therapeutic-grade essential oil · a very...


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Three Ways to Use Essential Oils Page 3

Single Oils (Basil – Eucalyptus) Page 4 - 13

Single Oils (Fennel, Sweet – Lemon) Page 14 - 23

Single Oils (Lemongrass – Roman Chamomile) Page 24 - 33

Single Oils (Rose – Ylang Ylang) Page 34 - 43

Oil Blends (Defense) Page 44

Oil Blends (Energy – Immunity) Page 45

Oil Blends (inHALE – Stress b Gone) Page 46

Essential Oil Use Chart Page 47

Essential Oil Cheat Sheet Page 48

Three Ways to Use Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils

(Aromatically, Topically and Externally-Around the Home)


When inhaling, essential oil molecules bring the benefits by directly entering the blood stream through the

lungs and affecting the brain through the olfactory nerves in the nasal cavity.

Inhale the oils directly by placing a couple of drops in the palm of your left hand and rub clockwise with

the palm of your right hand. Cup both hands together over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply –

without touching your eyes. You can put a few drops in some hot water (not boiling) and inhale the steam

with a towel over your head. (This is a great way to address a cold or cough.) You can also apply a

couple of drops to areas of your body – like the chest, neck, wrists, ears or under the nose -- and breathe

in the aroma during the day.

A very effective way to inhale essential oils throughout the day in your home or office is with an essential

oil diffuser.


With this approach, the essential oil may be diluted in a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil) and applied to the skin. Layering essential oils is the process of applying one oil, rubbing it in, and then applying another oil. Blending essential oils is adding two or more oils to a glass bottle so that they can be applied all at once. The best place to start applying therapeutic oils topically is on the bottom of the feet. Just place three or four drops on each foot and massage them in. You can also put a drop on the bottom of the big toe which is the fastest way to work thru your bloodstream.

Using essential oils on the wrist, back of neck and temples are popular places to apply them. They can also be rubbed into other place of the body, such as the back, shoulders, knees, and stomach. You are able to use more than one oil on the same place. Essential oils can be used with a warm compress or cold pack, according to the need. Using essential oils in a massage are also helpful. .

Externally – Around the Home

This amazing discovery will not only eliminate the need for toxic chemicals in commercial cleaning products that can contain carcinogens or allergens and it will also save you money!

Here are a few ways essential oils can be used around the home

- Use Lemon oil for sticky residue, gum or grease removal - Make your own furniture polish with Lemon or White Fir oil on a dust cloth. - Deodorize your carpet with Melaleuca or Lemon with baking soda. - Spray disinfecting oil (Defense, Lemon or Lime) to clean countertops. - Add your favorite oil to laundry detergent to purify and deodorize it or make your own.

* Ingesting essential oils in not recommended unless you are working with a certified Aromatherapist. Talk to your doctor because inHALE therapeutic essential oils are highly concentrated and could interact with certain medications a person is taking.

For each single oil you will see how to use them Aromatically and Topically.

The green symbol means "generally safe to use without dilution as directed".

The orange symbol means "generally safe to use with moderate dilution".

The red symbol means "safe to use with heavier dilution or precautions, but consult your naturopathic physician if pregnant or ill, or for children".


Basil (Ocimum basilicum) 15ml Aroma: Mentally stimulating Uses: Anti-inflammatory used for pain Natural muscle relaxer Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Steam distilled from the flowering tops of the Ocimum Basilicum, this oil is almost colorless to a pale yellow with a sweet spicy, slightly green, fresh, with a faint balsamic woody back note and a lasting sweetness. Common Uses: Basil Oil is praised in Ayurvedic medicine for its ability to strengthen compassion, faith and bring clarity. Traditionally, it has also been used to relieve muscular aches and pains, colds and flu, hay fever, asthma, bronchitis, mental fatigue, anxiety, and depression. In aromatherapy Basil is used to soothe and uplift. It is popular with massage therapists for alleviating tension and stress in their patients. It also helps to clear the sinuses, so it is a favored ingredient by naturopaths when treating many respiratory ailments. When applied in dilution, Basil is reputed to be a good insect repellent, while the linalool's mild analgesic properties are known to help to relieve insect bites and stings. Blends well with: Bergamot, Clary Sage, Clove, Lime, Eucalyptus, Juniper Berry, Lemon and Rosemary. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children and anyone with epilepsy. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Basil Oil Earache Dilute one drop of Basil essential oils with 3 drop of carrier oil and massage behind, over and around the ear. Alternately, you can drop a couple drops on a cotton ball and place over the ear. Do not use essential oils in the ear.

Bronchitis Diffuse the oil throughout the room or home, add a 1-2 drops to a steam tent or bath and massage into the chest.

Muscle Spasms Massage into the inflicted area. Consider using a pain relieving blend (Muscle Relief Roll On) as well.

Chronic Fatigue Use Basil essential oils topically on the feet or by diffusing them aromatically.

Nervousness Place a drop in the palms of your hands, cup over nose and mouth and breathe in naturally.


Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) 15 ml Aroma: Uplifting and relaxing Uses: Aids digestion and can relieve symptoms of colic and gas Beneficial for anxiety and depression Botanical Name: Citrus bergamia Plant Part: Crude Fruit Peel Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Description: The Bergamot tree can grow up to four meters high, with star-shaped flowers, and smooth leaves, bearing citrus fruit resembling a cross between an orange and a grapefruit but in a pear-shape. The fruit ripens from green to yellow. Common Uses: Bergamot is used in many skin care creams and lotions because of its refreshing nature. It is ideally suited to help calm inflamed skin, and is an ingredient in some creams for eczema and psoriasis. Its chemical makeup has antiseptic properties which help ward off infection and aid recovery. It is also a favorite oil of aromatherapists in treating depression. Blends well with: Black Pepper, Clary Sage, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Wild Orange, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vetiver and Ylang-ylang. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. It is phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Bergamot Oil


Massage a single drop of Bergamot oil into the soles of the feet 1-2 times a day.

Depression or Mental Stress

Apply a single drop of Bergamot essential oil to the palm of the hand, rub your hands together, and cup

over the nose and mouth for up to one minute several times a day. Also apply 1 drop over the abdomen

several times a day.

Cold Sores

Apply less than one drop directly to the cold sore as soon as it's coming on, or dilute with fractionated

coconut oil and apply several times a day.

Eczema/ Psoriasis

Mix several drops with 1 teaspoon of fractionated coconut oil and gently massage into the area 1-2 times

a day or as desired.

Varicose Veins

Apply one drop over the area 1-2 times a day. Also look into using Cypress essential oil too,


Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) 5 ml Aroma: Stimulating and empowering


Helps with heartburn and nausea

Fungal infections and infections (flu, influenza, dysentery, tooth)

Botanical Name: Piper nigrum

Plant Part: Dried Berries

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: This climbing woody vine uses trees or other supports to grow to about twenty feet high, but

is normally kept to about 12 feet for commercial purposes and has a lifespan of about twenty years.

Common Uses: Black Pepper Essential Oil can be used in the treatment for pain relief, rheumatism, chills,

flu, colds, increase circulation, exhaustion, muscular aches, physical and emotional coldness, nerve tonic,

and fevers. The therapeutic properties include the following: analgesic, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, anti-

toxic, aphrodisiac, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, laxative, rubefacient, tonic (especially of the spleen).

Blends well with: Bergamot, Clary Sage, Clove, Fennel, Frankincense, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lavender,

Lemon, Lime and Ylang-ylang.

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of

reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This

product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Black Pepper

Addictions (Tobacco)

Diffuse throughout the day, add to a pendant to keep nearby while quitting smoking, or try a small dab

(possibly diluted) on the tongue for cravings.


Dilute 1-2 drops and massage into the soles of the feet or over any area of concern.

Digestive Support (General)

Dilute 1-2 drops of Black Pepper essential oil and massage in a clockwise rotation over the abdomen as


Fungal Infections

Massage 1-2 drops of Black Pepper essential oil over the area of concern as desired (dilute for sensitive

skin) or massage into the reflex points of the feet.

Circulation (increase)

Dilute and massage over the area of concern, or use aromatically to increase oxygen to the brain.


Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) 15 ml Aroma: Stimulating Uses: Boosts the immune system for colds, viral and bacterial infections For toe nail fungus Botanical Name: Cinnamomum cassia Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Cassia is an evergreen tree growing to 7 m with a white aromatic bark and angular branches. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate about 18 cm (7 in) long. Small yellow flowers hang from long stocks, and bloom in early summer. Cassia grows in hot, wet, tropical climates both wild and commercially. The stems are cut down when the bark is mature. The bark is removed in short lengths and dried, with some varieties rolling into quills. Common Uses Cassia Essential Oil has traditionally been used as a tonic and stimulant to treat nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. Chinese and Japanese scientists have found that Cassia's sedative effects lower high blood pressure and fever in experimental animals. The constituents of the oil have antiseptic properties, killing various types of bacteria and fungi. Blends well with: Clove, Frankincense, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lavender, Rosemary and Thyme. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Cassia

Fungal Infection

Dilute and apply a small amount of Cassia oil to the area of concern 1-2 times a day.

Colds and Flu

Diffuse throughout the room.

Immune Support

Massage 1 drop, diluted, into the feet as desired. Diffuse throughout the room.


Dilute and apply a small amount of Cassia essential oil to the area of concern 1-2 times a day.

Inflammation (Digestive)

Massage a diluted drop over the abdomen.


Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) 15 ml Aroma: Helps calm anger and eases anxiety


Supports and maintains healthy respiratory function

Repels moths and other insects

Botanical Name: Juniperus virginiana

Plant Part: Wood

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: The Virginia Cedarwood is a slow-growing, coniferous evergreen, reaching heights of 33

meters or so, the diameter of the trunks can reach over 1.5 meter. It has a reddish heartwood and bears

brown cones. Also known as Red cedar, it is from the family Cupressaceae. Although this tree is from this

family and not from the family Pinaceae, it is still called Virginia Cedar.

Common Uses: Cedarwood Essential Oil, has been used to calm nervous tension and states of anxiety,

as an expectorant, acting as a mild astringent and useful in treating hemorrhoids, and in deterring moths

and other insects. It has very powerful antiseptic, fungicidal and anti-seborrheic properties, and helps

with dandruff, hair loss and oily hair. Consumers will also see it in men's toiletries, acne preparations,

and in products formulated to relieve muscle and joint pain.

Blends well with: Bergamot, Cypress Cassia, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Vetiver, Rosemary, Ylang-ylang

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of

reach of children. DO NOT INGEST. Store in a cool, dark place. These statements have not been

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or

prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Cedarwood


Cedarwood essential oil benefits our respiratory system greatly. Apply 1-2 drops over the area of concern

or massage into the reflex points of the feet.


Place a drop on each cotton ball or fabric strip and place or hang in closets, storage boxes, or other

problem areas. Replace as needed.


Apply 1-2 drops over the throat and chest several times a day.


Apply a drop over the heart center (if it's emotional), the brow (if it's mental), or inhale straight from the

bottle as needed.

Eczema/ Psoriasis

Use 1-2 drops over the area of concern; consider using coconut oil to help moisturize and protect the

area as well.


Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) 15ml Aroma: Calming Uses: Insect repellant Astringent for oily skin Botanical Name: Cymbopogon nardus Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Citronella Oil is extracted from a resilient grass native to Sri Lanka and Java. It is a very aromatic perennial that grows approximately 3 feet in height. Common Uses: Citronella Essential Oil is credited with having beneficial aromatic properties, and most people will associate it with its delightful scent. It is often used in combination with Cedarwood to produce pleasant-smelling patio candles and torches. Citronella is also used in deodorants and in conditioners for oily skin and hair. Blends well with: Bergamot, Wild Orange, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lemon and Lavender. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Citronella Insect Repellant Diffuse as needed, add to a cotton ball and place where needed, or use topically to repel biting insects. Consider adding Lavender, Lemongrass and Eucalyptus for a bug spray. Astringent Apply two to three drops to a cotton ball to gently wipe clean any oily areas. Follow this with your regular cleaning and moisturizing routine. Clarifying Diffuse throughout the room. Pet Odors Diffuse throughout the room, kennel or barn. Anger and frustration It helps to calm the emotional and mental bodies so that one can resolve the inner reasons for the conflict. Diffuse this oil or inhale from the bottle directly.


Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) 15 ml Aroma: Peaceful and euphoric Uses: Stimulates hair growth Helps balance hormones Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea Plant Part: Leaves and Flowers Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Clary Sage is a short biennial or perennial herb that grows up to 3 feet in height. It has large, hairy leaves with small bluish-purple flowers. Common Uses: Clary Sage Essential Oil is viewed by aromatherapists as an antidepressant, antispasmodic, deodorant, nervine, sedative and uterine tonic. It is thought to provide a mild euphoric action, balancing uterine problems, and as an agent to clean greasy hair. There is also some documentation on its effectiveness in helping to relax spasms caused by asthma. Blends well with: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Wild Orange, Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Clary Sage

Hormonal Balance Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.

Hot Flashes Apply 1 drop to the back of the neck 1-3 times a day and 1 drop with each hot flash.

Hair (Fragile) Use 1-3 drops on the soles of the feet daily and consistently.

Cramps (Abdominal/Intestinal/Menstrual) Apply 1-2 drops of clary sage oil a day to the arches of the feet or over the reproductive organs.

Skin Clary Sage oil is especially good for skin issues that potentially result from hormone imbalances. Follow suggestions for hormone balancing above or consider adding 1-2 drops to your daily skin care.


Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) 15 ml Aroma: Improves memory, healing Uses: Relieves tooth pain (good for teething babies) For respiratory problems (bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis) Botanical Name: Eugenia caryophyllata Plant Part: Stem Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Stem is derived from the tree Syzygium aromaticum. It is slender evergreen that grows up to 36 feet in height and grows best in a warm humid tropical climate. Clove Stem Oil is obtained from dried peduncles and stem of clove buds (5-7%) on steam distillation. Common Uses: The stem of this evergreen, indigenous to Southeast Asia, has a long history as an effective agent for minor pains and aches, particularly dental pain because of its numerous effects on oral tissues, and was found to be helpful when battling flu and colds. It constituents are antiseptic, diuretic and bug repelling. It is widely used in contemporary Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Blends well with: Grapefruit, Lemon, Wild Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rose, Lavender, Clary Sage and Ylang-ylang. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Clove

Toothache Dilute with up to 1 teaspoon of raw coconut oil and apply a drop or more to the area as desired for a numbing effect.

Corns Dilute 1 drop of Clove essential oil with several drops of carrier oil and apply to the area 1-3 times a day.

Warts Dilute the Clove essential oil with a 1:3 ratio and apply a drop of the mixture of the area of concern 1-2 times a day.

Athlete's Foot Dilute and add 1-2 drops to the area of concern 1-2 times a day. Also consider using Oregano or Melaleuca. Respiratory Infections Diffuse throughout the room.


Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) 15 ml Aroma: Mentally grounding and stabilizing Uses: Help stop nosebleeds Reduces water retention (alleviate menstrual pain) Botanical Name: Cupressus sempervirens Plant Part: Wood Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: The cypress is a slow-growing tree native to the Mediterranean region. The compact, neat tree, with blue-green foliage reaches heights of 75 feet, and it branches can spread up to 30 feet at the base. Common Uses: Cypress essential oil is well known for its moisturizing and soothing skincare properties. Among aromatherapists and manufacturers, this oil is considered very similar to Blue Chamomile. It is also regarded as soothing and relaxing for the nerves without having sedative properties. Blends well with: Lavender, Tea Tree, Lemon, Geranium, Cedarwood, Wild Orange, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Juniper Berry, Rose and Jasmine. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of

reach of children. DO NOT INGEST. Do not use near fire, flame or heat. These statements have not

been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Cypress

Nose Bleeds Apply one drop over the nose and sinuses, and consider diffusing daily for chronic nose bleeds. You can also put one drop on the inside of the forearm on each arm, repeat twice and it should stop within one to two minutes.

Water Retention Massage 1-3 drops of Cypress oil into the areas of concern, always moving toward the heart.

Varicose Veins Gently apply 1 drop into the area of concern. Consider adding Lemongrass or Peppermint as well. Muscle Fatigue Massage 2-3 drops into the area of concern as needed. Use during a massage or hot bath. Bunions Massage several drops of Cypress oil into the feet at least once daily.


Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata) 15 ml Aroma: Calming Uses: Helps respiratory infections (bronchitis) Relief of sinus headaches Botanical Name: Eucalyptus radiata Plant Part: Woods and Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Eucalyptus Radiata is commonly known as "narrow-leaved Peppermint." The young trees have oval bluish-green leaves while the mature trees develop long, narrow, yellowish leaves, creamy-white flowers and a smooth, pale grey bark. Common Uses: Eucalyptus Essential Oil has been used on all sorts of skin aliments such as burns, blisters, wounds, insect bites, lice and skin infections. It contains a high percentage of Cineol, also known as Eucalyptol, which has strong antiseptic properties, thus it was popularly used to relieve colds and congestion. Eucalyptus Radiata is preferred over Eucalyptus Globulus because it is less harsh, more pleasant to inhale, and less likely to irritate the skin. It has also been used on sore muscles and joints as well as an antiseptic. Blends well with: Basil, Cedarwood, Citronella, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon, Frankincense, Spearmint and Tea Tree Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. DO NOT INGEST. Always dilute for skin. Not for high blood pressure or epilepsy people. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Eucalyptus

Sinusitis Apply as a hot compress over the sinuses and massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet (toes and pads of the feet). You can also inhale from a steam tent or diffuse throughout the room.

Respiratory Viruses Fight viral infections by diffusing eucalyptus constantly during times of illness. Flu Depending on your flu symptoms, Eucalyptus oil uses will vary. You can apply to the abdomen to ease diarrhea, massage into aching joints and muscles, or simply diffuse through the air to open airways and help fight infection. Bronchitis Use topically or aromatically, massaging into the chest, back and throat, inhaling from a steam tent, or dropping the oil on the shirt collar. Inflammation Massage 1-2 drops over the afflicted area, always moving toward the heart to support the lymphatic system.


Fennel, Sweet (Foeniculum vulgare) 15 ml Aroma: Promotes courage and is balancing Uses: Assists with digestive troubles Stimulates estrogen production Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare Plant Part: Seeds Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Fennel is a perennial herb up to 2 meters high with feathery leaves and golden yellow flowers. Common Uses: Having a sweet and soft liquorice aroma that's reminiscent of anise, Sweet Fennel is used in aromatherapy as it is credited with being diuretic, expectorant, laxative and stimulant. And is believed to be invigorating, restoring, stimulating, and warming and hence it is also used in soap-making and cosmetics. Blends well with: Bergamot, Lavender, Frankincense and Rose. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of

reach of children. Safe for children over 2. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and

Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Fennel, Sweet

Digestive Support Dilute 1 drop of Fennel, Sweet essential oil with 3 drops carrier oil and massage in a clockwise rotation over the abdomen.

Hormonal Balancing Consider massaging 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet, or inhaling the aroma from the bottle daily.

Stomach Cramps Dilute as recommended and massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet, lower stomach, and back.

Detoxing Massage over the area of concern or reflex points of the feet.

PMS Dilute Fennel, Sweet essential oil and apply topically into the soles of the feet or over the lower abdomen or areas of concern before and during cycle.


Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) 15 ml Aroma: Uplifting and centering Uses: Strengthens the immune system Stimulates the part of the brain that controls emotion Botanical Name: Boswellia carteri Plant Part: Resin Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: The Frankincense tree is a scraggly but hardy tree which originates from Oman and the Middle East. By slashing the barks of the tree, a sticky, fragrant resin is produced from which the Frankincense Oil is derived. Common Uses: Frankincense Essential Oil is highly prized in the perfumery industry and in aromatherapy. It is widely used in skincare products' manufacturing as it is considered a valuable ingredient having remarkable anti-aging, rejuvenating and healing properties. The scent of Frankincense is stimulating, helps in overcoming stress and despair, elevating the mind, and is also believed to encourage a meditative state, bringing balance and peace to individuals. Blends well with: Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage, Geranium, Ginger and Myrrh. Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Frankincense Immune System Support Great during cold and flu season. Diffuse throughout the home and massage 1-2 drops into the feet daily, as needed. Depression Add a drop to steaming water, place a towel over your head, and inhale until the steam stops. Massage into the pads of feet and the toes. Balance Inhale Frankincense essential oil whenever you're feeling overwhelmed. Diffuse in the room. Massage into the feet. ADHD Diffuse throughout the room or apply directly to the body by rubbing them on the soles of one’s feet, the back of the neck, the shoulders, or the forehead. Also consider adding Lavender, Cedarwood or Vetiver. Warts Apply Frankincense essential oil directly to the wart daily. Also consider Lemon or Oregano.


Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) 15ml Aroma: Lifts the spirit and eases nervous tension Uses: Promotes cell regeneration and reactivates blood circulation Repels mosquitos Botanical Name: Pelargonium graveolens Plant Part: Leaves and Flowers Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Geranium is a hairy perennial shrub, often used in hedgerows, and stands up to about one meter high (3 feet) with pointed leaves, serrated at the edges and has pinkish-white flowers. Common Uses: The therapeutic properties of Geranium Bourbon Essential Oil include being used as an astringent, diuretic, antiseptic, anti-depressant, tonic, antibiotic, anti-spasmodic and as an anti-infectious agent. This uplifting oil has a great all-over balancing between oily and dry skin. Geranium can also be used to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of inner peace. The strong smell of this oil is particularly good to ward off mosquitoes and head lice. Blends well with: Basil, Bergamot, Citronella, Clary Sage, Fennel, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon and Lemongrass Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dark place. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Geranium

Circulation, Increasing Massage 1-2 drops over the heart, hands or feet daily or as needed.

Jet Lag Massage 1 drop over the back of the neck and forehead as needed, or diffuse throughout the room at night.

Pelvic Pain Syndrome Mix one drop of Geranium and one drop of Frankincense and massage over the area daily.


Massage 1-2 drops around the ears (never in the ears) 1-2 times a day, or as needed.

Insect Repellant Diffuse as desired, apply to the body as needed, or add a drop to a cotton ball and place strategically throughout the home.


Ginger (Zingiber officinale) 15ml Aroma: Physically energized Uses: Helps with and kind of digestive upsets Aids in circulation Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale Plant Part: Root Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Ginger is a perennial herb that grows to about 3 - 4 feet high. It has a characteristic thick spreading tuberous rhizome. The ginger root is macerated and distilled over high heat, from which the oil is extracted. Common Uses: Organic Ginger Essential Oil is believed by aromatherapists to be applicable for colds and flu, nausea (motion sickness, morning sickness), coughs and circulation issues. It also has warming properties that help to relieve muscular cramps, spasms, aches and ease stiffness in joints. Ginger is also viewed as an aphrodisiac and is believed to ease anxiety, renew vitality and revitalize self-confidence. Blends well with: Bergamot, Black Pepper, Spearmint, Wild Orange, Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang. Caution: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Ginger

Nausea or Motion Sickness One of the most popular health benefits of Ginger essential oil is the effect it has on nausea. I would first try diffusing it, or applying 1 drop over the belly. Gas or Diarrhea Rub 1 drop in a counter-clockwise position over the entire abdomen. Indigestion Use 1 drop topically on belly as regularly as needed. With repeated use you will likely find the issue correcting itself. Self-empowerment Inhale directly from the bottle or massage over the lower abdomen (root chakra) to increase a sense of trust, commitment, strength, and fire for life. Rheumatic Fever (Pain) Massage over the areas of pain to increase circulation and warmth and support the body's ability to fight off pain.


Grapefruit (Citrus X paradisi) 15 ml Aroma: Uplifting to the body and mind Uses: Cleans toxins from any part of the body Increases energy and stamina Botanical Name: Citrus X paradisi Plant Part: Peel Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Description: The grapefruit tree was originally from Asia but it is now grown and harvested in the United States, France, Brazil and Israel. The grapefruit tree itself is a large, shiny gloss-leaved tree, about 30 feet high, with white flowers and large, pale yellow fruit with pink flesh. Common Uses: Grapefruit Pink Essential Oil is believed by aromatherapists to be a spiritual up-lifter, and to ease muscle fatigue and stiffness. It is also a purifier of congested, oily and acne prone skin and is sometimes added to creams and lotions as a natural toner and cellulite treatment. Grapefruit Essential Oil is reputed to ease nervous exhaustion and relieve depression. Blend well with: Rosemary, Cypress, Lavender, Geranium and the other oils in the citrus family. Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. It is phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Grapefruit

Fatigue Increase your energy levels naturally by diffusing the oil or applying a drop over your chest.

Hangover Diffuse this oil or inhale from the bottle directly. It has a surprising effect on a hangover.

Overeating and Sugar Cravings Decrease binge eating and cravings by diffusing the oil as needed and inhaling directly from the bottle throughout the day.

Stress Diffuse this one during times of stress, add a drop to a cotton ball and leave in the car vent, or massage into the chest.

Withdrawal Alleviate the symptoms of withdraw by diffusing Grapefruit essential oil or using it topically over the throat and neck.


Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) 5 ml Aroma: Feel secure and safe


Reverse and signs of aging in the skin (good for varicose veins)

Regulates cholesterol

Botanical Name: Helichrysum italicum

Plant Part: Flowers

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: The Helichrysum italicum plant grows wild in Mediterranean regions. It can be found in

regions with dry, high altitudes with a lot of sun exposure. Helichrysum is also known as Immortelle or

Everlasting. This is because the flowering tops keep their yellow color ever as they dry out.

Common Uses: Helichrysum Essential Oil is credited by aromatherapists as being effective for acne,

bruises, boils, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, irritated skin and wounds. It is said to support the body

through post-viral fatigue and convalescence, and can also be used to repair skin damaged by psoriasis,

eczema or ulceration. Helichrysum Essential Oil is believed to soothe away deep emotional stress and

diffuse anger and destructive feelings.

Blends well with: Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Clary Sage, Rose, Clove and any of the oils in the citrus


Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of

reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children. These statements have not been

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or

prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Helichrysum

Reduce Wrinkles, Fine Lines, Age Spots and Liver Spots Add 1 to 2 drops into your nightly face cream.

Eczema/ Psoriasis Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern 1-2 times a day or as desired.

Cholesterol Massage 1-2 drops into the soles of the feet daily.

Swollen Eyes Never put essential oils directly in the eye. Instead, massage the oil around the eye, temple and forehead.

Cramps, Muscular Massage 1 drop of Helichrysum essential oil over the area of concern.


Jasmine (Jasminum grandiflora) 5 ml Aroma: Uplifting and relaxing Uses: Hormonal balance Alleviates anxiety and stress Botanical Name: Jasminum grandiflora Plant Part: Flowers Extraction Method: Solvent Extraction Description: Jasmine grandiflorum is a beautiful plant; its flowers bloom in the early dawn as opposed to Jasmine Sambac that blooms in the evening. Common Uses: Jasmine grandiflorum essential oil is well respected for its aphrodisiac properties. It is a sensual, soothing, calming oil that promotes love and peace. Blends well with: Sandalwood, Ylang-ylang and works particularly well with other aphrodisiac oils. Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Dilution not required. Store in a cool, dark place. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Jasmine

Menstrual Support Massage 1-2 drops of Jasmine essential oil over the lower abdomen to relieve cramps, or support hormonal balance.

Relaxing Add 1-2 drops to a bath, diffuse through a room, or massage into tense muscles.

Aphrodisiac Apply less than one drop to the wrists and back of neck.

Childbirth Massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet or over the lower abdomen.

Pink Eye

Never put any oils in the eye. Instead carefully massage a small amount of Jasmine around the eye, or

play it safe by massaging into the reflex points of the feet.


Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis) 5 ml Aroma: Elevating and creates a feeling of peace


Helps prevent wrinkles

Supports healthy kidney and urinary function

Botanical Name: Juniperus communis

Plant Part: Berries

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: A juniper berry is the female seed cone produced by the various species of junipers. It is not

a true berry but a cone with unusually fleshy and merged scales, which give it a berry-like appearance.

The berries are green when young, and mature to a purple-black color over about 18 months.

Common Uses: Juniper Berry Essential Oil is credited as being a supportive, restoring, and a tonic aid. It

is popular in acne treatments and for oily skin as well as dermatitis, weeping eczema, psoriasis, and

blocked pores. It is considered to be purifying and clearing and is good for meditation.

Blends well with: Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Geranium, Marjoram, Rosemary, Roman

Chamomile and Eucalyptus.

Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always

dilute for skin. Not for small children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug

Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Juniper Berry

Childhood Fears

In a small non-plastic (metal or glass) spritz bottle, mix 4 drops of Juniper Berry essential oil to every

ounce of water and use as a room and pillow spray, call it “nighttime spray.” You can also apply a drop to

the bottom of the feet or back of the neck (avoid hands that might end up rubbing eyes).


Massage 1-2 drops around the ears (never in the ears) 1-2 times a day, or as needed.

Kidney Infections

Massage 1-2 drops over the kidneys and urinary system several times throughout the day.

Bladder Infections

Massage 1-2 drops over the lower abdomen every two hours.


Massage 1-2 drops of oil over the chest, throat, and sinuses or into the reflex points of the feet.


Lavender (Lavendula augustifolia) 15 ml Aroma: Calming, relaxing and balancing


Helps with insomnia

Calms reaction to bug bites and bee stings

Botanical Name: Lavandula augustifolia

Plant Part: Flowers

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: Lavender is an evergreen woody shrub, up to 3 feet tall, with pale green, narrow linear

leaves and violet blue flowers.

Common Uses: Properties of Lavender Essential Oil include analgesic, anti-convulsive, anti-depressant,

antiphlogistic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericide, decongestant, deodorant,

and as a diuretic. Herbalist regards Lavender as the most useful and versatile essential oil for therapeutic

purposes. Lavender is the essential oil most commonly associated with burns and healing of the skin. It

also has antiseptic and analgesic properties which will ease the pain of a burn and prevent infection. It

also has cytophylactic properties that promote rapid healing and help reduce scarring. The scent of

Lavender is said to have a calming effect on the body and it can be used to reduce anxiety, stress and

promote sleep.

Blends well with: Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Citronella, Clary Sage, Geranium, Jasmine, Lemon, Wild

Orange, Patchouli, Thyme, Rosemary, and Ylang-ylang.

Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Dilution

not required. Safe for children over 2. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug

Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Lavender

Bug Bites Apply topically directly to the site. Dilute as needed or to use less (you don't generally need much).

Hyperactivity Diffuse in the air or apply topically to the chest or reflex points of the hands or feet for a calming, grounding effect.

Insomnia and Calming Whether mild or severe, pure Lavender oil increases relaxation response of the nervous system when used topically or aromatically. You can also place 1-2 drops on your pillow.

Poison Ivy/Oak Apply topically with or without a carrier oil as recommended for your skin, and as needed to decrease itching and prevent infection.

Skin (Dry, Sensitive, Eczema & Psoriasis)

For severe areas, apply 1 drop or pure Lavender oil directly to the skin. Dilute as needed depending on

severity and sensitivity. 22

Lemon (Citrus limon) 15 ml Aroma: Uplifting to the body and mind


Cleans toxins from the body (promote immunity and fights infection)

Helps cold sores, blisters, nail fungus, corns and calluses

Botanical Name: Citrus limon

Plant Part: Peel

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Description: The Lemon tree was originally a small thorny evergreen tree native to India. It is now

common in Southern Europe, Florida and California.

Common Uses: Lemon Essential Oil has been historically recognized as a cleanser. It is reputed as being

antiseptic, and as having refreshing and cooling properties. On skin and hair it can be used for its

cleansing effect, as well as for treating cuts and boils. Research has also shown Lemon Essential Oil to

enhance the ability to concentrate.

Blends well with: Bergamot, Lime, Grapefruit and Wild Orange.

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of

reach of children. It is phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. These

statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended

to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Lemon

Cold Sores Add a very small dab directly to the cold sore. Also try diluting it with coconut oil and using it as a lip balm to prevent cold sores during common times of flare-up. Melissa essential oil is also great for this!


Add a drop to the pillow, diffuse through the room, add several drops to wet clothes before you line- or

machine-dry them, or dilute with coconut oil and massage into the chest.


Add to your homemade cleaning products, add a drop to dishwater or 3 drops to bathwater, use in the

washing machine or over handkerchiefs during cold season, or apply during massage.

Gum/Grease/Sticker Removal

Apply several drops to gum stuck in hair or to clothing, furniture, etc. Apply over grease stains before

washing. Use a drop or more over sticker residue to remove from walls or windows


Great during cold and flu season to diffuse through the home.


Lemongrass (Cymbopogan flexuosus) 15 ml Aroma: Purifies the mind Uses: Anti-inflammatory, regenerates connective tissue Insect repellent and safe for pets

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon flexuosus Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: Lemongrass is a fast growing, tall, aromatic perennial grass that grows up to 4 feet tall. It is native to Asia, but is now cultivated mostly in the West Indies, Africa, and Tropical Asia.

Common Uses: Lemongrass Essential Oil is known for its invigorating and antiseptic properties. It can be used in facial toners as its astringent properties help fight acne and greasy skin. An excellent anti-depressant, Lemongrass Essential Oil tones and fortifies the nervous system and can be used in bath for soothing muscular nerves and pain. Lemongrass shares similar properties with citronella and has a great reputation for keeping insects away.

Blends well with: Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Marjoram, Cedarwood and Lemon.

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Do not use near fire, flame or heat. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Lemongrass

Insect Repellant Diffuse as needed, add to a cotton ball and place where needed, or use topically to repel biting insects.

Fleas Add several drops of Lemongrass to dog shampoo, or add 1 drop to their collar to help repel fleas.

Cholesterol Massage 1-2 drops into the reflex points of the feet 1-2 times a day.

Mental Fatigue Lemongrass benefits mental clarity best when used aromatically. Consider diffusing or even smelling from the bottle as desired.

Stiffness Massage 1-2 drops of Lemongrass essential oil into the area of stiffness as needed or daily for chronic issues.


Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) 15 ml Aroma: Uplifting and improves concentration Uses: Natural immune system booster Helps combat viral and bacterial infections

Botanical Name: Citrus aurantifolia Plant Part: Peel Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Description: Lime is a small evergreen tree that produces a small, bitter fruit very similar to Lemon. The fruits themselves are green in color with a green fleshy interior.

Common Uses: Lime Essential Oil has a crisp, refreshing citrus scent that has been used by aromatherapists for its uplifting and revitalizing properties. It can also act as an astringent on skin where it is reputed to help clear oily skin.

Blends well with: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Wild Orange, Rose, Rosemary, Vetiver and Ylang-ylang.

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. It is phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Lime

Bacterial Infections

Diffusing the oil, inhaling directly, or with steam are all gentle ways to get most oils into your system. Lime

can also be applied topically, either over the area in question or massaged into the reflex points of the



Because of the uplifting quality of citrus oils, diffusing Lime can be beneficial for high-stress situations at

home or work.

Dry Erase Board Cleaner

Add one drop at a time to a gunky dry erase board and rub with a rag to remove marker, crayon and



Some have even reported a decrease in cellulite when adding this essential oil to their lotions or coconut

oil and massaging into area of concern.


Use your Lime oil in natural household cleaners, including sprays, scrubs, and furniture polish.


Marjoram (Origanum majorana) 15 ml Aroma: Mentally strengthening and calms the nerves

Uses: Helps pain with muscle spasm, sprains, stiff joints, arthritis & bruises

Helps with snoring, rub on the base of the big toe

Botanical Name: Origanum majorana

Plant Part: Flowers and Leaves

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: Marjoram Essential Oil is derived from the plant – a bushy perennial growing up to 60cm in height with a hairy stem, dark green oval leaves and small whitish flowers found in clusters. The entire plant is extremely aromatic.

Common Uses: Warming and comforting, Marjoram Sweet Essential Oil can be massaged into the abdomen during menstruation, or added to a warm compress. It is also useful for treating tired aching muscles, and is perfect for use in a sports massage. A few drops on a vaporizer will also encourage sleep, and a few drops can be added to a warm/hot bath at the first signs of a cold. It can also be used in masculine, oriental, and herbal-spicy perfumes and colognes.

Blends well with: Wild Orange, Lavender, Frankincense, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus, Basil, Thyme, Cypress and Roman Chamomile.

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Marjoram

Snoring Apply one drop (possibly diluted) to the big toe before bed each night.

Arthritis Massage into the area of concern. Consider layering with Frankincense, White Fir or Wintergreen.

Colic Diffuse Marjoram throughout the room to calm and soothe.

Muscle Aches or Sprains Add several drops of Marjoram to your massage oil, or apply topically as desired.

Physical Stress Diffuse several drops throughout the room, add to a massage routine, or apply to the reflex points of the feet.


Melaleuca (Melaleuca alternifolia) 15 ml Aroma: Refreshing and cleansing

Uses: Heals wounds, insect bites and acne

Relieves earache pain, massage behind the ear

Botanical Name: Melaleuca alternifolia

Plant Part: Leaves

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: The Tea Tree is a small tree or shrub with needle-like leaves. It is also domestically referred to as Ti-tree. It can grow up to 20 feet in height and thrives in marshy areas, though it is now cultivated in plantations. The Tea Tree is very robust; it is ready for cutting only two years after its previous harvest.

Common Uses: Melaleuca (Tea Tree) Essential Oil is a high-grade therapeutic oil, and is best known as a very powerful immune stimulant. It can help to fight all three categories of infectious organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses), and there is evidence that Tea Tree Oil massages prior to an operation may help to fortify the body and reduce post-operative shock. Used in vapor therapy, Tea Tree Oil can help with colds, measles, sinusitis and viral infections. For skin and hair, Tea Tree has been used to combat acne, oily skin, head lice and dandruff.

Blends well with: Clary Sage, Clove, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Rosemary and Thyme.

Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Dilution not required. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Melaleuca

Acne One of the more common tea tree oil uses, add a drop to your normal cleansing route, or dab a very small amount on acne breakouts.

Earache Place 1-2 drops on a cotton ball and place over the ear. Never place essential oils IN the ear. Also consider alternating Basil essential oil.

Cuts Use a very small amount, possibly diluted, over the area of concern several times a day.

Athlete's Foot Add a drop to your shoes, massage into the feet, or soak in a foot bath of sea salt and 2-3 drops of Melaleuca. Oregano and Lemon are also helpful here.

Warts Apply 1 drop directly to the wart, diluting if necessary for sensitive skin.


Melissa (Melissa officinalis) 5 ml Aroma: Calming and uplifting

Uses: Calms the nerves and eases headaches

Strong antiviral (helps cold sores)

Botanical Name: Melissa officinalis

Plant Part: Leaves

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: Melissa Leaf, commonly known as lemon balm, comes from a sweet smelling, bushy herb that grows up to nearly three feet high with serrated leaves and tiny white or pink flowers.

Common Uses: Melissa Leaf Essential Oil is well known for its anti-depressant and uplifting properties. It is also reported to have uses as an antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, cordial, diaphoretic, nervine, sedative, stomachic, sudorific and tonic.

Blends well with: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Rose and Ylang-ylang

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Melissa

Cold Sores One of the best uses for Melissa essential oil! Dab a small amount directly on the area as soon as you feel a cold sore coming on, and several more times throughout the day.

Vertigo Inhale directly from the bottle as needed, or apply a small amount over the forehead.

Stress Place a drop of Melissa oil in your palm, rub between your hands, cup over your nose and mouth, and breathe slowly for up to 30 seconds or more. Do this daily or as desired.

Migraine Relief Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil and rub onto both wrists, neck pulse points, a dab just under the nose and a dab at each temple, well away from the eyes. Overwhelm Inhale directly from the bottle, or massage 1 drop over the solar plexus, heart, or brow.


Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) 15 ml Aroma: Uplifting Uses: Helps skin conditions (wrinkles, stretch marks, chapped, cracked) Reduces inflammation and promotes wound healing

Botanical Name: Commiphora myrrha Plant Part: Resin Extraction Method: Benzyl Benzoate Solvent Extraction

Description: Myrrh is a reddish resin collected from the short thorny tree of the Commiphora myrrha plant. The trunk exudes a natrual oleoresin that hardens into what is classified as reddish brown "tears." Native collectors make incisions into the trees in order to increase the yield.

Common Uses: Indian Myrrh Essential Oil contains a number of flavonoids which assist in reducing inflammation and boosts the immune system. It is also reputed to be valued as a tonic, and is said to have antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. Indian Myrrh Essential Oil is very aromatic and is thought to enhance spirituality. Aromatherapists use both Myrrh and Frankincense to draw on the deeply meditative and healing quality of the oils.

Usage Directions: Since this essential oil has a slightly thick consistency, We would recommend placing the bottle in a very hot water bath, changing the water frequently and once it is back to the liquid state be sure to shake before use.

Blends well with: Frankincense, Lavender, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood, Tea Tree and Thyme

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dark place. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Myrrh

Stretch Marks Massage 2-3 drops over the area of concern daily. For help in preventing stretch marks use 2-3 times a day with fractionated coconut oil and even an anti-aging blend to increase skin health and regeneration.

Hyperthyroidism (Underactive) Diffuse or inhale from your hands several times a day, apply several drops topically over the thyroid, and consider layering with Lemongrass and Frankincense.

Pain Management Massage several drops of myrrh oil topically over the area of concern as desired. Consider layering with Frankincense.

Fear Diffuse as desired or place 1-2 drops in your palms and cup over the nose and mouth while you breathe naturally.

Wrinkles Massage 1-2 drops into the area of concern daily, avoid getting any oil in the eyes.


Oregano (Origanum vulgare) 15ml Aroma: Feel secure and safe Uses: Immune stimulating, antiviral and antibacterial Helps fight infections

Botanical Name: Origanum vulgare Plant Part: Herb Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: Oregano is an upright perennial herb, growing to about thirty two inches with a straight stem covered in hair. The leaves are dark green and oval in shape. It will also have a profusion of pink flowers clustered in heads at the top of the branches.

Common Uses: Due to high carvacrol and thymol content, Organic Oregano Essential Oil is considered to be "nature's cure all" as it is reputed to have potent antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-parasitic properties. In topical applications, Organic Oregano Oil can be used to treat itches, skin infections, cuts and wounds; and because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective against swelling and pain caused by rheumatism. For aromatherapy purposes, Organic Oregano Oil is useful in blends to treat symptoms associated with colds, flus, bronchitis and other respiratory ailments. It can also be used as a fragrance component in soaps, colognes and perfume, especially men's fragrances.

Blends well with: Lavender, Rosemary, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Cypress, Cedarwood, Tea Tree and Eucalyptus

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Oregano

Immune System (Natural Antibiotic) Use on the soles of the feet or bottom of big toe when you feel like you are getting sick. Only use when you feel like you are getting sick, it is considered a natural antibiotic so you don’t topically use every day. You can diffuse in the air daily to build immunity.

Warts Dilute the Oregano essential oil with a 1:3 ratio and apply a drop of the mixture of the area of concern 1-2 times a day. Consider adding Melaleuca, as well.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Massage the oil into the hands, wrists and up the forearms, upper arms and shoulders. Be sure to use movement that goes up the arm (toward the heart).

Fungal Infections Can be used topically or inhaled aromatically according to the type and location of infection.

Muscle Aches Dilute within coconut oil and massage into the muscles, moving toward the heart.


Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) 15 ml Aroma: Calming and relaxing physically and mentally Uses: Helps prevent wrinkles Speed the healing of wounds and fades scars

Botanical Name: Pogostemon cablin Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: Patchouli is a very fragrant herb with soft oval leaves and square stems. It grows from 2 to 3 feet in height and provides an unusual odor that is nonetheless characteristic of patchouli when the leaves are rubbed. The color of the patchouli oil is affected by the distillation machine. If distillation is done in a stainless steel vessel the color of the oil will be light, but if done in an iron vessel the color will be darker.

Common Uses: Patchouli is recognized by aromatherapists as being effective for combating nervous disorders, helping with dandruff, sores, skin irritations and acne. The specific properties include use as an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-emetic, antimicrobial, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antitoxic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, digestive, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, nerving, prophylactic, stimulating and tonic agent. In the perfumery industry, it is interesting to note that Patchouli improves with age, and that the aged product is what is preferred over freshly harvested. In aromatherapy, Patchouli is an excellent fixative that can help extend other, more expensive oils.

Blends well with: Sandalwood, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Rose, Wild Orange, Cassia and Myrrh

Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dark place. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Patchouli

Wrinkles Consider applying 1-2 drops of Patchouli essential oil to your daily skin care routine, or apply a small dab topically to acne prone areas as desired.

Wounds Gently apply 1-2 drops over or around the area of concern. Also use Melaleuca to prevent infections.

Yoga Before practicing, add 1-2 drops to the palm of your hand, cup over the nose and mouth, and breathe naturally for several minutes. Or massage into the soles of the feet.

Hives Gently apply 1-2 drops over the area of concern. Consider laying with Lavender.

Dandruff Add 1-2 drops to your normal haircare routine each day.


Peppermint (Mentha piperita) 15 ml Aroma: Fresh and cool Uses: For headaches and upset stomachs Repels rodents from your home

Botanical Name: Mentha piperita Plant Part: Herb Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: The Peppermint plant is a summer-growing perennial with upright square stems reaching three feet in height at maturity.

Common Uses: Peppermint Supreme Essential Oil is widely credited with being a digestive aid. Peppermint leaves contain menthol, which is a proven aid to digestion. The familiar aroma of Mentha piperita is known for both its warming and cooling properties. Friendly to the sinuses, peppermint is also useful to the muscular system, especially for women during monthly cycles or menopause. Properties include being refreshing, a mental stimulant and energizing. It relieves bad breath and is a good nerve tonic that helps with mental fatigue and nervous stress.

Blends well with: Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Lime, Marjoram, Rosemary, Spearmint and Thyme.

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Peppermint

Headaches Peppermint oil seems to increase blood flow by dilating blood vessels. Use just a tiny dab over the source of the pain, being careful to avoid the eyes, or use aromatically through the room with a diffuser. Mix with Lavender and Frankincense for added support.

Nausea/ Motion Sickness Add a drop to car seats or on a small cloth to rest on the dashboard for driving. Add a drop to shirt collars or hankies for boats, planes, etc.

Muscle Aches Massage essential oil of Peppermint into aching muscles for a cooling, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving effect.

Heartburn Use it topically by rubbing it into the chest.

Chronic Fatigue Peppermint is uplifting and invigorating, and will aid in increasing energy levels and alertness. Diffuse through the room or apply to the soles of the feet with socks (mostly because it'll make your feet cold).


Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) 5 ml Aroma: Very calming and relaxing Uses: Natural sedative good for insomnia Anti-inflammatory soothes sprains and swellings

Botanical Name: Anthemis nobilis Plant Part: Flowers Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Description: This is the low growing perennial that rarely exceeds 30cm. The plant is extensively grown in central and Eastern Europe. Leaves are lacy and finely divided on stems capped with small, white daisy-like flowers.

Common Uses: The properties of Organic Chamomile Oil would indicate that is effective for skin care (for most skin-types), acne, allergies, boils, burns, eczema, inflamed skin conditions, earache, wounds, menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome, headache, insomnia, nervous tension and other stress related disorders. It generally has a low toxicity, and is used commercially in shampoos for fair hair as it can lighten hair color.

Blends well with: Bergamot, Clary Sage, Lavender, Geranium, Jasmine, Patchouli, Tea Tree, Rose Lemon and Ylang-ylang.

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Dilution not required. Safe for children over 2. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Roman Chamomile Insomnia Use aromatically or topically to bring about rest. Nerve Pain, Inflammation or Fatigue Use during a full body massage, or along the muscle groups affected by the nervous system. Rub into the base of the head and across the reflex points of the feet. Muscle Spasms, Cramps and Tension Massage into the area with a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil. Rashes Roman Chamomile essential oil is very soothing to irritated skin. Add 3-4 drops into a teaspoon of carrier oil and massage into the area 1-2 times a day.

Menopause May help calm the endocrine system when used topically. Massage into feet daily, or back of the neck.


Rose (Rosa damascena) 5 ml Aroma: Uplifting and stimulating to the mind Uses: Cooling and astringent benefits, useful for headache and tired eyes Restore moisture balance and diminish broken capillaries Botanical Name: Rosa damascena Plant Part: Flowers Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: The rose is one of the world’s best known flowers - stunning and exotic in both visual appearance and aroma. Otto is a Bulgarian word for "oil". It’s used to differentiate the steam distilled from the absolute. The production of this oil is vary labor intensive; the flowers are carefully handpicked at a particular time of day, when the fragrance of the flower is at its strongest. Since the oil is steam distilled, it only contains the natural essences of the rose petals as opposed to solvent extracted that possibly contains minute amounts of hexane. Common Uses: Aromatherapists credit Rose Otto as having uplifting, aphrodisiac and spirit balancing properties. The pleasing aroma of Rose Otto is great for meditation. This product is very common in perfumery and aromatic industries. It’s a good emollient and it’s excellent for skin preparation especially focusing on dry, sensitive and mature skin. Blends well with: Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Melissa, Patchouli, Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Rose

Wrinkles Dilute 1 drop per 1-2 teaspoons of raw coconut oil, and apply 1-2 drops of the mixture to your skin each night before bed.

Aphrodisiac Dilute to your preference and massage over solar plexus, heart, and reflex points of the feet.

Postpartum Depression Rose oils benefits the limbic system when used aromatically. Consider massaging a small amount over the heart daily, inhaling from the hands afterward, or diffusing as desired.

Scarring Apply a small amount (diluted if desired) to the area of concern, such as a healing wound, 1-2 times a day. Consider creating a blend with Helichrysum essential oil as well.

Skin, Dry Dilute 1 drop of Rose essential oil in 1-2 teaspoons of fractionated coconut oil and apply 1 drop nightly.


Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) 15 ml Aroma: Keeps in mind alert and focused Uses: Analgesic (relieve pain) and anti-inflammatory for arthritis pain Helps your brain perform (memory recall and performance on tests) Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis Plant Part: Herb Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: An aromatic shrub, Rosmarinus officinalis has scaly bark and dense, leathery needlelike leaves. Tiny pale blue blossoms abound from December through spring. Rosemary can grow to heights of five to six feet in height. Common Uses: Rosemary Spanish Essential Oil stimulates cell renewal and improves dry or mature skin, easing lines and wrinkles. It can also clear acne, blemishes or dull dry skin by fighting bacteria and regulating oil secretions. It improves circulation and can reduce the appearance of broken capillaries and varicose veins. Rosemary Essential Oil helps to overcome mental fatigue and sluggishness by stimulating and strengthening the entire nervous system. It enhances mental clarity while aiding alertness and concentration. Rosemary Oil can help you cope with stressful conditions and see things from a clearer perspective. Blends well with: Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Ginger, Lemon, Orange and Peppermint Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children. Not for high blood pressure or epilepsy people. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Rosemary

Focus Diffuse Rosemary oil throughout the room, inhale directly from the bottle, rub over the temples, or apply to the toes regularly. Consider adding Lemon essential oil.

Low Blood Pressure Consider both direct inhalation and/or topical use over the heart several times a day. Inflammation Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern or into the reflex points of the feet. Respiratory Infections Massage 1-2 drops over the chest and throat, and into the reflex points of the feet multiple times a day. Nerves Add a single drop of Rosemary essential oil to the hands, rub together, and cup over the mouth and nose to flood the senses for up to a minute.


Sandalwood (Santalum album) 5 ml Aroma: Encourages deep relaxation Uses: Calms nervous system to enhance meditation Known as a natural sleep remedy produces melatonin Botanical Name: Santalum album Plant Part: Wood Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Sandalwood is an evergreen, parasitic tree that burrows its roots into other trees and it can grow up to 30 feet high and has a brown-gray trunk, many smooth slender branches, leathery leaves and small pink-purple flowers. It can take thirty to sixty years for a tree to reach full maturity. That is when it can be harvested and distilled. Common Uses: Sandalwood East Indian Essential Oil is used by aromatherapists to combat bronchitis, chapped and dry skin, depression, laryngitis, leucorrhea, oily skin, scars, sensitive skin, stress, and stretch marks. It also has historical applications as an aid in meditation for religious ceremonies. Sandalwood East Indian is believed to create an exotic, sensual mood with a reputation as an aphrodisiac. It also has extensive uses in the perfume industry as a fixative, and use in body care products for the fragrance it provides. Blends well with: Jasmine, Ylang-ylang, Patchouli, Vetiver and Rose. Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Dilution

not required. Store in cool, dark place. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and

Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Sandalwood Insomnia Use 1-2 drops over the brow or forehead, and breathe in the aroma slowly. Wrinkles/Fine Lines Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern, either undiluted or with a moisturizer or carrier of your choice. Stress Diffuse as needed, use 1-2 drops over the brow, or massage into the back of the neck as desired. Psoriasis Massage 1-2 drops of Sandalwood essential oil into the area of concern 1 or more times a day. Menstrual Cramps Massage 1-2 drops total of Frankincense, Vetiver and Sandalwood essential oils over the area of concern at first sign, and then every hour as desired.


Spearmint (Mentha spicata) 15 ml Aroma: Uplifting Uses: Increases metabolism helps burn fat and toxins Natural home remedy for nausea Botanical Name: Mentha spicata Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Spearmint is a native of the Mediterranean area. A hardy perennial herb, Spearmint reaches about 3 feet in height. It has characteristic lance-shaped leaves with pink or lilac-colored flowers. Common Uses: Aromatherapists claim the therapeutic properties of Spearmint Essential Oil are: as a local/topical anesthetic, antispasmodic, astringent, decongestant, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant and restorative. It is also believed to be an uplifting oil, great for alleviating fatigue and depression. Blends well with: Basil, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Lavender and Rosemary. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of

reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for small children. These statements have not been

evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Spearmint

Metabolism Consider diffusing or massaging into the reflex points of the feet or over the abdomen.

Indigestion/ Gas/ Nausea Dilute 1 drop and massage in a clockwise rotation over the abdomen.

Nervous System Support Add to a massage oil, diffuse as desired, or apply a diluted amount to the soles of the feet.

Hypertension Diffuse Spearmint essential oil throughout the day, or consider adding to a massage oil.

Public Speaking Diffuse as desired or dilute and massage over solar plexus or heart.


Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) 15 ml Aroma: Mentally stimulating and helps concentration Uses: Antioxidant that supports the immune and respiratory system Helps with snoring, rub on the base of the big toe Botanical Name: Thymus vulgaris Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: The Thyme plant is an evergreen perennial shrub that grows up to 18 inches in height. It has a woody root system, a multi-branched stem, small elliptical greenish gray aromatic leaves and pale purple or white flowers. Thyme is derived from the Greek word 'thymos' that means 'perfume'. Common Uses: Thyme Essential Oil has been used effectively as a bactericide, antiseptic, antimicrobial, astringent, antispasmodic, antitoxic, diuretic, antifungal, insecticide, tonic, and as an immune stimulant. Thyme Oil can assist with nervous complaints, respiratory problems, poor circulation and problems of the digestive system. It should also be noted that the active ingredient Thymol may crystallize in temperatures below 20 degree Celsius. The more thymol present, the greater it’s propensity for altering states. Directions to Use: We would recommend placing the bottle in a very hot water bath, changing the water frequently and once it is back to the liquid state be sure to shake before use. Blends well with: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lavender and Rosemary. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Not for high blood pressure people. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Thyme

Snoring Apply one drop (possibly diluted) to the big toe before bed each night.

Respiratory Support Use a steam tent, diffuse throughout the room, or dilute and apply over the chest as needed. Croup Diffuse nearby. If applying to children it should be highly diluted (1 drop per tablespoon), and not used topically on kids under 6. You might consider diluting and having them inhale from your hands. Concentration Diffuse throughout periods of homework, desk work, or other times when focus is needed. Eczema/ Psoriasis Dilute with raw coconut oil and apply a small amount topically to the areas of concern.


Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides) 15 ml Aroma: Grounding, calming and balancing Uses: Promotes restful sleep For all thing muscular (rheumatism, sprains and arthritis) Botanical Name: Vetiveria zizanoides Plant Part: Root Extraction Method: Solvent Extraction Description: Vetiver Essential Oil is derived from the complex white root system of a grass used in India and Sri Lanka for the creation of woven matting. Common Uses: Vetiver Essential Oil is said to be deeply relaxing and comforting. It is used as a base note in perfumery and aromatherapy applications. Blends well with: Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, Frankincense, Ginger, Jasmine, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Lemongrass, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang-ylang. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Vetiver

ADD/ADHD Vetiver's calming effect is most potent through aromatic and topical use. Diffuse through the home, use in a bath before bed, massage into the feet and toes, apply to the back of the neck or forehead, or use on the pillow or shirt collar. Insomnia The calming, grounding effect can be found by placing Vetiver essential oil on the pillow, massaging into the soles of the feet, applying to the back of the neck or forehead, or any other topical or aromatic use. Termite Repellant For the most systemic use I would actually suggest planting Vetiver around the home and diffusing it within the home, basement, attic, and into the walls. You can also add it to cotton balls and place them around the house. Night Terrors Use before bed, spritzed onto your pillow, or rubbed into the shoulders to promote peaceful sleep. Balance Promotes a sense of grounding when used aromatically or topically. Inhale directly, place on shirt collar when traveling, massage into the reflex points of the feet.


White Fir (Abies alba) 15 ml Aroma: Physically grounding and relaxing Uses: Great for tired muscles and joints Helps infections (respiratory, sinus, bronchitis, flu and colds) Botanical Name: Abies alba Plant Part: Needles Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: White Fir Essential Oil comes from the Pinus type tree which grows in wide areas of Russia. Common Uses: White Fir is a popular oil used in men's fragrances, bath preparations, air fresheners, herbal oils, soaps and shaving creams. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. DO NOT INGEST. Always dilute for skin. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use White Fir

Colds Great for aches and pains of the common cold, as well as detoxifying the body and the air. Diffuse regularly and massage into the areas of concern.

Muscle Fatigue and Pain Gently massage 1-2 drops of White Fir essential oil into each area of concern, moving toward the heart to assist the lymphatic system in expelling lactic acid buildup. Apply with ice or heat as needed.

Respiratory Congestion Apply with a hot compress, or use aromatically, either diffusing or inhaling from the bottle.

Empowerment Rub a single drop between the palms of the hand, cup over the mouth and nose, and inhale slowly until you're ready to put your superhero cape back on.

Furniture Polish Add several drops to each tablespoon of olive oil (or furniture wax); use the mixture sparingly. Also consider adding Lemon essential oil.


Wild Orange (Citrus sinensis) 15 ml Aroma: Uplifting to the body and mind Uses: Helps maintain normal cellular regeneration Reduces anxiety in high stress places Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis Plant Part: Fruit Peel Extraction Method: Cold Pressed Description: Wild Orange is derived from an evergreen tree. It is smaller than the bitter orange tree, and less hardy with fewer or no spines. The fruit itself has a sweet pulp with no bitter membrane. Common Uses: Properties for Wild Orange Essential Oil are as follows: antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, cordial, deodorant, digestive, stimulant (nervous) and tonic (cardiac, circulatory). It has also been applied to combat colds, constipation, dull skin, flatulence, the flu, gums, slow digestion, and stress. Blends well with: Lavender, Bergamot, Lemon, Clary Sage, Myrrh, Sandalwood and Clove. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. It is phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Wild Orange

Anxiety The aromatic use of Wild Orange can calm the nervous system and the mind. Try rubbing a drop between your hands and cupping to your nose in times of stress.

Uplifting Diffuse throughout the room or place a cotton ball with several drops in a vent for an uplifting effect, add to lotion at night, or inhale from cupped hands.

Jaundice For babies, dilute one drop in 1 tsp of carrier oil an massage gently over the body, especially into the feet.

Immune Support It's the consistent use, especially through cold season, helps to increase your immune system response. Topical or aromatic can be useful.

Diarrhea Massage into the belly counter-clockwise 2-3 times a day to ease an upset stomach.


Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) 15 ml Aroma: Mentally stimulating and increases attentiveness Uses: Contains an aspirin-like chemical that reduces pain and swelling Soothing head tension and muscles after exercise. Botanical Name: Gaultheria procumbens Plant Part: Leaves Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Wintergreen is a small evergreen herb which grows up to 6 in high with slender stems, leathery serrated leaves, drooping white flowers followed by fleshy scarlet berries. Common Uses: Wintergreen Essential Oil has a history of use as a pain reliever. It is also believed to increase the speed of healing for skin disorders, and when added to lotions, acts as a natural moisturizer. Blends well with: Ylang-ylang, Peppermint, Marjoram and Lavender Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. DO NOT INGEST. Always dilute for skin. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Wintergreen

Arthritic Pain Dilute one drop per one teaspoon of fractionated coconut oil, apply 1-2 drops over the affected area, and massage into the joints.

Inflammation Try 1 drop of essential oil of Wintergreen with several drops of carrier oil and gently massage the area of the concern, moving toward the heart, or into the reflex points of the feet.

Pain The methyl salicylate and salicylic acid acts like a natural aspirin. Dilute as needed and massage into the soles of the feet, the back of the neck, or over the area of concern.

Frozen Shoulder Add 1 drop of Wintergreen essential oil to several drops of a massage oil and massage into the shoulder daily or as needed.

Joint Pain Massage into the joint 1-2x a day or as needed.


Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) 15 ml Aroma: Calming and relaxing Uses: Promotes thick, beautiful hair and smooth skin Helpful with high blood pressure, relieves anxiety Botanical Name: Cananga odorata Plant Part: Flowers Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Description: Ylang-ylang Essential Oil is extracted from Cananga odorata – also known as flower of flowers. It is a tall tropical tree about 60 feet high with large, tender, fragrant pink, mauve or yellow flowers. The yellow heads are viewed as being the best in terms of quality. Common Uses: Ylang-ylang Essential Oil can assist with problems such as high blood pressure, rapid breathing and heartbeat, nervous conditions, as well as impotence and frigidity. Spiritual practitioners claim that the users of Ylang-ylang are those who have been drawn to the oil, and who in turn, suit it. Ylang-ylang Essential Oil is best suited for use in the perfumery and skincare industries. Blends well with: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lavender and Sandalwood. Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of reach of children. Dilution not required. Safe for children over 2. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Ylang Ylang

High Blood Pressure Massage into the reflex points of the hands or feet, or directly over the heart to help in calming the autonomic nervous system.

Tension Massage a single drop into the muscle areas of tension; this will give you both the topical and aromatic benefits of Ylang Ylang essential oil.

Hair Loss Massage one drop of Ylang Ylang oil into several drops of coconut oil for hair and massage into the scalp before bed.

Connection Apply one drop over the heart before confrontations, conversations, or meditation to open the heart center.

Emotional Balance For emotional balance, I find that Ylang Ylang oil is best used either over the heart or aromatically.


Defense (Prevention Blend) 15 ml Aroma: Uplifting and energizing


Boosts immunity

Homemade cleaning products

Defense is inHALE's proprietary essential oil blend that supports your healthy immune system. It is also

very useful for its excellent cleansing abilities.

Contains: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary

Cautions: Possible skin sensitivity. If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician. Keep out of

reach of children. Always dilute for skin. Do not take internally.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not

intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Adults Children/Sensitive Pregnancy

Ways to Use Defense

Cleaner Dishes

Add a few drops to your dishwasher.

Boost Immunity

Diffuse in your home to keep the germ count down.

Reduce Mold Problems

Diffuse 15-30 minutes daily in homes or business.


Mix 3 to 5 drops of Defense essential oil with 1 teaspoon of fractionated coconut oil. Rub 2 drops on the

bottom of their feet for protection before school every day.

Disinfect Carpet

Put a few drops in your carpet steamer.

Clean Bathtubs

Mix several drops with baking soda


Energy Roll On 10 ml Our Energy Blend starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend Peppermint,

Rosemary, Lemon and Eucalyptus Essential Oils. Just apply to your wrists and the

bottoms of your feet to give yourself a little extra boost throughout a long day or first

thing in the morning.

Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Focus Roll On 10 ml Our Focus Blend starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend Rosemary

and Lemon. Just apply to your temples and wrists to bring clarity into your world.

Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Happiness Roll On 10 ml Our Happiness Blend starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend Bergamot,

Ylang-ylang and Grapefruit Essential Oils. Just apply to your wrists and temples and

enjoy your day.

Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Headache Helper Roll On 10 ml Our Headache Helper Blend starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend

Eucalyptus, Spearmint, Lavender and Roman Chamomile Essential Oils. Just apply to

your temples and the back of your neck to relieve tension quickly.

Cautions: If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This

product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Immunity Roll On 10 ml Our Immunity Blend starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend

Frankincense, Melaleuca, Rosemary, Lemon, Eucalyptus and Wild Orange Essential

Oils. Just apply to your wrists and the bottoms of your feet to boost your immunity.

Cautions: If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.


inHALE Roll On 10 ml Our inHALE Blend starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend

Eucalyptus, Cardamom, Rosemary, Juniper Berry and Hyssop Essential Oils. Just

apply to your chest, back and bottoms of your feet and breathe easy.

Cautions: If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Meditation Roll On 10 ml Our Meditation Blend starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend Ylang-

ylang, Patchouli, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Wild Orange and Thyme Essential

Oils. Just apply to your temples and wrists to bring out your inner Zen.

Cautions: If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Muscle Relief Roll On 10 ml Our Muscle Relief Blend starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend

Helichrysum, Wintergreen, Peppermint, Camphor and Pine Essential Oils. Just apply

to sore and tired muscles after your workout for relief.

Cautions: If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

Sleep Roll On 10 ml Our Sleep Blend starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend Roman

Chamomile and Lavender to help soothe you to sleep. Just apply to the palms of your

hands and the bottoms of your feet before your head hits the pillow.

Cautions: If pregnant or under doctor’s care consult your physician.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This

product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Stress b Gone Roll On 10 ml Our Stress-b-Gone starts with our Fractionated Coconut oil. We then blend Bergamot,

Patchouli, Blood Orange, Ylang-Ylang and Grapefruit Essential Oils. Just apply to

your wrists and the bottoms of your feet to feel your stress ease and disappear.

Cautions: If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug

Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent




Acne Melaleuca, Lavender, Oregano, Bergamot & Rosemary Topical

ADD/ADHD Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood, Vetiver Topical and Aromatic

Allergies Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint and Melaleuca Topical and Aromatic

Arthritis Frankincense, Lavender, Rosemary, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Helichrysum


Blisters Lavender, Lemon and Melaleuca Topical

Blood Pressure High: Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram and Ylang Ylang Low: Rosemary

Topical and Aromatic

Bronchitis Defense, Eucalyptus, Basil, Thyme, White Fir, Rosemary, Cypress, Marjoram and Peppermint

Topical and Aromatic

Bug Bites & Stings Lavender and Melaleuca Topical

Burns & Sunburns Lavender, Helichrysum and Rose Topical

Cholesterol Clary Sage, Helichrysum and Lemongrass Topical

Cold Sores Melissa, Lemon, Bergamot and Melaleuca Topical

Colds and Flu Defense, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, White Fir, Cassia and Black Pepper

Topical and Aromatic

Depression Bergamot, Cedarwood, Lemon and Frankincense Topical and Aromatic

Diarrhea Peppermint, Ginger and Wild Orange Topical

Earache Basil and Melaleuca Topical (only outside ear)

Eczema/ Psoriasis Helichrysum, Cedarwood, Thyme and Bergamot Topical

Fatigue Peppermint, Rosemary, Basil, Geranium and Eucalyptus

Topical and Aromatic

Fever Eucalyptus, Lavender and Peppermint Topical and Aromatic

Fungal Infection Black Pepper, Cassia, Oregano and Melaleuca Topical

Hangover Grapefruit, Juniper Berry, Lavender and Lemon Topical and Aromatic

Headache & Migraines Melissa, Jasmine, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender and Rosemary

Topical and Aromatic

Hot Flashes Clary Sage and Jasmine Topical

Inflammation Helichrysum, Wintergreen, Marjoram and Peppermint Topical

Insect Repellent Lemongrass, Lavender, Eucalyptus and Citronella Topical and Aromatic

Insomnia Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Jasmine, Vetiver and Sandalwood

Topical and Aromatic

Joint Pain Wintergreen, White Fir and Marjoram Topical

Menstrual Cramps Jasmine, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Clary Sage, Peppermint and Fennel, Sweet


Metabolism Grapefruit and Spearmint Topical and Aromatic

Nausea/ Motion Sick Ginger, Peppermint and Fennel, Sweet Topical and Aromatic

Night Terror Juniper Berry and Vetiver Topical and Aromatic

Nosebleed Cypress, Helichrysum, Geranium and Lemon Topical

Poison Ivy/Oak Lavender, Roman Chamomile and Rose Topical

Rashes Lavender, Roman Chamomile and Melaleuca Topical

Scars Frankincense, Lavender, Myrrh and Patchouli Topical

Sinus Congestion Eucalyptus , Peppermint, Rosemary and Melaleuca Topical and Aromatic

Snoring Marjoram and Thyme Topical (bottom of big toe)

Stress Bergamot, Lavender, Jasmine, Wild Orange, Ylang Ylang, Grapefruit, Lime and Cedarwood

Topical and Aromatic

Stretch Marks Helichrysum, Lavender, Frankincense and Myrrh Topical

Thyroid Lemongrass, Myrrh and Frankincense (Underactive) Topical

Tinnitus Geranium, Helichrysum, Juniper Berry and Peppermint Topical (only outside ear)

Toothache Clove, Melaleuca and Peppermint Topical

Varicose Veins Cypress, Geranium, Helichrysum, Lemon, Bergamot, Lemongrass and Peppermint


Warts Oregano, Melaleuca, Frankincense and Clove Topical

Wrinkles Helichrysum, Rose, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Frankincense and Myrrh


*Information contained in this chart in not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.


Essential Oil Cheat Sheet

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Aroma: Mentally stimulating Uses: - Anti-inflammatory used for pain - Natural muscle relaxer

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) Aroma: Uplifting & relaxing Uses: - Helps symptoms of colic & gas - Beneficial for anxiety

Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) Aroma: Stimulating & empowering Uses: - Helps with heartburn & nausea - Fungal infections & infections

Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) Aroma: Stimulating Uses: - Boosts the immune system - For toe nail fungus

Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) Aroma: Helps calm anger Uses: - Maintains respiratory function - Repels moths & other insects

Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus) Aroma: Calming Uses: - Insect repellant - Astringent for oily skin

Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) Aroma: Peaceful and euphoric Uses: - Stimulates hair growth - Helps balance hormones

Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) Aroma: improves memory Uses: - Relieves tooth pain - For respiratory problems

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) Aroma: Mentally grounding Uses: - Help stop nosebleeds - Reduces water retention

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata) Aroma: Calming Uses: - Helps respiratory infections - Relief of sinus headache

Fennel, Sweet (Foeniculum vulgare) Aroma: Promotes courage Uses: - Assists with digestive troubles - Stimulates estrogen production

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) Aroma: Uplifting & centering Uses: - Strengthens the immune system - Controls emotion

Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) Aroma: Eases nervous tension Uses: - Promotes cell regeneration - Repels mosiquitos

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Aroma: Physically energized Uses: - Helps with digestive upsets - Aids in circulation

Grapefruit (Citrus X paradisi) Aroma: Uplifting to body & mind Uses: - Clean toxins from the body - Increases energy & stamina

Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) Aroma: Feel secure & safe Uses: - Anti aging for skin - Regulates cholesterol

Jasmine (Jasminum grandiflora) Aroma: Uplifting & relaxing Uses: - Hormonal balance - Alleviates anxiety & stress

Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis) Aroma: Creates feeling of peace Uses: - Helps prevent wrinkles - Supports kidney function

Lavender (Lavendula augustifolia) Aroma: Calming & relaxing Uses: - Helps with insomnia - Calms bug bites & bee stings

Lemon (Citrus limon) Aroma: Uplifting to body & mind Uses: - Promotes immunity - Helps cold sores & blisters

Lemongrass (Cymbopogan flexuosus) Aroma: Purifies the mind Uses: - Anti-inflammatory - Insect repellent & safe for pets

Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Aroma: Uplifting Uses: - Natural immune booster - Combats bacterial infections

Marjoram (Origanum majorana) Aroma: Calms the nerves Uses: - Helps pain with sprains & arthritis - Helps with snoring

Melaleuca (Melaleuca alternifolia) Aroma: Refreshing & cleansing Uses: - Heals wounds, bites & acne - Relieves earache pain

Melissa (Melissa officinalis) Aroma: Calming & uplifting Uses: - Eases headaches & migraines - Strong antiviral (helps cold sores)

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) Aroma: Uplifting Uses: - Help stretch marks & wrinkles - Promotes wound healing

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Aroma: Feel secure & safe Uses: - Immune stimulating - Removes warts

Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) Aroma: Calming & relaxing Uses: - Helps prevent wrinkles - Heals wounds & fades scars

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Aroma: Fresh & cool Uses: - For headaches & tummy aches - Repels rodents from your home

Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) Aroma: Very calming & relaxing Uses: - Natural sedative, helps sleep - Anti-inflammatory for sprains

Rose (Rosa damascena) Aroma: Uplifting & stimulating Uses: - Best for wrinkles & skin - Aphrodisiac

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Aroma: Keeps mind alert Uses: - Anti-inflammatory for arthritis - Helps your brain perform

Sandalwood (Santalum album) Aroma: Promotes deep relaxation Uses: - Calms nervous system - Produces melatonin, helps sleep

Spearmint (Mentha spicata) Aroma: Uplifting Uses: - Increase metabolism - Natural remedy for nausea

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Aroma: Helps concentration Uses: - Support immune & respiratory - Helps with snoring

Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides) Aroma: Grounding & balancing Uses: - Promotes restful sleep - For all things muscular

White Fir (Abies alba) Aroma: Physically grounding Uses: - For tired muscles & joints - Helps respiratory infections

Wild Orange (Citrus sinensis) Aroma: Uplifting to the mind Uses: - Reduces high stress - Aides in immune support

Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) Aroma: Increases attentiveness Uses: - Reduces pain & swelling - Soothes muscles after exercise

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) Aroma: Calming & relaxing Uses: - Promotes beautiful, thick hair - Helps high blood pressure