timesheet tutorial press f5, then click anywhere on the screenshot to begin the tutorial. when you...

TIMESHEET TUTORIAL Press F5, then click anywhere on the screenshot to begin the tutorial. When you have finished, click outside of the screenshot to continue to the next slide.

Upload: makenna-lippincott

Post on 28-Mar-2015




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  • Slide 1

TIMESHEET TUTORIAL Press F5, then click anywhere on the screenshot to begin the tutorial. When you have finished, click outside of the screenshot to continue to the next slide. Slide 2 Slide 3 If you have forgotten your SID or PIN, select Find them here. Slide 4 In Pin Look-Up, enter your social security number and birth date, with slashes as shown (MM/DD/YYYY), and select Find your SID and pin. Slide 5 826262626 123456 The result will be your correct SID and PIN. * * NOTE: The payroll PIN that you will use to create your timesheets is not the same as the PIN you received at registration. Logging in with the wrong PIN over time will cause lock up denying you access. Slide 6 Enter the correct SID and PIN to Log in. Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 First enter the Day, Start & End times of the first shift worked and select Save Entry. Slide 11 Re-enter the same Day for the second shift worked. Slide 12 Then enter the Start & End times of your second shift and select Save Entry. Slide 13 Both shifts will appear on the same day on your timesheet. Slide 14 Timesheets are due on the last day of each month that you work. Your submitted timesheet is received by your supervisor for approval. A timesheet with errors will be rejected back to you by your supervisor or the work study office, for you to correct and re- submit. Check your portal a day or two after timesheet submission to assure it was approved. TIMESHEET FACTS Slide 15 Submitting your timesheets by the deadlines is a condition of your continued employment through the work study program. LATE TIMESHEETS ARE AN AUDIT LIABILITY! LATE TIMESHEET = LATE PAYCHECK FIRST LATE TIMESHEET = PROBATION SECOND LATE TIMESHEET = SUSPENSION I M P O R T A N T Slide 16 Enter your hours in the timesheet portal on a daily basis. Submit your timesheet on the last day you work each month. FINAL REMINDERS