the ultimate in reality shows - duro dyne - intro · 2017-09-22 · the ultimate in reality shows...

Bay Shore, NY Santa Fe Springs, CA • Fairfield, OH Vol. 34 • Summer 2012 The Ultimate in Reality Shows The last two weeks went by so quickly and watching television has never been as entertaining. The ul- timate in reality shows, The Olympics! For these two weeks the world was able to put politics aside and glean some of the most exciting team compe- titions from athletes around the world. Observing the skills, strength, focus and determina- tion of these young athletes is such a metaphor for how important our “teams” are in business. When you think you have seen the best, the next game, bout or routine is even more exceptional. It certainly goes to show that even when you think you have seen the best, there is always room for im- provement. In business this is now commonly re- ferred to as Kai Zen. Here at Duro Dyne we are always working on im- provement. Two years ago we implemented ISO 9000-2008 which has fostered an improved means for conducting our business. In order to successfully maintain this new way of run- ning our business,we must document and track each and every process that takes place from order entry, human resource, purchasing, production and shipping/receiving. In putting this into action we have found that it has generated more consistency and efficiency in the jobs that are done and created more of a team spirit to get the job done the right way with a lim- ited amount of waste all of the time. Having the right team, which both Duro Dyne and the U.S. Olympic team have, has proven to be the right formula for success. Congratulations to all of the medal winners around the world, especially to Team United States for winning the most medals. Hard work and determination are the keys for suc- cess. Thanks to everyone on Team Duro Dyne for keeping us in the lead in the HVAC industry. G G O O O O D D T T M M E E S S

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Page 1: The Ultimate in Reality Shows - Duro Dyne - Intro · 2017-09-22 · The Ultimate in Reality Shows The last two weeks went by so quickly and watching television has never been as entertaining

Bay Shore, NY • Santa Fe Springs, CA • Fairfield, OH Vol. 34 • Summer 2012

The Ultimate in Reality ShowsThe last two weeks went by so quickly and watchingtelevision has never been as entertaining. The ul-timate in reality shows, The Olympics! For thesetwo weeks the world was able to put politics asideand glean some of the most exciting team compe-titions from athletes around the world.

Observing the skills, strength, focus and determina-tion of these young athletes is such a metaphor forhow important our “teams” are in business. Whenyou think you have seen the best, the next game,bout or routine is even more exceptional. Itcertainly goes to show that even when you thinkyou have seen the best, there is always room for im-provement. In business this is now commonly re-ferred to as Kai Zen.

Here at Duro Dyne we are always working on im-provement. Two years ago we implemented ISO9000-2008 which has fostered an improved means for conducting ourbusiness. In order tosuccessfully maintainthis new way of run-ning our business, wemust document andtrack each and everyprocess that takesplace from order entry, human resource,

purchasing, production and shipping/receiving. Inputting this into action we have found that it hasgenerated more consistency and efficiency in thejobs that are done and created more of a teamspirit to get the job done the right way with a lim-ited amount of waste all of the time.

Having the right team, which both Duro Dyne andthe U.S. Olympic team have, has proven to be theright formula for success. Congratulations to all ofthe medal winners around the world, especially toTeam United States for winning the most medals.Hard work and determination are the keys for suc-cess. Thanks to everyone on Team Duro Dyne forkeeping us in the lead in theHVAC industry.


Page 2: The Ultimate in Reality Shows - Duro Dyne - Intro · 2017-09-22 · The Ultimate in Reality Shows The last two weeks went by so quickly and watching television has never been as entertaining


London Olympics by the Numbers

The Olympic Games have grown dramaticallysince 1908 when they were first held in London.Then just a little more than 2,000 athletes --nearly all of them men -- competed for 110 goldmedals. But this summer, more than five times thatmany athletes, 10,500 competed for 302 goldmedals. All gold medals, however, are not alike.The ones just awarded over a two week periodcontain just 6 grams of gold. They're mostly silver.A century ago, the gold medals were entirely gold. As of 2012, here are some other interesting facts

and figures to consider:

2 The number of times London has hosted theSummer Olympics previously. They were in 1908and 1948. London was scheduled to host the 1944Summer Olympics, but they were canceled due to

Our Good Times' Summer SpecialMy name is Marie Erazo and I

started working for Duro Dyne in1986 in our mail room. I now liketo call it the Product Library be-cause it is much more than just amail room.

I send out masses of bindersand literature, not to mentionthe promotional items whenDuro Dyne has its grand giveaways.

The remarkable Duro Dynesalesmen are all very special tome. They keep me very busy,along with my other jobsthroughout the office.

Our Literature Manager is oneof a kind, but much more thanthat. We all rely on Marie to getwhat we need, to finish a project,and to just allow things to run smoothly.

Marie was born in Brooklynand when she isn’t putting

all her daytime effort intoDuro Dyne, she worksthree to four nights

a week at Marburn Cur-tains. She spends every

weekend with her grand-daughters: Madison who is

eight years old and Armonii who is 13.There is no task too daunting for this hard-work-

ing gal who is one of Duro Dyne’s most de-voted, dependable and dedicated.

Marie is our Good Times' Summer Special andour Duro Dyne Extraordinaire.

EXPO FRIO Y CALORJune 7-9, 2012Duro Dyne was present at Expo Frio y Calor

this past June, in Santiago, Chile. The show takesplace every two years and captivates visitors fromall over Latin America.

We exhibited together with our local distributorTermoingenieria, a long time partner and tradi-tional HVAC distributor in the country. We had thechance to show our GRD line together with Dyna-Tite, tools, connectors,Dynasticks/weldingpins and air regula-tion products. OurDyna-Tite sales inChile have dou-bled and we nowhave a regularstock with our distributor.

The Dyna-Titeline is being usedin projects fromwarehousing facili-ties to wineries toprojects in coppermines. It's alsobeing re-exportedto neighboringcountries.

Published by:DURO DYNE CORP:81 Spence Street

Bay Shore, NY 11706631-249-9000

www.durodyne.comMilton Hinden, Founder (1922-2000)

Randy Hinden, PublisherSusan De Simini, Editor-in-Chief

DURO DYNE WEST CORP:15005 Marquardt Ave.

Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670562-926-1774

DURO DYNE MIDWEST CORP:3825 Symmes RoadFairfield, OH 45011


DURO DYNE CANADA CORP:5030 Francois-Cusson

Lachine, Quebec, Canada H8T 1B3514-422-9760

The "Library"

Page 3: The Ultimate in Reality Shows - Duro Dyne - Intro · 2017-09-22 · The Ultimate in Reality Shows The last two weeks went by so quickly and watching television has never been as entertaining

Come Visit Duro Dyne:HARDI

October 6 - 9, 2012JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes


October 14 - 16, 2012Bellagio Las Vegas

Las Vegas, NV Booth #201Keep up with all upcoming Duro Dyne Trade Shows, Promo-

tions and Give-Aways. Simply email your name to:[email protected]

This Summer's GiveawayMakes a DifferenceThis summer's giveaway is a product

with a dual purpose. Our little"GroStakes" are ecological woodstakes with Cosmos plant seeds at-tached. They can brighten your officein an indoor pot or outdoors in the gar-

den. Simply insert 1" inthe soil, add water andsunlight and watch 'emgrow.

But there's an evenbrighter reason for

planting our colorful little Cosmos.

By purchasing thesetiny stakes from the

"Groline Eco-Products"organization, Duro Dyne provides ap-proximately 500 meals for hungrychildren either worldwide or here inthe United States. Groline ensuresthat only the most trusted worldwidecharities such as "Feeding America","Global Aid Network" (GAIN) and"Pennies From Heaven" are utilizedfor the purpose.

Every year, nearly 5 million childrendie of hunger. According to theUnited Nations, almost 193 millionchildren under the age of five are un-derdeveloped and roughly 129 milliongo to bed without enough to eat. Thesechildren who are malnourished are then farmore susceptible to illness and disease.

So please accept our "GroStakes" and know weare all doing a small part to help the children ofthe world.

due to World War II.

37 The number of women who competed in the1908 London Games.

4,862 The number of women competing in 2012,according to official Olympic data culled by TheGuardian.

9 millionThe number of tickets sold for the 2012Olympics.

80,000 The number of seats in London's OlympicStadium.

$775 million Estimated cost of London's 2012Olympic Stadium (£500 million). It is built fromonly a 10th of the total steel used to build Beijing'sBird's Nest stadium in 2008.$15 billion Estimated amount of money spentby Great Britain to stage the entire Olympics.

2,300 The number of medals handed out duringthe London Olympics.

1.34% The percentage of gold in an Olympic goldmedal today.

1912 The last year that Olympic gold medals were100% gold.

0 The number of gold medals awarded at the firstmodern Olympics in 1896. The winners actually re-ceived a silver medal instead.

27,974 The number of Olympic medalists from1896 to 2010. This includes the Winter Olympics.

43 The number of events at the first modernOlympics in 1896. Fourteen countries participatedin the competition in Athens, Greece.

302 The number of events at the 2012 LondonOlympics in 26 different sports.

4 The number of countries that have competed inevery Summer Olympics since 1896 - those wouldbe Greece, Australia, Great Britain and Switzerland.

18 The number of medals won by the previousmost decorated Olympic athlete, Russian gymnastLarysa Latynina. She competed in the 1956, 1960and 1964 Summer Olympics. Nine of her medalswere gold, five were silver and four were bronze.

22 The number of Olympic medals won by themost-decorated American athlete, swimmerMichael Phelps. Phelps has won 18 gold medals,eight of which came in the 2008 Games.

3 The number of summer sports in which theUnited States has never won an Olympic medal.They are badminton, table tennis and handball.

13 The age of Marjorie Gestring when she won agold medal in diving in 1936. The American is theyoungest gold-medal winner in Olympic history.

62 The age of Sweden's Oscar Swahn when hewon a gold medal in shooting in 1912. He is theoldest gold-medal winner in Olympic history.

Duro Dyne’s Employee of the SummerJorge Garcia El Monte, CA Duro Dyne West Employee