the wrongway legacy: 3.6

Welcome back to the Wrongway Legacy! Last time, we saw birthdays, Austin learnt the truth about his parents, Rose and Will make up their own world at the park, while Austin revealed he was interested in moving in with his Dad, Lavender talking to Rose about the real world, Forrest joined the family, and Hex stumbled into a problem that could mean a big trouble for the Wrongways... Sound familiar? If not, you might want to go back and catch up. Just a thought. Anyway, on with the current chapter!

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.6

Welcome back to the Wrongway Legacy!

Last time, we saw birthdays, Austin learnt the truth about his parents, Rose and Will make up their own world at the park, while Austin revealed he was interested in moving in with his Dad, Lavender talking to Rose about the real world, Forrest joined the family, and Hex stumbled into a problem that could mean a big trouble for the Wrongways...

Sound familiar? If not, you might want to go back and catch up. Just a thought. Anyway, on with the current chapter!

Page 2: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.6

“Sorry I'm late.” Kendra apologised, breathlessly, as she took her seat at the coven meeting. Marcel raised an eyebrow at Kendall, who said nothing.

“Not to worry, traffic's a nightmare.” Grayson winked. Kendra smiled, appreciatively.

Kendall cleared her throat, and the other vampires fell silent.

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“Kendra, we, as a combined coven, have agreed you're spending far too much time with the Supernatural Court. Traditionally, we don't align ourselves-”

“But we told Hex we would help him out...”

Marcel spoke next, tiredly, “Kendall raises as a good point, Kendra. You are absent from our meetings most days, it is not an efficient way for us to function.”

Grayson said nothing, as he watched the situation unfold.

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“I don't understand,” Kendra responded, “you all agreed that we were going to help Hex with his charges.”

“Kendra,we are vampires, not members of the Court...however, we've agreed that we no longer wish for you to be a coven...that you should take the cure...”

“I think that's a bit drastic!” Kendra cried.

“Kendra, do not be difficult.” Marcel scolded.

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“Fine,” Kendra snapped, getting up and grabbing the bottle containing the cure for vampirism, “but you promised to help Hex as much as I did, and I am just keeping my word.”

Marcel let out an irritated sigh, before smirking at Kendra, “It has been a pleasure working with you.”

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Without giving Marcel another moment of her attention, Kendra downed the bottle of the cure, and slammed the bottle on the counter, feeling the power seep away.

Feeling her mortality return.

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Kendra stood before the three vampires, looking almost completely different to how she had looked as a vampire.

With a nod at each member of the coven, Kendra headed for the door.

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For a moment, Kendra covered her mouth, attempting to hide her fangs, before remembering she no longer had any. With a sigh, she lowered her wrist and walked away.

Behind her, Grayson watched her, wistfully, while Marcel and Kendall began their next debate.

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Over at the Wrongway house, Grace was worried about something again.

“Orlando, Hex phoned and said there could be a massive problem. Ralph's family...not the one he currently of the families must fail...Orlando, our family could be in danger...”

“Sweetie, your family have gone through minor failures as Ralph's family did too,” Orlando looked at Grace who appeared confused, so he continued, “Like you being kidnapped as a baby. That could be regarded as a failure.”

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“I understand what you're saying, but-” Grace began again.

“Grace, I don't think we should be worrying about the future. Our present is nice enough, don't you think?”

Grace considered this, and nodded, thinking about her three children, their home, everything. Orlando smiled, and pulled Grace close, closing his eyes.

Their life was perfect.

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After Kendra's dismissal, Grayson found himself at the house of Ralph Wrongway, once again talking to Ariel.

“I know who kidnapped my son,” Ariel said, harshly, “With none of your help.”


“Save your breath, Grayson,” Ariel snapped, “I know it was Hex. Who else could it have been? Anyway. Tell me something about Hex that I don't already know...”

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“He's the head of the Supernatural Court, a friend of the Wrongway family-”

“I know all that, Grayson,” Ariel scowled, “tell me something I DON'T already know!”

“Rumour has it his friendship with Kendra is a very close one.”

“Grayson, that's brilliant,” Ariel grinned, “Hurting the guardian himself would do nothing for revenge...if I kill his sweetheart, then everything works out! And I have more plans besides that.”

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“I thinking killing Kendra is a little extreme...” Grayson remarked, heart thudding. Ariel raised an eyebrow, but disregarded his uneasiness.

“I don't care what you think. Consider yourself temporarily dismissed, Grayson. I want more information from you next week, my darling little spy.”

Grayson sighed, and rose from his seat, thinking about Kendra.

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Hex squinted at the screen of the computer, tiredly clicking on links while trying to research Ralph's first child. Irritated, he observed the clock. Dawn was fast approaching.

“Hex!” Called a voice. Hex suddenly felt wide awake – he recognised that voice. Climbing out of his chair, he grinned.

“Kendra! You need to be heading down to the coffin-”

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“I don't think the coffin is necessary any more, Hex.” Kendra murmured, looking hurt. Hex turned away from her frowning.

“Who did this to you?”

“The coven decided it was no longer worthwhile for me to remain a vampire.” Hex sighed, and turned round to face her, as the morning light began to flood through the windows.

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Hex pulled her into a hug.

“Good morning.” He whispered. Kendra smiled, before glancing to the windows uncomfortably, “Don't worry, the daytime will take some time to get used to again, I bet.”

“Yeah,” Kendra agreed, with a slight smile, “I'd forgotten what it looks like.”

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Once she was sure Hex was no longer watching her, Kendra let her smile drop, still disappointed that the vampires had rejected her.

It was a dismissal she would take time to get over, that was for sure.

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Bright and early at the Wheeler household, Elizabeth picked up her new adopted child from where the social worker had left her.

“Oh, Knut, we have a daughter!” Elizabeth frowned, “a daughter whose eyebrows do not match their hair colour...easily fixed.”

Austin looked on, wandering to school late on purpose. Neither Knut nor Elizabeth noticed how late he was. Austin frowned at the little girl, feeling somewhat replaced, before he reminded himself he wasn't supposed to care.

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Austin's 'replacement' was an adorable little girl named Meadow, and he was determined to dislike her.

Little did he know that it was next to impossible to dislike her.

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Night once again fell over Rubix, and the three Wrongway children were permitted to stay up late – in celebration of Lavender's birthday, which was on the day after.

The three of them had immediately decided to spend their time together, drawing.

For Rose and Lavender, this meant coming up with an entirely new Wrongland adventure, while Forrest scribbled.

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“Right, so the goblins of Wronglands are rebelling against the harsh ruling under the cruel King of the North...” Lavender repeated what Rose had told her about the Wronglands earlier. Rose smiled a little.

“Princess RP must ride across the frozen landscape in order to calm them.” Rose replied, drawing a horse on her piece of paper. Forrest clapped his hands, pointing at it.

“Not without the help of her sister-princess, Lala.”

“Lala?” Rose asked, baffled.

“Yes, Lala.” Lavender nodded, “You should write this all down, Rose.”

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“If you think this is fun, you should play the game with me and Will some time.” Rose grinned, “I might write it down when I'm bigger.”

Lavender continued to draw, “I can't, Rose. I'm growing up.”

“Just because you're going to be older doesn't mean you have to grow up.”

“Everyone grows up, Rose,” Lavender replied, softly, “Now, about those goblins...”

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A majority of the conversation had gone right over Forrest's little head, but some of stuck in his mind.

Removing the crayon from his mouth, Forrest grinned at his sisters and announced, “Goblin!”

The issue of growing up escaped the minds of Lavender and Rose, as they tried to encourage their brother to speak more.

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Lavender wasn't reminded of growing up until she was standing in front of the birthday cake the next day, her family wandering around the house.

With a smile, Lavender reluctantly stepped forwards to blow out the candles, wondering whether growing up was actually as bad as it sounded.

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Lavender decided it wasn't too bad, except maybe the outfit she grew into – which was easily fixed.

She rolled fortune, for her aspiration.

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Across town, Hex was reading. No book he had come across contained any useful information on how to solve the problem faced by the Wrongways, but that didn't mean he was about to stop looking.

There was a knock at his door, and a familiar voice called to him, “Hex? Can I come in?”

With a smile, Hex replied, “Yeah, door's unlocked.”

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Kendra wandered in, and sat beside Hex.

“Can't sleep either, right?” Hex asked, his focus still mainly on the book. Kendra tried to hide a smile.

“I'm not used to sleeping at night,” She admitted, “plus, I've been trying to get used to daylight again and it's difficult.”

“It could be worse.” Hex offered. Kendra raised an eyebrow.

“Will you stop researching for three minutes?” She questioned. Hex grinned and carefully marked his place.

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“You have my undivided attention.” Hex told Kendra, smiling. She didn't return the smile, only watched him, carefully.

“Who was the last woman you loved?” She asked, curiously.

Hex coughed, “What? W-what does that have to do with anything?”

“I'm sorry...I just wondered,” Kendra sighed a little, “it's hard. There's been things I wanted to say before, but-”

“Kendra, come here.”

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“I adore you, you understand that, right?” Hex smiled. Kendra said nothing, but her smile was just the answer Hex wanted.

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“Any regrets, Mr Rightway?” Kendra asked, quietly, as daylight began to flood through the windows of Hex's room.

“None at all.”

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The late afternoon was turning to the evening when four teenagers of Rubix fell into the sofas of the Supernatural Court's living room.

Things had changed only a little bit since the four had grown up – Lavender had confessed to Austin, and Austin alone, that she was noticing Hercules differently now...

Austin had dismissed it. He wasn't sure about love. Was that also a story they told kids when they were little?

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“Well, someone grew up pretty.” Hercules commented, after silence had fallen on the four teens. Lavender blushed, while Austin rolled his eyes.

“You mean that?” Lavender asked, quietly.

“Of course I do.” Hercules said, smoothly.

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“You know what? I think I should head home.” Austin announced, and got up from his seat.

“Are you sure?” Hercules questioned, relaxed.

“Yeah, I'm definitely sure.” Austin shrugged, and began to head towards the door.

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“Wait for me, Austin,” Aphrodite called, before she grinned, “I'll walk you home.”

“You'll walk me home?” Austin laughed, “Isn't it usually the other way round?”

“Shut up,” Aphrodite giggled, “See you two later.”

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Once they were alone, Hercules smiled at Lavender.

“Why did they clear off so early?” Lavender asked.

Hercules shrugged, “Want to dance?”

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Lavender was thrilled, and there no way of hiding it. She hadn't expected anything, she hadn't even been sure Hercules liked her back. Lavender felt content.

Hercules, meanwhile, was concentrating. He had a date later in the evening, and he felt awful about using Lavender like this, but it wasn't for no reason...

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Hercules,I know a lot about you, yet you don't know my name. Here's the thing – if you want to know more about your past and your parents, you have to do one thing for me. I want you to break the heart of the eldest Wrongway. Only then can I trust you are suitable to receive the information. Reply only when you have fulfilled my task.-Anon.

Hercules had originally been terrified by the message, but eventually, curiosity had got the better of him. He would do as he was asked, if only to gain some information. Lavender would understand when he told her afterwards.

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That's why things had to happen the way they did. Hercules was lost in a sea of his own thoughts, and so he didn't realise where he was standing.

“Oh! I'm sorry, Lavender!” Hercules apologised hurriedly. “I had better not lose focus with my date later.”

Realising Hercules had aired his thoughts, he shot an alarmed, wide-eyed look at Lavender.

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“A date this evening?” Lavender repeated, in a harsh voice. “Get away from me, Hercules!”

Disregarding the fact he was in his own home, Hercules did as he was told and moved away, attempting to apologise.

“I don't want to hear it!” Lavender responded, trying hard not to cry. With that, Hercules left the room, leaving Lavender to sit on the sofa, and cry on her own.

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“I thought I heard someone crying,” Hex said, entering the room. He was surprised to find Lavender in there by herself. Hesitating, Hex asked, feeling awkward, “What's wrong? Did you want me to find Hercules for you-”

“No.” Lavender replied, certainly, before changing her tone, “I mean, no thanks, Mr Rightway...”

“ what's the problem?” Hex questioned, with a warm smile.

“Have you ever had your heart broken, Hex?”

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“I have,” Hex said, uncomfortably, “It was...a long time ago. But yeah, I have.”

“Good, then I'm not alone.” Lavender sniffed, “I hate being alone.”

“No way would you be alone. You go home and ask your parents and your grandparents. Everyone has had some kind of heartbreak in their lifetime.”

Lavender studied Hex, “Really?”

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“Of course. Speaking of going home,” Hex briefly considered the clock on the wall, “it's getting dark, I will drive you home. That is, if you're ready to go?”

“Yeah...but you don't have to drive me.”

“Nonsense. No street is safe to walk home alone at night.”

Lavender laughed, because he sounded so much like her Dad did when he said that, and followed Hex out to the car.

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Anon,I did as you asked. Now tell me the truth. I want to know everything, and don't you dare ask me to do more tasks. Hurting Lavender almost hurt me, it was awful.

Write to me soon.


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Cassidy wandered into the living room, trying to hide a yawn, when she spotted Hex sitting on the sofa.

“What are you doing here?” She demanded. Hex gazed at her, uncomfortable with Cassidy's nature around him.

“I brought Lavender home...she was kind of upset, and Grace told me to wait...”

Cassidy said nothing, and left the room, leaving Hex feeling very stressed as he continued to wait patiently.

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Upstairs, Lavender had managed to stop crying, and was now talking to her concerned family.

“It's just...I made a complete idiot of myself.” Lavender confessed, tiredly.

“You've done nothing wrong, remember that, okay?” Grace smiled.

“Love is all about making yourself look like an idiot anyway,” Orlando said, earning a confused look from Lavender.

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“Your father's right,” Grace laughed a little, “when we were teenagers, our friends knew we would make a good couple before we did.”

“Besides, it took you mother a long time to trust me,” Orlando looked at Grace, pride in his gaze, “she was certain I was going to let her down.”

“And even after I did realise I could trust him, Orlando went and lost my trust for some time in university.”

Lavender smiled at her parents, pleased that they were willing to share their own stories with her.

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“I wasn't supposed to lose her trust in university, she just saw something wrong.” Orlando chuckled, as Grace stuck her tongue out at Orlando.

Lavender smiled, feeling better.

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“Your mother's lucky she met her true love first time,” Liam smiled, “My first girlfriend was a young lady named Lucy...she didn't keep in touch after I left for university. Never heard from her again.”

Liam smiled, and continued, “But I met Cassidy there, and I'm glad Lucy never kept in touch. It's funny how things work out, Lavender. You look back...and all the stuff like just no longer matters.”

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“You have me convinced,” Lavender grinned, “I can't give up, there's someone for me somewhere.”

Grace and Orlando nodded, proud of their daughter. Liam smiled, and the three adults left Lavender to her thoughts.

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“How is she?” Hex questioned, as Grace wandered into the living room.

“She'll be fine,” Grace said, softly, “she's just a bit hurt right now.”

“I think I'll have a word with that son of mine...”

“He's your son?”


“Ah,” Grace smiled, “anyway, Hex...thank you.”

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“You're welcome,” Hex grinned, as he hugged Grace, “I know you'd do the same if I had a daughter...or for my son.”

“Yeah, but that's not the point. I'm really grateful.”

Page 53: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.6

Kendra was looking at herself in the mirror. She wasn't vain, she was just getting used to having a reflection after years and years of not having one.

She was still there when someone called her name.

“Hex? Are you home?” She asked, responded only by silence.

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“Grayson?” Kendra questioned, in disbelief, “What are you doing here?”

“Kendra, Ariel is after you,” Grayson said, bluntly, “we have to go.”

“But...Hex isn't home. How will I say goodbye?”

“No time, Kendra. Hex will be fine. I am not going to let you stay and get killed.”

Kendra said nothing, as Grayson shot her a pleading look.

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With a sigh, Grayson continued, “Look, I'm pretty sure Hex would prefer it if you were alive, rather than murdered by Ariel, so come on. We have to go.”

Kendra continued studying Grayson, “They'll kick you out of the coven. You're risking your immortality, for this?”

“It's worth it. I am not about to see one of my best friends killed. Let's go, Kendra.”

She dithered, but only for a moment longer, before she reluctantly followed Grayson out to his waiting car.

Page 56: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.6

Hercules slouched at the computer, tired, the same place he had been sat for hours. He had done as he was asked, where was the truth?

As if the computer had read his thoughts, it pinged, indicating he had received a message. Hercules had a sudden burst of energy as he opened the message.

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Once he had read it, his jaw dropped.

“Aphrodite is my SISTER?!” Hercules continued reading, “My twin?!”

Hercules was too shocked to read on to the end of the message, where the anonymous sender had signed themselves as 'Mum'.

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Meanwhile, Hex had returned from the Wrongways, feeling rather cheerful.

“Kendra!” He called. No answer. “Kendra?!”

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Hex felt hollow. His mind turned to Lavender and her tears earlier in the evening. It seemed ironic after all the talk of heartbreak.

In a hoarse voice, Hex gasped, “She's gone...”

Page 60: The Wrongway Legacy: 3.6

The next morning, the children of Rubix once again found themselves in the park.

“I will protect the princess!” Cried Hero McCarthy, the alien girl on the roundabout. She was one of Rose's second cousins, like Bonnie McCarthy, but they all got along.

“She's really got them under her spell, hasn't she?” Commented Austin.

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Austin's grin was met with confused looks from Lavender and Aphrodite. He continued, as Rose's group split up, “I mean, Rose has this whole world created...and everyone just happens to have a place in it.”

“It is really something, isn't it?” Aphrodite murmured, watching the children frantically climbing the tower.

“She told me she might write it down when she's older,” Lavender smiled, “I think that would be an interesting read.”

The three of them fell silent, for they had refused to invite Hercules, and turned their attention back to the children.

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“I don't get this game,” Owen admitted, “we're not battling on the rooftops of a castle as it is broken up.”

Will shrugged, “I'm nearly a teenager. I feel a bit silly playing it, to be honest.”

The pair of them continued to watch Bonnie and Hero threaten to shoot each other. Suddenly, Rose jumped down from the climbing frame.

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“Going to grow up like everyone else, are you?” Rose demanded, in a cheerful tone. Will looked confused. Rose sighed, “Promise me you won't forget the Wronglands when you grow up.”

“I won't.”

“Promise me you won't grow up. Never grow up. Don't be old and boring, Will.”

Will just rolled his eyes. Rose folded her arms, irritated.

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That night, Lavender brought her little brother to the birthday cake. Forrest only had a small party compared to the usual massive parties, but it didn't really matter too much.

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And here he is! Forrest is the most outgoing out of the children in the main house.

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Austin was sat on the porch steps, thinking about all of the events of the past week, from Hercules and the bizarre breaking of Lavender's heart, to his replacement by Meadow.

Sure, Austin had started the silent treatment with Elizabeth and Knut but they didn't need to continue it... was then Austin realised he wasn't alone.

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“Do you know, Meadow,” Austin grinned, “You're incredibly hard to dislike.”

Meadow giggled, not really understanding. Austin turned round to look at her. If every cloud had a silver lining, Meadow was definitely the silver lining. Austin adored his 'little sister'.

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“You're not going to be anywhere near as cute when you grow up,” Austin teased, tickling Meadow until she squeaked with laughter, “I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

“Come on, let's go get you grown up so we can go to Rose's birthday party.”

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Later that day, Rose stepped up to her cake with a smile. It was a nervous smile – she wanted to avoid growing up, but it wasn't possible.

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Naturally, many members of the family turned up for the party.

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Rose grew up and rolled knowledge, which suits her completely.

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The first thing Rose decided to do as a teenager was hold Will to his promises. She headed over to the computer room in the library to show him what she had written of the Wronglands.

“Come on, I want to know what you think!” Rose laughed. Will sighed, believing his cousin to be childish.

“Fine. But don't forget I can't stay long. I have a haircut appointment.”

“Yeah, yeah, just read it.”

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Rosie-Posie gazed out over the gardens, irritated beyond imagination. How could a prince let her down? How could a noble not hold his word?

A harsh voice, raw and filled with hatred, broke the silence and Rosie-Posie's train of thought.

“What do you propose we do?” Asked the voice. Rosie turned to find her favoured assassin, Archa, standing behind her.

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“Track him down,” requested Princess Rosie-Posie, “I want him killed, or returned to the Shadow Castle for trial.”

“And you, your majesty?” Asked Archa, the frown on her face unchanged.

“I shall ride to the castle unaccompanied,” Rosie-Posie stated, coldly, “Archa, do you require assistance?”

Archa gestured to the door, where her guild exited the summer home.

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Archa gestured to the guild and nodded, “We've got it covered.”

Rosie-Posie nodded once, her temper still not cooling, “I shall see you back at the castle.”

Archa and the guild left, heading west in the direction of the crystal mines. Rosie-Posie could not bear to spend another moment at the summer house in north Wrongland, and so-

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“Wait a second, Rose, are they hunting down my character?” Will demanded. Rose hesitated.

“Archa and the guild are hunting the traitor-”

“Are they after Prince Will?”

“Yeah. Why do you care?” Rose teased, “I thought you had grown up.”

“I have, Rose,” Will responded, harshly, “I think it's time you did too. Leave the Wronglands, Rose. They're not real.”

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Rose snapped, “Will, I hope I never grow up if it means being as sulky as you are these days!”

And with that, Rose pulled her memory stick from the computer, and stormed out of the library, leaving a baffled Will contemplating what she had said.

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In the desert miles away from Rubix, Robin had also had a birthday, and was at that hectic point in her teen years where she was applying to various universities.

“Alright, I got turned down by the university near Sim know, Simstate? Apparently, I'm not good enough for their arts programme, but...”

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“I got accepted by Rubix University! I could be starting there in about two season's time!” --------------------------------------And this is where I shall leave you!

What will Hex do now Kendra is missing? Will Austin talk to his 'parents'? Will Lavender, Aphrodite and Austin forgive Hercules? What will Hercules do now he knows he has a twin? Will Lavender get over her heartbreak? And Robin! What will happen if she bumps into the Wrongways from Rubix?!

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I realise I touched on the two second cousins this generation without really explaining who they are. On the left, we have Ribbon 'Bonnie' McCarthy, who is Julia's daughter. Julia is Grace, Eli, Elizabeth and Alice's cousin, right? Bonnie's dad is Matthew Picaso.

On the right, you can see Hero McCarthy, daughter of Frankie McCarthy and Stella Torrano. She's fun to play, as she's a touch on the random side – grew up in the fairy dress and everything.

Anyway, that ends this chapter! Sorry if it seemed a bit rambly!

Thanks for reading and happy simming!