tips and best practices for shepherding with facebook

Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates Tips and Best Practices for Shepherding With Facebook Presented by Colleen Foshee White Sheep Social Marketing

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With the advance of social media as a standard way of communicating, being literate now includes being digitally educated. Savvy communicators realize social sites like Facebook can be utilized as platforms to connect, educate, and encourage relationship. In “Tips and Best Practices for Shepherding with Facebook” you’ll walk away with strategies and tools to build community and extend your personal and ministry reach. Facebook is already accomplishing many of the goals we have for church communication. Learn how to take advantage of the Facebook social structure to build a strong local or global community.


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Tips and Best Practices




Presented by Colleen Foshee White Sheep Social Marketing

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If this is you…

It doesn’t have to be!

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Social Media -

an additional way to educate







Study Guides



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SM³ Plan

~ Your Reason

~ Your Strategy

~ Your Tools

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Your Reason

The sheep

are online.

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Sheep need help.

Do your best to present yourself to God as

one approved, a workman who does not

need to be ashamed and who correctly

handles the word of truth. ~ 2Ti 2:15

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Jesus said to us, “Go into all

the world and preach the

good news to all creation.”

Then we went out and

preached everywhere, and the

Lord worked with us,

confirming his word by the

signs and wonders that

accompanied it. Mark 16:15,20

SM Version

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It’s Practical

• You become more accessible

• An easy limitable relational tool

• Encourages connection

• Supplements knowledge and insights

• Expands the study group experience

• Extends class time and reach

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To Connect With Your Class:

Think –

What is of interest and value to my class?

Share that!

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1. Have A Plan

a) Collect Facebook profile names

b) Set up your group on Facebook

c) Schedule Posts Ahead

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Facebook Group Setup

Get to your groups by clicking “Home”

on the top right corner of your personal

FB Page, then clicking the group name.

Create a new group by clicking here.

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Simple Group Setup Form

For privacy, invite

everyone to a Closed

Group. After everyone

joins, change it to a

Secret Group.

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Use a CalendarUse WinCalendar if you are looking for a nice free one.

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Simple ScheduleWeek 1: Pick a theme

• Post a Question. Ask an group-related question to get

participants responding.

• Post a Tip. Post a group tip that is useful to your group


• Post a News Link. Choose an article from the web that

relates to the group topic and will be valuable to


• Post a Quote. Find a group topic related quote to

encourage members.

• Post an Image or video. Post an image or video that

relates to the group topic with a short comment or

question to support it.

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Schedule on

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2. Work The Plan

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First Thing:

• Message the group to initiate and

encourage participation.

• Share an incentive to get things

going. (prize, statistic, warm welcome)

• Post instructions on “About” Page.

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Your Facebook Group

Click “About” Page to add



add/delete and message

group members.

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Group Posting Options

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Keep them coming back –

Share – Reflect – Engage - Inquire - Report

~ always reply to a comment

~ send private messages to each

~ praise people

~ mention class participation

~ take all problems off-line

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Then he replied, "This is the

word the LORD spoke to

Zerubbabel: You won't

succeed by might or by

power, but by my Spirit,

says the LORD.

Zech 4:6

Don’t leave God out.

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Ideas1. After each class, post any teacher

notes you didn’t share.

2. Link to a related blog post or media.

3. Organize a community service

project to complete before group


4. Have a prayer request posting

day/time. Ask group to share and

pray for each other.

5. Recruit a past group member to do

a guest post.

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• Take pictures of your class group

time and post them.

• Find information about the author

of the study material and post it.

• Host a “highlight” week. Have

participants post only what they

are journaling or highlighting in

their study guides.

• Schedule an event to meet F2F

(end of class dinner)

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Ideas• If you record your classes, post

the audio or video for those who

missed class or want to hear it


• Have a publicized weekly “Praise

Journal Meet Up”. Post praises.

• Ask the group to post something

that “surprised” them from the

study material.

• Have the class post their answer

to a specific question in the study


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Sample posts:

• Why did you decide to participate

in this class or group?

• What was your favorite insight

from the study material this


• Here’s a picture I believe

illustrates what we’re talking

about this week. Find and post

one that speaks to you.

• What has challenged you most in

this group or study?

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• Take a word from a scripture

verse this week and look it up in

the original language. Share what

you find. Use this link to do this:

• Thanks for being so willing to

open up with the group, Lisa.

• I love what you said in class today


Sample posts

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Benefits of Online

Group Participation

Members experience increased:

• Community

• Collaboration

• Democracy

• Resources

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~ Reason

The sheep are online - develop stronger connections with

fellow church members by getting online with them

~ Strategy

Getting organized online creates opportunity to extend

every group’s impact

~ Tools

Saves you time and organizes your interaction

The SM³ Plan Works -

if you’ll work it!

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If this is you…

It doesn’t have to be!

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The New You

Digital facilitating brings group

study lessons into the flow of

our everyday life…

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Strategy Recap

1. Have a plan.

Collect Facebook names

Start a Facebook Group

Use a calendar & schedule posts ahead

2. Do the plan.

Initiate discussion

Stay interactive

Give incentives

Reply, message, praise & mention

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Your Group Study Challenge:

Use as one

of your teaching tools for

connection and impact!

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Tips and Best Practices




Presented by Colleen Foshee White Sheep Social Marketing

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Tips and Best Practices




(Part 2)

Presented by Colleen Foshee White Sheep Social Marketing

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Tips for Finding

and Sharing Content (to make your life easier )

#1 – Do a Google Search for the

Topic and Study Author

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Set up a Google Alert(Google sends you an email with results from the alert you set)

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Topic Searches

Type this into Google:

<your topic> + Christian forum

It will yield lots of results.

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Pursuing God’s Love by Margaret Feinberg

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Tips for Finding

and Sharing Content (to make your life easier )

#2 – Share from the Study or

Author Facebook Pages

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Strategies for Finding

and Sharing Content (to make your life easier )

#3 – Search YouTube for videos

that relate to your topic

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Click here to change or

delete this information.

See result below.

Paste the link in the comment

box and Facebook will explode it.

Delete the link you copied into

the post box after that happens.

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Tips For Finding and

Sharing Content Recap

1. Google

Author and Topic

Set up Google Alerts

Do forum searches

2. Facebook

Share from Author and Study Pages

3. YouTube

Search for related topic videos

4. Images

Use the snipping tool to create images to post


Quotes are the most popular posts on Facebook

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Your Group Study Challenge:

Use as one

of your teaching tools for

connection and impact!

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Tips and Best Practices




(Part 2)

Presented by Colleen Foshee White Sheep Social Marketing