the wrongway legacy: 3.8

Welcome to part eight of generation three of the Wrongway Legacy! It's the final part of generation three! Last time, Will and Rose sorted out their differences concerning the Wronglands, Austin met Robin while she was visiting Rubix, we had a peek in at Hex to find him emotionally broken after Kendra's disappearance, and then Hercules had a go at him over the identity of his true father, we also had a look in at Austin's home-life and relationship with his 'sister'. Aphrodite got upset because Austin had met the perfect girl, and he kissed her, perhaps just to keep her happy. Lavender and Rose went for a walk with their adorable but mischievous brother, Forrest. Cassidy fell ill, Austin had dinner with his Dad, Kendra had Hex's baby, Cassidy passed away. Lavender offered to take Robin to mansion her ancestors 'used' to live in... Which is where we are now! I recommend reading previous chapters, but that's up to you.

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Post on 08-May-2015



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Page 1: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.8

Welcome to part eight of generation three of the Wrongway Legacy! It's the final part of generation three!

Last time, Will and Rose sorted out their differences concerning the Wronglands, Austin met Robin while she was visiting Rubix, we had a peek in at Hex to find him emotionally broken after Kendra's disappearance, and then Hercules had a go at him over the identity of his true father, we also had a look in at Austin's home-life and relationship with his 'sister'. Aphrodite got upset because Austin had met the perfect girl, and he kissed her, perhaps just to keep her happy. Lavender and Rose went for a walk with their adorable but mischievous brother, Forrest. Cassidy fell ill, Austin had dinner with his Dad, Kendra had Hex's baby, Cassidy passed away. Lavender offered to take Robin to mansion her ancestors 'used' to live in...

Which is where we are now! I recommend reading previous chapters, but that's up to you.

Page 2: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.8

“This is it,” Lavender breathed, glancing at the front door to the house. She didn't want to admit it, but that door sent chills down her spine.

“Doesn't look like anyone lives there now,” Robin commented, watching the house, “I think we should go inside.”


“It's abandoned, Lavender. It'll be interesting, come on.”

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“Oh well, it's locked. Guess we'll have to leave it, then.” Lavender smiled, weakly. Robin stepped up to the door.

“Nah, I can get it open. I always used to get the door open at home when my Mum forgot her keys,” Robin knocked and punched at the door, until it sluggishly eased open, “bingo!”

Robin wandered inside straight away, leaving Lavender to dither outside momentarily, before following her in.

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“You know, for an abandoned house, it's in remarkably good shape.” Robin said, breaking the eerie silence that had fallen over the room.

“That's rather odd...” Lavender replied, in a small voice. She was uncertain about many things in life, and wandering round an abandoned house was no exception.

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The pair of them climbed the stairs and gazed around the landing, incredulously

Lavender smiled a little, “It's quite pretty, really. Your ancestors were lucky to own such a big house.”

“Didn't yours?” Robin asked, voice echoing round the empty room, “I heard there was a legacy family living in this town.”

“Yeah,” Lavender grinned, “my Mum's the current heiress.”

“Oh, that's cool!” Robin commented, and pushed through a door, exploring.

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“Oh!” Robin said, in surprise, looking into the room, “This one looks lived in...the computer's still on and everything.”

“It looks familiar, too, for some reason.”

“Maybe we shouldn't go in there.” Robin turned to leave the room, glancing over her shoulder one more.

“Maybe we should go.” Lavender replied. Robin shook her head in disagreement.

“It's an adventure,” Robin decided, she chose a door, “that room, next.”

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Lavender went into the room first, and immediately wished she hadn't. Gasping, she instinctively took a step back, though she knew running would be useless.

“What's in there, Lavender?” Robin questioned, curiously.

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“Look over there, Ariel, it seems a couple of legacy brats have wandered into our house...” Ralph said, unsmiling.

Ariel smirked a little, “It's unplanned, but I don't think we should let our guests leave for a while.”

“Yes, how impolite that would be. Come in, you two, have a seat!”

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Lavender and Robin complied, thinking if they did as they were told, they would be safer. Of course, no one was safe near Ralph. They weren't bound to the chairs, but they knew if they moved, they would risk their well-being.

“Well I recognise this one as legacy scum,” Ralph hissed in the direction of Lavender, “but who is the other brat?”

“The blonde one? Never seen her before. Doesn't look like anyone from round here.”

“Ah, so we've trapped ourselves a tourist.”

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“Pretty little thing, isn't she?” Ariel cackled, moving round to get a better look. Robin turned her head.

“Lavender,” she whispered, “who are these people?”

“They hate my family and the legacy, they're Ariel and Ralph Wrongway-”

“I have a great grandfather called Ralph Wrongway...from Rubix...” Robin trailed off, worried. Was she related to these people?

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“So, blondie,” Ralph said, roughly, interrupting Robin's thoughts, “tell me who you are.”

“I'm Robin Wrongway, visiting Rubix”

“So you are part of the Wrongway brats thriving in this town? I hadn't realised any of the spares had moved away...”

“No, I'm not related to anyone in this town.” Robin replied, well, according to my knowledge, anyway.

“I suppose it doesn't matter. I'm going to kill you, anyway.” Ralph responded, dismissively.

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When Ralph moved back into the corner, and started planning his next move, Robin turned slightly, and whispered to Lavender.

“I'm sorry,” Robin sighed, “I got us into this mess...”

“Don't worry about it.” Lavender murmured back, though she herself was deeply worried, not just about herself, but about them both.


Page 13: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.8

At the Supernatural Court, Hex and Phillip were in the garden, focusing on power, after working on magic for three hours or so.

“So focus, if you're in a position of weakness, what do you do?” Phillip questioned.

“Stay calm.”


“Keep a level head, think clearly, and remember what options you have.” Suddenly, Hex dropped his stance.

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“Did you feel that power surge?” Hex questioned. Phillip blinked, and nodded.

“I did, it was unusual. Perhaps a High Witch just drove into town?” Phillip suggested.

“Actually, Phil...I think that the bloodlines are mixing together dangerously...I have to go.”

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“Where will you look for them?” Phillip raised an eyebrow.

“I'll start at Ralph's, and if they're not there, I'll try the house of every Wrongway in town,” Hex nodded, “I need to phone Grace about it, too.”


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At Ralph's, things had not improved. But luckily, they hadn't worsened either.

“What are you waiting for, Ralph?” Ariel demanded, “Christmas?”

“Not likely. I'm just not satisfied with the non-legacy brat's back story. How can she be a Wrongway, but not legacy or relation to me?”

“Who cares, Ralph? The brats broke into our house and were wandering around! Maybe they stole something!”

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“Breaking and entering, and potentially thieves, huh? Then it is our duty to society to make sure they are punished for their actions, no?”

Ralph grinned at Ariel, while Robin's frown deepened.

Nodding once, Ralph laughed a little, “I'll get the gun.”

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Downstairs, Aphrodite wandered in, back from hanging out with Austin all afternoon – Hercules hadn't shown up, and Aphrodite was not about to turn down an excuse to spend an afternoon with Austin.

Pausing slightly, Aphrodite noticed the house was oddly quiet.

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As Aphrodite climbed the stairs, she heard strange noises coming from the back room. She had vowed never to go in there – she knew it was where her father 'developed his thoughts'.

Aphrodite automatically went to her own room.

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Things were different this time, though. Ariel was cackling louder, Ralph's voice, though muffled by the walls, was definitely louder. She could escape the sounds of them.

That's when she heard another sound. A voice she didn't recognise, sounding upset.

Oh Wright. They have people in there this time. They're not just thinking up evil plans, they're putting them into action. Oh no...what do I do? Aphrodite decided that she wasn't going to sit around and do nothing. She got to her feet, dizzy with nerves.

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Aphrodite burst into the room, and she was furious, “I don't care what you do in here, but you do not hurt other people!”

Silence fell over the room as she realised who were sitting in the chairs near Ralph and Ariel.


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At the Wrongway house, Grace and Orlando were sat on either side of Cassidy's grave.

“I think I've chosen an heir, Orlando.” Grace admitted.

“You didn't speed up your decision because Cassidy passed away, did you? Take as much time as you need.” Orlando smiled, comfortingly.

Grace shook her head, “I chose because it's about time I did. Orlando...what do you say to Lavender being our heiress?”

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Liam sat down with the others, “You chose the heir?”

“Yeah, I think so,” Grace smiled, “I'm thinking Lavender for our heiress.”

“Well, I came down into the garden to tell you Hex just called,” Liam's expression turned into a frown, “he said there's a problem over at Ralph's...and one of the kids is there.”

Grace's eyes widened, “What?! Which one of our children?”

“Lavender's the only one who isn't home...”

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Once Grace had rushed off, Liam tried to smile reassuringly. Orlando frowned.

“Don't worry, I'm sure they'll both be fine.” Liam said, optimistically.

“Yeah,” Orlando agreed, unsure, “they will be fine.”


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Back at Ralph's, Ariel ignored Aphrodite, excercising her magic, but Ralph looked up.

“Hey, sweetie. Don't mind us.”

Aphrodite backed out of the room, tears in her eyes. Ariel lowered her hand, and looked over her shoulder as the door went. She glared at Ralph, and moved to go after her.

“What did you say, Ralph?!” Ariel demanded, angry, “Wait for me. Or else!”

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“Aphrodite, slow down.” Ariel called, tiredly.

“No, I can't believe you're doing this to my friends! And someone we don't even know!” Aphrodite yelled back.

“Where are you going?”

“Doesn't matter! I can't stay here!”

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In the garden outside, Hex moved stealthily from the hedge, checking the balcony twice for signs of life.

Sighing, he shifted his weight, “I need to get a new job.”

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Hex didn't see Grace sitting on the wall waiting for him until he was halfway up the wall. He nearly let go from surprise.

“How did you get here so fast?” He questioned, climbing over the wall as Grace moved out of the way.

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“I drove here. Broke the law too, but I just couldn't stick to the speed limit.” Grace replied, hurriedly.

Hex checked he was unscathed, “I don't blame you, one of your babies is in trouble.”

Grace bit her lip and nodded.

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“Don't worry,” Hex murmured, “we'll rescue them. No one is going to get hurt.”

“Thank you, Hex.”

“You're welcome. It's nice to finally have a Wrongway who trusts me.”

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It took a moment for Hex and Grace to find the right room, but once they did, things began to fall into place. Grace was pleased to find her daughter and the other girl unharmed.

“Ah, you're just in time.” Ralph smiled, and aimed his gun at Robin.

“A villain like you, using a gun?” Hex questioned.

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“It is no ordinary gun, Hex,” Ralph said, pushing some of its buttons, “why do you think I've been silent for almost a generation?”

Hex and Grace moved deeper into the room, both of them worried about the absence of Ariel.


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Elsewhere in Rubix, a husband was getting restless, but was still smiling for the benefit of his son.

“We haven't heard anything. I can't take this waiting any longer.” Orlando grumbled.

Liam shrugged, “We have to wait, Orlando. There's nothing else we can do.”

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Orlando shook his head, “I vowed to be by Grace's side in everything she does. I'm going to stick to my vows. Look after Forrest for me?”

“What? You're going over there?” Liam looked shocked, “You going to leave me sitting at home with Rose and Forrest?”

“That's the plan. Keep them safe for me? I'm going to make sure my wife and my eldest daughter are okay.”

“I understand.” Liam nodded.

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Forrest had been standing behind Orlando and Liam the whole time, playing with bubbles.

It's not fair, he decided, everyone else gets to have adventures. I'm gonna follow Dad. I don't care what anyone says.


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At the Wheeler household, Austin and Meadow were sat on the front porch, deep in discussion, unaware of the events unfolding between Ralph and the Wrongway family.

“So you're growing up soon, right after Forrest's birthday party, right?” Austin smiled.

“Yep! I'm so excited, Austin – I'm going to spend everyday just hanging out like you do.”

“You know, I go to school too, Meadow.” Austin laughed.

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Austin and Meadow continued their conversation on the porch, and neither noticed Aphrodite running up the path.

“AUSTIN!” Aphrodite yelled, causing heads to turn.

“Aphrodite? What's wrong?” Austin asked, getting to his feet.

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Aphrodite panted, out of breath from her run, “Ralph and Ariel have Lavender and Robin!”

Austin raised an eyebrow, “Calm down, we'll get them out of there.”

“I didn't know what to do,” Aphrodite admitted, sadly, “I didn't know who to turn to, what to do-”

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“Aphrodite, calm down.” Austin said, calmly.

“You need to get moving.” Meadow told them, recalling the stories Austin told her about Ralph. Austin glanced over his shoulder and nodded.

“You'll be okay on your own?” Austin asked.

“Dad's home,” Meadow shrugged, “I'll be fine.”

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“Right then, let's go.”


Page 41: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.8

Back at Ralph's house, Orlando walked cautiously into the house, not seeing Ariel slumped against the wall in the corner, where she had been sat since her daughter ran off.

Orlando glanced around, and headed for the stairs.

I know what to do, Ariel grinned.

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Orlando climbed the stairs, carefully listening for any sounds he could associate with his wife. Finding all still, he kept walking, and picked the first door at the top of the stairs.

Ariel shadowed his steps.

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Grace worriedly looked at the door as the handle moved, suspecting it to be Ariel. Hex looked away from the door, focusing on the children. Ralph had yet to make a move but that meant nothing.

There was still time for the entire situation to turn out badly.

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“Knight in shining armour, anyone?” Orlando asked, wandering into the room.

Grace immediately felt relieved when she saw him.

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“I'd advise you not to be so cocky.” Ralph smirked, aiming his gun. Orlando just shrugged, the door behind them opening again.

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Ariel waved her hand menacingly, sparkles forming round her hand, aiming at Grace.

She cursed under her breath, grinning spitefully.

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Orlando moved in front of Grace to defend her as the threatening sparkles increased.

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A sickly-coloured light erupted out of Ariel and attacked Orlando, who had stood as a human shield. Ralph looked on amused, Grace watched in horror, and Orlando...

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...Orlando fell to the floor with a thud, as the sparkles faded away.

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“No. No...” Grace gasped, looking from Orlando to Ariel, and back again.

Suddenly, Grace felt very, very alone.

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Downstairs, the front door was wide open, and Forrest walked in, gazing in wonder at the room.

He had managed to sneak past his grandfather, but he had no idea what was happening upstairs...

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Forrest wandered into the room where the events were taking place, and stared wide-eyed at the people in the room.

“Mum?” He questioned, “Dad? Oh no, Dad!”

Forrest promptly burst into tears.

Page 53: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.8

“Ralph, you have done it now,” Hex said, in a low voice, “by killing a member of the Wrongway line – through blood or by marriage – I can banish you to the other realm.”

“You can't do that,” Ralph scoffed, “you need the power of an heir to be able to do that.”

“There are two heiresses in the room, and I think you'll find I have the power to banish you for a generation.”

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Grace fell to Orlando's side as Hex began to glow and sparkle, while Forrest looked on worriedly. Ariel and Ralph just laughed at Hex's threat, and the room suddenly seemed very small and crowded.

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Ralph and Ariel were still laughing as they were absorbed by the light that was going to banish them.

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Lavender put a hand to her head, and sighed.

You heard him, Lavender. You heard Hex, Lavender thought to herself, tiredly, You're the heiress.

Gradually, Lavender got to her feet and wandered across the room to where Grace was crouched over Orlando.

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Robin stood by her side, as Lavender watched Grace continue trying to wake Orlando.

“He's not going to wake up, is he?” Lavender sniffed.

Robin didn't answer the question, “I'm so sorry, Lavender.”

Lavender knew she meant it.

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At that moment, Austin wandered on.

“Hey guys...” The image of Orlando laying on the floor fixed itself into Austin's mind, “Oh dear Wright...guys, I'm sorry, I just...what happened to Uncle Orlando?”

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Grace looked up, sadly, “He's gone.”

Austin didn't know how to respond to Grace's statement. It was the truth, but what can you say to a heartbroken widow that could possibly soothe them?

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Lavender crossed the room and pulled him into a hug before he could think of something to break the silence.

“Hey, you're okay!” Austin grinned, “Aphrodite's waiting outside...she's too afraid of what she might see to come in...”

“I can completely understand that.”

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Robin, meanwhile, walked over to Hex, “What did you mean by heiress?”

“Ah. There are two lines of Wrongway, Ralph's and Jim's. Your grandmother is Ralph's oldest daughter. You are the next one in line for the family.”

“So...I'm like Lavender, but for a different line of the family?”

“I guess so, yes. But there's just side of the family has to fail. Only one brother can succeed.”

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“But both of the brothers are out of the picture at the minute – Jim, I presume passed away, and Ralph got banished...surely that means we can all live happily until Ralph returns?”

“I hope that's true, Robin. But I just don't know at the minute.”

“Okay, okay. Just a thought.”

“We'll see what happens.”


Page 63: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.8

Later that week, Orlando's life had been marked by a headstone in the backgarden of the Wrongway's home.

The funeral had been a small affair, but the memorial was an even smaller family-orientated event – the only exceptions being Hex, Aphrodite, Austin and Robin, who were all present during the incident that took place at Ralph's.

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Although Hex had managed to stop Ralph for a generation – he would be back from banishment when the next generation were teenagers – he couldn't cure how everyone felt.

Hex's job was a curse. He could never win, he decided. Not properly. He could just do his best under the circumstances.

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In the end, that's all anyone could do at any time. Just their best, and focus on the people that needed them.

Hex smiled a little, but couldn't shake the sadness Orlando's death had caused.

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Consequently, the events left some of the generation without a father, and it was pretty much all that was spoken about for the week.

“I wish someone would just change the subject,” Lavender complained to her friends and her family, “I mean, yes, he's gone and I'll never get to hug him again, or hear him playing the guitar again, but I don't want to be reminded he's gone all the time.”

“Well, then, let's talk about something else.” Austin grinned.

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“Let's go to university tonight.” Austin suggested. Everyone stared at him.

“Seriously? But you, me, Robin and Aphrodite aren't supposed to go until next week.”

“It's a week difference, no one will mind.” Austin shrugged, “It'll get us away from the town where everyone is offering their condolences.”

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“I don't know,” Robin sighed, “I should really go home soon. I sent Mum back without going myself.”

“Plus, it's my birthday,” Forrest announced, “don't you want to see me grow up?”

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“Let's do it anyway,” Aphrodite grinned, “stay for the birthdays and then get going.”

“I like that plan!” Austin agreed enthusiastically, “Any objections?”

No one argued, and no one commented on it – the first wave of the generation were off to the university that night.

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Of course, there were important things to get out of the way first. Such as Forrest growing into a teenager.

“This is so cool.” Forrest grinned. Technically, he's shy, but he certainly doesn't act like it.

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Despite the sadness of recent events, Grace threw a party for her youngest. The entire first circle gathered to wish Forrest into his teen years.

That's when Forrest made his wish, I wish I could find a way to bring Dad back.

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Forrest grew into a handsome young man of the Pleasure aspiration (which suits him completely!) who looked a lot like his father.

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“I don't know what you all mean by the outfit being awful. The flower monster dude is cool.”

Then, an uninvited guest showed up.

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“Liam Wrongway, it is time for you to join us on the other side.”

“Now? Less than a week after the death of my son-in-law? You have really bad timing, Death.”

“Yeah, it comes with being immortal. I can't change it though. Your time is up.”

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“Fine, but I want to see Cassidy.”

“Absolutely! But we must hurry, my drink needs refilling.”

“Okay, okay. Lead good lives, everyone.”

And with that, Liam Wrongway faded from the party.

Page 76: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.8

“Long live the walls we crashed throughI had the time of my life with you

Long, long live all the walls we crashed throughAll the Kingdom lights shined just for me and you

And I was screaming, long live all the magic we madeAnd bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid.”

I am really, really sad to let them both go, but it's a sign that the legacy is moving forwards, really. Both Liam and Cassidy will be missed.

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After Liam was gone, and the party broke up, it was time for change.

“I guess this means I'm the man of the house now, right?”

“In your dreams, Forrest.”

It was time for Lavender to leave.

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“My baby's all grown up.” Grace sniffed, hugging Lavender before it was time to let go.

“Mum, it's okay. I'll be back.”

“I know you will, sweetie,” Grace straightened up, “so, some advice for uni...Rose, Forrest, help me out here.”

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“Have fun, but not too much fun.” Rose smiled, “Save some for me.

“Don't do anything I wouldn't.” Forrest winked, “I don't know what that means, but it sounds cool.”

Lavender laughed, and looked to her Mum, “And you're advice?”

“Just do your best, at whatever it is you're doing, okay?” Grace sniffed.

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Over Rubix, similar scenes were taking place. Eli had gone to the Wheeler household to wave his eldest son off.

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Aphrodite had no one left to wave her off. As she exited her home for the final time – she had no intentions of going back – she was delighted to find her friends outside.

Quickly, bolting the door and throwing the key into her pocket, she walked across the grass.

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“Hey, Aphrodite. If we want to miss the traffic, we've got to get moving,” Austin grinned, “also, I'm driving. No arguments.”

“Well, it is your car!” Lavender remarked, excitedly.

Aphrodite raised an eyebrow at him.

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“Where did you get a car from?” Aphrodite asked, wide-eyed.

“Dad wrote to my Mum, and she phoned him, and found out how old I am. She figured a car would make up for all the birthdays she's missed, I guess.”

“That's pretty awesome,” Aphrodite commented, earning a shrug from Austin, “come on, let's go start university!”

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Hercules was wandering by, hoping to ask Aphrodite about their parents. Instead, he found them leaving.

“They're going to uni without me?” He asked no one, surprised, “I'd better get back to Hex's. Maybe I can make it over to the uni tomorrow...”

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And here they are as young adults! I'm really excited to have generation four at university, it is the furthest I've ever gotten in a legacy!

The chapters from now on will be generation four, but will still cover some of the happenings back in Rubix with the teens – Forrest and Meadow only just grew up, after all.

The verse on slide 76 is from Long Live by Taylor Swift.


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And here is where I leave you, with a picture of the two heiresses, Robin and Lavender Wrongway.

Thanks for reading!