hwbdocuments.env.nm.gov alamos national labs/general... · ___ _ _________ _ los atamp. ~...

___ _ _________ _ los Atamp. ENTERED" LOS ALAMOS LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORV fR RtJl;old 1.0.1 r.: ..... ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION Record, Procelltng FacUltv ER Record hulu Fo,m DATE RECEIVED: Istde 1 ul 2) fB.!U: Complete all fIelds: Indlcato II not ilpplicablo or approprlato: ploaso wrlto legibly. /-I DOCUMENT TO: 1J. tYl. DOCUMENT DATE:--D}j-J-aaJ.,-q:.::oo.3,,-__ ORIGINATOR .8u.LlH1J..O ORGANIZATION: ..... _____ SYMBOL: Lt:O, DC:l PAGI: ______ SUBJECTlTITlE: De . W.w+ im _______ RECORD TYPE (CIrcle relovant typo for Drlm3ry record: typo of attachments should be selected on Keywords List): Analytical Dllta l:lIcllPi Arllele FAX Chlllf100/,Cullod'/ Fluure Chart Form Computllr Output Intarvlew Cantleat Leth" Con',olled OI,ttlbuUon Ult Otawlng LoUbook RECORD CATEGORY:---'P IP lot Ptogrammatlc ot " lur Relerencel RECORD FILMED {YIN): _ 1.( .....___ form Attschment Sheet If noedod. (.J ArrACHMENTSFILMED (YIN': I tWet•• ttaohment. 10 thl, /Icard flfmed7) emu arm Notebook Outline Pella nul Notu Photo fart II: Completo aft flolds: Indicate If not applicablo or appropriato; pleaso write legibly. Usa £R Record Index AREAfS) IItllVAHr lieN NllAtU ADS NO(Sl U:1T "'ltvAltr AD. NOISJ. \ lo\.Q Plan Procodule Purcha.e Requnl Raceipl Acknowledoment Report Review SOW RECORD PACKAGE 11: - Stud." Sumnlu,y Telophone ""o."d TOC T,anlc/I,lllon Videa Work Plan Olhu' _____ RECORD LOCATION: ___ .- _______ IlnellcDI" IOCDllan 01 recold H nol IIIn,ed.) LOCATION: __________ <lndlcutu ,.,cotlon of oIiDchmonts.) WBS NOIS) u:sr IItuvAJirwu HOIII. STRUCTURE NOISI/MD.o. usr "liIVANr ITnU<:TUIII HO,.f.t.tOA. 34293 11111111111111111111111111111111111 --- ---_.'------

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___ _ _________ _



Record, Procelltng FacUltv ER Record hulu Fo,m

DATE RECEIVED: o5twlq3PROCESSOR:~L8 Istde 1 ul 2)

fB.!U: Complete all fIelds: Indlcato II not ilpplicablo or approprlato: ploaso wrlto legibly. /-I ~/?1 DOCUMENT TO: ~~D1t 1J. tYl. ~.ktA.- DOCUMENT DATE:--D}j-J-aaJ.,-q:.::oo.3,,-__

ORIGINATOR NAME:~~. .8u.LlH1J..O ORGANIZATION:.....D4IoO~E,'--_____ SYMBOL: Lt:O, DC:l PAGI: COUNT:_....L..ol2.~______

SUBJECTlTITlE: De . W.w+ ~ im ~...:.Ol-"'l...t_______

RECORD TYPE (CIrcle relovant typo for Drlm3ry record: typo of attachments should be selected on Keywords List):

Analytical Dllta l:lIcllPi Arllele FAX Chlllf100/,Cullod'/ Fluure Chart Form Computllr Output Intarvlew Cantleat Leth" Con',olled OI,ttlbuUon Ult Otawlng LoUbook

RECORD CATEGORY:---'P IP lot Ptogrammatlc ot " lur Relerencel

RECORD FILMED {YIN): _ 1.(.....___

form Attschment Sheet If noedod. (.J

ArrACHMENTSFILMED (YIN': I tWet••ttaohment. 10 thl, /Icard flfmed7)

D emu~arm

Notebook Outline Pellanul Notu Photo

fart II: Completo aft flolds: Indicate If not applicablo or appropriato; pleaso write legibly. Usa £R Record Index


u~r IItllVAHr lieN NllAtU

ADS NO(Sl U:1T"'ltvAltr AD. NOISJ.

\ lo\.Q

Plan Procodule Purcha.e Requnl Raceipl Acknowledoment Report Review SOW


Stud." Sumnlu,y Telophone ""o."d TOC T,anlc/I,lllon Videa Work Plan Olhu'_____

RECORD LOCATION: ___.-_______ IlnellcDI" IOCDllan 01 recold H nol IIIn,ed.)

LOCATION:__________ <lndlcutu ,.,cotlon of oIiDchmonts.)

WBS NOIS) u:sr IItuvAJirwu HOIII.





ER Rucord lndox Form Koyword List (Sido 1 of 21

B F Y m : Circle relevant KEYWORDS from tho list below for ER Record I: 2 \ r‘.,&,

MISCELLANEOUS lllrt other indoxing criteria as necessary; pkrlro writo teplbly): C ~ - b ; . ~ ~ ~ , Ciadia\o$;cd, FiUad I c$\\\naet C e i L b k p‘tc.?;~ , i s ~ v . b + ~ , + W ~ S

i%pgLv I o**y-

Glow Box Graph Guidanco Gun

Handling Hazardous Hoatth

History HOIQ Home Ownor Hood

. . ~ . ~ - . u . I . I I u ” u I . u

HE ( H I O ~ f ~ p ~ o r l w l

HSWA (Harstdoul and Solid \Yssla Amandmenirl

Hydrology 1-l yglono

Impact Implomentation lmplosion lmpoundmont lnectivo incidon t 1 n cl n ora t or Industrial In f it tr8 t ion injection Woll WJry lnoronnic Inspection Installation lntorim lntorim Action Internal lntorviow lnvontory Invostigation

lsotopo IWP (Installotion h b t k Plan)

Lab Job l a bora tory Lagoon ,and ,ondllll Laundry Loach Load Leak Looal

.. ”.LICU.......I-....*..--

IRM (Inietim Ramadid Massure)

... UI.CIU..*UI.-.-.*

Abarrdon Aboveground Tank Absorption Abstract Accelerator Access Accident

Genoric GoochomiStW GQOIWY Goophysics Glass Beakar


- Burn Burn Site

Cadmium Caisson Calibration Canyon Capacitor Caustic CEARP (Comprehenrlvr


Y _ U I I U U . . L I . . . . . - . U . . .

Environmentel A s ~ e t i m e n and ROBpOnBr PrOLWll)

IComprelirnelva Envitoomentsl ResponBe, Compencatlon, and UabMy Act1

Certification Cesium Chain of Custody Chainber Change Control Change Order Charge Chart Checklist Chemical Chromium Cioanup Ctoa ranco Closure Clothhg CMI/AA (corrective

Massurer tmplementa~lonlRemedlal Action)

CMSIFS 1Correc:lva MOiWIt6S Study1 FeePlbilily SlUdV)

Cobalt Comment Committoe Cornmmity Relations Complianco Compressed Ges Computer Modollng Zomputer Gutput Zoncern :oncroto Concurrence Configuration Construction Container Containment

Active Administrative ADS (Activity Dolo Shrot) Adsorption AEC (Aiomlc Enrroy

Aerial Auenda

C O ~ ~ B d O n )


Amorlcium ‘S

hnaly8hI Anrtytkal AOC (Atsa of Concoin) Approval Aquifer ARAR ‘4 pplicsble,

Relrvant, or Appropflate Requlrment B l

Archaeofogy Arch lve Area Arsenic -F!i%. ’ Audit ssersment


Backfill Bacteria Barium Basetino BCP !Baiellne Chsnos

Beds Bermed Area Beryllium Beta Biology Blank Boiler Boneyard Bunksr Buried


Control Controlled Dlrtributior Coro Corrective Action Correspondence Critoria C yanido

Data Deadline Oebris Decision Analysis Decommission Decontamination

........-.........-. Y......

w2 Domolitlon Doscription Detection Dotonation Devolopment Discharge Oisposal Documentation DOE lDepsnmenl of




DO0 (Data Ouallty Objactlves)

B Drawino - DrillinO Drop Towor Drum Dry Well Dump Duplicates

Ecology ....... U.I......*.I......*...

Effluont EIS (Envhomsnlsl tmpacl



EPA (Environmenlsl Ptobcilrin Agancvl

ERDA (Enerpy Roieatch nnd Deuelopmanl Adminhttation~

Erosion Error ESLH Ifnvironmant,

Safdly, end Health) Estimate Evacuation EvaluRrlon Evaporator Exrava tion Exctusion Exhaust Ewperimont

Exposuro Extension Extraction

Facility Fallout Farm FAX Fence FiOld

nitor FIMAD tFaoility lo t


...-.,.. U..U.*....”...--


\n!ocmaUon Msnsgsmont,

Fiscal Fission

Flow Flow chart

Fh -YQiW Plan

%& Framawork Free Fuel Fumo ....-*........... ” I I I I I I U ”

Senora tion

0; I


i I ! I

United Ststear Government Department of Energy \ r

Atbuquorqw Fk# Office 7 Loa Alamoa Atma Offks 2

Lo8 Alamoa, New Hoxico 87544 ‘ 1 memorandum - N ? R t $ 1393

,,.to AmOF! LFOIDC . w: DF West Condition Report

t0: Eugene M , Wewerke, ADCM, LANL, MS A102

Attached is a copy of the DP West Condition Report conducted by my staff , ln Sect ion IU B and recommendations 2-6 of s e c t i o n V I of t h e report w i t h i n 30 days of recelpt of t h i s l e t t e r ,

If you have a n y questions, pleaee contact Dan Glenn at

Please respond t o the clef iclencles i d e n t i f i e d

( 5 0 5 ) - 6 6 5 - 6 3 5 1 1

Area Manager

CCI w/out attachment I J, Jackron, Deputy Director

8 , Twining, Manager, AL E. Brcknsr, DP-1, HQ


cc I w/attachment I

J, Ryan, 16GH, LAAO S , Fong, BSCH, LAAO R, Bordmfi, HPD, AL


I MAY 2 0 1993 I

‘ ! t L

I memorandum Area Office, Los Alarnos


T O : Jorry bellow,


t I 1


Per your &.ecdon, o tcam was established to perform a walk through of thc facility in an effort to adently c o & m W s position that there is no immediate litalth or safety concern which

wo Yr d w a r n : cessation of operations md tnmtdiatc relocation of staff from DP-West. The lotlowing write-up identifiu the actions that wen pcrformcd and he results of the facility walk

I ,


The wpobe of the uscssmnt was for the A m office to observe the conditions within

concern to the ( u o k a j or &be general public BS a result of tbe existing facility conditions or in asmchal oprptions,

DP- .R est uwl nukc an assessmut as to the presence of my immtdiate health or safety

Narmr Organization

Dm OICM m w o TeunIl.lrbr/opCratioos Tom Rush E s w w o Fm Proteaion

Re sg o n 8 i b il i ty

John Ryan ESbtH/LAAO lnduspial safety Bob Spllte Sdcatech OSHA Rex Borderj At Rdological safety Steve Fong ESBU.IILM0 Air Emissions

L? Irddidon, specialists h each area were nqutsud from the lab and accompanied the DOE team The purpose of including tbe lab w u two-fold One to emure that the labontory rrprcsccautives saw the same conditions that the DOE team observed, and second to provick h m a h f'acdbiuck to tire team on spcific technical issuesl

Prior LO commcming the assessment the following docuiints were obtained and reviewed by some members of the team in an effort to understand the history of the facility and any previously identified deficiencies:

1, SNM Holdup Measurtmcnts for Los Almos Exhaust Ducts, Interim Phase ll

2, DP West DECON Project 1978-1981 Find Condition Reports 3 Hazards Assessment d, ENC Safety Alm conccming Picric Acid

Report, LA- L2374MS

Each member pcrfomed il w d k down of the sltc i n the u e u under their responsibility. Every am within DP-West was to& however, not every lablroom Wilhin each building was entered, The t a m was given direction prior at the sm of the inspection to c l a s s i h

: For the purpose of this rcpon o "Safety Deficiency" is defined A L

$%%%%%k'ch could cause death or serious injuv lo the w o r k s , or c a i w either a radiologicul worker or a visitor to exceed their annual erposure (imir as dflried in Chnpfer I1 of the RADCON Maruca(

Concerns that q u i r t DP-West manugemcnt to comt und report back w L,,4AOb

on a priority basis, but do not q U i n a formal rcspowc,

their obscrvadons into the foouowing c.otegorics: ' . 6

I , B h

CI Issues which the facility mngtment should address a

Tben wen no Safety Dcficicncies identified by the inspcftioa ttam

'1 1'1 - I I

u ' I




Piping and ventilation ducting which had potential inttrnd contamhadon w m not posted in accordaDcc with Ardcie 412 of tbc P433CON Manual,


B; Potential h e m a l contamination postings w e n tiot consistent or corn letc,

ducting in the bssuncat of Building 150, and large pomons of the Chill Water System piping which wtn: not posttd

The Gxcd coutamination control program dots not comply with AAcle 222.3 of the RADCON Manual.

Obscrvations included large a m s cf the proccss vent3ation ducting, ven t i r ntion

m: Article 222.3 identifies specific itcins associated with marking and coating arcas of Fixat wntrvninatioa, While the RrUX30N Manual hbonmry implmentildon plnn Will address this issue, DP-West is panicularly vultierablc to spreading conumFnation due to past operations and should rake in& actions to mitigate

Building 4 lab space was originally painted omngc, indicating that potentid alpha contamination of the walls existed Subsquendy, the roonu werc painted white, masking the original potential contamination tnorkings,

potcatid release,

Entries to the utility access tunnels w e n not adequattly posted or lockcd.

Discussion: Posting for the contamination conditions were on the walls of the building instcad of the access covers. The postings shouid also clarify the d o l o g i c a l conditions and the entry Tcqukcmcnts, or in this case the fact that e n p is prohibited, The tunnet iiccess covers w t t e not locked as stated by INC personnel and F i n d Condition Repom,

1 . ' 1 7 6


* A , SAFETY / WWKE! l 3 - E


U L ; The 13.2 KVA transforme; near the Filter Building nonh of Building DP-3 has a fuse c o m p m c n t door that is not locked or otherwise secured against c n p by untrained people as required by DOE 5480.4 prescribed standard ANSI C-2, 1990, National Elecnicd S a k y Codc, Section 12, Paragraph I20

Hydrogen Gu cylinders were not confmcd to opcnuons in hoods or m a s w h e n National Elecericd Code Explosiori Resistant Class I Division I1 wiring is provided as rquircd by DOE 5480,4 pnscribcd standards NFPA 70, 1993, National Electricd Code, Article 501, N R A SOA, 1989, Gaseous Hydrcgcn Systems at Consumer Sitcs, hem 3-2,3. NFPA 45, 199 1 , Fin Pro tecaon for bbontorics Using Chcrnicals, Item 8- 1,l

This was noted in Room 306, Bldg, DP-3 and Third bbontory from the South in a d d i n g DP- 150 on the diry of inspection.

Oxygen gas cylinders were stored within 20 feet of carbon monoxide or propane cylinders where bottle racks and manifolds u c provided outride buildings in conftict with 29CFR 19iO,253@)(4)(iii)(OSHA Standanj)

This was noted outside tbc ww: w d s of Buildings DP-3 North and DP-5 South on the day of inspection, Oxygen cyhdcrs should bc s c p p a t t d by either 20 feet of space or a non combustible harrier at l a s t 5 feet high having a fire resistance of at least one-half hour,



Frieblc asbcstos was observed in ueility room 314-3, where usbcstos insulated "elbuws" had bctn incomplettly m o v e d from the piping,

Most of the asbestos insulavd pipes were adequmly sealed and therefore frce of friable asbcstos fibcr~, However, there was at lcast one instance, room 314-3, when it was evidznt that asbestos hulntrri "elbows" wcrc incompletely rcmoved born the piping, The door to this utility mom wlls properly posted for asbestos, but good practice requins that shreds of unsealed asbestos not tK left in place, especially on o v a k a d pipes,

Possible asphyxiate space

In buiiding 150, room 602, the NMR lab, there wcrc dewars of compresscd nimpn and hclium present which w e n used to chill elccnomagnets used for X-my crystdography, The worker h this spacc claimcd that he had calcuhud the results of 1 gill scenario, Le, how much volumc would be occupied by the nlcascd gases, He WLJ not able to prduce n copy of the calculations however, The workspaccs weft ventilated but, a larger pmon of the vcndlation system WHS r e p o d to be a recirculsting system, which would raise concerns about the amount of fresh air available, The HS-5 Industrid Hygienist committed to rc accomplishing the air displacement calculations, Then is a concern that these inert gascs could leak into the workspace while not providing sufficient w m i n g properties to the rxcupant(s) resulting in undetected depletion of oxygen and asphyxiation. The suggestion was made 10 provide a low oxygen waming dcvicc, This may be onc remedy, but funhcr evaluation is needed by HS-5 relative to ah exchange mitt, volume of work space, w m i n p propcnies, escape routes, amount and rate of usage of ccmprcssd gases i n this lab,

Chcmical s tonpc

2 1 7 ; ) I I,

4 '

Discussion: In most of the labs there was evidence of effom to properly s ton the small mounts of chcmicals'in use, However, one observation was made which ra i sed concern

were fid with rubber-lke exhaust hoses designed to vent away vapors from the inside of the storage lockers were inspected, I t was evident, that when the f l m b l c storage lockers wcrc opened, there w u some accumulation of vapors inside, perhaps LI mixture of ethers, benzene and other similar rcogcnts, which apparently had leaked out of thcu contiincrs and not becn vcnrcd off by the cxhnust hose,


b about the cornpatibilip' of stored chemic&, Flamrr,able stongc cabinets which

3 '

Defidency I: INC dots not have adequate control to pnvent personnel from entering or using the D&D areas of the facility,

At least three of the d w n which allow acccss to the D&D amas of the Dlscuuian: facility wcrt not tock#il LMatErials not btlonging to mc Division im king

stored in Building 2 south, INC retains responsibility for the area; however, MAT has b x n using the space for storage,

B a d on the degraded conditions of this area and ndiolopjcd risks, DCCCSS should be saictly controlled and the ma should not bc used for storage, Ownership and nuthorhy for chis am m w nside within the samc division,


Defidcncy 2: Radiation Protection program d a s not ut all individuals who my k exposed to airbmc contaminates.

Radological Sltrvcys arc not sufficient to promptly detect a release of ndionucljdes from drunaged walls or puling paint. MI workers an required to wcar TLDst however, not all the worken arc ~quircd to tx placed on a bioassay propram wkich wodd detcct i n d alpha contamination, Thesc two issues combbled present 8 condition in which a potential for an unmonimrui, un-idcntifid uptake could edss

Several of the w d h and ceilings st i l l held their layer of paint and those that did not were g e n d y labeled adequately to show thar the break had bcen monitored and found to ke negative for radioactivity, However, there were at Ictusst thrce occasions whac paint had broken loose and there was no label to show that the exposed mated had been monitored for r ad idv i ty . The inspection tcam hnd the hdiation Technician monitor the area; the mutts were ncgative. Based on the decoa project guidelines, all areas, with thc exaptions noted in thc individual reports, wen decontaminated to levels of 2000 dpm / 100 cm2, Policies identifying the threshold values for placing a pmm in a bioassay program altcxldy cxi,,t; however, based on &e conditions at DP-West, the inspection t a m beCicves tk I special review should be conductcd (sec Section VI of this report),

No findings which wen not prcviously identificd were observed, However in order to fully undenltlnd the facility conditions, the foUouing information is provided.

A review of the radionuclldc air emission point sourccs was conductcd in order to verify that monitoring systems were installed and openble, Limitations of this review arc providal below: 4 A visutll check was not performed on all stitch to i*crify installed

tfflucnt control systems,

Rcvicw of the source inventory was not conducted to vcrify the reponed soufcc tcm The source hold Up in the vendlation system is cstimarcd on n p u t 0

Study at TA-2 1,

Stack monitoring rrt TA-21 docs not meci NESHAPs Subpan H rquucmcnts, Noncompliance with Subpan H has previously bccn identified by M L , L A M is currently investig&ng possible corrcctivc aCtiOfl5,

A survey of the installed monitoring equipment, discussions with on-site personnel, and review of dw:umcnts/mords was conducud to evaluate an- site point sources €or gencd compliance with Subpart H, Twelve stacks, which LAM, has cited in past mud air emissions rcpons, wen observed to verify that the stacks are operable and being monitored. Sucks which were no longet in use and had h the past vented radionuclides w m dso checked to ensun hey were not opcradng.

All stacks wbich WM reported to bc monitorai had insdcd papet hltcr sampling systems and were indted operational. The following sncks wrt S u r V C y d : Bullding 257, Stack FE-4, no emission controls BdIdhg 150, Smck FE-1 Building 5, Stack E-7, [St~cks FE-1, FE-2 not operationd-OK'J BtdIding 315, SWk FE-1 BUlIding 4, Stack FE-1(2) Building 324, Stack FE-1(2), [Stack FE-1(2), Building 146 not opaational-OK)

Building 3, FE-6, [Stacks FE-1, FE-IO not opentional-Ow

Buildiag 313, StPck FE-1 Building 313, S W k FE-2

Building 314, Stack E-1 Bullding 314, SWk FE-2 Building 4, stacks FE-3

' I le foollowing lvlc pblm identified for all the swh: Visual review of the monitoring systam indicated that all sampliag locations would not mtct Subpart H, ANSI N13,l nquihtmcnu, Visual indicasors on the exterior sampling system showed some instatled sampling pmbcs may bc As- atipnd with the &!writ s t n a m

C, A refripator and a soft drink machine art placed opposite two doors in the comidor coslnecting Buildings DP-150 md DP-5 such that the width of the exit pah is blocked by over 50% when the doors arc open, These appliances should be moved to locations whert they am not o p p i t t a door, Rquhmnt: DOE 5480,4 prescribed standard NFPA 101-1991, Life Safe;y

Ccdc, Chapter 28, Item 2,3,2.

A chcmisw experiment or demonsttation is k i n g operated in the hal l next to the soft drink machine noted a b v e , Operations should not t>t conducted in exit ways, Requirement: DOE 5480,4 prescribed standard NFPA 101-1991, Life Safety

Code, Chapter 5 , turn 5-1,3,3, * The roof of Building DP-2 North leaks so badly that plaster and p d n t have

degraded inside the building, This condition risks a possibility of leaching

2 1 7 0

i1 j I !



I i

' 1

b' ' humlous or n d i o a c d ~ materials into !he workspace and the possibility of shorting or drvnrrging the electrical systems in the walls and roof spaces,

3 15 is decrepit This stmctm should bc rcmovcd before the floor and roof funhcr

b 0 The o v e d condition of the shower room just cast of the Corridor Smcturc DP-

detaioriue to Lhc point of collapse*

Discontinue casud storage of materials in the crawl space beneath the office 0

building east of Building DP.150, p l O Z T h i s stonge was rcmovcd on the day i! was found.

'on tours of tbc facility. Arrange for Firt Department funhmzah These visits had k n s c h e d u l d to occur within a w&

8 , 1

0 Compressed gas cylinders nmrous instances were observed of gas cylinders stoicd on

MSDS most laboratory spaces appeared to have bindcn of Maticrial Safety Data Sheets,

the predsecs which art no longer needed for operations, For example, then were two 125 pound cylinders ofchlororJinuoromethaae (a nfriigaant) s t o d outsidc building 150,

which an required nfmnccs wherever hatdous chemicals an in use, However, h u e was at l e u t one instance, the Pseudomonas bacteriology research lob in thc northeast comer of building DP-3, whue a particular MSDS was not readily available nor was the techdcien there able to identify the disinfectaot chanical uxd a wipc down work slrrfrrccsl



hstings in general arc not in compllaoce witb the RADCON Manu4

INC Management necds to assess potential impactr of fum D&D activities on ongoing activities, such as building ventilation flow aths during tear-down,

facilitiezl, exposure to tbe workers in adddon to the public, and tg e cffcct cn neighboring

V I b

A. "Piping in r~n,wCs &neath the bdldings G highly cominu!ed with p l u f o n i m Residual nitn'c acid u z d to keep the pluroniwrt in Jolution hcu scriouly detcrioraud the insegrity of r h ! piping H b

The inspection team could not initidly o b d i any data qmtifying the actual ndiological conditions in rhc tunneb, Discussions With various personnel indicated that the conditions were "seven" and that piping dcgrsdadon is d : however only the m3 Rad Technician was able to provide spcmfics indicating levels of contamination in the range of 200,000 dpmA Subsequent investigation identified additional documents, (k,; D&D NESHAPs Permit applicarim) which identified the following conditions:

y Tunnel #2 soil hd average Pu c o n h a t i o n of 240 nCYg with a high of 1650 nCi/g, Tunnel #5 soil rm& from luWg to 66 nWg. Contamination lcvcls of 2x104 to 1x106dpm/lOO cm2 p s s alpha. Tunnel #3S & 4s soil contamination of7nCVg alpha, 275nCi/g gross beta, and 219 pCUg

P- I; is apparent that addressing the conditions in these tunnels will present a significant challenge d h p the D&D process, and that the following risks currently exist as 3 result the tunnel conditions:

1, The potential for migration of contaminants docs exist since the tunnel floors arc soil, and stctun lines md the acid drain lines still run through tile tunnels thus pnscntinp a means of migration should one of these lines develop a leak.

2 \ 7 6 I 1 )



The inspection tam betieves hat the hazards haoduccd by the mnncl co:iditions have been minimized for the DP-West staff by the €allowing actions and do not i n thcmsclvcs necessitate immediate relocation of personnel:

tock access doors and prohibit personml entry R&don levels using a kttalpm probe uvcr thc OECCSS porn did not indiutc any incnd d a t i o n level, Thc a m around DP-West has alre#iy k e n classified as a Solid Wasu: Management Unit and n soil sampling propram haf baen establjshcd Tunnels #2 &5 were su&sequently fded with concrete h M cf fon to seal and mitigate potential releases.

The actual condition of the ncid drain lines uc not known; however, the potcnud

The ndiologiul conditions of tunnels 443 & 4 Nonh have not been documented.

# for developing I d s is deemed crcdiblc,




Additional actions may be taken to minimize the migration of contaminants and arc discussed in section *a of this m p n .

B , "Paint covering up unknown levels of pluonium conmimr ion o n j a i l i o walls is peeling O f r 1

The inspecdun tcm did observe n m u s EUW in which paint was peeling off the walls which have marldngs indicating potential nlpha contamination, and had the Rad Tech SWCY many of the mas that were seen, No coatamination was indicad Based on the initial decon efforts documented in the "Final Condition Reports" for each building ad current l r ~ e y results, the team did not consider t)le existing condition pnscnttd an immcdiptc health hazard to the workers; however a g e n d deficiency does cxists a d has been idcntificd h section NAB of this l ~ p ~ h

"Rcsidwl plruonhn conicunirrcltion odtts in facility ventilofcan duct worK',

The inspection team devoted significant effon SCklrtJsing this issue, It is accurate to sy that the actual condition of the ventilation ducts ha5 not k e n consistently nponcdl A review of thc W o n pro@ "Fd Condition Reports" for the various bdciings state, 'The interior s u r f ~ c s of h e mom air cxhrrrui rhrcrr are contaminated.,," to various Icvcls, Discussions With A m Health P r o d o n TcchGciaas and DP-West management indicated that the only contaminated ducts are in the fmcess ~ctu5f&n, This is also s u p p o d by .Se "SNM Holdup Measurements for Las Almos Erhaurr D u m , Interim Phare 11 Report", B d on the data ht iS m n t l y available then is reason to btl ievc that thc incomct tcrm was w d in chc "Final Condition Rtporu" and that &e contamination is nsmcted to the "pr[xle~~ Ventilation" dum: however I in an &on to a s s u n this condition, thc inspcction team hu identified additional actions that an required.

Kcsolution of this iSJuc involves two separate activities, Thc f i one is for the original authors of thc Find Condition Repon to ideneify exactly what was cove& undcr the tcrm "room air exhaust ducts", Secondly, the insp~ction tcam has q u e s t e d that D set of ndiological s w c y s of the roum exhaust ducts bc conductd or prior survey results ~JC provided to conFirm the actual ccndtion, These actions are currently still in progressI and find resolution will be assessd by LAAO Facility Operations Branch,

The "Proc.ess Vcntilation 'I system has a chime alarm which upon a decrease in ciifferendal pr,cssurc in the system will darm and initiate the evacuation of personncf, thcrtforc mimi r ing uny cxposun to workers if a flow ~ v d wen to occur and release the holdup m t c r i d into the work space,

C ,

2 t 7 0


Picric Acid concern:

The inspection team shares the concern for the potential danger ossociotcd with the picric acid incident. However, the incident vias not specific tc the CP-West activities and h f a c t affects many of the facilities at LANL, The t e rn has reviewed the action taken by W C group and believe the process taken to address the issue will be best managed via the ~ccurnnce reponing systcm and c o m t i v e actions, No other containers of Picric acid were identified by the team

'Workers are aposed to arbesrosfrorn deteriorating piping inrulan'on'':

The inspection team did observe two mas wen friable asbestos was present. Even though this condition does cxisu, the inspection team docs not consider i t D scrious health hatard to personnel baxd on the following items:


0 The 8 ~ s in which Eriablc asbestos was observed an low-mat, conaolled uas

It is rppartnt thnt many arcas have been fid and that a cootinuiog effort is in place which ut not mua'mly accessed by the DP staff.

to correct the problems when d i x o v e d with thc exception of the D&D area, e

Based on the above observations and discussions the inspection tcam provides the f O ~ O W i n 8 r r C O m m C d a :

S h c t then w e n no immediate health or safety concern to the workers or the geacral pubkc as a result of the existing facility conclitions or its associated

LAM, should cxunifle the feasibility of discontinuing usc of the acid dnir Lines and collect wute in buches, similar to tbc action takcn for the o b w m mearm in the friliv, Tbe major benefits to Xcuriag the use of the drain lines would bc to minimiZr: the insult to tbe environment via undetecud leaks h m thcse lines to the soil, md to reduce b e risk of creating I greater radiological hazard in the tunnels which would have to be lddnsxd during fume D & D activities.

DP-west should task HS-1 with pcrfoming radiologkid surveys of the m o m ushoutr duct^ in ordcr to confirm the a d radiological conditions, or provide other cvidcnce that no con-tion exists.

DP-Hat md HS-1 should improve the radiological survey documentadon in such a wey a~ to idtntify to the workers that each location of peeling paint or damaged walls hu been rpppriatcly surveyed

LANL HS=Division should review the conditions at DP-West and detcrm.int if wokcrs S&UICI be plpced on som type of bioassay prognm in order to monitor for potential alpha uptdce or exposun,

LANL should aggressively ?ursuc the relocation of personnel and D&D of thc facility,

optratiocis, irmcdme ' Relocation of PcJsonncl is Dot quirad

C . * -- >/]A$& D, E, Glenn, Branch Chief Facility Opentions B m c h

b e

J' 1 1'1


im I IAirj i i I


United States Government

memorandum Department of Energy Albuquwque F&M Otnce Loa Alamos Area Ofnce

Loa Alamos, NOW Mexico 87544

APR t Q 1~

-! Invest igat ion of t h e Physical Cond i t ions of DP-West

THRUi Bruce W i n i n g , Manager, AL

The at tached report i d e n t i f i e s t h e results of t h e comprehensive iriveetlgat ion (c i ted i n your Memorandum dated April 6 , 1993 t o Dan Reicher of S-1) of the p h y s i c a l conditione of t h e DP-West f a c i l i t i e s w i t h i n Technical Area 2 1 of the Log Alamoa National Laboratory (LANL).

This report confirms t h e pooition by LANL management tha t t h e

immediate heal th o r s a fe ty concerns t h a t warrant immediate re locat ion of t he s t a f f , The inspection performed by my staff d i d ldent l f y i s sues requir ing co r rec t ive act i o n s by LANL, Theee def ic ienc ies and i ssues were relayed t o DP-West management at t h e conclueion of the inspection and f i v e ( 5 ) of t h e @:even (11) Iden t i f i ed def ic ienc ies have already been addreesed, t h e others are e i t h e r i n progress o r co r rec t ive act lone are being developed, Many of the ac t ions necessary t o address t h e recommer!dations a r e also I n progrese. I have requested t h a t LANL management report back t o me on t h e status of the remaining open items w i t h i n 30 dayo,

70 *-ff LFOtDGIig


07 Everet H. Beckner, DP-1, HO &@ I+---

' conditiona I n t h e DP-West f a c i l i t i e s doea not preaent

Please be aseured t h a t I and my staff w i l l continue t o . perform walkthroughs of t h i s f a c i l i t y u n t i l t h e LANL s t a f f has been relocated.

cc t w/gut attachment I J, Jackson, Di rec tor ' s Office,

E, Wewerka, Associate Director , LAf i , WS Aiel‘


RECEIVED MAY - 3 1993 I!

DATE ROUTED d! 30/03 I

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c w S : D I S f R : J I M , PUCKETT, A 1 SHEILA BROWN, A167 TIC, G U N F 3 5 9 1

A I J I P l VAL{ SHtPLEY, F641 D,K, D I E , W LAN STON, P913 M995

Dl@R E500 M, WATERS, 302

A . C i MCMILLAN, K491




A ( W AR: JSlS E, WENERKA A102 W /

L- d e