the pulaski citizen. (pulaski, tenn.) 1877-10-18 [p...

jJLIL TOL.19 palasM . Citisen. j CUlzfti Printing Company IV. McCORD, Editor and Manager IflrRSDAY, : : : OCT. 18. 1S77 RAM'S FOB IDVERTIHIXO : .PAD. i nm. mo. cm. o mo. l'i mo i inch.. . $ 2 50 f i 00 00 $ j 00 $ 10 00 i iiiclies. . 4 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 . t inches. . 6 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 i inches. . 8 00 10 00 12 00 5 00 25 00 tf Col... 10 00 15 00 13 00 25 00 40 00 Col... 12 00 IS 00 20 00 30 00 60 00 g Col... 15 00 '20 00 25 00 40 00 75 00 f Col... 20 00 80 00 40 00 SO 00 150 00 Advertisements standing 8 months or Ions ntvuble always in advance. Other bills dnn uoartery in advance. 10 per cent, off of yearly or Halt yearly bills when all paid in Obituaries and tribotea of respect charged lor at o nuw nun m auvance wimout va riation. Calls upon persons to become cardidates and answers to tame 10 cents per line, in ad vance. Announcements of candidates . r : .. l . . - . for : Conntv . .J omcerB j in nuvauuo. xsisirict omcers f:iu, in advance. Local nolioes among reading matter 20 cent per line for first and 10 cents per line for each mbaequont insertion. Locals ordered in for (fietufied time longer than 1 month, 10 cents pornneeacn insertion, jno local Jess than 5 j cents lor nrst inaortiou. Job work mast be paid for when ordered, except oy special agreemant. this date (Ang. 17,1876), and until further notice, standing advertisements amounting to as much as I '25 will be dm counted 10 per cent., those reachin? C40 will be deducted 20 per cent., and those amount ing to f iuo ana over, as per cent. This ap- plies only to standing advertif-ement- s and not to locals or specials or job worlc. Farmer BeneGt To-nigh- t. flATHIYP Invtry large variety at iLuiuniu tuejtew ore Store. Miss Book Mason is attending the rair. Mr. Tom. Lindsay was up from Lincoln last week. m Great bargains in Clothing at octlS-S- 2t Akbowsmith & Abernatmy's Titman's Silver Band is making music lor the Fair. Esq. Marbutt spent several days ia Nashville last week. You can buy Oysters at Craig's cheaper than meat. Capt. W. J. Kidgeway came down from Nashville yesterday. . mm Mr. W. G. S. Anderson came down to the Fair yesterday'. 100 Overcoats from $3.50 to $25.00. oc!8-2- t Absowsmith & Abekxatht. Ballentine & Irvine have a mag- nificent display at the Fair. Miss Nina wood of Nashville is visiting Miss Sallie Ballentine. finTIIIT For men, boys and youths ILUllllitU cheaper than ever at L. Eosonau's Corner. 6ep27-4- t Mr. Edward S. Jones is special reporter for the Banner at our Fair. Miss Annie Aymctt returned from Arkansas last Monday evening. rpEXAS. Persons going to Texas J. anil the West will 11 nil tliecheapeet Tacking Trunks at the Kew York Store. Jno. Arcli acts Marshal at the Fair with Magnilicient eclat. Mr. liobt. James Gordon of Nashville was in town Saturday. Now is the time to buy your Queens-war- e, as Craig has a very large stock to select from. Little Mary, daughter of Prof. Casey, has been quite 6ick several days. iii The contract has been made for a tin roof for the Presbyterian Church. A full line of Ladies' Cloaks, very stylish and handsomely trimmed, and very cheap at Kosenau & Loveman's Mr. II. C. Crow is able to be up alter a two weeks' attack of chills aud fever. Mrs. Jas. 11. Crowe returned last Thursday from a protracted visit to llartsville. ' Another lot of those Towels at $1 25 per dozen at the IN o"W York tore, Mr. Jas. Kinney and his Ueautiful wife, nee Miss Nixon of Lawrence, were at the Fair. Mr. May's new residence is up to the ground lloor and is being very rapidly pushed. If you want to save money and get ood, honest goods, be sure to call on KOSKKAU & LOVKMAN. Mrs. Jas. 11. Osborn of Murfrees-bor- o was in Pulaski two or three days last week. Mrs. Caleb Osborn is spending a visit with her relatives and friends t Mutfrecsboro. - - Good unlaundried Shirts, 75 cents. Good Marino Undershirts, 50 cents. ocl3-2- t Akkowsmith & Abkkxathy. Mr. G. N. Davidson has a fine Berkshire Boar at the Fair which weighs 4S5 pounds. Win. T. Ilobbs of Giles county filed his petition in bankruptcy at Nashville Saturday. King's Combination Spectacles, the best made, lor 6ale? by J. A. Cayce. octlS-- 3t Hon. W. C, Whitthorno has been called home to the dcath.beds of his mother and a sister. uite a number of visitors to th Fair arrived last night, and a great aiiy will be here to day. end prices at FIAXXELS, .UJ2 on me corner. sep2-5- w Messrs. Gordon and Lacey, and perhaps two or three others, will go to Florida next week. ii- - Everybody in town now plays chess and there are only about fur that know how to play. A larjre lot f Dress Shirts, laundered ad uidaundered, at IJottom prices at KOSENAU fc LOVEilAN'S. Ladies, do your visiting this pret- ty weather, fur the slush will soon itU us to abide all winter. Jlr- - Rob't McLauriuc ia with Mr. selling goods. His Bunker ''1 tiiends will hunt him up. Old Whiskies and Brandies for Med ' ("irpt ses cheap at uS3-- tf CinsoN & Gilbkrt. Mrs. Henry Neill came down last week upon a visit to the families of Messrs. Jesse and Billy Neill. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, .vyi oaio cueap at J. A. Catce's. octlS-3- t Mr. J. L. Pearcy's little son Jo is quite sick with the prevalent fever though he was better yesterday. I killed a hoj vesterdav in mv garden. I will kill one every day as long as they last. Owners look out: Laps. D. McCord. Mr. Wyatt Abernutby was in Columbia last week and the Herald intimates that he means business. ClothiDg is cheaper than ever this season, u you do not believe It go and avts ior yourseir at Kqsexatj & Lovkmam's Llders Jesse Cox and B. E. Mullins wil preach at Lynnville Station next Saturday and Sunday, Pittman's Silver Band returned Sunday evening. They gave great satisfaction at the Iluntsville Fair. Everybody that wants a pure article of Whisky lor family or medical use is using the Warren. J. L. Uiil & Co. sell it wholesale and retail. oct3--3t Messrs. W. II. McCallum, S. E. Rose and E. T. Taliterro went to Federal Court at Nashville Monday Mr. Ike L. Shapard is at Ballen tine and Irvine's, looking as natur- al as he did in 1832. , Ike loves the yardstick. fllAiro For Ladies, Children and liLUiilYiJ Misses, all styles and prices at ii. lcosenau's corner. sep-- 4t The Farmer Benefit. Admis sion to all parts of the house 50 cents. Children and colored per sons bait price. Miss Eva Moss, of Thompson's Station, sister of Mrs. A. C. Irvine, is attending the lair, visiting at Capt. Irvine's. A complete stock of Black Alpaccas and Cashmeres at popular prices at KOSENAU & JOVEMAN'B. Capt. W. C. Kirkland of the Ilu- - ral Sun is at the Fair. II is is a splendid paper and he is getting many subscribers. HI If there should be any newspaper men attending the Fair they will please call at this office and secure a tickcb of admission. BOOTS and SHOES Bought from manufacturers and as tonishingly cheap at L. Itosenau's on the corner. sep27-- 4t Mr. Sam. Brown, a Lawrence- - burg merchant, with his daughter, have been attending the Fair. He went to Nashville yesterday. HI The Marshall Gazette comes to us now greatly enlarged and im proved. We are glad of its pros perity. It is a good paper. If you want a good Overcoat made of Marcella Falls Jeans, you cau get it lor a mere trifle at Koseuau & Lovcniau's. In Quorum Court Monday the will of A. Dishongh was probated. Isaac Gillam qualified as adminis trator of Jcrusha Gillam, dee'd. iii Mr. Meredith P. Miller smiled into our sarretum Monday that old familiar smile which would frighten a steam engine. He looks well. 41 ' Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, repaired promptly at reasonable prices, by OCtlS-O- C A. VAXCJS. Mr. Will Peck camo up Sunday with Mr. W. G. Lewis' stock and cattle to be exhibited at the Fair. He didn't lose a premium at Ilunts- ville. Misses Ada Townsend and Linda Malone of Athens are in the city, the former stopping at Mr. Jno. D. Miller's and the latter at M. Talia ferro's. a vorv lnri-- assortment of Ladies Straw and Felt Untrimined Hats, and Feathers. Flowers and Trimmings just received at the Xew York Store. Capt. Jno. S. Wilkes, Dr. Jno. T. Steele, Maj. IIu. F. Ewing, and sev-era- l others, were to start to Texas last week but gave it out at the last moment. Mr. David W. Burch is with Can non fc Co., selling boots and shoes. He is at home behind a counter and that firm is fortunate in securing his services. Wo l.nvA ft ljirce stock of well selected goods, bought as cheap as any other house can buy them, and trill tell them accordingly. Robknau K wvimi. Augustine & Co. and Madison Harwell exhibit splendid fruits at the Fair. Mr. Harwell shows a cu- cumber 4 feet, 7 inches long in the shape of a horse collar. ..n i Recorder Stanley did not intro duce the bill to create a City Weigh- - er. lie reporieu it aa vuu a special committee appointed to draft some such ordinance. lluss in great vari ety and prices at L. liosenau's on the BCD" c corner. Our fellow-citize- n, F. Smithson, Esqr. was elected R. W. Grand Senior Warden yesterday of Grand odc I. O. O. F. An honorable office very worthily bestowed. Mr. J. M. Cayce ot Franklin has , v : m n f !i i nf snd is petectea ms a now wanting agents. He has spent it and it is flv years in perfecting now said to be the best made. sxtAJri 3 axixxanva IZ- -l 11 Maiuonis.w XO.VXfD i,. n.Mf mm suo-ua.- T onp ?sua uo rtivi -- i Mr. Jimmie White showed us yesterday some samples of dried fruit which he dried upon a drier of invention which was beau- - his own l. - tiful. He can ury ou0"- - Promptly, according to promise, , .'.i fi.,.-.rt-v Woodring our ineuu v...D - brought us a mess ui iu rt,- - Rose Irish Pota- toes, second crop Early for which he has our thanks. BIrs. Blorris Will entertain boarders and a few lodg- er during tl.o Fair at her Loardit.g north of the Sqiiare.on iTilSn Street, between Well. blo and Webb's Foundry. ocUi--- t THE Tom Wells hasn't quit grinnin yet. The little fellow is a week old. 'It's a great bis, boancin', bastin' boy, A rantin', roarin' laddie, An' all tbo wirarain folks ... do say 11 1 : i .J Dr. Tol. Grant gave Col. Dave Cox three dollars for the bear skin and then took the bear scalp over to the Clerk and got S2.50 for it, and Col. Cox wept because he did not think of it. ... Kill fiMHT IIarris Seamless, th UUiluu Degt giove made, at I Roesenau's Corner. eep27-- 4t Ihe Berger Family didn't do much in Pulaski. They sold tickets higher than they advertised to sell and kept many from going. Annie Berger is not with them, either, as advertised. Sumpter fc Lacey have the most beautiful display at the Fair Grounds. It is all due to the ex traordinary enterprise of Mr. Lacey, iue large sign was gotten up in this ofhee. WATERPROOFS ! ! at 80 cents per yard, worth f 1 50. Examine t at the New York Store. Mr. Isaac L. Shapard has return- ed to his first love the yardstick. He is now with Messrs. Ballentine & Irvine. He is one of the best and most popular salesmen ever in Pu- laski. Mr. Burt. Graham's little daugh- ter, Kate, has been very sick several days with a well-develop- case of diphtheria. She was a little better yesterday, but is yet dangerously sick.. We want to sell goods : we must sell goods, and we will sell goods, and in order to do this, we will sell cheap. You will find this out if you will only come to see us. Kosenau & Lovkman ti M iss Carrie McClure of Lewis burg, Miss Mary Garrett of Virgin ia, sister of Capt. W. R. Garrett, and Misses Ella and Sussie Clay-broo- k of Triune, are visiting at Judge Jones'. Some one loaded a cane-join- t with powder last Saturday night.wrapped it tightly with twine and touched it off on Crawford's corner, alarming the whole neighborhood. It sounded as loud as a cannon. ,ii We have acain taken out wholesale licfcnsr for Whisky, and will be pleased to see onr old customers before buying. 0Ct4-- 4t UIBSON K CrILBET. Bay Woodford is the prettiest trotter in the world, and if he could be held down he would be one of the fastest. He is under good train ing now aud will doubtless take premiums this week. All of our visitors to the nunts- - ville Fair returned Saturday and Sunday1. It is is said that the stock exhibited this year was finer than ever known there before. Our peo pie were very much pleased. J'ereons indebted to the estate of TJ. R. Ezell, dee'd, are required to pay without further notice, or they will have to settle with an officer. octll-2- t F. Smithson, Adm'r. Judge Wright, of Indiana, caned old Indian Secretary Columbus Delano at Washington last Saturday for swindling him out of a portion of his grab as Indian agent by causing him to be indicted. Col. Albert Buford has been quite sick two weeks with fever of a ma- larial character. Dr. Abernathy .is attending him. He does not im prove any, though it is not thought that he is in immediate danger. SALE. Two good Saddle 17OII One Splendid Harness Horse. A No. 1 Family Harness Mare. sepl3-t- f J. H. Keeling. Mrs. Ann Bramlette, wife of Mr. F. M. Bramlcttc, five miles north of town, and sister ot uiessrs. 0. r. and A. E. May, died at her home last Saturday night at 10 o'clock, and was buried Sunday evening. Mr. W. G. Lewis' Lula Commons was beaten in a running race at Iluntsville Saturday. She has been out 01 training seveiai ycuio has had a colt, and was so fat that she could not run. She was second. To the Ladies. rni are csncciallv invited to call and examine our splendid of Dress Goods. No trouble to show goods. Kqsenad & Lovoiia. The President of the Fair Asso ciation asks us to remind all our people to come early morning, and everybody is expected to bring dinner. All the stores will close and a big day at the Fair is expected. Mr. Clay Kimbro, for the second time in fifty years, was shaved by a barber last Tuesday, and had his shoes blacked. Doc Kiinbro, Tom. Flippin and Sam Childers had it done. His friends did not Know him until he set 'em up. CLOA KS ! CLOA KS I VlAJA 1 CLOAKS! tLUAASi - CLOAKS! At Kosknac & Lovesian's. Mr. Tvreo Rodcs made two flute boxes, one for 1'rol. farmer ana the other for his brotncr-in-ia- Capt. Smith, which are said to be beautiful pieces or work, lyrec can turn his hand to anything and beat everybody else at it. Mr. Rivers Carter is located at Springfield now, as storekeeper for one of those largest distilleries. II will certainly bo retained by Dr. Clirl'8 successor, as ho gives better satisfaction than most any other gauger in the district. W autetl. Everybody In rulaski and vicinity to call nud see our ocauuiiu w Cloaks, wlKU we propose 10 iur er than any one else. i;OStfAU .V mtc. Profs. A. H. Abernathy, R. P. Yan- - cv ana o. a. Teachers' Institute at Columbia Ubt week. Dr. Rivers sent a paper which was read by Prof, Binford and highly commended. There was not a large attendance. We ask special attention to the advertisement of Julius King's Combination Spectacles. ' 'We are now using a pair of them, through the courtesy of Mr. J. A. Cayce, the agent, and we regard them as very clear and excellent glasses and superior frames. Don't make shirts at home when you can buy the x'eriect Fitting CROWN SIIIItT at W. T. McCall's for leas than you can Duy the goods. sep7-4- t There has been considerable sickness among the children here abouts for the past week. Several cases of pseudo diphtheria have oc curred, but there have as yet been no fatal cases. There is a malarial fever prevalent that partakes con siderably of typhoid symptoms. The charter of the Campbellsville Academy, Giles county, was regis tered by the Secretary of State last Thursday. The following are the incoporators: Samuel Yokely, M, E. Alexander, J. R. Campbell, J. H, Campbell, S. F. Collins, J. C. Han rah and Hugh Yokely. Wanted. Seven flotels, six Banks, five Church es, four Elevators, three Postofflces.two Express oliices and one Dwelling house on the Columbia pike to cover with the best 1m and Iron Koohng. B. M. Yotjno & Co. Cox & Robinson killed a bear Monday evening and rel Ailed it out at 25 cents. It was raised by Mr James Scruggs near Elkton. Mr. Geo. Martin killed it and then tele graphed to some friends North that he had killed a bear within a half mile of the public square. Mr. Frank G. Buford lost his gold watch chain some time ago out of his vest pocket at Nashville, and about a month afterwards a police man found two negro women fight ing over it at the Market House. It was identified by Calhoun, the jew eler, and returned to its owner. Farmer Benefit To-nigh- t. F. Smithson, Esq., has been in Nashville this week as Representa tive of Pulaski Encampment I. O O. F. to the Grand Encampment, and N. Smithson, Esq., attends as Representative of Pulaski Lodge I. O. O. F. to the Grand Lodge, both of which bodies are now in session. Mr. Milton Tate Neeley, son-in- - law of Mr. Zack Smith, near Pisgah, died at his residence near Columbia last Wednesday morning, of con sumption, leaving a wife and one child. He was an exemplary Chris- tian. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. J. R. Neill went up to attend the burial. Keep it Straight, And don't be mixing us with Jeems Anderson Sardine Brigham or Jonathan Calvin, but come tn Boyd M. Young & Co. for cheap Stoves and Tinware, Lard Stands, etc., Opbciu block. A honey bee itsrtod into Mr. Gib Townsend's ear last Monday, think- ing it was a big sus flower, but he soon found his mistake, and, leaving his respects behind, he flew away toother sweets. Dr. Sumpter cured the bite, and Gib asks the next bee that comes along to please apply at the next door. i Capt. Smith, Mr. Rob't Rodes' son-in-la- with his wife, came by and are stopping at Mr. Rodes', on their way from Davenport, Iowa, to their home in Arkansas. Capt. Smith carries his elegant silver flute with him, and they say he strikes a real Farmer tone upon it. They will go on to Arkansas Imme- diately. Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Lime and Wild Cherry quickly relieves Throat and Lung diseases, and imparts vigor and new lifo to debilitated consti- tutions. Pleasant in taste. J.C.Baker & Co., Philadelphia, l'a. octl8-4- t A horse named Bonesetter, raised and owned by Mr. Davis near Corn-crsvill- came near beating Alice West at the Iluntsville Fair in 2:30. He has but recently been con- verted from a pacer to a trotter and gives extraordinary promise. He was offered for 330 just before the race, and SG00 has been refused since. Revs. E. B. Worsham and J. C. Moore closed a meeting at Emmoa's school house on 2d Sunday in Sep- tember, after nine days interesting services, 45 conversions and 23 ac- cessions to the M. E. Church. They also closed one at Shiloh last Sun- day after 22 conversions and 22 ac cessions. They are faithful ser- vants of the Master. On next Sabbath, Oct. 21st, I will be absent at Synod. I have sucured the services of Dr. DuBose for the norning service. I will bo here for duty on the fourth Sabbath if noth- ing unseen prevents. W. G. Dillow. mm Rev. Rob't J. Craig, a young Methodist minister, of whom Giles county is justly proud, preached at the Methodist Church last Sunday night. He was spending a few days with his parents after Conference. He has now returned to the labor assigned, him. He is one of the most popular and talented young preachers in the Conference. Examine the New Goods constantly arriving at ISw Y'ork Htore. Col. Geo. E. Purvis, whom every- body knows from reputation in his long connection with the Nashville press, came down from Nashville and returned yesterday. He had the honor of starring the Citizen, and left Pulaski twenty years ago, visiting us only once since about ten years ago. He is a fine, healthy man for an old printer. .i New York Store Price List. Bleached Domestic, c. Brown 4-- 4 " Cc. worth Sl'e. Woinen'a Slioea t 1.00 $1.25. Unlaundercd Gent's Shirts, 75c. Best quality Wainsutta Mu.sliu and 1900 Linen Bosom, worth $2 for f 1. Umbrellss, 60 cents each. A good Overcoat for Good ISoots at 2.23 per pair. lUaid Dress Goods at IS,'scU. per yard. Mr. S. E. F. Rose's young blood ed horse broke his .leg last Tbnrs day evening at the Fair Grounds, A little negro was running him around the track, when he Blruck his leg against a post and shattered the bone just below the knee.. Mr, Rose gave him to Messrs. Steele and Hogan, who have splintered the leg and have swung the horse, He was a very valuable horse. A patent medicine man mounted a goods box last Friday afternoon upon the square and soon had the whole town gathered around him listening to his harangue. Gen Lee, the colored prodigy, mounted another box near and soon eclipsed the" doctor and run him down. George Grant & Westmoreland Bu ford was the only man in the crowd who appreciated fully Gen. Lee's remarks. " We give a list of Conference ap pointments. Mr. Dinwiddie comes back to us a fact which greatly pleases every one. Rev. J. B. An derson is given no work. There are more laborers than places for them and some have to be left out. We have a splendid Presiding Elder in Dr. Barbee. All of our visitors to the Conference returned highly pleased with their entertainment in Edgefield. Mr. W. R. Craig had a very beau tiful and extensive display of his stock at the fair, including silver ware, cut and Bohemian glass, French china, fine table cutlery, beautiful tin water sets, &c. In the fancy grocery line he had a stock of all kinds of canned goods, in cluding peaches, pineapples, apri cots, oysters, sardines, salmon, lob ster. tomatoes, corn, a case of fla voring extracts, fcc. We ask particular attention to the new advertisement of J. H, Cannon & Co. in this paper, Mr, Cannon buy3 direct from manufac- turers, and has everything made to order. Ho gives personal attention to all the details of buying and sell ing, and will guarantee his goods to be as represented. David W. Burch, Esq!, is with Mr. Cannon, and invites his many friends to call upon him. - Through our ignorance of medi cine we placed Drs. Grant fe West moreland in rather a ridiculous po sition last week. We said that they extracted the Ileum of a negro wo- man to prove that typhoid fever has its seat in the bowels. This is not a disputed theory, as we stated, but fact demonstrated and accepted as true universally long ago. They took it out simply to prove that the woman died of typhoid fever, so that similar cases might be treated for that disease. Some physicians doubted the presence of typhoid fe ver in tho community and were not treating for that disease, and this settled the matter. Marriages. Since our last report-marriag- e licenses have been issued as follows : Jos C Gilbert and Tennie Vltichardson. A J Gibson and Tabitha E Hickman. W C Browning and Emma Lewter. Ralph Grubbs and Emma Ellerson. Workmen have been repairing the bursted boiler at the mill all the week. Work will probably be resumed next Monday. In tearing away the rubbish it was found that the pipe which conveyed water into the boiler was twisted almost asun der just where it entered the boiler and the water was wasting into the ground instead of going into the boiler. This pipe was underground and the leak could not be seen. It is said that the boiler may have had plenty of water In it when the fires were made and that as the heat became more intense it forced the water out at this crevice and caused the explosion before it could be discovered. The success which attends fair dealing is illustrated by the Louisiana State Lottery Company. This corporation, organized in 1WS for charitable and ed ucational purposes, with a cash capital of 1,000,000 and an accumulated reserve of over $350,000, never scales or post pones its drawings, lor in formation or tickets, address M. A. Dauphin, Presi dent, P. O. box 692, New Orleans, La. Oct 13 3t. EcL'Sumptei1" wanted his horse and buggy the other day brought up to the drug store and he gave a negro man a dime and told him to go and bring his buggy. Ed. went on then to black his mustache for a drive, and he hadn't got more than nine hairs blacked before the negro came marching up the street haul ing the buggy by tho shafts and topped before the front door and called out, "Here's dat buggy, boss." He took the dime away from the negTo and gave it to another to go after the horse, went after the har ness himself, and by the time he had hitched up and blacked the other three hairs his father needed the buggy and drove off in it just as Ed. went behind tne ice-hous- e and registered an oath on the brick wall that he would never smile again. Er. FcrdSsckei for "Semes' Eala." A novel feature of the latest L'nitcd States Polar Exploring Ex- pedition, under the command of Capt. Howgate, will be the use of balloons for purposes of explora- tion and observation in those re- gions. Capt. Howgate is enthusias tic in his anticipations of results to be obtained from their use, and it s apparent to all that there is a rich field here in meteorology and physics, aside from actual geograph- ical discoveries. The expedition will lay seige to the Pole in the urnmer of 1878, and it is intended to reach the ultima thuli of the globe, by grk.lnal approaches, occupying about three y ears. Dr. A. C Ford, ofthij city, will probably accom pany the expedition as surgeon sad aeronaut, Capt. Howgate having given him to understand that those positions would be tendered him in due time. Xashtitlt American DAY. ' The First Fair Opens with Splendid Premise. Eest EsMfcit cf Stock thus far Ever Witnessed in Giles. Tuesday morning opened bright and fair, showing that the elements at least were striving for the success of the Fair. There was a tolerable good audience there for the first day, and the exhibit of sheep, mules and jacks was the best ever had in Giles county. The sheep especially were very fine as fine, in fact, as can bs exhibited anywhere. The following is the list of premiums awarded : Lewis fe Abernathy took premi urns in the following classes: Southdown Sheep, 2 years and over, 1 year and under, buck lamb, ewe 2 years old, ewe 1 year old. buck and ewe any a?e: Cotswold. duck 1 year, lamb, ewe 2 years buck any age, ewe any age: buck and 5 ewes any age; buck any breed; ewe any breed. Cotswold buck 2 years, R. C. Reynolds premium, R. H. Laird, certificate. . TIT I 1 v. j. carter iook premiums in the following rings: Cotswold ewe 1 year, lamb; jack 1 year. Merino buck, Rob t Rodes pre m. t lve lat weathers, J. K. P. Black burn premium. Stacy fc Rose took premiums in the following rings: Jack 3 years, jennet 3 years, jennet 2 years. Jack colt, Hugh Yokely pr. Jack any age, J E. Abernathy pr. Mule 3 years, and 2 vears. A. G, Loyd pr. iuuie 1 year, uugn English pr. vastest pacing norse, mare or gelding, Alex. H. Smith of Lincoln, premium. J. K. if. Blackburn took certifi cates in the following rings : South down sheep 2 years, 1 year, buck lamb, ewe 2 years, lamb, buck any age; buck and 5 ewes any age; buck any breed. W. C. Carter took certificate on Cotswold ewe 2 years, buck 1 year. It. V. Reynolds took certificate on Cotswold ewe 1 year, buck any age, ewe any age. R. H. Laird certificate on Cots wold lamb. J. E. Abernathy certificate on jack 3 years old. Jo. Ilobbs certificate on jack 1 year old. Hugh xokely certificate on jennet years, 2 years. Stacy & Rose certificate on jack any age. G. E. Short certificate on fastest pacer. Ihe entrees for the premium for the most graceful rider were Messrs. Jo. W. Braden, Robert Abernathy, lerry Dickerson, J. Ed. Jackson, Dr. L. B. Stanley and Dr. J. II. Keeling. Mr. Dickerson carried off the blue ribbon. THE BIS DAY. Let's All Go to tho Fair w. The merchants and business men of Pulaski have agreed to make to- morrow a holiday and everybody go to the Fair. It is the last day and will be the most interesting of all. It is thought there will bo an immense crowd there. The follow- ing is the agreement: We the undersigned merchants and business men of Pulaski agree that Friday, the 19th, shall be a general holiday, in order that the clerks and employes may have an opportunity to attend the Fair on that day, and will close our places of business from 9 o clock in the morning until 5 o'clock in the eve ning. Signed: Ballentine k Irvine, J. P. May, Sumpter & Lacey, Beasley fc Baugh, J. L. Hill fc Co., Calvin Young, G. W. McLaurine fe Co., S. E. Rose, Sumpter fe Stanley, Flautt, Martin & Co., Arrowsmith & Aber- nathy, W. T. McCall, Gibson & Gil- bert, B. M.Young fe Co., R. C. Hall, W. R. Craig, I. Hanneberg, Roscnau fe Loveman, J. II. Cannon fe Co., F. Winship, J. C. Conner k Co., G. A. Pope & Co., Wm. Graham fc Sons. Buford Bros., I. Butler fc Co., G. W. McGrew, J. T. Oakes, L. Roscnau. Farmer Benefit To-nigh- t. Aspen Hill. Our village was visited by a good many of our citizens last Wednes day to attend the sale of the Brown Mills, which did not sell, butrcnted to our neighbor Mr. CaL J. Rcdus lor one year. I do wish some mill-sens- e man would purchase the mill and put it in good repair and attend to it as Scriuer did his mill, always ready to grind, never disappoint a man, give good turnouts, toll deep, and never be without a lot of nice, fine, fat hogs to look at. Wr. W. B. Bayless of Nashville, I understand, has pur chased him a home over at our neighbor village, Lester's, and will move down soon. We are glad to know that Mr. Bayless is coming down in our section, for he is a stir ring and very energetic old gentle man, and we welcome him among us. A great many people are emi- grating south this fall. A train of about sixty wagons passed through our section last week cn route for north Ala. I say to the large land holders of Giles county to cut their five hundred acre tracts up into fif- ty aero lots and sell them out to emigrants for a good price, and so improve the present labor system, and instead of a trifling labor class among us, we would have energet- ic working men. Mr. Madden Wa ters and John Cosby were in the village last Sunday, (they live on Shoal creek and don't sec the cars everyday), so they walked down to Prospect Sunday morning and rode iack in the evening on the cars. John savs the cars ride fine and pretty tolerable fast. Mr. W. A. Chapman has started his mill again and will also distill again- - this fall. Mr. J. M. Dickson has finished his sorghum crop and says that it is not as sweet a business as he heard it was. Mr. S. G. Harwell, L. A. Wilkerson, Dr. G. D. BuUcr, Capt. W. T. Ilobbs, James Gatler, Prof. & D. Clack and T. A. Fogg intend going to the fair next Saturday. Leal Ectata Transfers. Dan'l Boatright to W II Grlgsby, 10 acre, IM hst, S 100. Sheriff to T I Amlerson, 176 acreH, ISth diet, 73.fc.. D C Neal to VT Bradley, 70,V 8th chst, 173. II M ftanlev to Sum'l Gillam, 110 acre, l'.ttfi dist. $1.3j.40. NS Townsend to Mayor and Aldermen, part town lot, 7LU dat, !73. Brick Church. Mr. Editor: Having noticed a piece in your paper sometime ago in reference to Mr. Lewis little year-ol- d boy commencing in his a b's, and iii five months getting into the second reader, I have con eluded to let you know something about a couple of children m this section of country. One of them is little Fannie Moore, daughter of Rev. J. C. Moore at Phelp's Chapel ue is 6 years old; commenced in her a b's, and in a five months' ses sion went through the spelling book twice and also two-thir- ds through by heart, or by head (as you may cnoose to call it); pronounced the words more accurately than some teachers, giving each letter and syl lable its proper sound and empha sis; scarcely ever missed a word on or off the book. She passed through the first,soiond and into the fourth reader, and read almost per iect lessons, noticing ner 6tops as well, pronouncing her words cor rectly and speaking them fluently. How many Hannah Moores do you suppose have perished slinging the cook pot and unknown beyond their immediate neighborhood i The other is Geo. Jeff. Porter, son of Loaf. Porter near tho Bur gess Academy, in the north-eas- t corner of this county. He la only 7 years old. He commenced in his a b's and during a two-mont- h and and three weeks school (three days of which he was absent), he passed through the spelling book and also beyond "banquet" by heart and through the first reader and into the second reader. He had good lessons, both reading and spelling. How many Miltons and Websters are there whose sublime jwetry and burning words of eloqueuce would have kindled a flame of admiration in the bosoms of their fellow-mo- r tals for ages to come, had it not becu that the crushing heel of some ill fated thing forced them to lead a life of obscurity, tilling the soil or shoving the plane! Can the county beat those children I doubt it very much. Anonymous. Long Branch. ine spirit ot improvement is manifesting itself in more ways than one in this section now. People are leaving tho old well worn channels and marking out for themselves new ones, which shows that they are being imbued with the prevail ing spirit of the age. Farmers are doing the work of five days in one, making the saving of labor an ad ditional capital. They are cleaning out fence corners, cutting down old thickets, taking the bushes from the banks of ditches and streams which gives an improved appear ance to the looks of their farms. Well, that's right; we like to see ovjr farms look neat and our farmers appearing respectable. A nice farm indicates a nice owner, and shows that he is a live man and makes farming pay. One of tho most un pleasant eights that ever met my gaze is a farm going to rack. I generally judge the social character and moral status of a neighborhood by the appearance of its farms. Where you see tho lands, buildings and fences in good repair, you gen erally find social, respectable and intelligent people. Mr. J. Jr. Woodard is making preparations to build line resi dence, and has given the contract to Messrs. Iconrich fe Soladine of Lawrence county. They are to commence work in a short time at seventy-fiv- e cents and a dollar per day, which makes it the cheapest work in this country. It is a strange thing to me that first-clas- s carpenters can afford to furnish their own tools and work at such reduced rates. Of course this is a free country and every man has a right to do as he thinks best, but such a course will have a tendency to cripple that trade in this country and drive the native carpenters to other callings. We have no quarrel for those who get their work as cheap as they can; that is their business, not mine. As we have no protection we must grin and bear it Law suits are nusti Here now. Last Saturday was a big day among the citizens of this section. Mr. N. S. Phelps was winding up his busi- ness and had several litigated cases which attracted somo attention. Mr. Henry Cates and family are visiting relatives in Alabama this week. Mr. V. B. Campbell of Ala- bama, formerly of this neighbor- hood, was in this community last week negotiating for the Phelps farm. Mr. Ben Stecn visited his moiiicr in Aiaoama last wees. .air. G. V. Nelson of Lewisburg, Mar- shall county, is rusticating at Mr. John Purycar's this week. His genial presence is quite a treat to us friends here; one especially. Mr. Fletcher Cheatham fell on the corner 01 bis Darn tno otner day and received a severe shock and came very near having some broken ribs. Oct. 15th. Kcllt. Good Society. Phillips, Jackson & Co. ' "Good So-iet- v" Whisky is unequaled. It is ler- - ectly pure and free lrom any adultera tion. It Is recoinmenuea tiiiiiy Dy physicians, and Is moderate in price. Ask for it when you want to buy. Sold by all dealers. ep27-G- m. Mrs. Mary E. Gains of Pisgah presented to Dr. W. E. Lancaster the other day a handsome gold- - headed cane which she had ordered from Louisville through Mr. J. A. Cayce, as a memento of her very high regard for him as a physician, ith the following inscription upon it: PRESENTED BT M.K. Gains to Dr. W.E. Lancaster, lor 17 years Kind Attention as a Physician. Mrs. Gains has been an invalid almost all the time and Dr. L. at- tended her unceasingly and never dispaired of her life. She was left a widow and very poor, but not withstanding her sickness the made a living. The cans cost about 823, and is a fit memento of her grati- tude. Mister Wm. J. Whitthorne of Columbia, one of the moat hospita ble, urbine, princely and obligirjg gentleman wo have the pleasure of knowing, claims to bo the only sur- viving private from the Confederata army; .icd yet one of bis own pa- pers last week Lad the temerity to diri-to- . hi:a of this shining honor and in tL'j same issue to dub him both Major !nJ General. Mister Whitthorne, you have our ermia-sio- n to kick somebody. J. II. CANNON. J "O1 & m slstla OiCE MOKE TO THE WE AOAIX CALL ATTENTION to our LARGE STOCK OF Direct from the Eastern Factories, A t Lower Vrlce than ever before sold. XVU WILL NOT IS I IN" DKWSOLl) 11 Y AN Y JJODY. AH we ask of onr friends and the pablic is to call un examine our stock before as it will afford in pleasure at all t imes to enow our jioot!. We guaran- tee goods and prices to suit. Kemember the Big lllue Hoot ami Shoe, 011 the South-we- st Cor- ner Square, PULASKI, TENN. octis tf J. H. CAHNOfJ & CO. 0YDM.Y0U1TG&00. Contractors, Manufacturers and Dealers in COOKING STOVES. HEATING ST0VEE, MANTEL GRATES. WOOD PUMPS, . IRON PUMPS, CHAIN PUMPS. . GALVINIZED IRON CORNICE; TIN ROOFING, IRON ROOFING. SLATE ROOFING. I9firiii n a octl8tf. 0tCir32L ARROWSMITH IN- - Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, o Our StocK is and we are 2 pur- chasing, cfco. determined We duly appreciate tho patronao herctoforo bestowed upon 11, ana nope to merit a oei.-2- in French Fruits, Catsups. NUTS, American and English Pickles Soup Stuffs, i -- DEALERS liberal cirs' OP by mall promptly to A lug: and Condiments. 64 and 66 West Second St, - HAS JUST . - ' ui NEW BLACK NEW Kales Ofllc Lead r itiAis, iuy 01 i in SPECIAL to stock JEANS, in which I llargain Bargains in TICK S, Bargains in IN Fine Stock Gent's Boots Shoes In , BEST LADIES' FINE IN TOWN, Ladies' newebt thiiur. requested to before No to show We are determined the people to trado Motto: Small nud Quick be Block, IT. Cor- - sep27 tf At OI.I AND GREATEST TP mm) cijnjcvvxi. IMPOKTKKS tJTSEND ALPACAS, Childers' kin. In; fchoea, White GckmIn, r Iurincls, ana all and IVhcn repeat have AM) ever for Chab. late Wholesale and and Ac, in and M ouj Mill. East - Hm dam m mm m f9 ARE DAILY A all kind, low A In oo!ly In a W Wtioh offer to uTfin.t on ria 10 eeol. A-- r CAi-il- , if ia aortiuar.t of bic-- we lowar than can ta bought novHJ c AXD c3 INTO. HatSt Cnpo, Complete Please aiVE J. r. CO 1 txrc tre. BlOOlJL. ADERf'ATIlY, Ready-Mad- e Clothing, In Department, not to bo UndetsoM. continuance or tne name. TJS .A. TRIAL. Fancy Soaps. Chocolate. Fruit it Vegetable, and Uaking Ponder QUOTATIONS.: - CINCINNATI. ULACK NEW to make it to the of tho for CASH, not Square, under a V. COICVElt. oHcr & CHEAPEST VARIETY OF SHOES, HATS, U0SIER7. FANCY GROCERIES Orders attended CIGARS Feature. FOIl STOW 13 TOtTR TSMEi FALL Mil M, hid Slyhs lad 't: Aliti i oiock an wool riiAiMxivioi me Largest Pulaski. ATTENTION my of can Nprcinl in DOMESTICS, HOSIERY, NOVELTIES NOTIONS. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Furnishing Good. and reat varictf SHOES Cloaks, EVERYBODY call purchasing elsewhere trouble goods. with us. Profits Undersold. E. mw. iifae.1L! imv. COOS THE LARGEST 0,11 Wlntor Goodn EVER JVErOItE OFFERED IV 1TLAKKL Dress GuimIm, ClonliN, of all Tlo, Trimming, Underwear, Wheeling. DomeHtics, Hosiery, lVliltYTIIIINCi 'rilia'V' WA-IN'T- . CLOTHING. BQ0T3, SHOES, HATS. CAPIj, BfllTmifl II I UNDERWEAR and FURNISHING GOODS of Kinds. BOOTS we that we the STOCK in Pulaski CASH. Bokord, of Lynnville. Cloak", Cl'iiliing, L'nderweur, For Doth Sexes, fact, We MENA WH AT Wo SAY LARGEST CHEAPEST Millrr, Knu-lu- t BROTHERS sin BPf R GROCERIES Hardware, Quecngware Ulaswr, Fli fWirguui Side Public Square, Special Inducements Offered SU0L.3, JfclATS a 7 MM MA WK of RECEIVING bought for cawi. MOULDING AND PICTURE Dd fct.ifirrtbiD)t kept in alo kwp & Ic w parti lira will per off paiJ o3-- r they tf WUOLA4ALX Guro to MAT. J nil & Every and Kxtiactc, interest uml will Citizen T. oiler INC. zxtjlCL & IRVINE. E.G. llvrouu, Ial of ' LOWER THAN EVER BEFOPwE this place FOR Fins Wood Caccs and Caskets, Metal Burial r-- De Look South Side Public Canned OPENED CASH RcUll Dealers In - - TENH. in DRY GOODS, BOOTS, "K-- () HjT'ni ?n 7 MM M MA " EAKtiK blUta Or ! V 11 ! 1 1 I. m Also Etc- - Farnltor B'.or, all of ljlch w r oflotln j on tiktid Canes cV a low a tho ean b bonifht anywl.un or 20 dya. Wa Lavn jiwt ii'l u- - eiwwiwt. T. "X. . I KCTAIL KHAKI'S l.t for LOV TlWi rV. LADIES' JBTJKIL ROBES, CASH rcosErjAU Dry Goods, Clothing, Oairpoto Cloth in g &Ma reel la Fa Us .Tea us a ij Square, CASHMERES, MCCALL. BALLENTINE Csnaca Ccan3, BARH SUPPLIES, PULASKI, ULUIlUflU. FRAMES, BRACKETS. Caskets, OJ.TxZXZ?7l HZOTTSIE Lover.iArj, Boots, Shoes, Hats, XJLc-ttxiZrj.- m, ELIAN'S.. PUI-ASIk- l, Specia,'t

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Page 1: The Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.) 1877-10-18 [p ] · jJLIL TOL.19 palasM. Citisen. j CUlzfti Printing Company IV. McCORD, Editor


TOL.19palasM . Citisen.j CUlzfti Printing Company

IV. McCORD, Editor and Manager

IflrRSDAY, : : : OCT. 18. 1S77


.PAD. i nm. mo. cm. o mo. l'i moi inch.. . $ 2 50 f i 00 00 $ j 00 $ 10 00i iiiclies. . 4 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 15 00

. t inches. . 6 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 20 00i inches. . 8 00 10 00 12 00 5 00 25 00tf Col... 10 00 15 00 13 00 25 00 40 00

Col... 12 00 IS 00 20 00 30 00 60 00g Col... 15 00 '20 00 25 00 40 00 75 00f Col... 20 00 80 00 40 00 SO 00 150 00

Advertisements standing 8 months or Ionsntvuble always in advance. Other bills dnnuoartery in advance. 10 per cent, off ofyearly or Halt yearly bills when all paid in

Obituaries and tribotea of respect chargedlor at o nuw nun m auvance wimout variation.

Calls upon persons to become cardidatesand answers to tame 10 cents per line, in advance.

Announcements of candidates. r : .. l . . - . for:

Conntv. . JomcerB j in nuvauuo. xsisirict omcers f:iu,in advance.

Local nolioes among reading matter 20 centper line for first and 10 cents per line for eachmbaequont insertion. Locals ordered in for(fietufied time longer than 1 month, 10 centspornneeacn insertion, jno local Jess than5 j cents lor nrst inaortiou.

Job work mast be paid for when ordered,except oy special agreemant.

this date (Ang. 17,1876), anduntil further notice, standing advertisementsamounting to as much as I '25 will be dmcounted 10 per cent., those reachin? C40 willbe deducted 20 per cent., and those amounting to f iuo ana over, as per cent. This ap-plies only to standing advertif-ement- s andnot to locals or specials or job worlc.

Farmer BeneGt To-nigh- t.

flATHIYP Invtry large variety atiLuiuniu tuejtew ore Store.

Miss Book Mason is attendingthe rair.

Mr. Tom. Lindsay was up fromLincoln last week.m

Great bargains in Clothing atoctlS-S- 2t Akbowsmith & Abernatmy's

Titman's Silver Band is makingmusic lor the Fair.

Esq. Marbutt spent several daysia Nashville last week.

You can buy Oysters at Craig'scheaper than meat.

Capt. W. J. Kidgeway came downfrom Nashville yesterday.


Mr. W. G. S. Anderson camedown to the Fair yesterday'.

100 Overcoats from $3.50 to $25.00.oc!8-2- t Absowsmith & Abekxatht.

Ballentine & Irvine have a mag-

nificent display at the Fair.

Miss Nina wood of Nashville isvisiting Miss Sallie Ballentine.

finTIIIT For men, boys and youthsILUllllitU cheaper than ever at L.Eosonau's Corner. 6ep27-4- t

Mr. Edward S. Jones is specialreporter for the Banner at our Fair.

Miss Annie Aymctt returned fromArkansas last Monday evening.

rpEXAS. Persons going to TexasJ. anil the West will 11 nil tliecheapeet

Tacking Trunks at the Kew York Store.

Jno. Arcli acts Marshal at theFair with Magnilicient eclat.

Mr. liobt. James Gordon ofNashville was in town Saturday.

Now is the time to buy your Queens-war- e,

as Craig has a very large stock toselect from.

Little Mary, daughter of Prof.Casey, has been quite 6ick severaldays.

iiiThe contract has been made for atin roof for the PresbyterianChurch.

A full line of Ladies' Cloaks, verystylish and handsomely trimmed, andvery cheap at Kosenau & Loveman's

Mr. II. C. Crow is able to be upalter a two weeks' attack of chillsaud fever.

Mrs. Jas. 11. Crowe returned lastThursday from a protracted visit tollartsville. '

Another lot of those Towels at $1 25per dozen at the IN o"W Yorktore,Mr. Jas. Kinney and his Ueautiful

wife, nee Miss Nixon of Lawrence,were at the Fair.

Mr. May's new residence is up tothe ground lloor and is being very

rapidly pushed.If you want to save money and get

ood, honest goods, be sure to call onKOSKKAU & LOVKMAN.

Mrs. Jas. 11. Osborn of Murfrees-bor- o

was in Pulaski two or threedays last week.

Mrs. Caleb Osborn is spending avisit with her relatives and friendst Mutfrecsboro.

- -

Good unlaundried Shirts, 75 cents.Good Marino Undershirts, 50 cents.ocl3-2- t Akkowsmith & Abkkxathy.

Mr. G. N. Davidson has a fineBerkshire Boar at the Fair whichweighs 4S5 pounds.

Win. T. Ilobbs of Giles countyfiled his petition in bankruptcy atNashville Saturday.

King's Combination Spectacles, thebest made, lor 6ale? by J. A. Cayce.

octlS-- 3t

Hon. W. C, Whitthorno has beencalled home to the dcath.beds of hismother and a sister.

uite a number of visitors to thFair arrived last night, and a great

aiiy will be here to day.

end prices atFIAXXELS, .UJ2 on mecorner. sep2-5- w

Messrs. Gordon and Lacey, andperhaps two or three others, willgo to Florida next week.

ii- -

Everybody in town now playschess and there are only aboutfur that know how to play.

A larjre lot f Dress Shirts, launderedad uidaundered, at IJottom prices at


Ladies, do your visiting this pret-ty weather, fur the slush will soon

itU us to abide all winter.Jlr- - Rob't McLauriuc ia with Mr.

selling goods. His Bunker''1 tiiends will hunt him up.Old Whiskies and Brandies for Med' ("irpt ses cheap atuS3-- tf CinsoN & Gilbkrt.

Mrs. Henry Neill came down lastweek upon a visit to the families ofMessrs. Jesse and Billy Neill.

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles,.vyi oaio cueap at J. A. Catce's.octlS-3- t

Mr. J. L. Pearcy's little son Jo isquite sick with the prevalent feverthough he was better yesterday.

I killed a hoj vesterdav in mvgarden. I will kill one every dayas long as they last. Owners lookout: Laps. D. McCord.

Mr. Wyatt Abernutby was inColumbia last week and the Heraldintimates that he means business.

ClothiDg is cheaper than ever thisseason, u you do not believe It go andavts ior yourseir at

Kqsexatj & Lovkmam'sLlders Jesse Cox and B. E.

Mullins wil preach at LynnvilleStation next Saturday and Sunday,

Pittman's Silver Band returnedSunday evening. They gave greatsatisfaction at the Iluntsville Fair.

Everybody that wants a pure articleof Whisky lor family or medical use isusing the Warren. J. L. Uiil & Co. sellit wholesale and retail. oct3--3t

Messrs. W. II. McCallum, S. E.Rose and E. T. Taliterro went toFederal Court at Nashville Monday

Mr. Ike L. Shapard is at Ballentine and Irvine's, looking as natur-al as he did in 1832. , Ike loves theyardstick.fllAiro For Ladies, Children andliLUiilYiJ Misses, all styles and pricesat ii. lcosenau's corner. sep-- 4t

The Farmer Benefit. Admission to all parts of the house 50cents. Children and colored persons bait price.

Miss Eva Moss, of Thompson'sStation, sister of Mrs. A. C. Irvine,is attending the lair, visiting atCapt. Irvine's.

A complete stock of Black Alpaccasand Cashmeres at popular prices at


Capt. W. C. Kirkland of the Ilu- -

ral Sun is at the Fair. II is is asplendid paper and he is gettingmany subscribers.

HIIf there should be any newspaper

men attending the Fair they willplease call at this office and securea tickcb of admission.

BOOTS and SHOES Boughtfrom manufacturers and as

tonishingly cheap at L. Itosenau's onthe corner. sep27-- 4t

Mr. Sam. Brown, a Lawrence- -

burg merchant, with his daughter,have been attending the Fair. Hewent to Nashville yesterday.

HIThe Marshall Gazette comes to

us now greatly enlarged and improved. We are glad of its prosperity. It is a good paper.

If you want a good Overcoat made ofMarcella Falls Jeans, you cau get it lora mere trifle at Koseuau & Lovcniau's.

In Quorum Court Monday thewill of A. Dishongh was probated.Isaac Gillam qualified as administrator of Jcrusha Gillam, dee'd.

iiiMr. Meredith P. Miller smiledinto our sarretum Monday that oldfamiliar smile which would frightena steam engine. He looks well.

41 '

Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, repairedpromptly at reasonable prices, by


Mr. Will Peck camo up Sundaywith Mr. W. G. Lewis' stock and

cattle to be exhibited at the Fair.He didn't lose a premium at Ilunts-ville.

Misses Ada Townsend and LindaMalone of Athens are in the city,the former stopping at Mr. Jno. D.

Miller's and the latter at M. Taliaferro's.

a vorv lnri-- assortment of LadiesStraw and Felt Untrimined Hats, andFeathers. Flowers and Trimmings justreceived at the Xew York Store.

Capt. Jno. S. Wilkes, Dr. Jno. T.

Steele, Maj. IIu. F. Ewing, and sev-era- l

others, were to start to Texaslast week but gave it out at the lastmoment.

Mr. David W. Burch is with Can

non fc Co., selling boots and shoes.

He is at home behind a counter and

that firm is fortunate in securinghis services.

Wo l.nvA ft ljirce stock of well selectedgoods, bought as cheap as any otherhouse can buy them, and trill tell themaccordingly. Robknau K wvimi.

Augustine & Co. and MadisonHarwell exhibit splendid fruits atthe Fair. Mr. Harwell shows a cu-

cumber 4 feet, 7 inches long in theshape of a horse collar...n i

Recorder Stanley did not intro

duce the bill to create a City Weigh- -

er. lie reporieu it aa vuua special committee appointed to

draft some such ordinance.

lluss in great variety and prices at L. liosenau's on the

BCD" ccorner.Our fellow-citize- n, F. Smithson,

Esqr. was elected R. W. Grand

Senior Warden yesterday of Grand

odc I. O. O. F. An honorable

office very worthily bestowed.

Mr. J. M. Cayce ot Franklin has, v : m n f !i i n f snd ispetectea ms a

now wanting agents. He has spentit and it isflv years in perfecting

now said to be the best made.

sxtAJri 3 axixxanva IZ- -l 1 1

Maiuonis.w XO.VXfDi,. n.Mf mm suo-ua.- T

onp ?sua uo rtivi -- i

Mr. Jimmie White showed us

yesterday some samples of dried

fruit which he dried upon a drier of

invention which was beau- -

his ownl. -

tiful. He can ury ou0"- -

Promptly, according to promise,, .'.i fi.,.-.rt-v Woodring

our ineuu v...D -brought us a mess ui iu rt,- -

Rose Irish Pota-

toes,second crop Early

for which he has our thanks.

BIrs. BlorrisWill entertain boarders and a few lodg-

er during tl.o Fair at her Loardit.gnorth of the Sqiiare.on

iTilSn Street, between Well. blo

and Webb's Foundry. ocUi--- t

THETom Wells hasn't quit grinnin

yet. The little fellow is a week old.'It's a great bis, boancin', bastin' boy,

A rantin', roarin' laddie,An' all tbo wirarain folks say11 1 : i .J

Dr. Tol. Grant gave Col. DaveCox three dollars for the bear skinand then took the bear scalp overto the Clerk and got S2.50 for it,and Col. Cox wept because he didnot think of it.

...Kill fiMHT IIarris Seamless, thUUiluu Degt giove made, at IRoesenau's Corner. eep27-- 4t

Ihe Berger Family didn't domuch in Pulaski. They sold ticketshigher than they advertised to selland kept many from going. AnnieBerger is not with them, either, asadvertised.

Sumpter fc Lacey have the mostbeautiful display at the FairGrounds. It is all due to the extraordinary enterprise of Mr. Lacey,iue large sign was gotten up inthis ofhee.


cents per yard, worth f 1 50. Examinet at the New York Store.

Mr. Isaac L. Shapard has return-ed to his first love the yardstick.He is now with Messrs. Ballentine& Irvine. He is one of the best andmost popular salesmen ever in Pu-laski.

Mr. Burt. Graham's little daugh-ter, Kate, has been very sick severaldays with a well-develop- case ofdiphtheria. She was a little betteryesterday, but is yet dangerouslysick..

We want to sell goods : we must sellgoods, and we will sell goods, and inorder to do this, we will sell cheap.You will find this out if you will onlycome to see us. Kosenau & Lovkman

tiM iss Carrie McClure of Lewis

burg, Miss Mary Garrett of Virginia, sister of Capt. W. R. Garrett,and Misses Ella and Sussie Clay-broo- k

of Triune, are visiting atJudge Jones'.

Some one loaded a cane-join- t withpowder last Saturday night.wrappedit tightly with twine and touched itoff on Crawford's corner, alarmingthe whole neighborhood. It soundedas loud as a cannon.

,iiWe have acain taken out wholesale

licfcnsr for Whisky, and will be pleasedto see onr old customers before buying.


Bay Woodford is the prettiesttrotter in the world, and if he couldbe held down he would be one ofthe fastest. He is under good training now aud will doubtless takepremiums this week.

All of our visitors to the nunts- -

ville Fair returned Saturday andSunday1. It is is said that the stockexhibited this year was finer thanever known there before. Our peopie were very much pleased.

J'ereons indebted to the estate of TJ.

R. Ezell, dee'd, are required to paywithout further notice, or they willhave to settle with an officer.

octll-2- t F. Smithson, Adm'r.Judge Wright, of Indiana, caned

old Indian Secretary ColumbusDelano at Washington last Saturdayfor swindling him out of a portionof his grab as Indian agent bycausing him to be indicted.

Col. Albert Buford has been quitesick two weeks with fever of a ma-

larial character. Dr. Abernathy .is

attending him. He does not improve any, though it is not thoughtthat he is in immediate danger.

SALE. Two good Saddle17OII One Splendid HarnessHorse. A No. 1 Family Harness Mare.

sepl3-t- f J. H. Keeling.

Mrs. Ann Bramlette, wife of Mr.F. M. Bramlcttc, five miles north oftown, and sister ot uiessrs. 0. r.and A. E. May, died at her home

last Saturday night at 10 o'clock,and was buried Sunday evening.

Mr. W. G. Lewis' Lula Commonswas beaten in a running race atIluntsville Saturday. She has been

out 01 training seveiai ycuiohas had a colt, and was so fat thatshe could not run. She was second.

To the Ladies.rni are csncciallv invited to call and

examine our splendid of DressGoods. No trouble to show goods.

Kqsenad & Lovoiia.The President of the Fair Asso

ciation asks us to remind all ourpeople to come earlymorning, and everybody is expectedto bring dinner. All the storeswill close and a big day at the Fairis expected.

Mr. Clay Kimbro, for the secondtime in fifty years, was shaved by

a barber last Tuesday, and had hisshoes blacked. Doc Kiinbro, Tom.

Flippin and Sam Childers had itdone. His friends did not Know

him until he set 'em up.



CLOAKS!At Kosknac & Lovesian's.

Mr. Tvreo Rodcs made two flute

boxes, one for 1'rol. farmer anathe other for his brotncr-in-ia-

Capt. Smith, which are said to be

beautiful pieces or work, lyreccan turn his hand to anything and

beat everybody else at it.

Mr. Rivers Carter is located atSpringfield now, as storekeeper forone of those largest distilleries. IIwill certainly bo retained by Dr.

Clirl'8 successor, as ho gives bettersatisfaction than most any othergauger in the district.

W autetl.Everybody In rulaski and vicinity to

call nud see our ocauuiiu wCloaks, wlKU we propose 10 iurer than any one else.

i;OStfAU .V mtc.Profs. A. H. Abernathy, R. P. Yan- -

cv ana o. a.Teachers' Institute at Columbia

Ubt week. Dr. Rivers sent a paper

which was read by Prof, Binford

and highly commended. There

was not a large attendance.

We ask special attention to theadvertisement of Julius King'sCombination Spectacles. ' 'We arenow using a pair of them, throughthe courtesy of Mr. J. A. Cayce, theagent, and we regard them as veryclear and excellent glasses andsuperior frames.

Don't make shirts at home when youcan buy the x'eriect Fitting

CROWN SIIIItTat W. T. McCall's for leas than you canDuy the goods. sep7-4-t

There has been considerablesickness among the children hereabouts for the past week. Severalcases of pseudo diphtheria have occurred, but there have as yet beenno fatal cases. There is a malarialfever prevalent that partakes considerably of typhoid symptoms.

The charter of the CampbellsvilleAcademy, Giles county, was registered by the Secretary of State lastThursday. The following are theincoporators: Samuel Yokely, M,

E. Alexander, J. R. Campbell, J. H,Campbell, S. F. Collins, J. C. Hanrah and Hugh Yokely.

Wanted.Seven flotels, six Banks, five Church

es, four Elevators, three Postofflces.twoExpress oliices and one Dwelling houseon the Columbia pike to cover with thebest 1m and Iron Koohng.

B. M. Yotjno & Co.

Cox & Robinson killed a bearMonday evening and rel Ailed it outat 25 cents. It was raised by MrJames Scruggs near Elkton. Mr.Geo. Martin killed it and then telegraphed to some friends North thathe had killed a bear within a halfmile of the public square.

Mr. Frank G. Buford lost hisgold watch chain some time ago outof his vest pocket at Nashville, andabout a month afterwards a policeman found two negro women fighting over it at the Market House. Itwas identified by Calhoun, the jeweler, and returned to its owner.

Farmer Benefit To-nigh- t.

F. Smithson, Esq., has been inNashville this week as Representative of Pulaski Encampment I. OO. F. to the Grand Encampment,and N. Smithson, Esq., attends asRepresentative of Pulaski Lodge I.O. O. F. to the Grand Lodge, bothof which bodies are now in session.

Mr. Milton Tate Neeley, son-in- -

law of Mr. Zack Smith, near Pisgah,died at his residence near Columbialast Wednesday morning, of consumption, leaving a wife and onechild. He was an exemplary Chris-

tian. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. J. R.Neill went up to attend the burial.

Keep it Straight,And don't be mixing us with JeemsAnderson Sardine Brigham or JonathanCalvin, but come tn Boyd M. Young &Co. for cheap Stoves and Tinware, LardStands, etc., Opbciu block.

A honey bee itsrtod into Mr. GibTownsend's ear last Monday, think-ing it was a big sus flower, but hesoon found his mistake, and,leavinghis respects behind, he flew awaytoother sweets. Dr. Sumpter curedthe bite, and Gib asks the next beethat comes along to please apply atthe next door.

iCapt. Smith, Mr. Rob't Rodes'

son-in-la- with his wife, came byand are stopping at Mr. Rodes', ontheir way from Davenport, Iowa, totheir home in Arkansas. Capt.Smith carries his elegant silverflute with him, and they say hestrikes a real Farmer tone upon it.They will go on to Arkansas Imme-diately.

Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Lime andWild Cherry quickly relieves Throatand Lung diseases, and imparts vigorand new lifo to debilitated consti-tutions. Pleasant in taste. J.C.Baker& Co., Philadelphia, l'a. octl8-4- t

A horse named Bonesetter, raisedand owned by Mr. Davis near Corn-crsvill-

came near beating AliceWest at the Iluntsville Fair in 2:30.He has but recently been con-

verted from a pacer to a trotter andgives extraordinary promise. Hewas offered for 330 just before therace, and SG00 has been refusedsince.

Revs. E. B. Worsham and J. C.

Moore closed a meeting at Emmoa'sschool house on 2d Sunday in Sep-

tember, after nine days interestingservices, 45 conversions and 23 ac-

cessions to the M. E. Church. Theyalso closed one at Shiloh last Sun-

day after 22 conversions and 22 accessions. They are faithful ser-

vants of the Master.

On next Sabbath, Oct. 21st, I willbe absent at Synod. I have sucuredthe services of Dr. DuBose for thenorning service. I will bo here forduty on the fourth Sabbath if noth-ing unseen prevents.

W. G.

Rev. Rob't J. Craig, a youngMethodist minister, of whom Gilescounty is justly proud, preached atthe Methodist Church last Sundaynight. He was spending a few dayswith his parents after Conference.He has now returned to the laborassigned, him. He is one of themost popular and talented youngpreachers in the Conference.

Examine the New Goods constantlyarriving at ISw Y'ork Htore.

Col. Geo. E. Purvis, whom every-

body knows from reputation in hislong connection with the Nashvillepress, came down from Nashvilleand returned yesterday. He had

the honor of starring the Citizen,and left Pulaski twenty years ago,visiting us only once since aboutten years ago. He is a fine,

healthy man for an old printer..i

New York Store Price List.Bleached Domestic, c.Brown 4-- 4 " Cc. worth Sl'e.Woinen'a Slioea t 1.00 $1.25.Unlaundercd Gent's Shirts, 75c.Best quality Wainsutta Mu.sliu and 1900

Linen Bosom, worth $2 for f 1.Umbrellss, 60 cents each.A good Overcoat forGood ISoots at 2.23 per pair.lUaid Dress Goods at IS,'scU. per yard.

Mr. S. E. F. Rose's young blooded horse broke his .leg last Tbnrsday evening at the Fair Grounds,A little negro was running himaround the track, when he Blruckhis leg against a post and shatteredthe bone just below the knee.. Mr,Rose gave him to Messrs. Steeleand Hogan, who have splinteredthe leg and have swung the horse,He was a very valuable horse.

A patent medicine man mounteda goods box last Friday afternoonupon the square and soon had thewhole town gathered around himlistening to his harangue. GenLee, the colored prodigy, mountedanother box near and soon eclipsedthe" doctor and run him down.George Grant & Westmoreland Buford was the only man in the crowdwho appreciated fully Gen. Lee'sremarks. "

We give a list of Conference appointments. Mr. Dinwiddie comesback to us a fact which greatlypleases every one. Rev. J. B. Anderson is given no work. Thereare more laborers than places forthem and some have to be left out.We have a splendid Presiding Elderin Dr. Barbee. All of our visitorsto the Conference returned highlypleased with their entertainmentin Edgefield.

Mr. W. R. Craig had a very beautiful and extensive display of hisstock at the fair, including silverware, cut and Bohemian glass,French china, fine table cutlery,beautiful tin water sets, &c. In thefancy grocery line he had a stockof all kinds of canned goods, including peaches, pineapples, apricots, oysters, sardines, salmon, lobster. tomatoes, corn, a case of flavoring extracts, fcc.

We ask particular attention tothe new advertisement of J. H,

Cannon & Co. in this paper, Mr,

Cannon buy3 direct from manufac-turers, and has everything made toorder. Ho gives personal attentionto all the details of buying and selling, and will guarantee his goods tobe as represented. David W.Burch, Esq!, is with Mr. Cannon,and invites his many friends to callupon him. -

Through our ignorance of medicine we placed Drs. Grant fe Westmoreland in rather a ridiculous position last week. We said that theyextracted the Ileum of a negro wo-

man to prove that typhoid fever hasits seat in the bowels. This is nota disputed theory, as we stated, but

fact demonstrated and acceptedas true universally long ago. Theytook it out simply to prove that thewoman died of typhoid fever, sothat similar cases might be treatedfor that disease. Some physiciansdoubted the presence of typhoid fever in tho community and were nottreating for that disease, and thissettled the matter.

Marriages.Since our last report-marriag-e licenses

have been issued as follows :

Jos C Gilbert and Tennie Vltichardson.A J Gibson and Tabitha E Hickman.W C Browning and Emma Lewter.Ralph Grubbs and Emma Ellerson.

Workmen have been repairingthe bursted boiler at the mill allthe week. Work will probably beresumed next Monday. In tearingaway the rubbish it was found thatthe pipe which conveyed water intothe boiler was twisted almost asunder just where it entered the boilerand the water was wasting into theground instead of going into theboiler. This pipe was undergroundand the leak could not be seen. Itis said that the boiler may havehad plenty of water In it when thefires were made and that as theheat became more intense it forcedthe water out at this crevice andcaused the explosion before itcould be discovered.

The success which attends fair dealingis illustrated by the Louisiana StateLottery Company. This corporation,organized in 1WS for charitable and educational purposes, with a cash capitalof 1,000,000 and an accumulated reserveof over $350,000, never scales or postpones its drawings, lor in formation ortickets, address M. A. Dauphin, President, P. O. box 692, New Orleans, La.

Oct 13 3t.

EcL'Sumptei1" wanted his horseand buggy the other day broughtup to the drug store and he gave anegro man a dime and told him togo and bring his buggy. Ed. wenton then to black his mustache for adrive, and he hadn't got more thannine hairs blacked before the negrocame marching up the street hauling the buggy by tho shafts andtopped before the front door and

called out, "Here's dat buggy, boss."He took the dime away from thenegTo and gave it to another to goafter the horse, went after the harness himself, and by the time hehad hitched up and blacked theother three hairs his father neededthe buggy and drove off in it justas Ed. went behind tne ice-hous- e

and registered an oath on the brickwall that he would never smileagain.

Er. FcrdSsckei for "Semes' Eala."

A novel feature of the latestL'nitcd States Polar Exploring Ex-pedition, under the command ofCapt. Howgate, will be the use ofballoons for purposes of explora-tion and observation in those re-

gions. Capt. Howgate is enthusiastic in his anticipations of results tobe obtained from their use, and its apparent to all that there is a

rich field here in meteorology andphysics, aside from actual geograph-ical discoveries. The expeditionwill lay seige to the Pole in theurnmer of 1878, and it is intended

to reach the ultima thuli of the globe,by grk.lnal approaches, occupyingabout three y ears. Dr. A. C Ford,ofthij city, will probably accompany the expedition as surgeon sadaeronaut, Capt. Howgate havinggiven him to understand that thosepositions would be tendered him indue time. Xashtitlt American

DAY. '

The First Fair Opens with SplendidPremise.

Eest EsMfcit cf Stock thus far EverWitnessed in Giles.

Tuesday morning opened brightand fair, showing that the elementsat least were striving for the successof the Fair. There was a tolerablegood audience there for the firstday, and the exhibit of sheep, mulesand jacks was the best ever had inGiles county. The sheep especiallywere very fine as fine, in fact, ascan bs exhibited anywhere. Thefollowing is the list of premiumsawarded :

Lewis fe Abernathy took premiurns in the following classes:

Southdown Sheep, 2 years andover, 1 year and under, buck lamb,ewe 2 years old, ewe 1 year old.buck and ewe any a?e: 1 year, lamb, ewe 2 yearsbuck any age, ewe any age: buckand 5 ewes any age; buck any breed;ewe any breed.

Cotswold buck 2 years, R. C.Reynolds premium, R. H. Laird,certificate.

.TIT I 1v. j. carter iook premiums inthe following rings: Cotswold ewe 1year, lamb; jack 1 year.

Merino buck, Rob t Rodes pre m.t lve lat weathers, J. K. P. Black

burn premium.Stacy fc Rose took premiums in

the following rings: Jack 3 years,jennet 3 years, jennet 2 years.

Jack colt, Hugh Yokely pr.Jack any age, J E. Abernathy pr.Mule 3 years, and 2 vears. A. G,

Loyd pr.iuuie 1 year, uugn English pr.vastest pacing norse, mare or

gelding, Alex. H. Smith of Lincoln,premium.

J. K. if. Blackburn took certificates in the following rings : Southdown sheep 2 years, 1 year, bucklamb, ewe 2 years, lamb, buck anyage; buck and 5 ewes any age; buckany breed.

W. C. Carter took certificate onCotswold ewe 2 years, buck 1 year.

It. V. Reynolds took certificate onCotswold ewe 1 year, buck any age,ewe any age.

R. H. Laird certificate on Cotswold lamb.

J. E. Abernathy certificate onjack 3 years old.

Jo. Ilobbs certificate on jack 1year old.

Hugh xokely certificate on jennetyears, 2 years.Stacy & Rose certificate on jack

any age.G. E. Short certificate on fastest

pacer.Ihe entrees for the premium for

the most graceful rider were Messrs.Jo. W. Braden, Robert Abernathy,lerry Dickerson, J. Ed. Jackson,Dr. L. B. Stanley and Dr. J. II.Keeling. Mr. Dickerson carried offthe blue ribbon.


Let's All Go to tho Fair w.

The merchants and business menof Pulaski have agreed to make to-

morrow a holiday and everybodygo to the Fair. It is the last dayand will be the most interesting ofall. It is thought there will bo animmense crowd there. The follow-ing is the agreement:

We the undersigned merchantsand business men of Pulaski agreethat Friday, the 19th, shall be ageneral holiday, in order that theclerks and employes may have anopportunity to attend the Fair onthat day, and will close our places ofbusiness from 9 o clock in themorning until 5 o'clock in the evening.

Signed: Ballentine k Irvine, J.P. May, Sumpter & Lacey, Beasleyfc Baugh, J. L. Hill fc Co., CalvinYoung, G. W. McLaurine fe Co., S.E. Rose, Sumpter fe Stanley, Flautt,Martin & Co., Arrowsmith & Aber-nathy, W. T. McCall, Gibson & Gil-bert, B. M.Young fe Co., R. C. Hall,W. R. Craig, I. Hanneberg, Roscnaufe Loveman, J. II. Cannon fe Co., F.Winship, J. C. Conner k Co., G. A.Pope & Co., Wm. Graham fc Sons.Buford Bros., I. Butler fc Co., G. W.McGrew, J. T. Oakes, L. Roscnau.

Farmer Benefit To-nigh- t.

Aspen Hill.Our village was visited by a good

many of our citizens last Wednesday to attend the sale of the BrownMills, which did not sell, butrcntedto our neighbor Mr. CaL J. Rcduslor one year. I do wish some

mill-sens- e man wouldpurchase the mill and put it in goodrepair and attend to it as Scriuerdid his mill, always ready to grind,never disappoint a man, give goodturnouts, toll deep, and never bewithout a lot of nice, fine, fat hogsto look at. Wr. W. B. Bayless ofNashville, I understand, has purchased him a home over at ourneighbor village, Lester's, and willmove down soon. We are glad toknow that Mr. Bayless is comingdown in our section, for he is a stirring and very energetic old gentleman, and we welcome him amongus. A great many people are emi-grating south this fall. A train ofabout sixty wagons passed throughour section last week cn route fornorth Ala. I say to the large landholders of Giles county to cut theirfive hundred acre tracts up into fif-

ty aero lots and sell them out toemigrants for a good price, and soimprove the present labor system,and instead of a trifling labor classamong us, we would have energet-ic working men. Mr. Madden Waters and John Cosby were in thevillage last Sunday, (they live onShoal creek and don't sec the carseveryday), so they walked down toProspect Sunday morning and rodeiack in the evening on the cars.

John savs the cars ride fine andpretty tolerable fast. Mr. W. A.Chapman has started his mill againand will also distill again- - this fall.Mr. J. M. Dickson has finished hissorghum crop and says that it is notas sweet a business as he heard itwas. Mr. S. G. Harwell, L. A.Wilkerson, Dr. G. D. BuUcr, Capt.W. T. Ilobbs, James Gatler, Prof.& D. Clack and T. A. Fogg intendgoing to the fair next Saturday.

Leal Ectata Transfers.Dan'l Boatright to W II Grlgsby, 10

acre, IM hst, S 100.Sheriff to T I Amlerson, 176 acreH, ISth

diet, 73.fc..D C Neal to V T Bradley, 70,V

8th chst, 173.II M ftanlev to Sum'l Gillam, 110 acre,

l'.ttfi dist. $1.3j.40.N S Townsend to Mayor and Aldermen,

part town lot, 7LU dat, !73.

Brick Church.Mr. Editor: Having noticed

a piece in your paper sometime agoin reference to Mr. Lewis littleyear-ol- d boy commencing in hisa b's, and iii five months gettinginto the second reader, I have coneluded to let you know somethingabout a couple of children m thissection of country. One of them islittle Fannie Moore, daughter ofRev. J. C. Moore at Phelp's Chapel

ue is 6 years old; commenced inher a b's, and in a five months' session went through the spelling booktwice and also two-thir- ds throughby heart, or by head (as you maycnoose to call it); pronounced thewords more accurately than someteachers, giving each letter and syllable its proper sound and emphasis; scarcely ever missed a wordon or off the book. She passedthrough the first,soiond and into thefourth reader, and read almost periect lessons, noticing ner 6tops aswell, pronouncing her words correctly and speaking them fluently.How many Hannah Moores do yousuppose have perished slinging thecook pot and unknown beyondtheir immediate neighborhood i

The other is Geo. Jeff. Porter,son of Loaf. Porter near tho Burgess Academy, in the north-eas- tcorner of this county. He la only7 years old. He commenced in hisa b's and during a two-mont- h andand three weeks school (three daysof which he was absent), he passedthrough the spelling book and alsobeyond "banquet" by heart andthrough the first reader and intothe second reader. He had goodlessons, both reading and spelling.How many Miltons and Webstersare there whose sublime jwetry andburning words of eloqueuce wouldhave kindled a flame of admirationin the bosoms of their fellow-mo- r

tals for ages to come, had it notbecu that the crushing heel of someill fated thing forced them to lead alife of obscurity, tilling the soil orshoving the plane! Can the countybeat those children I doubt itvery much. Anonymous.

Long Branch.ine spirit ot improvement is

manifesting itself in more ways thanone in this section now. People areleaving tho old well worn channelsand marking out for themselvesnew ones, which shows that theyare being imbued with the prevailing spirit of the age. Farmers aredoing the work of five days in one,making the saving of labor an additional capital. They are cleaningout fence corners, cutting down oldthickets, taking the bushes fromthe banks of ditches and streamswhich gives an improved appearance to the looks of their farms.Well, that's right; we like to seeovjr farms look neat and our farmersappearing respectable. A nice farmindicates a nice owner, and showsthat he is a live man and makesfarming pay. One of tho most unpleasant eights that ever met mygaze is a farm going to rack. Igenerally judge the social characterand moral status of a neighborhoodby the appearance of its farms.Where you see tho lands, buildingsand fences in good repair, you generally find social, respectable andintelligent people.

Mr. J. Jr. Woodard is makingpreparations to build line residence, and has given the contractto Messrs. Iconrich fe Soladine ofLawrence county. They are tocommence work in a short time atseventy-fiv- e cents and a dollar perday, which makes it the cheapestwork in this country. It is astrange thing to me that first-clas- s

carpenters can afford to furnishtheir own tools and work at suchreduced rates. Of course this is afree country and every man has aright to do as he thinks best, butsuch a course will have a tendencyto cripple that trade in this countryand drive the native carpenters toother callings. We have no quarrelfor those who get their work ascheap as they can; that is theirbusiness, not mine. As we have noprotection we must grin and bear it

Law suits are nusti Here now.Last Saturday was a big day amongthe citizens of this section. Mr. N.S. Phelps was winding up his busi-ness and had several litigated caseswhich attracted somo attention.

Mr. Henry Cates and family arevisiting relatives in Alabama thisweek. Mr. V. B. Campbell of Ala-bama, formerly of this neighbor-hood, was in this community lastweek negotiating for the Phelpsfarm. Mr. Ben Stecn visited hismoiiicr in Aiaoama last wees. .air.G. V. Nelson of Lewisburg, Mar-shall county, is rusticating at Mr.John Purycar's this week. Hisgenial presence is quite a treat tous friends here; one especially.

Mr. Fletcher Cheatham fell on thecorner 01 bis Darn tno otner dayand received a severe shock andcame very near having some brokenribs. Oct. 15th. Kcllt.

Good Society.Phillips, Jackson & Co. ' "Good So-iet- v"

Whisky is unequaled. It is ler--ectly pure and free lrom any adultera

tion. It Is recoinmenuea tiiiiiy Dyphysicians, and Is moderate in price.Ask for it when you want to buy. Soldby all dealers. ep27-G- m.

Mrs. Mary E. Gains of Pisgahpresented to Dr. W. E. Lancasterthe other day a handsome gold- -

headed cane which she had orderedfrom Louisville through Mr. J. A.Cayce, as a memento of her veryhigh regard for him as a physician,

ith the following inscription uponit:


M.K. Gains to Dr. W.E. Lancaster,lor 17 years Kind Attention

as a Physician.Mrs. Gains has been an invalid

almost all the time and Dr. L. at-

tended her unceasingly and neverdispaired of her life. She was lefta widow and very poor, but notwithstanding her sickness the madea living. The cans cost about 823,and is a fit memento of her grati-tude.

Mister Wm. J. Whitthorne ofColumbia, one of the moat hospitable, urbine, princely and obligirjggentleman wo have the pleasure ofknowing, claims to bo the only sur-

viving private from the Confederataarmy; .icd yet one of bis own pa-

pers last week Lad the temerity todiri-to-. hi:a of this shining honorand in tL'j same issue to dub himboth Major !nJ General. MisterWhitthorne, you have our ermia-sio- n

to kick somebody.


J "O1& m slstla


Direct from the Eastern Factories, A t Lower Vrlce than ever beforesold. XVU WILL NOT IS I IN" DKWSOLl) 11 Y AN Y JJODY. AHwe ask of onr friends and the pablic is to call un examine our stock before

as it will afford in pleasure at all t imes to enow our jioot!. We guaran-tee goods and prices to suit.Kemember the Big lllue Hoot ami Shoe, 011 the South-we- st Cor-

ner Square, PULASKI, TENN.octis tf J. H. CAHNOfJ & CO.

0YDM.Y0U1TG&00.Contractors, Manufacturers and Dealers in






I9firiii n a

octl8tf. 0tCir32LARROWSMITH

IN- -

Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes,


Our StocK isand we are




determinedWe duly appreciate tho patronao herctoforo bestowed upon 11,

ana nope to merit a

oei.-2- in

French Fruits,Catsups.

NUTS,American and

English PicklesSoup Stuffs,






by mall promptly to

A lug:and Condiments.

64 and 66 West Second St, -









r itiAis, iuy 01 i

in SPECIAL tostock JEANS, in which I

llargainBargains in TICK S, Bargains in


Fine Stock Gent's Boots Shoes In ,BEST LADIES' FINE IN TOWN, Ladies' newebt thiiur.

requested to before Noto show We are determinedthe people to tradoMotto: Small nud Quick

beBlock, IT. Cor- -

sep27 tf









kin. In;fchoea, White GckmIn,

r Iurincls, ana


IVhcn repeat have AM)ever for

Chab. late

Wholesale and



and M ouj Mill.

East -

Hm damm mm m f9

ARE DAILY Aall kind, low

A In oo!ly In a


Wtioh offer to uTfin.t onria 10 eeol. A-- r CAi-il- , if ia

aortiuar.t of

bic-- we lowar than can ta boughtnovHJ




HatSt Cnpo,Complete

Please aiVE

J. r.


1 txrctre.BlOOlJL.


Ready-Mad- e Clothing,

In Department,not to bo UndetsoM.

continuance or tne name.


Fancy Soaps.Chocolate.

Fruit it


andUaking Ponder



to make it to the of tho

for CASH, not

Square, under aV.



FANCY GROCERIESOrders attended




FALL Mil M, hid Slyhs lad 't:Aliti i oiock an wool riiAiMxivioi me

Largest Pulaski. ATTENTION myof can Nprcinl



CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING!Furnishing Good. and reat varictf

SHOES Cloaks,EVERYBODY call purchasing elsewhere trouble

goods.with us.



mw. iifae.1L! imv.COOS


Dress GuimIm, ClonliN, of all Tlo,Trimming, Underwear, Wheeling.

DomeHtics, Hosiery,

lVliltYTIIIINCi 'rilia'V' WA-IN'T- .



we that we the STOCKin Pulaski CASH.

Bokord, of Lynnville.

Cloak", Cl'iiliing, L'nderweur,

For Doth Sexes, fact,We MENA WH AT Wo SAY


Millrr, Knu-lu- t


Hardware, Quecngware Ulaswr, Fli fWirguui

Side Public Square,

Special Inducements OfferedSU0L.3, JfclATS a



bought for cawi.MOULDING AND PICTURE

Dd fct.ifirrtbiD)t keptin

alo kwp


w parti lirawill per off paiJ

o3-- r theytf


Guro to








uml will






E.G. llvrouu, Ial of '


Fins Wood Caccs and Caskets,Metal Burial

r-- De LookSouth Side Public




RcUll Dealers In

- - TENH.


HjT'ni ?n 7MM M MA "

EAKtiK blUta Or ! V11 ! 1 1 I. m

AlsoEtc- -

Farnltor B'.or, all of ljlch w r oflotln j

on tiktid

Canes cV

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for LOVTlWi rV.



Dry Goods, Clothing,Oairpoto

Cloth in g &Ma reel la Fa Us .Tea us a ij





Csnaca Ccan3,







HZOTTSIELover.iArj,Boots, Shoes, Hats,

XJLc-ttxiZrj.- m,

