the orthodox vision - september 2012 issue #271

SEPTEMBER 2012 THE ORTHODOX VISION 1 IN THIS ISSUE The Future of Our Church: Our Youth We must work together, contributing our own talents to help our children stay close to the Church and raise their own children as Orthodox Christians in the future. . by Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas Happy New Year! Ecclesiastical New Year - September 1st “What is know as the Con- stantinopolitan induction, adopted by the Patriarchs of that city after the fall of the Eastern Empire in 1453, be- gins on the 1st of September and is observed with special ceremony in the Church. “ ISSUE NO. 271 WWW.HOLYTRINITYBRIDGEPORT.ORG SEPTEMBER 2012 “Chosen and Appointed by God to Go and Bear Fruit.”

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The Official Monthly publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport, Connecticut


Page 1: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271


IN THIS ISSUE The Future of Our

Church: Our Youth “ We must work together, contributing our own talents to help our children stay close to the Church and raise their own children as Orthodox Christians in the future. . ”

by Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas

Happy New Year!

Ecclesiastical New

Year - September 1st “What is know as the Con-stantinopolitan induction, adopted by the Patriarchs of that city after the fall of the Eastern Empire in 1453, be-gins on the 1st of September and is observed with special ceremony in the Church. “


“Chosen and Appointed by

God to Go and Bear Fruit.”

Page 2: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271



Faith in Christ

T o have Faith in Christ means, of course, trying to do all that He says. There would be no sense in saying you trusted a person if you would not take his advice. Thus if you have really handed yourself over to Him, it must follow that you are trying to obey Him. But

trying in a new way, a less worried way. Not doing these things in order to be saved, but because He has begun to save you already. Not hoping to get to Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you. ― Submitted by Vicky Andriotis, source: C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

WEEKDAY LITURGIES—8:30AM Friday, September 14th: Exaltation of the Holy Cross—following this service, please join us at Seaside Park for the traditional Blessing of the Waters.


ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑΣ: 8:30 πµ Παρασκευή 14 Σεπτεµβρίου Η Ύψωσις Του Τιµίου Σταυρού

MEETINGS Tuesday Sept. 4 Philoptochos 7:00 pm Wednesday Sept. 12 Senior Citizens 1:00 pm Wednesday Sept. 19 Daughters/AHEPA 7:00pm Wednesday Sept. 27 Senior Citizens 1:00 pm Monday Sept. 24 Parish Council 7:30 pm Friends, We are in need of Basil for the service on

September 14th. - Χρειαζόµεθα ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΟ Για τις


EVENTS AND REMINDERS • Sunday, September 9th: Sunday School begins • Monday, September 10th: Greek School begins at

4:30 pm • Saturday, September 22nd: Goya Day at Holiday

Hill – 11:00am-7:00pm • Sunday, September 23rd: Philoptochos Champagne

Brunch, after Church Services • Sunday, September 30th: GOYA Picnic Day, after

Church Services • Friday, October 19th: Our Annual Wine and Food

Tasting • Saturday, November 10th: PTO Christmas Boutique November 30, 2013— Keep the date open for a very special 100th Anniversary Celebration!

HOSPITAL VISITS—Please inform the office if you

or someone you know are admitted to the hospital and would like a hospital visitation from Father Andreas.

Happy New Year! Ecclesiastical New Year - September 1st

W hat is know as the Constantinopolitan induction, adopted by the Patriarchs of that city after the fall of the Eastern Empire in 1453, begins on the 1st of September and is observed with special ceremony in the Church. Since the completion of each year takes place, as it were, with the harvest and gathering of the

crops into storehouses, and we begin anew from henceforth the sowing of seed in the earth for the production of future crops, September is considered the beginning of the New Year. The Church also keeps festival this day, beseeching God for fair weather, seasonable rains, and an abundance of the fruits of the earth. The Holy Scriptures (Lev. 23:24-5 and Num. 29:1-2) also testify that the people of Israel celebrated the feast of the Blowing of the Trumpets on this day, offering hymns of thanksgiving. In addition to all the aforesaid, on this feast we also commemorate our Saviour's entry into the synagogue in Nazareth, where He was given the book of the Prophet Esaias to read, and He opened it and found the place where it is written, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, for which cause He hath anointed Me..." (Luke 4:16-30).

It should be noted that to the present day, the Church has always celebrated the beginning of the New Year on September 1. This was the custom in Constantinople until its fall in 1453 and in Russia until the reign of Peter I. September 1 is still festively celebrated as the New Year at the Patriarchate of Constantinople; among the Jews also the New Year, although reckoned according to a moveable calendar, usually falls in September. The service of the Menaion for January 1 is for our Lord's Circumcision and for the memorial of Saint Basil the Great, without any mention of its being the beginning of a new year. - Submitted by Vicky Andriotis, source:

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A s o u r C h u r c h celebrated the Feast of the Dormition of the

Holy Theotokos, we began shifting gears and looking forward to a new Ecclesiastical Church year. There are many exciting programs and events that will be available to all members of our Church this coming New Year.

The Ecclesiastical Church year coincides with the beginning of a new school year. Therefore, we need not only help our children prepare for a new school year, but also for the new Church year. In the same way our children need school supplies, they need spiritual supplies. Some of the essential materials each child should have are a prayer book, prayer rope, icon, and a Bible. These are the essential building blocks for all of our children in order for them to grow and develop as Orthodox Christians.

The other essential building

block for our youth is the Church itself, where there are many programs that help build our youth in their Orthodox Faith and also in their Greek American identity and community. Under the spiritual guidance of our Church of Holy Trinity, there are several schools and programs for our youth - Religious Education, Greek

Language instruction, and sporting events. Each of these serve the purpose of making the Church of Holy Trinity a "welcoming" and safe environment for young families, and this growth is critical for us to remain a viable place where everyone's spiritual and intellectual needs can always be served. Through our programs, our youth receive a well rounded formation in both the traditions of our Greek Orthodox Faith and heritage, and also put what they learn into practice through involvement in the community. Our youth are able to interact with others in a safe and supportive environment. There are a variety of programs and events that fit each individual child’s needs. Our youth sports programs offer our kids the ability to compete against each other in a safe and healthy environment

Our youth are involved in a

variety of philanthropic, religious

and social activities. Many of our youth volunteer much of their time and give back to our community. I have watched t h e m e n t h u s i a s t i c a l l y p a r t i c i p a t e i n v a r i o u s philanthropic and sporting events organized by the Clergy and Laity whether it is food runs at local supermarkets, or volunteering at the local soup kitchen serving food to individuals and families who are less fortunate. Our youth also volunteer in teaching Sunday school, leading Altar boy groups, and even leading us in worship. Our Youth are giving back to our community in many ways, and I believe they will continue to do so throughout their lives.

It is our job as parents and

volunteers to make sure that our programs continue to operate and flourish. I cannot emphasize enough the need for youth volunteer workers. We cannot continue to develop our programs without your support and love. We welcome you even if you can only volunteer a small portion of your time to any one of our youth programs. It is an investment which you will not be sorry that you made. As parents, you must encourage your children to participate in our youth programs and reinforce religious values and learning about Christ and the Church, which must begin at home.

We must work together,

contributing our own talents to help our children stay close to the Church and raise their own children as Orthodox Christians in the future.

The Future of

Our Church:

Our Youth by Father Andreas Vithoulkas

“Your children are the greatest gift God will give to you, and their souls the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands. Take time with them, teach them to have faith in God. Be a person in whom they can have faith. When you are old, nothing else you've done will have mattered as much.” ― Lisa Wingate

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“Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right.” ― Max Lucado, He Sll Moves Stones

Το µέλλον της

Εκκλησίας µας – η

νεολαία µας του π. Ανδρέα Βυθούλκας

Α φού η εκκλησία µας γιόρτασε τη γιορτή της Κοίµησης της Θεοτόκου, αλλάζουµε τώρα

τ α χ ύ τ η τ α , κ ο ι τ ώ ν τ α ς µ π ρ ο σ τ ά , προετοιµαζόµενοι για το νέο εκκλησιαστικό έτος. Υπάρχουν πολλά συναρπαστικά προγράµµατα και δραστηριότητες τα οποία είναι διαθέσιµα σε όλα τα µέλη της Εκκλησίας µας στο προσεχές εκκλησιαστικό έτος. Το νέο εκκλησιαστικό έτος συµπίπτει µε την έναρξη του νέου σχολικού έτους. Έτσι θα πρέπει όχι µόνο βοηθήσουµε τα παιδιά µας προετοιµασία για µια νέα χρονιά στο σχολείο, αλλά επίσης για την προετοιµασία τους για το νέο εκκλησιαστικό έτος. Ακριβώς όπως χρειαζόµαστε προµήθειες γιά το σχολείο, πρέπει να σκεφτούµε ανάλογα και γιά τις πνευµατικές προµήθειες των παιδιών µας. Ορισµένες από τις βασικά απαραίτητα προµήθεις για κάθε παιδί θα πρέπει να είναι ένα προσευχητάρι, ένα κοµποσκήνι, µία εικόνα, µία Αγία Γραφή. Αυτά είναι τα βασικά δοµικά στοιχεία για όλα τα παιδιά µας ώστε να αναπτυχθούν και να µεγαλώσουν σαν Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί.

Το βασικό γιά νά φέρουµε και κρατήσουµε τη νεολαία µας στην εκκλησία, έχουµε πολλά προγράµµατα συµµετοχής, που βοηθούν να οικοδοµηθεί στη νεολαία µας η Ορθόδοξη πίστη, η Ελληνική κληρονοµιά και η συµµετοχή της στην Κοινότητα. Υπό την πνευµατική καθοδήγηση της εκκλησίας της Αγίας Τριάδας, υπάρχουν πολλές διδακτικές δραστηριότητες και προγράµµατα για την νεολαία - η θρησκευτική εκπαίδευση, η διδασκαλία της ελληνικής γλώσσας, και αθλητικές εκδηλώσεις. Όλα αυτά τα εξυπηρετούν το σκοπό που συνεχίζει να καταβάλλει η εκκλησία της Αγίας Τριάδας, ένα "καλωσόρισµα" σε ασφαλές περιβάλλον των νέων οικογενειών. Αυτή η ανάπτυξη είναι κρίσιµης σηµασίας για µας ώστε να παραµείνουν βιώσιµες οι δραστηριότητές µας και να µπορούν να εξυπηρετηθούν όλοι στις πνευµατικές και διανοητικές τους ανάγκες. Μέσω των προγραµµάτων µας, νεολαία µας λαµβάνει την Ελληνορθόδοξη πίστη της και κληρονοµιά, αλλά επίσης µαθαίνει στην πράξη µε την συµµετοχή της στις δραστηριότητες της Κοινότητας. Η νεολαία µας είναι σε θέση να αλληλεπιδρά µε τους άλλους οργανισµούς της κοινότητας σε ένα ασφαλές και

υποστηρικτικό περιβάλλον. Υπάρχουν διάφορα προγράµµατα και δραστηριότητες ανάλογα µε τις επιµέρους ανάγκες του κάθε παιδιού. Τα αθλητικά µας προγράµµατα προσφέρουν µας παιδιά τη δυνατότητα να ανταγωνίζονται µεταξύ τους σε ένα ασφαλές και υγιές περιβάλλον Η νεολαία µας εµπλέκεται σε µια ποικιλία φιλανθρωπικών, θρησκευτικών και κοινωνικών δραστηριοτήτων. Πολλοί από τους εθελοντές στα προγράµµατα της νεολαίας µας επιστρέφουν στην Κοινότητά µας από αυτά πού ωφελήθηκαν και αυτοί

σαν νεοι στο παρελθόν. Τους παρακολούθησα µε ενθουσιασµό να συµµετάσχουν σε διάφορους φιλανθρωπικούς οργανισµούς και αθλητικές εκδηλώσεις που οργανώνονται από τον κλήρο και το λαό, είτε πρόκειται για διάθεση τροφίµων από το τοπικό σούπερ µάρκετ, ή συµµετέχοντας στο µαγείρευµα της σούπας για να εξυπηρετηθούν τα άτοµα και οι οικογένειες που είναι λιγότερο ευνοηµένες. Η νεολαία µας επίσης συµµετέχει εθελοντικά στη διδασκαλία κατηχητικού σχολείου, καθοδηγώντας τα παιδιά στο ιερό και κυρίως οδηγώντας τα στη λατρεία. Η νεολαία µας δίνει πίσω στην κοινότητά µας µε πολλούς τρόπους, και πιστεύω ότι θα συνεχίσουν να το κάνουν σέ όλη τους τη ζωή.

Είναι ευθύνη µας, σαν γονείς και εθελοντές, να είµαστε εξασφαλισµένοι ότι τα προγράµµατά µας εξακολουθούν να λειτουργούν και ανθίζουν. Γιαυτό τονίζω συνεχώς την ανάγκη για νέους εθελοντές εργαζόµενους στα προγράµµατα της νεότητας. ∆εν µπορούµε να συνεχίσουµε να αναπτύσουµε τα προγράµµατά µας χωρίς την υποστήριξη, την αγάπη σας και τη συµµετοχή σας. Σας καλωσορίζουµε, ακόµη και αν συµµετέχετε σας εθελοντικά και για ένα µικρό µέρος του χρόνου σας σε οποιοδήποτε από τα προγράµµατα της Νεολαία µας. Πρόκειται για µια επένδυση που δεν θα µετανοιώσετε ποτέ που την κάνατε. Ως γονείς θα πρέπει να ενθαρρύνετε τα παιδιά σας να συµµετέχουν στα προγράµµατά µας νεολαίας και να ενισχύσουν τις θρησκευτικές αξίες που µαθαίνουν στο σπίτι. Μαθαίνοντας για το Χριστό και την εκκλησιαστική ζωή είναι κάτι πού αρχίζει στο σπίτι. Πρέπει να εργαστούµε από κοινού για να βοηθήσουµε τα παιδιά µας να παραµείνουν στην εκκλησία και να µεγαλώσουν τα δικά τους παιδιά τους σαν Ορθόδοξους Χριστιανούς στο µέλλον. Το µέλλον της Εκκλησίας βρίσκεται στην νεολαία µας και στην ικανότητά µας να συνεισφέρουµε τα ταλέντα µας στην εκκλησία µας για να βεβαιωθούµε ότι η νεολαία µας παραµένει συνδεδεµένη µε την εκκλησία.

Page 5: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271


Our Parish by George

Mourizakis -Parish Council


I hope everyone h a d a

wonderful summer season with a lot of stories to tell. We are ready for the new Ecclesiastical year, which starts in September. Greek school, Sunday school, GOYA, PTO, Philoptochos, and all of our organizations are eager to start their new programs. It reminds me of the days just before school would start, which were so full of anticipation and excitement. I am hoping that all of you will support and get involved in as many programs as you can.

I would like to bring to your attention that many new families have joined Holy Trinity. Please make everyone feel welcome in our parish. Take our new parishioners under your wing, and show them what a great community we are.

We have kept busy with various projects during the summer months. The Gym roof project is completed, and new outside locks and push bars in the main doors were installed for extra security. Also, incase you haven't noticed, we've hired a new custodian. His name is Mike Roman. We are training him for the custodial job which, as you know, is a large task to be accomplish. Please be patient while he learns our facilities. I am sure he will provide a great service to our community.

We just received a check from the Estate of our beloved Paul Louloudes with the money earmarked for a building to help us with our festival operations. We will work hard to fulfill Paul's wishes.

This summer, several of us attended the 41st Clergy-Laity Congress in Arizona. I'd like to

take a moment to review some key points, and especially the theme, which was: "Chosen and appointed by God to go and bear fruit," which refers to John 15:16. Jesus said to His Disciples , "No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He may give it to you." John 15:15-16 ESV

I’d like to explain this as I understood it. First, He calls us His friends because He shares with us the absolute truth communicated to Him by God. We are chosen and appointed for a specific mission, which is to "go and bear fruit." What does He mean by that and how can we do that in a world in deep economic crisis, record unemployment, entire countries on the brink of bankruptcy, poverty, hunger, fires? The answer is that we can reach near us in the lives of interfaith families to connect with them and bring them to our community, bring our young adults back, re-energize our programs, and enhance them with organized, cultural, and religious events. We should go to the surrounding Colleges and Universities and find all the Orthodox students and bring them to church. Think about how your own son or daughter might feel when they are in a different state, far from home. Reach out to businesses you patronize, hospitals, or even n the grocery store. Remember, it only took 12 Apostles to spread the Gospel to the entire world. Imagine what we can do if we all work together.

Your mission should be to bring someone back to church this year. Bring back our brothers and sisters who haven't come to church for

some time. Let's increase our stewardship numbers in our community. Let's preserve our Hellenic heritage, our Greek language, and culture.

I attended various seminars at the Congress such as those on the topics of Stewardship, Finance, Endowment , and In terfaith marriages. There were also many vendors there selling religious artifacts, insurance, vestments, some Iconographers etc... This is a place where we can exchange ideas, get new ones, and get re-energized to continue our mission. There, one can talk to people from all over the country about their communities and realize that we all have the same problems and concerns. What a feeling to be amongst so many priests and so many Orthodox Christians in the middle of the dessert! Thank you for giving me the privilege to be part of it. I wish you could all attend at least one of these congresses in your lifetime. We have all the material available at the office for your review.

My personal mission this year is to try and get as many people involved in various committees in our church. If you have a talent or special interest, a pet project that you like to see come to reality, please come forward. Talk to me, to Father, or to any Parish council member for assistance. I doesn't matter if you can only spare five minutes a week in the church. Come and pull weeds, if that is what you like to do, or clean the windows. The idea is "Get involved" and take ownership of your church. Be part of the team. Do not be an outsider or say, "Let them do it." I want you to be "them."

On October 13th, we will be host ing a presentation on stewardship for the Direct Archdiocese District. I hope you can all participate. Then you will understand how important it is to be involved in our parish.

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Η ΕΝΟΡΙΑ ΜΑΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΜΟΥΡΙΖΑΚΗΣ, ΠΡΟΕ∆ΡΟΣ Ελπίζω ότι ο καθένας µας να είχε µια υπέροχη

καλοκαιρινή σεζόν µε πολλές ιστορίες να πει. Είµαστε έτοιµοι για το νέο εκκλησιαστικό έτος που αρχίζει τον Σεπτέµβριο. Ελληνικό σχολείο, κατηχητικό σχολείο, Goya, PTO, Φιλόπτωχος και όλες οι οργανώσεις µας είναι πρόθυµες να ξεκινήσουν τα νέα προγράµµατα τους. Μου θυµίζει τα παιδικα µας χρονια που ετοιµάζοµασταν

να επιστρέψουµε στο σχολείο γεµάτοι προσδοκία και ενθουσιασµό. Ελπίζω ότι όλοι σας θα υποστηρίξετε και θα συµµετέχετε σε πολλά προγράµµατα, όπως εσεις µπορείτε. Θα ήθελα να επιστήσω την προσοχή σας ότι πολλές νέες

οικογένειες έχουν ενταχθεί στην οικογενεια της Αγίας Τριάδος. Παρακαλω ολους να τους κάνετε να αισθάνονται ευπρόσδεκτοι στην ενορία µας, πάρετε τους κάτω από τα φτερα σας και να τους δείξουµε οτι ειµαστε µια µεγάλη και φιλοξενοι κοινότητα. Έιµασταν απασχοληµένοι µε διάφορα έργα κατά τη

διάρκεια των καλοκαιρινών µηνών, όπως τα έργα ¨ ολοκληρωθηκε η στεγη του Γυµναστηριου, τοποθετησει νεων κλειδαριων και αυτοµατες χειρολαβες στης κεντρικες πόρτες εχουν εγκατασταθεί για επιπλέον ασφάλεια. Έχουµε προσλάβει ένα νέο νεοκορο αν δεν το έχετε

παρατηρήσει. Το όνοµά του είναι ο Mike .Είµαστε στο σταδιο τις εκπαιδευσεις και όπως ξέρετε είναι ένα µεγάλο έργο που πρέπει να επιτευχθεί. Εποµένως, σας παρακαλώ να είστε υποµονετικοί µέχρι να µάθει τις εγκαταστάσεις µας και είµαι βέβαιος ότι θα προσφέρει µια µεγάλη υπηρεσία στην κοινότητά µας. Λάβαµε µια επιταγή από τη διαθηκη του αειµνηστου Paul Louloudes.Η επιθυµια του ηταν τα χρήµατα να διατεθουν για την ανεργεση ενος κτιριου για να µας βοηθήσει µε λειτουργίες του φεστιβάλ µας. Θα εργαστούµε σκληρά να εκπληρώσουµε την επιθυµία του Paul. Θα ήθελα να συνεχίσω µε το θέµα από την 41η

Κληρικολαϊκή Συνέλευση µας στην Αριζόνα. "Ο Θεος µας εδιαλεξε και µας ωρισε να πορευθουµε και να µας φερουµε καρπο», είναι ένα απόσπασµα από το Ευαγγέλιο του Ιωάννη 15:16. Επιτρέψτε µου να σας το εξηγήσω, όπως το κατάλαβα.

Πρώτα µας αποκαλεί φίλους του, γιατί µοιράζεται µαζί µας την απόλυτη αλήθεια που του κοινοποιούται από τον Θεό. Θα επιλέγονται και θα διορίζονται για µια συγκεκριµένη αποστολή. Πορευσου και φερε καρπο. Τι εννοεί µε αυτό και πώς µπορούµε να το κάνουµε αυτό σε έναν κόσµο σε βαθιά οικονοµική κρίση, η ανεργία ρεκόρ, ολόκληρες χώρες στο χείλος της πτώχευσης, τη φτώχεια, την πείνα, τις πυρκαγιές; Η απάντηση είναι ότι πρεπει να φερουµε κοντά µας τις

οικογενειες των µεικτων γαµων να γινουν µελοι τις κοινότητά µας. Φέρτε τους νέους µας πίσω,τη νεα γενεια και το µελλων µας.Να επανεργοποιησουµε τα

προγραµµατα µας να τους ενισχύσουµεµε να οργανώνοσουµε πολιτιστικές και θρησκευτικές εκδηλώσεις. Πηγαίνετε στα γύρω Κολέγια και Πανεπιστήµια και βρείτε όλους τους ορθόδοξους µαθητές και να τους φέρεται στην εκκλησία. Θυµηθείτε πως ο γιος η κόρη σας µπορεί να αισθάνονται όταν βρίσκονται σε διαφορετικη πολη. Απευθυνθείτε στην εργασιας σας , σε νοσοκοµεία σε επιχειρήσεις, ή στην αγορά. Θυµηθείτε οι 12 Αποστόλοι διεδωσαν το ευαγγέλιο σε ολο τον κόσµο. Φανταστείτε τι µπορούµε να κάνουµε αν εργαστούµε όλοι µαζί. Η αποστολη µας θα πρέπει να είναι να φερουµε ενα νεο

µελλος πίσω στην εκκλησία το τρέχοντος έτους. Φέρτε πίσω τους αδελφούς και τις αδελφές µας που δεν έρχονται στην εκκλησία για κάποιο χρονικό διάστηµα. Ας αυξήσουν τον αριθµό των µελλων τις κοινότητά µας. Ας διατηρήσουµε την Ελληνική κληρονοµιά µας, την

ελληνική γλώσσα και τον πολιτισµό µας. Παρακολούθησα διάφορα σεµινάρια στο Κογκρέσο, όπως

∆ιαχείρισης, Οικονοµικών, Κληροδότηµα, ∆ιαθρησκειακοι γάµοι. Είχαν πολλούς πωλητές που πωλούσαν εκεί θρησκευτικά

αντικείµενα, Ασφάλειες, Αµφια, Αγιογράφοι κλπ. Είναι ένα µέρος όπου µπορεις να ανταλλάξεις ιδέες, να

πάρεις νέες ιδέες και να επαναενεργωποιηθεις για να συνεχίσεις την αποστολή σου. Μπορείτε να µιλήσετε µε ανθρώπους από ολη τη χώρα για την κοινότητά τους και να συνειδητοποιήσεις ότι όλοι έχουµε τα ίδια προβλήµατα και ανησυχίες. Τι συναίσθηµα να είσαι ανάµεσα σε τόσους πολλούς ιερείς και τοσους πολλους Ορθόδοξους Χριστιανους στη µέση της ερήµου. Σας ευχαριστώ που µου δίνετε το προνόµιο να συµµετασχω. Σας εύχοµαι να σας δωθει η ευκαιρια να παρακολουθήσετε όλοι ένα από αυτά τα συνέδρια στη διάρκεια της ζωής σας. Έχουµε όλο το υλικό που διατίθεται στο γραφείο για την ενηµερωσει σας. Προσωπική αποστολή µου φέτος είναι να προσπαθήσω να κανω να συµµετεχουν ολο κα πιο πολλοί παροικοι σε διάφορες επιτροπές στην εκκλησία µας. Εάν έχετε ένα ταλέντο ή ενδιαφέρον η ενα χοµπι που µπορει να οφελεισει την κοινοτητα η ενα έργο που θα θέλατε να γινει πραγµατικοτητα ,µιληστε µου η στον πατερ η σε οποιοδήποτε µέλος του συµβουλίου της ενορίας . ∆εν εχει σηµασια αν µπορείτε να διαθέσετε µόνο πέντε λεπτά την εβδοµάδα στην εκκλησία. Ελάτε να βοτανισετε, αν αυτό είναι που θέλετε να κάνετε ή να καθαρίσετε τα παράθυρα. Η ιδέα είναι "ΛΑΒΕΤΕ ΜΕΡΟΣ" γινετε ενεργο µελος

της εκκλησίας µας. Γινεται µελλος της οικογενειας. Μην είσαι ξένος ή να πεις "ας το κανει καποιος αλλος". Θέλω να είσαι ο «ΑΛΛΟΣ». Στις 13 του Οκτώβρη θα φιλοξενήσουµε µια

παρουσίαση σχετικά µε την διαχείριση για την άµεση περιοχή της Αρχιεπισκοπής. Ελπίζω να µπορειτε όλοι να συµµετασχετε. Τότε θα καταλάβετε πόσο σηµαντικό είναι να συµµετέχουµε ολοι για το καλο της ενορία µας.

Page 7: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271


“Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest.”

― Beatrix Potter

PTO Maria Gountas -President

W elcome Back! Another year has already begun. Over the summer we

have been busy getting ready for yet another year. We are asking everyone to join our PTO. Mem-bership is $25.00. We encourage all parents to support PTO for the benefit of your children. A suc-cessful PTO requires the involve-ment of all parents and teachers!

We will begin registration on September 9th, after church. Through our fundraisers, the PTO

i s

able to treat our children to various activities. We ask for everyone’s support.

We will also have a sign-up sheet for the donation of snacks & juices, which are served to the kids after Sunday school.

The following are a few dates to keep in mind for the coming months:

•September 9th- PTO will begin sign-up after church & Bake Sale •September 12th -1st meeting of the year starting at 6:00pm •September 16th- will be serving breakfast to all the Sunday School Children. •October 14th- PTO Breakfast Brunch •November 10th – 2nd Annual Christmas Boutique •November 17th – Radio City Music Christmas Show

Look for more details on up-coming events on our PTO Board or in the Sunday Bulletin.

I look forward to another excit-ing year.

Ladies Philoptochos

Society Kalliope Tsitsipas, President

W elcome back! Kalosorisate! Philoptochos is the philanthropic and charitable organization of the Greek Orthodox

Archdiocese, whose goal is to help the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphans, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, and the victims of disasters

around the world. The following are on our National Ministry

Commitments for September, 2012: Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology -In 1937, Archbishop Athenagoras directed a special appeal to the Philoptochos to "devote" themselves to the School, "where your sons will be educated as priests and teachers" and urged the ladies to "prove once again

your strong faith." In the ensuing years, the Philoptochos was, and over seventy years later continues to be, actively involved in offering financial support to Holy Cross. Retired Clergy and Widowed Presbyteres Benevolent Fund - The monies raised through this commitment will be donated to the RCA Benevolent Fund which provides support and guidance for retired clergy who are facing financial difficulties.

Our upcoming events are as follows: September 11th, 7:00pm coffee/7:30 regular

meeting. We are looking forward to having all the women in our community join us!

September 16th—Our Philoptochos will be passing a tray to benefit the Holy Cross/Heelenic College Scholarship Fund.

September 23rd—Join us in celebrating our Church’s 99th anniversary at our annual Champagne Brunch.

Thank you for your continuous support of the National Philoptochos commitments and programs. The impact that your donations provide is immeasurable. Through your faithful and dedicated service, the quality of life for so many is greatly improved. Please join us. Even if you are unable to attend our evening meetings, your participation in the many daily functions is always appreciated.

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ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ Greek School by Eleni Limberis, Director

C ongratulations to: Argyroula Kouvata, Chrysoula Vlamis, Trevor Bellows, Christina

Pertesis, Christina Kalogeris and George Pertesis for taking the Comprehensive Examination in Modern Greek , on Monday, June 18, 2012, in New York State. ΑΡΙΣΤΑ! A+ A+ A+ . We are very proud of you. Job well done! Bravo!

Our Greek School will start this year on, Monday, September 10, 2012 at 4:30 pm • Days & Hours: Monday and Wednesday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. –

Tuesday-7th and 8th grades (4-6pm) • Registration: A registration form is enclosed to be filled out and

returned to the Office. It is a requirement that parents are Stewards of the Church for their children to attend the Greek School Program.

• Tuition: for Church Members 1st. child $425.00 2nd child (of the same family) $370.00 3rd child (of the same family) $350.00 • NON-MEMBERS 1st child $750 2nd child $650 3rd child $500 • Age: 5 years and older.

We encourage the participation of your children to the Greek School program of our parish. This is an opportunity for all our children to learn the language,

religion, traditions, dances, and songs and thus maintain our Greek Heritage and Culture. For more information call kiria Eleni at the Church Office at 374-5561. ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΡΙΟΣ 2012 –ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ Το Ελληνικό µας Σχολείο φέτος αρχίζει

∆ΕΥΤΕΡΑ 10 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ 2012-4:30µµ • ΗΜΕΡΕΣ & ΩΡΕΣ: ∆ευτέρα και Τετάρτη- 4:30 – 6:30 µµ. 7η & 8η τάξη – Τρίτη - 4-6 µµ. • ΕΓΓΡΑΦΕΣ: Συµπληρώστε την εσώκλειστη φόρµα και παρακαλούµε επιστρέψτε την στο Γραφείο. Απαιτείται όπως οι γονείς είναι µέλη της Εκκλησίας, για να παρακολουθήσουν τα παιδιά τους το ελληνικό σχολείο. • ∆Ι∆ΑΚΤΡΑ: για µη µέλη 1ον παιδί 425 δολάρια 2ον παιδί 370 δολάρια (ιδίας Οικογενείας) 3ον παιδί 350 δολάρια (ιδίας Οικογενείας) για µη µέλη 1ο παιδί 750 δολάρια 2ο παιδί 650 δολάρια 3ο παιδί 500 δολάρια • ΗΛΙΚΙΑ: Από πέντε (5) ετών και άνω.

Προτείνοµε την συµµετοχή όλων των παιδιών της ενορίας µας, στο ελληνικό σχολείο. Είναι µία ευκαιρία τα παιδιά να µάθουν την γλώσσα, την θρησκεία, τους χορούς, τα τραγούδια και ύµνους, και έτσι να διατηρήσωµε την ελληνική µας κληρονοµιά και Πολιτισµό. Για πληροφορίες τηλεφωνήστε την Κυρία Ελένη στο 374-5561. Ευχαριστούµε πολύ.

Athletic Department , by Perry Koutroulas—Director

W elcome back everyone! I hope you all had a relaxing, safe, and wonderful summer. Please keep in mind that registration for the athletic program will take place after

Church on 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, and 9/30. All children are invited to participate in the program, regardless of skill. Practice will begin the 1st week of October. More details regarding

days and times of practice will be announced soon. On behalf of the Athletic Committee, I would like to wish you all a Blessed New Ecclesiastical Year which

starts on September 1st. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 203 556-0489 with any questions, concerns, and/or ideas.

“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Page 9: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271


Around the

Parish- by Stella Capiris

W e hope that you all had a pleasant summer and

are now ready to prepare and look forward to the new Ecclesiastical Year. Here are some dates to remember: ∗Sunday School begins September 9th. ∗G r e e k S c h o o l b e g i n s September 10th. ∗If interested, the Learning Garden Preschool will be held at our Church complex for the 2012-2013 school year. Call 203-908-4100 for registration. ∗P.T.O. Bake Sale September 9th. ∗P.T.O. to serve breakfast to the Sunday School classes on September 16th.

∗GOYA Day at Holiday Hill Day Camp, Prospect, Ct., September 22nd. ∗Philoptochos sponsored annual Champagne Brunch September 23rd

Congratulations to: Andy and Bridgette Tsilfides on the birth of their son, loanna and Dimitris Pioukalias on the birth of their son, to Nick and Eleni Vlamis on the birth of their daughter, and to Irene and Sean Marion on the birth of their daughter (proud grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. Hernandez and the great-grandmother Voula Giogios is thrilled). Na sas zissoun.

Congratulations to the following whose weddings will take place in September:

To Mr. & Mrs. Costas Matsikas on the marriage of their daughter, Anthoula, to Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Petrakopoulos on the marriage of their daughter, Polyxeni, and to Father & Presbytera Recachinas

on the marriage of their daughter, Katerina.

Congratulations to our Golden Senior Citizens on their b i r thdays : Anas t . (J im) Kaklamanos, celebrating his 92nd and Evangeline Pappas celebrating her 107th - WOW! God grant them "Blessings."

The Community extends its deepest sympathies to Becky (Leondakis) Kaplan on the loss of her father. May his Memory be Forever Eternal!

Many thanks to our male choir whose lovely voices we enjoyed during the summer months. So nice to see Gus Agortsas back in Church. We wish him continued good health. Perastika and get well wishes are extended to Nick Georgis, Demetre Koukoulas, Vasili Baze, Margaret Ellis, and Dorothy Pappas recovering from a fall.

“Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.” ― Voltaire

Daughters of

Penelope by Helen Yeotsas, President

I t's hard to believe that Sep-tember is already here! We pray for a wonderful new Ec-

clesiastical year in our Parish, filled with health and peace for each and everyone. The Daughters of Pe-nelope is gearing up for another busy year of activi-ties, community service , and social events.

We were busy again this past month helping out our Brothers in the AHEPA at their annual Taverna Night at Fairfield Beach. What a great event, and if

you have never attended this one, you're truly miss-ing out! Thanks to all of you for your support of this event. Our Sisters helped with decorations and baked goods, and I thank all who took the time to help out again this year. Kai tou hronou!

Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, Sep-

tember 19th at 7:00pm, where we will discuss our calendar of events for the coming year. Please try to come a little early for coffee and a snack. We plan to install our new slate of officers most likely at the October meeting.

If you are interested in joining the Daughters,

please see any of the officers or a member to get more information. We welcome all ladies of our community to join us and be a part of our very active chapter!

Page 10: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271

to a Champagne Brunch

hosted by The Ladies Philoptochos Society

September 23, 2012 directly after services—12:30pm

Donation Adults: $15 Children: $8

Page 11: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271

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Please Please Please Please contact Lena Protopapas (203contact Lena Protopapas (203contact Lena Protopapas (203contact Lena Protopapas (203----929929929929----2582) or Miranda Baker (2032582) or Miranda Baker (2032582) or Miranda Baker (2032582) or Miranda Baker (203----365365365365----0028) 0028) 0028) 0028)

by September 5th for more infor&ationby September 5th for more infor&ationby September 5th for more infor&ationby September 5th for more infor&ation.

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Friday, October 19, 2012 at 6:30 pmFriday, October 19, 2012 at 6:30 pmFriday, October 19, 2012 at 6:30 pmFriday, October 19, 2012 at 6:30 pm

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The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06604

Dear Parishioner,

Our Society invites you to join our vital philanthropic organization. We would like you to know about our various activ-ities that realize our mission to aid the poor who need the help of our Church, to promote the charitable and benevolent purpose of the Archdiocese, to preserve and perpetuate the Orthodox Christian concepts and to participate in the life of our Greek Orthodox community. A partial list of our activities are:

At the National and Diocesan level: Visits and sponsorships at St. Michael's Home for the Aged in Yonkers, NY Contributions to the Holy Cross/Hellenic College Scholarships Provide for the physical needs of the children of Saint Basil's Academy Raise funds for the Cancer Fund and the General Medical Fund

At the local Bridgeport level: Support to Center for Women in Bridgeport for abused women & children Drives to aid the Evergreen Network for victims of AIDS & HTV Service to the Merton House in Bridgeport where we cook & provide meals Collection of donations for the Bridgeport Food Bank

At the Parish level: Assist parishioners in need Donate funds for Alter and Kitchen needs Decorate the Parish Gold Room for each season Serve the community at Sunday fellowship hours Bake and volunteer for our annual Greek Festival Complete various Church projects and aid national emergencies & disasters, here and abroad

As you can easily see, there is a variety of initiatives in which your particular talents can contribute to our mission. We encourage you to call us to discover how this dynamic group can fulfill your personal goals of participating in the life of our Greek Orthodox Community.

Join us to return to God a portion of the time, talents and resources you have received.

Sincerely, Phani Papachristos at 203-380-0566 The Membership Committee Maria Cook at 203-375-9329

Christine Vlastaris at 203-929-3573

Philoptochos Membership Form 2012—2013 Membership Dues are $25—Please make checks payable to “Philoptochos,” and return this form with payment.

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I 34567 A1 B42: 8?:1=12:17 8? :C1 D466438?@:

Classic Greek Dishes Pastichio / Mousaka Dolmades Psista Sto Fourno / Roasts

(Lamb, Other__________________

Greek Pastries




Loukoumades Kataifi Finikia Kourambiedes Other

Church Kolyva


Soups Lentil



Other Gigantes


Vegetable Dishes Eggplant


Lenten Foods





Our Ladies Philoptochos Soci-

ety has been asked to start,

once again, our program of

cooking classes. Classes are

expected to start at the begin-

ning of October 2012.

We are currently in the pro-

cess of organizing classes, so

please fill in the questionnaire,

below, and return it to the

Church office, or email to

Kalliope at

[email protected].

You may check off more than

one section/option.

Page 22: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271

©2012 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bpt. Ct Publishing &Design-Vicky Andrio6s-08/17/2012

AHEPA J. Bochanis 203-254-7595

AROUND THE PARISH S. Capiris 203-259-7344

[email protected] ATHLETIC PROGRAM P. Koutroulas 203-556-0489

[email protected]

CANTOR G. Bakes 203-374-8561

CHOIR P. Leask 203-258-9160

[email protected]

COUNCIL OF CHURCHES S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

[email protected] DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE H. Yeotsas 203-374-1729 [email protected] ECCLESIARCH D. Trigonis 203-374-0725

FORCC E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013 [email protected]

GOYA E. Demestihas 203-380-2923

GREEK PAIDEIA L. Protopapas 203-929-1582

GREEK SCHOOL E. Limberis 203-371-6305

[email protected]

GREEK SCHOOL DANCE GROUP E.Limberis 203-371-6305 [email protected] M. Cook 203-375-9329

HISTORIAN & ARCHIVES ROOM S. Capiris 203-259-7344

[email protected] INTERIOR COMMITTEE B. Pappas 203-268-8907

JR. CHOIR J.Bogardus 203-736-6501

LIBRARY H. Vittorio

L. Protopapas



MAINTENANCE G. Hatzis 203-261-3247

L. Tsouris 203-334-2781 MEDIA-COMMUNICATIONS A. Loukrezis 203-268-5377

[email protected]

OLYMPIANS (GOYA) F. Papachristos 203-380-0566

P.T.O. M. Gountas 203-650-3246

[email protected]

PARISH COUNCIL G. Mourizakis 203-373-0580

[email protected]


[email protected]


PUBLICITY COMMITTEE E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

[email protected]

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE S. Karagiannis 203-820-1975

SENIOR CITIZENS G. Agortsas 203-372-1015

STEWARDSHIP A.J. Metsopoulos 203-292-6418

R. Arvanitis 203-226-4140

[email protected]

SUNDAY SCHOOL E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013


V.Andriotis 203-371-6856

[email protected]

Church Office Eleni Limberis

Email: [email protected] Office: 203.374.5561 Fax: 203.374.5770 Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm Sundays after Services: 12:00pm-1:00pm

On the Web

On Facebook -

On Twitter –

The Official Monthly Publicaon of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport,

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature.” Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature.” Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature.” Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature.” Mark 16:15

Robert Arvanitis 226-4140 Michael Bouloubasis 336-2116 Stella Capiris 259-7344 Phil Georgas 257-7452 Argyris Karagiannis 260-6124 A.J. Metsopoulos 292-6418

John Mihalakopoulos 261-4732 George Mourizakis 373-0580 Chris Papachristos 380-0566 Peter Tsimbidaros 334-2578 Scott Vereb 520-2781 Constantine Vlamis 268-5464

Parish Council Newsletter Editor Vicky Andriotis

Newsletter Staff Eleni Limberis

George Mourizakis Father Andreas Vithoulkas

Vicky Andriotis

Father Andreas Vithoulkas, Presbyter [email protected]

phone: 917-334-4192

Services Sunday: Orthros 8:30am

Sunday School Special Services: 10:00am-10:15am Divine Liturgy,Sermons, Announcements:

9:45am – 11:30am Weekday Services,Orthros,Divine Liturgy:


Summer Sunday Services (June-September): Orthros 8:45am

Divine Liturgy,Sermons, Announcements: 9:45 - 11:15am

Page 23: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271


857 Post Road, #110 Fairfiled, CT 06824

(631)258-3933 [email protected]

651 Villa Ave. Fairfield, CT 203-384-8176

Joanna Bolovinos,GRI,CRS

Realtor / Cerfied

Relocaon Specialist 2000 Post Rd Fairfield, CT

[email protected]

t. 203.255.6101 x375

888.248.7488 c. 203.545.1704



RIGHT AFTER CHURCHRIGHT AFTER CHURCHRIGHT AFTER CHURCHRIGHT AFTER CHURCH (Observing the Exaltation of the Holy Cross with the Traditional Blessing of the Waters and Beginning of the Ecclesiastical Year).

Following Liturgy at our Church A Special Service Will Be HeldFollowing Liturgy at our Church A Special Service Will Be HeldFollowing Liturgy at our Church A Special Service Will Be HeldFollowing Liturgy at our Church A Special Service Will Be Held


ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ 14 ΣΕΠΤΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ 2012 Μετά την Θεία Λειτουργία

Θα γίνει ο αγιασµός των Υδάτων – θα πετάξωµε το Σταυρό στην Θάλασσα.


Page 24: The Orthodox Vision - September 2012 Issue #271

SEPTEMBER 2012 THE ORTHODOX VISION 24 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 Address Service Requested

The Official Monthly Publicaon of Holy Trinity

September 2012—

Issue #271