the weekly · 1 of 1 the weekly...

1 of 1 THE WEEKLY newsletter 25th February , 2018 21st Edition Message from the Head Teacher: Dear parents, This week I would just like to concentrate on confirming dates for your diary. Please note the dates and times for next week’s parents ‘meetings are: Tuesday 6th March from 1:50 – 4:30 for Primary/Secondary and Wednesday 7th March from 5 – 7 for Secondary only. Please also note the dates for Term 2 assessments are: 11th-15th March: Arabic assessment week (Primary and Secondary) 18th-22nd March: Primary and Secondary assessments – non-Arabic. Many of you have been enquiring about the dates for the next academic year. We are in the process of having our calendar confirmed by the Ministry of Education, but it is important to inform you that the start date for students for 2018/19 is Wednesday 29th August 2018. This is set by the Ministry of Education and we cannot change the school year start date. The winter break is proposed to start the 19th December 2018. The end of school year 2018/19 is proposed for 20th June 2019. We will be sending you a full enrolled calendar as soon as we have confirmation of our proposed dates from the Ministry of Education. Thank you for all you continue to do to support our wonderful school and we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming parents ’meetings. Please note the dates and times for next week’s parents ‘meetings are: Tuesday 6th March from 1:50 – 4:30 for Primary/Secondary and Wednesday 7th March from 5 – 7 for Secondary only. We will be sending you a full enrolled calendar as soon as we have confirmation of our proposed dates from the Ministry of Education. Reception have continued to read a variety of Traditional Tales. We created our own houses made of sweets after reading Hansel and Gretal. We also wrote a sentence about the Wicked Witch. This week we read The Gingerbread Man and decorated our own. We are learning about recipes and will make Gingerbread Men to eat! To celebrate our learning, Reception invited their parents in on Thursday for a Fairyland afternoon. We have also learned to recognize and describe 3D shapes. We discovered lots of 3D shapes on our shape hunt! Headline: Special Announcements: Reminders: Tuesday 27th February 2018 12:00pm -12:30pm Class learning 1I (IPC Awards) 13:00pm -13:30pm Class learning 6S (IPC Awards) Monday 5th February 2018 4th Coffee with the Head of School Tuesday 6th - Wednesday 7th Mar 2018 Parent Teachers Conference Sunday 11th – Thursday 18th Mar 2018 Arabic Assessment Week Sunday 18th - Thursday 22nd Mar 2018 Assessment Week 46, AlKhudari street (810),Bin Dirham (25) AlMansoura Area P .O Box 47021 I Doha I Qatar. 00974-4032 2422 00974-7707 8282 [email protected] psisd _psisd _psisd 1

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25th February , 2018 21st Edition

Message from the Head Teacher: Dear parents,This week I would just like to concentrate on confirming dates for your diary.Please note the dates and times for next week’s parents ‘meetings are:Tuesday 6th March from 1:50 – 4:30 for Primary/Secondary and Wednesday 7th March from 5 – 7 for Secondary only.Please also note the dates for Term 2 assessments are:11th-15th March: Arabic assessment week (Primary and Secondary)18th-22nd March: Primary and Secondary assessments – non-Arabic.Many of you have been enquiring about the dates for the next academic year. We are in the process of having our calendar confirmed by the Ministry of Education, but it is important to inform you that the start date for students for 2018/19 is Wednesday 29th August 2018. This is set by the Ministry of Education and we cannot change the school year start date.The winter break is proposed to start the 19th December 2018.The end of school year 2018/19 is proposed for 20th June 2019.We will be sending you a full enrolled calendar as soon as we have confirmation of our proposed dates from the Ministry of Education.Thank you for all you continue to do to support our wonderful school and we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming parents ’meetings.

Please note the dates and times for next week’s parents ‘meetings are:Tuesday 6th March from 1:50 – 4:30 for Primary/Secondary and Wednesday 7th March from 5 – 7 for Secondary only.

We will be sending you a full enrolled calendar as soon as we have confirmation of our proposed dates from the Ministry of Education.

Reception have continued to read a variety of Traditional Tales. We created our own houses made of sweets after reading Hansel and Gretal. We also wrote a sentence about the Wicked Witch. This week we read The Gingerbread Man and decorated our own. We are learning about recipes and will make Gingerbread Men to eat! To celebrate our learning, Reception invited their parents in on Thursday for a Fairyland afternoon. We have also learned to recognize and describe 3D shapes. We discovered lots of 3D shapes on our shape hunt!


Special Announcements:


Tuesday 27th February 2018

12:00pm -12:30pm Class learning 1I (IPC Awards) 13:00pm -13:30pm Class learning 6S (IPC Awards)

Monday 5th February 2018

4th Coffee with the Head of School

Tuesday 6th - Wednesday 7th Mar 2018

Parent Teachers Conference

Sunday 11th – Thursday 18th Mar 2018

Arabic Assessment Week

Sunday 18th - Thursday 22nd Mar 2018

Assessment Week

التجمع ا�سبوعي الصف ا�ول إس�:��- �:�� (جوائز آى بى سي )

46, AlKhudari street (810),Bin Dirham (25)AlMansoura Area P.O Box 47021 I Doha I Qatar. 00974-4032 2422 00974-7707 8282 [email protected] psisd _psisd _psisd 1

Students in year 9 have been compiling a news report as part of their IMYC exit point for the Big Idea of Community.In 9S we focused on the new Airbus aircraft, Tide Pods and the new iPhone SE 2 as our main stories, which features on Gaming, Sport and Weather also. We were incredibly fortunate to have Leah Harding from Al Jazeera come in and give her insights into her career in the media, and excellent feedback on the reports.It really gave an opportunity for the students to show off their presenter skills, and they learned what it takes to create a new report, from filming, script writing, camerawork and editing.I think they really enjoyed the experience and deserved the positive feedback from Leah Harding. I am immensely proud of their achievements and hard work. Well Done!

46, AlKhudari street (810),Bin Dirham (25)AlMansoura Area P.O Box 47021 I Doha I Qatar. 00974-4032 2422 00974-7707 8282 [email protected] psisd _psisd _psisd 2

In Year 6, we have begun our author study, David Walliams and we are currently listening to his audio book, Billionaire Boy. Children have learned about the impact dialogue writing can have in a narrative setting and they have also reflected on the importance of friendship; the ongoing theme in the book. Pupils had the opportunity to demonstrate their creative flair by creating advertisements for friend of a millionaire child. We have also looked at famous commentary and designed a piece based on their sports day performance.

In IPC, children are continuing with the Fairgrounds topic. We have looked at the pros and cons associated with bringing an outdoor theme park to Qatar and analyzed the associated economics. Children researched the most attractive Fairgrounds and duplicated their standout features. They have performed experiments relating to air resistance, gravity and friction which are all evident within a fairground setting. Children have also looked at the associated problems fairgrounds implement in the environment and surrounding areas.

In mathematics children have been transferring their fluency and calculations skills to solve multistep word problems ahead of the forthcoming assessments. They are currently studying data and statistics and using the most efficient method to present their data and findings.

Special Announcements:


4th Coffee with the Head of School

Parent Teachers Conference

Arabic Assessment Week

Assessment Week

46, AlKhudari street (810),Bin Dirham (25)AlMansoura Area P.O Box 47021 I Doha I Qatar. 00974-4032 2422 00974-7707 8282 [email protected] psisd _psisd _psisd

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الثالثاء �� ف�اير � ��م

�� ا�ثنني � مارس �


العدد احلادى و العشرونا�حد 25 ف�اير ,2018م

رسالة مدير املدرسة:أولياء ا�مور الكرام

حتية طيبة وبعد،هذا ا�سبوع أود فقط أن أركز على تأكيد تواريخ هامة.

يرجى مالحظة أن إجتماع أولياء ا�مور و املعلمني سوف يعقد ا�سبوع املقبل فى: عصرا - ��:¬ عصرا للمراحل االبتدائية / ا�عدادية / الثانوية و ا�ربعاء � :�الثالثاء ± مارس فى الف¯ة �

مارس فى الف¯ة � مساءا - � مساءا للمرحلتني ا�عدادية و الثانوية فقط.كذلك يرجى العلم بأن مواعيد التتقييم للفصل الدراسي الثانى ستكون كالتا³:

مارس : أسبوع التقييم للغة العربية (املراحل االبتدائية و ا�عدادية و الثانوية)� إ³ من من � إ³ �� مارس: أسبوع التقييم (املراحل ا�بتدائية و ا�عدادية و الثانوية).

العديد منكم قد تقدم باالستفسار عن مواعيد العام الدراسي املقبل. نحن بصدد اعتماد تقومينا من �� »/�� قبل وزارة ال¯بية والتعليم، ولكن من املهم أن نعلمكم أن تاريخ البدء للطالب للعام الدراسي �

سيكون يوم ا�ربعاء «� أغسطس � ��. كما أقرته وزارة ال¯بية والتعليم، ونحن ال نستطيع تغيÀ تاريخ بداية العام الدراسي.

.�� ويق¯ح أن تبدأ عطلة الشتاء فى « ديسم� �.�� �� Å �� يونيو «»/�� وتأتى نهاية السنة الدراسية �

سوف نرسل لكم التقومي الكامل Å أقرب وقت لدينا عقب احلصول على التأكيد من من وزارة ال¯بية والتعليم.

شكرا لكم على إستمراركم فى دعم مدرستنا، ونحن نتطلع إ³ رؤيتكم Å اجتماع أولياء ا�مور القادم.

يرجى مالحظة أن إجتماع أولياء ا�مور و املعلمني سوف يعقد ا�سبوع

املقبل فى: عصرا :�الثالثاء ± مارس فى الف¯ة �

- ��:¬ عصرا للمراحل االبتدائية / ا�عدادية / الثانوية و ا�ربعاء � مارس

فى الف¯ة � مساءا - � مساءا للمرحلتني ا�عدادية و الثانوية فقط.

ملبكرمرحلة التعليم ا

واستمر ا�طفال فى قراءة Îموعة متنوعة من احلكايات التقليدية. أنشأنا املنازل اخلاصة بنا مصنوعة من احللويات بعد قراءة قصة هانسيل وجريتال. كما كتبنا جملة عن الساحرة الشريرة.

هذا ا�سبوع نقرأ قصة الرجل الزجنبيل. وقد دعا ا�طفال والديهم Å يوم اخلميس لبوابة فÀيالند لÐستمتاع معهم.

تذكÀ مهم:

العنوان الرئيسى

Å سوف نرسل لكم التقومي الكاملأقرب وقت لدينا عقب احلصول على التأكيد من من وزارة ال¯بية والتعليم.

مواعيد مهمة:

التجمع ا�سبوعي الصف ا�ول آى �:��- �:�� (جوائز آى بى سي )

التجمع ا�سبوعي الصف ا�ول إس�:��- �:�� (جوائز آى بى سي )

ا�جتماع الرابع مع مدير املدرسة وتناول القهوة الصباحية معه

إجتماع أولياء ا�مور و أعضاء هيئة التدريسالثالثاء ± مارس و ا�ربعاء �مارس � ��م

أسبوع تققيم اللغة العربية مارس � ��م � مارس - اخلميس ا�حد

أسبوع التقييما�حد � مارس – اخلميس �� مارس � ��م

Å الصف السادس، بدأنا دراسة املؤلف، ديفيد ويليامز ونحن نستمع حاليا إ³ امللياردير الصبي. وقد تعلم ا�طفال عن تأثÀ احلوار احلوار ميكن أن يكون Å وضع السرد وقد انعكس ذلك على أهمية الصداقة؛ التى هى Õور الكتاب. وقد أتيحت للتالميذ الفرصة �ظهار

ذوقهم ا�بداعي من خالل إنشاء إعالنات. IPC Å، يستمر ا�طفال مع موضوع املعارض. لقد نظرنا Å ا�يجابيات والسلبيات املرتبطة بجلب متنزه خارجي Å قطر وحلل االقتصاد

املرتبط بها. ا�طفال بحثوا Å أرض املعارض ا�كà جاذبية وتكرار ميزاتها البارزة. وقد أجروا جتارب تتعلق مبقاومة الهواء، واجلاذبية واالحتكاك التي تظهر كلها Å إطار أرض املعارض. وقد نظر ا�طفال أيضا Å املشاكل املرتبطة بأرض املعارض و تنفيذها Å البيئة

واملناطق احمليطة بها. àالرياضيات وقد مت نقل ا�طفال مهارات الطالقة واحلسابات اخلاصة بهم. وهم يدرسون حاليا البيانات وا�حصاءات ويستخدمون أك Å

الطرق فعالية لتقدمي بياناتهم واستنتاجاتهم.

46, AlKhudari street (810),Bin Dirham (25)AlMansoura Area P.O Box 47021 I Doha I Qatar. 00974-4032 2422 00974-7707 8282 [email protected] psisd _psisd _psisd2

ملرحلة ا�بتدائيةا

وقد قام الطالب Å الصف التاسع بتجميع تقرير إخباري كجزء من نقطة خروج IMYC لفكرة اجملتمع.و ركزنا على الطائرات اجلديدة إيرباص، املد واجلزر. كنا Õظوظني بشكل ال يصدق أن نتشرف بحضور ليا هاردينغ من قناة اجلزيرة

الفضائية �عطاء الطلبة و الطالبات رؤى Å احلياة املهنية Å وسائل ا�عالم، و لقد كانت ردود الفعل ممتازة على التقارير.لقد أتاحت الفرصة حقا للطالب �ظهار مهاراتهم Å مقدمات العرض، وتعلموا ما يلزم �نشاء تقرير، بدءا من التصوير وكتابة السيناريو

والكامÀ والتحرير.أعتقد أنهم يتمتعون حقا بهذه التجربة واستحقوا ردود الفعل ا�يجابية من ليا هاردينغ. نحن فخورون جدا بإجنازاتهم وعملهم اجلاد. ملرحلة الثانوية
