the typical cases

THE TYPICAL CASES OF ENDANGERMENT OF PEDESTRIANS ON THE SECTION OF ZRENJANIN ROAD: KRNJACA – BORCA ПРИКАЗ ТИПИЧНИХ СИТУАЦИЈА УГРОЖЕНОСТИ ПЕШАКА НА ДЕОНИЦИ ЗРЕЊАНИНСКОГ ПУТА: КРЊАЧА-БОРЧА Vedran Vuksic 1 , Tijana Ivanisevic 2 , Zeljko Djurisic 3 , Zeljko Rankovic 4 Abstract: This paper summarizes data on road accidents and their consequences in the municipality Palilula, where is a section of road Krnjaca – Borca, delivered from the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Serbia. The analyzed data indicate significant exposure of pedestrians and their vulnerability. Based on the statistical data and pedestrian behavior in traffic, that was observed in that section, there was identified and displayed typical situations that cause pedestrian exposure and vulnerability in observed section. It is also given, in addition to the description of the problem, and suggestions for improving traffic safety at the observed section aimed at increasing road safety for target group of pedestrians. Keywords: Traffic Safety, Pedestrians, Section of the Road. Резиме: У раду су анализирани подаци о саобраћајном незгодама и њиховим последицама на подручју општине Палилулa, у оквиру које је и деоница пута Крњача-Борча, добијени од Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије. Анализирани подаци указују на значајно страдање пешака. На основу статистичких података и снимљеног понашања пешака у саобраћају на посматраној деоници, идентификоване су и приказане типичне ситуације у којима долази до страдања пешака на посматраној деоници. Такође је дат, поред описа проблема, и предлог мера за унапређење безбедности саобраћаја на посматраној деоници усмерених на повећање безбедности саобраћаја циљне групе пешака. Kључне речи: Безбедност Саобраћаја, Пешаци, Деоница. 1. INTRODUCTION In the municipality of Palilula in recent years, there has been increased level of motorization which further strained the existing infrastructure and significantly affected the traffic safety level. Palilula municipality is faced with the problem of vulnerability of road users in traffic accidents in which large numbers of people suffer with considerable material damage. This situation is a global problem of humanity, the problem of the region, the state and local communities. Zrenjanin road section: Krnjaca – Borca belongs to the state road II-B, which is consisted of two lanes. Section is characterized by a very large number of attractions, intensive traffic flow, but also a lot of problems related to traffic infrastructure. By comprehensive insight into the current state of the mentioned section, based on a detailed analysis of available data 1 Student HESPS Tehnikum Taurunum Belgrade – Zemun, Vedran Vuksic, traffic ing., [email protected] 2 Student HESPS Tehnikum Taurunum Belgrade – Zemun, Ivanisevic Tijana, traffic ing., [email protected] 3 Student HESPS Tehnikum Taurunum Belgrade – Zemun, Djurisic Zeljko, traffic ing., [email protected] 4 Profesor Zeljko Rankovic, PhD, HESPS Tehnikum Taurunum Belgrade – Zemun, [email protected]

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Page 1: The Typical Cases



Vedran Vuksic1, Tijana Ivanisevic2 , Zeljko Djurisic3, Zeljko Rankovic4

Abstract: This paper summarizes data on road accidents and their consequences in the municipality Palilula, where is a section of road Krnjaca – Borca, delivered from the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Serbia. The analyzed data indicate significant exposure of pedestrians and their vulnerability. Based on the statistical data and pedestrian behavior in traffic, that was observed in that section, there was identified and displayed typical situations that cause pedestrian exposure and vulnerability in observed section. It is also given, in addition to the description of the problem, and suggestions for improving traffic safety at the observed section aimed at increasing road safety for target group of pedestrians.

Keywords: Traffic Safety, Pedestrians, Section of the Road.

Резиме: У раду су анализирани подаци о саобраћајном незгодама и њиховим последицама на подручју општине Палилулa, у оквиру које је и деоница пута Крњача-Борча, добијени од Министарства унутрашњих послова Републике Србије. Анализирани подаци указују на значајно страдање пешака. На основу статистичких података и снимљеног понашања пешака у саобраћају на посматраној деоници, идентификоване су и приказане типичне ситуације у којима долази до страдања пешака на посматраној деоници. Такође је дат, поред описа проблема, и предлог мера за унапређење безбедности саобраћаја на посматраној деоници усмерених на повећање безбедности саобраћаја циљне групе пешака.

Kључне речи: Безбедност Саобраћаја, Пешаци, Деоница.


In the municipality of Palilula in recent years, there has been increased level of motorization which further strained the existing infrastructure and significantly affected the traffic safety level. Palilula municipality is faced with the problem of vulnerability of road users in traffic accidents in which large numbers of people suffer with considerable material damage. This situation is a global problem of humanity, the problem of the region, the state and local communities.

Zrenjanin road section: Krnjaca – Borca belongs to the state road II-B, which is consisted of two lanes. Section is characterized by a very large number of attractions, intensive traffic flow, but also a lot of problems related to traffic infrastructure. By comprehensive insight into the current state of the mentioned section, based on a detailed analysis of available data and by using observation study of the mentioned section, high intensity of pedestrian traffic is noted, but the poor state of traffic infrastructure is also noted (lack of pedestrian crossings, lack of footpaths continuity, lack of wide pedestrian trails, unmaintained hiking paths, the lack of passage, the lack of bike lanes, lack of bike paths continuity, etc..) that leads to the vulnerability of pedestrians on the observed section.

Not maintained or non-existent traffic infrastructure is one of the reasons why pedestrians are crossing the road in places that are not designed for it, and in some places even, they are directed to them. In some parts of the section, due to the lack of sidewalks, pedestrians are forced to enter the driveway and move through it, thereby endangering their own and safety of others.

Law on Road Traffic Safety in the Republic of Serbia stipulates that on the road with a pedestrian crossing / passage for pedestrians, the pedestrian must cross the driveway using pedestrian crossing / passage, if they were not distant from him for more than 100 meters. [1]

On the section of Zrenjanin road: Krnjaca – Borca pedestrian crossings are marked by a much greater distance than 100 m, which forces pedestrians to cross the road in places that suit their needs, thereby exposing themselves to danger.

Also, mentioned Law in the Republic of Serbia stipulates that if the pedestrian crossings are not regulated with traffic lights or police officers, the driver is obligated to adjust the speed of the vehicle so that in every situation in which he sees or has reason to anticipate, can stop the vehicle safely in front of pedestrian crossing and give right of way to pedestrian who has already entered or enters the pedestrian crossing or shows intent to enter the pedestrian crossing. On the other hand, the mentioned Law stipulates that if a pedestrian crossing is regulated with traffic lights or by police officer, the driver must, if he was allowed to pass by a given sign, to give a right of way to pedestrian who has already entered the pedestrian crossing or shows intent to enter into pedestrian crossing. [2]

1 Student HESPS Tehnikum Taurunum Belgrade – Zemun, Vedran Vuksic, traffic ing., [email protected] Student HESPS Tehnikum Taurunum Belgrade – Zemun, Ivanisevic Tijana, traffic ing., [email protected] Student HESPS Tehnikum Taurunum Belgrade – Zemun, Djurisic Zeljko, traffic ing., [email protected] Profesor Zeljko Rankovic, PhD, HESPS Tehnikum Taurunum Belgrade – Zemun, [email protected]

Page 2: The Typical Cases

By touring and recording around observed section, the problem has been recognized and that problem is impossibility of crossing the driveway at pedestrian crossings, even if a pedestrian enters the pedestrian crossing or show intent to enter the pedestrian crossing.

Therefore mentioned regulations in the Law on Road Traffic Safety define conditions for safe pedestrian crossing over the driveway, while during touring, recording and analyzing around the observed section it was not recorded, and on the other hand a lot of violations of regulations regarding procedures for pedestrians and drivers are recorded. This paper initiates the issue and proposed ways to protect pedestrians at the observed section.


On the territory of the Palilula municipality in the period from 2006 to 2009, there were 1444 accidents with injured persons, and 80 accidents with killed persons. [5] These accidents consequences in the Palilula municipality are socially unacceptable, requiring special attention from the state, from all structures of the municipality, and traffic experts.

In 2011 at the territory of the observed municipality, a significant reduction in the number of traffic accidents with killed persons is evident, but also the increase in the number of accidents with injured persons (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Traffic accidents in the municipality of Palilula in the period from 2006 to 2011

On the roads of the Palilula municipality, most common categories of participants in road accidents are drivers with 94.0%, followed by passengers with 3.3%, and pedestrians with 2.7% (Figure 2). When looking at the number of fatalities in the same period, according to the categories of participants, most of the people who died were drivers - 47.4%, followed by pedestrians - 32.1% and passengers - 20.5% (Figure 3).

Page 3: The Typical Cases

Figure 2. Presence of participants categories Figure 3. Presence of participants categories in the in the total number of accidents total number of dead persons in traffic accidents

In the total number of persons who have sustained serious injuries in the observed period in the Palilula municipality, the most common are pedestrians with 39.3%, drivers with 34.3%, and passengers with 26.4% (Figure 4), while in the total number of lightly injured persons, most frequent are passengers with 42%, drivers with 33%, and pedestrians with 25% (Figure 5).

Figure 4. Presence of participants categories Figure 5. Presence of participants categories in the total number of seriously injured persons in the total number of lightly injured persons

Particularly vulnerable group of road users are pedestrians, due to inadequate traffic infrastructure and because of the dangerous situations in which they can participate. Thus entering the road they become full participants in traffic with other participants, primarily with motor vehicles, regardless of their traffic education. Beside the relatively small percentage of the total number of pedestrian accidents (2.7%), consequences which pedestrians feel, when participating in these accidents, were significantly higher (32.1% of died persons, and 39.3% of persons with severe physical injuries).


Based on the recorded and detailed analysis of the situations, on the section of Zrenjanin road: Krnjaca - Borca, developed for this study, in the period from 03.11.2012 until 05.01.2013, the whole section was repeatedly visited and conflicts with pedestrians were recorded, and in a period from 08h to 19h in days: 15.12.2012, 05.01.2013 and 30.01.2013, observation of conflicts with pedestrians in places where most conflicts were observed during the

Page 4: The Typical Cases

recording of the section has been realized, personally by the paper author. Perceived conflict situations are systematized in two parts, in terms of unobstructed and the obstructed visibility. [3], [4]

Typical situation 1: Pedestrian crossing the road in terms of unobstructed visibility

1.1: Typical situations outside the pedestrian crossing

Problem: In the presented situation, because of the above mentioned problems, such as the small number of pedestrian crossings and the large distance between the existing pedestrian crossings, pedestrian cross the road at the observed section outside of the pedestrian crossings, coming from the one of the vehicle sides, producing too much risk, because the driver has no special reason to expect the appearance of pedestrian, and therefore the driver does not have enough time to make an adequate response to avoid the danger, which can result as a traffic accident.

Figure 6. Typical situation outside the pedestrian crossing in terms of unobstructed visibility

Proposal: It is necessary to act, on pedestrians, with certain preventive measures (actions, campaigns, etc.) to improve their attitudes and knowledge. In addition to preventive measures, it is also necessary to act with educational measures, repressive measures (placing the camera and clearly indicate that the camera is on the observed section which will have effect to the raise of attention of road users which will make them careful and more respectful about traffic rules prescribed by the Law on Road Traffic Safety) in a particular time, and technical - regulatory measures (placing protective barriers to prevent pedestrians in an attempt to cross the road of the observed sections in places where it is not provided, and direct them towards a pedestrian crossing or grade separated crossings) to prevent pedestrians crossing the roadway in places that are not meant for that.

1.2: Typical situations on pedestrian crossing

Problem: In the presented situation pedestrian cross the road at the observed section on a pedestrian crossing which is not regulated with traffic lights. Pedestrian crossing, in some extent, gives pedestrian safety and pedestrian can act in such situation more freely and less careful. The problem is further complicated by intolerance of drivers, and disregard of traffic rules, therefore, on a pedestrian crossing which is not regulated with traffic lights it is almost impossible to safely cross the road.

Figure 7. Typical situation on the pedestrian crossing in terms of unobstructed visibility

Proposal: On the observed section it is necessary to act with educational measures on drivers to understand the importance of following traffic rules prescribed by the Law on Road Traffic Safety, and safe behavior in traffic. In addition to these measures it is also necessary to act, on drivers, with preventive measures (actions, campaigns, etc.), repressive measures (placing the camera and clearly indicate that the camera is on the observed section, as well as the intensity and technical performance of the police control on the observed section), and technical - regulatory measures (it is necessary to timely inform drivers about pedestrian crossing by the proper use of horizontal and vertical signalization, physical barriers to slow traffic, uplift of crossings on the platform, using vibro – acoustic strips or the use of different materials for pavement surfacing which will with sound and noise inform the driver of his speed).

1.3: Typical situations on pedestrian crossing regulated with traffic lights

Page 5: The Typical Cases

Problem: In the presented situation, pedestrians cross the road at the observed section on pedestrian crossing regulated with traffic lights. In the given situation basic problem is disrespect of traffic rules by one of the road users. The dangerous situation, conflict, occurs because one of the road users acts contrary to the rules of traffic.

Figure 8. Typical situation at pedestrian crossing regulated with traffic lights

Proposal: It is necessary to act on road users, drivers and pedestrian, with educational measures in order to understand the importance of following traffic rules and in order not to threaten their and others safety. Also it is necessary to act on road users with repressive measures (placing the camera for passing on a red light) and technical – regulatory measures (use of pedestrian traffic lights with red timer, respectively, green signal, with the use of traffic lights which "flash" green signal just before change in the red, it is necessary to use sound signals to alert visually impaired pedestrians and traffic lights with a "push button" for pedestrians, in order to rapidly reduce the time needed for appearance of pedestrian green light and thus eliminate pedestrian impatience and the need to cross the driveway at the red light for pedestrians, and pedestrians feel that they will soon receive a free pass (green light)).

Typical situation 2: Pedestrian crossing the road in terms of obstructed visibility

2.1: Typical situation outside pedestrian crossing in terms of obstructed visibility

Problem: In the presented situation pedestrians cross the road at the observed section outside pedestrian crossing. Careless pedestrian behavior, running out and passing between moving vehicles, leads pedestrian to danger because the driver was not able to make an adequate response to a suddenly created risk and to avoid potential accident. In the presented situation pedestrian hardly can detect a vehicle that is approaching, and the driver is unable to detect and predict the occurrence of pedestrian on the road.

Figure 9. Typical situation outside pedestrian crossing in terms of obstructed visibility

Proposal: In order to improve pedestrian safety in traffic, in presented situation, it is necessary to act on pedestrians with certain systematic measures. It is necessary to act on pedestrians with preventive measures (actions, campaigns, etc.), educational measures (teach them to behave safely in traffic in order not to threaten their or someone else's life), technical - regulatory measures (placing protective barriers that may prevent pedestrians to cross the roadway outside the pedestrian crossing and direct them to the pedestrian crossing, if the pedestrian flows are of the greater intensity, it is necessary to consider the possibility of building subways or ''gangways'' etc.) and repressive measures (placing the camera and clear indication that the camera is on the observed section, as well as with the intensity and professional control by the police control on the observed section).

2.2: Typical situation on pedestrian crossing in terms of obstructed visibility

Page 6: The Typical Cases

Problem: In the situation shown in figure 10 pedestrian cross the observed section on a pedestrian crossing which is not regulated with traffic lights, where the existence of a pedestrian crossing provides a kind of safety and security to pedestrian. In such situation pedestrian is behaving recklessly making himself vulnerable. Drivers in the observed section does not respect the traffic rules, and in these situations there is no possibility for pedestrian noticing, while coming from the front of the bus by a car driver, and therefore there is little possibility for noticing a vehicle by pedestrian.

Figure 10. Typical situation on pedestrian crossing in terms of obstructed visibility

Proposal: It is necessary to check the suitability of locations for a public transport stops, and also pedestrian crossings and consider eventual relocation to the proper location (if necessary), so that pedestrians are more visible and therefore have better visibility to roadway. In addition to these measures it is necessary to act on road users with technical - regulatory measures (it is necessary to timely inform drivers about the increased presence of pedestrians in the zone of a public transportation stops by using the adequate horizontal signalization with high level of retro reflection, adequate vertical signalization, placing non-standard warning signs with high visibility properties, physical barriers to slow traffic, uplift of crossings on the platform, using vibro – acoustic strips or the use of different materials for pavement surfacing which will with sound and noise inform the driver of his speed, good brightness of the road, etc.), preventive measures (actions, campaigns, etc.), educational measures (to understand the importance of following traffic rules prescribed by the Law on Road Traffic Safety, and safe behavior in traffic) and repressive measures (placing the camera and clearly indication that the camera is on the observed section, as well as the intensity and technical performance of the police control on the observed section).


By displaying and analyzing typical situations of pedestrians vulnerability on the observed section it can be influenced using the typical and systematic measures to increase traffic safety of that vulnerable road users. Preventive, educational - correctional measures, technical - regulatory measures, but also repressive measures can provide a safer and more secure flow of traffic on the mentioned section, which will have a direct impact on reducing the number and severity of accidents resulting from such accidents.5. LITERATURE

[1] The Law on Road Traffic Safety (2009). "Official Gazette RS", No 41/09, 53/10 and 101/11.[2] Kostic, S., Lalic, Z., Bulajic, A. (2010). Pedestrian safety in traffic with reference to the new law on road traffic safety, road

accidents prevention 2010 – X international symposium, proceedings, Novi Sad.[3] Antic, B. (2004). The systematic approach to defining the problem of vulnerability of pedestrians on the example of Nikola

Pasic Square in Belgrade, road accidents prevention 2004 – VII international symposium, proceedings, page 76-81, Novi Sad.[4] Pesic, D., Pesic, D., Vujanic, M. (2009) Usage of conflict techniques to reduce the vulnerability of pedestrians (Example Nikola

Pasic Square), The role of local communities in road traffic safety 2009 – IV seminar, proceedings, page 63-68.[5]