third sunday of advent - firstpresvb.orgstill, still, still arrangement by cathy moklebust joyous...

— THE ORDER OF SERVICE FOR — THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT WELCOME Welcome to worship at First Presbyterian Church of Virginia Beach. All are welcome, and we are so pleased to have with us this morning as we gather to praise God. GUESTS We extend a special welcome to you! Whether this is your first visit with us or your 100 th visit, it is a gift to have you among us. In the absence of our usual sign in pads in the pews, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor Dee Dee Carson before or after the service, or by phone or email. We are excited you are here and look forward to welcoming you into the life of the church through our ministries. You can find more information on our church website: WORSHIP GUIDE Items in bold indicate congregational participation. * invites you to stand in body or in spirit. Please silence all mobile devices prior to the start of the service. The Passing of the Peace will be done by waving, rather than handshaking or hugging. We will enjoy listening to our hymns but will not sing along just yet. Offering plates will not be passed during the service, but you may place your gifts in plates located in the Narthex or use the QR code on the back of the bulletin to make an electronic offering. December 13, 2020

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Page 1: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness



WELCOME Welcome to worship at First Presbyterian Church of Virginia Beach. All are welcome, and we are so pleased to have with us this morning as we gather to praise God.

GUESTS We extend a special welcome to you! Whether this is your first visit with us or your 100th visit, it is a gift to have you among us. In the absence of our usual sign in pads in the pews, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor Dee Dee Carson before or after the service, or by phone or email. We are excited you are here and look forward to welcoming you into the life of the church through our ministries. You can find more information on our church website:

WORSHIP GUIDE Items in bold indicate congregational participation. * invites you to stand in body or in spirit. Please silence all mobile devices prior to the start of the service. The Passing of the Peace will be done by waving, rather than handshaking or hugging. We will enjoy listening to our hymns but will not sing along just yet. Offering plates will not be passed during the service, but you may place your gifts in plates located in the Narthex or use the QR code on the back of the bulletin to make an electronic offering.

December 13, 2020

Page 2: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness

THE GATHERING GREETING Sharing the Peace of Christ Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. People: And also with you. Leader: Let us welcome one another with the peace of Christ.

VOLUNTARY Still, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers


All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness of the night, with hope anticipating the Advent of Eternal Light.


Leader: Advent is a time to prepare. People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God. Leader: During Advent, we prepare our eyes to see the light of Christ. People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God. Leader: We prepare our hearts to receive the Word of Christ. People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God. Leader: We prepare to share the joy of Christ. People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God. Leader: We prepare to embrace the promise of Christ. People: Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight the way for our God.


We wait in hope for the morning Light, for the love of Christ to illuminate the night. We wait with joy for the Savior’s birth; we wait in hope for peace on earth.

Page 3: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness


HYMN 12 People Look East BESANCON

People, look east. The time is near Of the crowning of the year.

Make your house fair as you are able, Trim the hearth and set the table. People, look east: Love the guest is on the way.

Furrows, be glad. Though earth is bare, One more seed is planted there: Give up your strength the seed to nourish, That in course the flower may flourish.

People, look east: Love the rose is on the way.

Birds, though you long have ceased to build, Guard the nest that must be filled. Even the hour when wings are frozen God for fledging time has chosen.

People, look east: Love the bird is on the way.

Stars, keep the watch. When night is dim One more light the bowl shall brim, Shining beyond the frosty weather, Bright as sun and moon together.

People, look east: Love the star is on the way.

Angels, announce with shouts of mirth Christ who brings new life to earth. Set every peak and valley humming With the word, the Lord is coming.

People, look east: Love is on the way.



Forgive us, O God, the ways we look over our shoulders and wonder what others are thinking of us. We let the input and critique of others guide our behavior. Societal pressures impact our living and our moving. Show us the way of Joseph, O God, who heard your voice and chose a different path. Give us the courage to live as you call us to, even when it means defying norms and expectations. Make us bold as we seek to follow you. Amen. (silent prayers)


Page 4: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness




SCRIPTURE LESSON Matthew 1: 18-25 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

ANTHEM Lost in the Night – Love Came Down at Christmas OLVA LEE

Kate Nelson

SERMON Rev. Dee Dee Carson


* AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and

earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Page 5: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness


HYMN 9 O Come, O Come Emmanuel VENI EMMANUEL

O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear.

Refrain: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel!

O come, thou Dayspring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death’s dark shadows put to flight.

O come, Desire of nations, bind All peoples in one heart and mind; Bid envy, strife, and discord cease; Fill the whole world with heaven’s peace.


* VOLUNTARY Watchmen, Tell Us of the Night Joseph Parry

The flowers in the chancel are given to the glory of God and in memory of our beloved son, Rob,

with much love always by Susan and Herman Hall. Christian Sympathy The love and sympathy of the First Church family are extended to Jesse Wykle and his family on the death of his father, David Wykle. Please keep the Wykle family in your prayers.

Page 6: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness


9:00 AM Church Staff Breakfast in Fellowship Hall 6:30 PM Ladies by the Sea at 303 YC

SUNDAY Fourth Sunday of Advent 20

Online worship, or Phone 1-757-216-9839

8:30 AM Worship in the Sanctuary and Courtyard 9:45 AM Drive Thru for Bulletin & Candle 9:45 AM Youth Sunday School on Zoom, contact Rev. Lyndsey McCall-Gilliam for information 11:00 AM Children’s Hour for age 4 – 5th grade in Fellowship Hall 11:00 AM Worship in the Sanctuary and Courtyard 4:00 PM How to Suffer with Hope in Fellowship Hall

Register weekly to attend Worship and Children’s Hour

at or call the church office 757-428-6332


MONDAY 14 6:00 PM Property and Maintenance Meeting 303YC

7:00 PM Stated Session Meeting in Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM Choir Zoom, David Kunkel for information

Online worship, or Phone 1-757-216-9839

8:30 AM Worship in the Sanctuary and Courtyard 9:45 AM Youth Sunday School on Zoom, contact Rev. Lyndsey McCall-Gilliam for information 11:00 AM Children’s Hour for age 4 – 5th grade in Fellowship Hall 11:00 AM Worship in the Sanctuary and Courtyard

Register weekly to attend Worship and Children’s Hour

at or call the church office 757-428-6332


8:00 AM Backpack Program in Fellowship Hall

THURSDAY 17 15 10:00 AM Circle Rebekah in Fellowship Hall

Page 7: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness


Inspired by the grace and truth of Christ, we nurture one another’s faith to do God’s work in the world.

The Session of First Presbyterian Church approved the above statement in and affirmed the following ten values to guide the leaders of our church as they prayerfully plan for our congregation’s future.

Values that Reach UP Values that Reach OUT

Worship Preaching

Music Prayer

Bible Teaching

Ministries that serve the community Congregational Care

Financial Stewardship Early Childhood Christian Education



The Reverend Dee Dee Carson, Pastor Jacqui Horton, Director of Christian Education The Reverend Lyndsey McCall, Director of Youth Ministries Randy DuVall, Commissioned Pastor and Director of Missions David S. Kunkel, Music Director Kimberly Markham Nickerson, Assistant Music Director Belinda Valet, Director of Children’s Music and Handbells Dr. Antoinette Anglin, Organist


Leslie Cutchins, Kyle Davila, Becky Davison (Clerk), Christine Harris, Mickey Kosloski, Stuart Nesbit, Emma Reed (Youth Representative), Don Schultz, Gloria Smith, Thomas Spencer, Dan Unger, Jennie Ware, Mark Winters.


Sandy Cowden, Jim Darden, Diane Feineis, George Gillespie, Ed Hurt, Katherine Willis.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 300 36th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

On the web at phone: 757.428.6332 | e-mail: [email protected]

A congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

First Presbyterian offers you the opportunity to give electronically. Scan the QR Code to the left and make a donation.

Page 8: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness






December 13, 2020

Page 9: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness


Advent Wreath and Doors The Christmas wreaths on the doors of the church and the Advent wreath

in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God by the First Church Flower Guild,

who are responsible for the beautiful chancel flowers each Sunday and the

decorations in the building for Christmas. Thanks are extended to Carol Darden,

Susan Hall and Martha Simkins for wrapping and placing the poinsettias and

hanging the wreaths on the church doors. Thanks are also extended to the Guild

for the Advent wreath. Members of the Guild wish for you and your family a

joyous holiday season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness.


Sanctuary The permanent candles on the Advent wreath in the sanctuary are given to

the glory of God and in loving memory of Dwight M. Moore by his family and



Advent The purple paraments in the sanctuary during Advent are given by Rich and

Carol Engel in loving memory of Tom and Nell Matthews; by Larry and Jane

Waters in loving memory of Edith and Halbert Lowe; by Joe and Susan Cotten in

loving memory of Elisabeth B. Ashburn; and by Earl and Mary Jane Willis in

memory of loved ones. Purple as a liturgical color signifies repentance, suffering, and royalty (for

Advent) and is used during Lent and Advent.

Christmas The white paraments in the sanctuary on Christmas Eve are given by Linda

and Greg Lavinder in loving memory of Louise and Mitch Williams; and by

Connie and Dudley Fulton in loving memory of Walton Barret Fulton, Charles

“Doc” and Virginia Walton, and Frank and Frances Fulton, and in honor of their

children. White as a liturgical color signifies purity and holiness and is used for

Christmas and Easter, the festivals of Jesus Christ, such as Christ the King

Sunday, and weddings and funerals.

Page 10: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness


One of the Advent traditions at First Church is the beautiful Chrismon tree

which decorates the sanctuary. Its lovely handmade ornaments, called Chrismons,

are symbols that represent the names of Jesus and the Christian experience. Each

symbol is placed on the tree in a designated area to represent our belief in God.

The upper circle represents God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy

Spirit (the Triune). The Christian year - from the birth of Christ to the crucifixion

and the resurrection - is represented by the lower circle. The meaning of each

symbol is listed on a brochure underneath the tree. Thanks are extended to the late Lee Richards and other women of our

church for hand crafting the beautiful Chrismons and for bringing this tradition to

our church, to Benjamin DiMartino for creating and donating the beautiful tree

skirt, to Kerry Geho for setting up the tree and to Denyce Corzatt, Beth Holt,

Fran Maragon, Arnetta Sherrod, and Gloria Smith for placing the Chrismons on

the tree.

Page 11: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness


Remembering with love Donor Ruth Aladj Shelby and John Aladj Mary and Mozayan Aladj Shelby and John Aladj All our loved ones Mary Anne and John Tamm Barbara and Vic Almond Molly and Billy Almond Caroline Jinkin’s father, Andy Anderson

Madeline Finney

Bennett family Anne Bennett Tom Brock Diane and Ted Feineis Our grandmother, Rozanne Brown Marlee and Banks Brown Shirley and William Bradford Chamberlain

Susan and Herman Hall

Judy Colison Paul Hirschbiel Tom Copley The Copley family Cliff and Ann Cutchins Anne and Cecil Cutchins Will Cutchins Anne and Cecil Cutchins Beloved husband and father, Don Damuth

Bernice Damuth

James and Helen June Davison Becky and Dave Davison Blaine’s parents, Jim and Alice Denny

Mary and Blaine Denny

Laura Derby Kim and Scott Hartin Carolyn and Jim Field Marty and Jim Field Dudley’s parents, Frank & Frances Fulton

Connie and Dudley Fulton

Our infant son, Walton Barret Fulton Connie and Dudley Fulton Rob Hall Susan and Herman Hall Evelyn and Herman Hall, Jr. Susan and Herman Hall Peter Hartin Kim and Scott Hartin Paul and Mabel Hirschbiel Paul Hirschbiel Paul and Norma Hudgins Melinda and William Perkins Clara and Curtis Jernigan Marcy and Hunter Sims Joy Krimowski Connie and Dudley Fulton Jane and Garnett Lee Marty and Jim Field Loved ones Lila Davis Loved ones Joann and Ned Lowery Loved ones Judith Miskimmin Mary’s parents, Jack and Linda Ludwig

Mary and Blaine Denny

Russ Marshall Carol Ann Marshall JuJu Moreau Molly and Billy Almond Our grandparents Freddi and John Morgan Our mothers Carolyn and Bill Harshaw Our parents Diane and Ted Feineis Our parents Beth and Zeb Holt Our parents Margaret Ann and Jim Gregory Our parents Trina and Buddy Marson Our parents Freddi and John Morgan Anne Parr Connie and Dudley Fulton Bill and Jane Perkins Melinda and William Perkins Porter family Anne Bennett Beau Price His family Alice and Roger Pyle Pam Pyle and Dan Unger Velma and Joseph Sharp Shelby and John Aladj Katherine and Bill Sims Marcy and Hunter Sims Dan’s father, Dan Unger Pam Pyle and Dan Unger Connie’s parents, Virginia & Charles “Doc” Walton

Connie and Dudley Fulton

Page 12: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT - firstpresvb.orgStill, Still, Still arrangement by Cathy Moklebust Joyous Spirit Ringers WE WAIT IN HOPE Joel Raney All creation lies in waiting, in the stillness

Our son, J. Kendall Whitaker, III Jane and Kendall Whitaker

Honoring Donor Our children, Chandler & Diana Fulton, Alexandra and John Bain, Whitney and John Lee, Justin and Laura Fulton

Connie and Dudley Fulton

Our grandchildren, Caroline and Luke Fulton, Barret and Jack Lee, Futon and Pierce Bain, Reagan and Makenna Fulton

Connie and Dudley Fulton

Reverend Dee Dee Carson The Ware family Herman, Heather, Herman V, and Nellie

Susan and Herman Hall

Caroline Jinkins Madeline Finney Our children Freddi and John Morgan Our grandchildren Freddi and John Morgan Our great grandson, Darren Freddi and John Morgan Chris, Tom and Jenn Melinda and William Perkins Our family Joann and Ned Lowery Gael Daugherty Circle Rebekah Choir soloists Judy Miskimmin Antoinette Anglin, our organist Judy Miskimmin

Children and grandchildren Joann and Ned Lowery Loved ones Belinda and Jerry Dexter

Clara, Patrick, Theo and Madalou Mulligan

Marcy and Hunter Sims

Laura, Hunter, Rhett and Willie Sims Marcy and Hunter Sims Our children and grandchildren, Claire, Jay, Georgia, Pearl, Etta and Quincy Denny

Mary and Blaine Denny

Two year old teacher, Judy Miskimmin Anne Bennett Two year old teacher, Susan Bowman Anne Bennett

The First Church Flower Guild gratefully acknowledges each of you who remembered or honored special people in your life with a poinsettia. If you indicated that you would take your poinsettia, please pick it up after the 11:00 p.m. worship on Christmas Eve or on Tuesday, December 29.