 49.6973227.165 58.8672227.001 51.3555226.837 42.293226.673 44.377226.509 39.5215226.345 53.9688226.181 44.418226.017 63.0352225.853 43.3906225.689 50.4375225.525 43.9219225.361 53.416225.197 51.8301225.033 67.9922224.869 60.4063224.705 72.7422224.541 57.9043224.377 43.1348224.213 44.7461224.049 51.0938223.885 57.4395223.72 65.6484

223.556 34.5566223.392 49.3691223.228 52.4121223.064 48.8105

222.9 50.7891222.736 44.3379222.572 55.9727222.408 41.0957222.244 60.918222.08 44.7285

221.916 53.082221.752 54.7539221.588 48.0488221.424 49.8164221.26 50.1543

221.096 56.1895220.932 49.7402220.768 37.5313220.604 44.0352220.44 60.3301

220.276 74.4531220.112 56.4863219.948 43.4004219.783 57.6016219.619 47.6113219.455 54.0918219.291 41.2285219.127 56.2363218.963 49.1172218.799 47.5508218.635 57.6816218.471 54.502218.307 44.4609218.143 47.6543217.979 72217.815 62.7129217.651 49.7324217.487 54.4707217.323 62.6445217.159 47.5216.995 51.5488216.831 66.0117216.667 65.1563216.503 53.041216.339 59.6465216.175 52.4121216.011 57.1738215.846 61.418215.682 55.9609215.518 55.9922215.354 62.6895215.19 44.6719

215.026 41.0684214.862 62.3906214.698 54.5996214.534 52.4961214.37 49.2695

214.206 52.7969214.042 47.6953213.878 55.8203213.714 49.3242213.55 33.0703

213.386 53.5156213.222 46.4609213.058 39.5645212.894 49.5625212.73 47.9688

212.566 50.0703212.402 53.8984212.238 49.416212.074 50.9004211.909 75.2227211.745 38.8926211.581 51.918211.417 58.2051211.253 69.1914211.089 52.7344210.925 49.7305210.761 39.5547210.597 30.999210.433 52.0801210.269 42.5566210.105 51.1484209.941 32.9063209.777 55.6973209.613 40.875209.449 42.7832209.285 34.7422209.121 33.0586208.957 54.4746208.793 50.7109208.629 39.6563208.465 59.7402208.301 53.0625208.136 50.0605207.972 48.9004207.808 27.2383207.644 53.1367207.48 66.4805

207.316 60.8496207.152 43.3047206.988 47.8027206.824 52.8398206.66 51.2383

206.496 52.7305206.332 37.5195206.168 45.6973206.004 47.8086205.84 57.8359

205.676 67.2578205.512 40.9746205.348 35.873205.184 58.7285205.02 51.0605

204.856 49.3613204.692 49.5781204.528 62.7285204.364 46.1172204.199 34.8848204.035 41.7324203.871 52.8086203.707 46.5313203.543 55.8691203.379 65.0742203.215 34.2168203.051 51.0938202.887 33.6914202.723 67.0508202.559 58.1094202.395 57.8652202.231 42.7734202.067 49.0762201.903 37.4805201.739 58.8086201.575 67.3359201.411 49.252201.247 50.375201.083 55.377200.919 75.4492200.755 49.4863200.591 55.7227200.427 41200.262 37.9668200.098 48.0098199.934 39.4805199.77 42.666

199.606 41.0723199.442 59.6367199.278 46.9355199.114 54.3047198.95 49.5352

198.786 44.5762198.622 48.9512198.458 62.3594198.294 57.0117198.13 64.5508

197.966 47.4941197.802 34.4082197.638 54.332197.474 44.5645197.31 41.1445

197.146 50.7656196.982 40.8984196.818 47.4297196.654 52.3555196.49 49.1914

196.325 49.0371196.161 32.6484195.997 55.6777195.833 57.9102195.669 38.0586195.505 59.2539195.341 49.4141195.177 75.9688195.013 66.2813194.849 40.2559194.685 52.4297194.521 52.4492194.357 44194.193 40.8359194.029 76.1133193.865 49.752193.701 67.4727193.537 77.6406193.373 46.3711193.209 52.6973193.045 57.1504192.881 75.0391192.717 63.8418192.553 67.2148192.388 50.9648192.224 39.4336192.06 55.4707

191.896 47.4727191.732 46.0195191.568 52.6445191.404 52.7695191.24 34.3398

191.076 66.8867190.912 39.5605190.748 54.3438190.584 61.0234190.42 35.0449

190.256 44.1582190.092 78.5781189.928 56.2031189.764 42.3008

189.6 61.9902189.436 69.1992189.272 50.6934189.108 46.2969188.944 34.6328188.78 53.9043

188.616 45.6055188.451 41.0273188.287 64.5703188.123 39.5625187.959 45.5254187.795 71.6016187.631 39.25187.467 59.082187.303 39.5254187.139 50.75186.975 64.8125186.811 52.6504186.647 53.1016186.483 44.7852186.319 47.9297186.155 44.6582185.991 48.8125185.827 49.584185.663 58.1016185.499 37.5098185.335 40.3789185.171 46.3379185.007 58.1738184.843 41.4883184.678 39.7012184.514 62.1016184.35 61.9648

184.186 45.7715184.022 39.1621183.858 70.3281183.694 52.2383183.53 71.8945

183.366 50.9141183.202 51.166183.038 52.75182.874 43.2246182.71 37.6484

182.546 59.5059182.382 57.8965182.218 36.377182.054 51.2227181.89 46.2129

181.726 53.5781181.562 66.0156181.398 53.0527181.234 35.8945181.07 59.3809

180.906 45.832180.741 53.8223180.577 72.9414180.413 42.6992180.249 68.5313180.085 58.8164179.921 42.6426179.757 70.5742179.593 51.1074179.429 59.0957179.265 42.6699179.101 49.1875178.937 42.6855178.773 58.916178.609 37.6699178.445 70.6875178.281 49.7656178.117 61.6152177.953 31.3662177.789 51.0957177.625 63.2168177.461 51.4453177.297 51.6445177.133 60.8203176.969 54.7109176.804 75.0625176.64 49.7715

176.476 47.8125176.312 37.043176.148 68.2656175.984 44.3789175.82 60.3613

175.656 26.251175.492 44.1582175.328 54.1035175.164 58.7793

175 52.5293174.836 60.8281174.672 63.9258174.508 45.7773174.344 40.9258174.18 52.5801

174.016 61.2168173.852 59.6465173.688 44.5918173.524 49.1621173.36 59.252

173.196 31.6211173.032 46.6445172.867 56.8516172.703 47.2715172.539 56.3164172.375 70.9609172.211 51.8027172.047 52.5039171.883 54.8965171.719 43.0625171.555 47.8379171.391 66.0273171.227 47.4805171.063 50.9648170.899 59.0781170.735 54.416170.571 70.7969170.407 47.5273170.243 52.166170.079 55.3652169.915 52.5488169.751 57.5625169.587 49.3105169.423 55.9941169.259 42.8125169.095 56.4219168.93 49.7559

168.766 64.4922168.602 41.3105168.438 54.8457168.274 47.3027168.11 61.8086

167.946 41.0645167.782 57.8691167.618 65.9219167.454 60.0703167.29 59.9316

167.126 64.2422166.962 32.9746166.798 52.1973166.634 57.1426166.47 52.5664

166.306 74.0898166.142 47.4453165.978 45.7031165.814 63.8984165.65 66.0508

165.486 75.8125165.322 52.5957165.157 49.0762164.993 69.5195164.829 79.3242164.665 67.582164.501 60.9023164.337 52.5234164.173 61.0508164.009 45.2168163.845 44.3984163.681 47.9004163.517 49.7168163.353 59.3945163.189 32.1035163.025 43.4961162.861 57.5527162.697 61.5605162.533 52.0996162.369 45.9102162.205 47.7598162.041 60.5645161.877 78.4063161.713 42.6953161.549 55.6621161.385 47.5566161.22 57.4609

161.056 53.8711160.892 39.0801160.728 51.0859160.564 43.2305

160.4 41.4492160.236 62.6699160.072 62.3867159.908 65.9297159.744 58.2148159.58 56.5898

159.416 67.9688159.252 52.6309159.088 52.6973158.924 51.0488158.76 45.1953

158.596 48.2539158.432 49.4121158.268 65.3828158.104 47.582157.94 60.6875

157.776 56.9297157.612 56.9297157.448 48.7148157.283 65.5859157.119 52.6016156.955 60.3984156.791 58.709156.627 55.752156.463 59.9219156.299 56.168156.135 46.0391155.971 65.6602155.807 70.4375155.643 49.8594155.479 46.5469155.315 68.4297155.151 48.8633154.987 60.8945154.823 46.4336154.659 41.2695154.495 60.8809154.331 58.4395154.167 65.7266154.003 50.8535153.839 55.8594153.675 54.0879153.511 68.6211153.346 60.3477153.182 77.3945153.018 51.0938152.854 54.2246152.69 62.0234

152.526 57152.362 39.3047152.198 55.7031152.034 64.0039151.87 39.5313

151.706 41.3496151.542 60.873151.378 48.1035151.214 70.0625151.05 57.8457

150.886 66.1992150.722 45.6641150.558 46.1172150.394 58.1992150.23 61.5234

150.066 52.3867149.902 52.0547149.738 56.5957149.574 42.8242149.409 55.834149.245 39.0254149.081 58.4551148.917 41.0371148.753 42.7363148.589 40.7363148.425 50.4121148.261 35.7871148.097 42.752147.933 52.8789147.769 31.1953147.605 45.9434147.441 41.1875147.277 42.8574147.113 42.9004146.949 49.2754146.785 47.6113146.621 49.7852146.457 45.1777146.293 35.5977146.129 42.7949145.965 69.7813145.801 50.0254145.636 28.7754145.472 45.2871145.308 52.7559145.144 42.6875144.98 32.7695

144.816 47.5859144.652 44.5293144.488 54.6055144.324 42.623144.16 62.002

143.996 32.7207143.832 39.5313143.668 52.459143.504 57.1641143.34 49.0137

143.176 49.4863143.012 63.1133142.848 47.9219142.684 46.1172142.52 44.543

142.356 67.7031142.192 60.0352142.028 38.4805

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141.864 32.0977141.699 49.3633141.535 40.8789141.371 54.8379141.207 39.166141.043 53.582140.879 41.1563140.715 50.6543140.551 31.5752140.387 65.6563140.223 47.748140.059 58.6113139.895 47.377139.731 67.1172139.567 47.6406139.403 45.9277139.239 47.7988139.075 40.9375138.911 54.3379138.747 36.418138.583 24.8359138.419 45.8438138.255 58.9336138.091 41.2031137.927 46.4336137.762 63.0566137.598 38.2402137.434 59.2324137.27 49.957

137.106 48.0391136.942 65.1914136.778 53.9844136.614 59.4023136.45 54.166

136.286 57.0723136.122 50.9277135.958 47.4727135.794 53.8984135.63 47.4395

135.466 55.7617135.302 51.2227135.138 63.9355134.974 74.8281134.81 62.1641

134.646 50.8418134.482 47.5859134.318 44.4961134.154 52.6777133.99 62.8086

133.825 59.6875133.661 88.9453133.497 82.3008133.333 54.5391133.169 73.0742133.005 59.5313132.841 73.3867132.677 68.0234132.513 57.6035132.349 60.0508132.185 48.3164132.021 57.9883131.857 46.0137131.693 47.2383131.529 51.9727131.365 52.2871131.201 58.877131.037 44.0859130.873 57.0918130.709 79.8164130.545 44.4219130.381 77.4727130.217 53.9551130.053 65.6797129.888 69.1094129.724 72.6172129.56 64.4102

129.396 73.8984129.232 59.2012129.068 60.6094128.904 74.543128.74 77.7344

128.576 66.4102128.412 49.4316128.248 83.6563128.084 70.7773127.92 90.375

127.756 81.1797127.592 80.1875127.428 61.9316127.264 74.8242

127.1 80.2031126.936 55.7031126.772 73.3906126.608 68.5313126.444 53.8789126.28 70.6797

126.116 90.4453125.951 73.2422125.787 81.2773125.623 73.7266125.459 69.6445125.295 74.7227125.131 68.9297124.967 67.1016124.803 67.6172124.639 78.5586124.475 68.3047124.311 65.8828124.147 68.0977123.983 64.8516123.819 77.1758123.655 63.1582123.491 73.7305123.327 91.4648123.163 88.3867122.999 83.7383122.835 72.9453122.671 77.2656122.507 99.5195122.343 76.582122.178 67.1875122.014 98.6992121.85 75.5352

121.686 65.2852121.522 75.2383121.358 94.0742121.194 62.9141121.03 68.2461

120.866 75.9023120.702 73.7539120.538 82.3555120.374 71.0195120.21 71.457

120.046 86.9961119.882 70.8125119.718 85.4336119.554 72.2227119.39 85.1953

119.226 71.3867119.062 74.7266118.898 81.2305118.734 56.2344118.57 79.1875

118.406 67.6563118.241 68.7344118.077 78.5703117.913 79.0625117.749 69.0625117.585 64.0977117.421 91.6914117.257 71.7383117.093 72.25116.929 82.2891116.765 83.9531116.601 89.3359116.437 65.5195116.273 69.3516116.109 63.1895115.945 82.3984115.781 89.2734115.617 58.1621115.453 74.5664115.289 63.5469115.125 82.418114.961 68.1836114.797 97.5781114.633 93.6914114.469 78.2383114.304 49.3613114.14 87.3477

113.976 60.8086113.812 80.1875113.648 62.3945113.484 76.7656113.32 57.3379

113.156 73.0391112.992 83.2383112.828 74.2422112.664 67.3203

112.5 83.5195112.336 88.7461112.172 64.2422112.008 56.0391111.844 42.8281111.68 82.0938

111.516 106.641111.352 67.5391111.188 81.9414111.024 83.2813110.86 63.459

110.696 86.0391110.532 84.5469110.367 62.0898110.203 78.2852110.039 75.5547109.875 64.9023109.711 66.7461109.547 80.8164109.383 65.4648109.219 73.4531109.055 68.7383108.891 88.2539108.727 66.3789108.563 77.4844108.399 77.0352108.235 62.252108.071 70.3359107.907 63.2285107.743 71.6953107.579 75.6211107.415 67.5586107.251 90.2383107.087 71.2656106.923 65.0781106.759 77.0781106.595 88.3906106.43 70.2734

106.266 68.9727106.102 68.4688105.938 93.8555105.774 69.4922105.61 70.9258

105.446 78.8359105.282 80.5273105.118 66.0313104.954 81.7539104.79 65.4414

104.626 68.5625104.462 98.6211104.298 85.75104.134 67.5391103.97 80.3164

103.806 82.0039103.642 56.3711103.478 63.9004103.314 86.0898103.15 69.1914

102.986 82.2813102.822 62.9063102.657 95.957102.493 94.582102.329 60.4473102.165 97.6719102.001 88.3945101.837 84.7422101.673 87.9375101.509 66.7305101.345 79.3945101.181 59.0508101.017 87.2266100.853 67.1523100.689 86.2227100.525 64.8711100.361 96.3242100.197 64.1445100.033 73.855599.8688 83.62599.7047 84.996199.5407 65.429799.3767 88.578199.2126 77.046999.0486 74.136798.8845 65.664198.7205 80.570398.5564 65.910298.3924 90.816498.2284 81.58298.0643 82.589897.9003 82.105597.7362 89.20797.5722 80.933697.4082 75.29397.2441 82.289197.0801 66.390696.916 83.58296.752 60.1074

96.5879 79.984496.4239 83.613396.2599 79.238396.0958 88.945395.9318 82.652395.7677 79.062595.6037 61.605595.4396 69.648495.2756 68.289195.1116 63.919994.9475 71.988394.7835 69.726694.6194 99.710994.4554 69.343894.2914 104.73494.1273 68.894593.9633 69.859493.7992 70.691493.6352 72.402393.4711 69.679793.3071 82.562593.1431 86.019592.979 83.41892.815 82.7461

92.6509 77.41892.4869 68.484492.3228 62.322392.1588 78.867291.9948 74.183691.8307 67.382891.6667 60.771591.5026 68.95791.3386 94.58291.1746 80.320391.0105 70.808690.8465 78.246190.6824 71.730590.5184 69.101690.3543 78.726690.1903 91.488390.0263 89.660289.8622 83.757889.6982 78.011789.5341 57.449289.3701 86.812589.2061 73.742289.042 79.628988.878 94.3242

88.7139 96.492288.5499 61.20788.3858 67.304788.2218 81.867288.0578 82.70787.8937 85.433687.7297 72.859487.5656 82.191487.4016 72.460987.2375 66.949287.0735 65.382886.9095 89.531386.7454 75.558686.5814 72.808686.4173 73.757886.2533 82.171986.0893 77.480585.9252 69.906385.7612 94.390685.5971 76.199285.4331 85.351685.269 85.640685.105 84.390684.941 83.0547

84.7769 88.253984.6129 95.695384.4488 78.078184.2848 77.933684.1207 58.257883.9567 84.988383.7927 97.566483.6286 88.855583.4646 9283.3005 67.757883.1365 77.722782.9725 73.687582.8084 83.949282.6444 80.804782.4803 84.222782.3163 88.20782.1522 93.45781.9882 87.371181.8242 66.898481.6601 64.367281.4961 73.289181.332 87.156381.168 70.011781.004 84.1914

80.8399 74.773480.6759 70.035280.5118 96.664180.3478 85.136780.1837 87.050880.0197 74.367279.8557 91.269579.6916 91.949279.5276 75.179779.3635 92.945379.1995 80.398479.0354 55.109478.8714 90.468878.7074 96.16878.5433 72.445378.3793 98.597778.2152 75.664178.0512 87.664177.8872 88.730577.7231 83.730577.5591 61.769577.395 60.699277.231 62.8125

77.0669 60.621176.9029 59.607476.7389 85.597776.5748 77.898476.4108 67.699276.2467 79.449276.0827 59.029375.9186 93.144575.7546 61.392675.5906 101.77375.4265 61.324275.2625 68.699275.0984 66.933674.9344 99.203174.7704 67.046974.6063 77.691474.4423 81.2574.2782 68.550874.1142 75.199273.9501 83.664173.7861 75.695373.6221 86.87573.458 70.363373.294 91.9648

73.1299 70.503972.9659 87.605572.8019 77.160272.6378 68.851672.4738 94.425872.3097 69.179772.1457 92.222771.9816 74.585971.8176 79.394571.6536 9971.4895 72.640671.3255 84.468871.1614 70.58270.9974 86.445370.8333 66.570370.6693 91.257870.5053 80.953170.3412 87.164170.1772 84.386770.0131 66.742269.8491 69.156369.6851 74.175869.521 52.496169.357 93.9219

69.1929 83.640669.0289 86.421968.8648 78.304768.7008 70.316468.5368 84.164168.3727 80.675868.2087 75.722768.0446 86.410267.8806 64.609467.7165 78.484467.5525 67.894567.3885 57.017667.2244 72.359467.0604 60.796966.8963 76.308666.7323 71.699266.5683 60.095766.4042 69.718866.2402 90.031366.0761 76.117265.9121 93.414165.748 70.746165.584 88.414165.42 79.582

65.2559 76.039165.0919 86.246164.9278 75.953164.7638 75.437564.5998 75.695364.4357 87.878964.2717 106.51664.1076 60.662163.9436 73.644563.7795 82.109463.6155 67.824263.4515 65.867263.2874 94.378963.1234 100.23862.9593 68.789162.7953 72.761762.6312 96.734462.4672 105.18462.3032 83.285262.1391 66.437561.9751 83.023461.811 95.179761.647 81.003961.483 61.4277

61.3189 79.683661.1549 56.398460.9908 53.443460.8268 101.82460.6627 67.441460.4987 72.847760.3347 86.37560.1706 65.808660.0066 89.761759.8425 70.863359.6785 84.105559.5144 93.906359.3504 62.789159.1864 102.39859.0223 76.539158.8583 71.425858.6942 84.574258.5302 80.234458.3662 68.164158.2021 88.027358.0381 82.820357.874 74.226657.71 71.3359

57.5459 91.367257.3819 52.412157.2179 77.675857.0538 80.976656.8898 85.785256.7257 57.320356.5617 63.734456.3977 59.509856.2336 70.691456.0696 61.761755.9055 75.882855.7415 79.093855.5774 87.363355.4134 74.113355.2494 71.015655.0853 76.492254.9213 68.953154.7572 58.642654.5932 68.648454.4291 40.431654.2651 61.54354.1011 99.191453.937 65.574253.773 65.0508

53.6089 76.894553.4449 65.109453.2809 82.289153.1168 74.4453

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52.9528 68.199252.7887 79.062552.6247 70.960952.4606 67.531352.2966 75.515652.1326 62.814551.9685 93.312551.8045 78.855551.6404 68.246151.4764 81.738351.3123 79.308651.1483 82.343850.9843 73.890650.8202 86.753950.6562 58.101650.4921 76.281350.3281 81.601650.1641 64.7227

50 67.441449.836 96.1953

49.6719 75.109449.5079 63.062549.3438 76.734449.1798 72.652349.0158 68.621148.8517 73.871148.6877 58.990248.5236 61.439548.3596 55.175848.1956 64.859448.0315 73.175847.8675 59.017647.7034 69.796947.5394 65.527347.3753 69.558647.2113 50.277347.0473 77.7546.8832 51.722746.7192 65.980546.5551 78.960946.3911 74.382846.227 55.996146.063 59.556645.899 82.9219

45.7349 64.738345.5709 61.400445.4068 64.83245.2428 63.046945.0788 60.408244.9147 77.789144.7507 87.855544.5866 54.058644.4226 76.589844.2585 66.589844.0945 66.347743.9305 93.023443.7664 71.144543.6024 61.08243.4383 67.402343.2743 80.156343.1102 62.808642.9462 92.156342.7822 78.406342.6181 66.394542.4541 74.3555

42.29 86.980542.126 69.558641.962 50.2715

41.7979 67.285241.6339 86.886741.4698 66.105541.3058 84.304741.1417 69.425840.9777 90.45740.8137 81.156340.6496 82.601640.4856 65.140640.3215 63.697340.1575 76.402339.9935 67.855539.8294 67.980539.6654 58.537139.5013 91.261739.3373 76.109439.1732 64.66839.0092 72.437538.8452 58.705138.6811 58.945338.5171 98.085938.353 60.496138.189 75.7461

38.0249 59.511737.8609 72.683637.6969 66.726637.5328 107.25437.3688 82.589837.2047 66.480537.0407 79.652336.8767 122.85236.7126 76.281336.5486 103.62136.3845 67.699236.2205 62.95936.0564 78.621135.8924 95.507835.7284 85.863335.5643 69.703135.4003 63.548835.2362 87.101635.0722 81.238334.9081 76.980534.7441 74.441434.5801 87.378934.416 80.355534.252 78.8359

34.0879 78.449233.9239 77.347733.7599 65.027333.5958 64.45733.4318 68.230533.2677 95.878933.1037 89.636732.9396 70.95732.7756 67.589832.6116 71.390632.4475 94.976632.2835 69.925832.1194 82.382831.9554 85.812531.7914 68.316431.6273 67.011731.4633 70.503931.2992 73.41831.1352 92.503930.9711 105.51230.8071 57.277330.6431 79.941430.479 56.097730.315 79.5039

30.1509 77.382829.9869 92.871129.8228 62.718829.6588 66.953129.4948 87.261729.3307 55.175829.1667 58.279329.0026 69.699228.8386 72.58228.6746 64.304728.5105 64.519528.3465 92.2528.1824 73.058628.0184 63.437527.8543 65.29327.6903 67.921927.5263 76.160227.3622 56.564527.1982 66.656327.0341 60.220726.8701 65.203126.7061 69.777326.542 55.921926.378 63.9766

26.2139 71.632826.0499 68.855525.8858 66.113325.7218 55.697325.5578 72.781325.3937 36.783225.2297 55.273425.0656 62.658224.9016 52.203124.7375 60.154324.5735 51.75224.4095 71.316424.2454 49.861324.0814 54.761723.9173 30.693423.7533 56.884823.5893 64.62523.4252 65.882823.2612 61.285223.0971 58.517622.9331 51.95722.769 62.699222.605 58.08222.441 67.1563

22.2769 55.935522.1129 65.257821.9488 74.949221.7848 56.777321.6207 81.386721.4567 52.951221.2927 60.609421.1286 79.992220.9646 71.199220.8005 60.574220.6365 65.195320.4725 64.578120.3084 86.804720.1444 59.849619.9803 59.558619.8163 58.070319.6522 72.777319.4882 86.066419.3242 56.505919.1601 61.439518.9961 70.29318.832 68.609418.668 58.441418.504 71.2773

18.3399 78.937518.1759 89.894518.0118 64.902317.8478 70.945317.6837 76.746117.5197 55.24817.3557 60.048817.1916 68.335917.0276 80.95716.8635 85.488316.6995 75.894516.5354 65.91816.3714 53.656316.2074 72.437516.0433 66.859415.8793 46.130915.7152 65.031315.5512 73.007815.3872 61.710915.2231 81.414115.0591 59.91614.895 75.687514.731 78.5977

14.5669 63.119114.4029 70.539114.2389 74.83214.0748 67.703113.9108 81.699213.7467 55.29313.5827 61.933613.4186 52.861313.2546 37.74813.0906 76.382812.9265 57.199212.7625 65.339812.5984 65.339812.4344 60.906312.2704 66.496112.1063 69.796911.9423 73.101611.7782 50.603511.6142 53.980511.4501 71.894511.2861 77.37511.1221 71.867210.958 68.531310.794 79.9023

10.6299 53.443410.4659 69.589810.3019 74.566410.1378 57.23449.97377 82.26959.80972 65.40239.64568 74.51179.48164 54.99619.3176 68.418

9.15356 66.72278.98951 68.42198.82547 47.43958.66143 55.48838.49739 45.56058.33335 44.11728.1693 55.6699

8.00526 60.75987.84122 52.74227.67718 37.04887.51314 37.31257.34909 68.85557.18505 31.76867.02101 38.22466.85697 47.72666.69293 47.81056.52888 50.60946.36484 46.70316.2008 54.6172

6.03676 55.27935.87272 51.84575.70867 48.63285.54463 29.25295.38059 61.46295.21655 48.30275.05251 51.89064.88846 45.57034.72442 39.13874.56038 68.14064.39634 53.50984.2323 57.5645

4.06825 42.42973.90421 40.74223.74017 69.753.57613 59.76953.41209 49.07423.24804 61.7109

3.084 53.90432.91996 41.95512.75592 55.57422.59188 56.90432.42783 53.44342.26379 57.7092.09975 45.52151.93571 46.74611.77167 47.99411.60762 35.52731.44358 47.03131.27954 29.21091.1155 40.5254

0.951457 40.44340.787415 22.69630.623373 29.34960.459331 25.85640.295289 22.53810.131247 19.2988

-0.0328 27.4316-0.19684 17.9941-0.36088 21.2432-0.52492 22.6309-0.68896 34.1621-0.85301 29.249-1.01705 31.0283-1.18109 36.3965-1.34513 33.4219-1.50917 32.1016-1.67322 23.2988-1.83726 26.874-2.0013 28.4678

-2.16534 26.333-2.32938 23.708-2.49343 29.9385-2.65747 24.1719-2.82151 19.5371

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726.148 0.552402 1810.28725.984 -0.29139 -3431.89725.82 0.63969 1563.26

725.656 0.765773 1305.87725.492 0.688184 1453.1725.328 0.426319 2345.66725.164 0.251742 3972.31

725 0.785171 1273.61724.836 0.814267 1228.1724.672 1.10523 904.791724.508 0.969446 1031.52724.344 1.22161 818.59724.18 1.68715 592.716

724.016 1.76474 566.656723.852 1.55137 644.592723.688 1.19252 838.563723.524 1.36709 731.479723.36 1.20221 831.798

723.196 1.45438 687.578723.032 1.38649 721.246722.867 1.26041 793.394722.703 1.3283 752.843722.539 1.09553 912.801722.375 1.41559 706.421722.211 1.3477 742.007722.047 1.61926 617.566721.883 1.36709 731.479721.719 1.93932 515.646721.555 2.0557 486.452721.391 1.81323 551.501721.227 1.06643 937.705721.063 1.60956 621.288720.899 0.668786 1495.25720.735 0.426319 2345.66720.571 0.707581 1413.27720.407 0.959747 1041.94720.243 0.746376 1339.81720.079 0.901555 1109.19719.915 1.16342 859.535719.751 0.998542 1001.46719.587 0.843363 1185.73719.423 1.13432 881.582719.259 1.09553 912.801719.094 1.49318 669.713718.93 1.42529 701.614

718.766 1.07613 929.254718.602 1.12463 889.185718.438 1.03734 964.007718.274 0.678485 1473.87718.11 0.882158 1133.58

717.946 1.12463 889.185717.782 1.02764 973.105717.618 1.03734 964.007717.454 0.814267 1228.1717.29 0.901555 1109.19

717.126 1.06643 937.705716.962 1.09553 912.801716.798 1.07613 929.254716.634 1.15372 866.76716.47 1.06643 937.705

716.306 0.930651 1074.52716.142 1.12463 889.185715.978 0.911254 1097.39715.814 0.814267 1228.1715.65 0.678485 1473.87

715.486 0.872459 1146.19715.322 0.901555 1109.19715.157 0.804568 1242.9714.993 0.688184 1453.1714.829 0.814267 1228.1714.665 0.814267 1228.1714.501 0.872459 1146.19714.337 0.591197 1691.48714.173 0.804568 1242.9714.009 0.707581 1413.27713.845 0.843363 1185.73713.681 0.814267 1228.1713.517 0.71728 1394.16713.353 0.591197 1691.48713.189 0.707581 1413.27713.025 0.358428 2789.96712.861 0.348729 2867.55712.697 0.348729 2867.55712.533 0.290537 3441.9712.369 0.775472 1289.54712.205 1.47378 678.528712.041 1.3477 742.007711.877 0.707581 1413.27711.713 0.387524 2580.48711.549 0.63969 1563.26711.385 0.49421 2023.43711.22 0.484511 2063.94

711.056 0.63969 1563.26710.892 0.41662 2400.27710.728 0.571799 1748.86710.564 0.445716 2243.58

710.4 0.571799 1748.86710.236 0.707581 1413.27710.072 0.804568 1242.9709.908 0.979145 1021.3709.744 1.36709 731.479709.58 1.07613 929.254

709.416 0.746376 1339.81709.252 0.484511 2063.94709.088 0.523306 1910.93708.924 0.678485 1473.87708.76 0.746376 1339.81

708.596 0.649389 1539.91708.432 0.86276 1159.07708.268 0.688184 1453.1708.104 0.397223 2517.48707.94 0.397223 2517.48

707.776 0.106262 9410.71707.612 0.290537 3441.9707.448 0.232345 4303.94707.283 0.358428 2789.96707.119 0.261441 3824.95706.955 0.368127 2716.46706.791 0.125659 7958.03706.627 0.203249 4920.08706.463 0.251742 3972.31706.299 0.649389 1539.91706.135 -0.00042 ########705.971 0.135358 7387.82705.807 0.222646 4491.43705.643 0.057768 17310.5705.479 0.174153 5742.08705.315 0.261441 3824.95705.151 0.329332 3036.45704.987 0.41662 2400.27704.823 0.63969 1563.26704.659 0.775472 1289.54704.495 1.39619 716.235704.331 0.688184 1453.1704.167 0.329332 3036.45704.003 0.300236 3330.71703.839 0.49421 2023.43703.675 0.455415 2195.8703.511 0.765773 1305.87703.346 0.882158 1133.58703.182 0.979145 1021.3703.018 0.901555 1109.19702.854 0.620293 1612.14702.69 0.445716 2243.58

702.526 0.445716 2243.58702.362 0.096563 10355.9702.198 1.06643 937.705702.034 0.542703 1842.63701.87 0.348729 2867.55

701.706 0.077166 12959.1701.542 0.969446 1031.52701.378 0.552402 1810.28701.214 0.668786 1495.25701.05 0.969446 1031.52

700.886 0.746376 1339.81700.722 0.49421 2023.43700.558 0.678485 1473.87700.394 0.552402 1810.28700.23 0.484511 2063.94

700.066 0.445716 2243.58699.902 0.552402 1810.28699.738 0.455415 2195.8699.573 0.484511 2063.94699.409 0.746376 1339.81699.245 1.02764 973.105699.081 1.07613 929.254698.917 0.998542 1001.46698.753 0.86276 1159.07698.589 0.329332 3036.45698.425 0.319633 3128.59698.261 0.329332 3036.45698.097 0.27114 3688.13697.933 0.164454 6080.72697.769 0.077166 12959.1697.605 0.135358 7387.82697.441 0.096563 10355.9697.277 0.077166 12959.1697.113 0.300236 3330.71696.949 0.251742 3972.31696.785 0.096563 10355.9696.621 0.358428 2789.96696.457 0.445716 2243.58696.293 0.290537 3441.9696.129 0.038371 26061.3695.965 0.028672 34876.9695.801 0.096563 10355.9695.636 0.038371 26061.3695.472 0.251742 3972.31695.308 0.484511 2063.94695.144 0.329332 3036.45694.98 0.358428 2789.96

694.816 0.348729 2867.55694.652 0.232345 4303.94694.488 0.106262 9410.71694.324 0.261441 3824.95694.16 0.154755 6461.81

693.996 0.174153 5742.08693.832 -0.03922 -25498.1693.668 -0.02952 -33875.5693.504 -0.08771 -11400.9693.34 -0.1556 -6426.61

693.176 -0.38837 -2574.85693.012 -0.38837 -2574.85692.848 -0.48536 -2060.33692.684 -0.42717 -2341.01692.52 -0.34958 -2860.6

692.356 -0.29139 -3431.89692.192 -0.12651 -7904.71692.028 0.348729 2867.55691.864 0.513607 1947.01691.699 0.552402 1810.28691.535 0.397223 2517.48691.371 0.290537 3441.9691.207 0.348729 2867.55691.043 -0.02952 -33875.5690.879 -0.31078 -3217.69690.715 -0.63084 -1585.19690.551 -0.38837 -2574.85690.387 0.232345 4303.94690.223 0.620293 1612.14690.059 1.03734 964.007689.895 1.2992 769.703689.731 0.649389 1539.91689.567 0.445716 2243.58689.403 0.057768 17310.5689.239 -0.03922 -25498.1689.075 -0.74722 -1338.29688.911 -0.61144 -1635.48688.747 -0.2138 -4677.37688.583 -0.1556 -6426.61688.419 -0.29139 -3431.89688.255 -0.1653 -6049.54688.091 0.038371 26061.3687.927 0.348729 2867.55687.762 0.329332 3036.45687.598 0.397223 2517.48687.434 0.71728 1394.16687.27 0.368127 2716.46

687.106 0.581498 1719.7686.942 1.23131 812.142686.778 1.41559 706.421686.614 0.930651 1074.52686.45 0.901555 1109.19

686.286 0.542703 1842.63686.122 0.125659 7958.03685.958 -0.09741 -10265.8685.794 -0.76662 -1304.43685.63 -0.66963 -1493.35

685.466 -0.80542 -1241.59685.302 -1.06728 -936.961685.138 -1.06728 -936.961684.974 -0.31078 -3217.69684.81 0.426319 2345.66

684.646 1.59016 628.866684.482 2.0751 481.905684.318 1.87143 534.352684.154 1.48348 674.092683.99 1.23131 812.142

683.825 0.135358 7387.82683.661 -1.13517 -880.924683.497 -2.12444 -470.712683.333 -2.35721 -424.231683.169 -3.28828 -304.11683.005 -4.28725 -233.25682.841 -3.59864 -277.883682.677 -2.91973 -342.497682.513 -2.98762 -334.714682.349 -2.91973 -342.497682.185 -2.35721 -424.231682.021 -2.93913 -340.237681.857 -2.96823 -336.902681.693 -3.05551 -327.277681.529 -2.95853 -338.006681.365 -3.11371 -321.161681.201 -2.80335 -356.716681.037 -2.15354 -464.353680.873 -1.93047 -518.01680.709 -1.87227 -534.11680.545 -2.21173 -452.135680.381 -2.98762 -334.714680.217 -3.74412 -267.085680.052 -4.41333 -226.586679.888 -4.92736 -202.948679.724 -5.81964 -171.832679.56 -6.45006 -155.037

679.396 -6.57614 -152.065679.232 -6.27548 -159.35679.068 -5.22802 -191.277678.904 -3.38527 -295.397678.74 -1.41643 -705.998

678.576 0.610594 1637.75678.412 1.22161 818.59678.248 0.125659 7958.03678.084 -0.54355 -1839.75677.92 -1.54252 -648.291

677.756 -2.96823 -336.902677.592 -3.62774 -275.654677.428 -2.15354 -464.353677.264 -1.6492 -606.354

677.1 -1.83348 -545.411676.936 -2.64817 -377.619676.772 -3.72472 -268.476676.608 -5.16013 -193.793676.444 -4.52002 -221.238676.28 -3.62774 -275.654

676.115 -2.77425 -360.458675.951 -2.84214 -351.847675.787 -3.9381 -253.93675.623 -6.53735 -152.967675.459 -9.21419 -108.528675.295 -10.669 -93.7296675.131 -11.7068 -85.4208674.967 -13.6368 -73.331674.803 -13.7144 -72.9161674.639 -12.3372 -81.0559674.475 -11.3673 -87.9716674.311 -11.1539 -89.6545674.147 -10.2035 -98.006673.983 -8.73895 -114.43673.819 -8.3704 -119.469673.655 -8.31221 -120.305673.491 -7.73999 -129.199673.327 -7.08047 -141.233673.163 -6.09121 -164.171672.999 -4.35514 -229.614672.835 -4.21936 -237.003672.671 -4.54911 -219.823672.507 -4.56851 -218.89672.343 -4.84008 -206.608672.178 -6.24639 -160.093672.014 -5.35411 -186.773671.85 -3.64714 -274.188

671.686 -3.52105 -284.006671.522 -3.8896 -257.096671.358 -3.51135 -284.79671.194 -3.84111 -260.341671.03 -4.45213 -224.612

670.866 -4.53942 -220.293670.702 -3.51135 -284.79670.538 -3.01672 -331.486670.374 -2.26022 -442.435670.21 -1.72679 -579.108

670.046 -0.67933 -1472.03669.882 -0.23319 -4288.3669.718 -0.01982 -50451669.554 0.164454 6080.72669.39 0.678485 1473.87

669.226 0.513607 1947.01669.062 0.222646 4491.43668.898 0.484511 2063.94668.734 0.872459 1146.19668.57 0.232345 4303.94

668.406 0.154755 6461.81668.241 0.455415 2195.8668.077 0.387524 2580.48667.913 0.300236 3330.71667.749 0.41662 2400.27667.585 0.474812 2106.09667.421 0.222646 4491.43667.257 0.358428 2789.96667.093 0.610594 1637.75666.929 0.552402 1810.28666.765 0.736677 1357.45666.601 0.678485 1473.87666.437 0.843363 1185.73666.273 0.096563 10355.9666.109 -0.23319 -4288.3665.945 0.028672 34876.9665.781 -0.03922 -25498.1665.617 -0.1847 -5414.21665.453 -0.05862 -17060.2665.289 0.028672 34876.9665.125 0.19355 5166.62664.961 -0.02952 -33875.5664.797 -0.06831 -14638.1664.633 0.203249 4920.08664.469 0.19355 5166.62664.304 0.261441 3824.95664.14 0.571799 1748.86

663.976 1.00824 991.826663.812 0.969446 1031.52663.648 1.15372 866.76663.484 1.3186 758.38663.32 1.20221 831.798

663.156 1.23131 812.142662.992 1.06643 937.705662.828 0.969446 1031.52662.664 1.3186 758.38

662.5 1.51257 661.125662.336 2.10419 475.241662.172 2.19148 456.312662.008 2.35636 424.383661.844 2.45335 407.606661.68 2.58913 386.23

661.516 2.8316 353.158661.352 2.96738 336.998661.188 3.41352 292.953661.024 3.97604 251.506660.86 4.3155 231.723

660.696 4.86832 205.41660.532 5.36296 186.464660.367 5.8091 172.144660.203 6.5074 153.671660.039 8.09799 123.487659.875 8.99997 111.111659.711 8.96117 111.593659.547 9.65948 103.525659.383 10.7554 92.9763659.219 12.0163 83.2205659.055 13.2868 75.2627658.891 15.3526 65.1355658.727 16.8171 59.4632658.563 18.495 54.0687658.399 20.7257 48.2493658.235 23.1504 43.1958658.071 24.9446 40.0888657.907 26.9717 37.076657.743 29.1248 34.335657.579 30.8705 32.3933657.415 33.1594 30.1573657.251 34.9925 28.5776657.087 37.4754 26.6842656.923 39.5412 25.2901656.759 41.5779 24.0512656.594 43.3819 23.0511656.43 45.8162 21.8263

656.266 47.5717 21.0209656.102 48.1536 20.7669655.938 49.2787 20.2928655.774 49.8897 20.0442655.61 50.074 19.9705

655.446 50.4425 19.8245655.282 50.5395 19.7865655.118 51.1214 19.5613654.954 51.7615 19.3194654.79 51.4318 19.4432

654.626 49.9576 20.017

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654.462 47.4456 21.0768654.298 44.2838 22.5816654.134 39.677 25.2035653.97 37.9603 26.3433

653.806 34.4494 29.0281653.642 30.1237 33.1964653.478 26.7874 37.331653.314 23.9069 41.829653.15 21.0361 47.5374

652.986 19.5328 51.196652.822 18.0586 55.3754652.657 16.4777 60.6882652.493 15.6048 64.0829652.329 14.7028 68.0142652.165 14.0627 71.1101652.001 13.9657 71.604651.837 12.6952 78.7701651.673 12.5982 79.3765651.509 11.9678 83.5577651.345 11.8029 84.725651.181 10.7069 93.3974651.017 10.6681 93.737650.853 10.2511 97.5505650.689 8.21438 121.738650.525 7.56456 132.195650.361 7.53547 132.706650.197 6.90505 144.822650.033 6.85656 145.846649.869 8.51503 117.439649.705 9.40732 106.3649.541 9.32003 107.296649.377 9.22304 108.424649.213 8.99997 111.111649.049 8.44714 118.383648.885 8.0204 124.682648.72 8.12709 123.045

648.556 7.97191 125.44648.392 8.0495 124.231648.228 8.38895 119.204648.064 8.53443 117.172

647.9 7.75854 128.89647.736 7.2639 137.667647.572 7.2639 137.667647.408 6.96324 143.611647.244 6.60439 151.414647.08 7.14752 139.909

646.916 6.97294 143.412646.752 6.74017 148.364646.588 6.73047 148.578646.424 6.89535 145.025646.26 6.71108 149.007

646.096 6.83716 146.26645.932 7.86522 127.142645.768 8.14648 122.752645.604 7.90402 126.518645.44 7.73914 129.213

645.276 7.79733 128.249645.112 7.95251 125.746644.948 8.40835 118.929644.783 8.87389 112.69644.619 9.04846 110.516644.455 8.95148 111.713644.291 8.63142 115.856644.127 8.50534 117.573643.963 8.25317 121.166643.799 7.9913 125.136643.635 8.08829 123.635643.471 8.60232 116.248643.307 9.02907 110.753643.143 9.95044 100.498642.979 10.3384 96.7269642.815 10.3093 96.9998642.651 10.5421 94.8581642.487 11.124 89.8958642.323 10.6778 93.6519642.159 10.9591 91.2483641.995 11.9969 83.3551641.831 12.5109 79.9303641.667 12.9182 77.4099641.503 14.0239 71.3069641.339 14.3343 69.763641.175 14.053 71.1592641.011 13.9657 71.604640.846 13.762 72.6637640.682 13.5584 73.7552640.518 13.0637 76.5478640.354 11.9193 83.8977640.19 11.5022 86.9396

640.026 11.6574 85.7823639.862 11.221 89.1188639.698 10.6391 93.9934639.534 10.4063 96.0958639.37 10.6584 93.8223

639.206 10.3772 96.3652639.042 9.22304 108.424638.878 8.28227 120.74638.714 8.96117 111.593638.55 9.5431 104.788

638.386 8.66052 115.467638.222 7.44818 134.261638.058 7.09902 140.864637.894 5.61512 178.09637.73 3.85966 259.09

637.566 3.38442 295.471637.402 3.19045 313.436637.238 2.90919 343.739637.073 2.44365 409.224636.909 2.57943 387.682636.745 3.02557 330.516636.581 2.51154 398.162636.417 2.67642 373.634636.253 2.38546 419.207636.089 1.81323 551.501635.925 1.25071 799.547635.761 0.668786 1495.25635.597 0.232345 4303.94635.433 0.998542 1001.46635.269 1.20221 831.798635.105 0.688184 1453.1634.941 0.474812 2106.09634.777 0.688184 1453.1634.613 0.348729 2867.55634.449 -0.09741 -10265.8634.285 0.319633 3128.59634.121 -0.1847 -5414.21633.957 -0.74722 -1338.29633.793 -0.38837 -2574.85633.629 -0.2138 -4677.37633.465 -0.12651 -7904.71633.301 0.19355 5166.62633.136 0.19355 5166.62632.972 -0.08771 -11400.9632.808 0.077166 12959.1632.644 -0.50476 -1981.15632.48 -1.41643 -705.998

632.316 -1.28065 -780.852632.152 -1.21276 -824.565631.988 -1.42613 -701.197631.824 -1.42613 -701.197631.66 -1.16427 -858.909

631.496 -1.19336 -837.967631.332 -1.05758 -945.553631.168 -0.32048 -3120.31631.004 -0.42717 -2341.01630.84 -0.80542 -1241.59

630.676 -0.60174 -1661.84630.512 -0.52415 -1907.84630.348 -0.48536 -2060.33630.184 -0.8927 -1120.19630.02 -1.19336 -837.967

629.856 -0.9218 -1084.83629.692 -0.1944 -5144.09629.528 -0.50476 -1981.15629.364 -1.19336 -837.967629.199 -0.66963 -1493.35629.035 -0.73753 -1355.89628.871 -0.45626 -2191.72628.707 0.067467 14822628.543 -0.1944 -5144.09628.379 -0.47566 -2102.34628.215 0.610594 1637.75628.051 0.814267 1228.1627.887 0.86276 1159.07627.723 1.05673 946.311627.559 1.05673 946.311627.395 0.387524 2580.48627.231 0.135358 7387.82627.067 0.009275 107818626.903 0.49421 2023.43626.739 0.41662 2400.27626.575 0.368127 2716.46626.411 0.707581 1413.27626.247 0.969446 1031.52626.083 0.610594 1637.75625.919 0.804568 1242.9625.755 1.25071 799.547625.591 1.17312 852.429625.427 0.746376 1339.81625.262 0.329332 3036.45625.098 0.668786 1495.25624.934 0.814267 1228.1624.77 0.348729 2867.55

624.606 0.581498 1719.7624.442 1.06643 937.705624.278 0.911254 1097.39624.114 0.833664 1199.52623.95 1.35739 736.706

623.786 1.39619 716.235623.622 0.86276 1159.07623.458 0.969446 1031.52623.294 1.22161 818.59623.13 1.35739 736.706

622.966 1.07613 929.254622.802 0.736677 1357.45622.638 0.552402 1810.28622.474 0.397223 2517.48622.31 0.513607 1947.01

622.146 0.688184 1453.1621.982 1.10523 904.791621.818 1.23131 812.142621.654 0.911254 1097.39621.49 0.668786 1495.25

621.325 0.71728 1394.16621.161 0.746376 1339.81620.997 0.649389 1539.91620.833 1.00824 991.826620.669 1.47378 678.528620.505 1.36709 731.479620.341 1.49318 669.713620.177 1.09553 912.801620.013 0.387524 2580.48619.849 0.49421 2023.43619.685 0.154755 6461.81619.521 -0.00042 ########619.357 0.174153 5742.08619.193 0.300236 3330.71619.029 0.096563 10355.9618.865 -0.23319 -4288.3618.701 0.135358 7387.82618.537 0.232345 4303.94618.373 0.426319 2345.66618.209 1.23131 812.142618.045 1.95871 510.539617.881 2.24967 444.509617.717 2.0363 491.086617.552 1.95871 510.539617.388 1.60956 621.288617.224 1.26041 793.394617.06 0.843363 1185.73

616.896 0.513607 1947.01616.732 1.00824 991.826616.568 1.49318 669.713616.404 2.52124 396.631616.24 2.0751 481.905

616.076 1.70655 585.978615.912 1.15372 866.76615.748 0.368127 2716.46615.584 0.009275 107818615.42 -0.1847 -5414.21

615.256 -0.73753 -1355.89615.092 -0.67933 -1472.03614.928 -1.02849 -972.303614.764 -0.8927 -1120.19

614.6 -0.52415 -1907.84614.436 -0.33018 -3028.65614.272 -0.09741 -10265.8614.108 -0.48536 -2060.33613.944 -0.9024 -1108.15613.78 -0.64054 -1561.19

613.615 -0.67933 -1472.03613.451 -0.64054 -1561.19613.287 -0.52415 -1907.84613.123 0.154755 6461.81612.959 0.261441 3824.95612.795 0.077166 12959.1612.631 -0.00042 ########612.467 0.251742 3972.31612.303 0.426319 2345.66612.139 0.329332 3036.45611.975 0.19355 5166.62611.811 0.426319 2345.66611.647 0.057768 17310.5611.483 0.552402 1810.28611.319 0.591197 1691.48611.155 0.736677 1357.45610.991 0.387524 2580.48610.827 0.804568 1242.9610.663 0.63969 1563.26610.499 0.445716 2243.58610.335 0.581498 1719.7610.171 0.319633 3128.59610.007 -0.1653 -6049.54609.843 0.649389 1539.91609.678 0.009275 107818609.514 -0.44656 -2239.32609.35 0.067467 14822

609.186 0.397223 2517.48609.022 0.71728 1394.16608.858 0.49421 2023.43608.694 0.707581 1413.27608.53 0.668786 1495.25

608.366 0.765773 1305.87608.202 0.843363 1185.73608.038 0.785171 1273.61607.874 0.71728 1394.16607.71 0.620293 1612.14

607.546 0.542703 1842.63607.382 0.387524 2580.48607.218 0.523306 1910.93607.054 0.94035 1063.43606.89 0.552402 1810.28

606.726 0.203249 4920.08606.562 0.251742 3972.31606.398 0.775472 1289.54606.234 1.06643 937.705606.07 0.843363 1185.73

605.906 1.17312 852.429605.741 2.10419 475.241605.577 2.66672 374.993605.413 2.12359 470.9605.249 1.44468 692.194605.085 1.10523 904.791604.921 0.843363 1185.73604.757 0.765773 1305.87604.593 1.05673 946.311604.429 0.959747 1041.94604.265 1.03734 964.007604.101 1.2895 775.492603.937 1.88112 531.597603.773 1.78414 560.495603.609 1.68715 592.716603.445 1.80353 554.467603.281 1.59016 628.866603.117 1.91022 523.5602.953 2.31757 431.487602.789 1.64836 606.665602.625 1.44468 692.194602.461 1.35739 736.706602.297 1.2992 769.703602.133 1.38649 721.246601.969 1.3186 758.38601.804 1.35739 736.706601.64 1.2895 775.492

601.476 1.20221 831.798601.312 1.19252 838.563601.148 1.09553 912.801600.984 1.17312 852.429600.82 1.15372 866.76

600.656 1.36709 731.479600.492 0.814267 1228.1600.328 0.969446 1031.52600.164 1.05673 946.311

600 1.02764 973.105599.836 0.71728 1394.16599.672 0.581498 1719.7599.508 0.94035 1063.43599.344 1.25071 799.547599.18 1.84233 542.791

599.016 2.66672 374.993598.852 2.28847 436.973598.688 1.99751 500.624598.524 1.44468 692.194598.36 0.804568 1242.9

598.196 0.610594 1637.75598.032 0.028672 34876.9597.867 0.077166 12959.1597.703 0.445716 2243.58597.539 0.901555 1109.19597.375 0.27114 3688.13597.211 0.164454 6080.72597.047 0.513607 1947.01596.883 -0.34958 -2860.6596.719 -1.12547 -888.515596.555 -1.08668 -920.236596.391 -1.22246 -818.023596.227 -0.87331 -1145.07596.063 0.096563 10355.9595.899 0.154755 6461.81595.735 1.07613 929.254595.571 2.0751 481.905595.407 2.0945 477.442595.243 1.74534 572.954595.079 1.76474 566.656594.915 1.67745 596.142594.751 1.41559 706.421594.587 1.26041 793.394594.423 1.70655 585.978594.259 1.76474 566.656594.094 0.814267 1228.1593.93 1.25071 799.547

593.766 1.09553 912.801593.602 1.19252 838.563593.438 1.58046 632.725593.274 1.74534 572.954593.11 1.3477 742.007

592.946 1.3283 752.843592.782 1.93932 515.646592.618 1.26041 793.394592.454 1.54167 648.647592.29 1.13432 881.582

592.126 1.36709 731.479591.962 1.23131 812.142591.798 1.76474 566.656591.634 0.668786 1495.25591.47 0.591197 1691.48

591.306 0.591197 1691.48591.142 0.872459 1146.19590.978 0.688184 1453.1590.814 0.785171 1273.61590.65 0.930651 1074.52

590.486 0.649389 1539.91590.322 0.552402 1810.28590.157 0.222646 4491.43589.993 0.368127 2716.46589.829 0.445716 2243.58589.665 0.523306 1910.93589.501 0.71728 1394.16589.337 0.581498 1719.7589.173 0.63969 1563.26589.009 0.71728 1394.16588.845 0.804568 1242.9588.681 0.688184 1453.1588.517 0.969446 1031.52588.353 1.80353 554.467588.189 2.0266 493.436588.025 2.45335 407.606587.861 2.35636 424.383587.697 0.552402 1810.28587.533 -1.13517 -880.924587.369 -2.12444 -470.712587.205 -2.93913 -340.237587.041 -3.28828 -304.11586.877 -2.84214 -351.847586.713 -1.51342 -660.755586.549 -0.45626 -2191.72586.385 0.261441 3824.95586.22 0.86276 1159.07

586.056 0.901555 1109.19585.892 0.591197 1691.48585.728 0.009275 107818585.564 0.028672 34876.9

585.4 -0.05862 -17060.2585.236 -0.11681 -8561.04585.072 1.22161 818.59584.908 1.2992 769.703584.744 1.77444 563.559584.58 2.19148 456.312

584.416 2.35636 424.383584.252 0.668786 1495.25584.088 -0.1944 -5144.09583.924 -1.83348 -545.411583.76 -2.35721 -424.231

583.596 -3.55015 -281.678583.432 -4.53942 -220.293583.268 -4.69459 -213.011583.104 -4.13207 -242.009582.94 -4.27755 -233.779

582.776 -4.74309 -210.833582.612 -2.67727 -373.516582.448 -0.73753 -1355.89582.283 -0.1556 -6426.61582.119 0.804568 1242.9581.955 1.63866 610.256581.791 2.51154 398.162581.627 2.99647 333.726581.463 2.8025 356.824581.299 2.8316 353.158581.135 2.86069 349.566580.971 2.25937 442.601580.807 1.70655 585.978580.643 1.87143 534.352580.479 2.32726 429.689580.315 2.17208 460.387580.151 2.0363 491.086579.987 1.99751 500.624579.823 2.28847 436.973579.659 1.86173 537.136579.495 2.15269 464.536579.331 1.73564 576.155579.167 2.0945 477.442579.003 2.19148 456.312578.839 1.64836 606.665578.675 1.51257 661.125578.511 1.45438 687.578578.346 1.83263 545.664578.182 1.77444 563.559578.018 1.81323 551.501577.854 1.84233 542.791577.69 2.31757 431.487

577.526 2.26907 440.709577.362 2.0654 484.168577.198 1.78414 560.495577.034 1.57077 636.632576.87 1.77444 563.559

576.706 1.90052 526.171576.542 1.64836 606.665576.378 2.22058 450.333576.214 1.87143 534.352576.05 2.00721 498.205

575.886 2.00721 498.205575.722 1.88112 531.597575.558 1.93932 515.646575.394 2.60853 383.358575.23 2.49214 401.261

575.066 1.90052 526.171574.902 2.0945 477.442574.738 2.55033 392.105574.573 2.48244 402.829574.409 2.24967 444.509574.245 2.44365 409.224574.081 2.10419 475.241573.917 2.00721 498.205573.753 1.90052 526.171573.589 2.0751 481.905573.425 1.55137 644.592573.261 1.71625 582.667573.097 1.97811 505.533572.933 2.19148 456.312572.769 1.61926 617.566572.605 1.47378 678.528572.441 1.95871 510.539572.277 2.0557 486.452572.113 1.55137 644.592571.949 1.97811 505.533571.785 1.92962 518.237571.621 2.48244 402.829571.457 2.0751 481.905571.293 2.00721 498.205571.129 1.63866 610.256570.965 1.91022 523.5570.801 1.93932 515.646570.636 2.0266 493.436570.472 2.17208 460.387570.308 1.71625 582.667570.144 1.68715 592.716569.98 2.0751 481.905

569.816 1.58046 632.725569.652 1.88112 531.597569.488 1.44468 692.194569.324 1.67745 596.142569.16 1.87143 534.352

568.996 2.15269 464.536568.832 2.52124 396.631568.668 1.70655 585.978568.504 1.83263 545.664568.34 1.59016 628.866

568.176 1.49318 669.713568.012 1.70655 585.978567.848 1.93932 515.646567.684 1.93932 515.646567.52 1.73564 576.155

567.356 1.39619 716.235567.192 1.59016 628.866567.028 1.67745 596.142566.864 1.64836 606.665566.699 1.68715 592.716566.535 1.66775 599.609566.371 1.59016 628.866566.207 1.17312 852.429566.043 1.06643 937.705565.879 0.63969 1563.26565.715 0.251742 3972.31

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565.551 0.319633 3128.59565.387 0.445716 2243.58565.223 0.785171 1273.61565.059 1.12463 889.185564.895 1.61926 617.566564.731 0.571799 1748.86564.567 0.513607 1947.01564.403 0.552402 1810.28564.239 -0.06831 -14638.1564.075 0.096563 10355.9563.911 1.2992 769.703563.747 1.96841 508.024563.583 2.00721 498.205563.419 2.16239 462.452563.255 1.91022 523.5563.091 1.87143 534.352562.927 1.87143 534.352562.762 1.22161 818.59562.598 1.48348 674.092562.434 1.54167 648.647562.27 1.48348 674.092

562.106 1.17312 852.429561.942 1.42529 701.614561.778 1.10523 904.791561.614 0.901555 1109.19561.45 0.930651 1074.52

561.286 1.10523 904.791561.122 1.19252 838.563560.958 0.843363 1185.73560.794 1.27011 787.336560.63 1.09553 912.801

560.466 1.02764 973.105560.302 0.804568 1242.9560.138 0.86276 1159.07559.974 1.10523 904.791559.81 1.3477 742.007

559.646 1.64836 606.665559.482 1.71625 582.667559.318 1.42529 701.614559.154 0.765773 1305.87558.99 0.688184 1453.1

558.825 0.261441 3824.95558.661 0.261441 3824.95558.497 0.649389 1539.91558.333 1.09553 912.801558.169 1.52227 656.913558.005 1.2992 769.703557.841 1.44468 692.194557.677 1.45438 687.578557.513 1.42529 701.614557.349 1.3477 742.007557.185 1.39619 716.235557.021 1.19252 838.563556.857 0.581498 1719.7556.693 0.523306 1910.93556.529 0.41662 2400.27556.365 0.164454 6080.72556.201 1.10523 904.791556.037 1.44468 692.194555.873 1.19252 838.563555.709 1.38649 721.246555.545 1.90052 526.171555.381 1.16342 859.535555.217 0.94035 1063.43555.052 0.523306 1910.93554.888 0.038371 26061.3554.724 -0.37867 -2640.8554.56 0.135358 7387.82

554.396 1.07613 929.254554.232 1.44468 692.194554.068 1.2992 769.703553.904 1.54167 648.647553.74 1.2895 775.492

553.576 1.06643 937.705553.412 0.455415 2195.8553.248 0.067467 14822553.084 -0.47566 -2102.34552.92 0.164454 6080.72

552.756 0.591197 1691.48552.592 -0.08771 -11400.9552.428 0.222646 4491.43552.264 1.05673 946.311

552.1 0.63969 1563.26551.936 0.358428 2789.96551.772 0.775472 1289.54551.608 1.13432 881.582551.444 0.71728 1394.16551.28 0.484511 2063.94

551.115 0.843363 1185.73550.951 0.843363 1185.73550.787 0.203249 4920.08550.623 0.649389 1539.91550.459 0.668786 1495.25550.295 0.746376 1339.81550.131 0.571799 1748.86549.967 0.474812 2106.09549.803 0.571799 1748.86549.639 0.057768 17310.5549.475 0.067467 14822549.311 -0.29139 -3431.89549.147 0.19355 5166.62548.983 -0.1944 -5144.09548.819 -0.00042 ########548.655 -0.09741 -10265.8548.491 -0.23319 -4288.3548.327 -0.09741 -10265.8548.163 -0.34958 -2860.6547.999 -0.45626 -2191.72547.835 -0.31078 -3217.69547.671 0.028672 34876.9547.507 0.028672 34876.9547.343 -0.13621 -7341.84547.178 -0.08771 -11400.9547.014 -0.08771 -11400.9546.85 0.319633 3128.59

546.686 -0.00042 ########546.522 0.348729 2867.55546.358 0.552402 1810.28546.194 0.785171 1273.61546.03 0.71728 1394.16

545.866 1.48348 674.092545.702 1.86173 537.136545.538 2.0654 484.168545.374 2.22058 450.333545.21 2.63762 379.129

545.046 2.23028 448.375544.882 1.76474 566.656544.718 1.16342 859.535544.554 0.746376 1339.81544.39 1.02764 973.105

544.226 1.36709 731.479544.062 1.68715 592.716543.898 1.51257 661.125543.734 2.60853 383.358543.57 1.86173 537.136

543.406 1.35739 736.706543.241 1.27011 787.336543.077 1.3283 752.843542.913 1.64836 606.665542.749 2.20118 454.302542.585 1.81323 551.501542.421 1.54167 648.647542.257 2.26907 440.709542.093 2.23028 448.375541.929 2.13329 468.759541.765 1.76474 566.656541.601 1.99751 500.624541.437 2.74431 364.391541.273 2.8025 356.824541.109 1.58046 632.725540.945 1.86173 537.136540.781 3.05467 327.368540.617 2.57943 387.682540.453 3.66568 272.8540.289 5.09139 196.41540.125 4.85862 205.82539.961 4.03424 247.878539.797 3.84026 260.399539.633 3.22924 309.67539.469 1.54167 648.647539.304 1.58046 632.725539.14 1.55137 644.592

538.976 2.26907 440.709538.812 2.8316 353.158538.648 3.29713 303.294538.484 3.24864 307.821538.32 2.96738 336.998

538.156 2.54064 393.602537.992 2.39516 417.509537.828 3.05467 327.368537.664 3.97604 251.506

537.5 4.07303 245.517537.336 3.36503 297.175537.172 3.89845 256.512537.008 4.12152 242.629536.844 4.41248 226.63536.68 4.49007 222.713

536.516 4.39309 227.63536.352 4.12152 242.629536.188 3.86936 258.441536.024 3.89845 256.512535.86 3.84026 260.399

535.696 3.66568 272.8535.531 4.13122 242.059535.367 3.84026 260.399535.203 3.5881 278.699535.039 3.38442 295.471534.875 3.67538 272.08534.711 2.97708 335.9534.547 2.8025 356.824534.383 3.28744 304.188534.219 3.05467 327.368534.055 3.34563 298.898533.891 2.66672 374.993533.727 2.36606 422.644533.563 2.29817 435.129533.399 2.20118 454.302533.235 1.90052 526.171533.071 2.51154 398.162532.907 3.19045 313.436532.743 3.68508 271.364532.579 3.13226 319.259532.415 2.8413 351.952532.251 3.17105 315.353532.087 3.28744 304.188531.923 3.45231 289.661531.759 2.99647 333.726531.594 2.73461 365.683531.43 3.06437 326.332

531.266 2.88009 347.211531.102 2.61823 381.938530.938 2.73461 365.683530.774 2.10419 475.241530.61 2.55033 392.105

530.446 2.23028 448.375530.282 2.25937 442.601530.118 2.23028 448.375529.954 1.63866 610.256529.79 2.00721 498.205

529.626 2.0945 477.442529.462 1.36709 731.479529.298 1.52227 656.913529.134 2.0945 477.442528.97 1.84233 542.791

528.806 1.78414 560.495528.642 1.76474 566.656528.478 1.36709 731.479528.314 1.35739 736.706528.15 1.39619 716.235

527.986 1.2895 775.492527.822 0.649389 1539.91527.657 0.998542 1001.46527.493 0.901555 1109.19527.329 0.552402 1810.28527.165 0.484511 2063.94527.001 0.610594 1637.75526.837 0.49421 2023.43526.673 0.445716 2243.58526.509 0.542703 1842.63526.345 0.542703 1842.63526.181 0.86276 1159.07526.017 0.746376 1339.81525.853 0.251742 3972.31525.689 -0.12651 -7904.71525.525 -0.52415 -1907.84525.361 -0.70843 -1411.57525.197 -1.45523 -687.177525.033 -1.08668 -920.236524.869 -0.61144 -1635.48524.705 -0.34958 -2860.6524.541 -0.52415 -1907.84524.377 -0.54355 -1839.75524.213 -0.54355 -1839.75524.049 -0.37867 -2640.8523.885 -0.1944 -5144.09523.72 -0.23319 -4288.3

523.556 -0.38837 -2574.85523.392 -0.34958 -2860.6523.228 -0.48536 -2060.33523.064 -0.57265 -1746.28

522.9 -0.9412 -1062.48522.736 -1.42613 -701.197522.572 -1.79468 -557.201522.408 -1.38734 -720.805522.244 -1.47463 -678.138522.08 -1.03818 -963.22

521.916 -0.69873 -1431.17521.752 -0.40777 -2452.37521.588 -1.28065 -780.852521.424 -1.08668 -920.236521.26 -0.55325 -1807.5

521.096 -0.76662 -1304.43520.932 -1.01879 -981.559520.768 -0.9412 -1062.48520.604 -0.64054 -1561.19520.44 -0.79572 -1256.73

520.276 -0.1944 -5144.09520.112 -0.54355 -1839.75519.948 -0.26229 -3812.59519.783 -0.44656 -2239.32519.619 -0.69873 -1431.17519.455 -0.1847 -5414.21519.291 0.19355 5166.62519.127 -0.09741 -10265.8518.963 0.261441 3824.95518.799 0.707581 1413.27518.635 1.07613 929.254518.471 0.998542 1001.46518.307 0.746376 1339.81518.143 0.232345 4303.94517.979 -0.13621 -7341.84517.815 -0.63084 -1585.19517.651 -1.08668 -920.236517.487 -0.87331 -1145.07517.323 -0.47566 -2102.34517.159 -0.1847 -5414.21516.995 -0.8927 -1120.19516.831 -1.15457 -866.124516.667 -1.58131 -632.386516.503 -1.80438 -554.206516.339 -1.74619 -572.675516.175 -1.57161 -636.289516.011 -0.84421 -1184.54515.846 -1.18367 -844.833515.682 -1.18367 -844.833515.518 -1.50372 -665.016515.354 -0.61144 -1635.48515.19 -1.29035 -774.983

515.026 -1.57161 -636.289514.862 -0.9315 -1073.54514.698 -0.32048 -3120.31514.534 -1.03818 -963.22514.37 -1.02849 -972.303

514.206 -0.31078 -3217.69514.042 -1.18367 -844.833513.878 -2.15354 -464.353513.714 -1.89167 -528.633513.55 -1.6395 -609.941

513.386 -1.42613 -701.197513.222 -0.83451 -1198.31513.058 0.009275 107818512.894 0.125659 7958.03512.73 0.125659 7958.03

512.566 0.106262 9410.71512.402 0.125659 7958.03512.238 -0.25259 -3958.98512.073 -0.55325 -1807.5511.909 -0.52415 -1907.84511.745 -0.11681 -8561.04511.581 -0.2138 -4677.37511.417 0.135358 7387.82511.253 0.882158 1133.58511.089 1.2992 769.703510.925 0.63969 1563.26510.761 -0.00042 ########510.597 -0.38837 -2574.85510.433 -1.09638 -912.095510.269 -1.54252 -648.291510.105 -1.60071 -624.723509.941 -0.31078 -3217.69509.777 -0.1944 -5144.09509.613 0.203249 4920.08509.449 -0.01982 -50451509.285 0.71728 1394.16509.121 0.882158 1133.58508.957 1.07613 929.254508.793 1.06643 937.705508.629 0.348729 2867.55508.465 0.096563 10355.9508.301 -0.29139 -3431.89508.136 -0.32048 -3120.31507.972 -0.35928 -2783.38507.808 -0.31078 -3217.69507.644 -0.26229 -3812.59507.48 0.523306 1910.93

507.316 0.901555 1109.19507.152 0.804568 1242.9506.988 0.71728 1394.16506.824 0.668786 1495.25506.66 0.27114 3688.13

506.496 -0.1556 -6426.61506.332 0.154755 6461.81506.168 0.329332 3036.45506.004 -0.25259 -3958.98505.84 -0.57265 -1746.28

505.676 -1.13517 -880.924505.512 -1.34854 -741.541505.348 -1.89167 -528.633505.184 -1.80438 -554.206505.02 -1.26125 -792.861

504.856 -1.29035 -774.983504.692 -0.26229 -3812.59504.528 0.348729 2867.55504.364 -0.1944 -5144.09504.199 -0.02952 -33875.5504.035 1.3186 758.38503.871 0.843363 1185.73503.707 0.426319 2345.66503.543 1.10523 904.791503.379 0.930651 1074.52503.215 -0.45626 -2191.72503.051 -0.44656 -2239.32502.887 0.203249 4920.08502.723 0.077166 12959.1502.559 -0.05862 -17060.2502.395 -0.48536 -2060.33502.231 0.329332 3036.45502.067 0.959747 1041.94501.903 0.785171 1273.61501.739 0.552402 1810.28501.575 0.746376 1339.81501.411 1.06643 937.705501.247 1.25071 799.547501.083 1.44468 692.194500.919 1.87143 534.352500.755 1.74534 572.954500.591 0.911254 1097.39500.427 1.2992 769.703500.262 1.95871 510.539500.098 0.911254 1097.39499.934 1.02764 973.105499.77 1.16342 859.535

499.606 0.765773 1305.87499.442 0.804568 1242.9499.278 0.959747 1041.94499.114 1.35739 736.706498.95 1.58046 632.725

498.786 1.41559 706.421498.622 1.3477 742.007498.458 1.03734 964.007498.294 1.3283 752.843498.13 1.84233 542.791

497.966 1.45438 687.578497.802 1.20221 831.798497.638 1.38649 721.246497.474 1.10523 904.791497.31 1.78414 560.495

497.146 1.64836 606.665496.982 1.83263 545.664496.818 1.03734 964.007496.654 1.10523 904.791496.49 1.13432 881.582

496.325 1.47378 678.528496.161 1.96841 508.024495.997 1.66775 599.609495.833 1.66775 599.609495.669 1.64836 606.665495.505 1.74534 572.954495.341 1.70655 585.978495.177 1.66775 599.609495.013 1.77444 563.559494.849 1.83263 545.664494.685 1.84233 542.791494.521 2.39516 417.509494.357 2.24967 444.509494.193 2.0266 493.436494.029 2.29817 435.129493.865 1.91022 523.5493.701 1.73564 576.155493.537 1.84233 542.791493.373 1.71625 582.667493.209 1.81323 551.501493.045 1.70655 585.978492.881 1.61926 617.566492.717 1.76474 566.656492.552 2.13329 468.759492.388 1.92962 518.237492.224 1.77444 563.559492.06 1.70655 585.978

491.896 1.91022 523.5491.732 2.32726 429.689491.568 2.54064 393.602491.404 2.36606 422.644491.24 2.0557 486.452

491.076 1.60956 621.288490.912 1.67745 596.142490.748 2.29817 435.129490.584 2.0363 491.086490.42 2.20118 454.302

490.256 2.28847 436.973490.092 2.10419 475.241489.928 2.22058 450.333489.764 1.95871 510.539

489.6 1.97811 505.533489.436 1.78414 560.495489.272 1.45438 687.578489.108 1.61926 617.566488.944 1.54167 648.647488.78 1.81323 551.501

488.615 1.63866 610.256488.451 1.66775 599.609488.287 1.68715 592.716488.123 2.28847 436.973487.959 1.68715 592.716487.795 1.35739 736.706487.631 1.61926 617.566487.467 1.13432 881.582487.303 1.48348 674.092487.139 1.90052 526.171486.975 1.51257 661.125486.811 1.58046 632.725486.647 1.97811 505.533486.483 1.55137 644.592486.319 1.22161 818.59486.155 1.78414 560.495485.991 1.80353 554.467485.827 1.66775 599.609485.663 2.10419 475.241485.499 2.44365 409.224485.335 1.73564 576.155485.171 1.3186 758.38485.007 1.63866 610.256484.843 1.86173 537.136484.678 1.44468 692.194484.514 1.67745 596.142484.35 1.91022 523.5

484.186 1.58046 632.725484.022 1.78414 560.495483.858 1.70655 585.978483.694 1.64836 606.665483.53 1.73564 576.155

483.366 2.00721 498.205483.202 2.7831 359.311483.038 2.70551 369.616482.874 2.25937 442.601482.71 2.16239 462.452

482.546 1.51257 661.125482.382 1.87143 534.352482.218 1.76474 566.656482.054 2.00721 498.205481.89 2.25937 442.601

481.726 2.20118 454.302481.562 1.61926 617.566481.398 1.83263 545.664481.234 1.3477 742.007481.07 1.44468 692.194

480.906 1.3283 752.843480.741 1.49318 669.713480.577 0.901555 1109.19480.413 1.19252 838.563480.249 1.2895 775.492480.085 0.765773 1305.87479.921 1.06643 937.705479.757 0.387524 2580.48479.593 0.232345 4303.94479.429 -0.1653 -6049.54479.265 0.251742 3972.31479.101 0.71728 1394.16478.937 0.387524 2580.48478.773 0.49421 2023.43478.609 -0.00042 ########478.445 -0.8927 -1120.19478.281 -1.29035 -774.983478.117 -2.83244 -353.052477.953 -2.93913 -340.237477.789 -2.74516 -364.278477.625 -2.30871 -433.141477.461 -2.21173 -452.135477.297 -2.23112 -448.204477.133 -1.98866 -502.852476.969 -1.92077 -520.626476.804 -1.86257 -536.891

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476.64 -1.7074 -585.688476.476 -1.62981 -613.57476.312 -1.83348 -545.411476.148 -2.06625 -483.969475.984 -1.99836 -500.411475.82 -2.01775 -495.601

475.656 -0.9412 -1062.48475.492 -0.44656 -2239.32475.328 -0.8927 -1120.19475.164 -1.83348 -545.411

475 -2.98762 -334.714474.836 -3.8896 -257.096474.672 -4.44243 -225.102474.508 -4.89827 -204.154474.344 -4.6267 -216.137474.18 -3.52105 -284.006

474.016 -2.72576 -366.87473.852 -1.6686 -599.305473.688 -1.23216 -811.584473.524 -0.34958 -2860.6473.36 -1.28065 -780.852

473.196 -2.25052 -444.341473.031 -3.31738 -301.443472.867 -4.19026 -238.649472.703 -5.422 -184.434472.539 -5.81964 -171.832472.375 -6.02332 -166.021472.211 -6.93499 -144.196472.047 -8.12793 -123.032471.883 -8.68076 -115.197471.719 -8.60317 -116.236471.555 -8.98142 -111.341471.391 -9.1366 -109.45471.227 -8.51588 -117.428471.063 -7.49752 -133.377470.899 -6.21729 -160.842470.735 -5.31531 -188.136470.571 -3.95749 -252.685470.407 -2.05655 -486.252470.243 -0.28169 -3550.05470.079 0.930651 1074.52469.915 1.3283 752.843469.751 1.45438 687.578469.587 1.49318 669.713469.423 1.2895 775.492469.259 1.42529 701.614469.094 1.52227 656.913468.93 1.61926 617.566

468.766 1.48348 674.092468.602 1.20221 831.798468.438 1.26041 793.394468.274 0.765773 1305.87468.11 1.13432 881.582

467.946 0.843363 1185.73467.782 0.872459 1146.19467.618 0.979145 1021.3467.454 0.688184 1453.1467.29 0.445716 2243.58

467.126 0.86276 1159.07466.962 0.71728 1394.16466.798 0.513607 1947.01466.634 1.26041 793.394466.47 1.52227 656.913

466.306 1.90052 526.171466.142 1.45438 687.578465.978 0.668786 1495.25465.814 0.27114 3688.13465.65 -0.29139 -3431.89

465.486 0.19355 5166.62465.322 0.329332 3036.45465.157 0.232345 4303.94464.993 -0.65024 -1537.9464.829 -1.57161 -636.289464.665 -2.06625 -483.969464.501 -2.4154 -414.01464.337 -2.45419 -407.466464.173 -2.13414 -468.573464.009 -1.96926 -507.805463.845 -1.80438 -554.206463.681 -1.58131 -632.386463.517 -1.84318 -542.542463.353 -1.74619 -572.675463.189 -1.34854 -741.541463.025 -0.64054 -1561.19462.861 -0.1944 -5144.09462.697 -0.35928 -2783.38462.533 -0.47566 -2102.34462.369 -0.84421 -1184.54462.205 -1.45523 -687.177462.041 -1.44553 -691.788461.877 -0.44656 -2239.32461.713 0.19355 5166.62461.549 0.571799 1748.86461.385 0.455415 2195.8461.22 -0.83451 -1198.31

461.056 -1.90137 -525.937460.892 -1.94016 -515.42460.728 -1.76559 -566.384460.564 -1.89167 -528.633

460.4 -1.25156 -799.005460.236 -1.02849 -972.303460.072 -0.31078 -3217.69459.908 -0.00042 ########459.744 -0.05862 -17060.2459.58 1.47378 678.528

459.416 3.25834 306.905459.252 2.0557 486.452459.088 -0.80542 -1241.59458.924 -1.61041 -620.961458.76 -4.73339 -211.265

458.596 -8.15703 -122.594458.432 -8.27341 -120.869458.268 -5.31531 -188.136458.104 -3.8993 -256.456457.94 -1.52312 -656.547

457.776 0.513607 1947.01457.612 1.39619 716.235457.448 1.92962 518.237457.283 2.42425 412.499457.119 2.22058 450.333456.955 1.63866 610.256456.791 1.61926 617.566456.627 1.58046 632.725456.463 1.17312 852.429456.299 1.03734 964.007456.135 1.12463 889.185455.971 0.998542 1001.46455.807 1.05673 946.311455.643 0.998542 1001.46455.479 0.969446 1031.52455.315 0.649389 1539.91455.151 0.804568 1242.9454.987 0.86276 1159.07454.823 1.09553 912.801454.659 0.86276 1159.07454.495 1.12463 889.185454.331 1.09553 912.801454.167 0.882158 1133.58454.003 0.523306 1910.93453.839 0.581498 1719.7453.675 0.765773 1305.87453.511 0.649389 1539.91453.346 1.22161 818.59453.182 1.35739 736.706453.018 0.94035 1063.43452.854 0.523306 1910.93452.69 0.571799 1748.86

452.526 0.261441 3824.95452.362 -0.06831 -14638.1452.198 -0.13621 -7341.84452.034 0.125659 7958.03451.87 0.300236 3330.71

451.706 0.077166 12959.1451.542 0.009275 107818451.378 -0.63084 -1585.19451.214 -1.35824 -736.246451.05 -2.59968 -384.663

450.886 -2.84214 -351.847450.722 -2.73546 -365.57450.558 -2.87124 -348.282450.394 -2.82275 -354.265450.23 -2.28932 -436.812

450.066 -2.27962 -438.67449.902 -2.4251 -412.354449.738 -2.52209 -396.497449.573 -2.4251 -412.354449.409 -2.28932 -436.812449.245 -1.74619 -572.675449.081 -1.58131 -632.386448.917 -1.26125 -792.861448.753 -0.87331 -1145.07448.589 -0.80542 -1241.59448.425 -0.70843 -1411.57448.261 -1.08668 -920.236448.097 -1.02849 -972.303447.933 -0.98969 -1010.42447.769 -0.97029 -1030.62447.605 -0.60174 -1661.84447.441 0.174153 5742.08447.277 0.523306 1910.93447.113 0.785171 1273.61446.949 1.12463 889.185446.785 1.05673 946.311446.621 0.474812 2106.09446.457 0.261441 3824.95446.293 -0.06831 -14638.1446.129 -0.1653 -6049.54445.965 -0.1653 -6049.54445.801 -0.26229 -3812.59445.636 -0.66963 -1493.35445.472 -0.55325 -1807.5445.308 -0.58235 -1717.19445.144 -0.42717 -2341.01444.98 -0.29139 -3431.89

444.816 0.009275 107818444.652 -0.03922 -25498.1444.488 -0.01982 -50451444.324 0.290537 3441.9444.16 -0.2138 -4677.37

443.996 -0.52415 -1907.84443.832 -1.6395 -609.941443.668 -2.08564 -479.468443.504 -1.6686 -599.305443.34 -1.54252 -648.291

443.176 -1.41643 -705.998443.012 -1.41643 -705.998442.848 -1.41643 -705.998442.684 -1.82378 -548.312442.52 -2.02745 -493.23

442.356 -2.69666 -370.829442.192 -3.25919 -306.825442.028 -3.69563 -270.59441.864 -3.21069 -311.459441.699 -2.93913 -340.237441.535 -2.62877 -380.406441.371 -1.96926 -507.805441.207 -0.82481 -1212.4441.043 -1.29035 -774.983440.879 -1.23216 -811.584440.715 -1.11577 -896.239440.551 -0.8927 -1120.19440.387 -1.76559 -566.384440.223 -0.9412 -1062.48440.059 -1.15457 -866.124439.895 -0.9024 -1108.15439.731 -1.35824 -736.246439.567 -1.79468 -557.201439.403 -1.76559 -566.384439.239 -1.82378 -548.312439.075 -1.93047 -518.01438.911 -1.7074 -585.688438.747 -1.50372 -665.016438.583 -1.6783 -595.841438.419 -1.57161 -636.289438.255 -1.54252 -648.291438.091 -1.79468 -557.201437.927 -1.6492 -606.354437.762 -1.6783 -595.841437.598 -1.73649 -575.874437.434 -1.86257 -536.891437.27 -1.84318 -542.542

437.106 -2.35721 -424.231436.942 -1.89167 -528.633436.778 -1.80438 -554.206436.614 -1.92077 -520.626436.45 -1.38734 -720.805

436.286 -0.8927 -1120.19436.122 -0.87331 -1145.07435.958 -0.2138 -4677.37435.794 -1.01879 -981.559435.63 -0.76662 -1304.43

435.466 -1.05758 -945.553435.302 -0.87331 -1145.07435.138 -1.16427 -858.909434.974 -0.87331 -1145.07434.81 -1.47463 -678.138

434.646 -1.48432 -673.707434.482 -1.35824 -736.246434.318 -2.18263 -458.163434.154 -1.82378 -548.312433.99 -1.13517 -880.924

433.825 -1.23216 -811.584433.661 -1.6395 -609.941433.497 -1.6686 -599.305433.333 -1.03818 -963.22433.169 -1.82378 -548.312433.005 -2.06625 -483.969432.841 -2.30871 -433.141432.677 -2.27962 -438.67432.513 -1.40674 -710.866432.349 -1.47463 -678.138432.185 -0.9315 -1073.54432.021 -0.51446 -1943.8431.857 0.164454 6080.72431.693 0.251742 3972.31431.529 1.25071 799.547431.365 0.765773 1305.87431.201 0.979145 1021.3431.037 0.552402 1810.28430.873 -0.13621 -7341.84430.709 -0.9218 -1084.83430.545 -0.80542 -1241.59430.381 -1.92077 -520.626430.217 -2.67727 -373.516430.052 -2.01775 -495.601429.888 -1.83348 -545.411429.724 -1.26125 -792.861429.56 -1.21276 -824.565

429.396 -0.80542 -1241.59429.232 -0.32048 -3120.31429.068 -0.84421 -1184.54428.904 -1.77529 -563.29428.74 -2.26022 -442.435

428.576 -3.1816 -314.308428.412 -3.54045 -282.45428.248 -3.25919 -306.825428.084 -2.55118 -391.975427.92 -2.12444 -470.712

427.756 -1.86257 -536.891427.592 -1.28065 -780.852427.428 -1.35824 -736.246427.264 -1.94016 -515.42

427.1 -0.99939 -1000.61426.936 -0.69873 -1431.17426.772 -0.60174 -1661.84426.608 -0.41747 -2395.39426.444 0.27114 3688.13426.28 0.232345 4303.94

426.115 0.106262 9410.71425.951 0.872459 1146.19425.787 0.474812 2106.09425.623 -0.50476 -1981.15425.459 -1.60071 -624.723425.295 -2.96823 -336.902425.131 -3.83141 -261424.967 -4.44243 -225.102424.803 -5.06315 -197.506424.639 -4.85947 -205.784424.475 -3.95749 -252.685424.311 -2.72576 -366.87424.147 -1.82378 -548.312423.983 -0.9218 -1084.83423.819 -0.13621 -7341.84423.655 0.736677 1357.45423.491 0.581498 1719.7423.327 0.620293 1612.14423.163 0.804568 1242.9422.999 0.765773 1305.87422.835 0.765773 1305.87422.671 0.775472 1289.54422.507 1.00824 991.826422.343 1.16342 859.535422.178 1.2992 769.703422.014 0.86276 1159.07421.85 1.15372 866.76

421.686 1.13432 881.582421.522 1.02764 973.105421.358 0.775472 1289.54421.194 0.688184 1453.1421.03 1.38649 721.246

420.866 1.10523 904.791420.702 0.872459 1146.19420.538 0.959747 1041.94420.374 1.00824 991.826420.21 0.959747 1041.94

420.046 1.09553 912.801419.882 1.22161 818.59419.718 1.47378 678.528419.554 1.3186 758.38419.39 0.843363 1185.73

419.226 1.02764 973.105419.062 0.882158 1133.58418.898 0.523306 1910.93418.734 0.368127 2716.46418.57 0.814267 1228.1

418.406 0.057768 17310.5418.241 -0.1847 -5414.21418.077 -0.61144 -1635.48417.913 -0.83451 -1198.31417.749 -0.82481 -1212.4417.585 -0.77632 -1288.13417.421 0.067467 14822417.257 0.290537 3441.9417.093 0.959747 1041.94416.929 0.959747 1041.94416.765 1.23131 812.142416.601 0.125659 7958.03416.437 -0.9218 -1084.83416.273 -1.05758 -945.553416.109 -1.52312 -656.547415.945 -2.09534 -477.249415.781 -0.98969 -1010.42415.617 0.368127 2716.46415.453 0.329332 3036.45415.289 1.3186 758.38415.125 1.71625 582.667414.961 1.05673 946.311414.797 0.077166 12959.1414.633 -0.09741 -10265.8414.469 0.261441 3824.95414.304 -0.37867 -2640.8414.14 0.251742 3972.31

413.976 0.736677 1357.45413.812 1.44468 692.194413.648 1.17312 852.429413.484 1.00824 991.826413.32 1.99751 500.624

413.156 2.0751 481.905412.992 1.68715 592.716412.828 1.88112 531.597412.664 1.84233 542.791

412.5 1.51257 661.125412.336 1.59016 628.866412.172 1.54167 648.647412.008 1.39619 716.235411.844 0.998542 1001.46411.68 1.54167 648.647

411.516 1.64836 606.665411.352 1.58046 632.725411.188 1.52227 656.913411.024 1.3283 752.843410.86 1.39619 716.235

410.696 1.15372 866.76410.531 1.19252 838.563410.367 1.12463 889.185410.203 1.74534 572.954410.039 1.15372 866.76409.875 1.90052 526.171409.711 2.20118 454.302409.547 2.0266 493.436409.383 1.12463 889.185409.219 1.17312 852.429409.055 0.94035 1063.43408.891 1.3186 758.38408.727 1.3186 758.38408.563 2.0266 493.436408.399 2.76371 361.833408.235 1.64836 606.665408.071 1.39619 716.235407.907 0.911254 1097.39407.743 0.71728 1394.16407.579 0.067467 14822407.415 0.251742 3972.31407.251 0.096563 10355.9407.087 0.261441 3824.95406.923 0.455415 2195.8406.759 0.872459 1146.19406.594 0.901555 1109.19406.43 0.94035 1063.43

406.266 1.25071 799.547406.102 1.13432 881.582405.938 1.57077 636.632405.774 1.39619 716.235405.61 0.979145 1021.3

405.446 0.668786 1495.25405.282 0.445716 2243.58405.118 0.251742 3972.31404.954 0.261441 3824.95404.79 0.290537 3441.9

404.626 0.49421 2023.43404.462 0.571799 1748.86404.298 0.63969 1563.26404.134 0.969446 1031.52403.97 0.979145 1021.3

403.806 0.882158 1133.58403.642 0.86276 1159.07403.478 0.474812 2106.09403.314 0.814267 1228.1403.15 0.882158 1133.58

402.986 0.649389 1539.91402.822 0.49421 2023.43402.657 0.591197 1691.48402.493 0.668786 1495.25402.329 0.668786 1495.25402.165 0.814267 1228.1402.001 0.930651 1074.52401.837 0.678485 1473.87401.673 0.27114 3688.13401.509 0.649389 1539.91401.345 0.746376 1339.81401.181 1.22161 818.59401.017 1.20221 831.798400.853 1.22161 818.59400.689 1.20221 831.798400.525 1.00824 991.826400.361 0.814267 1228.1400.197 0.882158 1133.58400.033 0.959747 1041.94399.869 0.804568 1242.9399.705 0.736677 1357.45399.541 1.06643 937.705399.377 1.51257 661.125399.213 1.42529 701.614399.049 0.591197 1691.48398.885 0.736677 1357.45398.72 0.591197 1691.48

398.556 1.25071 799.547398.392 0.668786 1495.25398.228 0.620293 1612.14398.064 0.49421 2023.43

397.9 0.71728 1394.16397.736 1.13432 881.582397.572 0.591197 1691.48397.408 0.930651 1074.52397.244 1.17312 852.429397.08 1.27011 787.336

396.916 1.02764 973.105396.752 1.22161 818.59396.588 0.765773 1305.87396.424 0.688184 1453.1396.26 0.872459 1146.19

396.096 1.00824 991.826395.932 1.22161 818.59395.768 0.833664 1199.52395.604 1.22161 818.59395.44 1.35739 736.706

395.276 0.707581 1413.27395.112 0.649389 1539.91394.948 0.581498 1719.7394.783 0.678485 1473.87394.619 0.523306 1910.93394.455 0.474812 2106.09394.291 0.571799 1748.86394.127 0.368127 2716.46393.963 0.057768 17310.5393.799 -0.2138 -4677.37393.635 -0.57265 -1746.28393.471 -0.72783 -1373.95393.307 -0.44656 -2239.32393.143 -0.45626 -2191.72392.979 -0.37867 -2640.8392.815 -0.1847 -5414.21392.651 -0.32048 -3120.31392.487 -0.05862 -17060.2392.323 0.067467 14822392.159 0.300236 3330.71391.995 0.397223 2517.48391.831 0.552402 1810.28391.667 1.49318 669.713391.503 1.70655 585.978391.339 1.97811 505.533391.175 2.7734 360.568391.01 2.24967 444.509

390.846 1.83263 545.664390.682 1.84233 542.791390.518 1.58046 632.725390.354 1.68715 592.716390.19 1.71625 582.667

390.026 1.91022 523.5389.862 1.3477 742.007389.698 1.41559 706.421389.534 1.51257 661.125389.37 1.49318 669.713

389.206 1.49318 669.713389.042 1.61926 617.566388.878 1.64836 606.665388.714 1.84233 542.791388.55 1.84233 542.791

388.386 2.19148 456.312388.222 2.67642 373.634388.058 2.16239 462.452387.894 2.24967 444.509

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387.73 2.51154 398.162387.566 2.22058 450.333387.402 2.56973 389.146387.238 2.41455 414.155387.073 2.64732 377.74386.909 2.20118 454.302386.745 2.26907 440.709386.581 2.8122 355.594386.417 2.88009 347.211386.253 2.49214 401.261386.089 1.81323 551.501385.925 1.55137 644.592385.761 0.397223 2517.48385.597 0.27114 3688.13385.433 1.52227 656.913385.269 0.484511 2063.94385.105 -0.23319 -4288.3384.941 0.135358 7387.82384.777 -0.08771 -11400.9384.613 -1.32915 -752.363384.449 -1.41643 -705.998384.285 -0.74722 -1338.29384.121 -0.52415 -1907.84383.957 0.028672 34876.9383.793 0.261441 3824.95383.629 0.028672 34876.9383.465 -0.29139 -3431.89383.301 -0.32048 -3120.31383.136 -0.63084 -1585.19382.972 -0.63084 -1585.19382.808 -0.41747 -2395.39382.644 0.203249 4920.08382.48 0.591197 1691.48

382.316 0.41662 2400.27382.152 0.474812 2106.09381.988 0.455415 2195.8381.824 0.911254 1097.39381.66 0.959747 1041.94

381.496 0.833664 1199.52381.332 1.19252 838.563381.168 1.15372 866.76381.004 0.19355 5166.62380.84 -0.54355 -1839.75

380.676 -0.48536 -2060.33380.512 -1.02849 -972.303380.348 -1.54252 -648.291380.184 -0.33018 -3028.65380.02 0.998542 1001.46

379.856 1.00824 991.826379.692 0.901555 1109.19379.528 1.19252 838.563379.364 0.882158 1133.58379.199 -0.26229 -3812.59379.035 -0.9606 -1041.02378.871 0.513607 1947.01378.707 0.348729 2867.55378.543 0.707581 1413.27378.379 0.882158 1133.58378.215 0.106262 9410.71378.051 -2.03715 -490.882377.887 -0.77632 -1288.13377.723 0.911254 1097.39377.559 1.66775 599.609377.395 3.10316 322.252377.231 3.47171 288.042377.067 -0.9315 -1073.54376.903 -3.63744 -274.919376.739 -3.40467 -293.714376.575 -4.25815 -234.844376.411 -6.01362 -166.289376.247 -2.26022 -442.435376.083 1.96841 508.024375.919 2.58913 386.23375.755 2.58913 386.23375.591 2.63762 379.129375.427 2.24967 444.509375.262 2.0751 481.905375.098 2.34666 426.137374.934 2.24967 444.509374.77 1.2895 775.492

374.606 0.998542 1001.46374.442 1.10523 904.791374.278 1.3186 758.38374.114 0.979145 1021.3373.95 1.12463 889.185

373.786 1.3186 758.38373.622 1.68715 592.716373.458 0.678485 1473.87373.294 0.513607 1947.01373.13 0.067467 14822

372.966 -0.47566 -2102.34372.802 -0.87331 -1145.07372.638 -0.61144 -1635.48372.474 -0.23319 -4288.3372.31 0.455415 2195.8

372.146 -0.23319 -4288.3371.982 -0.51446 -1943.8371.818 -0.06831 -14638.1371.654 -1.19336 -837.967371.49 -1.72679 -579.108

371.325 -0.60174 -1661.84371.161 -0.09741 -10265.8370.997 0.251742 3972.31370.833 0.542703 1842.63370.669 0.581498 1719.7370.505 0.057768 17310.5370.341 -0.1556 -6426.61370.177 -0.60174 -1661.84370.013 -1.12547 -888.515369.849 -2.11474 -472.871369.685 -2.67727 -373.516369.521 -3.08461 -324.19369.357 -3.72472 -268.476369.193 -4.09328 -244.303369.029 -4.54911 -219.823368.865 -4.6752 -213.895368.701 -4.47152 -223.637368.537 -4.15147 -240.879368.373 -3.77322 -265.026368.209 -3.41437 -292.88368.045 -2.86154 -349.462367.881 -2.4445 -409.082367.717 -2.16323 -462.271367.552 -1.93047 -518.01367.388 -1.57161 -636.289367.224 -0.82481 -1212.4367.06 -0.29139 -3431.89

366.896 0.19355 5166.62366.732 0.329332 3036.45366.568 0.814267 1228.1366.404 0.930651 1074.52366.24 1.27011 787.336

366.076 1.38649 721.246365.912 0.872459 1146.19365.748 0.746376 1339.81365.584 0.998542 1001.46365.42 0.765773 1305.87

365.256 0.49421 2023.43365.092 0.707581 1413.27364.928 0.222646 4491.43364.764 -0.37867 -2640.8

364.6 -0.37867 -2640.8364.436 -0.1847 -5414.21364.272 -0.2138 -4677.37364.108 -0.29139 -3431.89363.944 -0.25259 -3958.98363.78 0.077166 12959.1

363.615 0.358428 2789.96363.451 0.552402 1810.28363.287 0.251742 3972.31363.123 0.387524 2580.48362.959 0.474812 2106.09362.795 0.077166 12959.1362.631 0.028672 34876.9362.467 0.329332 3036.45362.303 0.348729 2867.55362.139 0.445716 2243.58361.975 0.174153 5742.08361.811 0.19355 5166.62361.647 0.125659 7958.03361.483 -0.00042 ########361.319 -0.03922 -25498.1361.155 0.009275 107818360.991 -0.13621 -7341.84360.827 -0.11681 -8561.04360.663 -0.13621 -7341.84360.499 0.057768 17310.5360.335 0.028672 34876.9360.171 0.358428 2789.96360.007 0.474812 2106.09359.843 0.319633 3128.59359.678 0.290537 3441.9359.514 0.174153 5742.08359.35 0.135358 7387.82

359.186 0.106262 9410.71359.022 0.125659 7958.03358.858 -0.08771 -11400.9358.694 0.067467 14822358.53 0.028672 34876.9

358.366 0.154755 6461.81358.202 0.009275 107818358.038 0.19355 5166.62357.874 0.174153 5742.08357.71 0.077166 12959.1

357.546 0.290537 3441.9357.382 0.154755 6461.81357.218 0.135358 7387.82357.054 -0.1944 -5144.09356.89 0.135358 7387.82

356.726 0.038371 26061.3356.562 0.009275 107818356.398 0.028672 34876.9356.234 -0.1556 -6426.61356.07 0.135358 7387.82

355.906 0.067467 14822355.741 0.203249 4920.08355.577 -0.09741 -10265.8355.413 -0.37867 -2640.8355.249 -0.54355 -1839.75355.085 -0.28169 -3550.05354.921 -0.09741 -10265.8354.757 0.358428 2789.96354.593 0.426319 2345.66354.429 0.49421 2023.43354.265 0.387524 2580.48354.101 0.484511 2063.94353.937 0.19355 5166.62353.773 -0.1847 -5414.21353.609 -0.23319 -4288.3353.445 -0.05862 -17060.2353.281 -0.08771 -11400.9353.117 -0.00042 ########352.953 -0.00042 ########352.789 -0.22349 -4474.4352.625 -0.26229 -3812.59352.461 -0.1556 -6426.61352.297 -0.2138 -4677.37352.133 -0.11681 -8561.04351.969 0.174153 5742.08351.804 0.397223 2517.48351.64 0.736677 1357.45

351.476 0.785171 1273.61351.312 0.775472 1289.54351.148 0.455415 2195.8350.984 0.319633 3128.59350.82 0.125659 7958.03

350.656 -0.12651 -7904.71350.492 0.028672 34876.9350.328 -0.1556 -6426.61350.164 -0.08771 -11400.9

350 -0.1556 -6426.61349.836 -0.08771 -11400.9349.672 -0.01982 -50451349.508 0.368127 2716.46349.344 0.668786 1495.25349.18 0.969446 1031.52

349.016 1.47378 678.528348.852 2.25937 442.601348.688 2.0945 477.442348.524 1.97811 505.533348.36 1.92962 518.237

348.196 1.95871 510.539348.031 2.0751 481.905347.867 1.95871 510.539347.703 1.57077 636.632347.539 1.59016 628.866347.375 1.83263 545.664347.211 2.0751 481.905347.047 2.0557 486.452346.883 2.0557 486.452346.719 1.88112 531.597346.555 1.63866 610.256346.391 2.28847 436.973346.227 2.26907 440.709346.063 2.31757 431.487345.899 1.97811 505.533345.735 2.0751 481.905345.571 1.84233 542.791345.407 2.61823 381.938345.243 2.90919 343.739345.079 2.8025 356.824344.915 2.8025 356.824344.751 3.17105 315.353344.587 2.95768 338.103344.423 2.93828 340.335344.259 2.93828 340.335344.094 2.89949 344.889343.93 2.8413 351.952

343.766 2.73461 365.683343.602 2.86069 349.566343.438 2.90919 343.739343.274 2.88009 347.211343.11 3.5784 279.455

342.946 3.42322 292.123342.782 3.12256 320.25342.618 3.10316 322.252342.454 2.74431 364.391342.29 1.84233 542.791

342.126 1.81323 551.501341.962 1.59016 628.866341.798 0.969446 1031.52341.634 2.0363 491.086341.47 3.09346 323.262

341.306 1.87143 534.352341.142 1.87143 534.352340.978 1.64836 606.665340.814 0.969446 1031.52340.65 1.05673 946.311

340.486 1.92962 518.237340.322 1.63866 610.256340.157 1.95871 510.539339.993 2.68612 372.285339.829 1.90052 526.171339.665 1.63866 610.256339.501 1.39619 716.235339.337 0.455415 2195.8339.173 -0.35928 -2783.38339.009 0.814267 1228.1338.845 0.106262 9410.71338.681 -0.2138 -4677.37338.517 -0.22349 -4474.4338.353 -0.31078 -3217.69338.189 -0.58235 -1717.19338.025 -0.31078 -3217.69337.861 -0.84421 -1184.54337.697 -0.45626 -2191.72337.533 -0.80542 -1241.59337.369 -1.05758 -945.553337.205 -0.99939 -1000.61337.041 -0.86361 -1157.93336.877 -0.50476 -1981.15336.713 -0.86361 -1157.93336.549 -1.16427 -858.909336.385 -0.41747 -2395.39336.22 -0.98969 -1010.42

336.056 -1.37764 -725.879335.892 -1.45523 -687.177335.728 -0.51446 -1943.8335.564 -0.70843 -1411.57

335.4 -0.41747 -2395.39335.236 -0.65024 -1537.9335.072 -0.05862 -17060.2334.908 -0.48536 -2060.33334.744 -0.50476 -1981.15334.58 -0.87331 -1145.07

334.416 -0.33018 -3028.65334.252 -0.48536 -2060.33334.088 -1.12547 -888.515333.924 -1.15457 -866.124333.76 -0.37867 -2640.8

333.596 -0.60174 -1661.84333.432 0.009275 107818333.268 -0.1944 -5144.09333.104 -0.84421 -1184.54332.94 -0.70843 -1411.57

332.776 -0.52415 -1907.84332.612 -0.40777 -2452.37332.448 0.038371 26061.3332.283 0.387524 2580.48332.119 0.523306 1910.93331.955 0.368127 2716.46331.791 -0.9606 -1041.02331.627 -1.96926 -507.805331.463 -2.79365 -357.955331.299 -3.42406 -292.051331.135 -4.06418 -246.052330.971 -3.42406 -292.051330.807 -1.84318 -542.542330.643 -0.9606 -1041.02330.479 -0.8927 -1120.19330.315 -0.23319 -4288.3330.151 0.387524 2580.48329.987 -0.86361 -1157.93329.823 -1.47463 -678.138329.659 -0.9606 -1041.02329.495 -0.84421 -1184.54329.331 -1.09638 -912.095329.167 -0.44656 -2239.32329.003 -0.84421 -1184.54328.839 0.164454 6080.72328.675 -0.1653 -6049.54328.51 -0.61144 -1635.48

328.346 -0.74722 -1338.29328.182 -0.9412 -1062.48328.018 -0.97029 -1030.62327.854 -0.77632 -1288.13327.69 -0.47566 -2102.34

327.526 -0.31078 -3217.69327.362 -0.33018 -3028.65327.198 -0.98969 -1010.42327.034 -0.66963 -1493.35326.87 0.028672 34876.9

326.706 -0.1847 -5414.21326.542 -0.13621 -7341.84326.378 0.077166 12959.1326.214 0.135358 7387.82326.05 -0.29139 -3431.89

325.886 -0.05862 -17060.2325.722 -0.09741 -10265.8325.558 -0.25259 -3958.98325.394 -0.51446 -1943.8325.23 -0.33018 -3028.65

325.066 -0.45626 -2191.72324.902 -0.2138 -4677.37324.738 0.106262 9410.71324.573 -0.28169 -3550.05324.409 -1.73649 -575.874324.245 -3.55015 -281.678324.081 -6.05241 -165.223323.917 -7.73999 -129.199323.753 -7.6042 -131.506323.589 -5.57718 -179.302323.425 -3.87021 -258.384323.261 -3.40467 -293.714323.097 -3.95749 -252.685322.933 -5.22802 -191.277322.769 -6.50825 -153.651322.605 -7.28415 -137.284322.441 -7.28415 -137.284322.277 -6.53735 -152.967322.113 -4.93706 -202.55321.949 -3.34648 -298.822321.785 -2.60937 -383.234321.621 -2.19233 -456.136321.457 -2.02745 -493.23321.293 -1.47463 -678.138321.129 -1.6686 -599.305320.965 -1.92077 -520.626320.801 -2.91973 -342.497320.636 -4.37454 -228.596320.472 -5.62567 -177.757320.308 -6.32398 -158.128320.144 -6.78951 -147.286319.98 -6.74102 -148.345

319.816 -6.30458 -158.615319.652 -5.92633 -168.739319.488 -5.50929 -181.512319.324 -5.08254 -196.752319.16 -4.45213 -224.612

318.996 -3.72472 -268.476318.832 -2.95853 -338.006318.668 -2.03715 -490.882318.504 -1.32915 -752.363318.34 -0.69873 -1431.17

318.176 -0.41747 -2395.39318.012 -0.1653 -6049.54317.848 -0.28169 -3550.05317.684 -0.02952 -33875.5317.52 0.251742 3972.31

317.356 0.445716 2243.58317.192 0.775472 1289.54317.028 1.49318 669.713316.864 1.45438 687.578316.699 1.20221 831.798316.535 1.19252 838.563316.371 0.901555 1109.19316.207 0.164454 6080.72316.043 -0.01982 -50451315.879 -0.05862 -17060.2315.715 -0.32048 -3120.31315.551 -0.50476 -1981.15315.387 -0.31078 -3217.69315.223 0.038371 26061.3315.059 0.455415 2195.8314.895 0.911254 1097.39314.731 1.44468 692.194314.567 1.58046 632.725314.403 1.13432 881.582314.239 0.348729 2867.55314.075 -0.09741 -10265.8313.911 -1.08668 -920.236313.747 -1.79468 -557.201313.583 -1.80438 -554.206313.419 -1.47463 -678.138313.255 -2.22143 -450.161313.091 -3.1525 -317.208312.927 -4.31635 -231.677312.762 -5.35411 -186.773312.598 -6.21729 -160.842312.434 -5.76145 -173.567312.27 -4.96616 -201.363

312.106 -3.86051 -259.033311.942 -2.86154 -349.462311.778 -1.89167 -528.633311.614 -0.99939 -1000.61311.45 -0.44656 -2239.32

311.286 -0.00042 ########311.122 0.620293 1612.14310.958 0.542703 1842.63310.794 0.775472 1289.54310.63 1.03734 964.007

310.466 0.814267 1228.1310.302 0.358428 2789.96310.138 0.571799 1748.86309.974 0.843363 1185.73309.81 0.571799 1748.86

309.646 0.814267 1228.1309.482 1.03734 964.007309.318 0.979145 1021.3309.154 1.38649 721.246308.99 1.3477 742.007

308.825 1.2992 769.703308.661 1.2895 775.492308.497 1.16342 859.535308.333 1.12463 889.185308.169 1.20221 831.798308.005 1.2992 769.703307.841 1.25071 799.547307.677 1.51257 661.125307.513 1.51257 661.125307.349 1.15372 866.76307.185 0.649389 1539.91307.021 0.765773 1305.87306.857 0.736677 1357.45306.693 0.775472 1289.54306.529 1.10523 904.791306.365 1.02764 973.105306.201 0.523306 1910.93306.037 0.523306 1910.93305.873 0.513607 1947.01305.709 0.804568 1242.9305.545 0.426319 2345.66305.381 0.765773 1305.87305.217 0.620293 1612.14305.052 0.232345 4303.94304.888 -0.2138 -4677.37304.724 0.174153 5742.08304.56 0.368127 2716.46

304.396 0.581498 1719.7304.232 0.804568 1242.9304.068 0.94035 1063.43303.904 0.833664 1199.52303.74 0.979145 1021.3

303.576 1.17312 852.429303.412 1.52227 656.913303.248 1.66775 599.609303.084 1.68715 592.716302.92 1.73564 576.155

302.756 1.57077 636.632302.592 1.38649 721.246302.428 1.16342 859.535302.264 1.16342 859.535

302.1 0.959747 1041.94301.936 0.998542 1001.46301.772 0.833664 1199.52301.608 0.872459 1146.19301.444 1.09553 912.801301.28 1.02764 973.105

301.115 0.804568 1242.9300.951 0.930651 1074.52300.787 0.833664 1199.52300.623 0.979145 1021.3300.459 1.15372 866.76300.295 1.22161 818.59300.131 1.22161 818.59299.967 1.35739 736.706299.803 1.35739 736.706299.639 1.02764 973.105299.475 1.06643 937.705299.311 1.26041 793.394299.147 0.959747 1041.94298.983 1.12463 889.185

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298.819 1.2992 769.703298.655 1.03734 964.007298.491 1.20221 831.798298.327 1.22161 818.59298.163 1.36709 731.479297.999 1.42529 701.614297.835 1.55137 644.592297.671 1.54167 648.647297.507 1.54167 648.647297.343 1.77444 563.559297.178 1.61926 617.566297.014 1.54167 648.647296.85 1.44468 692.194

296.686 1.51257 661.125296.522 1.52227 656.913296.358 1.51257 661.125296.194 1.2992 769.703296.03 1.36709 731.479

295.866 1.51257 661.125295.702 1.48348 674.092295.538 1.54167 648.647295.374 1.48348 674.092295.21 1.2992 769.703

295.046 0.814267 1228.1294.882 0.882158 1133.58294.718 1.02764 973.105294.554 1.05673 946.311294.39 0.979145 1021.3

294.226 1.02764 973.105294.062 1.07613 929.254293.898 1.05673 946.311293.734 1.00824 991.826293.57 0.969446 1031.52

293.406 0.610594 1637.75293.241 0.911254 1097.39293.077 0.969446 1031.52292.913 0.911254 1097.39292.749 0.872459 1146.19292.585 1.00824 991.826292.421 1.03734 964.007292.257 1.09553 912.801292.093 1.20221 831.798291.929 1.10523 904.791291.765 0.86276 1159.07291.601 0.94035 1063.43291.437 0.678485 1473.87291.273 0.610594 1637.75291.109 0.591197 1691.48290.945 0.707581 1413.27290.781 0.552402 1810.28290.617 0.649389 1539.91290.453 0.426319 2345.66290.289 0.49421 2023.43290.125 0.329332 3036.45289.961 0.27114 3688.13289.797 0.474812 2106.09289.633 0.775472 1289.54289.469 0.911254 1097.39289.304 0.930651 1074.52289.14 0.998542 1001.46

288.976 1.05673 946.311288.812 0.833664 1199.52288.648 0.610594 1637.75288.484 0.86276 1159.07288.32 1.07613 929.254

288.156 1.3477 742.007287.992 1.80353 554.467287.828 2.0945 477.442287.664 1.15372 866.76

287.5 0.610594 1637.75287.336 0.174153 5742.08