the rise of democracy ideas poster

In a constitutional monarchy, a ruler's power is limited by law. It was England, 1689. English Parliament had established its right to limit th monarch's power and to control succession to the throne. In this way, P gained more power and the king's power was limited. The English Bill of Rights was written by Parliament in 1689. The Engli Rights limited the monarchy's power and protected free speech in Parlia ruler was not allowed to suspend laws, collect taxes without Parliament or to raise armies in peacetime unless Parliament approve. People had t speak in government. In addition, unreasonable bail and unusual punishm forbidden. Therefore, the English people gained more individual liberti set an example for American colonists when they protested against Brita

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Post on 09-Oct-2015




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poster for modern world history


In a constitutional monarchy, a ruler's power is limited by law. It was developed in
England, 1689. English Parliament had established its right to limit the English
monarch's power and to control succession to the throne. In this way, Parliament
gained more power and the king's power was limited.
The English Bill of Rights was written by Parliament in 1689. The English Bill of
Rights limited the monarchy's power and protected free speech in Parliament. The
ruler was not allowed to suspend laws, collect taxes without Parliament's consent,
or to raise armies in peacetime unless Parliament approve. People had the right to
speak in government. In addition, unreasonable bail and unusual punishment were
forbidden. Therefore, the English people gained more individual liberties. It also