the tattler - rsa papanui · 2020. 6. 2. · for my mate bacardi. a very special dog who gave the...

June/July 2020 Newsletter of the Papanui Returned And Services Association Incorporated The Tattler

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  • June/July 2020

    Newsletter of the Papanui Returned And Services Association


    The Tattler

  • P a g e 2 T h e T a t t l e r T h e T a t t l e r

    Disclaimer ——The Tattler is the PRSA newsletter that is intended for members and friends to be informed of the club activities and to be entertained with articles that may, or may not, be relevant to the Clubs activities. The material is contributed from far and wide and

    therefore may not necessarily be the views of the PRSA. The PRSA can take no responsibility, under any circumstances, for

    any material contained, in any part, of this publication

    Club Hours Monday 3pm -–close

    Tuesday Midday—2pm reopening 4pm—close

    Wednesday Midday—2pm reopening 4pm—close

    Thursday Midday—2pm reopening 4pm—close

    Friday 11.30am—-close

    Saturday 4pm—closed

    Sunday closed

    Please note we reserve the right to alter opening and closing hours

    Office Phone 352 1185 The office hours are 9.00 am to 3.00 week days

    Email [email protected]

    P O Box 5444 Christchurch 8542

    55 Bellvue Ave. or No 1 Harewood Rd, Papanui, Christchurch ( behind the shops ) next to St Paul’s Church

    Please visit our Web Site:

    Bar & Restaurant Phone 352 9770

    Restaurant - The Canteen For the menu pages 16, 17, 18

    Page 19 Hours and Function Facilities Page 20 Frozen Meals Menu

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    Club Weekly Events All Members and visitors are

    always very welcome Ode to the Fallen

    Thursdays 6.00 pm

    followed by messages from the President

    Cards - Crib

    Wednesday afternoon

    2.00 to 4.00 pm

    Club Raffles

    Thursday from 5.00pm meat packs and cash raffle, and Find the Joker Saturday night from 5.00pm cash raffle

    Pull Tabs —- from the cans The Lions Club wish to thank all for collecting the Can Tabs

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    Hope everyone is well, and it is great to see the RSA back up and running again. I wish to thank the office staff, bar and canteen and the volunteers who assisted Wendy and myself through the lockdown. Papanui RSA has finished the outdoor area and it is pleasing to see it being well used on these warmer days. The first of our three sports afternoon was enjoyed by those that attended and it was great to see that our two younger members were amongst the winner’s. Membership continues to grow which has assisted the bar and canteen turnover in January and February two normally difficult trading months. We have bookings throughout the year for the Charles Upham room for trainings and corporate meeting which also requires catering, win win for all. Karaoke on a Thursday and Friday housie continues to be popular. “Poppy and Razza” our two resident RSA cats are continuing to be very popular with our members, it’s great to see some of our older and lonely members every week looking for them and having a chat and a cuddle with them. Chris Gray President

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    Papanui RSA Executive Monthly Meetings All Executive meetings are open to financial members to attend and raise matters of concern to them. It is your opportunity to question the Executive about any concerns you may have regarding your club and we are always receptive to new ideas you may have about the club’s future. The meetings are held on the second Monday of the month from February through to December at 5.00pm.

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    Bacardi and his mate

    Bacardi was stolen, (dognapped actually), from his mum by Bulldog when he was just a pup less than six weeks old at the most. Bloody Bulldog had to pick the most wanton of places to commit his dastardly crime - namely a house of pleasure commonly referred to as a brothel by us peasants from Victor Six, (who were always too busy fighting the war in the Jay to visit such places), while his mum was working the security shift protecting the hard working employees of said establishment in Vung Tau. Then to top it all off he abandons the poor pup in Nui Dat no more than a week later and pisses off back to New Zealand. Enter Old Man with jet black hair who was soon to become White Fox. My first glimpse of Bacardi was of him trying to climb up and onto the edge of the concrete footpath outside the cookhouse about three hours after we arrived in country - he was that small. And all the while the queue that had formed whilst waiting for Dinner were taking bets on whether the pup would make it or not.

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    I managed to stuff the illegal gambling game up by picking up Bacardi and taking him up past the front of the queue and into the kitchen with explicit orders to the cooks that they were to feed him before they fed the troops. End result Bacardi always got the best of the menu and on his own plate. As a result, he became the official mascot for Victor Six and therefore entitled to be rationed and quartered accordingly. Some of the guys were anti-animal - whatever the species, but they were always worried about how I would react to their dislike of animals. One finished up being tried and convicted, so to speak, on a charge of cruelty to an animal in that contrary to good military conduct and bearing he gave Bacardi a boot when all poor old Bacardi wanted to do was to piss up against his leg which he mistakenly identified as a supporting post for the local pissaphone. The OC took a chunk out of the soldier's pay packet for that liddle misdemeanour much to the laughter of the rest of the troops. Sadly, poor ole Joe passed away last year he also served with Victor Three, I think. I spoke with him about a week before he died, and he was still cracking up in a humorous way about how Bacardi cost him money Bacardi grew up to be a fine-looking dog. And yes, believe it or not things are not always what they appear to be. Just like Oliver Twist he had breeding of sorts - it was determined by a Veterinarian at the American War Dog Hospital at the Bien Hoa Air Base, that Bacardi was in fact a Blue Kelpie Cross. It was at Bien Hoa where the plot to get Bacardi out of the country was finally put into gear. The vet gave me some tablets to dope Bacardi with and instructions to do it about half an hour before we boarded the Freedom Bird to fly back to Singapore. We tried it the night before and it worked like a charm. However, when we tried it for real at the Airfield in Vung Tau, the bugga would not play the game and flatly refused to go to sleep. So, I had to empty my Duckbag out and pass my gear around the rest of the guys and then put Bacardi inside it and zip it up. I then had to use my trusty bayonet to slit a hole on the side of it so that the bugga could breathe. Then with the Company around me to shield the Aircrews view we

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    smuggled Bacardi on board the Freedom Bird. I don't think I got back the gear that the guys shoved into their own packs - the thieving huas! Anyway, when we had climbed steeply to around 30,000 feet and about 1/2 hour into the flight, I let Bacardi out of the bag. Well the Loadmaster was gobsmacked, as was the female medical orderly and of course the pilot up front. However, I knew that no way in the world that the crew were going to turn their plane around and head back to Vung Tau just to dump off a stowaway dog. Besides they had their Cheap Christmas shopping to do in Singapore before heading back to good ole NZ. The end result we landed in Singapore and Bacardi spent a month in jail courtesy of quarantine procedures - thanks to the certificate from the American Veterinarian otherwise he would have faced the chop there and then. However, to my knowledge, Bacardi was the only animal, mascot or war dog proper, that ever made it out of Viet Nam during the War. All the others were shot or killed with an injection. So much for how animals are used by humans to further their own selfish ideals, then dump them when they are no longer of any use. Leaving him behind in Singapore was one of the worst days of my life - Bacardi sensed that I was leaving. But the Cooks came to the rescue and took overlooking after him. When I returned some four months later the old Bugga still remembered me, but I was only there for a short while as I was posted up to the Jungle Warfare School. I had a room in the Sergeant's Mess in Dieppe and returned whenever I had leave. And it was great to see him come up to me with a cigarette (unlighted) in his mouth and the right way around I might add. I think he learnt that trick from me by watching me take a cigarette out of the pack. On one such occasion when I returned, I was told by the RSM that Bacardi had been shot as he had attacked a soldier. When I asked if said soldier who was attacked was an RP.

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    He looked bemused and asked me why. I just put my can of beer down and said to him that I was going hunting. I found the said RP in one of the bars. He wasn't too happy at all to see me. Anyway, the upshot of it all was that the RSM wasn't too happy at all himself when he realised that Bacardi's death was engineered by the hua. If I remember rightly, I don't recall seeing the wanker after that whenever I returned to Singapore on leave. For Ross as you will note in response to your query below, I developed that innate ability to make it impossible for people to say no to any requests that I make long before Hariprasad and Karna Bahadur Thapa came into focus on the crosshairs of my sights. For my mate Bacardi. A very special dog who gave the guys great moments of laughter and sanity in an insane world of Gunships, Armed Forces Radio Viet Nam, Transistor Radios, Bobby - The Red Cross Weather Girl, the White Mice, and Puff the Magic Dragon. Bacardi and his mate WhiteFox

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    The Veteran Rehabilitation Strategy The strategy is designed to give practical support and assistance to men and women veterans who need it, so they can be well and independent and achieve the best that they can for themselves, their whānau and their communities. Message from the Minister for Veterans, Hon Ron Mark How a society treats its veterans is a measure of that society. In New Zealand, we recognise that those who have put their lives on the line for our country deserve not only our gratitude and respect but also our sup-port and assistance. The Veteran Rehabilitation Strategy is a major initiative for delivering this support. It takes a new approach to making available modern, targeted, and high-quality rehabilitation to those who have been injured or made ill because of their service to New Zealand. I am not alone in advocating that our veterans should receive the best possible support. For Veterans’ Affairs, advocating for veteran rights, and ensuring that these are delivered, is their bread-and-butter business, and something they do every day. But this strategy recognises that there are a lot of other agencies which can—and should—advocate and deliver for veterans as well. And it also recognises that the families and whanāu of veterans who have been injured or become ill because of their service need and deserve our support. While Veterans’ Affairs leads this strategy, I am pleased to note that it has consulted closely on all aspects of it with other interested parties. This shared understanding of what is needed to make the strategy work, and the shared commitment of so many organisations to playing their part in helping Veterans’ Affairs to deliver it, is the real underlying strength that the strategy is able to offer.

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    As Minister for Veterans, I welcome this new approach and the principles on which it is built. I am looking forward to seeing the difference it will make to the lives of our veterans. Visit the website for more information

    Phone: 0800 483 8372 If you're outside New Zealand +64 4 495 2070

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    T h e T a t t l e r

    Contributor: Ray F Kure 1954 Kaniere was preparing for sea, destination Hong Kong, as the first leg of our return to New Zealand. The Chief Bosun’s Mate (Buffer) came to me and asked if I knew where A/B Rowbottom might be. No, I had no idea. Paddles, as Barry was affectionally known, was adrift. The Buffer reported back to the 1st Lieut, who then ordered me to go ashore to find our wayward sailor. I was amazed; our ship was five minutes from sailing! Both the gangway and I reached the wharf together, and there I was cast into a city reputed to have 600 bar/cathouses. The order was given for Kaniere to ‘single up’ as I made my way to the wharf gate to the curious stares from shipmates. I wove through the crowd of the crews’ temporary girl friends tearfully waving goodbye, and just as I took the road to the city, Kaniere cast off and sailed! Trudging along, I decided to make for the Commonwealth Barracks thinking that when Paddles saw Kaniere gone he would go there. . About 200 yards further on, lo and behold there was my quarry coming straight towards me. I had a plan! HMS Cossack was at the same wharf as Kaniere and I had noticed her motorboat was in the water. A young Lieutenant, as Officer of the Day was walking the quarterdeck. I approached him and asked if I could borrow his ship’s boat to catch up with Kaniere? Without hesitation he leaned over the side and instructed the boat’s cox’n to take us and catch up with Kaniere, which by this time was almost out of sight. I offered my profound thanks to our friendly officer, who then, as we left Cossack, called out to say he would radio Kaniere to slow up. Now there was a man of action! We had gone about halfway and my feeling of smugness at my show of initiative was shattered when Paddles produced 2 bottles of whisky and would I take them aboard as he would be searched! Murder was on my mind, but you don’t let a mate down. We reached Kaniere and Paddles was whisked away to the foc’sle to answer his charges. I tarried as long as I could before thanking the boat’s crew for their endeavours and climbing up the jumping ladder and over the guardrails with the 2 bottles weighing heavily in my socks. Safely home in the messdeck I then made my big mistake! I reckoned on a reward for my efforts, and was just upending a bottle when I caught a movement to my right. There was Petty Officer Fisher eyeing me with much displeasure. He turned and walked off and with no little trepidation I awaited a call to the Cox’ns office. It never came. Thank you Doug!

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    Helping The local community Soldiers from Burnham and Linton have been restoring the headstones of service people buried in local cemeteries. In late February personnel from 3rd Catering Supply Company (3CSC), based at Burnham Military Camp, helped to restore returned service person headstones at Bromley Cemetery in Christchurch. During just one day the Burnham team cleaned 475 headstones and painted close to 300 headstones. They worked in conjunction with the Returned Service Association, the New Zealand Remembrance Army, Christchurch City Council and Veterans Affairs. 3CSC Platoon Commander Lieutenant (LT) Stephen Carruthers said helping the local community helps to connect current soldiers with the past. “The wife of a veteran who is buried at Bromley thanked us for our work because she was now too old now to clean his headstone. She told us that her husband would have been chuffed that the Army was doing this,” he said. Many headstones at Bromley Cemetery haven’t been touched since they were installed and close to 800 headstones require restoration in Bromley alone. LT Car-ruthers said soldiers enjoyed the task and seeing how much they achieved in a short amount of time made them feel they had done something worthwhile, and knew this would be appreciated by the wider community. The work completed by 3CSC is just a small boost in the ongoing restoration of returned service person headstones around the country.

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    Chicken Schnitzel $20: Golden Crumbed Chicken Schnitzel served

    with Salad & Chips or Seasonal Vegetables

    Beef Schnitzel $20: Crumbed Beef Schnitzel with Gravy, served

    with Salad & Chips or Seasonal Vegetables

    Ham Steak $20 gf: A Juicy Ham Steak served with Salad & Chips

    Mixed Grill $22: Bacon, Sausage, Minute Steak, 2 Eggs

    Tomato & Chips

    Sausages, Eggs and Chips $17: 2 Sausages, 2 Eggs & Chips

    Fish and Chips $18: Large Fillet of Fish served with Chips, Salad,

    Tartare & Tomato Sauce & Lemon

    Burger and Chips $15: Juicy Beef or Chicken Pattie, served on a

    Toasted Bun with Bacon, Egg, Lettuce and Tomato.

    Roast of the Day $16, or Small only available from

    12.00-2pm $14 gf:

    Served with Roast Pumpkin & Potatoes

    and Seasonal Vegetables

    Seafood Basket $18: served with salad and fries

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    Desserts $10.00 each

    Apple Shortcake: Served with Ice Cream & Cream Chocolate Mud Cake: Served with Ice Cream & Cream Sticky Date Pudding: Served with Carmel Sauce, Ice Cream & Cream Ice Cream Sundae: Vanilla Ice Cream served with your choice of toppings – Caramel, Chocolate, Passionfruit, Raspberry or Strawberry


    12 and Under Only $10.00 6 Fish Bites & Chips

    6 Chicken Nuggets & Chips 1 Sausages & Chips

    All Served with Tomato Sauce Small Ice Cream Sundae

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    Snack Food Large Serve of Wedges $13 With Bacon and Cheese Bar Basket $12 4x Spring Rolls, Samosa’s & Fish Bites with 2 Onion Rings & Fries Wedges $10 with Sour Cream & Sweet Chilli Sauce Toasted Sandwich $5.50 for 3 fillings Extra fillings 50c @ Served with fries $8 Toppings include: Cheese, Onion, ham, Tomato, Bacon, Egg Basket of Chips $5

    STARTERS Garlic Bread $5

    Soup of the Day $7 Shrimp Cocktail $7.50

    LIGHT MEALS Nachos $14: Mild Chilli Beans served with Sour Cream and

    Nacho Chip – vegetarian. Mince on request $2 Bangers and Mash: $14 6 Chicken Nuggets or 6 Fish Bites or 1 Sausage

    and Chips $9.50

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    The Canteen

    At the Papanui RSA

    Lunch Dinner Monday Closed all Day Tuesday 12.00 – 2.00pm 5.00 – 7.00pm Wednesday 12.00 – 2.00pm 5.00 – 7.00pm Thursday 12.00 – 2.00pm 5.00 – 7.00pm Friday 11.30 – 2.00pm 5.00 – 7.00pm Saturday Closed 5.00 – 7.00pm Private functions will still be available by arrangement and we will open on Sundays as required.

    Function Facilities; The RSA has three rooms available for hire for that special family occasion, corporate meeting / training or community group event. A fully flexible professional catering service is available from “The Canteen” from a three course buffet, finger food or morning and afternoon tea. Menus are available on request

    Please contact Wendy 352-1185 (office hours)

    Be it for a snack, a daily meal or that special event you may be planning, such as birthdays, funeral, weddings or just a special family gathering. A fully professional and flexible catering service is available from the RSA Canteen and bar.

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    Bangers & Mash Lambs fry & Bacon

    Roast Meat with Roast Veges, Seasonal Veges & Gravy

    Fish Pie & Veges Soup

    Macaroni Cheese

    Apple Crumble Apricot Crumble

    BUY 5 Receive 1 Free


    Please contact Papanui RSA Phone 3521185 or

    email [email protected]

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    Chef Special Lamb Shanks, Mash and Vegies

    1 Lamb Shank with Mash & Vegies $25

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    To our faithful South Island Customers. For the last 30 years, Books and Gifts Direct has been working with businesses like yours all over the South Island. Three years ago we were delighted to become 100% New Zealand owned and operated, and we’ve been working hard to try and find more of the products you love, with the convenience of ordering from your workplace. Unfortunately, as you’re aware Coronavirus is causing significant disruption to the global supply chain and it’s with much regret the Books & Gifts Direct is closing our South Island workplace display box network. Books & Gifts Direct works by having stock in over 10,000 workplaces. Displaying this much stock fortnightly requires a significant level of stock. With the impact on manufacturing in China our orders have been significantly reduced. We are confident in our ability to source the volume and quality required to display every product in every workplace. To ensure continuity of supply for the business as a whole we have made the difficult decision to close the South Island display box net-work. Over the next few weeks, the display boxes will be removed from all South Island businesses and all outstanding orders will be delivered or refunded, On the positive side, our Nationwide Online store is well stocked and has been growing very quickly over the last few years with thousands of customers picking up great deals every month. The online store is our recommended place for our South Island customers to purchase our products and has thousands of products available all the time. To say thanks for your support we’re offering FREE SHIPPING to the South Island on all orders through the website over $40 until the end of April. Visit and use the Voucher Code FREESOUTH If you have any customer services queries going forward, please contact us by emailing [email protected] or via[email protected]

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    Foot Care FOOT CARE CLINICS ARE HELD AT THE PAPANUI RSA CLUB BY WALK ON AIR FOOT CARE, PHONE 3541 380 OR 021 288 9618 Every Thursday from 10am—4pm

    Public holidays permitting Toenails, corns, and calluses attended too. An appointment is not necessary, and the cost is $30 per person.

    Home visits are also available by arrangement, with a call out fee additional cost.

    Best Regards Heather.

    ANZAC BISCUITS INTO SUPERMARKETS FOR 2020 The 2020 range of RSA Anzac Biscuits are back in stock in leading supermarkets all over New Zealand. Once again AFM Group has

    launched a limited run of four collector tins which continues the popular series of tins over past years depicting various illustrations taken from promotional and advertising campaigns during wartime NZ. These tins

    are proving popular, with 2019’s edition selling out across New Zealand.

    In addition to the tins, packets of the RSA Anzac Biscuits are also available. Both the packets and the tins are in store now, so look out of them when you next visit the supermarket or when you are shopping



    Anzac Biscuits are available at leading supermarkets such as New World, Four Square, Pak‘n’Save, and Countdown.

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    Dine free at Papanui RSA.

    Bring three paying guests and receive your meal free during your birthday month.


    You need to be an RSA member and proof it’s your birthday month.

    Birthday day meal to the value of $30.00. Only valid with the purchase of at least 3 main meals.

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    Integrity Funeral Care

    You don't need to be strictly traditional

    Caring & Affordable Funeral & Cremation Packages Starts From $2,990.00

    We provide 24 hour professional service A home style environment A fully staffed after hours service. Comfortable lounge and kitchen facilities Caring staff to assist you in your time of need. Phone Toll Free—0800 000 121 4/18A Taurus place Bromley, Christchurch 8062 GOLD CARD MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT.

    Lions Club of Christchurch Host

    meets at the Papanui RSA at 5.30 pm on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month.

    We are ordinary people just like you and invite you to become part of the Lions family of over

    1.4 million members worldwide. You could be one of us.

    Contact: President Marion McWha, ph 386-1581 or email [email protected].


    mailto:[email protected]

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    What’s on the RSA June

    Housie Every Friday 1pm - 3.30pm Cancelled Christchurch Country Music and Variety Club 7 June - Sunday 1.30pm - 5pm Cancelled Lynne Chaney & Friends 14 June - Sunday 1.30pm - 5pm Karaoke TBA 18 June 6.15pm Cancelled Just Us 27 February 6.30

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    What’s on the RSA July

    Housie Every Friday 1pm - 3.30pm TBA Christchurch Country Music and Variety Club 5th July - Sunday 1.00pm - 5pm TBA Pauls Barber 7th & 8th July 10.00am—12pm Smokey 9 July —Wednesday 11am—1pm TBA Lynne Chaney & Friends 12 July - Sunday 1.30pm - 5pm Karaoke 19 March - Thursday 6.15pm—9.00pm TBA Just Us 16 July

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    Welcome to our New Members

    Grant Dickey, Darryl Higgins, Glen Schuitman, Travis Bishop,

    Clarrie Wilson, Gordy Collingwood, Peter O’Brien, John Wright,

    Geoff Pywell

    Saturday Night at the Papanui


    Enter at bar and you will be eligible to win an RSA $50 Voucher.

    This is drawn on the first Monday of the

    following month

    February Winner: Graeme Arps March Winner: Bob Deacon

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    12.00 - 2.00PM


    9th & 10th June

    Roast of the Day or Lambs Fry & Bacon

    23rd & 24th June

    Roast of the Day or Macaroni Cheese

    7th & 8th July

    Roast of the Day or Lasagna

    21st & 22nd July

    Roast of the Day or Fish Pie

    CHILDREN ARE SO HONEST !! Out bicycling one day with my eight year old granddaughter, Carolyn.

    I got a little wistful “in ten years,” I said, “You’ll want to be with your friends and you won’t go walking, biking, and

    swimming with me like you do now, Carolyn shrugged.

    “In ten years you’ll be too old to do all those things anyway.”

    On the way back from a cub scout meeting, my grandson innocently said to my son, “Dad, I know babies come from mommies tummies, but how

    do they get in there in the first place?.” After my son hummed and hared awhile, my grandson finally spoke up in disgust, “You don’t have to make up something, Dad, its okay if you don’t

    know the answer

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    Peter Dunell (Support Advisor) Phone Wendy at the RSA office on 352-1185 for an appointment. All conversations are held in strict confidence. Welfare assistance is available for dental, glasses, hearing, specialist and genuine hardship. Assistance may also be available from the Canterbury Patriotic Fund and also RSA Pennington Trust both trusts are available for returned veterans to make application to. Application forms are available from the office. Peter can assist with the application for a new war pension or reviews for new disabilities. We do need your help in reaching out to the veteran community so if you know a veteran or ex-service person in need of assistance please refer them to Peter or the office.

    Your Executive Committee President Chris Gray 022-0516494 Vice President Lyn Anthony 357-9330 Treasurer Dennis Moffat 323-6317 Executive Judith Fanning 021-2454084

    Ricky Nuttall 020 4742591 Andrew Pokaia 022 6781529 Philip Redmond 354-0282 Sarah Strachan 351-9824

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    Last Post They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,

    At the going down of the sun, and in the morning.

    We will remember them, Lest we forget. Patrick Dugan Polly Pollock

    Club Membership Draw on Thursday nights

    The membership draw takes place at 6.05pm every Thursday night if the first draw is not won a second chance is held at 6.30pm

    $70 2192 $120 2039 $70 1299 $120 2260 $80 2665 $130 1482 $80 2360 $130 1106 $90 1987 $140 1680 $90 1820 $140 1416 $100 2784 $100 1818 $110 2572 $110 2799

    ‘Provisional Membership’ Now available at the Club One months ‘Free Membership’ now available, why not ask your mate to come on in and look us over, they won’t be disappointed. See the Bar Staff for more details

  • Members Supporting Anzac Day