the orthodox vision - november 2013 - issue #285

NOVEMBER 2013 CELEBRATING 100 YEARS 1 The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity ISSUE NO. 285 WWW.HOLYTRINITYBRIDGEPORT.ORG NOVEMBER 2013 West Liberty Street— 1913 Myrtle Ave. & Prospect Street 1936 4070 Park Ave. since May 8, 1966

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100th Anniversary Issue. The Official Monthly Publication of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport, Connecticut.


Page 1: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity


West Liberty Street—1913

Myrtle Ave. & Prospect Street 1936

4070 Park Ave. since May 8, 1966

Page 2: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285

NOVEMBER 2013 CELEBRATING 100 YEARS 2 November 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



Cosmas & Dami-


David of Euboia


Saturday of the

7th Week

Bishop Raphael

Hawaweeny of



5th Sunday of


Martyrs As-

cepsimas, Jo-seph &



Monday of the

8th Week

Joannicius the

Great Nikandros,

Bishop of My-



Tuesday of the

8th Week

Martyrs Ga-

laktion & Epis-time

Holy Apostles

6 Paul the Con-



Thursday of

the 8th Week

33 Martyrs of

Militene Lazarus the




8:30am St.

Nektarios &


Michael & Ga-



Saturday of the

8th Week

Nectarius the

Wonderworker Martyrs

Onesiphorus &




8th Sunday of


Olympas & Companions of

the 70

Arsenius of Cappadocia


Monday of the

9th Week

Martyr Menas

Martyrs Victor

and Stephanie

12 John the Merci-


Nilus the As-cetic

13 John Chrysos-

tom, Abp. Of


Damaskinos of

Mount Athos

14 Apostle Philip

Gregory Pala-

mas, Abp. Of Thessolonica


Friday of the

9th Week

Martyr Gouria & Companions

Thomas, Abp. of






NEEDY Apostle and

Evangelist Mat-



9th Sunday of


Gregory the

Wonderworker Gennadius and



Monday of the

10th Week

Great Martyr

Plato Martyr Roma-



Tuesday of the

10th Week

Prophet Obadi-

ah Barlaam of



Wednesday of

the 10th


Forefeast of the Entry of the





Entrance of

the Theotokos

into the



Friday of the

10th Week

Philemon &

Archippus of the 70 , Martyrs

Cecilia and




Bake Sale


Bp. Of Iconium Gregory, Bp. of




Bake Sale

13th Sunday

of Luke Pope Clement

of Rome

Peter, Arch-

25 Service:


Saint Kathe-

rine the Great


Tuesday of the

11th Week

Alypius the




Wednesday of

the 11th Week

Martyr James

the Persian

Righteous Na-


Thursday of

the 11th Week

Stephen the


Martyr Irenar-


Friday of the

11th Week

Martyrs Para-

monos & Philu-


30 Servi

ce: Apostle

Andrew the

1st Called &




Strict Fast

Fish Allowed

Wine and Oil Allowed

Dairy,Eggs,and Fish Allowed

MEETINGS AHEPA/Daughters- Wednesday Nov. 20 7 : 0 0


Choir - Tuesday Nov. 12 & Nov. 17 from 6:45-9 pm

Love 1 Another—Thursday, Nov. 21 at 7:00pm Philoptochos -Monday Nov. 5 - 6:00pm

Pot Luck Dinner

Senior Citizens- Wednesday Nov. 13 1:00 pm

MEMORIALS Sunday, November 3- Nicholas Georgis/Νηθόιανο

Σδόξηδεο 1 year, George Hallas / Γεώξγηνο Υαιιάο

5 years

Sunday, November 24 Stavros Hatzikostas /ηαύξνο

Υαηδεθώζηαο 5 years

Page 3: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


T oday is a special day for our community as we celebrate

100 years. It is also a special

day for me, because two years ago

on this day, I served my first liturgy as the parish priest at Holy Trinity.

St. Andrew and his companions

were followers of St. John the Baptist. One day, John the Baptist

pointed Andrew to Jesus and said,

―Behold, the Lamb of God (John 1:35-37)!"

When Andrew approached Jesus,

Andrew asked Him, ―What do you

seek? What are you looking for ?‖ (John1:38) Jesus then

proceeded to invite them to ―come

and see,‖ (John 1:39) and to stay with Him.

Whatever Andrew was seeking,

he found it in Christ! From that day

forward, Andrew was a changed man. We read that the very first

thing Andrew did after he stayed

with Jesus was to hurry back home to Bethsaida to find his brother

Simon Peter and say to him, ―We

have found the Messiah!‖ ―...And Matthew brought Peter Simon to

Jesus ." (John 1:41-42)

Andrew was the first disciple of

Christ, which is why he was named the ―First-called.‖ Even though we

have no writings from him, we know

he was a missionary apostle who spread the Gospel through Asia

Minor and Greece. He is also the

patron saint of our Ecumenical Patriarchate, which celebrates its

name-day today as well!

Hence, the 100 year anniversary celebration of Holy Trinity is also a

celebration of the establishment of

the Orthodox Church. For two

thousand years, Christians have been sharing this joyous message: ―We

have found the messiah!"

With these words, countless Christian communities of faith have

been established and founded on the

proclamation of St Andrew from Palestine, to Asia Minor, to Greece,

to Russia, the Balkans and finally, to

our very own country, the United

States. For this reason, on this 100 year

anniversary, not only do we

celebrate the feast-day of St. Andrew, but we also remember and

commemorate our founding fathers

and mothers, who brought the words if St Andrew to new shores and

established our very own Holy

Trinity Church of Bridgeport.

These men and women of faith, both clergy and laity, came to this

country with very little except for

their Orthodox faith and a desire to create a better life for themselves

and for their families. They worked

hard, and often at great personal

sacrifice, to establish Holy Trinity Church in accordance with the

Cannons and traditions of the

Orthodox Church. Our ancestors planted the seeds

that disseminated and preserved the

Holy Traditions of our Orthodox faith, while creating a safe haven for

Greeks who migrated to this foreign

land. As our Lord says, ―For in this

case the saying is true, 'One sows and another reaps.' I sent you to reap

that for which you have not labored;

others have labored and you have entered into their labor ." (John 4:37

-38) We continue to reap the fruits

and labors of these brave pioneers of the Orthodox faith. May their

memory be eternal!

Today, these seeds of faith planted by our ancestors have

flourished into a mature community,

not only for those of Greek descent,

but for all Orthodox nationalities. In addition to the many Greek

Orthodox Churches under the

spiritual guidance of our Ecumenical Patriarchate and Greek Orthodox

Archdiocese of America, we have

many sister Orthodox Churches under various canonical Orthodox

jurisdictions, which serve the

spiritual needs of Orthodox from all

parts of the world here in the Greater Bridgeport area.

I would be remiss if I did not

mention our fellow Christian brothers and sisters and non-

Christians, who are represented by

the Council of Churches in Bridgeport, who also minister to the

spiritual needs of their communities.

I am humbled and honored to be a

part of this great tradition and walk in the footsteps of these brave

visionaries who struggled to plant

the seeds in this ripe soil so that we can say with the Apostle Paul ― So

neither he who plants nor he who

waters is anything, but only God

who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one,

and each will receive his wages

according to his labor ." (1 Cor. 3:7) Just as the early Apostles and our

founding fathers of Holy Trinity

took risks and overcame obstacles in their l if et ime to es tablis h

communities of faith in which to

spread the Gospel, so we must all

continue to grow and nurture our faith, not only inwardly as we strive

for the Kingdom of God, but also

outwardly, in an expression of love for one another in the context of our

immediate community and society at

large. We must unite to overcome the

ills that plague our society and not

only preach the Gospel, but enact

(Continued on page 4)

Celebrating 100

Years—Plant ing

Seeds of Faith by Father Andreas


“Service is the rent you pay for room on this Earth.”

Page 4: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


change in our surroundings, which struggle with

violence, abuse, and poverty. We need to be good doers

of the Gospel and not just sit back and be content with the status quo, especially in our churches. There is still a

great deal of work to be done.

I hope and pray that God gives us the strength to carry out His mission in a world struggling to find a place for

faith and religion in order to keep proclaiming His

Gospel to future generations of Christians and non-

Christians alike, and to continue being vibrant witnesses to all.

(Continued from page 3)

“It is when we forget ourselves that we do things that are remembered.”

τοσ π. Ανδρέα Βσθούλκας

Σ ήκεξα είλαη κηα μερσξηζηή κέξα γηα ηελ Κνηλόηεηά καο, θαζώο γηνξηάδνπκε ηα 100

ρξόληα. Δίλαη επίζεο κηα μερσξηζηή κέξα γηα

κέλα, γηαηί πξηλ δύν ρξόληα απηή ηελ εκέξα έθαλα ηελ

πξώηε Θεία Λεηηνπξγία σο Ηεξέαο ηεο Αγίαο Σξηάδαο ηνπ Μπξίηδπνξη.

Ο Άγηνο Αλδξέαο κε ηνπο ζπληξόθνπο ηνπ ήηαλ νπαδνί

ηνπ Αγίνπ Ησάλλε ηνπ Βαπηηζηή. Μηα κέξα ν Ησάλλεο είπε ζηνλ Ηεζνύ: «Ηδνύ ν Ακλόο ηνπ Θενύ!». (Ησάλλε


Όηαλ ν Αλδξέαο πιεζίαζε ηνλ Ηεζνύ, ν Αλδξέαο Σνλ ξώηεζε: «ηη δεηάο» ηη ςάρλεηε (Ησάλλε 1:38). Ο Ηεζνύο

πξνρώξεζε θαη ηνπο θάιεζε λα «έξζνπλ θαη λα

δνπλ» (Ησάλλε 1:39) θαη λα κείλνπλ καδί Σνπ.

Όηη ν Αλδξέαο δεηνύζε, ην βξήθε ζηνλ Υξηζηό! Από απηή ηελ εκέξα ν Αλδξέαο ήηαλ άιινο άλζξσπνο.

Γηαβάδνπκε όηη ην πξώην πξάγκα πνπ έθαλε κεηά πνπ

βξήθε ηνλ Ηεζνύ, ήηαλ λα βηαζηεί λα πάεη πίζσ ζην ζπίηη ηνπ λα βξεη ηνλ αδειθό ηνπ ηνλ ίκσλα Πέηξν θαη λα

ηνπ πεη: «Βξήθακε ηνλ Μεζζία» . Καη ν Μαηζαίνο έθεξε

ηνλ Πέηξν ζηνλ Ηεζνύ (Ησάλλε 1:41-42).

Ο Αλδξέαο ήηαλ ν πξώηνο καζεηήο ηνπ Υξηζηνύ, γη’

απηό νλνκάζηεθε «Πξσηόθιεηνο». Παξ΄όιν δελ έρνπκε

θαλέλα γξαπηό από απηόλ, γλσξίδνπκε όηη ήηαλ Ηεξαπόζηνινο θαη δηέδσζε ην Δπαγγέιην ζηελ Μηθξά

Αζία θαη Διιάδα. Ο Αλδξέαο είλαη επίζεο ν Πνιηνύρνο

ηνπ Οηθνπκεληθνύ καο Παηξηαξρείνπ, θαζώο επίζεο γηνξηάδεη ζήκεξα.

Ωο εθ ηνύηνπ, ε επέηεηνο ησλ 100 ρξόλσλ ηεο Αγίαο

Σξηάδαο είλαη κηα γηνξηή ηεο θαζηέξσζεο ηεο Οξζόδνμεο

Δθθιεζίαο . Γηα δύν ρηιηάδεο ρξόληα ηώξα νη Υξηζηηαλνί δηαιαινύλ ην: «Βξήθακε ηνλ Μεζζία!». Με απηά ηα

ιόγηα ηνπ Απόζηνινπ Αλδξέα ακέηξεηεο Διιελν -

Υξηζηηαληθέο Κνηλόηεηεο έρνπλ ηδξπζεί από ηελ Παιαηζηίλε, Μηθξά Αζία, Διιάδα, Ρσζία, Βαιθάληα θαη

ηέινο εδώ ζηε δηθή καο ρώξα ησλ Ζλσκέλσλ Πνιηηεηώλ.

Γηα απηό ηνλ ιόγν, γηα ηελ επέηεην ησλ 100 ρξόλσλ, όρη κόλν γηνξηάδνπκε ηε γηνξηή ηνπ Αγίνπ Αλδξέα, αιιά

ζπκόκαζηε επίζεο ηνπο ηδξπηέο ελνξίηεο καο πνπ ίδξπζαλ ηελ δηθή καο Δθθιεζία ηεο Αγίαο Σξηάδαο ηνπ

Μπξίηδπνξη. Απηνύο ηνπο άλδξεο θαη γπλαίθεο ηεο

πίζηεο, θιεξηθνί θαη ιατθνί, ήξζαλ ζε απηή ηελ ρώξα κε

ειάρηζηα, αιιά κε κεγάιε πίζηε θαη επηζπκία λα δεκηνπξγήζνπλ κηα θαιύηεξε δσή γηα ηνλ εαπηό ηνπο θαη

ηηο νηθνγέλεηέο ηνπο. Γνύιεςαλ ζθιεξά θαη κε κεγάιεο

πξνζσπηθέο ζπζίεο θαη θόζηνο, γηα ηελ δεκηνπξγία ηνπ ηεξνύ Νανύ ηεο Αγίαο Σξηάδαο, ζύκθσλα κε ηηο

παξαδόζεηο ηεο Οξζόδνμεο Δθθιεζίαο.

Οη πξόγνλνί καο έζπεηξαλ ηνλ ζπόξν θαη δηαηήξεζαλ ηελ ηεξά παξάδνζε ηεο Οξζνδόμνπ πίζηεο,

δεκηνπξγώληαο έλα αζθαιέο θαηαθύγην γηα ηνπο Έιιελεο

πνπ κεηαλάζηεπζαλ ζ απηή ηελ μέλε Γή. Καη όπσο ν

Κύξηόο καο ιέγεη, «δηόηη ζηελ πεξίπησζε απηή ηζρύεη ην ξεηό, Ἑλαο ζπέξλεη θαη άιινο ζεξίδεη». πλερίδνπκε λα

ζεξίδνπκε ηνπο θαξπνύο απηώλ ησλ πξσηνπόξσλ ηεο

Οξζόδνμεο πίζηεο. Αησλία ε κλήκε ηνπο. ήκεξα, απηνί νη ζπόξνη ηεο πίζηεο πνπ θπηεύηεθαλ

από ηνπο πξνγόλνπο καο έρνπλ αθκάζεη θαη σξηκάζεη ζε

κηα ώξηκε Κνηλόηεηα, όρη κόλν γηα εθείλνπο από ειιεληθήο θαηαγσγήο, αιιά θαη γηα όινπο ηνπο

Οξζνδόμνπο ησλ άιισλ Δζληθνηήησλ. Δθηόο από ηηο

πνιιέο ειιελνξζόδνμεο Δθθιεζίεο θάησ από ηελ

θαζνδήγεζε ηνπ Οηθνπκεληθνύ Παηξηαξρείνπ θαη ηεο Διιεληθήο Οξζνδόμνπ Αξρηεπηζθνπήο Ακεξηθήο, έρνπκε

θαη πνιιέο αδειθέο Οξζόδνμεο Δθθιεζίεο νη νπνίεο

εμππεξεηνύλ ηηο πλεπκαηηθέο αλάγθεο ησλ Οξζνδόμσλ εδώ ζηελ πεξηνρή ηνπ Μπξίηδπνξη.

Θα ήηαλ ιάζνο αλ δε αλέθεξα θαη ηνπο ζπλαδέιθνπο

καο Υξηζηηαλνύο αδειθνύο θαη κε –Υξηζηηαλνύο πνπ

εθπξνζσπνύληαη από ην πκβνύιην Δθθιεζηώλ ζην Μπξίηδπνξη πνπ επίζεο θαη απηνί εμππεξεηνύλ ηηο

πλεπκαηηθέο αλάγθεο ησλ Κνηλνηήησλ ηνπο.

Δίλαη ηηκή κνπ λα είκαη παξώλ ζηελ γηνξηή απηή θαη λα πεξπαηώ ζηα αρλάξηα ησλ νξακαηηζηώλ πνπ

αγσλίζηεθαλ λα θπηέςνπλ ηνπο ζπόξνπο ζε απηό ην

ώξηκν ρώκα, έηζη ώζηε λα κπνξνύκε λα πνύκε όπσο ιέγεη ν Απόζηνινο Παύινο «Έηζη νύηε απηόο πνπ θπηεύεη νύηε

απηόο πνπ πνηίδεη είλαη ηίπνηα, αιιά κόλν ν Θεόο, είλαη

απηόο πνπ ζα θξίλεη ηνλ θαζέλα ζύκθσλα κε ηελ εξγαζία

πνπ θάλνπκε.

Page 5: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


Όπσο νη Απόζηνινη θαη νη

ηδξπηέο ηεο Αγίαο Σξηάδαο,

αληηκεηώπηζαλ θαη μεπέξαζαλ ηα εκπόδηα ηεο δσήο ηνπο γηα λα

δηαδώζνπλ ην Δπαγγέιην θαη

θξαηήζνπλ ηελ πίζηε ηνπο, έηζη πξέπεη όινη λα ζπλερίζνπκε λα

κεγαιώλνπκε θαη δνύκε αξκνληθά

ζηελ θαζεκεξηλή καο δσή αιιά λα αγσληδόκαζηε θαη γηα ηελ Βαζηιεία

ηνπ Θενύ, θαη αγάπε ν έλαο γηα ηνλ άιινλ, ζην πιαίζην ηνπ ζηελνύ καο

πεξηβάιινληνο θαη ηεο Κνηλσλίαο


Πξέπεη λα ελσζνύκε γηα λα μεπεξαζηνύλ ηα πξνβιήκαηα πνπ

καζηίδνπλ ηελ θνηλσλία καο θαη όρη

κόλν λα θεξύηηνπλ ην Δπαγγέιην, αιιά λα ζεζπίζνπκε αιιαγή ζην

πεξηβάιινλ καο, ηεο βίαο,

θαηάρξεζεο θαη θηώρηαο. Πξέπεη λα πξάηηνπκε θαιά έξγα θαη όρη κόλν

κε ιόγηα. Πξέπεη λα γίλεη πνιιή δνπιεηά αθόκε.

Διπίδσ θαη πξνζεύρνκαη όηη ν

Θεόο, λα καο δίλεη ηε δύλακε γηα

λα εθηειέζνπκε ηελ απνζηνιή Σνπ ζε έλα θόζκν πνπ αγσλίδεηαη λα

βξεη κηα ζέζε γηα ηελ πίζηε θαη

ζξεζθεία, πξνθεηκέλνπ λα θξαηήζεη ην κήλπκα ηνπ Δπαγγειίνπ γηα ηηο

επόκελεο γεληέο από Υξηζηηαλνύο

θαη κε Υξηζηηαλνύο.

(Continued from page 4)

“For it is in giving that we receive.” ~Saint Francis of Assisi


Δ ηαλύνπκε ηνλ κήλα ηνπ ενξηαζκνύ ηεο εθαηνληαεηεξίδαο καο. Καηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ησλ

η ε ι ε π η α ί σ λ ε β δ ν κ ά δ σ λ , θ α ζ ώ ο

πξνεηνηκαδόκαζηε γηα ηελ εθδήισζε, ήιζα αληηκέησπνο κε πνιιέο ηζηνξηθέο ζειίδεο πνπ πεξηγξάθνπλ ηελ

γέλλεζε θαη δεκηνπξγία ηεο Κνηλόηεηάο καο.

Με εληππσζίαζαλ ηόζν πνιύ, νη αγώλεο, ε ηόικε θαη ε απνθαζηζηηθόηεηα πνπ είραλ νη πξώηνη πάξνηθνη ηεο

πόιεσο ηνπ Μπξίηδπνξη λα δεκηνπξγήζνπλ θαη θηίζνπλ

ηελ Δθθιεζία καο γηα λα έρνπκε εκείο ζήκεξα ηελ Αγία

Σξηάδα. ’ απηνύο ρξσζηάκε όηη έρνπκε ζήκεξα. Δίραλ ηελ επηζπκία λα νξγαλώζνπλ κία «Κνηλόηεηα»

πνπ νη έιιελεο ζα κπνξνύζαλ λα ρξεζηκνπνηνύζαλ γηα

ηελ δηαηήξεζε ησλ ζεζαπξώλ ηεο θιεξνλνκηάο ηνπο θαη ηεο Θξεζθείαο ηνπο, θαη λα παξαδώζνπλ ζηα παηδηά

ηνπο θαη ηα εγγόληα ηνπο δηα κέζνπ ησλ αηώλσλ. Σν

πάζνο ησλ Διιήλσλ ηεο επνρήο εθείλεο ήηαλ κεγάιν. Ήζειαλ λα θξαηήζνπλ «ηηο παξαδόζεηο» ηνπο θαη λα κελ

ραζεί ε ηαπηόηεηά ηνπο ζην λέν θόζκν, ζην κεγάιν

θαδάλη πνπ ιέγεηε Ακεξηθή.

Έρνπκε ηόζα πνιιά λα κάζνπκε από ηνπο πξνγόλνπο καο, θαη θαζώο δηάβαδα από κία δηαηξηβή πνπ έθαλε ε

ελνξίηηζζά καο Οπξαλία Σζόξβα (πνπ ζα ηππσζεί ζην

ιεύθσκα ηεο 100εο επεηείνπ) απνθάζηζαλ λα πξνρσξήζνπλ θαη θηίζνπλ ηελ Δθθιεζία ζηελ ιεσθόξν

Myrtle ηα ρξόληα ηεο κεγάιεο ύθεζεο ζηελ Ακεξηθή γηα

50.000 δνιάξηα, πνζό κεγάιν γηα ηελ επνρή εθείλε.

Μεξηθνί ελνξίηεο παξνπζηάζζεθαλ ζηελ Σξάπεδα θαηαζέηνληαο ην ζπίηη ηνπο σο ππνζήθε γηα αζθάιεηα ηνπ

δαλείνπ. Πνηνο ζήκεξα ζα έπξαηηε κηα ηέηνηα πξάμε γηα

ηελ Δθθιεζία ηνπ;

Δίραλ ζαλ ζύλζεκα ν «Θεόο είλαη ν Αξρηηέθηνλαο». Σίπνηα δελ ζα κπνξνύζε λα ηνπο ζηακαηήζεη, θαηνρή,

έιιεηςε γιώζζαο, θαη γεληθά δπζθνιίεο ηεο επνρήο. Γελ

είραλ ζθνπό λα απνηύρνπλ ζε έλα ηέηνην ηεξό έξγν.

Πάληα έιεγαλ ν Θεόο καο επινγεί γηαηί εξγαδόκαζηε ζηνλ «ακπειώλα Σνπ».

αλ κεηαλάζηεο εξρόκελνο ζηηο ΖΠΑ ην 1977 ήκνπλ

έθπιεθηνο λα βξεζώ ζε κηα ηέηνηα κεγάιε Κνηλόηεηα ζην Μπξίηδπνξη. Γελ πίζηεπα ζηηο όκνξθεο εγθαηαζηάζεηο

θαη ηόζνπο έιιελεο γύξν κνπ. Καζώο άξρηζα λα

αζρνινύκαη πεξηζζόηεξν ζηα εζσηεξηθά ηεο Κνηλόηεηαο, ζπλεηδεηνπνίεζα όηη όιεο νη γεληέο πξηλ από κέλα είραλ

θάλεη πνιιέο πξνζπάζεηεο θαη ζθιεξή δνπιεηά γηα λα

θξαηήζνπλ ηηο παξαδόζεηο θαη πνιηηηζκό, θαη θπζηθά λα

θξαηήζνπλ ηελ Οξζόδνμε πίζηε ηνπο δσληαλή. Καηά ηελ δηάξθεηα ηεο ζεηείαο κνπ ζαλ Πξόεδξνο ηεο Αγίαο

Σξηάδαο αθηέξσζα πνιύ ρξόλν λα βειηηώζσ θαη

δηαηεξήζσ απηά πνπ βξήθα, κε ηνλ θαιύηεξν ηξόπν πνπ κπνξνύζα θαη λα παξαδώζσ έλα θαιύηεξν κέξνο ζ’

απηνύο πνπ κε αθνινπζνύλ. Σν έθαλα απηό από αγάπε

θαη ζεβαζκό γηα ηελ Αγία Σξηάδα. Διπίδσ θαη εύρνκαη νη λεόηεξεο γεληέο ζα εθηηκήζνπλ

ηνλ θόπν θαη ηηο πξνζπάζεηέο καο, θαη ζα εξγαζζνύλ πην

ζθιεξά λα δηαηεξήζνπλ όηη νη πξόγνλνί ηνπο, ηνπο

άθεζαλ γηα απηνύο θαη ηηο κειινληηθέο γελεέο. Διπίδσ όηη όινη νη ελνξίηεο καο, ζα παξεπξεζνύλ ζηελ

εθδήισζε ησλ 100 ρξόλσλ. Δίλαη θαζήθνλ καο από

ζεβαζκό γηα ηνπο ηδξπηέο λα είκαζηε παξώλ θαη γηνξηάζνπκε καδί.

Θα ήζεια εγθαξδίσο λα εθθξάζσ ηελ επγλσκνζύλε

κνπ πξνο ηνπο ηδξπηέο θαη ζπγγελείο ηνπ πνπ αθόκα

βξίζθνληαη ελ ηε δσή - θαη είλαη καδί καο λα γηνξηάζνπκε ην γεγνλόο απηό. αο επραξηζηώ γηα ηελ ππνζηήξημε ζαο

θαη ν Θεόο αο καο επινγεί.

Page 6: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


“It's always good to remember where you come from and celebrate it. To remember where you come from is part of where you're going.” ~Anthony Burgess

Our Parish

by George Mourizakis -Parish Council President

W e are entering the month of our

Centennial Gala. Over the past few weeks, in preparing for the event, I

have encountered

many historical pages that describe the birth

and establishment of

our community.

I am so overtaken

by the struggles and

determination that our Founding Fathers had

to establish what we

know today as Holy Trinity of Bridgeport.

We o we t h e m

everything we have

today. They had a desire to organize a

― K o i n o t i t a , ‖ a

Community that the Greeks could properly

p r e p a r e t h e

f o u n d a t i o n f o r retaining the treasures

of their heritage

which was to be

inherited by their c h i l d r e n a n d

grandchildren through

the ages. The Hellenes of that time had the sincere pathos to ―keep the traditions‖ and identity, and not be

lost in the great melting pot of nationalities of the New


We have so much to learn from our forefathers, and

as I am reading through a historical document that was

written from one of our own, Ourania Tsorvas as her Thesis at the time, they decided to go ahead and build

the Church on Myrtle Avenue during the depression

years to the tune of 50,000 dollars, which was a great sum of money during that time. Parishioners presented

to the bank their Personal Deeds of their homes as

collateral for the mortgage. Who today would

duplicate such an act of love for their church?

They had ―God is the Architect‖ as a motto. Nothing could stop them, depressions, lack of English, and hard

times. They could not fail in such a sacred project.

God would bless their labor because they were

working in ―His Vineyard‖.

As an immigrant myself, coming to the USA in

1977, I was surprised to find such a large community in Bridgeport. I could not believe all the beautiful

facilities and all the

Greek people around me. As I started

g e t t i n g m o r e

involved, I realized

t h a t a l l t h e generations before

me had spent a lot of

time and effort to keep the traditions

and culture and, of

c ou r s e, ou r Orthodox Faith

alive. During my

term as President of

Holy Trinity , I devoted much of my

time to improve and

maintain what I found, administer

the church to the

best of my ability,

and leave a better place for the ones

that follow. I did

that out of love and respect for Holy


I hope the newer generations do not take for granted

what they find and work as hard, or even harder, to

preserve what our forefathers left behind.

I hope all parishioners come and join us in the

Centennial Gala. It is our duty, out of respect for the

Founding Fathers, to be there and celebrate that milestone.

I would like to express my gratitude to our Founding Fathers and their relatives that maybe still

with us today for the monumental task they

accomplished. Thank you for your support and God


Parish Council—Past Presidents

John Frangenes, John Maltas, Chris Papachristos, Anast. Kaklamanos, Stella Capiris, Nicholas Phakias, Lee Tsouris, Gus Hatzis, George

Mourizakis, and James Englis

Page 7: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


― While we are living in the present, we must celebrate life every day, knowing that we are becoming history with every work, every action, every deed. ― ~ Mattie Stepanek

From the


Vicky Andriotis

W hen I think about

growing up in our Holy Trinity family,

I can still see our past through the

eyes of the child that I was ; with excitement, with wonderment, and

with delight. It is here that we

have celebrated our greatest joys;

it is this place that holds some of our fondest childhood memories,

and it is here that our children now

create meaningful and lasting memories of their own.

Growing up in this family also

reminds me of two simple truths; the first, "Train up a child in the

way he should go, and when he is

old he will not depart from

it." (Proverbs 22:6); and the second, "It takes a village to raise a child."

I am a product of my

environment, this village, our home. I am a product of the

attention and nurturing I received

from an extraordinary group of volunteers over the years, who

taught me in our Greek and

Sunday schools, coached me in our

basketball program (in 1979, I was privileged to be the first girl to

play basketball for Holy Trinity,

and the league), and who advised and guided me in our (Junior)

GOYA and YAL ministries.

I t i s a r e m a r k a b l e

accomplishment, a testament to

their efforts and dedication, that those who have had the greatest

impact on me in my formative

years were all volunteers. What they may not have realized while

teaching me about our faith, our

language, or about sportsmanship, was that they were also teaching

me that volunteering is not merely

a choice, not quite an option, but a

way of life. It is second nature. They trained me up in the way I

should go, and I will not depart

from that. Just as it took so many

volunteers over the years to teach

me what I needed to know, so it is that we can honor them by

continuing their work and doing

the same for those who are here

now, and those who are still to come. We are chosen for tasks

much greater than we know, for

lives more meaningful than we understand; and just like our

predecessors, some day we might

also find that we have lived lives much greater than ourselves.

I am in awe of those who came

before us, some who did so much

at a time when there was so little. I am in awe of those who left an

indelible mark on our community,

and on each of us in some way. I‘d like to wish our entire Holy

Trinity family a very, very happy

anniversary! Here‘s to the next 100. Now, what mark will you


That’s me That’s my mom that was Greek School

in the 70s

W hen you are inspired by some great pur-pose, some extraordinary project, all your

thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limita-

tions, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.

Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than

you ever dreamed yourself to be. Submitted by Vicky Andriotis—by Pantanjali, Indian Philoso-


Page 8: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


Daughters of

Penelope by Kathy Yiannoulis —


H appy 100th Anniversary

Holy Trinity!

Our chapter has kicked off the year with a burst of activity!

Our October meeting was themed as ―Think Pink—Think

Purple‖ where we discussed and

raised awareness for Breast Cancer

and Domestic Violence Month. A raffle was held for a local cancer

charity and materials were


A group of sisters attended our

district Convention on Norwich, CT and a convention held by the Bridgeport Council of Churches here at

Holy Trinity.

Our Lets Keep Them Warm Drive is underway, where we are collecting gloves, hats, scarves, warm

socks and small blankets for the needy in the Great

Bridgeport community. (All new items. Please, no coats or clothes.) The items are distributed to local

schools, shelters, crisis centers and hospitals. This

project is one of our favorites and a true labor of love.

Please see the Vision for all drop box locations. Thank you to all who continue to collect these items at

their places of business.

Tickets are on sale for our Turkey Raffle and every

dollar raised supports our scholarship program. We

are also taking orders for our annual Wreath Sale! The deadline for orders is November 24th. They will be

decorated and distributed on December 7th and 8th.

Please consider buying a beautiful wreath decorated

by members of our community!

As the church celebrates its 100th anniversary this

month, the DOP also celebrates its Founders Day and the beginnings of the Daughters of Penelope by

Alexandra Apostolides in 1928 in San Francisco.

Speaking of Founders Day, I was given the

opportunity to write about the history of Daughters of

Penelope here in Bridgeport for our church‘s 100th

Anniversary Commemorative book. My father was a long time

member of AHEPA and was very

proud to wear his pins. Many of

his generation had become members of AHEPA and that was

a big way to be a part of the Greek

community here in the U.S.

What a journey this was in

going through all the materials written for our Founders Day and

in going through the old picture

albums in the archive room.

Spending a little time looking at all the pictures of events and

seeing the faces of all the women

in this group, you cannot help but appreciate the efforts and

commitment they had for the

Daughters of Penelope, Holy Trinity and for the community at

large. Each generation left something to remember and

build upon.

The Daughters of Penelope started in Bridgeport in

1935. There were 32 charter members. The first

officers were President-Electra Halioris Young, Vice President-Helen Papaconstantinou , Secretary-Eva

Politis Zambettas and Treasurer-Angeliki Argiriades.

Unfortunately, there is no group picture. However, I

do have a picture of one of them. My Godmother

was Angeliki Argiriades. Her daughter, my other

Godmother, is Athena (Tina) Morici who is currently serving on the DOP Board of Governors and

was a past president and district governor. It just so

happens that Nouna Tina was president of the DOP the

My Godmother,

Angeliki Argiriades– First DOP

Treasurer in 1935

Past Presidents: Helen Spyrou with my Godmother, Tina

Morici, and my sister, Helen Yeotsas

Page 9: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


year I was born. We grew up

knowing that the Daughters of

Penelope was an important part of their lives. My sister, Helen

Yeotsas, is also a recent

past president. There are too many

members of the DOP to

acknowledge. Each one of them made their mark to

the organization and to

Holy Trinity. Today, we

honor their legacy of service and sisterhood.

We thank them for

attending meetings and conventions, buying raffle

tickets and going to all

those AHEPA dances that took place over the years. We

thank them for their service here at

Holy Trinity and for their

contributions to local causes and to charities such as St. Basil‘s

Academy. I read with the interest

an old newspaper clipping from

the 1970‘s about the major commitment from all the DOP

chapters in CT to the Bridgeport

Hospital Burn Unit. We thank

them for knitting gloves and hats,

for stuffing the food baskets and

always baking and helping when

called. We thank those who on a national level are fighting for

women‘s issues both in the US and

Greece. For me today, being a

member of the Daughters of Penelope gives me a way to give

back to my community and to be

in the company of an amazing

group of women. As we celebrate the 100th

anniversary of our church,

please stop and reflect on all the people who have

passed through to make

Holy Trinity our home. T h e N o v e m b e r

meeting for Daughters of

P e n e l o p e i s o n

Wednesday, November 20th at 7 pm. Please visit

us online at http://

Our chapter email is

[email protected]

rg. Lastly, ―Like‖ us on Facebook

at Daughters of Penelope - Bridgeport "Hermes" Chapter 41,

District 7. Please join us!

(Continued from page 8)

2013 DOP Board

Seasons of Love

525,600 Minutes

F ive hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred


Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets In midnights, in cups of coffee

In inches, in miles, in laughter and in strife

In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure, a year in the life?

How about love?

Measure in love

Seasons of love

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred

minutes Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?

In truths that she learned

Or in times that he cried In bridges he burned

Or the way that she died

It's time now, to sing out Though the story never ends

Let's celebrate

Remember a year in the life of friends Remember the love (Oh, you got to, you got to re-

member the love)

Remember the love (You know that life is a gift from

up above) Remember the love (Share love, give love, spread


Measure in love (Measure, measure your life in love) Seasons of love

Measure your life, measure you life in love

Submitted by Vicky Andriotis—from the musical, RENT -

Seasons Of Love

Page 10: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


Ladies Philoptochos


by Lena Protopapas, President

I n 1896, two Greek families

a r r i v e d i n

Bridgeport, but, they

did not stay for long. Both families moved

on elsewhere. In 1901,

A r i s t i d i s Aggelopoulos and his

brother in-law –

Kostas Eliopoulos – came, and in a little

while ten more Greek

families made Bridgeport their home.

In time, altogether, the newcomers realized that they need a body to represent them within the American

Society. And so, they founded the Panhellenic Union

in 1911. One year later they had their first religious service in the Russian church . On April 6, 1913 they

organized the first Greek Community, with another

18 Greek families. On November 8, 1913 Rev. Dionissis Papadatos

was assigned as the first permanent Greek Orthodox

priest to Bridgeport and had his first service at YMCA

on November 21, 1913. On July 20, 1915 the Greek Community bought a building at 36 West Liberty street

and the following year they finished their own church

and had the Perifora of Epitafios in their neigborhood with Syrian, Albanian, and Romanian Orthodox people.

In 1944, the Holy Trinity Mother‘s Club became a

chapter of Philoptochos, founded and at the right

time, when the whole world was in flames. So started the Philoptochos mission by doing good

deeds as a ―friend of the poor.‖ Our first presidents

were Mrs. Bochanis, Mrs. Maltas, and Mrs. Vlantis. The years passed and our community grew.

Holy Trinity moved, finally, to 4070 Park Ave., a

beautiful Byzantine architectural style church - the pride of Greeks of Bridgeport and its greater area.

On November 6, 1966, Bishop Silas assisted by

Rev. William Kehayes had the first service in the

church we have today. The Greek Community of Bridgeport, CT, which started with a handful of

poor immigrants at the turn of the 20th century,

had reach now about 5,000 persons - most of them

professionals and businessmen. The dream of the first newcomers, after a lot of hard work and the

numerous adversities they faced until establishing

themselves in the new

country, became a reality. This year, we

celebrate the 100 year

anniversary of Holy T r i n i t y i n


Our gratitude goes to those no longer

with us and the

ones still alive, who

contributed to this g r e a t

accomplishment. The

Gala of 100 years is dedicated to you

who had the dream

to move to the New World, but, kept

always within yourselves, as well as within the

American society, mia mikri Ellada. The duty of us –

the newer generations - is to continue your dream! As a newly elected president of our

Philoptochos Society, I would like to thank you for

your support and your confidence in me, by entrusting me to lead the biggest organization in every Greek

American Church parish. We will stay focused on our

mission of organizing the Greek-American community

to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ by helping those in need. We will continue to improve our cooperation

to get challenging work done efficiently. At the same

time, we aim to strike a fair balance between respecting peoples‘ limited availability, and maintaining our


While we look forward to the work ahead, I would also like to acknowledge the excellent work done by

our outgoing president, Kalliope Tsitsipas. We are

grateful for her many years of tireless dedication and

solid accomplishments. We look forward to having her help and guide us from her new role as an adviser, for

continuing Philoptochos‘ success.

Philoptochos‘ November Events Food Collection continues (Evergreen).

November 3rd, 2013: Artoklassia/Tray/

Reception—Celebration St Anargyroi (Πνιηνύρνη ηεο Φηινπηώρνπ).

Ννvember 5th: Potluck/ Regular Meeting

November 23-24 Bake Sale

November 30, 2013: Father Andreas‘ Name Day and the 100 Years Celebration of our Community.


Page 11: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285




by Chris Danas— Director

L eadership. Inspiration. Re-

spect. Perspiration. Values.

Tradition. Community. What do they have in common?

This is

just the

s i m p l e beginning

of what is

e x p e r i -enced in

our youth

a t h l e t i c

l e a g u e . And I can

attest to it. Whether chance or

fate, I have been honored to be the acting Athletic Director at Holy

Trinity in the past year, and as we

look to our 100th anniversary, it gives me pause to think about my

own experiences here as a youth


I believe that my own journey contributes to who I am today, and

the positive experience that youth

experience here today. Let me bring you back to the 1970s ,

when I began playing basketball at

the gym. In fact, as it continues to be today, it was a family activity ,

because my brothers played ball

as well. It was 1976, and I was

not a top athlete. It didn‘t matter. I was happy to have a team to be a

part of and a team that I was able

to be a part of. At that time, there were very few organized youth

teams in the Orthodox community

and in the area. During my 10+

years of playing with Holy Trini-ty, I advanced through the ‗farm

team‖ all the way to intermediate

and experienced a few memorable

championship seasons. My coaches included Coach Frange-

nes, Crowe, Kopple, and Fatsi,

and there may have been others.

These coaches made a life time impression on me, and in some

ways , have inspired me to want to

continue to pay it forward as I can today to other families. As a

youth, I looked up to these coach-

es. I admired them in ways that, many years later as an adult, I can

understand and appreciate even

more. Not only were the coaches

a positive influence, I distinctly remember my parents, and many

others , doing their part at the

snack bar, volunteering at practic-es, coaching, admissions, etc.,

and the sense of pride that was

truly the fabric of Holy Trinity Athletics. I was extremely proud

to be a part of the league, and con-

tinue to find my position as Ath-

letic Director to be an honor that I need to continue to prove my own

eligibility for. I truly enjoy the

interaction with our HT communi-ty tremendously!

Fast forwarding to 2013/14, we

find ourselves in a new world of

instant gratification, technology, and sensory overload. But some

things never change. Leadership.

Inspiration. Respect. Perspiration. Values. Tradition. Faith. Commu-

nity. This still describes Holy

Trinity Athletics today. In fact, turn it up a notch and ask me more

about Inspire Blue - a vision that

helps us restore the pride and en-

ergy in our youth athletics pro-gram. Last year we made great

strides, and I expect that this year

will be even more. We are driven to get the basics right and redis-

cover our passion with every year,

as we did last year. As the director, its takes a lot to

make things happen and get things

done. As a community, we are

working towards restoring the en-ergy and passion in our program

and draw from the strength of our

100 years of our community. We

have great ideas to expand our programs and great ideas to im-

prove our facilities. And, as with

anything worth doing, it takes time and effort and a good dose of

Inspiration and Perspiration.

Come visit us and feel it for your-selves! Our program is competi-

tive, value driven, and builds

young leaders who understand the

dynamic of team work. Welcome to the 2013/14 athlet-

ic season.

Basketball and Volleyball sea-son is here! Looking back to last

year, volley made huge strides in

rebuilding the HT team, and with a championship win last year for

JV basketball, runner for Varsity,

we are confident that we'll have an

exciting season this year. Here are a few important details:

Practices began on Wednesday,

October 16th for Volleyball 5:30 farm, JV 6pm and Varsity 8pm

and Thursday October 17 for Bas-

ketball, Farm team 5:30, 6pm

Youth, 7pm JV / Varsity. A Parent meeting will be soon and each

parent will have an opportunity to

support our teams through volun-teering this season. More infor-

mation and details to come for all

groups. Lastly, we kick off our Inspire

Blue FUNd-RAISING campaign

on November 1st at 7:30, this was

a great FUNdraiser last year that we'll repeat this year - $20 dona-

tion to HT Athletics for 2 hours of

Zumba! All players must be active in a

church youth group, and we ask

that all parents be members in good standing. Remember this is a

TEAM effort and we ask for all to


“What I know now is that we're all interconnected and that's a really beautiful thing. We have links to everyone else in our lives and in the world. Different people have different journeys for different reasons.

You can't judge, but you can celebrate that there are connections everywhere.”

Page 12: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


Around the


by Stella Capiris

N OVEMBER 30TH - HOLI-DAY INN - All eyes should be

focused on the 100th Anniver-

sary. Make every effort to attend and en-courage others to also be present for a sen-

timental journey.

The annual FORCC (Fellowship of Or-thodox Churches of Connecticut) Banquet

recently took place at St. Demetri's

Church. This group unites all the Orthodox Churches in Connecticut. One of the high-

lights of the banquet is the awarding of

Scholarships to deserving students from the various Orthodox churches. Representing our Parish

and receiving a Scholarship was Evan Yiannoulis, son

of Chris and Kathy Yiannoulis. We are proud of him

and wish him continued success in his studies at Ford-ham University.

The 2nd annual Coffee hour social and auction host-ed by our Choir on National Church Music Sunday was

a success and enjoyed by everyone. Their goal is to

have the wall in back of the choir loft painted, to in-

clude an icon of St. Romanos, The Hymnographer.

Happy Birthday to Olly Crist, who recently hosted

the Social Hour, with many delicious food items and pastries, at both the Daughters and Philoptochos meet-

ings in honor of her birthday. Happy Birthday to Zoe

Gountas, who recently hosted the luncheon for the Sen-iors on her birthday. We wish them many more happy

and healthy birthdays.

What an outstanding evening of entertainment we recently enjoyed, presented by the Hellenic Cultural

Association. It was live bouzouki and kithara instru-

ments with super singers followed by dancing. The ―Rembetiki Vradia" was an unforgettable evening.

Congratulations to Demetri and Helen Zervos on the marriage of their son, Tony, to Jessica Toth. We wish

for the couple a long and happy life!

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Tomachinski on

the birth of their beautiful baby

girl "Georgina". The proud

grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. Ste-ve Grafos. Na sas zisse.

Congratulations to Father Andre-as, George Andriotis,

and Felicia Bellows on complet-

ing the 26.2 mile ING Hartford Marathon. We admire them for

their courage!

The GOYA had their delightful annual picnic. We are always

proud of our youth and their en-

deavors. They are planning a fun-filled year. Anyone wishing to

join, contact the President - Eleni


The P.T.O. held its annual Fall Harvest Brunch

and, as always, it was plentiful and delicious. We thank

them for continuing to support our children. They are also planning to send "care packages" to our college


Philoptochos will hold its annual Thanksgiving

Bake and Food Sale on November 23rd and 24th. This

always helps with your cooking and baking for Thanks-

giving preparations.

Congratulations to Tilemachos and Barbara

Tsoupas on the birth of their second grandchild, a boy , Leonidas Alexandras. Leonidas weighed in at 7 Ibs. 12

oz. and came home to his adorable sister who was anx-

iously awaiting his arrival. Na sas zisse!

So nice to see Lucille Delos back in church following

her recent surgery. Perastika and get well wishes are

extended to James Coclin, who is recuperating from surgery and is doing well enough to be released from

the convalescent home.

The Community extends its deepest sympathy to the

family of Evangeline Cranos and to the family of Sally

Perna - two lovely ladies. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Daniel Dionis, a long-time parishioner and

our former custodian. Our deepest sympathy to the fam-

ily of Louis Geanuracos, to the family of Angeline

(Allis) Forte. The family of Andonios Valakas held a one

―Somewhere out there is a unique place for you to help others— a unique life role for you to fill that only you can fill. ― ~ Thomas Kinkade

Page 13: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


year memorial in Greece with his relatives and friends in at-

tendance. May his memory be

eternal. May all their memories

be forever eternal! Wishing eve-ryone a Blessed and Happy




Stella Capiris

S erving the Church for

many years in many ca-

pacities has been her

"passion" and "dedication". She served as the Church Secretary

for many years. She served as the

first woman president of the

community and has served on the Parish Council for many years in

many official capacities. She can

be found every Sunday assisting

in the Narthex. She served as president of the P.T.O. for six

years. She served as a Sunday

School Teacher for over 40 years and as the Sunday School Direc-

tor for over 10 years. She served

as President of Philopochos for 4 years and continues to serve on

the Philoptochos Board. She

monthly visits all nursing homes.

She co-founded the Senior Citi-zen Organization and coordinated

their many activities. She is a

member of the Daughters of Pe-nelope mam-years serving as

vice-president, secretary, and

scholarship chairman. She re-cently was awarded a life-time

achievement award for the Dis-

trict. She serves as the archives/

historian director . She founded the Archive Room with her hus-

band in honor of their parents.

She was recently honored by the parish for her 50 years of dedi-

cated service. She has served on

the National Philoptochos Board, served as president of the Dio-

cese Philoptochos Board and was

recently honored by the Diocese

for her 50 years of service to Philoptochos. She served on the

original St. Michael's Home for

the Elderly board as well as hav-ing served as Secretary on the St.

Basil's Academy Board.

Page 14: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285


! Our Greek Afternoon School

Would like to say “Thank you” Recognize the Special people and individuals

For building - helping and giving us Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church.

And Wish a Happy 100th Anniversary

Σο Ελληνικό μασ χολείο

Εφχεται ςε όλουσ Χρόνια Πολλά για την 100ην Επζτειο τησ Αγίασ Σριάδασ,

Και ζνα μεγάλο ΕΤΧΑΡΙΣΩ !


Also: Wishing Father Andreas Happy Name Day! And Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Κ. Ελζνη

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A. Maltas, W. Pappas, A. Kaklamanos, P. Vagelopoulos

Girl Scouts



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st N






h 1



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Altar Boys—1960 Myrtle Ave

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Centennial Gala - On the Menu

Cocktail Hour -Park City Grill Restaurant & Lido Room

Assorted Cheeses & Gourmet Crackers with fresh fruit garnish

Bruschetta Fried Calamari Mini Antipasta

Station with pepperoni, salami, kalamata

olives, roasted red peppers, Stuffed grape leaves, feta cheese, sweet

pickles, giardinara, hummus, pita bread & bread sticks

Butler Passed Hors D'oeuvres

Franks in a Blanket, Coconut Shrimp, Mini Crab Cakes

Dinner · Saturday, November 30 · 6:00 pm

Salad Chicken Francaise- sauced on bottom

& top Broiled Salmon in Puff Pastry with a

dill sauce Above served with Wild Rice & Chef's

choice of fresh vegetable NY Strip cooked Med Well topped

with a mushroom demi-glace served with Russian fingerling potatoes, and chef's choice of

fresh vegetable

Dessert & Coffee White Cake with lemon filling, whipped

cream frosting served with vanilla ice cream

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11, 2012 17, 2012

18, 2012

To Order: Call either Holy Trinity– 203.374.5561, Kalliope– 203.926.0137, or Lena Protopapas– 203.929.1582 by November 17, 2013

Pick up: Saturday, November 23, 2013 between 10:00 am and 1:00pm or Sunday, November 24, 2013

$8/ loaf

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Philoptochos Thanksgiving Offering Please help us to stock our food

pantry and prepare

Gift Baskets for the Needy Our pantry is in need of the following items:

Please bring your items to the Church or Contact Kalliope Tsitsipas for more info: 203.926.0137


Pasta Sauce

Canned Vegetables

Olive Oil

Cake or muffin mixes


Cranberry Sauce

Non-dairy Creamer

Peanut Butter & Jelly


Canned Soup



Canned Sweet Potatoes

Philoptochos Supports the Pajama Program.

Help us to make a difference by donating new

pajamas or new children’s books.

Contact Kalli at 203.926.0137

Page 26: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285

©2013 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bpt. Ct Publishing &Design-Vicky Andriotis-010/15/2013

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature.” Mark 16:15

Robert Arvanitis 226-4140 Michael Bouloubasis 336-2116 Stella Capiris 259-7344 Phil Georgas 257-7452 Petros Karayiannis 631-258-3933 A.J. Metsopoulos 292-6418

George Mourizakis 373-0580 Chris Papachristos 380-0566 Pericles C. Rountos 268-7173 Peter Tsimbidaros 334-2578 Scott Vereb 520-2781 Constantine Vlamis 268-5464

Parish Council Newsletter Editor Vicky Andriotis

Newsletter Staff Eleni Limberis

George Mourizakis Father Andreas Vithoulkas

Vicky Andriotis

HISTORIAN & ARCHIVES ROOM S. Capiris 203-259-7344

[email protected]

HOSPITAL MINISTRY S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

JR. CHOIR J.Bogardus 203-736-6501

MAINTENANCE G. Hatzis 203-261-3247

L. Tsouris 203-334-2781

NURSING HOME MINISTRY S. Capiris 203-259-7334

OLYMPIANS (GOYA) F. Papachristos 203-380-0566

P.T.O. S. Bal 203-814-2131

[email protected] E. Vlamis 203-685-5464

PARISH COUNCIL G. Mourizakis 203-373-0580

[email protected]


[email protected]


PUBLICITY COMMITTEE E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

[email protected]

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE S. Karagiannis 203-820-1975

SENIOR CITIZENS G. Agortsas 203-372-1015

STEWARDSHIP A.J. Metsopoulos 203-292-6418

R. Arvanitis 203-226-4140

[email protected]

SUNDAY SCHOOL E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

[email protected]




[email protected]

ALTAR DIRECTOR P.Bozikis 917-692-2317

AHEPA J. Bochanis 203-254-7595

AROUND THE PARISH S. Capiris 203-259-7344

[email protected]

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR C. Danas 860-916-3777

[email protected]

BOOKSTORE V. Andriotis

[email protected]

CANTOR G. Bakes 203-374-8561

CHOIR P. Leask 203-258-9160

[email protected]

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

[email protected]

COUNCIL OF CHURCHES S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE K. Yiannoulis 203-372-6591

[email protected]

ECCLESIARCH D. Trigonis 203-374-0725

FORCC E.Vaniotis 203-374-0013

GOYA E. Demestihas 203-380-2923

GREEK SCHOOL E. Limberis 203-371-6305

[email protected]

GREEK SCHOOL DANCE GROUP E.Limberis 203-371-6305


[email protected]

A. Papanikolaou

Church Office

Eleni Limberis Email: [email protected]

Office: 203.374.5561 Fax: 203.374.5770 Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sundays after Services: 12:00pm-1:00pm

On the Web Bookstore Online

Shopping– On Facebook—

On Twitter –

Father Andreas Vithoulkas, Presbyter [email protected]

phone: 917-334-4192


Sunday: Orthros 8:30am Sunday School Special Services:

10:00am-10:15am Divine Liturgy,Sermons, Announcements:

9:45am – 11:30am

Ώρες Λειτοσργίας Κσριακής

‘Όρθρος: 8:30 πμ Θεία Λειτοσργία: 9:45 πμ

Page 27: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285

651 Villa Ave. Fairfield, CT 203-384-8176


857 Post Road, #110 Fairfiled, CT 06824

(631)258-3933 [email protected]

DeJesus Dental Group Cosmetic, Family & Implant Dentistry

Pericles Rountos, D.M.D. General Dentist

T:(203) 372-1220 F:(203)371-8540 4131 Main St. Bpt, CT

Page 28: The Orthodox Vision - November  2013 - Issue #285

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 Address Service Requested