the wrongway legacy: 4.3

Welcome to The Wrongway Legacy, generation four, part three! Last time we saw the Wronglands were successful, Forrest got tired of Rubix and headed out on his own after admitting to his mother he didn't want to leave her on her own – but she gave him permission to go. Hex spoke to both heiresses and organised a formal ball where the girls would reveal their partners. Things got worse for Hercules, Austin woke up after a blurry night and realised he really liked Robin – and turned to Aphrodite for advice. She listened to both Robin and Austin worrying, knowing both could fix things. Mark sang to Lavender, and confessed he loved her. On the night of the ball, Robin hadn't asked anyone, and Austin ended up being her date. Hercules worked out more details of the curse, before bumping into Kendra – and his son – in the street. Hercules vowed revenge, and Mark revealed that he was moving to the city, throwing Lavender into a bit of a dilemma. Let's continue -->

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Page 1: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.3

Welcome to The Wrongway Legacy, generation four, part three!

Last time we saw the Wronglands were successful, Forrest got tired of Rubix and headed out on his own after admitting to his mother he didn't want to leave her on her own – but she gave him permission to go. Hex spoke to both heiresses and organised a formal ball where the girls would reveal their partners. Things got worse for Hercules, Austin woke up after a blurry night and realised he really liked Robin – and turned to Aphrodite for advice. She listened to both Robin and Austin worrying, knowing both could fix things. Mark sang to Lavender, and confessed he loved her. On the night of the ball, Robin hadn't asked anyone, and Austin ended up being her date. Hercules worked out more details of the curse, before bumping into Kendra – and his son – in the street. Hercules vowed revenge, and Mark revealed that he was moving to the city, throwing Lavender into a bit of a dilemma.

Let's continue -->

Page 2: The Wrongway Legacy: 4.3

Four in the morning meant nothing to Hex – he used to live with a vampire, used to fix his day round her sleeping patterns. Once she was gone, he couldn't quite kick the insomnia habit.

“Hex, it's not that I'm unhappy to see you, but you do realise what time it is, right?” Grace smiled as she opened the door.

“It couldn't wait,” Hex offered a half-smile, and eased his neck, “I have news that you need to hear.”

“Let me grab a coat and some trousers and we'll talk on the porch.”

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Moments later, Grace stepped onto the porch, yawning, “Excuse me. I'm just...tired, I guess.”

“It's fine. My fault for waking you.”

“No, actually. I was already awake, reading through Rose's book. I had no idea she was that talented,” Grace smiled again, “what did you want to talk about?”

“Your husband, actually.”

“Late husband, Hex.”

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“Well, actually, Phillip found a bonephone in the attic, and we've spent the past week fixing it up,” Hex shrugged as Grace's eyes widened, “but Death was kind of firm. One resurrection in town per generation.”

Grace's hopefulness faded, “Oh.”

“So I went and spoke to Elizabeth...and she willingly gave up being a zombie...”

A gasp escaped from Grace.

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“Is she...?” Grace trailed off.

“No,” Hex replied, firmly, “I've got Elizabeth on Elixir until the time she should go...but she'll be an elder before the rest of you.”

“That's not right...I'm the oldest, I'm supposed to age first.”

“Her ageing process seems sped up, but I'm looking into that with Phillip. Until then, we have Elixir.”

Grace frowned a little, “And she did all of that for me?”

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“Do you remember how she died, all those years ago, Grace? All Elizabeth had wanted was to be remembered. Apparently, it's not so important now,” Hex shrugged, “maybe she wants forgiveness for the way she behaved.”

“That's silly, we forgave her a long time ago.”

“Well, consider this the final apology, then,” Hex pulled Grace into a hug, “I'll drop Orlando off in the morning. Apparently the trip between the afterlife and our world really tired him.”

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“Wait!” Grace said, suddenly, “Is he a zombie?”

“No,” Hex smiled, “his resurrection was a complete success.”

Grace looked delighted, and Hex waved, before he started to leave.

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Hex whispered to himself, “One problem down, only a few more to deal with.”

With that, Hex walked off into the night.


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Hex's work continued the next day, with cheering Lavender up – he was trying his best, but it seemed there was nothing that could make her smile.

“You might really like the city when you get there.” Hex offered, desperately. Lavender said nothing for a moment.

“I have to move miles and miles away from home.”

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“It'll help, Lavender,” Hex continued, “we may not be able to separate your line and Robin's line entirely, but at least we can keep the heiresses apart, right?”

“So me leaving is a blessing.”

“I didn't mean that.”

“I know you didn't.”

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A silence fell over them for a moment, before Lavender spoke again, “I just...I always thought I would raise my family here, in Rubix. Where I grew up.”

“Well, maybe you don't have to move all of that way with Mark.”

“I do, though. He'll be working out of Sim City. If I stay here, I'll rarely see him,” Lavender smiled a little, “I should probably start packing. He leaves next week.”

“If you need a bit longer, you know, tie things up, I'll drive you down when you're ready.”

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“In fact, your line of Wrongways will need a guardian down in the city, how about I move up to Sim City with you? So you'll have a familiar face in the new place.”

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“I could never ask you to do that, Hex.”

“You don't have to ask, I'm offering.” Hex pointed out.

Lavender looked at him, smiling, “Alright then. Come with us.”

“Great! I just need to make sure my son is ready to take over my duties with Robin, here in Rubix.”

“Thank you, Hex. I promise you won't regret it.”


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Later that day, the oldest of generation four were ready to leave, with only Rose available to see them off.

“Got everything?” Robin asked, “Because we're not coming back.”

Aphrodite laughed, “Don't you sound like a mother. I've got everything. Just a case of hitting the road now.”

Lavender smiled. This was the next big step – moving on after studying was over.

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Rose grinned at her family, “Lavender, call me when you get back and give Mum my best wishes!”

“I will, I swear!” Lavender replied.

After that, the four of them started their journey back to Rubix, leaving Rose to wave until she could no longer see them.


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As night fell on Rubix, Lavender arrived at home with Mark, where they would stay until it was time to move to the city.

Lavender was speechless when she saw her father in front of her.

“I thought you said your father was dead?” Mark looked to Lavender, completely confused.

“He was...this is just...odd.”

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“Lavender, Hex resurrected your father for us.” Grace smiled. Lavender chuckled a little in disbelief.

“I don't plan on going anywhere now,” Orlando added, “I don't ever want to leave you again.”

Grace's smile broadened, before she turned to face Mark, “I'm sorry! You're Lavender's partner, aren't you?”

“Absolutely. It's nice to meet you again, Mrs Wrongway”

“Please, call me Grace.”

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“Your home is my home,” Grace told Mark firmly, “if you're a Wrongway, you'll always have a home here.”

Lavender said nothing as she hugged her father. It was impossible to believe he was there, believe he was alive and not a zombie.

After the reunion, Grace sent her daughter, and her son-in-law, to bed, ready for the big day that followed Lavender's return to Rubix.

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The Wrongways were up bright and early on a chilly day at the end of autumn. Despite all of the recommendations to move the wedding to an indoor venue, the ceremony was still taking place in the garden.

“Nearly ready, Lavender? It's almost time.” Grace smiled, wandering into her bedroom – Mark was being prepared in the bedroom he shared with Lavender.

“Almost. I just...”

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Lavender got up and wandered over to her mother, “What do I do, Mum? Do I move to the city with Mark, or stay here and raise a family?”

“Lavender, sweetheart, you know I can't answer that question for you,” Grace tried to smile reassuringly, “you love Mark?”

“With all my heart.”

“And you trust him?”


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“Then there's nothing to worry about. If he goes to the city, you trust him to come back to you, right?” Grace started to neaten Lavender's dress a little.

“What if he meets someone in the city?” Lavender asked, terrified. Grace straightened up.

“I can't tell you he won't, Lavender. But I can tell you I feared Orlando would do the same thing here in Rubix.”

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“It's my choice if I follow him to the city or not.” Lavender smiled, picking up her bouquet.

“Lavender, you're absolutely right,” Grace grinned, “let me take your hair out of that ponytail.”

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Downstairs, Mark was experiencing a different pep talk, from Lavender's father.

“Mark, tell me truthfully that you love her. That you're not just going to drag her down to the city with you and cheat, behind her back.”

“I'm not going to do that, Mr Wrongway, I swear. I love her.”

“Good! Because I have missed a fair amount of her life, Mark. I never got the chance to meet her boyfriend before she decided to marry him,” Orlando sighed, “let's get this wedding started, shall we?”

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As Lavender took her first steps towards the aisle, necks craned, her family made effort to look at her.

Lavender had already been feeling slightly nervous, but hoped she could make it to the end of the aisle without tripping. A hush fell over the guests, waiting eagerly to hear the vows.

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“That was the most difficult walk ever.” Lavender said, in whispered relief. Mark looked at her, stunned.

“You mean you don't want to get married?”

“I do!” Lavender blurted out, loudly. Her family raised eyebrows in interest.

Mark chuckled, “That part comes later, Lavender.”

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Although, that part wasn't too far in the future.

“Best day of my life, Lavender.” Mark whispered, smiling. Lavender eased the gold zero onto his finger.

“Mine, too, Mr Wrongway.” Lavender answered, as the ceremony ended.

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“Are you ready for the real fun part?” Grace asked Orlando. He frowned a little, “the after-party!”

He grinned, “Then grandchildren. Forrest coming home. Rose's wedding, should decide that's what she wants.”

“Slow down a little, Orlando. You haven't missed that much. Rose and Forrest still have plenty of time before they settle down. Rose isn't even dating.”

Orlando considered this, before smiling, “Let's go get the party started, then.”

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Part of the party was a performance by Mark and his band, which had been eagerly anticipated by most of the family.

“This song is for my beautiful bride,” Mark said into the microphone,

So lately, I've been wonderin Who will be there to take my place

When I'm gone, you'll need love To light the shadows on your face

If a great wave should fall It would fall upon us all

And between the sand and stone Could you make it on your own

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If I could, then I would I'll go wherever you will go Way up high or down low I'll go wherever you will go

And maybe, I'll find out The way to make it back someday

To watch you, to guide you Through the darkest of your days

If a great wave should fall It would fall upon us all

Well I hope there's someone out there Who can bring me back to you

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If I could, then I would I'll go wherever you will go Way up high or down low I'll go wherever you will go

Runaway with my heart Runaway with my hope Runaway with my love

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I know now, just quite how My life and love might still go on

In your heart and your mind I'll stay with you for all of time

If I could, then I would I'll go wherever you will go Way up high or down low I'll go wherever you will go

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Mark finished the song, missing out the final part as he considered it irrelevant, and smiled at Lavender.

“I'll go wherever you will go, Lavender,” he said, softly, before looking towards the family, “thank you.”


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By the end of the afternoon, the guests had gone home, and the newly-weds were settling into their room, which was decorated much like Liam's was when he returned from university.

“Nothing quite like kicking off high heels for bed, really.” Lavender said, sighing happily.

“I can't answer that.”

“Would you rather I wore high heels to bed?” Lavender asked, dryly.

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“Hey, I was merely pointing out I don't wear high heels. However, if you decide to wear them to bed, I'm not about to complain.”

Lavender giggled a little, leaning back onto the pillows.

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“You know, it's a bit odd to be going to bed in the afternoon.” Mark pointed out. Lavender shrugged.

“I thought we were allowed to do whatever we want on our wedding day.”

“We are,” Mark grinned, “and if my princess wants to spend the day in bed, then so be it!”

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“Tomorrow's our last day together, Mark.” Lavender sighed.

“True,” Mark put his hands together, “but I thought we could spend the day together, maybe? Go up to the Indoor Gardens for a picnic?”

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“That sounds great, Mark.” Lavender replied, truthfully.

“Yeah! We'll just go off, spend the day together.”

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“We're going to have a great day.” Mark decided. Neither pointed out it was going to be their last day together for a while – regardless of whether Lavender was heading down to the city after him or not.


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Rubix Indoor Gardens opened in winter when it was too cold to visit outdoor gardens, or the park. It was a warm greenhouse, filled with all kinds of plants, many of which Lavender enjoyed looking at.

Of course, it was the perfect place for a couple to spend a day together.

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By the end of the day, Mark and Lavender had set up a small picnic for themselves hidden in the hedge maze. It was the perfect nook for privacy.

“This was a wonderful idea.” Lavender murmured, smiling.

“I've enjoyed every minute of it,” Mark looked from his laptop screen to Lavender, “did I mention no flower in this greenhouse is as beautiful as you?”

“Did you rehearse that line, or just come up with the cheesiness on the spot?”


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The next day, Mark was preparing to drive to the city. His father-in-law stared incredulously at the red convertible Mark had neatly parked on the drive.

“How are you going to fit all of your stuff in the car?” Grace asked, laughing a little.

“Most of it's already there, I just have a few things to take down. Like my laptop and some food.”

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Orlando stopped admiring the convertible for a moment, “Any particular reason why you chose this car?”

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“I want to arrive in style,” Mark winked, “where's Lavender?”

“She was in the the bathroom...” Grace smiled a little, as if she knew something Mark didn't.

“You don't think the car is a bit unsuitable?” Orlando chuckled, “Beautiful little thing, but unsuitable?”

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“Is it unsuitable?” Mark asked, curiously. Lavender appeared behind him, sporting a baby bump.

“Hey, Mark, you might want to turn round.”

“Lavender!” Mark turned round, and was struck silent for a moment.

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Mark swiftly broke the silence, and started talk to the bump, “So who are you going to be, baby? A musician, like daddy? Or sweet and uncertain like mummy?”

“Or they could be someone else entirely.” Lavender laughed.

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“Of course not,” Mark looked at Lavender, “are you going to be okay without me, now?”

“Mark, I'll be fine. You have go, regardless of how I feel.”

“I could-”

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“Don't cancel your meeting, Mark. I'll miss you, but it's for the future, right? It'll be best for us both.”

“Hopefully my band will be a success...think about how that will change our lives, Lavender!”

Lavender tried, to smile, thinking only of how that would mean staying in the city for longer, coming home less...Lavender pushed the thought out of her mind. She was doing this for Mark.

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“I'll call you when I get there, okay, Lavender?”

“Have a safe journey, okay, Mark? I love you.”

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Mark didn't reply. Well, at least not with words.------------And this is where I'll leave it this time! I don't normally put chapters out this short, but I wanted a fairly light-hearted chapter after all of the darker plots lately.

I'm also planning to put out a recap soon, because I think that will be useful.

The song used on slides 28-30 is Wherever You Will Go by the Calling.

Thanks for reading! :)